Trump lashes out at Gov. Doug Ducey following certification

Re: Trump lashes out at Gov. Doug Ducey following certificat

Postby admin » Wed Jan 06, 2021 1:51 am

“Find 11,780 Votes”: Trump Pushes Georgia to Overturn Election in Move to Disenfranchise Millions
by Amy Goodman
JANUARY 04, 2021



In an hour-long phone call, President Trump pressured Georgia’s Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to “find” enough votes to overturn Joe Biden’s victory in the state’s 2020 election. He made the call nearly two weeks before he is due to leave office and just two days before the runoff elections in Georgia that will determine control of the Senate. The Washington Post obtained a recording of the phone call of Trump both berating and begging Raffensperger, and even threatening him with criminal charges if he refused to investigate false claims of voter fraud and change the certified election results. “It’s astounding,” says Nsé Ufot, CEO of New Georgia Project and New Georgia Project Action Fund, organizations that played a key role in mobilizing voters for the 2020 election, and again for Tuesday’s runoff elections. “This has to be criminal.”


This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be in its final form.

AMY GOODMAN: This is Democracy Now!,, The Quarantine Report. I’m Amy Goodman, as we look now at President Trump’s extraordinary hour-long phone call to pressure Georgia’s Republican secretary of state, Brad Raffensperger, to “find” enough votes to overturn Joe Biden’s victory in the Georgia’s 2020 election. Trump made the call Saturday, nearly two weeks before he’s due to leave office and just days before Tuesday’s runoff elections in Georgia that will determine the control of the U.S. Senate.

The Washington Post released audio of the call Sunday, after Trump tweeted he had spoken to Raffensperger and claimed he was, quote, “unwilling, or unable, to answer questions” about allegations of voter fraud. Raffensperger tweeted in response, quote, “Respectfully, President Trump: What you’re saying is not true.”

The Washington Post obtained the recording of the call in which Trump both berates and begs Raffensperger, and even threatens him with criminal charges if he refuses to pursue the false claims and change the certified election results. During the call, Trump also said he could tell he had won Georgia based on rally size, the sizes of his rallies in Georgia. This is part of the exchange.

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: We have won this election in Georgia, based on all of this. And there’s nothing wrong with — with saying that, Brad. You know, I mean, having — having a correct — the people of Georgia are angry. And these numbers are going to be repeated on Monday night, along with others that we’re going to have by that time, which are much more substantial even. And the people of Georgia are angry. The people of the country are angry. And there’s nothing wrong with saying that, you know, that you’ve recalculated.

SECRETARY OF STATE BRAD RAFFENSPERGER: Well, Mr. President, the challenge that you have is the data you have is wrong.

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: It’s more illegal for you than it is for them, because you know what they did and you’re not reporting it. That’s a — you know, that’s a criminal — that’s a criminal offense. And, you know, you can’t let that happen. That’s — that’s a big risk to you and to Ryan, your lawyer. That’s a big risk. I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have, because we won the state.

SECRETARY OF STATE BRAD RAFFENSPERGER: Mr. President, you have people that submit information, and we have our people that submit information, and then it comes before the court, and the court then has to make a determination. We have to stand by our numbers. We believe our numbers are right.

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: Well, under law, you’re not allowed to give faulty election results, OK? You’re not allowed to do that, and that’s what you’ve done. This is a faulty election result. And honestly, this should go very fast. You should meet tomorrow, because you have a big election coming up, and because of what you’ve done to the president — you know, the people of Georgia know that this was a scam, and because of what you’ve done to the president, a lot of people aren’t going out to vote. And a lot of Republicans are going to vote negative, because they hate what you did to the president. OK? They hate it. And they’re going to vote. And you would be respected if — really respected if this thing could be straightened out before the election. You have a big election coming up on Tuesday.

AMY GOODMAN: So, that’s President Trump berating, begging, threatening the Republican secretary of state of Georgia, Brad Raffensperger. Legal experts say Trump’s call to the Raffensperger appears to violate state and federal laws, with former Obama administration Solicitor General Neal Katyal telling The Washington Post it, quote, “demonstrates an impeachable, perhaps criminal, offense.”

Trump plans to address Georgia voters this evening at a rally in the conservative stronghold of Dalton, represented by the newly elected QAnon-supporting congresswoman, Marjorie Taylor Greene. Senator Perdue is in quarantine and campaigning virtually, after he said he was exposed to a staffer who tested positive for COVID.

Meanwhile, President-elect Biden will campaign in Atlanta. Vice President-elect Kamala Harris hit the campaign trail in Savannah over the weekend to support Democratic Senate candidates Reverend Raphael Warnock, pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, where Dr. King grew up and preached, and Jon Ossoff. This is Ossoff responding to Trump’s phone call during a speech to supporters.

JON OSSOFF: At this moment, when the president of the United States calls up Georgia’s election officials and tries to intimidate them to change the result of the election, to disenfranchise Georgia voters, to disenfranchise Black voters in Georgia who delivered this state for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, that is a direct attack on our democracy.

AMY GOODMAN: For more, we go to Atlanta, where we’re joined by Nsé Ufot, the CEO of New Georgia Project and New Georgia Project Action Fund, organizations that played a key role in mobilizing voters for the 2020 election and now for Tuesday’s runoff election. Over 3 million Georgia residents have already cast their ballots in a record turnout for runoff elections.

Nsé, welcome to Democracy Now! Can you first respond to this just astounding audiotape of the president threatening, beseeching, berating the Republican secretary of state of Georgia?

NSÉ UFOT: It’s astounding, Amy. And good morning. It’s unfortunate, though, that this appears to be a continuation of the sort of treatment that our secretary of state and our governor have been on the receiving end of since the November elections were called. I remember sort of experiencing a lot of pressure to congratulate him and to praise him for sort of refusing the president’s attempts — and, quite frankly, refusing the national Republican Party’s attempts — to engage in a criminal conspiracy to steal the elections. I don’t pretend to be a constitutional scholar, but I don’t know how this is unconstitutional. This has to be criminal.

AMY GOODMAN: I mean, you clearly are not a fan of Brian Kemp, who beat Stacey Abrams, one of your colleagues in the get-out-the-vote campaign that has just been astounding throughout Georgia, a model for the country, or the Republican secretary of state. You’ve had problems with issues of voter suppression. But what was your response to how Brad Raffensperger and his attorney, who was on the call, Ryan Germany — what did Trump say when he was talking to Ryan Germany? He said, “What’s wrong with you? I heard your lawyer is very difficult, actually, but I’m sure you’re a good lawyer. You have a nice last name.”

NSÉ UFOT: “Wow!” is my reaction. But, one, I mean, like, this is absurd. Under any other circumstances, again, this would be disqualifying. I think my concern — or, I think, one, the secretary of state’s office knew that they were recording the phone call, and so my response is, you know, they comported themselves, I guess, as if they knew that the phone call was being recorded, and they comported themselves as if they knew that they would eventually release it. Again, they are doing their jobs, barely, but in some areas they are still very much attacking our elections infrastructure or constructing barriers to participation that Georgia voters have to clear in order to exercise the franchise and participate in our elections. And so —

AMY GOODMAN: Which are what? What are those obstacles even still?

NSÉ UFOT: Oh, well, we are talking about: They have cut the number of days for early voting during these runoffs. They have cut the number of early voting locations. In some major counties, like Cobb County, they’ve cut over half of the early voting locations. They have cut the number of ballot boxes, drop boxes, where people can, in a COVID-safe way, drop off their absentee ballots. They have announced that they intend to criminally prosecute any group or individual that provides comfort to voters who are waiting in long lines. So, our line-warming sort of comfort activities — hot chocolate, pizza at the polls, water at the polls, scarves, gloves, PPE — if groups participate, they have been threatened by the secretary of state, in his most recent memo, with criminal prosecution.

AMY GOODMAN: So, I want to go to President Trump specifically attacking your colleague, the former gubernatorial candidate, Stacey Abrams.

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: And Stacey Abrams is laughing about — you know, she’s going around saying, “These guys are dumber than a rock.” What she’s done to this party is unbelievable, I tell you. And I only ran against her once, and that was with a guy named Brian Kemp. And I beat her. And if I didn’t run, Brian wouldn’t have had even a shot, either in the general or in the primary. He was dead, dead as a doornail. He never thought he had a shot at either one of them. What a schmuck I was.

AMY GOODMAN: So, there is Trump, doing what he feels so comfortable doing: attacking a powerful woman of color. But talk about what you, what Stacey Abrams, what all of these voter groups have done right now. Tomorrow is the election, even though millions have already voted, Nsé Ufot. What do you see is the hope for tomorrow?

NSÉ UFOT: Right. The hope for tomorrow is that Georgians will block out misinformation, disinformation, and show up at the polls in overwhelming numbers, so that we can neutralize all these voter suppression tactics that we see playing out in the state, that we can be reasonably assured that the will of the people is reflected in the results of our elections.

And as for leader Abrams, I think that her intervention has — she’s the architect of an ecosystem, right? So, that has exposed many of the deficiencies in Georgia’s sort of elections and democracy infrastructure and has helped start and launch organizations and has invested in leaders, that has helped us register almost a million Georgians of color in all 159 of Georgia’s counties. We have historic levels of turnout. I remember in the aftermath of the November general election, there was so much handwringing about the structural advantage that the Republicans have in a runoff election because their base is older and whiter. “And don’t you know that historic turnout is 30%, 40%, so we shouldn’t even bother?”

Quite frankly, this will be the most expensive Senate races, the most expensive congressional races, in the history of American politics. And the enemies of progress have always had more money. But what we have is people power. And we’re absolutely — we’ve seen that during the early voting period with over 3 million Georgians voting already, over 1 million of them being Black Georgians. We’ve seen historic youth participation, historic youth turnout. And I think that we will see elevated turnout again on Tuesday, tomorrow.

AMY GOODMAN: What did your helping to prep your mom — you moved from Nigeria to Georgia — for her citizenship test teach you about citizenship, as we wrap up, Nsé?

NSÉ UFOT: OK. Well, my mother and I became citizens together. And so, while she worked a second job to hire an immigration attorney, it was my responsibility to make sure that we passed the citizenship exam.

And so, what it has taught me is, one, that a government of, for and by the people is an aspiration, and it’s something that we have to fight for every day, and it’s something that we have to work for.

I pledged an allegiance to this country, to the Constitution. I pledged to defend it against all enemies, foreign and domestic. And we are witnessing a domestic attack on our country, on our Constitution, on our way of life. And I encourage all Georgians, and all the people under the sound of my voice, to join us in not only electing champions, people who will co-govern with the people —

AMY GOODMAN: Three seconds.

NSÉ UFOT: Yes. And so, go out and vote tomorrow.

AMY GOODMAN: Nsé Ufot, I want to thank you for being with us, CEO of the New Georgia Project and New Georgia Project Action Fund. I’m Amy Goodman. Thanks for joining us.
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Re: Trump lashes out at Gov. Doug Ducey following certificat

Postby admin » Wed Jan 06, 2021 2:10 am

Raffensperger: 'If you're going to put out stuff that we don't believe is true, then we will respond in kind'
by Aris Folley
The Hill
01/04/21 05:18 PM EST 823



Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (R) said in an recent interview that audio of a call in which the president pressured him to help overturn President-elect Joe Biden's victory in the state wouldn’t have leaked if the president didn't tweet “something that was false.”

In an interview with local NBC affiliate WXIA-TV released on Monday, Raffensperger said President Trump “broke privacy” when he recently tweeted about the call, audio of which has sent ripples throughout Washington in the past day since its release.


Brendan Keefe
The secret Trump/Raffensperger recording was released because of the president's false tweet about the Secretary of State. Listen to @GaSecofState tell us that there was no confidentiality stipulation & why any expectation of privacy on the call was shattered by @realDonaldTrump
Q. If the President hadn't tweeted, and tweeted something that was false, would we have ever heard that call recording?
Raffensperger: No. It was a private conversation as far as I was concerned, and he broke privacy when he put out a tweet, but then his tweet was false.
Q: Was there any agreement that this call was not going to be recorded and would be kept confidential?
Raffensperger. No. There was no agreement, and we didn't know what the purpose of the call really was. I assumed it was about the November election. Early Wednesday. If President Trump hadn't tweeted out anything, I would have stayed silent. We would have stayed silent as well. And that would have just been a conversation between him and I, man to man, and that would have been just fine with us. But he's the one who had to put it out on twitter. So if you're going to put out stuff that we don't believe is true, then we will respond in kind.

12:47 PM Jan 4, 2021

“It was a private conversation as far as I was concerned, and he broke privacy when he put out a tweet. But then his tweet was false,” Raffensperger said.

The Washington Post published the full audio of the call, which took place Saturday, on Sunday after Trump tweeted about a call with Raffensperger earlier in the day.

“I spoke to Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger yesterday about Fulton County and voter fraud in Georgia. He was unwilling, or unable, to answer questions such as the 'ballots under table' scam, ballot destruction, out of state 'voters,' dead voters, and more. He has no clue!” he wrote in the tweet.

Not long after, Raffensperger responded to Trump on Twitter, writing: “Respectfully, President Trump: What you're saying is not true. The truth will come out.”


In the hourlong call, Trump could be heard telling Raffensperger to “find” the “11,780 votes” needed to reverse his defeat in Georgia, which hadn’t broken for a Democrat in more than 20 years before turning out for Biden in the November election.

The audio prompted criticism from lawmakers on both sides of the aisle, with a number of Republicans in Congress coming out against Trump’s remarks in the call.

“It's wrong to go to a secretary of state” and ask him to find votes, Rep. Don Bacon (R-Neb.) told The Hill this week. “We work our butts off to win elections; after the election we play fair and square.”

House Republican Conference Chairwoman Liz Cheney (Wyo.), who is the highest-ranking Republican woman in Congress, also said she found the call “deeply troubling” and said she thinks “everybody ought to listen to the full hour of it.”

Pressed in his recent interview about whether there was any agreement the call between him and Trump would not be recorded, Raffensperger said no and added that he “didn’t know what the purpose of the call really was.” But he said he “assumed it was about the November election.”

“If President Trump wouldn’t have tweeted out anything and would’ve stayed silent, we would’ve stayed silent as well,” Raffensperger said, “and that would have just been a conversation between him and I, man to man, and that would have been just fine with us.”

“But he’s the one that couldn’t — you know, had to put it out on Twitter. And so, if you’re going to put out stuff that we don’t believe is true, then we will respond in kind,” he said.

The back and forth between Trump and Raffensperger, who had previously voted for the president, marks the latest the two have shared as the president has continued to publicly criticize the Republican official for his handling of the election since Georgia went blue for the first time in decades in the presidential race.
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Re: Trump lashes out at Gov. Doug Ducey following certificat

Postby admin » Wed Jan 06, 2021 3:40 am

Part 1 of 2

Donald Trump Holds a Political Rally in Dalton, Georgia
by Donald Trump
Jan 4, 2021


[President Trump] The radical Democrats are trying to capture Georgia’s Senate seats so they can wield unchecked, unrestrained, absolute power over every aspect of your lives. If the liberal Democrats take the Senate and the White House… And they’re not taking this White House. We’re going to fight like hell, I’ll tell you right now…. But when you win in a landslide and they steal it and it’s rigged, it’s not acceptable. Not acceptable. Then you have a country that would be run, if these two don’t win, and if we don’t take the presidency, you have a country that would be run by Schumer, Pelosi, and Biden. The people of Georgia will be at the mercy of the left wing, socialist, communist, Marxists. That’s where it’s going. We don’t like to use the word communist... Because I think they hate our country and they despise Georgia values. I think a lot of you despise them as you know there’s nothing the radical Democrats will not do to get power that they so desperately crave. Even the outright stealing of elections, like they’re trying to do with us. We’re not going to let it happen over the pass, and I hope Mike Pence comes through for us, I have to tell you. I hope that our great vice president comes through for us. He’s a great guy. Of course, if he doesn’t come through, I won’t like him quite as much….

Tonight, our mission here in Georgia is to make sure the radical left cannot rob you of your voice and your votes in Washington…. The Democrats are trying to steal the White House. You cannot let them. You just can’t let them steal the U.S. Senate…. David and Kelly are running against the most extreme liberal candidates in the history of your state, probably in the history of our country, Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock… This is going to be, hopefully, easy, because when you know what he stands for, when you know what Warnock stands for, it really should be easy. Cast deciding votes to rubber stamp the agenda of AOC and Bernie Sanders. Crazy Bernie. Stacey Abrams….

They want to turn, the Democrats do, America into Venezuela with no jobs, no prosperity, no rights, no freedom, no future for you and your family. Here is exactly what the radical left will do if they win this runoff election, which we can’t let them do tomorrow…. They’ll massively raise your taxes on the middle class to pay for socialism. … The U.S. military will be gutted and military families across the street and all over the state will be betrayed. Their benefits and opportunities will be slashed. Fort Benning, Fort Gordon and other Georgia military institutions will be the first on the chopping block. By the way, there’ll be forced to change the names of the bases where generations of American patriots trained to win two World Wars…. The Democrats will surrender the entire U.S. manufacturing industry to China. You notice they never criticize China, right? They never… It’s Russia, Russia, Russia. I saw it today again. Russia, Russia. Oh, Russia. Here we go. That was another great scam. I’ve been involved in the two greatest scams in American history, the Russian hoax, and now they are trying to steal an election from us. We won not by a little bit. We won in numbers like nobody’s seen before.

If Ossoff and Warnock are elected, they will immediately [inaudible 00:18:12] and you know what’s going to happen. They’ll throw open American borders and allow tens of millions of illegal immigrants to pour into our country from every corner of the globe. Your schools, your hospitals and your communities will be overwhelmed…. We want to help other people, but we can’t afford to do it. We can’t afford to do it. So, they’re coming up now, the caravans. Remember the caravans? The caravans are starting to form. Here they come….

If they win this race, Democrats will implement nationwide catch and release. You know what that is? You catch a criminal and you take his name. You say, “You’re released into our country.” I ended it…. And turn our entire country into one giant sanctuary for criminal aliens, setting loose tens of thousands of dangerous offenders, and putting MS13 gang members straight into your children’s schools. We’ve removed thousands and thousands of MS13 gang members….

They’ll allow heroin, cocaine, fentanyl, and other deadly drugs to flood across our borders again, and poison our youth. They’ll take away your healthcare. They’ll eliminate private insurance. We have 180 million people that love their private insurance. You can forget about it. You’ll lose your doctor. Remember President Obama said, “You can keep your doctor. You can keep your plan.” Guess what? He said it 28 times. That was a lie. That was a lie. That turned out to be a big, great scam lie....

They’ll resume the war on Christians and attack Catholic organizations, like Little Sisters of the Poor. They will ban voter ID. We want voter ID. Is that so much to ask? And institute universal, unsolicited mail-in balloting in every state…. They’ll make Washington DC and other liberal places the 51st, 52nd, 53rd States of the Union guaranteeing the radical left a permanent majority of the U.S. Senate and the House and the electoral college. It will make it, really, a one party country, and the party will be the wrong party. They will pack the Supreme Court with crazed extremists and I’m not happy with the Supreme Court…. they’re bent on destroying our constitution and overthrowing America’s founding. If the left wins these Senate seats, they will abolish the Senate. You know this…. that would give them the power to ram through every deluded piece of left-wing legislation that they’ve ever wanted, that they’ve ever dreamt up. Your religious liberty will be gone. Your second amendment will be gone. Your borders and great new world will be gone. Your police departments will be gone as we know them, and your life savings will be gone. We’ll be like a large scale version of so many other countries that you look at. That are poverty. America as you know it will be over. And it will never, I believe, be able to come back again. It will be too far gone. Your vote tomorrow could lose, and it could be your last chance to save the America that we love….

The far left wants to destroy our country, demolish our history, and erase everything that we hold dear. This could be the most important vote you will ever cast for the rest of your life. It really could be…. If you don’t go and vote, the socialists, the Marxists, will be in charge of our country. If you don’t fight to save your country with everything you have, you’re not going to have a country left…. The damage they do will be permanent, and will be irreversible. Can’t let it happen. Nothing and no one will be able to stop them. These Senate seats are truly the last line of defense….

Jon Ossoff is an unhinged radical leftist. He’s not a senator. He’s not a senator. That’s not a Senator. Ossoff said that he’s very proud to be endorsed by socialist crazy Bernie Sanders. He’s weak on China. He promoted Chinese propaganda, and then he failed to disclose his business ties to the Chinese communist party. Other than that, he’s a wonderful guy, right? Ossoff supports the largest tax hike in American history. If they get in, Warnock and Ossoff, if they get in, you’re going to have the largest tax increase that you’ve ever had. It’ll be the largest tax increase in the history of our country. For what? The Green New Deal: let’s rip down a building because its windows are too big; let’s build a building with no windows, among many other things. He supports the insane Green New Deal, which would crush middle-class parents trying to raise a family. He will support the socialist takeover of American healthcare, which will lead to rationing, poverty, and death. Ossoff also backed the radical left wing crusade to defund police. Last summer, he proudly joined the anti-police mob. He didn’t like the police. He doesn’t like our police. We love our police. Slandering our brave men and women in blue. If you vote for Jon Ossoff, he will attack our heroes. He will destroy our economy, and he will betray you and your family. And it’ll happen very quickly. That’s why you must vote. …

Kelly is running against a hard left extremist named Raphael Warnock. Warnock is the most radical and dangerous left-wing candidate ever to seek this office, and certainly in the state of Georgia, and he does not have your values. Warnock has publicly declared his support for socialism, and he once welcomed the anti-American communist dictator, Fidel Castro to his church. He wanted him here. He liked Castro. Thought Castro was a nice guy. Warnock said that quote, "nobody can serve both God and the military." A vicious smear against thousands of patriotic service members across the state of Georgia. He wants to abolish cash bail. You see how that’s working in New York City, right? It’s not working too well. He has called for quote, "opening up the jails," and he slandered our police offices as gangsters, thugs, and bullies. The choice for the voters of Georgia could not be more clear. Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock, are fringe extremists, who would wreck everything Georgia patriots hold dear to their hearts…

We have all seen what our opponents are capable of doing. I ran two elections. I won both of them. Second one, much more successful than the first, but we can’t let this happen any longer…. This election is your chance to stand up to the corrupt Democrat machine, and show them that the American people are still in charge….

We believe that faith and family, not government and bureaucracy are the center of American life…. We will defend the right to life, religious Liberty, free speech, and the right to keep and bear arms, which they want to take away from you…. We will stop the radical indoctrination of our students and restore patriotic education to our schools…. We will teach our children to love our country, honor our history, and always respect our great American flag…. And we will live by the words of our national motto, "In God We Trust," and it will stay that way….

We inherit the legacy of generations of American Patriots who gave their blood, sweat and tears to defend our country and to defend our freedom. We stand on the shoulders of American heroes who crossed the oceans, settled the continent, tamed the wilderness, laid down the railroads, raised up the great skyscrapers that won two world wars, defeated fascism and communism, and made America into the single greatest nation in the history of the world. And the best is yet to come….

We will not bend; we will not break; we will not yield; we will never give in; we will never give up; we will never back down; we will never, ever surrender….and our hearts bleed red, white and blue….

Hitler: We want to be one people ...
-- Triumph of the Will, directed by Leni Riefenstahl

We are one movement, one people, one family, and one glorious nation under God.


And, together with the incredible people of Georgia, we have made America powerful again: our military. We have made America wealthy again: our stock market. We have made America strong again: look at that arm, look at… We have made America proud again: we’re proud of our country. We have made America safe again. And we will make America great again.

Crowd: (00:00)

Crowd: (00:00)

Donald Trump: (02:11)
Well, I want to thank you very much. Hello, Georgia, by the way. There’s no way we lost Georgia. There’s no way. That was a rigged election, but we’re still fighting it and you’ll see what’s going to happen. We’ll talk about it. I just want to thank you. This is some crowd. Biden was here today, also. They had 14 people in three cars. No, there was no way. I just want to thank you. I’ve had two elections. I won both of them. It’s amazing. I actually did much better on the second one. It’s great to be back in this incredible state, the home of hardworking patriots who believe in God, family and country. Tomorrow, each of you is going to vote in one of the most important runoff elections of the history of our country. Frankly, forget about runoff. One of the most important elections, really. It’s really not runoff. It’s elections because it’s a biggie. Our country’s depending on you. The whole world is watching the people of Georgia tomorrow. You’ve got to swamp them because everything’s so crooked around. I mean, and not here.

Donald Trump: (03:26)
They were saying, “Oh, he’s complaining about Georgia.” No, no. I’m complaining about eight different states, and I think we’re going to win them all. You’re going to get everyone you know. You’re going to show up at the polls in record numbers. You got to swamp them and together we’re going to defeat the Democratic streamers and deliver a thundering victory to David Perdue. Where’s David? David, David. We love our David. I know David so well. He’s respected and loved by everyone. And someone that has really been a star in Washington, Kelly Loeffler. Where is Kelly? Where is our Kelly? What a job you’ve done. Thank you. I will tell you about Kelly.

Crowd: (04:29)
Fight for Trump! Fight for Trump! Fight for Trump! Fight for Trump! Fight for Trump!

Donald Trump: (04:30)
Kelly fights for me. David fights for me, that I can tell you. I will also say the Republicans, you have to understand, for the people that don’t fight, not for me, fighting for us because we have a lot of corrupt things that happen when they don’t fight. One thing I’ve learned about Republicans, they have some difficulties, but you know a difficulty that they don’t have? They never forget. They never forget. People are going to find that out because we have to go and we have to go all the way and that’s what’s happening. You watch what happens over the next couple of weeks. You watch what’s going to come out. Watch what’s going to be revealed. You watch.

Donald Trump: (05:17)
I have to tell you that the stakes of this election could not be higher. You vote tomorrow. You want to go out tomorrow. People want to go out. They don’t want to do the ballot thing. Don’t want to do it unless it’s the other side, in which case they just print them out. They don’t want to do it. They want to go and vote and make sure your vote is counted. Make sure they don’t let you say, “I’m sorry. Somebody else has already voted for you.” Your vote tomorrow will decide which party controls the United States Senate. The radical Democrats are trying to capture Georgia’s Senate seats so they can wield unchecked, unrestrained, absolute power over every aspect of your lives. If the liberal Democrats take the Senate and the White House… And they’re not taking this White House. We’re going to fight like hell, I’ll tell you right now.

Donald Trump: (06:14)
I was telling Kelly before, you can lose and that’s acceptable. You lose, you lose. You go, and you go wherever you’re going and you go and say, “Maybe I’ll do it again sometime, or maybe I won’t or I’ll get back to life.” But when you win in a landslide and they steal it and it’s rigged, it’s not acceptable. Not acceptable. Then you have a country that would be run, if these two don’t win, and if we don’t take the presidency, you have a country that would be run by Schumer, Pelosi, and Biden. The people of Georgia will be at the mercy of the left wing, socialist, communist, Marxists. That’s where it’s going. We don’t like to use the word communist.

Donald Trump: (07:04)
How about the press? Look at them back there. Look at all of them. How about the press? That’s a lot of press. Oh, boy. That’s a lot of press. But they’ve gone silent now. They have a new thing. They used to fight me left, right. I’d go, they’d go. You’d fight. I’d win. They’d win. Who knows who wins? But people would hear. Now they don’t want to talk about it. Unless they can say something bad about you, they don’t want to talk about it. So if we talk about certain subjects, as you’ve been watching over the last six months, all of a sudden they were getting clobbered so they went stone cold silent. Big tech, the fake news media, they go silent anymore. They don’t talk about it, and that is the beginning of communism. That’s exactly what happens.

Donald Trump: (07:53)
Because I think they hate our country and they despise Georgia values. I think a lot of you despise them as you know there’s nothing the radical Democrats will not do to get power that they so desperately crave. Even the outright stealing of elections, like they’re trying to do with us. We’re not going to let it happen over the pass, and I hope Mike Pence comes through for us, I have to tell you. I hope that our great vice president comes through for us. He’s a great guy. Of course, if he doesn’t come through, I won’t like him quite as much.
No, Mike is a great guy. He’s a wonderful man and a smart man and a man that I like a lot, but he’s going to have a lot to say about it. One thing with him, you’re going to get straight shots. He’s going to call it straight. Over the past few weeks, we’ve demonstrated that we won the election in a landslide. Almost 75 million people voted for me, the most of any incumbent president in the history of our country.

Donald Trump: (09:09)
We won over 11 million, close to 12 million, more votes than 2016. One of the largest, actually, the single largest increase in the history of our country. No person that won went to a second term or went through an election where he got nearly 12 million votes. Nope. It never happened before. Never happened before. We made historic gains among African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, and we won the largest share of non-white vote of any Republican president in 60 years. We also won 18 out of 19 bellwether counties. Now, when you win just a few bellwether counties, you always win the election. We won 18 out of 19. That’s a record, and they said we didn’t win. We won 25 of 26 toss-up House races. I think we have one that we’re waiting for, right? Did you see the one in… Hello, Mike. How are you, Mike?

Donald Trump: (10:14)
Did you see the one in New York where Claudia, good woman… They keep finding votes. They keep finding votes. “She’s up by 18. Oh, we just found 19 votes.” That’s the same kind of stuff. Democrats were projected to gain 15 House seats and instead… And Kevin McCarthy gives us the credit. Good man. Very good man. My coattails, we swept our Republican House candidates to victory and we have a couple of great ones with us tonight, and the Democrats lost 14 seats. It was supposed to be the other way around. When that happens, no president loses unless they play games. You don’t lose. They play games. The fact is we won the presidential election. We won it big and we’re going to win tomorrow. We’re going to win it really big.

Donald Trump: (11:08)
We have to. We have to. People have no idea how important that is. Tonight, our mission here in Georgia is to make sure the radical left cannot rob you of your voice and your votes in Washington. You can’t lose these two people. I really know them well. They’re the most respected people. They’re great people and they really do have a voice and they love their state and they love their country. The Democrats are trying to steal the White House. You can not let them. You just can’t let them steal the U.S. Senate. You can’t let it happen. You can’t let it happen. David and Kelly are running against the most extreme liberal candidates in the history of your state, probably in the history of our country, Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock. Well, I beat Ossoff once running against a very fine woman, Karen, who you know, and he was at 57 and I got involved and we drove him down to 49 and then he ended up in a runoff and she ended up winning. Now I have to beat him a second time. This is going to be, hopefully, easy because when you know what he stands for, when you know what Warnock stands for, it really should be easy. Cast deciding votes to rubber stamp the agenda of AOC and Bernie Sanders. Crazy Bernie. Stacey Abrams. What’s with this Stacey Abrams? Your governor and your secretary of state, they’re petrified of Stacey Abrams. What’s that all about? Did you see this consent decree they signed with signature verification? You can forget about it. What they have done to your state. I think most people have no idea what they’ve done to your state. That consent decree or these two people. I don’t know. They say they’re Republicans. I really don’t think they are. They can’t be.

Donald Trump: (13:19)
If we want to have a special session, because your legislature’s excellent, they want to have a… Why wouldn’t they let us have a special session? If they want to check signatures in Fulton County, not in Cobb County. We didn’t ask for Cobb County. They said, “We’ll do Cobb first and then we’ll do Fulton.” They do Cobb. Then they never get to Fulton. Why wouldn’t they do that? Why wouldn’t they do that? That’s a positive thing. Anyway, the Democrats want to turn America. I’ll be here in about a year and a half campaigning against your governor, I guarantee you that. I shouldn’t say this. I shouldn’t say this because I just don’t want you to tell anybody outside of this room, other than the millions of people now, but I endorsed him. He was in last place and I endorsed him. He went to first place immediately, and then he won the primary, and then I gave him a couple of rallies, which I don’t like doing for other people. I was telling Kelly, ” do rallies for other people. I do them for me, right?” Not that easy, a crowd like this. They say over 25,000 people. Over what? Over a couple of days notice. Is everybody glad you’re here, right? I think so. There is no place like a Trump rally, but you know what? This is a Kelly rally and a David rally. I wouldn’t do it unless I loved them both. I wouldn’t do it. But I’m going to be here in a year and a half and I’m going to be campaigning against your governor and your crazy secretary of state, that I can tell you.

Donald Trump: (15:04)
You have great candidates. They want to turn, the Democrats do, America into Venezuela with no jobs, no prosperity, no rights, no freedom, no future for you and your family. Here is exactly what the radical left will do if they win this runoff election, which we can’t let them do tomorrow. Tomorrow’s a big day. I guess we have to get over a million votes tomorrow, right, Kelly? Over a million. All right. That’s a lot of votes, Kelly, but we’ll do it. The one thing I know, if they win I’ll get no credit, and if they lose they’re going to blame Trump, these people. Kelly won’t let that happen. Please win tomorrow. You’re going to win so big, it’s going to be great story. It’s a great story, a very important story for our country, long beyond Georgia for our country. It’s such a big story. They’ll massively raise your taxes on the middle class to pay for socialism. The U.S. military, which we rebuilt. We’ve totally rebuilt the U.S. military, much of it coming right out of Georgia.

Donald Trump: (16:17)
We built it right out of Georgia, a lot of it. You have incredible contractors in Georgia, military contractors, and they got plenty of our money. Spent $2.5 trillion. When I took over the military, it was absolutely a mess. It was depleted. Now it’s the opposite of depleted. The U.S. military will be gutted and military families across the street and all over the state will be betrayed. Their benefits and opportunities will be slashed. Fort Benning, Fort Gordon and other Georgia military institutions will be the first on the chopping block. By the way, there’ll be forced to change the names of the bases where generations of American patriots trained to win two World Wars. I don’t know. Fort Benning. Let’s see. Give me a couple of names. I could give you some. I don’t want to give them the credit, but you’ll name them.

Donald Trump: (17:09)
You’ll name them after other people. Fort Trump. Yeah. How about that? I like that. Yeah, let’s change the name. Let’s change it. Kelly, let’s change it. If they name it Trump, let’s change it. No. Now they’re going to go back and say, “He wants to have Fort Benning changed to Trump.” Watch, they’ll say, “He’s asking, he’s begging for Fort Benning to be changed to Trump.” No, no. I don’t want that. The Democrats will surrender the entire U.S. manufacturing industry to China. You notice they never criticize China, right? They never… It’s Russia, Russia, Russia. I saw it today again. Russia, Russia. Oh, Russia. Here we go. That was another great scam. I’ve been involved in the two greatest scams in American history, the Russian hoax, and now they are trying to steal an election from us. We won not by a little bit. We won in numbers like nobody’s seen before.

Donald Trump: (18:08)
If Ossoff and Warnock are elected, they will immediately [inaudible 00:18:12] and you know what’s going to happen. They’ll throw open American borders and allow tens of millions of illegal immigrants to pour into our country from every corner of the globe. Your schools, your hospitals and your communities will be overwhelmed. And the wall, the wall, the wall. Remember, we’ll build a wall. We’re going to build a wall. And that’s right, Mexico is paying for the wall. If I were here, they would be, because we were going to charge them a nice fee, right at the entry points. They were paying for the wall. They paid for 28,000 troops along the wall and along the border, which we don’t need so much anymore, but we built almost 500 miles of wall and they want to rip down the wall. They want to rip down.

Donald Trump: (18:57)
It’s why the numbers have been so great. But now everyone’s coming back up because they think this guy’s going to win. If he wins, it’s going to be everything that they could dream for, dream of. We want to help other people, but we can’t afford to do it. We can’t afford to do it. So, they’re coming up now, the caravans. Remember the caravans? The caravans are starting to form. Here they come. But let’s keep this thing going. We have great support in Congress. We have good support in the Senate. I wouldn’t say great. Could be better. But people will remember the people that don’t support us. If they win this race, Democrats will implement nationwide catch and release. You know what that is? You catch a criminal and you take his name. You say, “You’re released into our country.” I ended it.

Donald Trump: (19:49)
You’re released. Come back in four years. We’re going to take you to court. So far nobody’s ever shown up. I mean, literally they almost don’t show up. That’s when I had the big debate with Biden. They come back for court. I said, “No, they don’t.” I turned out to be right. Did they apologize? I don’t think so. And turn our entire country into one giant sanctuary for criminal aliens, setting loose tens of thousands of dangerous offenders and putting MS13 gang members straight into your children’s schools. We’ve removed thousands and thousands of MS13 gang members. I want to thank ICE and I want to thank Border Patrol, and I want to thank our great law enforcement. Incredible people. They’re incredible.

Donald Trump: (20:39)
The people that understand those values are Kelly and David. They understand those values. You’re with our law enforcement, right? A hundred percent. I don’t have to ask her that. They’ll allow heroin, cocaine, fentanyl, and other deadly drugs to flood across our borders again, and poison our youth. They’ll take away your healthcare. They’ll eliminate private insurance. We have 180 million people that love their private insurance. You can forget about it. You’ll lose your doctor. Remember President Obama said, “You can keep your doctor. You can keep your plan.” Guess what? He said it 28 times. That was a lie. That was a lie. That turned out to be a big, great scam lie. Remember, I got rid of the individual mandate, the most unpopular thing in Obamacare, fighting a lot of different fronts, which really doesn’t make it Obamacare anymore, by the way. They’ll resume the war on Christians and attack Catholic organizations like Little Sisters of the Poor. They will ban voter ID. We want voter ID. Is that so much to ask? And institute universal, unsolicited mail-in balloting in every state.

Donald Trump: (21:54)
They will never be… I’ll tell you this. If we don’t do something fast, there will never be another fair election in America. We’re known for elections and now we’re being laughed out all over the world about this last election. You’ve got to swarm it tomorrow. Now, the good thing about tomorrow, it’s one state so you have a lot of eyeballs watching. It’s tougher than when you have 50 states and they do it to various states. I’ve never seen anything like it. I was leading in Pennsylvania by hundreds of thousands of votes. All of a sudden I was tied. I said, “What happened?” They’ll make Washington DC and other liberal places the 51st, 52nd, 53rd States of the Union guaranteeing the radical left a permanent majority of the U.S. Senate and the House and the electoral college. It will make it, really, a one party country, and the party will be the wrong party. They will pack the Supreme Court with crazed extremists and I’m not happy with the Supreme Court. They are not…

Donald Trump: (23:03)
Extremists. And I’m not happy with the Supreme Court. They are not stepping up to the plate. They’re not stepping up. How about that? Look at the Supreme Court, President of the United States. I want to file suit. I want to do… And they say, “Sir, you can’t, you really can’t do that.” Why? So they have legal reasons, complex legal reasons. It’s wrong. If you’re the President of the United States, and you get defrauded out of an election, you should be able to file a suit, but we can’t do that. They say, “Sir, you don’t have standing.” How about that? I’m the president, seven states, You know, I was winning by a lot. And then all of a sudden I was losing by a little, tiny bit, just a little, they can only go so far. They had no idea we were going to do the kind of numbers. So that printing press was really moving.

Donald Trump: (23:57)
And they say, I don’t have standing to bring a suit. What kind of a legal system is that? But the Supreme Court has led us down so far. Who knows? Maybe they’ll come back. Maybe they’ll come back. They’ll pack the Supreme Court with crazed extremists. Then there’ll be saying, “You know, I should have done something about this.” When they start having 24, 25, 26 justices, and they want to have the justices rotate to the lowest courts. So they’ll rotate. These nine justices will have a great time rotating, but they’re bent on destroying our constitution and overthrowing America’s founding.

Donald Trump: (24:37)
If the left wins these Senate seats, they will abolish the Senate. You know this. The filibuster, they will knock it out. I’ve been saying, to be honest with you for a long time, they’re going to do that, at some point, they’re going to do that. And why don’t we do it first? I said it. If they’re going to do it, you might as well do it first. And now everybody said, “You were right.” But you know what? I want to be wrong, because I want these two to win. Because if they win, we don’t want to do it. It’s a bad thing for our country. But that would give them the power to ram through every diluted piece of left-wing legislation that they’ve ever wanted, that they’ve ever dreamt up. Your religious liberty will be gone. Your second amendment will be gone. Your borders and great new world will be gone. Your police departments will be gone as we know them, and your life savings will be gone. We’ll be like a large scale version of so many other countries that you look at. That are poverty.

Donald Trump: (25:36)
America as you know it will be over. And it will never, I believe, be able to come back again. It will be too far gone. Your vote tomorrow could lose, and it could be your last chance to save the America that we love. That’s why I’m here. I don’t want to do rallies for other people. I told you. I’m here because of that. Because of David and Kelly, the far left wants to destroy our country, demolish our history, and erase everything that we hold dear. This could be the most important vote you will ever cast for the rest of your life. It really could be. This is so important. I mean, think of it. It’s so important. It’s amazing actually, that in one state you have two races simultaneously. I don’t think a thing like that’s ever happened before. If you don’t show up, the radical Democrats will win. A lot of people say, “Oh, well, Trump, maybe he wants it that way.” No. You know what I want? I want a great country. I want these two very special people to be elected.

Donald Trump: (26:40)
And I want to be clear. If those of you that know how badly screwed we got, I want to be clear that we can’t let that happen again. We can’t let that happen again. We’re going to come back, and I really believe we’re going to take what they did to us in November 3rd. We’re going to take it back. But these two people, they can’t go through this. They can’t go through it. If you don’t go and vote, the socialists, the Marxists, will be in charge of our country. If you don’t fight to save your country with everything you have, you’re not going to have a country left. I love this state. This state’s been very good to me. We’ve had a lot of victories in this state, just had one on November 3rd actually. And I love the people of this state. We can’t let that happen. The damage they do will be permanent, and will be irreversible. Can’t let it happen.

Donald Trump: (27:42)
Nothing and no one will be able to stop them. These Senate seats are truly the last line of defense.
Now I must preface that by saying, because they’ll say, “He just conceded.” No, no, I concede. So Kelly, if I might add, I think we’re going to win, in which case we’ll be the last line of defense, it’s called veto, veto, veto. Veto. So tomorrow, you must get out and vote for David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler. Over the last four years, David Purdue has been one of our greatest allies and strongest defenders in Washington. He’s a great gentlemen. David was a critical vote in the right to pass the largest package of tax cuts and reforms in American history. We did that together. We got it done, launching an incredible economic boom. The greatest tax cuts in the history of our country, think of it. And the greatest restrictions, we were so restricted we couldn’t breathe in this country. That’s one of the big, I think it might’ve been more important in many ways than the tax cuts. You would know that being one of the great businessmen of our world.

Donald Trump: (28:56)
I think it was maybe more important. When Georgia needed a strong voice in Washington after Hurricane Michael, remember Hurricane Michael? And I was down here with David, but David Purdue led the charge to get the workers and farmers of your state the relief you deserved. He said, “Sir, can we get a billion dollars?” And I said, “We’re going to get it David. And we got it very fast.” And there was no mechanism to get it. You got hit with a hurricane like you have never seen before, came in from a location that is just very unique. It was a horrible thing. I was here for a long time with David, and he worked and his kin, his kin, the great Sonny Perdue, our Department of Agriculture, our Secretary of Agriculture was fantastic also, but we worked very hard, and we got the farmers and the businesses the money that they had to have. And now they’re thriving. David has also been one of the most courageous advocates fighting for an immigration system that defends American workers, American wages, American families, and American jobs. He led the effort in Congress to build the wall. That’s right.

Donald Trump: (30:08)
And Kelly helped on that she’s a little bit newer to the Senate, but she helped a lot. Those last moments you were there, without you it wouldn’t have happened, actually. Cracked down on deadly sanctuary cities, and chain migration and institute on parallel protection for our great citizens. He fought to help us replaced NAFTA disaster with the brand new USMCA, they said it couldn’t be done. A giant victory for Georgia, for workers, and for farmers all over our country. NAFTA was the worst trade deal probably ever signed. And that maybe has to exclude some of the crazy deals and things they did with China. We voted to confirm nearly 300 federal judges. We have a record on federal judges, and three Supreme Court justices, which is a tremendous thing. We have almost 300 federal judges committed to interpreting our constitution as written. No one fights harder for the people of Georgia than David Purdue. David’s opponent, Jon Ossoff is an unhinged radical leftist. He’s not a senator. He’s not a senator. That’s not a Senator. Ossoff said that he’s very proud to be endorsed by socialist crazy Bernie Sanders.

Donald Trump: (31:28)
He’s weak on China. He promoted Chinese propaganda and then he failed to disclose his business ties to the Chinese communist party. Other than that, he’s a wonderful guy, right? Ossoff supports the largest tax hike in American history. If they get in, Warnock and Ossoff, if they get in, you’re going to have the largest tax increase that you’ve ever had. It’ll be the largest tax increase in the history of our country. For what? The Green New Deal: let’s rip down a building because its windows are too big; let’s build a building with no windows, among many other things. He supports the insane Green New Deal, which would crush middle-class parents trying to raise a family. He will support the socialist takeover of American healthcare, which will lead to rationing, poverty, and death. Ossoff also backed the radical left wing crusade to defund police. The last summer, he proudly joined the anti-police mob. He didn’t like the police. He doesn’t like our police. We love our police. Slandering our brave men and women in blue.

Donald Trump: (32:40)
If you vote for Jon Ossoff, he will attack our heroes. He will destroy our economy, and he will betray you and your family. And it’ll happen very quickly. That’s why you must vote. And really importantly, get out tomorrow. Vote for David Perdue. He’s a great gentleman. He loves you. Georgia has another fantastic champion in Senator Kelly Loeffler. Kelly is a staunch defender of our incredible military. I’m so proud of our military. She supports the wall, and she always stands with the heroes of law enforcement, ICE and border patrol. I hated it, Kelly, when we got ballots in from the military with Trump all over it, and they got thrown into a river, you saw that. They threw ballots into a river from the military with my name all over it. We want Trump. Boom, goes into the river. That was just one of many instances of problem. Kelly is also a committed protector of your second amendment rights. With Kelly’s vote, we confirmed our third new Supreme Court justice Amy Coney Barrett.

Donald Trump: (33:50)
Working with David, Kelly helped rescue the US economy from the China virus, passing nearly $4 trillion in economic relief, saving over 1.5 million Georgia jobs, and rescuing countless small businesses all across your state. Businesses that now are doing really well, and we also came up with a vaccine. Nobody else would have done that. They would have done that in 10 years. Kelly and David also both strongly support my efforts to provide $2,000 stimulus checks to hardworking Americans across Georgia, and across the nation. And my reasoning is simple. I mean, we’re conservative with money, but my reasoning is simple. You didn’t cause this problem, this problem was caused by China. Kelly is running against a hard left extremist named Raphael Warnock. Warnock is the most radical and dangerous left-wing candidate ever to seek this office, and certainly in the state of Georgia, and he does not have your values. Warnock has publicly declared his support for socialism, and he once welcomed the anti-American communist dictator, Fidel Castro to his church. He wanted him here. He liked Castro. Thought Castro was a nice guy.

Donald Trump: (35:13)
Warnock said that quote, nobody can serve both God and the military. A vicious smear against thousands of patriotic service members across the state of Georgia. He wants to abolish cash bail. You see how that’s working in New York City, right? It’s not working too well. He has called for quote, opening up the jails, and he slandered our police offices as gangsters, thugs, and bullies. The choice for the voters of Georgia could not be more clear. Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock, are fringe extremists, who would wreck everything Georgia patriots hold dear to their hearts. Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue share your values, and you know that. They share your values like nobody shares your values. I can tell you, they share your values. They want to defend your interest. And they will always put America first.

Donald Trump: (36:12)
Did you see the other day? What a great name, America First. They announced they don’t want to do the America First policy. How crazy? Even if you’re not going to do it, which is basically protect us. We come first. But even, and that includes financially in every other way. Even if you don’t believe it, you don’t say we’re going to end America First. They want to end America First. Kelly, I’d love you to just come up and say a few words. Would that be okay? Kelly.

“America First” was the slogan used by Nazi-friendly Americans in the 1930s.

-- The dark history of ‘America First’, by Jonathan P. Baird

Kelly Loeffer: (36:39)
Hello, Georgia. Thank you Georgia. I have an announcement Georgia. On January 6th, I will object to the electoral college votes. That’s right. That’s right. Thank you. We’re going to get this done. All right, Georgia. But I have a very important question for you. Are you ready to show America that Georgia’s a red state? That’s right. That’s right. Look, this president fought for us, we’re fighting for him. He put America first. He put the American worker first. Thank you, Mr. President. He stood with our men and women of law enforcement. He restored our military. My opponent, radical liberal Raphael Warnock, He attacked our police, our military. He spoke out against Israel, evangelicals, small businesses. Georgia, we have to hold the line. You have to get out and vote tomorrow. Georgia, we are the firewall to socialism. We have to get it done. I love you guys. Thank you. God bless you. God bless Georgia. Thank you.

Donald Trump: (38:38)
We love you. Thank you. Thank you Kelly. That was nice. I’m glad I invited her up. Kelly, I’m glad I invited you up. That was great. Thank you Kelly. That was so great.

Crowd: (38:52)
Fight for Trump. Fight for Trump. Fight for Trump. Fight for Trump. Fight for Trump. Fight for Trump. Fight for Trump.

Donald Trump: (39:01)
Thank you. Thank you. You know, it really is. It’s fight for our country. It’s really fight for our country, not fight for Trump. It’s fight for our country, because that’s why we’re fighting for. Also joining us tonight are Georgia representatives, Marjorie Taylor Greene. I love Marjorie Taylor too. Where are you? Come up here. Kelly wants you to come up here. Don’t mess with her. Don’t mess with her.

Marjorie: (39:38)
Hello, Northwest Georgia. All right. Let me tell you something. I’m so fired up to hear Senator Kelly Loeffler. She’s going to object on January 6th. This is why I believe in her. You see, when you have a strong Senator Kelly Loeffler from Georgia fighting for you, and fighting for your president, and protecting your vote, this is why you have to turn out tomorrow, right? Yes. We have to save our Senate seats. We have to save America and stop socialism. This is the last line. We aren’t going to hand over our Senate seats to a pastor who preaches abortion from the pulpit. No. He’s preaching murder of God’s creation in the womb, holding a Bible in his hand.

Marjorie: (40:48)
If anything, go out there and vote for the unborn tomorrow. We’ve had enough. We’re not going to let Georgia go to two radical socialists. No. I need you all to go out there and vote. Our district has to show up. We’ve got to stop this attack. Stop our senate seats from being hand over to these radicals.
And we’re going to fight for president Trump on January 6th. God bless Georgia, God bless America. Let’s do this.

Crowd: (41:30)

Donald Trump: (41:49)
I also want to introduce two great warriors, friends of mine, Andrew Clyde and Jody Hice. Jody, thank you. Thank you, Andrew. Thank you very much. Great job. We have another friend of ours, South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham. And Mike Lee is here too, but I’m a little angry at him today. Where’s Mike Lee, Where is he? I’m a little angry at you today, but that’s… State representative Vernon Jones. What a great guy he is. A great man. And an early supporter of mine who’s also on the ballot tomorrow. Public service commissioner Bubba McDonald. Bubba. You’re going to do great.

Crowd: (42:43)
Bubba. Bubba. Bubba. Bubba. Bubba. Bubba. Bubba. Bubba.

Donald Trump: (42:43)
Great guy. Thank you, Bubba. Thank you. Good luck tomorrow. You’ll do well. Georgia Republican party chairman David Schaefer, and he’s fighting. He’s out there. He is fighting. He is fighting. By the way, I also want to say hello to, Kelly’s husband is one of the great entrepreneurs in our country. He’s respected by everybody. He’s a tough guy, but he is a sweetheart, and he loves your state. I just want to say hello. Do you mind? Okay. He doesn’t want that. He doesn’t want it, but I will tell, you he’s respected as a businessman, respected by everybody, and gives tremendous amounts of money to charity and everything else. Thank you very much.

Donald Trump: (43:35)
Also a friend of mine, and I don’t know what it is. I’m not so good with the bikes. I sort of say, maybe I stay away from it a little bit, but Chris Cox is Bikers for Trump. And he’s the founder, and he had more people show up for me. Whenever I saw, I’d go to places, I’d have two, three, 4,000 bikes, and secret service would go crazy. I’d say, “No, I’m so happy.” And they wouldn’t do it for any other reason. They just wanted to protect their future president. This was before I won, they were with me for whatever reason, bikers like me. And I like them. Chris Cox, wherever you are Chris Cox. Where is Chris? I don’t know why the bikers like me, Chris, but they do. But I like you guys a lot, and you’re great. We go to speeches and we’d be packed, and we couldn’t even get them, they didn’t even want to be inside. They stood outside. And they were protecting their president when I became president, I never felt safer in my life. Thank you. That’s true.
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Re: Trump lashes out at Gov. Doug Ducey following certificat

Postby admin » Wed Jan 06, 2021 4:09 am

Part 2 of 2

Donald Trump: (44:37)
Another man who’s respected by everybody, a friend of mine. David McIntosh Club for Growth. David, David. Thank you, David. Respected by everybody. And I want to thank Don Jr. Did he do a good job tonight? I watched. Where is Don? Don is great. I love Don. They love our Don, but he’s working hard, and I want to thank Don and Kimberly Guilfoyle, who is incredible. And I also came with somebody who people like a lot, people like her a lot. I don’t know. She doesn’t really like the concept of running for office. She says, “What do I need it for, dad?” Ivanka. Where’s Ivanka? Come on, come, come. Should we get Ivanka up yes, right? Come on up here honey.

Ivanka Trump: (46:03)
Hello Georgia. It is so incredible to be back here with so many amazing, hardworking Georgia families who are fighting for our children’s future. Each one of you. And it’s so great to be back in Georgia with this warrior, my father, the people’s president. He is a tireless, a tireless champion for all of you, and he will never stop fighting. And by his side are two amazing senators that we have to send back to the Senate and send a resounding message that patriotism is alive and well in Georgia. And Georgia is going to keep freedom alive in America. Please vote. Thank you. God bless you. God bless Georgia and God bless America, and God bless our president.

Donald Trump: (47:35)
Thank you Ivanka. Thanks Don. Kimberly, everybody. Thank you all. Tomorrow our entire nation is counting on the people of Georgia in a way the world is counting on the people of Georgia. The fate of our country is at stake. It’s in your hands. You must deliver a Republican victory so big that the Democrats can’t steal it or cheat it away. We have all … They’ll be trying though, I’ll tell you that. We have all seen what our opponents are capable of doing. I ran two elections. I won both of them. Second one, much more successful than the first, but we can’t let this happen any longer. On election night, we were leading by so much. We’re not going to have that tomorrow. We’re not going to have that tomorrow night, where you’re leading and then all of a sudden, boom, it’s gone like magic. We won Florida and Ohio in record numbers.

Donald Trump: (48:32)
We won Iowa by 8.2%. Nobody’s ever won those three States and lost. Never happened before. It’s almost impossible unless people do a lot of … Either get very lucky or they cheat. We’re up 293,000 votes in Michigan, 112,000 votes in Washington. In Wisconsin we were way up, 356,000 votes. In Georgia, 356,000 and 700,000 votes in Pennsylvania. It was over. I should have run up to the podium and said, thank you very much for this wonderful victory. Then maybe they wouldn’t have had time to close those booths, the counting rooms, and do what they did. But then it all started to disappear. I tell this story because we can’t let this happen tomorrow, Kelly. So keep your eyes open. Since the election, we have put forth indisputable evidence documenting the rampant fraud, which will be announced on Wednesday as you know.

Donald Trump: (49:48)
And I want to thank Senator Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz and all of the incredible senators that have stepped up to fight, because they’ve seen what happens. They know it’s a fraud and not just here. I watched some of the people on Fox. I had no choice. I had no choice. I had to. I didn’t have enough channels. And they said, “Why is he fighting for Georgia? It’s not enough.” And I need three. I’m fighting in eight, actually, but six and we’re going to win them all. But they said, “Why?” So one of the people, a very fine woman actually, but she said, “Why is he fighting Georgia? It doesn’t get him there.” I said, “No, but Georgia and Pennsylvania and one other get me there. And we have six and maybe eight, if you look at them and we were leading all of them by a lot, until, like a miracle, it started to quickly disappear.”

Donald Trump: (50:45)
Right here in Georgia there were tens of thousands of illegal votes cast and counted. You know that. And here are just a few examples. Watch this for tomorrow. We were up 10,315 ballots were cast by individuals whose name and date of birth matches a Georgia resident who died in 2020 prior to the election. Then your wacky secretary of state said two people, two people. Now, I don’t know how many people are on that list, but it’s a lot of people. 2,506 ballots were cast by individuals whose name and date of birth matches an incarcerated felon in a Georgia prison. Maybe they aren’t all there, but they did a lot of work. They paid a lot of money to a lot of people. I can tell you that. 4,502 illegal ballots were cast by individuals who do not appear on the state’s voter rolls. Well, that’s sort of strange. 18,325 illegal ballots were cast by individuals who registered to vote using an address listed as vacant according to the postal service. At least 86,880 ballots were cast by people whose registrations were illegally backdated. Oh, I can’t believe that happened.

Donald Trump: (52:13)
66,000 votes … You have to understand, we’re down by a little more than 11,000. So every one of these is determinative. 66,000 votes in Georgia were cast by people under the legal voting age. At least 15,000 ballots were cast by individuals who moved out of the state prior to the November 3rd election, or maybe they moved back in. I don’t know. I mean, I can’t tell. They moved out, ah, let’s go back. Usually takes a little time, right? We moved out. Let’s go back, darling. Georgia’s absentee ballot rejection rate went from an average of 3% in 2016, and then went down very low to almost zero now. Think of it, almost zero. If you multiply that out. And this is with many, many more ballots pouring in. Went to almost zero. 48 out of 159 counties in Georgia rejected no ballots at all. These absentee ballot rejection rates prove that the tens of thousands of illegitimate ballots were counted. There were more absentee ballots in 2020 than ever before by [inaudible 00:53:36]. But magically far fewer ballots were rejected. This alone is more than enough to swing the election to us. This one thing. I’m going over individual. In all of the swing States. Now they’ll check this out and that’s fine, but you take a look at it. Officials, egregiously violated state laws in order to solicit, facilitate and promote cheating and theft on a scale never seen before. These crooked and incompetent official suspended signature verification. I said, I want you to go to Fulton County to check the signatures, because hundreds of thousands of ballots came in. I want you to check the signature to see if it compares to somebody that lived there two years, four years or six years ago. They don’t want to do it. The secretary of state and your incompetent governor. Although he thinks I’ve been a great president. They illegally flooded their States with absentee ballots and they deployed hundreds of elicit ballot drop boxes and corrupt Democrat run cities, among many other flagrant violations of law.

Donald Trump: (54:52)
They put these drop boxes there. And in a number of they’d be gone for three days. They’d take them up and where are they? Where are they? They were gone. Georgia secretary of state agreed to a litigation settlement, which is something that nobody’s ever seen one like this. I want to just tell you that Stacey Abrams took him to the cleaners. That drastically and illegally changed the states election procedures.
They never got the mandated approval from your state legislature, who, by the way, you have some great people in your legislature. Some great, great people who agree with what we’re saying and even more so.

Donald Trump: (55:35)
But think of it. They never got the approval. You have to, by law, under the constitution, you can’t just do these deals and not get the approval and your secretary of state or whoever it was, made this horrible consent decree, horrible, which got rid of so much safety. It’s a disgraceful thing. And it was only approved by your local politicians, him, and local judges. You can’t do that. You have to have your state legislatures do it. That’s true with all States. Tens of thousands of votes are missing. We go all over the world telling people how to run their elections and we don’t even know how to run ours. The most unhappy person right now, anywhere in the United States is Hillary Clinton. Because she’s asking the Democrat party, why the hell didn’t you do this for me? True. Why didn’t you do it for me? Why the hell didn’t you? You notice how quiet she’s been? I shouldn’t have said that, not tonight Jill. But you notice how quiet … she’s furious, because she said, “Don’t forget, I won Michigan by 10,000 votes.” We did much better. As I said, this time. Much, much better, but I won Michigan from her by 10,000 votes. I won Wisconsin by a small … I mean, they could have done that one and not get caught. We caught him, we caught him.

Donald Trump: (57:11)
And I say to people like Mike Lee, that here at Lindsey, I say, if they got approved and verified, they use the word verified, votes that are fraudulent. And then we find out after, because you can’t do it that quickly. It doesn’t go that quickly. It’s a lot of work and a lot of votes and a lot of people. And then we find out that they were frauds like in one state where you had, let’s say you lost by 25,000 votes. They verify it. And that’s supposed to be the end. But shortly thereafter, we find out that we actually won the state by 250,000 votes. Does that mean that that state plus others adds up to being your president? I don’t think it should. I don’t think it should. I don’t think that Kelly feels it should. I don’t think that Marjorie feels it should. In Wisconsin over 90,000 ballots were illegally harvested. Can’t do that. Not allowed to.

Donald Trump: (58:09)
Through so-called human drop boxes and over 500 illegal unmanned drop boxes were put out statewide. In addition, over 170,000 absentee votes were counted that are blatantly illegal under Wisconsin law and should never have been included in the tally. By the way, I lost the … It was razor thin. There’s 170,000 votes. The margin in Wisconsin is only 20,000 votes. So this issue alone would have won that state for us many times over, we were leading at 10 o’clock in the evening by a lot. In Pennsylvania, there were 205,000 more ballots cast than there were voters. How do you get around that one?

Donald Trump: (58:58)
Which remains completely unexplained. You have great senators and representatives there and nobody can explain it, but think of that. And in other places too, you had more ballots than you had voters. You had more votes, think of it, then you had voters by a lot. In addition, Democrats, state Supreme court judges and Democrat secretary of state effectively abolished the signature verification process right here. They counted ballots cast after deadlines and they allowed ballots to be illegally fixed in Democrat controlled areas. And I say this because you can’t let this happen tomorrow. And I hope all the politicians are listening. There’s an unexplained 400,000 vote discrepancy between the number of mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania sent out reported on November 2nd, 2020. And the number reported on November 4th. They can’t explain it. 400,000 previously unreported mail-in ballots, magically appeared. They couldn’t explain it. And all of a sudden they just happened to find 400,000. That’s a lot of people.

Donald Trump: (01:00:14)
Amazing. And the Pennsylvania legislature is not happy. Pennsylvania also had an estimated 8,000 dead voters, 55,000 ballots received back before they were even sent. How about that? The ballots were received, but they weren’t sent yet. Oh, get them out fast please. Many more with no mail date and 14,000 ballots illegally cast by out of state voters. Those are the numbers and those are the numbers we got from them. So they can’t say, Oh, the numbers aren’t so good. In Clark County, Nevada, over 130,000 ballots, this is far, just so you know, all these numbers, these are far more than we need, we’re processed on machines where the signature matching threshold was intentionally lowered to a level that you could sign your name, Santa Claus, and it wouldn’t pick it up. Didn’t pick up anything. More than 42,000 people in Nevada double voted. That’s more than we needed, by far.

Donald Trump: (01:01:23)
In Arizona more than 36,000 votes were cast by non citizens. And there were 11,000 more ballots than there were voters. It seems to be a trait, doesn’t it? This was like at the Super Bowl, where you have 15 cameras and they’d say camera number four, you’re on. Camera number three, you’re on. In Michigan, according to one analyst, over 35,000 ballots listed no address, over 13 ballots were cast by non-residents and an estimated 17,000 ballots were cast by dead people. Some dead people, by the way, also requested an application through. Those are the ones that really bothered me. They not only vote, but they request an application. That’s a double. In addition, there is the highly troubling matter of Dominion voting machines.

Donald Trump: (01:02:22)
And I want you to watch this very carefully tomorrow everybody, you have to watch it carefully. I want to read you from a letter from Georgia state Senator William Ligon. You know who he is, right? Highly respected guy. “Dear Mr president, as chairman of the Georgia Senate judiciary committee on elections. I request that you immediately send an outside team of cyber experts to investigate potential hacking and other irregularities associated with Dominion voting systems, scanners, ballot marking devices, ballots, polling pads used in the 2020 general election in Georgia.” You don’t hear this from your secretary of state and you don’t hear this from your governor and you do have a great legislature. I have to tell you, but the governor won’t let him hold the session to decertify. On December 30th, 2020, the committee held a hearing investigating potential fraud and other irregularities during Georgia’s 2020 general election.

Donald Trump: (01:03:26)
The committee first unanimously approved a report dated December 17th, 2020, discussing a myriad of voting irregularities and potential fraud in Georgia 2020 general election, disgusted in an earlier hearing held on December 3rd. Notably the committee stated in the executive summary that the November 3rd 2020 general election was chaotic and reported results must be viewed as untrustworthy. They are untrustworthy, despite the line of crap that you hear from these people that represent you. I don’t know where they come from. The committee then heard, and this is from one of your most highly respected political representatives, the committee then heard additional testimony concerning voting irregularities during the 2020 general election, including testimony and a real time test demonstrating serious irregularities with Dominion’s voting machines. Three events discussed at this hearing standout and require a forensic auditor of the Dominion voting machines in Georgia to be immediately conducted.

Donald Trump: (01:04:36)
The governor will not let us do it. We’ve been asking them now since November 4th, the day after the election, he won’t let us do it. Why won’t he let us do it? There’s only one reason I can think of. First the Dominion voting machines employed in Fulton County. That’s the home of Stacey. Had an astounding 93.67 error rate. 93.67 error rate in the scanning of ballots requiring a review panel to adjudicate or determine the voters intent. So they’re going to a voter intent. What did the voter mean by this vote? Somebody votes for Trump. I think that voter meant something other. He doesn’t want Trump. Let’s just switch it around.

Donald Trump: (01:05:23)
Think of that. They’re trying to determine the voters intent in over 106,000 ballots out of a total of 113,000 ballots. This is from your representative, highly respected. The national average for such an error rate is far less than 1.2%. So, that was 93%. The source of this astronomical error rate must be identified to determine if these machines were set up were designated to allow for a third party to disregard the actual ballot cast by the registered voter. This is what I have. There was no way. Look at this crowd we have here. Biden came here. He had nobody.

Donald Trump: (01:06:08)
Gallup, Gallup. You know, the Gallup poll. They did a … I don’t say this braggingly, the most admired man in the world or the country. I don’t say it. I say it for a different reason. So, I came in first. Obama came in second and Biden came in way low. Then I say, and they say, and people have said, how is it possible that a guy who got 80 million votes can’t get any votes for the most admired man. You know why? Because he didn’t come in first. That’s why.

Donald Trump: (01:06:47)
Second, again from this very respected political leader, second, there is clear evidence that tens of thousands of votes were switched from president Trump to former vice president Biden in several counties throughout Georgia. For example, in Bibb County, anybody live in Bibb County? Bibb, Bibb, B-I-B-B. President Trump was reported to a 29,391 votes at 9:11 PM, while simultaneously former vice-president Joe Biden was reported to have 17,000 to 18. Minutes later at the next update these vote numbers switched with president Trump now having 17,000. And Biden now having 29,391. That was a switch of over 12,000 votes. It was like a miracle. Third, during this hearing, a presenter demonstrated that a Dominion Poll could be hacked into in real time because it was connected to the internet. Now, anything connected to the internet, that’s not good, but this demonstration proved that these machines could allow votes to be siphoned off or added during the voting process because they’re connected to the internet.

Donald Trump: (01:08:14)
Cybersecurity experts agree that voting machines should not be connected to the internet at any time and in any way, shape or form. Did you see that during the hearing? This guy sitting there. Well, can you connect into the machines? Yes. How do you do that? Within about 25 seconds, he controlled the internet. Former vice-president Biden led Georgia by only 11,779 votes. Every one of the things I told you about almost is more votes than what we’re talking about. The crime that was committed in this state is immeasurable and immediate forensic audit of an appropriate sampling of Dominion’s voting machines and related equipment is critical to determine the level …

Donald Trump: (01:09:03)
… Machines and related equipment is critical to determine the level of illegal fraudulent ballots, improperly counted in Georgia during the 2020 general election and during tomorrow’s race. You’ve got to be very careful. And, let me also quickly read a letter from Mark Finchem, chairman of the Arizona House, a very respected man, Federal Relations Committee. “Dear Mr. President, subsequent to the election, members of the legislature were inundated with complaints from constituents relating to the intensity of the general election, and the integrity more important than anything else, and the accuracy of canvassed results.” “In many instances, constituents reported that their earlier in-person ballots may not have been correctly processed, or tabulated in Maricopa County officials.” “Members of the legislature have conducted two public hearings in recent weeks during which significant evidence of fraudulent and illegal voting in Arizona has been demonstrated through expert and eyewitness testimony, for example, in Pima County and Maricopa County, it appears that 143,000 illegal votes were actually injected into the ballot system.” Think of that. No, but think of this.

Donald Trump: (01:10:25)
Also, the press won’t report this, they probably turn it off, oh, we don’t like this. They don’t like this. They don’t want to talk about numbers. They talked about my phone call. They don’t like my phone call, everyone loved my phone call. They don’t like talking about numbers, because nobody knew the numbers were so egregious. Also, an expert mathematician concluded that the only explanation for the actual voting results in Arizona is that 100%… Think of this, 130% of Democrats voted for candidate Biden, and a negative 30% voted for President Trump. Now, think of that. In order to get to the numbers 130% of the voters, that’s a little tough to get, okay, had to vote for him, and minus 30 had to vote for me, and that gets you to a 100%. And, nobody has a 100% voting.

Donald Trump: (01:11:21)
For all of these people who think it’s too late, does that mean that we’re forced to approve a fraudulent election or an election with massive irregularities? I don’t think so. [crosstalk 01:11:32] I don’t think so. I want to thank those two great political leaders, but we have many other letters just like that. Same thing. Hundreds of thousands of votes are missing. The only way to combat the Democrat fraud is to flood your polling places with a historic tidal wave of Republican voters tomorrow.

Donald Trump: (01:11:56)
Because at a certain point, the machines are going to explode. They almost did with me, unfortunately they didn’t quite get there, but we’ll figure that out. And, I just want Mike Lee to listen to this when I’m talking, because you know what? We need his vote. This election is your chance to stand up to the corrupt Democrat machine, and show them that the American people are still in charge.

Crowd: (01:12:20)

Donald Trump: (01:12:23)
With your help over the last four years, we built the greatest political movement in the history of our country. There’s never been anything like this. Kelly, when did I say, we’ll do this, like two days ago, three days ago, right? And, look at this, and we love you all for being here, we really do. I’m glad the weathers good, we love you all. But, there’s never been a movement like this. I say it all the time, and the politicians, the lame stream medias, I call them affectionately, if that weren’t true they’d say, “That’s wrong, there’s never been a movement like this.” I mean, you have people that won one state, and they become world famous for the rest of their lives.

Donald Trump: (01:13:02)
You have people that came in second in New Hampshire and their [inaudible 00:04:06], we won everything and we won it now a second time. Hate to bore you with that expression. But, we won it now a second time. And, I don’t want to win it a third time, I really want to win it the second time, [inaudible 00:04:18]. Somebody came up to me today, Kelly, and they said, “Sir, you way up in four years, nobody can come close to me.” I said, “I’m not interested in four years, I’m interested in like eight weeks ago.”

Crowd: (01:13:34)

Donald Trump: (01:13:35)
Four years is a long time. It’s actually two in two, we’ll take back the house for [crosstalk 01:13:42] Kevin and Marjorie. Jodi, we’ll bring back the house, right? We’ll bring back the house.

Crowd: (01:13:48)
Four more years. Four more years. Four more years. Four more years. Four more years. Four more years. Four more years, four more years, four more years.

Donald Trump: (01:14:00)
No, we didn’t win, I’d be all upset. Of course, If I didn’t win, you probably wouldn’t want me, you know in all [inaudible 01:14:05].

Crowd: (01:14:05)
[crosstalk 01:14:06].

Donald Trump: (01:14:07)
A Big difference between losing and winning and having it stolen. No, but they talk about for years, sir, you haven’t made, nobody can come closer and I say, “Nope, we go this way first.” And, I think we’re going to do it. I really believe, because there’s no [crosstalk 01:14:23] way we could have won every single state, and for Fox, not one state, this is one of many. We win every state, and they’re going to have this guy be president and he can’t speak, he can’t talk. Already, we’ve achieved more than anyone thought possible. And, we are just getting started.

Speaker 1: (01:14:43)
Thank you.

Donald Trump: (01:14:44)
And honestly, it’s you, it’s amazing what happened. I don’t even know why the hell I say let’s have a rally. We have a rally and thousands and thousands [inaudible 01:14:51] Honestly, I’ll go out on the extreme, there’s never been anything like this in the history of our country. And, the election is over, the presidential election, and we have a big one tomorrow, but there’s never been anything like this in the history of our country. Our economy is coming back. It’s roaring back. Our stock market is an all time high. Who would have thought that? We’re rounding the turn, because of what we did with the vaccines. And, nobody else would have done it, it would have taken so long. The economy boomed at 33. 4% last quarter, that’s the fastest rate ever recorded. And, we’re talking about [crosstalk 01:15:37] pandemic during a pandemic. We’ve already slashed the unemployment rate in half. And for decades, our politicians spend trillions of dollars rebuilding foreign nations, fighting foreign wars and defending foreign borders. You know, we’re bringing many of our great troops home. I mean, I hate to say it, but got to do it. We’ve been in Afghanistan for 19 years, I think that’s enough. I think that’s enough. We’ve got very few left and [crosstalk 01:16:09] very proud. Nothing worse than going to Dover and meeting the parents of our great warriors that have fallen, our great warriors coming home so badly wounded or dead. And, on countries that many of you have never even heard about. So, we bring our soldiers home. We’ve been incredible warriors, we can beat anybody. Nobody has our equipment, nobody has our military, nobody has our people-

Speaker 2: (01:16:36)
[inaudible 01:16:36].

Donald Trump: (01:16:37)
… but we aren’t over there to be policemen. We’re not over there to be policing, they’re warriors, they’re fighters, and that’s what we want them for. That’s what we have to have them for. But, we brought a lot of them home. We are finally protecting our nation, rebuilding our cities and we’re bringing our jobs, our factories and our troops back to the USA where they belong.

Donald Trump: (01:17:07)
But everything that we’ve achieved together is on the line tomorrow. Our fight to take back our country from the big donors, the big media and the horrendous big tech giant that our politicians, not these two politicians, are afraid to attack. Section 230, we have to get rid of Section 230 politicians-

Crowd: (01:17:26)

Donald Trump: (01:17:30)
or you’re not going to have a country very long, taken away all your rights. If you-

Speaker 3: (01:17:34)
[inaudible 01:17:34].

Donald Trump: (01:17:34)
… want to send a message to the powerful forces that are trying to control your country, you must get out and vote tomorrow for David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler.

Crowd: (01:17:47)

Donald Trump: (01:17:47)
With your help, we’re going to continue our mission to save America, and we’re going to continue our mission of America first. It’s very simple.

Crowd: (01:17:59)

Donald Trump: (01:18:01)
Each of us here tonight is United by the same core vision, and the same timeless American values. We love our country. Together, we believe that faith and family, not government and bureaucracy are the center of American life.

Speaker 4: (01:18:15)

Speaker 5: (01:18:15)

Donald Trump: (01:18:16)
We will defend the right to life, [crosstalk 01:18:19] religious Liberty, free speech and the right to keep and bear arms, which they want to take away from you.

Crowd: (01:18:24)

Donald Trump: (01:18:27)
And, we will always support the heroes of law enforcement.

Crowd: (01:18:34)

Donald Trump: (01:18:35)
We will maintain America’s unrivaled military might, and we will preserve peace through strength.

Crowd: (01:18:44)

Donald Trump: (01:18:44)
You know when I first got elected and before I got elected in 2015 and 2016, before they were in debates and everyone said, “Oh, he’s going to cause Wars, he’s going to cause wars.” I think I’m the only president in many, many decades that didn’t [crosstalk 01:19:00] get into a war, right.

Crowd: (01:19:01)

Donald Trump: (01:19:01)
[inaudible 00:10:04]. Remember North Korea was going to be a tremendous nuclear fight, and all this, what happened with that? I got along very well with Kim Jong-un. I don’t think that Joe’s going to based on what I’ve heard, but I got along very well with him. And people say, “Whatever happened with North Korea, we got along well.” But, they all said that, “With my personality, I’ll be in a big war very soon within the first two weeks.” What happened? And, they don’t want to mess with us either, that [crosstalk 01:19:35] I can tell you.

Donald Trump: (01:19:36)
David and Kelly will protect Social Security and Medicare, and they will always protect patients with pre-existing conditions. We will stop the radical indoctrination of our students and restore patriotic education to our schools.

Crowd: (01:19:50)

Donald Trump: (01:19:54)
We will teach our children to love our country, honor our history and always respect our great American flag.

Crowd: (01:20:02)

Donald Trump: (01:20:05)
And, we will live by the words of our national motto, In God We Trust, and it will stay that way.

Crowd: (01:20:13)

Donald Trump: (01:20:16)
From Atlanta to Augusta, to Savannah, to Columbus, from Athens… And, I want to say hello to Herschel Walker, Athens.

Crowd: (01:20:26)

Donald Trump: (01:20:26)
Herschel [crosstalk 01:20:28]. 10.2 yards of carry for a while, he made a lot of quarterbacks look very good. We love Hershel. To right here in Dalton, Georgia, we inherit the legacy of generations of American Patriots who gave their blood, sweat and tears to defend our country and to defend our freedom. We stand on the shoulders of American heroes who crossed the oceans, settle the continent, tamed the wilderness, laid down the railroads, raised up the great skyscrapers that won two world wars, defeated fascism and communism, and made America into the single greatest nation in the history of the world, and the best is yet to come.

Crowd: (01:21:16)

Donald Trump: (01:21:22)
And, proud citizens like you helped build this country. And, together we are taking back our country, our fight to drain the Washington swamp and reclaim America’s destiny and dignity has only just begun. We will not bend, we will not break, we will not yield. We will never give in, we will never give up, we will never back down. We will never, ever surrender.

Crowd: (01:21:49)

Donald Trump: (01:21:54)
Because, we are Americans [crosstalk 01:21:56] and we are from Georgia-

Crowd: (01:22:00)

Donald Trump: (01:22:00)
… and our hearts bleed red, white and blue.

Crowd: (01:22:06)

Donald Trump: (01:22:06)
We are one movement, one people, one family, and one glorious nation under God. And, together with the incredible people of Georgia, we have made America powerful again, our military. We have made America wealthy again, our stock market. We have made America strong again, look at that arm, look at…

Donald Trump: (01:22:35)
We have made America proud again, we’re proud of our country. We have made America safe again, and we will make America great again. Go get him, David, go get him, Kelly, go get them tomorrow.
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Re: Trump lashes out at Gov. Doug Ducey following certificat

Postby admin » Thu Jan 07, 2021 1:41 am

Senate Republicans challenge Electoral College votes
by PBS News
1/6/21 ... e=emb_logo

Senate Argues on Arizona and Pennsylvania Electoral votes and votes on Arizona



[Senator Mitch McConnell] We’re debating a step that has never been taken in American history. Whether Congress should overrule the voters and overturn a presidential election. I’ve served 36 years in the Senate. This’ll be the most important vote I’ve ever cast. President Trump claims the election was stolen. The assertions range from specific local allegations to constitutional arguments, to sweeping conspiracy theories. I supported the President’s right to use the legal system. Dozens of lawsuits received hearings in courtrooms all across our country. But over and over the courts rejected these claims, including all star judges, whom the President himself has nominated. Every election we know features some illegality and irregularity, and of course, that’s unacceptable. I support strong State led voting reforms. Last year’s bizarre pandemic procedures must not become the new norm.

But my colleagues, nothing before us proves illegality anywhere near the massive scale, the massive scale that would have tipped the entire election. Nor can public doubt alone justify a radical break when the doubt itself was incited without any evidence. The Constitution gives us here in Congress a limited role. We cannot simply declare ourselves a National Board of Elections on steroids. The voters, the courts, and the stage have all spoken. They’ve all spoken. If we overrule them, it would damage our Republic forever. This election, actually, was not unusually close. Just in recent history, 1976, 2000 and 2004 were all closer on this one. The Electoral College margin is almost identical to what it was in 2016. This election were overturned by mere allegations from the losing side, our democracy would enter a death spiral. We’d never see the whole nation except an election again. Every four years would be a scramble for power at any cost.

The Electoral College, which most of us on this side have been defending for years, would cease to exist. Leaving many of our States with no real say at all in choosing a President. The effects would go even beyond the elections themselves. Self government, my colleagues, requires a shared commitment to the truth and a shared respect for the ground rules of our system. We cannot keep drifting apart into two separate tribes with a separate set of facts and separate realities with nothing in common except our hostility towards each other and mistrust for the few national institutions that we all still share. Every time, every time in the last 30 years that Democrats have lost a presidential race, they’ve tried to challenge just like this. After 2000, after 2004, after 2016. After 2004, a Senator joined and forced the same debate and believe it or not, Democrats like Harry Reed, Dick Durbin, and Hillary Clinton praised, praised him and applauded the stunt.

Republicans condemned those baseless efforts back then and we just spent four years condemning Democrats shameful attacks on the validity of President Trump’s own election. So look, there can be no double standard. The media that is outraged today spent four years aiding and abetting Democrats attacks on our institutions after they lost. But we must not imitate and escalate what we repudiate. Our duty is to govern for the public good. The United States Senate has a higher calling than an endless spiral of partisan vengeance. Congress will either override the voters, over rule them, the voters, the States and the courts for the first time ever, or honor the people’s decision. We’ll either guarantee Democrats de-legitimizing efforts after 2016 become a permanent new routine for both sides or declare that our nation deserves a lot better than this.

We’ll either hasten down a poisonous path where only the winners of election actually accept the results, or show we can still muster the patriotic courage that our forebearers showed not only in victory, but in defeat. The framers built the Senate to stop short-term passions from boiling over and melting the foundations of our Republic. So I believe protecting our constitutional order requires respecting the limits of our own power. It would be unfair and wrong to disenfranchise American voters and overrule the courts and the States on this extraordinarily thin basis. And I will not pretend such a vote would be a harmless protest gesture while relying on others to do the right thing. I will vote to respect the people’s decision and defend our system of government as we know it.




[Judy Woodruff, PBS News Hour] Right now our own reporters, Lisa Desjardin, and Amna Nawaz have been reporting from the Capitol grounds. We are waiting to see evidence of either National Guard, State Patrols, State Police, for some evidence that they are showing up at the Capitol to reinforce the Capitol Police where they were clearly under-prepared, under-secured; they were not ready for the show of force on the part of these protesters who came in force in large numbers determined to breach the Capitol, to breach the perimeter, to go in, to knock down the doors, to break windows, to break glass, to get inside, to go inside the Senate chamber, into the House chamber. Here we have, this is a quick look at the House chamber. We were told that protesters were inside. We were also told that House members are trying to find different places to stay safe in the Capitol building. Lisa Dejardin has reported for us that the members of the Senate were in one location. We don’t know what that location is. We were told they are staying safe, and kept safe, in one location. But we’re trying to follow sources of information from many different directions. We just listened to Joe Biden calling on President Trump to go before the American people, to go on National television, to urge his supporters to leave the Capitol; to pull back. And Biden himself called on these protesters to leave the Capitol. He said, and I’m quoting here: He said, what they are doing borders on sedition; he called it disorder, even chaos; he said they do not represent who we are as American people; they are a small number of extremists; and he went on to call them, he said “I call on this mob to pull back.” And he described the words of the President, clearly holding President Trump responsible for what has happened today at the Capitol. These are live pictures you are looking at from the Capitol grounds. We know that tear gas was deployed a little earlier, maybe 15 to 30 minutes ago, in an effort to disperse the crowd, but a number of them are still there as dark descends on the Capitol city. We know it’s about 30 degrees with some pretty strong winds today. It’s not a pleasant day to be outdoors, but this is a determined group.




[John Hart, Former Communications Director for Sen. Tom Coburn’ I think what we would have learned today, had not the protest happened in the way it did, and we will still learn, is that there’s a lot of ambiguity written into the Constitution about how Congress can provide oversight – should Congress provide oversight – to state election boards, to state legislatures. And to me, the only intellectually honest way to actually change anything, is to do it through a Constitutional Amendment. So there may be takeaways where there might be an agreement to, for example, look at how we draw congressional districts. You can broaden the aperture beyond just election rules to look at how we decide districts. And how do we have modern elections in the Internet age in ways that are transparent and fair. Could we simply vote through our phone? Are there ways to do it online? If we could pay our taxes online, why can’t we vote? Are there simpler ways to have free and fair and open elections, ways that can prevent fraud, that will not create suspicion?

And again, I think what’s happened is there were four years of the resistance on the Left that said the President was illegitimately elected. And that has created an enormous amount of suspicion. And I would agree that Trump has amplified that in ways that are unhelpful, but that’s part of why we’re where we are today….

And to clarify … what I am imploring, the media to do at large, is to understand that when there were years and years dedicated to a storyline that the Russians helped elect Donald Trump, that Donald Trump colluded with the Russians, and there was an impeachment process built around that, that then created a fertile ground for Donald Trump to say, “This election result was merely a continuation of four years of resistance.” And so that’s why I think there’s plenty of blame on both sides. That this is a cultural, political problem, and this goes way beyond just partisanship. And really, that’s the point that I’m trying to make here that it’s wrong and partisan for either side to say, “One side caused this and the other didn’t.” There is different types of blame to go around, but there’s a lot of blame that I think both sides can share, and that we need to learn from, and move forward in a much more productive way. And there are ways that Congress can do this very productively, and bring in experts, and figure out how can we have, in the modern digital age a free election where everybody gets to vote, and their vote is not fraudulent, their vote will count. And that’s what I think we need to do going forward. That’s what members can support on both sides.




[Judy Woodruff] Let’s turn now to journalist and author Ron Suskind, who has been speaking with sources of his within the Trump administration on this truly astonishing day. Hi, Ron. What are you learning?

[Ron Suskind, Journalist and Author] It’s quite a day. Um, Judy, one of the things I’m hearing from sources in the government is, well, something that we heard starting around the middle of last year, is that this is the thing they feared, is that Trump always had an army of loyalists. And the fear was, if he were to lose the election, that he would unleash them. He would use the power of the people who will do just about anything Donald Trump says, and have been convinced that a fraud has occurred, in extraordinary numbers, which Trump did himself, to create a situation that is sort of what we have at this moment in which you’ve got this group of insurrectionists who have taken over the Capitol, that are really moving at the direction of Donald Trump – let’s be very clear about that – and at the same time he still retains the powers of the presidency. That’s a left hand and a right hand in which he has power in both hands. And I think what we’re seeing now is a question that he’s answering as to how he will use that leverage.

He said to them, “It’s time to go home.” That’s not a very forceful statement. It’s sort of like, “You’ve done your work now, stand down and wait for further instructions.” He has also activated the police, and has activated the National Guard.

So you’ve got left hand and right hand working in a kind of unison that terrifies many of the folks, Republicans, and many of the folks who are senior officials in the government. And that’s why we’re in a very dynamic situation now.

[Judy Woodruff] Well, at the very least, it’s a mixed message and as you say, it’s a dangerous message. Because you’re right: on the one hand, the President is saying “Go home,” but he is sticking by his argument that the election was stolen, which is of course what is fueling the anger and the actions taken by these protesters.

Ron, so how organized is all of this, is my question? I know we still don’t know the identity of every single one of the individuals who came to Washington today to protest the election result, but how much organization is there?

[Ron Suskind, Journalist and Author] You know, I don’t think there’s a lot of organization as we generally think about “organization.” You know, this is a mob that kind of takes direction and can improvise as they see fit. You kind of don’t need a battle plan handed to them. Not in this age. And I think what you’re seeing here is a kind of signaling that we see a lot in the digital era, in which the President is signaling to his community, as he did in that speech this morning, which was just harrowing to listen to, because he did fire them up, and he pointed them toward the Capitol. It was quite clear: You’re ready – go that way, and do what need be done! If you listen to that long speech, that is essentially the message he gave to them. And then he sat and watched, Trump in the Oval Office, as the havoc unfolded. And watched for quite a while.

[Judy Woodruff] It seems to me, just again, looking at this from my perspective, watching this unfold today, that there was an effort initially to exercise restraint on the part of the Capitol law enforcement, the Capitol police and others. They were hoping that things wouldn’t get out of hand, and they were holding back. They didn’t want to use force; they didn’t use tear gas or other methods. They held back. But then that turned out to be the opening that led to what we saw, where they broke into the Capitol, at least one person was shot, people sent to the hospital, and so on. It remains to be seen just how much this unfolded. But now we have the situation where a number of these protesters are telling people who talk to them that they are going to stay there overnight. We had Yamiche Alcindor reporting a while ago that that’s the whole purpose of being there, to keep this electoral vote counting process from going forward. So if the National Guard or police, or whoever goes into the Capitol, they’re going to meet with resistance on the part of these people. We think; we don’t know.

But back to the President and his role in all of this. It’s something we are trying to understand. And it’s certainly raising a question about just what a dangerous moment this is.

[Ron Suskind, Journalist and Author] You know, Judy, one thing I want to point out, I think you say something that’s quite pertinent, that the Capitol police were kind of surprised. It’s hard to imagine this! You know, there’s been threat assessments going on inside of the government by senior officials who are fearful, in various agencies, for months, as to what could happen if Donald Trump lost the election. It’s one thing to engage in that process, and it’s another thing to be facing it. And I think what you saw is the surprise of law enforcement, police around the Capitol. When they saw a mob coming, quite ardent about what they decided to do. And I think as well, now is a moment where we’re all trying to get in the head of the key actor here, which is Trump. Trump created this situation. Trump also controls the key powers of government that will effect what happens in the next few days. Both things are in his control, and purview. I think that’s why you have some people, Republicans and Democrats, calling for the 25th Amendment, saying, “Look, you can’t have all that power in one man.” What Peter Baker wrote in the New York Times about the President leading an insurgency, insurging in the White House, is the thinking that many senior officials have had for quite some time.

So now we’re in a dynamic situation where people are trying to figure out what Donald Trump’s intentions are, and what he will do next. In some ways, one of the things that people have been watching for, is in fact alerting and bringing in the National Guard, and military to create a kind of state of emergency situation which again, gives the President extraordinary powers. And that’s happening now.

So it doesn’t surprise me that the folks in the Capitol are staying. They realize they have power, and that they’re really backed up significantly by the President of the United States himself. That changes the dynamic from anything we’ve ever seen I think in this country, where you had a group like that who feel they have the support of the President. That’s the new terrain we are standing on now. And it is terrifying.

[Judy Woodruff] Sobering at the very least. And this discussion of the 25th Amendment, again, sobering. Ron Suskind, thank you very much. So much to report on.




[William Brangham] I would like to turn now at some point to Yamiche Alcindor, our White House correspondent. She has been following all of this. Yamiche: great to see you. Can you just give us the latest? What are you hearing? We say the statement the White House put out from President Trump. What else can you tell us about the latest of what the White House is thinking and how they are responding to all of this?

[Yamiche Alcindor] The President remains convinced that he has to continue to spread disinformation about the election. He is watching all of this unfold from the White House. At this point, other than that one-minute video, he has not offered himself up to speak to the American people in this moment when so many Americans are terrified about what they are watching. This, of course, is a result of the President’s own words, own rhetoric. He told Americans, millions of them, at rallies, on Twitter, in videos, from the White House podium, that he was someone who was a victim of a mass conspiracy theory against him, that he had had the election stolen from him. And the President is still there, still in that mind-frame, still focused on his own future even as night falls on the White House, even as things get dark, even as things have gotten so dark in the Capitol.

What we see here is the President urging calm. People around him, including Rudy Giuliani, say that there needs to be no violence. But these are the same people, William, and you know this from the reporting that you’ve been doing on disinformation domestically, these are the same people who are perpetuating the same information that now these people have taken, these protesters, have taken into the Capitol and other cities to try to really upend all of this process. My reporting continues to be that these protesters do not plan to want to leave; do not plan to want to back down, because they want to see the system not be able to go forward. And right now they are succeeding at doing that.

It’s remarkable. At the beginning of the day, we thought finally the 2020 election was going to be over, and now we’ve seen armed protesters succeed in disrupting American democracy. So many people, including Republicans, urged the President weeks before this to condemn violence, to not have people come out, but the President ignored them all. And we saw this morning, the President double-down on that and I think it’s going to be something that we’re really going to have to think about, when he said, “Fight on; we will not concede, and we’re heading to the Capitol.”

And I should say, as someone who has covered a lot of protests, these images are just remarkable. I remember being in Ferguson, Missouri, where there were protesters who were protesting peacefully, and we saw tanks and teargas thrown onto them. And these protesters are now sitting in Nancy Pelosi’s office, are sitting in the Senate chamber, and President Trump is saying, “I hear your pain. I understand you. I love you.” This is the President, feeding into that sense of entitlement that got these people to break windows of the U.S. Capitol, something that we just have not seen in modern history. Some historians saying that it was back in 1812 the last time that the Capitol was breached. So this is the White House right now, that is not communicating other than that one-minute video. I have so many questions for this White House, including, “What happens next? When is the President going to do something to try to put an end to this all the way, physically try to do something to put an end to this?” We are just not getting any answers. And we also don’t know where the Vice-President is right now. He was whisked away from the Capitol, and there’s no clarity from the White House on where the leader, the second-in-command of the U.S. government is right now.

[William Brangham] It is just such a remarkable turn of events, Yamiche. And just to echo what you said before. I know you have covered so many of those protests and seen the way in which heavily armed, and well-fortified police officers respond to physical destruction to large numbers of people pushing into places where they’re not supposed to be, and then to see that this has been going on for hours today. We know that the National Guard has been called out in some instances here, but this idea that this went on for such a long period of time, and either the Capitol Police simply were outnumbered, but then to not see a response, a more vigorous and forceful response, has got to just be – I mean, the contrast between the protest that we saw earlier this year, and what we saw being allowed to go forward today, is just striking.

[Yamiche Alcindor] It’s so striking. As someone who remembers seeing protesters moved out of the way physically with some sort of chemical gas so that President Trump could take a picture in front of St. John’s church, as someone who has gone to Ferguson, Missouri, who has seen protesters there protesting the death of an unarmed teenager in the street, being moved aside with teargas and with tanks, this was the Capitol Police, in some ways being caught off guard, it seems. Um, the President announced several hours ago that he was going to be marching with them, marching with these protesters to the Capitol, but it seems the Capitol Police just simply did not have the force needed and the manpower needed to protect the U.S. Capitol. And that really is something that’s very scary. I’m standing in the other building in D.C. – there are a number of them, of course, that are federal buildings in D.C., but the White House is probably the only other place that you think of as super-safe. It’s seen as sort of a security bubble. I’ve been in the Capitol so many times, and when you enter that rotunda, you feel like the security guards are not going to let anyone in there that doesn’t need to be there. And instead, what we saw was a complete breach of that. And I should say there were moments when we heard sirens, where we heard protesters outside the White House, but they didn’t breach here. And some of that is because they are sympathetic to this White House. They like this White House. They are supporting this White House. Um, as a result, we didn’t see the same force that we saw at the Capitol.

[William Brangham] Yamiche Alcindor at the White House for us today and as you have been all day today. Thank you so much for your reporting. We’ll check back with you later for sure.


I am joined now by the District Attorney, the Attorney General for the District of Columbia, Karl Racine. He is on the telephone talking with us today. Uh, Mr. Racine, are you there?

[Karl Racine, Attorney General for the District of Columbia] I’m here, William. Thank you very much.

[William Brangham] Very good to have you on the NewsHour. Thank you for talking with us. Um, I wonder if I could just initially get your reaction to what has unfolded here today.

[Karl Racine, Attorney General for the District of Columbia] Well, it’s several-fold, and I’ll try to be as brief as I can. I think Attorney General Barr’s message is plain, clear and unquestionably the truth. What we witnessed today was an American tragedy. It is outrageous! It is devastating. And I would add to former Attorney General Barr’s words, that it was unlawful, predictable, and encouraged by none other than the President of the United States. And so this is an unprecedented event.

Let me talk about the predictability for a moment. We know that these hate groups and militia groups – I’m talking about not the peaceful protesters, but the people who broke police lines, and assaulted the Capitol, and left Senators and Congresswomen and men, huddled down onto the ground with their gas masks out and ushered on to underground trains for refuge, the same refuge sought by the Vice-President of the United States.

So this is a tragic day that was predictable, because the social media made it clear as to what was going to occur. And I have to tell you that Yamiche is exactly right and you too, William, when you bring into contrast the Black Lives Matter protest. You’ll remember, and there are pictures, and I would urge you and your fantastic program, to show the images. What you’ll see in the images of the defense of the Capitol during the Black Lives Matter protest, are wardens and other officials from the Bureau of Prisons, law enforcement heavily armed and in uniform, bulletproof vests and masks, from the Homeland Security, National Guard from overwhelmingly states run by Republican governors, protecting the Capitol for no reason, where there was a peaceful protest. And what you saw today, sadly, and I certainly don’t mean to demean Capitol Policemen individually, but you saw Capitol Policemen RUNNING AWAY from individuals who were breaking into the Capitol and defacing the offices of our most respected elected officials.

Again, I’m going to cite Yamiche. She and I are Haitian Americans. We love our country of Haiti. It’s been beset, unfortunately, by political corruption, and instability, sometimes with the cooperation of the United States of America. A coup d’etat in Haiti is not something, sadly, that is unusual. What you had today was an attempted coup d’etat that may still be in process, because the President claims, falsely, that he won an election that every court has rejected including a conservative Supreme Court. And so now is the time for all responsible Americans – and thank God for the former defense secretaries, and the business leaders – to finally come out and make clear that our democracy relies on a peaceful transition of power. Every side feels the loss, but we get on with it, we regroup, and then we fight a political battle, the next four years. It’s time for Donald Trump and his supporters to leave Washington, D.C. peacefully. It’s too late for them to leave humbly, or with any decency. But please leave in a manner that is not violent.

[William Brangham] You’re describing the words of the President and many of his supporters, as the legal equivalent of “incitement to violence.” And we certainly saw Rudy Giuliani this morning standing amongst those protesters calling for “trial by combat.” We heard the President, and we’ve heard his language all along about theft and robbery and enemy of the people, and the need to rise up and to come to Washington. Do you really lay this fully at the feet of the President? Do you really believe that this is a monster of his making?

[Karl Racine, Attorney General for the District of Columbia] Candidly and honestly I do think he bears great responsibility, because he’s gone where, literally, no President has ever gone before. And history will certainly reflect this. I also believe that we have seen the fragility of our democracy. And the fragility of our democracy is not in our Constitution, nor in our laws, nor in our norms. It’s in the human beings who are entrusted to defend those. And sadly, too many of those human beings succumbed to the withering pressure of the President of the United States, I would argue the corruption of the President of the United States, and the fear – the fear of their losing potential supporters and voters.

You know, John F. Kennedy wrote a book called “Profiles in Courage” about 8 senators who defied their constituents and public opinion because they did the right thing for the country. That book is noted for its talk about those 8 courageous senators, but it’s also noted for how thin the book actually is. What we’ve seen, unfortunately, are elected officials after elected officials, and former elected officials, and responsible folks, fold uncourageously at the expense of our great democratic experience.

[William Brangham] Attorney General, I wonder if you could help us understand a little bit of, for people who don’t know Washington, D.C., and how law enforcement operates in the City, it’s a very confusing thing. There’s a police force for the Capitol; there’s the Secret Service for the President; D.C. has its own police force. In this case, we saw that this was primarily an issue for the Capitol Police to be dealing with. What other local and/or national law enforcement agencies should be involved here, and do you believe are involved in here?

[Karl Racine, Attorney General for the District of Columbia] William, the question is spoken from someone who knows Washington, D.C. So thank you for that. And it’s important for the citizens and residents of the United States to understand that the District of Columbia, unfortunately, is not a state. We pay taxes; we go to war, but we’re not a state. We have taxation without representation. And that means that our local police police our neighborhoods in the District of Columbia where we have 700,000 plus extraordinary Washingtonians live and work. But we have the Capitol Police responsible for policing the Capitol. We have the Secret Service who has broad responsibility for protecting, of course, the President, and other elected officials, and other national assets. We have the Park Police that is in charge of protecting our parks here in the District of Columbia that are beautiful. And so in a way, the District of Columbia is one of the most over-policed in the sense of having so many law enforcement officials who, generally speaking, actually work well together. I think the breakdown here is that the Metropolitan Police Department is trying with all of their might, and I think they are doing, to be honest, a very good job under the new chief Contee. But we have a dissonance because it appears that some crucial federal partners frankly didn’t come to play today. And I can only think that the order came from somewhere up high because I know those federal police officers. They go to work every day to do the right thing. I think they were frankly told not to post today.

[William Brangham] I want to follow up on that in a moment, but we are just getting some word from the apparently the Sergeant of Arms inside the Capitol announced an all-clear, that there was some sense that the majority of protesters have been either contained or that the threat is minimized. And allegedly there was some applause that broke out inside the Capitol. So hopefully that is some good news, and we’re working to try and confirm that. But Attorney General, you were saying before about this issue of the difficulty of a city not necessarily having full governance over its own affairs. We know that the mayor of D.C. , Muriel Bowser, has established a 6:00 p.m. curfew tonight in the city. Can you give us a sense of what other resources are going to be deployed in the city? What concerns you have about what might unfold as this protest continues?

Abrupt Change of Topic

Another way to deal with a subject that you don’t want to discuss is to wait for a person to catch her breath and change the topic to something that is more agreeable. Most people will take the hint, but if it doesn’t work, try it again. Smile when you do it so the person doesn’t perceive you as being antagonistic or think you’re not a good conversationalist.

Here are some examples of how to quickly change the subject:

• When people start gossiping about someone who isn’t there, point to the buffet (or another inanimate object) and make a comment about how much planning must have gone into it.
• If a person says she has issues with the company you work for, you can smile and ask if she has any pets, and if so, what are they. She should take the hint that your employer is off limits in this discussion.
• When a person starts criticizing your friend or coworker, flash a big smile and ask about her last vacation.

-- How to Gracefully Change the Subject, by Debby Mayne

[Karl Racine, Attorney General for the District of Columbia] Well, yes, William. The mayor, indeed, did issue a 6:00 p.m. curfew, and we’re getting close to that 6:00 p.m. hour – 18 more minutes. And I’m urging anyone who is watching your show, and I hope many people are, to adhere to that curfew. The Metropolitan Police Department is going to enforce that curfew. In the District of Columbia, that means our police officers will enforce the curfew, and will arrest any individuals who are violating the curfew. Those charges will be reviewed by my office, and where the evidence supports it, will bring the charges. There are other charges that can be brought in regards to what we saw on television today. Many of those charges, in fact almost all of them, are not chargeable by my office, which is the D.C. Attorney General’s office but instead, are only chargeable by the federal prosecutor.

[William Brangham] Is that because these events happened on federal property? Is that correct?
[Karl Racine, Attorney General for the District of Columbia] Partly, but not fully. Partly, yes, but not fully, because the federal prosecutor in the District of Columbia, given D.C.’s lack of full autonomy, is the principal prosecutor for felonies and adult offenses. And the federal prosecutor, that is the U.S. Attorney of the District of Columbia, is appointed by the President of the United States. And so if you thought that there was meddling into the Michael Flynn case after he pled guilty twice and acknowledged that he perjured himself, and violated the law, then you know that, unfortunately, the President of the United States interferes in the lawful and dutiful operation of federal prosecution. It’s a fair question, William, for you and the press to follow up on, to ask “What charges are the federal prosecutors bringing in light of today’s events?

[William Brangham] And lastly, Attorney General, I just have to wonder, as someone who has spent so much of his life and career in Washington, D.C., and in many ways charged with the protection of the people who live here, and looking after the residents of this city, this has got to be an incredibly dark day. As I said at the beginning, many of us watched what was going on today, and the congressmen and senators gathering to go through what we had been told was a formal counting, certifying, whatever the term of art is, of the final votes of this election. And then to see it devolve into this chaos. I mean, as a long-time resident here, and a member of our local government, this has got to be an incredibly dark and tragic day for you.

[Karl Racine, Attorney General for the District of Columbia] Well, I’m going to beg to differ a bit, notwithstanding the assault on our democracy that was aided and abetted and encouraged and frankly, known in advance, by the President of the United States. The residents of the District of Columbia, to the contrary, they followed the rules. They were not out in the District of Columbia. They did not participate in confrontation with hate groups. In fact, the residents of the District of Columbia, I would argue, are at the front of the seat of hypocrisy. So they saw the mistreatment of protesters who happened to be overwhelmingly protesting against police excesses on behalf of people of color who the statistics clearly reveal have been treated disparately and violently. And they’ve also seen what happened today. And they are going to see what’s going to happen tonight. And so there may be weeping tonight, but there will be joy in the morning. And there will be a sense that residents of the District of Columbia have honored their oath to be citizens of this country, by acting peacefully, respecting protesters, and going along their business. The D.C. residents – we get it, and we want the rest of the country to get it.

[William Brangham] Attorney General Karl Racine, the Attorney General of the District of Columbia, thank you very much for joining us on this really remarkable day. It’s great to talk to you. Thank you.

[Karl Racine, Attorney General for the District of Columbia] Thank you, William.




[Judy Woodruff] And we step back now to reflect a little more on this remarkable moment with Mary McCord. She was Acting Assistant Attorney General for National Security at the Department of Justice. She now teaches at Georgetown Law School. Mary McCord, we appreciate your being with us again. I know you’ve just been listening to Amna talk about the makeup of the people who showed up in Washington today, who showed up at the Capitol. You’re somebody who has studied some of these extremist groups, including white supremacists and others. What do you make of who these people are, what motivated them to come to do what they were doing today?

[Mary McCord, Former Justice Department Official] Well, it’s not surprising to see these groups showing up. This is something that we have seen in the making for some time now. And we have a combination of extremist, far-right extremists including conspiracy theorists, those who buy into debunked false claims of everything from election fraud to Q-Anon theories about various elected officials: democrats and republicans. But we also have unlawful, criminal street gangs and militias from different states.

Now, D.C., of course, is not an open-carry jurisdiction, and in fact doesn’t even allow a concealed carry unless you have a conceal-carry permit from D.C. They don’t recognize permits from other jurisdictions. But that doesn’t mean that people haven’t been concealing weapons on their person, under their coats, etc. And these are far-right, unlawful private militias who are big Trump supporters.

I think we have probably also seen some more mainstream Republicans who legitimately are concerned that there might have been some fraud in the election, but they are in with these much more extreme individuals who I think are contributing to a real radicalization and the type of violence and rebellion that we saw today at the Capitol.

[Judy Woodruff] Well, from the work that you’ve done, when the group got to the point, today, where they went to the Capitol, they weren’t content to simply protest outside the Capitol; they breached the perimeters, they got to the doors, they started breaking windows, breaking through the doors, going inside, ransacking or walking through, basically taking over the building, what kind of leadership does it take for something like that to happen? Is it spontaneous, or is it something you think was probably worked out and planned ahead of time?


[Mary McCord, Former Justice Department Official] So, I’ve been watching this develop for months now, even before the election, as the President was, even prior to the election, suggesting that mail-in ballots were susceptible to fraud, and that we weren’t going to be able to trust the results of the election. And of course he’s doubled-down on that post-election. And this is red-meat for these groups. The online activity of the far-right extremist movement is extremely prolific, and it in some cases encouraging violence, in other cases encouraging overthrow of the government, and whatever they needed to do to do what they considered “stopping the steal.” The President has been egging it on at every turn. Not only has he himself promoted conspiracy theories, and false claims of election fraud that have been debunked in every single court, and of course Secretary of State Raffensperger and the call on Saturday, you know, tried to push back, point by point about the falsity of those claims, and the President, at the same time, is giving this red meat to the base, giving this red meat to the most extremist elements of his supporters, has also not only refused to denounce civil unrest, but encouraged it.

We saw that coming through the weekend as he was encouraging people to come today, but we saw it even more so this morning, and this evening, when he was encouraging that march on the Capitol. And this evening, while he was telling people to go home, at the same time he was saying, “I know your pain. The election was stolen. I won in a landslide, and it was stolen.” You can’t tell people to go home and be peaceful while you’re telling them that the election has been stolen. So there’s been no leadership.

And I want to say also: I put this on the hands of the President, but he has been enabled by those in the White House, and those in Congress, who refuse to stand up to him. And right after the election, you might remember that some of them said, “We’re humoring him.” Well, the time for humor has long passed. And this violence, this woman killed, the other people who will be injured, this is on their hands.

[Judy Woodruff] And now the question a lot of us have is, “Will the death of this woman and will the pleas of so many people, including prominent Republicans and supporters of the President, that this stand down, that this stop, will that have any effect on these people? We will certainly be watching to see. Mary McCord, thank you very much.

[Mary McCord, Former Justice Department Official] Thank you, Judy.

Senate votes on Pennsylvania Electoral vote starting at 4:30:00 to 4:45:00

House of Representatives Argues on Arizona Electoral votes
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Re: Trump lashes out at Gov. Doug Ducey following certificat

Postby admin » Thu Jan 07, 2021 2:14 am

Trump Told Crowd ‘You Will Never Take Back Our Country With Weakness’: As Congress prepared to certify the victory of his successor, President Trump railed against the election and helped set in motion hours of violence.
by Maggie Haberman
New York Times
Jan. 6, 2021
Updated 8:48 p.m. ET



President Trump speaking on Wednesday at a rally on the Ellipse near the White House. He urged supporters to march to the Capitol.

Shortly before leaving the White House on Wednesday morning for the Ellipse, where a stage had been set up for him to address supporters, President Trump had a word with Vice President Mike Pence.

Mr. Pence repeated what he had told Mr. Trump a day earlier: that when he went to Capitol Hill in a few hours to oversee the tallying of the electoral votes that would certify Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s victory, he would not have the power to do what the president wanted and overturn the results. Mr. Pence was planning to release a letter soon explaining that.

Mr. Trump listened, and stewed and chastised Mr. Pence as soft. He was somber as he got into the presidential motorcade for the short ride over to the Ellipse, where he made clear in his roughly 70-minute speech that he was furious with Mr. Pence and that he wanted the people gathered on the Mall to go to the Capitol immediately afterward in protest of what he falsely claimed was a stolen election.

With his loyal No. 2 no longer so loyal in his eyes and with Congress poised to spend the day brushing aside the protests he had nurtured about the Electoral College outcome, Mr. Trump urged his supporters to take another step to back him.

“We want to be so respectful of everybody,” Mr. Trump said, before calling his political opponents bad people. “And we are going to have to fight much harder. And Mike Pence is going to have to come through for us, and if he doesn’t, that will be a sad day for our country. Because you’re sworn to uphold our Constitution.”

Calling the outcome of the election “this egregious assault on our democracy,” he said his supporters should “walk down to the Capitol. And we are going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women, and we are probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them. Because you will never take back our country with weakness.”

Mr. Trump did not in fact travel with the supporters he urged to go fight for him; he returned to the White House, and berated aides about how the scene had appeared, before taking to Twitter to attack Mr. Pence for his stand.

Before Mr. Trump took the stage, his personal lawyer, Rudolph W. Giuliani, addressed the crowd and called for “trial by combat” against the Democrats to win the election.


[Rudy Giuliani] Hello! Hello, everyone! We’re here, just very briefly, to make a very important: two points: No. 1: Every single thing that has been outlined as the plan for today, is perfectly legal. I have Professor Eastman, here, with me, to say a few words about that. He’s one of the preeminent Constitutional scholars in the United States. It is perfectly appropriate, given the questionable Constitutionality of the Election Counting Act of 1887, that the Vice-President can cast it aside, and he can do what a President called “Jefferson” did when he was vice-president. He can decide on the validity of these crooked ballots, or he can send it back to the legislatures, give them five to ten days to finally finish the work. We now have letters from five legislatures begging us to do that! They are asking us! Georgia, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Wisconsin, and one other coming in.


[Rudy Giuliani] So it seems to me we don’t want to find out three weeks from now even more proof that this election was stolen, do we?

[Crowd] NO!

[Rudy Giuliani] So it’s perfectly reasonable and fair to get ten days, and you should know this! The Democrats and their allies have not allowed us to see one machine, or one paper ballot. Now, if they ran such a clean election, they’d have you come in and look at the paper ballots. Who hides evidence? Criminals hide evidence, not honest people. So, over the next ten days we get to see the machines that are crooked, the ballots that are fraudulent, and if we’re wrong, we will be made fools of. But if we’re right, a lot of them will go to jail. SO LET’S HAVE TRIAL BY COMBAT! I’m willing to stake, I’m willing to stake my reputation, the President is willing to stake his reputation, on the fact that we’re going to find criminality there. Is Joe Biden willing to stake his reputation that there’s no crime there? No.

Also, last night, one of the experts that has examined these crooked Dominion machines, has absolutely, what he believes is conclusive proof, that in the last 10%, 15% of the vote counted, the votes were deliberately changed by the same algorithm that was used in cheating President Trump and Vice-President Pence – same algorithm, same system, same thing that was done with the same machines. You noticed they were ahead until the very end, right? Then you noticed there was a little gap – one was ahead by 3%, the other was ahead by 2%, and [slaps hands together] GONE! GONE! They were even! He can take you through that and show you how they programmed that machine from the outside to accomplish that. And they’ve been doing it for years to favor the Democrats. It is a matter of scientific proof. We need two days to establish that. It would be a shame if that gets established after it’s over, wouldn’t it be?

This was the worst election in American history. This election was stolen in seven states. They picked states where they had crooked Democratic cities, where they could push everybody around, AND IT HAS TO BE VINDICATED TO SAVE OUR REPUBLIC. This is BIGGER THAN DONALD TRUMP! It is BIGGER than you and me. It’s about these monuments, and what they stand for. This has been a year in which they have invaded our freedom of speech, our freedom of religion, our freedom to move, our freedom to live, AND I’LL BE DARNED IF THEY’RE GONNA TAKE AWAY OUR FREE AND FAIR VOTE! AND WE’RE GOING TO FIGHT TO THE VERY END TO MAKE SURE THAT DOESN’T HAPPEN!

And let me ask Professor Eastman to explain as easily as we can – I know this is complicated – but what happened last night, how they cheated and how it was exactly the same as what they did on November 3rd.


[Professor John Eastman, Chapman University] America’s mayor! Wonderful! Hello, America! Sorry, I had to say that! Look, we’ve got petitions pending before the Supreme Court that identify in chapter and verse the number of times state election officials ignored or violated the state law in order to put Vice-President Biden over the finish line. We know there was fraud, traditional fraud, that occurred. We know that dead people voted. But we now know, because we caught it live last time in real time, how the machines contributed to that fraud. And let me, as simply as I can, explain it. You know, the old way was to have a bunch of ballots sitting in a box under the floor, and when you needed more, you pulled them out in the dark of night. They put those ballots in a secret folder in the machines, sitting there waiting until they know how many they need. And then the machine, after the close of polls, we now know who has voted, and we know who hasn’t. And I can now, in that machine, match those unvoted ballots with an unvoted voter and put them together in the machine. And how do we know that happened last night in real time? You saw when it got to 99% of the vote total, and then it stopped. The percentage stopped, but the votes didn’t stop. What happened, and you don’t see this on Fox or any of the other stations, but the data shows that the denominator, how many ballots remain to be counted -- how else do you figure out the percentage that you have – how many remain to be counted? That number started moving up. That means they were unloading the ballots from that secret folder, matching them, matching them to the unvoted voter, and voila – we have enough votes to barely get over the finish line. We saw it happen in real time last night, and it happened on November 3rd as well. And all we are demanding of Vice-President Pence is this afternoon at 1:00, he let the legislatures of the state look into this, so we get to the bottom of it, and the American people know whether we have control of the direction of our government or not. We no longer live in a self-governing republic if we can’t get the answer to this question. This is bigger than President Trump! It is the very essence of our republican form of government, and it has to be done! And anyone who is not willing to stand up and do it does not deserve to be in the office! It is that simple!



[Rudy Giuliani] God bless you! And thank you so much for your support. I know the courage it takes to be out there. I know how you get ridiculed. I know how they try to take jobs away from you. But you look in the mirror every night and you say to yourself, “I’m doing the right thing for myself, for my family, for my children, and mostly importantly, for the United States of America!”

Mr. Trump’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., warmed up the crowd by warning of challenges to Republican members of Congress who didn’t back the pro-Trump efforts: “We’re coming for you,” he said.


[Donald Trump, Jr.] HELLO, PATRIOTS! Hey, guys. You actually all did something, I didn’t realize was possible. I’m looking at the crowd here, and the tens of thousands – probably 100,000 plus people here – AND YOU DID IT ALL WITHOUT BURNING DOWN BUILDINGS? YOU DID IT WITHOUT RIPPING DOWN CHURCHES?! WITHOUT LOOTING?! I didn’t know that that was possible! According to the media, when you have a large gathering of peaceful protesters, they are supposed to burn it all down! [Crowd laughs] So guys, we can do it right.

The fact that you are all here on this rather cold January day tells me all I need to know. And it should be a message to all the Republicans who have not been willing to actually fight. The people who did nothing to stop the steal. This gathering should send a message to them: This isn’t their Republican party anymore. This is Donald Trump’s Republican party! This is the Republican party that will put America first!
This is the Republican party that will fight for the American worker! This is the Republican party that’s not just going to roll over and die because the Democrats would like you to. No, we’ve seen that guys. We’ve seen that. We’ve been our own worst enemy. All you gotta do is look to Georgia where you had Republicans saying, “Well, well, I don’t like the way the game is played, so let’s take our ball and go home.” Oh, guys, guess what? That was music to Chuck Schumer’s ears! That was music to Nancy Pelosi’s ears. And that is what so many in the Republican establishment have created. That sort of mentality. “Okay, we’ll turn the other cheek! We’ll roll over and die. We’ll fall and give up. NO MORE!

So to those Republicans, many of which may be voting on things in the coming hours: you have an opportunity today. You can be a hero, or you can be a zero! And the choice is yours, but we are all watching! The whole world is watching, folks. Choose wisely, because if you just roll over, if you don’t fight in the face of glaring irregularities, and statistical impossibilities –


[Donald Trump, Jr.] That’s right, guys! That’s the message! These guys better fight for Trump, because if they’re not, guess what? I’M GOING TO BE IN YOUR BACK YARD IN A COUPLE OF MONTHS. [Points] Guys like Scott, here. Look at – wow, okay, I can’t go through the whole list, because I don’t have 45 minutes to go through all the patriots that have been fighting, have been on the ground, that have mobilized to put good Republicans in those positions. GUESS WHAT, FOLKS? IF YOU’RE GOING TO BE THE ZERO, AND NOT THE HERO, WE’RE COMING FOR YOU, AND WE’RE GOING TO HAVE A GOOD TIME DOING IT!

WE’VE GOT TO START FIGHTING like the Democrats do. Right? We gotta play their game. We gotta take their fight to them their way.
Our reluctance to do that over the last few decades is why we are in the position that we are in. So today, friend or foe, today, Republicans you get to pick a side for the future of this party. Again, I suggest you choose wisely.

[Points] So Kimberly, thank you for all your fight. [Inaudible] Kimberly, folks! One of the great fighters out there. To my family, to my father, but most importantly, to all of you red-blooded patriotic Americans. Thank you for being in this fight with us! Thank you for standing up to the bullshit! Right?

A-men and a-woman! Right? I know, I know. But that shows you literally the mentality of where the Democrat party is, right? I think I put it up on my Instagram, which is being censored the hell right now. But like I put it up yesterday, they spent money on a study that came to the incredible conclusion yesterday that trans women playing in female sports have a competitive advantage. NO SHIT! WHO COULD HAVE SEEN THAT COMING?! I HAD NO IDEA! I’m glad we spent probably millions figuring that out. Just like I’m thrilled that we spent $10 million to Pakistan on gender studies, because I’m sure they care. And billions elsewhere on nonsense that is driven by the insanity of the left, folks. And we have to stand up for it. No one cares how you identify, but you don’t have to do the nonsense the follows. And what I want to know is, in these sort of things, where are the people? Where are the feminists that we’re fighting as men are dominating women’s sports? Where are they, folks? We need to be the party of common sense! We need to be the party of reason! We need to be the party of our values that we hold so dear, that made America the greatest country in the world, and you guys are part of that movement.

SO STAY IN THIS FIGHT! STAY LOUD! DON’T BE SUPPRESSED! DON’T BE PUT IN YOUR CORNER! DON’T LET THEM CANCEL YOU! Trust me, I’ve been canceled 17 times since I started this speech I promise you. Once it happens, it’s rather freeing. Then you can kind of do what you want! Don’t let them do it to you! STAND UP AND FIGHT! STAND UP AND HOLD YOUR REPRESENTATIVES ACCOUNTABLE! And when you do, we can keep America great.

Thank you, patriots! Thank you America! KEEP FIGHTING!

Thank you, guys.

In urging his supporters to see the routine act of certifying the U.S. election results as an illegal affront against him and against them, Mr. Trump helped set in motion hours of violence and chaos that continued as darkness fell on Wednesday evening.

“There’s no question the president formed the mob,” Representative Liz Cheney, Republican from Wyoming, told Fox News. “The president incited the mob. The president addressed the mob. He lit the flame.”

People carrying Trump campaign flags — some of them appearing to be armed — swarmed the Capitol complex. They broke into the building and draped a Trump flag over the Capitol balcony, disrupting the process of the vote certification and forcing members of Congress, journalists and other officials to take cover or flee the building. Shots could be heard at one point. Mr. Pence was whisked to a secure location, as were other lawmakers.

Police confront a mob outside of the Capitol on Wednesday.
Credit...Jason Andrew for The New York Times

Mr. Trump monitored the scene as it unfolded on television, according to administration officials and people close to the White House. He holed up in the Oval Office, speaking with Mark Meadows, the White House chief of staff, who was said to have been rattled by the day, and Pat A. Cipollone, the White House counsel.

Donald Trump Jr. posted a tweet urging supporters to stop the violence. Ivanka Trump, a White House adviser, denounced the violence and corrected an initial tweet in which her reference to “patriots” made her intention unclear. There was silence from the first lady, Melania Trump, and Mr. Trump’s son Eric tweeted about how many people sang to him for his birthday at the rally.

Two of the president’s former chiefs of staff criticized the mob. His former counselor, Kellyanne Conway, said on ABC News that the mob was made of “extremists.” His former communications director, Alyssa Farah, urged him publicly to say something.

But the president resisted repeated requests from advisers, some made directly to him, others to Mr. Meadows and other aides.

Mr. Trump initially rebuffed requests to mobilize the National Guard, according to a person with knowledge of the events. It required intervention from Mr. Cipollone, among other officials, according to the person. About 1,750 National Guard troops from the District of Columbia and Virginia were to deploy Wednesday night, a National Guard spokesman said.

As allies of the president began to go public with their disgust about what was taking place at the Capitol and urged him to speak out, White House aides finally coaxed Mr. Trump into a tweet in which he did not condemn the violence.

Then they convinced him he needed to say something in a video statement, which Mr. Trump opened with another declaration that the election was “stolen” from him and his supporters, before he said “go home,” ending with words to the supporters: “I love you.” Facebook removed that video, and Twitter later did as well.

Then he made clear that he viewed the day as an expression of his grievances. “These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long,” Mr. Trump wrote on Twitter. “Go home with love & in peace. Remember this day forever!”

That tweet was also removed by Twitter, whose officials announced around 7 p.m. that they were locking his account for 12 hours.

Mr. Trump’s ally, Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky, predicted as Congress prepared to reconvene Wednesday night that there would be no further objections from senators to the certification. But Mr. Trump told advisers he wanted to see the senators keep going with the fight.

Several White House advisers described themselves as alternately disgusted, scared or shocked by what had taken place. And the work of government continued on around Mr. Trump, seemingly without his participation.

The defense secretary and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff conferred with Mr. Pence, not Mr. Trump, about sending support to reel in the riots. The national security adviser, Robert O’Brien, condemned the “mob” and praised Mr. Pence.

Several Democrats, meanwhile, called for Mr. Trump’s impeachment. Others — including some Trump administration officials — privately speculated about whether the 25th Amendment would be invoked to remove him from office with just two weeks left in his term.
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Re: Trump lashes out at Gov. Doug Ducey following certificat

Postby admin » Thu Jan 07, 2021 2:18 am

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Donald Trump Speech "Save America" Rally Transcript
by President Donald Trump
January 6, 2021





[President Donald Trump] We’re going to have to fight much harder and Mike Pence is going to have to come through for us. If he doesn’t, that will be a sad day for our country because you’re sworn to uphold our constitution. Now it is up to Congress to confront this egregious assault on our democracy. After this, we’re going to walk down and I’ll be there with you. We’re going to walk down. We’re going to walk down any one you want, but I think right here. We’re going walk down to the Capitol, and we’re going to cheer on our brave senators, and congressmen and women. We’re probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them because you’ll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength, and you have to be strong...

The Republicans have to get tougher. You’re not going to have a Republican party if you don’t get tougher. They want to play so straight, they want to play so, “Sir, yes, the United States, the constitution doesn’t allow me to send them back to the States.” Well, I say, “Yes, it does because the constitution says you have to protect our country and you have to protect our constitution and you can’t vote on fraud,” and fraud breaks up everything, doesn’t it? When you catch somebody in a fraud, you’re allowed to go by very different rules. So I hope Mike has the courage to do what he has to do...

And we fight. We fight like Hell and if you don’t fight like Hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore...

So we’re going to, we’re going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue, I love Pennsylvania Avenue, and we’re going to the Capitol and we’re going to try and give… The Democrats are hopeless. They’re never voting for anything, not even one vote. But we’re going to try and give our Republicans, the weak ones, because the strong ones don’t need any of our help, we’re going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.

Donald Trump spoke at a “Save America” rally in Washington, D.C. on January 6 before Congress was set to confirm the election results. “We will never concede,” he said. Read the transcript of his speech remarks here.

Donald Trump: (02:44)
The media will not show the magnitude of this crowd. Even I, when I turned on today, I looked, and I saw thousands of people here, but you don’t see hundreds of thousands of people behind you because they don’t want to show that. We have hundreds of thousands of people here, and I just want them to be recognized by the fake news media. Turn your cameras please and show what’s really happening out here because these people are not going to take it any longer. They’re not going to take it any longer. Go ahead. Turn your cameras, please. Would you show? They came from all over the world, actually, but they came from all over our country. I just really want to see what they do. I just want to see how they covered. I’ve never seen anything like it. But it would be really great if we could be covered fairly by the media. The media is the biggest problem we have as far as I’m concerned, single biggest problem, the fake news and the big tech. Big tech is now coming into their own. We beat them four years ago. We surprised them. We took them by surprise and this year, they rigged an election. They rigged it like they’ve never rigged an election before. By the way, last night, they didn’t do a bad job either, if you notice. I’m honest. I just, again, I want to thank you. It’s just a great honor to have this kind of crowd and to be before you. Hundreds of thousands of American patriots are committed to the honesty of our elections and the integrity of our glorious Republic. All of us here today do not want to see our election victory stolen by emboldened radical left Democrats, which is what they’re doing and stolen by the fake news media. That’s what they’ve done and what they’re doing. We will never give up. We will never concede, it doesn’t happen. You don’t concede when there’s theft involved.

Donald Trump: (04:42)
Our country has had enough. We will not take it anymore and that’s what this is all about. To use a favorite term that all of you people really came up with, we will stop the steal. Today I will lay out just some of the evidence proving that we won this election, and we won it by a landslide. This was not a close election. I say sometimes jokingly, but there’s no joke about it, I’ve been in two elections. I won them both and the second one, I won much bigger than the first. Almost 75 million people voted for our campaign, the most of any incumbent president by far in the history of our country, 12 million more people than four years ago. I was told by the real pollsters, we do have real pollsters. They know that we were going to do well, and we were going to win. What I was told, if I went from 63 million, which we had four years ago to 66 million, there was no chance of losing. Well, we didn’t go to 66. We went to 75 million and they say we lost. We didn’t lose.

Donald Trump: (06:08)
By the way, does anybody believe that Joe had 80 million votes? Does anybody believe that? He had 80 million computer votes. It’s a disgrace. There’s never been anything like that. You could take third world countries. Just take a look, take third world countries. Their elections are more honest than what we’ve been going through in this country. It’s a disgrace. It’s a disgrace. Even when you look at last night, they’re all running around like chickens with their heads cut off with boxes. Nobody knows what the hell is going on. There’s never been anything like this. We will not let them silence your voices. We’re not going to let it happen. Not going to let it happen.

Crowd: (07:11)
Fight for Trump! Fight for Trump! Fight for Trump!

Donald Trump: (07:11)
Thank you. I’d love to have, if those tens of thousands of people would be allowed, the military, the secret service, and we want to thank you, and the police law enforcement. Great. You’re doing a great job, but I’d love it if they could be allowed to come up here with us. Is that possible? Can you just let them come up, please? Rudy, you did a great job. He’s got guts. You know what? He’s got guts, unlike a lot of people in the Republican party. He’s got guts, he fights. He fights, and I’ll tell you. Thank you very much, John. Fantastic job. I watched. That’s a tough act to follow, those two. John is one of the most brilliant lawyers in the country, and he looked at this and he said, ” What an absolute disgrace, that this could be happening to our constitution.” He looked at Mike Pence, and I hope Mike is going to do the right thing.

Donald Trump: (08:09)
I hope so. I hope so because if Mike Pence does the right thing, we win the election. All he has to do. This is from the number one or certainly one of the top constitutional lawyers in our country. He has the absolute right to do it. We’re supposed to protect our country, support our country, support our constitution, and protect our constitution. States want to revote. The States got defrauded. They were given false information. They voted on it. Now they want to recertify. They want it back. All Vice-President Pence has to do is send it back to the States to recertify, and we become president, and you are the happiest people.

Donald Trump: (09:08)
I just spoke to Mike. I said, “Mike, that doesn’t take courage. What takes courage is to do nothing. That takes courage,” and then we’re stuck with a president who lost the election by a lot, and we have to live with that for four more years. We’re just not going to let that happen. Many of you have traveled from all across the nation to be here, and I want to thank you for the extraordinary love. That’s what it is. There’s never been a movement like this ever, ever for the extraordinary love for this amazing country and this amazing movement. Thank you.

Crowd: (09:44)
We love Trump! We love Trump! We love Trump!

Donald Trump: (09:59)
By the way, this goes all the way back past the Washington monument. Do you believe this? Look at this. Unfortunately, they gave the press the prime seats. I can’t stand that. No, but you look at that behind. I wish they’d flip those cameras and look behind you. That is the most amazing sight. When they make a mistake, you get to see it on television. Amazing, amazing, all the way back. Don’t worry. We will not take the name off the Washington monument. We will not. Cancel culture. They wanted to get rid of the Jefferson Memorial, either take it down or just put somebody else in there. I don’t think that’s going to happen. It damn well better not. Although with this administration, if this happens, it could happen. You’ll see some really bad things happen.

Donald Trump: (10:54)
They’ll knock out Lincoln too, by the way. They’ve been taking his statue down, but then we signed a little law. You hurt our monuments, you hurt our heroes, you go to jail for 10 years and everything stopped. Did you notice that? It stopped. It all stopped. They could use Rudy back in New York City. Rudy, they could use you. Your city is going to hell. They want Rudy Giuliani back in New York. We’ll get a little younger version of Rudy. Is that okay, Rudy?

Donald Trump: (11:25)
We’re gathered together in the heart of our nation’s Capitol for one very, very basic and simple reason, to save our democracy. Most candidates on election evening, and of course this thing goes on so long, they still don’t have any idea what the votes are. We still have congressional seats under review. They have no idea. They’ve totally lost control. They’ve used the pandemic as a way of defrauding the people in a proper election. But when you see this and when you see what’s happening, number one, they all say, “Sir, we’ll never let it happen again.” I said, “That’s good, but what about eight weeks ago?” They try and get you to go. They say, “Sir, in four years, you’re guaranteed.” I said, “I’m not interested right now. Do me a favor, go back eight weeks. I want to go back eight weeks. Let’s go back eight week.” We want to go back, and we want to get this right because we’re going to have somebody in there that should not be in there and our country will be destroyed, and we’re not going to stand for that.

Donald Trump: (12:34)
For years, Democrats have gotten away with election fraud and weak Republicans, and that’s what they are. There’s so many weak Republicans. We have great ones, Jim Jordan, and some of these guys. They’re out there fighting the House. Guys are fighting, but it’s incredible. Many of the Republicans, I helped them get in. I helped them get elected. I helped Mitch get elected. I could name 24 of them, let’s say. I won’t bore you with it, and then all of a sudden you have something like this. It’s like, “Gee, maybe I’ll talk to the president sometime later.” No, it’s amazing. The weak Republicans, they’re pathetic Republicans and that’s what happens. If this happened to the Democrats, there’d be hell all over the country going on. There’d be hell all over the country. But just remember this. You’re stronger, you’re smarter. You’ve got more going than anybody, and they try and demean everybody having to do with us, and you’re the real people. You’re the people that built this nation. You’re not the people that tore down our nation.

Donald Trump: (13:45)
The weak Republicans, and that’s it. I really believe it. I think I’m going to use the term, the weak Republicans. You got a lot of them, and you got a lot of great ones, but you got a lot of weak ones. They’ve turned a blind eye even as Democrats enacted policies that chipped away our jobs, weakened our military, threw open our borders and put America last. Did you see the other day where Joe Biden said, “I want to get rid of the America first policy.” What’s that all about, get rid of …? How do you say, “I want to get rid of America first?” Even if you’re going to do it, don’t talk about it. Unbelievable, what we have to go through, what we have to go through and you have to get your people to fight. If they don’t fight, we have to primary the hell out of the ones that don’t fight. You primary them. We’re going to let you know who they are. I can already tell you, frankly.

Donald Trump: (14:39)
But this year using the pretext of the China virus and the scam of mail-in ballots, Democrats attempted the most brazen and outrageous election theft. There’s never been anything like this. It’s a pure theft in American history, everybody knows it. That election, our election was over at 10:00 in the evening. We’re leading Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia by hundreds of thousands of votes, and then late in the evening or early in the morning, boom, these explosions of and bullshit, and all of a sudden. All of a sudden it started to happen.

Crowd: (15:25)
[inaudible 00:15:25]

Donald Trump: (15:35)
Don’t forget when Romney got beat. Romney. I wonder if he enjoyed his flight in last night? But when Romney got beaten, he stands up like you’re more typical. Well, I’d like to congratulate the victor, the victor. Who was the victor, Mitt? I’d like to congratulate. They don’t go and look at the facts. Now I don’t know. He got slaughtered probably, maybe it was okay. Maybe it was that’s what happened. But we look at the facts and our lecture was so corrupt that in the history of this country, we’ve never seen anything like it. You can go all the way back. America is blessed with elections all over the world. They talk about our elections. You know what the world says about us now? They said we don’t have free and fair elections and you know what else? We don’t have a free and fair press.

Donald Trump: (16:25)
Our media is not free. It’s not fair. It suppresses thought. It suppresses speech, and it’s become the enemy of the people. It’s become the enemy of the people. It’s the biggest problem we have in this country. No third world countries would even attempt to do what we caught them doing and you’ll hear about that in just a few minutes. Republicans are constantly fighting like a boxer with his hands tied behind his back. It’s like a boxer, and we want to be so nice. We want to be so respectful of everybody, including bad people. We’re going to have to fight much harder and Mike Pence is going to have to come through for us. If he doesn’t, that will be a sad day for our country because you’re sworn to uphold our constitution. Now it is up to Congress to confront this egregious assault on our democracy. After this, we’re going to walk down and I’ll be there with you. We’re going to walk down. We’re going to walk down any one you want, but I think right here. We’re going walk down to the Capitol, and we’re going to cheer on our brave senators, and congressmen and women. We’re probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them because you’ll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength, and you have to be strong.

Donald Trump: (18:16)
We have come to demand that Congress do the right thing and only count the electors who have been lawfully slated, lawfully slated. I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard. Today we will see whether Republicans stand strong for integrity of our elections, but whether or not they stand strong for our country, our country.
Our country has been under siege for a long time, far longer than this four-year period. We’ve set it on a much straighter course, a much … I thought four more years. I thought it would be easy. We created-

Another example that is consistent with the white supremacist tactic of double-speak, in our opinion, is Spencer’s proposed “peaceful ethnic cleansing.” At various times, Spencer has claimed that the creation of a white ethnostate was neither an example of white supremacy nor a proposal for genocide. Yet, his own words in other contexts betray an opposite reality. For example, Spencer offered the following during a podcast interview regarding modern day Turkey:

“That is our land. I would absolutely support a unified European effort to take back EuroAsia. And whatever happens to the Turks I don’t give a shit. I don’t care about them. They are ugly and appalling people with no culture...I despise those people...We should just take it from them...I don’t give a flying fuck about national determination...we should rip the entire EuroAsia from them. We should throw every Turk in the ocean...”186

In the above statement, Spencer clearly advocates both violence and the ideals of white supremacy. Within this context, his previous statements advocating a “peaceful ethnic cleansing” become hollow and clearly misleading. Without this broader context, however, it would be possible to regard Spencer’s proposal for “peaceful ethnic cleansing” as sincere, despite that the term “peaceful ethnic cleansing” is itself a fairly obvious example of internal inconsistency and can be viewed as oxymoronic. As ethnic cleansing clearly refers to a type of genocidal violence that was practiced in the Yugoslavian conflict in the mid-1990s, the idea that there is a peaceful type of genocide is hard to imagine.

In our opinion, the language Defendants used in their posts on Discord to plan UTR was precisely consistent with the double-speak that is emblematic of the WSM. As is typical with the WSM, using that language would have allowed them to motivate participants to engage in confrontation and violence at UTR while claiming that they were not doing so. As an example, Ray posted on June 28, 2017, that “I was thinking that for this event [UTR] we go for the Confederate theme but maybe have some good fashy [fascist] shit embedded in it.”187 Properly construed, this statement plainly appears to offer a way for Ray to claim that UTR was simply supporting Southern heritage while signaling to insiders its actual agenda. Similarly, a post by Kessler on June 14, 2017, that was accompanied by a photo of Kyle Chapman aka “Based Stickman,” who wielded a large stick and hit counter-protestors at Berkeley with it, reveals and simultaneously conceals the racialized hatred and violent ambitions of UTR with an attendee prepared to engage in battle with the incongruous label that “[it] really isn’t about hate”.

-- Expert Report of Kathleen Blee (Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Bailey Dean of the Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences, University of Pittsburgh) and Peter Simi (Associate Professor of Sociology, Chapman University), Sines v. Kessler, No. 17-cv-00072

Donald Trump: (19:03)
Four more years, I thought it would be easy. We created the greatest economy in history. We rebuilt our military. We get you the biggest tax cuts in history. We got you the biggest regulation cuts. There’s no President, whether it’s four years, eight years, or in one case more, got anywhere near the regulation cuts. It used to take 20 years to get a highway approved. now we’re down to two. I want to get it down to one, but we’re down to two. And it may get rejected for environmental or safety reasons, but we got it down the safety. We created Space Force. Look at what we did. Our military has been totally rebuilt. So we create Space Force, which by in of itself is a major achievement for an administration. And with us, it’s one of so many different things.

Donald Trump: (19:52)
Right to try. Everybody know about right to try. We did things that nobody ever thought possible. We took care of our vets. Our vets, the VA now has the highest rating, 91%, the highest rating that it’s had from the beginning, 91% approval rating. Always you watch the VA, when it was on television. Every night people living in a horrible, horrible manner. We got that done. We got accountability done. We got it so that now in the VA, you don’t have to wait for four weeks, six weeks, eight weeks, four months to see a doctor. If you can’t get a doctor, you go outside you get the doctor, you have them taken care of. And we pay the doctor. And we’ve not only made life wonderful for so many people, we’ve saved tremendous amounts of money, far secondarily, but we’ve saved a lot of money.

Donald Trump: (20:49)
And now we have the right to fire bad people in the VA. We had 9000 people that treated our veterans horribly. In primetime, they would not have treated our veterans badly. But they treated our veterans horribly. And we have what’s called the VA Accountability Act. And the accountability says if we see somebody in there that doesn’t treat our vets well, or they steal, they rob, they do things badly. We say, “Joe, you’re fired. Get out of here.” Before you couldn’t do that. You couldn’t do that before.

Donald Trump: (21:24)
So we’ve taken care of things. We’ve done things like nobody’s ever thought possible. And that’s part of the reason that many people don’t like us, because we’ve done too much, but we’ve done it quickly. And we were going to sit home and watch a big victory. And everybody had us down for a victory. It was going to be great. And now we’re out here fighting. I said to somebody, I was going to take a few days and relax after our big electoral victory. Ten o’clock, it was over. But I was going to take a few days.

Donald Trump: (21:52)
And I can say this, since our election, I believe, which was a catastrophe when I watch and even these guys knew what happened, they know what happened. They’re saying, “Wow, Pennsylvania’s insurmountable. Wow, Wisconsin, look at the big leads we had.” Even though the press said we were going to lose Wisconsin by 17 points. Even though the press said Ohio is going to be close, we set a record. Florida’s going to be close, we set a record. Texas is going to be close. Texas is going to be close, we set a record. And we set a record with Hispanic, with the Black community. We set a record with everybody.

Donald Trump: (22:36)
Today, we see a very important event though, because right over there, right there, we see the event going to take place. And I’m going to be watching, because history is going to be made. We’re going to see whether or not we have great and courageous leaders or whether or not we have leaders that should be ashamed of themselves throughout history, throughout eternity, they’ll be ashamed. And you know what? If they do the wrong thing, we should never ever forget that they did. Never forget. We should never ever forget. With only three of the seven states in question, we win the presidency of the United States.

Donald Trump: (23:21)
And by the way, it’s much more important today than it was 24 hours ago. Because I spoke to David Perdue, what a great person, and Kelly Loeffler, two great people, but it was a setup. And I said, “We have no back line anymore.” The only back line, the only line of demarcation, the only line that we have is the veto of the president of the United States. So this is now what we’re doing, a far more important election than it was two days ago.

Donald Trump: (23:59)
I want to thank the more than 140 members of the House. Those are warriors. They’re over there working like you’ve never seen before, studying, talking, actually going all the way back, studying the roots of the Constitution, because they know we have the right to send a bad vote that was illegally got, they gave these people bad things to vote for and they voted, because what did they know? And then when they found out a few weeks later… Again, it took them four years to devise history. And the only unhappy person in the United States, single most unhappy, is Hillary Clinton because she said, “Why didn’t you do this for me four years ago? Why didn’t you do this for me four years ago? Change the votes! 10,000 in Michigan. You could have changed the whole thing!” But she’s not too happy. You notice you don’t see her anymore. What happened? Where is Hillary? Where is she?

Donald Trump: (24:57)
But I want to thank all of those congressmen and women. I also want to thank our 13 most courageous members of the US Senate, Senator Ted Cruz, Senator Ron Johnson, Senator Shadowless, Kelly Loeffler. And Kelly Loeffler, I’ll tell you, she’s been so great. She works so hard. So let’s give her and David a little special head, because it was rigged against them. Let’s give her and David. Kelly Loeffler, David Perdue. They fought a good race. They never had a shot. That equipment should never have been allowed to be used, and I was telling these people don’t let them use this stuff. Marsha Blackburn, terrific person. Mike Braun, Indiana. Disinvested, great guy. Bill Hagerty, John Kennedy, James Lankford, Cynthia Lummis. Tommy Tuberville, to the coach. And Roger Marshall. We want to thank them, senators that stepped up, we want to thank them.

Donald Trump: (26:04)
I actually think though it takes, again, more courage not to step up. And I think a lot of those people are going to find that out, and you better start looking at your leadership because the leadership has led you down the tubes. “We don’t want to give $2000 to people. We want to give them $600.” Oh, great. How does that play politically? Pretty good? And this has nothing to do with politics. But how does it play politically? China destroyed these people. We didn’t destroy. China destroyed them, totally destroyed them. We want to give them $600, and they just wouldn’t change. I said, “Give them $2000. We’ll pay it back. We’ll pay it back fast. You already owe 26 trillion. Give them a couple of bucks. Let them live. Give them a couple of bucks!”

Donald Trump: (26:57)
And some of the people here disagree with me on that. But I just say, look, you got to let people live. And how does that play though? Okay, number one, it’s the right thing to do. But how does that play politically? I think it’s the primary reason, one of the primary reasons, the other was just pure cheating. That was the super primary reason. But you can’t do that. You got to use your head.

Donald Trump: (27:19)
As you know the media is constantly asserted the outrageous lie that there was no evidence of widespread fraud. You ever see these people? “While there is no evidence of fraud…” Oh, really? Well, I’m going to read you pages. I hope you don’t get bored listening to it. Promise? Don’t get bored listening to it, all those hundreds of thousands of people back there. Move them up, please. Yeah. All these people don’t get bored. Don’t get angry at me because you’re going to get bored because it’s so much. The American people do not believe the corrupt fake news anymore. They have ruined their reputation.

Donald Trump: (27:57)
But it used to be that they’d argue with me, I’d fight. So I’d fight, they’d fight. I’d fight, they’d fight. Boop-boop. You’d believe me, you’d believe them. Somebody comes out. They had their point of view, I had my point of view. But you’d have an argument. Now what they do is they go silent. It’s called suppression. And that’s what happens in a communist country. That’s what they do. They suppress. You don’t fight with them anymore, unless it’s a bad. They have a little bad story about me, they’ll make it 10 times worse and it’s a major headline. But Hunter Biden, they don’t talk about him. What happened to Hunter? Where’s Hunter? Where is Hunter? They don’t talk about him.

Donald Trump: (28:34)
Now watch all the sets will go off. Well, they can’t do that because they get good ratings. The ratings are too good. Now where is Hunter? And how come Joe was allowed to give a billion dollars of money to get rid of the prosecutor in Ukraine? How does that happen? I’d ask you that question. How does that happen? Can you imagine if I said that? If I said that it would be a whole different ball game. And how come Hunter gets three and a half million dollars from the Mayor of Moscow’s wife, and gets hundreds of thousands of dollars to sit on an energy board even though he admits he has no knowledge of energy, and millions of dollars up front, and how come they go into China and they leave with billions of dollars to manage? “Have you managed money before?” “No, I haven’t.” “Oh, that’s good. Here’s about 3 billion.”

Donald Trump: (29:29)
No, they don’t talk about that. No, we have a corrupt media. They’ve gone silent. They’ve gone dead. I now realize how good it was if you go back 10 years. I realized how good, even though I didn’t necessarily love him, I realized how good it was like a cleansing motion. But we don’t have that anymore. We don’t have a fair media anymore. It’s suppression and you have to be very careful with that. And they’ve lost all credibility in this country. We will not be intimidated into accepting the hoaxes and the lies that we’ve been forced to believe over the past several weeks. We’ve amassed overwhelming evidence about a fake election. This is the presidential election. Last night was a little bit better because of the fact that we had a lot of eyes watching one specific state, but they cheated like hell anyway.

Donald Trump: (30:27)
You have one of the dumbest governors in the United States. And when I endorsed him, I didn’t know this guy. At the request of David Perdue. He said, “A friend of mine is running for Governor, what’s his name.” And you know the rest. He was in fourth place, fifth place. I don’t know. He was way… He was doing poorly. I endorsed him. He went like a rocket ship and he won. And then I had to beat Stacey Abrams with this guy, Brian Kemp. I had to beat Stacey Abrams and I had to beat Oprah, used to be a friend of mine. I was on her last show. Her last week she picked the five outstanding people. I don’t think she thinks that anymore. Once I ran for president, I didn’t notice there were too many calls coming in from Oprah. Believe it or not, she used to like me, but I was one of the five outstanding people.

Donald Trump: (31:17)
And I had a campaign against Michelle Obama and Barack Hussein Obama against Stacey. And I had Brian Kemp, he weighs 130 pounds. He said he played offensive line in football. I’m trying to figure that. I’m still trying to figure that out. He said that the other night, “I was an offensive lineman.” I’m saying, “Really? That must’ve been a really small team.” But I look at that and I look at what’s happened, and he turned out to be a disaster. This stuff happens.

Donald Trump: (31:50)
Look, I’m not happy with the Supreme Court. They love to rule against me. I picked three people. I fought like hell for them, one in particular I fought. They all said, “Sir, cut him loose. He’s killing us.” The senators, very loyal senators. They’re very loyal people. “Sir, cut him loose. He’s killing us, sir. Cut him loose, sir.” I must’ve gotten half of the senators. I said, “No, I can’t do that. It’s unfair to him. And it’s unfair to the family. He didn’t do anything wrong. They’re made up stories.” They were all made up stories. He didn’t do anything wrong. “Cut him loose, sir.” I said, “No, I won’t do that.” We got him through. And you know what? They couldn’t give a damn. They couldn’t give a damn. Let them rule the right way, but it almost seems that they’re all going out of their way to hurt all of us, and to hurt our country. To hurt our country.

Donald Trump: (32:40)
I read a story in one of the newspapers recently how I control the three Supreme Court justices. I control them. They’re puppets. I read it about Bill Barr, that he’s my personal attorney. That he’ll do anything for me. And I said, “It really is genius,” because what they do is that, and it makes it really impossible for them to ever give you a victory, because all of a sudden Bill Barr changed, if you hadn’t noticed. I like Bill Barr, but he changed, because he didn’t want to be considered my personal attorney. And the Supreme Court, they rule against me so much. You know why? Because the story is I haven’t spoken to any of them, any of them, since virtually they got in. But the story is that they’re my puppet. That they’re puppets. And now that the only way they can get out of that, because they hate that, it’s not good on the social circuit. And the only way they get out is to rule against Trump. So let’s rule against Trump, and they do that. So I want to congratulate them.
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Re: Trump lashes out at Gov. Doug Ducey following certificat

Postby admin » Thu Jan 07, 2021 2:18 am

Part 2 of 2

Donald Trump: (33:41)
But it shows you the media’s genius. In fact, probably, if I was the media, I’d do it the same way. I hate to say it. But we got to get them straightened out. Today, for the sake of our democracy, for the sake of our Constitution, and for the sake of our children, we lay out the case for the entire world to hear. You want to hear it?

Crowd: (34:04)

Donald Trump: (34:06)
In every single swing state, local officials, state officials, almost all Democrats made illegal and unconstitutional changes to election procedures without the mandated approvals by the state legislatures, that these changes paved the way for fraud on a scale never seen before. And I think we’d go a long way outside of our country when I say that.

Donald Trump: (34:34)
So just in a nutshell, you can’t make a change on voting for a federal election unless the state legislature approves it. No judge can do it. Nobody can do it, only a legislature. So as an example in Pennsylvania or whatever, you have a Republican legislature, you have a Democrat mayor, and you have a lot of Democrats all over the place. They go to the legislature, the legislature laughs at them. Says, “We’re not going to do that.” They say, “Thank you very much.” And they go and make the changes themselves. They do it anyway. And that’s totally illegal. That’s totally illegal. You can’t do that.

Donald Trump: (35:13)
In Pennsylvania, the Democrat Secretary of State and the Democrat State Supreme Court justices illegally abolished the signature verification requirements just 11 days prior to the election. So think of what they did. No longer is there signature verification. Oh, that’s okay. We want voter ID by the way. But no longer is their signature verification, 11 days before the election! They say, “We don’t want it.” You know why they don’t want it? Because they want to cheat. That’s the only reason. Who would even think of that? We don’t want to verify a signature? There were over 205,000 more ballots counted in Pennsylvania. Now think of this. You had 205,000 more ballots than you had voters. That means you had 200… Where did they come from? You know where they came from? Somebody’s imagination. Whatever they needed. So in Pennsylvania you had 205,000 more votes than you had voters! And it’s the number is actually much greater than that now. That was as of a week ago. And this is a mathematical impossibility, unless you want to say it’s a total fraud. So Pennsylvania was defrauded.

Donald Trump: (36:35)
Over 8000 ballots in Pennsylvania were cast by people whose names and dates of birth match individuals who died in 2020 and prior to the election. Think of that. Dead people! Lots of dead people, thousands. And some dead people actually requested an application. That bothers me even more. Not only are they voting, they want an application to vote. One of them was 29 years ago died. It’s incredible.

Donald Trump: (37:05)
Over 14,000 ballots were cast by out-of-state voters. So these are voters that don’t live in the state. And by the way, these numbers are what they call outcome determinative. Meaning these numbers far surpass… I lost by a very little bit. These numbers are massive. Massive. More than 10,000 votes in Pennsylvania were illegally counted, even though they were received after Election Day. In other words, “They were received after Election Day, let’s count them anyway!” And what they did in many cases is they did fraud. They took the date and they moved it back, so that it no longer is after Election Day. And more than 60,000 ballots in Pennsylvania were reported received back. They got back before they were ever supposedly mailed out. In other words, you got the ballot back before you mailed it!

Donald Trump: (38:03)
… they were supposedly mailed out, in other words, you got the ballot back before you mailed it, which is also logically and logistically impossible. Think of that one. You got the ballot back. Let’s send the ballots. Oh, they’ve already been sent. But we got the ballot back before they were sent. I don’t think that’s too good.

Donald Trump: (38:23)
Twenty-five thousand ballots in Pennsylvania were requested by nursing home residents, all in a single giant batch, not legal. Indicating an enormous illegal ballot harvesting operation. You’re not allowed to do it. It’s against the law. The day before the election, the State of Pennsylvania reported the number of absentee ballots that had been sent out. Yet this number was suddenly and drastically increased by 400,000 people. It was increased. Nobody knows where it came from by 400,000 ballots. One day after the election, it remains totally unexplained. They said, “Well, we can’t figure that.” Now that’s many, many times what it would take to overthrow the state. Just that one element. 400,000 ballots appeared from nowhere, right after the election.

Donald Trump: (39:16)
By the way, Pennsylvania has now seen all of this. They didn’t know because it was so quick. They had a vote, they voted, but now they see all this stuff. It’s all come to light. Doesn’t happen that fast. And they want to re certify their votes. They want to re certify. But the only way that can happen is if Mike Pence agrees to send it back.

Donald Trump: (39:43)
Mike Pence has to agree to send it back. And many people in Congress want it sent back, and take of what you’re doing. Let’s say you don’t do it. Somebody says, “Well, we have to obey the constitution.” And you are, because you’re protecting our country and you’re protecting the constitution, so you are. But think of what happens. Let’s say they’re stiffs and they’re stupid people. And they say, “Well, we really have no choice.” Even though Pennsylvania and other states want to redo their votes, they want to see the numbers. They already have the numbers. Go very quickly and they want to redo their legislature because many of these votes were taken as I said, because it wasn’t approved by their legislature. That in itself is illegal and then you have the scam and that’s all of the things that we’re talking about. But think of this: if you don’t do that, that means you will have a president of the United States for four years, with his wonderful son.

Donald Trump: (40:50)
You will have a president who lost all of these states, or you will have a president to put it another way, who was voted on by a bunch of stupid people who lost all of these things. You will have an illegitimate president, that’s what you’ll have. And we can’t let that happen. These are the facts that you won’t hear from the fake news media. It’s all part of the suppression effort. They don’t want to talk about it. They don’t want to talk about it.
In fact, when I started talking about that, I guarantee you a lot of the television sets and a lot of those cameras went off and that’s how a lot of cameras back there. But a lot of them went off, but these are the things you don’t hear about. You don’t hear what you just heard. And I’m going to go over a few more states. But you don’t hear it by the people who want to deceive you and demoralize you and control you, big tech, media.

Donald Trump: (41:48)
Just like the suppression polls that said, we’re going to lose Wisconsin by 17 points, well we won Wisconsin. They don’t have it that way because they lose just by a little sliver. But they had me down the day before Washington Post, ABC poll, down 17 points. I called up a real pollster. I said, “What is that?” “Sir, that’s called a suppression poll. I think you’re going to win Wisconsin, sir.” I said, “But why do they make it four or five points?” “Because then people vote. But when you’re down 17, they say, ‘Hey, I’m not going to waste my time. I love the president, but there’s no way.'” Despite that, we won Wisconsin, you’ll see. But that’s called suppression because a lot of people, when they see that, it’s very interesting. This pollster said, “Sir, if you’re down three, four or five people vote. When you go down 17, they say, ‘Let’s save, let’s go and have dinner, and let’s watch the presidential defeat tonight on television darling.'”

Donald Trump: (42:49)
And just like the radical left tries to blacklist you on social media, every time I put out a tweet, even if it’s totally correct, totally correct. I get a flag. I get a flag. And they also don’t let you get out. On Twitter, it’s very hard to come on to my account. It’s very hard to get out a message. They don’t let the message get out nearly like they should, but I’ve had many people say, “I can’t get on your Twitter.” I don’t care about Twitter. Twitter is bad news. They’re all bad news. But you know what? If you want to get out of message. And if you want to go through big tech, social media, they are really, if you’re a conservative, if you’re a Republican, if you have a big voice, I guess they call it shadow ban. Shadow ban. They shadow ban you and it should be illegal. I’ve been telling these Republicans get rid of Section 230.

Donald Trump: (43:47)
And for some reason, Mitch and the group, they don’t want to put it in there. And they don’t realize that that’s going to be the end of the Republican party as we know it, but it’s never going to be the end of us, never. Let them get out. Let the weak ones get out. This is a time for strength. They also want to indoctrinate your children in school by teaching them things that aren’t so. They want to indoctrinate your children. It’s all part of the comprehensive assault on our democracy and the American people to finally standing up and saying, “No.” This crowd is again a testament to it. I did no advertising. I did nothing. You do have some groups that are big supporters. I want to thank that Amy and everybody, we have some incredible supporters, incredible, but we didn’t do anything. This just happened.

Donald Trump: (44:39)
Two months ago, we had a massive crowd come down to Washington. I said, “What are they there for.” “Sir, they’re there for you.” We have nothing to do with it. These groups, they’re forming all over the United States. And we got to remember, in a year from now, you’re going to start working on Congress. And we got to get rid of the weak congresspeople, the ones that aren’t any good, the Liz Cheneys of the world, we got to get rid of them. We got to get rid of them. She never wants a soldier brought home. I’ve brought a lot of our soldiers home. I don’t know, some like it. They’re in countries that nobody even knows the name. Nobody knows where they are. They’re dying. They’re great, but they’re dying. They’re losing their arms, their legs, their face. I brought them back home, largely back home, Afghanistan, Iraq. Remember I used to say in the old days, “Don’t go into Iraq. But if you go in, keep the oil.” We didn’t keep the oil. So stupid. So stupid, these people. And Iraq has billions and billions of dollars now in the bank. And what did we do? We get nothing. We never get. But we do actually, we kept the oil here. We did good. We got rid of the ISIS caliphate. We got rid of plenty of different things that everybody knows and the rebuilding of our military in three years, people said it couldn’t be done. And it was all made in the USA, all made in the USA. Best equipment in the world. In Wisconsin, corrupt Democrat run cities deployed more than 500 illegal unmanned, unsecured drop boxes, which collected a minimum of 91,000 unlawful votes. It was razor thin the loss. This one thing alone is much more than we would need, but there are many things.

Donald Trump: (46:29)
They have these lockboxes and they pick them up and they disappear for two days. People would say, “Where’s that box?” They disappeared. Nobody even knew where the hell it was. In addition, over 170,000 absentee votes were counted in Wisconsin without a valid absentee ballot application. So they had a vote, but they had no application. And that’s illegal in Wisconsin. Meaning those votes were blatantly done in opposition to state law. And they came 100% from Democrat areas, such as Milwaukee and Madison, 100%. In Madison, 17,000 votes were deposited in so-called human drop boxes. You know what that is, right? Where operatives stuff thousands of unsecured ballots into duffel bags on park benches across the city in complete defiance of cease and desist letters from state legislature. The state legislature said, “Don’t do it.” They’re the only ones that could approve it. They gave tens of thousands of votes.

Donald Trump: (47:37)
They came in in duffel bags. Where the hell did they come from? According to eyewitness testimony, postal service workers in Wisconsin were also instructed to illegally backdate approximately 100,000 ballots. The margin of difference in Wisconsin was less than 20,000 votes. Each one of these things alone wins us the state. Great state, we love the state, we won the state. In Georgia, your secretary of state, I can’t believe this guy’s a Republican. He loves recording telephone conversations. I thought it was a great conversation personally, so did a lot of other … people love that conversation, because it says what’s going on. These people are crooked. They’re 100% in my opinion, one of the most corrupt. Between your governor and your secretary of state. And now you have it again last night, just take a look at what happened, what a mess and the Democrat party operatives entered into an illegal and unconstitutional settlement agreement that drastically weakened signature verification and other election security procedures.

Donald Trump: (48:53)
Stacey Abrams, she took them to lunch and I beat her two years ago with a bad candidate, Brian Kemp. But the Democrats, took the Republicans to lunch because the secretary of state had no clue what the hell was happening, unless he did have a clue. That’s interesting. Maybe he was with the other side
, but we’ve been trying to get verifications of signatures in Fulton County. They won’t let us do it. The only reason they won’t is because we’ll find things in the hundreds of thousands. Why wouldn’t they let us verify signatures and Fulton County? Which is known for being very corrupt. They won’t do it. They go to some other county where you would live. I said, “That’s not the problem. The problem is Fulton County.” Home of Stacey Abrams. She did a good job. I congratulate her, but it was done in such a way that we can’t let this stuff happen.

Donald Trump: (49:53)
We won’t have a country if it happens. As a result Georgia’s absentee ballot rejection rate was more than 10 times lower than previous levels, because the criteria was so off, 48 counties in Georgia with thousands and thousands of votes rejected zero ballots. There wasn’t one ballot. In other words, in a year in which more mail-in ballots were sent than ever before, and more people were voting by mail for the first time, the rejection rate was drastically lower than it had ever been before. The only way this can be explained is if tens of thousands of illegitimate votes were added to the tally, that’s the only way you could explain it. By the way, you’re talking about tens of thousands. If Georgia had merely rejected the same number of unlawful ballots, as in other years, there should have been approximately 45,000 ballots rejected, far more than what we needed to win, just over 11,000.

Donald Trump: (50:59)
They should find those votes. They should absolutely find that just over 11,000 votes, that’s all we need. They defrauded us out of a win in Georgia, and we’re not going to forget it. There’s only one reason the Democrats could possibly want to eliminate signature matching, oppose voter ID and stop citizenship confirmation. Are you in citizenship? You’re not allowed to ask that question. Because they want to steal the election. The radical left knows exactly what they’re doing. They’re ruthless and it’s time that somebody did something about it. And Mike Pence, I hope you’re going to stand up for the good of our constitution and for the good of our country. And if you’re not, I’m going to be very disappointed in you. I will tell you right now. I’m not hearing good stories. In Fulton County, republican poll Watchers were rejected in some cases, physically from the room under the false pretense of a pipe burst.

Donald Trump: (52:03)
Water main burst, everybody leave. Which we now know was a total lie. Then election officials pull boxes, Democrats and suitcases of ballots out from under a table. You all saw it on television, totally fraudulent. And illegally scanned them for nearly two hours totally unsupervised. Tens of thousands of votes, as that coincided with a mysterious vote dump of up to 100,000 votes for Joe Biden, almost none for Trump. Oh, that sounds fair. That was at 1:34 AM. The Georgia secretary of state and pathetic governor of Georgia … although he says, I’m a great president. I sort of maybe have to change. He said the other day, “Yes, I disagree with president, but he’s been a great president.” Oh, good. Thanks. Thank you very much. Because of him and others. Brian Kemp, vote him the hell out of office, please.

Donald Trump: (53:05)
Well, his rates are so low, his approval rating now, I think it just reached a record low.
They’ve rejected five separate appeals for an independent and comprehensive audit of signatures in Fulton County. Even without an audit, the number of fraudulent ballots that we’ve identified across the state is staggering. Over 10,300 ballots in Georgia were cast by individuals whose names and dates of birth match Georgia residents who died in 2020 and prior to the election. More than 2,500 ballots were cast by individuals whose names and dates of birth match incarcerated felons in Georgia prison. People who are not allowed to vote. More than 4,500 illegal ballots were cast by individuals who do not appear on the state’s own voter rolls. Over 18,000 illegal ballots were cast by individuals who registered to vote using an address listed as vacant, according to the postal service. At least 88,000 ballots in Georgia were cast by people whose registrations were illegally backdated.

Donald Trump: (54:18)
Each one of these is far more than we need. 66,000 votes in Georgia were cast by individuals under the legal voting age. And at least 15,000 ballots were cast by individuals who moved out of the state prior to November 3rd election. They say they moved right back. They move right back. Oh, they moved out. They moved right back. Okay. They miss Georgia that much. I do. I love Georgia, but it’s a corrupt system. Despite all of this, the margin in Georgia is only 11,779 votes. Each and every one of these issues is enough to give us a victory in Georgia, a big, beautiful victory. Make no mistake, this selection stolen from you, from me and from the country. And not a single swing state has conducted a comprehensive audit to remove the illegal ballots. This should absolutely occur in every single contestant state before the election is certified.

Donald Trump: (55:21)
In the State of Arizona, over 36,000 ballots were illegally cast by non-citizens. 2000 ballots were returned with no address. More than 22,000 ballots were returned before they were ever supposedly mailed out. They returned, but we haven’t mailed them yet. 11,600 more ballots and votes were counted more than there were actual voters. You see that? So you have more votes again than you have voters.

Donald Trump: (55:51)
150,000 people registered in Maya Copa County [Maricopa] after the registration deadline. 103,000 ballots in the county were sent for electronic adjudication with no Republican observers. In Clark County, Nevada, the accuracy settings on signature verification machines were purposely lowered before they were used to count over 130,000 ballots. If you signed your name as Santa Claus, it would go through. There were also more than 42,000 double votes in Nevada. Over 150,000 people were hurt so badly by what took place. And 1500 ballots were cast by individuals whose names and dates of birth match Nevada residents who died in 2020, prior to November 3rd election. More than 8,000 votes were cast by individuals who had no address and probably didn’t live there. The margin in Nevada is down at a very low number. Any of these things would have taken care of the situation. We would have won-

Donald Trump: (57:03)
Any of these things would have taken care of the situation. We would have won Nevada also. Every one of these we’re going over, we win. In Michigan quickly, the secretary of state, a real great one, flooded the state with unsolicited mail-in ballot applications, sent to every person on the rolls, in direct violation of state law. More than 17,000 Michigan ballots were cast by individuals whose names and dates of birth matched people who were deceased. In Wayne County, that’s a great one. That’s Detroit. 174,000 ballots were counted without being tied to an actual registered voter. Nobody knows where they came from. Also in Wayne County, poll watches observed canvassers re-scanning batches of ballots over and over again, up to three or four or five times. In Detroit, turnout was 139% of registered voters. Think of that. So you had 139% of the people in Detroit voting. This is in Michigan, Detroit, Michigan.

Donald Trump: (58:08)
A career employee of the Detroit, City of Detroit, testified under penalty of perjury that she witnessed city workers coaching voters to vote straight Democrat, while accompanying them to watch who they voted for. When a Republican came in, they wouldn’t talk to him. The same worker was instructed not to ask for any voter ID and not to attempt to validate any signatures if they were Democrats. She also told to illegally, and was told backdate ballots received after the deadline and reports that thousands and thousands of ballots were improperly backdated. That’s Michigan. Four witnesses have testified under penalty of perjury that after officials in Detroit announced the last votes had been counted, tens of thousands of additional ballots arrived without required envelopes. Every single one was for a Democrat. I got no votes.

Donald Trump: (59:10)
At 6:31 AM, in the early morning hours after voting had ended, Michigan suddenly reported 147,000 votes. An astounding 94% went to Joe Biden, who campaigned brilliantly from his basement. Only a couple of percentage points went to Trump. Such gigantic and one-sided vote dumps were only observed in a few swing states and they were observed in the states where it was necessary. You know what’s interesting, President Obama beat Biden in every state other than the swing states where Biden killed him. But the swing States were the ones that mattered. There were always just enough to push Joe Biden barely into the lead. We were ahead by a lot and within the number of hours we were losing by a little.

Donald Trump: (01:00:03)
In addition, there is the highly troubling matter of Dominion voting systems. In one Michigan County alone, 6,000 votes were switched from Trump to Biden and the same systems are used in the majority of states in our country. Senator William Ligon, a great gentleman, chairman of Georgia Senate Judiciary Subcommittee, Senator Ligon, highly respected on elections has written a letter describing his concerns with Dominion in Georgia.

Donald Trump: (01:00:40)
He wrote, and I quote, “The Dominion voting machines employed in Fulton County had an astronomical and astounding 93.67% error rate.” It’s only wrong 93% of the time. “In the scanning of ballots requiring a review panel to adjudicate or determine the voter’s interest, in over 106,000 ballots out of a total of 113,000.” Think of it, you go in and you vote and then they tell people who you’re supposed to be voting for. They make up whatever they want. Nobody’s ever even heard. They adjudicate your vote. They say, “Well, we don’t think Trump wants to vote for Trump. We think he wants to vote for Biden. Put it down for Biden.” The national average for such an error rate is far less than 1% and yet you’re at 93%. ” The source of this astronomical error rate must be identified to determine if these machines were set up or destroyed to allow for a third party to disregard the actual ballot cast by the registered voter.”

Donald Trump: (01:01:44)
The letter continues, “There is clear evidence that tens of thousands of votes were switched from President Trump to former Vice President Biden in several counties in Georgia. For example, in Bibb County, President Trump was reported to have 29, 391 votes at 9:11 PM Eastern time. While simultaneously Vice President Joe Biden was reported to have 17,213. Minutes later, just minutes, at the next update, these vote numbers switched with President Trump going way down to 17,000 and Biden going way up to 29,391.” And that was very quick, a 12,000 vote switch, all in Mr. Biden’s favor.

Donald Trump: (01:02:31)
So, I mean, I could go on and on about this fraud that took place in every state and all of these legislatures want this back. I don’t want to do it to you because I love you and it’s freezing out here, but I could just go on forever. I can tell you this…

Speaker 1: (01:02:52)
We love you. We love you. We love you. We love you. We love you. We love you. We love you. We love you.

Donald Trump: (01:03:03)
So when you hear, when you hear, “While there is no evidence to prove any wrongdoing,” this is the most fraudulent thing anybody’s… This is a criminal enterprise. This is a criminal enterprise and the press will say, and I’m sure they won’t put any of that on there because that’s no good, do you ever see, “While there is no evidence to back President Trump’s assertion,” I could go on for another hour reading this stuff to you and telling you about it. There’s never been anything like it. Think about it, Detroit had more votes than it had voters. Pennsylvania had 205,000 more votes than it had more, but you don’t have to go any… Between that, I think that’s almost better than dead people, if you think, right? More votes than they had voters, and many other States are also.

Donald Trump: (01:03:56)
It’s a disgrace that the United States of America, tens of millions of people are allowed to go vote without so much as even showing identification. In no state is there any question or effort made to verify the identity, citizenship, residency, or eligibility of the votes cast. The Republicans have to get tougher. You’re not going to have a Republican party if you don’t get tougher. They want to play so straight, they want to play so, “Sir, yes, the United States, the constitution doesn’t allow me to send them back to the States.” Well, I say, “Yes, it does because the constitution says you have to protect our country and you have to protect our constitution and you can’t vote on fraud,” and fraud breaks up everything, doesn’t it? When you catch somebody in a fraud, you’re allowed to go by very different rules. So I hope Mike has the courage to do what he has to do. And I hope he doesn’t listen to the RINOs and the stupid people that he’s listening to. It is also widely understood that the voter rolls are crammed full of non-citizens, felons and people who have moved out of state and individuals who are otherwise ineligible to vote. Yet Democrats oppose every effort to clean up their voter rolls. They don’t want to clean them up, they are loaded. And how many people here know other people that when the hundreds of thousands and then millions of ballots got sent out, got three, four, five, six, and I heard one who got seven ballots. And then they say, “You didn’t quite make it, sir.” We won. We won in a landslide. This was a landslide.

Donald Trump: (01:05:43)
They said, “It’s not American to challenge the election.” This is the most corrupt election in the history, maybe of the world. You know, you could go third world countries, but I don’t think they had hundreds of thousands of votes and they don’t have voters for them. I mean, no matter where you go, nobody would think this. In fact, it’s so egregious, it’s so bad, that a lot of people don’t even believe it. It’s so crazy that people don’t even believe it. It can’t be true. So they don’t believe it. This is not just a matter of domestic politics, this is a matter of national security. So today, in addition to challenging the certification of the election, I’m calling on Congress and the state legislatures to quickly pass sweeping election reforms, and you better do it before we have no country left. Today is not the end. It’s just the beginning.

Donald Trump: (01:06:37)
With your help over the last four years, we built the greatest political movement in the history of our country and nobody even challenges that. I say that over and over, and I never get challenged by the fake news, and they challenge almost everything we say. But our fight against the big donors, big media, big tech and others is just getting started. This is the greatest in history. There’s never been a movement like that. You look back there all the way to the Washington Monument. It’s hard to believe. We must stop the steal and then we must ensure that such outrageous election fraud never happens again, can never be allowed to happen again, but we’re going forward. We’ll take care of going forward. We got to take care of going back. Don’t let them talk, “Okay, well we promise,” I’ve had a lot of people, “Sir, you’re at 96% for four years.” I said, “I’m not interested right now. I’m interested in right there.”

Donald Trump: (01:07:33)
With your help we will finally pass powerful requirements for voter ID. You need an ID to cash your check. You need an ID to go to a bank, to buy alcohol, to drive a car. Every person should need to show an ID in order to cast your most important thing, a vote. We will also require proof of American citizenship in order to vote in American elections. We just had a good victory in court on that one, actually. We will ban ballot harvesting and prohibit the use of unsecured drop boxes to commit rampant fraud. These drop boxes are fraudulent. There for, they get… They disappear and then all of a sudden they show up. It’s fraudulent. We will stop the practice of universal, unsolicited mail-in balloting. We will clean up the voter rolls that ensure that every single person who cast a vote is a citizen of our country, a resident of the state in which they vote and their vote is cast in a lawful and honest manner. We will restore the vital civic tradition of in-person voting on election day so that voters can be fully informed when they make their choice. We will finally hold big tech accountable and if these people had courage and guts, they would get rid of Section 230, something that no other company, no other person in America, in the world, has.

Donald Trump: (01:09:10)
All of these tech monopolies are going to abuse their power and interfere in our elections and it has to be stopped and the Republicans have to get a lot tougher and so should the Democrats. They should be regulated, investigated and brought to justice under the fullest extent of the law. They’re totally breaking the law. Together we will drain the Washington swamp and we will clean up the corruption in our nation’s capital. We have done a big job on it, but you think it’s easy, it’s a dirty business. It’s a dirty business. You have a lot of bad people out there. Despite everything we’ve been through, looking out all over this country and seeing fantastic crowds, although this I think is our all time record. I think you have 250,000 people. 250,000.

Donald Trump: (01:10:05)
Looking out at all the amazing patriots here today, I have never been more confident in our nation’s future. Well, I have to say we have to be a little bit careful. That’s a nice statement, but we have to be a little careful with that statement. If we allow this group of people to illegally take over our country, because it’s illegal when the votes are illegal, when the way they got there is illegal, when the States that vote are given false and fraudulent information. We are the greatest country on earth and we are headed, and were headed, in the right direction. You know, the wall is built, we’re doing record numbers at the wall. Now they want to take down the wall. Let’s let everyone flow in. Let’s let everybody flow in.

Donald Trump: (01:10:52)
We did a great job in the wall. Remember the wall? They said it could never be done. One of the largest infrastructure projects we’ve ever had in this country and it’s had a tremendous impact and we got rid of catch and release, we got rid of all of the stuff that we had to live with. But now the caravans, they think Biden’s getting in, the caravans are forming again. They want to come in again and rip off our country. Can’t let it happen. As this enormous crowd shows, we have truth and justice on our side. We have a deep and enduring love for America in our hearts. We love our country. We have overwhelming pride in this great country, and we have it deep in our souls. Together we are determined to defend and preserve government of the people, by the people and for the people.

Donald Trump: (01:11:44)
Our brightest days are before us, our greatest achievements still wait. I think one of our great achievements will be election security because nobody until I came along, had any idea how corrupt our elections were. And again, most people would stand there at 9:00 in the evening and say, “I want to thank you very much,” and they go off to some other life, but I said, “Something’s wrong here. Something’s really wrong. Can’t have happened.” And we fight. We fight like Hell and if you don’t fight like Hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.

Donald Trump: (01:12:21)
Our exciting adventures and boldest endeavors have not yet begun. My fellow Americans for our movement, for our children and for our beloved country and I say this, despite all that’s happened, the best is yet to come.

Donald Trump: (01:12:43)
So we’re going to, we’re going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue, I love Pennsylvania Avenue, and we’re going to the Capitol and we’re going to try and give… The Democrats are hopeless. They’re never voting for anything, not even one vote. But we’re going to try and give our Republicans, the weak ones, because the strong ones don’t need any of our help, we’re going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.

Donald Trump: (01:13:19)
So let’s walk down Pennsylvania Avenue. I want to thank you all. God bless you and God bless America. Thank you all for being here, this is incredible. Thank you very much. Thank you.
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Re: Trump lashes out at Gov. Doug Ducey following certificat

Postby admin » Sat Jan 09, 2021 4:57 am

Joe Biden likens Ted Cruz to Nazi propagandist Goebbels for helping Trump spread ‘big lie’ about election fraud
The Texas Republican led the effort to delay certification of Biden’s victory but blames Donald Trump for the riot at the Capitol.

by Todd J. Gillman
The Dallas Morning News
2:46 PM on Jan 8, 2021 CST — Updated at 4:16 PM on Jan 8, 2021 CST
Updated at 5:05 p.m. with response from Cruz and Hawley.



WASHINGTON — In extraordinarily sharp remarks Friday, President-elect Joe Biden compared Sen. Ted Cruz to Hitler’s propaganda master in the way he peddled Donald Trump’s “big lie” about election fraud, though Biden stopped short of blaming Cruz for the riot by a pro-Trump mob at the Capitol as many Texas Democrats have done.

The Texas Republican led an attempt in the Senate to block congressional certification of Biden’s victory in the Electoral College, insisting that widespread doubts about the legitimacy of the election demanded an emergency investigation to allay public concerns. Wednesday’s riot, which left one Capitol Police officer and four other people dead, delayed the formal count of the electoral votes.

Biden invoked Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi propagandist, recalling his exaggeration of civilian deaths in the firebombing of Dresden, repeated by newspapers around the world. Goebbels maintained that the bigger the lie, and the more it was repeated, the more likely that it would be believed.

Biden noted that Cruz, like Trump, had spent weeks questioning the legality and accuracy of balloting in a half dozen states, despite an utter lack of evidence.

Asked if Cruz or Sen. Josh Hawley of Missouri, who also led objections that delayed the vote certification, should resign, Biden said: “They should be just flat beaten the next time they run.”

“The American public has a real good, clear look at who they are,” he told reporters in Wilmington, Del. “They’re part of the big lie. The big lie.”

Cruz responded in a tweet, calling Biden’s comments “really sad.”

“At a time of deep national division, President-elect Biden’s choice to call his political opponents literal Nazis does nothing to bring us together or promote healing,” he wrote. “This kind of vicious partisan rhetoric only tears our country apart.”

Ted Cruz
Really sad. At a time of deep national division, President-elect Biden's choice to call his political opponents literal Nazis does nothing to bring us together or promote healing.
This kind of vicious partisan rhetoric only tears out country apart.
James Hohmann @jameshohmann
Biden invokes Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels and says Hawley and Cruz are as much a party to The Big Lie as Trump himself. "It's the Big Lie," he says. "The Big Lie."

3:54 PM Jan 8, 2021

Hawley also responded with a written statement.

“This is undignified, immature, and intemperate behavior from the President-elect,” he wrote. “It is utterly shameful. He should act like a dignified adult and retract these sick comments.”

Biden did not mention Adolf Hitler, whom Goebbels served, or compare Trump to the Nazi leader.

“I was pleased to hear some of the more prominent Republicans say to me that the Ted Cruzes of the world are as responsible in terms of people believing the lies, as — not as responsible but similarly responsible — Trump,” the president-elect said. “But they didn’t say go to the Capitol, I’ll be with you, follow [as Trump did]. That’s a different story.”

Conservative commentator George Will, among others, accused Cruz of sedition and said he would bear a “scarlet S” the rest of his public career.

Leading Texas Democrats such as Julián Castro and his brother Rep. Joaquin Castro of San Antonio demanded that Cruz resign, as did Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York. Cruz chalked up such talk to political opportunism by adversaries, making clear he would not follow their advice.

Some critics accused Cruz of inciting insurrection.

“It is your self-serving attempt at sedition that has helped to inspire these terrorists and their attempted coup,” alleged Beto O’Rourke, the El Paso Democrat who came close to ousting Cruz in 2018.

Cruz denounced the attack at the Capitol in real time as a “despicable act of terrorism,” and has repeatedly called for prosecution of those involved.

He has defended his demand for an inquiry into alleged irregularities in the election, saying Thursday that even in hindsight — knowing about the riot — he would have pursued a delay and objected to Congress’ affirmation of Biden’s victory. Doing otherwise, he said, would amount to shirking his duty, and he expressed disappointment that his argument did not gain enough traction among colleagues.

“Yes. Absolutely,” he told KXAS-TV (NBC5). “I would object and urge that we should follow the law and follow the Constitution.”

At the same time, with Trump’s presidency ending, his power waning and calls for his impeachment or removal through a 25th Amendment process by which the vice president and Cabinet could declare him unfit, Cruz has begun distancing himself from Trump in a way he avoided doing for over four years.

“I do think the president’s rhetoric and his language has been over the line,” Cruz said. “I think it was irresponsible. I think it was reckless. … He plainly bears some responsibility.”

Todd J. Gillman. Todd became Washington Bureau Chief in 2009 and has covered East Texas, Dallas City Hall and politics since joining The News in 1989. He's been elected three times to the White House Correspondents’ Association board, with a term ending in 2023. Todd has a Master in Public Policy from Harvard and a BA from Johns Hopkins in international studies.
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Re: Trump lashes out at Gov. Doug Ducey following certificat

Postby admin » Sat Jan 09, 2021 5:30 am

Steve Marshall says he’ll investigate Republican AG group’s role in Washington march
by Mike Cason |
Updated 1:45 PM; Today 6:01 AM



The policy branch of the Republican Attorneys General Association, which is led by Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall, helped organize the march in Washington that turned into a riot and attack on the U.S. Capitol, according to Documented, an organization that describes itself as a watchdog group investigating corporate influence.

Marshall said decisions were made without his knowledge.

The RAGA policy branch, called the Rule of Law Defense Fund, put out a robocall urging people to “march to the Capitol building and call on Congress to stop the steal,” according to the Documented story, which has a recording of the call.

Marshall released a statement today in response to questions by reporters about the Rule of Law Defense Fund’s involvement in the march:

“I was unaware of unauthorized decisions made by RLDF staff with regard to this week’s rally. Despite currently transitioning into my role as the newly elected chairman of RLDF, it is unacceptable that I was neither consulted about nor informed of those decisions. I have directed an internal review of this matter. As I said yesterday, I condemn, in the strongest possible terms, the actions of those who attempted to storm the U.S. Capitol, a place where passionate but peaceful protestors had gathered and lawmakers debated inside. Our country is built upon the foundation of the rule of law. American democracy guarantees the right of peaceful protest. Those who chose to engage in violence and anarchy should and will be held accountable under the law.”

Marshall did not say what the “unauthorized decisions” were.

The RAGA named Marshall chairman of its policy branch in November.

RAGA Executive Director Adam Piper also released a statement that denied involvement but that also mentioned an unauthorized staff decision without being specific.

“The Republican Attorneys General Association and Rule of Law Defense Fund had no involvement in the planning, sponsoring, or the organization of yesterday’s rally,” Piper said. “No Republican AG authorized the staff’s decision to amplify a colleague speaking at the rally. Organizationally and individually, we strongly condemn and disavow the events which occurred. Yesterday was a dark day in American history and those involved in the violence and destruction of property must be prosecuted and held accountable.”

Democratic Attorneys General Association Co-Chairs Maura Healey of Massachusetts and Aaron Ford of Nevada released a statement in response to news stories that the Rule of Law Defense Fund helped organize the protest.

“The continued peddling of conspiracy theories and pandering to President Trump’s dangerous lies by the Republican Attorneys General Association, the Rule of Law Defense Fund, and some current and former Republican Attorneys General has gone unchecked for too long,” they said. “Current and former Republican AGs have been directly involved with efforts to undermine the results of the 2020 presidential election, and now the party of so-called ‘law and order’ played a role in recruiting the domestic terrorists who breached the U.S. Capitol to attack Vice President Mike Pence for doing his Constitutionally-mandated job to certify the Electoral College.”

Marshall has taken part in some efforts to challenge the legitimacy of Joe Biden’s election. In December, he joined a lawsuit filed by the Texas attorney to contest Biden’s wins in four swing states – Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. The U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear the case. Dozens of other lawsuits filed by Trump also failed in federal and state courts.

When Marshall spoke at Alabama’s Electoral College voting ceremony at the State Capitol on Dec. 14, he said election results in some states were inconclusive.

Election officials in those states have certified their results as accurate and the former attorney general who served under Trump, William Barr, said there is no evidence of widespread fraud that would affect Biden’s win.

The RAGA created the Rule of Law Defense Fund in 2014 to be a forum for conservative attorneys general to study important legal issues, according to the fund’s website. It is organized as a nonprofit under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code.
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