Killed over a Car Air Freshener: Daunte Wright

The progress from Western colonial global expansion, and the construction of American wealth and industry on the backs of enslaved Blacks and Native peoples, followed by the abrupt "emancipation" of the slaves and their exodus from the South to the Northern cities, has led us to our current divided society. Divided by economic inequities and unequal access to social resources, the nation lives in a media dream of social harmony, or did until YouTube set its bed on fire. Now, it is common knowledge that our current system of brutal racist policing and punitive over-incarceration serves the dual purpose of maintaining racial prejudice and the inequities it justifies. Brief yourself on this late-breaking development in American history here.

Re: Killed over a Car Air Freshener: Daunte Wright

Postby admin » Wed Apr 14, 2021 3:45 am

Brooklyn Center Police Chief Claims Officer Mistook Gun for Taser in Killing of Daunte Wright
by Amy Goodman
Democracy Now
APR 13, 2021

In Minnesota, police fired tear gas, rubber-coated bullets and stun grenades as protesters defied a curfew and took to the streets of the Minneapolis suburb of Brooklyn Center for a second straight night. They were demanding justice for Daunte Wright, a 20-year-old Black man shot dead by a police officer during a traffic stop Sunday.

State authorities have identified the officer who killed Wright as Kimberly Potter, a 26-year police veteran who has served as the police union president for the department. She has been placed on administrative leave. On Monday, Brooklyn Center Police Chief Tim Gannon claimed Potter accidentally pulled a gun instead of a Taser. He also played an excerpt of police body camera footage showing the shooting.

Kimberly Potter: “I’ll tase you! Taser! Taser! Taser! Holy [bleep]! I just shot him. Yes!”

According to the Star Tribune, Daunte Wright is the sixth person killed by Brooklyn Center police since 2012. Five of the six have been men of color. On Monday, the director of the Minnesota chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations joined calls for officer Kimberly Potter to face criminal charges. This is Jaylani Hussein.

Jaylani Hussein: “We are told it’s an accident, but I’m going to tell you it is not an accident. Daunte Wright was killed before he was even stopped, because he’s a Black man in America. Daunte Wright was killed by this white officer because she did not see his humanity. She did not believe that Black lives matter.”
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Re: Killed over a Car Air Freshener: Daunte Wright

Postby admin » Fri Apr 16, 2021 1:50 am

Minnesota Police Officer Kimberly Potter Charged with Manslaughter for Shooting Daunte Wright
by Amy Goodman
Democracy Now
APR 15, 2021


In Minnesota, the Brooklyn Center police officer who shot and killed 20-year-old Daunte Wright during a traffic stop Sunday has been arrested on a charge of second-degree manslaughter. If convicted, Kimberly Potter faces up to 10 years in prison and/or a $20,000 fine. Potter was released from jail after posting a $100,000 bond. Bodycam video shows Potter pointing her 9-millimeter pistol at Wright, repeatedly shouting “Taser!” before firing a single bullet into Wright’s chest.

The Taser remained holstered beside Potter’s nondominant hand; the weapon is a bright yellow color and has a different grip. Potter is a 26-year police veteran who was training other officers when she shot Wright. She will be charged in Washington County, east of the Twin Cities. Hennepin County prosecutor Mike Freeman said the change in jurisdiction was to avoid any appearance of a conflict of interest.

For a fourth straight night, protesters surrounded the Brooklyn Center Police Department demanding justice. Police fired tear gas, rubber bullets, stun grenades and pepper spray at protesters — once again violating a prohibition on the use of such force passed by the City Council on Monday. The Minnesota State Patrol said 24 people were arrested overnight.
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Re: Killed over a Car Air Freshener: Daunte Wright

Postby admin » Wed Apr 28, 2021 12:12 am

“He’s Going to Be So Missed”: Funeral Held for Police Shooting Victim Daunte Wright in Minneapolis
by Amy Goodman
APRIL 23, 2021 ... ht_funeral

Mourners gathered in Minnesota Thursday for the funeral of Daunte Wright, a 20-year-old Black man who was shot dead by a white police officer during a traffic stop in the Minneapolis suburb of Brooklyn Center. Daunte’s mother, Katie Wright, fought back tears as she remembered her son. “When he walked in the room, he lit up the room. He was a brother, a jokester, and he was loved by so many. He’s going to be so missed.” We air excerpts of Wright’s funeral service.


This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be in its final form.

AMY GOODMAN: In Minnesota, mourners gathered Thursday for the funeral of Daunte Wright, a 20-year-old Black father who was shot dead by a white police officer during a traffic stop in the Minneapolis suburb of Brooklyn Center. Daunte’s mother, Katie Wright, fought back tears as she remembered her son.

KATIE WRIGHT: I never imagined that I’d be standing here. The roles should completely be reversed: My son should be burying me. My son had a smile that was worth a million dollars. When he walked in the room, he lit up the room. He was a brother, a jokester, and he was loved by so many. He’s going to be so missed.

AMY GOODMAN: A number of prominent Minnesota politicians attended Daunte Wright’s funeral, including Minneapolis Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, state Attorney General Keith Ellison, Governor Tim Walz and U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar. This is Wright family attorney Ben Crump.

BENJAMIN CRUMP: Before I give the plea for justice, let me have you join me in proclaiming that Daunte Wright’s life mattered, so his mother Katie and Aubrey Wright will know that we believe it when we quote it. Up on your feet, if you would. Daunte Wright’s life mattered.

MOURNERS: Daunte Wright’s life mattered.

BENJAMIN CRUMP: Daunte Wright’s life mattered.

MOURNERS: Daunte Wright’s life mattered.

BENJAMIN CRUMP: Daunte Wright’s life mattered!

MOURNERS: Daunte Wright’s life mattered!

AMY GOODMAN: Daunte Wright’s funeral came just two days after a jury found former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin guilty of murdering George Floyd, in a killing that set off the largest protests in U.S. history. This is the Reverend Al Sharpton, who delivered the eulogy at Daunte’s funeral.

REV. AL SHARPTON: The time has come for America to stand up and bring a new day, to where we don’t have to explain to our children what to do when the police stop you. It’s time to bring a new day when we don’t have to videotape when we see a badge, but where we know that they’re there to serve and protect, not treat us like we’ve been convicted. The time has come for police to understand they’re not above the law, they’re to enforce the law.
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