Torah Codes, by Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi

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Torah Codes, by Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi

Postby admin » Tue Oct 27, 2015 8:18 am

Torah Codes
by Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi



[Transcribed from the Youtube video by Tara Carreon]


[Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi] The Holocaust: Where is Yacov? Is he here? Ah, he's outside. If somebody can call him, ask him for the passport of the Nazi person. Okay. Shhhh. Shhh. When we read in the Torah -- Shhhh! -- When we read inside the Torah, this is what the [inaudible] is speaking about, it's telling the Jews -- I have an entire lecture about the Holocaust. I try never to go into. Do you have the passport with the Nazi?

[Yacov] Yeah, it's in my car.

[Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi] Bring it, please. So, I always try not to get into it because there's a lot of emotion involved in it. After the last experience I had, I spoke in Israel in [inaudible] of Tel Aviv. Over there there's a neighborhood called Tel [inaudible] over there. So we spoke about this subject, and there was a woman that her father and her mother, and I guess some other relatives, passed away. So she started to scream. I say to myself, "I'm going to do my best never to go into this subject."

It's not the subject today, but this is what the Torah is telling the Jews. "If you're not going to behave in the right way," God forbid, "one day what's going to happen, you're going to have a holocaust."

Where does it say it in the text? Let me first translate the text:

[Hebrew] "Ashem told Moshe"

[Hebrew] "You're going to your world to come with your fathers"

[Hebrew] "And this nation will rebel against me, and go after different gods"

[Hebrew] "That he is going to live in that place"

[Hebrew] "is going to leave me. And what's close to 80% intermarriage, and leaving the Shabbat, leaving the Torah, leaving the Mitzvot," and many other things that happened in Europe just before the holocaust start.

So the Torah said, "They are going to leave me. They are going to ignore my covenant that I made with them. And I'm going to be very angry in that time at the Jews at them. I am going to leave them. I'm going to close my face, my eyes. And they are going to have a lot of tragedies and problems."

What does it mean, "I'm going to close my eyes?" It's like, God forbid, "I'm not going to be there to watch over them!"

[Hebrew] And the Jews will say, "There's no God!"

That's why we have all these problems. And that's how they speak until this moment, a lot of the survivors, and some others.

[Hebrew] "Numeric value Germany." That's beside the point.

[Hebrew] And that's the main thing, right here. "And I'm going to hide completely from them."

It's like, God forbid, "I will dismiss myself completely."

[Hebrew] "For all the bad that they did because they left me and they turned to other gods". "Other gods" doesn't necessarily mean other gods, because there are really no other gods. It could be a statue. It could be a cause. It could be a stone. It could be different beliefs. It can be all kinds of things. But inside the text, speaking about a holocaust that is one day going to happen, the world holocaust is hidden in equal skip of 50: [Hebrew] The Holocaust, right inside the text that accidentally, or not, describing it in details.

I want to tell you a story that I just heard from Yacov yesterday. Here is the original passport of a Nazi soldier. I can put it in front of the camera so you can see. It's an original copy with colors of an authentic passport from Germany. I'm trying to locate the date here. I think yesterday I saw that it was 1940 something. But what does this passport have to do with our lecture tonight? It's very simple: The Nazis used to burn the synagogues, and burn the Torah. Some of them they just stole, and they put in museums later on. Some of them they just destroyed on the floor. And one Nazi took the Torah, and cut a piece from the Torah -- this is the piece he cut -- he cut a piece from the Torah and he made it a cover to his passport. So he took it and he made a cover for his passport, like this. This is an original copy of what he did, like this.

Later, when he died, before he died, he gave it to his son. And he told him, "If you know any Jew, find a Jew and give it to him." And he went and gave it to one of the ambassadors in Germany. If he's an Israeli or Jew, I don't know exactly who he was. And he gave it to Rav Grossman, Rav Grossman is a big rabbi in Israel near [inaudible] in the North. And when he was in Germany on a visit, the ambassador told him, "This is from a German that passed it to his son, and it got to another Jew, and we're giving it to you. We don't know what to do with that." Rav Grossman received it, the original. He has the original in his hand. And he came with the original one here to Long Island. Yacov knows. He can tell you if he wants. He can give you the details. And they made copies of this.

And when we look at the parts that the Nazi cut from the Torah, accidentally or not, and I'm going to translate to you:

"If you're going to be in the exile, your enemies will be after you, because you did not keep the words of this Torah that is written in this book. You did not fear your God, your respectable God, the Great God. And God punished you and your children, very strong punishment. And all the bad ran after you, because you did not keep the words of this Torah. And God send a nation after you to destroy you, and only very few of you will survive."

On one page, the entire holocaust. From the entire 304,000 letters, he count 100 letters, the only 100 letters that describe what happened to the Jews in Germany. He cut it, and he doesn't know Hebrew, you know. Who made him cut if he decided to cut? His scissors went to the place that describes the holocaust, and he cut it out. And sixty years later, it got into the hands of one of the important rabbis in Israel. Unbelievable!


I think that's enough. But I want to add one last thing here. You know, there is one slide, I took it off the lecture because some people take it too personal about the holocaust. I don't see any survivors here, so I can bring it verbally right now. There is a page that is speaking about the holocaust. If you put the word "Adolf Hitler," it finds it in the same chapter in equal skip. "Adolf Eichmann": same chapter. "Rudolf Hess": same chapter. "The final solution": in the same chapter. "Zyklon gas": in equal skip in the same chapter. "The Holocaust." Many words that connect. I think if I remember correctly, more than 30 words that connect, relate, to the Holocaust in the same chapter in equal skip. In which chapter? That's speaking about the holocaust that may happen.

Of course, there are many, many other codes that we can show from now until next year. The idea is clear. We got an idea that inside the Torah, the Creator of the World, gave us information in equal mathematical, minimal planned codes. It's not coincidence.
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Re: Torah Codes

Postby admin » Sat Oct 31, 2015 3:00 am

Jews brought Holocaust on themselves' rabbi visits UK
By Simon Rocker
February 6, 2014

Rabbi Mizrachi with Hasmonean pupils this week

A controversial preacher who believes that Down’s Syndrome and autism are the consequences of sins committed in a previous life made his first speaking tour of Britain this week, despite protests about his visit.

Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi, who also argues Ashkenazi Jews to some extent brought the Holocaust upon themselves, spoke to several Sephardi synagogues in London as well as pupils from two Jewish secondary schools.

The visit went ahead against the background of strong criticism from people who had seen clips of previous lectures online.

In an interview this week, the Israeli-born rabbi, who runs an Orthodox outreach organisation in the United States, explained that his views on sin and reincarnation came from the Torah and Kabbalah. “Suffering comes as a result of something we did in our past,” he said.

“The fact that we need to be reincarnated means we failed our mission in our last life. If we’d succeeded, we would go to heaven.”

A soul will be reborn in a new body to give it the chance to correct the mistakes of a previous life, he said. But for every deed, we are rewarded or punished “measure for measure”.

For example, he said, “Usually when a person comes mute and deaf, he is [affected] in two parts of the body, the mouth and the ear. What sins a person does with the mouth and the ear — speaking bad about others, destroying their life with their mouth, and listening to gossip.”

Rabbi Mizrachi

He added that if a person is reborn with free choice, they are still being tested to see if they do good or bad. But a brain-damaged person does not have free choice.

“When a person comes to the world without free choice, we know that they are already 99 per cent corrected,” he said. “He only has a little bit to correct and he’s done… So they are at a much higher level.”

No parent of an autistic child had ever complained to him about his views, he insisted. “The opposite. They told me ‘you gave me hope… now you explain these are holy souls, I actually feel honoured to have such a kid’.”

On the Holocaust, Rabbi Mizrachi suggested that Ashkenazi Jewry had suffered because they were more assimilated and less respectful of rabbis. The unassimiliated Sephardim were largely spared. “In Syria, Israel, Iran, Iraq — places where almost all the Jews were keeping the laws — they [the Nazis] did not kill them,” he said.

He suggested that religious Jews who died in the gas chambers were guilty of not preventing the assimilation of secular “brothers and sisters”.

Rabbi Mizrachi, who claims to have brought more than 50,000 Jews back to Torah observance, also links the spread of cancer and other diseases to immorality and lack of modesty.

When he addressed a group of senior boys from Hasmonean High School on Monday, he spoke about the dangers of social media and did not touch on reincarnation.

Rabbi Daniel Kleiman, who teaches Jewish studies at Hasmonean, found him “warm and level-headed. He is a big motivator, who talks from the heart. He is not fire and brimstone. He is very well accepted among the full spectrum of the Orthodox community.”

At one synagogue, Od Yosef Hai, which had previously cancelled his lecture, Rabbi Mizrachi was able to deliver a talk after the Sunday morning service.

But critics continued to express strong objections. Daniel Jonas, Sephardi shul-goer and founder of the band Los Desterrados, had campaigned against Rabbi Mizrachi. His views “insult the parents of children with special needs, or anyone stricken with cancer,” Mr Jonas said.

“His apparent ignorance of the historical facts of the Shoah is as breathtaking as the astounding arrogance of his claims to know the divine causes of disease and genocide.”

Jon Abrams, who works with people with disabilities, raised concerns with the United Synagogue over Rabbi Mizrachi’s appearance at Anshei Shalom, an independent minyan at St John’s Wood United Synagogue, describing his views as “offensive”.

In a Facebook post, Rabbi Mizrachi hit out at two of his opponents in particular, writing: “Soon we will all see how they get destroyed for eternity just like the Torah promised.”

A US spokesman said: “Should a speaker denigrate any section of the community or propagate a view starkly opposed to our values, we would object to an invitation for them to speak on our premises. However, before exercising such censorship, we would need to be sure that this was unambiguously the case.”

Rabbi Alan Kimche of Hendon’s Ner Israel Synagogue regarded Rabbi Mizrachi’s ideas about it as “very much a fringe movement within Orthodoxy.

“This is popularised Kabbalah which appeals to gullible people.”
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Re: Torah Codes

Postby admin » Sat Oct 31, 2015 3:30 am

Mizrachi (religious Zionism)
by Wikipedia

This article is about the organisation of the Religious Zionist Movement. For other uses, see Mizrachi (disambiguation).

The Mizrachi (Hebrew: הַמִזְרָחִי, HaMizrahi, an acronym for Merkaz Ruhani lit. Religious centre) is the name of the religious Zionist organization founded in 1902 in Vilnius at a world conference of religious Zionists called by Rabbi Yitzchak Yaacov Reines. Bnei Akiva, which was founded in 1929, is the youth movement associated with Mizrachi. Both Mizrachi and the Bnei Akiva youth movement are still international movements.

Mizrachi believes that the Torah should be at the centre of Zionism and also sees Jewish nationalism as a means of achieving religious objectives. The Mizrachi Party was the first official religious Zionist party and founded the Ministry of Religious Affairs in Israel and pushed for laws enforcing kashrut and the observance of the sabbath in the workplace. It also played a role prior to the creation of the state of Israel, building a network of religious schools that exist to this day, and took part in the 1951 elections.


Although the WZO permitted the ZVfD to seek collaboration with Nazism, and its leaders were eager to sell Hitler's wares abroad and even spy for him, they did not want the menace to spread. Even the Zionist movement in Palestine realised that fund-raising from a universally ruined Jewry would hardly be the same as collecting for the victims in Germany alone. Not willing to fight Hitler themselves, for fear that he would abrogate the Ha'avara agreement and outlaw the ZVfD if they gave him any trouble, Sokolow and Weizmann dreamt of a great power alliance that would hold Hitler back, but this was always an empty fantasy. Those in the WZO led by Goldmann and Wise, who wanted to struggle, invariably found the two presidents either indifferent or opposed, but Hitler's growing strength compelled the more militant faction to establish a World Jewish Congress (WJC) as a Jewish defence organisation.

Both Goldmann and Wise were themselves deeply committed to Zionism; Goldmann had even opposed inviting any assimilationists -- that is to say, the majority of Jewry -- to their preliminary conference in 1932. [218] Furthermore, they did not think to challenge Weizmann's right to retake the WZO presidency in 1935. Nevertheless, the WZO was determinedly opposed to the new initiative, for fear that it would deflect energy away from Palestine back toward world Jewry. In February 1934, a year after Hitler came to power, Sokolow, who was then still the WZO President, was reported speaking against the World Jewish Congress:

Doubt as to the wisdom of convening the World Jewish Congress tentatively scheduled for this summer was expressed by Nahum Sokolow, President of the World Zionist Organization… the Zionist veteran regards the fact that, at the Geneva Jewish Conference last summer where the World Jewish Congress was discussed, some question was raised as to whether or not Palestine should be included in the program of the World Jewish Congress, to be an indication of the disagreements and party battles which might take place in calling the parley… Mr Sokolow presents an alternative plan, according to which all shades of Jewry would be called upon to construct a Jewish body for Jewish self-defense, the execution of well considered, carefully formulated plans of such a body, which would include all Jewish groups with the exception of the avowed assimilationists, would bring much good, Mr. Sokolow believes. [219]

Sokolow was also stalling because he was afraid of the attacks on the Ha'avara agreement that were sure to be made at a broad World Jewish Congress. Stephen Wise returned fire:

We were given warnings that support would be alienated for the World Jewish Congress if the [Geneva] Conference adopts a resolution against the Palestine-German transfer agreement. I do not fear this threat. The Jewish people are prepared to accept the guidance of Eretz Israel, but not commands or threats, when they conflict with the interests of all Jews. [220]

The conflict was painful to Wise; he had once thought along similar lines to Sokolow, but although he still thought of Palestine as the most positive side of Jewish life, he simply could not put Zionism so far ahead of the danger that threatened European Jewry.

I know very well some Zionist will say: only Eretz Israel interests me. Palestine has the primary place. I was the one who first used the word 'primary' some years ago; I had to withdraw the word 'primary' when I had the courage to say that though Palestine has the primary place in Jewish hopes, I cannot, as a Jew, be indifferent to the Galuth… if I had to choose between Eretz Israel and its upbuilding and the defense of the Galuth, I would say that then the Galuth must perish. But after all, the more you save the Galuth, the more you will ultimately do for Eretz Israel. [221]

The WJC movement continued to gain strength in spite of Sokolow's opposition; the Nazi pressure was too great, the ranks wanted their movement to do something, and when Wise reluctantly endorsed the Ha'avara at the 1935 World Zionist Congress, the idea of the WJC finally received formal sanction from the WZO. However, there was never much enthusiasm for the WJC within the WZO. Chicago's Jewish Chronicle, itself an opponent of the WJC movement, accurately described the lack of serious interest in the idea of a defence organisation, even as late as May 1936, almost three and a half years into the Third Reich:

individual leaders of the Mizrachi and the Jewish State Party have no faith or interest in the Congress… Hadassah is not roused on the matter, and the poll of the members of the Executive Committee of the Zionist Organization of America revealed… the majority is overwhelmingly opposed to the Congress. [222]

Despite the hostility of the right wing, the WJC had to come. This was now the period of the Popular Front; the Social Democrats and the Stalinists had finally learned the necessity for unity against Fascism in the wake of disaster, and the Zionists had to come up with a Jewish, equivalent or lose their small following among the Jewish workers, particularly in Poland, who were influenced by Popular Front notions. Labour Zionist support for Wise and Goldmann was enough to overcome the right wing, but the paradox was that the WJC was doomed to fail precisely when it suddenly threatened to turn into a genuine Popular Front.

-- Zionism in the Age of the Dictators: A Reappraisal, by Lenni Brenner

Mizrachi in Poland

During the interwar period, the Mizrachi party was represented in the kehilla councils as well as in the municipal councils and in the Polish Sejm and Senate, e.g. by the Vilnius Chief Rabbi Yitzkak Rubinstein (1888-1945), Mizrachi senator (1922-1930, 1938-1939) and deputy (1930-1935), and by Rabbi Simon Federbusch, Sejm member from 1922 till 1927.

Mizrachi in Israel

Major figures in the Religious Zionist Movement include Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook who became the Ashkenazi Jews Chief Rabbi of the British Mandate of Palestine in 1924 and tried to reconcile Zionism with Orthodox Judaism.

Mizrachi had a separate trade union wing, founded in 1921, Hapoel HaMizrachi, which represented religious Jews in the Histadrut and tried to attract religious Labor Zionists. The trade union also operated as a political party by the same name in the early days of Israel's existence, becoming the fourth largest party in the 1951 elections.

In 1956, the Mizrachi party and Hapoel HaMizrachi merged to form the National Religious Party to advance the rights of religious Jews in Israel, having fought the 1955 election together as the National Religious Front. The party was an ever-present government coalition member until 1992. In 2008, the party merged into The Jewish Home, essentially a successor party.

Mizrachi in the United States

In the United States the ideals of and work of the Mizrachi movement have been carried out through the official Religious Zionists of America (RZA) movement that has been an important source of the ideology and guidance for Modern Orthodox Judaism and its rabbis and followers. It is affiliated with the Bnei Akiva youth movement which has a great influence on the Modern Orthodox Jewish day schools and synagogues. The American movement has served as a fund-rasing and lobbying arm for its Israeli counterparts.

Many of the high echelon Jewish leaders and rabbis of Yeshiva University actively identify with and support Mizrachi in all its forms.
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