EMERGING VIRUSES: AIDS & EBOLA: Nature, Accident or Intenti

Re: EMERGING VIRUSES: AIDS & EBOLA: Nature, Accident or Inte

Postby admin » Thu Jun 30, 2016 8:01 am

Chapter 19. The CIA in Africa

1. Stockwell J. In Search of Enemies: A CIA Story. New York: WW Norton & Company, Inc., 1978.

2. Ray E, Schaap W, Van Meter K and Wolf L, et al. Dirty Work-2: The CIA in Africa. Secaucus, NJ: Lyle Stewart, Inc., 1979.

3. Woodward B. VEIL: the Secret Wars of the CIA 1981-1987. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1987.

4. Stockwell J, Op. cit., pp. 43-44; Colby W Honorable Men. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1978, pp. 439-40.

5. U.S. Congress, Senate, Select Committee to Study Government Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities, Filial Report: Foreign and Military Intelligence, Book I, 94th Congress, 2nd Session, April 26, 1976, p. 131.

6. Agee P. The range of covert intervention. In: Dirty Work-2: The CIA in Africa. Secaucus, Ray E, Schaap W, Van Meter K and Wolf L eds. Secaucus, NJ: Lyle Stewart, Inc., 1979, pp. 47-49.

7. Rockefeller NA, Connor JT, Dillon CD, Griswold EN, Reagan R, and Kirkland, et al. Report to the President by the Commission on CIA Activities Within the United States .. New York: The Rockefeller Commission, 1975, p. 211.

8. Schechter D, Ansara M and Kolodney D. The CIA as an equal opportunity employer. In: Dirty Work-2: The CIA in Africa. Secaucus, Ray E, Schaap W, Van Meter K and Wolf L eds. Secaucus, NJ: Lyle Stewart, Inc., 1979, p. 53.

9. Molteno R. Hidden sources of subversion. In: Dirty Work-2: The CIA in Africa. Secaucus, Ray E, Schaap W, Van Meter K and Wolf L eds. Secaucus, NJ: Lyle Stewart, Inc., 1979, pp. 100-101.

10. Center for National Security Studies. The Consequences of "Pre-publication Review" A Case Study of CIA Censorship of The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence., CNSS Report No. 109. Washington, D. c.: Center for National Security Studies, September, 1983. p. ii.

11. Kissinger H. Congress and the U. S. Intelligence Community. Speech made before the Senate Committee on Government Operations on February 5, 1976. Department of State Bulletin, March 1, 1976, pp. 274-277

12. Nixon R. U. S. foreign policy for the 1970's: Shaping a durable peace. A report to the Congress by the President of the United States, May 3, 1973. The Department of State Bulletin Volume LXVIII, No. 1771, June 4, 1973, pp. 794-798.

13. Williams MJ. Report to President Nixon by the Deputy Administrator of the Agency for International Development and the President's Special Coordinator for Emergency Relief to Sub-Sahara Africa. AID press release 73-76 dated October 23, 1973. Department of State Bulletin, November 26, 1973, pp. 669-671.)

14. Uganda Radio. CIA accused of plot to assassinate Amin. Africa Diary July 23-29, 1978, p. 9103.

15. Bourderie J. A tough little monkey. In: Dirty Work-2: The CIA in Africa. Secaucus, Ray E, Schaap W, Van Meter K and Wolf L eds. Secaucus, NJ: Lyle Stewart, Inc., 1979, p. 211; Woodward, Op. cit., pp. 139, 179;

16. Bourderie J. Ibid., p. 213.

17. World Health Organization. Smallpox in 1974. WHO Chronicle 1975;29: 134-139; Strecker R. The Strecker Memorandum: The Cause, The Effects and the Possible Cure for the Pandemic AIDS. Eagle Rock, CA: The Strecker Group, 1988.

18. Department of State. Report on the Health, Population and Nutrition Activities of the Agency for International Development for Fiscal Years 1973 and 1974. Washington, D.C., U. S. Government Printing Office, 1975.

19. According to Bob Woodward, "CIA ties with Mobutu dated back to 1960, the year the CIA [and Sidney Gottlieb) had planned the assassination of the Congolese nationalist leader Patrice Lumumba. An August 25, 1960, cable to the CIA station chief from then DCI Allen Dulles stated that Lumumba's 'removal must be an urgent and prime objective and that under existing conditions this should be a high priority of our coven action.' Before the CIA plot could be effected, Lumumba was murdered by another group of Mobutu supporters. [CIA Director William] Casey had an important, personal relationship with Mobutu, and now [in 1983 during the Reagan Administration] they exchanged intelligence." Reference is Woodward, Op. cit., pg. 268.

20. Staff reporter. Secretary Kissinger interviewed for CBS-IV Evening News. Department of State Bulletin, July 14, 1975, pp. 63-64.

21. Jeffreys-Jones R. American Espionage: From Secret Service to CIA. The Free Press, 1977, p. 5.

22. U.S. Select Senate Committee 10 Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities. Intelligence Activities. Senate Resolution 21. Vol. I: Unauthorized Storage of Toxic Agents. September 16-18. 1975. Congo Sess. 94-1.

23. Kissinger H. Secretary Kissinger testifies on security assistance program. Statement Before House Committee on International Relations. Department of State Bulletin, November 24, 1975, pp. 742-748.

24. Goswami PK. CIA: 40 Inglorious Years (1947-1987) Calcutta: Firma KLM Private Limited, 1989, pp 107-109.

25. Prados J. President's Secret Wars: CIA and Pentagon Covert Operations From World War II Through IRANSCAM. New York: Quill, William Morrow, 1986, pp. 339-340.

26. Kissinger H. Implications of Angola for future U. S. foreign policy. Speech made before the Subcommittee on African Affairs of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations on January 29, 1976. Department of State Bulletin, February 16, 1976, pp. 174-182.

27. Weissman S. Zaire, OTRAG, and Angola: The CIA and U.S. Policy in Zaire and Angola. In: Dirty Work-2: The CIA in Africa. Secaucus, Ray E, Schaap W, Van Meter K and Wolf L eds. Secaucus, NJ: Lyle Stewart, Inc., 1979, pp. 183-207.

28. Stockwell, Op. cit., letter is reproduced in appendix section of his book as it appeared in The Washington Post, April 10, 1977.

29. Weissman, Op. cit., as referenced-Times of Zambia, March 21, 1977.

Chapter 20. OTRAG: Links to NATO, NASA, Nazis, the NCI and AIDS

1. Moscow World Service in English. Belitskiy on How. Where AIDS Virus Originated. March 11, 1988. Published in International Affairs. FBIS-SOV-88-049, March 14, 1988, p. 24.

2. Covert N. Cutting Edge: A history of Fort Detrick. Maryland 1943-1993. U.S. Army Garrison Public Affairs Office (HSHD-PA), Fort Detrick, MD., p. 54.

3. Informationsdienst Sudliches Africa. OTRAG: Missiles against liberation in Africa. In: Dirty Work-2: The CIA in Africa. Secaucus, Ray E, Schaap W, Van Meter K and Wolf L eds. Secaucus, NJ: Lyle Stewart, Inc., 1979, pp. 215-219; Gesellschaft fur Unternehmendberatung, Hamburg, 1976. Diagnosebericht OTRAG, p. 12.; Der Spiegel, August 4, 1978; The Evening Standard, February 13, 1978; Deutscher Bundestag, 8th Session, 98th Sitting, June 15, 1978, 11; Aviation Week and Space Technology, September 12, 1975.

4. Hussain F. Volksraketen for the Third World: A cheap rocket that could launch military reconnaissance satellites for developing countries has become involved in a tangled web of Nazi rocket scientists, Penthouse magazine, KGB disinformation, and a treaty reminiscent of the height of colonialism in Africa. New Scientist 1978 (March 23);77:802-803.

5. Brumter C. The North Atlantic Assembly. Dordrecth: Maninus Nijhoff Publishers, 1986, pp. 173- 175.

6. Bennett, Jr. WT. U.S. reviews international cooperation in space activities and work of the U. N. Outer Space Committee in 1976. Department of State Bulletin, November 29, 1976, pp. 668-673.

7. World Aviation Directory. Germany: Messerschmitt-Bolkow-Blohm GmbH (MBB). Corporate listing under "Foreign Countries, Section, V-4400, Summer, 1979, pp. 1294-1295.

8. Preston Jr. W. The real treason. Covert Action Information Bulletin (Winter) 1986;25:23-26.

9. U. S. Government Press release 89 dated March 8, 1974. U. S. and Germany Discuss Cooperation in Science and Technology R. & D. Department of State Bulletin, March 25, 1974, pp. 300-301.

10. Hermann K. Klaus Barbie: A killer's career. Covert Action Information Bulletin (Winter) 1986;25 :20.

11. Gallo RC, Sarin PS, Allen, PT, Newton WA, Priori ES, Bowen JM and Dmochowski L. Reverse Transcriptase in Type C Virus Panicles of Human Origin. Nature New Biology 1971 ;232;140-142.

12. The Who Chronicle reported, "the present cooperation with investigators using primates in cancer studies is to be continued .... It should be reemphasized that there is a very practical, important side to this programme. Recent outbreaks of human and simian disease in several centres handling simians indicate that these animals are responsible for the transmission of the etiological agents. It is highly probable that more such incidents can be expected ..." The reference is -- Kalter SS and Heberling The study of simian viruses. WHO Chronicle 1969;;23;3:112-117.

13. Department of Defense Appropriations For 1970: Hearings Before A Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations House of Representatives, Ninety-first Congress, First Session, H.B. 15090. Part 5. Research, Development. Test and Evaluation. Dept. of the Army. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1969.

14. Litton Industries, Inc. Annual Report to the Securities and Exchange Commission for Fiscal Year Ended July 31, 1976. Commission file number 1-3998. Securities and Exchange Commission, Office of Reports, November 1, 1976.

15. Litton Industries, Inc. Annual Report to the Securities and Exchange Commission for Fiscal Year Ended July 31, 1977. Commission file number 1-3998. Securities and Exchange Commission, Office of Reports, October 31, 1977.

16. Litton Industries, Inc. Annual Report to the Securities and Exchange Commission for Fiscal Year Ended July 31, 1978. Commission file number 1-3998. Securities and Exchange Commission, Office of Reports, October 30, 1978.

17. Pan American/World Health Organization. Proceedings of the International Conference on the Application of Vaccines Against Viral. Rickettsial. and Bacterial Diseases of Man. December 14-18, 1970. Scientific Publication No. 226. Washington D.C.: World Health Organization, 1971, pp. 602- 604; See also, USPHS/NCI Staff. Special Virus Cancer Program: Progress Report #8. J. B. Moloney, ed., Bethesda: USPHS NCI, 1971. Univ. North Carolina, Davies Library call number #HE 20.3152:V81, pp. ;21-26;104.

18. Rose LF and Kaye D. Internal Medicine for Dentistry. SI. Louis: C. V. Mosby Company, 1983, pp.131-132.

19. Kissinger H. Secretary Kissinger testifies on security assistance program. Statement Before House Committee on International Relations. Department of State Bulletin, November 24, 1975. pp. 742-748.; Kissinger H. Implications of Angola for future U.S. foreign policy. Speech made before the Subcommittee on African Affairs of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations on January 29, 1976. Department of State Bulletin, February 16, 1976, pp. 174-182.; Kissinger H Congress and the U. S. Intelligence Community. Speech made before the Senate Committee on Government Operations on February 5. 1976. Department of State Bulletin, March I, 1976, pp. 274-277.

20. Williams MJ. Sahel African disaster relief and recovery assistance: Text of a Report for the President. Department of State Bulletin, November 26, 1973, pp. 669-673.; Nixon R. U.S. foreign policy for the 1970's: Shaping a durable peace. A report to the Congress by the President of the United States, May 3, 1973. The Department of State Bulletin. Volume LXVIII, No. 1771, June 4, 1973, pp. 794-798.; Newsom DO. African development and U. S. Foreign Policy. Speech made before the annual meeting of the African Studies Association at Syracuse, N.Y., on Nov. 2, 1997. Department of Stale Bulletin, December 31, 1973, p. 789.

21. State Department Staff. International cooperation in space. Department of State Bulletin August 26, 1974, pp. 326-329.

22. Litton Industries Press Release. Litton Industries Unit Gets Job. Wall Street Journal, Thursday, September 15, 1977, p. 4.

23. Litton Industries Press Release. Litton Industries awarded $19.8 million Army contract for missile fire-control equipment. Wall Street Journal, Monday, December 19, 1977, p. 21.

24. Litton Industries Press Release. Litton Industries awarded $32.9 million Air Force contract for electronic reconnaissance sensor equipment. Wall Street Journal, Friday, December 30, 1977, p. 6.

25. Litton Industries Press Release. Litton Industries Gets Order. Wall Street Journal, Tuesday, February 14, 1978, p. 33.

26. Staff Reporter. Litton Industries Gets $40 mil NATO Computerized Satcom Systems Order. Wall Street Journal. March 8, 1976, p. 12; See also: Robertson J. Litton awarded 40m NATO contract. Electron N, March 8, 1976 Vol. 21, p. 42.1roll Age, May 10, 1976, p. 25.

27. Staff reporter. NATO seeks Phase 3 satellite proposals. Aviation Weekly, Vol. 95, August 23, 1971, p. 58; See also NATO modifies defense plans in S Africa case. Aviation Weekly, Vol. 108, January 2, 1978, pp. 22-23.

28. Staff reporter. Siemens buys Boeing's 12% share in Messerschmitt-Boelkow. Aviation Week, July 17. 1978, p. 23.; See also, Financial Times, July 12, 1978. p. 22.

29. Staff reporter. Teledyne increases stake of Litton to about 20%: Teledyne boosts stake in Litton Industries from 22% to 27%. Wall Street Journal. May 12. 1977, p. 25., and December 11, 1978, p. 27.

30. Staff reporter. Grummann Aerospace subcontracts for Teledyne navigational computer and signal data conveners. Elec. News. August 8, 1977. p. 24.

31. Staff reporter. Grumman Aerospace seeks $1 bil NATO radar-reconnaissance military aircraft deal. Business Week. April 18. 1977 p. 46.

32. Staff reporter. Court lets stand an indictment of Litton Unit. Wall Street Journal, Tuesday, October 3, 1978. p. 4.

33. Staff reporter. Suit against Litton may be renewed, says U. S. Appeals Court. Wall Street Journal, Friday, April 7, 1978, p. 12.

34. Staff reporter. Litton and Navy settle dispute over ship orders: Accord is to be reviewed by Congress; firm faces a loss of $200 million. Wall Street Journal, Wednesday. June 21, 1978. p. 4.

35. Who's Who in America, 49th Edition, Volume I, A-K. New Providence, NJ., 1995, p.123.

36. For Nazis employed by the Navy to conduct cancer virus experiments, see: Hunt L. Secret Agenda: Nazi Scientists. The United States Government. and Project Paperclip, 1945 to 1990. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1991, pp. 186.

37. For U.S. Navy viral research program see: NCI staff. The Special Virus Cancer Program: Progress Report #8. Office of the Associate Scientific Director for Viral Oncology (OASDVO). J. B. Moloney, Ed .. Washington. D. c.: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1971, p. 224.

38. For combined U.S. Navy and University of California program see: NCI staff. The Special Virus Cancer Program: Progress Report #9 Office of the Associate Scientific Director for Viral Oncology (OASDVO). J. B. Moloney, Ed., Washington, D. c.: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1972, pp. 197- 198.

Chapter 21. Marburg, Ebola and Chilling Propaganda in The Hot Zone

1. Johnson KM, Webb, PA, Lange JV and Murphy F. Isolation and partial characterization of a new virus causing acute hemorrhagic fever in Zaire. Lancet, 1977, March 12, 569-571. Summarized in: Tropical Diseases Bulletin, October, 1977, p. 900.

2. Herrera F, Adamson RH and Gallo RC Uptake of transfer ribonucleic acid by normal and leukemic cells. Proc Nat Acad Sci 1970;67;4: 1943-1950.

3. Siegert, R. Marburg Virus. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1972, pp. 98-100

4. Ibid., pp. 143-147.

5. Simpson DIH. Marburg and Ebola Virus Infections: A Guide for their Diagnosis, Management, and Control. Geneva: World Health Organization, Pub. No. 36., 1977, pp. 5-28.

6. NIAID Task Force. "The Evolution of Viruses". In: U. S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Virology: NIAID Task Force Report, Volume 2, Acute Viral Infections. Washington, D. C: U. S. Government Printing Office, (NIH) 79-1832, 1979, pp. 155-160.

7. Gallo RC, Hecht SM, Whang-Peng J and O'Hopp S. N-6-( 2-Isopenteny1) Adenosine: The Regulatory Effects of a Cytokinin and Modified Nucleoside From tRNA on Human Lymphocytes. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta 1972; 281 :488-500.

8. NIAID Task Force, Op. cit., p. 155.

9. Ibid, p. 157

10. Ibid, p. 159.

11. Preston R. The Hot Zone. New York: Random House, 1994, pp. 25-27.

12. Horowitz L. Deadly Innocence: Solving The Greatest Murder Mystery in the History of American Medicine. Rockport, MA: Tetrahedron, Inc., 1994.

13. Fine DL and Arthur LO. Prevalence of natural immunity to Type-D and Type-C Retroviruses in primates. In: Viruses in Naturally Occurring Cancers: Book B. Myron Essex, George Todaro and Harald zur Hausen, eds., Cold Spring Harbor, NY: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 1980, Vol. 7, pp. 793-813; See also: Gallo RC, Wong-Staal F, Marhkam PD, Ruscetti R, Kalyanaraman VS, Ceccherini- Nelli L, Favera RD, Josephs S, Miller NR and Reitz, Jr MS. Recent studies with infectious primate retroviruses: Hybridization to primate DNA and some biological effects on fresh human blood leukocytes by simian sarcoma virus and Gibbon ape leukemia virus. Ibid.

14. Department of Defense Appropriations For 1970: Hearings Before A Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations House of Representatives, Ninety-first Congress, First Session, H.B. 15090, Part 5, Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Dept. of the Army. U.S. Government Priming Office. Washington, D.C, 1969.

15. Senate hearings on "Chemical and Biological Warfare." Congressional Record, Washington, D.C.: U. S. Government Printing Office. August 8, 1969, p. 23074.

16. Preston R. Ob. cit., p. 31.

17. Cook R. Outbreak. New York: Berkeley Books, 1986.

18. Preston R. Op. cit., p. 110; and Garrett L. The Coming Plague, New York: Penguin Books, 1994, pp. 598-599

19. Ibid. p. 152.

20. Besides Litton Bionetics, another documented DOD biological weapons contractor, being cited as the major funding source for some of Gallo's experiments was Hazleton Laboratory in Vienna, Va. which participated in "The Special Virus Cancer Program" administered by the NCI. Hazleton supplied Rausher leukemia viruses for Gallo's studies. This is noteworthy as Hazleton's (Reston, Virginia) monkey facility was the site of the frightening Ebola-like virus outbreak in December, 1989. Nowhere in Richard Preston's best seller The Hot Zone was Hazleton mentioned as an actual supplier of RNA tumor viruses. In fact, Preston alleged the deadly viruses came from either the Philippines or Africa. See: Wu AM, Ting RCY and Gallo RC RNA-Directed DNA Polymerase and Virus-Induced Leukemia in Mice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 1973;70;5: 1298-1302.

21. Preston, Op. cit., p. 44-46.

22. Ibid. p. 68-71

23. Herrera F, Adamson RH and Gallo RC Uptake of transfer ribonucleic acid by normal and leukemic cells. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 1970;67;4:1943-1950.

24. U.S. Select Senate Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities. Intelligence Activities. Senate Resolution 21. Vol. I: Unauthorized Storage of Toxic Agents. September 16-18, 1975. Congo Sess. 5-7; See also: Agee P. The range of covert intervention. In: Dirty Work-2: The CIA in Africa. Secaucus, Ray E, Schaap W, Van Meter K and Wolf L eds. Secaucus, NJ: Lyle Stewart, Inc., 1979, pp. 47-49.

25. Preston, Ob cit, p. 78.

26. Ibid., pp. 83-84

27. Kissinger H. Secretary Kissinger testifies on security assistance program. Statement Before House Committee on International Relations. Department of Stare Bulletin, November 24, 1975, pp. 742-748; See also: Kissinger H. Implications of Angola for future U S. foreign policy. Speech made before the Subcommittee on African Affairs of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations on January 29, 1976. Department of State Bulletin, February 16, 1976, pp. 174-182; Goswami PK. CIA: 40 Inglorious Years (/947-1987) Calcutta: Firma KLM Private Limited, 1989, pp 107-109; and Prados J. President's Secret Wars: CIA and Pentagon Covert Operations From World War II Through IRANSCAM. New York: Quill, William Morrow, 1986, pp. 339-340.

28. USAID. A report on loans and grants from abroad for Congo (Kinshasa). June, 1969. Revision No. 256, April 1971. Washington: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1971 p. 11(112).

29. Stockwell J. In Search of Enemies: A CIA Story. New York: WW Norton & Company, Inc., 1978, pp. 43-44; Colby W Honorable Men. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1978, pp. 439-40.

30. West Africa, London. Zaire: Mobutu and the Americans. Africa Diary February 19-25, 1975 p. 7322.

31. Daily News, Dar es Salaam; West Africa, London. Zaire: Mobutu's Radicalism. Africa Diary February 12-18, 1975 p. 7310-11.

32. Staff reporter. Secretary Kissinger interviewed for CBS-IV Evening News. Department of State Bulletin, July 14, 1975, pp. 63-64.

Chapter 22. The Special Virus Cancer Program

1. NCI staff. The Special Virus Cancer Program: Progress Report #8. Office of the Associate Scientific Director for Viral Oncology (OASDVO). J. B. Moloney, Ed., Washington, D. C: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1971. Note: This is a very hard publication to find. Few library data bases have it listed, including the NCI Library at Fort Detrick. It is available through the Davis Library, The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Government Documents Department Depository, Reference # HE 20.3152:V81.

2. Bionetics Research Laboratories, Inc., A Division of Litton Industries. Progress report on investigation of carcinogenesis with selected virus preparations in the newborn monkey. Ibid., pp 273-278: See page 276 for Cercopithecus aethiops acknowledgment.

3. NCI staff. The Special Virus Cancer Program: Progress Report #9 Office of the Associate Scientific Director for Viral Oncology (OASDVO). J. B. Moloney, Ed., Washington, D. C: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1972.

4. NCI staff, 197/, Op. cit., pp. 2-10.

5. Ibid., 15-19; 20-26.

6. Goldman BA and Chappelle M. Is HIV=AIDS wrong? In These Times. August 5-18, 1992, pp. 8- 10.

7. See the following Gallo et al., publications: Gallaher RE, Ting RC and Gallo RC A common change aspartyl-tRNA in polyoma and SV transformed cells. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta 1972;272:568-582.; Bobrow SN, Smith RG, Reitz MS and Gallo RC Stimulated normal human lymphocytes contain a ribonuclease-sensitive DNA polymerase distinct from viral RNA-directed DNA polymerase. Proceedings National Academy of Sciences 1972;69; 11 :3228-3232; Robert MS, Smith RG, Gallo RC, Sarin PS and Abrell JW. Viral and cellular DNA polymerase: Comparison of activities with synthetic and natural RNA templates. Science 1972;176:798-800.

8. NCI staff, 1971, Op. cit., pp. 22-23.

9. Ting RC, Yang SS and Gallo RC Reverse transcriptase, RNA tumor virus transformation and derivatives of Rifamycin Sv. Nature New Biology 1972;236: 163-165.

10. NCI staff, 1971, Op. cit., pp. 24-26.

11. Litton Industries, Inc. Annual Report to the Securities and Exchange Commission for Fiscal Year Ended July 31, 1977. Commission file number 1-3998. Securities and Exchange Commission, Office of Reports, October 31, 1977.

12. Gallo R. Recent Advances in Cancer Research: Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, and Tumor Virology, Volume I. Cleveland: CRC Press, Inc., 1977; In 1971 EBV was also studied by Gallo and coworkers. See Fujioka S and Gallo RC. Aminoacyl Transfer RNA Profiles in Human Myeloma Cells. Blood 1971; 38;2:246-252.

13. Litton Industries. Inc. Annual Report to the Securities and Exchange Commission for Fiscal Year Ended July 31. 1978. Commission file number 1-3998. Securities and Exchange Commission, Office of Reports, October 30, 1978.

14. NCI staff, 1971, Op. cit., pp. 27-31.

15 Ibid., pp. 35-59

16. Shilts R. And the Band Played On: Politics, People and the AIDS Epidemic. New York: Penguin Books, 1987, pp. 73-74.

17 NCI staff, 1971, Op. cit., 63-271

18 Ibid., p. 104; 187 and NCI staff, 1972, Op. cit., pp. 195-196;326. The complete title of the later study was "Investigation of the Carcinogenic Activity of Selected Virus Preparation in the Newborn Monkey."

19. NCI staff, 1971, Op. cit., 111;139-141 The Merck and Company, Inc. study title: "Study of Viruses in Human and Animal Neoplasia, " was actually an abridged title. The complete title was much more revealing. It was, "Research on Oncogenic and Potentially Oncogenic Viruses, Large-scale Virus Production and Vaccine Development." See also Ibid., p. 373.

20. NCI staff, Op. cit., 1972, 324.

21 NCI staff, Op. cit., 1971, 257-258.

22. NCI staff, Op. cit., 1972, 130-131; spelled Hazleton on page 407 with the same grant number (69-2079).

23. NCI staff, Op. cit., 197J, p. 100.

24. Ibid., p. 187; See also 68 and 362. The contract summary, produced by Robert Ting at Bionetics, and reviewed by NCI officers George Todaro, Paul Levine, and Robert Bassin -- all Gallo co-authors -- described their EBV studies conducted "under the supervision of Dr. Paul Levine." This contract, they said, provided "opportunity for systematic, large-scale effort to detect viruses or viral antigens in human or animal materials using tissue culture, immunological, biochemical and EM techniques."

Chapter 23. The Man-Made Origin of Marburg and Ebola

1. The practice of experimentally injecting monkey blood into humans initially carried out by Dr. Alexander S. Wiener at the Laboratory for Experimental Medicine and Surgery in Primates and simultaneously at the New York University Medical Center. See: Moor-Jankowski 1. Blood groups of apes and monkeys; Human and simian types. In: Research Animals in Medicine: National Heart and Lung Institute National Institutes of Health, Lowell T. Harmison, ed. Washington, DC: U. S. Department of Health. Education and Welfare, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health, DHEW Publication No. (NIH) 72-333, October 2, 1973, pp. 483-488.

2. NCI staff. The Special Virus Cancer Program: Progress Report #8. Office of the Associate Scientific Director for Viral Oncology (OASDVO). J. B. Moloney, Ed., Washington, D. c.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1971. pp. 187; See also 68 and 362.

3. Higginson] and Muir CS. Epidemiologic Program of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). In: The National Cancer Program and International Cancer Research., National Cancer Institute Monograph 1974; 40: 63-70.

4. Fine DL and Arthur LO. Prevalence of natural immunity to Type-D and Type-C Retroviruses in primates. In: Viruses in Naturally Occurring Cancers: Book B. Myron Essex, George Todaro and Harald zur Hausen, eds., Cold Spring Harbor, NY: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 1980, Vol. 7, pp. 793-813; See also: Gallo RC, Wong-Staal F, Marhkam PD, Ruscelti R, Kalyanaraman VS, Ceccherini-Nelli L, Favera RD, Josephs S, Miller NR and Reitz, ]r MS. Recent studies with infectious primate retroviruses: Hybridization to primate DNA and some biological effects on fresh human blood leukocytes by simian sarcoma virus and Gibbon ape leukemia virus. Ibid.

5. NCI staff, 197J, Op. cit., pp. 104; 187. See also NCI staff. The Special Virus Cancer Program: Progress Report #8. Office of the Associate Scientific Director for Viral Oncology (OASDVO). J. B. Moloney, Ed., Washington, D.C.: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1972, pp. 195-196;326.

6. NCI staff, 197/, Op. cit., III ;139-141

7. Bionetics Research Laboratories, Inc., A Division of Litton Industries. Progress report on investigation of carcinogenesis with selected virus preparations in the newborn monkey. Ibid., p. 273-278.

8. NCI staff, 197/, Op. cit., pp. 224-225;376. Here an NCI contract given to the Naval Biological Laboratory in Oakland, California is described. The NCI project officer, and Chairman of Biohazards Control and Containment Segment of the SVCP, Dr. Alfred Hellman, had to have worked closely with Bionetics's NCI administrators. It is also very likely he held lengthy meetings with Robert Manaker who was intimately connected to Gallo's group of Bionetics researchers as well as Hilleman's group at Merck. Hellman oversaw numerous co-carcinogen studies for the Navy and most plausibly the Army too.

9. Litton Industries, Inc. Annual Report to the Securities and Exchange Commission for Fiscal Year Ended July 31, 1978. Commission file number 1-3998. Securities and Exchange Commission, Office of Reports, October 30, 1978, p. 16.

10. According to physician author Samuel Epstein, Litton Bionetics was contracted by the NCI from 1963 to 1969 to conduct carcinogenicity tests on "approximately 140 industrial compounds and pesticides, selected because of strong suspicions of carcinogenicity .... " Bionetics tested the substances at "maximally tolerated doses in two strains of mice, " and reported that less than 10 percent of test chemicals were carcinogenic. Epstein argued convincingly that Bionetics had been effectively lobbied and/or paid to produce or censure findings on behalf of numerous chemical firms including "Dow, Du Pont, Rohm and Haas, and Esso Research in addition to the Manufacturing Chemists Association and the Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturers Association, " Shell Chemical Company, and Velsicol Chemical Company. See: Epstein SS. The Politics of Cancer. Garden City, NY: Anchor Books, 1979 pp. 306-307.

11. Preston R. The Hot Zone. New York: Random House, 1994.

12. Garrett L. The Coming Plague: Newly Emerging Diseases in a World Out of Balance. New York: Penguin Books, 1994, pp. 371-81.

13. Siegen, R. Marburg Virus. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1972, pp. 98-100.
14. Kotin P, Falk HL and McCammon CJ. The experimental induction of pulmonary tumors and changes in the respiratory epithelium in C57BL mice following their exposure to an atmosphere of ozonized gasoline. Cancer 1958;11 :3:473-489.

15. Jurgelski Jr. W, Forsythe W, Dahl 0, Thomas Ld, Moore JA, Kotin P, Falk HL and Vogel FS. The opossum as a biomedical model. II. Breeding the opossum in captivity: Facility design. Laboratory Animal Science 1974;24;2:404-411.

16. Kotin P. Standards in the workplace: Crisis, crusade or crucible? Journal of Occupational Medicine 1979;21;8:557-561.

17. Simmons ML. Biohazards and Zoonotic Problems of Primate Procurement, Quarantine and Research: Proceedings of a Cancer Research Safety Symposium. March 19, 1975, Conducted at the Frederick Cancer Research Center, Frederick, Maryland. DHEW Publication No. (NIH) 76-890, pp. 27; 50-52.

18. Hearings before the Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research of the Committee on Human Resources, United Stares Senate, Ninety-fifth Congress, First Session, On Examination of Serious Deficiencies in the Defense Department's Efforts to Protect the Human Subjects of Drug Research, Biological Testing Involving Human Subjects by the Department of Defense. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, March 8 and May 23, 1977, pp. 125-127.

Chapter 24. Ebola Kikwit and the Sloan/Hot Zone/Plague Connections

1. Altman L. Scientists investigate deadly vira1outbreak in Zaire. New York Times, May 10, 1995, p. I.

2. ABC News. Ebola. Nightline special report with Ted Kopel. Wednesday, May 10, 1995.

3. Arnot B. CBS Evening News with Dan Rather and Connie Chung. Ebola outbreak in Zaire. Thursday, May 11, 1995.

4. Ms. Garren, telephoned at Newsday and in Manhattan for an interview, was unavailable for comment, and never returned my calls. Her book, The Coming Plague (Penguin Books, 1994), however, discusses these revelations on pages 33, 56, 595, 602 and 729.

5. Cowley G, Contreras J, Rogers A, Lach J, Dickey C and Raghavan S. Killer virus: Beyond the Ebola scare-What else is out there? Newsweek May 22, 1995, pp. 48-55.

6. Painter K. Trying to stop scariest microbes: But 'with an outbreak like (Ebola) they should have their own airplanes.' USA Today May 19-21, 1995, pp. AI-2.

7. Altman LK. Deadly virus still spreads in Zaire. New York Times May 11, 1995, p. A6.

8. O'Neill P.Dow Coming action riles women. The Portland Oregonian May 16, 1995, pp. A1;A5.

9. Hazleton RA. Junk science and the American economy. Speech before The Conference of The Manhattan Institute on Junk Science and the Courts, Washington, D.C., June 12, 1995. Reprint kindly provided by the media relations office of Dow Coming Corporation.

10. Personal communication with Dr. James Watson, Director of The Medical-Legal Foundation, 1564A Fitzgerald Drive, Suite 240, Pinole, CA, 94564. Telephone: 510-222-9466; Fax: 510-222-0158.

11. CBS Evening News with Dan Rather and Connie Chung. "Reality Check: The Government's PR Machine, " September 7. 1993.

12. CBS News. Watergate: The secret story CBS News special program. June 17. 1992. Available through Burrelle's Information Services.

13. Editorial staff. Rather blunt. The Spotlight. December 6.1993. p1.

14. Demac DD. Keeping America Uninformed. New York: The Pilgrim Press. [984. pp. 91-92.

15 Covert Action Information Bulletin. Turner's "Born Again" CIA. In: Dirty Work: The CIA in Western Europe. P. Agee and L. Wolf, eds. Secaucus. NJ: Lyle Stuart Inc., J977, pp. 313.

J6. Gill K. Doctor ties gulf war illness to anti-chemical pills. USA Today. Thursday. March 28. 1996, p. 6A.

17. Fitz R. Gulf War G.I.s poisoned by American germ weapons: Scientist blows lid off huge govt. cover-up. National Enquirer. April 2, 1996. pp. 26-27.

18. Nicolson GL and Rosenberg-Nicolson NL. Doxycycline treatment and Desert Storm. (Letter to the editor) JAMA 1995;273;8:618-619

19. Nicolson GL, Hyman E. Korenyi-Both A. Lopez DA. Nicolson N. Rea W, and Urnovitz H. Progress on Persian Gulf War illnesses -- Reality and hypotheses. International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology [995;4;3: I In press galley copy.

20. CBS News. Evening News with Dan Rather reporting on 'Texas Southwest medical center studies on Gulf War chemical cocktail." Tuesday. April 16. 1996.

21. Schaap B. Deceit and secrecy: Cornerstones of U.S. Policy. Covert Action Information Bulletin 1982;16:24-31.

22. Arenson KW. Grants by foundations help technology books make it to the shelves. New York Times, Monday, August 21, 1995. p. D5.

23. Starr P. The Social Transformation of American Medicine: The rise of a sovereign profession and the making of a vast industry. New York: Basic Books, 1982. pp. 342-343.

24. Alfred P. Sloan Foundation: Report for 1967, pp. 2-6; for population control program see p. 79.

25. Keele HM and Kiger JC. Foundations: The Greenwood Encyclopedia of American Institutions. London: Greenwood Press. 1982, pp. 8-9; for early history of the Sloan Foundation see pp. 6-7.

26. A. P. Sloan Foundation, Op. cit., pp. 3;53-55; Alfred P. Sloan Foundation: Report for 1973, p. 46.

27. Alfred P. Sloan Foundation: Report for 1969, pp. 70-7 J; for Council on Foreign Relations funding see p. 57.; Alfred P. Sloan Foundation: Report for 1970, pp. 36;62-63.

28. A. P. Sloan Foundation Report for 1967, p. 79

29. Lawrence S. Rockefeller was cited in this manner in all annual Sloan Foundation reports reviewed.

30. Who's Who in Finance and Industry, 17th edition, 1972-1973. Chicago: Marquis Who's Who, Inc., 1973.

31. The Sloan Foundation's "Schedule of Marketable Securities" was listed in each annual report. References to Chase Manhattan Bank and Merck & Co.. Inc. stocks are found as described in text.

Chapter 25. Smoking Guns and Conclusions

1. Walgate R. Hepatitis B vaccine: Pasteur Institute in AIDS fracas. Nature July 14, 1983 Volume 304, pg. 104.

2. Guisnel J. Open Hunting Season on Intelligence at Bourget: Le Bourget, CIA, DGSE, Economic Spying Viewed published in Paris Liberation in French on June 14, 1993. p. 10; and in English in Government International News Reports, FRANCE-FBIS-WEU-93-124, June 30.1993, p. 19.

3. Javanovic P. Dassault and GIAT, Targets of the CIA. First published in Paris Le Quotidien De Paris in French on May 24, 1993, p. 7, and later in Governments News Documents FRANCE-FBIS-WEU- 93-102. May 28, 1993, pg. 27.

4. Shorter E. The Health Century: A companion to the PBS television series. New York: Doubleday, 1987, pp. 67-69; [95-204, and acknowledgments page.

5. Dr. John Martin's address is: 1634 Spruce Street, South Pasadena, CA. 9J030. Telephone: 818- 799-4500; Fax: 818-799-1700. Dr. Martin requested credit for his copy of the Shorter/Hilleman tape be given to Dr. James Watson of The Medical-Legal Foundation in Pinole, CA.

6. Maurice Hilleman interview by Edward Shorter on February 6, 1987.

7. Sweet BH and Hilleman MR. "The Vacuolating Virus, S.V. 40, " Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine 105 (November 1960):420-27.

8. Shorter references Goffe AP, et al. Poliomyelitis vaccines. Lancer March 18, 196) :612.

9. An extensive literature review on the possible dangers of SV40's to public health was published by Fraumeni FJ, et al. "An evaluation of the carcinogenicity of simian virus 40 in man. JAMA 1963;185:713-18.

10. Schmeck HM. Studies identify virus in vaccine. New York Times, February 7, 1962, p. 27.

12. Paul JR. History of Poliomyelitis. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1971, pp. 373-74.

13. Congressional Record-Senate, Proceedings of October 15, 1971, pp. S 16291-99; December 8, 1971, pp. S20902-14, and Consumer Safety Act of 1972: Hearings before the Subcommittee on Executive Reorganization and Government Research of the Committee on Government Operations, United States, Senate, Ninety-Second Congress, Second Session on Titles I and II of S. 3419. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1972.

14. Covert Action Information Bulletin. Turners "Born Again" CIA. In: Dirty Work: The CIA in Western Europe. P. Agee and L Wolf, eds. Secaucus, NJ: Lyle Stuart Inc., 1977, pp. 313.

15. NCI staff. The Special Virus Cancer Program: Progress Report #8. Office of the Associate Scientific Director for Viral Oncology (OASDVO). J. B. Moloney, Ed., Washington, D. c.: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1971, pp. 63, 223-224.

16. Martin JW, Ahmed KN, Zeng LC, Olsen JC, Seward JG and Seehrai JS. African green monkey origin of the atypical cytopathic 'stealth virus' isolated from a patient with chronic fatigue syndrome. Clinical and Diagnostic Virology 1995;4:93-103.

17. Martin JW, Zeng LC, Ahmed K and Roy M. Cytomegalovirus-related sequence in an atypical cytopathic virus repeatedly isolated from a patient with chronic fatigue syndrome. American Journal of Pathology 1994;145;2:440-451.

18. Martin JW. "Stealth" Viruses. An oral presentation before the "Twentieth Century Plagues" symposia held at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Los Angeles on March I, 1996, and at the San Francisco Airport Marriott Hotel on March 2, 1996. Text, slides and additional information is available at URL http://www.steathvirus.com.

19. Personal conversation with Dr. John Martin, Director of the Center for Complex Infectious Diseases, 3328 Stevens Avenue, Rosemead, California 91770, Telephone: 818-799-4500, and Walter Kyle, Attorney at law, Sixty South Street, Hingham, MA 02043, Telephone: 617-741-5953, Fax: 617- 741-5166.

20. Staff writer. Porton opened to the public. Nature 1968 220(166):426. This article discussed state-of-the-art large-scale production facilities used for developing vaccines against a variety of viruses. Methods described included the use of "rolling bottles in a sealed unit-an apparatus only available at Porton (though one like it was known to also exist in Fort Detrick, MD") -- it is possible to grow 2.1 x 10(11) (2, 100, 000, 000, 000) virus particles per batch."

21. Covert NM. Cutting Edge: A history of Fort Detrick, Maryland 1943-1993. Fort Detrick: Headquarters U.S. Army Garrison Public Affairs Office (HSHD-PA), 1993, pp. 85.

22. Strecker R. The Strecker Memorandum: The Cause, The Effects and the Possible Cure for the Pandemic AIDS. Eagle Rock, CA: The Strecker Group, 1988.

23. Walgate R. Hepatitis B vaccine: Pasteur Institute in AIDS fracas. Nature 1983;304:104.

24. Hearings before the Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research of the Committee on Human Resources, United States Senate, Ninety-fifth Congress, First Session, on Examination of Serious Deficiencies in the Defense Department's Efforts to Protect the Human Subjects of Drug Research, Biological Testing Involving Human Subjects by the Department of Defense. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, March 8 and May 23, 1977, p. 91.

25. Department of Defense Appropriations For 1970: Hearings Before A Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations House of Representatives, Ninety-first Congress, First Session, H.B. 15090, Part 5, Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Dept. of the Army. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1969.

26. Hearings before the Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations With Respect to Intelligence Activities of the United States Senate, Ninety-Fourth Congress, First Session, Vol. 1: Unauthorized Storage of Toxic Agents, Intelligence Activities Senate Resolution 21, Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, September 16, 17, and 18, 1975 (pp. 97-98 for Kissinger's role in illegal stockpiling of biological weapons during the early to mid-1970s); for Kissinger's obvious directing of Zumwalt or Laird to obtain $10 million appropriated in 1970 for the development of AIDS-like viruses see also: Isaacson W. Kissinger: A Biography. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1992, p. 205.

27. NCI staff. The Special Virus Cancer Program: Progress Report #8. Office of the Associate Scientific Director for Viral Oncology (OASDVO). J. B. Moloney, Ed., Washington, D.C.: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1971.

28. Bionetics Research Laboratories, Inc., A Division of Litton Industries. Progress report on investigation of carcinogenesis with selected virus preparations in the newborn monkey. Ibid., pp. 273-278.

29. NCI staff. The Special Virus Cancer Program: Progress Report #9 Office of the Associate Scientific Director for Viral Oncology (OASDVO). J. B. Moloney, Ed., Washington, D. c.: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1972.

30. See the following Gallo et al., publications: Gallaher RE, Ting RC and Gallo RC. A common change aspartyl-tRNA in polyoma and SV transformed cells. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta 1972;272:568-582.; Bobrow SN, Smith RG, Reitz MS and Gallo RC. Stimulated normal human lymphocytes contain a ribonuclease-sensitive DNA polymerase distinct from viral RNA-directed DNA polymerase. Proceedings National Academy of Sciences 1972;69;11:3228-3232; Robert MS, Smith RG, Gallo RC, Sarin PS and Abrell JW. Viral and cellular DNA polymerase: Comparison of activities with synthetic and natural RNA templates. Science 1972;176:798-800; Ting RC, Yang SS and Gallo RC. Reverse transcriptase, RNA tumor virus transformation and derivative of Rifamycin Sv. Nature New Biology 1972;236:163-165.

31. Litton Industries, Inc. Annual Report to the Securities and Exchange Commission for Fiscal Year Ended July 31, 1977. Commission file number 1-3998. Securities and Exchange Commission, Office of Reports, October 31, 1977.

32. Negative Population Growth, Inc. Why we need a small U.S. population and how we can achieve it. Foreign Affairs Magazine. Council on Foreign Relations. March/April, 1996.

33. Urnovitz HB. Human endogenous retroviruses: Nature, occurrence, and clinical implications in human disease. Clinical Microbiology Reviews January, 1996, pp. 72-99; see also: Fisher BL. Microbiologist issues a challenge to science: Did the first oral polio vaccine lots contaminated with monkey viruses create a monkey-human hybrid called HIV-I? The Vaccine Reaction 1996 (April);2; I: 1-6.

34. Personal communications from Barbara Loe Fisher, May 20, 1996, and Ms. Marge Grant on November 21, 1997.

According to Ms. Grant, attorney Jeffrey Schwartz, a Co-Founder and past President of the NVIC, worked with Fisher, Williams and Stephan E. Lawton, a Washington lobbyist for the American Academy of Pediatrics, to direct the fledgling NVIC and the subsequent passing of the "infamous 'no fault' compensation program."

According to a 1984 Gannett News Service report, "The Vaccine Machine, " published in December 1984, the bond between Schwartz and Lawton stretched way back. Authors C. Collins and J. Hanchette wrote: "Until 1979, both worked for then-Rep. Paul Rogers, D-Ra., who as chairman of the House's health subcommittee was nicknamed 'Mr. Health' because of his image as guardian of America's physical well being.

"Rogers led the House fight to pass the 1976 swine flu program, this nation's most ambitious-and one of its least successful [and most deadly] -- mass immunization plans. He also spearheaded the 1976 legislation that made the federal government, rather than vaccine manufacturers, financially liable for injuries resulting from that program.

"During the swine flu episode [in which thousands died as a result of the vaccine and tens of thousands more developed chronic autoimmune disorders], Schwartz worked for Rogers ... as a member of the professional staff of the House Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee. At the same time, Lawton, as chief counsel to that committee's Subcommittee on Health and the Environment, which Rogers chaired, was actively involved in the swine flu legislation."

Rogers later became a partner with a powerful Washington legal and lobbying firm that represented Merck & Co. Inc., the parent company of Merck, Sharp & Dohme. "Since 1980, " the Gannett News authors said, "Rogers also has been on Merck's board of directors."

Another Rogers aide, Dack Dalrymple, "became a lobbyist for American Cyanamid Co., the parent company of Lederle Laboratories, the sole U.S. source of oral polio vaccine and DTP vaccine." Later Dalrymple became a manager of legislative affairs for American Cyanamid's pharmaceutical and consumer products divisions.

"As well as lobbying for pediatricians, " Gannett News continued, attorney Lawton worked for "at least two other organizations with a tie to vaccines: the Infectious Diseases Society of America, an organization of specialists in infectious diseases who retain[ed] Lawton to lobby for more government funding of research in their field; and Genetech, a California-based company specializing in genetics research" and vaccine development.

Prior to Schwartz's and Lawton's involvement, efforts to bring "dissatisfied parents together (DPT)," and then the NVIC, began when Ms. Grant appeared on the Phil Donohue Show and requested parents contact her if their children, like her son Scott, had been injured by vaccines. "Before I could give the Donohue people my address, " Grant recalled, "Barbara [Loe Fisher] called the station and gave them her number. She said that I was representing her organization. Later when I tried to get the letters of the approximately 4, 000 people that replied, I was told by Schwartz that I would have to deal with his attorneys. They never did share [the letters] or turn over my mail to me. It was from this information that Fisher wrote A Shot in the Dark."

Marge Grant, along with her husband Jim, went on to form their own organization, the "Determined Parents to Stop Hurting Our Tots" or DPT-SHOT. They may be reached by calling 920-887- 1133, or mail at P. O. Box 543, Beaver Dam, WI 53916.

Other reputable contacts regarding vaccines and consumer health advocacy include: Barbara Alexander Mullarkey, Co-Director of the Illinois Vaccine Awareness Coalition (IVAC) available by mail at: P. O. Box 946, Oak Park, n.. 60303; and Kristine Severyn, Director, Parents for Vaccine Safety, 251 Ridgeway Drive, Dayton, OH 45459, Telephone: 937-435-4750.

35. MacBride S. Preface. In: Dirty Work-2: The CIA in Africa. Secaucus, Ray E, Schaap W, Van Meter K and Wolf L eds. Secaucus, NJ: Lyle Stewart, Inc., 1979, pp. xiii-xiv.

36. Raeburn P. 1/3 of blacks asked in '90 said AIDS a form of genocide. Associated Press, Thursday, November 2, 1995; for primary reference, see Thomas SB and Quinn Sc. Understanding the attitude of black Americans. In: Dimensions of HIV Prevention: Needle Exchange. J. Stryker and M. D. Smith, eds. Menlo Park, CA: Kenry 1. Kaiser Family Foundation, 1993, pp. 99-128.

37. Henry P. Speech in Virginia convention. Richmond, VA. March 23, 1775. In: Bartlett's Familiar Quotations. E. M. Beck, ed. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1980, p. 383.

38. The harsh realities presented in this book could not be more painful. Seemingly unfortunate, is the fact that we depend on pain to be moved to change. Thus, this work holds great potential for changing the perception, and several widespread applications, of man's inhumanity toward man. In essence, now that we have diagnosed many gross injustices, perhaps now we can prevent some more.

Chapter 26. Epilogue

1. Horowitz LG, Strecker R, Cantwell A, Vid D, Grossman G, and Kyle W. The mysterious origin of HIV: Reviewing the natural, iatrogenic, and genocideal theories of AIDS. Abstract #: D3678. Paper presented during the social sciences section of the XI International Conference on AIDS, Vancouver, BC, Canada, July 10, 1996.

2. Herrera F, Adamson RH and Gallo RC. Uptake of transfer ribonucleic acid by normal and leukemic cells. Proc Nat Acad Sci 1970;67;4:1943-1950.

3. Gallo RC, Sarin PS, Allen PT, Newton WA Priori ES, Bowen JM and Dmochowski L. Reverse transcriptase in type C virus particles of human origin. Nature New Biology 1971;232: 140-142.

4. It is now well established that the Bush administration supplied Saddam Hussein with military supplies, including chemical and biological weapons, as late as two weeks before Hussein's troops invaded Kuwait. Bush administration officials, including Secretary of State James Baker III, and General Norman Schwartzkopf, who knew of the biological and chemical perils facing troops headed for the gulf, have also been implicated in the ongoing cover-up of facts concerning Gulf War Syndrome. A class action suit filed on behalf of ailing veterans cites Tanox Biosystems, Inc., a Houston-based firm partly controlled by James Baker III and funded by George Bush, as partly responsible for developing and testing contaminated vaccines given to servicemen and women. One such vaccine appears to have been tested in Huntsville Prison (TX). Inmates, and later their guards and surrounding community members, developed GWS-like ailments before the Gulf War. The syndrome, it has been estimated, at the time of this writing, may be effecting as many as 200, 000 veterans.

Following the war it was learned that Hill and Knowlton, Gallo's public relations firm, had fraudulently portrayed Hussein's elite guardsmen as having tortured and maimed babies. Infants thrown from windows, crashing to their graves, was the emotional bait that Hill and Knowlton cast through the press. The American public swallowed it hook, line, and sinker. The successful psychological warfare ploy was followed by George Bush's infamous call to arms -- "This aggression will not stand."

See: McAlvany DS. Special report: Germ warfare against America -- The desert storm plague and cover-up. The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor, August, 1996; Riegle DW, D' Amato AM. U.S. Chemical and biological warfare-related dual use exports to Iraq and their possible impact on the health consequences of the Persian Gulf War. Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs with Respect to Export Administration. United States Senate, 103d Congress, 2d Session, May 25, 1994; Riley J. Contrary to what the Pentagon is telling you there is a deadly Gulf War biological disease ravaging our troops, and it is contagious' The Washington Times, November 3, 1996 p. 5.

For an excellent review and update on Gulf War Syndrome, see: Gulf War Syndrome: The Spreading Epidemic Coverup, a 3-hour videotape produced by Tetrahedron Publishing Group for release in 1998, featuring Dr. Leonard Horowitz, Capt. Joyce Riley, Lt. Louise Richard, and Dr. Garth Nicolson. The video and/or its audio-track can be purchased by calling toll free 1-888-508-4787.

5. Garth Nicolson is respected as a hero to the masses of Gulf War syndrome veterans. Following the publication of several scientific reports indicating biological weapons and contaminated vaccines were associated with the veterans ailments, Dr. Nicolson's laboratory at M.D. Anderson Cancer Research Center in Houston was sabotaged. Refrigerators containing more than 5, 000 study samples of sick veterans blood were unplugged. The tenured professor was thus compelled to seek a restraining order against the university. Later Dr. Nicolson, and his co-investigator/wife Nancy, were pressured to leave the University of Texas at Houston. He is currently in charge of the Institute for Molecular Medicine, Box 52470, Irvine, CA 92619, and he invites inquires from Gulf War veterans. For more on Persian Gulf War syndrome see: Nicolson GL, Hyman E, Korenyi-Both A, Lopex DA, Nicolson N, Rea W, Urnovitz H. Progress on Persian Gulf War illnesses-Reality and hypotheses. 1m J Occupational Medicine and Toxicology 1995;4;3: 1-6.

6. Names and specifics are withheld as requested by the research director as is customary prior to official scientific publication of data.

7. Geissler E. (with contributions by D. Baltimore) Biological and Toxin Weapons Today. Stockholm and London: Stockholm International Peace Research Institute; Oxford University Press, 1986, p. 31.

8. Personal communication from Tammy Nunnally, Office of Communications, Office of the Director, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, February 18, 1997; Drotman DP. AIDS. World Book Encyclopedia, J 994 edition. World Book Publishing, Chicago; 1994: 163-5.

9. In fact, direct quotes from Kissinger's NSM200 document concerning Third World population control include: I) "depopulation should be the highest priority of U.S. Foreign policy towards the Third World, " 2) Reduction of the rate of population in these States is a matter of vital U.S. national security, " 3) "The U.S. economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less-developed countries. That fact gives the U.S. enhanced interests in the political, economic and social stability of the supplying countries. Wherever a lessening of population can increase the prospects for such stability, population policy becomes relevant to resources, supplies and to the economic interest of the United States." See: National Security Council. NSSM 200-lmplications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests. Washington, DC: The White House, December 10, 1974. Declassified, July 3, 1989, NSIAD-ROX-89-4. Also see: Rense J. AIDS Exposed: Secrets, Lies, &: Myths. Goleta, CA: BioAlert Press, 1996, pp. 51 and 52.

10. Rock A. The lethal dangers of the billion-dollar vaccine business. Money Magazine, December 1996, p. I61.

11. Loftus J and Aarons M. The Secret War Against the Jews: How Western Espionage Betrayed the Jewish People. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1994.

12. Simpson C. Science of Coercion: Communication Research &: Psychological Warfare 1945- 1960. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994, pp. 60-62.

13. The Holy Bible: Containing the Old and New Testaments (translated from the original tongues being the [King James) version set forth A.D. 1611). London: Collins' Clear-Type Press, 1946, pp. 227-242.
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Re: EMERGING VIRUSES: AIDS & EBOLA: Nature, Accident or Inte

Postby admin » Thu Jun 30, 2016 8:02 am


I am deeply indebted to my wife Jackie for not only facilitating my research and writing, but also for her exceptional work in holding our family together during the two years this work drew on our attention and financial reserves.

My earliest AIDS investigation efforts began at the request of Stanley Bergman, the chief executive officer of Henry Schein, Inc. Thanks are given to him along with Jimmy Breslawski, both of whom were instrumental in financing my initial research on this topic.

There have been several very influential academicians who contributed greatly to my development as a researcher and educator who deserve my heart felt appreciation. The late James H. Leathem from Rutgers who taught me the meaning of inspired teaching. Joan and Myrin Borysenko for supporting me in reaching out for broader meanings in life and science. Helmut Zander who taught me to defend the knowledge we are privileged to hold. Jack Caton and Sean Meitner who made a surgeon out of me despite my initial distaste for the clinical art. Tony Adams for saving my life during a clinical emergency. Bill McHugh and Erling Johansen for validating my knowledge, writing, and researching skills. Chet Douglas for directing my post-doctoral research and studies at Harvard and for saying "If Horowitz says it, there's got to be something to it." Jack Dillenberg for being a model public health professional and human being. AI McAlister and Larry Green for many valuable lessons in public health education.

I also wish to thank my health care providers and friends for keeping me pain free during the countless hours I spent in front of a word processor. Tom Pearce for his medical expertise, Ivo Waerlop for keeping me aligned, Beth Goldberg for her spiritual guidance and inspired touch, Martha Woodworth for her reliable insights, Eli Jacob for hitting the right acupuncture points, and Rob Lipkowitz and Karen Cluett for my smile care.

Many people graciously assisted this effort. by providing books, papers, and news clippings from which I drew. I would especially like to thank Charlotte Minisan, Hank and Marian Klein, Steven Bell, Virginia Moore-Barber, Bill Hershey, John Burgin, Gus Grossman, Harriet Wealth, Burton Linne, Pat Gross, Rick and Diane Balsara, Brian White, Rosemary Lesch, Alan Cantwell, Walter Kyle, Dave Deeley, Ken and David Runkle, Abdul Alim Muhammad, Barbara Justice, and Captain Joyce Riley.

There are many other people who have supported or guided this work one way or another. Foremost I would like to thank Robert Strecker and The Strecker Group who's contributions led me and many others to consider the man-made origin of AIDS. Da Vid from the San Francisco Medical Research Foundation deserves special thanks for his practical and spiritual support along with his commitment to AIDS patient care. Barbara Loe-Fisher, for her research and recommendations and for guiding me to Rudy Shur who provided hours of thoughtful guidance. Nancy and Garth Nicolson for their constructive suggestions. Robert Fiske for his excellent editing services. In addition, I wish to thank Ian Shapolsky and Ann Cassouto, Roger Levin, John Seale, Eva Snead, and Vince Marshall, John Martin, and Jean-Pierre Eudier for their encouragement and advice. And special thanks to Larry Levin and Sam Fick for their financial support.

To my friends and family who tolerated my, at times, zealous recanting of my latest discoveries, and months of being incommunicado, including Barbara and Artie Heissenbottle, Nick and Martha Safford, Larry and Annette Knight, Tom and Lynn Bishop, cousins Danny and Shelly Horowitz, Vernon and Lenore Grubinger, Risa Gara, Lola Buchbinder, Beth Spittle, Michael Cook, Tarek and Georgie EI Heneidy, John Cooney, Carra Hood, Jeanine Smith. George White, Duane Beers, Ralph Crapanzano, Bill Lewis, Peter Agnos, John McGannon, Keigm and Susan Crook, Steve and Sue Hamilton, and Rick Dolk.

Finally, I want to thank God for directing my work and my choice of parents, my father Sieg who instilled in me faith in myself when he professed "You can do anything you put your mind to, " and my mother Lily, who I challenged incessantly, now in retrospect, blindly. Without your three way support, this book would not be.
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Re: EMERGING VIRUSES: AIDS & EBOLA: Nature, Accident or Inte

Postby admin » Thu Jun 30, 2016 8:05 am

Part 1 of 2


Aaron Diamond Research Center, 125
Abbott Laboratories, 126, 327
Acer, David, 139,465,540
Actinomycin-D, 123
Adams, James, 210
Adams, John, 294
Adenauer, Conrad, 338
aerosols (viral), 463
aflatoxin, 113
Africa, 18, 113, 115, 119, 151-154, 159, 161,
461,469,483,505,514,523,524; AIDS
case dating back to 1959 in, 126; AIDS
bell in, 394; AIDS epidemic beginning in,
130,258; CIA covert operations in, 347-
361,523,524; Identified-T cell
leukemia, 160; intelligence in, 309;
measles vaccination in, 257; Kissinger's
position on, 347"-359; monkeys in, 3, 3%,
505; natives in, 12; vaccine trials in, 98,
African green monkey(s), 128, 130, 131,364,
viruses (SlY), 129
Agee, Philip, 352
Agency for International Development
(USAID), 160,172,353
AIDS, 4, 50,100,118,129,174,180,239,240,
410,450,465,483; belt in Africa, 394;
"Big Bang" theory of, 131; case in 1968,
127; cure for, 107; denial regarding
intentional transmission, 485; discovery
of the virus, 64; earliest cases, 125-128;
epidemic, 32, 173,240,242; epidemic
beginning in Africa, 130,523,524;
French/American AIDS"fracas(es), 57, 59,
130,414; GRID (Gay related immune
deficiency), 55, 62, 118, 123,251; Haitian
origin theory of, 106; iatrogenic theory
on, 128-133,496-498,507; in Africa,
258; intentional transmission theory, 494-
496; pandemic, 295; poliovaccine theory
of, 128-130; related complex (ARC), 5;
related diseases, 32; related retrovirus
(ARY), 56, 63; striking Africans, 56;
striking Africans and homosexuals, 56,
137; tests, 379; transmission, 249, 541;
transmission for population control, 482;
transmission from the vaccine, 239, 524;
virus(es), 3, 4, 5, 39, 51, 55, 60, 87, 106,
541 (see also HIV) ; virus engineering, 87,
AIDS-like virus(es), 17,32,47,49,51,70-76,
311,384,421,422,494,497; experiments
to develop, 100, 485; evolution of, 130-
133; testing of, 40
Alessio, John, 230
Aigren, Nelson, 151
Allan Memorial Institute (AMI), 319
Ailen, John, 36
Allen, Richard, 205, 362
Alsop, Joseph, 195
Altman, Lawrence, 465, 470
Altmann, Klaus, 340
Ambros, Otto, 344
American Academy of Pediatrics, 499
American Cancer Society, 475
American Cyanimid, 492
American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy
Researcn, 174
American Indians, 12
American Institute for Free Labor Development
(AIFLD), 344
American Institute of Biological Sciences
American Liberty League, 342
'Emerging Viruses: .7I./'D5 ami 'EEora
American Medical Association, 499, 520
American Society for the Control of Cancer, 474
Amhearst, Geoffrey, 52 I
Amin, Edi, 352
amino acid, 87
And The Band Played Oil, 51, 52
Anderson, Jack, 232
Angleton, James Jesus, 344
Angola, 153, 163,309,354,356,357,358,360.
362, 367, 374, 380, 482; National Front
for the Liberation of (FNLA), 356; Task
Force, 351, 360; Popular Movement for
the Liberation of (MPLA), 356, 360, 374,
380; Zairean war, 354- 359
anthrax, II, 43, 105, 397
antibodies, 28, 376; to HIV, 127
antibody response, 99
antigens, 490
Apollo space program, 366
arbovirus diseases, 267, 467
archeoepidemiology, 131
U.S. Army, 28,172,549; Biological Laboratory
at Fort Detrick, 276; Cancer Research
Facility, 37; Counter-Intelligence, 193;
Intelligence, 193; Special (meaning
secret) Operations Division, 309, 509
Ash, Roy L., 206, 212, 374, 375, 384, 494
AspergillusjIavus, 113; and liver cancer, 113
assassination of JFK,
Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), 202, 335,
Augerson, William S.. 310
Auschwitz, 334; human experiments in, 334
Australia antigen, 420, 544; see also hepatitis B
avian myeloblaslOsis virus (AMV --bird virus),
B (bone marrow derived) cell, 103
B-type mammary tumor virus, 112
Bacillus globigii, 309, 312
bacteriological warfare, 292, 509; see also
biological warfare
bacteriological weapons experiments, 335, 509;
see also biological weapolls
Bailey, Andrew, 125
Baker, 275, 289, 290, 291
Baker 1Il, James, 570, 571
Baltimore, David, 89, 404, 421,508,509
Barbie, Klaus, 331-334, 339, 375
Baruch, Bernard, 224
Bassin, Robert, 556
Bates, Charles, 227
Becton-Dickenson Company, 277
Behringwerke AG (Behring Works), 257,395,
Belitskiy, Boris, 49, 363, 373, 447
Bell, Art, 517,158
Benguela railroad, 354
Bennett, Donald Y, 219
Bennett, Ivan L., 43, 44
Bennett, W. Tapley, 370
Bergalis, Kimberly, 239
Berkelman, Ruth, 467, 468
Bernstein, Leonard, 148
BFC (cow virus), 90
"Big Bang" theory of AIDS, 131
bilharzia, 266
biological safety levels (BSL), 14; level one
(BSL I), 14; level four (BSL 4) lab, 94,
biological simulants, 312
biological warfare, 22-29, 42,87,97,131,142,
defensive research, 316; experiments,
309; immunosuppression in , 262
biological weapons (BW), 22-28,43-45,215,
507-509, 556, 564; advocacy positions,
25; CIA inventory of, 287, 292 (list);
incapacitating agents, 302; Kennedy
positions on, 86; research, 35; San
Francisco open air experiments, 3 I2, 3 16;
testing of, 46; testing center, 35;
Bionetics Research Laboratories, Inc., 76-78,
261. ,7~ 378.379, 398,402,404,~lO,
564,567; see also Lillon Bionetics
biosafety level (BSL), 490, 534
biosafety testing, 378; of Food and Drug
Administration (FDA), 284, 50 I; CIA
programs, 287
Black Nationalist COINTELPRO, 147; see also
Black Panther Party (BPP), 148, 150; Panthers,
blood brain bamer, 103
blood groups of apes and monkeys, 443
blood surveys, I 12
bovine leukemia virus (BLV), 3, 89, 90, 109;
crossed with visna virus (BLV/BVV), 109
bovine immunodeficiency virus (BIV), 51 I
Bobrow, Dr., 90
Boehringer Company, 335
Boeing Company, 367,373,382
Bolan, Thomas, 343
Bolling, General Alexander, 333, 335
Book of Revelation, 530
Boothe, Clare Luce, 344
Borman, Frank, 156
Bormann, Martin. 335, 339,341,373
Boston Pubic Library, 46
botulinum toxin. 284, 514
bovine (cow as experimental animal). 32,101,
liS; immunodeficiency virus (BIV). 511;
leukemia virus (BLV), 3. 88, 89. 100. 104.
110.495; 1ymphotrophic virus, 3; serum,
95; syncytium viruses, 89; virus, 4; virus
in combination with visna (BVV). 89,90,
93,100, 101, 109, 110
Bowie. Robert, 202
brainwashing, 317; technologies for, 474; see
also CIA and MKULTRA
breast cancer, Ill; 110
Bres. Dr.• 267
brucellosis. 293
Brumter, Christian. 369
Bryan, Dr.• III
Brzezinski, 233
Buckley, James, 343
Buckley, Priscilla. 343
Buckley, William. 343
Bumba Zone. 399
Bundesnachrichtdienst. 331, 338
Bundy, McGeorge. 146. 195.202
Bunn. George. 42
Burger, Anne. 335, 560
Burkitt's African lymphoma (BL). 112, liS,
116. 117.252.378.412.421.539
Bumy, Dr.• 90
Bush, George, 156, 159. 163.344.521.570.57;
Bush, Prescott. Jr.• 344
Butler. Smedley D., 342
Bygbjerg. lb. I 19
C-type (RNA tumor) viruses. III, 112. 129. 512
Califano, Joseph A.• 172. 173.209, 237, 244.
California Primate Research Center in Davis.
see Davis Laboratories
Calypte Biomedical Company. 497
Cameron. Ewen, 320. 321. 535. 555
cancer, 74. 249. 251, 253. 302, 315. 396, 403,
508; developing vaccines against. 116,
524; causing chemicals, 115; causing
viruses, III, 524; Division of the WHO.
113; research, 31; induction. 32; of liver,
113; oncogenic viruses. 74, 403, 410;
prostatic. 116; studies conducted in New
York City. 112; tumor virus studies. 410;
virus(es). 94. 250. 302.336.375.419.
412.508; virus experiments, 295. 508.
Cantwell. Alan, 540, 551
Cape Canaveral, 368. 374
carcinogenic chemicals. 115; testing of, 567
carcinoma, 412
Carlucci, Frank c., 353, 494
Carmichael. Stokely, 147
Carnegie Foundation. 195
Carruth, George A., 310. 312
Carter, Jimmy. 163, 170. 172, 173.228,233.
Casals, Jordi, 467
Case. Everett. 476
Casey. William J .• 343.362,374.533.561
Castro, Fidel. 137, 150
cat (as experimental animals), 50, 54, 70, 73. 75,
115.116,410,411,419.507.51 I; house
experiments, 92; leukemia. 70. 118. 119.
415.503,507; leukemia/sarcoma RNA.
cattle (as experimental animals). 35. 87. 89.
410; mass extermination of. 90; see also
cows and bovine
CBS News. 121
CDC (Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention), 5.13, 14.,
Hepatitis BfaJtd •. Divi~iull uf Virai
Diseases at, 239; Hepatitis Labs Division,
J 17; hepatitis B study, 251, 525-527. see
also Merck, Sharp and Dohme; Special
Pathogens Branch. 398
cell lines. 28. 93. 250, 376
Center for National Security Studies. 347
Central Veterinary Laboratory, 10
Cercopithecus aethiops, 388
Channing Lab at Harvard Medical School. 118
Chapin, Dwight. 220
Chappelle, Michael. 121
Charles. Tom Huston, 219
Chase Manhattan Bank, 205. 226, 338, 341.
Chatigny, Mark A., 335, 398. 404
chemical and biological warfare (CBW), 22, 24,
396; see also biological warfare
chemical and biological weapons. 215, 306,
309, 335; incapacitants, 284, 302; see also
biological weapons
Chermann. Jean-Claude, 59
chickens (as experimental animals). 50. 54, 125.
'Emerging Viruses: .9LFDS ana 'Ebara
chikungunya, 26
Children's Cancer Research Foundation, 404
chimpanzee(s) (as experimental animals). 39,
516, 525: in Uganda, 443: see also
CHINA (chronic infectious neuropathic agents)
viruses. 16, 17
Choisser, Robert, 232
cholera, II, 173, 266
Chrysler Space Division. 366
Church Committee investigation, 350, 359, 473:
see also Church, Frank
Church, Frank, 275, 287,288, 289, 293, 294,
CIA, 46, 47, 86,137-153,163,198,207-233,
counterintelligence, 133: covert
operations, 485; facilities in Fort Detrick.
287; human experiments, 309-329; IG
Farben and, 529; incapacitating agents
for, 302; illegal storage of biological
weapons, 275; Joint Intelligence
Objectives Agency (JlOA), 333; LSD
studies, 535; Operation Bernhard, 339,
341; Operation Chaos, 151, 152,473;
Operation Feature, 357: Operation
MKULTRA, 319, 535, 555; Operation
Sunshine, 336; Project 63, 548: Project
MKNAOMI, 280, 299-308, 349, 355. 359,
374,381,397,447,483,556; Project
Overcast, 547; Project Paperclip, 333,
344,374,375,519,547; Rockefeller
Foundation and, 529; stockpiling of
biological weapons, 284, 307, 309, 350;
wrongdoing, 47; Technical Services
Division (TDS), 301; Angola Task Force,
351; External Employment Affairs
Branch, 47
civil rights movement, 49; for homosexuals, 142
Clark Amendment, 358
Clark, Mark, 148
Clark, Ramsey, 147,220,549
Clausen, Dr., III
Cleaver, Eldridge, 148
Cleghorn, Robert A., 321
Clinton, Bill 324,466,516,547
cloning (of cells), 119,504,513; of viruses 393,
codon choices, 87
Cohn. Roy. 138, 140, 142.343,557
COINTELPRO (Communist (Counter)
Intelligence Program), 138, 147, 148, 150,
476; Black Nationalist Hate Group, 147,
Colby, William E., 233, 276. 284, 287. 287, 289,
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 106, 109, 119,
Cold War, 28, 361, 482, 529, 549
coli bacteriophage, 284
Collin, Jonathan, 4, 5
Colson, Charles, 225, 231
common cold, II
Communism, 197
Communist, 142-145,347,354,530; Communist
Intelligence Program, 138, 147, 148,
150, 151, 153, 155,221,224,233,347,
473,476; 146; Party U.S.A., CPUSA,
Community Blood Council of Greater New
York, Inc., 476
Congo River. 399
Congressional Black Caucas, 523
Conspiracy of Cells, 94, 95, 109
Cook, Robin, 396, 465
Cooke, Blanche Wiesen, 323
Corbin, Gerald, 125
Cordycepin, 260
Coming, Inc., 396
Coming-Hazleton Riot~chnologies. 472
Council OnForeign Relations (CFR), 201,476
Coulter, Harris, 499
Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC), 193, 333,
Countway Memorial Medical Library, 49
Covert Action Information Bulletin, 521
Covert, Norman M., 37,40,41,42,45, 105,363
cow(s) (as experimental animals), 3, 88, 10,9,
510, 543; viruses (BFC-44), 88; theory of
AIDS, 88, 507
Cronkite, Walter, 355
Crowe, John Ranson, 198
Cruise missile guidance, 379
Cutler Laboratories, 491; Cutler vaccine
incident, 491
Curting Edge, 37; see also Covert, Norman
cytomegalovirus, 252, 266, 492
D-type'retroviruses, 100
Dadieu, Armin, 366
David, Nathaniel, 357
Davis Laboratories, 130,445, 496; outbreak of
AIDS-like symptoms among forty-two
macaques, I 30
Davis Library, 401
Deadly Innocence, 9, 38, 86,120,121,139
Dean, Gordon, 202
Dean, John, 225
de Beauvoir, Simone, 150
Debus, Kurt H., 366, 368, 373
DeDiego, Felipe, 231
"Deep Throat," 227
De Gaulle, Charles, 333
Demac, Donna, 473
de Marenches, Alexandre, 343
D'Emilio, John, 141
democrat, 485, 530
Democratic Republic of the Congo, 13
dengue, 26
Denton, Jeremiah, 343
Department of Slate Bulletin, 161
Desmyter, Dr., 251
d'Estaing, Giscard, 343
de The, Guy, 119
Devare, S. G., 109
Dewey, Thomas E., 139
DHEW (Department of Health, Education, and
Welfare), 49, 228, 237, 246, 256, 312,
diarrheal diseases, 173
Dickson, Peter, 197
Diehl Data Systems, 377, 379
diphtheria, II, 252, 257, 266, 271
Disaster Relief and Recovery Assistance for
Sahel, 160
Dissatisfied Parents Together (DPT), 499-501
Dmochowski, Leon, 404
DNA, 23, 25, 41, 62, 65-130, 311, 393, 477,
509,512; amplification methods, 125;
monkey virus (SIVagm), 131; recombinant,
311, 509; research, 41, 317; splicing
research, 48; viruses, 112, 116,415;
WHO safeguarding research on, 25, 509;
see also virus( es)
DOD (Defense of Department), 4, 13, 14, 17,
appropriations document, 6,7,487, 513,
524; Program Review Committee, 212
Domenici, Pete, 343
Dorin, Bernard, 343
Dornier Company, 367, 376, 382
Douglass, William Campbell, 85
Dow Chemical Company, 78, 261, 323, 344,
412, 488-490, 559
Dow Coming, 471
DPT vaccine, 499
Dr. Netter, 40
Draganovic, Father, 341
Drake. Donald, 61
Draper, William H., 156
DT-polio vaccine, 255; see also I'accine( es)
Dubos, Rene, 137
Dubridge, Lee, 49
Duchin, Peter. 148
Duesberg, Peter, 120-125, 335, 404, 410, 488,
498, 543
Duff, James T., 336
Dugas, Gaetan ("Patient Zero"), 243, 551 ;
theory of AIDS from, 95; see also
"Patient Zero"
Dugway Proving Ground, 322, 325
Dull, Dr., 264
Dulles, Allen Welsh, 334, 336,529,561
Dulles, John Foster, 529
Du Ponl, 567
Eagleburger, Lawrence, 209, 210
Earth Resources Technology Satellite (ERTS),
161, 370, 374, 380; reconnaissance station
in Zaire, 163
East African Virus Research Institute, 115, 267
Eberstadt, Nicholas, 174
Ebola (virus), 105,119,385,387,391,392,
epidemic in the Sudan, 118, 467, 470;
fever outbreak, 119,391,397,399,462;
outbreak in Kikwit, 465-471; outbreak in
Zaire, 118,470; outbreak at Institute for
Sera and Vaccines, 387, 447
Ebola valley, 400
Eddy, Bernice, 482, 487
"Ehmke, Horst, 374
Ehrlich, Paul S., 256
Ehrlichman, John, 218, 220, 222, 223, 224, 225
Eichmann, 340, 341
Eisenhower, Dwight, 144,201,205,206,227
Electro Dynamics Corporation, 377
electro-convulsive (shock) therapy (ECT), 318,
electromagnetic frequencies, 107
ELISA test (for HIV antibodies), 126,327
Elliott, William Yandell, 196, 198
Ellsberg, Daniel, 48, , 225, 229, 230
Ellswood, Blaine, 129, 498
Elswood-Strickertheory (of AIDS), 130
embryogenesis, 336
encephalitis, 265
endogenous retroviruses, 129
Engelhardt, Herbert, 195
epidemiology, 5
'Emerging Viruses: .9L1'D5aruf 'E6ofn
Epstein, Samuel, 567
Epstein, Saul, 253
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), 91, 112, 117, 252,
378,410,412,414,415,539; and Tlymphocytes,
Escherichia coli, 509
esophageal cancer, II 3
Essex, Max, 56,118,126,128,130,133,498,
512,514; discovery of "Leopold ville
strain" HIV, 127
Esso Research, 567
Estrella, 335
Ethiopia, 13
European Command Intelligence School, 195
European Space Agency. 373
European Union, 176
Ewing. James. 482
family planning, 176, 179
Farago. Ladislas, 339. 341
Farber. Sidney, 52. 404
Farrakhan, Minister Louis. 518-520
Farrell. John. 344, 394
Fanis. Ralph. 193
FBI, 138-143. 147-151,,
276, 294. 334.473, 476; White House
wiretaps, 209. 210, 217
Federal Republic of Germany. 380, 388
Federal Rocket Research Institut~ a.t
Larnpholthausen, 368
Federal Security Agency (FSA), 41
feline (cat). leukemia. 54, 55. 116, 118, 503.
513.539; leukemia-sarcoma model. 116;
panleukopenic virus, 104; virus (FeLV),
54,495; see also cat(s) and leukemia
Felt, Mark, 222
fertility control programs. 170
Fielding. Lewis, 48
Finch. Robert, 49
Fisher, Barbara Loe. 499-501. 570
Fishinger. Peter. 58
"flexible response" doctrine, 202; see also
Kissinger, Henry
Retcher, James C. 375
Foege. William. 58. 257. 258. 269
Food and Drug Administration (FDA). 128, 295,
Ford. Gerald. 48. 206, 227. 233. 294. 300. 347.
Ford Foundation. 198, 347. 351; with
Rockefeller Foundation, 351
Fore people of New Guinea, 16
Fort Detrick, 14,35-37,40-46,49,52,55,58,
Frederick (Md.) Cancer Research Center,
378,379,450,488; see also NCI
40 Committee. 212, 357
Foster, Gregory D.• 175
FOSler,Henry, 324
fowl (as experimental animals), 115
Francis Count way Memorial Library, 21
Francis, Donald Pinkston, 56, 59. 60. 62, 73, 75,
Franco, General 339
Franz, Baron von Papan. 338
Fraser, Dean, 36
Frazier. Mark. 230
Frederick (Md.) Cancer Research Center, 378,
379.450,488; see also Fort Detrick and
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 86
French. 57; in AIDS fracas. 130,414,498 with
Don Francis, 59
Friedrich, Carl, 196
frogs (as experimental animals), 115
Fujioka, Seitoku. 70
Futures Group. 178
G. D. Searle Company, 323
Gallagher, Neil. 231
Gallo. Roben, 3li-40, 4'1. 50, 51-64. 65- 84. 89-
93,98,99.101. III. 112. 115-133.206.
564; alleged discovery of AIDS virus, 63;
relationship with Luc Montagier. 57, 59,
111,112,130.414; relationship with Max
Essex. 133; relationship with Don
Francis. 57
Gansel. Norbert, 367
Garren, Laurie. 130.465
Gas and Germ Warfare; see chemical and
biological warfare
Gavin. James. 202
gay. see homosexual male
Gay Men's Health Project of New York City.
Gayler, Noel. 219
Gear, James, 266
Gehlen Org. 333, 334. 336, 343
Gehlen, Reinhard. 334. 336. 338
Geissler. Erhard. 508
gene(tic) cloning, 513; cUlling, 17.511;
engineering, 74,101,103,510-513;
makeup, 32; manipulation, 87, 510; pools,
12; splicing, 25, 510, 511; structure, 120;
structure of retroviruses, 120, 512
Geneva Accord (and Protocol), 42, 45, 49, 275,
genocide, 3, 470, 521-528
Gerin, J. L., 244, 246, 248, 326, 443; association
with Prince's labs, 252
genn warfare, 22, 42, 509, 521 ; experiments,
309; see also biological waifare
Gennan Democratic Republic, 367
Gerone, Peter, 404, 450
Gerstein, Richard, 231
Gilbert, Walter, 121
Gilden, Ray, 511, 512, 514
Gilman, Alfred, 482
Gilman, Arthur, 195
Goedert, Jim, 57
Goethe, 192
Gold, Michael, 94, 95
Goldman, Benjamin, 121
Goldwater, Barry, 275, 293
Gompertz, Richard, 366, 373
Goodman, Louis, 482
Goodman, Paul, 142
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 363
Gordon, Linda, 175, 30 I, 302, 303, 305
Gordon, Nathan, 300
Goring, 366
GOlllieb, Sidney, 233, 290, 301,355,494,555,
gp 120 protein, 541
Gray, Patrick, 227
Grace, Peter J., 344
Grace, R. W. and Company, 344
green monkey(s) (as experimental animals), 4,
29, 15,483; theory of AIDS, 88; virus
experiments, 47
GRID (Gay related immune deficiency), 55, 62,
118, 123, 251; see also AIDS
Gruber, Jack, 420
Grummann Aerospace, 382
Guevara, Che, 150
Guinea, 13
guinea pigs, 35
Gulf War syndrome, 474,571; and vaccines,
Haig, Alexander, 209, 210, 211, 218, 221, 223,
Haitian origin theory of AIDS, 106; see also
Haldeman, H. R, ~~IO,211, 217, 219, 220, 231
hallucinogenic drugs. 284
Halpern, Morton, 209, 212
Hampton, Fred, 148
hamsters (as experimental animals), 410
Harris, Frank, 191
Hart, Colorado Congressman, 275, 294, 299
Hartmann, Betsy, 177, 179
Harvard International Seminar, 198; see also
Kissinger. Henry
Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH), 118
Harvard Univer.;ity, 404
HAV (human AIDS-related virus), 38; see also
AIDS virus(es)
Hay, Henry, 143
Haynes, James L., 280, 284
Hazleton Research Laboratories, Inc., (also
misspelled "Hazelton" in several
publications) 78, 261, 404, 443, 445, 450,
495,497,564; monkey house, 396;
Research Products, 396
Hazleton, Richard A., 471
Health Research Council of the City of New
.York, 250, 261
Hebb. Donald, 321
Heckler, Margaret, 40, 50, 60, 62
HELA (cells), 94, 109
Hellige Corporation, 377, 381
Hellman, Alfred, 335, 398,450,463, 566, 567
Helms, Richard, 209,214,218,219,233,277,
IIelsirJJ Deda:ations, 500
hemophiliacs, 326
hemorrhagic fever, 389,466,467; viruses, 450,
467; see also viruses and Ebola, and
Henry, Patrick, 502
hepatitis, 55, 118, 243, 252; vaccine trials in
chimpanzees, 246, 515; and liver cancer,
hepatitis B, 115, 326, 327, 328, 484, 526, 559;
antigen (HB,ag), 113,255; cases, 55; core
antigen (anti-HBc) test, 327;
experiment(s), 140,242, 304 and study
groups, 242; susceptibility and prevention
methods, 127,328; vaccination,S, 488,
515,559, see also vaccination and
immunization; virus (HB V), 38, lIS, 118,
252,328; see also hepatitis B (HB)
hepatitis B (HB) vaccine, 38, 39,95,96, 126,
422,481,482,515,526, 558,559;CDCI
Merck vaccine trial recipients, 240, 559;
'Emerging Viroses: JtI'1JS and 'Ebora
experimental, 422: evidence for lack of
relationship to AIDS epidemic, 238;
homosexual male serum for 96 and
homosexual male trial, 38, 120, 126,228,
240, 244, 327, 526, and vaccine supplies,
326; serum, 39, 96; testing in chimpanzees,
246, 515, 526; trials, 250, 255, and
in New York City, 243, 515, 526
Herberling, Richard, 404
herbicides, 284
herpes, 100,513; similar infection, 112; type
(DNA) viruses, 252, 420
herpes simplex virus, 252, 266
herpesvirus(es), 117; as C-type RNA retrovirus,
115, 252, 266, 492; saimiri, 117
Herriott, Roger M., 24
Hervet, Francoise, 338
Higginson, John, 445
Higham, Charles, 342
Hill and Knowlton (public relations firm), 506,
Hilleman, Maurice R., 115,116,117,118, 120,
Hirsch, Roben, 242
Hitler, Adolf, 142, 193,338,339,529
HIY (type I-HIY-I), 3,27,39,65,88,90,121,
127, 129, 130,239,304,482,484,503-
517,522,541,559; antibodies to HIY,
121,127; discovery of, 64; evolutionary
comparisons to other viruses, 110; genes,
503,541; gpl20 protein, 503; lentivirus
isolated from chimpanzees, 129;
"Leopoldville strain," 127; origin of, 130,
50S; "Roben R.," alleged isolation, 127;
Sequence Database AIDS Project, 127;
similarity to HIY-2, 131; tainted
American blood serum shipments, 481;
tainted HB vaccines, 130,239,559;
HIY (type 2-HIY-2), 88, 129, 130, 131,483,
Ho, David, 125
Hodgkin's disease, 116
Hoffman, Stanley, 200, 538
Hohenstein, Thun, 338
Holmesburg State Prison, 323
holocaust, 192, 528, 529
Holy See, 171
homology (of viruses), 504, 507, 508, 5 II -513
homosexual males,S, 54, 128, 137, 142,239,
AIDS transmission theory, 104,559;
extermination of, 97; hepatitis B vaccine
trial, 38, 120, 126,228,244,327,526,
559, and vaccine supplies, 326; serum, 96
Hoover, Herben, 224
Hoover, J. Edgar, 138, 139, 142,145,146,151,
209,210,218-232,347,557; mysterious
death of, 232
Hornig, Donald, 22
horses (as experimental animals), 35
House Committee on Foreign Affairs, 161
HTLY, 40, 54, 57, 59, 120; antibody test kit, 57;
type-I (HTLY-l: human T-cell leukemia
virus), 40, 54, 56, 57, 88,90, 104,249,
256,410,415; origin of, 71; type-2
(HTLY-2; HTLY-II), 56, 88, 249; (type-3;
HTLY-Ill and HIY), 40, 60, 61, 63, 88.
91,93, 124, 126,249,509,5l2,asthe
AIDS virus, 59, and LAY, 484; type-4
(HTLY-IY-YI), 88, 130
Hudal, Bishop Alois, 341
Huddleston, Congressman, 275, 291, 293
Huebner, Robert J., III, 336, 488
Huff, Douglas, 86, 538
Hughes, James, 469
Human T-cell leukemia. see leukemia
human-bovine (cow) Iymphotrophic virus, IS;
see also virus( es) and cow and bovine, and
Hunt, E. Howard, 47, 48, 225, 227, 231
Hunt, Linda, 333
Huntingdon Research Center, 277
Huntsville Prison (TX), 571
Hussain, Farooq, 367, 368
Hussein, Sadam. 570
lacocca, Lee, 343
International Agency for Research on Cancer
(IARC), 98,113,115
iatrogenic (theory of AIDS), 131,525-527
idiopathic Iymphocyteopaenia (ILC), 121
I. G. Farben Company, 339, 340, 529
immune system, IS, 103, 117, 123, 125, 138;
549; deficiency, 55; response, 17;
suppression, 35, 292, 420, 489; and in
biological warfare, 262
immunizable diseases, 271
immunization, 26,170,173; campaigns, 174,
255, 266; compensation for injuries from,
264, 471 ; contamination of vaccines, 483,
520-528; jet guns for, 266; radio
advertising for, 268; mass immunization,
10; moratorium on, 520-528; vaccine
requirements, 268
immunizing antigens, 246
Immunological methods, 32
incapacitating agent, 302; see also biological
weapons and CIA
infectious disease, 121
influenza, II, 26; vaccine against, 317
Informationsdienst Siidliches Afrika, 366, 376
lnstitut du Radium, III
Inslitul Pasteur, 39, 59, 107,60,242,466,481
Institut Pasteur Production (lPP), 39, 40, 242,
Institute (of Immunology) for Sera and
Vaccines, 257, 387, 447; see also Ebola
outbreak al
Institute on Race Relations, 365
Inter-American Defense Board (IADB), 333
interleukin-2 (lL-II), 53, 62, 63
International Agency for Research on Cancer
(lARC), 412, 445
International Association for Research in
Cancer, 255 see also International Agency
for Research on Cancer (IARC)
international biological reference preparations
and standards, 10, see also WHO
International Conference on Population and
Develop, 176
International Development Association (IDA),
International Red Cross, 341, 530
International Reference Centre for Immunoglobulins,
14; see also WHO
International Vnion Against Cancer (VICC),
International (Viral) Reference Centers, 14; see
also WHO
intravenous drug (IV) use(rs), 55, 107, 240
ionizing radiation, 115
Isaacson, Walter, 189, 196, 197,201,202,207,
Ivanofsky Institute, 107
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Re: EMERGING VIRUSES: AIDS & EBOLA: Nature, Accident or Inte

Postby admin » Thu Jun 30, 2016 8:05 am

Part 2 of 2

Jaffe, Harold, 121, 242, 243
Jamal, Goran 474
Japanese encephalitis, 26
Jefferson Medical College, 53
Jensen, Erling, 404
jet guns, 266; see also WHO and immunization
and vaccination programs
Jewen, Frank B., 40
Joint Inlelligence Objectives Agency (HOA),
333; see also CIA
Johnson, V. Alexis, 209
Johnson, Eugene, 397
Johnson, Karl M., 398, 399
Johnson, Lyndon B., 22, 28,146,151,206,207,
Joint Chiefs of Staff, 214
Joint Intelligence Comminee (HC), 333; Project
Jones, James H. "Jim," 322, 323
Jonestown, 322
Juan-Carlos, 343
Judge, John, 322
Kalter, Seymour "Sy," 389, 404, 450, 461, 462,
Kalyanaraman, V. S. "Kaly." 56
Kameraden, 339
Kameradenwerk, 339, 341, 373
Kant, 197
Kaplan, Roben, 177
Kaposi's sarcoma, 119, 130
Karamessines, Thomas H., 277, 284, 291, 296,
Katangan invasion, 361
Kayser, Lutz Thilo, 366, 367, 373, 374
Kellner, Aaron, 326
Kennedy, Edward "Ted," 48,94,309,374;
position on biological weapons, 86
Kennedy, Roben "Bobby," 48, 49, 145,220,394
Kennedy, John E "Jack," 14,48,49, 137, 145,
146,201,202,207,334; assassination of,
Kennedy Space Center, 368
Kenya, 13
Kenering, Charles E, 475
KGB, 97,105,363
KGEK-AM, Los Angeles, 86
Khoury, George, 511
kidney cell(s), 73, 395, 522; cultures, 130,522
Kikwit, 474; hospital in, 465; outbreak of EOOla
in 465; see also Ebola outbreak in
Kinard, Roy, 420
King, Manin Luther, 48,49,145-148,220;
assassination of, 137
King, Maurice, 179
Kinter, William, 206
Kissinger, Henry, 44,151,161,162,189-219,
571; African polilical position, 347-359,
523, 524, 571; as chief intelligence officer
for CIC, 193-195; as confidential source
ofthe FB[, [99; at European Command
[nlelligence School in Oberammerg, 195;
Congressional and Church Comminee
approval for coven action in Central
Africa, 359; escape from Nazi Germany,
189-192; in relation to Kant's "Perpetual
'Emerging Viruses: .9LI'DS ana 'Ebafa
Peace", 197; "flexible response"
doctrine, 202, 203; Harvard International
Seminar, 198; "Meaning of History," 196-
198; National Security Council position,
205; National Security Memorandum 200,
571; New World Order philosophy. 200;
power grab, 211-214, 217 -234;
Realpolitik philosophy, 192, 200, 233;
relationship with Melvin Laird. 555;
relationship with Elmo Zumwalt, 555;
Rockefeller influence, 203-206; secret
war in Central Africa. 358; Spengler
philosophy and, 197; Washington Special
Action Group control by, 214
Kitum cave, 395
Koch's postulates, 98, 121, 540
Koop, C. Everett. 105
Kopel, Ted, 466, 468
Koprowski, Hilary, 111,257
Kotin, Paul, 447
Kraemer, Fritz Anton Guslav, 191, 193. 195,
Krim, Mathilde, 61
Krogh, Plumber, 231
Krugman, Saul, 126,243,244,249-252,256,
Krupp, 339
Ku Klux Klan, 146
kuru, 16
Kyle, Walter, 128,492,498
L-Asparaginase synlhetase, 72
Lambo, Adeoye T., 153-155
Laboratory for Experimental Medicine and
Surgery in New York, 443; affiliation with
New York Blood Center, 250; association
with Gain, 1.L. et al., 248;
Lack, Henrietta, 94; see also HELA
Laird, Melvin, 43, 211, 214,306,494
Lake, Anthony, 210
Landon, John,,404,420,443,447,494
Langmuir, Alexander, 262
Larkin, Joseph J., 338, 341, 343
Lasker, Mary, 475
Lassa (fever) virus, 509
LAY (lymphadenopathy-associated virus), 39,
40,59,61,63,75,93; see also HlV-i
LAY-II, 130; see also HlV-2
Layton, Larry, 322
Lederberg, Joshua, 22, 23, 25
Lederer, Robert, 240, 304, 321, 323, 326, 556,
Lederle Corporation, 492, 493, 499
LeDuc, James w., 466
Legionnair's disease, 509
Lehrman, Nathaniel, 242
lentivirus(es), 54, 130
"Leopold ville strain" HIY, 127; see also HIli.
and Essex, Max
Lerner, Max, 142
leukemia(s), 15,32,53,63.70,90.110, 112,
513; cells, 124; geographic distribution of
T-cell, 90; human T-cell, 120,512; in cats,
117; induction of, 72, 116; Japanese
outbreak of, 54; lymphocytic, 103;
virus(es),62, 116,256,411,415,489,
543; see also T-cell leukemia
Levison, Stanley, 145
Levy, Jay, 63, 526
Libertion, 39, 40, 481
Liddy, G. Gordon, 48, 225, 229, 230
Linklater, Magnus, 340
Lion, Menachem, 191
Lillon Bionetics, Inc., 70, 76-78, 124, 131, 206,
NCI supplier of monkeys for cancer virus
and vaccine research, 414
Lillon Industries, Inc., 76, 377, 382-384;
Bionetics Research Laboratories. Inc., see
Litton Bionetics, Inc.; Ingalls nuclear
shipbuilding division, 383; Lillon Data
Systems Division, 381
Lillon Systems, Inc., 280, 383; Applied Science
Division of, 280
Lobengula, King, 368
London School of Hygiene and Tropical
Medicine, 391
London's Institute of Cancer Research, 129
Lord, Winston, 209, 218
Los Alamos National Laboratory, 127
Louisiana Slate Agriculture Fann (LSAF), 88,
LSD, 296, 317; and other drug experiments, 46;
see alSo MKULTRA and CiA
Luke, James, 232
Lurnumba, Patrice, 355, 555, 561
Lyme disease, 465
Iymphocyte(s), 32, 53, 62, 89, 103; growth
medium for, 62; growth stimulants, 536;
of AIDS patients, 55
Iymphorna(s), 32, 50, 117,130,252,410,412,
511-513; ethnic groups most susceptible
to, 112
lymphosarcoma, 32; virus, 463
M.D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute,
macaques, 130; see also monkeys
MacArthur, Douglas, 224
MacBride, Sean, 499
MacMahon, Brian, 404
macrophage(s). 103
Mafia. 137
Mahoney. Florence. 475
Mahy. Brian. 471
malaria vaccine, 173
Malcolm X. 147
MAN Laboratory. 246
man-made. 107
Manaker, Robert.,
Mann, Bill, 483
Manufacturing Chemists Association, 529
Marburg virus(es), 31, 257, 385-393. 394. 395,
463,467.494.496-498; outbreak, 257.
461.467; similarity to rhabdovirus
simiae, 387. 389, 447, 494
Marburg/Lahn, 387
March of Dimes Foundation, 488
Mardian, Assistant Attorney General, 221. 224
Marks. John. 319
marmosets. 38; see also monkeys
Marshall. Burke, 145
Marshall. Geoll!e. 195
Marx, Karl. 197
Martin. John,488-494,498,506. 514,569
Mary, Rose Woods. 219
Mason Phizer monkey virus, 75. 103, 512
Mason Research Institute, 445
mass persuasion technologies, 476
Malhias. Congressman. 275. 293. 294. 299
Max-Planck Society, 512
Maynard, J. E., 250
McArdle Research Laboratory. 404
McCarthy, Joseph "Joe." 139, 144,333
McClelland. Laurella. 482
McCone. John, 343
McCord, James, 230
McCormick. Joe. 470
McCrary, Donald. 25
McNamara, Robert, 209
M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. 474
measles, II, 252, 257. 266, 269. 271; vaccination
in Africa. 257
Medical-Legal Foundation. 48 I
Medpath Corporation, 379, 472
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. 475,
Mengele. Joseph, 331. 333, 334. 340
Mercedes- Benz. 340
Merck and Company, Inc., 96. 115,226,249.
304,317,419.476,499; see also Merck.
Sharp & Dohme
Merck, George w.. 38, 41, 226. 311, 335
Merck. Sharp & Dohme (MSD), 38-40, 98,117,
495,497,498,525,559; CDC hepatitis B
cooperative study. 251, 525; Division of
Virus and Cell Biology Research at, 115,
238; HB vaccines. 243. 255. 559, and in
Africa. 238; Institute for Therapeutic
Research, 38, 244, 249, 404; NIAID
Connection. 246; vaccines, 249, 481-488,
Merk, Kurt. 334
Merk Network, 334
Merrill Lynch, 343
Merser, Friederich "Freddy," 341
Meselson. Matlhew S.• 42,316
Messerschmin, 339, 367. 373, 376, 382
Messerschmin-Boelkow, 382
mice (as experimental animals), 35, 50, 410,
microbioinoculator. 284; see also CIA
military industrial complex. 205
military-medical-industrial complex, 382. 478
milk (as virus carrier), 90; pasteurization of, 90;
unpasteurized risk, iv'I
Millar. J. D.• 269. 270
Miller. Edward A.. 310. 312
Mingolla. Alfredo. 375
"missing link" to HIV-I (HIV-2), 130; see also
Essex, Max
MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology),
Mitchell. John, 210. 22 I. 222
MKNAOMI. 280. 299-308. 349, 355. 359, 374,
381,397.447.483.556; see also CIA
MKULTRA. 322. 333,475,527,555; see also
MMMV (maximally monstrous malignant
virus), 106
Mobuto Sese Seko, 354, 359, 360, 361. 365,
molecular epidemiology, 131
Mondale. Walter. 275. 288
Monet, Charles. 395
monkey(s). 35, 50,115,248,267,388,395,
402,410,421.445.507,566; African
virus in, 70; blood groups of, 443; blood
types. 444; colony born and exported
from Lillon Bionetics. Inc., 414; kidney
'Emerging 'Viruses: J'tI'DS aruf 'Ebora
cell(s) 73, 522, and cultures, 130,522;
leukemia, 415; pox in, 16; spider, 117;
squirrel, 117; virus(es), 15,70,129,375;
virus supply centers, 376; woolly, 124
monoclonal antibodies, 56
mononucleosis 414; blood test for, 414;-like
disease, 89
Montagnier, Luc, 39, 40,57,59,61,75,89,90,
91, 92, 93, III, 112, 117,120,123,130,
242,498,539; relationship with Robert
Gallo, 57, III, 112, 130,414,539
Montgomery, John, 141
Moon's Unification Church, 375
Moor-Jankowski, J., 443
Moran, William, 156
Morgan, Congressman, 275, 305
Morgenthau, Hans, 200
Morris, Roger, 210
Morse, Stephen, 469, 470
Moscow's Institute of Poliomyelitis and Virus
Encephalitis, 398
mosquitoes, 267
Moss, Andrew, 242
mouse leukemia viruses (MLV), 123
mouse mammary tumor virus, 512
Moustapha Hospital, 364
Muchmore, Elizabeth, 450
Muhammad, Abdul Alim, 518-528
Muhammad, Barbara Justice, 518, 523
Muhammad, Elijah, 147, 148
Muir. Calum. 44"
Mullen Company, 47
Mullen, Roben R., 47
Muller, Heinrich, 340, 341
mumps, 252, 257
Musoke, Shem, 395
Mycoplasmajermentans, 474
Myers, Gerald, 127, 132, 133,514,526
Myung, Sun Moon, 344
NAACP (National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People), 144
Nairobi Hospital, 395
Narayan, Bill 132, 133
narcotics, 284
NASA (National Aeronautics and Space
Administration), 161, 163,351,363,366,
367,370,373,374,380,381; Chrysler
Space Division, 373
nasopharyngeal cancer(s), 112, 115-117, 379,
National Academy of Sciences (NAS), 40-43,
position on chemical and biological
weapons, 41, 509; with the National
Research Council (NRC), 52, 509;
Symposium on Chemical and Biological
Warfare, 42
National Cancer Advisory Council, 404
National Cancer Program, 253
National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, 499
National Communicable Disease Center, 13; see
also CDC
National Defense University, 175
National Drug Company, 559
National Front for the Liberation of Angola
(FNLA), 356, 358; see also Angola
National Gay Task Force, 327
National Heart and Lung Institute, 443
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, 38
National Institute for Allergies and Infectious
Diseases (NIAID), 246, 249, 252, 258,
National Institute for Medical Research, 10
National Medical Association, 520
National Review, 549
National Science Foundation (NSF), 374
National Security Act of 1947, 294
National Security Council (NSC), 44, 175,203,
National Security Council staff, 209, 230, 288,
306; chain of command, 223
National Security Memoralidum 200, 521, 571
National Union for the Complete Independence
of Angola (UNITA), 356, 358, 361; see
also Angola
National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC),
NATO, 29, 48, 70, 72,113,171,172,201,202,
link to Gallo, Robert. 72-74, 504; Tactical
Electronic Reconnaissance (TEREC), 380
Naval Biological Laboratories, 404, 566
Naval Biomedical Research Lab, 335, 463, 482,
Navy, see U.S. Navy
Nazi(s), 12,96,112,142,190-195,319,331-
CIA relationship, 331-345, 547; forgery
of British pound notes, 339; Germany,
195; rocket industry, 366; SS, 336; war
chest, 341; 334, 339, 529
NCI (National Cancer Institute), 16,28,30,33,
37,38,41,49.51,55-64.91. J 11-113.
534,543,566,567; Division of Tumor
Cell Biology, 55; Drug Development
Branch, 249, 260,277, 495; Frederick
(Md.) Cancer Research Center, 378, 379,
450, see also Fort Detrick; symposium on
Kaposi's sarcoma, 55; Lab Tumor Cell
Biology, 53; lethargic start against AIDS,
56; Medical Branch of , 53; Research
Reference Reagents Branch, 28; Special
Virus Cancer Program (SVCP), 253,280,
402, 403, 410, 421, 526, 554 (see also
Special VIrus Cancer Program); Progress
Report #8, 463; Special Virus Leukemia
Project (SVLP), 447-; viral research, 35
"need-to-know" principle, 295
Negroes, 270
Nelson-Reese, Walter, 94, 95, 97, 336
Nembutal, 319
New Bolton Center (NBC), 88; (cell line) NBCXIII,
New England Nuclear Corp., 261
Newman, Dorothy K., 145
New Republic, 51 I
Newsom, David D., 161
"New World Order," 189,200,201,217,362,
384, 530; see also Kissinger. Henry
"Meaning of History"
New York Blood Program, see New York City
Blood Bank
New York City Blood Bank (NYCBB), 96, 242,
New York City Blood Center, 5, 126, 250, 251,
530, 540; see also New York City Blood
New York City HB vaccine trials, 120, 246, 512,
540; see also hepatitis B vaccine, Merck.
Sharp and Dohme and CDC
New York City Health Department, 326; Public
Health Research Institute of the <:ity of
New, 542; and blood bank, 326, 530
New York City subway, 315; system., 310; test,
New York Times, 549,557
New York Times Magazine, 14
New York University Medical Center
(NYUMC), 78, 126,244,245,249,250,
495,497,566; Experimental Medicine
and Surgery in Primates Laboratory, 450
Ngaliema Hospital, 399
Nicaraguan Freedom Fund (NFF), 344
Nicolson, Garth, 474, 506-507, 571
"Nightline," 466
NIH (National Institutes of Health), II, 14, 16,
258, 312, 317,421, 443,450, 509; no
coordinated AIDS action plan, 55
Nile district of Uganda, 120; see also Uganda
Nitze, Paul, 202, 203
Nixon, Richard, 22, 28, 42-49, 94, 117,148,
488,495,521; resignation of, 47; State
Department under, 212; tapes of, 222; war
on cancer, 49, 351, 402, 442; White
House wiretaps, 209
nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), 172,
Norplant™, 179,471
North Atlantic Assembly, 369; see also NATO
nuclear weapons, 162, 20 I, 203
nucleic acid(s), 65-68,124
Nucor Corporation, 394
Nuremberg Code, 500, 524
nutrition, 121
NYC Blood Center, see New York City Blood
Oak Ridge National Laboratories, 375
O'Dell, Hunter Pitts, 145
Office of Management and Budget, 207
Office of Policy Coordination (OPC), 334; and
British pound note forgery, 339
Office of Scientific Research and Development
(OSRD), 204, 483
oncogenic viruses, 403, 410, 508, 51 1-5]3; see
also cancer viruses and virus(es)
O'nyong-nyong, 26
0' Malley, Paul, 251
opportunistic infections, 50
orthopoxviruses, 328
OSS (Office of Strategic Services), 339
Oswald, Lee Harvey, 334
OTRAG (Orbital Transport and Missiles, Ltd.),
contract with Mobutu, 366; satellite
missiles launch facility in Zaire, 365; see
also Nazis and Debus. Kurt H.
Outbreak, 396
Overby, R. L., 126, 328
Page-Russell method of ECT, 320
pain, 14,28
Paine, Thomas, 495
Pan American Health Organization, 256
Paperclip, 331; see also CIA
'Erne'lJil1tJ Viruses: 51.1'])5 aTUi 'Ebora
Parke-Davis, 491
Parsons, Edward, XXI-XXV, 139
Parvo-II (virus), 104
Pasteur, see Institut Pasteur
Pasteur Merieux-Connaught Laboratories, 493
Pasteur Production, see Institut Pasteur
"Patient Zero," 243, 551; theory of AIDS from,
Paul Ehrlich Institute, 257, 387, 447
Pavlakis, George, 514
Payne, A. M., II
Peace Corps, 159,351
Ped-O-Jet injectors, 267; use by USAID, 268
Peenemiinde V2 program, 366
Pennsylvania Turnpike, 310
Pentagon, 43, 47, 207, 209,363, 365, 381
Perot, Ross, 474
pertussis, 257
Peter J. Grace Company, 344
Peters, Clarence J., 466
Phenergan, 319
phytohemaggl utinin, 536
pigs (as experimental animals), 54
Pike Committee, 359
Pilz, Wolf, 368
Pine Bluff Arsenal, 14
plague, 43
Planned Parenthood World Population, 156, 476
Plotkin, Stanley, 257
"Plumbers," 211, 225, 227, 228, 229, 231
pneumonic plague, 465
Poiesz. B. J., 239,240,249,415
vaccination, 265, 487, 522; vaccine theory
of AIDS, 128, 482-488, 522, 526;
vaccines, 88,128-130,526; virus(es), 92,
Pollock, T. M., 268
polymerase chain reaction (PeR), 128
polyoma virus, 482,486
Pope Paul, 400
Pope Piux XI, 339
poppers, 123
Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola
(MPLA), 356, 360, 374, 380; see also
population control, 5, 64, 153, 163-188,237,
477,482,483; as Foreign Policy, 174; in
Third World, 237;
Population Council of New York, 179
Population Reference Bureau, 156
Porton Down, 24, 387, 398, 569
Portuguese sailers (traders), 120,349
Powell, Sir Cyril, 24
Powers, Richard, 147, 150,219,220
President's Advisory Council on Executive
Organizations, 206, 384
Preston, Richard, 394, 395, 397,467,474,564
Preston, William Jr., 342, 547, 549
primates, 30; see also monkeys
Prince, A. M., 250, 251,443
Prior, Betsy, 86
Project 63, 195, 548; see also Joint Intelligence
Project Overcast, 537; see also Project
Project Paperclip, 333, 344, 374, 375; see also
Program for Monitoring Emerging Viruses
propaganda, 395, 521, and vaccination teams,
268, vaccination campaign, 266
prostatic neoplasia, 116
proviral DNA, 66,123, 125
pseudovirus, 100
psychosocial consequences, 26
Ptashne, Mark, 36
Purcell, Robert H., 239, 244, 246, 248, 249,
purine and pyrimidine bases, 87
PUSH (People to Save Humanity), 351
Pygmies, 4
rabbits (as experimental animals), 35
Rabson, Alan, 486
radiation, 318
Radio Free EuropelRadio Liberty, 343; Fund,
Randolph, A. Philip, 145
Random House, 394
RAPID (Resources for the Awareness of
Population International Development),
Rask, Grethe, 119
Rasmussen, Frederick, Jr., 261, 262
"Rat Line," 339, 341; see also Nazis, Gehlen
Org, and Joint Intelligence Committee
Rather, Dan, 472
rats (as experimental animals), 50
Rauff, Walter, 331, 339
Rausher leukemia virus(es), 397, 564
Ravenholt, R. T., 170
RDI14 (catlhuman viral recombinant), 511
Reagan, Ronald, 347,361,363,473,499
Realpolitik, 192,200,233; see also Kissinger.
recombinant DNA, 311, 509, 511 , 512; research,
41,317,509,51 I, 512; see also DNA
recombinant RNA, 311; see also RNA
Red Cross, 326
Reed, Terry, 532
Reich Research Institute, 335
Reichsbank, 343
Reno, Janet, 547
Reston (Ebola-like) virus, 394, 496; outbreak in
monkey house, 472
restriction endonucleases, 101
retrovirology, 65-72
retrovirus(es), 53, 55, 63, 87, 88, 120,393,414,
511-514, 522; research, 64
Reuther, Walter, 198
reverse transcriptase, 53, 62, 63, 66, 70, 74, 128,
512; assays for, 129; see also RNA
dependent-DNA polymerase
rhabdomyosarcoma, 447
rhabdovirus simiae, 387, 389; see Marburg-like
rhabdoviruses, 445
Rhesus monkey, 482
rhinoviruses, II, 12
Rhoads, Cornelius, 329
Rhodes, Cecil, 368
Richardson-Merrell, Inc., 559
Riesman, David, 198
Rift Valley fever, 26
Ritchie-Calder, Lord, 24
RNA, 62, 63, 65-75, 77, 79-84, 387,410,420,
462,504,508,512,513; leukemia and
sarcoma viruses, 123; retrovirus(es), 49,
recombmant, 3J J; -slow' ViruS, 17; tumor
viruses, 75,112,564; virus(es), 116,450
RNA-dependent DNA polymerase (reverse
transcriptase), 66, 74, 128,412,421,564
"Robert R.," 127; see also HIV
Roberto, Holden, 356
Robertson, Pat, 343
Rockefeller Foundation, 198,267,344-346,351,
467; arbovirus lab, 467; and Nazis 344-
Rockefeller Brothers Fund, 476
Rockefeller Commission, 46, 47; 151,225,233,
275,290,317,3[9,557; see also CIA
Rockefeller, David, 202
Rockefeller Institute for Medical Investigations,
Rockefeller, John D., 203, 344, 529; and eugenics
344; partnership with I.G. Farben, 529,
Rockefeller, Laurance S., 476
Rockefeller, Nelson Aldrich, 192,203,205,226,
343; Special Studies Project, 205
Rockefeller University, 280, 469, 470
rodents (as experimental animals), lIS
Rogers, William P., 45,156,21 I
Rogovin, Mitchell, 276
rolling bottle, 481, 569
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 198
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 22, 38, 41, 204, 207,
Rosovsky, Henry, 199
Rous SV (mouse sarcoma virus), 124
Rowe, Dr., 14
Royal Davis Library, 392
Royal Victoria Hospital, 3I9
RUB, 57, 59; see also LAV
rubella, 252, 257, vaccine, 266
Rudel, Hans-Ulrich, 339
Russia(n), 15,24,32,44,94,97,98,99,105,
152, 36S, 400, 487,507; Research Center,
195; see also Soviet Union, 31 [,482,507
Rustin, Bayard, 145
Rwanda, 13
Ryan, Allan A., 334
Sabin, Albert, 257, 404, 484, 485
Sahara, 13
Salahuddin, Zaki, 506
Salk, Jonas, 92, 482, 487
Salk Institute, 475
San Francisco open air biological weapons
experiments, 312, 316
Sanger, Eugene F., 24, 368
sarcoma(s), 32, 50, 70, 74,112,119,252,410,
503,51 [-513; virus(es), 118,411,415,
Sarma, Dr., III
Sartre, Jean-Paul, 150, 197
Sassen, Alfons, 335, 339
Satcher, David, 520, 522, 523, 525-527
satellite reconnaissance, 381; see also Zaire,
Litton Industries, Inc., and OTRAG
satellite-launching missiles, 365; see also Zaire,
Litton Industries, Inc., and OTRAG
Save the Children's Fund (SCF), 547
Savimbi, Jonas, 356, 361
Schlesinger, Arthur, 20 I
Schmidt, Helmut, 366
Schreiber, Walter Emil, 331, 333, 334
Schreyer, William A., 343
Schubach, Lina Rau, 191
Schulz, Thomas F., 129
Schwartz, Dr., 287, 303
Schwartzkopf, General Norman, 571
Schweiker, Lowell, 275, 296, 303, 310, 311, 312
'Emerging 'Viruses: J'LI'DS atuf 'E6ofa
Scientists' Institute for Public Information, 475
Scolnic, Ed, 511
Scott, Peter Dale, 331, 334, 336, 339, 341
scrapie, 15, 17, 100; see also sheep
Seale, Bobby, 148, 150
Seberg, Jean, 148, 150
seconal, 3 19
Securities and Exchange Commission, 377
Segal, Jacobo, 47, 104
Sencer, David, 326, 327
Senseney, Charles, 302
sero-epidemiologic studies, I 15
Serratia marcescens, 309, 312, 315
Servin, Manuel, 47, 106
Seventh Day Adventists, 559
sexual homicide, 487
Shapo, Marshall, 322
sheep, 35, 50, 87, 109; visna virus, 16
Shell Chemical Company, 567
shellfish poison (toxin), 287,294,302,552; see
also CIA illegal stockpiling
Shilts, Randy, 51-57, 63, 64, 91, 112, 119,242,
Shultz, Thomas F., 128, 129,498
Shorter, Edward, 48 I -488
Sidel, V. w., 23
Siebert, Charles, 14
Siegert, Rudolph, 387, 388, 389, 467
Siemens Corporation, 340, 382
simian (monkey), 29, 31, 72, 117,505,507,
522, 562 ; blood groups, 566; cancer
viruses, 117; hemorrhagic fever
associated with, 450, 462; immunodeficiency
virus (SIV), 128, 13I; immunodeficiency
virus associated with African
green (SIVagm), 483; pox virus, 15;
retroviruses, 128,512; sarcoma virus,
110,124; (SV40), 72,103,484-493,496,
504, 510; virus(es), 28, 30,40, 72, 376,
Simmons, Helen, 519, 547
Simpson, D. H. 1.,391
Sister Kenny Foundation, 488
SIV (simian immunodeficiency virus) 128, 131,
possible associated with tainted
poliovaccines, 128, 526; from African
green monkey (SIVagm), 130, 13I, and as
related to HIV-I, 13I, 497, and as related
to HIV-2/SIVmac, 131; similarity of
SIVagm and SIVmac envelopes, 131;
SIVmac, 131; SIVmac from macaques,
129; SIVsm from sootey mangabeys, 129;
see also simian monkey virus(es)
"60-Minutes", 550
Skorzeny, Otto, 339, 340
Skylab, 161,380
Sloan, Alfred P, 475
Sloan Foundation, 475, 476, 478
Sloan-Kettering Institute for Cancer Research,
slow virus, 15, 17,93; see also lentivirus
smallpox, 4, II, 26, 118, 120, 160, 252, 257,
measles vaccination campaigns, 269; as
bioweapon, 521; eradication program, 13,
266; vaccination, 120, 265, 504, and
encephalitis following vaccination, 265;
vaccination campaign, 118,250,532;
vaccine(s), 4,31,269; virus(es), 14,277;
s.-measles combined vaccine program,
Smith, Arnholt, 230
Smith, Robert, 347
Smith, Thomas, 21 I
Smothers, Congressman, 287, 287
Sonnenfeldt, Helmut, 199,209,375
sooty mangabeys, 514; see also simian; monkey
South African Institute for Medical Research,
Southwest Foundation for Research and
Education, 30,389,404
Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM),
Soviet(s), 351, 354, 367, 555; Union, 22, 317,
Special Virus Studies Laboratury, 389
special (covert) operations, 352
Special Operations Division (SOD) of the
Army; see U.S. Army
Special Pathogens Branch, 398; see also CDC
Special Virus Cancer Program (SVCP), 253,
526, 555, 564, 566; Progress Report #8,
463; Special Virus Leukemia Project
(SVLP), 447; see also NCI
species barrier, 89
Spengler, 197
Spira, Thomas, 328
squirrel monkeys, I 17
SS, see Nazi
Stanford University, 23
Stangl, Franz Paul, 340
Starr, Paul, 475
State Department, 170, 172,175,206,207,220,
Statens Seruminstitut, Copenhagen, 10
"stealth" virus, 474, 489, 492, 493, 495
Stevens, Sayre, 276
Stevenson, William, 339, 341
Stever, Guyford H., 374
Stewart, Sarah, 482
Stewart, William H., 325
Stimson, Henry, 40, 41
Stockwell, John, 35 I, 354, 360
Stoessinger, John, 200
Stokes, Louis, 524
Stone, I.E, 195
Strausz,Hupe, Robert, 206
Strecker, Robert, 3-5,13, 15,55,76,85-109,
139,421,531,537,539; on targeting of
blacks and homosexuals, 137
Slrecker Memorandum, 3, 9, 86
Strecker, Ted, 76, 537
Stricker, Raphael, 129,498
Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), 146
Sturgis, Frank, 231
Sudan, 118, 119, 160, 385, 391, 462
Sullivan & Cromwell (law firm), 529
Sullivan, William c., 211, 219-224
Summers, Anthony, 219-224, 228,230
SV40 virus, 40, 111,112,128,131,393,461,
482-493,497, 503-507, 511; discovery of,
Swyter, Han, 42, 43
syncytium, 89
Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturers
Association (SOCMA), 567
Systems Analysis Office, 43
Szmuness, Wolf, 96,99,126,240,246,251,
Szulc, Tad, 367, 382
T-cell(s), 4, 53, 89, 91, 92, 99,100,103,495;
culture, 90; immune system depression,
130; leukemia, 54, 90, 249, 512; leukemia
in dairy farmers, 90; lymphocytes, 90;
malignancies, 249
T4 cell, 103
Tanox Biosystems, Inc.; 571
Taylor, Carl, 268
Taylor, Myron c., 344
Teledyne Corporation, 382
Temin, Howard, 89, 404
Tactical Electronic Reconnaissance (TEREC),
tetanus, II, 252, 257, 266, 271
Thanger, Margaret, 106
The Democratic Republic of the Congo, 13; see
also lilire
The Health Century, 481-488
The Coming Plague, 467, 476
The Hot Zone, 118, 385, 393-400, 465, 476, 564
The Mattachine, 143
The Strecker Group, 4, 531, 537, 539
Third Reich, 338-342, 373, 529; see also Nazis
Third World, 118, 151, 152, 155, 156,175, 176,
178, 179,233,234,322;economies, 178;
population, 163; population control
programs, 159; threat to national security,
Thorazine, 319
Thornton, Charles, 383
tick-borne encephalitis, 26
Ting, Robert, 77,420, 443,494, 538
Todaro, George, 111,421,513,566
Tolson, Clyde, 223, 232
Tower, Congressman, 275
Townsend Lelia for Doctors, 4
trachoma, 266
Transnational Institute, 365
Traub, Erich, 335
Tree, Marietta, 145
Triumph-Adler Company, 377, 379
Tropical Disease Institute, 466
Tropical Disease Research Centers, 173
Truman, Harry S., 207, 336, 344, 529
Tsetung, Mao, 357
tuberculosis, II, 292, 462
Tully, Andrew, 229
tumor virus studies, 410
Turing, Alan, 141
Tuskegee Syphilis Study, 323, 326
type C particles (viruses), 110,404,412,508,
511-513; RNA tumor viruses, 118, 124,
412,508,511-513; causing cancer, 124,
128,239,252,511-513; causing sarcoma
in chickens. 411
typhoid, II, 266
Tyrrell, D. A., I I
U.N. (United Nations), 171, 175,547;
Children's Fund (UNICEF), 171,547;
Committee of the Peaceful Uses of Outer
Spac, 370; Development Program
(UNDP), 171; Food and Agriculture
Organization (FAD), 163; Fund for
Population Activities (UNFPA), 171;
General Assembly, 28, 42; Office of
Technical Cooperation, 171
U.S. Advisory Committee on Immunization
Practices (ACIP), 493
U.S. Agency for International Development
(USAID), 117, 120, 160,170-179,228,
U.S. Air Force, 335, 356, 380, 381,443,529; in
bacteriological warfare, 334
'Emerging o/iruses: J'LI'1JS aruf 'E6ofa
U.S. Anny, 106, 191,248,252,363,397,514,
556; Biological Laboratories, 30 I;
Counter Intelligence, 333; 331,341;
Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC), 333;
Medical Research Institute of Infectious
Diseases (USAMRIID), 472; Operations
Research Office, 199; Special Operations
Division (SOD), 276, 280, 284, 293, 299,
U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (USAEC),
U.S. Congress, 4
U.S. General Accounting Office (GAO), 519
U.S. Infonnation Agency (USIA), 347
U.S. Navy, 336, 383,463; Biological Laboratories,
404, 567; Biomedical Research Lab
(NBRL), 335,463,482
USPHS (Public Health Service), 3, 5, 33,228,
246,258,280, 303, 312,317, 323; role
played in MKNAOMI, 303
U.S. Steel, 394
U.S. Toxic Substances Control Act, 378
U.S. Vaccination Assistance Act of 1962, 270
U.S. Vaccine Development Board, 12, 13
Uganda, 118, 120,267,352,387-390,396,412,
443,445; Nile district, 120; West Nile
District of, 412
Unification Church, 344
UNITA see National Union/or the Complete
Independence 0/ Angola,
United States antigen, 390
University of Cali fomi a, 404,,543495: in San
Francisco, 63
University of North Carolina, 385
University of Wisconsin, 404
Umovitz, Howard B., 497
US Vaccine Development Board, 12
USS Coral Sea, 463
USS F D. Bailey, 463
V2 program, 366
vaccination, II, 398,488; campaigns and
programs, 154, 269; encephalitis following
smallpox vaccination, 265; jet guns for,
266; moratorium on, 520-528; schedules,
246; smallpox campaign, 118,250; sm.-
measles combined program, 247; team(s),
vaccine(s), 15, 28, 38-40, 94, 103-106, 173,
237,243,257,395, 396,421,447,485,
503,512,522,559,568,569; as a most
plausible AIDS virus transminer, 131;
contamination of vaccines, 483, 512, 520-
528; diagnostic and reference reagents,
33; DT-polio vaccine, 255; for cancer,
116, 262; illness caused by 264, polio
induced by, 265; preparation, 116,246:
production facilities, 385, 569; production,
483; prototype reagents for, 28;
requirements, 268, for rubella, 266:
testing of (in Black Africans and
American homosexuals), 120,255; testing
of (in Willowbrook State School
Children), 304, 515; and on both
continents, 127; smallpox, 4, 31,269;
virus, 421
Valerio, David, 420, 450
Vance, Cyrus, 22, 360
varicella, 266
variola-vaccinia virus group, 16
Vatican, 341, 344
Velsicol Chemical Company, 539
Venezuelan equine encephalitis (VEE), 26, 559
Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis (VVE),
521; virus, 277, 559
Veronal, 319
Vietnam, 22, 28, 35, 42, 44, 48, 146,206,207,
Special Studies Group, 212; War, 22
viral aerosols, 336, 398
viral vaccines, 115, 117,238,520-528; see also
virus(es) and vaccine(s)
virology, II, 15
virus(es), 23, 15,28,50, 100,252,393,395,
397,475,495, 505,546, 558; bioanack
with. 28: crystal-like, 107' r1("vp!opmen!
of AIDS-like, 517; diagnostic and
reference reagents, 33; discovery of the
AIDS, 64; hepatitis B, 252, see also
hepatitis B virus; isolations, 33;
laboratories, 33; Mason Phizer monkey,
103, 510; maximally monstrous
malignant, 106; mouse leukemia (MLV),
123; mutant, 47; mutant strains of, 252;
transfonned cells, 32; oncogenic, 403,
410; Parvo-II, 104; polyoma, 486, 490;
prototype strains, 33; replication of, 513;
rhabdov. simiae, 387, 389, 445; Rous SV
(mouse sarcoma virus), 124; simian
monkey, tumor studies, 410; "type B"
RNA viruses, 252; see SIV and SV40;
vaccines, 421 ; type C particles (viruses),
including RNA tumor viruses, 74, 100,
118, J 24,412, and those causing cancer,
124, 128,239,252, and causing sarcoma
in chickens, 411; smallpox, 14,277;
vaccines, 115, 117,520-528; vaccine
combinations, 262; Venezuelan equine
encephalomyelitis (VVE) virus, 277
Visna (sheep) virus(es), 15, 100,104,512
Volkswagen, 340
Voluntary Fund for Health Promotion (VFHP),
von C1ausewitz, Karl, 200
von Hapsburg, Ono, 343
von Hoffman, 141-143
von Kuehnelt-Leddihn, Eric, 343
von Magnus, Dr., 265
Vyas, G.N., 250
Walgate, Roben, 478
Wallace, Mike, 227
war on cancer, 49, 351,402,442; see also
cancer, and Nixon. Richard
War Research Service (WRS), 41, 486
Warren Commission, 225, 344
Washington Special Action Group, 214
Washington Post, 228, 549
wasting disease, 410, 420
Watergate, 48, 211, 225, 227, 228, 230, 231,
232, 233, 275, 306, 350, 472, 550; breakin,
47, 48; Committee, 230; tapes, 209,
Watkins, James D., 343
Watson, James, 481
WBC, see white blood cells
Wehrle, Paul, 266
Weiller, Paul-Louis, 343
Weiner, Alexander S., 443, 566
Weiss, Robin, i2i
Weiss, Ted, 58
Weissman, Stephen, 359, 361
Weitzman, Stepen, 315, 316
Weitzmann Institute of Science, 257
Weizman Institute, 404
Welton, Richard, 232
Wherry, Kenneth, 142
white blood cells (WBCs), 65, 74,110,121,
5 I I; see also lymphocytes
White House wiretaps, 209, 210; transcripts
from, 226; see also Nixon. Richard and
Watergate and FB I
Whitney, Roben, 450
WHO, 3,4,9-20,24-26,29,31,35,52, 113,
119,120, 153-155,160,172-174,228,
399,46 1,466,468,532,533; Advisory
Committee on Medical Research, 25;
Collaborating Laboratory on Comparative
Medicine, 30; Epidemiological Research
Laboratory, 268; Expen Advisory Panel
on the International Pharmacopeia, 10;
Expen Committee on Biological
Standardization, 10; Expen Committee on
Specifications for Pharmaceuticals, 10;
Geneva based, 10; International
Laboratories for Biological Standards, 10;
National (drug) control activities. I I; jet
gun vaccine administration, 266; policies,
12, and regarding propaganda for
vaccination campaigns, 268; policy on
safeguarding DNA and biological
weapons research, 25; Regional
Reference Centre for Immunology, 14;
San Antonio simian monkey research
center, 29; Scientific Group on Viruses
and Cancer, 32; Special Account for
Smallpox Eradication, 31, 118; supply of
prototype reagents for vaccines, 28;
supply of prototype virus strains, 33; viral
research program, 32; Virus Reference
Centers, 12, 14
WHO Chronicle, 10, 14, 16,22,28,562
whooping cough, 1I, 266, 271, 322
Wick, Charles, 363
Wilkins, H. F., 24
Williams, George, 125
Williams, Maurice J., 160
Willowbrook State School, 304, 515
Winegar, Lucien, 42
Wistar Institute, 88, 257
Womens Rights, 179
Woodward, Bob, 227, 228, 561
woolly monkey, !2d
Woolsy, James R., 481
World Bank, 161,171,176,177,351
World Health Assembly, 28, 172
World Population Conference, 171
World Population Plan of Action (WPPA), 171
World War II, 366, 529
Yambuku Hospital, 398
Yarborough, 325
yellow fever, II, 26, 257, 266, 267, 322;
associated virus, 252; vaccine for, 267
Zaire(an), 13,47, 106, 118, 119, 153, 163, 178.
369, '373,380-382,385,391,396-398,
400,462,465,495; Air Force, 399;
contract between Mobutu and OTRAG,
366; military buildup in, 162, 163;
satellite reconnaissance station, 381;
satellite missile launching in, 365; Shaba
'Emerging Viruses: .9lI'DS and 'EEofa
province of, 368; war with Angola, 354-
Zilinskas, Roy, 508
ZIIU,Tuofu, 125
Zhukov, Aleksandr, 364
zinc cadmium sulfide, 322
Zinder report, 253
zoonoses, 29
Zumwalt, Admiral Elmo, 214, 494,555
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Re: EMERGING VIRUSES: AIDS & EBOLA: Nature, Accident or Inte

Postby admin » Thu Jun 30, 2016 8:05 am

About the Author

Leonard G. Horowitz, D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H., is a Harvard graduate, independent investigator, and an internationally known authority in behavioral science and public health education. He earned his doctorate in medical dentistry from Tufts University, a master of arts degree in health education from Beacon College, and a master of public health degree in behavioral science from Harvard University.

One of healthcare's most captivating motivational speakers, Dr. Horowitz has served on the faculties of Tufts University, Harvard University, and Leslie College's Institute for the Arts and Human Development. He has also served as a consultant to several leading healthcare corporations, national associations, and as a professional speaker, he travels to more than one-hundred locations a year to present keynote speeches, lectures, and seminars.

Dr. Horowitz has authored over eighty articles, ten audiocassettes, two videotapes and ten books including the critically acclaimed Florida dental AIDS tragedy expose, Deadly Innocence. His other books include: AIDS, Fear and Infection Control, Overcoming Your Fear of the Dentist, Choosing Health For Yourself: A Clear and Practical Guide to Motivating Self-Care, Freedom From Desk Job Stress and Computer Strain, and his latest, Taking Care of Yourself: An Audio Seminar and Workbook for Motivating Yourself to Optimal Health.

Dr. Horowitz is also an avid fitness buff and spends his free time hiking, swimming, sailing, snorkeling, singing, and playing guitar with his wife and two daughters.
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