The impulse to believe the absurd when presented with the unknowable is called religion. Whether this is wise or unwise is the domain of doctrine. Once you understand someone's doctrine, you understand their rationale for believing the absurd. At that point, it may no longer seem absurd. You can get to both sides of this conondrum from here.


Postby admin » Fri Nov 27, 2015 11:15 pm

Exhibit 25


Scientology was developed by L. Ron Hubbard, an American writer and philosopher. It was completed after 35 years of research.

Born in Tilden, Nebraska, on 13th March, 1911, he was the only child of Commander H. R. Hubbard, U.S.N. and Dora May Hubbard.

Hubbard was raised on his grandfather's cattle ranch in Montana and could ride before he could walk. He later became a blood brother of the Blackfoot (Pikuni) Indians, and his first novel published in 1935 concerns them.

At the age of ten he rejoined his father and mother. Two years later, in Washington, D.C. at the time, he became a fast friend of the President's son, Calvin Coolidge, Jnr., whose untimely death is probably responsible for L. Ron Hubbard's early interest in mental research.

As his father's duty took the family to the Far East, L. Ron Hubbard was in China when he was fourteen and spent the next several years in travel throughout Asia. In Northern China and India he became increasingly curious about the composition and destiny of Man, and [illegible] on the one hand with Lama Priests, and made himself agreeable on the other hand to war-like people by his ability to ride.

With the death of his grandfather, Hubbard, 19 years of age, was brought home by his father to study at the George Washington University in Washington, D.C. He graduated in Mathematics and Engineering from Colombian College to become a member of the first United States course in formal education in what is called today nuclear physics. He also attended the Princeton University.

During his college days he supported himself by his writing, and before he concluded college he was well established as an essayist.

His first action on leaving college was to lead an expedition into Central America. In the next few years he headed three further expeditions, all of them undertaken to study savage peoples and cultures to provide material for his articles and stories. Between 1933 and 1941 he visited many barbaric cultures and yet found time to write seven million words of published fact and fiction.

Having first in Asia become interested in the mind and in Man, he multiplied this interest with his investigations of savage peoples, and by 1938 he had written a never-published work on the subject of the basic principles of human existence.

By 1936 he had become a member of the Explorers Club in New York City.

In addition to travel articles, he has written western, science fiction, and adventure stories, and he is still one of the better known science fiction writers.

He was first called to Hollywood to write a film script in 1936 and since that time he has done a considerable amount of film work.

Commissioned before the war in 1941 by the U.S. Navy, he was ordered to the Philippines at the outbreak of the war and was flown home in the late spring of 1942 as the first U.S. returned casualty from the Far East.

As a yachtsman he had considerable sea experience, and the scarcity of officers was such that, without rest, he was ordered at once to command of a corvette. He served for the remainder of that year with British and American anti-submarine vessels in the North Atlantic and rose to command a squadron. In 1943 he saw duty in the North Pacific.

Crippled and blind at the end of the war, he resumed his studies of philosophy and by his discoveries recovered so fully that he was reclassified in 1949 for full combat duty. It is a matter of medical record that he has twice been pronounced dead and that in 1950 he was given a perfect score on mental and physical fitness reports.

Revolted by war and Man's inhumanity to Man, he resigned his commission rather than assist government research projects. He subsequently published his original thesis on his work and the startling popularity of this thesis brought publishers to offer him a contract for a popular work. Published in 1950, it soared in the top of the best-seller lists and stayed there. It's title "Dianetics. The Modern Science of Mental Health."

Dianetics means "through thought or mind". As a science it explained and demonstrated conclusively the workings of the human mind. Thus were unlocked the secrets of this hitherto unknown territory -- a major breakthrough in the history of Man. Dianetic techniques in addressing the mind achieved remarkable results, but further research established that tremendously higher results were obtainable by addressing the spirit or thetan (taken from the Greek symbol for "thought" or spirit) as it is known in Scientology. Thus Scientology evolved from Dianetics.

Scientology today is a world-wide organization with organizations on every continent and headquarters at Saint Hill Manor in Sussex, England. Scientology is the most vital movement on earth today and is expanding phenomenally fast. Every week thousands of new people are introduced to its great benefits.

The home of L. Ron Hubbard and his family since 1959, Saint Hill Manor is where Ron continued his relentless search into the rehabilitation of the spirit of Man. Late in 1965 the final and most important stage of his research was completed.

The long sought bridge to total freedom for Mankind was complete.
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Postby admin » Fri Nov 27, 2015 11:20 pm

Exhibit 26

Image Image
[handwritten note: Sluicing with crew on Corozal River, '32 P.R., L. Ron Hubbard]
L. Ron Hubbard (facing camera) conducting the first complete mineralogical survey of Puerto Rico, at the age of 21


L. Ron Hubbard has always been an explorer. Even as a youth, it was natural for him to look beyond the descriptions of others and to see with his own eyes the thing described.

And, as he grew to manhood, the urge was strengthened and the ability to organize resources towards the attainment of a more precise observation increased.

As a young man he had already travelled around this world, lived amongst peoples of the most varied culture and studied their behavior and beliefs with great interest and understanding.

While still young his attention had been drawn increasingly to non-materialistic realms, but a vivid curiosity about the details of existence always informed the loftier areas of his research and writings. So it was not at all unusual for him to be exploring underwater sites in the Caribbean or Mediterranean at the same periods as he was developing some of the highest spiritual concepts in Scientology.

The mission into time which gives this book its title was the natural outgrowth of L. Ron Hubbard's attainments as an explorer, mariner and Founder of the most rapidly expanding religious movement on earth, Scientology.

But let's go back to the beginning and recount the events that made this all possible.

L. Ron Hubbard was born in Tilden, Nebraska, on 13th March, 1911, to Commander Harry Ross Hubbard of the United States Navy and Dora May Hubbard (nee Waterbury de Wolfe.) As his father's career kept the family on the move, his parents decided to send their son to his maternal grandfather's cattle ranch in Montana. It was here that he spent his childhood years.

L. Ron Hubbard found the life of a young rancher very enjoyable. Long days were spent riding, breaking broncos, hunting coyote and taking his first steps as an explorer.

For it was in Montana that he had his first encounter with another culture -- the Blackfoot (Pikuni) Indians. He became a blood brother of the Pikuni and was later to write about them in his first published novel, Buckskin Brigades.

When he was 10 years old, in 1921, he rejoined his family. His father, alarmed at his apparent lack of formal learning, immediately put him under intense instruction to make up for the time lost to the 'wilds' of Montana.

So it was that by the time he was 12 years old L. Ron Hubbard had already read a goodly number of the world's greatest classics -- and his interest in philosophy and religion was born.

Not that the explorer in him had been stilled. Far from it. A Montana newspaper of hte period reported thusly on one of Helena's newest high school students:

Ronald Hubbard has the distinction of being the only boy in the country to secure an eagle scout badge at the age of 12 years. He was a boy scout in Washington, D.C. before coming to Helena.

In Washington, he had also become a close friend of President Coolidge's son, Calvin Jr., whose early death accelerated L. Ron Hubbard's precocious interest in the mind and spirit of Man.

The following years, from 1925 to 1929, saw the young Mr. Hubbard, between the ages of 14 and 18, as a budding and enthusiastic world traveller and adventurer. His father was sent to the Far East and having the financial support of his wealthy grandfather, L. Ron Hubbard spent these years journeying throughout Asia.

He explored many out-of-the-way places and saw many strange-seeming peoples and customs. But it was in Northern China and India, while studying with holy men, that he became vitally engrossed in the subject of the spiritual destiny of Mankind.

With the death of his grandfather, the Hubbard family returned to the United States and, after intense study at Swavely Preparatory School in Manassas, Virginia and at Woodward Preparatory School in Washington, D.C., he enrolled at the George Washington University Engineering School in the fall of 1930.

At George Washington, L. Ron Hubbard became associate editor of the University newspaper, "The Hatchet," and was a member of many of the University's clubs and societies including the Twentieth Marine Corps Reserve and the George Washington College Company.

It was while at George Washington University that he learned to fly and discovered a particular aptitude as a glider pilot.

Here, also, he was enrolled in one of the first nuclear physics courses ever taught in an American university.

As a student, barely 20 years old, he supported himself by writing and within a very few years he had established himself as an essayist in the literary world. The pattern was becoming clearer. A relentless interest in all forms of human activity, exploring the frontiers of his time as they were revealed to him.

And, explorer that he was and is, he made the time during these same busy college years to act as a director with the Caribbean Motion Picture Expedition of 1931. The underwater films made on that journey provided the Hydrographic Office and the University of Michigan with invaluable data for the furtherance of their research.

Then in 1932, the true mark of an exceptional explorer was demonstrated. In that year L. Ron Hubbard, aged 21, achieved an ambitious "first." Conducting the West Indies Minerals Survey, he made the first complete mineralogical survey of Puerto Rico. This was pioneer exploration in the great tradition, opening up a predictable, accurate body of data for the benefit of others. Later, in other, less materialistic fields, this was to be his way many, many times over.

Throughout this whole period, the writing never let up. Several million words poured from his pen and into print, both fact and fiction. Travel articles, stories of exploration and adventure, essays and anecdotes as well as science fiction and western stories appeared in over 90 magazines and journals. Today, his science fiction stories, in particular, are still widely read and new editions are on sale in many countries.

More exciting travels, this time with his sailing ship (a ketch) "Magician" which he called "Maggie," along the coasts of Alaska, added to the existing knowledge of unfrequented navigational passages and islands in America's northwest ocean waters.

His aviation articles in "The Sportsman Pilot" dealing, among other things, with aerial navigation of the Indies, date from this period.

By 1936, at the age of 25, the restless explorer was in Hollywood, ready for adventures of a different sort. Working as a script writer on several films, he made his reputation there, appropriately enough, with the highly profitable Columbia production titled "The Secret of Treasure Island."

Hollywood has always been a good place to study "what makes men tick," and the late '30s were no exception. In fact, L. Ron Hubbard dates his own statement of the discovery of the primary law of life, summarily expressed by the command "Survive!", at 1938. He says, "A work was written at that time which embraced man and his activities." This was the still-unpublished "Excalibur," a sensational volume which was a summation of life based on his analysis of the state of Mankind. The part played in this by his explorations, journeys and experiences in the four corners of the earth, amongst all kinds of men, was crucial.

As a logical consequence of his achievements in the field L. Ron Hubbard, on December12th, 1939, not yet 30 years old, was proposed as a Member of the Explorers Club of New York. He was duly elected a Member on February 19th, 1940. Now the honors were coming.

In May of that same year, 1940, he was awarded his first Explorers Club flag for conducting the Alaskan Radio Experimental Expedition. Carrying the Club's flag on an expedition is one of the highest honors granted.

Also in 1940, on 17th December, he earned his "License to Master of Steam and Motor Vessels" from the U.S. Department of Commerce. Within 4-1/2 months he had further obtained a second certificate attesting to his marine skill: "License to Master of Sail Vessels" ("Any Ocean").

Now, in 1941, the time was at hand when L. Ron Hubbard would take a voyage with many other men of his generation: he was ordered to the Philippines (which he had known as a youngster) at the outbreak of World War II.

He survived the early war in the South Pacific and was relieved by fifteen officers of rank and was rushed home to take part in the 1942 battle against German submarines as Commanding Officer of a Corvette serving in the North Atlantic.

After continual service in the various theaters of the war, 1944 found him crippled and blinded in Oak Knoll Naval Hospital. From Commander Thompson of the Medical Corps of the U.S. Navy, a friend of his father and a personal student of Sigmund Freud,, he had received while still young an extensive education in the field of the human mind. That data would now prove itself invaluable. Aligning what he knew of psychoanalysis to his own observations, he developed techniques that would help him overcome his injuries and regain his abilities. His research and hard-won knowledge was beginning to pay off handsomely in an unexpected way.

Altogether, he spent a year at Oak Knoll, during which time he synthesized what he had learned of Eastern philosophy, his understanding of nuclear physics and his experiences among men. He says, "I set out to find from nuclear physics and a knowledge of the physical universe, things entirely lacking in Asian philosophy."

He concluded that the results he was obtaining could help others towards greater ability and happiness, and it was during that some of the basic tenets of Dianetics and Scientology were first formulated.

Thanks in great part to the unusual discoveries that L. Ron Hubbard made while at Oak Knoll in 1944, he recovered so fully that he was reclassified for full combat duty.

Even for L. Ron Hubbard, this degree of penetration into the mysteries and secret ways of the human mind represented a new form of exploration. And this was to be only the beginning.

More research and writing, and the direction of future work was becoming clear. A major breakthrough was in the offing.

In 1948 it came. Dianetics. The original thesis, his first formal report back from the frontiers of the mind and life, which he had been scouting for years, was a 30,000 word revelation. The manuscript was copied out extensively and quickly passed from hand to avid hand in many countries.

A grass roots interest in Dianetics spread like wildfire. Letters began to pour in asking for clarifications and advice. Answering them was becoming a full time occupation.

What was needed was a complete popular text on the subject which would answer all questions. A publisher, Hermitage House, was anxious to print such a book. There was one condition: the manuscript had to be delivered in three weeks.

Three weeks of fever-pitch writing and concentration, the summing up in a tremendously communicative style of a full, young life of direct observation and experience, of absorbing and coordinating data from the most disparate sources of knowledge and the book was done and delivered.

There was the anatomy of the mind, and a technology -- called auditing * -- out in the open. 180,000 words of breakthrough, Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health exploded onto the booklists of May, 1950, like a roman candle of life and hope. Providing, as it did, for a truly workable school of the mind which would predictably improve the human condition, it leapt to the top of the New York Times best seller list and just stayed there. The 12-year-old eagle scout had come quite a ways.

And in the Winter-Spring issue of the Explorers Journal of that year (1950), in an article entitled "Terra Incognita: The Mind," L. Ron Hubbard paid homage to the vocation he loved and had always followed:

Probably the strangest place an explorer can go is inside. The earth's frontiers are being rapidly gobbled up by the fleet flight of planes, the stars are not yet reached. But there still exists a dark unknown which, if a strange horizon for an adventurer, is nevertheless capable of producing some adventures scarcely rivaled by Livingstone.

During the course of three minor expeditions before the war, the realization came about that one of the most dangerous risks in the field of exploration is not located in the vicinity of the geographical goal, but is hard by from the first moment of planning until the last of disbanding -- the unbalanced member of the party.

After some years of war it became even more of a conviction that there are some things more dangerous than the kamikaze, just as they had been more dangerous than malaria.

For a mathematician and navigator to become involved in the complexities of the mental frontiers is not particularly strange; to produce something like results from his explorations into the further realms of the unknown definitely is.

There is no reason here to become expansive on the subject of Dianetics. The backbone of the science can be found where it belongs, in the text book and in professional publications on the mind and body.

But in that Dianetics was evolved because of observations in exploration for the purpose of bettering exploration results and safeguarding the success of expeditions, it would be strange, indeed, to make no mention of it in its proper generative field.

Almost immediately, thousands of readers began to apply the data from the book and Dianetic groups sprang up across the country, with and without sanction.

Realizing already at this stage that the mind in itself, no matter how liberated, was limiting and that there was something 'animating' the mind, he founded, in 1950, the Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation to facilitate investigation into the realm of the spirit. Thus was Scientology born.

And in this period, revolted by the excesses of Man's inhumanity to Man, he resigned his naval commission to concentrate his attention on the furthering of Dianetics and Scientology.

The pace of research and writing quickened. To an already crammed schedule, lectures were added. These lectures, usually arranged in a series spread across one or two weeks of intensive meetings, were later to become even more famous, and many are preserved on tape and in book form.

The Oakland Lecture Series in September of 1950 and the Los Angeles Lecture Series in late November of that same year are preserved in book form in Notes on the Lectures.

1951 saw the publication of Self Analysis, a very practical self-help volume giving a way to improve memory, reaction time and general ability.

Also in 1951, Science of Survival was published, a 506-page volume outlining and describing in detail the relationship of Man to the physical universe and an exact pattern for the prediction of human behavior.

Then came A History of Man, with its extraordinary account of evolution and past lives as revealed in Dianetic and Scientology processing." This was the explorer again, setting out into uncharted territory to return with truths that at first could only seem real to those who followed and saw for themselves.

Pressure was brought to bear on L. Ron Hubbard to prevent the publication of A History of Man on the grounds that it would appear literally unbelievable and damage his reputation. But he, secure in the tradition of the true researcher and explorer, published what he had found, pointing out at the same time that two-thirds of the world's population still held religious traditions aligned to the basic premises of A History of Man.

In 1952, L. Ron Hubbard published Scientology 8-80, which described the physical manifestations of thought and past identities in terms of flows and ridges surrounding the body.

The data was pouring forth. A gate long locked by superstition and fear had been thrown open.

A new series of lectures was delivered in Philadelphia, also in 1952, in course format: The Philadelphia Doctorate Course. These lectures, all of which were preserved on tape and are available today, went into great details about the behavioral patterns of the spirit -- a breathtaking delineation of the spiritual landscape he was now surveying.

Many awards and honors were offered and conferred on L. Ron Hubbard. He did accept an honorary Doctor of Philosophy given in recognition of his outstanding work on Dianetics and, "as an inspiration to the many people ... who had been inspired by him to take up advanced studies in this field ..."

A historic milestone in the person life of L. Ron Hubbard and in the history of Dianetics and Scientology was passed in February, 1954, with the founding of the first Church of Scientology. This was in keeping with the religious nature of the tents dating from the earliest days of research. It was obvious that he had been exploring religious territory right along. And whatever the name given to the technique or study and whatever way it had been interpreted by skeptics or sensation-mongers, it was apparent to those with a sense of history and Man's ages-old spiritual quest that this was indeed the realm of the soul and its havens.

And Dianetics and Scientology were snowballing across the United States and reaching other shores -- England first of all. Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, was everywhere. As early as 1951 the publisher Casini had brought out the first Italian edition in Rome.

In 1954 there was another lecture series, in Phoenix, Arizona. These were startling talks on the qualities and fundamental nature of all life. Today they can be studied in book form: The Phoenix Lectures. It was in this series that he described The Axioms of Scientology, those self-evident truths which provide the philosophical foundation for the entire religion.

And in 1955, the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia authorized L. Ron Hubbard to celebrate marriages there.

The search and research went on. The spiritual frontiers being tackled were those which had stopped many of history's greatest men. A search for the source of all life was turning up new ways in which the data could be used to benefit Man. Thousands of people were being audited now, finding out for themselves what could be achieved beyond the barriers of supposition and fixed ideas.

Another new honor was to come his way when, on November 13th, 1957, The International Oceanographic Foundation, with headquarters in Miami, Florida, made him a Fellow of the Society, "by virtue of contributions to the advancement and extension of knowledge and discovery in oceanography and the marine sciences."

Reaching the end of the fifties, L. Ron Hubbard decided once again that it was time to move on. This time it was to England that he would travel, there to find a home which could become an international center for the study of Dianetics and Scientology.

Saint Hill Manor, a vast and beautiful Georgian residence in the green hills of Sussex, was to be that home and that center. Increasingly effective techniques had been developed for the further liberation of the spirit and the exploration he now conducted was leading inevitably to a goal of total spiritual freedom, the ages-long quest of Man's greatest religious leaders.

On a literally "down-to-earth" level, though, L. Ron Hubbard was moving in a direction new even for him. 1959 and 1960 saw him, now firmly established at Saint Hill, conducting a series of revolutionary experiments on plants in a fully-equipped greenhouse laboratory on the Manor grounds. On September 25, 1959, a local paper was able to record that, "L. Ron Hubbard ... whose researches in plant life at the Manor look like revolutionizing horticulture, has carried out an experiment which points to the fact that plants react in much the same way to certain situations as do human beings."

And under the headline "Hubbard Seen by TV Millions," London's "Garden News" reported that, "... it was this discovery that took interviewer Alan Whicker to East Grinstead. There Hubbard demonstrated his experiments with an electric galvanometer (E-Meter *) on a geranium plant. The reaction of the plant to the threat or "fear of death" ... was shown by the oscillation of the needle on the galvanometer.

"Viewers (of the Cliff Michelmore 'Tonight' program) had good scenes of the large experimental laboratory and gardens at East Grinstead and must have formed a favourable impression on this most likeable and confident personality."

The plants were reacting on the E-Meter. Tearing off a twig or a leaf produced definite reactions not attributable to movement of the plant.

And there were other experiments. Ways were found to successfully raise plants from seeds normally planted in the Spring -- in September ! And an exact X-ray treatment of seeds resulted in larger vegetables and the growing of plants not normally suited to the English climate. In a country where the subject is taken seriously indeed, "Garden News" stated that "Current experiments he is conducting are 25 years in advance of today's methods and ideas."

This proved prophetic for 13 years subsequent to L. Ron Hubbard's findings, experiments on plant life reaction in Swiss, German, Russian, American, British and Canadian scientific institutions have validated his findings in rigorous test conditions.

But reporters weren't the only ones converging on Saint Hill. Scientologists had good reason to make the trip there from the far corners of the earth, for at Saint Hill, in 1961, he instituted The Saint Hill Special Briefing Course, to bring practitioners of Dianetics and Scientology up-to-date with the latest developments.

Other, higher training courses were begun as the power of the materials uncovered grew to unprecedented magnitude.

At the root of all the research was the one guiding principle: does the data discovered and the method of its application lead to a direct improvement in the condition of the human spirit? Academic speculation could play no part in the development of a religious philosophy which, above all, had to work. Nor could such have been expected from a man this familiar with the ways and pitfalls of life on this planet. An Ivory Tower is no place to hang an Explorers Club flag.

1965 began with L. Ron Hubbard's election to membership in the National Geographic Society. But 1965 held momentous treasures in store for Scientologists and, indeed, for all men and women.

For more than two millenia Man had dreamed of a spiritual state where, free of his own mental aberrations, he would be truly himself. L. Ron Hubbard called this state "Clear.*" And, at Saint Hill, in August of 1965, he announced the attainment of Clear.

The dream of Buddha, attained by the few, was a reality. Man could be Clear.

And the reality which was and is Clear was to be available to all who followed the exact route he had laid out. This route he called The Bridge. For it was as a span across the abyss of misery and degradation and sorrow to a higher plateau of ability and happiness.

The explorer had reached the land he foresaw.

And, in 1966, having paved the way to Clear so that it was safe and sure for others to walk, the Founder resigned from any official administrative capacity in Scientology to devote all of his time and energies in the following years to even loftier looking.

It was then he discovered and developed the astonishing materials above Clear now known as the Advanced Courses. These are the eight OT * sections, enabling one who has attained Clear to regain abilities never before accurately credited to the human spirit, as an Operating Thetan, a spiritual being operating independently of the laws of the physical universe.

In July of 1966, OT I and OT II were released and, during the last months of 1967, came the breakthrough of OT III.

A research accomplishment of immense magnitude, OT III has been called "The Wall of Fire." Here are contained the secrets of a disaster which resulted in the decay of life as we know it in this sector of the galaxy. The end result of OT III is truly the stuff of which dreams are spun: the return of full self-determinism and complete freedom from overwhelm.

The formation of a new Scientology group dates from this same period. Hearing of L. Ron Hubbard's plans for further exploration and research into, among other things, past civilizations, many Scientologists wanted to join him and help. They adopted the name "Sea Organization."

Then came the "ideal expedition." Actually an exploration into both time and space, it is fully described in this book. Free of organizational duties and aided by the first Sea Org members, L. Ron Hubbard now had the time and facilities to confirm in the physical universe some of the events and places he had encountered in his journeys down the track of time. And so we have Mission Into Time, the voyage in which he combined all the know-how of a life's work on land and sea and with the mind and spirit.

The excitement of the expedition generated greater interest in this new Sea Org and more and more Scientologists wanted to join. Inevitably the Sea Org, whose colloquial name stuck, grew and grew and today is an integral part of the Church of Scientology.

January 1968, then saw the release of OT Sections IV, V and VI as a sequence of astounding spiritual abilities to be reached. And, in September of 1970 came OT VII. OT VIII has yet to be released.

These OT Sections and the abilities and awarenesses they restore to the individual are the greatest gifts to Man of a great man.

Latest in a long series of honours, L. Ron Hubbard, in July of 1970, was awarded the key to the City of Long Beach, California, by the city's mayor. It was accepted on his behalf by his daughter, Diana.

And still the momentous expedition continues through the seventies. Today, Scientology's Founder lives with hi wife, Mary Sue, and three of their children: Quentin, 19; Suzette, 18; and Arthur, 15. Their oldest daughter, Diana, 21, is happily married.

Today, L. Ron Hubbard explores the future as he always has. His life work continues unabated. His unrelenting desire to raise the intelligence, ability and spiritual integrity of all men and women is ever leading him to new crossroads and hitherto unexplored realms of life and the human spirit.
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Postby admin » Fri Nov 27, 2015 11:23 pm

Exhibit 27



Atomic radiation is a subject which interests the minds of every thinking man and woman in the world.

In this book we have the sane and sober views of a medical doctor on the physical facts and consequences of the actual atomic blast and the diseases resulting from it.

L. Ron Hubbard, who was one of the first nuclear physicists, famed author and explorer, has comprehensively analysed these facts and related them to human livingness, governments and the security of the world.

These facts when presented at the Congress on Nuclear Radiation and Health at the Royal Empire Society Hall, London, so impressed Parliamentary figures that they requested immediate transcription of these lectures. Here they are presented to the reader in book form.

This book clearly satisfies the urgent need of a systemized and factual knowledge on the subject and its effects.

This book is vital to the survival of your possessions, your family and the future of this planet. Read it, get copies of it to your friends.
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Posts: 36231
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Postby admin » Fri Nov 27, 2015 11:25 pm

Exhibit 28

Image Image
All About Radiation, by a Nuclear Physicist and a Medical Doctor


Atomic radiation is a subject which interests the minds of every thinking man and woman in the world.

In this book we have the sane and sober views of a medical doctor on the physical facts and consequences of the actual atomic blast and the diseases resulting from it.

L. Ron Hubbard, who was one of the first nuclear physicists, famed author and explorer, has comprehensively analysed these facts and related them to human livingness, governments and the security of the world.

These facts when presented at the Congress on Nuclear Radiation and Health at the Royal Empire Society Hall, London, so impressed Parliamentary figures that they requested immediate transcription of these lectures. Here they are presented to the reader in book form.

This book clearly satisfies the urgent need of a systemized and factual knowledge on the subject and its effects.

This book is vital to the survival of your possessions, your family and the future of this planet. Read it, get copies of it to your friends.


Scientology is a religious philosophy containing pastoral counseling procedures intended to assist an individual to gain greater knowledge of self. The Mission of the Church of Scientology is a simple one -- to help the individual achieve greater self-confidence and personal integrity, thereby enabling him to really trust and respect himself and his fellow man. The attainment of the benefits and goals of Scientology requires each individual's positive participation, as only through his own efforts can he achieve these.

This is part of the religious literature and works of the Founder of Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard. It is presented to the reader as part of the record of the personal research into Life, and should be construed only as a written report of such research and not as a statement of claims made by the Church or the author.

Scientology and its sub-study, Dianetics, as practiced by the Church, address only the spiritual side of Man. Although the Church, as are all churches, is free to engage in spiritual healing, it does not, as its primary goal is increased knowledge and personal integrity for all. For this reason, the Church does not wish to accept individuals who desire treatment of physical illness or insanity, but refers these to qualified specialists in other organizations who deal in these matters.

The Hubbard Electrometer is a religious artifact used in the Church confessional. It, in itself, does nothing, and is used by Ministers only, to assist parishioners in locating areas of spiritual distress or travail.

We hope the reading of this book is only the first stage of a personal voyage of discovery into the positive and effective religion of Scientology.


Church of Scientology

This book belongs to _______________________________________________

Date _________________________






Published in
The United States of America
Church of Scientology of California
4833 Fountain Avenue, East Annex
Los Angeles, California 90029

ISBN 0-88-104-062-3

and in all other countries
(AOSH DK Publications Department ApS)
Jernbanegade 6, 1608 Copenhagen V

ISBN 87-7336-029-5

The Church of Scientology of
California is a non-profit organization

Scientology is an Applied Religious Philosophy.
Dianetics ® and Scientology ® are registered names.

This book was written out of the proceedings of the
given at the Royal Empire Society Hall between April 12th and
15th, 1957 by the courtesy of
68 Tottenham Court Road
London, W.1., England
and transcribed as requested by Members of Parliament
as furnished to them.

First Printing 1957
Copyright © 1957, 1965, 1967, 1979
by L. Ron Hubbard

No part of this book may be reproduced
without permission of the copyright owner.

The E-Meter is not intended or effective for the diagnosis
treatment or prevention of any disease.

A Dianetics Publication.
Dianetics is the trademark of L. Ron Hubbard
in respect to his published works.

1979 Edition Produced & Released by
LRH Personal Compilations Bureau
In-Charge: Pat Brice
Research Chief: Ernie Ryan



To Sir Winston Churchill who could have written and said it much better.

And to Dwight D. Eisenhower who could solve it if he had a little more cooperation.

The Authors.


"Man's inhumanity to man makes countless thousands mourn."
-- Robert Burns


All mail addressed to me shall be received by me. I am always willing to help. By my own creed, a being is only as valuable as he can serve others.

Any message addressed to me and sent to the address of the nearest Scientology church listed in the back of this book, will be forwarded to me directly.


L. Ron Hubbard



One of the biggest barriers to learning a new subject is its nomenclature, meaning the set of terms used to describe the things it deals with. A subject must have accurate labels which have exact meanings before it can be understood and communicated.

If I were to describe parts of the body as "thingamabobs" and "whatsernames," we would all be in a confusion, so the accurate naming of something is a very important part of any field.

A student comes along and starts to study something and has a terrible time of it. Why? Because he or she not only has a lot of new principles and methods to learn, but a whole new language as well. Unless the student understands this, unless he or she realizes that one has to "know the words before one can sing the tune," he or she is not going to get very far in any field of study or endeavor.

Now I am going to give you an important datum:

The only reason a person gives up a study or becomes confused or unable to learn is because he or she has gone past a word that was not understood.

The confusion or inability to grasp or learn comes AFTER a word that the person did not have defined and understood.

Have you ever had the experience of coming to the end of a page and realizing you didn't know what you had read? Well, somewhere earlier on that page you went past a word that you had no definition for.

Here's an example. "It was found that when the crepuscule arrived the children were quieter and when it was not present, they were much livelier." You see what happens. You think you don't understand the whole idea, but the inability to understand came entirely from the one word you could not define, crepuscule which means twilight or darkness.

This datum about not going past an undefined word is the most important fact in the whole subject of study. Every subject you have taken up and abandoned had its words which you failed to get defined.

Therefore, in studying Scientology be very, very certain you never go past a word you do not fully understand. If the material becomes confusing or you can't seem to grasp it, there will be a word just earlier that you have not understood. Don't go any further, but go back to BEFORE you got into trouble, find the misunderstood word and get it defined.

That is why we have a dictionary. It will not only be the new and unusual words that you will have to look up. Some commonly used words can be misdefined and so cause confusion. So don't depend on our dictionary alone.

Use a general English language dictionary as well for any non-Scientology word you do not understand when you are reading or studying.

Scientology words and their definitions are the gateway to a new look and understanding of life. Understanding them will help you live better, and will assist you along the road of truth that is Scientology.


L. Ron Hubbard



BOOK ONE: The Facts about the Atomic Bomb, by Medicus
Introduction 1
Chapter 1: The Atomic Bomb 3
Chapter 2: Protection 8
Chapter 3: Nuclear Radiation 15
Chapter 4: The Hydrogen Bomb 19
Chapter 5: Problems of Delayed Radiation 21
Chapter 6: Long Term View 27
Chapter 7: Treatment of Radiation Disease 34
BOOK TWO: "Man's Inhumanity to Man", by L. Ron Hubbard
Foreword 45
Lecture 1: The Real Threat of Atomic Radiation 47
Lecture 2: Radiation in War 70
Lecture 3: Radiation and Scientology 98
Lecture 4: Man's Real Enemies 116
Conclusion: The Aims of Scientology 137
Bibliography 140
About L. Ron Hubbard 141
Glossary 154
Reading List
Churches of Scientology Address List


Back Jacket:

Is peace possible under the shadow of the atomic bomb and its effects of radiation?

ALL ABOUT RADIATION gives a fascinating summary of facts and figures concerning the effects of radiation mentally and physically. It clears up for the caring individual the world wide controversy and mystery on the subject. It gives each one of us the opportunity to understand control its effects on society, whether caused by false propaganda, or in the event of actual nuclear war! Getting at the truth handles the fear and uncertainty connected with radiation and brings about peace and certainty in one's capabilities to handle.

Understanding brings peace


L. Ron Hubbard

L. Ron Hubbard is the founder of Dianetics and Scientology. Dianetics was first popularized in 1950 in his best-selling Dianetics. The Modern Science of Mental Health. Scientology is [illegible] religious philosophy, [illegible] by recent sociological survey as the fastest growing religious movement on earth today.

Much of Hubbard's early youth was spent in the American west and he traveled extensively in Asia as a young man. He wrote and published over 15,000,000 words of fiction and non fiction before World War II. He traveled extensively and became a member of the Explorer's Club.

After the war, revolted by Man's inhumanity to Man, he worked to apply his vast knowledge of life and philosophy to the betterment of Man.

L. Ron Hubbard has received worldwide recognition for his work in the fields of the mind, education, drug rehabilitation and the reduction of crime and for his inspiring work as founder and developer of Dianetics and Scientology.

Probably no philosopher of modern times has had the popularity and appeal of Hubbard or such startling successes within his own lifetime.
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Postby admin » Fri Nov 27, 2015 11:28 pm

Exhibit 29

The Modern Science
of Mental Health
Over one million copies sold in hardcover

To the Reader:

Scientology is a religious philosophy containing pastoral counseling procedures intended to assist an individual to gain greater knowledge of self. The Mission of the Church of Scientology is a simple one -- to help the individual achieve greater self-confidence and personal integrity, thereby enabling him to really trust and respect himself and his fellow man. The attainment of the benefits and goals of Scientology requires each individual's positive participation, as only through his own efforts can he achieve these.

This is part of the religious literature and works of the Founder of Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard. It is presented to the reader as part of the record of the personal research into Life, and should be construed only as a written report of such research and not as a statement of claims made by the Church or the author.

Scientology and its sub-study, Dianetics, as practiced by the Church, address only the spiritual side of Man. Although the Church, as are all churches, is free to engage in spiritual healing, it does not, as its primary goal is increased knowledge and personal integrity for all. For this reason, the Church does not wish to accept individuals who desire treatment of physical illness or insanity, but refers these to qualified specialists in other organizations who deal in these matters.

The Hubbard Electrometer is a religious artifact used in the Church confessional. It, in itself, does nothing, and is used by Ministers only, to assist parishioners in locating areas of spiritual distress or travail.


This book belongs to _______________________________________________

Date _________________________



"History has become a race between Dianetics and catastrophe. Dianetics will win if enough people are challenged, in time, to understand it."
-- Frederick L. Schumann
from the New York Times
August 6, 1950


Discover Dianetics -- the proven road to sanity!

by L. Ron Hubbard

A best-seller for 25 years! Still selling over a quarter of a million copies a year!


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Name of book or books
Fill in your name and address
Your Name ______________________
Your Address ____________________
Your City ____________ State ___________
Mail this card today!



I am always willing to help.
By my own creed,
a being is only as valuable
as he can serve others.

Any message addressed to me
and sent to the address
of the nearest Scientology Church
listed in the back of this book,
shall be given prompt and full attention
in accordance with my wishes.

L. Ron Hubbard



Bridge Publications, Inc.


Published by

Bridge Publications, Inc.
1414 N. Catalina Street
Los Angeles, California 90027

Scientology is an Applied Religious Philosophy.
Dianetics ® and Scientology ® are registered names.
The Church of Scientology of California is a non profit organization

Copyright © 1950 by L. Ron Hubbard
All rights, domestic and foreign, reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced without permission
of the copyright owner, except for use in the usual reviews.

Dianetics is the trademark of L. Ron Hubbard
in respect of his published works.

Hardback edition first published May, 1950

Paperback edition first published October, 1968


ISBN 0-88-404-000-3

Printed in the United States of America


Dedicated to Will Durant



In studying Dianetics be very, very certain you never go past a word you do not fully understand.

The only reason a person gives up a study or becomes confused or unable to learn is that he or she has gone past a word of phrase that was not understood.

If the material becomes confusing or you can't seem to grasp it, there will be a word just earlier that you have not understood. Don't go any further, but go back to BEFORE you got into trouble, find the misunderstood word and get it defined.


Chapter I: The Scope of Dianetics 3
Chapter II: The Clear 8
Chapter II: The Goal of Man 20
Chapter IV: The Four Dynamics 36
Chapter V: Summary 41
Chapter I: The Analytical Mind and the Standard Memory Banks 49
Chapter II: The reactive Mind 57
Chapter III: The Cell and the Organism 81
Chapter IV: The "Demons" 99
Chapter V: Psycho-somatic Illness 108
Chapter VI: Emotion and the Dynamics 131
Chapter VII: Prenatal Experience and Birth 147
Chapter VIII: Contagion of Aberration 161
Chapter IX: Keying in the Engram 170
Chapter X: Preventive Dianetics 184
Chapter I: The Mind's Protection 197
Chapter II: Release or Clear 203
Chapter III: The Auditor's Role 208
Chapter IV: Diagnosis 216
Chapter V: Returning, the File Clerk, and the Time Track 235
Chapter VI: The Laws of Returning 250
Chapter VII: Emotion and the Life Force 275
Chapter VIII: Some Types of Engrams 318
Chapter IX: Mechanisms and Aspects of Therapy
Part One 335
Part Two 385
Chapter X: Dianetics -- Past and Future 489
APPENDIX I: The Philosophic Method, by Will Durant 505
APPENDIX II: The Scientific Method, by John W. Campbell, Jr. 507
APPENDIX III: (a) Mind Schematic (with graph), by D. H. Rogers
(b) Analyzer Schematic (with graph), by D. H. Rogers 515
APPENDIX IV: Advice to the Pre-clear 524



The creation of dianetics is a milestone for Man comparable to his discovery of fire and superior to his inventions of the wheel and arch.

Dianetics (Gr., dianona - thought) is the science of mind. Far simpler than physics or chemistry, it compared with them in the exactness of its axioms and is on a considerably higher echelon of usefulness. The hidden source of all psycho-somatic ills and human aberration has been discovered and skills have been developed for their invariable cure.

Dianetics is actually a family of sciences embracing the various humanities and translating them into usefully precise definitions. The present volume deals with Individual Dianetics and is a handbook containing the necessary skills both for the handling of interpersonal relations and the treatment of the mind. With the techniques presented in this handbook the psychiatrist, psycho-analyst and intelligent laymen can successfully and invariably treat all psycho-somatic ills and inorganic aberrations. More importantly, the skills offered in this handbook will produce the dianetic clear, an optimum individual with intelligence considerably greater than the current normal, or the dianetic release, an individual who has been freed from his major anxieties or illnesses. The release can be done in less than twenty hours of work and is a state superior to any produced by several years of psycho-analysis, since the release will not relapse.

Dianetics is an exact science and its application is on the order of, but simpler than, engineering. Its axioms should not be confused with theories since they demonstrably exist as natural laws hitherto undiscovered. Man has known many portions of dianetics in the past thousands of years, but the data was not evaluated for importance, was not organized into a body of precise knowledge. In addition to things known, if not evaluated, dianetics includes a large number of new discoveries of its own about thought and the mind.

The axioms may be found on the end sheets of this volume. Understood and applied, they embrace the field of human endeavour and thought and yield precision results.

The first contribution of Dianetics is the discovery that the problems of thought and mental function can be resolved within the bounds of the finite universe, which is to say that all data needful to the solution of mental action and Man’s endeavour can be measured, sensed and experienced as scientific truths independent of mysticism or metaphysics. The various axioms are not assumptions or theories – the case of past ideas about the mind – but are laws which can be subjected to the most vigorous laboratory and clinical tests.

The first law of Dianetics is a statement of the Dynamic Principle of Existence.


No behaviour or activity has been found to exist without this principle. It is not new that life is surviving. It is new that life has as its entire dynamic urge only survival.

Survival is divided into four dynamics. Survival can be understood to lie in any one of the dynamics and by faulty logic can be explained in terms of any one dynamic. A man can be said to survive for self alone and by this all behaviour can be formulated. He can be said to survive for sex alone and by sex alone all behaviour can be formulated. He can be said to survive for the group only or for Mankind only, and in either of these the entire endeavour and behaviour of the individual can be equated and explained. These are four equations of survival, each one apparently true. However, the entire problem of the purpose of Man cannot be resolved unless one admits all four dynamics in each individual. So equated, the behaviour of the individual can be estimated with precision. These dynamics then embrace the activity of one or many men.

DYNAMIC ONE: The urge of the individual to reach the highest potential of survival in terms of self and his immediate symbiotes.

DYNAMIC TWO: The urge of the individual to reach the highest potential of survival in terms of sex, the act and the creation of children and their rearing.

DYNAMIC THREE: The urge of the individual to reach the highest potential of survival in terms of the group, whether civil, political, or racial and the symbiotes of that group.

DYNAMIC FOUR: The urge of the individual to reach the highest potential of survival in terms of Mankind and the symbiotes of Mankind.

Thus motivated, the individual or a society seeks survival and no human activity of any kind has other basis: experiment, investigation and long testing demonstrated that the unaberrated individual, the Clear, was motivated in his actions and decisions by all the above dynamics and not one alone.

The Clear, the goal of Dianetic therapy, can be created from psychotic, neurotic, deranged, criminal or normal people if they have organically sound nervous systems. He demonstrates the basic nature of Mankind and that basic nature has been found uniformly and invariably to be good. That is now an established scientific fact, not an opinion.

The Clear has attained a stable state on a very high plane. He is persistent and vigorous and pursues life with enthusiasm and satisfaction. He is motivated by the four dynamics as above. He has attained the full power and use of hitherto hidden abilities.

The inhibition of one or more dynamics in an individual causes an aberrated condition, tends toward mental derangement and psychosomatic illness and causes the individual to make irrational conclusions and act, still in an effort to survive, in destructive ways.

Dianetic techniques deletes, without drugs, hypnotism, surgery, shock or other artificial means, the blocks from these various dynamics. The removal of these blocks permits the free flow of the various dynamics and, of course, results in a heightened persistency in life and a much higher intelligence.

The precision of Dianetics makes it possible to impede or release these dynamics at will with invariable results.

The hidden source of all inorganic mental disturbance and psychosomatic illness was one of the discoveries of Dianetics. This source had been unknown and unsuspected, though vigorously sought, for thousands of years. That the discovered source is the source requires less laboratory proof than would have been necessary to have proven the correctness of William Harvey’s discovery of the circulation of the blood. The proof does not depend upon a laboratory test with complicated apparatus, but can be made in any group of men by any intelligent individual.

The source of aberration has been found to be a hitherto unsuspected sub-mind which, complete with its own recordings, underlies what Man understands to be his “conscious” mind. The concept of the unconscious mind is replaced in Dianetics by the discovery that the “unconscious” mind is the only mind which is always conscious. In Dianetics this sub-mind is called the reactive mind. A holdover from an earlier step in Man’s evolution, the reactive mind possesses vigor and command power on a cellular level. It does not “remember”: it records and uses the recordings only to produce action. It does not “think”: it selects recordings and impinges them upon the “conscious” mind and the body without the knowledge or consent of the individual. The only information the individual has of such action is his occasional perception that he is not acting rationally about one thing or another and cannot understand why. There is no “censor”.

The reactive mind operates exclusively on physical pain and painful emotion. It is not capable of differentiative thought, but acts on the stimulus-response basis. This is the principle on which the animal mind functions. It does not receive its recordings as memory or experience, but only as forces to be reactivated. It receives its recordings as cellular engrams when the “conscious” mind is “unconscious”.

In a drugged state, when anesthetized as in an operation, when rendered “unconscious” by injury or illness, the individual yet has his reactive mind in full operation. He may not be “aware” of what has taken place, but, as Dianetics has discovered and can prove, everything which happened to him in the interval of “unconsciousness” was fully and completely recorded. This information in unappraised by his conscious mind, neither evaluated nor reasoned. It can, at any future date, become reactivated by similar circumstances observed by the awake and conscious individual. When any such recording, an engram, becomes reactivated, it has command power. It shuts down the conscious mind to greater or lesser degree, takes over the motor controls of the body and causes behaviour and action to which the conscious mind, the individual himself, would never consent. He is, nevertheless, handled like a marionette by his engrams.

The antagonistic forces of the exterior environment thus become entered into the individual himself without the knowledge or consent of the individual. And there they create an interior world of force which exerts itself not only against the exterior world, but against the individual himself. Aberration is caused by what has been done to, not done by the individual.

Man has unwittingly long aided the reactive mind by supposing that a person, when “unconscious” from drugs, illness, injury or anesthetic, had no recording ability. This permits an enormous amount of data to enter into the reactive bank since none have been careful to maintain silence around an “unconscious” person.

The invention of language and the entrance of language into the engram bank of the reactive mind seriously complicates the mechanistic reactions. The engrams containing language impinge themselves upon the conscious mind as commands. Engrams then contain command value much higher than any in the exterior world. Thought is directed and motivated by the irrational engrams. Thought processes are disturbed not only by these engramic commands, but also by the fact that the reactive mind reduces, by regenerating unconsciousness, the actual ability to think. Few people possess, because of this, more than 10 percent of their potential awareness.

The entire physical pain and painful emotion of a lifetime – whether the individual “knows” about it or not – is contained, recorded, in the engram bank. Nothing is forgotten. And all physical pain and painful emotion, no matter how the individual may think he has handled it, is capable of re-inflicting itself upon him from this hidden level unless that pain is removed by Dianetic therapy.

The engram and only the engram causes aberration and psychosomatic illness.

Dianetic therapy may be briefly stated. Dianetics deletes all the pain from a lifetime. When this pain is erased in the engram bank and refiled as memory and experience in the memory banks, all aberrations and psycho-somatic illnesses vanish, the dynamics are entirely rehabilitated and the physical and mental being regenerate. Dianetics leaves an individual full memory but without pain. Exhaustive tests have demonstrated that hidden pain is not a necessity but is invariably and always a liability to the health, skill, happiness and survival potential of the individual. It has no survival value.

The method which is used to refile pain is another discovery. Man has unknowingly possessed another process of remembering of which he has not been cognizant. Here and there a few have known about it and used it without realizing what they did or that they did something which Man as a whole did not know could be done. This process is returning. Wide awake and without drugs an individual can return to any period of his entire life providing his passage is not blocked by engrams. Dianetics developed techniques for circumventing these blocks and reducing them from the status of Powerful Unknown to useful memory.

The technique of therapy is done in what is called a dianetic reverie. The individual undergoing this process sits or lies in a quiet room accompanied by a friend or professional therapist who acts as auditor. The auditor directs the attention of the patient to the patient’s self and then begins to place the patient in various periods of the patient’s life merely by telling him to go there rather than remember.

All therapy is done, not by remembering or associating, but by travel on the time track. Every human being has a time track. It begins with life and it ends with death. It is a sequence of events complete from portal to portal as recorded.

The conscious mind, in dianetics, is called by the somewhat more precise term of analytical mind. The analytical mind consists of the “I” (the center of awareness), all computational ability of the individual, and the standard memory banks which are filled with all past perceptions of the individual, awake or normally asleep (all material which is not engramic). No data are missing from these standard banks, all are there, barring physical organic defects, in full motion, color, sound, tactile, smell and all other senses. The “I” may not be able to reach his standard banks because of reactive data which bar portions of the standard banks from the view of “I.” Cleared, “I” is able to reach all moments of his lifetime without exertion or discomfort and perceive all he has ever sensed, recalling them in full motion, color, sound, tone and other senses. The completeness and profusion of data in the standard banks is a discovery of dianetics, and the significance of such recalls is yet another discovery.

The auditor directs the travel of “I” along the patient’s time track. The patient knows everything which is taking place, is in full control of himself, and is able to bring himself to the present whenever he likes. No hypnotism or other means are used. Man may not have known he could do this but it is simple.

The auditor, with precision methods, recovers data from the earliest “unconscious” moments of the patient’s life, such “unconsciousness” being understood to be caused by shock or pain, not mere awareness. The patient thus contacts the cellular-level engrams. Returned to them and progressed through them by the auditor, the patient re-experiences these moments a few times, when they are then erased and refiled automatically as standard memory. So far as the auditor and the patient can discover, the entire incident has now vanished and does not exist. If they searched carefully in the standard banks, they would find it again, but refiled as “Once aberrative, do not permit as such into computer.” Late areas of “unconsciousness” are impenetrable until early ones are erased.

The amount of discomfort experienced by the patient is minor. He is repelled mainly by engramic commands which variously dictate emotion and reaction.

In a Release, the case in not progressed to the point of complete recall. In a Clear, full memory exists throughout the lifetime, with the additional bonus that he has photographic recall in color, motion, sound, etc., as well as optimum computational ability.

The psycho-somatic illnesses of the release are reduced, ordinarily, to a level where they do not thereafter trouble him. In a clear, psycho-somatic illness has become non-existent and will not return since its actual source is nullified permanently.

The dianetic release is comparable to a current normal or above. The dianetic clear is to current normal individual as the current normal is to the severely insane.

— L. Ron Hubbard

Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health
(Twenty-fifth printing 1981)



HEALTH by L. Ron Hubbard is a very important book.

Countless thousands of people claim to have found in this book a way to a happier life. Their voluminous letters and testimonials state such things as "improved health," "much happier," "really understand the mind now," "I get along much better with others now," "my intelligence has risen," and many more!

For thousands of years Man has been looking for the answers to his own mind, what it is, how it affects him and what he can do about it.

At last, here is a book, DIANETICS. THE MODERN SCIENCE OF MENTAL HEALTH which provides the answers to the problems of the human mind. It also points the way, as well, to the possibility of real happiness for every man, woman and child on this planet.


Published by
Bridge Publications, Inc.
1414 N. Catalina Street
Los Angeles, California 90027
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Postby admin » Fri Nov 27, 2015 11:29 pm

Exhibit 30

37 Fitzroy Street, London W.I.




LRH: [illegible]
Copyright © 1959
by L. Ron Hubbard


23 Hancock Street, Joubert Park, Johannesburg

HCO POLICY LETTER OF [illegible] 1960


Any staff member signing up a preclear student or PE attendee should get the original and one carbon copy of of each contract, release and promissory note necessary to be signed.

This can be easily done by the insertion of [illegible] carbon paper between two contracts etc.

The original contract, release and promissory note after completion is united? instantly in valuable documents for proper safekeeping.

The carbon copy of the contract and release along with the yellow invoice, is routed to the Assoc Sec's Sec and from him to the Department Head concerned the Director of Processing, the Dir of Training or the PE Foundation Director. After being reviewed by the Department Head, these are then routed for filing in the Administrative Division of each Department.

The carbon copy of the promissory note is routed to the Director of Accounts.

This policy must be rigidly enforced as it saves much expense and administrative time.

Asst Secretary of Africa

MSH [illegible]
Copyright © 1960
by L. Ron Hubbard
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Posts: 36231
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Postby admin » Fri Nov 27, 2015 11:29 pm

Exhibit 31



I, ______________________________ of _________________________________ being duly sworn, hereby state the following:

That I have been an International member of the Church of Scientology since approximately ____________________.

During the above mentioned time I have engaged in spiritual training and/or counselling and have benefitted from said spiritual training and/or counselling.

That I have agreed with the Code of a Scientologist, the Code of Honor and am in agreement with the Aims of the Church of Scientology.

That is I decide at any time that I am no longer in agreement with the above mentioned Codes and Aims, that I will give up my membership in the Church of Scientology. In this event I hereby promise to not divulge any information or technology of the Church of Scientology that was given to me in confidence or that may be construed to be harmful to the Church of Scientology, or any of its members, officers, agents or representatives, L. Ron Hubbard or Dianetics.

At no time will I communicate about the various Churches of Scientology, its members, officers, agents or representatives, L. Ron Hubbard or Dianetics in any form through the media or to a representative of the media without the prior consent of Minister of Public Relations for the Church of Scientology.



Subscribed and Sworn
to Before Me this
______ day of ___________,
19 ______.

Notary Public
In and For Said
County and State
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Posts: 36231
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Postby admin » Fri Nov 27, 2015 11:29 pm

Exhibit 32


State of Massachusetts )
) ss
County of Suffolk )

I, Janet Troy do hereby state:

1. I have personal knowledge of the facts sworn to herein and if called as a witness in this could and would competently testify thereto.

2. I, Janet Troy, reside at 174 Bay State Rd.

3. I do hereby state that I have received benefit from my involvement in the Church of Scientology. My involvement has helped me become a more productive and happier person. I make these statements of my own free will.

4. From my own personal observation the Church of Scientology has benefited greatly many people and is continuing expansion of its good works around the world. Such an organization needs and deserves the support of good people everywhere.

5. To show my good intentions towards the Church, I hereby agree to take no legal action against L. Ron Hubbard, any person or Scientology organization at any time. I also hereby state that I feel that as the services of the Church are valuable and rewarding for those partaking of such for personnel benefit, and therefore that the Church personnel or connected or related persons should not at any time be threatened or acted upon in such a way as to impede their activities which benefit so many people and benefited me personally.

6. That I hereby discharge fully and release L. Ron Hubbard, any Scientologist and Scientology Course, their assigns and successors from all rights, claims or any action myself or any successor or assigns of myself may have now or hereafter the signing of this agreement against L. Ron Hubbard, any person, any Scientology Church, their assigns or successors. This release is freely and voluntarily executed by myself with my understanding of the terms used herein and the consequences resulting therefrom.

7. That I do hereby waive all rights to refund or repayment of any donations that I have made or will make in the future to the Church of Scientology. I waive this right of my own free will.

8. In the event any provision hereof shall be illegal or unenforceable, then in any such event, the same shall not effect the validity of the remaining portion herein.

9. Executed this 26 day of April, 1978 at Boston, Massachusetts.

[Signed: Janet E. Troy]

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 26 day of April, 1978.

[Signed: Karen M. Renna, Notary]

Notary Public in and for the State of Massachusetts.
My Commission expires 21 Oct 83'
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Postby admin » Fri Nov 27, 2015 11:29 pm

Exhibit 33



29 November 1981



There have been several instances of Jim enturbulating Senior Executive of the IMO over the last three weeks. (Evidence with HCO) He has been attacking upstats both verbally and in writing off line chits containing false and alarming data about Senior Execs to other Senior Execs.

Any further instances of enturbulation from Jim will be dealt with by a Suppressive Person Order being issued forthwith.

PO3 Eric Knutson

Authorized by

for the
of the

Site Admin
Posts: 36231
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Postby admin » Fri Nov 27, 2015 11:30 pm

Exhibit 34


Committee of Evidence as relates to Jim Logan

A Committee of Evidence is hereby convened on interested party Jim Logan. Data to hand is that Jim has been enturbulating execs in the IMC by spreading false reports since he has returned from his extensive leave approximately three weeks ago.

Jim had an approved three-week leave to pretend to record an album with the band, Future Track, in the LA area. Jim did return from his leave on time and was eventually petitioned to extend the leave for an additional period. This was approved, but it does not override the fact that he was off post legally with an undetermined quail MSV.

His production has been reported to be approximately one-quarter of that of other Cramming Officers in Qual," Q-u-a-l, "over the last ten days. He has also reported to HCO a few days ago that he was going to rout out of the SO and demanded a Leaving Staff Routing Form, but later changed his mind. He had refused to write OWs or do conditions of any kind.


1. Placing Scientology or Scientologists at risk;

2. Permitting a section unit department organization zone division to collapse;

3. Overworking an executive by ignoring one's duties;

4. Neglect of responsibilities resulting in catastrophe even when another manages to avert the final consequences;

5. Harmful, flagrant, and continued code break resulting in important upsets;

6. Knowingly giving false testimony to imperil Scientologists;

7. Engaging in malicious rumor-mongering to destroy the authority or repute of the higher officers and the leading names of Scientology or to safeguard a position.

The Committee shall consist of:
Chairman: Sonia Cavella
Secretary: Rusty Hilton
Member: Karen Spencer
Member: Eric Malm

The Committee is to look into the Crimes above and any others that may have been committed.

They are to fully look into this matter with full use of HCO PL Look Don't Listen and other applicable PLs in Committees of Evidence in Vol 1 and elsewhere. The Findings and Recommendations are to submitted to the Convening Authority within 7 days.

PO3 Eric Knutson

HAS [illegible]
Convening Authority

Authorized by [illegible]

for the
of the

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