National Security Decision Directive Number 30, by Ronald

National Security Decision Directive Number 30, by Ronald

Postby admin » Thu Jul 06, 2017 11:54 pm

National Security Decision Directive Number 30
by Ronald Reagan
April 10, 1982

Review on 10 April 1988
Declassified Released on 5/3/99 by R. Scubers, National Security Council



April 10, 1982


The United States is committed, as a matter of national policy, to oppose terrorism domestically and internationally. Efficient and effective management of terrorist incidents is crucial to this commitment. Successful management of terrorist incidents requires a rapid, effective response, immediate access to institutional expertise, and extensive prior planning. Because of these requirements, the management of terrorist incidents of duration will be handled in the following manner:

(1) Responsibilities. If the gravity of a terrorist incident situation warrants, the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, at the direction of the Vice President, will convene the Special Situation Group (SSG) to advise the President with respect to decision options on appropriate policies and actions.

(2) The Lead Agency. The coordination of federal response to terrorist incidents will normally be the responsibility of the Lead Agency. The Lead Agency will be that agency with the most direct operational role in dealing with the particular terrorist incident at hand. It will coordinate all operational aspects of the incident, including press and intelligence. The Lead Agency will normally be:

• The State Department, for international terrorist incidents that take place outside of US territory.
• The Department of Justice for terrorist incidents which take place within US territory. Unless otherwise specified by the Attorney General, the FBI will be the Lead Agency within the Department of Justice for operational response to such incidents.
• The FAA for highjackings within the special jurisdiction of the United States.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency will be responsible for planning for and managing the public health aspects of a terrorist incident and recovery from the consequences of such incidents.

The Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs will resolve any uncertainty on the designation of' the Lead Agency or on agency responsibilities.

(3) The Terrorist Incident Working Group. To support the Special Situation Group, a Terrorist Incident Working Group (TIWG) will be established. This group will consist of representatives from State, the DCI, DOD, FBI, FEMA and the NSC staff, with augmentation from other agencies, as required. The TIWG will be activated by the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs. It will be chaired by a senior representative from the NSC staff.

The purpose of the TIWG is to provide the SSG with direct operational support, to ensure interagency coordination, and to provide advice and recommendations during an incident. The Lead Agency will continue to manage the incident under the direction and coordination of the TIWG and the SSG.

(4) The Interdepartmental Group on Terrorism. The Interdepartmental Group on Terrorism (IG/T), chaired by the Department of State, will be responsible for the development of overall US policy on terrorism, including, inter alia, policy directives, organizational issues, legislative initiatives, and interagency training programs.

(5) White House Operations Group. The White House Operations Group, chaired by the Director of the White House Military Office, will have responsibility for issues relating to threats or acts of terrorism directed against the President or the Vice President or senior US officials and protectees as directed by the President. The NSC staff will effect liaison between this group and the IG/T and TIWG.

(6) The Interagency Intelligence Committee on Terrorism. The Interagency Intelligence Committee on Terrorism, chaired by the DCI, will provide intelligence support to the SSG and the TIWG. It will focus and coordinate interagency intelligence efforts to counter terrorist threats. In anticipation of terrorist incidents, the Committee will concentrate on threat alerts, trend assessments, and required procedural improvements, such as more rapid dissemination of critical information.

(7) Planning and Exercises. In order to ensure effective management of terrorism incidents, prior planning and exercise activity are essential. The Interdepartmental Group on Terrorism will be the primary mechanism within the US Government for planning and policy recommendations. To ensure the development of an effective, coordinated interagency exercise program, the Chairman of the IG/T will appoint an Exercise Committee which will coordinate the development of a multi-year exercise program and review all multiple agency counterterrorism exercises. This committee will assure that the government's counterterrorism capabilities are maintained in a high state of readiness and that duplication of exercises is avoided. No multiple agency exercise at the national level may be held without the recommendation of the IG/T and the approval of the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs.

This National Security Decision Directive supersedes all previous inconsistent directives and instructions on managing terrorism incidents.


Ronald Reagan
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