Trump lashes out at Gov. Doug Ducey following certification

Re: Trump lashes out at Gov. Doug Ducey following certificat

Postby admin » Sat Jan 08, 2022 3:51 am

'Craven Cruz' Gets Owned On Live TV After MAGA Backlash On Riot
by Ari Melber
Jan 7, 2022

After MAGA Senator Ted Cruz referred to the January 6th insurrection as a “violent terrorist attack on the Capitol,” he immediately drew backlash from the proponents of the “big lie.” Cruz ultimately folded and rushed to recant his statement in an odd interview with Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, whose show is known to spread misinformation about the January 6th riot. (This segment is from MSNBC’s “The Beat with Ari Melber," a news show covering politics, law, and culture airing nightly at 6pm ET on MSNBC

Ari Melber: Our top story right now draws on a new development involving one of the most strident Republican leaders in Congress: Ted Cruz, and it includes his odd apology interview with Tucker Carlson. This story reveals a picture of the current Republican party and a warning about the authoritarianism rising on the American right. To see how important this is, and how deep it runs, and why this isn't just some "DC skirmish", it's also necessary right now for us to see how Ted Cruz and the Republican party got here. Because as the Right rallies around the lies of The Loser of the last election, who President Biden admonished in that fiery speech last night, as a "defeated, lying, former President," it is also vital to understand that Republican leaders KNOW Trump is lying. They KNOW how dangerous he is. They KNOW his combination of lies, ego and emotional temperament can pose a real danger, as Cruz himself warned so heatedly in 2016.

Ted Cruz: This man is a pathological liar.

What Donald does when he loses is he blames everybody else. It's never Donald's fault.

Donald, you're a sniveling coward.

He engages in insults. I think the people are interested in substance and record.

We need a commander-in-chief, not a Twitter-in-Chief.

The man cannot tell the truth, but he combines it with being a narcissist.

The man is utterly amoral.

His reaction to everything is to throw a fit! Donald finds it very hard to lose. He finds that very difficult for him.

Ari Melber: That's where Cruz started, speaking there to largely Republican audiences, and expressing things that he did not find controversial in the least. Of course Trump was a liar. Of course his career and Twitter life showed narcissism rather than public service. Of course Trump was a sore loser. And that can get dangerous when The Sore Loser oversees a nuclear power. Everything I said is in reference to what Cruz asserted in public repeatedly to Republicans. Who knows also better than most that Trump does not honor democracy, and doesn't pretend to. The 2016 primaries first began with Trump losing to Cruz in Iowa prompting Trump to immediately impugn the result, and lie about them, and talk about fraud, because when he loses, it's a fraud problem. There, he was of course, accusing many Republicans of fraud. It didn't matter. Now he accuses different opponents in his mind, but Ted Cruz was on the other end of that. And then, when Trump won the nomination, Cruz was still dubious enough about Trump as a potential President that Ted Cruz, famously, went to the RNC, got up on the podium, and refused to endorse Trump in that ultimately bizarre scene where then Trump, as a candidate, disrupted it by coming out on the floor during Cruz's speech not endorsing Trump. This history matters, because that's what Ted Cruz first thought. that's what Ted Cruz apparently REALLY thought about Donald Trump. And then, as Trump solidified his grip on power, Cruz has publicly completely owned himself. He endorsed Trump, he campaigned with him, he defended every Trump action in office, and after Trump lost to Biden, and after Trump kept attacking the election, something Cruz knew all about from his own experience, it was then Ted Cruz who led the futile effort to challenge the certification of the Biden victory on the Senate floor.

Ted Cruz: And we've seen in the last two months unprecedented allegations of voter fraud.

And we have an obligation to the Constitution to ensure that this election was lawful.

What does it say to the nearly half the country that believes this election was rigged if we vote not even to consider the claims of illegality and fraud in this election?

Conduct a 10-day emergency audit to consider the evidence.

Ari Melber: Yes, 10 more days of all that. And what would ten more days of sham reviews achieve? It sounded strange at the time even to everyone covering it closely, but, well, when you gather up all the evidence from primary sources, it looks even worse, because we are hearing from Trump's own White House aides Cruz was leading a more complex authoritarian play. The idea was to use that time to somehow then decertify the results and steal the whole election. Here was Trump aide Peter Navarro on Cruz's role on The Beat this week:

Peter Navarro: The plan was simply this: We had over a hundred Congressmen and Senators on Capitol Hill ready to implement the Sweep... At 1 p.m. Ted Cruz, Senator Ted Cruz and Gosar, Representative, started The Green Bay Sweep beautifully, challenging the results of Arizona.

Ari Melber: Listen closely -- they are telling on themselves! And it's the context for all of this threat to our future elections. Not a drill! As you heard Navarro say, Cruz spoke at 1 p.m., and within the hour a violent mob stormed the Capitol demanding assassinations, attacking police, beating people, committing what are now convicted crimes in the courts, and causing havoc that did result in deaths. A literal insurrection. A security meltdown. An act of domestic terrorism. And this week Cruz referred to that fact of a violent terrorist attack.

Ted Cruz: We are approaching a solemn anniversary this week, and as an anniversary of a violent terrorist attack on the Capitol where we saw the men and women in law enforcement demonstrate incredible courage.

Ari Melber: Fact Check: True!

Yet that very straightforward recent historical truth that you just heard him say in his own words on Wednesday drew huge backlash from the Right-Wing Big Lie Movement, attacking Cruz for accurately referring to the truth of those crimes, the domestic terror and the violence.

NPR: Republicans criticize Ted Cruz for calling Jan. 6 a violent terrorist attack.

KTLA5: Ted Cruz slammed for calling Jan. 6 'Violent Terrorist Attack'

WBAP: Ted Cruz under fire for calling January 6th rioters 'Terrorists'

Ari Melber: And Cruz immediately folded, rushing to recant everything in a very sad interview with Tucker Carlson, who by the way hosts a lot of misinformation about January 6th, so that's the place where you go when you have to prove to people that when you said something true about the violence, you didn't mean it. So Cruz went to publicly apologize and say he was "dumb" to call it terrorism, and "sloppy," in his words, and then he got his push-back in public, millions watching, from Carlson.

Ted Cruz: The way I phrased things yesterday, it was sloppy and it was frankly dumb.

Tucker Carlson: I don't buy that! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! I don't buy that. Look, I've known you for a long time since before you went to the Senate; I do not believe that you used that accidentally. I just don't!

Ted Cruz: So Tucker, as a result of my sloppy phrasing, it's caused a lot of people to misunderstand what I meant...I wasn't saying that the thousands of peaceful protesters supporting Donald Trump are somehow terrorists.

Ari Melber: It's a new low, after other recent new lows. Ted Cruz went from the Senator who would supposedly stand up to Trump and the threat that he said Trump posed, the lies, the amorality as Cruz called it, the attack on democracy, you know, those were the words he used to phrase the threat Trump posed. He went from that to a Trump supporter, then a Trump enabler, then a Trump accomplice in trying to end democracy, and then, NOW, with crimes on the table, he's Trump's chief lying propagandist, willing to lie about the very violence that Mr. Cruz claimed to condemn one day before.

He knew better five years ago, just as he knew better earlier this week. And that makes it all the more craven as a personalized reflection of the wider Republican party's dissent.

Ted Cruz: It would be ridiculous for me to be saying that the people standing up and protesting to follow the law were somehow terrorists.

If you assault a police officer, you should go to jail. That's who I was talking about.

I used that word all in 2020 for the Antifa and BLM terrorists that assaulted cops.

I wasn't saying the millions of patriots across the country who were supporting President Trump are terrorists.

I agree with you -- it was a mistake to say that yesterday.

They want to paint us as Nazis. I'm the one leading the fight in the Senate against this garbage.

Ari Melber: We're joined by Washington Post write Eugene Robinson. Your thoughts, sir.

Eugene Robinson: Well, I think you used the operative word Ari. You used the word "craven." It was a craven performance that we saw last night from Ted Cruz. At the end of this long transformation, he was very clear, as you pointed out at the beginning, what he saw in Donald Trump, the danger he saw in Donald Trump, the fact that he was totally unsuited and unfit to ever be President of the United States, and now he is waving the Trump banner because of his own craven ambition. He still wants to be President. He still thinks he can be President some day. He still thinks, somehow, he can inherit the Trump base. And so it couldn't happen to a nicer guy. But it was just an embarrassing performance. It was hard to believe. It's difficult to watch, even happening to Ted Cruz.
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Re: Trump lashes out at Gov. Doug Ducey following certificat

Postby admin » Sat Jan 08, 2022 5:06 am

The Two Faces of Kevin McCarthy: Why He Must be Subpoenaed to Testify About Trump's Conduct on 1/6
by Glenn Kirschner
Jan 7, 2022

Just days after the 1/6 insurrection, Rep. Kevin McCarthy stated unequivocally that Donald Trump bears responsibility for the attack on Congress. But after a trip to Mar-a-Lago and (undoubtedly) some arm- twisting by Donald Trump, McCarthy makes contradictory statements.

Given the claims in his second statement about what Trump said about the insurrection, Kevin McCarthy must testify to the House select committee investigating the attack on the US Capitol. Here's why . . .
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Re: Trump lashes out at Gov. Doug Ducey following certificat

Postby admin » Sun Jan 09, 2022 2:59 am

Retired Generals warn segments of the military could support a future coup
by Mary Louise Kelly
December 29, 2021, 4:51 PM ET


NPR's Mary Louise Kelly talks with retired Major General Paul Eaton about the possibility of another insurrection after the 2024 election.


As we approach the first anniversary of the January 6 Capital riot, three retired U.S. generals are warning that another insurrection could occur after the next presidential election in 2024. And they are sounding the alarm that next time, it could come from the military. They made their case in a recent Washington Post op-ed.

And joining us now is one of the authors - retired Army Major General Paul Eaton. General Eaton, welcome.

PAUL EATON: Mary Louise, thank you very much for having me.

KELLY: So the scenario that you imagine is that after 2024 election, a losing candidate could - what? - could contest the results, claim to be commander in chief and some members of the military might take orders from them?

EATON: Mary Louise, the real question is, does everybody understand who the duly elected president is? If that is not a clear-cut understanding, that can infect the rank and file or at any level in the U.S. military. So if you have that kind of confusion around the 2020 election, it is not outlandish to consider that you're going to have a little bit of confusion and that confusion could slip into the ranks of the U.S. military.

KELLY: And to understand exactly what you're concerned about, are you more worried about rank-and-file soldiers who might sympathize with anti-democratic views, are you more worried about officers giving their units orders that would be unconstitutional, what?

EATON: Frankly, it could be a little bit of all of the above because we saw it in 2020. And the concern is to ensure that we have a very clear understanding of the support and defend the Constitution of the United States part of our oath and that everybody in the U.S. military truly understands how that oath works and how to understand the civilian leadership of the U.S. military.

KELLY: You said it's not outlandish to contemplate a scenario like this, but I - it is outlandish. I mean, this is the United States of America. As you noted, we have civilian control of the military. It's required by law. On a scale of 1 to 10, how worried actually are you about the possibility of a military insurrection following a contested result in 2024?

EATON: I see it as a low probability, high impact. I hesitate to put a number on it, but it's an eventuality that we need to prepare for. In the military, we do a lot of war-gaming to ferret out what might happen. You may have heard of the Transition Integrity Project that occurred about six months before the last election. We played four scenarios. And what we did not play is a U.S. military compromised; not to the degree that the United States is compromised today as far as 39% of the Republican party refusing to accept President Biden as president, but a compromise nonetheless. So we advocate that that particular scenario needs to be addressed in a future war-game held well in advance of 2024.

KELLY: It sounds like you're sounding an alarm bell saying I hope this doesn't happen; I think it's low probability that this will happen, but if there's any chance, we need to work now to ensure that everything that could possibly be done to prevent things going so far off the rails gets done now. Is that right?

EATON: That's a good assessment.

KELLY: So what do you recommend the military do to ensure this scenario does not unfold?

EATON: I had a conversation with somebody about my age who - we were talking about civics and the development of the philosophical underpinnings of the U.S. Constitution. And I believe that bears a reteach to make sure that each and every 18-year-old American truly understands the Constitution of the United States, how we got there, how we developed it, what our forefathers wanted us to understand years down the road. That's an important bit of education that I think that we need to readdress. The fact that we were caught completely unprepared militarily and from a policing function on January 6 is incomprehensible.

KELLY: When you talk about civics classes, when you talk about war-gaming, that all sounds reasonable. It sounds smart. It also sounds like a very weak tea to stave off potential insurrection by the military.

EATON: A component is that beyond that, unsaid, is that we all know each other very well. And if there is any doubt in the loyalty and the willingness to follow the oath of the United States, the support and defend part of the U.S. Constitution, then those folks need to be identified and addressed in some capacity. But when you talk to a squad leader, a staff sergeant, a nine-man rifle squad, he knows his men and women very, very well.

KELLY: Paul Eaton, retired U.S. Army Major General, thank you.

EATON: Mary Louise, thank you very much for having me.

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Excerpt from Play Democracy!
by Ralph Nader
Ralph Nader Radio Hour
January 1, 2022 ... script.pdf

Steve Skrovan: So, Ralph, I started by talking about having an interview with John Larson just before he went to the Capitol where the insurrection happened. You wanna tell us about an op-ed that you read in the Washington Post by a couple of generals who are speaking to that and the possibility of insurrection in this country?

Ralph Nader: Indeed. Actually, three generals--Paul Eaton, Antonio Taguba, and Steven Anderson. This is an extraordinary op-ed titled “The military must prepare now for a 2024 insurrection.” And it's not what you might think it is. It's basically an article showing that the Pentagon cannot wait. They have to prepare to educate their people about the Constitution, the oath of the Constitution, about their proper role. And the quote is, “All service members take an oath to protect the Constitution. But in a contested election, with loyalties split, some might follow orders from the rightful commander in chief, while others might follow the Trumpian loser. Arms might not be secured depending on who was overseeing them. Under such a scenario, it is not outlandish to say a military breakdown could lead to civil war.” And what they say is that the Pentagon has got to be prepared for all of this to prevent a breakdown of discipline. And it's really quite a bold position.

The other quote in the article is, “But the military cannot wait for elected officials to act. The Pentagon should immediately order a civics review for all members--uniformed and civilian--on the Constitution and electoral integrity. There must also be a review of the laws of war and how to identify and deal with illegal orders. And it must reinforce “unity of command” to make perfectly clear to every member of the Defense Department to whom they answer that no service member should say they didn’t understand whom to take orders from during a worst-case scenario.” And then they go into how to head off the signs of an insurrection to overturn the 2024 election. This is quite remarkable. And I think people who are interested should just pull it down and read it [from the] December 21st, 2021, Washington Post. And the lead author is retired General Paul Eaton [that’s] EATON.

Steve Skrovan: Well, that really is scary because we have always depended on the ethic and the code of conduct of our military, which has historically been different than most other countries and regimes where there is that acceptance of civilian control. And you have these three generals now who are saying that is not a rock solid guarantee.

Ralph Nader: And to fortify what you just said, Steve, is another quote in the article. “The potential for a total breakdown of the chain of command along partisan lines--from the top of the chain to squad level--is significant should another insurrection occur. The idea of rogue units organizing among themselves to support the “rightful” “commander in chief” cannot be dismissed.” So this is what's going on here. And it's quite clear that these three retired generals are not alarmists. They understand the potential. They're recently retired. So they know what's going on in the Pentagon all the way down to the squad level. So, this is a good sign that they are standing firm as they did in the 2020 election.

Imagine even having to discuss something like this, but then imagine having somebody like Trump coming back with his cohorts and his version of American fascism. Some people think, well, that's too strong a word. No. One of the first characteristics of fascism is that they automatically say ahead of time that if they lose the election, it's because it's stolen. Right there. That's the first indicia of a fascistic political system.

Steve Skrovan: The messaging here is really interesting because I was actually talking to president of Public Citizen, Robert Weissman, yesterday about the mail that they receive. And you can see it on Twitter. You can see it on all the social media, where especially in terms of vaccine mandates, and I get these Heritage Foundation emails. I somehow got on their mailing list, and I don't unsubscribe because I kind of wanna know what they're talking about. And they use the language of authoritarians. They’re fighting authoritarianism. In other words, a public health mandate is taking away your freedoms. It really is an Orwellian use of the language where these fascistic elements are saying, “No, we're the ones fighting fascism. It's these other people who want to take away your freedoms.” And if they can convince enough people of that; it's like both sides are fighting the same concept of authoritarian fascism, but one is fascist and one isn't.

Ralph Nader: Yeah. Which side is suppressing votes, purging voters, harassing voters in discriminatory manner, state after state? And which part of this equation is trying to defund the IRS [Internal Revenue Service] and aid and abet tax evasion by the rich and the powerful? What's emerging here, Steve and David, is basically a new kind of fascistic oligarchy wanting to take over the political system and doing the bidding of an existing extraordinarily powerful corporate plutocracy. So, this is what Trump actually did when he was president. He spread suppression of regulation for health and safety and tried to turn the government into a profit center for his cronies. But at the same time that he was violating all kinds of criminal statutes-- the Hatch Act, the Antideficiency [Act] law, shoveling around money without congressional authority, defying over 120 congressional subpoenas, engaging in a dozen clear impeachable offenses day after day--he was open about it. He was a brazen unlike [Richard] Nixon hovering in a corner, saying he's not a crook. At that same time, he was making peace with his other interests, which is his corporate pocketbook and he was deregulating. Wall Street loved that. He was giving them huge tax cuts. Wall Street loved that. And he was getting rightwing corporatist judges throughout the federal judiciary all the way up to the Supreme Court and Wall Street liked that. So, what we're seeing here is a merging canopy over American democracy of the older corporate plutocracy, which is basically strategically planning about everything that we do in this country right down to the commercialization of childhood as well as planning our tax system, our healthcare system, our food processing system, our land planning system zoning, our control, our disposition of resources on the public lands. You just go on and on; there isn't anything they're not strategically planning.

And on the other side of the canopy is emerging this new authoritarian fascistic oligarchy. And what that spells, if it's not stopped, is a very deep-rooted corporate state. It’s the end of the democracy! In reality, it’s the end of our republic. And it's Wall Street merging with Washington under the influence of the new American fascists and basically taking over any kind of potential opposition and dissent and labeling them as communists, socialists, terrorists--all the language that Trump has already used.

Now, this all can be prevented because we still have our basic institutions and they gotta be taken over like Congress and state legislatures by the people who sent them there, by the people who they're supposed to vote for. And so, while we have to be very vigilant about worst-case scenarios, as this article in the Post pointed out, we know that the power constitutionally is still in the hands of the people--we, the people. And we also know that people have enormous assets in terms of the commons, the public lands, the public airways, all the money that built all these industries through research and development from various departments and agencies of Washington, from NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] to the Defense Department, National Institutes of Health. And of course, we've got the vote. The corporations don't have the vote.

So, we've got to be levelheaded about this. We can't wallow on hopelessness and say, “Oh, what can we do? And I give up. I'm gonna play video games.” We need 1% of the people to get very serious, as we've said ad infinitum on this program, district by district, focusing on the Congress. That's the great fulcrum that we have available to turn our country into frontiers of justice, opportunity, renewability and protection of posterity. It's the Congress because of the way it's authorized by the Constitution to engage in the tax power, the spending power, the nomination power, the public information power, and above all, the war declaration power, which has been shoved over to the shelf, allowing presidents to start wars on their own say so.

David Feldman: Ralph, I’d like to ask you about framing all this. Because I remember earlier this year, Georgia passed some very restrictive voting rights laws. Delta [Air Lines], which is headquartered there and Coca-Cola spoke out against Georgia. It was a branding exercise. When we talk of fascism, we think of the military taking over. And shouldn't we be calling it a corporate takeover so that it hurts the corporations, that it hurts them in the pocketbook if they're perceived as being the ones behind this fascism? You can't have fascism without a corporate takeover. Is that correct?

Ralph Nader: Well, you point to an interesting opportunity here. There are some corporate executives who really are scared of American fascism. It's too unstable. Right now, corporations have it their way. I mean, they dominate Washington as if they're sitting on it. I mean, there isn't a single department in Washington, a single agency in Washington, that the outside force that's dominating it is not corporate. It's all corporate! Even the Department of Labor; the most powerful forces on the Department of Labor over the decades has not been the labor unions. It's been corporations. I mean, look how they froze the minimum wage, how they froze labor law reform, how they perpetuated anti-labor laws, how they violated with impunity fair labor standards in the workplace, how they disabled OSHA [Occupational Safety and Health Administration]. So, they've never had it so good. It's the lowest tax on corporations in decades, for example; the weakest regulation in decades of corporations. The corporate crime laws are totally antiquated and they're not enforced. The budgets are not enforced. The corporations in the healthcare area are getting away with $350 billion in billing fraud this year, according to Malcolm Sparrow at Harvard and other studies. Very little prosecution. So, they've never had it so good. Massive profits. They can go to tax havens and escape. They can shift jobs to fascist communist dictatorships and get their will there. So, why would they want an additional fascist oligarchy to take charge?

Now, some are like the Koch brothers. They would like that kind of fascist oligarchy. They think they can benefit from it. But I think a majority of major CEOs, if they were asked privately, they would say, “We've never had it so good.” Whether it's Democrat or Republican, we don't even have to deal with the many congressional hearings anymore.” There are no corporate crime hearings. There may be some tough hearings where the members pound the table for the television cameras, but they never do anything about it. And we've seen those with the Facebook and Google hearings.

And so, they're basically – we've never had it so good. And we don't need this kind of destabilization, this kind of provocation of all kinds of demonstrations by people opposed to this kind of oligarchy. And that's what I think is in the minds of some of these generals is that this is the quest for continued stability under a corporate plutocratic system. That's their preferred approach. And that's why some of them don't like Trump at all. Never mind his own personal characteristics. They just don't like the prospects of fundamental destabilization of the political economy by going too far.

David Feldman: I think Corporate America is terrified that they don't think they have it good. I read somewhere that 75% of corporate CEOs say they expect to be fired in 2022. Corporate America has something like $18 trillion in debt that most of the companies, the S&P 500, are laggards; they’re not doing well; that the reason the stock market seems to be going up is the way they waited. And there were about 25 companies that are dragging the stock market up, but the rest of the corporations in America are suffering under debt. So, I could see corporate CEOs expressing the same anger that the insurrectionists had on January 6th and thinking a fascist takeover would help them.

Ralph Nader: Well, not as long as they have the Federal Reserve printing money backing them up at $150 billion a month. They're buying bonds and increasing liquidity and juicing up the stock market. Yeah. You know, I'm sure these CEOs sometimes look ahead and they get worried, but they’re never around very long, David. Four or five years, CEO at the best; then they get retired with huge benefits. And then they become the leisure class again. It's hard to exaggerate the narcissism that is built in at the top of these corporations. You have to go to some midsize companies that have done it right. I've got a manuscript about 12 CEOs, like the head of Patagonia[, Inc.], the head of Interface[, Inc.] corporation, and other companies who have met the bottom line, but have done great work dealing with the way they treat their employees, the way they treat the environment, the way they condition their suppliers. And these CEOs never get any publicity. They're doing it right. But they don't get anywhere near the publicity as someone like Bill Gates or Elon Musk’s outbursts. And so, we've gotta get these new standards that we have already seen in these midsize companies and give them much more coverage because these standards are very consonant with an economic democracy; they're very consonant with a competitive economy. They're very consonant with a respect for the environment. They're very consonant with the proper role of workers in these companies and the rights of workers. But we don't get NPR [National Public Radio], PBS [Public Broadcasting Service], all these supposed public interest media to pay any attention to them, which is, I suppose, why we have this program, huh? [chuckle]

David Feldman: By the way, thanks to you, my new year's resolution is to read the business page. I've been focusing more on – I don't want to endorse any newspapers, but the magazines and newspapers that cover business primarily I've been reading. And they do cover capitalism; it's very critical. Thank you for that because the most critical reporting on capitalism comes from the business pages.

Ralph Nader: As I've said before, we're living in a golden age of muckraking books. Those of you who want a big list of recent books critical of corporations, I had a column a few days ago; go to You can sign up for the column and get it automatically free. But it made the point. There are about 60 books that have come out recently-- tremendous on one company or one industry after another--very well documented critical books and nothing happens. And the same with all these documentaries. We have 10 times more critical documentaries of power structures in our country and the world than we had 30, 40 years ago and almost nothing happens. And that's because all these people back home who are very concerned about the future of their country are not organizing the way they should and getting a foothold by focusing on Congress, which is the purpose of the Congress Club. Otherwise, they'll be so overwhelmed due to their sensitivity to injustice that it will freeze them and turn it into a kind of hopelessness.
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Re: Trump lashes out at Gov. Doug Ducey following certificat

Postby admin » Tue Jan 11, 2022 9:12 am

Jan. 6 panel ramps up investigation into Trump's state-level pressure [Forged election documents in Michigan and Arizona]
by Nicholas Wu
01/10/2022 04:30 AM EST
Updated: 01/10/2022 12:28 PM EST


The select panel asked states for any scrap of evidence to justify allegations of election fraud that Trump baselessly promoted, focusing much of its efforts on officials in Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Michigan. Those states found virtually no evidence of fraud, according to Thompson....

Just one day before Georgia was set to certify the 2020 election results and seal Trump’s defeat, records turned over to the Jan. 6 committee show a text message that arrived on the phone of Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger.

“Mr Secretary. Mark Meadows here. If you could give me a brief call at your convenience. Thank you,” the then-White House chief of staff texted Raffensperger in a Nov. 19, 2020, message obtained through a public records request.

It doesn’t appear that Raffensperger, a Republican, responded to Meadows....

Meadows texted Raffensperger a second time on the morning of Dec. 5, 2020, asking him to call the White House switchboard to set up a call. “Your voicemail is full,” Meadows told Raffensperger....

A previously unreported email from one of Raffensperger’s top aides, Jordan Fuchs, was also turned over to the committee. In it, Fuchs responded to Meadows' Dec. 22, 2020, trip to Georgia's Cobb County during the state’s signature match audit. She emailed Meadows to “clarify a few items” about the rejection rate of absentee ballots — something Trump and his allies had alleged was much lower than normal.

Fuchs’ note included the text of a press release sent out by the secretary of State’s office a month beforehand with a more thorough explanation of how the office evaluated absentee ballots....

Also included in the document dump are emails between Sen. Lindsey Graham’s and Raffensperger’s offices, which shows how a previously reported call between the two officials came about roughly two weeks after the 2020 election.

“Hope you are doing well. Senator Graham has requested a call w/ Sec. Raffensperger at his earliest convenience,” a Graham staffer told two of Raffensperger’s top aides on Nov. 12, 2020. The call between the two men ended with Graham indicating to Raffensperger some ballots should be tossed out, the Georgia official said later.[!!!]...

The state also turned over a previously reported audio recording of a Dec. 23, 2020, call between Trump and Frances Watson, the chief investigator in the Georgia secretary of state’s office, and a brief call between Watson and an unidentified staffer. In the Dec. 23 call, Trump had urged Watson to find “dishonesty” in the state’s election results.[!!!]

-- Jan. 6 panel ramps up investigation into Trump's state-level pressure [Forged election documents in Michigan and Arizona], by Nicholas Wu

POLITICO has identified the information the committee has received from key swing states, as lawmakers prepare to take their findings public.

The public focus of Congress’ Jan. 6 investigation, so far, is what happened in Washington, D.C. Behind the scenes, the probe’s state-level work is kicking into overdrive.

The House committee investigating the Capitol attack has gathered thousands of records from state officials and interviewed a slate of witnesses as it attempts to retrace former President Donald Trump's attempts to subvert the 2020 election, particularly in four key states that swung the presidency to Joe Biden. They're getting ready to take their work public, possibly as soon as the spring.

“We want to let the public see and hear from those individuals who conducted elections in those states,” select panel chair Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) said in an interview. He described those witnesses as particularly important given their mandates to keep elections “fair and impartial” while hailing from one political party.

The voluminous documents state election officials have sent the Jan. 6 committee, obtained by POLITICO through open records requests, underscore the depth of Trump's pressure campaign directed at the typically lower-level administrators of presidential balloting. The emails, texts and phone recordings also add consequential context to previously reported incidents, such as Trump’s call to Georgia's top elections investigator and Mark Meadows’ outreach to Georgia election officials.

The select panel asked states for any scrap of evidence to justify allegations of election fraud that Trump baselessly promoted, focusing much of its efforts on officials in Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Michigan. Those states found virtually no evidence of fraud, according to Thompson.

Among the officials who spoke with the committee was Kathy Boockvar, Pennsylvania's secretary of state during the 2020 election, according to a source familiar with the situation not authorized to speak publicly. A spokesperson for the Pennsylvania secretary of state declined to comment on whether the panel had been in touch with the state’s officials.

Mainly, the records show state officials trying to either mollify or ignore Trump and his allies without distorting election results or embracing debunked claims of vote tampering. A spokesperson for the select panel declined to comment on the documents.

Pressure in Georgia

Just one day before Georgia was set to certify the 2020 election results and seal Trump’s defeat, records turned over to the Jan. 6 committee show a text message that arrived on the phone of Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger.

“Mr Secretary. Mark Meadows here. If you could give me a brief call at your convenience. Thank you,” the then-White House chief of staff texted Raffensperger in a Nov. 19, 2020, message obtained through a public records request.

It doesn’t appear that Raffensperger, a Republican, responded to Meadows.
(His office sent no reply to one Meadows text because aides weren't sure if it was real, according to CNN.) But it was not the last time Raffensperger would hear from Trump’s allies as they sought to pressure state-level officials to overturn the president's loss.

A spokesperson for Georgia's secretary of state did not respond to a request for comment.

Meadows texted Raffensperger a second time on the morning of Dec. 5, 2020, asking him to call the White House switchboard to set up a call. “Your voicemail is full,” Meadows told Raffensperger.

Raffensperger has already interviewed with the panel, according to Thompson, who praised him as “very straightforward” in his testimony.

A previously unreported email from one of Raffensperger’s top aides, Jordan Fuchs, was also turned over to the committee. In it, Fuchs responded to Meadows' Dec. 22, 2020, trip to Georgia's Cobb County during the state’s signature match audit. She emailed Meadows to “clarify a few items” about the rejection rate of absentee ballots — something Trump and his allies had alleged was much lower than normal.

Fuchs’ note included the text of a press release sent out by the secretary of State’s office a month beforehand with a more thorough explanation of how the office evaluated absentee ballots.

Meadows' attorney did not respond to a request for comment.

Also included in the document dump are emails between Sen. Lindsey Graham’s and Raffensperger’s offices, which shows how a previously reported call between the two officials came about roughly two weeks after the 2020 election.

“Hope you are doing well. Senator Graham has requested a call w/ Sec. Raffensperger at his earliest convenience,” a Graham staffer told two of Raffensperger’s top aides on Nov. 12, 2020. The call between the two men ended with Graham indicating to Raffensperger some ballots should be tossed out, the Georgia official said later.[!!!]

Graham’s office declined to comment.

The state also turned over a previously reported audio recording of a Dec. 23, 2020, call between Trump and Frances Watson, the chief investigator in the Georgia secretary of state’s office, and a brief call between Watson and an unidentified staffer. In the Dec. 23 call, Trump had urged Watson to find “dishonesty” in the state’s election results.[!!!]

Forged election documents in Michigan and Arizona

As Trump's team pushed its discredited voter fraud narrative, the National Archives received forged certificates of ascertainment declaring him and then-Vice President Mike Pence the winners of both Michigan and Arizona and their electors after the 2020 election. Public records requests show the secretaries of state for those states sent those certificates to the Jan. 6 panel, along with correspondence between the National Archives and state officials about the documents.

Spokespeople for the Michigan and Arizona secretaries of state declined to comment on the documents. The offices confirmed that Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson and Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs, both Democrats, and their staff met with the panel in November.

“They mostly discussed election administration in Arizona, the 2020 elections, threats/harassment directed toward the office, and the Cyber Ninja’s partisan ballot review,” said Hobbs' spokesperson C. Murphy Hebert.

Benson and her staff took questions from the committee on the 2020 election and events leading up to the Jan. 6 riot, according to Tracy Wimmer, a spokesperson for Benson.

The National Archives sent emails to the Arizona secretary of state on Dec. 11, 2020, passing along the forged certificates “for your awareness” and informing the state officials the Archives would not accept them.

Arizona then took legal action against at least one of the groups who sent in the fake documents, sending a cease and desist letter to a pro-Trump "sovereign citizen" group telling them to stop using the state seal and referring the matter to the state attorney general.

“By affixing the state seal to documents containing false and misleading information about the results of Arizona’s November 3, 2020 General Election, you undermine the confidence in our democratic institutions,” Hobbs wrote to one of the pro-Trump groups.

That group’s leader, Lori Osiecki, had told the Arizona Republic in December 2020 that she decided to send in the certificates after taking part in post-election rallies and after attending a daylong meeting in Phoenix that had included Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani.

The group that forged the Michigan certification had not used the state seal, and it appears state officials there took no further action after the Archives rejected it.

Kyle Cheney contributed to this report.

Hobbs asks AG to investigate fake Trump electors for employing Arizona's state seal
Dylan Smith
Posted Dec 24, 2020, 3:06 pm

A group of people who sent a slate of fake electoral votes for President Donald Trump to Washington, D.C., may be facing legal trouble for using the state seal without authorization.

Secretary of State Katie Hobbs sent a cease-and-desist letter to Mesa resident Lori Osiecki, one of the 11 fake electors, demanding that her group no longer use Arizona's state seal. The state requires people to get the secretary of state's permission to "use, display or otherwise employ any facsimile, copy, likeness, imitation or other resemblance" to the state seal, which Hobbs said the group didn't do.

Hobbs also referred the matter to the Attorney General's Office for investigation. Using the state seal without authorization is a class 3 misdemeanor, which carries a maximum penalty of 30 days in jail and a $500 fine.

Osiecki and 10 others, who identified themselves as "The Sovereign Citizens of the Great State of Arizona," sent signed, notarized certificates to the National Archives purporting to be electoral votes for Trump, despite the fact that former Vice President Joe Biden won Arizona by about 10,500 votes. They also sent a copy of their faux electoral votes to the Secretary of State's Office. The state seal was on the cover sheet of the documents, as well as at the top of each subsequent page.

"By affixing the state seal to documents containing false and misleading information about the results of Arizona's November 3, 2020 General Election, you undermine the confidence in our democratic institutions," Hobbs wrote in her letter, dated Dec. 22.

Osiecki could not be reached for comment.

The group cast its fake electoral votes as Trump supporters across the country rejected the results of the presidential election. Many Trump supporters, as well as the president himself, have falsely claimed the election was swayed by fraud and have spread baseless conspiracy theories and unsubstantiated claims, particularly about Biden's win in Arizona and five other swing states.

Osiecki and her cohorts were not the official Republican electors who were pledged to vote for Trump if the president had won Arizona in the 2020 general election.

Arizona's official Republican electors, which includes several prominent GOP officials, submitted fake electoral votes of their own on Dec. 14, the date when electors across the nation cast their votes. The Arizona Republican Party said the votes would be sent to Congress, where it hopes they will be counted as Arizona's official electoral votes on Jan. 6, when Congress will count and certify the votes of the Electoral College.

Some Republicans believe that Congress can reject Biden electors and instead certify Trump as the winner of the election. The notion is widely rejected because both the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives and the Republican-controlled Senate would have to vote to reject a slate of electors.

Were the votes of Arizona's Republican electors to somehow be counted, they would be deemed invalid under state law. Arizona is one of 33 states prohibiting "faithless electors," a term for electors who cast their votes for a candidate other than their state's winner. If an Arizona elector casts a vote for someone besides the winner, his or her position would be immediately deemed vacant, and the chair of the political party representing the winner would choose a replacement.

This report was first published by the Arizona Mirror


'Sovereign citizens' try to undermine Arizona electoral vote
by Howard Fischer
Capitol Media Services
Pinal Central
Dec 14, 2020 Updated Jan 23, 2021 0

PHOENIX — Arizona’s 11 Democrat electors cast their votes Monday for Joe Biden even as the chairman of a Senate panel said he will issue subpoenas to check the accuracy of hardware and software that gave the Democrat the edge over President Trump.

Sen. Eddie Farnsworth, R-Gilbert, said there are enough questions raised about whether the Dominion Voting Systems used in Maricopa County produced reliable results.

The announcement followed more than six hours of testimony at the Senate Judiciary Committee which led to a series of questions about whether the results can be trusted. And as Farnsworth said, that doesn’t even address other allegations that ballots were not properly handled and that observers from political parties did not have sufficient access to oversee what was going on.

It’s unlikely that anything that an audit turns up would affect the results of the election.

That would require either a court ruling overturning the results — something multiple judges have so far refused to do — or the full legislature trying to pick its own slate of electors. But both Senate President Karen Fann and House Speaker Rusty Bowers have said there does not appear to be a legal way to do that, even assuming lawmakers could call themselves into special session before Jan. 6 when Congress counts the electoral votes.

Even Farnsworth, who chairs the Judiciary Committee, suggested that this was simply a matter of addressing the various claims and doubts “and try and see if we can reinsert some confidence in our election process.’’

“We hold and audit and we see what the outcome is,’’ he said. “And then we can put this to rest.’’

Farnsworth said the subpoenas could be issued as early as Tuesday.

All this comes as the official slate of electors — the ones pledged to Biden — cast their votes and Secretary of State Katie Hobbs sent off the results to both Congress and the National Archives.

That, however, did not stop two other groups from filing reports that their “electors’’ had met and were supporting Trump.

One group consists of the 11 Republicans whose names were on the ballot as pledged to Trump, who lost the popular vote according to the certified results.

That vote was organized by the state GOP on the premise that those outstanding legal challenges to the Arizona tally could end up changing the final vote total. In essence, Kelli Ward, the party chair who is a litigant in both pending cases, believes that having the Trump-pledged electors voting on Monday — the date set in federal law — sends a slate of GOP electors to Congress should the cases go their way or Congress decides that their votes are the ones that should be counted and not those pledged to Biden.

But Hobbs aide Murphy Hebert said that’s meaningless.

“It’s clearly a political gesture,’’ she said. Hebert said Congress can acknowledge only those electors whose votes are accompanied by “letters of ascertainment’’ signed by Hobbs and Gov. Doug Ducey.

Separately, a group of self-proclaimed “sovereign citizens’’ filed their own slate of electors with the National Archives claiming they represent the state’s 11 electoral votes for Trump.

Documents obtained by Capitol Media Services show that Mesa resident Lori Osiecki submitted sworn statements for the 11 people “by authority & direction of the sovereign citizens of the great state of Arizona.’’ That comes complete with the use of the official state seal which in and of itself Hebert said is itself a violation of the law.

“We absolutely anticipated there would be efforts to disrupt the system like this,’’ Hebert said. But she said the actual “votes’’ sent to Washington amount to little more than political theater.

“The statute is very, very clear: The slate of electors for the candidate with the most number of votes in the popular vote are the ones who represent the state in the Electoral College vote,’’ she said. And these were the 11 Democrats who took the official oath of office Monday morning and signed the certificate of votes.

And what of the “votes’’ sent off by on behalf of either slate of 11 Republicans?

“Anybody can send a letter to the National Archives,’’ Hobbs said.

One thing different this year is that the process, normally a routine action with little public attention, was moved to the Phoenix Convention Center. And the location was not made public ahead of the event amid security concerns, including threats of violence against Hobbs and other staffers in her office and fears protesters might seek to disrupt the voting.

At the same time members of the Senate Judiciary were focused on Dominion Voting Systems used in the state’s largest county.

There have been a series of charges leveled against the company both here and nationally that the equipment and software were deliberately programmed to deliver more votes for Biden.

None of those complaints have been found valid by any court anywhere in the nation. But that didn’t stop lawmakers from asking and saying that there needs to be an independent audit and even a full hand count of all the ballots.

Sen. Vince Leach, R-Tucson, one of those who wants that 100% hand count, got Maricopa County Elections Director Scott Jarrett to acknowledge that Dominion workers had 24/7 access to his office and even, in certain circumstances, access to the equipment.

But Jarrett said there is no way to alter the codes in a way that would change the outcome.

He said it starts with “logic and accuracy’’ test of the equipment, both before and after the election. Jarrett said that would not only capture any change made in the software but that the program is built in a way so that any change would render the results “not readable.’’

The equipment itself, he said, is also subject to independent certification by the Secretary of State’s Office.

More to the point, Jarrett pointed out that state law requires an actual hand count of a random sample of ballots, both those mailed in early and those cast on Election Day.

He said the batches to be sampled and the elections to be reviewed are chosen by officials from both political parties. And of the more than 47,000 ballots checked by hand there was not a single vote difference from what was recorded by the equipment.

“These hand counts are an independent audit,’’ Jarrett told lawmakers. And he said they showed the equipment worked as expected.

Farnsworth was not convinced.

“I do have a concern that the county is taking the position that it just can’t happen,’’ he said.

“There is a litany of white-collar crimes, digital crimes in the history of this country and this world of some very sophisticated people and the victims didn’t recognize it until some future time,’’ Farnsworth said. “I think it’s really, really dangerous for us to say, ‘It can’t happen.’ ‘’

That sentiment was echoed by Sen. Sonny Borrelli, R-Lake Havasu City. He said even the operating manual for Dominion software suggests “data can be changed and votes switched around.’’

“Nothing’s 100% secure,’’ he said. “If people want to cheat they’re going to cheat.’’

Farnsworth also complained that it’s possible for people who are not U.S. citizens to have voted in the presidential race.

Arizona does require proof of citizenship to register to vote.

But a federal law spells out that people without such proof can use a registration form prepared by the Election Assistance Commission, one that has no such requirement. And those who do not provide citizenship proof can vote in federal elections, including for president and members of Congress.

Jarrett acknowledged that more than 3,000 such “federal-only’’ ballots were cast in Maricopa County, people who he acknowledged might not be U.S. citizens. That angered Farnsworth.

“That is harmful, detrimental, undercuts,’’ he said.

“And it is outrageous that we have that kind of a mandate from Congress,’’ Farnsworth said. “It challenges the very sovereignty of this country, in my opinion.’’

Jarrett also defended against claims that observers from political parties could not get close enough to really monitor what was going on in both the process to check signatures on early ballot envelopes and in the actual counting. He acknowledged, though, that there were efforts to keep observers at least six feet from election workers amid fears of COVID-19.

He also said that, despite rumors to the contrary, there were not late “spikes’’ of votes for Biden. In fact, Jarrett said, the reverse was in some ways true, with Biden having a big lead among the first ballots counted and the later-counted ballots swinging for Trump.
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Re: Trump lashes out at Gov. Doug Ducey following certificat

Postby admin » Wed Jan 12, 2022 10:23 am

Georgia District Attorney Fani Willis Seems Poised to be the First to Indict Donald Trump
by Glenn Kirschner
Jan 11, 2022

On December 17, 2021, Donald Trump issued an unhinged statement about how "district attorneys", "attorneys general" and "Dem enforcement" agencies are out to ruin his life. Knowing that prosecutors often meet with defense attorneys right before making a final decision to seek an indictment, Trump's statement strongly signaled that some prosecutor somewhere had let his defense team know that he was about to be indicted.

Based on new reporting, we now know that just days before Trump issued that unhinged rant, his defense team met with prosecutors from the Fulton County, Georgia, District Attorney's Office.

All signs are now pointing to Georgia being the first jurisdiction that may be on the verge of criminally inciting Donald Trump.


Trump Lawyers Met With Georgia Prosecutors; Days Later, Trump Rants About Law Enforcement
by Rachel Maddow
Jan 10, 2022

Gwen Keyes Fleming, former district attorney for DeKalb Count, Georgia, talks with Rachel Maddow about new details in the criminal investigation of Donald Trump's alleged actions to pressure election officials in that state.
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Re: Trump lashes out at Gov. Doug Ducey following certificat

Postby admin » Wed Jan 12, 2022 10:54 am

Similarities Suggest Coordination In Fake Elector Letters From Republicans In Five (5) States
by Rachel Maddow
Jan 12, 2022

Rachel Maddow updates reporting on Republicans submitting forged elector letters as if Donald Trump had won their states instead of Joe Biden, with the number of states involved up to at least five, and a pattern of coordination becoming more evident.

[Rachel Maddow] Now, I picked these five states to show you what the real electoral vote ascertainment documents look like. I picked these five, because thanks to the watchdog group, “American Oversight”, we now know that in all five of these states, Republicans also prepared forged fake documents that were sent to the government, proclaiming that actually these other electors were the real electors from these states, and they were casting the state’s electoral college votes not for Biden, but for Trump.

Just watch this. Tell me if you notice something as I show you these.

So, this is the documents from Georgia. In Georgia, that’s the real electoral vote document on the left; that’s the forgery that was created by Republicans on the right.

Now, let’s do Nevada.

In Nevada, that’s the real one on the left, and that’s the fake one on the right.

Here also is Wisconsin, where we reported on their forgery last month. That’s the real one on the left, and the fake one on the right.

Here’s Michigan, where we reported their forgery last night. It’s the real one on the left, and the forgery on the right.

And lastly, here’s Arizona: the real electoral vote document on the left, and the fake one on the right.

It wasn’t one state, it wasn’t three states where they did this, it was at least five states where we have now obtained forged documents created by Republicans.

And it’s not like they sent them in saying, “Hey, we know we’re not the real electors because Biden won here, but here’s our names for posterity, here’s our names for your records.” No, they actually created these fake documents purporting to be the real certifications of them as electors.

I mean, here it is in the forged document from Georgia. Look at the language: “We, the undersigned, being the duly elected and qualified Electors for President and Vice President in the United States of America from the State of Georgia, do hereby certify the following.” You’re NOT the duly elected and qualified electors for the State of Georgia. YOU ARE NOT! But that language, or language just like that, is in all of these. THEY ALL MATCH, EXACTLY! Same formatting, same font, same spacing, almost the exact same wording – all of them!

Now, you might remember on last night’s show we noted that the forged documents from Michigan and Wisconsin looked really similar, look really alike, but the Arizona one actually looked a little bit different. Here’s the amazing thing we discovered today about Arizona. It looks like there are actually two sets of forged electoral college documents sent in by Arizona Republicans. There was the sort of hoopty-different-looking-one that we showed you last night, which has notary stamps all over it and stuff. That was the one that was obtained by that we showed on the air here last night. But now, as of today, thanks to “American Oversight,” we have obtained another one, also from Arizona, also a forgery – a whole different set of Republican imposters sent in this one in Arizona, and that one matches exactly all of the other forged electoral votes from the four other states that we have found.

In these five states, one of the two forgeries from Arizona, and those four other states, the forged documents all match. This would therefore appear to be some kind of a coordinated effort, or at least someone gave Republicans in all these states the same template for creating these false records, because they all have the exact same language, they all have the same font, they all have the spacing, they all have the same formatting. That doesn’t happen by accident. Who organized this?

Now, at the time this was happening, Pennsylvania Republicans -- Pennsylvania is not one of the states we’ve been talking about here – they actually put out a statement saying the Trump campaign had asked them to create and certify like within the Republican party, a Republican set of electors for Pennsylvania. As they explained in their press release at the time, though, the Pennsylvania Republicans didn’t forge a document to make it look like they were the real electors, they created a new document that said they would become the electors if a court ever ordered that the Republican side had actually won the election in Pennsylvania. They didn’t forge a document saying they believed they were, they were purporting to be the official electors from Pennsylvania. They created a document that said, “if a court ever says that Republicans won in Pennsylvania, then we’ll be the electors.”

Now, they say the Trump campaign advised them to create that alternate slate. We’re trying to track down the claims in that statement. If, in fact, the Trump campaign was commissioning Republicans not just to create “contingent” slates of electors in case the results were ever reversed by courts, but if the Trump campaign was commissioning Republicans to forge official-looking documents in multiple states where the wrong electors actually purported to be the real electors, well, we will do our best to get to the bottom of that.

Now, one of the Trump officials who has plead the Fifth, who has invoked his Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination, in order to avoid testifying to the January 6 investigation, his name is Jeffrey Clark, former Trump Justice Department official named Jeff Clark. Clark, you might remember,, he’s the one Trump reportedly tried to install as Attorney General right at the end. The best we can tell from public reporting, Trump seemed to like the cut of his jib after Jeff Clark drafted a letter that he insisted must go out on Justice Department letterhead to some of the states that Trump lost, including Georgia. This letter that was reportedly drafted by Jeff Clark, was addressed to the state government in Georgia, it was reportedly going to be sent to multiple other states as well, and the letter falsely stated that the U.S. Justice Department was investigating “serious, credible claims of fraud” in the election in that state, and that the state legislature there should therefore consider holding back the state’s electoral college votes.

Jeff Clark drafted this letter from the U.S. Justice Department to go to Georgia, and other states. And because the rest of the Justice Department wouldn’t sign off on it and do it, Trump tried to install Jeff Clark as Attorney General so Jeff Clark could send that letter and sign it, “Attorney General.”

I mean, had that happened, think about had the U.S. Justice Department jumped in the way Trump wanted to, the way Jeff Clark proposed, had the U.S. Justice Department told Republican-led states in formal letters, “don’t send in Biden electors on advice from the U.S. Justice Department; you better not do that,” how do you think Republican legislators in those states would have acted? It’s one thing to get a, you know, off-the-wall call from Trump berating you, right? It’s another thing for the U.S. Justice Department to formally advise you over the signature of the United States Attorney General, that you must not send in your electors, because there’s real problems with the vote in your state. How would Republican legislatures have dealt with that? How would they have responded?

We would be living in a very different country right now had that U.S. Justice Department letter actually gone out to the states. I’m not even sure all of us would be living in the same country as each other anymore had that letter actually gone out. That was just insanity! That would have been as radical as Trump’s other reported idea to send the National Guard out to seize the voting machines, and re-run the election. It would have been just that radical had the U.S. Justice Department intervened to stop the administration of the election in that way.

But here’s the thing. That insane draft letter, that letter explicitly describes these forged slates of electors from multiple states. It says in the middle of the letter, “The Department believes (meaning the Department of Justice believes) that in Georgia and several other States, both a slate of electors supporting Joseph R. Biden, Jr., and a separate slate of electors supporting Donald J. Trump, gathered on [December 14, 2020] at the proper location to cast their ballots, and that both sets of those ballots have been transmitted to Washington, D.C., to be opened by Vice President Pence.”

In fact, I don’t know why the Justice Department “believed” that to be true, but that was correct we now know.

That draft letter was dated December 28th. How did that guy, that Trump guy at the Justice Department, know that two weeks earlier Republicans in at least five states had in fact created these forged elector documents? Did the Trump Justice Department know about it because they helped Republicans in those states do it? We don’t know. But somebody helped them do it because they all filed the exact same document, in the same font, in the same spacing, with the exact same language. So somebody helped them do it.

We are working on figuring it out.

I will also just tell you one other thing about this. In a lot of these states, for whatever reason, in addition to the assertion that these were “the duly elected electors from these states,” which was a lie, a lot of them also included a bunch of substitutions, meaning that the people who were originally supposed to be Trump electors from those states had Trump won, the original would-be Trump electors, had their names dropped and they were replaced with other names, with other Republicans who did sign these documents. In almost every state that did this, people who were originally supposed to be Trump electors got replaced with these other Republicans before the forged documents were sent in. Why is that?

We’re trying to get to the bottom of that, too, but I can tell you at first pass that in at least one state, at least one of the Republicans who was substituted for, whose name was dropped as an elector, one Republican who was replaced by somebody else before that forged document was signed and sent in, that Republican told us this evening, that that substitution was deliberate, that person had their name taken off the list and replaced because that person did not want to be part of that effort to forge a slate of electors that was not the real electors from that state. It was one of the Republican electors who was replaced in Georgia. That person told us this tonight: “I knew (the meeting) was taking place, but I did not wish to attend. I did not wish to give my electoral vote knowing that President Biden had already been certified by the state.” Which you’d hope would be the reaction from every Republican approached to sign their name as if they were a real elector in a state that was not won by their candidate, but that in fact was won by the other guy, so they weren’t going to be electors at all.

As we reported here in December, there is an open question in Wisconsin as to whether the forgery there is going to be pursued by the state election board or indeed by state prosecutors. Those people in Wisconsin said they were the state’s electors, and they were not, and they tried to pass themselves off that way. That would appear to be against the law in Wisconsin. It is an open question as to whether or not that is going to be pursued as a criminal matter by the state election board.

This is new. In Michigan the Detroit News has just reported that the matter is part of an ongoing investigation by the state Attorney General’s office. Here’s the Detroit News: “New reporting. A spokeswoman for the Michigan Attorney General declined to discuss the legality of the Republican certificate in detail saying it was part of a “ongoing” probe. That matter is part of an investigation into election-related matters; however, we’re not currently in a position to share specifics as the review remains ongoing,” Mukomel said.

Lynsey Mukomel, spokeswoman for the Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel, declined Monday to discuss the legality of the GOP certificate in detail, saying it was part of a “ongoing” probe. That matter is part of an investigation into election-related matters; however, we’re not currently in a position to share specifics as the review remains ongoing,” Mukomel said.

So, in terms of whether or not the people who did this are individually going to get in trouble, open question in at least two states. I don’t know about the others.
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Re: Trump lashes out at Gov. Doug Ducey following certificat

Postby admin » Thu Jan 13, 2022 10:06 am

Rep. Adam Schiff: Jan. 6 Was Just One Part Of Broader Plan To Overturn Election
by Joy Reid
The Reid Out
Jan 12, 2022

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s cooperation with the Jan. 6 select committee has been officially requested for their investigation of the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection. Rep. Adam Schiff, member of the House select committee on the January 6th attack, and the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, joins Joy Reid to discuss.

[Joy Reid]...

The more that we learn about January 6, the harder it is to dismiss it as some spontaneous occurrence. Instead, it better resembles a coordinated top-down effort, both in public view and behind the scenes. Now, on the one hand, you had the Maga shock troops on the ground, the rank-and-file Trump supporters who were incited to violence in the name of the big lie. They attempted a literal coup by force. But, on the other hand, you had a more subversive effort going on behind closed doors conducted by Trump loyalists like John Eastman, Jenna Ellis, and Peter Navarro. They put pen to paper, and laid out blueprints to overthrow the electoral system itself. We're now learning more about how those schemes were supposed to work thanks to some reporting in Politico that got a lot of attention this week.

Namely, we learn that the Committee is scrutinizing forged election documents submitted by Republicans in Michigan and Arizona, declaring Trump and Pence the winners of those states, even though they lost.

That's right, Trump supporters in those states literally forged official documents, and tried to pass them off as legitimate. The truth is, however, that this exact same thing happened in a total of seven states! And those fake election certificates are now getting renewed attention. In addition to Michigan and Arizona, Republicans did this in Georgia, New Mexico, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, without any legal authority. They tried to award their state's electoral votes to Trump instead of Biden. And thanks to the watchdog group, "American Oversight," we have copies of the phony electoral vote certificates that they submitted. In some cases, the forged documents appear to have been signed by committee members of the state's Republican party. Sometimes even by the chairperson.

What they attempted sure does look like a clear case of fraud, but notably they have faced no consequences for their actions. And what's more curious, is that these fake electoral slates played a huge role in Trump's efforts to short-circuit our democracy. In fact, they were crucial to Trump's plan to have Mike Pence contest the results before Congress on January 6. And we know that because the now-infamous memos drafted by Trump lawyers, John Eastman, and Jenna Ellis, both cited these dubious election documents as the basis for throwing out the legitimate votes from those states.

It suggests that maybe this was part of a more coordinated, top-down effort, that maybe these state Republicans got some direction from on high.

Now last night, the brilliant Rachel Maddow, uncovered another rather suspicious detail about these fake election documents. She not only noticed that the forgeries looked noticeably different than their authentic counterparts, but that five of the forgeries were nearly identical to one another.


American Oversight Obtains Seven Phony Certificates of Pro-Trump Electors
by American Oversight
March 2, 2021 ... p-electors

American Oversight has obtained copies of phony electoral vote certificates from seven states that were submitted to Congress as part of the failed attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 election.

The fake electoral certificates were assembled by groups of Trump supporters in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, New Mexico, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin who sought to replace the valid presidential electors from their state — who had been chosen by voters in free and fair elections — with bogus slates of pro-Trump electors.

None of the certificates contains any indication that they list illegitimate slates of electors not chosen by those states’ voters.

The coordinated, multi-state effort to cast doubt on the 2020 election and undermine the electoral vote process tragically led to the violent Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol in which a pro-Trump mob stormed the building and sought to physically block the congressional certification of each state’s real Electoral College votes.

American Oversight is actively investigating the ongoing assault on our democracy, including the efforts by former President Donald Trump and his supporters to reverse the 2020 election. We obtained these records from the National Archives and Records Administration in response to a Freedom of Information Act request.

We’ve filed separate sets of public records requests in multiple states — including in many of the seven named above — seeking documents relating to the Jan. 6 rally, the lawsuit filed by Texas attempting to invalidate other states’ electoral votes, and Trump’s effort to pressure Georgia officials to illegally change the vote totals, among others.

February 17, 2021
Austin R. Evers
American Oversight
1030 15th Street NW
Suite B255
Washington, DC 20005
Mr. Evers:
You have asked for the following under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) –
(1) Copies of all certificates and papers purporting to be certificates of electoral votes for
the 2020 presidential and vice presidential election, except those NARA has already published on
its website titled “2020 Electoral College Results.”
(2) Copies of correspondence (e.g., emails, cover letters, etc.) accompanying the certificates
and papers described in (1), above.
We are granting your request. We are releasing 45 unredacted pages and 0 redacted pages. We are
withholding 0 pages.
You also requested a fee waiver for these materials. As an “other requester”, you are entitled to up to 2
hours of search and review time and 100 pages of copying without charge (36 CFR 1250.54). The search,
review, and copying for your request are under your allotment, therefore the issue of a waiver is moot.
If you are not satisfied with our action on this request, you have the right to file an administrative appeal
within ninety (90) calendar days from the date of this letter via regular U.S. mail or email. By filing an
appeal, you preserve your rights under FOIA and give the agency a chance to review and reconsider your
request and the agency’s decision. If you submit your appeal in writing, please address it to the Deputy
Archivist of the United States (ND), National Archives and Records Administration, 8601 Adelphi Road,
College Park, Maryland 20740. Both the letter and the envelope should be clearly marked “Freedom of
Information Act Appeal.” If you submit your appeal by e-mail please send it to, also
addressed to the Deputy Archivist of the United States. Please be sure to explain why you believe this
response does not meet the requirements of the FOIA. All correspondence should reference your case
tracking number FL-28769.
Office of the
Federal Register
National Archives and Records Administration • 7 G St NW, Suite A-734 , Washington, DC 20401
U.S. Mail: 8601 Adelphi Road • College Park, MD 20740 • http://www.archives.govhttp://www.federalregiste1:govhttp://www.ecfr.gov

If you would like to discuss our response before filing an appeal to attempt to resolve your dispute
without going through the appeals process, you may contact our FOIA Public Liaison, Gary M. Stern, for
assistance at:
8601 Adelphi Road, Room 3110
College Park, MD 20740-6001
301-837-1750 (phone)
301-837-0293 (fax)

If you are unable to resolve your FOIA dispute through our FOIA Public Liaison, the Office of
Government Information Services (OGIS), the Federal FOIA Ombudsman’s office, offers mediation
services to help resolve disputes between FOIA requesters and Federal agencies. The contact information
for OGIS is:

Office of Government Information Services
National Archives and Records Administration
8601 Adelphi Road–OGIS
College Park, MD 20740-6001
202-741-5770 or 1-877-684-6448
Director, Legal Affairs and Policy
Office of the Federal Register
TO: President of the Senate
United States Senate
Washington, D.C. 20510
Archivist of the United States
700 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20408
Secretary of State
State of Arizona
1700 W. Washington St., Floor 7
Phoenix, AZ 85007
Chief Judge, U.S. District Court
District of Arizona
Sandra Day O'Connor Courthouse
401 W. Washington Street
Phoenix, AZ 85003
(By Registered Mail)
(By Registered Mail)
(By Certified Mail)
(By Certified Mail)
FROM: Nancy Cottle, Chairperson, Electoral College of Arizona
DATE: December 14, 2020
RE: Arizona's Electoral Votes for President and Vice President
Pursuant to 3 U.S.C. § 11, enclosed please find duplicate originals of
Arizona's electoral votes for President and Vice President, as follows: two (2)
duplicate originals for the President of the Senate and the Archivist, and one (1)
duplicate original for the Secretary of State and Chief Judge.
WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, being the duly elected and qualified Electors for President and Vice President of the United States of America from the State
of Arizona, do hereby certify the following:
(A) That we convened and organized in the City of Phoenix, County of
Maricopa, State of Arizona, at 12:00 noon on the 14th day of December,
2020, to perform the duties enjoined upon us;
(B) That being so assembled and duly organized, we proceeded to vote by
ballot, and balloted first for President and then for Vice President, by
distinct ballots; and
(C) That the following are two distinct lists, one, of all the votes for
President; and the other, of all the votes for Vice President, so cast as
Names of the Persons Voted For
DONALD J. TRUMP of the State of Florida
Names of the Persons Voted For
MICHAEL R. PENCE of the State of Indiana
Number of Votes
Number of Votes
Nancy Cottle, Cha·' person
Loraine B. Pellegrino, Secreta~
James Lamon
Samuel I. Moorhead
Dr. Michael Ward
David J. Shafer
Chairman, Georgia Republican Party
Chairman, Electoral College of Georgia
TO: President of the Senate
United States Senate
Washington, D.C. 20510
Archivist of the United States
700 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20408
Secretary of State
State of Georgia
214 State Capitol
Atlanta, GA 30334
Chief Judge, U.S. District Court
Northern District of Georgia
2188 Richard D. Russell Federal
Office Building and U.S. Courthouse
75 Ted Turner Drive, SW
Atlanta, GA 30303
(By Registered Mail)
(By Registered Mail)
(By Certified Mail)
(By Certified Mail)
FROM: David J. Shafer, Chairperson, Electoral College of Georgia
DATE: December 14, 2020
RE: Georgia's Electoral Votes for President and Vice President
Pursuant to 3 U.S.C. § 11, enclosed please find duplicate originals of
Georgia's electoral votes for President and Vice President, as follows: two (2)
duplicate originals for the President of the Senate and the Archivist, and one (1)
duplicate original for the Secretary o tate and Chief J dge.
David J. Shafer
WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, being the duly elected and qualified Electors for President
and Vice President of the United States of America from the State of Georgia, do hereby
certify the following:
(A) That we convened and organized at the State Capitol, in the City of Atlanta, County
of Fulton, Georgia, at 12:00 noon on the 14th day of December, 2020, to perform
the duties enjoined upon us;
(B) That David J. Shafer presided and Shawn Still served as Secretary for the meeting.
(C) That the undersigned 2020 Electors from the State of Georgia cast each of their
respective ballots for President of the United States of America, as follows:
(D) That the undersigned 2020 Electors from the State of Georgia cast each of their respective ballots for Vice President of the United States of America, as follows
Witness the hands and seals of the undersigned as the duly elected and qualified Electors of the President and Vice President of the United States of America from the State of Georgia, this 14th day of December, 2020.
~~ (SEAL)
The Honorable Brian P. Kemp
Governor, State of Georgia
206 \V ashington Street
111 State Capitol
Atlanta, GA 30334
Decembe1· 14, 2020
RE: Notice of Filling of Electoral College Vacancy
Dear Governor Kemp,
In accordance with O.C.G.A. § 21-2-12, I hereby give you notice of the following:
1. On December 14, 2020, 12 of the 16 electors pledged to Donald J. Trump for President and Michael R. Pence for Vice President assembled in accordance with O.C.G.A. § 21-2-11;
2. 4 electors, John A Isakson, Patrick Garland, Cj Pearson, Susan Holmes did not appear at the time appointed by law;
3. The Electors present proceeded to fill those vacancies;
4. The Electors elected by unanimous voice vote, Brad Carver, Mark Amick, John Downey, Burt Jones persons of the same political party as the absent Electors;
5. As the presiding officer of the Georgia Electoral College, I am immediately transmitting their names to you, and ask that you notify them in writing of their election as a Presidential Elector to fill the vacant Elector
positions, and of their duty to perform, along with the other Electors, the duties required of them by the Constitution and laws of the United States.
David J. Shafer.. "-J
Chairman, 2020 Georgia
Electoral College Meeting
Secretary, 2020 Georgia
Electoral College Meeting
U pan the call of the roll, a vacancy became known due to the absence of Elector
John A. Isakson
Thereupon, by nomination duly made and seconded,
John Downey
Was elected by the Electors present, as an Elector of President and Vice President of the United States of America for the State of Georgia to fill the vacancy in the manner provided by law. This Elector participated in the proceedings as set forth in the record of the Electoral College.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned
Chairperson and Secretary of the
Electoral College of Georgia hereunto
Subscribe their names this 14th day
of December, 2020.
''". ~--- A\// i\ -- - '"-~~ \~~/
Upon the call of the roll, a vacancy became known due to the absence of Elector
Susan Holmes
Thereupon, by nomination duly made and seconded,
Brad Carver
Was elected by the Electors present, as an Elector of President and Vice President of the United States of America for the State of Georgia to fill the vacancy i11 the manner provided by law. This Elector participated in the proceedings as set forth in the record of the Electoral College.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned Chairperson and Secretary of the
Electoral College of Georgia hereunto Subscribe their names this 14th day
~- of DE?fmber, 2020.
-~ \\ .;'~
\' ~.~-':~,,/'/' """"'· '1. I. /~ '
Upon the call of the roll, a vacancy became known due to the absence of Elector
Patrick Gartland
Thereupon, by nomination duly made and seconded,
Was elected by the Electors present, as an Elector of President and Vice President of the United States of Ame1·ica for the State of Georgia to fill the vacancy in the manner provided by law. This Elector participated in the proceedings as set forth in the record of the Electoral College.
IN 'WITNESS \¥HEREOF, the undersigned
Chairperson and Secretary of the
Electoral College of Georgia hereunto
Subscribe their names this 14th day
of December, 2020.
David J. Sl}a,r, Chairperspn
_ _,,,.,/ /' ,.,. -'2.-· ff/ ,c::"'"/~// (~ ,/'/
.,,~- \... .. -1::>./Z/,~~~ssl t½ff~ ~/v )'l' ✓
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Shawn Still, Secretary
Upon the call of the roll, a vacancy became known due to the absence of Elector
CJ Pearson
Thereupon, by nomination duly made and seconded,
Hono Burt Jones
Was elected by the Electors present, as an Elector of President and Vice President of the United States of America for the State of Georgia to fill the vacancy in the manner provided by law. This Elector participated in the proceedings as set forth in the record of the Electoral College.
IN VVITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned Chairperson and Secretary of the Electoral College of Georgia hereunto Subscribe their names this 14th day "'t,, of Dec'f1tlber, 2020.
\ \
David J 19~;';,,! ~---~~rp:/4011 .-1]7 I' ?.-;~,A'(,~, f ..r~..-.:-..r- ,...:.,,r - ,., -~ .,. M··
~,,,,,P- ~-·~~ ~I;. - - ;✓ -~-· 1<-/
ihawn Sti;_'i:secdarf
December 14, 2020
I, Brian P. Kemp, Governor of the State of Georgia, in accordance with
O.C.G.A. § 21-2-12, hereby give notice of the following to _____ , and
___ [ names of the substituted electors]:
1. On December 14, 2020, __ of the 16 electors pledged to Donald J.
Trump for President and Michael R. Pence for Vice President assembled in
accordance with O.C.G.A. § 21-2-11;
2. _electors, ___ [name], ___ [name], and __ name ...
[etc.], did not appear at the time appointed by law;
3. The Electors present then proceeded to fill the vacancies;
4. The Electors elected by unanimous voice vote, ______ , and
-~ persons of the same political party as the absent Electors;
5. Immediately following that vote of the Electors, David Shafer, the
presiding officer of the Electors, transmitted the names of the substitute
Electors to me;
6. By this Certificate, I am hereby notifying--~ --~ and __ _
of their election to fill the vacant Elector positions.
Witness my hand and seal of
of my office this 14th day of
December, 2020.
Brian P. Kemp, Governor
TO: President of the Senate
United States Senate
Washington, D.C. 20510
Archivist of the United States
700 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20408
Secretary of State
State of Michigan
430 Allegan Street
Richard H. Austin Bldg., 4th Floor
Lansing, MI 48918
Chief Judge, U.S. District Court
. Western District of Michigan
113 Federal Building
315 West Allegan Street
Lansing, MI 48933
(By Registered Mail)
(By Registered Mail)
(By Certified Mail)
(By Certified Mail)
FROM: Kathy Berden, Chairperson, Electoral College of Michigan
DATE: December 14, 2020
RE: Michigan's Electoral Votes for President and Vice President
Pursuant to 3 U.S.C. § 11, enclosed please find duplicate originals of
Michigan's electoral votes for President and Vice President, as follows: two (2)
duplicate originals for the President of the Senate and the Archivist, and one (1)
duplicate original for the Secretary of State and Chief Judge.
WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, being the duly elected and qualified Electors for
President and Vice President of the United States of America from the State of
Michigan, do hereby certify the following:
(A)That we convened and organized in the State Capitol, in the City of
Lansing, Michigan, and at 2:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on the 14th
day of December, 2020, performed the duties enjoined upon us;
(B) That being so assembled and duly organized, we proceeded to vote by
ballot, and balloted first for President and then for Vice President, by
distinct ballots; and
(C)That the following are two distinct lists, one, of all the votes for
President; and the other, of all the votes for Vice President, so cast as
Names of the Persons Voted For
DONALD J. TRUMP of the State of Florida
Names of the Persons Voted For
MICHAEL R. PENCE of the State of Indiana
Number of Votes
Number of Votes
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we, the undersigned, have hereunto, in the City of
Lansing, in the State of Michigan, on this 14th day of December, 2020, subscribed
our respective names.
Kent Vanderwood
"-vl/1 - 1?JJ '~ ,
f/'faA--4~ ( .
Marian Sheridan
James Renner
Am; ~chinello
Rose Rook
Hank Choate
Stanley Grot r
Timothy 1 · ng J1 ()JI! , 1 17 1 /_· / ~ ,.,7 / 'J//uJdv(;0k/l irv/1_-
Michew Lundgre.n
/,// - I
/ / /'1 y /
/ i1.._ /.I '!.,vt,,. --L
Ken Thompson
Upon the call of the roll, a vacancy became known due to the absence of
Thereupon, by nomination duly made and seconded,
Was elected by the Electors present, as an Elector of President and Vice President of the
United States of America for the State of Michigan to fill the vacancy in the manner
provided by law. This Elector participated in the proceedings as set forth in the record of
the Electoral College.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned
Chairperson and Secretary of the
Electoral College of Michigan hereunto
Subscribe their names this 14th day
of December, 2020.
/ \.<.I/, .-·1 ,, ,.C,1 A
·- I
Kathy ;I3 rden, Chairperson
~/4"'-~d-k, d Mayra Rodrigu,Secretary V ~)
Upon the call of the roll, a vacancy became known due to the absence of
Thereupon, by nomination duly made and seconded,
Was elected by the Electors present, as an Elector of President and Vice President of the
United States of America for the State of Michigan to fill the vacancy in the manner
provided by law. This Elector participated in the proceedings as set forth in the record of
the Electoral College.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned
Chairperson and Secretary of the
Electoral College of Michigan hereunto
Subscribe their names this 14th day
of December, 2020.
_/_.-·--i~. "'./41 / . 122 i ..
, ~·-:-· #',,.,/ '/ . ( /t- '[/ / , _.,., /1~'}'--.,
,_ - I
Kathy Ber
WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, being the duly elected and qualified Electors for
President and Vice President of the United States of America from the State of
Michigan, do hereby certify the following:
(A)That we convened and organized in the State Capitol, in the City of
Lansing, Michigan, and at 2:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on the 14th
day of December, 2020, performed the duties enjoined upon us;
(B)That being so assembled and duly organized, we proceeded to vote by
ballot, and balloted first for President and then for Vice President, by
distinct ballots; and
(C) That the following are two distinct lists, one, of all the votes for
President; and the other, of all the votes for Vice President, so cast as
Names of the Persons Voted For
DONALD J. TRUMP of the State of Florida
Names of the Persons Voted For
MICHAEL R. PENCE of the State of Indiana
Number of Votes
Number of Votes
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we, the undersigned, have hereunto, in the City of
Lansing, in the State of Michigan, on this 14th day of December, 2020, subscribed
our respective names.
~ ?Z,,Lr40f6
Mayra Rodriguez, Secretary
Meshawn Maddock
Kent Vanderwood ~ ~t~,:7<l !div~
Marian Sheridan
James Renner
Rose Rook
Hank Choate
~-Uv-tttt0i Ma~n Henry 7 0
Stanley~f ?ifl!t~-
Ti~ ~rf
, n O r ~ p n 4 J 1'll1v,11,/vY'dll//lt{ ~
Michele Lundgren ()
t{c,Jl~ I
Ken Thompson
Upon the call of the roll, a vacancy became known due to the absence of
Thereupon, by nomination duly made and seconded,
Was elected by the Electors present, as an Elector of President and Vice President of the
United States of America for the State of Michigan to fill the vacancy in the manner
provided by law. This Elector participated in the proceedings as set forth in the record of
the Electoral College.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned
Chairperson and Secretary of the
Electoral College of Michigan hereunto
Subscribe their names this 14th day
of December, 2020.
Kathy J3. rden, Chairperson
Upon the call of the roll, a vacancy became known due to the absence of
Thereupon, by nomination duly made and seconded,
Was elected by the Electors present, as an Elector of President and Vice President of the United States of America for the State of Michigan to fill the vacancy in the manner provided by law. This Elector participated in the proceedings as set forth in the record of
the Electoral College.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned
Chairperson and Secretary of the
Electoral College of Michigan hereunto
Subscribe their names this 14th day
of December, 2020.
// -- __ )/4i / l\/t-r, (. J/ (t . C-1 /.
Kathy Ber
WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, on the understanding that it might later be
determined that we are the duly elected and qualified Electors for President
and Vice President of the United States of America from the State of New
Mexico, do hereby certify the following:
(A) That we convened and organized at the State Capitol, in Santa Fe,
New Mexico at 12:00 noon on the 14th day of December, 2020, to
perform the duties enjoined upon us;
(B) That being so assembled and duly organized, we proceeded to vote by
ballot, and balloted first for President and then for Vice President, by
distinct ballots; and
(C) That the following are two distinct lists, one, of all the votes for
President; and the other, of all the votes for Vice President, so cast as
Names of the Persons Voted For
DONALD J. TRUMP of the State of Florida
Names of the Persons Voted For
MICHAEL R. PENCE of the State of Indiana
Number of Votes
Number of Votes
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we, the undersigned, have hereunto, at the Capitol, in
Santa Fe, in the State of New Mexico, on this 14th day of December, 2020,
subscribed our respective names.
Jl ' - /) L/
Upon the call of the roll, a vacancy became known due to the absence of
Thereupon, by nomination duly made and seconded,
Was elected by the Electors present, as an Elector of President and Vice President of the
United States of America for the State of New Mexico to fill the vacancy in the manner
provided by law. This Elector participated in the proceedings as set forth in the record of
the Electoral College.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned
Chairperson and Secretary of the
Electoral College of New Mexico hereunto
Subscribe their names this 14th day
of D ember, 2020.
WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, being the duly elected and qualified Electors for
President and Vice President of the United States of America from the State of
Nevada, do hereby certify the following:
(A) That we convened and organized at the State Capitol, in Carson City,
Nevada, at 12:00 noon on the 14th day of December, 2020, to perform
the duties enjoined upon us;
(B) That being so assembled and duly organized, we proceeded to vote by
ballot, and balloted first for President and then for Vice President, by
distinct ballots; and
(C) That the following is a list of all the votes for President, so cast as
Names of the Persons Voted For
DONALD J. TRUMP of the State of Florida
Number of Votes
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we, the undersigned, have hereunto, at the Capitol, in Carson City, in
the State of Nevada, on this 14th day of December, 2020, subs ibed our res~:tilfe-n~~
Shawn Meehan
Eileen Rice
WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, being the duly elected and qualified Electors for
President and Vice President of the United States of America from the State of
Nevada, do hereby certify the following:
(A) That we convened and organized at the State Capitol, in Carson City,
Nevada, at 12:00 noon on the 14th day of December, 2020, to perform
the duties enjoined upon us;
(B) That being so assembled and duly organized, we proceeded to vote by
ballot, and balloted first for President and then for Vice President, by
distinct ballots; and
(C) That the following is a distinct list of all the votes for Vice President, so
cast as aforesaid.
Names of the Persons Voted For
MICHAEL R. PENCE of the State of Indiana
Number of Votes
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we, the undersigned, have hereunto, at the Capitol, in Carson City, in
the State of Nevada, on this 14th day of December, 2020, subs 'bed our respectiv~e:.,.mHrn:~-::;:;;:,,_
Michael J. cDo Id, ierson
-----~c~ ~-
James DeGra~ S~ry -
James Hindle III
Shawn Meehan
Eileen Rice
WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, on the understanding that if, as a result of a final
non-appealable Court Order or other proceeding prescribed by law, we are
ultimately recognized as being the duly elected and qualified Electors for
President and Vice President of the United States of America from the State of
Pennsylvania, hereby certify the following:
(A) That we assembled in the City of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, the seat of
government of this Commonwealth, at 12:00 noon on the 14th day of
December, 2020, to perform the duties enjoined upon us;
(B) That being so assembled, we proceeded to vote by ballot, and balloted
first for President and then for Vice President, by distinct ballots; and
(C) That the following are two distinct lists, one, of all the votes for
President; and the other, of all the votes for Vice President, so cast as
Names of the Persons Voted For
DONALD J. TRUMP of the State of Florida
Names of the Persons Voted For
MICHAEL R. PENCE of the State of Indiana
Number of Votes
Number of Votes
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we, the undersigned, have hereunto, at the Capitol, in the City
of Harrisburg, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, on this 14th day of December, 2020,
subscribed our respective names.
Sam DeMarco III
,lJ-ss-fb~ I
Bernadette Comfort
Marcela Diaz-Myers
isa Patton, Secretary
Calvin Tucker
December 14, 2020
The Honorable Tom Wolf
Governor, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 508 Main Capitol Building
Harrisburg, PA 17120
FAX: 717-772-8284
RE: Notice of Filling of Electoral College Vacancies
Dear Governor Wolf,
In accordance with 25 Pa. Stats.§ 3193, I hereby give you notice of the following:
1. On December 14, 2020, 13 of the 20 electors pledged to Donald J. Trump for President and Michael R. Pence for Vice President assembled in accordance with 25 Pa. Stats.§ 3192;
2. 7 electors, Robert Asher, Robert Gleason, Thomas Marino, Lance Stange, Lawrence Tabas, Christine Torretti, and Carolyn Welsh did not appear at the time appointed by law;
3. The Electors present proceeded to fill those vacancies, as authorized by 25 Pa. Stats. § 3193;
4. The Electors elected by unanimous voice vote, Tom Carroll, Christie DiEsposti, Charlie Gerow, Kevin Harley, Leah Hoopes, Andre McCoy, and Suk Smith.
5. As the presiding officer of the Pennsylvania Electoral College, I am immediately transmitting their names to you, and ask that you notify them in writing of their election as a Presidential Elector to fill the vacant Elector positions, and of their duty to perform, along with the other Electors, the duties required of them by the Constitution and laws of the United States.
This 14th day of December, 2020.
Chairp Pennsylvania Elector Meeting
etary, 2020 Pennsylvania Electoral College Meeting
Upon the call of the roll, a vacancy became known due to the absence of Electors:
Robert Asher
Thereupon, by nomination duly made and seconded,
Tom Carroll
Was elected by the Electors present, as an Elector of President and Vice President of the United States of America for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to fill the vacancy in the manner provided by law. This Elector participated in the proceedings as set forth in the record of the Electoral College.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned Chairperson and Secretary of the Electoral College of Pennsylvania hereunto Subscribe their names this 14th day of December, 2020.
Upon the call of the roll, a vacancy became known due to the absence of Electors:
Lawrence Tabas
Thereupon, by nomination duly made and seconded,
Leah Hoopes
Was elected by the Electors present, as an Elector of President and Vice President of the United States of America for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to fill the vacancy in the manner provided by law. This Elector participated in the proceedings as set forth in the record of the Electoral College.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned Chairperson and Secretary of the
Electoral College of Pennsylvania hereunto
Subscribe their names this 14th day
of December, 2020.
Upon the call of the roll, a vacancy became known due to the absence of Electors:
Thomas Marino
Thereupon, by nomination duly made and seconded,
Charlie Gerow
Was elected by the Electors present, as an Elector of President and Vice President of the United States of America for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to fill the vacancy in the manner provided by law. This Elector participated in the proceedings as set forth in the record of the Electoral College.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned Chairperson and Secretary of the
Electoral College of Pennsylvania hereunto Subscribe their names this 14th day of December, 2020.
Upon the call of the roll, a vacancy became known due to the absence of Electors:
Lance Stange
Thereupon, by nomination duly made and seconded,
Kevin Harley
Was elected by the Electors present, as an Elector of President and Vice President of the United States of America for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to fill the vacancy in the manner provided by law. This Elector participated in the proceedings as set forth in the record of the Electoral College.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned Chairperson and Secretary of the
Electoral College of Pennsylvania hereunto Subscribe their names this 14th day
of December, 2020.
Upon the call of the roll, a vacancy became known due to the absence of Electors:
Carolyn Welsh
Thereupon, by nomination duly made and seconded,
Suk Smith
Was elected by the Electors present, as an Elector of President and Vice President of the United States of America for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to fill the vacancy in the manner provided by law. This Elector participated in the proceedings as set forth in the record of the Electoral College.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned Chairperson and Secretary of the Electoral College of Pennsylvania hereunto Subscribe their names this 14th day of December, 2020.
Upon the call of the roll, a vacancy became known due to the absence of Electors:
Christine Toretti
Thereupon, by nomination duly made and seconded,
Andre McCoy
Was elected by the Electors present, as an Elector of President and Vice President of the United States of America for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to fill the
vacancy in the manner provided by law. This Elector participated in the proceedings as set forth in the record of the Electoral College.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned
Chairperson and Secretary of the
Electoral College of Pennsylvania hereunto
Subscribe their names this 14th day
of December, 2020.
Upon the call of the roll, a vacancy became known due to the absence of Electors:
Robert Gleason
Thereupon, by nomination duly made and seconded,
Christie DiEsposti
Was elected by the Electors present, as an Elector of President and Vice President of the United States of America for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to fill the vacancy in the manner provided by law. This Elector participated in the proceedings as set forth in the record of the Electoral College.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned
Chairperson and Secretary of the
Electoral College of Pennsylvania hereunto
Subscribe their names this 14th day
of December, 2020.
[letterhead, Governor of Pennsylvania]
December 14, 2020
I, Tom Wolf, Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in accordance with 25 Pa. Stats.§ 3193, hereby give notice of the following to Tom Carroll, Christie DiEsposti, Charlie Gerow, Kevin Harley, Leah Hoopes, Andre McCoy, and Suk Smith.
1. On December 14, 2020, 13 of the 20 electors pledged to Donald J. Trump for President and Michael R. Pence for Vice President assembled in accordance with 25 Pa. Stats.§ 3192;
2. 7 electors, Robert Asher, Robert Gleason, Thomas Marino, Lance Stange, Lawrence Tabas, Christine Torretti, and Carolyn Welsh did not appear at the time appointed by law;
3. The Electors present then proceeded to fill the vacancies;
4. The Electors elected by unanimous voice vote, Tom Carroll, Christie DiEsposti, Charlie Gerow, Kevin Harley, Leah Hoopes, Andre McCoy, and Suk Smith, persons of the same political party as the absent Electors;
5. Immediately following that vote of the Electors, Bill Bachenberg, the presiding officer of the Electors, transmitted the names of the substitute Electors to me;
6. By this Certificate, I am hereby notifying Tom Carroll, Christie DiEsposti, Charlie Gerow, Kevin Harley, Leah Hoopes, Andre McCoy, and Suk Smith of their election to fill the vacant Elector positions.
Witness my hand and seal of
of my office this 14th day of
December, 2020.
Tom Wolf, Governor
-=-- ----- .-
TO: Archivist of the United States
700 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20408
(By Registered Mail)
FROM: Bill Bachenberg, Chairperson, Electoral College of Pennsylvania
DATE: December 14, 2020
RE: Pennsylvania's Electoral Votes for President and Vice President
Pursuant to 3 U.S.C. § 11, enclosed please find duplicate originals of
Pennsylvania's electoral votes for President and Vice President, as follows: two (2)
duplicate originals for the President of the Senate and the Archivist, and one (1)
duplicate original for the Secretary of State and Chief Judge.
TO: President of the Senate
United States Senate
Washington, D.C. 20510
Archivist of the United States
700 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20408
Secretary of State
State of Wisconsin
P.O. Box 7848
Madison, WI 53707
Chief Judge, U.S. District Court
Western District of Wisconsin
120 N. Henry Street
Madison, WI 53703
(By Registered Mail)
(By Registered Mail)
(By Certified Mail)
(By Certified Mail)
FROM: Andrew Hitt, Chairperson, Electoral College of Wisconsin
DATE: December 14, 2020
RE: Wisconsin's Electoral Votes for President and Vice President
Pursuant to 3 U.S.C. § 11, enclosed please find duplicate originals of
Wisconsin's electoral votes for President and Vice President, as follows: two (2)
duplicate originals for the President of the Senate and the Archivist, and one (1)
duplicate original for the Secretary of State and Chief Judge.
WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, being the duly elected and qualified Electors for
President and Vice President of the United States of America from the State of
Wisconsin, do hereby certify the following:
(A)That we convened and organized at the State Capitol, in the City of
Madison, Wisconsin, at 12:00 noon on the 14th day of December, 2020,
to perform the duties enjoined upon us;
(B) That being so assembled and duly organized, we proceeded to vote by
ballot, and balloted first for President and then for Vice President, by
distinct ballots; and
(C) That the following are two distinct lists, one, of all the votes for
President; and the other, of all the votes for Vice President, so cast as
Names of the Persons Voted For
DONALD J. TRUMP of the State of Florida
Names of the Persons Voted For
MICHAEL R. PENCE of the State of Indiana
Number of Votes
Number of Votes
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we, the undersigned, have hereunto, at the Capitol, in
the City of Madison, in the State of Wisconsin, on this h day of December, 2020,
subscribed our respective names. /,///~ ---
Edward Scott Grabins
Bill Feehan
/_zA-<-Y/V ~~dl4 .,1,
Robert F. Spindel], . 4
Darryl Carlson
c~&k= )
Pam Travis
Upon the call of the roll, a vacancy became known due to the absence of
Tom Schreibel
Representing the Fifth Congressional District of Wisconsin
Thereupon, by nomination duly made and seconded,
Kathy Kiernen
Was elected by the Electors present, as an Elector of President and Vice President of the
United States of America for the State of Wisconsin to fill the vacancy in the manner
provided by law. This Elector participated in the proceedings as set forth in the record of
the Electoral College.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned
Chairperson and Secretary of the
Electoral College of Wisconsin hereunto
Subscribe their names this 14th day
of Dece 'r, 2 0.

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Re: Trump lashes out at Gov. Doug Ducey following certificat

Postby admin » Fri Jan 14, 2022 10:12 am

Oath Keepers leader and 10 others charged with 'seditious conspiracy' related to US Capitol attack
by Hannah Rabinowitz, Katelyn Polantz, Tierney Sneed and Holmes Lybrand, CNN
Updated 10:41 PM ET, Thu January 13, 2022

(CNN)The Justice Department escalated its January 6 investigation by bringing seditious conspiracy charges against 11 defendants, including the leader of the Oath Keepers, Stewart Rhodes.

The latest accusations -- with a charge that had not previously been brought in the department's US Capitol attack prosecutions -- remove any sense that prosecutors believe the riot emerged from just a group of overzealous protestors, with new details about the planning and logistics alleged to have predated the Capitol breach.

The Justice Department until now had been careful not to push the idea of sedition, instead charging defendants affiliated with right-wing groups with conspiracy to obstruct the congressional proceeding on January 6. The seditious conspiracy charge carries the same possible consequence as an obstruction charge, but is rarely used, politically loaded and has been difficult for the Justice Department to use successfully against defendants in the past.

Attorney General Merrick Garland had balked at the earlier efforts to bring the seditious conspiracy charge. But in the months since, people briefed on the matter say FBI investigators and DC federal prosecutors have spent much time building the case, at least in part with the help of cooperators and the benefit of internal communications among the Oath Keepers.

The new indictment brings to light planning the Oath Keepers are accused to have done ahead of the Capitol attack, as they allegedly recruited members, stocked up on weapons and organized to disrupt Congress' certification of the 2020 election. Prosecutors say they also continued to plot "to oppose by force the lawful transfer of presidential power" after the Capitol riot failed to block the electoral college vote, according to a Justice Department statement on Thursday.

Booking photo of Oath Keepers leader Stewart Rhodes. From Collin County, Texas.

One Oath Keeper claimed to travel to Washington, DC, for a scouting trip ahead of January 6, according to the indictment. The new court filings also detail accusations that the defendants stashed weapons at a Virginia hotel and that they were prepared to "rapidly transport firearms and other weapons into Washington, D.C." to support the efforts to stop the presidential certification vote.

Rhodes was arrested Thursday in Little Elm, Texas.

Allegedly opposing 'by force' the lawful transfer of power

The new indictment, approved by a grand jury on Wednesday and made public Thursday, alleges that Rhodes and his co-conspirators engaged in a conspiracy to "oppose the lawful transfer of presidential power by force, by preventing, hindering, or delaying by force execution of laws governing the transfer of power."
The latest court filings revealed that Oath Keeper Thomas Caldwell, who was arrested in January, claimed to take a reconnaissance trip to DC before January 6. The indictment also surfaces previously unknown communications Rhodes is alleged to have sent that prosecutors say encouraged the use of force to oppose the lawful transfer of power.

"We aren't going through this without civil war. Too late for that. Prepare your mind, body and spirit," Rhodes allegedly said in a November 5, 2020, Signal message. In December, Rhodes -- according to the indictment -- wrote of the electoral college certification that "there is no standard political or legal way out of this."

Prosecutors have previously said that Rhodes used Signal during the attack to communicate with other members of the Oath Keepers who were at the Capitol.

"All I see Trump doing is complaining. I see no intent by him to do anything," Rhodes allegedly wrote. "So the patriots are taking it into their own hands. They've had enough," he allegedly said on Signal at 1:38 p.m. that day, shortly after the siege had begun.

Additionally, the indictment says that Oath Keepers from three different states, including newly charged Edward Vallejo, stashed weapons in a Virginia hotel as part of a quick reaction force.

"[Quick reaction force] teams were prepared to rapidly transport firearms and other weapons into Washington, D.C., in support of operations aimed at using force to stop the lawful transfer of presidential power," the indictment said.

On his way to DC on January 3, Rhodes allegedly bought an AR-platform rifle and other firearms equipment, including sights, mounts, triggers, slings, and other firearms attachments in Texas. The next day, he allegedly bought more firearms equipment in Mississippi including sights, mounts, an optic plate, and a magazine, according to the filings.

Accusations of plotting before and after the Capitol attack

The Rhodes indictment walks through public and private statements the Oath Keeper leader made, starting just days after the election, that prosecutors say illuminate the plot to oppose by force the transfer of presidential power.

Those alleged discussions include a November readout that Caldwell reached out to provide Rhodes about a November 9 trip he had taken to DC to do recon for an upcoming "op." Communications about the "bloody" "fight" and "revolution" were accompanied by logistical planning, prosecutors alleged, with defendants discussing obtaining and bringing weapons to the Washington area. Rhodes allegedly spent thousands on firearms equipment en route to DC, prosecutors allege.

On January 6, prosecutors allege that Oath Keepers stationed themselves around the DC area -- some near the Capitol, others providing security and a third group waiting across the river in a Virginia hotel with a cache of weapons. At the Capitol, some members moved in a military "stack" formation into the Capitol where they fought with police, and a small group unsuccessfully looked for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, according to court documents.

The plotting didn't end with the Capitol riot, prosecutors say, alleging Rhodes and other co-conspirators met in Virginia to "celebrate" the attack and "discuss next steps." In a Signal chat to other members of Oath Keepers leadership, Rhodes allegedly said that "Patriots entering their own Capitol to send a message to the traitors is NOTHING compared to what's coming."

In the week after the riot, Rhodes allegedly spent more than $17,500 on weapons, equipment, and ammunition. One member, according to the filings, said Rhodes should stay "below the radar," while another brought what he called "all available weapons" to Rhodes' home in Texas.

Around Inauguration Day, January 20, Rhodes allegedly told associates to organize local militias to oppose the Biden administration. Another member allegedly said, "After this... if nothing happens...its war...Civil War 2.0."

Change in approach

The charges mark a dramatic change in the Justice Department's January 6 probe.

Previously, some Biden administration officials believed using the sedition charge could politicize the Justice Department's prosecution of the Capitol attackers, and the department recoiled after the former top prosecutor over the investigation, Michael Sherwin, said on CBS' "60 Minutes" he believed seditious conspiracy could be charged.

Garland said in a speech last week commemorating the Capitol attack that the department was "committed to holding all January 6th perpetrators, at any level, accountable under law -- whether they were present that day or were otherwise criminally responsible for the assault on our democracy."

Rhodes has also been of interest to the House's January 6 investigation, which issued subpoenas in November for him and his organization for a deposition and documents related to the events of that day.

In an interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper Thursday night, Democratic Rep. Jamie Raskin of Maryland, who serves on the January 6 committee, said he hopes the newly filed charges will "shut up those of our colleagues who keep saying, 'Well if it was a conspiracy, how come there are no conspiracy charges? If it was seditious, how come there were no sedition charges?'"

"So, there we go," he continued. "We've got those with, undoubtedly, a lot more to come soon."

CNN reported in July that Rhodes gave a voluntary interview to the FBI and that investigators seized his cell phone. He has denied all wrongdoing.

According to previous court filings submitted by the Justice Department in other cases, Rhodes said at a November 2020 online meeting, "We're going to defend the president, the duly elected president, and we call on him to do what needs to be done to save our country. Because if you don't guys, you're going to be in a bloody, bloody civil war and a bloody -- you can call it an insurrection, or you can call it a war or fight."

This story has been updated with additional details.

CNN's Marshall Cohen and Evan Perez contributed to this report.


The estranged wife of indicted leader of Oath Keepers tells CNN he is a 'dangerous man' and 'complete sociopath'
by Alia Shoaib
Business Insider
Jan 15, 2022, 9:34 AM

The estranged wife of Stewart Rhodes, the leader of the far-right group Oath Keepers, said he is a "complete sociopath."

Rhodes' wife Tasha Adams made the comments in an interview with CNN on Friday, a day after Rhodes was charged with seditious conspiracy in connection to the Capitol riot.

Insider's Oma Seddiq and Sonam Sheth wrote that it's the most significant arrest yet and marks the first time that federal prosecutors have brought sedition charges in connection to the Justice Department's sprawling investigation into the deadly January 6, 2021, Capitol siege.

Adams said she was relieved to hear he was indicted, as she "lived in fear" of him showing up at her house.

"Knowing we were safe and my kids were safe and my kids' school doesn't have to worry, that was a relief I didn't know existed," she said.

Adams told CNN host John Berman that she felt Rhodes was dangerous to her and her family, and the country.

"He is very dangerous. He lives very much in his own head," Adams said on CNN.

"He sees himself as a great leader. He almost has his own mythology of himself and I think he almost made it come true, seeing himself as some sort of figure in history, and it sort of happened."

"He's a complete sociopath. He does not feel empathy for anyone around him at all," she added.

Tasha Adams and Stewart Rhodes' divorce has been pending for more than three years.

In April of last year, Adams set up a GoFundMe page asking for $30,000 in donations to fund their divorce.

"Though I can't talk about the details of my marriage here, I can tell you that it was likely about exactly what you're picturing, but probably quite a bit weirder," Adams wrote on the GoFundMe page.

She also wrote that the process of divorcing her husband was difficult as he was someone who "commands their own private army."

Rhodes, an Army veteran, founded the Oath Keepers in 2019. The far-right group recruits active and former military and law enforcement officers who swear an oath to defend the US Constitution.

His arrest on Thursday marked the first time that federal prosecutors have brought sedition charges in connection to the events of January 6.

Rhodes has said he was at the Capitol that day but did not enter the building, according to The Washington Post.

Tasha Adams told CNN that she has been talking to the House select committee investigating the Capitol attack, and said that she believed her husband "planned it very carefully."

She said that she believed Rhodes had been calculating in his decision to not enter the Capitol building so that he would not be implicated.

"I see his fingerprints all over it," she said.

Adams and Rhodes, who met in Las Vegas, married in 1994 and have six children together, according to Buzzfeed News.
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Re: Trump lashes out at Gov. Doug Ducey following certificat

Postby admin » Thu Jan 20, 2022 11:39 pm

Senate Uses 'Nuclear Option' All The Time Despite Manchin & Sinema Saying Otherwise
by Rachel Maddow
Jan 20, 2022

[Rachel Maddow] I was just looking back today at when Republicans were in the majority in the Senate, and President Trump was in office. During that time, Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell is running the Senate, Trump is in the White House, during that time, Mitch McConnell and the Senate Republicans went nuclear and decided it would be a majority vote only -- it would be 50 votes only -- to confirm Supreme Court nominees.

Business Insider: SENATE GOES NUCLEAR: McConnell kills the filibuster for Supreme Court nominees to get Trump's court pick over the top, by Allan Smith, 4/6/2017

Then, Mitch McConnell went nuclear another time and decided it would be a majority vote only, it would be 50 votes only needed, for lower level executive branch nominees.

NBC News: Mitch McConnell triggered the 'nuclear option' again. Here's what that means, by Allan Smith and Alex Seltz-Wald, 4/3/19

Then he went nuclear a third time and decided he would change the filibuster rule, and it would only have to be a majority vote, a 50 vote threshold, for federal district court judges.

The Hill: McConnell sets stage for 'nuclear option' to change rules on judges, by Alexander Bolton, 3/28/19

Even since President Biden has been President, the U.S. Senate has decided to go "nuclear," as they say, to require just a majority vote, just 50 votes, on a bill to fund the government last year.

The Hill: Senate Democrats raise debt ceiling after filibuster deal, by Jordan Carney, 12/14/21

They also did it, they went "nuclear", they decided it would be just a majority vote, just 50 votes, for a random vote that didn't go anywhere about vaccine requirements.

TNR: It Turns out the Senate CAN Abolish the Filibuster Whenever it Wants, by Michael Tomasky, 12/15/21

I mean, we use the phrase "go nuclear" because it's supposed to be the end of the world, it's supposed to be mutually assured destruction. It turns out they go "nuclear" all the time. They go "nuclear" and decide that a 50-vote majority is enough, that we can't have a 60-vote threshold for a particular type of action in the Senate, or a particular type of legislation, or a particular amendment, a particular vote -- they do that all the time.

Now, even in this Senate, even when the Republicans were in control with Trump in the White House, it happens all the time. But Democratic Senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Cinema keep saying that this would be an unprecedented thing to do, even though that's absolutely not true. They just keep saying they won't do it for voting rights.
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Re: Trump lashes out at Gov. Doug Ducey following certificat

Postby admin » Thu Jan 20, 2022 11:45 pm

Court Filings Expose Trump Pattern Of Exaggerating Values Of Real Estate Holdings
by Rachel Maddow
Jan 20, 2022

Rachel Maddow looks at new court filings by New York Attorney General Letitia James that show the Trump family regularly assigning apparently arbitrarily inflated values to real estate assets in representations to insurance companies and banks, as well as in tax filings.
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