Poetry & Songs, by Charles Carreon

Identified as a trouble maker by the authorities since childhood, and resolved to live up to the description, Charles Carreon soon discovered that mischief is most effectively fomented through speech. Having mastered the art of flinging verbal pipe-bombs and molotov cocktails at an early age, he refined his skills by writing legal briefs and journalistic exposes, while developing a poetic style that meandered from the lyrical to the political. Journey with him into the dark caves of the human experience, illuminated by the torch of an outraged sense of injustice.


Postby admin » Mon Sep 16, 2013 6:22 pm

Bankers From Hell, by Charles Carreon

In the City of New York
The pigs grow huge
They wear hundred dollar ties
And pin stripe suits
They never get slaughtered
‘Cause they own the joint
They cook the books
With PowerPoint

Oh yea,
Bankers from Hell
You heard me
Bankers from Hell

In the City of New York
The pigs are smart
They put whole countries
In their shopping cart
They don’t have curly tails
They use American Express
And the way they treat us all is

Oh yeah,
Bankers from Hell
You heard me
Bankers from Hell

They got banker’s names
They play banker’s games
They get bonused big
To make bad loans
They say they’re not members
Of the Skull and Bones

Oh yea,
Bankers from Hell
Wearing pinstriped suits
Tailored in Hell
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Postby admin » Mon Sep 16, 2013 6:23 pm

Bay Area Nonsense Poem #1, by Charles Carreon

Charles is a quick brown fox,
jumping over the lazy sunset,
making eyes at the fries,
Treating the Christmas maidens
To ice cream and dried dreams,
While the entertainment magazines
Promote brand-new spastic machines
That run wild in their butler uniforms
All day, then settle down at night
On their patios with cold cans
Of Spaghettios,
And never, ever touch the remote.
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Postby admin » Mon Sep 16, 2013 6:24 pm

Bedtime Prayer, by Charles Carreon

Now I lay me
I pray the Lord
My soul
If dawn should catch me
Once again,
I pray I'll meet it
With a friend.
If sorrow makes it's bed with me
I pray to meet it fearlessly;
If solid earth should fall away
I pray to find a grasp somewhere;
And if this moment fades to stay,
Leaving my name to dust among
the voices of the living,
I pray that I will yet
Partake in the sacrament
of giving.
(Summer, 1986)
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Postby admin » Mon Sep 16, 2013 6:25 pm

Better Safe Than Sorry, by Charles Carreon

Well it was just the other day
Went out on the runway
It was time to catch the plane
and I sure am glad to say
That the witch doctor was right there
Spilling blood all along the wing,
I could practically see the wind gods
Lifting us to the sky,
Cause I'm a superstitious guy
and you want to know why
Because I don't know where I came from
or where to go when I die,
And if I can't find someone to take my money
Then it's all gonna be so goddamn funny
So kill the beasts
Make the gods happy
If they don't cheer up
My life will be crappy
And we have to eat dinner anyway
So why not do it right after we pray
And kill
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Postby admin » Mon Sep 16, 2013 6:29 pm

Beware Software, by Charles Carreon


In Victorian times
Lived a man named Babbage
This song has nothing
to do with cabbage

It's all about software
That binds up your mind
That digital monster
That swallowed mankind

Beware, software
It'll eat you up
Bit by bit,
Byte by byte
Day and night,
Beware, software
For it has no soul
And no goal,
And soon,
Neither will you

Babbage imagined
programmed machines
That performed as directed
To a hundredth degree

Gates said "Make copies,
But I own each one!"
From Pac Man to Pokemon,
A barrel of fun

Beware, software
It'll eat you up
Bit by bit,
Byte by byte
Day and night,
Beware, software
It's not getting tired
Or feeling wired
Which is more than we
Can say for you

Now Frogger seems harmless
Email's a must
You might get a virus
Or hit by a bus

Some Nigerian scammer
Could make you his fool
Or you could bet a prescription
For a much bigger tool

Beware, software
It'll eat you up
Bit by bit,
Byte by byte
Day and night,
Beware, software
As you point and click
Don't forget
To save your work
And exit normally
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Postby admin » Mon Sep 16, 2013 6:31 pm

Big House, by Charles Carreon

All my friends are disappearing;
I don't know where they go.
The clouds thin out to nothing
The waves dissolve on shore.

My suit is made of water
Propped up with hollow stones,
The sun floats somewhere in my head
Wind thrums inside my bones.

Electromagnet frequencies
Tie head to hand and toe,
And circulation systems
Are always on the go.

Hearing sounds, decoding symbols,
Ordering the stew,
Sensing's first, then making sense,
Then sensing what is true.
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Postby admin » Mon Sep 16, 2013 6:32 pm

Bitter and Bile, by Charles Carreon

Bitter and Bile
Often would while
The hours away together.
Come rain or shine
Their thoughts would entwine --
Irrelevant was the weather.
Nothing disturbed them
As much as a thought
Unapproved by their mutual censor.
So when new thoughts come up
They just say "Shut up!"
And for hours they feel so much better.
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Postby admin » Mon Sep 16, 2013 6:33 pm

Blackmail, by Charles CarreonI

It wasn't so nice of you to blackmail
me into loving you. You could have
tried some other way you know I have
a weakness for your type anyway.
In your daddy's car I could always
feel the bait and switch that made me
twitch. Ah but you knew, you knew
my secret and you couldn't help but
use it against me. Naughty you.
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Postby admin » Mon Sep 16, 2013 6:35 pm

Boatman, by Charles Carreon

This autumn!
Mild and warm, blustery,
Day after day light and warmth prevail,
carrying on beyond their time,
Like lovers whose bond of ecstasy,
Not breaking, becomes more exquisite
with succeeding moments,
Each one drawn out lightly as a thread of silk
Unraveled from summer's cocoon.
Like a boatman who finds a stream
of clear blue sky
Running through drifting islets of dark cumulus,
And, skirting delicately those touches of frost
That would stiffen oars and rudder,
Averts the entrance of ice.

The prow parts delicately the floating mosaic
Of leaves that overcover the stream,
A stream so still as to seem directionless.
Yet the boatman is rowing
With gentle strokes upstream,
His back to the mountain of ice.

Out from the stern spreads a wedge
of ripples, and the oars with every stroke
Leave twin vortices swirling with captured leaves,
Whirling together, and unwinding into openness,
Like compasses in search of the pole.
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Postby admin » Mon Sep 16, 2013 6:36 pm

Bookworm, by Charles Carreon

Bookworm, bookworm,
Living in the ashes of your
look at me and blink your lashes
Flip the page as I check the line
Of your chin
And counter your glance
with a grin.

Library closes ...
you win.
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