Yearning To Fly, by Charles Carreon
When I was just a little boy,
I thought a lot of things
I loved to fly toy airplanes
With rubber bands and strings
It seemed a thing most magical
To fly up in the sky,
And I longed to be an eagle
With a sharp-far-seeing eye
Yet the years went by
My eyes grew dim
And I never flew a stroke
Before I knew it I was gone,
A victim of false hopes
A man, I learned, just walks this earth
From his birthplace to his grave
And there are few remembered
The lovely and the brave
Our story will be no different
Than all who came before,
Except that for our carelessness
Perhaps there'll be no more
No you may think this is a tiresome tune
With a cheery melody
But I'm not sellin' lollipops,
That must be plain to see
I'm a prophet in a taproom
A real orphan's son
With a chip perched on my shoulder
And an appetite for fun
So if I chap your hide
Or tread upon beliefs
That's why God invented beer
So we wouldn't drown in grief
So have another drink with me my friend
We'll negotiate our way around this bend
Somehow people will muddle through
Somehow you and I both do,
So have another drink with me my friend
Well, back to being a little boy
As I previously said
Who'd seen the birds in flight
And got it in his head
That maybe he could fly
So he jumped from garage rooftops
But he didn't wanna die
So he never jumped off anything really very high