That's French for "the ancient system," as in the ancient system of feudal privileges and the exercise of autocratic power over the peasants. The ancien regime never goes away, like vampires and dinosaur bones they are always hidden in the earth, exercising a mysterious influence. It is not paranoia to believe that the elites scheme against the common man. Inform yourself about their schemes here.


Postby admin » Tue Oct 06, 2015 10:20 pm

Part 1 of 2


A priori categories of thought: 377,
conditions of apprehension:
idea: 378, 379, 380, 385
'Abaissement du niveau mentale':
156, 250, 566
Abegg, Dr. of Zurich: 244
Abelard,: 54, 62, 83, 398
Abstract thinking: 376, 377, 379,
"thoughts and feelings: 521
Abstracting attitude of oriental
religious and art-forms: 364, 365
Abstraction: 64, 339, 340, 342, 358,
as introverted attitude: 362,
363, 365, 368, 369
attitude of (Worringer): 361,
363, 366, 367
definition of: 520
function of: 366, 367, 368
impulse to: 361
Abstractionist and concrete thinking
(Flournoy): 375, 376, 377
Acceptance of evil: 234
Accommodation not true adaptation:
Action extraverted: 418
Activation of unconscious images:
292, 293, 294, 296, 300, 301
'Active nature' of Jordan: 185,
Active thinking as rational: 611
Activity, factor of in Jordan's
descriptions: 185, 188, 195, 206
Acts of the Apostles (vision of St.
Peter): 579, 580
Adaptation, the observance of universal laws:
Adjustment of extravert, his limitation:
Adler, psychology of: 309, 454, 478,
531, 532, 536, 585
Adler's 'fictitious guiding line':
Adler's interpretation of phantasy:
AEsthetic animation (Jodl): 359
devotion, 156
'disposition' of Schiller: 148,
153, 154, 160, 161, 575
AEsthetic estimation of the problem
by Nietzsche: 177
sensational attitude: 587
standpoint: 1-77, 181
types as opposed to rational:
AEsthetics, problem of typical atti-
tudes in: 358
AEsthetism: 152, 170, 176
Affect, definition of: 522, 544
Affect-explosion occasioned by failure
of adaptation: 597
Affective fluctuations: 244
Affective-sensation: 544
Affectivity as Jordan's character
criterion: 187, 189, 194
criterion of (Ostwald): 404
definition of: 523
Affects as instinctive processes: 565
pronounced, regarded as sensations:
523, 586
Age of enlightenment: 101, 230, 381
Agni: 251, 252, 258, 259, 260
Agoraphobia, spiritual: 361
Ahasuerus, the Wandering Jew: 331
Allegoric interpretation: 601
Ambitendency: 525, 539
Ambivalency: 525, 539
Ambrosius, St.: 286, 287
Amfortas: 269, 270
Amor et visia Dei: 25
Anagogic significance of Silberer:
Analogy, primitive thinking on the
level of: 534
Analytical therapy, aim of: 533
Ananda or bliss: 150, 308
'Angel abroad and devil at home':
Anima as inner attitude or soul:
or soul: 273, 524, 593-596
(soul), definition of: 588, 593
Animus of woman: 595
Anquetil du Perron: 152
Anselm of Canterbury: 54
Anthony, St. biography of: 72
Antinomians: 26
Antiphon of Rhamnus: 40
Antisthenes: 38, 45, 47, 50
Antitactic sect of Gnostics: 26, 312
Anton, 531
Apollo as image of principii individuationis:
Apollonian attitude: 180
Apollonian-Dionysian antithesis of
Nietzsche: 172
Apperception, active, impossible
without attitude: 526
as bridge: 527
definition of: 524, 525
passive and active: 376, 385,
524 subject to subjective influences;
typical differences of: 472
unconscious: 615
Approfondissement, introvert's tendency
to: 347, 349
Aquinas, Thomas: 58
Archaic function-ways: 370
Archaism, definition of: 524
Archetype; 211, 296, 378, 380, 390,
392, 395, 476, 482, 507, 5°8,
as inherited foundation of
psyche: 507
as instinctive apprehension;
476 as law-determined course: 508
as pooled experience of organic
existence: 507
as primordial image: 476
as symbolical formula; 476
influence of upon objects; 476
of woman; 277
the noumenon of the image:
Archimedean point: 627
Archontici; 26
Aristotle: 53
Arius, heresy of: 30
Arjuna: 243
Artist as creator and educator;
Aryaman: 260
Asses feast in Zarathustra: 229
Assimilation: 393, 422, 449
as process of apperception:
525 definition of; 525
to object; 422, 423, 525
Association fear (Gross); 343
Association studies (Jung): 518
Associative thinking as mere presentation:
Astarte, daughter of Behemoth: 333
Astral and lunar myths: 241
Athanasius, Archbishop of Alexandria:
Atharvaveda: 246, 247, 248, 249,
Atlantis: 445
Atman, or Self: 149, 244, 246, 247,
Attention, a secondary psychic
phenomenon: 547
extraverted: 417
in relation to attitude: 528
Attitude, as conscious function: 271
as expectation or state of
readiness: 527
definition of; 526
determining efficacy of primordial
image: 558
duality of, a normal phenomenon:
habitual as function-complex:
historical changes of; 229, 230
inner and outer: 591, 592
inner and outer, as function-complexes:
of unconscious: 422
symbolical: 604
the basis of intensity of
primary function: 355, 356
types: 529, 530
underlying sexuality and
power, 271, 529
Attitudes, conscious and unconscious:
general basic; 186, 198, 528,
529, 612
typical, formation of, 529,
Auch Einer (Vischer); 369, 480
Audition coloriee: 525, 539
Augustine, St.: 32, 286, 288
Auto-erotic: 472
'Automatismes', psychic (Janet):
Automatized processes: 566
Auxiliary construction (Adler): 531
Avenarius: 566
Azam: 588

Baldwin: 382, 543
Barbarian's danger of one-sided-
ness; 256
Barbarism: 128, 136, 140, 175, 255,
264, 331
Barlach's Der tote Tag: 321, 325
Basic functions; 14, 421, 428, 567,
instincts, Schiller on the two:
Basic Psych, Functions, peculiarities
of in extraverted attitude:
428 et seq.
Psych, Functions, peculiarities
of in introverted attitude:
480 et seq.
Bataks, Religion of the: 304
Beauty as religious ideal with
Schiller: 153
Bee, working, sexual deprivation
of: 296
Behemoth and his host: 228, 319,
325, 333, 334, 335
and Leviathan as the two
monsters of God: 333, 335
pact with: 229, 334
Bergaigne on Rita-concept: 258
Bergson: 398, 400, 568
Bernhard, St. prayer of: 273
Berserker rage: 256, 278
Bhagavadgita: 243, 244
Binswanger: 523
Biography, type-problem in: 401
et seq.
Biological precursor of types: 414
Bird, as symbol of Epimethean
realm: 335
Birth of deliverer equivalent to great
catastrophe: 328
"Birth of Tragedy" by Nietzsche:
170, 177, 182
Blake, William: 308, 336, 414
Blessedness, origin and nature of:
308, 311
Bleuler: 143, 522, 523, 525, 539,
Blonde beast, cult of: 318
Bodhisattva: 221
Bodhi-tree, the chosen: 222
Borborites: 26
Boring in the worship of Agni: 259
Bostonian tourists (James): 391
Brahma: 244, 247
Brahman as cosmic life-principle:
248, 249, 251
as Creator of the world: 245,
247, 254
as Eternal Truth: 247
as Gracious One (Vena): 247
as life-force: 249, 251
as process, or irrational factor:
246 as state of redemption: 245,
246, 247
as sun: 247, 248
attainment of: 150, 151, 243,
corresponding with Tao: 265
Brahman essence as psychological
state: 248, 249
identified with Rita: 257, 259
meaning of the word: 249
two great monsters of: 254
Brahman-Atman teaching: 149,
150, 151, 242, 245
Brahmanic conception of problem of
Opposites: 242 et seq.
Brahmans, sacred caste of: 249
'Brain-mythology': 353, 380
Brain, newly-born, an ancient instrument:
'Breaking through' of Eckehart:
314, 315
Brihadaranyaka-Upanishad: 245,
246, 248
Buddha and Mara (symbol-forming
process): 610
birth of: 221, 222, 320, 331
fire-sermon of: 364, 366
Buddhism: 242, 272, 306
Budge, Sir Wallis: 290
Burckhardt, Jakob: 476, 555
Bushman and his boy, episode of:

Caelestius: 33
Capacity for deviation: 339
Catapatha-Brahmanam: 251, 252,
253, 258
Catholic authorities: 287
Church and Luther: 84, 85
Causal investigation of latent meaning:
576, 578, 579
standpoint taken over from
natural science: 579
thinking and empiricism: 393
Celtic mythology: 288
Chalcedon, council of: 30
'Character as seen in Body and
Parentage' by Jordan: 184
social and domestic: 589
splitting in normal individual:
589, 590
Child as redeeming symbol: 266,
Tao as spiritual state of: 266
education, our belief in
method: 512
Childhood-complex: 157, 308
Childhood's phantasies: 321
Childlike attitude: 323
state: 309, 323
Chinese religion: 242, 264, 268
Christ and Anti-Christ: 540
Christ and temptation of the Devil:
as bridegroom: 285
birth of: 320
identification of Nietzsche;
Christ's understanding of His kingship
phantasy: 70
Christian asceticism: 255
attempt at solution: 234, 272
ideal as differentiated function:
231, 232
passion-theme and fate of
jewel: 331
principle of love: 151
process, meaning of: 27, 28
solution; 99
sphere and phantasy activity:
Christianity, traditional: 229, 236,
291, 292
Chthonic craving: 284
Chu-Hi school of China: 268
Church as bride: 285
schisms of Early: 283, 284,
symbol of in Hennas vision:
283, 293
Churinga rites of Australians: 366
Circulus vitiosus, neurotic: 371, 451
Civilization, advance of: 621
present state of: 352
Civilizing and cultural genius
(Gross): 352
Civitas Dei of St. Augustine: 32
Classic and Romantic types
(Ostwald): 401, 406
type as introvert: 404
type (Ostwald), characters of:
Classical solution: 232
'Cogito ergo cogito' of mystical
thinking: 483
Cognition and necessity of subject:
theory of: 42, 394
Cohen: 549
Collective attitude: 229
definition of: 530
psyche: 316, 318, 319, 332
unconscious: 236, 237, 240,
271, 300, 316, 319, 475, 476,
480, 555, 616, 624
unconscious, definition of: 616
Colmar manuscript: 287
Compensation, definition of: 531
disturbed in neurotic State:
Compensatory reaction of unconscious:
421, 537
relation of unconscious to
conscious: 422, 616
Complementary relation of soul to
outer character: 594, 595,
sex-character of soul: 594
Complex with commanding value:
Complexes as 'possessions': 138
Compulsion as archaic symptom: 525
neurosis of introverted intuitive
type: 570
neurosis of introverted sensation
type: 504
Concept, concrete: 522
developed from primordial
image: 558
Concepts, general: 530
need for precision of: 519
Conceptual-intuition of Hegel: 399
Conceptualism: 63, 66, 398, 399
Conclusion: 618
Concrete thinking, weakness of:
376, 377, 379, 380
Concretism, definition of: 533
in science: 381
of thought and feeling, as
archaic: 524, 534
Conscience of Epimetheus: 213,
222, 329
Conscious activity, selective: 532
inner life of introvert: 193
unconscious antithesis, development
of: 441
Consciousness deepened, as basis for
deepening of individuality:
definition of: 535
shallow extensive and narrow
intensive of Gross: 346
Consensus gentium: 57, 58, 519
Constructive, definition of: 536, 585
method: 83, 312, 313, 536,
537, 538
method, individualistic: 538
Consubstantiation: 84
Contractive effect (Gross): 341
Co-operation of unconscious: 159
Cosmogonic myth, projection of:
150, 151
Counter-function, development of:
558, 560
Creation, positive, as solution of
conflict of opposites: 400
Creative phantasy: 135, 138, 144,
146, 148, 573, 578, 581
Creative psychic activity: 573
State, the happy State: 311
Crank, the psychology of the: 508
Crihat, or saman=song: 253
Cripple Creek: 391
Criterion of extraverted thinking:
Critique of Pure Reason (Kant):
548, 559
Cross, interpretation of the: 601,
Cryptamnesia: 614
Cumont: 288
Cuvier as extraverted thinking type:
484 Cynics: 38, 39, 47
Cyrillian doctrine: 33

Daemon of Socrates: 182
Daemoniac possession: 256
Daemonic effect of soul: 225
Dante's Divina Commedia: 273, 299
Inferno: 236
quest of Beatrice: 299
Darwin as extraverted thinking
type: 484
Davy, Humphry: 403, 404
De Carne Christi: 21
Definitions: 518 et seq.
Dementia Praecox, by Jung: 254
Demiurgos: 117
Demons, as irruptions from unconscious:
138, 139
Dependence upon object: 596, 597,
Depersonalization of feeling: 451,
452 De Somniis, of Synesius: 137
Dessoir: 585
Destiny: 262
Destructive character of unconscious
archaism: 425, 426
Desubjectification of consciousness:
Deus absconditus: 123, 313
Deussen's Allgemeine Gesch, d,
Philos,: 243 et seq.
interpretations: 245, 249, 253
Devotion: 156, 157
'Devouring' type of Blake: 336, 414
Diastole as used by Goethe: 11,
179, 252, 263, 313
Diels: 542
Differentiated affectivity of extravert:
198, 199
feeling: 125
Differentiation as starting point:
definition of: 539
of function in civilized life:
94, 96
of instinct: 296
required to bring individuality
to consciousness: 561
Diogenes: 39, 50
Dionysian choir: 173
expansion or diastole: 179
orgies: 174
satyr-feasts, as totem feasts: 176
Dionysius the Areopagite: 58
Dionysos: 172, 173, 176, 177
Diotima: 53
Directed function, identification
with: 370
function, the nature of: 371,
Disciple, as incarnation of Brahman:
Discrimination necessary between
conscious man and his
shadow: 203
the nature of consciousness:
142, 156
Dissimilation: 393, 394, 395, 525,
540, 551, 582
Dissociation: 484, 574, 575
between ego and state of
feeling: 450
incompatible with united individuality:
of personality: 588, 590, 615
Divine birth as creation of new
symbol: 235
birth as psychological fact:
birth as oft-renewing process
(Eckehart): 313
Divine children, the three: 229, 334,
Divine harlot: 234
Docetism: 19, 30, 31
Doctor Illuminatus: 542
Dogmatism governed by idea: 396
of extraverted intellectual
standpoint: 440
versus Scepticism (James): 396
Dream as 'guardian of sleep'
(Freud): 537
law-determined principle of:
Dreams and conscious activity: 616
and inner attitude: 591
Du Bois-Raymond: 402
Duplication of character: 588, 598
'Duree Creatrice': 246, 265, 398
Dvandva, or pair of opposites: 242
Dyophysitic formula: 30, 31, 33
Dynamis: 23, 173, 307, 311, 316,
318, 327, 328
Dynamistic conceptions of the East:

Ebbinghaus, on attitude: 526
Eberschweiler: 338
Ebionites: 30, 31
Ecclesia, figure of: 284
Ecrasez l'infame: 230, 236
Education of man: 155, 156, 159
Ego and consciousness: 535, 536
Ego and its relations: 117
and Self: 475, 477, 540
and subject, relation of in
introverted feeling: 495
basis of, always identical with
itself: 450
defective relation of to object,
in introverted attitude: 478
definition of: 540
development of: 475, 477
of introvert, its system of
safeguards: 478
participation of in thesis and
antithesis: 607, 608, 609
reservation of: 472
resoluteness of (symbol): 609
'Egocentric': 472, 474, 477, 495
Egocentricity of morbid introversion:
477, 488, 495, 498
Ego-complex: 540
Einfuhlung: 358
Einstellung, or attitude: 526
Elan vital: 398
Eleatic principle: 48
Elijah's ascent into Heaven, medieval
illustrations of: 288
Elpore: 224
Emile ou de l'education, by Rousseau
104, 105
Emotion, definition of (v, Affect): 541
Empathy: 358
Empirical observation, limitations
of: 570
thinking: 376, 385, 482
Empiricism and ideologism: 381,
382, 383, 387
as pluralistic (James): 373
prevalence of: 381
synonymous with sensationalism
(James): 373
Empiricist type (James): 373
Empiricistic attitude: 393
Enantiodromia, definition of: 541
EnantiodroInia of Heraclitus: 123,
228, 333, 541, 596
Encratitic sect of Gnostics: 26, 312
Energetics, laws of: 110
Energic psychic process: 581
Energic value of conscious contents:
Energy, concept of: 41, 250, 262,
535, 581
Energy, hypostasizing of: 250, 535,
Engrams or archetypes: 211, 296,
Enkekalymmenos, the veiled-man
fallacy: , 44
Enlightenment, age of: 101, 230,
381 Enthusiasm in the two types: 407
Epimeleia: 224, 227
Epimethean attitude: 228, 229,
232, 234, 235, 323, 417, 419
quality of inferior function:
valuation of symbol: 323
Epimetheus and statue of Heracles:
as extraverted attitude: 207,
222, 228, 419
compact of with Behemoth:
downfall of: 228, 235, 236
figure in Goethe's Pandora:
224, 225, 226 ,
figure of Goethe: 217, 223
kingdom of: 222
realm of: 333
relation of to world: 208, 212,
213, 214, 419
reply to angel: 212, 222
seeks the jewel: 321
the shadow of Spitteler: 540
visit to sick Prometheus: 214, 219
Equilibrium, process of psychic: 426
Esoteric explanation of symbol:
'Esprit de l'escalier' quality of
inferior thinking: 442, 514
Esse in anima: 61, 68
'Est ergo est' of empiricist: 483
Euclid of Megara: 48
Evangelical movement: 84
Eve: 234
Excessively valued idea: 342
Exodus, Book of: 287
Exoteric standpoint, symbol alive
for: 602
Externalization, laws of (Jodl): 359
Extraversion, active and passive:
definition of: 542
value of: 198, 202
Extravert and introvert, attitude of
vis-a-vis the object: 395,
405, 412
archaic thoughts of: 187
danger of: 420
normality of, its conditions:
specific psychology of: 203,
341, 404, 405
unconscious egoism of: 424
Extraverted attitude and problem
of human relationships: 471
bias against introverted attitude:
472, 474, 476, 512
character of introvert's inferior
functions: 489
criticism: 197
feeling as creative factor: 447
feeling, when overstressed in
favour of object: 447
feeling-judgment as act of
accommodation: 446
Feeling Type: 448 et seq.
feeling type, feeling of an
adapted function: 448
feeling type, love-choice of: 448
feeling type, thinking of: 351, 427
formula, disagreeable results
of: 436-439
Intuitive Type: 464 et seq.
judgment as predicative: 442
man of Jordan: 200, 214, 215
mentality, dangers of (Gross):
352, 420
Sensation Type: 457 et seq.
thinking as synthetic: 442
thinking, appearance of: 431,
thinking, concretistic: 377
thinking, objective criterion
of: 428, 429, 431
thinking, peculiarities of: 428,
Thinking Type, description
of: 434 et seq.
thinking type, impersonal conscious
attitude of: 439
thinking type, the formula of:
Extraverted thinking type, unconscious
sensitiveness of: 439
Type, general attitude of consciousness
of: 416
Type, general description of:
woman of Jordan: 195
Eye as function-complex: 583
consciousness compared with:
532, 557

Faculty-psychology (Wundt): 384
Falsification of type through imitation:
Familial identity: 552
Fanaticism as over-compensated
doubt: 441
Faraday: 403, 404
Fatalism: 373
Father and Mother divinities: 157
Father-transference: 598
Fathers of the Church: 285, 286,
288, 290, 296
Faust as example of dissociation:
as the Self of Goethe: 540
How differently this token
works upon me,: 605
prayer of, to Virgin Mother:
rejuvenation of, through pact
with Devil: 610
solution of problem in: 233,
239, 240
the medieval Prometheus:
232, 234
transformation of, as figured
by Margaret, Helen, etc,:
Feeling, a kind of judging: 544
a rational function: 545
abstract and concrete: 545
active, as directed function:
and affect: 544
and thinking, incompatibility
of: 514
and thinking types as rational:
as process: 543
'Feeling', concept of: 519
criterion of acceptance or rejection:
definition of: 543
dependent upon thinking:
544, 545
distinguished from affect: 522
Feeling, disturbance of, from assimilation
to object: 449
futility of classification: 546
inaccessible to Intellectual definition;
in extraverted attitude: 446
necessarily represses thinking:
449, 451
Feeling-apperception, active and
passive; 546
'Feeling-into'; 64, 156, 393, 567, 582
and abstraction: 358,
368, 369
as extraversion: 360,
,definition of: 547
Feeling-intuition as undirected feeling:
of Schopenhauer:
Feeling-sensation or sensuous feeling:
119, 125, 127, 129,
180, 544
tone as feeling mixed with
sensation: 585
type; 547
Fere: 523
Ferenczi: 566
Ferrero; 601
Fetish and churinga, recharging of:
power of: 302, 366, 534
Fichte: 54, 55
Fictitious guiding-line (Adler): 369,
Fire-sermon of Buddha: 364, 366
Flatus vocis: 37, 59, 65
Flournoy (Des Indes a la planete
Mars): 588, 614
une mystique moderne: 333
on James' characters; 375
Forgetting, normal process of; 614
Form and name as two monsters or
functions of Brahman: 254
Formative instinct of Schiller: 126,
Formula, an intellectual superstition:
becomes a religion: 441
of extraverted thinking type;
435 et seq.
tyranny of in extraverted
thinking type: 435
Fons signatus: 286
France, Anatole: 37
Free-will: 373, 393, 395
Freedom, inner, impossibility of
proof of; 394
Freedom of subject, conditions of:
295, 396
the feeling of: 395
French Revolution: 100, 103, 230,
school of hypnotists: 470
Frenzy, the Dionysian state; 172
Freud, incest-wish of: 424
his interpretation of phantasy:
78-82, 537, 572, 577, 585
on repression of parent-imago:
psychology of: 78, 82, 454,
537, 539, 584, 585, 598, 606,
reductive method of: 78, 312,
313, 536, 537, 538, 577, 578,
his view of symbol: 157
wish-view of, true for extravert's
unconscious: 423, 424
Frobenius: 325
Function, conscious, nature of: 514
definition of: 547
main, nature of: 514
natural, an organized living
system: 564
secondary, nature of; 515
subjection of, to sensation
(concretism); 535
Function-complex, independence of:
Function-engrams: 211, 296, 556
Function-types: 412
Functions, basic: 14, 421, 428, 547,
567, 612
combinations of main and
auxiliary: 515, 516
grouping of unconscious: 516
of relation, mind and speech
as: 254
Principal and Auxiliary: 513
et seq.
rational and irrational; 570,
superior and inferior; 87, 324,
370, 426, 427, 563
the four basic, selection based
upon experience: 547
unconscious, their symbolical
appearance in dreams; 517
Fundamental laws of human nature:

Galtonesque family-portraits, type-descriptions
as: 513
Garden enclosed: 285, 286
Gaunilo: 55, 58
Gauss: 409, 410
Geheimnisse (Die) of Goethe: 231,
General-attitude types: 412, 414
Genius, civilizing and cultural
(Gross): 352
German 'classics': 95
Gilgamesh epic: 256
Gnosis: 234, 256, 289, 290, 291,
292, 298, 299
Gnostic philosophy: 18, 234, 289,
290, 298
Gnostics and their Remains (King):
God and soul essentially the same:
and Godhead, distinction between
(Eckehart): 315
as autonomous complex: 307
as collective idea: 139, 530
as determining force: 310
as function of the soul: 315
as highest intensity of life:
as inner value: 304, 310
as psycho-dynamic state: 305
as psychological function of
man: 300, 304, 310
as unconscious content: 306
as Universal Self of Toju's
philosophy: 268
dynamic character of: 301
existence of, dependent upon
soul (Eckehart): 311, 315
growth of concept of: 318
in the Devil's shape: 334
individual relationship with:
orthodox view of: 301
psychological significance of:
222, 300
relativity of: 300 et seq.
sickness of: 219, 220
subjectification of: 318
God-image: 157, 158, 300
God-imago, source of: 301
God-likeness of introverted attitude
towards the idea:
117, 120, 122, 123,
of Prometheus: 219,
God-renewal and seasonal phenomena:
symbol of: 240, 241,
Goethe and Dante: 298
Goethe and Schiller: 88, 102, 118,
Goethe's attempt at solution: 231,
Faust: 158, 170, 232, 233,
239, 240, 255, 267, 272, 273,
own type: 215
principle of systole and diastole:
11, 179, 252, 313
Prometheus: 215, 217
Golden Age: 108
Gomperz, Greek Thinkers: 541
on inherency and predication
41, 45, 47, 48, 49
Graeco-Roman art, criterion of: 360
Grail, legend of: 269, 270, 290, 298
Grail-symbol, probably derived from
Gnosis: 291, 298
Grecian and Christian cultures, com-
parison of: 92
mythology in dreams of
negroes: 556, 624
Greek Fathers: 285, 286, 296
mistrust of powers of Nature:
tragedy: 176
Gretchen episode compared with
Pandora: 233, 234
Gross' hypothesis, summary of: 357
Otto: 337, 531
Grosse Manner, by Ostwald: 401
Guardians of the market-place: 330,
Guillaume von Champeaux: 54

Hallucination: 554
Harking-back to the primitive: 302,
Harnack upon Origen: 24
Hartmann, E. von. philosophy of:
209, 585
Hase's History of the Church: 34 ,
Hegel: 55, 6o, 399, 549
Heine, on Plato and Aristotle: 9
'-heit ' and '-keit' (Spitteler): 212,
213, 226
Helen in Faust: 233, 234, 273
Hellenism: 91, 170
Helmholtz as teacher: 409
biography of: 402, 408
Hephaestus-Athene relationship:
218, 224
Heraclitus: 123, 541, 542
Herbart, on the reason: 383
Hermas: 275, 278, 280, 281, 282,
Hermas, vision of: 276, 281, 283,
293, 296
Hero, magical power of: 324
Hero-birth, primordial image of:
myth of hero and whale: 325
Heterogeneity of men: 619, 625
Hieronymus, St.: 289
Hiphil-Hophal, the high-priest: 329,
Historical factor, a vital need: 423
Hoffding: 543
Holderlin's Patmos: 326
Holstein-Augustenburg, Duke of,
Schiller's letters to: 87
Holy Communion controversy between
Luther and Zwingli:
Communion writing by Radbertus
upon: 33
Homer as a naive poet: 164
Homogeneity of human psyche: 624
Homoiousia: 30
Homoousia: 30
Homosexuality, from projection of
persona: 598
Human psychology, as opposed to
Nature-process: 623
psychology, universal homogeneity
of: 623
Hylici: 18, 190
Hymn of the Epimethean priests:
321 to Mary, the medieval: 285,
288, 289
Hypatia: 137
Hysteria, the extravert's neurosis:
421, 452
Hysterical amnesia: 614
characters: 421

Iakchos, winnowing basket of: 289
Idea, abstract, 376, 377, 389, 392,
394, 396, 522, 547, 551
as abstraction: 522
as primordial image at stage
of intellectual formulation:
as primum mavens for introvert:
as product for extravert: 551
as unconscious model: 379,
380, 386, 394, 395, 482
definition of: 547
dual nature of: 550
hierarchical character of: 396
related to image: 547
Ideas ante rem, 378
basic, as much feeling as
thought: 181, 490
mystical collective: 530
Idealism or ideologism: 387, 389
versus Materialism (James):
387, 388, 389, 390
Idealist and Realist the, of Schiller:
Identification backward: 316
definition of: 551, 553
distinguished from imitation:
leading to growth of secondary
personality: 552
purpose of: 552
with differentiated function:
127, 128, 551, 552
with momentary attitude:
Identity, an unconscious equality
with object: 553
definition of: 552
expressed in Christian ideal of
love: 553
familial: 552
in paranoic delusions: 553
original state of: 294, 295,
553, 563, 572, 582
responsible for suggestion:
the basis of 'participation
mystique': 553 ,
with persona: 595, 596, 597,
with soul: 596, 598
Ideologism: 381, 382, 387, 389, 394,
and materialism: 390
Image, an expression of total
psychic situation: 555
definition of: 554
of tottering man pierced by
arrow: 506
or imago of a man different
from his reality: 600
personal and primordial: 555
personal or impersonal: 547
primordial: 149, 250, 265,
267, 269, 271, 272, 277, 378,
384, 476, 481, 490, 500, 548,
550, 555
Images, artistic, philosophical and
religious application of:
311, 312
value of, for life and happiness:
Imagination: 82
Imaginative activity: 573, 581
Imago of object: 600
Immanuel: 327
Imitatio Christi and dissimilation:
Imitation a necessary expedient for
development: 551
Imprints or engrams: 556
Impulsion as instinct: 566
Indeterminism versus Determinism
(James): 393 ,
Indian religious practice: 250
teaching: 149, 151, 153, 242,
263, 302
Individual as against collective:
561, 562, 590
definition of: 560
degeneration of: 370
disposition, factor of: 415,
nucleus, separability of: 137,
139, 144
phantasy repressed by collective
symbol: 70
pychology, conditioned by
contemporary history: 578
way can never be opposed to
collective norm: 563
way, never a norm, 563
Individualism: 133, 272, 318, 563
Individuality, definition of: 561
suppression of in concretism:
when unconscious projected
upon objects: 561
Individuation as process of differentiation:
definition of: 561
leads to collective solidarity,
not isolation: 562
leads to appreciation of collective
norm: 563
not unique goal of psychological
education: 562
Indra: 247
Infant adaptation: 415
Inferior extraversion: 129
function, acceptance of: 99,
function, analytical release
of: 565
function, definition of: 563
function in extraverted attitude:
427, 428
Inferiority of feeling in extraverted
thinking type: 438, 439
with contracted consciousness
(Gross): 341
Inferiority with shallow consciousness
(Gross): 341
Inferiority-feeling of Adler: 531
Influence of poets and thinkers: 238
Inherency, principle of: 41, 45, 47, 50
character of inferior thinking: 442
Inherited functional disposition of
the psyche: 377, 616
Inner object=elements of the unconscious:
objects: 210, 591
personality opposed to outer:
processes, individual variability
towards: 592
Inouye, Tetsujiro: 268, 269
Inquisition: 293
Instinct and will: 565
as inborn manner of acting:
476, 560
definition of: 565
Intellect, definition of: 566, 611
inadequacy of: 628
Intellectual formula, limitation of:
436, 437
intuition or undirected thinking:
standpoint betrayed by repressed
feeling: 440
Intellectualism versus Sensationalism
(James): 387
Interest as libido bestowed: 521
extraverted: 417, 418
Intermediate type of Jordan: 184,
190, 191
Interpretation, causal and purposive:
578, 580
or latent meaning of phantasy:
upon objective plane: 572
upon subjective plane: 572,
599 et seq.
Introjection, active and passive:
an extraverting process: 567
as feeling-into: 547, 553, 583
as process of assimilation: 567
definition of: 566
Introversion active and passive: 567
and extraversion as biological
contrast: 414
and extraversion, not characters
but mechanisms: 354
definition of: 567
into unconscious: 147, 149,
150, 156, 309
Introversion of energy into the Self:
145, 147, 149, 304, 309
state of: 18, 0 ,
Introvert and extravert, comparison
of; 199, 202, 205, 404,
405, 406, 483
general character of: 485,
486, 487
growing isolation of: 489,
need of, in present day
culture; 352
values of: 193, 203
Introverted and extraverted manner
of thinking, opposition of:
386, 483
and extraverted view of
general concepts: 385, 386
attitude governed by psychological
structure; 475
character of extravert's unconscious:
difficulty of expression: 501
feeling counterbalanced by
primitive thinking: 491
feeling falsified by egocentric
attitude; 491
feeling intensive rather than
extensive: 493
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Postby admin » Tue Oct 06, 2015 10:20 pm

Part 2 of 2

feeling, peculiarity of; 206
feeling, tendency to overpower
or coerce object: 494
Feeling Type; 492 et seq.
intellectual, feelings of: 350
intuitive, from extraverted
standpoint: 507
intuitive, nature of: 505, 506,
Intuitive Type as seer or
artist: 508, 509
Intuitive Type, general description
of: 508
man of Jordan: 144
mentality: 351, 357, 405,
406, 480
posture of fear towards the
object: 362, 479, 480, 485
Sensation Type, description
of: 500 et seq.
Sensation Type, inaccessible
to objective understanding:
thinking: 384, 385, 429, 430,
431, 480
thinking dependent upon arch-
aic image; 482
thinking, facts of secondary
importance for: 481
Introverted thinking, new views the
concern of: 481
Thinking Type, description
of: 484 et seq.
Type, general attitude of
consciousness: 471
Type, general description of:
471 et seq.
woman of Jordan; 191
Introvert's and extravert's relative
activity: 410
apparent egocentricity: 477
archaic affects; 187
emotional life: 193, 194
greater synthetic capacity:
348, 489
ideal a lonely island: 480
lack of personal relations:
406, 407, 478
lack of practical ability; 486
negative relation to object:
485, 511
power psychology: 395
primitive relation to object:
479, 485, 488
psychology, unconscious attitude
of: 477 et seq.
tendency to relativism: 349
undervaluation of his, own
principle: 498
unfavourable personal impression:
Intuition an attitude of expectation;
an instinctive apprehension:
an irrational perceptive function:
and sensation maternal soil of
rational functions: 568
compared with sensation in
introverted attitude:
compensating function to sensation:
concrete and abstract: 568
definition of: 567
element of: 168, 461
in extraverted attitude: 461
et seq.
in introverted attitude: 505
et seq.
repressed in sensation type:
457, 460
seeks to discover possibilities:
463, 464, 465
subjective and objective: 568
Intuitive and sensation types, similarity
of unconscious in: 466
Intuitive attitude: 388
cognition possesses character
of certainty: 568
discernment as shown by
Jordan: 189
mentality of primitive: 191
method of Bergson: 398
method of Nietzsche: 399
Intuitive Type: 181, 191, 569
thinking and feeling
as inferior
functions in: 465
Inundation from the unconscious,
danger of: 326, 328, 334
Invasion of evil: 235
Irrational, definition of: 569
nature of elementary facts:
Irrational Types: 468
not unreasonable
but empirical:
overtaken by
rational judgments:
Isaiah: 113, 322, 323, 324, 325, 327,
Isis and Osiris: 289, 290
Islands of the Blessed: 55

James himself an ideologist: 390
Types, general criticism of:
Types, characteristic pairs of
Opposites in: 382
William, on the types: 372 et
James-Lang theory of affect: 523
Janet: 156, 566, 574
Janus-faced psychological moment:
Jehovah: 285, 333
transformation of: 320
Jeremiah: 71
Jerusalem, on the reason: 383
Jesus and Satan (symbol-forming
process): 610
Jew, the wandering: 331
Jewel, fate of: 331
nature of in Spitteler's work:
320, 329
redeeming nature of: 329,
330, 331
Jews, medieval persecution of: 331
the, as symbol of repressed
elements: 331
Job, Book of: 333
Jodl: 359
Jordan, as possible introvert: 205
Jordan's description of types: 184,
214, 215, 404
impassioned type compared
with Gross' sejunctive type:
types, special description and
criticism of: 191
Julian the Apostate's discourse upon
King Helios: 99
Julian's discourse upon Mother of
the Gods: 17
Juno Ludovisi: 156, 158

Kant: 57, 58, 152, 377, 383, 390,
395, 484, 508, 522, 548, 559
as introverted thinking type:
on nature of the idea: 548
on reason, an introverted
view: 384
Kant's postulate of God, freedom,
and immortality: 395
Keratines, the 'horned-one' fallacy:
King, on Gnostic symbolism: 289
Kingdom of Heaven: 266, 305, 309,
Klingsor: 269
Kohler: 289
Kore of the mysteries: 288
Krishna: 243
Kubin: 483
Kule, in Barlach's Der tote Tag:
321, 325
Kulluka: 242
Kulpe: 526, 543
Kundry: 269, 270
Kwei of Tao: 267

Lalitavistara: 221
Lamb, Epimetheus' raging against
the: 229, 236
Landmann: 588
Lao-Tse: 83, 149, 151, 264, 268
Lasswitz: 549
Lateran Council: 84
Lehmann: 543
Less-impassioned type of Jordan:
185, 188, 341
'Levelling of ideas' (Wernicke):
Leviathan: 325, 333
Levy-Bruhl: 106, 165, 365, 530, 572
Libido as psychic energy, not
psychic force: 571
definition of: 571
detachment of, from object:
detachment of, from both
sides: 147, 149
splitting of: 29, 256
Libido-concept: 262
and Brahman-concept:
symbols: 246, 250
Liebig: 403 404
Likes and dislikes: 529, 543, 544
Image : 289
Lipps: 358, 360, 382, 525, 535
Literary figures, representing function-
complexes of author: 601
Living form, Schiller's symbol of:
134, 145, 158, 267, 330
symbol: 605
Logos: 54, 83, 256
Loretto, Litany of: 274, 283, 284,
285, 292, 296
Lost art thou when thou thinkest
of danger' (Nietzsche): 352
Lotus of Bodhisattva: 221
Lotze: 55
Lully, Raymond, conversion of: 542
Luther: 84

Macbeth: 322
Maeder's prospective function: 536
Magic cauldron of Dagda: 288
Magical powers and the older
nationalities: 233
Magna Mater: 290
Mahahharata: 243, 244
Maher-shalal-hash-baz: 327
Man as mere function: 94
Manas as form: 254
as psychological function of
introversion: 253, 254, 256
as serpent-like nous: 256
or reason: 252, 253, 256
Manu, Book of: 242
Margaret in Faust: 273
Marianus, Doctor, in Faust: 274
Marriage of Heaven and Hell
(Blake): 414
Mary the divine harlot: 234
Mask or persona: 590
Mater Gloriosa: 234, 273
Materialism: 210
and idealism: 387, 389
as extraverted character: 389,
Materialistic and theosophical think-
ing equally negative: 445
explanations as superstitious:
mentality: 433
Mathematical term as symbol: 603
Matter: 289
Maturity, relative, of the two
types: 407
Maya: 221
Mayer, Robert: 403, 404
Measure and number, methods of:
Mechtild von Magdeburg: 285
Mediatory product, superiority of
(symbol): 609
Medieval Christianity: 176, 285
mysticism: 285, 299, 302
psychology, problem surviving
from: 298
Megara: 39
Megarians: 38
Meister Eckehart: 152, 297, 299,
300, 303, 304, 305, 311, 314,
318, 334
Eckehart, on relativity of
God: 303, 304, 305, 314,
Eckehart on soul: 305
Meisterlieder, of Colmar MSS,: 287
Mephisto, personification of negative
thinking: 444
as archaic elements of Goethe:
Mephistopheles, interpretation of:
255, 540
the medieval Epimetheus: 232
Messiah or Mediator: 241
Messianic prophecies: 322
Messias in Spitteler myth: 335, 336
'Metaphysical' signifying 'unconscious
Method, constructive, as intuitive:
over-valuation of: 512, 513
reductive and synthetic: 83,
312, 313, 536, 537, 577, 578,
Meyrink: 160, 483
Middle disposition of Schiller: 147
Mind and speech, question of precedence:
Minerva as soul-figure of Prometheus
216, 217, 223
Miracle of Hellenic 'will': 178
Misautic (Weininger): 474
Mithraic influence on ecclesiastical
art: 288
Mitra: 251, 258, 260
Mneme (Semon): 475, 556
Moleschott's dictum: 444, 535
Moltzer, MissM, : 569
Monismas introverted attitude: 396
versus Pluralism (James): 396
Monophysites: 30
Monsters, the two great, of Brahman:
254, 256
Montanus: 22
Mood; 450, 543, 545
as feeling-valuation of conscious
situation: 543, 544
Moral problem for introverted intuitive:
Morality, extraverted; 418
More-impassioned type of Jordan:
Morton Prince: 588
Mosaic morality; 263
Moses' basket of rushes; 286
Mother-dragon, motif of: 325
Earth as source of all
power: 302
Mother of God in Divina Commedia:
of the Gods: 117
Mothers, heavenly, in Faust: 233
Mother-transference: 598
Muhler and Schumann: 526
Muhler, Max: 248
Muratorian Canon: 275
Mysteries, Grecian: 174, 176, 288
Mystica Vannus Jacchi: 289
Mystical collective ideas (Levy-
Bruhl): 530
thinking of introvert; 482
Mysticism, German; 285, 299
Myth, West African: 267
Mythological world of introverted
sensation type: 503
Myths as psychic product: 241, 615
astral and lunar: 241

Nahlowsky on higher or ideal
feelings; 521, 543
Nalve and sentimental poetry in
relation to typical mechanisms:
attitude: 165
Nakai Toju, the Sage of Omi: 268
Napoleon: 101
Narcissism (Freud): 598
Natalis solis invicti: 289
Nartorp: 535
Natural beauty as Western criterion
of art: 360
Natural-science method, overvaluation
of: 519
Naturalism, discussion of; 262, 263,
Nature and culture: 113
Nature-process, law-abiding regularity
of and in: 581
Necessity for recognition of types of
attitude: 621
Negative character of dependent
thinking: 443, 444
thinking, its destructive character:
444, 452
thinking, personified as Mephisto:
Negroes' dreams and motives of
Grecian mythology: 556, 624
Neo-Platonic views: 117
Nestorian controversy: 33
Nestorius: 33
Neurasthenia as neurosis of introverted
feeling type: 495
Neurosis, duality of attitude in; 527
from suppression of infantile
claims: 425
Nicolaitans: 26
Nietzsche: 37, 93, 122, 123, 161,
170, 237, 261, 298, 352, 399,
400, 477, 484, 535, 542
and Schiller, artist nature in:
as introverted thinking type: 484
as advocate of power: 298
Nietzsche's 'Attempt at a Self-criticism'
conception of Grecian character:
intuitionism; 399
own type: 182
Nirdvandva: 242, 243, 244, 269
Nominalism and Realism: 37, 63,
65, 349, 374, 398
as extraversion; 374
Norm, collective; 562, 563
'Nothing but' style of thinking:
444, 452
Nous, of Gnosis: 256
Novum; 133
Nu or Nut: 289, 290

Obatala and Odudua: 267
Object-animation, as a priori projection:
imago: 600
Object, dynamic animation of: 365
Object, influence of, upon thinking:
potency of, depends upon projection
of soul-image: 597
overvaluation of: 309
unconscious depotentiation of:
Objective catastrophe of extravert:
mind, assumption of: 627
plane, definition of: 572
values (rational): 583
Objects, inner and outer: 210, 591
Observer, judging and perceptive: 427
Oedipus: 39
Olympian Spring, by Spitteler: 240,
Olympus, middle world of: 171, 174
One-sidedness, as sign of barbarism:
Ontological proof: 54
Opposition between sensation and
thinking: 130
concept of: 250
Optimism versus Pessimism
(James): 389
Optimum of life: 263
Oriental art, impulse of (Worringer)
Orientation, definition of: 572
Origen: 23, 38
Organic inferiority, of Adler: 531
Ostwald: 239, 401, 535
Other-world: 218, 222
Overvaluation of instruction by
word and method: 512

Paganism: 230, 231, 233
Pagan influence on Christian symbolism:
288, 289, 290
thinking: 107
Pairs of Opposites, Brahmanic: 242
Pallas Athene: 218
Pandora, box of: 329
comparison of Goethe's with
Spitteler's: 223
gift of, as symbol: 228, 319
interlude of Spitteler: 218,
jewel of: 220, 221, 222, 228,
319, 329, 336
of Goethe: 223, 225, 226, 234
Pandu: 243
Parables of Christ
Paradisiacal state
Paradiso of Dante
Paradox and relativity, unavoidable
end of intellectual effort: 628
Paramatman: 243
Parameshtin: 247
Paranoia: 553, 583
Parent-complex: 157
Parental influence, factor of: 415
Parsifal: 98, 239, 269, 270
as reconciler of the opposites:
269, 270
'Participation mystique': 106,
120, 165, 279, 316, 365, 366,
524, 534, 553, 572
"mystique', definition of:-572
Paschasius Radbertus: 33
Passive thinking, as irrational: 6n,
Patanjali: 243
Paul, St. and symbol of the Cross:
conversion of: 575, 577,
Paulhan: 213
Pelagian controversy: 32, 33
Pelagius: 33
Perseveration phenomena: 338
Persian religion: 174
Person, introvert's concern with
his: 488
Persona: 208, 209, 210, 590, 592,
593, 594, 595
and soul, relation between:
594, 595, 596
as collective attitude: 590
as false self: 268
as function-complex: 591
as outer attitude or character:
identification with: 595, 596,
597, 598
projection of: 598
represented in dreams: 596
Personal as opposed to individual:
unconscious: 615, 616
Personality: 406, 407
dissolved in feeling of the
moment: 445
Personification of unconscious: 212, 306
significance of: 254
Pessimism of Schopenhauer: 170
Peter, St. vision of: 577, 580
Phallic symbols: 296
Phantasies as representations of
energic transformations:
development of: 312
Phantasm: 573, 581
Phantasy: 69, 75, 154, 312, 378,
554, 573-581
active and passive: 574, 575
activity, common to all four
functions: 547
as imaginative activity: 573,
as symptom or symbol: 580
creative, and individuality:
definition of: 573
image: 554
latent meaning of not certain:
576, 580
law-abiding principle in: 580,
manifest and latent meaning
of: 575, 576, 578, 580
Phantasying not identical with
passive thinking: 611
Philautic (Weininger): 472, 474
Phileros: 227, 229
Philhellenism: 231
Philosopher, and typical personal
attitude: 619, 620
Philosophy, English: 398
German: 400
Modern, the Problem of Types
in: 372 et seq.
Physiological differences of individuality
(Gross): 346
Pius, brother of Hermas: 278
Plaksa fig-tree: 221
Plato: 38, 40, 44, 45, 47, 50, 53,
216, 378, 548
Play, as dynamic principle of
phantasy: 82
Play-instinct of Schiller: 134, 140,
146, 154
Pluralism as extraverted attitude:
Plurality of personalities in same
individual: 588, 589
Plutarch: 40
Pneumatici: 18, 190
Poimen, or The Shepherd: 284,
Porphyrius: 23, 52
Positive quality of extraverted
thinking: 442
Possession by demons: 278
Powell on primitive thinking: 42
Power and love as incompatibles: 298
Power-attitude: 572
complex, definition of: 582
illusion of introvert: 478
Power-psychology, unconscious basis
of: 477
Pragmatism (James): 390, 397, 398, 400
a makeshift: 399, 400
Prajapati: 247, 248, 251, 252, 253,
Prana, or breath of life: 248
Pre-condition, psychological: 619,
Predication, principle of: 41, 45,
47, 50
Pregnancy of the soul: 595, 596
Primary function of Gross:, 338
intensity of, due
to attitude: 355
Primeval symbol represents future
truth: 484
Primitive, and loss of soul: 278
idea of God: 301, 302, 304,
310, 316, 534
languages (suffix of the thing
living): 365
psychology, reappearance of: 484
thinking and feeling: 534
relation to object: 365
spirit, revival of: 230
Primordial image: 149, 250, 265,
267, 269, 271, 272, 277, 378,
384, 476, 481, 490, 500, 548,
550, 555, 556
image, a mnemic deposit: 556
image, a recapitulatory expression
of living-process:
image, a self-living organism: 560
image as compensating factor: 272
image as idea and feeling: 490
image as psychic mirror world:
image, definition of: 556, 557
image expressing creative
power of psyche: 557
image, expression of energic
process: 560
image maternal soil of idea;
image, nature and function
of: 272, 557
image necessary counterpart
of instinct: 560
image reconciling idea with
concrete feeling: 558
image, role of in introverted
thinking: 481, 482
Primordial unconscious state: 553
Primum in mundo fecit deus timorem:
'Principia explicandi': 56, 627
Principium individuationis, Apollo
the image of: 173
Principle, guiding, irrational nature
of: 323, 324
Printer, case of the too-extraverted:
424, 425
Problem of different typical attitudes:
Processes with and without symbolic
meaning: 606
Procrustean bed: 121, 180
Projection, a process of dissimilation:
567, 582
a process of introversion: 583
active, an act of judgment:
583 definition of (vide Introjection)
566, 582
dependent upon identity: 553,
582 in paranoia: 583
of soul-image: 596, 597, 598
passive and active: 582
Projections, nature of: 294, 307,
365, 566, 582
of intuitive type: 467
Proktophantasmists: 101
Proletarian philosophy: 50
'Prolific' and 'devouring' classification
of Blake: 336
Prolific type of Blake: 336, 414
Promethean attitude: 228, 229,
298, 319
Prometheus as introverted attitude:
207, 216, 218, 227
comparison of Goethe's with
Spitteler's: 215, 217, 218,
condition of, in unconscious:
219 figure of tradition: 216
fragment of Goethe: 216, 218,
intervention of: 335
of Goethe as extravert: 226
relation to his soul: 208, 210,
214, 216, 217, 218
" reply to angel: 207, 211
Prophets in Israel (introverted
intuitive type): 507
Prospective function of Maeder: 536
meaning of symbols: 536,
607, 610
Protagoras of Plato: 216
Protestantism: 84
Psalms: 283
Psychoasthenia, introvert's neurosis:
479, 484
Psyche and consciousness: 536, 557
and soul, distinction between:
creative factor of: 579
definition of: 588
independent collaboration of:
Psychiatric view of Christ's psychology:
Psychiatry, type problem in: 337
et seq.
Psychic content as dynamic system:
581 inertia: 230
process, object as well as
subject: 622
relation between the different
types: 470
structure: 2 1 1
Psychici: 18, 190
Psycho-energic process: 521
galvanic phenomena (Binswanger)
Psychological differences of men:
types due to, identification
with superior function: 564
Psychology and methods of measure:
larger conception of: 75
of the oppressed: 497
'Psychology of the unconscious',
difficulty raised by: 626
Psychopathic states: 337
Ptah-tenen, hymn to: 290
Puer Aeternus: 336
Purposive standpoint in relation to
phantasy: 578, 579, 580
Pushan=Savitir, sun: 248
Pythagoras: 114

Rapport: 470
between rational and irrational
types: 470, 471
Ratio: 382, 383, 387
Schiller's conception of: 133
Rational, definition of: 583
explanation as Utopian ideal:
types judged from their conscious
psychology: 453
types, limitation of sensation
and intuition in: 454
Rational types, subservience to
chance of the: 456
type, the unconscious of: 455
Rationalism as psychological attitude:
as monistic (James): 373
logical and feeling: 382
synonymous with intellectualism
(James): 373
versus Empiricism (James):
382, 387
Rationalist types (James): 373
Ratramnus: 34
'Reagibilite' of primary function:
Reactive rapidity, criterion of
(Ostwald): 401, 403, 408, 410
Realism: 37, 63, 374
as introversion: 374
of extraverted sensation type:
Reality-adaptation, value of images
for: 312
Reason and objective values: 583
as capacity to be reasonable:
as disposition of the will: 383
as organ of balance: 280
as source of idea (Kant): 383
incapable of creating the
symbol: 322
laws of: 584
Reasonable judgment refers to
objective as well as subjective
factors: 496
Rebirth, meaning of: 222
Recapitulation of extraverted irrational
types: 468 et seq.
of extraverted rational types:
452 et seq.
of introverted irrational types:
511 et seq.
of introverted rational types:
495 et seq.
Reciprocity between thinking and
sensation: 132, 133
Reconciliation of Delphic Apollo and
Dionysos: 174
of differentiated with undifferentiated
223, 231
of the opposites: 323, 608
of Prometheus and Epimetheus:
227, 236
Reconciling Symbol as Principle of
Dynamic Regulation: 257
Symbol, Brahmanic conception
of: 247
Reconciling Symbol in Chinese philosophy:
Symbol, Nature of, in Spitteler:
Symbol, significance of: 234,
320, 608
Redeeming effect of living social
symbol: 605, 607, 608
factor associated with devastation:
middle path: 242
symbol, effect of: 334
symbol, essential qualities of:
324, 326, 327
Reductive, definition of: 584
method: 78, 312, 313, 536,
537, 538, 577, 578, 584
method as collective: 538
thinking of empiricist: 385
'Reflective nature' of Jordan: 185,
Reformation, the: 84, 293, 318
Regression converted into progression:
of libido: 231, 608
Regula fidei: 19, 198
Relativity of Goo, among the
primitives: 301, 302
of Idea of God in Meister
Eckehart: 297 et seq.
of the Symbol: 272, 300
Relaxed attitude characteristic of
extravert: 356
Religion as general attitude: 229
Indian and Chinese: 242
limitation of James' concept
of: 393
Western forms of: 241
Religious attitude and feeling: 291,
character of collective ideas:
devotion, state of: 156, 157,
form in Spitteler: 239
function as universal psychic
constituent: 392
symbol, value and meaning
of: 158
system, effect of upon individual
phantasy activity:
understanding of the problem:
177, 239
Religiousness versus Irreligiousness
(James): 391
Reminiscence-complexes: 157
Remusat, Charles de: 62, 64, 65
Renaissance: 107, 230
Renunciation of greatest value: 252
'Representations, Collectives' (Levy-
Bruhl): 530
Repression of feeling, etc, by
intellectual formula: 437,
of feeling, its disastrous results:
438, 439
of painful content (Freud):
615 Retrogressive orientation: 107
Reverie: 547
Rhoda, as soul-image: 275, 276,
277, 278, 280, 293
Ri and Ki, the two world-principles:
268, 269
Ribot: 543, 588
Riehl on consciousness: 536
Rigveda, hymn of: 251
Rita as libido-symbol: 261
as source of energy: 260
concept of: 151
Rita, meaning of: 257, 258
Rita-concept corresponding with
Tao: 264
Ritual-murder notion: 332
Roman auguries: 282
Romantic type (Ostwald): 401
type as extravert: 404
type, academic activities of
(Ostwald): 408
type, external reaction of:
410, 411
Roscellinus, Johannes: 53
Rosicrucian solution: 231, 234
Rousseau: 104, 112, 113, 127
Ruggieri, Archbishop: 236
Running amok: 256, 278
Ryochi, as individual Self: 268, 269
as summum bonum: 269
paralleled with Brahman as
light: 269

Sacred Books of the East: 242 et seq.
Sacrifice, necessity of: 309, 313
Sacrificium intellectus: 22, 25
phalli: 25
Sage of Omi: 268
Salvation-phantasy of idealistic
woman: 599
Samadhi: 243
Samskaras: 306
San-tsai, the three chief elements: 267
Saoshyant: 331
Sarepta, widow of: 287
Satyr of Dionysian choir: 173
Saul, interpretation of vision of:
577, 579
of Tarsus, example of enantiodromia:
542, 574, 575
Savage v, Barbarian
Saviour, birth of: 322, 323, 331
Scepticism, attitude governed by
object: 396
Schen of Tao: 267
Schiller and Goethe: 88, 102, 118,
on Idealist and Realist: 168
on naive and sentimental
poetry: 163
on reciprocity of the two
instincts: 133
on 'semblance': 162
on two basic instincts: 123,
Schiller's age and world of Greece:
91, 92, 170
attitude to Type problem:
83, 207
conscious attitude of abstraction:
118, 119
'Golden Age': 108
intellectual concept of Beauty:
introverted feeling of inferiority:
letters on AEsthetic Education
of Man: 87 et seq.
mediatory state: 161
ode An die Freude: 179
pair of opposites: 115
symbol as philosophical concept:
114, 148
third instinct: 134, 146
transcendental way: 111, 114
type: 89
Schiller, F. C. S. of Oxford: 398
Schisms, psychology of: 293
Schizophrenia (Bleuler): 615
Scholasticism: 52, 62
Schopenhauer: 123, 152, 153, 170,
178, 237, 239, 269, 383, 0389,
399, 549, 559, 584
on nature of the idea: 549,
on the reason: 383
Schopenhauer's attitude: 237
Schultz on Tertullian and Origen:
20, 26
Science and religion: 392
only one of forms of human
thought: 56
'Scientia intuitiva' (Spinoza): 568
Scientific empiricism: 385
literature, abundance of: 434
separatism: 381
theories as symbols: 603
Scotus Erigena: 34
Seasonal analogies of myths: 241
Secondary function (Gross): 337,
function, criticism of Gross'
concept of: 353
function, effect of personal
and milieu influence upon: 354
Seer or disciple, as Brahman: 247, 248
Sejunction (Wernicke): 342
Sejunctive personality (Gross): 342, 348
Self and world as commensurable
factors: 478
as a possible aim: 144
as Brahman: 245, 246, 247
as opposed to ego: 475, 476,
477, 478
defined under Ego: 540, 585
differentiation of, from the
opposites: 144
the individual: 475
true and false of Toju's
teaching: 268
unity of; 306
Self-divestiture, need of (Worringer)
368, 369, 371
Self-regulation of living organism:
371, 532
Semblance, Schiller's apologia for;
Semiotic as opposed to symbolic:
82, 584, 601
Semon: 475
Sensation, abstract, as directed
function: 587
an irrational function: 456,
and intuition: 587
as conceived by Schiller: 124,
concrete and abstract: 586
definition of: 585
element of: 168, 179, 456,
534, 535, 585
extraverted: 456
in introverted attitude: 498
et seq.
normal and pathological: 587,
588 repressed in intuitive attitude:
Sensation Type: 181, 182, 191, 456,
type, difficulty of rational
approach to: 461
Sensation-presentation: 130
Sensational and intuitive attitudes:
Sensationalism as empiricism: 387
as function of sensation
(James): 388
as reflexive attitude: 388
Sensuality versus spirituality (symbol)
608, 609
Sensuous instinct of Schiller: 124,
129, 131
relatedness as concretistic:
Sensuousness (Sinnlichkeit) as
psychological attitude: 388
Sentimental attitude: 166
Sermo of Abelard: 65, 398
Service of Woman and Service of
the Soul: 272
Sex, the types uninfluencedby: 413
Sexual function and general attitude:
Sexual interpretation of Parsifal:
270 Sexuality not the fundamental
problem: 270, 271
Sexualization of feeling and thinking
(Freud): 539, 588
Shadow of the extravert: 203
Shadow-effect of the two kinds of
thinking: 432
Shepherd, The, of Hermas: 275
Sign as opposed to symbol: 82, 584,
Silberer: 537
Silesius, Angelus, on relativity of
God: 317
'Simulation dans le caracter ': 213
Sinister: 282
Socrates' dialogue upon beauty: 53
Nietzsche's attack upon: 178
Socrates' rationalistic attitude: 182
Somnambulism: 588
Song of Songs: 284, 285, 286, 287,
296, 297
Sophia-Achamoth: 234, 288, 290
Soul and masculine and feminine
traits: 594
as autonomous complex: 305,
as birthplace of God (Eckehart)
as established character or
entity: 594
Soul as function of Godhead (Eckehart)
as function of relationship;
209, 210, 279, 306, 310
as image of God (Eckehart):
as perceptive organ of unconscious:
as personification of unconscious:
212, 306, 309, 310
character of, deducible from
persona: 595
definition of: 588
historical ways of viewing
the: 310
identification with: 596, 598
in league with undifferentiated
function: 226
loss of: 278, 309
Meister Eckehart on the: 305,
315 nature of: 211, 212, 273, 305,
310, 329
or inner attitude (anima):
pregnancy of: 595, 596
primitive view of: 306, 310
projection of: 596, 597
prospective symbolic character
of: 596
psychological view of: 306
service of: 272, 279
Soul-image: 276, 277, 283, 310
as ' vessel of devotion':
279, 280
definition of: 596
malevolent character of:
projection of: 597
represented by woman:
597, 598
when not projected:
Soul-stuff or soul-force of the
primitive: 365
Spear of Klingsor: 269, 270
Speech (Vac) as extraverting libido
movement: 252
Spencer and Gillen on primitive
mentality: 42, 316, 366
Spinoza: 568
Spiritualism: 210
Spiritus phantasticus: 137
Spitteler as poet: 236
Spitteler's principle of solution:
Prometheus and Epimetheus:
207, 240, 319
Spitteler's Prometheus as compared
with Goethe's: 215, 217, 218
type: 215
stigmatization of Saints: 393
'still waters run deep' (introverted
feeling woman): 492
Stilpon of Megara: 40, 50
Stirner; 93, 237
Stobaeus: 541
stoic concept, : 32, 261
teaching: 280
Sub specie aeternitatis quality of subjective
perception: 500
Subject and object relation as relation
of adaptation: 414
as inner object=the unconscious:
as only competent judge of his
motives: 454
extraverted repression of: 423
meaning of: 591
Subject-object identification: 294,
295, 553, 563, 572, 582
object identity, as hindrance
to collective organization:
Subjectification, morbid, of consciousness:
474, 475, 477, 488,
Subjective as epithet: 472, 473, 474
catastrophe of extravert: 425
factor, as firmly established
reality: 473, 474
factor, importance of: 473
factor in introverted psychology:
factor, its value only relative;
factor, meaning of the term:
473, 591
perception, influence upon
thought, feeling, and action:
perception, nature of: 499-
plane, definition of: 599
process inseparable from
thought: 431
Subjectively orientated thinking:
431, 432
Subjectivity, anti-real, of introverted
sensation type: 502
Sully on abstract feelings: 521
Summum bonum: 269
Sun and Wind as proceeding from
Prajapati: 252
Brahman as: 247, 248
Sun-goddess: 320
Surya or sun: 248, 251
Swedenborg's transformation: 542
Symbiosis: 132
Symbol a complex creation: 606,
arising from conscious and
unconscious co-operation:
as effecting transformation of
libido: 291, 295, 296, 297,
as living thing: 602, 605
as middleway: 324
as reconciling function: 608
as value for life: 159, 163,
291, 293, 294, 295, 605
definition of; 601 et seq.
dependent upon attitude of
observer; 603
dual character of; 14 1, 162,
266, 607
effective nature of: 291, 605
efficacy of: 141, 144, 157, 605
general, and loss to the individual:
292, 293
Goethe's choice of; 231
irrational: 267, 322
nature of, in Spitteler; 329,
new: 298, 320, 329, 335
of Divine birth: 313
of god with bull's head: 604
of God-renewal in Spitteler's
work: 240, 241, 320
of life, as conceived by
Schiller: 134, 148, 158, 267
origin of: 144, 146, 158, 291,
293, 295, 296, 605, 606, 607
reconciling conscious with unconscious:
representative of inferior functions
social and individual; 605
social validity of; 580
Symbols as shaped energies; 311
of the great natural mysteries:
314 Symbol-bearers: 225
forming process as biological
function; 294
Symbolic determinant of the will:
Symbolical attitude: 604
Symptom as distinguished from
symbol: 606
or symbol (phantasy): 580
Symptomatic actions (Freud); 606
Synesius: 137, 139
Synthetic character of introverted
thinking: 489
defined under Constructive:
536, 610
method: 83, 312, 313, 536
or constructive: 536
Systole and diastole: 11, 179, 252,

Tabula rasa, human mind as: 377
Talbot, P, Amaury: 290
Tao as creative essence: 266
as irrational fact; 267
as symbol: 266, 267
concept of: 151, 264, 268
meanings of: 264
" national religion of: 264
Tao-te-king, of Lao-Tze: 265
Tapas, or self-brooding; 149, 150,
248, 252, 259
Tat twam asi: 149
Taylor: 54
Teacher, inferior man never a good:
Temperaments, four ancient; 403,
404 human, clash of (James); 372,
Templars, order of; 298
Templum pudoris: 286
Temptations of Christ: 70
Tender and tough-minded as introvert
and extravert; 374, 382
Tender-minded and tough-minded
(James): 373, 374, 382
Tense attitude characteristic of
introvert; 356
Tension between conscious and unconscious:
psychic, an expression of
libido: 356
Tertium non datur: 52, 133
Tertullian: 19, 288
Tewekkul-Beg, the Mohammedan
mystic; 43
Thalamus, or bridal chamber: 286
Thema, 'approfondissement' of:
or leading idea of Gross: 338,
Theory of cognition: 42, 209
of types, Jung's previous contributions
upon: 613
Theosophical thinking: 444
Theosophy: 210
Thesis and antithesis in symbol-formation;
607, 608
Thibetan prayer, 'om mani padme
hum': 221
Thin and thick characters of James:
374, 375
Thinking, active or directed: 611
an Epimethean appendage to
feeling, in extraverted feeling
type: 449
and feeling as collective functions:
530, 531
and feeling, concretistic: 533,
and feeling types as rational:
452, 570
attitude: 572
both kinds necessary as
mutual correctives: 433
definition of: 611
dependent upon feeling: 612
enticing to the surface: 443
in extraverted attitude: 428
et seq.
in introverted attitude: 480
et seq.
infantile and negative, of
extraverted feeling type:
passive or intuitive: 611
process, relation of, to subject:
two sources of: 428
type: 434
Thomas Aquinas: 58
Thought-activity, active and passive:
Thyestian feast: 39
Tibullus: 361
'-tion' and '-ness' (' -heit' and
'-keit '): 212, 213, 226
Tishtrya Lied: 261
Toju, on nature of God: 268
Tondi: 304
Totem animal, assimilation to:
Tower of Babel: 283
Tower-symbol, the: 283, 284, 285,
293, 296
Transcendent function: 145, 159,
313, 562, 610, 612
Transference, a feeling-into process:
360, 567
state of: 567, 573 ,
to object, as extravert's defence:
Transformation of attitude: 240,
of libido: 291, 295, 296,
Transubstantiation, problem of: 33,
84 Treasure-symbol: 309
Tree, the chosen: 221
Tristan, of Wagner: 298
Truth identified with extravert and
his formula: 440
Tschuang-Tse: 83
Type, definition of: 612
Types described by author not the
only possible ones: 621
function: 412
general-attitude: 412, 414,
529, 530
general description of the:
mutual prejudices of the
(James): 373, 390, 391
random distribution of: 413
rational and irrational: 612, 613
social: 530
Typical conflict of introverted thinking
type: 90
Tyrant, psychology of: 594

'Ugliest man' of Nietzsche: 161,
237, 540, 610
Ugolino: 236
Ular: 268
Unconscious activity: 616
and conscious, compensatory
relation of: 422
and justification of experience:
apperception: 615
as determining factor: 307,
308 as historical background of
psyche: 211
as world of spirits: 310
compensatory function of:
contents, homogeneity of: 624
counter-position to intellectual
formula: 441, 542
definition of: 613
embodied in a woman: 441
intervention between subject
and object: 502
not psychic caput mortuum:
personal and collective: 615,
product as symbolical expression:
Unconscious world of images: 211
Unconsciousness of anima, or soul:
of persona: 598
Undifferentiated function incapable
of direction: 540
Uniform human psychology, the
assumption of: 622
regulation of life, questionable
efficacy of: 618
Uniformity of conscious psyche an
academic chimera: 624
'Unity of Being' of Eckehart: 308
Universalia, controversy upon: 37,
38, 52, 62, 374
Universality of the types: 413
Unredeemed elements projected
upon the Jews: 332
Upanishad philosophy: 263
Upanishads: 152, 243, 245, 246,
248, 263, 300, 390
Uterus symbolism: 289, 290

Vac as Logos: 256
as name: 254
as principle of extraversion:
253, 254, 256
or speech: 252, 253
Valentinian school, classification of:
Varuna: 251, 258, 260
Vas, interpreted as uterus: 286
sapientiae: 290
Vase of sin: 289
Vayu, or wind: 248
Vedas: 243, 258
Vedic conception: 242
hymns: 258 et seq.
Vena, or Gracious One: 247
Veraguth: 523
Vessel of devotion: 279
Vessel symbol, significance of: 291
symbolism: 286, 287, 288,
289, 290, 296
symbolism, extra-Biblical
origin of: 288 et seq., 296
symbolism of Gnosis: 289
Vibrations, theosophical explanation
of: 445
Vicvakarman: 253
Villa: 543, 585
Virgin, symbol-attributes of The:
274, 283, 284, 285, 286, 288,
289, 296
pregnancy of, as irrational
condition: 322
Virgin-worship, a vestige of Paganism:
290, 292, 293, 296
Virginity, symbols of: 286
Vischer, Fr, Th, : 369, 480
Vitality of psychic content, necessitating
two opposite theories:
Volipresence, concept of: 85
Vulcan: 223

Wagner, Nietzsche's change of attitude
to: 542
as advocate of love: 298
as thinking portion of Faust:
Wagner's Parsifal; 98, 269, 292
Wandering Jew, The: 331
Wang-Yang-Ming: 269
Warnecke: 304
Weininger: 472, 474, 475
Wernicke: 339, 342
Western forms of religion: 241
Whale, the invisible, of Behemoth:
Will, a secondary psychic phenomenon:
and instinct: 565
as disposable energy: 144
as energic process: 617
definition of: 616
efficacy of: 140, 144, 145
lacking in primitive mentality:
617 metaphysical, of Schopenhauer:
178, 315
'Will of God': 236
Winged-wheel of railway employes:
Witch-delusion of Middle Ages:
Woman, old, as the Church in
Hermas story: 280, 281,
service of: 272, 292
Wonder-child: 221, 320, 323, 332
Word, magical power of, 59
World anesthetic not moral
problem to perceptive types:
gaining the: 309
'World as Will and Idea' (Schopenhauer)
549, 559
World-reason, pre-existing: 584
Worringer: 358, 360, 361, 362, 364,
Wulfen's Cicerone d, riicksicktslosen
Lebensgenusses: 458
Wundt: 359, 384, 519, 522, 524,
525, 527, 543, 544, 548, 585
on reason, an extraverted
empiricistic view: 384
Wuwei, concept of: 268

Yajnavalkya: 246
Yaksha=aspect or daemon: 254
Yama, or sun: 248
Yang and Yin, Taoistic pair of
opposites: 267
Yoga, practice of: 150, 156, 243
Yogasutra, of Patanjali: 243

Zarathustra as the Self of Nietzsche:
of Nietzsche: 123, 178, 182,
229, 237, 239, 240, 399, 610
Zeller: 541
Zerebrale Sekundarfunktion, of
Gross: 337
Zwingli: 84, 85
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