#GazaNames, by Jewish Voice for Peace

Re: #GazaNames, by Jewish Voice for Peace

Postby admin » Mon Oct 13, 2014 10:48 pm

Cecilie Surasky, Jewish Voice for Peace
Sep 3


The bombs have stopped - but the crisis in Palestine and Israel goes on. Now is a critical time to invest in a movement for real justice - and we need you. Donate today and double your gift, dollar-for-dollar.


Your voices matters - and together, our voices can make real change.
Double your $60 gift today - every dollar matched up to $75,000
Take Action!

Less than a week has passed since the end of Israel’s massive 57-day military assault on Gaza, yet the pattern of occupation and oppression continues.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu just announced the biggest illegal land grab in the West Bank since 1984. Gaza is still under siege. Home demolitions, indefinite detention, and state-sanctioned discrimination continue unabated.

But one thing has changed—an entire generation has been politicized, forever scarred by the images of children, bombed schools and hospitals.

Now we have a chance to turn this new generation into lifelong activists for a just peace. But we need you, Tara, to help us hire more organizers to work in communities, on campuses, in centers of power.

Donors who believe in JVP – and what we can do going forward given the funds - have put up the biggest ever $75,000 summer challenge match to all Jewish Voice for Peace supporters.

Tara, will you become a JVP donor today with a $60 to JVP right now and help us turn it into $120 for our work today?

Jewish Voice for Peace is simply stretched to the limits with the massive influx of new people. In the last two months alone:

Activists in 21 cities have launched new JVP chapters, in addition to our existing 39 chapters.

Over 60,000 new people signed onto our online campaigns, and another 100,000 joined us on Facebook.

Literally tens of millions around the world learned about JVP in one of nearly 1,000 media stories.

For our newest leadership development institute, we were forced to turn away 85% of applicants for lack of space.
But transforming this incredible interest – the biggest I’ve seen in a decade at JVP – into long term systematic pressure to change policy is the hard work ahead of us. We simply must hire more organizers to help us develop grassroots power, promote principled divestment and boycott campaigns, and break down barriers to dissent within Jewish institutions.

And though our budget is just a fraction of that of the multimillion dollar pro-occupation groups, we are able to effectively go head to head with them because our belief in justice, equality and the unassailable humanity of Israelis and Palestinians speaks louder than any PR machine can.

Donate $60 now and help us reach our $75,000 Challenge Match by Friday September 12. Every dollar will be stretched twice as far, turning our collective grief into real action for change.


Cecilie Surasky
Deputy Director

Donate Now!

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Jewish Voice for Peace
1611 Telegraph Ave, Suite 550
Oakland, CA 94612

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Re: #GazaNames, by Jewish Voice for Peace

Postby admin » Mon Oct 13, 2014 10:52 pm

Naomi Dann, Jewish Voice for Peace
Oct 2

Action Alert
We can't let things go back to "normal".


As we approach Yom Kippur, we ask that you once again watch and share the #GazaNames video
Take Action!

You know, because you’ve seen it again and again, that the world turns away from the Palestinian struggle for freedom when the bombs stop falling and so-called ‘calm’ returns to the region.

But at Jewish Voice for Peace, we have more members, more chapters and more supporters than ever before, and we won’t turn away. We promise, we will redouble our efforts to transform our already changing Jewish community and the U.S political culture that makes such destruction possible.

As we approach Yom Kippur, the Jewish holy day of atonement and repentance, we ask that you once again watch and share this #GazaNames video, which we made with the assistance of the Institute for Middle East Understanding (IMEU). We must continue to bear witness to the over 2,000 lives lost this summer.

While Israelis see things as “calm,” the reality for Palestinians is ongoing crackdowns, arbitrary arrests, unprecedented land grabs, and settlement expansion. It means hundreds of thousands of children in Gaza continue to suffer from psychological trauma and limited access to clean water and electricity, while 100,000 remain newly displaced from their homes.


via Institute for Middle East Understanding (see full size)

The siege of Gaza continues. The occupation of Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem continues. The displacement of refugees continues.

We can’t let things go back to “normal.’ We won’t. Working together, we will make sure our massively expanded movement continues to grow..

Join us in sharing the #GazaNames video in which the world’s social justice heroes—including Diana Buttu, Brian Eno, Chuck D, Angela Davis, Wallace Shawn, Mira Nair, Desmond Tutu, Jonathan Demme, Remi Kenazi, Eve Ensler, Naomi Klein and so many more, through their simple act of honoring life, remind us to recommit to working for justice in the new year.


Naomi Dann
Media Coordinator

Donate Now!

Contact Info:

Jewish Voice for Peace
1611 Telegraph Ave, Suite 550
Oakland, CA 94612

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