Let's Build a Goddamn Tesla Museum, by Indiegogo/Matt Inman

Re: Let's Build a Goddamn Tesla Museum, by Indiegogo

Postby admin » Tue Jun 24, 2014 8:01 am


Disclosure Requirement for Solicitation of Contributions Pursuant to New York State Executive Law § 174-b

New York's Executive Law requires that solicitations of contributions by or on behalf of a charitable organization, which is required to register and file annual financial reports with the Attorney General's Charities Bureau, must include a statement that a copy of its latest annual report may be obtained, upon request, from the organization or from the New York State Attorney General’s Charities Bureau. The statement must include the addresses of the organization and the Charities Bureau (Charities Bureau, 120 Broadway, 3rd Floor, New York, New York 10271).

If a charitable organization has not previously been required to file an annual report with the Charities Bureau, the solicitation must state the date when the annual report will be filed. Please review all of your solicitation material to ensure that it contains the required statement, including the address of the Charities Bureau.

Please review all of your solicitation material to ensure that it contains the required statement, including the address of the Charities Bureau.
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Re: Let's Build a Goddamn Tesla Museum, by Indiegogo

Postby admin » Tue Jun 24, 2014 8:04 am


FAQs - Registration

What organizations are required to register with the Attorney General's Charities Bureau?

Most organizations that engage in charitable activities in New York State and/or solicit charitable contributions (including grants from foundations and government grants) in New York are required to register with the Attorney General's Charities Bureau. Under New York Law, charity is defined very broadly to include purposes such as education, relief of poverty, cultural programs, promotion of health and research to cure disease, and many other purposes that are beneficial to the community. Although most charitable organizations are required to register, the law exempts some, including religious organizations from registering. If you believe that your organization may be exempt, please submit Schedule E (Request for Registration Exemption) posted at http://www.charitiesnys.com/pdfs/char410SchE.pdf , and the Charities Bureau staff will determine whether you are entitled to an exemption.

What must be filed in order to register with the Charities Bureau?

To register with the Charities Bureau, an organization must submit the following documents:

Form CHAR410 (Registration Statement) which is avaialble on the Internet at

A copy of the organization's certificate of incorporation, trust instrument, constitution or other organizational document.

A copy of the organization's by-laws or other internal rules.

If the organization has applied for tax exemption, a copy of its application for exemption (IRS form 1023 or 1024).

If the organization has received tax exempt status, a copy of the determination letter received from the IRS.
If the organization has been existence for more than a year, a copy of its financial report for the prior year (see FAQ concerning filing requirements).

If the organization solicits contributions from the public, a $25 registration fee.

What organizations are exempt from registration?

Among the organizations exempt from registration are religious organizations (houses of worship) and other charitable organizations run by religious organizations; membership organizations that do not solicit contributions from the public; Parent Teacher Associations; educational institutions that file annual reports with the New York State Department of Education; and governmental agencies. Other organization are exempt from registration depending on the nature of their activities and whether or not they solicit contributions from the public. A list of the categories of exemption is included in Schedule E (Request for Registration Exemption) posted at http://www.charitiesnys.com/pdfs/char410SchE.pdf . If you are unsure as to whether or not your organization is required to register, please complete and submit Schedule E, and the Charities Bureau staff will determine whether New York Law requires registration of your organization.

What are the annual filing requirements for a registered organization?

Registered organizations must submit the following annual financial reports:

Charities Bureau form CHAR500 which is posted at http://www.charitiesnys.com/pdfs/CHAR500-08.pdf

If the organization's income and/or assets exceed $25,000, a copy of IRS form 990, 990EZ or 990PF
If the organization solicits contributions from New Yorkers

A copy of an accountant's review if its revenue is between $100,000 and $250,000
A copy of an accountant's audit if its revenue is over $250,000
A schedule of annual filing fees is posted at http://www.charitiesnys.com/pdfs/char500i.pdf.

I want to collect money for my neighbor who is ill. Do I have to register with the Attorney General?

Often members of a community collect money for a friend or neighbor who is ill or who has suffered a tragedy. Such funds are not charities and are exempt from registration as long as all of the contributions collected are paid to (or for the benefit of) the person for whom the money was collected.

You may designate up to three alternate beneficiaries, in case the person for whom you are collecting cannot use all of the funds collected. You should complete a form CHAR017 (Charitable Solicitation for the Relief of an Individual), which is posted at http://www.charitiesnys.com/pdfs/char017.pdf,and submit it to the Charities Bureau. Designating alternate beneficiaries will simplify distribution of excess funds and avoid a court proceeding to determine to whom such funds should be distributed. If you file form CHAR1017, you must advise potential contributors that the form has been filed with the Attorney General.
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Re: Let's Build a Goddamn Tesla Museum, by Indiegogo

Postby admin » Tue Jun 24, 2014 8:42 am

Nikola Tesla's LI Lab Officially Purchased by Nonprofit Group to be Used as a Museum
By Lyndsay McCabe
Published: May 05 2013

Nikola Tesla's LI Lab Officially Purchased by Nonprofit Group to be Used as a Museum

Friends of Science East purchased land from Agfa that includes Tesla's Long Island laboratory, Wardenclyffe Tower, and will use it as an educational science center ...

The Shoreham laboratory of visionary scientist Nikola Tesla was officially sold by Agfa Corporation on Thursday to Friends of Science East, who plan to turn the historical facility into a museum and educational science center.

Agfa, who owned the land that included Tesla’s ominous laboratory, the Wardenclyffe Tower, asked for $1.6 million, and offered the sale to housing and retail developers.

Friends of Science East, a Long Island group seeking to develop a regional science center on the East End, began fundraising last summer. Their cause was picked up by Matthew Inman, the quirky writer and illustrator of popular internet comic “The Oatmeal,” who also happens to be a science enthusiast. He then began raising money that would be donated to Friends of Science East to purchase the land. Using crowd-funding site Indiegogo, Inman began the campaign “Operation Let’s Build a Goddamn Tesla Museum,” and invited users to donate money online, and in exchange, he donated his artwork and products to donors who paid particular amounts.

The goal for the Indiegogo campaign was $850,000, as New York State officials offered a matching grant if Friends of Science East reached that level. The result was overwhelming, and in the first 24 hours that the campaign opened, Inman had raised $450,000. Over the fundraising period, the cause raised a total of $1,370,461, all of which was donated to Friends of Science East for the creation of the Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe.

Though the funds were raised last September, the purchase was not officially made until May 2. The transaction was announced at the New Yorker Hotel in Manhattan, where Tesla lived out his remaining days after he ran out of money for his experiments in 1917 and was forced to abandon Wardenclyffe Tower.

The Friends of Science East are still not finished with their fundraising efforts, because the $1.6 million only covers the cost of the land. They estimate that they will have to raise about $10 million to restore and renovate the facility to be used as a science learning center and museum. The nonprofit group plans for the facility to be used for school field trips, science education conferences, science competitions, workshops, and as a site for visiting scientists to give public lectures and presentations. It will also include a permanent Tesla exhibit, Exploratorium-type exhibits, a gift and book shop, a café, and a science research space.

The Wardenclyffe Tower was initially constructed to provide free wireless energy to people all over the world, but Tesla ran out of funding before he completed his project, and in 1917, the tower was demolished.

Having this science center right in Tesla’s Wardenclyffe laboratory is integral to connecting present genius with the past, and gives off a certain mysterious aura. The ground below Tesla’s tower is “honeycombed with subterranean passages,” reported The New York Times in a 1904 article. The scientist spent much of his time below ground, but also worked in the laboratory erected in the tower itself.

“In this system that I have invented,” Tesla said in 1904, “it is necessary for the machine to get a grip of the earth; otherwise it cannot shake the earth. It has to have a grip… so that the whole of this globe can quiver.”

For more developments on the Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe and Friends of Science East, you can go to their website here.
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Re: Let's Build a Goddamn Tesla Museum, by Indiegogo

Postby admin » Tue Jun 24, 2014 8:52 am

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Supervisor Romaine, Councilwoman Bonner and Town Board Announce Transfer of $400,000 Grant to Friends of Science East, Inc. for Their Acquisition of the Tesla’s Wardenclyffe Lab Site in Shoreham

May 7, 2013

Farmingville, NY – At the May 7 Town Board meeting, Supervisor Romaine, Councilwoman Jane Bonner and the entire Town Board voted unanimously to transfer a $400,000 matching grant to the Friends of Science, Inc. (DBA Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe) to go toward the acquisition and preservation of the former site of Nikola Tesla’s historic Wardenclyffe lab in Shoreham. The grant was awarded to the Town in November 2010 by the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation (NYSOPRHP)/Environmental Protection Fund (EPF) under the 2010-11 municipal parks, historic preservation, and Heritage Areas grant round. The Town sought the grant in response to concerned residents seeking to preserve this historic site, in an effort to provide up to $806,395 for the purchase of the property. The Friends of Science East, Inc. announced their purchase of the property last week and plan to build a museum and science center on the site.

The proposed facility will be dedicated to the life and work of Nikola Tesla, who was a pioneer in the development and commercial use of alternating current electricity, radio, neon lighting and x-rays among other inventions. The group’s efforts to raise money became an international story after a Tesla enthusiast launched a successful online fundraising campaign that resulted in $1.4 million in donations to date.

“Nikola Tesla was a visionary who was ahead of his time, seeing at the turn of the 20th century the wireless world we live in today – and his groundbreaking experiments in this technology happened right here in Brookhaven,” said Supervisor Romaine. “The preservation of the Tesla Wardenclyffe property is critical in telling this important chapter of our history to both our children and visitors to the area, and I’m happy we were able to play a role in helping the Friends of Science East, Inc. in achieving this goal.”

"I thank the Supervisor and my fellow board members for supporting my efforts to help preserve this historic landmark, and I congratulate the Friends of Science East for finally realizing their dream,” said Councilwoman Bonner. “I look forward to working with them as their plans for the museum and science center move forward.”

Jane Alcorn, president of Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe said, "Almost 100 years after Nikola Tesla lost his claim to Wardenclyffe, we have been able to reclaim it in his name. We want to thank Matthew Inman, and people throughout the world who contributed to make this possible, and to the local residents who have always supported our goal. With their continued support, we look forward to creating a museum and science center worthy of Tesla and his legacy."

The 15.69 acre Wardenclyffe property is the site of the red brick laboratory where Tesla planned his wireless communications and energy transmission tower which stood 186 ft. tall. Tesla had purchased 200 acres of a potato farm owned by James Warden in 1901 to construct the laboratory, which was designed by renowned architect Stanford White and funded by J. P. Morgan. The Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe are planning to create a science museum and learning center through restoration of the original laboratory building. The existing tower base will remain intact. In 1967, the laboratory building was the first to be considered for listing on the Town of Brookhaven registry of historic sites.

The building is located on the north side of Route 25A between the intersection of Randall Road and the Shoreham Fire Department. It is within the area covered in the Route 25A Mount Sinai to Wading River Land Use Plan, a 10.5 mile stretch of Route 25A through the hamlets of Mount Sinai, Miller Place, Sound Beach, Rocky Point, Shoreham and Wading River to the Riverhead town line. The proposed science museum and learning center is consistent with the plan which was spearheaded by Councilwoman Bonner.

For more information about the not-for profit Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe, visit http://www.teslasciencecenter.org. To discover more historic sites in Brookhaven Town, visit http://www.brookhaven.org or our tourism website at http://www.visitbrookhaven.com.

Division of Public Information * Office of the Supervisor
One Independence Hill • Farmingville • NY 11738 • Phone (631) 451-6595 • Fax (631) 451-6258

Posted on Wednesday, May 08, 2013 (Archive on Sunday, July 07, 2013)
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Re: Let's Build a Goddamn Tesla Museum, by Indiegogo

Postby admin » Tue Jun 24, 2014 9:13 am

Long Island Science Center Founding Director Retires

Delia Gibbs

The Long Island Science Center announces the retirement of its founding director, Delia Gibbs. When the Long Island Science Center opened in Riverhead over 10 years ago, it was Mrs. Gibbs, at that time the Director of the Shoreham-Wading River Museum, who brought her extensive background in both museum education and business to head up the operation.

At a recent education forum, Mrs. Gibbs stated “We prepare children to lead locally and compete globally. We teach children to investigate science, to learn to think out of the box, to make choices, to problem solve, and to question the world around them and offer solutions. This creates a body of knowledge that they can apply anywhere and it also builds an inner confidence and boosts their self esteem.”

Mrs. Gibbs is a leader in informal education and has incorporated “bringing science to life” in all of the LISC programs through interactive lab stations. She stresses to all education and support staff the importance of putting hands-on manipulation, seeing, touching, testing, and experimenting into the forefront of all LISC programs and exhibits. “This style of inquiry learning develops analytical thought processes and better decision making”, states Mrs. Gibbs.

During her ten year tenure as director, the Long Island Science Center has:

Designed over 40 interactive physics, biology, chemistry and earth science programs for pre-K to high school - These programs support the core standards and address teachers’ needs.

Presented programs that address life skill requirements to campers, scouts and 4-H groups

Presented teacher workshops that focus on teaching how to incorporate into lesson plans the work skills required to process, interpret and apply information.

Offered changing exhibits that challenge families to explore together

Supervised the writing and implementation of grants from 21st century funds and Motorola Innovation Solutions to local foundation money

Collaborated and implemented a Smart Physics Program with Adelphi University through NSF funding

Offered internships for middle school, high school and college students

Offered lectures and demonstrations on general topics of scientific interest

Incorporated science literacy as an important part of all of the LISC programs

Mrs. Gibbs has served as president of the LI Museum Association, was co-chair of the committee for Gender Equity of the LI Fund for Women and Girls, served on the Riverhead CSD Business Advisory Board and the Early Years Institute STEM Advisory Committee. She collaborates and offers shared services with other community organizations and is an active member of science and museum associations.

“We thank Mrs. Gibbs for her dedicated vision and service and are very proud of the contributions she has made; she will surely be missed but we wish her all the best in her retirement” said the Board of Trustees of the Long Island Science Center.
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Re: Let's Build a Goddamn Tesla Museum, by Indiegogo

Postby admin » Tue Jun 24, 2014 9:25 am

Shoreham-Wading River School District

SWR school board set to vote on closing Briarcliff

by Jennifer Gustavson
06/03/2014 10:00 AM

The Briarcliff Elementary School in Shoreham. (Credit: Samantha Brix, file)

The Shoreham-Wading River school board is expected to formally shut down Briarcliff Elementary School at Tuesday’s meeting by voting on a resolution to officially close the building June 30.

Superintendent Steven Cohen first announced in February his plan to move forward with a 2014-15 budget that does not include funding for the kindergarten and first-grade building located in Shoreham.

The district is preparing to restructure its elementary program for next school year under a Princeton Plan model, which was coined in New Jersey and is designed to enhance educational opportunities by grouping elementary teachers and students by grade in the same buildings — as opposed to neighborhoods or “catchment areas.”

The district is turning Miller Avenue Elementary School into a kindergarten through second-grade primary school and Wading River Elementary School into a third-grade through fifth-grade intermediate school.

Citing concerns about potential real estate negotiations, school officials have declined to say how much money they anticipate from closing Briarcliff, but have estimated money saved by shutting it down and combining other elementary schools will lower teacher salary costs by nearly $1 million next year

The school board has since discussed some options for possible future uses of the facility, including: transforming it into a pre-kindergarten building, renting the space out or keeping it vacant.

In addition to discussing closing Briarcliff, the school board is expected to honor high school math teacher Ellen Fraser — who was recently selected to participate in the New York State Master Teacher program — and the high school’s Mathlete students.

Updates about the newly-formed bond committee, as well as the voter-approved technology proposition, are also listed as discussion items for Tuesday’s meeting.

As for personnel actions, the school board is set to vote on terminating an unidentified probationary employee at the meeting.

The district recently published the minutes from the April 29 school board meeting, which identifies several teacher layoffs, resignations and retirements.

Scroll down to view the complete agenda and April 29 minutes. Check back for an update.
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Re: Let's Build a Goddamn Tesla Museum, by Indiegogo

Postby admin » Tue Jun 24, 2014 9:32 am

SWR student paper cleans up in journalism awards
by Jennifer Gustavson
06/23/2013 2:30 PM


JENNIFER GUSTAVSON PHOTO | The student journalism award winners in Shoreham-Wading River include (back row, from left) editor-in-chief Giavanna Verdi, Barbara Ferentinos, editor-in-chief Ashlyan Vicari, (front row) managing editor Shannon Steimel, news editor Gabrielle Bruno and Kelly Granzen.

Shoreham-Wading River journalism student Giavanna Verdi wants to tell you a story about the real person behind a character in the 1992 hit movie, “A League of Their Own.”

The Betty Spaghetti character is based on Giavanna’s great-great-aunt Betty Trezza, who was known by friends, family and fans as “Moe.”

“Betty was often referred to as ‘Moe’ on the diamond,” Giavanna wrote in an article — printed in the shape of a baseball diamond — for her student newspaper, Wildcat Pause, of which she is co-editor-in-chief.

“She had trouble remembering her teammates’ names when first playing for the Racine Belles. If she wanted to get someone’s attention, she would yell ‘Moe!’ So, as a team joke, her teammates and eventually her fans called her ‘Moe.’ ”

Giavanna’s feature won two awards — third place, format buster and an honorable mention in the sports feature category — at the Long Island Press High School Journalism Awards ceremony May 22 at Hofstra University, where more than 1,200 submissions were judged.

Her awards were among the 33 total that Wildcat Pause took home from the competition.

This was the paper’s best year for awards, said student newspaper adviser Jean Branna.

“[The students] are very dedicated,” she said. “They really care about what appears in the paper and work hard. They really think through what they’re doing, and I think that’s one of the reasons why they are so successful.”

Another successful submission was Kelly Granzen’s “Small Town Teens,” which won first place in the serious feature category. She also won second place for news illustration, third place for informational feature and third place for a feature-local story.

Kelly said she was able to get a local teen drug abuse story after she agreed to keep her student sources anonymous. Asked by a reporter if she was worried that students weren’t telling her the truth, since they could hide behind anonymity, Kelly said she wasn’t concerned.

“Most of their stories were already known, so I knew they were being honest,” she said. “I was scared to ask them if I could use their names because I felt they would back out of the whole interview. I told them that we wouldn’t use their names and they agreed to speak.”

One award Ms. Branna said she was wasn’t expecting was the first place for layout/overall, since the district uses an obsolete layout program called PageMaker.

“I was pleasantly surprised,” she said, adding that the paper’s software will be updated to InDesign this summer. “[The students] really care. They come in after school and adjust any layout things that have to be adjusted. Sometimes we get a little obsessed with things that the reader isn’t even going to notice. [Graphics editor Paul Whitbeck] did a great job. He can do anything.”

As six of the paper’s 46 staff members reminisced last week about the school year’s top stories, co-editor-in-chief Ashlyn Vicari said she’s most proud of how the paper tackled the stickiest issues of abortion, gay rights and gun control.

“I’m really proud of everybody,” she said. “Everyone did an amazing job.”

Ashlyn, a senior, earned three first place awards: reporting on Newtown, for “Newtown Reawakens Ideas for Stricter Gun Control”; entertainment & lifestyle, for “Students Can’t Shake Their Hillbilly Bone”; and layout/single page, for “Like This Article if You Agree.” She also won this year’s Riverhead News-Review journalism award and plans to major in journalism and minor in economics at St. John’s University.

News editor Gabrielle Bruno said she’s also interested in pursuing journalism and enjoys being able to write about any topic she’s interested in.

“I think writing something that you’re passionate about and seeing it all come together is very rewarding,” she said.

Gabrielle won four awards, including first place, food commentary, for “All I Want for Christmas is … Food?”; second place, social commentary – general, for “Keep the Fashion Trend Out of Religion”; third place, opinion, for “Celebrities Catch a Case of Obsessive Teens”; and honorable mention, news story, for “Triumphant Wildcats Share Homecoming Spotlight.”

Barbara Ferentinos’s article on the district’s capital improvement proposals won a second place award for a school news story. Barbara also earned a third place award in the serious feature category for her story about tattoo and piercing trends.

Barbara said she enjoyed conducting interviews and found school administrators’ comments added more reliable information to her stories than did student comments.

“Administrators put thought into what they are saying whereas students just say whatever they feel like,” she said.

Shannon Steimel said she enjoyed writing a narrative about being a twin, as well as her feature about teens living double lives. She received honorable mentions for both stories.

Here’s a summary of the other Wildcat Pause award winners:

Lauren Lustgarten, second place, non-deadline news, “School Security Ups Student Safety Procedures.”

Tom Cummings, second place, entertainment & lifestyle, “Energy Drinks & Caffeine – The Truth Behind Labels” and honorable mention, student profile, “Corey Cairo Plays with Pros.”

Tim Haggerty, second place, reviews/criticism, “What’s Cooking for Helsenberg?”

James Kuczewski, third place, arts review – film, “Caped Crusader” and third place, layout/single page, “Initiate Phase Two: The Avengers Reassembles in 2015.”

Spring Yu, third place, arts & entertainment, “Psy Says ‘Dress Classy & Dance Cheesy.’ ”

Emily Kulesa, honorable mention, first person, “Eat Haggis & Ceilidh,” and honorable mention, first person, “Students Panic … Lost APs.”

Michael Julian, honorable mention, student profile, “Rotanz Improving Already Stellar Career.”

Casey DePalma, honorable mention, opinion piece – school, “Bullying Behind the Monitor.”

Carolyn Rogers, honorable mention, arts review – art, “Media Students Display ‘Best in Show’ Talent.”

Thomas Kirby, honorable mention, sports feature, “Amputees Dribble Down Wildcat Court.”

Joseph Whelan, honorable mention, political/local feature, “Minimum Wage: Beneficial for Whom?”


Journalism, Newspaper, Shoreham-Wading River High School, Wildcat Pause
Celebrating high school graduations on social media
by Riverhead News-Review06/22/2013 5:41 PM

BILL LANDON PHOTO | Riverhead graduates at Saturday morning’s ceremony.
Riverhead and Shoreham-Wading River both held their graduation ceremonies Saturday morning as hundreds of students saw their high school journey come to an end.

There was plenty to celebrate and many wished congratulations to their classmates and friends via social media.

Below is a sample of what some people were saying today:
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Re: Let's Build a Goddamn Tesla Museum, by Indiegogo

Postby admin » Tue Jun 24, 2014 9:44 am

SWR athletic club aims to upgrade high school’s field
by Samantha Brix
12/06/2011 1:00 PM

KEVIN WOOD COURTESY PHOTO | Shoreham-Wading River High School's athletic field will receive a makeover if a non-profit athletic club's plan comes through.

Shoreham-Wading River High School’s athletic field could get a facelift at no cost to taxpayers if a non-profit athletic club’s plan comes to fruition.

The Wildcat Athletic Club, a private charity that supports the district’s athletic activities, plans to raise all funds necessary to install an indoor press box with bathrooms, permanent lighting, new bleachers and a new turf field.

Christopher Rosati, a club member who is spearheading fundraising efforts, said the total cost estimate is about $775,000.

A handful of community members agreed to donate labor and materials for the first phase of the project —— building the press box, installing a septic system and erecting lights on the field — which equates to a $175,00 donation, Mr. Rosati.

WAC will ask local businesses, community residents and local politicians for help in raising funds.

“The state of New York does not really have an appetite to get money for our schools, so we need to upgrade our schools [ourselves],” Mr. Rosati said. “Our community members came forward with the press box and bathrooms, so we’re starting with something we know we can do.”

The bulk of the project will be installing a new turf field — a $500,000 undertaking. Mr. Rosati said the field could accommodate the district’s football, lacrosse, and girls and boys soccer teams. He didn’t know whether the turf would be suitable for field hockey.

The bleachers at the athletic field, which is made of grass, currently sit on the west side of the field, which backs up to the Long Island Pine Barrens, a forested area of publicly protected land. The athletic club plans to station new bleachers on the opposite side of the athletic field, further away from the Pine Barrens.

Mr. Rosati said the club’s field renovation committee expects the first phase of the project — the press box, septic system and lighting — to be completed by the start of next year’s fall sports season.

Board of Education president Bill McGrath said the school board will have to approve all donations and ensure all building and installation satisfies New York State Education Department requirements.

He said he doesn’t yet have details on approval procedures, as the school board hasn’t been offered a donated project on such a large scale in recent memory.

He said the field has been maintained, but never upgraded.

“Any time residents of your district look to improve some aspect of it, you don’t say no,” Mr. McGrath said. “They’re showing some support for the center of our community — our school district.”

Mr. Rosati said the project will bring bathrooms to the field for the first time, enable teams to play games at night and create another venue for school events after the sun goes down.

“It will not only benefit student-athletes but several other community events,” he said.

An agenda for next Tuesday’s school board meeting has not yet been released, but Mr. Rosati plans to discuss the project that night.

To donate to the project, send checks, payable to SWR Wildcat Athletic Club-Field Renovation Project, to: P.O. Box 134, Wading River, N.Y. 11792. Tax ID # 11-3569112. For more information, go to SWRFieldofDreams.com.

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Re: Let's Build a Goddamn Tesla Museum, by Indiegogo

Postby admin » Tue Jun 24, 2014 9:49 am

All Shoreham-Wading River schools to get security staffing

by Paul Squire
01/23/2013 8:00 AM

JOHN GRIFFIN FILE PHOTO | Shoreham-Wading River High School.

Two security guards were hired at the Shoreham-Wading River school board meeting Tuesday night to provide enough guards to staff all district schools during early morning and after school hours.

Superintendent Steven Cohen said the two new guards were hired as a direct result of a concern raised by a SWR parent at a recent open forum on security in the district. A head security guard was also chosen at the meeting to review the district’s security policies and improve them.

“We continue to harden our buildings,” Mr. Cohen said.

The middle school’s entrance has been upgraded with more security measures and the high school’s entrance is being worked on now, he said. The district is moving forward with plans to install vestibules at schools across the district this summer and will also install panic buttons in all schools, he said.

The board is also exploring the use of a guardhouse on district property, Mr. Cohen said.

A police officer is working on a security assessment of the district, and the schools’ security team will attend a security conference held by Suffolk County police and Suffolk County Supervisor Steve Bellone on Wednesday, Mr. Cohen said.

The state education department has stated they will open up funding for security improvements on July 1, Mr. Cohen said. The district, if it moved forward with major upgrades before the summer, would then miss out on state aid.

School officials said they believe the state is trying to get districts to think carefully before addressing security needs.

District officials also said the district-wide camera project approved by voters several years ago was packed with the new track and safety proposition passed last year, and is awaiting state approval.

That camera system was designed long before the Sandy Hook shootings that inspired this latest round of security overhauls, said assistant superintendent of finance Glenn Arcuri.

“I just don’t want people to assume I could install cameras tomorrow,” he said.


The president of the district’s administrators association criticized the school board at Tuesday night’s meeting, saying they “pressured” the union into accepting a state-mandated performance review plan without negotiating by making public statements blaming them for potentially lost state aid.

Earlier this month, board president William McGrath said the district may lose nearly half a million in state aid because Steven Donohue, the president of the union, had not signed off on the performance review plan, known as an APPR.

Mr. McGrath said at the time that the union refused to negotiate with the board.

“These statements could not be farther from the truth,” said Mr. Donohue during public comments at Tuesday night’s meeting. “The board tried to make the public believe that we would not sign off on the APPR because it was an issue of money. This is not an issue of money, rather it has always been an issue of treating your administrators and employees with respect and professionalism.”

Mr. Donohue said that while teachers negotiated for about a year and a half on their APPR, the administrators were presented with the district’s plan on Nov. 27. The union filed a complaint with the New York State Public Employees Relations Board claiming the district could not “unilaterally” impose an APPR plan without their agreement.

Mr. Donohue said he sent letters to the board offering to work out the APPR plan as well as the union’s contract, which expired in 2011.

Those calls, he said, were never returned.

“The message that has been sent by this board has been received loud and clear by this association,” Mr. Donohue said. “You do not value your administrators and the work we do each day within our schools.”

No board members responded to Mr. Donohue’s allegations at the meeting.

Mr. McGrath declined to comment, saying he needed to speak to his colleagues on the board first.


Governor Andrew Cuomo has included in his tentative $142.6 billion spending plan released Tuesday a 5.5 percent increase in total state aid for the Shoreham-Wading River school district over this year.

According to the budget, the district would receive about $8,735,000 in state aid (see breakdown) for the 2013-14 school year, compared to the current school year’s $8,279,000.

Mr. Cohen said he looked at an overview of Mr. Cuomo’s budget but didn’t get a chance to read it full. He said he was glad to see SWR get more aid that the district was expecting and said the extra money would be added into budget discussions for the 2013-14 school year.

“That [aid] is money that we had not assumed, so that’s got to be factored into the revenue side [of the budget],” he said.

The governor’s budget has now been sent to the state Legislature.

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Re: Let's Build a Goddamn Tesla Museum, by Indiegogo

Postby admin » Wed Jun 25, 2014 9:20 pm


11 West Main Street, Suite 101
Riverhead, NY 11901
Phone: 631-208-8000
Fax: 631-208-8304
Email: programs@lisciencecenter.org

Bringing Science to Life


Date of Birth:
e-mail: (optional)
School District:
Entering Grade:
Principal’s Name:
Hobbies & Interests:
Date that you will be away this summer (family vacations, sports, camp, ect.)


Please write a short essay indicating why you want to be an intern at the Science Center. Your essay should include what you expect to learn or experience as an intern. We require a letter of recommendation from a teacher or adult who is familiar with your work. Applications, essay and recommendation must be received by Monday, June 20, 2011.


Long Island Science Center
11 West Main Street, Suite 101,
Riverhead, NY 11901
Phone: 631-208-8000
Fax: 631-208-8304

Dear Applicant and Family,

Thank you for your interest in the Long Island Science Center’s Summer Intern Program. To apply, you must be 13 years of age or entering the seventh (7th) grade. You will need to write an essay, get a letter of recommendation and complete the enclosed application.

An internship is “supervised practical training”. As an intern, you take on many of the responsibilities of an employee. You will learn how to: assist visiting families, prepare for programs, demonstrate the exhibits, help in the gift shop and use the register. As a group, you will create a new exhibit for the fall.

At the end of your internship, we will recognize your participation with a letter to your principal (or anyone else you request). We will invite you to be part of the Science Center’s special events throughout the coming year. When you apply for jobs, scholarships, or college admission, we will be pleased to write a letter of recommendation.

The Science Center’s Intern Program is competitive. Acceptance into the program is based upon interest and other evidence that you will become an active part of our museum volunteer staff. Applications are due by Monday, June 20, 2011. We will notify you of our decision by Monday, June 27, 2011. We look forward to seeing your application.


Delia Gibbs
Executive Director
Long Island Science Center


Long Island Science Center
11 West Main Street, Suite 101,
Riverhead, NY 11901
Phone: 631-208-8000
Fax: 631-208-8304

Dear Teacher/Guidance Counselor:

__________________________ has applied to the Long Island Science Center’s Summer Intern Program. This is a program for students ages 13 to 16, who are interested in science and who would benefit from the practical experience “behind the scenes” here at the museum. Since this is a competitive program, we are requesting a letter of recommendation describing the applicant’s interest, special abilities and reliability.

You may give the letter to the student or return it to me at the Long Island Science Center.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Delia Gibbs
Executive Director
Long Island Science Center


Long Island Science Center
11 West Main Street, Suite 101,
Riverhead, NY 11901
Phone: 631-208-8000
Fax: 631-208-8304


Please complete this form and bring to the Long Island Science Center

Intern’s Name: _________________________________________________
Date of Birth: _____/_____/________
Address: ____________________________________
City: _______________________________________ Zip Code: _________
Home Phone: (_______) _________ - _________
E-Mail: ___________________________________@____________________

Parent/Guardian Name: ____________________________
Work Phone: (______) ________-___________
Cell Phone: (______) ________-___________
E-Mail: ___________________________________@____________________

Other Emergency Contact: ____________________________
Phone: (______) ________-___________
Relationship to Intern: _____________________________________________

Alternate Pick-Up Authorization:
List names of adults who are authorized to pick up your child
Name: ____________________________ Relationship: __________________
Name: ____________________________ Relationship: __________________
Name: ____________________________ Relationship: __________________

Parent/Guardian Signature: _________________________________________

Photo Release
I authorize Long Island Science Center to have, take, and use without payment, any photographs, slides, and/or video tapes of my child, as may be needed for public relations purposes, marketing, advertising, and/or internal training purposes.
YES ____ NO _____ Parent/Guardian Signature: ____________________________

Physician’s order for prescribed oral medication
Child must be able to take medication by themselves
Medication:_______________________________ dosage: ________________
Significant side effects (adverse reactions) which should be reported to the physcian:
Special Instructions: _______________________________________________
Physician’s Signature: ____________________________________________
Physician’s Emergency number: (______) ________-___________
Medication must be delivered to the Science Center by parent in the original
container in which it was dispensed.
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Posts: 36489
Joined: Thu Aug 01, 2013 5:21 am


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