The Buddha From Brooklyn, by Martha Sherrill

The impulse to believe the absurd when presented with the unknowable is called religion. Whether this is wise or unwise is the domain of doctrine. Once you understand someone's doctrine, you understand their rationale for believing the absurd. At that point, it may no longer seem absurd. You can get to both sides of this conondrum from here.

Re: The Buddha From Brooklyn, by Martha Sherrill

Postby admin » Sun Dec 04, 2016 12:25 am



Ahkon Lhamo, 62-63, 75, 166, 366
Catharine/Jetsunma as reincarnation
of, 8, 63, 134-36, 139, 191, 340
as Catharine's Refuge name, 149, 169
Aileen, Ani, 115, 171, 248, 285, 300
as Ani NBC, 8, 53, 78
and India trip, 299, 312, 313, 329
about Michael, 202
ordination of, 166
see also Williams, Karen
Alana, Ani, 35, 73-76, 86, 87-97
and book project, 301-2, 308, 317,
and Dechen, 256, 261, 279-80, 281,
284-85, 287, 290, 292, 331-32,
334, 337, 344, 345, 346
early years of, see Elgin, Elizabeth
and film project, 305-6, 308, 309,
and Finneys, 273, 274, 275, 347
and India trip, 299, 300, 301, 312,
as Jetsunma's attendant, 78, 84, 118,
125, 128, 200, 201, 209, 247,
273, 360-63
about Jetsunma's consorts, 209-11,
217-18, 220, 228, 237, 244--46,
249, 270, 276-79, 361, 362
and Jetsunma's health, 235, 269
and Ladyworks, 80, 375
and living quarters, 194, 195
as message bearer, 233, 249, 311,
315-17, 323, 335, 346
ordination of, 166, 218
physical appearance of, 84-85, 88,
power of, 80, 115, 184, 199-200,
262, 273, 336
practice of, 118
in Sedona, 373
and Tara Studios, 80
on tulkus, 177, 178
Alexandra, Ani, 78, 116, 166, 194,
222, 223, 290, 373
Allen, Don, 54, 79, 242, 339
in First Wave, 52, 228
and Poolesville property, 101, 102
Allen, Jay:
in First Wave, 52, 53, 228
as Jetsunma's consort, 219, 227-31
and ordination, 143
and World Prayer Center, 102, 13 7,
see also Sangye Dorje
Buddhist teachings in, 259, 291
conventional wisdom in, 12-15, 38
Dharma centers in, see Dharma centers
doubt in, 196
impatience in, 9, 110
karmic pattern of, 55
ordination in, 158-59
pride in, 375
respect in, 152
spirituality in, 7, 61, 318-23, 352
stupas in, 19
Amitabha, statue of, 197-98, 242
Andor, voice of, 91
Ani Estates, 73, 230, 260, 285-86
Ani Farms, 73, 212
dinner in, 221-24, 265-66
fungshuiand, 221-22
Tara Studios in, 78-80
anis (nuns):
at KPC, xvii-xviii, 75, 78, 85, 286-
and punishment meeting, 290-91
robes taken from, 338, 341, 345
vows of, 5, 83, 112
see also ordained: specific names
Ani'slnk, 79
Architectural Stone, 74
Arene, Ani (Maria Windolph), 166
Ariana, Ani (Judith Kreitemeyer), 35,
228, 362, 373
Asheville, North Carolina, Alyce's early
years in, 43-44
Ashland, Oregon, Buddhism in, 65
Atara, Ani, 35, 194, 373
as Holly Heiss, 143, 158, 166
as fetsunma's attendant, 78, 228,
as message bearer, 272, 273, 275,
ordination of, 166
Atira (daughter), see Zeoli, Atira
attachment, concept of, 302, 303
auspicious, use of term, 23


Bakker, Tammy Faye, 319-20, 321, 322
Bally's Holiday Spa, 26, 76-77, 204-5,
206, 216, 218, 220, 227
Barry, Tom, 52-53, 79, 118, 156-57
name change of, see Tashi
ordination of, 166
Bertolucci, Bernardo, 61
Black Mountain, North Carolina, Light
Center in, 46-50
Blofeld, John, 60
Blythe, Will, 374
bodhicitta, 365-67
authenticity of, 263
Catherine, 98
presence of, 178, 297
reincarnations of, 95, 366-67
skillful means used by, 297
Bodhisattva vow, 54, 58, 118, 364,
book project, 125, 351
Alana and, 301-2, 317
Jetsunma and, 18, 36-37, 59-60, 63,
64-66, 76, 81, 176, 184-92,
265-66, 300-303, 308, 317,
323-26, 369
Sherab and, 212-14, 221-26, 266
title of, 307-8, 315, 317-18
Wib and, 17-18, 37, 59-60, 63,
64-65, 179, 300-303, 316,
317-18, 355
branch precepts, 160
branch vows, breaking of, 268, 283
Brooklyn, Alyce's childhood in, 39-40,
43, 185
Brown, Rev, Reed, 51, 99-100
Bucko, 137, 139-40
BuddhaDharma, see Dharma
author as drawn into, 16, 36, 76,
80-83, 124, 222-24, 302-3,
309-12, 315, 317, 323, 325,
350-51, 354-72
basic vows in, 160
beginning practice of, 13-16, 325
Catharine drawn to, 54-55, 57-58
vs. conventional wisdom, 14, 146
direct pressure avoided by, 183, 207,
emptiness in, 54, 372
honesty required in, 64
interconnectedness in, 81-82
lamas of, 60-62: see also lamas
Mahayana, 57-58, 95
monastic life in, 162
nonduality in, 54, 162, 333
ordination in, 160-62
as philosophy of kindness, 311, 357
practice of, 25, 31, 353
Tibetan, see Tibetan Buddhism
titles in, 149-51
Vajrayana, see Tibetan Buddhism
World Prayer Center and, 104-5,
107-11, 147
Zen, 25, 61, 117
bug zappers, electric, 169
bum-pa, 20, 21, 113
Burroughs, Catharine, see Jetsunma
Burroughs, Michael, 47-50, 308,
Alyce/Catharine and, 48, 49-50
Atira and, 201, 209, 210-11, 230,
340, 376
at Bally, 204-5
and Buddhism, 54-55, 95, 103, 201,
274, 340, 376
and Dechen, 339-41, 346-47
Divorce Party about, 244-47
and Gyaltrul Rinpoche, 107-8,
110-11, 199, 208, 271
in India, 129-35, 137-39
Jetsunma and, 200-203, 207-11,
229-30, 244, 246, 301, 340
in Kensington, 51-58
and living Buddha, 151, 170
marriage of Catharine and, 51, 145,
146, 201
as metaphysical minister, 51
and new spiritual center, 49, 98-105,
110-11, 322-23
as organist, 50, 51, 340
and Penor Rinpoche, 56-57, 106-7,
personal traits of, 47, 52, 99, 102,
202-3, 244-47, 292, 361, 362
and Poolesville site, 101, 102
roles of, 136, 147-148, 193, 199,
201-2, 229, 240, 249
as teacher, 209, 210


Cassara, Alyce, see Jetsunma Ahkon
Cassara, Frankie, 39, 44
Cassara, Geraldine Zeoli, 39-40, 41-43,
44, 185, 191
Cassara, Vito, 38-40, 41, 43
Catharine Anastasia, Ani (Jalee), 75, 78,
194, 376
and Atira, 185-88, 189, 211
and Dechen, 292, 297, 328
Cat's Cradle (Vonnegut), 82
Center for Discovery and New Life:
Christian language in, 90
First Wave in, 52-55, 67-68
founding of, 51-55
lama support fund of, 55, 78, 93
prayer vigils of, 55, 92, 93
teaching sessions in, 91-92
Tibetan Buddhism in, 254
as World Prayer Center, 93
Cervenka, Christine, 53, 109, 143: see
also Finney, Chris Cervenka
Chagdiid Tulku, 105
chakras, use of term, 29
Chod, practice of, 45
Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, 272
Choje Rinpoche, 233
Chopra, Deepak, 322-23
Chungdrag Dorje, 375
Clinton, Hillary Rodham, 37
Colacurcio, Bob, 241, 242, 254,
274-75, 297, 346, 368
Colacurcio, Carol, 254
compassion, 162, 329, 364, 366
Consort Engagement Party, 230-31, 286
conventional wisdom, 11-17, 183
Coon, Kathy, 243--44, 352, 375
Correct View, 151-52, 188, 195-203,
236-37, 240, 311-12


Dalai Lama, 170, 243, 311, 357
of Gelukpa lineage, 138
and Jetsunma, 299, 314
position of, 27, 62, 138
on pure teachers, 318, 319
and reincarnation, 232, 263
title of, 150
Dara, Ani, 78, 143, 158, 166, 194,
Dawa, Ani, 75, 76, 80, 84, 86
and Dechen, 284, 285
and Tara Studios, 78, 79
Dechen, Ani:
auto accident of, 284-85
and broken vows, 256-59, 268, 280,
281-83, 285-91, 344
confessions of, 257-58, 268, 269-70,
281, 283, 287, 290
debts of, 261, 279-80, 289, 291,
292, 293, 331, 334
departure of, 338--49
doubts of, 292, 328-29, 331-44
in India, 256-58, 268, 282, 288-
and Jetsunma, 258-59, 281, 283,
285, 287-92, 293-97, 330-32,
339-41, 344--47
jobs of, 78, 255, 260-61, 279, 286,
289, 291, 293, 373
and living quarters, 194, 195,
224-25, 260-61, 266, 285-86
and Maryland police, 344, 346--48
as Michelle Grissom, 142--43,
164-65, 253-54
Monk and, 259-60, 262-68,
269-70, 279-80, 281-83, 292,
326, 327-28, 332-34, 348,
and mother, see Meurer, Ayla
ordination of, 166, 253, 259, 334
personal traits of, 116, 255, 259, 290
punishment meetings of, 285-91,
332, 334, 336, 340, 344
purification rituals of, 258-59, 283,
288-89, 291-94, 327-29,
330-32, 337, 341
robes taken from, 258, 289, 292,
327, 334, 338, 339, 341--42,
Tibetan Buddhist practice of, 255,
261, 289, 292, 333
and Tibetan language, 255-56, 259,
Deity Yoga (or Deity Generation), 117,
277, 326, 328
Denmark, Bob, 243--44, 352, 375
devotion, use of term, 110
beginning practice of, 13-16, 110
brought to the West, 8, 107, 156,
158-59, 208, 226, 241, 254, 266,
303, 336, 339, 353, 375
and conventional wisdom, 12-13
nonduality of, 333
Dharma centers:
administration of, 102, 139, 241,
263, 353
differences among, 104, 117-18
gift shops of, 74, 102
KPC as, see KPC
prostrations in, 151
recruitment by, 207, 226
spirituality in, 77
starting, 342, 343
students in, 110
stupas in, 147
and Tibetan names, 166
Dorje, Ani, 285
Drubwang Pema Norbu Rinpoche, see
Penor Rinpoche
drubwangs, as tulkus, 28, 150
Dudjom Rinpoche, 232, 233, 272
Dykeman, Richard, 168, 254, 376
departure of, 196-99, 326, 338-39
and ordination, 158, 159, 338
and World Prayer Center, 102, 109,


ego, see self
Elgin, Elizabeth (Betsy), 87-97, 109
as Alana, see Alana, Ani
ambivalence of, 92, 102-4, 111-12
and Bucko, 13 7, 139-40
and Catharine, 68-69, 88-95,
101-3, 111-12, 139-41
divorce of, 102-4
early years of, 87-88
in First Wave, 53
as nun, 112, 130, 140
and ordination, 129-30, 143,
159-60, 164, 165, 166
and Penor Ripoche, 93-97
and retreat center, 136-37
tumor of, 140-41, 143, 163, 230,
Ella, Ani (Vicky Windolph), 166
emanations, 180
achievement of, 9, 110, 117-18, 127,
152, 366
Jetsunma and, 16, 151, 152,
169-70, 263
seeds of, 16, 25, 32, 127
Enoch, voice of, 91


financial issues:
buildings, 78, 308
in Burroughses' divorce, 210-11
Catharine/Jetsunma's disregard of,
146, 147, 182, 240-43
dreams and, 99, 241-42, 299-300,
301, 306, 336
film projects, 301, 304, 305-6
fund-raising activities, 6, 10-11,
16-17, 93, 181-82, 216, 241-44,
263, 353, 360
gift shops, 78, 79, 109
Hawaiian trip, 231, 234
Jetsunma's need for money, 300,
304-5, 307, 308, 339, 343
Jetsunma's salary, 229, 238-39,
240-41, 244, 263, 308, 336, 338,
343, 347, 352
Jetsunma's wardrobe, 229, 247-48,
305, 339
KPC debt, 146, 182, 303, 336, 368,
lack of business sense, 79
Ladyworks, 80, 299-300, 336, 352,
362, 375
new members and, 243-44
Penor Rinpoche and, 97, 98, 104,
personal offerings to lama, 77, 152,
273, 305, 360
release papers, 260-61, 286
sangha members' payments, 77, 78,
145-46, 194, 241-42, 261-62,
263, 312, 348, 352-53, 362
Taiwanese donations, 242, 308
Tara Studios, 74, 79-80
trips to India, 130, 136, 145-46,
181, 301
Troubleshooters and, 216, 240-
Finney, Chris, 231-34, 375-76
as Chris Cervenka, 53, 109, 143
and Dechen, 293, 337-38, 346,
departure of, 278-79, 293, 376
doubts of, 271-78
Finney, Eleanore Victoria, U5, 231-34,
272, 273
Finney, Rick, 231-34, 255-56, 375-76
and Dechen, 337-38, 339, 346-47,
doubts of, 234, 246, 271-74
Four Thoughts that Turn the Mind,


Gelukpa lineage, 138
generosity, 13-14, 17, 244
genyen vows, 220, 236
Gere, Richard, 357
Geshe Lobsang Tharchin, 272
Getsul vow, 160
Gore, Jim, 47-49, 55
Grissom, Michelle, see Dechen, Ani
Guru Yoga, see Deity Yoga
Gustafson, Nanci, 107
Gyaltrul Rinpoche, 65, 263, 319,
and Alana, 361-62
and Catharine/Jetsunma, 107-8,
110-11, 130, 135, 149, 169, 170,
191, 208, 211, 234, 264, 269,
and Kunzang Sherab, 135
light spirit of, 107, 167, 312
and Michael, 107-8, 110-11, 199,
208, 271
and Penor Rinpoche, 154
Poolesville visits of, 108-11, 138,
164, 208, 233, 269, 270-71
and stupa construction, 156
and Tashi Choling, 280
teachings of, 108-9, 208


happiness, sources of, 13, 15-16
Heiss, Holly, 143, 158, 166; see also
Atara, Ani
hell, realms of, 105
Hill, Roger, see Kamil
Hoge, Jan, see Palchen, Ani
Hopi prophecies, 373
Hyde, Nina, 82
author's travel plans for, 191, 213,
224, 298-301, 309-10
Catharine/Jetsunma's trips to, 107-8,
129-37, 181, 213, 298-301,
309-10, 312-14, 315-16, 327,
Dechen in, 256-58, 268, 282,
documentary film on, 299, 301,
303-10, 316, 327, 375
monks and nuns in, 77, 152
payment for, 145-46
Penor Rinpoche in, 107-8, 131-35,
150, 213, 263, 374-75
Sangye's trip to, 237, 239
Invocation (CD), 222


Jalee, see Catharine Anastasia, Ani
Jamyang, 123
Jefferson, Thomas, 55
Jeremiah, voice of, 54, 91, 111, 133,
151, 235, 323
Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo (Alyce Zeoli/
Alyce Cassara/Catharine Burroughs):
and Atira, 185-88, 189
attendants of, xvii, 78, 83-84,
362-63; see also specific names
author as drawn to, 36, 38, 67, 178,
317, 323, 324-26, 371
birth year, significance of, 107
as bodhisattva, 98
and book project, see book project
censure of, 347-48
channeling by, 48, 49, 50, 54, 88,
90-92, 102, 111, 133, 340
charisma of, 40, 177-78, 188,
197-98, 225, 318-19, 321, 323
clairvoyance of, 22, 82, 302
consorts of, xvii, 21, 64, 200-203,
264, 277-78; see also specific names
cult of, 198, 234, 263, 314, 335,
345, 353
daily life of, 35-36, 179
doubts about, 176-77, 262-64,
273-77, 299-300, 304-8,
328-29, 333-49
dreams of, 42-43, 45, 47, 63, 197,
232, 233, 234-35
early years of, 38-50, 66, 358
enthronement of, 7, 20, 142,
167-71, 310, 365-66
faith in, 118, 122, 190, 249, 250,
274, 278, 292
and film projects, 303-9, 315-16,
327, 375
and finance, see financial issues
Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo (Alyce Zeoli/
Alyce Cassara/Catharine Burroughs)
and Gyaltrul Rinpoche, 107-8,
110-11, 130, 135, 149, 169, 170,
191, 208, 211, 234, 264, 269,
hair care device and, 80, 182-84,
299-300, 308, 336
as healer, 50-51
health problems of, 59, 66, 69, 102,
106-7, 109, 138-39, 146, 201,
235, 269, 359
husbands of, xvii, 43, 44, 64, 200: see
also specific names
in India, see India
and infomercials, 183, 299-300,
304, 308
and KPC, see KPC
at Light Center, 46-50
as living Buddha, 16, 151, 169-70,
183, 239, 242, 345
as machine, 271
making a connection with, 183,
247-48, 310
and Maryland police, 344, 346-48,
meditations of, 45-46
mentors of, 5, 47, 65, 66, 324
as metaphysical minister, 51
midlife crisis of, 324
name of, 149-51, 170-71
and new spiritual center, 49, 98-105,
107, 110-11, 322-23
and Penor Rinpoche, 7-8, 56-58, 63,
93-97, 98-99, 106-8, 117, 129,
137-39, 149, 168-71, 178, 180,
190, 191, 307, 310, 337, 347
photos of, 7, 8, 199, 213-14, 222,
224-25, 230, 248, 299, 340-41
physical appearance and personality
of, 8, 9, 40, 47, 49, 52, 60, 63,
168-69, 177-79, 201, 247, 301,
320, 348, 354-56, 364, 371
poem by, 294-97, 311
and Poolesville property, 101
possible corruption of, 352-53
powers of, 177-78, 183, 202, 243,
261, 339
prostrations to, 10, 151-52, 176,
307, 355, 365
psychic energy of, 44-46, 47, 49
psychic readings of, 48, 51, 88-90
as public speaker, 50, 52
recognition of, 133-35, 137-39, 149
as reincarnation of Ahkon Lhamo, 8,
63, 98-99, 107-8, 129, 134-36,
139, 191, 340
as reincarnation of Mandarava,
180-82, 263
and relics, 31, 155, 156-57, 341
reputation of, 314, 324
in Sedona, 78, 323, 329, 355, 373-76
as singer, 79
and students, 65, 67: see also students;
specific names
and stupa blessing, 125-28
stupa site chosen by, 22, 23-24
as superhuman, 47, 48, 199-200
as teacher, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52-55, 57,
90-91, 99, 102, 105-6, 110, 136,
142, 146
teachings of, 5, 11-17, 117-18, 156,
170, 178, 197, 263, 282, 293-97,
305, 324, 326, 329-30, 331-33,
335, 355-57, 358-59, 363-67,
teenage breakdown of, 41-43
in Tibetan hierarchy, 27, 324
as tulku, 7, 8, 129, 130, 133-36,
139, 145, 150-51, 170, 178, 180,
189-90, 263, 365-66
wardrobe of, 179, 207, 229, 247-48,
263, 305, 339
weight problems of, 108, 146, 147
jetsuns, as tulkus, 28, 150
Jigmey Phuntsok, 250
Johnson, Diane, see Alexandra, Ani
Jones, Karl:
and Dechen, 345
Jetsunma's relationship with, 9-10,
64, 237-40, 247, 248-49, 264,
269, 270-71, 276, 374
and Jetsunma's salary, 238-39
personal traits of, 236, 249
sangha meeting about, 276-78, 335
and stupa blessing, 125
and stupa construction, 26, 235
journalism, author's work in, 5, 6,
82-83, 85, 176, 224, 309, 354,


Kagyul lineage, 138, 148
Kamil, 194, 369
ordination of, 166
as Roger Hill, 144-45
and stupa blessing, 125
and stupa construction, 22, 26
anger and, 125, 361-62
broken vows and, 268, 287-90
Catharine's teachings on, 55
changes in, 31
nature of, 20, 64, 110, 119
quick ripening of, 32, 119-20, 121,
163, 357
Karma Chagmed, 30
Karma Drolkar (Sherrill), 372
Karma Mudra, 13 7
Kasyapa relics, 29
Kensington, Maryland, 51-58, 323
Center for Discovery and New Life in,
51-55, 90, 254
Penor Rinpoche's visit to, 55-58, 65,
World Prayer Center in, 93, 99
khenpos (scholars), 105;see also specific
Khyentse Rinpoche, Dilgo, 131-32
King, Andrea, 304, 307, 315, 316, 375
Konchog Gyaltsen, Khenpo, 273, 286,
290, 336-37
Konchog Norbu, 124, 125-26, 352
KPC, 73-86, 274, 374
attrition from, 337-38, 339, 352
author's doubts about, 309, 312
children of, 115-16, 231-34, 273
corruption in, 352-53
as cult, 198, 234, 263, 314, 335,
338, 343, 345, 349, 352-53
doubts about, 262-64, 271-79, 280,
333--44, 352-53
early years of, see World Prayer Center
elementary school of, 78, 301
as fantasy place, 349
financial matters of, see financial issues
founding of, 7, 66
Guru Yoga practice in, 117, 326
improvement plans for, 65, 147, 182,
193-94, 241, 242--43
lay practitioners of, xviii
mission of, 254, 336
as model temple, 342
name of, 158
New Age practices at, 263, 282, 330,
331, 335
nuns and monks of, xvii-xviii: see also
ordained: specific names
ordination in, 158-65
Penor Rinpoche and, 7-8, 65, 96-97,
99, 157-59, 242, 282
prayer vigils in, 230, 287, 336
purification ritual for, 31
recruitment for, 216, 243--44, 297,
310, 339
relics of, 10-11, 29-30, 156-57, 191
sense of community in, 85
students of, see students
stupas of, see Migyur Dorje Stupa: stupas
world peace vigil in, 230
Kreitemeyer, Judith, see Ariana, Ani
KunzangLama, 55, 57, 93, 169
Kunzang Odsal Palyul Changchub Choling,
KunzangSherab, 29, 63, 65, 135, 191
Kurkowski, Linda, 53, 101, 130, 242
Kurkowski, Ted, 53, 101, 130
Kusum Lingpa, 180


Ladyworks, 80, 182-84, 299-300,
308, 336, 352, 362, 375
lamas, 60-62, 110, 357
changeability of, 323
Correct View and, 195-203
devotion to, 117, 147, 151-52, 155,
188-89, 196, 225, 238, 254, 263,
278, 353
as living Buddhas, 117, 352, 366
Mo techniques of, 101
pure, 318-19
reincarnations of, 61-62, 107, 149,
180, 232
relics of, 155
roles of, 117, 231, 333
sanghas as bodies of, 119
skillful means of, 207, 226, 235, 297,
310, 312, 339, 353, 368
students struck by, 288-89, 291
titles of, 149-50
see also tulkus; specific lamas
Lansing, Michigan, students in, 52, 53,
Larrabee, Deborah, see Rene, Ani
lay practitioners, xviii, 195, 213, 220
Light Center, Black Mountain, 46-50
Light Expansion Prayer, 55, 57, 105-6
Light Prayer, 47
Lobsang Rapgay, 105
lung-gom practice, 61


Mahayana Buddhism, 57-58, 95
Mahesh Yogi, Maharishi, 322
mala beads, 109
mandalas, 178
Mandarava, 180-81, 263, 299, 313-14
Mandarava recognition, 179-82, 191,
299, 366
mantras, prostrations and, 109, 110,
map, of Migyur Dorje Stupa, xix
Marilyn, Ani, 164, 165
Marpa (teacher), 148--49
dedication of, 96
depletion of, 32, 121, 235
nature of, 31-32, 229
and reincarnation, 232
meritorious activity:
in circumambulation, 121-22
in stupa work, 22, 23, 31
use of term, 23
Meurer, Ayla, 245--46, 253
as Dechen's mother, 258, 284, 285,
292, 293, 327, 331, 343, 344--45,
346, 348, 373
Meurer, Kyle, 253-54, 343, 349
Meurer, Michelle, see Dechen, Ani
Miami, Alyce in, 40--43
Middleton, Edward Willoughby III (Wib):
background of, 301
and book project, see book project
and Buddhism, 9, 17, 36, 81-82, 178
Catharine/Jetsunma and, 50, 53-54,
64, 81, 184, 188-89, 277
doubts of, 275
family of, 6, 37, 301, 317, 355
and film project, 303-8, 310, 315
and finances, 181-82, 238, 239,
241--44, 263-64, 362
in First Wave, 7, 52, 53, 67, 91
and India trips, 213, 298-300,
309-12, 314
Jane and, 54, 317, 355, 369, 374
jobs of, 317, 355
public relations work of, 6, 7, 17-18,
123, 181-84, 299-300, 317, 355
rap of, 115
and stupa blessing, 123, 125, 126
vows taken by, 58
"War Cry" and, 297
and World Prayer Center, 99, 101
Middleton, Tara, 115
Migyur Dorje, 29-31, 32, 75, 113, 135
Migyur Dorje Stupa:
blessing of, 122-28
circumambulation of, 123, 127-28,
construction of, 19-34, 59, 80, 86,
113-14, 156, 235, 262
decoration work for, 73, 74-75,
80-81, 85, 376
Dharma room of, 8-9
function of, 10
fund-raising for, 17
improvement plans for, 18, 119
map of, xix
potency of, 122, 124-25
relics for, 29-30, 191
site of, 22, 23-24
spire of, 74, 114, 119
stuffing of, 20, 27
Stupa Man and, 27-28, 29, 31,
tree of, 29
Milarepa, Saint, 148-49
Milwee, Teri, see Sherab Khandro
mindfulness, practice of, 13-14
Mirabella magazine, 374
"Miraculous Tooth" story, 370, 372
money, see financial issues
and Dechen, 259-60, 262-68,
269-70, 279-80, 281-83, 292,
326, 327-28, 332-34, 348, 349
departure of, 327, 373
and Jetsunma, 264, 287-91
and punishment meetings, 286-91,
monastic life of, 162
of Penor Rinpoche, 31, 153, 154-55,
163, 256-58, 263, 313, 348,
see also ordained: specific names
Mormon Church, 351-52
Muktananda, Swami, 51
Mulloy, Pat, 43-44, 46, 49


Nam Cho Migy, use of term, 30
Nam Chu empowerment, 259, 261,
NBC, and Ani Aileen, 8, 53, 78
Nemerovsky, Shelly, 51, 52, 54
Maratika Cave in, 181, 299, 313
Stupa of Bouddha in, 134, 139
New Age boutiques, 74
New Age practices, 48, 49, 50, 89, 93,
263, 282, 330, 331, 335
Newmark, Janice, see Rinchen, Ani
Ngagchang Yeshe, 233
Ngondro practice, 108-10, 118, 138,
147, 156, 157, 178, 217-18, 259,
Noble Light Rays practice, 28, 33-34,
nonduality, 54, 162, 223, 333
Northern Treasures lineage, 376
nuns and monks, see anis; monks; ordained;
specific names
Nyingma lineage;
broken vowsin, 268
Ngondro practice of, 108-11, 138
ordination in, 159
Penor Rinpoche as head of, 27, 56,
104, 132, 135, 374-75
teachings of, 30, 105-6, 138
in tulku system, 62
Nyingthig Yabshi, 217


obstacles, 32, 119-20, 163, 287
children as, 189, 231-34, 273
fund-raising and, 6, 244, 264
in India, 130, 132
to Jetsunma, 77, 152, 273, 305, 360
power of, 10-11
and stupa blessing, 126, 127
for stupa construction, 20
Olance, Chris, 326, 339
OmMani Padme Hum, 31-32, 118
ordained, xvii-xviii, 142-47
hierarchy of, 116
monastic life of, 162
numbers of, 7, 66, 75, 287
personal altars of, 213
in punishment meetings, 290-91
reincarnations of, 166
releases signed by, 260-61, 286
residences for, 73, 194-95, 213-14,
221-22, 224-25
as students, see students
as taking robes, 142, 158-59, 166
vows of, 5, 21-22, 58, 77, 83,
158-59, 164-66, 220, 223, 257,
283, 287, 353
Ordinary View, use of term, 115, 146
in America, 158-59
ceremony of, 163-65
"decision" of, 223
form of, 160-62
and spiritual names, 165-66
Ornish, Dean, 321-22
Orwell, George, 246


Padmasambhava, 30, 180, 181
Palchen, Ani (Hoge), 166, 223, 261,
277, 280, 290, 291, 331
Palden Sherab, Khenpo, 105
Palyul Namdroling monastery, 131
Palyul Retreat Center, 375, 376
Palyul tradition, 56, 62-63, 104, 135,
159, 344
Panchen Lama, 62
path, the, progression on, 16
Patrul Rinpoche, 319
Perna Khandro, 149
Penor Rinpoche, His Holiness:
and Ahkon Lhamo, 135
and author's dreams, 353-54
background of, 31, 93
Catharine/Jetsunma and, 7-8,
55-58, 63, 93-97, 98-99, 106-8,
117, 129, 137-39, 149, 168-71,
178, 180, 190, 191, 307, 310,
337, 347
and enthronement, 7, 142, 167-71,
310, 365-66
giftsto, 130
in hierarchy, 27, 62, 104, 150, 232,
in India, 107-8, 131-35, 150, 213,
263, 374-75
and KPC, 7-8, 65, 96-97, 99,
157-59, 242, 282
media attention to, 5, 65, 354
and Michael, 56-57, 106-7, 209
Mo divination by, 100-101
monastery of, 104, 131-33, 150,
151, 237, 298, 312-13, 342, 354,
and money matters, 97, 98, 104,
monks of, 31, 153, 154-55, 163,
256-58, 263, 313, 348, 374-75
ordinations by, 73, 142-47, 158-65,
and Poolesville site, 99-10 1, 104
reverence for, 7, 104, 263, 274, 275,
teachings of, 156, 159, 259, 291, 348
U, S, visits of, 55-58, 65, 93-97, 146,
147, 153-71, 193
and World Prayer Center, 104, 105,
106, 157-59
Perini, Jane, 6, 17, 37, 139, 277
on doubt, 275, 279, 362
in First Wave, 51, 52
job of, 301
as teacher, 1l5, 130-31
"Wa rCry" and, 297
Wib and, 54, 317, 355, 369, 374
Perry, Jim, 43
Persian Gulf War, 230
phowa (prayers), 105
phurba (thunderbolt), 120-21
Pickett, Byron, 301, 303-8, 310,
312-14, 315-16, 325, 375
pig, enlightenment of, 22
Poolesville, Maryland:
driving to, 3-5
KPCin, see KPC
and circumambulation of stupas,
31-32, 127-28
hard work of, III
politics and, 353
purification via, 112, 123
quality of, 116-17, 255, 266-67
use or term, 25
see also specific practices
prayer, practice of, 363-64
prayer nags, 5
prayer pose, 9
counting of, 109
to Jetsunma, 10, 151-52, 176, 307,
355, 365
in Ngondro, 118
prayers and visualizations in,
108-10, 364
training in, 108, 358


Quest Teachings, 329-30, 331, 332-34


Randolph, Jon (Yeshe Nyonpa), 53, 100,
125, 136, 194, 196
and book project, 37, 369
and finances, 146, 242, 348
about Michael, 203
and ordination, 144
rangjung, use of term, 140, 163
Ratna Lingpa teachings, 217, 219
Reeve, Christopher, 119, 357
Refuge vow, 58, 95, 108-9, 149, 364,
of Ahkon Lhamo, 8, 63, 135-36,
139, 191, 340
of bodhisattvas, 95, 366-67
broken vows and, 274
circumambulation and, 128
of Kunzang Sherab, 63, 65, 135,
of lamas, 61-62, 107, 149, 180, 232
of Mandarava, 180-82, 263
of the ordained, 166
prayers and, 105
destruction or, 20, 156-57, 341
of lamas, 155
for Migyur Dorje Stupa, 29-31, 191
power of, 10-11
of Third Buddha, 29
religion, organized, 46, 322
cult vs, , 351-52
shopping for, 7, 14
spiritual leaders in, 319-23, 352
Rene, Ani, 116, 121, 194, 290, 369
as Debbie Larrabee, 142, 164
ordination of, 166
in Sedona, 373
as teacher, 357-58, 364, 367,
renunciation, 112
Rigdzin Pema, Tulku, see Stupa Man
Rinchen, Ani, 78, 79, 257, 278, 291
at Ani Farms, 221, 222, 266
contented life of, 5-6, 262, 376
as Janice Newmark, 52, 142
ordination of, 166, 223
and stupa blessing, 123
Rinchen Ter Dzod, 156, 242
rinpoches, use of term, 28, 149-50
Rivchun, Sylvia, see Somerville, Sylvia
Roman (on stupa diet), 17
root precepts, 160, 274
root vows, breaking of, 257, 268, 281,
283, 334, 338
Rowe, Eleanor, 37, 99, 146, 369
in First Wave, 7, 52
as patron, 50-51, 115, 182, 242
Rust, David, 84, 85


Sai Baba, 132
saints, reincarnated, 28
Sakya lineage, 138
Sakyamuni Buddha, 30, 131
broken, 274
defined, 140
Samla, Ani (Windolph), 101, 142, 166
conventional wisdom of, 13, 147,
223, 328
described, 4, 110
"War Cry" and, 296
Samten, Ani, 78
darker meetings of, 244-47, 275-78,
285-91, 335-36
and money, see financial issues
numbers in, 7, 157
and stupa blessing, 125-27
and stupa construction, 28
use of term, 24, 110, 119, 333
Sangye Dorje, 116, 369, 373
accident of, 22, 32-34, 119-22
and Dechen, 286, 345
early years of, see Allen, Jay
India trip of, 237, 239
as Jetsunma's consort, 21, 228-31,
234-37, 239, 249
about Michael, 202, 203
and ordination, 249-50, 374
physical appearance of, 230-31
recuperation of, 37, 113, 120-21
and stupa blessing, 124, 125
and stupa construction, 20-22, 25,
26, 27, 28, 33, 114
vows taken by, 21-22, 374
Sangye Khandro, 107
Santu, voice of, 91, 102, 111
Satchidananda, 322
Schlessinger, Laura, 320, 321
Schwartz, Alyce, 38
Seagal, Steven, 354, 375
Sedona, Arizona, Jetsunma in, 78, 323,
329, 355, 373-76
seeds of enlightenment, 16, 25, 32, 127
self, abandonment of, 9, 146-47, 162,
223, 225, 302, 303, 335, 357,
sentient beings:
benefit to, 23, 151, 226, 247, 334,
359, 366, 375
broken vows and, 257, 290
devotion to, 225
recruitment of, 297
use of term, 23, 110
Seven Line Prayer, 85, 105, 110, 127,
141, 356
Seven Nonvirtues of the Body, 105
shedra (monastic university), 194, 256,
336-37, 352
Shedrup Gyatso, K, T, "Thubten, " 314,
Shellow, Ronald, 42-43
Sherab Khandro, Ani (Milwee), 74-81,
115, 121, 368
back problems of, 26, 86, 212-13
and Bally, 26, 76-77, 204-5, 206,
216, 218, 220
and book project, 212-14, 221-26,
and Dechen, 260, 284, 290, 292,
early years of, 214-16
and finances, 216, 241
and Jetsunma, 118, 176-77,
184-85, 204-11, 216-21, 225,
226, 228-29
ordination of, 211, 214, 216-17,
218-21, 223, 225
in Sedona, 373, 376
and stupa blessing, 75, 123, 124,
125, 126
and stupa construction, 26-27,
80-81, 86, 113
and Tara Studios, 74, 76, 77-80
Sherrill, Martha, 298-312
book project of, see book project
Buddhism as magnet for, 16, 76,
80-83, 124, 222-24, 302-3,
309-12, 315, 323, 325, 350-51,
disenchantment of, 303-12
as drawn to Jetsunma, 36, 38, 67,
178, 317, 323, 324-26, 371
dreams of, 353-54
and father, 36-37, 302, 309, 310,
311, 324
and India trip, 191, 213, 224,
298-301, 309-10
journalism and, 5, 6, 82-83, 85, 176,
224, 309, 354, 371
as Karma Drolkar, 372
as nonjoiner, 124
Sherrill, Peter, 36-37, 302, 309, 310,
311, 324
Sims, Doug, 10, 37, 115, 368
and Ladyworks, 80, 336
and stupa blessing, 122-23
and stupa construction, 20, 26, 27,
28, 29, 113-14
and stupa site, 24
Sims, Shelly, 10-11, 32, 37
SkyDancer, 79, 238
Smith, Joseph, 351
Somerville, David, 7, 37, 54, 115, 209,
369, 373
author's interview of, 118-22
construction business of, 118
and finances, 240
in First Wave, 52
and stupa construction, 25, 28, 32,
33, 113-14
and World Prayer Center, 101-2, 137
Somerville, Sylvia Rivchun, 7, 54, 209,
and Chris, 271, 276, 279
in First Wave, 51, 52
Sonam, Ani, 261-62, 280, 327, 339,
Sophia, Ani (Angela Windolph), 75-76,
81, 166, 373
"aha" moments in, 15, 16
in America, 7, 61, 318-23, 352
cults and, 335, 351-53
deepening of, 14-16, 83, 225
freedom in, 322
of metaphysical Christians, 53
ordination and, 158-59
see also religion, organized
spontaneously, use of term, 76
students (of Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo):
as builders vs, academics, 68-69,
117, 230, 256, 262
and Correct View, 195-203, 311-12
darker meetings of, 244-47, 271,
275-78, 285-91, 335-36
departures of, 196-99, 261-62,
278-79, 293, 326
distancing of Jetsunma from,
199-202, 211, 217, 219-20, 331,
339, 355
doubts of, 262-64, 333-49, 362
as drawn to Jetsunma, 65, 67, 68, 75,
90-91, 101, 110, 117, 136, 177,
197, 205-7, 209, 216-17,
222-23, 225, 236, 254, 323
faith in Jetsunma of, 118, 122, 190,
249, 250, 292
First Wave, 7, 52-55, 67-68, 236
hierarchy of, 365
and India trip, 312-14
inner circle of, 244, 326, 362
Jetsunma in bardo for, 122, 190, 263,
Jetsunma's criticism of, 240, 335
Jetsunma's influence on lives of, 77,
102-4, 136, 144-45, 147-48,
177-78, 186, 188, 196, 209, 214,
218-19, 225, 228, 249-50,
254-55, 273, 317, 328, 335-36,
and lama's health, 146, 235, 269
limited partnership of, 10 1
in Michigan, 52, 53, 254
Ngiindro practice of, 108, 217-18
numbers of, 7
and ordination, 136, 139, 142-47,
157-65: see also ordained
and Penor Rinpoche, 155-59
prayer vigils of, 110, 140-41, 230,
287, 336
raps of, 115-16
recruitment of, 207, 226, 235
spiritual names of, 166
and stupa blessing, 123-27
vows taken by, 58, 77, 158-59,
164-66, 274
Stupa Man (Tulku Rigdzin Pema),
27-28, 31, 37, 73, 86
and Noble Light Rays practice, 33-34,
and relics, 29-30
and Sangye's accident, 32-33
and stupa blessing, 123-24, 126
and stupa tree, 29
stupas, 66-67
auspicious date for, 24-25
circumambulation of, 10-11, 31-32,
121-22, 127-28
construction of, as blessing, 22, 31,
diet for working on, 25, 80
negativity and, 32
in Poolesville, 19-20, 147, 235
Stupa Man and, see Stupa Man
see also Migyur Dorje Stupa
causes of, 13, 31, 287
endless, 110, 220
purification of, 364
teachings about, 356-57, 358-59


Tara, goddess of mercy, 78, 133
Tara Studios/Tara Enterprises Ltd, , 74,
77-80, 116, 274
Tashi, 22, 194, 290
early years of, see Barry, Tom
and finances, 241, 242, 261, 362
name of, 79, 166
Taylor, Bonnie, 243-44, 352, 375
Taylor, Renee, 320-21, 324
temple, see KPC
Ten Thousand Days, 25
Tenzin Chophak, 347
tertons, use of term, 30, 180
Thich Nhat Hanh, 160
Third Buddha, relics of, 29
ah sound in, 166
Buddhism of, see Tibetan Buddhism
Chinese invasion of, 30, 62, 93, 107,
Penor Rinpoche's flight from, 31, 93
tulku system of, 62, 267, 352
Western writers in, 6G-63
Tibetan Buddhism (Vajrayana Buddhism):
bodhicitta in, 365-67
Bodhisattva vow of, 54, 58, 364,
Correct View and, 195-203
democracy vs., 352
diet and, 25, 57, 63
foundation practice of, 108-11,
hell realms of, 105
hierarchy of, 27-28, 62, 104,
149-50, 324, 365
impermanence and, 146--47
KPC and, see KPC
making a connection in, 183
Mandarava and, 181
many lifetimes in, 81, 263
Ngondro practice, 108-11, 178,
Nyingma lineage of, see Nyingma lineage
ordination in, 160-62
Padmasambhava and, 30, 180, 181
Palyul tradition of, 62-63, 104, 135,
quality of practice in, 116-17, 255,
Refuge vow of, 58, 95, 108-9, 370
schools of, 138
and sentient beings, 23, 110
as Short Path, 9
spaciousness in, 311
teacher's role in, 363-64
titles in, 149-50
tulkus of, 61-62, 178, 189-90, 267,
352, 365
unseen world of, 23, 178
use of terms in, 23, 105, 110
Vinaya teachings of, 334
and World Prayer Center, 10 7
see also Buddhism
tormas (offerings), 126
Transcendental Meditation (TM), 48,
transformation, wheel of, 5
Troubleshooters, 216, 24G-41
Trynor, Darwin, lOG-I 0 1
Tsewang Dongyal, Khenpo, 105
Tsewang Gyatso, Khenpo, 134, 138
Dechenand, 257-58, 279, 281-83,
289, 341--44, 345, 347
Jetsunma and, 347--48
Monk and, 279, 282, 283, 373
politics and, 353, 354
Poolesville visits of, 235-36, 374
blessing, 180
Catharine/Jetsunma as, 7, 8, 129,
130, 133-36, 139, 145, 150-51,
170, 178, 180, 189-90, 263,
Dechen and, 256-58, 259
defined, 151, 177
divinity of, 189-90, 259
female, 62-63, 178
hierarchies of, 28, 62, 149-51
as living Buddhas, 151, 169-70
recognition of, 62, 93
reincarnations of, 62
self-destructive, 272
Tibetan lamas as, 61-62, 178,
256-57; see also lamas
Tibetan system of, 62, 267, 352
tum-mo practice, 61


Vajra Hell, 198, 274, 337
Vajrasattva practice, 105-6, 110
of Alana, 112
of Dechen, 283, 289, 291, 327
four potencies of, 258- 59
Vajrayana, see Tibetan Buddhism
Vinaya teachings, 334
Vonnegut, Kurt, 82


Waddell, L, Austine, 60
"War Cry" (Jetsunma), 294-97, 311
Washington Post, The, 5, 65, 82-83, 169,
Wassell, Martin, 5, 323
Wasserman, Paul, 79-80
wheel of Dharma, 5
White Moon, voice of, 92
Williams, Karen, 55, 103, 137, 146
as Ani Aileen, see Aileen, Ani
and ordination, 144, 163, 164,
and Penor Rinpoche's visit, 156
and Poolesville property, 101
and World Prayer Center, 105, 148,
Windolph, Angela, see Sophia, Ani
Windolph, Catherine (Ani Samla), 101,
142, 166
Windolph, John, 101
Windolph, Maria (Ani Arene), 166
Windolph, Vicky (Ani Ella), 166
World Prayer Center, 93, 99-105
Buddhism in, 104-5, 107-11,
and Catharine's trips to India,
129-30, 133, 136-37, 138-39
Correct View in, 151- 52
growth of, 157
as KPC, see KPC
limited partnership of, 101
move to Poolesville, 99-101
prayer vigils of, 110, 14D-41
retreat center of, 136-37, 194-95
Sakyamuni altarpiece for, 148-49
students of, see students
stupa building for, 147-48


Yantang Tulku, 217-18, 219, 220-21,
Yeshe, Lama, 4
Yeshe Nyonpa, see Randolph, Jon
Yeshe Tsogyal, 135
Young, Brigham, 351


Zen Buddhism, 25, 61, 117
Zeoli, Alyce Louise, see Jetsunma Ahkon
Zeoli, Atira, 35, 115-16, 179
Catharine Anastasia and, 185-88,
189, 211
Michael and, 201, 209, 210-11, 230,
340, 376
Zeoli, Ben, 175-76
Zeoli, Christopher, 44, 125, 139, 175
Zeoli, Geraldine, 38-40, 41-43, 44,
185, 191
Zeoli, Harry, 38, 39-40, 43
Zomchi, Ani, 166, 254-55; see also
Dechen, Ani
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