Juliet of the Spirit, directed by Federico Fellini

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Juliet of the Spirit, directed by Federico Fellini

Postby admin » Wed Mar 14, 2018 6:44 am

Juliet of the Spirits -- Illustrated Screenplay
directed by Federico Fellini
Starring Giulietta Masina, Sandra Milo, Mario Pisu, Valentina Cortese
© 1965 Rizzoli
© 2002 The Criterion Collection




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Re: Juliet of the Spirit, directed by Federico Fellini

Postby admin » Wed Mar 14, 2018 6:46 am

Part 1 of 7

directed by Federico Fellini, Starring Giulietta Masina, Sandra Milo, Mario Pisu, Valentina Cortese
© 1965 Rizzoli
© 2002 The Criterion Collection
[transcribed from the movie by Tara Carreon]

Angelo Rizzoli presenta
Giulietta Masina in
ideato e diretto da Federico Fellini
Sandra Milo
Mario Pisu, Valentina Cortese, Valeska Gert, Jose De Villalonga, Fredrich Ledebur, Caterina Boratto
Lou Gilbert, Luisa Della Noce, Milena Vucotic, Dany Paris, Silvana Jachino, Fred Williams, Anne Francine
con Sylva Koscina
Federico Fellini, Tullio Pinelli, Ennio Flaiano, Brunello Rondi
Elena Fondra, Genius, Alberto Plebani, Mario Conocchia, Asoka Rubener, Sujata Rubener, Giorgio Ardisson, Elisabetta Gray, Yvonne Casadei, Federico Valli, Alba Cancellieri, Alberto Cevenini, Cesarino Miceli Picardi
Piero Gherardi
Gianni Di Venanzo
Nino Rota
Ruggero Mastroianni

[Elisabetta] The candles, signora?

[Teresina] No, she'll do it.

[Juliet] Right. I'll light them.

[Teresina] Is it the red? I like the blond one better.

[Juliet] Teresina, I can decide myself.

[Teresina] Sorry, Signora, I love the blond one.
But this one suits you, too.
What shoes, signora?

[Juliet] I'm wearing them, Teresina!

[Teresina] I really wanted to give you a present, but I sent my money home.

[Juliet] Never mind. Next time.

[Teresina] This one looks really pretty on you.

[Juliet] It doesn't! I look awful. I won't wear any.
I'm sick of this dress! Throw it out.

[To Elisabetta] This thing too! Here, you can have it.

[Teresina] Signora, do you know what you're getting for your anniversary?
Your gift for him is so beautiful.

[Car horns honking]

[Teresina] Signora, your husband's here!
[To the cat] Get off the bed, you!
[Knocks on Juliet’s door] Hurry, he's in the garden!
[To Elisabetta] Let me try it.

[Juliet] Teresina, quick, my dress!

[Teresina] You know, signora, I feel so excited.
How beautiful!

[Juliet] Is the other room all set?

[Elisabetta] Is it all right?

[Teresina] Light the candles.

[Elisabetta] His gift is under his napkin.

[Teresina] You've only one earring on!

[Juliet] I left it in the bathroom. Get it, please.


[Whispers] Turn off the lights.

[Crickets chirping]

[Juliet] [Straightens her hair]


[Giorgio] What's the matter? The power's out?
What's happening?
What are you all doing there?
[Remembering] You're right! I'm so sorry. It's so beastly of me!
To think I even wrote it down.
But I have a surprise, too.


Welcome, everyone! It's our wedding anniversary.
Juliet, look who's here!

[Val] Happy anniversary!
It's their anniversary. Look.

[Giorgio] Lights!

[Val] Look what your friend Val brought you.

[Juliet] Thanks. What is it?

[Val] It's a charm against spirits! You must hang it here.

[Elena] Hi, Juliet.

[Dolores] Let me look at you!

[Romolo] It's been 15 years, my friends!

[Val] That dog's been so nervous for the past two or three days. Down!
Juliet, that's Genius, the greatest clairvoyant on earth.

[Genius] I know everything about you.


You're an Aquarius, right?
Lots of famous people are.

[Lawyer] Julietta, always a pleasure to see you!

[Elena] [To Lawyer] Don't be bothersome!

[Genius] Astrology is a fascinating science!

[Giorgio] Say, girls! What's cooking?


Juliet, make us something.

[Juliet] Well, what?

[Giorgio] Anything.

[Val] [Screams and sits down on stairs]

[Giorgio’s Friend] They've made up.

[Ranieri] He opens his mouth and I get angry. It's so stupid!

[Dolores] I'll cook! I'll make my famous pilaf a la Dolores!
Julietta, have you got any paprika?

[Juliet] Red pepper.

[Dolores] Even better.

[Juliet] Let me help.

[Dolores] No, it's a secret recipe!
Sculpting, cooking and making love: my three vocations!

[Giorgio’s Friend] Have you found your conquering angel?
I saw you at Vigor, the gym.

[Romolo] Never been there.

[Giorgio’s Friend] I did some bodybuilding too.

[Dolores] Let's see.
Romolo, pick me up.

[Elena] [To Giorgio] What's up, handsome?

[Giorgio] It's all here in the cards, see.

[Elena] Right? You're so mysterious not even my cards can read you.

[Teresina] And now, signora?


[Elisabetta] Do we have to feed them all?

[Juliet] Sure, they're our guests.

[Lawyer] Where's Juliet? Can I go?


[Juliet] Don't be silly and start crying.

[Val] Genius, come feel Juliet's vibes!

[Lawyer] Juliet, you look like a doll tonight!
I've got so much to tell you.

[Juliet] Excuse me, sir. [Shuts the door on him]

[Genius] Dear counselor, your sister's doubts are no mystery.


The Indians already knew everything.
Like the Egyptians, the Etruscans and the Chinese.

[Val] [To Juliet] Right, last night I dreamt –

[To Lawyer] I'm sorry.

[Juliet] This is not the right time. Another time, Val.

[Val] Shhh. Sit down. He'll do the pendulum.

[Genius] Clear your mind of all thoughts.
[To Val] Take off my jacket.

[Val] Yes, maestro.

[Genius] Things are taking a good turn!


A strong magnetic charge!

[Val] This house -- who lived here before you?

[Genius] The charge's positive, see?
It's moving clockwise.

[Knocking on the Door]

[Val] Who's there?

[Giorgio] Me!

[Val] It's not a good time.

[Giorgio] [Sticks his head in] What's up?

[Val] Nothing!


[Giorgio] [To Val] Are you bad-mouthing me? What's up?

[Genius] Don't just walk in. It's a shock!

[Giorgio] [To Juliet] Sorry for bringing so many people.
They dropped by. What could I do?

[Juliet] It's fine. They're all very nice.

[Giorgio] Yes.


[Juliet] Do you love me?

[Giorgio] [Picks her up in his arms and dances with her]


[Everyone clapping & cheering]

[Giorgio’s Friend] Good luck to you both!
To the bride and groom!

[Elena] Are you married?

[Man] Would I cheer if I were?

[Val] [Whispering in Genius’ ear]


[Giorgio] Lying is much more heroic.

[Giorgio’s Friend] We'll give you a gold medal, then.
Does the lady know she's living with a hero?

[Val] Sit around the table. Don't cross your legs.
I'll purify the air.

[Romolo] [Petting the cat] Cutie ...

[Val] No cats! They attract restless souls!

[Romolo] Quiet!
Take your seance and --

[Juliet] [To Teresina and Elisabetta] You two can go to bed now.

[Teresina] [To Elisabetta] She said she wouldn't do it anymore, it scares me so.

[Juliet] [To Teresina and Elisabetta] Go, go ahead!


[Val] I feel many presences!
They've already gathered.

[Juliet] [sneezes] I'm sorry, it's the incense.

[Genius] Focus. Create your inner void.

[Val] I feel a new presence.
Somebody who's never been here …
is trying to communicate. How's the charge, maestro?

[Genius] [Clicks his tongue]

[Ranieri] Tell it to fill my bottle. It's empty.

[Val] Shhh.

[Giorgio’s Friend] One ...
Don't breathe.
A longer step, longer. One ...


[Genius] Here it is!

[Val] Speak to it, maestro!

[Genius] Spirit, do you wish to be known?

[Spirit] [Tapping table]

[Genius] It said "I" ...
"R" ...

[Val] "H" ... "I" ...
Didn't it say "H"?

[Genius] Shut up. It said "I".
"S" ... Iris. It's a woman.

[Val] Iris! Such a pretty name!
I wonder who she was.
Could you tell us who you are?

[Spirit] [Tapping table]

[Juliet] Belissimo.
She said she's gorgeous. Right, maestro?


[Lawyer] [Kisses his hand at Juliet]

[Genius] Yes, she did.

[Val] Iris, listen. Are you here with a message for us?

[Juliet] [Shakes her head “no” at lawyer making kissing his hand at her]

[Spirit] [Table tapping]

[Genius] She said: "Love for everybody."

[Val] What a sweet message! Listen, Iris, could you tell us –

[Spirit] [Very violent and loud table tapping]

[Val] What is it?

[Genius] Interference, perhaps.
Are you still there, Iris?

[Spirit] [Table tapping]

[Genius] It said: "No." Let's listen.

[Val] Who are you?

[Spirit] [Table tapping]

[Genius] Olaf. He said his name is Olaf.


[Val] Olaf. You're Turkish, am I right?

[Spirit] [Table tapping]

[Genius] He said you are Turkish.

[Val] Oh! Send a message for each of us.
To help us through this life.
What can you tell our friend?

[Spirit] [Table tapping]

[Genius] "Whore."

[Val] No, you've misunderstood me.

[Spirit] [Table tapping]

[Genius] Trollop. He says, "Big Trollop."


[Elena] [Laughing]

[Dolores] It isn't really an insult.

[Giorgio] What was that?

[Elena] He said "Big Trollop"!

[Val] Poor soul, rest in peace.

[Phone ringing] [Romolo answers] Pronto. Pronto!

[Val] Professor, send him on his way.

[Romolo] Who's this?
They hung up.

[Genius] [Channeling Olaf’s voice] A message for you, Juliet.


Who do you think you are? You're nothing.
You don't mean a thing to anybody.
You're a derelict!

[Spirit] [Table tapping]

[Juliet] [Stands up]

[Genius] Hold it! Don't break the chain.

[Juliet] [Faints hard to ground]

[Dolores] Julietta!

[Giorgio] What's happening?

[Giorgio’s Friend] Who's feeling ill?

[Giorgio] Juliet.

[Giorgio’s Friend] Switch the light on, now!

[Giorgio] Adults playing such games!


[Genius] It was an otherworldly message.
Olaf, leave now.
Yes, I understand. Ciao.

[Giorgio] Julietta!

[Juliet] Giorgio!

[Giorgio] I'm here, silly!

[Giorgio’s Friend] You gave us such a fright!


[Genius] Still, this lady is very gifted.
Very, very gifted.

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Re: Juliet of the Spirit, directed by Federico Fellini

Postby admin » Wed Mar 14, 2018 6:46 am

Part 2 of 7

[Automobile engine revving]

[Juliet] Elisabetta!

[Elisabetta] Yes, signora.

[Juliet] Has my husband left?

[Elisabetta] He just left, signora.


He didn't want to wake you, because you were up so late.
He won't be home for dinner.
The nanny took your nieces to the beach.

[Gasperino] [Making splashing sounds]

[Gasperino] Bonjourno, signora.

[Juliet] Bonjourno.

[Gasperino] The pond needed some cleaning. The leaves stop up the drains.


[Juliet] Bravo, Gasperino.

[Gasperino] Beautiful day, isn't it?
[Singing] I'd like to fly into the arms ...
the arms of my beauty.


[Juliet] Teresina!

[Teresina] Yes, signora.
[To boyfriend] Go away.
[To Juliet] Shall I get the plumber?

[Juliet] Yes, fine.

[Teresina] He's from my village.
The water tank is still very noisy.

[Juliet] [Repeating Spirit’s words] "For everybody."
"Love for everybody."

[Elisabetta] Bonjourno, signora. I'll set the table right away.


[Spirit] [Table tapping]

[Juliet] [Whispering] Iris?

[Spirit] [Table tapping]

[Wind blowing spirit charm]



[Rosella & Sabrina] [Screaming]

[Raffaello] Have you ever heard radio transmissions on a plane?


The ether is full of voices giving orders.
Human voices, voices full of phlegm.
Such naivete is offensive to reason.
They're electric fields, unidentified substances.

[Woman] What about communications from other planets?

[Raffaello] You, be quiet!

[Woman] Let me speak.
I read in Reader's Digest --

[Raffaello] Yes. I'd advise you against these experiments.

[Juliet] As a child, I'd just shut my eyes, and I would see --


[Woman] I would close my eyes and see balls! In beautiful colors!

[Raffaello] Good for you!

[Juliet] Castles, nocturnal plants, forests ...
and little tiny faces.
They stared at me with sparkling eyes.
I was afraid. Still, it was beautiful.
It went on for years, and then, nothing.
I just had to close my eyes --


[Raffaello] What if I told you it was just indigestion?
When we die, we're a pile of bones. We hope the cat won't get us.
Take a swim, buy a horse, jump obstacles.
But above all, tell your husband to make love more often.
Nothing's better for toothaches and spirits.

[Juliet] Yes, I know.


[Raffaello] There's a real vision!
The kind of vision even I believe in.

[Woman] Raffaello, sit down. Please!

[Raffaello] I'd like them day and night.

[Juliet] She's our neighbor, but we're not really acquainted.


[Suzy] Ildegarda!

[Raffaello] You may not be acquainted, but I'd love to be.

[Juliet] Mademoiselle, go fetch the girls, please.


[Nanny] Rosella, Sabrina! What are you doing there?
Don't disturb the lady ...
or she'll get angry.

[Rosella] What about me?

[Nanny] Thank her.
Thank you madame. Thank you very much. Let's go, girls.

[Sabrina] Ciao!

[Rosella] Ciao!

[Woman] I'm going for a swim, ma'am.


[Raffaello] Our dear Juliet sees magic everywhere.

[Juliet] [Laughing]

[Nanny] "A happy life reigned in Catherine's home.
Her husband adored her,
her children were growing up strong and hard-working.
Naturally, the men in the village set her as an example for their wives.
The women began dreading her, like smoke in their eyes."


[Dream Man] Juliet …

[Ships horn sounding]


[Dream Man] … please help me.
I'm old.
Besides, it concerns you.
[Hands her the rope]


[Juliet] [Hauls on rope]


[Dead horses]




[Naked prisoners]


[Juliet] Dottore, dottore, help me!

[Jet noise in sky]

[Juliet] [Wakes up]


[Woman] Juliet, the lady over there sent us this fruit basket.
Wasn't that nice?


[Suzy] [Waves to Juliet]

[Juliet] [Nods back]



[Spirit] Juliet.


[Nanny] Did you say something, madame?

[Juliet] No.


I didn't say a thing.
[To Sabrina & Rosella] Stop running. Come here.

[Sabrina] Mama, there was a headless fish in the sea.

[Rosella] Auntie said if we return it to the sea,
the head would grow back.

[Adele] Did you swim?

[Sabrina] Aunt Sylva, we saw a fish without a head!

[Sylva] Hold still, don't touch! You are filthy.
Ciao Julietta. I wonder when I can get a house here, too.

[Adele] You're so pale!
[To Mademoiselle] The little one is pale all over.


Did she get any sun?
Remember what the doctor ordered?
At least two hours of sun each day.

[Sylva] With our heads reclining ...


we lose ourselves in a sad flight in destiny's breath ...
that blows through our hair.

[Juliet] Ciao, Sylva. What a surprise.

[Sylva] Adele was getting the girls. We came with Mother.

[Juliet] Ciao, mama.

[Mother] You're running around in this heat?

[Juliet] We were going home. The heat isn't bad.
[Touches her mother]


[Mother] Don't. You're perspiring.

[Juliet] [To Sylva] Staying for lunch?

[Sylva] No. Rehearsal's at 3:00 at the studio.

[Mother] It's 2:00 already. We're late.
When do we meet Luciana?

[Adele] At 4:00. Then it's the dressmaker.
[To Juliet] Did they bother you?

[Juliet] No, they were good company. We had fun together.
[To Sylva] You look good, Sylva.

[Sylva] I lost four pounds. The director wanted me thinner.
How's the nightlife?

[Juliet] Well, there isn't much to do.
I'm usually tired, so we prefer staying in.

[Sylva] Your husband is shameless.
He invited me to dinner to impress his guests from Venezuela.


I said I'd come with my boyfriend.
And he says, "Well, next time, then."
What gives?


[Adele] Is he ever home?

[Juliet] He comes in at night after work.

[Adele] Careful. He'll get burned out.

[Juliet] But he said we'll take a nice holiday.


We'll go on a cruise.
Spain, Greece -- he hasn't decided.
I have the brochures.

[Adele] Really?

[Juliet] We're really going.


[Sylva] Ciao, mama.

[Ciaos all around]

Ciao Julietta.

[Sylva] Remember to watch TV Saturday night.
I have a great part! Ciao.

[Juliet] Ciao Sylva.
See you Sunday.
Ciao, Mother. What is it?


[Mother] Nothing, just looking at you.


Why don't you put on some makeup, some lipstick?

[Juliet] You're right, but we were at the beach.

[Mother] Take better care of yourself.

[Juliet] Ciao.

[Mother] Ciao.



[TV lady] Repeat this movement ...


[Elisabetta] [Laughing] Signora, look at Teresina.


[Juliet] Not the head, just the eyes.
Wait a second.
Like this.

[TV lady] Keep going, faster.
Give it 15 days
and your eyes will sparkle again like two gems.

[Giorgio] Ciao.

[Juliet] Ciao. Elisabetta, set up a tray by the TV.

[Giorgio] No, I'm not hungry.


What a tough day! What's this program?

[Juliet] Not even a slice of cake?

[Giorgio] No, nothing. I had something at the office.

[Juliet] Sit down here for a while.


[TV lady] ... always needs a pretty voice and perfect diction.
A good exercise ...

[Giorgio] [Sighs]

[Juliet] Are you tired?

[Giorgio] Yes, a little.

[TV lady] Try to pronounce the following words:


[Giorgio] Teresina, from now on, talk to me this way.

[Elisabetta] [Laughs]

[TV lady] Pineapple, Domodossola ...
exemption and success!
This exercise has been successful for some of the best actresses.

[Juliet] I was at the beach today.
And now the horoscope ...

[Giorgio] And?

[Juliet] I told the doctor about last night.
He made fun of me and I --

[Giorgio] What?

[Juliet] Never mind.


[TV lady] Ladies and gentlemen …
good night.


[Giorgio] Good night!

[Juliet loses her support and falls on the couch]

[Giorgio] Tomorrow, my dear, is going to be busy again.
Elisabetta, call me at 7:00. Have the car ready by 7:30.



[Giorgio] [Dreaming] Gabriella ...

[Juliet] What did you say, darling?

[Giorgio] Gabriella ...


[Juliet] Who's Gabriella?
Tell me, who is Gabriella?


[Giorgio] [Singing]
Good morning. Sleep well?


Don't smoke first thing in the morning.
After two days, I'm finally meeting with the Brazilians.

[Juliet] [Putting out cigarette in her coffee]

[Giorgio] What are you doing?

[Juliet] I'm putting it out for you.

[Giorgio] Ciao, little star. You look great.
My back is killing me.

[Juliet] Who is Gabriella?

[Giorgio] What?

[Juliet] Yes, Gabriella!


[Giorgio] I don't know. Who is she?

[Juliet] You said "Gabriella" twice in your sleep.

[Giorgio] Really?
The book I was looking for! You could've put it back.

[Juliet] You must have been dreaming.
Who is she? Do I happen to know her?

[Giorgio] Who? I don't know any Gabriella.
You misunderstood.


Bye, darling. I'll be back early. I'll call you.
Going to the seashore?
[Goes out and slams the door]

[Juliet] Ciao!

[TV Lady] At this point, somebody knocked at the door? Who is it? No human voice replied. But instead, a little orchestra flute.

[Phone ringing]

[Juliet] Elisabetta! Teresina!

[Teresina] Pronto. Pronto.


Go to hell!
[To Juliet] I'm sorry.
Somebody's been calling and hanging up three or four times a day.


[Elisabetta] [Looking very sympathetic]


[Juliet] What?

[Elisabetta] Nothing.


[Teresina] When he returns from Venezuela, repentant,
she says: "So, you're back now?"

[Juliet] [Thinking] Gabriella.
I heard it all right. He said Gabriella.
Still, he looked so innocent.
True, he likes women.

[Teresina] Am I right, signora?


[Elisabetta] One has to put up with it.
You can't force others to do what you want.

[Teresina] No, darling. I believe what they tell me.
If they say "yes," it can't mean "no," then "yes," then "I don't know."
Right, signora?

[Elisabetta] One should not be proud.

[Juliet] [Thinking] Still, once he told me:
I will never lie to you. Never.

[Val] [Enters] Your little house is a dream by day.

[Juliet] Ciao, Val. Watch the dog. There are cats everywhere.


[Val] Enchanting!
Such an intoxicating perfume!


Look at the dew. This is dew, isn't it?
Such purity.
My heart aches, it's all so beautiful.


I want to roll around naked in it.

[Juliet] Why don't you?

[Val] I can't. We've become so complicated, so uncivilized.
Ciao, stellina.
What are you doing? It's wet here, though.


Is the humidity bad for your rheumatism?
Down, down. No, dear, don't get up.

[Juliet] Sit here, Valentina.
Teresina, move the peppers.

[Val] Dear.Dear. What are you doing?

[Juliet] Storing peppers for winter.

[Val] In a wreath?


Oh, a wreath of peppers!


Such a good little housewife!
I am totally useless. I'm so ashamed!
Why am I this way, eh?
I feel so uprooted, so adrift.
Peppers are a tiny thing,
yet if I could do it, it might save me.

[Juliet] Let's go, Teresina.
Nobody thought of lunch today.
Will you stay with me, Val?
Wake up, Teresina. It's almost noon!

[Val] What? Noon?
I'm supposed to meet Ranieri at 11:00!
We have such fights if I'm late!

[Juliet] [Rolling her eyes at Val]

[Val] Dear, I'm off,
but I'll see you at 5:00 p.m.

[Juliet] At 5:00 p.m.? Where?


[Val] Didn't I tell you? That's why I came.
You must join us.
You can't say no. You must be there.

[Juliet] But where?

[Val] Bishma! Bishma is going to be at the Plaza at 5:00!
He only comes to Europe once every seven years!
In the U.S. he has disciples,
schools, clubs, it's an event.

[Juliet] Really?


[Val] Hold still.
[Supposedly pulls out a hair from Juliet’s face]
It's unique. You know his experiments?

[Juliet] Never heard of them.

[Val] Julietta, where've you been?
He's a fabulous clairvoyant.


A man-woman with the secrets of both sexes!
An oracle.
He can change your life, reveal all.


[Juliet] He's an Indian?

[Val] Indian, Tibetan -- who cares?
Bishma belongs to the world!
Bye, darling.
Juliet, it's meant to be. Don't miss the meeting!
He's here just for you.


[Juliet] I can't go. I don't want to miss Giorgio's call.


[Val] You'll regret it, Juliet.

[Juliet] Don't wait for me.

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Re: Juliet of the Spirit, directed by Federico Fellini

Postby admin » Thu Mar 15, 2018 3:03 am

Part 3 of 7


[Thunder and lightning]

[Man] The electricity's out.

[Val] Bishma's apartment?

[Man] The meeting's on the terrace.
[Speaks to another man upstairs] Show the ladies the way.

[Man 2] The elevator's broken.

[Juliet] Let's forget about it, Valentina.

[Val] Are there lots of people? Has it started already?

[Man 2] I don't know.

[Val] [To Juliet] Let's go. Got your questions ready?


[Juliet] Questions? What questions? I'm not asking any.

[Val] When I was little, my dad told me this hotel was for --

[Thunder and lightning]

[Juliet & Val] [Hug each other]

[Elena] Valentina. Julietta.

[Val] Elena!

[Elena] I was dreading this dark.

[Val] Hello, my angel.

[Elena] It has all come to pass.

[Val] Of course!
That same night, I dreamt of him.
No robe, though. What does it mean?


[Priest] [Conducting wedding ceremony] Love thy wife as thyself.
Those who love their wives love themselves.
Love one another

[Wedding Party] [Clapping]

[Priest] For better or worse,


for richer or poorer,
in sickness and in health.

[Val] Julietta, what are you staring at?

[Juliet] There's a wedding banquet going on.

[Val] How nice!



[Bishma] That's the second step. It isn't real enlightenment, though.
So, what is this?


[Woman] The single spirit. The fruit is only appearance.


The real Buddha is beyond such differences. Is that right?

[Girl] [Wagging finger “no”]

[Bishma] That's the third step.
Now, though, the truth is close and far away at once.
So what is this?

[Juliet] Isn't it an apple?


[Val] Darling, you don't get it. Look beyond appearances.

[Bishma] The voice of the master will tell us what it is.

[Turns on a tape recorder]


[Maestro] It's an apple,
a humble apple,
a little red
and crushed on one side,
but at the same time
it is the Buddha and unity.
Things become things again,
and the enlightened being sees …



[Juliet] [Shakes her head]

[Maestro] multiplicity and unity all at once,
appearance and substance.

[American Painter] Is there a heaven and hell?

[Indian woman] Who are you?

[Man] An American painter.

[Juliet] Let me see.


[Indian woman] [Unsheathes sword] Cut my head off.

[American Painter] [Laughing]

[Bishma] Go on, cut off her head.


[Old woman] It's one of the fables of the great master Lao Tse.


[Bishma] Don't hesitate. Cut it off.

[Indian woman] Behold the gates of hell opening!

[American Painter] [Raises sword then lowers it]


[Bishma] And now the gates of heaven.

[Medical Man] Bishma.
[Whispers in his ear]

[Attendee] What's happening?

[Old Woman] [Speaking Italian]

[Indian woman] Please, quiet.
He's conversing with his god.

[Maestro’s Attendants] [Carry her out]


[Woman] I was expecting this. The same thing happened to her in Stockholm.

[Woman] [Crying]




[Indian woman] There is a lady maestro who needs to see you.

[Maestro] Yes, yes. Send her in.

[Indian woman] The lady called Juliet may enter.
But on her own.

[Indian Woman] [To Juliet] Sit down.

[Juliet] [Bows assent]

[Val] [Sticks her head in door] Julietta. How is he? Where is he?


[Juliet] [Whispering] He wants me, alone. Go away!


[Val] But I brought you!

[Juliet] But he wants me.

[Val] Tell me where he is.

[Juliet] Well, the bathroom maybe. Wait outside.


[Val] [To Medical Man pushing her out] We've got an appointment.

[Medical Man] [Shuts door on Val]


[Rubs his temples headache]

[Fan buzzing]

[Juliet] [Wipes sweat off her brow]


[Maestro] [Speaking from bathtub] Juliet, do you know the Kama Sutra?
Sexual intercourse is a conflict.
To be happy, you must behave as if in combat.
The place to be fought over is the body.

[Juliet] The body?


[Maestro] And within the body, the shoulders
and between the breasts.

[Fan humming]

[Maestro] The sound that must be produced
to procure pleasure is the "Hin."


[Indian Woman] Hin!

[Maestro] The great sigh.


[Elena] [Sighs]

[Maestro] The sound "put."


[Juliet] “Put”?

[Maestro] The sound "fut."

[Indian Woman] Fut!

[Maestro] And the sound "plat."


[Indian Woman] Plat, plat, plat, plat, plat, plat, plat.

[Maestro] You might add sounds such as those produced by pigeons ...

[Indian Woman] [Making pigeon sounds]


[Bishma] [Holding Maestro up] I will help you with my will ...
I will give you strength.


[Maestro] ... ducks, green sparrows

[Indian woman] Quack, quack, quack.

[Maestro] flamingos,
quail and storks.
[Sighs and falls down to the bed]


Sounds that can be used
depending on the occasion.


Different kinds of bites.

[Indian Woman] [Making biting sound]


[Maestro] The blind bite,


the breathy bite,


the point,
the linear point,
the coral jewel line,


the torn cloud,
the wolf bite.

[Indian Woman] [Making wolf-bite sounds]

[Maestro] Love is a religion, Juliet.


Your husband is your god.
You are the priestess of this cult.
Your spirit must burn up
like this incense, go up in smoke,
on the altar of your loving body.

[Sputters out]


[Bishma] Now, if you have any questions,
the master will gladly answer.

[Fan buzzing]


[Juliet] Well, no, nothing.
Here's what's happening.
It's as if everything's been lost since last night.
I'm afraid my husband has another woman.

[Maestro] Learn to better please your husband.


[Juliet] I do please Giorgio.

[Maestro] Do you remember me?
I was born this way, donna d'amore.
Am I not beautiful?


Answer honestly, am I not beautiful?

[Juliet] Yes, very beautiful.

[Maestro] I think so, too.
Did you see my hair?
I never comb it, I simply caress it.
I love caressing it.

[Juliet] [Caresses her own hair]

[Maestro] My skin is so white.
If I am in a bad mood,
I go to the mirror.


I turn and look at my back, and I immediately feel happy again.
Did you buy those stockings?

[Juliet] No. What stockings?


[Maestro] The black fishnets.
Women want to be treated like angels, but they don't do their job --

[Juliet] Is love a "job"?

[Maestro] I didn't say "job."
I said "the art of love."

[Juliet] I got it right. You said "job."


Whoring -- some advice!


[Maestro] [Screams]
[More screams]
[Makes choking sounds]


[Medical Man] [Sleeping]


[Dancer] [Swinging in circles]

[Maestro] Who are you? Olaf, go away!


[Juliet] [Warding off invisible touching]

[Maestro] [Expostulating]


Become beautiful, like me!


Female sensibility ...


I want to kiss you.
[Throws a kiss, then pants]

[Juliet] [Covers her face]

[Maestro] Bite my breast. More, more!



[Juliet] [Experiencing the horror]


[Juliet] Please, stop!

[Maestro] [Expelling a demon in a large mouth explosion]

[Juliet] I want to leave. Let me out.


[Bishma] Calm down, signora.

[Juliet] I want to leave.


[Bishma] We shouldn't appeal to our inner forces
without the necessary preparation.
It could be dangerous.
But these spirits are generous, gentle and mild,
though at times they might seem teasing.

[Maestro] [Laughing]
[Laughing more]


Were your omens good?


[Juliet] Yes, thank you.

[Maestro] Happy?

[Juliet] Yes, thanks.
Goodbye. Goodbye.

[Maestro] Good luck.

[Val] What did he tell you? We heard –


[Indian woman] Please. There's another message:
Something new will come to pass tonight,
new and very beautiful.

[Maestro] Sangria!


It quenches the thirst of those who drink it.
It quenches our secret thirsts too.

[Voice dissolves and changes into Bishma’s] They call it the potion of oblivion.

[Val] Strange.
That wasn't his voice.
A soul speaking through him.
Did you hear that? An extraordinary meeting!
They told her she'd have an extraordinary meeting tonight.


Aren't you happy?


[Driving home in the car]

[Thunder and lightning]

[Val] Did you see her?

[Juliet] I thought so.


[Val] Did she say, "This is Iris"?

[Juliet] No, but I felt it was her.
It felt like the night of our session.

[Val] Strange.
Who do you think it was?

[Juliet] Maybe the dancer that ran away with my granddad.

[Val] A dancer and your granddad?

[Juliet] He was a professor and he fell for a dancer.


[Carnival music]


[Dancer] [Swinging on a swing]




[Dancer] [Exits]

[Strong man]




[Dancer] [Coming down stairs] What a beautiful child!

What's your name?

[Grandpa] Tell her, Juliet!
See how brave this beauty is.
Such an act!
I wanted to express my admiration!


[Kisses her hand]

[Dancer] [Makes appreciative sounds]

[Grandpa] A beautiful lady makes me more pious.



[Native men making wild sounds]


[Juliet] I don't know why,
but I liked thinking they ran away on that circus plane.



[Headmaster] Professor, stop it in the name of God!
Come down at once.
That's an order.
You'll be accountable for this despicable behavior.
Professor De Filippis!



[Juliet] The headmaster had him expelled.
He vanished for two years. Then he came back as happy as ever.
Mother didn't allow him to stay with us.
I saw him at Christmas and always in secret.
He told funny stories. I was a little scared, too.
The bishop said he was one of the devil's disciples.
I was still a child at his funeral.
Mother didn't shed a tear. She wore a beautiful black dress.

[Elena] She's a beauty.

[Juliet] Yes, she is.


One night I saw her in the corridor. She looked like a queen.
Perhaps she was going to a ball with my father.

[Thunder and lightning]

[Grandpa] [Doing the Fellini winking]


[Everybody in car is asleep]




[Jose] Rosa Aurata.
A name like poetry.
I used to grow them, too.
My garden in Cordoba was famous.
You're very lucky.
Flowers are grateful when loved.

[Nightingales singing]

[Jose] These plants get lots of love. It shows.
You must be a very loving person
to give so much every day.

[Elisabetta] Is this right, sir?


[Teresina] Is this the one you wanted?

[Jose] Yes, thank you.
Three slices of lemon,
three of orange,
mineral water.


A glass, please.

[Teresina] Your glass, sir.

[Jose] Not a champagne glass. An ordinary one.

[Juliet] Teresina, get a large glass.

[Jose] Three teaspoons of sugar.

[Teresina] [Shows Juliet the glass] How about this, signora?

[Juliet] [To Jose] Will this do?

[Jose] Thank you. In Valencia they like to add a clove,
in Cordoba, a more delicate taste.


Tell me if you like it.

[Juliet] Delicious. What's it called?


[Jose] Sangria.
It quenches the thirst of those who drink it.
It quenches our secret thirsts too.
They call it the potion of oblivion.


[Giorgio] ... stay at least a week.
Ciao, Julietta.

[Juliet] Ciao.

[Giorgio] Have you already met? I told you about Jose, remember?
I was his guest in Spain.

[Juliet] When?

[Giorgio] Last year, in Castilla.
A fabulous palace! And his paintings!
Were they by Goya or Velazquez?

[Jose] Neither. Rivera.

[Giorgio] Beautiful. He wanted to go to a hotel.


Where can you find this peace, this quiet?


[Jose] What matters is the fluidity of the movements.
The balance.
A good toreador must have a pure heart and clear thoughts,
like monks or dancers.

[Giorgio] Jose owns one of the biggest bull farms.


Sometimes, at night, this madman puts on his own bullfight.

[Juliet] What courage! Isn't it dangerous?


[Jose] No. It's poetry. Poetry's never dangerous.
My best friends are toreadors.
They compose music, write verse,


and abhor blood.
Cordoba's style in the arena is pure harmony.
May I?

[Juliet] Please, wait.
I have something more suitable.
How's this for a muleta?

[Jose] Thank you. There's the bull.
He dies in his chimera.
He is not killed by the sword
but by the magic of an elegant illusion.


The beast falls into space and I kill it with thrusts of illusion.


[Julietta & Giorgio] [Clapping] Bravo!

[Jose] Miss one step, one measure, like a rhyme in poetry,
and you're faced with mortal danger.
A calculated spontaneity …

[Juliet and Jose] [Dancing]

[Jose] a pure sentiment, a clear mind, an exact gesture,
and the monster will be defeated.

[Juliet] [Holds up the muleta to the bull Giorgio]


[Giorgio] [Charges at Juliet like a bull]

[Juliet] [Turns away from Giorgio towards Jose]

[Jose] [Laughs and pats her head]

[Giorgio] I want you to see Jose's present.
I'll get it. It's magnificent.

[Jose] "No one understood the perfume of the dark magnolia of your womb.


No one knew you tormented a hummingbird of love between your teeth."


You love Lorca's poetry, right?
Destiny plays some strange games.
I was in Madrid and I didn't want to leave
because of a foreboding.
Now I am happy to be here.
There's nothing to life if you take away nights like this one.
I owe you a happy moment and hope it won't be the last.

[Juliet] For so little?

[Jose] It can be everything.
Yes, a sudden decision,
meeting an old friend by the sea,
and feeling a lost sense of peace.
Everything becomes clear, plausible.
[Kisses Juliet’s hand]

[Juliet] [Turns away]

[Giorgio] Juliet, what is it? Come here.
Isn't this a great gift?


It's a magic telescope.
Last year there was a scandal at their villa.


She organizes these parties.
The police were called in. They wanted to deport her.
There are some fascinating stories about them.


[Juliet] She's really beautiful.



[Juliet] Going to bed already? I wanted to chat.

[Giorgio] [Putting his ear plugs in] Did you say something?

[Juliet] It doesn't matter.

[Giorgio] [Putting his night mask on and getting in bed]

[Giorgio] Good night, darling.

[Juliet] I'm going to read for a while.


[Jose] [Smoking his last cigarette for the night]


[Juliet] [Turns out light]

[Juliet] [Wakes up to dog barking and Giorgio talking on the phone]


[Giorgio] I also changed the color of the interior.
Now it's red and the seats are brown.
Do you like it?
I told them: "Boys, it's for a goddess."
Sure I didn't wake you?
What were you doing?
About me? And what were you thinking?
Good night, little monster.
I'll wake you. Ciao. Ciao.


[To Juliet] I forgot to get my wake-up call.
Lucky I remembered.

[Juliet] Who were you calling?


[Giorgio] I told you. The phone company, to wake me up.


Want some? Let's go back to bed.

[Juliet] Who were you calling?

[Giorgio] What is it? Come on.


[Dog barking]

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Re: Juliet of the Spirit, directed by Federico Fellini

Postby admin » Thu Mar 15, 2018 3:03 am

Part 4 of 7


[Adele & Juliet] [Walking to investigator’s office]

[Adele] What now?

[Juliet] Let's come back some other time, Adele.
Or you go on your own.

[Adele] I am not used to looking ridiculous.

[Juliet] To have him followed, like a thief --

[Adele] But he is.


He stole your youth, your peace, your trust. He's the worst kind of thief.

[Juliet] But someone spying on what's going on
feels like a threesome.

[Adele] Isn't it a threesome already?
You must have faith.
Trust them as you would your confessor.
They take care of all the rest.



[Detective] I apologize for my disguise,
one of the transformations vital to the job.


I'm here to help my fellow man when he's in need of information,
but are you sure you won't regret it?
There's still time. Stop and reconsider.
I always recommend a little trip with your spouse,
a second honeymoon.


Think about the tender memories in your old age.
Two white heads on the same pillow.
Time wears out suspicion and tomorrow you might be laughing
at your fears of today.

[Adele] At our own sufferings? Impossible.
My sister must know the truth.

[Detective] You're right. I'm at your service.
What does this gentleman do?

[Adele] He gets people together, I don't know --
I never understood exactly.

[Detective] A public relations man?

[Juliet] That's it.


He organizes openings for the fashion industry.

[Detective] Do you have a photo? For our psychologist.


Sorry. I must ask a delicate question.

[Juliet] Go ahead.

[Detective] What is discussed here stays within these walls.
So, when you look at him --
Excuse me, could you take off your glasses?

[Juliet] My glasses?

[Detective] Yes.
Thanks. Does he blush when you look at him?
Make up excuses?

[Juliet] I don't think so. Well ...

[Detective] Does he speak a foreign language on the phone?

[Juliet] Sometimes, with his clients.

[Detective] Do you use pet names when you're intimate?

[Juliet] I don't see --

[Detective] Pardon.
Valli, come in here. I want to have a word with you.


[Juliet] I don't see the relevance –

[Detective] Every little thing matters, dear lady.
Even the smallest of details. You can't ignore anything.

[Valli] Hello.

[Detective] Valli. One of my esteemed associates.
Could you give him our subject's photo?

[Juliet] Do I really have to leave it?

[Detective] Imperative.

[Adele] See?

[Valli] Thank you.

[Detective] Pardon my deplorable indiscretion, signora,
but my questions aren't over yet.
What about lipstick on his hanky?
Perhaps a suspicious scent of perfume?

[Juliet] No.

[Detective] A scent of beauty cream,
hair on his coat


or -- forgive me -- little scratches on his body?

[Juliet] No, never!

[Detective] Let's hear from our psychologist.


[Valli] Looking at the photograph, I say he's about 40,
difficult personality,
cold rages, a ladies' man.
Be careful, 'cause he's capable of rash gestures.
Hidden fear. A great need for his mother.


[Detective] And who doesn't need his mother?
Very well, dear lady.
From now on we will be devoted to your case.
Am I right?

[Valli] Of course.

[Detective] In a week, you'll know everything about your husband.
Our zoom lens makes ideas like intimacy and secrecy obsolete.
We don't know the word "secrecy."



We'll show you the husband you've never known.
You'll share his most secret hours.
You'll penetrate that shadowy zone you were never allowed into.


Are you really determined to know?

[Headmaster] Woe unto those who shall tolerate sin,
for it makes them accomplices.


They shall burn with the sinner in eternal fire.
Take vengeance in the name of God!


I am the Lord of Justice.

[Juliet] Yes. I do want to know.
I have a full right to know.
I no longer know who he is, what is mine, what I am to him.
I need to know what he thinks and does.


I want to know everything! Everything!




[Jose] [Playing guitar]

[Juliet] [Doesn't come in, but goes to Dolores' instead]



[Woman] Have I gotten big?

[Dolores] You'll break the platform soon.
Julietta, do you like Nadir?


After all that trouble, my archangel was right under my nose!
He's the doorman's son.
There might be some chocolate in the fridge. Have some.
You haven't seen my new works.
Looking at my statues isn't enough.
You must touch them. Try.
If I touch them, I shiver. They feel alive.
Michelangelo shouted at his Moses: "Speak!"


I'd like to shout at these powerful forms: "Love me!"
I really would, you know. [Laughing]
My art is deeply spiritual.
You say no, eh?


Let's give back to God his physicality.
I was afraid of God. He crushed me, terrified me.
And why? I imagined him abstractly.


But no. He's got the most superb body ever.
In my statues he's a physical God,
a perfectly shaped hero that I can desire


and make my lover. [Laughing]


[Juliet] When I was a child,
I imagined God was hiding behind a big door,
always closed,
very dusty,
in the nuns' little theater.



That year they were putting on the life of a martyr
and they picked me.


[Nun] Juliet, you have such innocent eyes!
You look like the saint herself.

[Little Juliet] Did the saint see God?

[Nun] Yes.
When she flew up to heaven, consumed by the flames of martyrdom.


[Laura] Juliet, swear you’ll tell me?

[Little Juliet] Yes.

[Laura] Ask Him if he loves me.

[Little Juliet] Yes.

[Laura] Really?

[Little Juliet] Yes, Laura, I’ll ask Him.


[Nun] Juliet, come. You’re on.

[Judge] Arrest her!
Bring her before me!


You faith is against the empire,
but we are merciful and forgiving.
Do you renounce your faith?


Will you sacrifice to the emperor?

[Little Juliet] No, never!

[Judge] So you prefer death. Do you accept martyrdom?

[Little Juliet] Yes, I do.

[Judge] You’ve still got time, if you hold your life dear.


[Little Juliet] I don’t care about the clemency you offer me,
but about the salvation of my soul.

[Judge] It’s the emperor’s orders.


Burn this Christian at the stake!





[Grandpa] Stop! Stop!
Shame on you! This is indecent!
I want my granddaughter now!
Do as Granddad tells you. Get down now!


[Headmaster] Enough, in the name of the Lord!
Snap out of it! Enough!

[Grandpa] You snap out of it! I’m perfectly sane!
Putting a child on the stake! What are we? Cannibals?
Bring that thing down here right now!
You wretches!
Kids, go home. And you get out of my way!
This is crazy!


You go up and get roasted, if you dare show your legs!


What do you teach these creatures?
You’ll make madwomen out of these innocents!
Go grill each other!

[Headmaster] Come down from there right now! That’s an order!
I’m your headmaster! You must obey me!


Your behavior is unacceptable!


[Grandpa] Shut up! “Unacceptable …”


[To Juliet] And you? You’re so quiet.
You let them do anything.
You enjoy getting fried, silly?


[Laura] Did you see God? Answer me. Did you? Answer!


[Headmaster] [To Mother] Forget this shameful situation that dishonors our school.
Please, accept our heartfelt apologies.


[Grandpa] [Leading Juliet out of the theatre]

[Juliet] [Crying]



[Juliet] [Whistling]


[Cat meowing]

[Juliet] Teresina! Where did this cat come from?

[Teresina] It isn't ours. I don't know. And such evil yellow eyes.

[Gasperino] It's from the old villa.

[Juliet] Don't move. I'll catch it.

[Teresina] Oh, it went inside!

[Juliet] Gasperino, lend us a hand.

[Gasperino] Cats and I, we don't get along.

[Teresina] Careful, it might scratch you.
Can we keep it?

[Gasperino] Cats are terrible. They scratch and bite.


[Juliet] They aren't dangerous!

[Gasperino] Well, let's hope for the best.


I got it!

[Juliet] Chubby!
"Suzy." Your name is Suzy.



[Suzy] [Laughing] The gate's open!


[Crickets chirping]

[Owl hooting]


[Juliet] [To Cat] Some place you have here!


[Roaring 20s music playing]


Excuse me, signora.


[Priest] Health and prosperity.
And may God make you each day more beautiful for His glory!

[Suzy] Tell us the convent story again.

[Priest] No.

[Suzy] Come here a moment.

[Phone ringing]


[Suzy] Am I good?

[Priest] Good?
You're an angel. See you tomorrow.

[Suzy] Mother, can you take Alyosha? I need to talk.
Hello. Ciao!
Yes, you're naughty.

[Mother] No, professor!


You see? He comes here three or four times a day!


A very nice boy, but what a mistake falling for my daughter!
And my daughter, well, she's --
Alyosha, go look at yourself in the mirror.
This young man's beauty is inside. You can't see it.
But women are seduced by outer splendor.
And you,


you don't have any visible charm!

[Suzy] Nice cat!
Just a second!
You vagrant!

[Juliet] He was in my garden. But now he's back.


[Suzy] How kind of you!

[Juliet] He's so beautiful he might get stolen.


[Suzy] Hear that, silly?

[Dog barking]

[Suzy] [To dog] You shut up!
Ildegarda! Take him!
[To cat] Where were you?
Did you thank Signora --

[Juliet] Juliet.

[Suzy] A beautiful name!
I'm Suzy. Was he bad?

[Juliet] No, he was very good.

[Suzy] Good? He's a drunkard. He loves champagne.
Oh, the guy on the phone!
Are you there?
A lady from next door brought the cat back.


Sure, all my friends are beautiful.
Perhaps ...

[Birds cawing]

[Suzy] He's so overbearing! Sorry.

[Juliet] Don't mind me.

[Suzy] Stay. It was time we met.

[Juliet] I don't want to be in your way.

[Suzy] A little champagne?

[Juliet] Thank you.

[Suzy] [To Cat] Nothing for you.
Stay for lunch!

[Juliet] I really can't.


[Suzy] We'll get rid of everybody and I'll cook.
I can't open this.


Alberto. I like you all sweaty like that.
[Throws the bottle to him and he catches it]
Don't worry. I don't want a thing from you.
Tomorrow you must --

[Woman] [To Alberto] I'll tell Suzy what you've done.

[Suzy] It's a tribal secret.

[Alberto] Signora, your glasses.

[Suzy] Here's the champagne!
Great! Paolo, come here.


[To Alberto] Just a little for you, right? You get really crazy when you drink.

[Vivas all around]

[Suzy] Forgive this mess. I'm remodeling,
because I'd like more color. Would you like a tour?

[Juliet] Sure.

[Suzy] Come on.
How lucky!
You can give me a few good tips.
Welcome, Juliet! [Laughing]
I had a dream about you. In a church.
You sat at the professor's desk.
I sat in the last row, dressed like a nun.
You said, "Let me see how you walk."


I walked like this [wiggling her butt] and you flunked me.
I woke up crying.
Join us at my party this Saturday.
Bring your husband, of course.
I see you from my window. You two must be truly in love.
I'd love to love one man that way.
But how?
My granny.


She hasn't slept in five years.
She sits here and sees all, knows all.
Granny, this is Juliet. Do you like her?

[Granny] What's wrong, my dear?

[Suzy] I get spooked. She's a bit of a witch, too.
She sees people and knows their secrets.

[Granny] Everything passes.

[Man] Hello, beautiful.

[Suzy] How is she?


[Man] Better, but I heard wailing all night long.

[Suzy] [To Juliet] Excuse me a moment.
[To Arlette] Arlette? It's me.
Arlette, please.

[Man] [To Juliet] Welcome.

[Suzy] Juliet, come here!

[Man] My lady has a very big heart.


[Suzy] You haven't touched your food again.
Know what I'll do? I'll call Mrs. Artemia now.
She'll set you right.
Come on. Up you go. Or I'll tell Roby to leave now!
Don't worry, Arlette.
She's a friend. She loves you. Right?

[Juliet] Of course.

[Suzy] Here, have some.
Why don't you believe we all love you?
I'll come back to see you later.
Ciao, Arlette.

[Juliet] What did she do?

[Suzy] Tried to take her life three times.
The last time I almost lost her.
I called and called. No answer.
We had to break down the door. What a sight!


Unlucky in love. Here I can keep an eye on her.

[Juliet] Like Laura, my schoolmate.
She drowned herself at 15.
They called it an accident.


But she killed herself for love.


[Suzy] Quiet!

[Suzy’s Maid] Take this one with the feathers.


[Suzy] Why are you here?
I'm really annoyed now!

[To Juliet] Excuse me.

[Suzy’s Maid] I told him, "She's going to get angry."


Didn't I tell you?

[Suzy] You mustn't come here. Got it? You mustn't!


Hands off my stuff!

[Suzy’s Maid] He only took a slipper!

[Suzy] This is my home!


You obey me or go back to the streets. You hear me?
[To Juliet] She was a whore.


[Suzy’s Maid] You'd like to be a whore, too!


[Suzy] [Laughing] Yes, why not?


This trollop has some stories!
None of it true, of course. We were just joking around.


What else can we do?

[Maid leaves]

[Wind blowing]

[Spirit] [Whispering] Juliet, how are you?
Iris keeps her word.


Suzy is your teacher. Listen to her, follow her.

[Suzy] [To Alyosha] I shouldn't encourage your fetishism.
'Cause you are a fetishist! Yes, Momy told me.


Keep it. It's a gift.

[Alyosha] Oh, Suzy!

[Wiggles her butt at Alyosha]

[Suzy] I don't believe fetishism's a good trait.
And for a Russian, an appalling one!
Ah, come see.
I watched you so many times in your garden.
Come, Juliet!
Look! You have mirrors up there, too?
Do you like them?

[Juliet] Yes.


[Suzy] It was my idea. Momy loves them.
Sometimes it seems there are four of us.
God, I hope you won't think badly of me.
Men have such funny fantasies, you know!


Julietta! [Echoing]
Julietta. Come on in! The water's warm!
Another one of my ideas. After we make love, we slide down.
It's great!


Take off your clothes and come on in!

[Juliet] No, thank you.

[Suzy] Once Momy dove down headfirst. He nearly kicked the bucket.


Come on, Juliet. Dive in!

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Re: Juliet of the Spirit, directed by Federico Fellini

Postby admin » Thu Mar 15, 2018 3:03 am

Part 5 of 7


[Suzy] I fulfill my desires. I don't deny myself a thing.

[Juliet] Look. What's up there?

[Suzy] I eat, dance, play, fight!
I love fighting!


Let's sunbathe.
Up there!
Much better than the beach.
It's my very own sun.
Look. There's the switch.

[Juliet] Are we going up there?

[Suzy] Sure! Pull the lever down.


There's a convent in Greece on a mountain
where the monks get up this way.
Send it down again.

[Juliet] Do I lift the lever?

[Suzy] Good! Your turn now!


[Juliet] Yes!

[Suzy] Don't be afraid!
If your head starts spinning, close your eyes!
Give me your hand.

[Juliet] I can manage.

[Suzy] They can look all they want. They'll never find us.

[Juliet] Sure.

[Suzy] We've lost them.


[Juliet] Who?

[Suzy] Those two guys in the car.
Didn't you notice?
I saw two lovers in those bushes the other day.
How they made love!
I felt like applauding, they were so good.
It looked so delicate, so festive from up here.
Is your head still spinning? Let's have a drink.
The sun has reached its zenith.
The most beautiful hour of the day.
No shadows now.
Oh, it's full of rain.
There are two fish inside.
Sit down.
Let's undress and sunbathe naked.

[Juliet] I'm just fine.

[Suzy] Granny mixes up perfumes with wild flowers.
Try some. Men get so drunk on it.


Once the engineer --
What d'you say about your marriage?

[Juliet] Nothing.

[Suzy] Don't you trust me?

[Juliet] Yes, but --

[Suzy] So? Tell me.

[Juliet] Haven't you ever thought about getting married?

[Suzy] No, never.

[Juliet] See, I always thought marriage worked this way:
I was all his and he was all mine.


I'm ashamed to say it, but Giorgio was my first love.
I saw him and fell in love.
All I wanted was to be with him.
He asked me to marry him. I couldn't believe it.
He became my whole world:
husband, lover, father, friend,
my home.
I didn't need anything else.
I thought it was the way it was meant to be. I was happy.


[Suzy] [Flashing mirror to suitors]

[Suitor 1] They may be at the beach.

[Suitor 2] Maybe they're gone.


[Suitor 1] No, there they are!

[Juliet] What are you doing?

[Suzy] See? They found us. Naughty boys!

[Suitor 2] We've got something to give you!

[Suitor 1] [Doing cartwheels]

[Juliet] Do you know them?

[Suzy] Never saw them before.

[Juliet] [Looking worried]

[Suzy] Tell me about your lovely wedding.


Did you know I was to marry at 13?
Oh, I dropped my shoe!

[Juliet] I'm sorry, it's late. I have to get back home.

[Suzy] Are you leaving?

[Juliet] Yes.
Could you let me down?

[Suzy] Ciao, Julietta. You can come up here whenever you'd like.

[Suitor 1] Hello. How are you?

[Suitor 2] Please.


[Suitor 1] There. Won't you stay with us?

[Juliet] No, thank you.


[Man] I get off at the first floor. You stay on.



[Juliet] "And among all of these trials
was the most terrifying: the labyrinth.


The labyrinth is a great palace.
Once you've stepped in, you can't leave.
The more you wander, the more you lose your way."
Teresina. What's with you today?

[Teresina] A little blue, signora.

[Sabrina & Rosella] So what did the ogre do?

[Teresina] Could I leave early today?

[Sabrina & Rosella] Aunty!

[Juliet] "But the ogre, who was a true daredevil, said,
'I'll get in the labyrinth.'"
[To Teresina] You may leave, Teresina.
"What will you give me if I escape?"


But I don't like you leaving every day between 3:00 and 8:00.
"They walked through a wood
of golden apple trees, so plentiful
and so resplendent
that even at night it was as bright as day."

[Telephone rings]


[Juliet] Hello.

[Detective] Is the lady at home?

[Juliet] Yes. Who's speaking?

[Detective] A friend.

[Juliet] Just a second.
[To Sabrina & Rosella] Go play outside.
[To Detective] Go ahead.

[Detective] We'd like to see you. Could you come this afternoon?

[Juliet] Today?
I don't know if today --
Have you found something already?

[Detective] We spent seven rather busy days,
but I think you'll appreciate our work.

[Juliet] Can't you tell me over the phone?

[Detective] Honestly,
it's not our policy, you do realize --

[Juliet] Of course.

[Detective] We'll we waiting then.

[Juliet] I'll do my best.

[Detective] My respects, signora.



[Detective] Bonjourno, signora. I honestly think we have some outstanding results.
Valli -- maybe we can show you what you wanted to know.
I can see your worries,
but do believe me, nothing is irreparable.
Please, sit down.
If you only knew how many couples reconciled here.

[Valli] A little drink?

[Detective] The only way to truly love is to really know each other.
St. Augustine's words.

[Valli] Today isn't a defeat.

[Juliet] No, thank you.

[Projector running]

[Detective] The shots aren't always in focus,
but consider the conditions my men had to work in.

[Valli] Here are the first three days. From the 23rd to the 25th.

[Detective] I'll read the enclosed report.
"On the 23rd, subject left at 7:30, wearing white suit.
A car follows him from home to a florist's."
Needless to say,
we have all the data on the recipient of this floral homage.

[Juliet] [Shakes her head]

[Valli] Here she is going into a restaurant.
The hat makes positive identification impossible.

[Detective] See, signora.
I suggest our clients consider
all they see with a little detachment.
See, our objective point of view is limited.
Perception and reality are two different things.
This could be innocent.
Is that Lake Bracciano?

[Valli] No, a field below the castles.

[Detective] "On the 24th, an afternoon trip to the Appian Way.


Stopped in the fields, from 4:20 to about 6:00."
The girl's name is Gabriella Olsi. 24 years old, a professional model.

[1st reel runs out]

[Photographer] Let's look at the slides while I change reels.

[Detective] I shot these personally.
The tape recorder.
We also taped a conversation between them in a park.

[Gabriella] My God.
That wasn't me. When we met you had another --

[Giorgio] [Singing] When I met you; When I met you;
There was the moon.
You should be flattered


I'm showing my jealousy. It bothers me.

[Gabriella] Should I change?

[Giorgio] You're perfect.


[Valli] The interpretation is up to you. What can we say?

[Detective] We're the exclusive holders of this material,
to be exhibited only in court.
And only if subpoenaed.
100,000 lira for our expenses,
equipment, per diems, overtime, etc.
Your invoice, signora.


And believe me, we've treated you fairly.

[Juliet] Thank you. Bonjourno.


[Detective] Our respects, dear lady, and allow us to express our wish
that it all turn out for the best.


[Juliet going to Suzy's party]

[Piano music]


[Man] Have a good time, signora.


[Woman] Silence!


[Man] [Telling a story]


[Suzy] Julietta.
Here's our charming neighbor.
I knew you'd come. How are you?
Your husband's been punished?

[Woman] Hello, where's your husband?


[Juliet] He's not back yet. My husband is always late.
He works. He works a lot.
So I came by myself. He's got complete trust in me.

[Suzy] And he's completely wrong.
You've met my mother.


Best not to wake her or she'll start singing.

[Man] [Laughing] Masku has Maometto guiding his hand.

[Suzy] Momy, this is Juliet.


[Momy] Thank you for honoring my house.


[To Juliet] Know who that is?
That's Momy, my fiance.
He's 65 years old.
And he wants to make love every day.
And he does!
What's up? You look so sad.

[Juliet] Sad? Me? Not at all. I'm fine.


Actually, I feel like having fun.

[Suzy] Good!
And I feel like hugging everybody. Here.
[Gives Juliet her drink]

[Juliet] Thank you.

[Suzy] I want you to be happy.

[Man & Woman] [Enacting a play]


[Tudefonde] Ah, I am the East wind that opens the gates of the heavens, that frees the winds of the west, that helps the sun on its way. This is the wind of life. This is the wind of the Orient.

[Woman] [Chanting foreign language]


[Man] Your attention please!
This is the most intimate and secret moment.
[Grabs woman]

[Woman] [Screams]

[Man] Now Tudefonde has captured the winds,
and each girl is the maid servant of purification.
An ancient Egyptian rite of passage
between life and death.

[Lola] I am the goddess of vice.


An hour with me might kill you,
but you'll reach the heights and depths of pleasure.
This is my hour.
At 11:00 I reach the peak of my desire.

[Suzy] This is a game in Lola's honor.
We simulate the atmosphere of a brothel.

[Juliet] How amusing.

[Suzy] Then you stare into a man's eyes.


[Suzy’s Maid] There, this one, with the big nose.
Can't such a gentleman decide?


[Woman] Is this fine?

[Suzy’s Maid] Great, perfect!

[Man] I offer a week in Japan.

[Suzy] Shame on you.

[Man] Fine, two weeks.

[Suzy] Tightwad!

[Man] It's Japan!

[Suzy] [To Bird Girl] Don't listen.

[Man] [To Ildegarda] On your knees.
What's your name?

[Ildegarda] Ildegarda.


[Man] No, your name is Sex.

[Woman] Sex.

[Man] No, your name's Womb.

[Woman] Womb.

[Man] No, your name is now the name of the goddess.
You're not yourself anymore.


You're the door, the soil, the bed of divinity.


[Juliet] You're very pretty. Are you a model?


[Woman] Yes.

[Juliet] Would you know a Gabriella?

[Woman] Who?

[Juliet] Gabriella Olsi.

[Woman] Sure, I know her.

[Juliet] I hear she's a beauty.

[Woman] Yes.

[Juliet] More than me?

[Woman] She's very beautiful.


[Juliet] Also a slut, right?

[Woman] [Laughs]

[Juliet] You can tell me, you know.
It's becoming sort of a compliment.

[Woman] [Laughs]


[Juliet] [Ascends the stairs] Do I play my part well?

[Suzy] Lola, don't you think she's perfect?


[Forboding, sad music]


[Woman] [Singing]


[Juliet] [Tries to keep from crying]

[Woman] [Singing]




[Godchild] [Kisses Momy’s hand]

[Kisses other person’s hand]

[Suzy] He's my godchild. Nice, huh?


[Godchild] [Looks at Juliet]

[Juliet] [Waves back]

[Godchild] [Nods]

[Suzy] [Kisses Godchild]

[Vampire Woman] [Waves to Suzy & goes off with male victim]

[Suzy] [Whispering] Julietta! I'm up here.


Juliet, come up.

[Juliet] [Laughs and ascends stairs]


[Vampiress] [Winks and laughs at Suzy & Juliet]

[Vampiress 2] [To Suzy & Juliet] Go away!

[Vampiress Arlette] [Waves to Suzy & Juliet to go away]

[Vampiress 3] What is it?

[Suzy] [Laughing]
[Shining light on Juliet]

[Juliet] [Fanning herself]
[Juliet and her shadow]


[Suzy] He's waiting.
He wants you.

[Suzy’s Maid & Ildegarda] [Whispering and laughing]


[Ildegarda] [Spraying scent on Juliet]

[Suzy] Ciao.

[Owl hooting]

[Maids] [Curtsy to Juliet and exit]

[Ildegarda] [Squirts some spray as she exits]


[Suzy’s Maid] [Whispering] The champagne.

[Tiptoes out of the room]

[Water splashing]

[Juliet] [Drinks champagne]


[Godchild] [Enters]
[Sits on bed]


[Vampiresses] [Listening expectantly]

[Owl hooting]

[Godchild] [Smiling at Juliet]

[Juliet] [Wiping her brow]

[Iris] [Whispering] Suzy is your teacher. Listen to her, follow her.


[Juliet] I must have drunk too much.


[Martyr] Juliet, what are you doing?!


[Juliet] [Jumps up and runs over to the wall]
[Tormented by this vision]

[Martyr] [Appears at the bottom of the water slide]


[Suzy’s Vampire Maid] [Worried by this turn of events]

[Suzy] Julietta!


[Ildegarda Vampire] Signora!
[Runs down the stairs after Juliet]

[Suzy] Julietta!


[Juliet] [Running away]

[Owl hooting]

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Re: Juliet of the Spirit, directed by Federico Fellini

Postby admin » Thu Mar 15, 2018 3:22 am

Part 6 of 7


[Sabrina & Rosella] [Dancing]


[Val] I'm late, right?

[Elena] How are you?

[Val] Have you seen Juliet?

[Elena] No, I haven't.
Where are you going? To your confirmation?

[Val] What are you doing?


[Raffaello] [Laughing] They're analyzing my wife.

[Val] Oh, is the American doctor here?
[Kisses in her direction]


[Dr. Miller] Try to stay focused and remember everything.

[Giorgio] [To Mother] I want to see what happens when your turn comes.


[Mother] [Laughing]
[Raising her eyes] This is very dangerous!

[Giorgio] I know you're afraid.

[Mother] No, Giorgio, please.

[Dr. Miller] In every psychodrama, each one of us must contribute to the truth.


We must create an atmosphere of total, absolute truth.

[Woman] Look, I don't think I'm the right person!

[Dr. Miller] Try to re-enact that scene. You're reproaching your brother-in-law.

[To Lawyer] Would you like to play this lady's brother-in-law?


[Woman] The counselor is a little too old.

[Lawyer] I'm flattered.

[Dr. Miller] Fine, let's have this young good-looking man.
It'll certainly work out better. I'm sorry.


[Genius] I was reading his palm. I don't understand!
[To Dolores] I want to tell you something. Come here.


[Dolores] Don't tell me about the future, but about today.
[Walks sulkily away from Genius]


[Roaring inferno]

[Juliet] [Talking to Iris?] Forgive me. I won't do it again.

[Elisabetta] Signora, they're waiting for you.

[Juliet] Yes, I'm coming.

[Opens closet and sees Spirit]


[Spirit] [Laughing]

[Juliet] Enough! Leave me alone!
[Goes into closet]


[Throws soap at the apparition & breaks the window]


[Spirit] [Surrounded by broken glass, making hurt noises]




[Juliet] Barefaced liar!
I'll never again believe a word you say.

[Wind howling]


[Teresina] Out!


[Juliet] Teresina, who are you talking to?

[Teresina] Nobody, ma'am.

[Juliet] Who were you talking to?

[Teresina] Nobody.
[Walks away]

[More Spirit apparitions]


[Spirit] [Runs laughing into the woods]

[Knock on door]

[Juliet] Who's there?

[Giorgio] Julietta, come on. Everybody's waiting.

[Sylva] Let me play this psychodrama.
There's a dark spot in my life that has left me --

[Juliet] Good morning, everyone.

[Giorgio] Sit down.

[Juliet] Hello, Mother.


[Mother] Finally.

[Juliet] Hello, Adele.

[Adele] Hello.

[Giorgio] Care for a drink?

[Juliet] No, thanks. Not now.
[But she takes it anyway]

[Giorgio] Dr. Miller has proposed a new game: the psychodrama.


We reenact our anguishes, projecting them onto somebody else.
Interesting. Right?

[Juliet] Yes.


[Adele] [To Juliet] I've seen certain people among your guests.

[Juliet] [Greeting them for the second time] Ciao, Adele.
Ciao, Mama.
[Raising her glass to her Mother]


[Mother] Love the kimono.
Your eyes are bloodshot. Have you been crying?
I find these games utterly boring.


[Genius] Remember not to fly on the 27th.
May we pay homage to the lady of the house? So pretty!
[Kisses Juliet’s hand]
Of course, with such a beautiful mother ...
[Kisses Mother’s hand]


[To Adele] I'll bet you it's a boy.
Don't forget I told you.

[Val] Juliet, listen. This isn't a game.
You with that sad face, why not try? Yes?
Quiet! It's Juliet's turn!

[Giorgio] Perhaps she doesn't feel like it.

[Juliet] Yes, I do. I'm absolutely fine.

[Val] She does, she does.
[To Juliet] It's an amazing psychological experience. You'll feel set free.

[Sylva] It's like seeing oneself in a mirror.
You get straight to your sore spot.
Don't be afraid.

[Dr. Miller] Tell us about a painful event in your life.
Try to recall here, with us, the place, the people, the circumstances.
Can you evoke the atmosphere that characterized that event?


[Juliet] [Whispering] Can you really help me?

[Wind blowing]

[Sylva & Val move away]


[Juliet] [Whispering] Here they come again.



[Juliet] [Whispering] Go away!


[Raffaello] What are you saying?

[Juliet] Nothing. It's just a game.

[Raffaello] Let me have this.
[Takes her drink away from her]

[Juliet] Okay.

[Raffaello] Cut down on cigarettes. Follow your doctor's advice, Julietta.


[Juliet] [Thinking] Can't you see them? Hear them?


[Headmaster] "Get revenge." "Forgive."

[Juliet] [Whispering] Who should I believe?


"Make yourself beautiful." "Life is a sacrifice."
"Be more feminine. We'll teach you."


My life is full of people talking, talking!
[Yelling] Go away! Get out, all of you!


[Jose] Water.


When I need something absolutely pure, something sincere,
I always ask for water.
Simple things are so important in life.
Things that don't conceal something else.
Water is like a sincere glance that conceals nothing.
Don't be afraid of the truth.


The truth sets us free.
After all, who cares about other people's opinions?


In my country there's a saying: "I am my own roof, window and hearth.
I feed upon my words
and drink from my thoughts.
Therefore I am happy."

[Dancing with Juliet]

[Juliet] Are you real, yes or no?
And what advice can you give me? Tell me, what should I do?

[Jose] I wouldn't know. I just want you to live happily.

[Juliet] And Giorgio? Where is he?

[Woman] Julietta, do you know what he said?

[Man] Quiet!


[Juliet] Ciao!
[Everybody driving away]

[Man] Thank you!

[Elisabetta] I'm sorry I forgot, signora.


Your husband left early.
He didn't want to bother you while you were dancing.
He asked to be excused. Somebody was coming in from Brazil.
He said he might not be in for dinner.
He said he'd call you, though.

[Lawyer] Juliet, listen to me.


In an adultery suit it's now enough
to bring circumstantial proof and he's done for.
I'm not speaking as your lawyer now,
but as a friend who cherishes and loves you.
Is there hope for me, Juliet?
Think about it. It's in your best interest. Ciao.


[Dr. Miller] I'm presuming to understand the source of your inner conflict
and think that I might help you.
You're too involved with your problems. This is your mistake.
Tall old trees are the most impressive symbol of this way of life,
deeply rooted in the earth,
branches stretched out into the sky, opening in all directions.
Theirs is a spontaneous growth.
This is the great yet simple mystery we must learn:
to fulfill ourselves spontaneously,
avoiding passions and desires.
Feel how calm it is here?
Sometimes we must speak up.
Even if it's a stranger listening.
Lie down in the grass.
Relax. Don't be afraid.
Look at the sun between the branches.


All is peaceful and quiet.
But you're not. Why?

[Juliet] I don't know.

[Dr. Miller] What are you afraid of?
May I answer for you?
You're afraid of ending up alone, of being abandoned,
of your husband leaving you.
But what you really want with all your heart


is to be left alone
and for your husband to leave.


[Juliet] [Laughing] I want Giorgio to leave me?

[Dr. Miller] It's the truth.
Without Giorgio, you'd start to breathe,
become yourself again.
You think you're afraid.
In truth, your only fear is to be happy again.

[Juliet] [Sobbing]


[Juliet] Signorina Gabriella Olsi.

[Maid] She's not in, but she should be back soon.
Do come in.
I'm sorry, I was tidying up.


She called me around noon saying she wouldn't be back for lunch.
These days she's almost always out.
Make yourself at home. May I offer you something?

[Juliet] No, thank you.

[Maid] Sorry, ma'am, but I must finish packing.

[Clock ticking]

[Maid] The poor thing has been waiting so long for this trip with her boyfriend.
It was all set,
but he canceled at the last minute.
I don't mean to be critical. He's a good man.


I've never seen anybody so in love with Miss Gabriella.
She deserves it, too.
I shouldn't be saying this, 'cause we're relatives,
but they make sure a pretty pair.
He says he really feels at home here.
He handpicked the furniture.


All very tasteful.

[Phone rings]

[Maid] [Answers telephone] Hello. Yes, I'm packing. There's a lady here, waiting.
I don't know her.
Shall I put her on?
[To Juliet] Would you like to talk to her? It's Miss Gabriella.

[Juliet] Yes, I'd love to.

[Maid] Just a second.


[To Juliet] There's a phone right behind you.


[Juliet] [Sees Giorgio’s picture on the table]


[Gabriella] Hello? Who's speaking?

[Juliet] This is Giorgio's wife.

[Gabriella] Nice to meet you, signora. Did we have an appointment?

[Juliet] No, I'd like to talk to you.

[Gabriella] What can I do for you? Can't you tell me over the phone?

[Juliet] I can wait. I'm not in a hurry.

[Gabriella] I don't think it would be good for you.
My afternoon is full, and I'll be back late.

[Juliet] Are you afraid?

[Gabriella] Afraid? No.
Still, I don't enjoy other people's defeat,
and we don't have anything to say to each other.
Good night, signora. Good luck.

[Juliet] I'm not leaving.
[Slams down the telephone]


[Maid] Signora, I have to leave.
And Miss Gabriella won't be in till late.
I'm sorry, but –

[Juliet] [Gets up and leaves]

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Re: Juliet of the Spirit, directed by Federico Fellini

Postby admin » Fri Mar 16, 2018 5:48 am

Part 7 of 7


[Juliet] [Walking up the walkway to her house]

[Giorgio] [Packing his bags]

[Juliet] [Enters]


[Teresina] Hello, signora. I'm cooking for your husband. He's leaving.

[TV] [Happy couple kissing]
[Happy couple smiling]
[Happy Couple] Our happiness ...

[Giorgio] Teresina, the bags go in the car.

[TV couple] ... has only one name.


[Giorgio] [To Juliet] I'm off to Milan. I'm just having a snack.

[Juliet] I'll make it.

[Giorgio] Teresina's already taking care of it.


[Juliet] [To Teresina] Did you salt it?

[Teresina] No, signora.

[Juliet] And what's the side dish?

[Teresina] A little salad.

[TV] [Circus performers]

[Teresina] [To Giorgio] It's ready, sir.
Is the trunk open?

[Giorgio] Yes.

[Teresina] I'll load it, then.


[Juliet] [With her back towards Giorgio] First time you packed yourself.

[Giorgio] [Looks up and sees Juliet’s back to him] Yes.


[Juliet] [Turns around] Sure you didn't forget anything?

[Giorgio] I don't think so.

[Juliet] Will you be away long?

[Giorgio] A couple of days, maybe. I'll call you.

[Teresina] Signora, should I shut the windows?

[Juliet] Yes.

[Teresina] May I go out for a while, signora?

[Juliet] Yes, yes.


[TV Clown looking at Juliet]

[Giorgio] Listen, I may stay a bit longer.
I haven't been feeling well.
I saw a doctor. I didn't tell you, but –

[Phone rings once then stops]
[Everyone knows who that was]

[Juliet] Would you like some fruit?

[Giorgio] Thank you, yes.

[Juliet] [Sets down fruit]


[Giorgio] [Grabs Juliet’s arm; she doesn’t respond; he drops her arm and she walks away]
Perhaps the job has been wearing me out lately.
The doctor says I'm fine
but that I should rest,
and, frankly, I need a little time by myself.

[Juliet] [Hangs up his clothes in the bedroom]
[Goes to window, looks out, and sees her family meeting Giorgio for the first time]


[Sylva] [To Giorgio] Finally! Nice meeting you.
We heard a lot about you,
but you're better than I imagined.
Mother, Juliet's fiance is here.

[Mother] How are you?


[Giorgio] Juliet, I think someone's been spreading some malicious gossip.
It's true, there's been a friendship,


a profound friendship, if you will, but nothing more.
I assure you, nothing's happened that's final or irreparable.
Truth be told -- I don't know.
Right now I feel uncertain and confused.


I need some time alone.


[Juliet] [Remembering the two of them peacefully sleeping]


Good-bye, then, Julietta.

[Wind blowing]


[Gabriella and Giorgio driving off in a car]

[Juliet] Yes.

[Giorgio] [Kisses Juliet goodbye on each side of her head]
I'll call you.

[Juliet] Fine, sure.

[Giorgio] I'll call you from there.

[Juliet] Fine.

[Giorgio] I don't know when. Maybe tomorrow.

[Juliet] Yes, yes.

[Giorgio] Remember to set my mail aside.


[Juliet] Sure. Your mail.

[Giorgio] Ciao, Julietta.

[Juliet] Yes, ciao.

[Old Man Spirit]

[Ship burning]



[Spirits coming and making sounds]

[Wraiths walking towards the house]


[Juliet] [Quickly shuts and locks window]

[Sits down and watches TV]



[Laura] [Whispering] Juliet, do you remember me?

[Juliet] Laura!


[Laura] Do as I did.
Here everything is gray, still, silent.
Come with me, Juliet.


Just a long sleep. No more suffering.

[Juliet] Laura!

[Knocking sounds]

[Spectres appear]

[Nun Spectres]


[Genius Spectre]


[Spectre soldiers march outside]


[Suzy’s Godchild Spectre]

[Jose Spectre]

[Juliet] This isn't true. You don't exist.
Go away!
[Looks over and they are gone]


[Spectres laughing]


[Vampire spectre comes twirling down from ceiling]


[Old Man/Detective Spectre] [Eating cereal] Great!

[Juliet] You're not real.


Go away! Go away!



[Arlette/Laura Spectre] It's Laura, your friend who died for love.

[Raffaello Spectre] Buy a horse and go jumping. Go for a nice swim.


[Lawyer Spectre] Is there hope for me, Juliet?


[Dr. Miller Spectre] Without him, you'll live and breathe, become yourself again.


[Giorgio’s Friend Spectre] She stayed with me all night but no way --


[Emperor’s Soldiers Spectres]


[Grandpa Spectre] I can't come down. I can't land.
It's your fault. It's up to you.


[Headmaster Spectre]

[Juliet] A long sleep.

[Suzy Spectre]

[TV Spectre]


[Juliet] [Goes in her room and slams the door]

[Spectral sounds coming from bathroom]


[Juliet] [Enters room and sees all the Spectres together]

[Birdman Spectre hopping around]

[Juliet] [Sits on bed]


[Mother Spectre]

[Turns on light and lays down in bed]

[Juliet] Mother, help me.


Help me, Mother.
Someone's crying.

[Wind howling]

[Mother Spectre] It's the wind.

[Juliet] No. They're calling me!

[Mother Spectre] Don't move!
Obey your mother!

[Juliet] I must go!

[Mother Spectre] Don't move!

[Juliet] Who are you? Who are you?


Open up!

[Mother] You mustn't.

[Juliet] Open up!


[Mother Spectre] Obey!


[Juliet] You don't scare me anymore!

[As soon as she says these words, the door pops open]

[Juliet] [Opens the secret door]

[Juliet child] [Laying on sacrificial grill]


[Spectres angry at Juliet]
[Warn her to stop]


[Juliet] [Struggles to untie young Juliet’s hands]

[Spectres start crawling away]


[Spectres start disappearing]

[Spectres are gone]

[Juliet’s inner child is freed]


[Juliet and inner child embrace]


[Mother Spectre finally departs]

[Grandpa Spectre gets out of airplane]

[Juliet’s Inner Child] [Rushes to meet Grandpa]

[Grandpa Spectre] [Shakes little Juliet’s hand] How's my little cutlet?


Where did you leave your grill?
Let's wave to those stiffs. See 'em?


[Grandpa Spectre and Inner Child Spectre] [Wave to departing Spirits]

[To Suzy] Here's my cutie.
Now we must leave, too.

[Juliet Spirit] Take me along.

[Grandpa Spectre] Where?
It's an old plane.
It doesn't go anywhere. It only needed to get here.


[Suzy Spectre] [Making faces]

[Things getting dark]


[Grandpa Spectre] Goodbye, Julietta. Don't hold me back.
You don't need me anymore.
I'm another of your inventions.


But you are alive.


Ciao, little cutlet.


[Juliet’s Inner Child] [Disappears]

[Wind blowing]



[Juliet] [Opens the white prison gate and walks out in her nightgown]

[Wind blowing]

[Juliet] [Looks back at her prison]

[Spirit] Julietta. Julietta.

[Juliet] Who are you?

[Spirit] Friends.

[Juliet] Who are you?

[Many Spirit Voices] Friends. Real friends.
If you want us to, we can stay now.
Do you want us to? Do you?
Listen carefully ...


[Juliet] [Walks out into reality]

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