Charles Carreon, The Arizona Kid

Identified as a trouble maker by the authorities since childhood, and resolved to live up to the description, Charles Carreon soon discovered that mischief is most effectively fomented through speech. Having mastered the art of flinging verbal pipe-bombs and molotov cocktails at an early age, he refined his skills by writing legal briefs and journalistic exposes, while developing a poetic style that meandered from the lyrical to the political. Journey with him into the dark caves of the human experience, illuminated by the torch of an outraged sense of injustice.

Re: Charles Carreon, The Arizona Kid

Postby admin » Thu Oct 03, 2013 6:02 am


9:52 pm, March 24, 2005

When Arthur Miller died, I noticed that his biography, Timebends, was cited a lot in the New York Times feature on his life. I ordered it from Amazon, and have just started reading it. This little excerpt about his grandfather's last act of diligent self-protection is really funny:

Arthur Miller

His death, while not quite exemplary, has always thrown a certain poetic light on his nature. In his late eighties, believing he was close to his end, he one morning summoned his little wife to his bedside and told her to bring the young rabbi. And indeed he looked to her as he had never looked in their seventy years together. As soon as she could, she brought the rabbi, apparently a new one to the 114th Street synagogue, who sat with the old man and accompanied him in prayers until he fell asleep, whereupon the rabbi left. Hours passed while my distraught greatgrandmother summoned her children to the Harlem apartment two stories up in a brownstone. The old man slept and slept. The doctor who was brought in examined him without waking him and could only confirm what everybody knew, that like everybody else, but sooner than most, he was on his way to Abraham's bosom. The doctor left, and so did the children, who all had their lives to attend to. As the sun was setting, the old man awoke. His wife asked him how he felt, and he lay there trying to understand, apparently, why his head seemed lower than it had before. He slowly turned on his side, massive fellow that he still was, felt under his pillow and felt again, sat up and lifted the pillow and the bedclothes, and finally faced his uncomprehending wife, asking, ”Who took them?“

Following custom in those roughriding years, Great-grandfather kept much of his assets in the form of diamonds, which took less space than cash and were easier to hide. He was apparently in that large minority who did not consider any financial institution a hundred percent honest or safe, along with W. C. Fields, another turn-of-the-century man who made no bones about his cold-eyed view in many a quip and script motif, as well as in his near paranoid distribution of his own money in an enormous number of banks across the country, against the inevitable day when some of them would abscond or plead a fake bankruptcy. In point of fact, just at the time Great-grandpa was reaching under his pillow for his life's savings, colorful or absurd as it may seem, Richard Whitney, head of the New York Stock Exchange and widely esteemed leader of the financial community, was quietly stealing enough to earn him a sentence in Sing Sing-he would not lack for colleagues thereonce the Great Crash had confirmed the suspicions of my greatgrandfather and Fields and exploded the illusions of the trusting majority.

Ill as he was, Great-grandpa definitely remembered stashing his whole little fortune under his pillow and now demanded to know who had been to visit him. His trembling wife reeled off the list, plus, of course, the new rabbi. Commanding her, despite her protests, to help him dress, he took his oak walking stick and, refusing her touch on his elbow, plodded up Madison Avenue from 112th to 114th and into the synagogue, where he found the rabbi seated at a table writing. He said to the rabbi that he would like to have his jewelry back. The rabbi looked up and with a blank expression repeated, ”Your jewelry?" With which the old man raised his stick and brought it down on the rabbi's neck before the poor man could dodge out of the way. Bedlam. But new life had sprung into the old man's sinews as he pursued the rabbi around the room with people trying to grab his flailing rod of righteousness. At last the rabbi faced him, both of them gasping for breath, and with hands raised he backed to the coat draped over his chair, reached into a pocket, and produced a knotted linen cloth. The old man unknotted it with his bent fingers and after a glancing count stuffed it into his own coat and walked out. He got home but barely made it back upstairs through the narrow brown-painted hallway and into his bed. The news had flown, and my mother and her father and a whole troop of heirs quickly assembled and watched as from his pillow he distributed his life among them, then sighed and closed his eyes, never to wake again.
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Re: Charles Carreon, The Arizona Kid

Postby admin » Thu Oct 03, 2013 6:03 am


5:01 pm, March 26, 2005

People like to bandy about that the Eskimos have a hundred words for snow. Presumably Colombians have as many to describe cocaine. Certainly the money-users of the world have come up with as many names for money as there are for the most popular illicit substances. People call money a lot of things — bread, cash, moolah, scratch, dead presidents. But the names that people have been using to describe the dollar recently are more like expletives of the financial sort.

Americans are being asked to take more of an interest in our currency. European bankers urge our bankers to get us to be better world citizens, and earn a somewhat larger fraction of what we spend. Are we being urged to be more productive, and sell more goods and services to the rest of the world? If so, perhaps some rethinking is in order, because it's hard to imagine how America could do more to drive the world economy, and if it’s going to continue in the same vein, the world probably can’t afford any more of this economic stimulus.

The Bush doctrine has thrown industrial production worldwide into overdrive by literally blowing up high-tech equipment in the desert, when we’re not driving Humvees and trucks around the dunes using up gas and diesel, driving up the worldwide price of oil. Sales of armaments are increasing worldwide, and now that the proliferation barn door has been left open, the costly search to track and recover wayward fissionable material that might be utilized to set off unauthorized nuclear strikes is on. What with peace breaking out in Palestine, perhaps the Israelis can get busy selling, rather than deploying, missiles, bombs, and other munitions. This worldwide, high-tech, heavy-metal, rocking out comes at some cost. Sun Tzu said “It takes five pounds of food to deliver one pound of food to soldiers in the field.” The ratio in Iraq is without doubt more like a thousand-to-one, if you think about how cheap it would have been to leave all those young people back in America and feed ‘em Big Macs right in their home town. Commodity prices are rising worldwide, as always rise in wartime, and Uncle Sam's current wars incredibly wasteful. Killing is expensive, especially when the victims are being killed individually, one carload at a time, as in Iraq.

High tech has heard the word that terrorism is the new cold war, giving a mammoth boost to biometric technology that will give us — more expensive driver's licenses! SAIC, the San Diego foundation for the preservation of defense industry power and influence in technology, has wasted $180 Million trying to make a computer system for the FBI. I could have told them they’d never pull it off because a computer system can’t run on booze and bullshit. Information sellers like ChoicePoint and Lexis-Nexis are also bringing the economics of the information economy more clearly into focus. We've even given a boost to the drug industry by insulating the world's largest pharmaceutical market from competition under the guise of a “senior prescription drug plan.”

Meanwhile, the magical production of money from the housing market by a succession of refinances driven by the lowest interest rates in U.S. history, and the sale of a new truck to every fool smart enough to know that zero percent interest means what it says, has just about run out of room to expand. The constraints on that expansion are felt whenever the amount of money America borrows drops perilously close to equal to or less than the total amount of money America owes to other countries. Whenever that happens, the dollar drops in value, unless there are compensating factors moving it in the other direction.

Of course, I say the dollar drops in value, but with respect to Chinese money, this is not true. China has declared that its currency, the Rnimbi, shall trade against the USD at a fixed rate. How friendly this is. Our friend China is willing to insist that, even though the European Central Bank, the Swiss, the Japanese, the Canadians, etcetera, all have dropped their valuations of the dollar, our money is worth as much to them as ever. Incredible resilience the Chinese show! American politicians call them godless communists and all manner of horrendous ethnic slurs, and only grudgingly admit them to the World Trade Organization, and interfere with all of their efforts to buy high tech weapons from Israel and South Africa and Eurpoean nations. In return, they lend us all the money we are willing to spend on flat screens, hard drives, cell phones, athletic shoes, and all manner of other treasures. Why? Because nobody else, besides the Japanese, of whom there are appallingly few, and even fewer reproducing, can figure out how to use these gadgets!
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Re: Charles Carreon, The Arizona Kid

Postby admin » Thu Oct 03, 2013 6:04 am

WHAT I LEARNED IN MEXICO, by Charles Carreon

6:04 pm, March 26, 2005

Economists define money as M1 plus M2 and M3. I imagine them as various “layers of money” that move around the globe at different speeds, like so many jet-streams of value.

M1: Technically defined this is the sum of: the tender that is held outside banks, travelers checks, checking accounts (but not demand deposits), minus the amount of money in the Federal Reserve float.

M2: The sum of: M1, savings deposits (this would include money market accounts from which no checks can be written), small denomination time deposits (where small is less than $100,000), retirement accounts.

M3: M2 plus the large time deposits (for any of you with more than $100,000 deposits you add to this...). Eurodollar deposits, dollars held at foreign offices of U.S. banks, and institutional money market funds.

They move at different speeds because M3, the money stream containing the big chunks of cash — which includes all accounts over $100,000 — moves a bit slower than M1, which includes speedy money like a lowly twenty dollar bill circulating in a crack house or gambling den, which may flip over twenty times in a day. Much of the money in M1 is in fact the proceeds of crime many times over, and that money moves at a much higher speed than the big money. There are probably dollars that haven't served as the media of lawful commerce in decades. Of course, much of the exclusive M3 money is also criminally derived, for example by looting governments and corporations, laundering money, avoiding taxes, and giving and accepting bribes.

Poor countries don't have a lot of M3 money, by comparison with rich countries like England and Switzerland and the US. M3 money gets traded around in big blocks, slow and sure, and most of the time it sits. M1 money, of which there is a great deal more in poor countries, proportionately, moves very fast by comparison. There is a great deal of M1 money, and a great deal of it serves to fulfill forbidden desires, such as the purchase of contraband, the procuring of disloyalty, and the inducement to commit theft.

Much money is spent to do forbidden things, and that is perhaps a potential barometer of total human iniquity and/or goodness. I have often pondered the notion of the meaning of money in human life. This meaning was seriously cast into doubt during my early life. One group of people, my nanny's family, both poorer and more physically robust than my people, being American Indians, often told me that “money is the root of all evil.” I reported such communications to my father, who characteristically seemed antagonized by the notion. He clarified for me quickly: “Money is not evil. It depends on what you do with it. You can only help people if you have money.” Those were the exact words of my dad, Conrad James Carreon, may peace be upon him. And although technically I believe you can help people without money, in my case, it really helps.

But you can imagine the battle this set up in my mind. Some people that I loved and trusted said money was bad, and my father said it was good. I liked having money, and learned that when we went to Mexico, lots of fun snacks, toys and entertainments were well within my price range. I also felt bad seeing young boys no less worthy than I, shining a pair of shoes for a Mexican peso, the equivalent of twelve and a half US pennies. Of course, you could get a six ounce Coke and two cookies for one peso, or a mighty tasty taco or quesadilla. So it all made sense, kind of. Except why I had so much money when I was still just a kid. My dad conveyed to me the benefit of the greater abundance, and it was a fun, but still perplexing, discovery.

I remember when I learned that taxation was raising the prices of US products in Mexico to double their cost in the US. So rich Mexicans paid through the nose to look like their US models. That shocked me. There didn't seem to be anything fair in even a rich Mexican having to pay twice the price to have a cream-colored Chevrolet Impala with a red interior or other delectable automotive delight. Now I understand subsidies, as in the subsidy that the Mexican government was providing to encourage domestic auto production. At that time, I believe the domestic auto industry was a silly vehicle called “The Borgward,” which was a silly creation turned out by a factory that Mercedes Benz had sold the government. Borgwards were universally despised as owned only by the richest, stupidest plutocrats, for whom political correctness was uppermost. Still, no family, however rich, was so stupid as to own more than one.

The average Mexican had poorer physical conditions than the average American, by far. It seemed to me almost that the majority of Mexican people lived in spartan conditions, and many lived under extremely primitive conditions such as might be seen in the US only on Native-American reservations and a few other pockets of rural poverty. I wondered what could be done to equalize the situation.

Thinking upon the matter, it seemed to my simple young mind that we simply needed to readjust “the wages” that were paid to people in the US and Mexico, to bring them into harmony. I did not even consider how the money to pay the wages was in fact obtained, and that there was no mechanism for setting wages in either country. I could not even conceive that my parents were operating in a world so utterly chaotic. Surely such matters were under someone's control!

But indeed they were not then, and they are not today. The business of managing the world's money is in the hands of some people we call bankers, but less and less do I know what that word means. How it is that one man earns pennies for a day's sweat, and another harvests millions in a single transaction? How can money be so unjust? How can bankers justify these continuing inequities? Should not money begin to operate in a way that facilitates the ending of poverty, misery, of brutal resource competition that wastes lives in war?
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Re: Charles Carreon, The Arizona Kid

Postby admin » Thu Oct 03, 2013 6:05 am


11:53pm, April 5, 2005

The lawyers didn't have much to say about the accession of Alberto Gonzales to the status of Chief Inquisitor, I mean Attorney General, so perhaps we will have to listen to what the doctors have to say. While the law is made, apparently, to be twisted out of all recognizable shape, the Hippocratic oath is supposed to be followed religiously. Apparently, the military medicoes have fallen down on the job. The Executive Director of PSR had this to say:

Robert K. Musil, Executive Director of PSR wrote:

Torture—much in the news these days—is fundamentally a medical procedure that hangs the Hippocratic Oath, medical ethics, and military law by their heels. The Hippocratic Oath embodies the deepest, ancient moral values of the medical profession in its statement: “to the sick I will do no harm or injustice.” Torture inverts medical disciplines—internal medicine, orthopedics, trauma, psychology and psychiatry, cardiology, neurology—to inflict premeditated harm on a vulnerable human being. The usual practice is to cause sufficient suffering and bodily injury, short of death, to induce a patient to relinquish private information or confess. Torture is not only illegal; it is, in a word, abhorrent.

I have been proud to represent and speak for PSR at national events denouncing torture and actively opposing the nomination of Judge Alberto Gonzales—the author of the Administration’s pseudo-legal justifications for its torture of prisoners—for Attorney General of the United States. PSR has been joined in these efforts by other activist public health organizations, such as Physicians for Human Rights, as well as by the American Public Health Association, and even the venerable American Medical Association. All these groups have spoken out sharply against torture, in response to credible reports of its use by American military and intelligence personnel at Guantanamo Bay, in Abu Ghraib, and elsewhere. Indeed, the use of torture by the United States has for more than two years occupied the articles and commentary of leading medical journals such as The Lancet and The New England Journal of Medicine, where it is roundly condemned on legal, medical, and ethical grounds.

What the American public and policy makers must understand is that physicians, nurses, medics, and other medical personnel who serve in the Armed Forces have an obligation to refuse to participate in torture, and to report such unethical and illegal behavior when they observe it or treat its victims. To date, to our knowledge, this has not happened. Instead, we have reports of doctors called to treat dislocated limbs and bruised genitals; of a nurse, asked to treat a detainee undergoing a panic attack, who observed piles of hooded, naked detainees, yet failed to report the abuse until after investigations began; and of physicians who have used medical records of detainees to help design effective interrogation techniques. Shockingly, the Department of Defense still maintains that doctors who cooperate in interrogations are not practicing medicine and are therefore exempt from the rules of warfare pertaining to physicians and the Hippocratic Oath. There is absolutely no precedent for such a view. Again, recent commentary in medical journals condemns it.

Given the nature of the psychological stresses and humiliations, beatings, other bodily injuries, and some resulting deaths that we now know about, the torture of detainees in American custody could not have occurred without being observed, condoned, or participated in by medical personnel. In his landmark study The Nazi Doctors, Dr. Robert Jay Lifton describes the process by which physicians in Germany were socialized to more extreme forms of torture. The habit of responding to command and authority—first in the medical profession, then in the military, and, ultimately, as leaders in the death camps—turned compassionate, even idealistic doctors into practitioners in a system of atrocities. That is why the Geneva Conventions are so explicit about the need for doctors to treat all parties humanely, to uphold the human dignity and worth of detainees, and to recognize as illegal any orders to do otherwise.

Physicians for Social Responsibility will continue to actively oppose torture and the war policies that give rise to it. We have joined with Veterans for Common Sense in a national letter campaign, and with MoveOn, Amnesty International, Win Without and War, and others in national media campaigns. We will not rest until this fundamental assault on human dignity, and the on core concepts of medical treatment and trust, is halted.

Robert K. Musil, Ph.D., M.P.H.
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Re: Charles Carreon, The Arizona Kid

Postby admin » Thu Oct 03, 2013 6:11 am


3:07 pm, April 10, 2005


During early 2004, a young Portland Oregon lawyer named Brandon Mayfield had his life turned upside down when the FBI arrested him and put him in secret confinement for a couple of weeks, until it finally allowed his wife to know where he was. The charges were “terrorism,” and the grounds were that the FBI, in responding to a Spanish request for assistance to seek a digital match of a fingerprint found on a piece of plastic connected to the Madrid train bombings, had discovered a match with Mr. Mayfield. Supposedly they then discovered that Mr. Mayfield was married to a Muslim woman, had converted to Islam, and had represented Jeffrey Battle, one of the poor dunderheads who got thrown in jail as terrorists because their blood got hot and they went off to Pakistan to pretend to do jihad. Battle went to jail, but Mr. Mayfield had nothing to do with that aspect of Battle's life — he had represented Battle only in a child custody dispute. The FBI plowed ahead with its case, even though Mr. Mayfield was a former Air Force JAG Corps lawyer, had never been to Spain, and the Spanish police were not supporting their forensic analysis. Shortly after the election of Zapatero as the new Spanish President, the government released Mr. Mayfield when the Spanish announced they had arrested the man whose fingerprint the FBI claimed was Mr. Mayfield's.

Eventually the charges were dropped and Mr. Mayfield actually got an apology from the FBI. During his confirmation hearings, Alberto Gonzales admitted that the Patriot Act provisions had been used in Mr. Mayfield's case.

As an Oregon lawyer, the case scared the bejeezus out of me, especially when I learned that one of the facts in the affidavit true of Mr. Mayfield was also true of me! For Mayfield's wife had once made a phone call to an Ashland man named Pete Seda, a long-time Ashland resident who was my friend dating back to 1982, when I tutored him in the English lab at SOU. He was a dyslexic Arab, which is really difficult, since they read their books from back to front. So reading English was hell for him, and I'd sit and compose his essays on the typewriter while he talked out his thoughts. It was fun, and he was very intelligent and unconventional. Well, Pete is now being charged, much to the disgust of all of us in Ashland, with some kind of terrorist claim involving his receipt of funds from a now-denounced Islamic charity. So I knew Pete well, and talked with him about his fear of persecution after 911. Indeed, I went to a redneck gas station with him one afternoon in 2002, and we collected some nasty glares. Bottom line, though, Pete Seda had been a forest protection activist back in the eighties and nineties. Then he became an Islamic peace activist, and never advocated or contemplated violence for an instant. He worked day and night at his business, The Arborist, and loved his work of caring for trees. The fact that he has had to leave the country with his family is really just a pogrom in our little town.

But back to Mr. Mayfield. Obviously, if they bothered add the fact that his wife once called Pete Seda to the affidavit they submitted to Federal Judge Bob Jones to justify secretly jailing Mr. Mayfield, then two things must be true: (1) The US Attorney engaged in a huge slander of Pete Seda in order to imply that Mr. Mayfield's wife's call to him was in any way inappropriate, and (2) The US Attorney must have been might short on real evidence to justify the secret arrest, because calling Pete Seda is something that thousands and thousands of people have done without criminal intent. Nevertheless, Judge Jones signed the order, and directed that a man be delivered to the tender mercies of the government “intelligence” apparatus.

Looking back at fact number two — the lack of evidence to levy against Mr. Mayfield that is implied by the use of flimsy slanders against an Ashland Islamic peace activist to suggest wrongful conduct on the part of Mr. Mayfield – we might consider what they had access to. Well, most cops don’t get to search someone’s house at all, but under the Patriot Act, they can do it secretly. This creates potential for a conversation like this:

Mr. Mayfield: (Dialing 911) Hello, 911, I have a crime to report.

911 Operator: Allright sir, where is it taking place?

Mr. Mayfield: Someone has ransacked my home and office at such-and-such location. Things are missing, and out of place. There’s no sign of forced entry, and I’m concerned for my family’s safety.

911 Operator: Oh, sir we can’t take a report from you about that.

Mr. Mayfield: Why is that?

911 Operator: Well, you see, it was definitely not criminals who went into your house.

Mr. Mayfield: How is that?

911 Operator: Well, sir, I can’t tell you, but we cannot take your report.

Of course, this is absolutely not a joke, although it provokes some people to laughter. This is really horrific, and the sort of privacy invasion that is currently apparently considered constitutional by Judge Jones. As a matter of fact, since every Federal Judge has sworn to uphold the Constitution, I think they should resign before they sign even one secret search or secret arrest order.

So after getting the secret search order, what did they get from the search? Zip. Nada. Nothin’. Zero. Just his family DNA, copies of all his computer hard drives, a few cigarette butts that had already been smoked, etcetera. Then, the FBI apparently just put this data out for its people to share, distribute, examine, and spread about freely with no accounting whatsoever for that dissemination, or thinking that somehow how this vast, unwarranted privacy invasion of a single man’s life would ever be unraveled.

The provisions of the Patriot Act permitting these judicially-assisted invasions of privacy, which will ultimately be determined to be totally unconstitutional when the Gonzales-Ashcroft school of civil liberties is felled like the misbegotten Philistine Goliath that it is. Who will be the David who finds who brings down this cruel, brutal, senseless enemy of freedom? Well, since we are past the days of fighting through champions, those Davids must be ourselves. If all that is required for evil to prevail is the silence of good people, then we should speak up now, before some FBI agent learns that we’ve been talking to peace activists.

The article from the Oregonian provides a smoking gun (in blue below) from the FBI’s own vault. Please note that the FBI confession is, by its own terms, incomplete, as it admits that it also conducted wiretaps and other physical searches of his life.

Bottom line – how can you protect yourself against sneek-and-peek searches? Same way you can protect yourself from thieves – covert video surveillance of your own home. In other words, we now have to protect ourselves from the government as if it were a criminal. I tell you – if Mr. Mayfield had known that Men In Black had pawed through his office, copied all his documents, disk drives, and bagged up the contents of his ashtrays, what do you think he would have done? You know, Portland is not that far from Canada, and I think sometimes the cold air up there is a good thing. Clears the head.

"David Sarasohn, for The Oregonian“

A new word on Mayfield, the Patriot Act Friday, April 08, 2005 David Sarasohn A year after he was released from prison with an FBI apology, Brandon Mayfield recently learned some more things about his arrest as a terrorist.

At the same time, Congress — holding hearings on the reauthorization of the USA Patriot Act — learned a little more about the act, and about what happens when Congress gives government vast new powers without stopping to think about it.

Ever since the arrest and awkward release of Mayfield, on the mistaken grounds that his fingerprint was found on an item connected with the terrorist train bombing in Spain last March, the Justice Department has insisted that the Patriot Act had nothing to do with his arrest. That insistence continued through the opening of Attorney General Alberto Gonzales' testimony Monday to the Senate Judiciary Committee — and then ended a few hours into the testimony, when Gonzales said that, well, yes, a couple of the Patriot Act powers had been involved.

Gonzales told the senators that the FBI had indeed used new powers of electronic surveillance, as well as another section of the act, in its investigation of the Beaverton lawyer -- based on a mishandled fingerprint and, implicitly, his identity as a Muslim convert. Agents collected quite a bit.

At the end of March, as part of his lawsuit against the federal government, Mayfield's attorney received a statement:

”Mr. Mayfield is hereby notified that the following property was seized, altered or reproduced during (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) searches of his residence: three hard drives of three desk top computers and one loose hard drive were copied; several documents in the residence were digitally photographed; ten DNA samples were taken and preserved on cotton swabs and six cigarette butts were seized for DNA analysis; and approximately 335 digital photographs were taken of the residence and the property therein . . . Mr. Mayfield is also hereby notified that he was the target of electronic surveillance and other physical searches authorized pursuant to FISA.“

Nobody at this point thinks any of the material seized has any national security significance. Nobody now thinks the secret evidence behind the search meant anything.

People do know that anything collected can now be widely shared.

”There is no idea,“ says Steven T. Wax, federal public defender who first worked with Mayfield, ”how many hundreds and hundreds of people, in intelligence offices around the world, now have access to private materials on Mr. Mayfield, his children and perhaps some of his clients.“

Plus his family's DNA.

In fact, Mayfield can't know exactly what's out there.

”Worse still,“ says Rep. John Conyers, ranking Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee, ”the department still refuses to give Mayfield a full accounting of what searches were conducted, when they were conducted and what exactly was seized. When an innocent man can't even find out the extent to which his rights have been violated, something is very, very wrong with our system of checks and balances.“

That fear, that something has gone off the rails, is why Gonzales was called to testify this week before the Senate and House judiciary committees, considering whether to reauthorize or amend the Patriot Act. It's why a bipartisan group of senators, led by Larry Craig, R-Idaho, has reintroduced the Security and Freedom Ensured Act, which would limit the government's powers to make secret searches without showing probable cause.

”I think we've got a chance to get some of it done,“ says Sen. Russell Feingold, D-Wis., the only senator to vote against the Patriot Act in 2001 and now a SAFE Act co-sponsor. Feingold notes that now even Gonzales is open to some limits — although the administration also wants other changes to expand its powers even more.

The Mayfield case, Feingold says, ”had a big effect on the whole attitude that anybody who criticized the law really wasn't concerned about terrorism.“ When Gonzales changed course and admitted a Patriot Act role in the case, ”That was noticed at the hearing.“

The case resounds in other places. In Salem this week, a Patriot Act-driven House bill to require state employees to stay within the Oregon Constitution was referred to committee. Last session, the state Senate passed a resolution calling for changes in the act, 23-2, the most bipartisan thing that happened there all year. Last month, the Montana House passed a similar bill, 88-12.

”The Mayfield case certainly does touch a red button for people here,“ says Rep. Peter Buckley, D-Ashland, co-sponsor of the House bill. ”It's one way we make the case that the Patriot Act has led to actions unacceptable to the state."

Last week, we learned more about the Mayfield case.

And just how far the Patriot Act can go.

David Sarasohn, associate editor of The Oregonian, can be reached at 503-221-8523 or
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Re: Charles Carreon, The Arizona Kid

Postby admin » Thu Oct 03, 2013 6:12 am


9:27 pm, April 14, 2005

Did you know that to register a work with the US Copyright Office you have to deposit a copy of the work with the Register of Copyrights? That means that the Copyright Office is the biggest library in the world, filling up with all kinds of works that get copyrighted but never get published.

Out of print works, if copyrighted, can still be found by requesting a copy of the “deposit” from the Office. Here's a quote from their website about how to do it:

1903.02 Requests for copies other than additional certificates. Requests for copies of records, indexes, material from the authorization file, correspondence, and deposits should be made to the Certifications and Documents Section. Fees are charged for making copies, for any searches required to find the material, and for certification. Failure to provide a registration number and year date, or volume and document number for a recorded document, may result in a search charge to find the material. To minimize search fees and expedite copying, the request for copies should include the following information when available:

1) A clear identification of the type of records or deposits to be copied (for example copies of deposits, correspondence, catalog entries, etc.).

2) A specification of whether the copies are to be certified or uncertified.

3) A clear identification of the specific records to be copied including, where possible, the type of work involved (for example a novel, song lyrics, technical drawing), the registration number, if any, the year date or approximate year date of registration or submission to the Office, the complete title of the work, the author(s) including any pseudonym, the claimant(s), and if the requested copy is of an assignment, license, contract, or other recorded document, the volume and page number of the recorded document.

4) The telephone number and address of the requester.

See 37 C.F.R. 201.2(d).
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Re: Charles Carreon, The Arizona Kid

Postby admin » Thu Oct 03, 2013 6:17 am


9:36 pm, April 20, 2005

Liquid medical marijuana product approved in Canada

April 21, 2005

The Canadian government this week approved the prescription sale of a liquid marijuana extract to treat symptoms of multiple sclerosis, the Washington, D.C.-based Marijuana Policy Project reports. Sativex, produced by U.K. firm GW Pharmaceuticals, is a whole-plant extract that contains all of the naturally occurring compounds called cannabinoids that are found in marijuana plants. MPP did not report when the product would be available in Canada, or whether health authorities would seek wider approval of Sativex to treat symptoms of other diseases, including HIV and cancer.

The U.S. government does not permit medical marijuana use, but 10 states--Alaska, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington--have passed measures that allow seriously ill people to legally use the drug for medicinal purposes. Maryland has a law that does not legalize medical marijuana use or stop police from arresting users, but prevents those who are arrested from being jailed. The only federally approved marijuana-related product available in the United States is Marinol, a pill containing a synthetic version of THC, an active ingredient in marijuana. The Bush administration claims there is no scientific data to show that medical marijuana offers any health benefits to patients who smoke or ingest it, and vigorously opposes state-level laws permitting its use.

But MPP says that the Canadian government's scientific review and approval of Sativex shows that Bush-administration arguments that marijuana has no medicinal value are false. ”If Sativex is safe and effective, marijuana is safe and effective,“ the organization says in a press release. MPP executive director Rob Kampia adds, ”With Canada taking such a significant step toward recognizing marijuana's safety and effectiveness as a medicine, it's becoming harder and harder for U.S. officials to defend arresting and imprisoning medical marijuana patients in our own country."

12:18 am, August 15, 2005

Liquid medical marijuana product approved in Canada

Marijuana medicine tests pot's potential Canada's approval of a cannabis-based medicine has people wondering what would be possible if a stigma could be removed.

Times Senior Correspondent Published
August 1, 2005

BURLINGTON, Ontario - Since she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis 13 years ago, Alison Myrden has suffered from pain so intense it feels like ”lightning going off in my face.“

To reduce her agony, Myrden, 41, has long taken dozens of prescription pills a day, including the powerful Dilaudin. Now, though, she has a new weapon in her arsenal: Sativex, billed as the world's first cannabis-based drug.

”I think it has good potential,“ says Myrden, squirting Sativex into her mouth from a small sprayer. ”It's really fabulous that the government has taken marijuana seriously and is making a medicine of it.“

This spring, Canada became the first country to approve Sativex, a prescription drug for MS that contains tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, and other active ingredients of the Cannabis sativa plant. The drug went on sale throughout Canada in mid June, just a week after the medical marijuana movement in the United States was dealt a major setback by the U.S. Supreme Court.

Sativex is so new and expensive that few Canadians are using it so far. But given the timing of its debut, it has highlighted the divergent views on marijuana's therapeutic benefits.

Sativex ”is an important step, but why should this whole field be centered in Canada and England instead of the United States? It's because of the repression of science in the United States,“ says Rick Doblin, whose Sarasota-based Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies funds research of marijuana's medical effects.

But the U.S. government's Office of National Drug Control Policy, which deems marijuana a dangerous drug, says many of those touting its therapeutic use want to legalize its recreational use as well.

”Of course we would look at any medicine proven safe or efficacious,“ says spokesman Tom Riley. ”But the medical marijuana issue has been kind of larded with hype for a number of years by a lot of people with agendas in this area.“

Sativex was developed by GW Pharmaceuticals, a small British company that is trying to distance itself from the medical marijuana debate as it seeks U.S. and European approval of a potentially lucrative product.

”There is a clear distinction to be drawn between what you would call medical marijuana and Sativex, which is the name of a medicine,“ says Mark Rogerson, a GW spokesman. ”Medical marijuana is smoking a joint or baking a cake. This is a prescription medicine for MS.“

Multiple sclerosis is a chronic disease of the central nervous system (brain, spinal cord and optic nerves) that affects people in unpredictable ways. Some patients suffer from spasticity, causing the muscles to lock up; others, like Myrden, shake or have excruciating pain.

In Britain, GW has focused on Sativex as a treatment for spasticity. So far the British government has refused to approve it without more evidence it works for that purpose.

In Canada, however, Sativex has been approved for use in treating neuropathic pain, another common symptom.

Myrden, a disabled former corrections officer and one of 50,000 Canadians with MS, says Sativex helps relieve pain but is not as cheap or effective as the plant.

Unlike the other drugs she takes, Sativex is not covered by Ontario's health care program. A small bottle, with enough sprays to last Myrden just 31/2 days, costs $125.

For Sativex to gain wider use, ”it has to be cost effective,“ says Myrden, who lives on government disability and help from her mother and boyfriend. ”It's about $1,000 a month - where am I going to get money for my next prescription?“

By comparison, it costs Myrden about $400 a month to buy marijuana from compassion clubs, the quasilegal establishments that sell it for medicinal purposes. She is also among a few hundred Canadians licensed by the government to grow marijuana and smoke it wherever tobacco cigarettes are allowed.

Despite its high price, Sativex is less effective than regular marijuana, Myrden has found. She never used marijuana before developing MS, she says, but now smokes it several times a day and eats it in oatmeal cookies.

With the right strain of marijuana, ”I can get rid of the pain in minutes for two hours. I would rely on marijuana hands down - it's the only thing that gives me quality of life.“

The Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada considers Sativex ”just another“ treatment for MS-related symptoms.

That it comes in spray form and is obtainable only by prescription ”is a little more reassuring because it's less apt to be abused,“ says Dr. William McIlroy, the society's medical adviser. ”The majority of doctors in Canada don't want to be known as the primary source of smoked marijuana.“

In the United States, where MS afflicts 400,000, the National Multiple Sclerosis Society says anecdotal evidence suggests marijuana can help reduce MS-related pain. But it remains difficult to measure relief objectively: Participants in one study realized they were getting a cannabinoid-based treatment instead of a placebo when they developed the dry mouth and lightheadedness familiar to marijuana users.

”So far the studies that have purported to show the benefits of marijuana have not been well-blinded, and so people knew what they were receiving,“ says John Richert, the society's vice president for research. ”That makes it impossible to distinguish whether one is seeing a true effect of the treatment or whether it is a placebo effect.“

As for Sativex, ”there is still no good scientific study that proves its efficacy,“ Richert says.

GW Pharmaceuticals has yet to formally seek approval for Sativex in the United States, though it has ”started the process“ of talking to the Food and Drug Administration, says Rogerson, the GW spokesman. ”No disrespect to the FDA, but we would expect it be a longer process in the States.“

Advocates of medical marijuana claim the U.S. government has made it difficult to do scientific research into the plant's therapeutic effects. Researchers must get federal approval for their studies and must use marijuana from a government farm in Mississippi.

”This is the only drug in America for which the only source for research purposes is the U.S. government, and they have a reputation for producing not very good quality stuff,“ says Ethan Nadelmann, executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance, which advocates more liberal drug policies.

Availability of the Mississippi marijuana used to be limited to those studying the plant's effects on behavior and reasoning. But the government began giving it to other researchers after a federal advisory panel found enough evidence of marijuana's medical benefits to warrant additional study.

”Except for the harm associated with smoking, the adverse effects of marijuana are within the range of effects tolerated for other medicines,“ said a report by the Institute of Medicine.

Thousands of people with MS, cancer, AIDS and other diseases routinely use marijuana in California and the 10 other states with medical marijuana laws. (Florida is not among them.) In June, however, the Supreme Court ruled that the federal government still can ban marijuana possession in states that have eliminated penalties for its therapeutic use.

That's unfortunate, says Myrden, who applauds the Canadian government for approving Sativex and allowing sick people to use marijuana in other forms as well.

”I'm really excited this is available,“ she says of Sativex, ”but you have to realize the natural form is just as good if not better."

--Susan Taylor Martin can be contacted at

© Copyright 2003 St. Petersburg Times. All rights reserved


2:25 pm, August 31, 2005

Lee Berger, a member of the Oregon State Bar and the Oregon Criminal Defense Lawyer's Association has produced an analysis of the effect of the legislature's recent amendment's to the citizen-adopted Medical Marijuana act. According to the report, patient advocates and law enforcement representatives met to deal with some concerns they both had, but after four meetings, the cops boycotted the last one, and the amendments were as analyzed below.

Some of the salient points regarding were: 1. Transfers of Medical MJ gratis between cardholders is not “delivery” of MJ under federal criminal laws. 2. Cardholders must have their card on them when they're moving Medical MJ outside their residence. 3. For purposes of counting plants subject to the six-plant limit, a plant must either be flowering or over 12 inches high or 12 inches wide, and must be a mature plant. 4. Caregivers are covered who administer Medical MJ to inpatients in medical care.

There are many more details to the amendments, so please read Lee's very helpful article if you need to learn more.
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Re: Charles Carreon, The Arizona Kid

Postby admin » Thu Oct 03, 2013 6:18 am


10:10 am, April 21, 2005

Raised Roman Catholic, and educated in Franciscan, Benedictine, and Jesuit schools, I have an opinion about this Pope. The Jesuits taught us that to be spiritual is to be beyond the influence of the times and peer pressure — to “be your own man.” But Pope Benedict sounds like a go-along to get-along kind of guy. While he may not deserve to be crucified for joining Hitler Youth in the first place, this thing he confessed to, of pretending to be Hitler Youth to get a tuition break after completing his seminary education, discloses a character flaw. Clearly he was already through his priestly education at this point, having completed seminary, and yet he's pretending to be a fascist to get a tuition break? Give me a break!

"The Pope“

'When the Hitler Youth was established, my brother was forced to become a member,' Ratzinger said in an interview in 1997. ”I was still too young, but later, when I entered the seminary, I also joined. But as soon as I had left the seminary, I never went to see them again. And this was difficult, because in order to be entitled to get a discount on the tuition fee, which I urgently needed, one had to prove that one was a member of the Hitler Youth.'

In other words, he joined Hitler Youth at the same time as he joined God's Army of celibate clerics, then didn't go back to the clubhouse after graduation, but just pretended as much as necessary to “prove” himself a member. I bet on occasion that required a little fancy guss-stepping!

A Pope should be a man of character, someone worthy to fill the shoes of the first Pope, Peter, whose name means “Rock.” Peter was one tough guy, who himself attained martyrdom at the hands of the Romans, just like his zealot leader, but insisted on a distinction from his executioners — he wanted to be crucified upside down. Legend says he claimed to be unworthy to of the honor of being crucified in the same manner as his master.

Peter had shown a crazy streak early on, though, like in the Garden of Gesthemane, when he cut off the Roman soldier's ear with his fisherman's blade, and Jesus had to re-attach it to calm things down. Somehow, I don't think our new Pope could fill the shoes of such a fisherman. He'd more likely be out there with Judas, seeing what they could buy for 30 pieces of silver. It's just what anyone else would do, and that is the standard on which the public seems eager to judge this Pope. Why didn't they look for a priest who was a fisherman? Then they might have even found a Pope from Africa or South America, or some other former European colony.

Benedictu Sancti, Chas ;)
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Re: Charles Carreon, The Arizona Kid

Postby admin » Thu Oct 03, 2013 6:22 am


11:49 pm, April 24, 2005

It is a great comfort to know that the most drastic legislation in this nation's history was written by a first-generation Vietnamese immigrant traumatized by spending a portion of his childhood adrift as a boat person due to the faithless US abdication of its anticommunist mission in his native land. New to this country in spirit, in 2001 he declared himself “really enamored by the institutions of government,” and has declared his intention to keep shaping anti-terrorist policy until he's made the nation safe. I would like to think he has a Spiderman complex, but that's probably too generous an assessment. A political animal reared in the slimepit of Orange County politics, John Ashcroft gave this dangerously clever man discretion to reshape the Department of Justice into a terrorist-fighting machine. Why was he given such free rein? His previous achievements — teaching at Georgetown law school and hectoring the Clintons in the Whitewater investigation — would not seem to fit him for the job of abolishing the Bill of Rights, but then what experience do you need to do something so stupid! Actually, the fact that he has never been a trial lawyer, and has therefore never prosecuted or defended anyone in a situation where they really needed to assert their civil rights, is the sort of aggressive ignorance that enables someone to do something especially stupid. A notable example of the Peter Principle (people rise to their level of incompetence) acting with extraordinary swiftness. Well, no need to rant about spilled civil liberties, eh? There's an oil war on!

LA Times 9/18/02

At Home in War on Terror: Viet Dinh has gone from academe to a key behind-the scenes role. Conservatives love him; others find his views constitutionally suspect

Loretto, PA. – Viet Dinh is working the room. Viet Dinh, it seems, is always working a room.

The room itself isn't much, at least not by the standards of one of the rising stars of the Bush administration. A hundred or so faculty members and supporters at Saint Francis University in rural Pennsylvania are lunching in a nondescript student center to hear Dinh, advisor to U.S. Atty. Gen. John Ashcroft and a point man in the war on terrorism, philosophize about how liberty and freedom can thrive even in a time of national crisis.

But look closer, and the Vietnamese-born, Southern California-bred Dinh has a more immediate agenda. Seated at lunch next to him is a local district judge, D. Brooks Smith, whose promotion to a federal appellate court has been imperiled by protests over his civil rights record. Literally and figuratively, Dinh is at Smith's side.

Amid Dinh's broad legal colloquies and historical references to Nathan Hale and William Penn, he delivers an impassioned endorsement of Smith. He steps up the drumbeat for local television reporters after his speech, decrying the ”liberal activists“ who have threatened to derail President Bush's nominee.

The scene is typical of Dinh and his remarkable ascent to power: Part law school professor, part political pit bull, Dinh has navigated seamlessly between the worlds of Ivory Tower academia and sharp-elbowed Washington politics to leave his imprint on a wide array of policy decisions.

If Ashcroft and Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld are the face of the Bush administration's anti-terrorism campaign, Dinh and a small cadre of other behind-the-scenes advisors have emerged as its brain trust.

At age 34, he already has filled a resume befitting a man twice his age: boat refugee from Vietnam, Oregon fruit picker, Orange County burger-flipper, Harvard Law School graduate, U.S. Supreme Court clerk, Georgetown Law School professor, constitutional scholar, lawyer to a high-powered congressional committee. His is ”a spectacular American story,“ Sen. Pete V. Domenici (R-N.M.) said in introducing Dinh to the Senate during his confirmation hearings 16 months ago.

Dinh's current role as an assistant attorney general clearly has given him his most important platform yet. At first a somewhat obscure player in Ashcroft's Justice Department, his prominence in recent months has made him both a darling of the conservative movement and a lightning rod for criticism from liberal-leaning politicians and civil rights activists who assert that his views run roughshod over the Constitution.

On topics as far-ranging as gun control, cyber pornography, human trafficking and the selection of new federal judges, Dinh has played an increasingly critical role in shaping federal law enforcement policy. But nowhere has his impact been felt more keenly than in the Bush administration's highest priority: its aggressive war on terrorism.

Crafted Patriot Act

Dinh was the chief architect of the USA Patriot Act, the legislation approved by Congress in the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks that gives law enforcement agencies vastly expanded powers to track terror suspects. He has been the official responsible for crafting a series of anti-terrorism initiatives that would, among other things, require the fingerprinting of potentially tens of thousands of visiting foreigners from Middle East countries and would put foreign students on a much tighter leash.

He revamped the law enforcement guidelines that Ashcroft announced in May to give FBI agents new powers to snoop in mosques and surf the Internet. And he is now working on a plan to promote better coordination within the Justice Department and with agencies such as the CIA, a task aimed at preventing the communication breakdowns that preceded Sept. 11.

”I did not sign up for a war,“ Dinh said in an interview. ”But it's a privilege, a profound honor really, to serve your country in a time of crisis. I can't imagine a better place for me to be right now.“

What is perhaps most surprising to Justice Department observers is that Dinh has achieved such influence as one of 11 assistant attorneys general in charge of the Justice Department's Office of Legal Policy. The office was once a low-profile, somewhat nebulous operation chiefly concerned with federal judicial nominations--''a backwater,'' one former employee, who worked for the department during Janet Reno's tenure, called it. But with Ashcroft's blessing, Dinh has expanded the office's reach into areas once considered far outside its domain. Ashcroft's a Fan

Dinh, a wiry, energetic man who spews out ideas and legal theory at a furious staccato clip, has turned his boss into one of his biggest fans.

”It's hard to point to a part of this department,“ Ashcroft said in an interview, ”that isn't related to sound legal policy, so [Dinh] has become an integral part of virtually every decision we make.... He operates on a gold-medal level.“

Dinh recalls the instructions Ashcroft gave him when he took over the job last year.

”He told me: 'The art of leadership is the redefinition of the possible. I want you to be the think tank to help me redefine the possible for the Department of Justice.' That was a great charge for an academic,“ Dinh said.

Some Republicans even speculate that Dinh could someday be a candidate for the first Asian American justice on the Supreme Court. But with success and visibility have come a growing chorus of critics who attack his policies and politics.

Democrats on Capitol Hill have publicly chastised Dinh for disregarding the privacy rights of law-abiding Americans. An irritated former Secretary of State Warren Christopher challenged him at a law conference last summer by suggesting that the administration's refusal to identify terrorist detainees reminded him of Argentina's notorious practice of simply making prisoners ”disappear.“ And gun control advocates accuse Dinh of serving as Ashcroft's buffer on 2nd Amendment issues, helping to scale back regulations for enforcing gun laws.

”John Ashcroft has put together the most right-wing legal team in modern Justice Department history, and Viet Dinh is, by all accounts, a principal player. His impact has been felt across the department,“ said Ralph Neas, president of People for the American Way, a liberal civil rights group.

Where Bush administration loyalists see an aggressive counterattack on terrorism, civil rights activists see an infringement on American liberties. Where supporters see well-crafted public policy, critics see far-reaching edicts made under a veil of secrecy.

”When you start acting by executive fiat, that's what leads to governmental abuses,“ Neas said, ”and that's why I'm so worried about what Viet Dinh and John Ashcroft have been doing in the last year.“

Emotional Memory

Nearly a quarter-century later, Dinh still becomes emotional when remembering one scene: his mother in a Malaysian port, wielding an ax that seemed bigger than she was, whacking holes in the side of the vessel so she and five of her children would not be sent back out to sea.

It was 1978. Dinh was 10. His father was being held as a political prisoner in the family's war-ravaged homeland, when his mother, Nga Thu Nguyen, tried to escape by sea with Viet and the other children. They were among 85 people crammed on a 15-foot-long boat, but as Dinh's mother recalled in a recent telephone interview from her Garden Grove home, ”after three days, the boat was broken. After seven days, there was no more food or water.“

After 12 days, she had lost nearly all hope. But they came upon a Thai fishing crew who gave them food and gas, helped fix the boat and pointed them toward land. They reached Malaysia--only to be met by gunshots from a patrol boat. The Malaysians didn't want them. Their boat managed to dock, but Nguyen realized that the port police would force them to leave the next morning, so she crept back out to the boat alone that night with an ax, she said. ”I just hit it and hit it and made holes everywhere,“ she said.

Dinh, recounting the events last year before the Senate Judiciary Committee as his nomination was considered, said it demonstrated for him the ”incredible courage“ of his mother and the ”incredible lengths“ to which people will go in search of freedom.

The administration's critics now find it ironic that Dinh, a refugee himself and an inspiration to many Asian Americans in Southern California, would advance policies that civil libertarians say place many Arabs and Arab Americans under a cloud of suspicion. But Dinh counters that his experience has given him a ”special sensitivity to what it means to be an American“ and how important it is to apply the law equally, regardless of race or ethnicity.

After six months as refugees in Malaysia, Dinh's family made it to Oregon for Thanksgiving of 1978. They picked strawberries for menial wages, sending money back to Dinh's father and a sibling hiding out in Vietnam. After Mt. St. Helens erupted in 1980, the crop damage forced his family to relocate to Fullerton.

In Orange County, the teenager worked with his mother in a sewing shop and put in time at fast-food restaurants after school. The family's persistence paid off in 1983 when Dinh's father finally made it to America. Dinh's parents wanted him to be a doctor. But politics was his passion, an interest fueled by his mother.

''He had a hatred of the Communists because I made him understand it was the Communists who had taken his father away from the house and put him in prison,'' Nguyen said. ''I instilled that in him early on.''

Like many Vietnamese immigrants, Dinh's emotional experience in his homeland steered him toward the Republican Party because of the GOP's hard-line stance against communism.

Youthful Volunteer

Garden Grove Councilman Van Tran remembers Dinh, just out of Fullerton High School, volunteering to work the phone banks at an Asian American voter registration center set up by then-Rep. Robert K. Dornan.

”He used to call me anh, or 'elder brother.' He stood out even then as a lanky 18-year-old because he was someone who was very quick and very witty,“ Tran said.

Dinh's reputation as affable, bright and politically astute would follow him through Harvard University and Harvard Law School, which he attended with the aid of scholarships and graduated magna cum laude, and to the U.S. Supreme Court, where he clerked for Justice Sandra Day O'Connor.

”He was a wonderful law clerk,“ O'Connor recalled recently. ”I was so fascinated by his background and the fact that he had arrived on our shores with nothing but the clothes on his back, yet somehow he had persevered.“

By 1999, Dinh had firmly established his Republican credentials as a lawyer for two of the most bitterly partisan initiatives in Washington, working first for Sen. Alfonse M. D'Amato (R-N.Y.) in the Senate investigation into President Clinton's Whitewater dealings in the mid-1990s, and later for Domenici during Clinton's impeachment trial.

When the 2000 presidential election led to a landmark lawsuit, Dinh was there to write a friend-of-the-court brief before the U.S. Supreme Court on behalf of a group of Florida voters who backed Bush's position.

When Ashcroft's nomination as attorney general ran into widespread opposition in January 2001 over his record on civil rights and other issues, Dinh wrote an op-ed piece in the Washington Post extolling Ashcroft's ”deep compassion“ for minorities.

And when Dinh was nominated a few months after that article to become one of Ashcroft's top deputies, he contacted Tran and asked him to call Rep. Loretta Sanchez (D-Garden Grove) to see whether she would be willing to introduce him at his Senate confirmation hearings, even though he was a Republican nominee, Tran said. Dinh's nomination was confirmed by a 96-1 vote in the Senate.

Dinh was feted as a returning hero at a Vietnamese American festival in Orange County last year.

”Sanchez understood right away the political significance of such a gesture, and Viet got a bipartisan introduction“ before the Senate, Tran said. ”I thought it was a brilliant move on his part.“

Too brilliant, some of his Democratic detractors on Capitol Hill say. While demanding anonymity because of frayed relations with Ashcroft's office, several Democratic officials describe Dinh in terms such as ”rawly political,“ and have even coined a derisive nickname to describe his aggressive politicking: ”Viet Spin.“

Democrats whisper that during his days on the Whitewater investigation, Dinh was suspected of leaking confidential information to the news media in order to hurt Clinton.

Dinh vehemently denies the charge, but Democrats say lingering resentments over his Whitewater days--Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y) was the only senator to vote against his confirmation--have hurt his relations on Capitol Hill and caused tensions as the Ashcroft administration has pushed to expand its law enforcement powers.

No Time for Golf

If such political sniping has bothered Dinh, he doesn't show it. Indeed, about the only regret that Dinh, a bachelor, confesses is that his hectic pace has given him time to hit the golf links only once or twice since Sept. 11.

After reaching a pinnacle in his career, he insists his mind is squarely focused on the task at hand: revamping federal law enforcement to confront the threat of terrorism.

That has to be ”the overriding priority,“ Dinh said. ”The day that we relax is either the day that we have definitely won this war or the day that I get somebody else to continue my job."

"The Orange County Register 5/10/01“

Ex-refugee is nominated for Justice post: A Fullerton High grad gets praise at his Senate confirmation hearing.

Viet Dinh wiped tears from his eyes as a United States senator chronicled his remarkable journey from a 10-year-old fleeing Vietnam in a boat to a law professor facing a congressional panel Wednesday as a nominee for assistant attorney general.

For a young Dinh and his family it was the point of no return. They had fled Vietnam by boat in 1978. After 12 days with no food or water, they landed in a port in Malaysia, where they were met by gunfire and cast back into the South China Sea.

That night they swam ashore, sure their boat could not withstand another sea voyage. Dinh's mother, Nguyen, stayed aboard and, ”wielding an ax that was almost as tall as she was,“ put a hole in the side of the boat to sink it so they would not be forced back to sea, Dinh said.

”That image of my mother destroying our last link to Vietnam really stands in my mind to this day as to the courage she possesses, but also the incredible lengths which my parents, like so many other people, have gone to in order to find that promise of freedom and opportunity.“

”This is a spectacular American story,“ Sen. Pete Domenici said Wednesday as he introduced Dinh, formerly of Orange County, who was the New Mexico Republican's special counsel for President Clinton's impeachment trial. Dinh was before the Senate Judiciary Committee, which could vote as early as today on his confirmation as assistant attorney general for policy development.

”You've got a Vietnamese scholar who just 23 years ago was a young man out on a boat at sea who could just as well have drowned, and we never would have heard from him. But because of a loving family around him, they eventually ended up American citizens.“

As Domenici talked, Dinh's parents — who split their time between Garden Grove and Salem, Ore. — sat proudly next to their son. Dinh's lower lip quivered as he fought the emotion of the moment.

His journey and the patriotism for his new country came flooding back, he said, as he heard Domenici's words.

The young professor has seen much in his 33 years.

His family was separated in 1975 when his father, Phong Dinh, was imprisoned in a re-education camp after the fall of Saigon. His father escaped in 1978, and while he remained a fugitive in Vietnam, Dinh's mother, Nga Nguyen and his older siblings got on a boat with 85 other people and set out for freedom.

After their harrowing journey and a stay at a refugee camp in Malaysia, they made their way to the United States.

The family began their life in America in Portland, Ore., picking strawberries. But the eruption of Mount St. Helens volcano in 1980 wiped out their livelihood. They moved to Orange County.

Dinh was reunited with his father in 1983. In 1992, he was reunited with one of his sisters at a refugee camp in Hong Kong — a meeting filmed by NBC's Dateline newsmagazine show.

Those who knew Dinh during his teen-age years in Orange County are not surprised by his success at such a young age. They describe him as an outgoing, gregarious teen-ager with an incredibly bright and inquisitive mind.

Fullerton High School classmate James Campbell, called him a ”well rounded whiz kid. He seized all the things that a lot of us take for granted about this country,“ said Campbell, a spokesman for Supervisor Charles Smith.

Dinh will be honored by his high school alma mater this fall when he is added to Fullerton's wall of fame. He will share that wall with an ideological opposite, David Boies, former Vice President Al Gore's lawyer for the Florida recount.

Dinh was a familiar figure during that historical case, delivering sound bites on CNN and other network news shows. And Dinh filed a brief with the Supreme Court in favor of George W. Bush.

For many in the Vietnamese legal community in Orange County, Dinh is viewed as a trailblazer and risk taker.

”With his achievements, he puts the idea that a Vietnamese- American can be successful in law and on a national level,“ said Hao-Nhien Vu, a Garden Grove lawyer. If confirmed, Dinh will be the highest-ranking Vietnamese- American legal official in the nation. ”A lot of people will be watching what he does and learning from his example.“

And he honed his political skills early.

Van Thai Tran, a lawyer and Garden Grove councilman, first met Dinh in 1986 when the 17-year-old showed up at a voter-registration drive and volunteered to help.

”Even then he was quick-witted,“ Tran said.

Dinh is not expected to face a difficult confirmation. But Democrats and Republicans on the committee are feuding over the confirmation process for federal judges, and it was clear Wednesday that Department of Justice nominations are caught in the crossfire.

The only critical questioning Dinh faced was from Sen. Pat Leahy, D-Vt. Leahy asked Dinh how he could be in charge of reviewing judicial nominees when he has never been a trial lawyer. Dinh went directly from clerking for Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor to a political post and then to Georgetown Law Center as a professor.

Dinh said he would look to those in the department with such experience for help.

It's traditional for lawmakers close to the nominee or from their hometown to formally introduce him to the panel. Rep. Loretta Sanchez, D-Santa Ana, who represents a large part of the Vietnamese -American community in Orange County, introduced Dinh along with Domenici.

Sanchez met with him Tuesday. She said she was satisfied that ”as an immigrant himself, he wants to make sure the gates are open for other immigrants.“ She also talked to Dinh about racial profiling, an issue Attorney General John Ashcroft says is a high priority.

”He said that was of great interest to him,“ Sanchez said, ”because he himself has experienced that sort of discrimination.“

Dinh says he's not looking beyond his new job.

”It will be in the public service,'' Dinh said. “I am really enamored by the institutions of government. They protect the most precious aspect of America, the promise of opportunity and freedom.

”Even when I was in the refugee camp, I knew the value of this promise."
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Re: Charles Carreon, The Arizona Kid

Postby admin » Thu Oct 03, 2013 6:26 am


1:30 pm, May 16, 2005

Image Image Image
Confessions of a Dangerous Mind, directed by George Clooney, Starring Sam Rockwell, Drew Barrymore and Julia Roberts

First Lady Talks About Horse Penises, Harvests Accolades

Who has Laura Bush been talking with, that she is now able to toss off one-liners suggesting that the president gave a horse a handjob when he thought he was milking a cow? And who was she talking to, that they didn’t choke on their rubber chicken? If I had attempted to deliver a joke about my wife masturbating the livestock at any venue other than the seediest bar in town, my taste, even my sanity, would probably be called in question.

"Bill Berkowitz at“

The most outrageous joke described the president’s early arrival at the ranch in Crawford, Texas: As a graduate of Andover and Yale, which “don’t have real strong ranching programs,” the president was ill-prepared. He was so out of his element that he tried to milk a horse—a male horse.

The first lady’s string of one-liners have been widely repeated in the weeks since the event. She started by interrupting the president—as per the script—and seizing the platform. Then, she mixed some light-hearted lines—”I am married to the president of the United States, and here's our typical evening: Nine o'clock, Mr. Excitement here is sound asleep, and I'm watching 'Desperate Housewives', with Lynne Cheney“ —with several sexed-up jokes — ”Ladies and gentlemen, I am a desperate housewife. I mean, if those women on that show think they're desperate, they ought to be with George. One night, after George went to bed, Lynne Cheney, Condi Rice, Karen Hughes and I went to Chippendales,"—the home of buffed male strippers.

Answering the first question, where did she learn to talk like she needs her mouth washed out with soap? I think she’s just been hanging out with the Cheneys too much. Mrs. Cheney’s bodice-ripper novel, Sisters, about horny sluts in Renaissance outfits, is currently out of print after the administration nixed the reprinting deal, because the book wasn’t Mrs. Cheney’s “best work.” That’s an interesting reason for pulling the publication, I’d say. Graded on that basis, most writers wouldn’t have more than one book in print, and I’m not sure what her “best work” might be, but I bet you it wasn’t on a par with Don Quixote. Perhaps we should put all her work out of print if none of it turns out to be better than “Sisters.” Of course, unlike most other authors, she doesn’t have any pressing financial need. Oil sells better than books.

Answering the second question, Laura let fly her bon mots at the annual White House Correspondents' Association dinner late last month, and according to the toadying press, the First Lady’s crudity hit their funny bone. You'd think they'd be jealous. The President's wife gets to say stuff they'll lose their jobs for trying. Loose talk about penises is what caused the FCC to fine Howard Stern off the air for, right?

"Roman Bystrianyk and Meryl Barr at“

On February 26, [2005] Clear Channel Communications pulled Howard Stern off its six stations that carry his syndicated show as part of the radio giant's new “zero tolerance” policy against indecency on the airwaves. As a reason for the action, Clear Channel cited Stern's interview on Tuesday with Rick Solomon, the man who was filmed having sex with hotel heiress and Fox reality star Paris Hilton in a video widely distributed on the Internet. According to a transcript released by Clear Channel, Stern asked Solomon about his sexual practices and referred to the size of certain body parts. Using a racist term, a caller asked Solomon if he had ever had relations with any famous black women. “It was vulgar, offensive and insulting, not just to women and African-Americans but to anyone with a sense of common decency,” said chief executive officer John Hogan.

What Howard Stern Needs To Learn

Stern was run off the air by Clear Channel because he talked about human penises. As an attorney, I'm not advising you to start a bestiality website, but in the search for a principled legal distinction, I'm forced to say that there appears to be greater tolerance for jokes about animal sex. Clearly it would be off-base to suggest that different standards of ”decency“ might be applied to the First Lady's words than those of a ”Shock Jock“ like Howard. As for whether it's safer to discuss having sex with a horse than having sex with Paris Hilton, perhaps we could ask Alberto Gonzales for guidance — he's helped so much to legitimize bondage by raising the bar on what constitutes torture, perhaps he can help us to develop some bright-line rules on where to draw the line on bestiality.

Looking at business opportunities here, as I always do, inquiring minds want to know: Does this open the way for celebrity sites showing pictures of the First Lady indulging in a little revenge sex with her groom — a male who isn't asleep at 9 p.m.? Is it open season for photoshop projects showing a clueless president ”milking a cow," i.e., masturbating a stallion? Are these the next Hot domain names: Ah, for that kind of advice, you have to pay!
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