Let's Build a Goddamn Tesla Museum, by Indiegogo/Matt Inman

For those absolutely devoid of scruples, charity fraud is the field par excellance, in which you can simultaneously harvest kudos for your humanitarianism and make off with vast bundles of untaxed cash. Convictions for charity fraud are so rare as to be nonexistent, so any criminals operating in other fields of endeavor are incurring unnecessary risks.

Re: Let's Build a Goddamn Tesla Museum, by Indiegogo

Postby admin » Fri Aug 29, 2014 10:43 pm

Engineers for a day at Long Island Science Center
by Tim Gannon
02/15/2014 5:00 PM

Scouts from Cub Scout Pack 90 in Mount Sinai stopped by the Long Island Science Center Saturday to learn about engineering. (Tim Gannon photo)

Most lists of the top careers usually have engineering in there somewhere.

So it’s fitting that the Long Island Science Center on West Main Street in Riverhead is getting kids interested in engineering at an early age.

On Saturday, The Science Center invited kids to “be an engineer.” The Science Center offered kids a chance to learn about bridge building, boat making and the physics of toys by allowing them to make their own.

“We have an area where they can make popsicle stick bridges (also known as craft sticks), as well as propellor driven cars,” said museum assistant Amber Setelius.

The kids also had a chance to learn about how skyscrapers are built, what engineers do and how make an aluminum foil boat. In addition, there was an area where kids could try to make a “cup stack” skyscraper, done by stacking cups on top of each other.

“The goal is to see how fast can you build it up high and them collapse it,” Ms. Setelius said.

It’s all self-guided and open to the public. The engineering course usually occurs about once every six months, Ms. Setelius said, and the Science Center has different programs each week.

“The theme changes from Saturday to Saturday,” she said.

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Re: Let's Build a Goddamn Tesla Museum, by Indiegogo

Postby admin » Fri Aug 29, 2014 10:44 pm

Column: Science Center is a place that ‘matters’
by Michael White
11/24/2013 8:00 AM

BARBARA ELLEN KOCH PHOTO | The entrance to Long Island Science Center on West Main Street.

I couldn’t believe 60 first-graders could stay so captivated for so long. Every kid’s eyes were glued to the center of the room, heads tilted, little mouths agape. They were spellbound. But this wasn’t “Fantasia” or a more modern Disney movie. This was science.

Michael White, editor

Material science, of all things. This particular lesson was called States of Matter. And when it came time for the children to retreat to individual work stations for some hands-on lab work, the room and the other children around them seized to exist. They had a task to complete, after all, and that was to apply a special solution to the dozen or so pebbles waiting for them in petri dishes.

They were then told by the instructor that, in a few days, they would begin to notice crystals forming on those little rocks. Soon, they’d have their own crystal gardens. Of course, they’re still kids; delayed gratification isn’t exactly their thing. And so began the second part of the lesson, which ended with the Sachem School District students making ice cream. Ice cream!

This is the type of pure magic that goes on almost every day at the Long Island Science Center in downtown Riverhead, and for an adult like myself, who had never stepped inside the center, it was a lesson on how a properly managed and sustainable nonprofit group with a purely altruistic mission can offer a huge public benefit to children and parents alike, not to mention the local school systems.

“A lot of the elementary schools don’t have science teachers, especially with all the recent cutbacks,” said the center’s executive director, Michelle Pelletier. So the schools use the science center for “enrichment” alternatives, she said. While that’s good for business, Ms. Pelletier can’t help but feel opportunities are being missed in the schools, as the younger kids seem to be the most engaged when learning how things work. That enthusiasm is plain to see during any day at the center.

After each lesson, the students — usually on a field trip or a weekend birthday party — are invited to roam the Exploratory Enrichment Center, an interactive, educational display play area. The rules for the kids are simple, and just the opposite of what they’re told to do at home: Touch everything. (Oh, and no running.) So the children will fan out to the interactive weather station or the dino-dig, to look for fossils. They’ll check out the snakes and Madagascar hissing cockroaches or just play with the magnets or building blocks. On Saturdays, this museum side of the center is open to the public, with admission just $5 a head.

Among Ms. Pelletier’s favorite and oft-repeated quotes from the children who visit the center are:

“I didn’t know that!”

“You guys like dinosaurs too?”

“Are you a scientist?”

“I’ve never been to a museum before.”

She’s hoping to hear more of these types of adorable phrases, as the center is planning a big move from its aging West Main Street building to the vacated West Marine storefront on East Main, closer to the Long Island Aquarium. The new space is planned to be much bigger, allowing the center to remain open to the public throughout the week, even when lessons are going on in the classrooms.

You’d be hard pressed to find a more worthy — yet often overlooked — organization in the town or county. Not only does the science center offer programs for children but high school interns build most of the hands-on exhibits. Teenagers from Riverhead, Mercy and other high schools also sit on its Board of Youth Trustees, charged with keeping the exhibits fresh and, presently, improving community outreach through social media.

The museum is in contract to purchase its new space, with real estate developers in contract to buy the current museum building. When the move is complete, the new center will feature more professionally built displays, including a state-of-the-art Leonardo da Vinci exhibit currently mothballed in the science center’s storage room for lack of space. The Board of Trustees, which includes two Brookhaven National Laboratory scientists, also envisions placing an emphasis on technological breakthroughs that are happening, and have happened, right here on Long Island.

It could even be a place where Intel Science Talent Search participants show off their work, I’m told.

By far the most popular exhibit in the museum right now is the dino-dig. Ms. Pelletier said, pointing to a square table covered in sand. The kids brush the sand away to unearth planted fossils that are explained on a chart nearby.

“I would love to have a big dino-dig that the kids could step into,” she said. “But this is our space. I wish it were bigger. But we’re working on it.”

To learn more about supporting the Long Island Science Center, visit 11 West Main St. in Riverhead or lisciencecenter.org.

Michael White is the editor of the Riverhead News-Review. He can be reached at mwhite@timesreview.com or (631) 298-3200, ext. 152.
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Re: Let's Build a Goddamn Tesla Museum, by Indiegogo

Postby admin » Fri Aug 29, 2014 10:44 pm

http://riverheadnewsreview.timesreview. ... saturday-1

L.I. Science Center announces move
by Rachel Young06/26/2013 1:45 PM

BARBARA ELLEN KOCH FILE PHOTO | A young girl using a learning tool inside the Long Island Science Center.

The Long Island Science Center announced in a press release Wednesday its plans to move to a building with three times more space than its current location in downtown Riverhead.

Director Michelle Pelletier said the museum, which has spent the past 10 years at 11 West Main Street, recently completed the paperwork to purchase a 10,000 square foot building at 101 East Main Street.

In a phone call, Ms. Pelletier said the Science Center is aiming to complete the move within a year.

“There’s always planning and renovations that have to happen,” she said. “I would love for [the move] to happen sooner because it’s an exciting thing, but it all depends.”

The new location, which overlooks the Peconic River and once housed Bohack Supermarket, Edward Archers, and West Marine, “will provide significantly more space for exhibits, allow multiple school groups to visit at the same time, add classroom space, and provide areas for exhibit storage and fabrication,” Ms. Pelletier said.

The Science Center also said it plans to open a gift shop at its new location that will specialize in educational and kid-friendly toys, science kits and experiments, books, and DVDs.

Expanding the Science Center will contribute to the revitalization of downtown, increase tourism to the area, and promote Riverhead in a positive and constructive manner,” Ms. Pelletier said.

The Long Island Science Center entered into a contract earlier this year to sell their property at 11 West Main Street to a developer who plans to build 48 upscale apartments overlooking the Peconic River and Grangerbel Park.

The project’s owner, Simshabs X, Inc, headed by Brooklyn developer Rafi Weiss, is seeking exemptions from sales tax on materials purchased for the construction, on mortgage recording tax and on real property taxes.

The Riverhead Industrial Development Agency will hold a public hearing on the request for IDA benefits for Blue River Estates on Monday, July 8, at 5 p.m. in Town Hall.

The IDA’s uniform tax exemption policy gives tax abatements only on the increased assessment that results from the project, so that the tax amount will never decrease from what it was beforehand.

The uniform policy starts at 50 percent for the first year, and decreases by five percent per year over 10 years, at which point the property owner pays full taxes.

The abatements only apply to school, town, county and fire district taxes.

In addition, the IDA has the discretion to deviate from that policy, as it has done on several recent projects, such as Long Island Aquarium and Hyatt Place Hotel, and the Summerwind Square apartments, both of which were give 100 percent exemptions for 10 years.

Blue River Estates calls for the demolition of the existing building at 11 West Main Street and replacing it with a proposed 70,000 square foot, 48-unit building apartment building with an indoor parking facility on the ground floor. The cost of the project is estimated at $9.65 million.

With Tim Gannon.

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Re: Let's Build a Goddamn Tesla Museum, by Indiegogo

Postby admin » Fri Aug 29, 2014 10:44 pm

http://www.marketwired.com/press-releas ... 797599.htm
SOURCE: Tricon Development Inc.
June 03, 2013 17:11 ET

Tricon Development Rafi Weiss Giluet Agree to Accept Settlement With Regard to Report

BROOKLYN, NY--(Marketwired - Jun 3, 2013) - Tricon, Rafi Weiss and Giluet I have agreed to accept a settlement offer with regard to the Ripoff Report that had been filed by Ted Baker on behalf of Manual Protective Covers (MPC), a car cover company. The settlement stipulates that no further slanderous articles will be published by MPC. Settlement stipulates that the inability of Baker and MPC, to obtain funding from Giluet and Tricon for tenant improvements and other corporate needs, were solely due to the lack of financial wherewithal by Baker and MPC, a cogent business plan and acceptable level of creditworthiness. MPC further acknowledges that, it was to be a tenant at a property, being acquired, from an entity controlled by a Mr. Burmaster, by Tricon. MPC never had the independent wherewithal to commit to the lease which was necessary in order to justify underwriting of tenant improvements and tenant concessions to MPC.

MPC has agreed to contribute $7,500 to a charity named by Rafi Weiss and Tricon Development Inc., and to issue an announcement, within 30 days confirming both an apology and agreement to refrain from any further releases of information through the media and to the public. In exchange, Rafi Weiss, Tricon Development Inc. and Giluet agree to drop any and all proceedings against MPC, without prejudice, and to consider this matter closed for the foreseeable future, unless MPC were to violate terms of the settlement agreement.


Tricon Development Inc.


Tricon Development Rafi Weiss Simshab Con Artist BROOKLYN New York

After dealing with Tricon it's hard to believe that the others who left complaints were disgruntled employees. It seems he shafts all potential clients, customers, and service personnel. I should of Investigated earlier. At best its a shady place.

This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 11/27/2013 12:17 AM and is a permanent record located here:

http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/Tricon-De ... rk-1102510. The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight savings so the post time may be Mountain or Pacific depending on the time of year.





Founded in 1988, Tricon Capital Group (TSX: TCN) is one of North America’s leading residential real estate investment companies with approximately $1 billion of assets under management.

Through our private funds, we participate in the development of residential properties in Canada and the United States by providing local operating partners with equity or mezzanine financing for residential land development, single-family homebuilding, multi-family construction and retail developed in conjunction with residential projects. Since inception, we have invested in approximately 150 transactions for development projects valued at in excess $10 billion.

In our direct investment business, Tricon is actively purchasing, renovating and renting distressed single family rental homes in the Unites States with a network of dedicated operating partners.

Tricon is focused on four major geographic markets in Canada (Toronto, Calgary, Edmonton and Vancouver) and six major geographic markets or regions in the United States ( Northern California; Southern California; Dallas and Houston, Texas; Phoenix, Arizona; Atlanta, Georgia; and South Florida).
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Re: Let's Build a Goddamn Tesla Museum, by Indiegogo

Postby admin » Fri Aug 29, 2014 10:45 pm

What's going on with the Tesla Museum?
by Matt Inman, Theoatmeal.com

I just wanted to give everyone a quick heads up about what's happening with operation Let's Build a Goddamn Tesla Museum. We're currently sitting at $1.2 million raised and with the matching grant from NY State that puts us at a little over $2 million bucks. The non-profit behind this project is beginning the phases of putting in a bid on the property.

Excellent, yes? YES.

We received another reimbursement grant, this time from a distant relative of Nikola Tesla named Dusan Stojanovic, and he pledged to match any donations up to $33,333 from now until campaign ends. That means if we raise another $33k before it ends it'll double to $66,666.

Mr. Stojanovic is an angel investor who would like people to be inspired by Tesla and be part of innovating for the future by continuing Tesla’s work, particularly towards solving global energy problems -- perhaps even at Wardenclyffee if we can create an incubator there.

There's still 6 days left in the campaign to donate. Even though we've got enough to bid on the property, we're still a far cry from having enough to build an actual museum, so every little bit helps. Plus if you donate you get to forever tell people that you made a difference in the legacy of Captain AmazeBalls Lightning Pants, aka Nikola Tesla.

AND there's still some magnificent perks to be had:

$50: Wardenclyffe t-shirt

T-shirts are still available. Sizes S, M, L, XL, XXL. We'll poll you for your size when the campaign ends.


Wardenclyffe t-shirt

$100: T-shirt +Baseball Cap

Donating $100 will get you a Wardenclyffe t-shirt and a baseball cap


Wardenclyffe t-shirt and hat

$25: A glossy Tesla photo

Donate $25 and get a glossy photo of the handsomest inventor in the history of handsome inventors. Also you can hang it up and years from now brag to your friends about how you did some awesome shit on the internet back in 2012.


Glossy Tesla photo

$33: Tesla > Edison bumper sticker

Donating $33 will get you a "Tesla greater than Edison" bumper sticker.


Tesla > Edison bumper sticker

$150: Signed copy of Wizard Limit: Only 20 copies available!


Signed copy of Wizard An author-signed (via bookplate) copy of Marc Seifer’s definitive biography, Wizard: The Life and Times of Nikola Tesla: Biography of a Genius. Mr. Seifer has done prodigious research into Tesla’s life and work, and this biography is filled with extensive references and fascinating facts about Tesla.

$200: A MINATURE TESLA COIL! Limit: Only 40 available!

Albeit an itty bitty one, but still technically a solid state Tesla coil. These miniature Tesla coils require a 6V battery (you supply the battery), and they really work. Also included is a Wardenclyffe postcard.


Miniature Tesla Coil

Details and instructions about the coil here.

$333: First Edition Tesla Geek Booklet, autographed by The Oatmeal

$333 will get you a signed, numbered booklet (like a mini comic book) of Why Nikola Tesla was the greatest geek who ever lived. They'll be signed and numbered by Matthew Inman, AKA The Oatmeal.


Tesla Geek Booklet

$1,000: Autographed Wardenclyffe poster

A limited edition autographed Wardenclyffe poster signed by Tesla’s great grand nephew, William Terbo. Mr. Terbo is Tesla's last remaining relative who actually met Tesla and shook his hand.


Glossy Tesla photo

Tantalizing, yes?


Go donate
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Re: Let's Build a Goddamn Tesla Museum, by Indiegogo

Postby admin » Fri Aug 29, 2014 10:45 pm

So, I had a call with Elon Musk earlier this week ...
by Matt Inman, theoatmeal.com

As some of you may know, I recently published a cartoonist's review of my Tesla Model S. In the second half of the review, I asked Elon Musk to donate toward the completion of a Nikola Tesla Museum, a project I've been working on since 2012.

Within a few hours of posting my review, Elon Musk tweeted that he'd be happy to help. Earlier this week I got to speak to the man directly, and he promised two things.

1. He's going to build a Tesla Supercharger station in the parking lot of the museum.

2. He's donating $1 million dollars to the museum itself.

Elon Musk: from the deepest wells of my geeky little heart: thank you. This is amazing news. And it's Nikola Tesla's 158th birthday.
Happy Nikola Tesla Day.


-The Oatmeal
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