The Intelligence Agents, by Timothy Leary, Ph.D.

That's French for "the ancient system," as in the ancient system of feudal privileges and the exercise of autocratic power over the peasants. The ancien regime never goes away, like vampires and dinosaur bones they are always hidden in the earth, exercising a mysterious influence. It is not paranoia to believe that the elites scheme against the common man. Inform yourself about their schemes here.

The Intelligence Agents, by Timothy Leary, Ph.D.

Postby admin » Mon Mar 07, 2022 6:07 am

The Intelligence Agents
by Timothy Leary, Ph.D.
© 1979 by Timothy Leary, Ph.D.



Gentle Reader: On occasion, the Librarian finds it necessary to caution the reader that materials provided through the Library appear to fall outside the realm of legitimate discourse. Sadly, that is the case with the materials provided below, that contain statements that may reasonably be construed as advocacy of racism, fascism, eugenics, incest, and elitist self-entitlement.


Do not try to hustle Easterners on their own turf.

-- The Intelligence Agents, by Timothy Leary

Table of Contents:

• Inside Cover
• Publisher's Notes
• The Out-Castes
• I2: The Parable of the Informer
• Spinning Up the Genetic Highway
• The Ultimate Aphrodisiac
• The Neuro-Geography of Terrestrial Politics
• The Perils of a Front-Line Evolutionary Agent
• The Correspondence Theory
• The Pynchon Manuscript is Smuggled to a Prisoner
• The Psychological Effects of High Orbital Migration
• The Neurological Level of the Judeo-Christian Bible
• Werner von Braun as Science Fiction Hero
• Inner and Outer Space
• The Post-Heisenberg Determinacy Principle
• Marilyn Sings A Song About Intelligence Maps
• Genetic Hall of Fame
• Structural and Temporal Castes in the Human Being
• Marilyn's Input System
• The Pre-Capitulation Predictions of Jules Verne
• Psychology Goes to War!
• The Intell-Agent
• A Memo Designed to Cheer Up the Human Race
• The Pleasure Caste
• What Did This Money Buy?
• The Ups of Pleasure and Downs of Satisfaction
• The Dirty Tricks of American Behaviorism
• The Magical Mystery Tour of Switzerland
• Letter from Brian Barritt
• Pathology Always Precedes Potential
• Excerpt from Encyclopedia Galactica, 2078
• How the CIA Makes People Stupid
• The Lesson of the Social Insects
• The Three Functions of Intelligence as Described by G.I. Gurdjieff
• The Ex-Citing, Ex-Foliating, Ex-Plosion of the Human Gene Pool
• The Co-Option of Psychology by Counter-Intelligence
• The Bawdy Pilgrims
• The Great Revolution in Psychology
• The Psychology of Adjustment
• The Current Distribution of Human Genetic Castes in America
• Henry Ford: Homage to the Evolutionary Agent Who Introduced the Self-Mover
• Beware of Monotheism
• To Find the Genetic River, First Locate Your Heart
• The Incredible Revelation of David Begelman
• How and Why Friends Become Aliens
• CIA Funded Research by Opponent of Leary
• Jane Wayne Tells All About Her Encounters with Higher Intelligence
• Writers Petition Swiss to Give Asylum to Leary
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Re: The Intelligence Agents, by Timothy Leary, Ph.D.

Postby admin » Mon Mar 07, 2022 6:13 am

To Barbara


This is a work of social, moral, religious and scientific satire, set in the Future. Pieces attributed to others (except the newspaper items acknowledged below) are parodies by the author. This work does not intend to malign any individual, race, organization or religion. It does intend to entertain the reader while increasing hir intelligence.


The Boston Globe for "CIA Funded Research by Opponent of Leary", by Al Larkin, September 1, 1977; Robert Clark for the unique charts and maps throughout the book; Mrs. Yvonne Halsman for the photograph of Marilyn Monroe, Copyright © by Philippe Halsman; Los Angeles Times for "British Fans Put Sock Into Soccer", by William Tuohy, 1978; San Francisco Chronicle for "Writers Petition Swiss to Give Asylum to Leary", by Donovan Bess, July, 14; The Viking Press for the cover of Gravity's Rainbow by Thomas Pynchon; Julian Watkins for the many illustrations from The 100 Greatest Advertisements, Dover Publications, Inc. 1959.

Cover photograph of Marjatta DeAnnA by Richard Wardell


The Intelligence Agents

To the memory and spirit of one of the greatest men of the 20th century -- and to those in whom his spirit still lives.

"Think for Yourself, Question Authority."

OCTOBER 22, 1920-MAY 31, 1996

It is with great joy that New Falcon Publications releases the fifth and final volume of DR. TIMOTHY LEARY'S "Future History Series."

During his extraordinary life Dr. Leary was known as (among many other things) a world-renowned psychologist; a student at West Point; a defrocked Harvard professor; a hero; a relentless champion of brain-change; a counterculture guru; a stand-up philosopher; a prisoner of the U.S. Federal Government; a developer of computer software; friend to such notables as Aldous Huxley, William S. Burroughs and Allen Ginsberg; "the most dangerous man on the planet"; and an inspiration for millions of freedom-loving and free-thinking people throughout the world.

Among Dr. Leary's favorite metaphors was that of baseball. Of his ideas, he said: " ... the performing philosopher does not come down the mountain with truths carved in stone. He/she comes to bat several times a day, trying to whack out a conceptual hit. In baseball, a batter who gets one hit out of three will usually lead the league. A thought-inventor is voted into the Hall of Fame or wins the coveted MVP (Most Valuable Philosopher) award on the basis of batting average over the years. For example, one-third of [my] ideas are kinda silly, one-third are kinda boring. But one-third are home runs. When they enter your brains they can impregnate, fuse with your other thoughts and create software for programming your life."
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Re: The Intelligence Agents, by Timothy Leary, Ph.D.

Postby admin » Mon Mar 07, 2022 6:16 am



This document illustrates the Standard Reality Fabrication Tactics used by Intelligence Agents assigned to nursery planets mutating from Stage 12 (Centralized New-Deal Insectoid Socialism) to Stage 13 (Neurosomatic Self-Discovery).

The womb-planet in question, called Terra I or Sol-3, presented no unusual genetic problems to Local Evolutionary Agents (whose Network was called the Out-Castes). Metamorphosis from terrestrial apehood to post-terrestrial status occurred in routine fashion.

Commodore Leri, the Out-Caste Agent who serves as quest-editor for this manual, is better known to galactic soap opera fans for his later work in High Energy Fusion in the Sagittarius Sector. The Intelligence Agents is a collection of 20th century documents which has enjoyed considerable popularity throughout the galaxy because of its Juvenile Charm. It is a classic portrait of a group of fledging Agents, just graduated from Cadet status, facing their first mutational duty.

The Out-Castes began their work at the exact time (1946 A.D.) when life on Terra I was ready to molt from terrestrial to post-terrestrial status, from planet to Plan-It. Using textbook practices, the Out-Caste Network sent novice Agent Leri to the most influential Pupal-training center of the Dom-species (Harvard University) where he was to set in motion a Stage 13 Self-Discovery (Hedonic Self-Indulgence) movement. Within ten years, over 35 million primates in the most advanced country (America) had renounced politics and were enthusiastically experimenting with self-induced brain-washing, neural rewards and socio-sexual-role changes.

After this success (1970) most members of the Out-Caste Network understandingly requested Re-Creational leave to enjoy the new Ecological Niche satisfactions. Subsequent scans of the planet produced too few Alien Intelligence Increase Agents willing and able to join the next phase of the Intelligence Increase (I2) work. Leri reluctantly agreed to join the next network of Out-Castes (fronted by Governor Jerry Brown and Larry Flynt) who were charged with the mission of moving the Self-Actualization Stage 14 (1970-1975) from Pre-Dom[1] to Hive Domination. Leri then, in 1976, volunteered for duty in the Pre-Dom[2] Space Migration Wave (Stage 15), realistically assuming that the best way to get himself and his gene-pool off the heavy, one-G womb-planet to a multiple-G custom-made Plan-It was to stimulate the Space Colonization movement.


Recall that in 1970, Space Consciousness was almost non-existent and even the most advanced primates continued passively to hope for release through some terrestrial reform -- political, religious, or cultural. In order to get the signal to those who would be activated by it, it was necessary for the Out-Caste Network to Dramatically Scandalize and Alienate (i.e., polarize) Every Hive Social System on the planet by using Leri as one of the Neural Probes.[*]

Leri's tactic of graceful, serial-social Alienation first put him in Galactic Headlines. With help from his friends, he managed to remain controversial for over two decades!

It must be remembered that other Out-Caste operatives were working with other futique-castes. Gerard O'Neill, Brian O'Leary and Peter Vajk with scientists. Olin Teague, Barry Goldwater, Harrison Schmitt, and Barbara Mikulski with Eastern politicians. Jerry Brown with Western politicos. Barbara Marx Hubbard with Middle-of-the-Road intellectuals. Robert Anton Wilson with sophisticated occultists. Alan Harrington with the literate elite. F.M. Esfandiary with scientific aristocrats. Pauline Kael with cinema adepts. Don Simpson, Robert Stigwood, Kevin McCormick and Henry Edwards with film-makers. Andy Warhol and Susan Kaiser with artists. Roy Walford with biologists.

Many of these documents were transcribed from a live, oral presentation before 2,500 persons in Tucson, Arizona, 1977. This lecture transcript illustrates the techniques Leri employed to shock, stimulate, and electrify Domesticated Apes in the 15-25 year age bracket.

Students of Primitive Terrestrial Folklore will remember that Tucson, Arizona was, in 1977, center of the Sun Belt (delightful term). The Sun Belt encompassed a crescent of Migrating Higher Intelligence that stretched from Mountain View, California at the Northwest; through Southern California, Arizona and New Mexico; to Cape Canaveral, Florida at the Southeast.

During the ten years preceding this lecture, a great neuro-genetic migration occurred. Propelled by DNA imperatives, gene-pools in the Southwest expelled their most aggressive-political agents to the Northeast -- especially New York, Boston, Chicago, Washington -- while the Snow Belt gene-pools were sending their more intelligent probes to the Southwest Frontier. This incredible exchange of gene-castes occurred with no blood-shed, indeed, with no public awareness and was one of the great migratory feats in terrestrial history.

The Out-Castes, as robot-wired evolutionary surfers, were riding a demographic western wave of intelligence.

Other parts of this document were originally taped by suspicious and fascinated Counter-Intelligence Agents in Switzerland (1971-72) where the Commodore was enjoying Re-Creation Leave.

Switzerland was at that time the center of Old World genetic (sperm-egg) Traffic, a tiny mountain principality loaded with Intelligence Brokers and Chromosome Dealers. It was Zurich for money and industrial espionage. Basel for drugs. Geneva for documentation. Alpine ski-resorts for gene brokerage and Sexual Selection. Switzerland was, in short, an Alchemical Mating Ground, an Energy Market, a flight-School in which High Altitude Wheelers matriculated to establish Out-Caste Alumni Associations.

Aristocratic families in the Old World sent their children to Swiss schools to learn the principles of Inter-erotic Diplomacy. The most elite, endowed adolescent genitals were shipped off to Alpine Academies to be initiated into the network of Intelligence Intercourse. Stage 10 Feudal Marriage Linkage was still being imprinted on Aristocratic European and Asian brains. The Stage 11 Tactic of improving the gene-pool was to contribute young English and American sperm-egg carriers whose wealth and socially-mobile vigor were welcomed by the jaded Continentals.

For those reason the presence of a Self-Professed Alien Intelligence Agent from the Future in this small antique country provoked enormous interest. Fortunately for our historical archives, every action and conversation of the Commodore was recorded by Counter-Intelligence operatives. Attempts by the Firm to drive him out of this mountain retreat were consistently foiled by aristocratic young Out-Castes.

The reader of this manual will also find various training memos, tutorial signals, bumper stickers, graffiti and advertisements, issued by the Out-Castes during this volatile mutational period.

Earthlings, at the time these events were emerging, had no concept of gene-pools and Castes-as-Evolutionary-Stages. Much of the hostility and resistance Out-Caste Agents faced in these circumstances was caused by the Reluctance of terrestrials to understand that they were genetic-robots thrown headlong into an accelerated mutation process which jumbled together millions of competing gene-pools and several different species. Each individual innocently assumed that all others with human forms were wired the same way. Agents preparing for mutational duties on planets during the Period-Before-Space-Migration will be interested to know that the signals described in this manual were being violently reacted-to by Swarms of humans possessing the following Brain Stages: Paleolithic, Neolithic, Priest-technological, Feudal, Republican, Stalinist, Hedonic-consumer, Self-actualized!

Gene-pools tend to become aggressively agitated by genetic perspectives, sensing that evolution is passing them by. Agents, therefore, are required to move swiftly, leaving vapor trails deliberately designed to appear harmlessly flakey to Behind-Time Species, while at the same time instructive to and supportive of A-Head-Time Futiques.

For background to this manual, Evolutionary Agents are referred to the three preceding future-history texts: Exo-Psychology, Neuropolitics, and the classic-galactic romance, What Does WoMan Want?

The guest-editor must mention that the presence, in the Tucson audience, of Carolyn and Keith Henson (the Evolutionary Agents who made Space Migration possible) contributed to the Electricity of the Occasion.

His Excellency, Nov Nuarb
Dean, Evolutionary Agent Academy
Genetic Intelligence Agency Headquarters
Galaxy Central, 2077 A.D.


* The word scandal must be understood by agents assigned to womb planets. The classic hive definition of scandal is: 1. any act that offends the morality of the social community; a public disgrace. 2. shame or outrage (i.e. rage directed against an outcaste). 3. damage to reputation or character caused by offensive or grossly improper behavior. A shock to hive morality, thus the basic instrument for evolution.



Like many of your readers I have been distressed by recent articles in the Times about the Mid-Eastern-South-African-North-Ireland wars.

Like most of your readers, I too, was born a bigoted racist. Until age 10 I believed that only those in my gene-pool (members of the Irish-Catholic Church, as distinguished from Italian Catholic, French Catholic, Polish Catholic, Greek Catholic and Protestant) were social equals.

On the basis of subsequent personal experience I have worked out some tentative, less-distressing solutions to racial-caste-class-national-origin competitions.

How about if every gene-pool were twenty-five percent Jewish? If you are more than fifty percent Jewish cool it! You can qualify to be more than twenty-five percent Jewish if you are to that extent happy!

How about if every gene pool contained twenty-five percent Black? To quality to be more than one-quarter Black you have to be to that extent more square!

How about if every gene-pool was twenty-five percent Latin? For every percentage point more Latin you gotta become more Gay!

And surely everyone can handle being twenty-five percent Protestant. But for every percentage point more Protestant you should be more funny!

It wouldn't hurt if every gene-pool were ten percent Irish. But for every percentage point more Irish you should be more sexy.

Larry Flynt





The planetary mission of the evolutionary operatives called Out-Castes was: Intelligence Increase.
The code name for the mission was I2.
Their assignment was to transmit to Earthlings:
1. Important neuro-genetic information about castes.
2. Genetic maps and blue-prints for future change.
3. Instructions for migration mutations.



Even when he is in mufti, his alert post-terrestrial bearing is obvious. And as he passes Hedonic Agents in the Genetic Intelligence Agency's spacious corridors, they often salute automatically. When he descends from his seventh-floor office in a private, key-operated elevator and steps into his sedan, the chauffeur calls him "Admiral" rather than "Director." Jerry Brown likes it that way. After 34 years aloft in pleasure craft he is all S.M.I2.L.E.'S.

"Thirty years ago," as his predecessor, Director Turner said, "America was handsdown the predominant military power, a totally independent economic power, the dominant power in the political sphere. Today Americans aren't predominant to that degree or anything like it. That's good because it means Americans have to become more intelligent."



Date: December, 1971
Country: Montana-Crans, Switzerland
Classification: TOP SECRET

We have located Timothy Leary still disguised as Fugitive Philosopher scrimping along on Five Brains in the Swiss Alps. He has been extended political asylum and apparently is in the dormant phase of Stage 16. Aimlessly spinning gears waiting for Her to appear. His 6th Circuit is uncontrolled and his broadcast-energies are low. The Fugitive is the uneasy guest of the local Earthlings called Valaisans, who attribute their difference from other Swiss to laundered descendence from Carthaginians who had passed along the great Rhone History Highway which runs from Geneva to San Bernardo. The Professor is unaware that his landlords are milk-fed pink-cheeked Arabs and that his host and partner, Michel Hauchard, is our long-time agent.




1976 1859 1529 1A.D. 4200 B.C.



Once past the Obstetrical Arrival gate, Feel Free to Use (or abuse) your Head To Create the Realities you are equipped to choose.

But ...

Please don't Clutter Up

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Re: The Intelligence Agents, by Timothy Leary, Ph.D.

Postby admin » Mon Mar 07, 2022 6:31 am

They are Time Travellers, literally walking around in past civilizations.

by Frank Herbert

Frank Herbert was the greatest writer of the 20th century, and, in the opinion of many, the most intelligent writer born on planet Earth.

Herbert was the first author to write convincingly with predictive accuracy about Higher Intelligence. His books, written in the primitive savagery of the mid 20th century, were peopled by advanced mutants, Superior intellects. It is of interest that the wisest and smartest of his futique heroes were women.

Herbert was, along with Walt Disney and Luther Burbank, a fully developed Stage 20 Neurogenetic brain. His descriptions of the Bene Gesserit Sisterhood, executing gene-pool designs over centuries, is the most impressive and uncanny prediction of a future which was nine mutations ahead of the society he inhabited in the 1960's.


In pre-selected human beings, from each gene-pool, neural circuits have been activated (usually without their awareness) which are designed to fabricate future realities. Future gene-pools.

These individuals are genetically templated to live much of the time in the future. They are, to this extent, alienated from current hive realities.

Some agents who are unaware of their genetic assignment feel agonizingly out of step. Some are shunned and even locked up by the gene-pools they serve.

Those who are lucky enough to recognize their post-human genetic caste attain a level of great prescience and humorous insight. They understand that they are Time Travelers, literally walking around in past civilizations. A most entertaining and effective role to play. While they have little power to change the ripples of history or the waves of evolution -- they can surf them with increasing skill.

Such evolutionary agents are best described as OUT-CASTES. They are cast out, thrown forward, pushed up, above and beyond, contemporary hive realities.

As evolution accelerates there are more and more Evolutionary Agents emerging. In the 1960's it was probably true that every gene-pool cast out its futique agents. We are now learning to identify these OUT-CASTES and benefit from their contribution to the species.



TO: Genetic Intelligence Agency

FROM: Agent I2 at Terra I, Sol-3, Com-Species approaching Stage 13.

AGENT: The emergence of Hedonic Self-oriented Consumerism as Dom-Species is now projected for 1976, local time.

CENTRAL: Well done.

AGENT: What's next?

CENTRAL: Your next mission is to popularize Space Migration from the Womb Planet. The Network you will join is becoming visible.

AGENT: I assume that I'm to take an In-sanity, Re-Creation Leave until the next move?

CENTRAL: S'i vous plait.

AGENT: How do I get from Switzerland back to the Sun Belt?

CENTRAL: The style you use in provoking your kidnapping, and re-immigration is your own neurological style-choice. The hive will figure out some way to bring you back. We'll watch with amusement.





I'm very happy to be free to be here tonight (applause). Had a slight delay getting here, like seven years. I got involved in a little contest in the 1960's. A minor thing, just a simple Genetic Super-bowl competition for the consciousness of a small planet. East versus West. Past versus Future. Washington Senators versus the California Angels. As High Scorer for the Angels I got put in the penalty box for four years. (Laughter)

Since my release in April, 1976, I've traveled extensively around the country checking on the intelligence quotient of America. I've a few hot items to report back to you. Number one, there's a Good Feeling running rampant in this country. My informants report a feeling of gentleness, an expectation of change, an hedonic hope reminiscent in many ways of those tender years in the early sixties. You know, just five years ago if you smiled a lot you were in danger of being busted on suspicion. Today it is legal, my fellow Americans, to smile once again (Applause)

The prohibition against New Ideas has been repealed so I think we can get together here tonight and see what further agitation we can stir up.

... this country has been taken over by successful Heads of the sixties.

Here's the second item. My Intelligence Agents report that this country has been taken over by successful Heads of the sixties. (Applause) The articulate young women and men who ten years ago were forced by our government into positions of dissent and protest have dropped back in. Today, they are managing, directing and taking responsibility for affairs in this country. This bloodless coup, this quiet revolution is no surprise. The 70's have developed just as we hoped and planned. The giant Neuropolitical Experiment started at Harvard in 1960 was a success! From Cambridge and Millbrook headquarters our intelligence operatives charted the genetic flow of history and predicted, in 1968, a temporary ebb-tide reaction to the incredible explosion of neurological activation that occurred in the sixties. I remember very clearly in 1968 when we punched into our Out-Caste computer the Gallup finding that 75% of Harvard law students were smoking grass. (Applause) The computer read out the prediction: "Your legal problems will be over in ten years." (Laughter)

There were other predictive statistics from that period. The same Gallup poll reported that 75% of pre-medical students were smoking grass. Thus, we now have a new generation of young doctors sensitized to the beauty of childbirth; physicians who understand that pregnancy is not a disease to be terminated by an obstetrical operation. Similar changes are transforming other professions. Even the dismal/exciting trade of law enforcement is being taken over by young women and men who lived through the explosive sixties and cultivated a new sense of human relativity. We have a new breed of turned-on cops. (Applause and laughter) The 1968 Gallup poll also reported that 65% of the science and engineering students at MIT, Cal-tech, and RPI were smoking grass. Thus, for the first time, we have a new generation of young scientists who have experienced in their own nervous systems the genetic, biological and physical energies they study in the laboratories.








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Re: The Intelligence Agents, by Timothy Leary, Ph.D.

Postby admin » Mon Mar 07, 2022 6:34 am

I2: The Parable of the Informer
by Jim McPherson


James McPherson has enlivened trillions of nervous systems in this galaxy as the mythic image of chivalrous idealism and rakish gallantry.

Jim McPherson's Evolutionary Agentry was geared for rescue. On planet-after-planet he set up base camps -- from which he would sally forth whenever a Time-Traveler was trapped in local hive webs. McPherson's protean ability and master hive-bureaucratic skills and his ability to use the local taboos to free Out-Castes made him a galactic TV hero. He is also famous for his textbook Intel-Legal Tips, the classic field guide for Evolutionary Agents throughout the galaxy.

James McPherson, it should be noted, won the Solar-system award for Best Husband three times -- 1983, 1998, and 2042.

In July 1974 an Intelligence Agent posing as a cashiered psychologist, was brought in handcuffs to Terminal Island, a Federal prison, and placed in the "hole." The hole was the name of the punishment cell-block.

When he protested he was told that he was being kept off the main-line because his sentence (ten years for the possession of a half ounce of marijuana) was too lengthy for a medium-security prison.

He was then visited by a notorious hardass Federal agent, who made the following statement: "If you double-cross me I'll have you put on the main-line of a Federal Prison with the jacket of a snitch. Do you know what that means?"

I2 indicated that he understood the threat.

He was actually in prison for acting as an "informer." An informer is one who communicates facts which someone else (usually a bureaucrat) does not want communicated. He had publicized information about human intelligence which certain espionage agencies and information bureaus wanted to keep secret.


Stuart Bland was one of the most effective evolutionary agents of the 20th century. He was first activated to mutant status by ingesting LSD with the Merry Pranksters in 1964 -- during which Vulnerability he was exposed to the first picture of Planet Earth taken from high Orbit.

Bland's role became most complex. In order to facilitate Space Migration and Galactic Pranksterism, Bland agreed to become a deep-cover agent. For ten years he posed as a puritanical, drab, ultra-respective stoic, anti-hedonic spokesman for the Ecological Fascists -- growing moss on his own back, publishing dozens of Luddite, anti-technology periodicals, derogating the profit-motive, promoting games in which people hit each other with foam-rubber bats, editing essays about Voluntary Poverty, Limitation of Growth, the Satisfactions of Renunciation, Doomsday Meditations, Postponement of Pleasure.

The cover worked! By 1976 this I2 agent had infiltrated the inner councils of the Terminal Adult Establishment (liberal division), cunningly demonstrating that the only way to return to the Puritan-Home-Owner Past was to build Space Colonies.

Nothing frightens hive-establishments more than the prospect of non-limits. Bland, accordingly, soothed the Ecologists by resurrecting the classic Stoic Motto -- "Oh yes, it will happen, but not in our lifetime!"

In 1996 Bland arranged his own kidnapping by an Intelligent Task Force, comprised of beautiful women. He was shanghaied into a Space Shuttle, dosed with a longevity-pill and transported to the Pleasure Plan-It of his own secret Prankster design.

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Re: The Intelligence Agents, by Timothy Leary, Ph.D.

Postby admin » Mon Mar 07, 2022 6:38 am

Reprinted from SCIENTIFIC AMERICA, MAY 1998


Spinning Up the Genetic Highway
by Stuart Bland

On every Biological womb-planet the Genetic Highway climbs East to West in the Temperate Zones. These are easily located. In terms of spherical geometry the 30th to 45 degrees latitude (North and South) locate the runways along which gene-pools accelerate to Escape Velocity.

North-South is an Astro-Neurological Constant based on magnetic charge. East-West is thus an Astro-Neurological Constant based on spin. On every womb-planet in the galaxy Rotational Orientation relative to the home star determines the direction of Migrating Intelligence.

To experience the power of spin please perform the following neuro-experiment: Imagine that you stand fifty-miles (250,000 feet) high. Face west and sense the Earth-Spin moving you backwards. You would have to keep striding forward one thousand miles an hour to keep the sun at the same angle. This would be an easy stroll. One hundred paces an hour would do it.

Face east and feel that you are falling towards the sun which will rise in front of you, below you. You are moving downward at one thousand miles an hour.

Primitive organisms, face the sun, ride passively towards the sun. More advanced organisms develop the mobility necessary to chase the sun, to move against the rotational tide.

The navigational rule is simple. When you greet the sun, after the night, you are facing the east. You are facing Asia.

The word Asia comes from Greek-Latin, "region of the rising sun."

The name Europe comes from Greek and Semetic, "land of the setting sun."

When you face east you are peering down into the past; our gene-pools came from the east. When you see the sun disappear over the horizon you are looking up into the future. This basic attitudinal orientation on womb-planets is based upon spin-momentum.

When you move east you are being carried down the spin-axis. You are riding the globe, moving with the rotational inertia. When you move West, you climb up against the rotation. Spin is one of the fundamental defining-characteristics of energy-matter.

At the level of elementary particles the properties of matter are remarkably few. A particle can have mass or energy, and it can have momentum, including the intrinsic angular momentum called spin ...[*]

Spin is a fundamental personality characteristic of not only elementary particles, but all energy structures. The wheeling of galaxies. The movements of humans living on a spinning globe. The orientation of all living organisms to the rotational momentum of the womb-planets or Designed Plan-Its.

There are sexier chapters ahead. If you are bored -- migrate a few pages forward.

The Hermetic Doctrine holds that what is so above is so below. Recapitulation theory holds that the same sequences re-evolve at all levels of energy. Neurologic thus leads us to expect Spin to be a basic dimension of a biological structure.

Spin-caste is as fundamental a determinant of human behavior as sexual caste. (Spin is as basic to life as sex.) To understand a terrestrial human it is as necessary to understand hir spin-caste as it is to identify hir sexual caste.



There is Fore-Spin. Brains geared to move west into the future. There is Back-Spin. Brains wired to face the past. Spin-caste is determined by how far west you and your gene-pool have migrated -- and at what speed.

Fore-Spin is moving west, facing the momentum. Pushing up against the rotation to develop mobility; to attain altitude. Moving into the future. Ascending into the empty ecological niches.

Why were the empty New American Continents (lobes) discovered and filled from Europe, not from Asia? Why didn't the wisdom of the East sail across the Pacific? Why was California explored and settled from Europe? Why didn't a wandering Chinese discover Venice? Why didn't orientals colonize Europe? Where were the Chinese Drakes and Vasco da Gamas? Throughout history, even today, when orientals come west, they use western modes of transportation. How come? Why, today, in 1978, do the eastern countries compress into xenophobic centralized ant-hills, discouraging migration?

Because of Back-Spin.

Back-spin is sitting, immobile, with your back to momentum. Oriental-orientation is passively riding the down-wave. Occidental-orientation is actively pushing against rotation, continually being tested, shaped, formed by the air-flow, your antennae continually probing forward for the next pathway opening up.

Here we re-encounter the basic poetic-mystic polarities:

East / West
Earth / Heaven
Passive / Active
Piety / Intelligence
Past / Future
Simplicity / Complexity
Tradition / Change
Control / Freedom
Unity / Diversity
Stasis / Mobility

Only from an Einsteinian, relativistic post-terrestrial attitude can one realize that East-West means Down-Up. Liberation from Newtonian geography and recognition of Geo-relativity are necessary stages of evolution. How do you determine down-up on a spinning sphere? Against the spin is up. On this planet, West is up.

Why didn't a wandering Chinese discover Venice?

The most instructive way to look at a world-map is: turn the map so that East is down. Then re-experience the long climb of humanity from East to West. The busy caravans like ant-flies shuttling up and down the Asian trade routes. The enormous ant-armies of Alexander over-running the past (no worlds for him to conquer westward). Genghis Khan's fast-moving mobile, equine technology storming upward. The explosion of Muslim columns. Roman legions painfully pushing up into Gaul. Sense the movement of human swarms over the centuries -- the empire-hives sending out columns and waves, the exploratory probes westward. The flotillas of frail craft moving up the Atlantic, shipping that most basic cargo: sperm and eggs. (The other cargoes are support-logistic.)

When you see the sun disappear over the horizon you are looking up into the future.

The greatest technological problem faced by DNA on this planet was scaling the Atlantic Ocean. For 1,000 years (400-1400 A.D.) the waves of mobile-elite Sperm-eggs splashed up to the western-European Atlantic beach-ledges. And waited. Oh my, it was the greatest swarming phenomenon in human history! Port-cities teeming with migragents, explorers, space-travelers. Western Fever! Peerers into the unknown. Porers over maps of future lands. Migrating gene-pools freaking out for new spaces! Kings and queens caught by the fever. And Columbus! Columbus obsessed with this Everest problem, commanded by Genetic Directive to scale this mountain of water three-thousand-miles-high.

"I gave the keys of those mighty barriers of ocean which were closed with such mighty chains." -- Columbus

Note the timing of Atlantic Ascent. It had to await the Protestant Reformation. The Luther Self-Actualization freed gene-pools from the Catholic-hive center. Only a society of self-actualized families, democratically linked together, was capable of pushing gene-pools three-thousand-miles up, into the storm altitudes of the North Atlantic.

Recall that the ascent had been made over and over again during the ten centuries before Columbus by doughty Vikings, fervent Irish monks and hundreds of masculine bands. Some returned to tell the story of the new ecological niche. But the signal did not activate the swarm because the technology for lifting gene-pools three-thousand-miles into the unknown had not emerged. Thousands of European sailors who found the new lands did not return. They were absorbed by native gene-pools. (If thousands of Amazon female sailors had reached North America before the Protestant Revolution, they too would have been swallowed up by the native gene-pools.)

It always requires a technical breakthrough to move sperm-egg colonies to a higher altitude; a higher velocity.

Oh my, it was the greatest swarming phenomenon in human history!

A gene-pool is a species-unit capable of protecting its young over several generations. Marauding bands of Astronaut Francis Drakes and John Waynes are a beginning probe. But nothing happens until the family-units move together. You see, the King-Emperor does not want to migrate. Are you mad? Leave the seat of Imperial power and luxury? No. The feudal society cannot migrate. Catholic countries couldn't pull it off. The Holders of the Land have to stay on the land. Feudal Catholic-Monarchies are flashy in the first stage, in the opening-up of a new ecological niche. Oh yes, the Second-born sons, the Dukes' younger brothers, sail off with crack-troops and establish secure foot-holds. It was genetic folly for Spaniards to mate with paleolith natives. (But permanent military settlements have to breed with the natives and the mestizo result is uniformly disastrous because the second-string, invasive male-warriors mate down with dumb conquered females.)

Genetic Intelligence is measured by the ability to move gene-pools upward, angling always westward, pushing against, always being shaped by, re-formed by, activated by, mutated by Spin-Pressure from the Future.


* "Fundamental Particles with Charm," by Roy F. Schwitters, Scientific American, October 1977.



FROM: G.I.A. Central
TO: All Evolutionary Agents on Planet Earth
SUBJECT: Change in Tactic from Anatomical to Neuro-Technological Mutation

1. The Human Brain is programmed by RNA-DNA to fabricate technological realities. To build environments. New Plan-Its. External technology produces the pollution which activates the next brain circuit.

2. The Human Brain is a tool of DNA to accelerate evolution.

3. At this point (1978) DNA is not concerned with evolving new anatomical-physiological forms adapted to a heavy 1-G planet. Terrestrial evolution is over, i.e., irrelevant. Now that High Orbital Migration has begun, now that the futique species are moving into their designated ecological niche -- high orbit -- the goal of DNA is to create Technologies adapted to multiple-G living.

The current survival problems on the planet are due to over-population swarming and cannot be solved by anatomical mutations. The next stages are neurological -- i.e. neurotechnological.

4. You are instructed to encourage the appropriate castes of the Human Species to decode DNA and increase Altitude and Mobility.



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Re: The Intelligence Agents, by Timothy Leary, Ph.D.

Postby admin » Mon Mar 07, 2022 6:42 am


Date: Winter, 1972
Country: Montana-Crans, Switzerland
Classification: CONFIDENTIAL File No. 4575

The Fugitive's chalet is a cozy museum of Valaisan culture with six-foot-high cuckoo clock, large stone-carved fireplace and crossed swords on the wall. Our Agent Michel Hauchard arranged matters with the realtor and the owner who both dig the money and the glamour of a Bona Fide Exile Philosopher sponsored by a Gangster.

There is not much happening at Crans except natives taking money from middle-class Italian Skiers (an old Carthaginian custom), so the Doctor is pushed into the vacuum as village celebrity. A familiar role much preferable to the Fugitive.

On the 27th day of December we taped the following phone call. Michel is agitated.

"Ah Teem, I have just been talking to the Chief of Police here. He has just received word from Bern ..."




Subject: page 2
Classification: CONFIDENTIAL File No. 4575

"About my political asylum?"

"No. That will come soon. But today the police tell me that threats have been made against your life."

"I don't believe it."

"Well the police are worried. They want to talk to you this afternoon. You must come to Lausanne."

We followed the Fugitive who pointed his car down the twisting road from Crans at a tight, strong speed, curving along the shoulders of the hills. It is a lonely drive. The stone-walled, timber-roofed farmhouses are stuck on the slopes, each seeking its own view of the valley below. The neat Calvin peak of a church tower appears and disappears as the road winds down to the Rhone highway, then west past Martigny to Aigle, nestled at the end of Leman, past the damp jailhouse gloom of Chateau Chillon to Michel's penthouse.

Michel himself piloted the Rolls up the cobblestone hills of Lausanne to the cantonal Department of Justice guarded behind stone fortress walls. The Chief of Police was genial. He thanked Michel for the watch and happily discussed the size of ski boots Michel was to buy for his wife. They are interviewed by a plain-clothed inspector who chatted with Michel about Napoleonic history. (We taped the conversation.)

"Do you think these anonymous phone threats are serious?" asks Michel.

"We don't know. Intelligence reports from Algeria that Eldrige Cleaver claims he is keeping the Professor under surveillance. Maoist groups in Paris and West Germany have announced that he is a threat to the Armed Revolution because he depoliticizes young people. The Israelis will swap him for a few jets. Arab militants seem to view him with sympathy as an American fugitive. What do you think?"

"I think the whole thing is a hoax," said the Professor.

"Privately," confides the Inspector, "I am inclined to agree. However, I have been instructed to offer you a full-time bodyguard if you wish it."

"Male or female?" says Michel.

"Not at all," exclaimed the Fugitive in alarm, probably thinking of the threat to his eroding life-style.

"I thought so," smiled the Inspector slyly. "At any rate you need not worry. Twenty-four hours a day you are under the protective eye of Swiss security."

(End of tape.)



Subject: page 3
Classification: CONFIDENTIAL File No. 4575

Agency note:

We should speak to Inspector Klausxitz and tell him to be more discreet. We don't want to spook our Pigeon until it's time to spook him good.



Rusty Schweickart

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Re: The Intelligence Agents, by Timothy Leary, Ph.D.

Postby admin » Mon Mar 07, 2022 6:54 am

Neil & Ursula Freer




I'm sure that during the last fifteen years you have read many lurid accounts of my activities. As a well-trained Out-Caste, I plead nolo contendere.[*] I encourage all rumors -- hostile or adulatory -- as badges of honor. However, since we have assembled in this room every literate Intelligence Operative in this state (applause), I'm going to confide something on a need-to-know basis that I'm not sure the general public is ready for. Facts which will clarify the images and media hypes that have been circulating around my name. Here's what really happened.

I encourage all rumors -- hostile or adulatory -- as badges of honor.

In the early 50's, C.I.A. scientists administered LSD to Harvard students without their knowledge. As usual, the government sponsored scientists learned nothing. But the "Victim-subjects," as usual, got the message: brains can be washed. So we were assigned by Genetic Intelligence headquarters to improve the C.I.A. work at Harvard. One afternoon in the Cambridge laboratory where we were conducting our biochemical research, the experiment succeeded: I was cloned! (Laughter)

So, to tell you the truth, since our Harvard experiments, there have been 24 Timothy Learys running around the world, playing parts on the 24 Reality Movies of the period.

You remember the lesson: it's your nervous system which creates and controls your reality. You dial and tune the images you wish. So pick out the Timothy Leary image you want. There's probably no insanity, eccentricity, immorality, heroic divinity or messianic omnipotence that hasn't been attributed to one of these images. But that's the standard fate of Out-Castes.

Now, we have to be frank with one another. You know and I know that universities like this, supported by tax payers and administered by salaried politicians (like all the schools you have attended since first grade) are designed to keep you serenely and productively stupid. (Laughter)

But, things are changing. The particular Timothy Leary clone who is here tonight (laughter) intends to take advantage of the recent thaw in social and political climates to do something Radical. I think the Regents can stand it and I know you're ready to have the boat rocked a bit. (Applause) So I'm going to talk to you as one intelligent person to another. (Laughter) The subject of this talk will be the evolution of intelligence. The purpose of this talk is to recruit you as Intelligence Agents. Change Agents. Out-Castes.

There are many social and genetic forces designed to resist change and retard intelligence increase. I certainly am not going to complain tonight on this occasion of triumph and celebration. So when I talk about the forces that discourage change, I emphasize that Repressive Hive-Bureaucracy is a genetic and social necessity. The good-old-bulls who run the herd are robot-programmed to scare you about change. Their salaried hive function is to tell you, "Stay close to the center of the herd. Don't get too far out or you'll be an Out-Caste. Don't get too far in front or you'll get picked off. Stick close to the home base. Don't rock the gene-ship. Avoid change."

That's okay. Neither a species nor a social-gene-pool can lurch off one direction after another, aimlessly, as each mutation comes along. There has to be some preservative central tendency. I honor and respect the conservative forces in society and the DNA code which puts brakes on change.

At the same time it is my genetic duty to stand before you, spray you with Electronically Amplified Brain Waves designed to activate you, to cut you loose for all-out, post-hive change.


* A satirical reference to the case of C.I.A. Director Richard Helms who had recently pleaded nolo contendere to indictments for lying to Congress.



Oh, its no matter
who sires them
And it's no matter
who trains them
And it matters not
who rules them by the Reign

Racers will only go as fast and as far and as high as they are bred to go.

The race is One by a Head.




Date: December, 1971
Country: Bern, Switzerland
Classification: CONFIDENTIAL File No. 4575

(Tape recording of conversation with our Agent Michel Hauchard.)

"Congratulations, mon vieux. I have just received word from Benvoglio. The Swiss government has rejected the American request to extradite you."

"The congratulations go to you, mon voyaguer."

"Listen. Benvoglio says he is besieged by reporters and television people wanting an interview."

"I think I should remain quiet. Doesn't he?" says the Fugitive.

"I agree. But le maitre wants you to come to his office this afternoon. I think his desire for publicity may be outweighing the need for discretion."

"What should I do?"

"It's a small moment of triumph. It's the first time Switzerland has turned down an American request for extradition on political grounds. This has implications for the Swiss drug policy. The Swiss Foreign Office told reporters that twenty years in prison didn't seem reasonable punishment for two half-smoked butts of marijuana in the ash tray of a car which was not registered to you. Not bad, eh? Maybe we start a hashish import company. And the political significance! Up until now Switzerland has regularly given refuge to fugitives fleeing west from Communism or Socialism. This is the first time the Swiss have opened the front door."

"But why hold a press conference? To whom do we want to signal?"

"It will be good publicity for our book, Teem. I can't tell you over the phone how much money all this has cost us. Several cabinet meetings about your case. And the pressure from the White House? It's not every day that John Mitchell comes to Europe to chase a fugitive. We had to pay a fortune for this so we might as well ride the wave while we have it. I'll have the French press pick it up. You make some talk in French, eh?"



Subject: page 2
Classification: CONFIDENTIAL File No. 4575




Subject: page 3
Classification: CONFIDENTIAL File No. 4575

Swarms of reporters were waiting for the Fugitive in Bern. Sizing the situation up with one glance, the Professor walked across the street and stood in front of an appropriately named restaurant. And thus was taken the famous "Exile photos" which were flashed out on planetary wire-service.

The Press Conference takes place in Benvoglio's office. The lawyer waddles around wreathed in smiles. The Swiss Bar Association is strict about publicity-seeking so the advent of a notorious client is welcome.

The Doctor enjoys talking to the sympathetic hip-haired English and American reporters. He delivers a brief speech in French thanking the Swiss people for their tradition of liberty.

After the reporters leave, the Philosopher poses the question to Maitre Benvoglio, "What about asylum?"

"Hmph. Yes, of course," says the lawyer. "As you know, the Federal government cannot give you asylum. Switzerland is a Confederation of very independent states. Only the canton can give you permanent residence. Monsieur Hauchard tells me he is negotiating with the Canton of Vaud to take you. I am also planning to contact other countries. I have talked to embassy people from Denmark, Sweden, Holland and they are going to consult their governments. You are in an interesting position. Ordinarily it is not difficult to locate a stateless person. But in your case, the American government will put pressure on any country that accepts you. You would not believe the pressure they put on our foreign office. And from the White House it comes."

"I'm not surprised," replies the Fugitive Professor. "There is a former District Attorney named G. Gordon Liddy who made a name for himself by harassing me. He's become an influential member of the Cultural Police operating out of the White House. I'll have to remain in exile as long as the present administration is in power. I'd like to stay in Switzerland if a canton will accept me."

"It is a matter of diplomacy. You must think of yourself as a one-person country. And I shall act as your ambassador at large You are like Israel in 1948. The more countries that say they will accept you, the stronger your position here. Then the pressure on the Swiss government will be lessened. Our government is not eager to make anger from America. Your application for asylum will be presented to the cabinets of Denmark and Holland in the next few weeks. After that I get you admitted to the United Nations. I do my best for you. And a bit more."

(End of tape)


Carol Rosin



Reprinted from PSYCHOLOGY TWODAY, October 1998

In 1994, Einstein designed and took his own intelligence test. After that, it was revised and improved by F.M. Esfandiary, who thus increased his own intelligence, I2.

The first item on the Einstein-Esfandiary Intelligence Test (Standard Alien Intelligence test item) was:


Einstein said that the way one defines intelligence is the most important step taken in life.

The second item on the Einstein-Esfandiary test was:



The Einstein-Esfandiary Intelligence Test]


Intelligence (like the nerve cells upon which it is based) has three functions:

1. Reception: the ability to expand -- direct the scope, source, intensity of information received -- this is Consciousness expansion. Opening up to new data.

2. Mapping: the ability to joyously revise your metaphors of reality in response to new information (including other people's metaphors).

3. Performance: the ability to construct external-communication apparati (in fusion with others) which stimulate expanded information-input, new maps-of-reality and improved networks.

The function of intelligence is to stimulate Increase in Intelligence, I2. An Intelligence Action is one designed to increase your intelligence; an Intelligent Agent is one who continually works to expand input of information, revise reality metaphors and raise the intelligence of self and others.


Oh yes! Intelligence can be increased. Our brains are designed to increase our intelligence. The aim and strategy of evolution is to raise the intelligence of species. The development of every individual from infancy to maturity is the story of Intelligence Increase. I2. The only smart thing to do is to get smarter.
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Re: The Intelligence Agents, by Timothy Leary, Ph.D.

Postby admin » Mon Mar 07, 2022 6:58 am

Reprinted from WE MAGAZINE, June 1993

By Anise Nun

Nina's camel lifted his wispy, fringed tail in the excitement of the canter, and then thumped his wet, gleaming hide firmly. When they arrived at the inviting wetness of the oasis, the two women leaped off and walked their steeds to a soft, grassy dune and threw themselves down in cool relief.

Saina said, "My sweet cheeks are steaming from the friction."

"Hmmm. Give us a look," answered Nina. "Poor sultress. This is your first humpy ride. We went too far for your soft, milky skin. Give me a peek."

Saina loosened the knot, untied her sheer harem pants and let them fall to her hips, bending over for Nina's gaze.

Nina gently rolled her on her lap. "Oooh. Oooh. Sweet little dates." She slid the pants down to expose the swelling mounds. Nina patted Saina gently.

"Oooh. So warm like the desert sun," she said.

Saina giggled.

"What are you laughing at?" asked Nina.

"That's so nice." Saina continued to giggle.


"Oh, I was thinking about poor Madame Mao Tse Tung. She once wrote: 'Although sex is engaging in the first rounds, what sustains interest in the long run is power.'"

Nina's soft palm touched the swelling mounds. "Sweet, dear little dates," she murmured. "How does it feel here?" Her exploring fingers probed deeper, down between the legs.

"It feels so wet and steamy and luring there. Oooh, that's nice. Don't you think she's absurd?" asked Saina.

"Take off your pants and let yourself feel the cool air," said Nina, tugging the pants down over Saina's thighs while keeping her nestled on her lap with the sweet bottom open to the breeze. "But Kissinger's worse."



"Do it to me, oh please, do it to me," gasped Saina, not moving.

"Kissinger declared that power is the ultimate aphrodisiac."

"Power!" exclaimed Saina.

Nina picked up her camel whip and flicked it softly over the succulent pink flesh. "Well neither Madame Mao nor Henry Kissinger has ever been accused of actions designed to increase individual freedom and the power of the singularity."

"It's so hot there. Kiss it."

"What sustains interest in the long run is intelligence-increase. Do you want me too? Oooh, do it to me."

"Oh, yes," murmured Saina. She sat up, leaving her filmy pants around her ankles. She tumbled on to the green, moist grass, pulled Nina over her lap, loosened her pants and started whipping her wriggling buttocks, at first tenderly, then with more force.

"Intelligence is the Ultimate Aphrodisiac," gasped Saina.

"Oh yes," replied Nina.


In 1960 Out-Caste agents started circulating the rumor that Intelligence was the most important factor in human life.

They said: "What else do you value? Love? Virtue? Money? Power? Freedom? Truth? All of these can be enhanced by increasing intelligence. A failure to increase intelligence can only diminish our ability to obtain and enjoy these goods."

Out-Caste Agents distributed bumper stickers saying: INTELLIGENCE IS THE ULTIMATE APHRODISIAC





Rusty Shepherd? Here's the romantic, cloak-and-dagger story of a deep-cover intelligence working effectively within the military control-centers of the Imperial Hive.

It is well known that the American Military and N.A.S.A. carefully screened its astronauts for hive-loyalty, blind-obedience and social-conformity. Intuitively recognizing the genetic implications of space-exploration, the bureaucrats attempted to select heroes who would support Dom-Species values, who would not act as individuals.

N.A.S.A. was unaware, however, that a genetic selection process 2-1/2 billion years old was running the show. First we note that the astronauts were volunteers. They were young military officers who did not want to sit behind desks at headquarters. Those that applied were ready. Their nervous systems were geared for early mutation.

So it came to pass that exposure to the space environment unfailingly activated post-terrestrial circuits of the brain. This is as obvious as saying that exposure to the breast starts the baby sucking. Or that exposure to the naked beauty of a youth turns on the erotic circuits of a teen-age girl. When a terrestrial brain is exposed to zero-gravity, space-radiation, the view of earth seen from space -- the activation occurs.

Almost every astronaut returned to the womb planet changed. West Pointer Deke Slayton writes poetry, Edgar Mitchell forms an occult-WASP religion, Buzz Aldrin writes a true-confession. The two spacers who run for the Senate of the United States are elected. What an interesting new elite species we have here. Two out of twenty have been elected to high office!

While most astronauts used their newly activated neurology to play important roles in the hive, Rusty Shepherd was the first conscious post-terrestrial -- the first earthling to understand that space habitation means a dramatic change in human culture.

During his eight years as Secretary of Space Affairs, in the cabinet of President Jerry Brown, Shepherd worked effectively from within the hive to assure that space colonists would be able to form self-selected migratory groups and that each mini-world could evolve its own unique culture.

In 1997 when the military moved to impose martial law on the colonists it was Shepherd, moving invisibly in the highest councils, who delayed the take-over. He warned, prepared and finally helped the colonists overthrow the domination from the Pentagon. Shepherd, after negotiating independence for the revolting colonists, then became the first president of the United States of Space.
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Re: The Intelligence Agents, by Timothy Leary, Ph.D.

Postby admin » Mon Mar 07, 2022 7:06 am

The Neuro-Geography of Terrestrial Politics
by Astronaut Russell Shepherd

Terrestrial politics are Newtonian-Euclidian. They are based upon territorial mammalian competitions between neighboring hives who share the same neurotechnological level. Each quantum jump in neuro-technology increases the size of the political unit. Tribes are swallowed-up by neighbors who have superior artifacts. Higher technology nations set up territorial boundary tensions of greater extension. China and Russia confront each other along a 3000 mile border with the same nervous, bluffing robot postures of four-foot mammals protecting turf.

Ideological differences are, of course, irrelevant in mammalian terrestrial politics. The enmity is instinct-robot. Neighboring gene-pools have to compete according to a relentless law of territorial (plus-minus) magnetism. To occupy an ecological niche is automatically to be "against" those who inhabit the neighboring niche.

To illustrate the limbic (primitive-brain) nature of Old World politics in 1978 consult the map. Note that Morocco receives its arms from America and that its neighbor, Algeria, obtains weapons from Russia. The border between the two neighbors is tense.'=

To occupy an ecological niche is automatically to be "against" those who inhabit the neighboring niche.

Note that the next country, Tunisia, receives its arms from America and quarrels with both its neighbors, leftist Algeria and leftist Libya. Poor confused Egypt, caught between a Black and White ambiguity switched (in 1975-1976) from Russia to America. Egypt now manages to maintain hostile contact with both its neighbors--Libya and Israel. (Regardless of the ideological paradox!)



Continuing down the zoo-cages of our animal past, we note that Israel fights Syria.

Syria growls at Israel above and Iraq below.

Iraq fights Iran.

Iran snarls at Afghanistan.

Afghanistan frowns at Pakistan.

Pakistan hates India.

India is tensed against China.

China suspiciously rubs up against Russia and the South East Asian states -- all of which distrust their neighbors, regardless of ideology.

An examination of the politics of Southern Africa will reveal the same checker-board sequence of neighborhood confrontations. South East Asia provides a similar confirmation of the theory that terrestrial politics produces an almost perfect unbroken sequence of robot mammalian-territorial confrontations.

We seem to deal here with a magnetic ordering of plus-minus charges in neighboring units. With robot regularity, and with an amazing disregard for common sense or political principles, each country opposes its neighbors.

It is of interest that such a renowned political theorist as Henry Kissinger was so totally robotized--like iron filings held in a magnetic field--in confrontation with Russia, that he failed to understand this neuro-political principle. Kissinger believed in the Domino Theory; if South Vietnam fell, then all the South East Asian nations would topple shoulder-to-shoulder into monolithic Communism. This paranoia, for which 50,000 young Americans died, completely disregarded the obvious. Once Saigon collapses then nature takes over! Cambodia attacks Vietnam. Vietnam raids Laos. Thailand snarls at Vietnam. And all South East countries oppose their northern neighbor China.

Africa is a checker-board of mammalian savagery.

So far we have considered the East-West sequence of polarization. Next, let us examine some North-South factors. The map of Africa reveals that the principle of neighbor-antagonism exists. What the political map does not show is the fact that within African countries (which were arbitrarily defined by European colonists) tribal enmities continue to rage on. Africa is a checker-board of mammalian savagery. Ninety percent of African countries are ruled by assassins and military chiefs. Mafia capos.

Now look north to Europe. Until World War II, Europe was also a checker-board of quarreling neighbors, each ruled by a feudal chief. The technological quantum-leap taken in the 1940-War forced a change in territoriality. Technology always increases the size of the gene-pool territory. The Eastern Bloc nations were forced together into a monolithic entity--confronting the union of West European states. The border-tensions no longer exist between nations but along the great East-West wall, the Iron Curtain. We note, also, that ninety percent of West European countries are ruled, not by military dictators, but by elected representatives.

Why did Africa develop slavery and Europe capitalist-democracy?

This North-South bifurcation of the genetic highway has produced a fascinating left-right division which perfectly parallels the cerebral hemispheric split. The right-hand, i.e., the northern countries developed logic, rationality, manipulation of artifacts and symbols. The new technologies require larger networks of harmonious collaboration. The energies of thousands of people must be linked-up to maintain an automotive business or a Coca Cola industry. Technology creates larger and more intelligent gene-colony units.

Why did the right-hand-continent, Europe, develop the technology and carry the freedom-gene upward? Why did the left-hand-continent, Africa, fail to produce mobility-freedom-gene-pools? Why did Africa develop slavery and Europe capitalist-democracy? Why did the genetic highway veer north instead of south when it burst out of the Middle-East (i.e., the mid-brain)? Why did the northern Mediterranean centers light up in sequence: Greece, Rome, Venice, Paris, Madrid, Lisbon, London?

Surely there must be some basic neuro-geographical principle that explains why Africa now swarms with slavery and paleolithic savagery and why the right-hand-northern lobe has provided the centers and pathways along which the species has evolved. Why did the freedom-genes cluster along the North Atlantic beaches?


Why did the intelligence-technology breakout occur from West Europe--not West Africa?

Think of evolution as an ascent--literally a climb, a series of intelligence tests which activate the velocity-attitude-freedom circuits. From the Mid-East mid-brain there are two pathways. The Southern route is the easiest; the Arabs took it, slid off along the low road. Insectoid armies oozing from the east, sending, not gene-pools, but soldiers and military bureaucrats.

The high-road North was a ladder, a series of ledges to be scaled. Look at the map. First the Dardenelles to be crossed. Then the prickly mountains of Greece, the fingered peninsulas. The Balkan mountains. The high Alps. Rugged land, uninviting to Mid-Eastern sultans. Choked with geographic barriers offering refuge to ascending gene-pools. The story of evolution is the ascent of Celtic Out-Caste gene-pools on the shoulders of the teeming Eastern autonomic-involuntary centers.

NOTE: If this chapter is not sexy enough for you, skip ahead where the editors have inserted a signal especially designed to activate the circuits in your brain, which will allow you to return to this chapter and enjoy it.

A glance at the map reminds us that the human race is literally a Mobility-Contest; small gene-pools racing to keep ahead of the engulfing wave of insectoid collectivism. The Human Race is exactly a competition of speed. Small gene-pools being squirted ahead by swarming pressures into empty ecological niches where new realities (Plan-Its) can be created. The human race is run to the West. The Contest is between the collective and the individual. The Contest: can the individual freedom-gene-pools accelerate fast enough to leave the planet before being over-run by Eastern hivism?

The issue is, however, never in doubt. The swarming pressure of the primitive-past lapping at the outskirts of the frontier is simply a signal to speed up. At exactly that moment when the forces of homogenous unity, one-ness, socialist-equality, cultural-determinism seem to become dogma--exactly at that moment genetic-elitism reappears among the out-post-out-castes and new gene-pools assemble on the frontier out-posts. Everyone on the frontier is self-selected for frontier behavior. The new ecological niche is always filled by those who are robot-templated for mobility, independence and change. An important caste to any species.

The ascent of gene-pools up the Atlantic in the 16th, 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries was a genetic-selection process of gigantic significance. It must be recalled that immigration to North America involved an amazing seed-blossoming of gene-pools. Very few immigrants made the climb alone. Typically, each European gene-pool sent its best fertile stock. Once a beach-head had been established in the new ecological niche, more settled members of the gene-pools could follow. But in most cases new gene-pools were formed by mutated-migrants of former old-world gene-pools.



Barbara Marx Hubbard
Carolyn & Keith Henson




To fly from
Need not be to hate mankind
all are not fit
With them
to stir and toil
Words Worth
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