The Cultures of History in Early Modern India, by Kumkum

That's French for "the ancient system," as in the ancient system of feudal privileges and the exercise of autocratic power over the peasants. The ancien regime never goes away, like vampires and dinosaur bones they are always hidden in the earth, exercising a mysterious influence. It is not paranoia to believe that the elites scheme against the common man. Inform yourself about their schemes here.

Re: The Cultures of History in Early Modern India, by Kumkum

Postby admin » Mon Mar 13, 2023 4:38 am


aaghat 77, 78 abasad 77, 78, 82–3 aharistan-i-Ghaibi of Mirza Nathan 178 Ain-i-Akbari of Abul Fazl 159, 162, 196 Akbar, ‘institutes’ of 198 Akhtar, Shireen 28 akhyana 47, 48–9 Alam, Muzaffar 13 Alam, Shah 202; Shah reign of 164; on Mughal cultural conquest of India 219 Alaol, Sayyid 44; Lor-Chandrani of 44, Laila Majnun story of 232; Padmavati of 44 Al-Biruni on Indians writing history 4 Ali, Daud's study on courtly society 221 Ali, Haider 192 Ali, Karam 160, 168, 174, 176–7, 237 Ali, Mustapha 168 Anandabhatta's Ballalacharitam 72–3 ancient Samkhyakaras 248 Annadamangala 142, 144, 237, 253 Annadamangalakavya by Bharatchandra Roy 95, 102, 144 antyaja 36 aptavakya 248 Arabic/Persian inscriptions 43 Ardistani, Mir Muhammad Sayyid 42 artha (meaning) 48 Asher, Catherine 14–15 Ashiq, Maharaja Kalyan Singh, Khulasat-ut-Tawarikh of 157 Asiatic or Oriental despotism 192–203 Atharvaveda 45 Atmaram 164, 168 Aurangzeb, death of 162, 192; reign of 164 Badauni, Abdul Qadir, Muntakhab-ut-Tawarikh of 51 Baharistan 32–3 Baharistani-Ghaibi 32 Bakhtin, Mikhail 124 Baksh, Ilahi 160 Bakshi, Nizamuddin's Tabaqat-i-Akbari 51 Balkhi, Muhammad 223 Ballala Sena 64–5, 69–73; kula bidhi 69, 71–4 Ballali maryada 72–3 Bandyopadhyaya, Rakhaldas 246, 258 Bangaja Kayasthas 66, 147 bara bhuiyans 254 Bardai, Chand 147 (p.282) Barendra Brahmin, community 65, 82; kulaguru, Udayanacharya Bhaduri 77; zamindars 81 Barendra Kayastha community 81 Bargis, Maratha 94, 27 Basu, Nagendranath 72, 80, 82, 255–6 Basu, Ramram 130, 133–4, 137; biography of, 138, 140; charitras composed by 251; Persian-proficient munshi 148–9; Raja Pratapaditya Charitr of 227–8, 237 Bengal 14–15, 17; Brahminical society 69; Brahminism in 63, 75; incorporation into the Mughal empire 25; Islamization of 231; Mughal position in 26; Polity 25–8; Puranas or Upa-Puranas of 70; prose-use in 125–7 Bengali, Bengal sultans promote literature of 43; literary texts 38–9; literary tradition 39–40; literature medieval 85; Muslim literature' 40; prose biography of Maharaja Krishnachandra Roy 252; Ramayanas and Mahabharatas 39; Vaishnavism 36 Bhadra, Gautam 22, 249–50 Bhaduri, Udayancharya 80–2 Bhagavad Gita 230 Bhagavata Purana, Persian translations of Sanskrit 230 Bhattacharya, Ashutosh 90 Bhattanarayana 135 bhuiyans or rajas 25; Barabhuiyans 26 Bidyalankar, Baneshwar 235; in Chitrachampu 247 Bidyalankar, Mrityunjoy 130, 137–9, 142–9; on Aurangzeb 138; Batris Simhasan and Rajabali 131; Hitopadesha 131; Prabodhchandrika 131; Rajabali of 126. 132–3 Bikramaditya, Raja 134, 136, 138 biographies 9, 48, 134–5, 143; of Prophet Mohammed as Nabi Bamsha and Rasul Bijoy 232 Bisharad, Bijoyram Sen's Tirthamangala 96 Bishwakosha 49 Bolts, William 189, 190, 193, 200–2, 204, 206 Brahma Purana 47 Brahmabaibarta Purana 46 Brahman pundits 181 Brahmanas 45 Brahminism 35–6, 76, 83, 233 Brahminization of folk deities 92 Brahmins of Nabadvipa 75 Brajbhasha or Brajabuli 227 Brindabandas's Chaitanya Bhagavata 75 British colonial rule 4–5 Browne, E.G. 216 Burhanpuri, Bhimsen 157 Cadura, Haidar Malik 146 Calkins, Philip 26–7 Carey, William 129–30, 143 Chaitanya, Sri 72, 75–6; his Gaudiya Vaishnava movement 40, 76 Chaitanyacharitamrita of Krishnadas Kaviraj 40 Chaitanyamangala of Jayananda 96 Chakrabarty, Dipesh 5 Chakrabarty, Kunal 35–6 Chakrabarty, Mukunda's Chandimangala 92, 93, 97 Chandayan of Maulana Daud 44 Chandikabijoy of Dwija Kamalalochana 34 Chandimangala of Mukunda Chakrabarty 92 Chandimangalkavya of Kabikankan Mukunda Chakrabarty 102 Chatterjee, Partha 5 (p.283) Chatterjee, Suniti Kumar 114, 128–9, 228 chatushpathis 233 Chauhan, Rajput 132 Chaurapanchashik 144 Chitrachampu 235 Clive, Robert 206 Collingham, Lizzie 15 Concepts of authority in early modern historiography 10, 111, 114, 137, 166, 247, 249, 250 Contested understandings of history 5, 255 Culture 35–9, 203–5l Curley, David 100 dar-al-Islam 215, 217 Das, Krishnaram, on Aurangzeb 34; Kalikamangal of 34; Roymangala 95 Das, Mathura 227 Das, Brindaban's Chaitanyabhagabat 40 De, Sushil Kumar 49, 148 Debendranath, Maharshi 229 Delvoye, Francoise ‘Nalini’ 22 n44 Deshpande, Prachi 7 Dev, Gangaram 101 Devi Purana 46 Devi, Prasannamoyee 256–7 Dhaka Rajabali 146–7, 237 Dhakur grantha of Jadunandan 80 Dharma Thakur 95 Dharmamangala by Jadunath or Jadabram Nath 97 Dharmamangala texts 92 Dharmamangalkavyas 106 Dharmapurana or Anadimangala by Kabiratna 97 Dow, Alexander 189, 194–5, 197, 200–1, 203–6; History of Hindostan 201, 207; on Mahabharata 209 du Perron, Anquetil 206 Dumas, Alexandré 257 Early modern/pre-modern historiography 4, 6–12, 123, 246–8, 251, 255, 258; contrasts with modern historiography 10; critiques of 7; nature of 6; rationale for study of 3 East India Company 27–8, 127, 175–8, and Bengal's zamindars 29; its hunger for information 181; intellectual exploration by employees of 188–9; Permanent Settlement by 29; as ruler of Bengal 24; Eaton, Richard 13, 231; on Persianization 44–5 Elliot, Sir Henry 195, 209–10 Elphinstone 209 English language narratives 209 epic literature 9 ethnography 203–5 Faizi 145 famine of 1769–70 176 Farrukhsiyar, Mughal emperor 27–8, 168; reign of 164 Fathiyah-i-Ibriyyah of Shihabuddin Talish 178 Fazal, Shaikh Abul 145; Aini-Akbari of 1, 147, 163, 198; Akbarnama 51, 229; Ruqaat-i-Alamgiri of 38; Tarjumah-i-Mahabharata by 230 Firishta, Mohammed Qasim's Tarikh-i-Firishta 207–08, 210 Fort William College 130; as ‘Oxford of the East’ 126 Fraser, James 206 Ganesh, Raja 74–5; as Sri Ganesha Datta Khan 77 (p.284) Gangaram, author of Maharashtapurana 104, 107; Bargi attacks 247 Gaudiya Vaishnava movement Gauhar, Ali 166 Gaurimangala, Raja Prithvichandra of 101, 115 Ghatak, Debibar (Bandyaghotiya Debibar Mishra) 81–3; melbandhan 78; Rarhiya Brahmin kulacharyas 77; reforms of 78–83 Ghazi, pir Bada Khan 92, 95 Ghazimangala 91 Ghiyasuddin, sultan 43 Gita Govinda of Jaydeva. 40–1 Gladwin, Francis 190, 194, 198; on Akbar 196; his translation of Akbar's ‘institutes’ 207 Godzich, Wlad 124 government, as system of moral principles 174–5 Grami, Hasan Beg 226 Grant, Charles 204 Greco-Byzantine 50 Grewal, J.S. 206 Guha, Ranajit 5, 142, 195; on British rule 181–2 Guha, Sumit 7, 143 Gulshan-i-Ibrahimi, The (Tarikh-i-Firishta) of Muhammad Qasim Hindu Shah 51 Hafiz of Iran 43, 229 Haft Paikar 44 Halbwachs, Maurice 11 Halhed 188, 194, 203–5 Hastings, Warren 181, 188, 203 hegemony 7, 11, 12; of Bengal nawabs 106; of Brahmins 72; Mrityunjoy Bidyalankar on Mughal 137; Mughal 137–8, 163 Herbelot 206 Hindavi as ‘Nagri’ 223 Hindustan 163 historiography 6–12, 203–5; critique of pre-modern Indian 4–6; literature on nationalist Indian 6; Indo-Persian 159, 208; Persian 159; Indo-Islamic 51, 155 history 2–4; Michel de Certeau on 2; Indian 6; colonialist 5; and methodology 205 Holwell, J.Z. 204 Hourani, Albert 216–17 Hugo, Victor 257 Huq, Mohammed Enamul 224; on Persianization 44–5 ‘Imaginary’ history 257–8 Indo-Islamic, authors 208, see also historiography inquilab 164 Isfahani, Muhammad Sadiq 223 Islam 36–7, 166; and Persian, world of 215; regional ‘translations’ of 216 Islamic, dynasties 216; Persian culture 216 Islamicate culture 15–16 itibritta 49 itihasa 7–8, 25, 47–9; Anand Swarup Gupta on 47 Itihasa and kavya 48–53 Itihasa/Purana: evolution and concepts 8 Jalaluddin, Sultan 74–5 Jambudvipa 132 Jang, Nawab Mahabat 160 jati vyavasa 226 jati/kula 64–6, 69, 77, 81–4 Brahminical 89 Jayananda, on Bengali Brahmins 232; in Chaitanya Mangal 227 Jehan, Shah, reign of 223 Jones, William 181, 203, 205 (p.285) Kabikankan Mukunda Chakrabarty's Chandimangal, see Chakrabarty, Mukunda's Chandimangala Kabiratna Kalhana's Rajatarangini 48–9 Kalki Purana 46 Kanaujiya, Brahmins 63–5; immigrants 64 Karim, Abdul 160, 161, 226 Karrani, Daud Khan 25, 134–6, 138 Karrani, Sulaiman 134 katha 49 Kaviraj, Sudipta 5, 257 kavya or literature 8, 48–9 Kayasthas 63–4, 82 Keith, A.B. 49 Khalji, Bakhtiyar 162 Khamsa of Nizami 229 Khan, Abdullah 168 Khan, Ali Vardi 29, 172–3 Khan, Chengiz 216 Khan, Chin Qilich 169, 174 Khan, Devidas 80 Khan, Ghazan ‘institutes’ of 198 Khan, Hussain Ali 169 Khan, Islam 33 Khan, Khoshal 171 Khan, Muqarrab 238 Khan, Murshid Quli 26, 28–9, 158, 229; his jagir grants 29 Khan, Musa of Bhati 25–6 Khan, Nawab Ali Vardi 99, 106–7, 165, 179, 238; reign of 160 Khan, Qasim subahdari in Bengal 226 Khan, Saadat Ali 174, 192 Khan, Shaista 34 Khan, Yusuf Ali 160, 168, 174 Khan, Zulfiqar 170–1 khanazads 157 Khilji, Bakhtiyar 36 Khizr, Khwaja or Khizr pir, cult of 231 Khulasat-i-Halat-i-Maratha-wa-Jang-i-Ahmad Shah Durrani by Nawab Ali Ibrahim Khan 230 Khulasat-ut-Tawarikh, Kalyan Singh 160 Khurshid Jahan Numa 161 Khushgo, Brindabandas 220 Kirkpatrick, William 190, 194, 195, 197–8; his contribution to New Asiatic Miscellany 197 Kittay, Jeffrey 124 Kshitishvamsavalicharitam 32, 80, 103, 111, 135, 142, 143, 228 kulachara 74 Kulacharyas 66–7, 83; as ghatakas 66, 62, 71, 248; literature 65 Kulagrantha controversy 55, 256 kulagranthas/kulajis 62–6, 71, 81, 248; controversy 256; historicity of 84–6; ideological function of 70–83; historicity of 84–6; language, format and function of 66–70; 70; literature 65; women in 70 kulagurus 81 kulajigranthas 81 kulapanjikas 62 kulashastra 80 kula-tattva 66 kulina, lineages 65, 83; Rarhiya Brahmins 78–9 kulinism 64, 66; rejected by Barendra Brahmins and Uttar Rarhiya Kayastha communities 73 Kuma, Maharaja Nanda 180 Labkush Charitra 101 Lakshmana Sena 64–5 Lal, Ruby 13 Lipimala 130 literary culture, Indo-Persian 220 Lodi, Sikandar 219 Ma‘asir-i-Alamgiri 159 (p.286) Macaulay, Thomas Babington 4, 205 Mackenzie, Colin 129 Madanmohan, Lord 94, 235 Madanmohanbandana 94, 234 Madhabacharya's Mangalchandir Geet 34 Madhumalati of Mir Sayyid Manjhan Rajgiri 44 Madhyadesha of Bharatbarsha 138 Magh and Firinghee doshas 79 Mahabharata, by Kashiramdasa 116; as work of itihasa 47–8 Mahapuranas 45–7 Maharaja Krishnachandra Roysya Charitram 131, 137, 140–2 Maharaja Pratapaditya Charitra 85 Maharaja Shitab Rai 180 Maharashtapurana 101, 237, 253; Bargi raids 247; of Gangaram 103–110, 112–15, 116–17, 234–5 mahatmyas 97 Maitra, Akshay Kumar 258 Majumdar, Bhabananda 100, 102 Majumdar, Lakshmikanta 33, 81 Majumdar, R.C. 75, 80, 246, 255–6 Man Singh-Bhabananda-Mughal emperor 108 Manasamangala and Chandimangala kavyas 102 Mangalkavyas 31, 46, 90–4, 248; Annadamangala, Maharashtapurana, Gaurimangala as 98–9; deities 92; functions of 96–8; performances 95; social context of 94–6; texts 93; tradition 36; writing of 94 mansabdars 34 Maratha invasions 113 Marshall, P.J. 205 Masnavi of Rumi 159 masnavis 227 maulavis 181 Mazumdar, Purnachandra 229 McLane, J.R. 28 memory 11; conceptualization of history and 11–12; Le Goff on 11–12 Metcalf, Barbara 221 Metcalf, Thomas 193 methods/strategies in early modern historiography 143, 161, 247 Mill, James 4, 195, 204–5, 209 Mir, Sayyid 226 Mishra, Bandyaghotiya Debibar as mel bandhan 78 Mongol, conquests 51; derived kingdoms 197 Montesquieu 193, 207 Mrigavati of Malik Muhammad Jaysi 44 Mughal, centric narratives in English 207; decline of 163; empire 12–15, 162; history 16; imperial decline 192; and ‘Institutes’ of Government 190–203; political/courtly culture and Persianization 221–3; rule in eastern India 155–8; state in Bengal 24; subahdars 32–4; traditions of history writing 209 Mukhopadhyaya, Rajiblochan 134, 135, 137, 140; his biography of Maharaja Krishnachandra 133, charitras by 251; 143; his Maharaja Krishnachandra Roysya Charitram 129–30 Muktagacha Rajabali 146–7 Munshi, Salimullah 172; in Tarikh-i-Bangla 160 Murshed, Gholam 125 Murshidabad kalam 27 Murshidabad nawabs 37 Murshidabad niabat 110 Muslim, dynasties 24; in Mughal Bengal 74 Muslims, Turkish-speaking 216 (p.287) Nabakrishna, Maharaja of Shobhabazar 230 Nala-Damayanti 229; Persian translation by Shaikh Fyzi of 230 Nandakumar, Maharaja 180, 226, 229 Nandy, Sandhyakara Ramacharitam of 49 Nath, Jadabram 34 Nathan, Mirza 157, 168; on Mughal army 35 navya nyaya 75 Navya Smriti literature 75 Nizam-ul-Mulk 192 Nora, Pierre 11 nyaya shastra 204 Nyayaratna, Ramgati 148 Orme, Robert 189, 191, 193–4, 206; History of the Military Transactions of the British Nation in Indostan 206 Padmavat 15; of Malik Muhammad Jaysi 44 Padshahnama of Abdul Hamid Lahori 51, 159 panchalakshana 45 panchali sahitya 31, 38, 68, 90, 248 Panchanan, Nulo 76 Pandnama of Shaikh Saadi Shirazi 38 Pavanaduta of Dhoyi 40, 230 peasant-prajas 30 Persian 13–15; and Bengali prose 127–9; as component of Mughal courtly culture 227; education, non-religious 220; as official business language 43; and literary tradition 41–2; literature by Bengal sultans 43; in Mughal Bengal 218–20, 223–30; and Persianized culture 253; study as reform of school curriculum by Akbar 219; in Sultanate Bengal 42–5 Persianization 43–4, 50, 217, 252–4; as aspect of Islamic culture 217; to Bengal 17, 45, 129–30, 230–1; as component of refinement and sophistication 228; currency of 217; impact of Persian on Bengali language 114, 128, 253; and Islamization 44, 230–2; limits of 232–8; Sanjay Subrahmanyam on 43, 45 Persianized culture 14–16, 216, 253; currency of a 217; in Mughal India 32, 221 Perso-Turkish culture, Persian into 51 Phukan, Shantanu 15, 227 Pir Badr, cult of 231 poetic aesthetics (rasa) 8 Pollock, Sheldon 49, 218 Popular history 33, 257–8 Prameshwar, Kabindra 43 Pratapaditya Charitra by Ramram Basu 126, 130–1, 133; Ranajit Guha on 142–3, 145, 148 Pratapaditya, Raja 25, 30–3, 108, 135–6, 138–9 priests or sebayets 95 Prithvichandra, Raja 116 Prithvipal 101 Purana 7–8–9, 25, 45–8 Puranam puravrittam 48 Puranetihasa tradition 251 Puranic literature 9 Puranic/Sanskritic tradition 133 Qasim, Mohammad's Alamgirnama and Ma'asir-i-Alamgiri 51, 210 Quli, Murshid 172 Raghunandan, Smarta 75 Raja Vijaya Natakam 235 (p.288) Rajabali of Mrityunjoy Bidyalankar 131–3, 144–9, 162, 237, 251, 255 rajas 29–30, 233 Rajatarangini 1 Rajballabh, Maharaja 224, 235; and widow remarriage 233–4 Rajiblochan Mukhopadhyaya 130–1; Charitra of 141; Krishnachandra as hero of 141; Maharaja Krishnachandra Royasya Charitram of 126; Nawab Ali Vardi Khan of Bengal 137 Rajtaranga 162 Ramacharita of Sandhyakar Nandy 40 Ramayana of Krittibasa 115–16 Rao, Velcheru Narayana 6–8, 19, 39, 51, 103, 143 Rarhi Brahmins 65, 69, 81–2 Rarhiya Brahmin samaja of Bengal 135 Rarhiya kulina Brahmin society 79 Rational/scientific history 248, 257–8 Ray, Ratnalekha 28 Raychaudhuri, H.C. 256 Raychaudhuri, Tapan on Mughal rule in Bengal 30–1 rebel chieftains 28 reforms of Udayanacharya Bhaduri 77–8 Reza, Syed Mohammed 180 Richards, John F. 13, 156–7 Riyaz-us-Salatin 159–60, 162, 179 Romantic history 31, 257–8 Roy, Maharaja Krishnachandra 99–101; his biography by Rajiblochan Mukhopadhyaya 136 Roy, Banikanta as roy-royan of Bengal 80 Roy, Basanta 134, 136, 138–9 Roy, Bharatchandra 99, 106–8, 228; his Annadamangalkavya 100, 232; his location in court of Maharaja Krishnachandra Roy of Nadia 100; his verse narrative as Annadamangala 92–3, 101–11, 113–15, 116–17, 235, 247 Roy, Dakshin 92, 95 Roy, Gopikanta 81 Roy, Kalu 95 Roy, Kashinath 134–5 Roy, Maharaja Krishnachandra 30, 81–2, 95, 131, 135; and widow remarriage 233–4 Roy, Rajyadhar 80 Rumi 159, 229 Rupa Goswamin's Bhakti Rasamrita Sindhu 41 Sadiq, Mirza Muhammad 227 sages 9 sagnika Brahmins 64 Sahlins, Marshall 6 Salim, Ghulam Hussain 172; Riyaz-us-Salatin of 158, 162, 210 samajas or communities 65, 248 Sangramaditya 33 Sanskrit language and literary tradition 8, 9; 40–1, 48; prashastis 40 Sanskritic, Brahmanical education 39; puranic influences 132; Sarkar, Sir J.N. 21 n31, 30–1, 32, 128, 178, 256; on Persianization 44–5 Scott, Sir Walter 257 Scrafton, Luke 189, 190 Sen, Dinesh Chandra 31, 255–6 Sen, Sukumar 90–1, 128; use of Bengali 127; view of Mangal Chandir Geet 97 shabda (word) 48
Shabda-Kalpa-Druma 49 Shah, Akbar 137 (p.289) Shah, Jahandar 169–71 Shah, Muhammad 197 Shah, Nadir 192 Shah, Sultan Alauddin Hussain 80 Shahi, Hussain 43 Shahi, Prithvichandra 101 Shahnama 159 shastra 8 Shastri, Haraprasad 127 Shii Islam 218 Shiromoni, Raghunath 76 Shitala 92 Shujauddin 172 Shuk Sambad 101 Shulman, David 6–8, 19, 39, 51, 103, 143 Sikandarnamah 44 Singh, Maharaja Kalyan 160 Singh, Raja Man 33, 81 Sirajuddaula, Nawab 137, 141, 164, 173 Sircar, Jawhar 36 Siyar-ul-Mutakkhirin of Ghulam Hussain Khan Tabatabai 52, 160, 166, 170, 178–9 social purification by Adisura in Bengal 63 Spiegel, Gabrielle 124 Sreenivasan, Ramya 7 Stewart, Charles' History of Bengal 210 Subh-i-Sadiq of Mirza Muhammad Sadiq 223, 227 Subrahmanyam, Sanjay 6–8, 13, 19, 39, 51, 103, 143, 217 Sufi, mysticism 232; sects 37 Sultan, Sayyid, Prophet Mohammed's biographies of 232 Sultanate rule 74 Tabaqat-i-Akbari by Nizamuddin Barani 210 Tabaqat-i-Nasiri 159 Tabatabai, Ghulam Hussain Khan 58, 158, 172, 176–8, 237 Tabrizi, Mukhlis Hussain 226 Talbot, Cynthia 7 Tammita-Delgoda 206, 208 Tantra 36 Tarafdar, M.R. 43, 75; on Persianization 44–5 tarikh 8, 50, 178; Ali Anooshahr on 51–2; of Bengal 65, 155–63, 178–80, 251; and colonial knowledge 180–2; evolution and concepts of 8; Indo-Persian literature 9, 14, 16, 133, 209, 251; tradition 207, 209 arikh-i-Alfi, by Muhammad Ahsan ‘Ijad’ 230 Tarikh-i-Farrukh Siyar by Muhammad Ahsan ‘Ijad’ 230 Tarikh-i-Firuz Shahi of Ziyauddin Barani 230 Tarikh-i-Mubarak Shahi by Yahya bin Ahmad Sirhindi 51 Tarikh-i-Muhammadi by Muhammad Bihamad Khani 51 Thapar, Romila 8 Timur 35, 198, 216 Timurnama 229 tradition (aitihya) 9 Trautmann, Thomas R. 188 Turko-Mongol cultural heritage 216 Tuzuk-i-Jehangiri of emperor Jehangir 159 Upapuranas 46; Wendy Doniger on 46 Vaishnava padavalis 40 Vaishnavism, Gaudiya 75 vamshavalis 9 Vansittart, George 206 Vayu Purana 47 verse to prose, transition from 124 (p.290) Vikramacharitra and Batris Simhasana 144 Vishnu Purana 230 Voltaire 193, 206 Waggoner, Philip 150, 217 Ward, William 4 White, Hayden 8, 10–11, 208 writers, colonialist 6; history-writing of English 208 Yarshater, Ehsan 216 Yarushalmi, Yosef 11 yavana dosha' 79 yavanas' or ‘mlechchas’ 69 zamindaris 233–4; see also East India Company; of Bengal 28, 29–32; Bengali 230; Bengali Hindu 233; Hindu 225; and Mughals 28; Muslim 101; Nadia 111; and Permanent Settlement 29 Zertal, Idith 11 Zindah Ghazi, cult of 231
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