New Details on TRAITOROUS PLOT by Ginni Thomas

From crooked judges who hand victories to those who appoint them to office, to corrupt bar prosecutors who are unable to protect the public from crooked lawyers, to sheriffs and police who declare themselves above the law, to congressional members who refuse to obey the laws they themselves enact, the nation is under attack. The courts have become a theater in which absurd results and outrageous consequences are routinely announced as normal. Here we consider and dismember these routine outrages that threaten to completely overwhelm the common, reasonable understanding of right and wrong.

New Details on TRAITOROUS PLOT by Ginni Thomas

Postby admin » Tue Jul 25, 2023 6:04 am

New Details on TRAITOROUS PLOT by Wife of Right-Wing Justice [Ginni Thomas]
by Michael Popok
Jul 24, 2023

Michael Popok of Legal AF reports on new focus on Supreme Court associate Justice Clarence Thomas’ wife Ginni by the Michigan and Arizona Fake electors criminal investigations and indictments for her role in interfering with the peaceful transfer of power.


This is Michael popok legal AF. attorney
generals around the country are not
sitting idly by to go after the fake
electors. and now Ginni Thomas the wife
of Clarence Thomas the head of multiple
conservative right-wing Maga think tanks
those that support uh Federalist Society
approach the Supreme Court do business
in front of her husband's Court she's in
hot water again because now the Michigan
attorney general Dana nessel who I
reported on in an earlier hot week last
week is going after 16 fake electors and
by extension it we can likely see Ginni
Thomas being given a hard look by the
Michigan attorney general the Arizona
attorney general Chris Mays and other
attorney generals of the other five
Battleground States because of her role
wearing the Ginni Thomas wife of a
Supreme Court Justice hat in trying to
influence the outcome of the election
interfere with the election results
steal the election for Donald Trump and
deliver it to him on a silver platter
with forged and phony fake elector
certificates she wasn't the architect of
the plan but she was a big time
supporter Ginni Thomas of John Eastman
the lawyer crackpot constitutional law
scholar that devised along with Peter
Navarro the fake elector scheme
implemented by Donald Trump Rudy
Giuliani Sidney Powell and others like
Ginni Thomas so let's back up and talk
about the Michigan fake elector attorney
general indictment the Arizona attorney
general investigation and where Ginni
Thomas sits in the middle of both those
Venn diagrams of prosecutions Michigan
First as I reported earlier in the week
16 fake electors including some of the
most senior
senior a GOP Republican leadership
Executives and operatives in Michigan
have been indicted because they all got
together in a basement not making this
stuff up and secretly because they made
it secret with some sort of pinky swear
pact got in a room signed the
certificate and then try to submit it or
submitted it to the National Archives
and then as part of the fake elector
scheme led by Donald Trump and his on
the ground operatives bring it to Mike
Pence says the president of the Senate
have him recognize that the other seven
Battleground States fake electorate
electoral certificates to to throw the
election and steal it from Joe Biden and
give it to Donald Trump that was the
you can see how well this plan went
because I'm doing a hot take about it
about people being indicted as a result
they those people got into that basement
those 16 fake collectors they included
two of them with links back linked backs
to Ginni Thomas Kathy burden Kathy
burden is on the Republican National
Committee as a committee person she's
also very close to Rhoda McDaniels the
head of the RNC of the and the niece of
um Mitt Romney and you also have in
um one last person Michonne Matic
Michonne Matic is the former co-chair of
the Republican party in Michigan she's
also a fair collector and both of them
link back to Ginni Thomas we know what
Ginni Thomas did. probably the best
example of it is in Arizona. she wrote to
29 elected officials and election
officials in Arizona, some directly in
email, some through an online platform
called free roots, and basically threatened
these election officials to say
that the election was stolen from Donald
Trump and that they, as a part of the
legislative branch in that
state, in Arizona for instance, had the
right to choose electors even if the
popular vote was against them. and that
they needed to stay strong, and ensure a
clean slate of electors. We'll put up
on the screen, on the hot take, one just such
email that she sent. that's Ginni Thomas
at one point back when she testified to
the Jan 6 committee last year, last
summer. we only thought she made contact
with two people in Arizona. turned out we
were off by 27. she contacted 29 people
in positions of power in Arizona, and she
did the same thing in Michigan, and she
did the same thing in all the other
Battleground States


So these attorney
generals who are properly flexing their
muscle to try to find a way to thread
the needle, or as I like to say put camel
through the eye of a needle, to avoid
running headlong into Jack Smith's
Federal prosecution, but give them a lien
that they can stay in, color within
that line and go after their
residents in their particular State,
primarily about the fake elector Scandal,
as Jack Smith tries, in an elastic way, to
wrap Federal Criminal Law and conspiracy
law around all the Battleground states
for the use of fake electors by Donald
Trump -- which he will -- while still giving
oxygen and breathing room to each
individual attorney general, like Dana
nessel, attorney general Nessel, attorney
general Mays in Arizona.

but the heart of
this hot take, the hottest part, is ginni
Thomas's involvement. the John 6
committee gave her a pass. she came in,
she gave testimony, not under oath.
it was never revealed. we didn't see the
video clips during the hearing. she did
come in for three or four hours. then Donald
Trump put out a social media post that said
she's a great American; love Ginni Thomas;
thank you for you know whatever; thank
you for your service. but she did not
testify under oath in the way that all
the other witnesses did. Jack Smith
hasn't yet brought her in.
but if I'm a betting man, and I am, the
people that are going to bring her
into Justice, and to investigate them, is our
attorneys General just like
Chris Mays in Arizona, and Dana nessel in
Michigan. because it all ties perfectly
into their fake elector investigation
and indictment. and even though the
indictment is already out, for instance,
in Michigan it doesn't mean the
investigation is over, or as attorney
generals like Attorneys General
like to say,
the investigation is ongoing. and it is
because you can always supersede, or
amend, or come up with a new set of
indictments to bring in, somebody like
Ginni Thomas.

so Ginni Thomas, you can
expect there's going to be a knock on
your door by a state investigator who's
going to ask you from one of these
battleground states to sit down and give
sworn testimony. and if they have more
than that, then we're talking about
either an immunity deal, or prosecution.
this is incredible! I mean, I say it with
like a flat delivery. we're
talking about a associate Justice of
the Supreme Court's wife who was trying
to overthrow America by lobbying elected
officials, right? Ginni
Thomas is known to have told Mark
Meadows her view that the win
by Joe Biden was the greatest heist in
history, and we have to stand strong, and
find a way to give Donald Trump what's
rightfully his. Ginni Thomas's paraphrase
words, not mine.

and so this is the
cult-like approach that Ginni Thomas had.
no surprise she was once in a cult -- you
can look it up -- and broke her way out of
that cult.
it was a mind control cult. we'll leave
it at that. and she found another cult:
The Cult of Maga, and Donald Trump. and
because, you know, everybody else attacked
her husband when he was confirmed for
the Senate because they said he was a
sex abuser, and and brought in all the
testimony, you know, that made her very
very right-wing Maga cuckoo crazy, which,
you know, when um we didn't have the
potential overthrow of America, that was
just an interesting footnote to history.
but when we almost toppled democracy at
the hands of Donald Trump, this close (my
fingers for those who listen on audio
are very close together)
then people like Ginni Thomas should not get a free
pass, and investigators and prosecutors at the
state level, at least, should be looking
at her.

we're looking at her on hot takes
just like the this one, only on the
Meidas touch Network. you knew that. you're
watching me here. you can watch whatever
I do by free subscribing to the Meidas
Touch YouTube channel. slide over to
playlists and you'll find all all of my
hot takes. there's about 270 of them in
that library, because I do them
about every day, if not every hour, if
the need presents itself, then we pull
all together all the best
stories at the intersection of U.S law
and politics, politically charged
litigation matters, and we call it
legal AF on a podcast about an hour
and a half long on the Meidastouch
Network, on YouTube and every place you
get your audio podcasts. you can follow
me, Michael popok, every place you get
social media from, including now threads
at Mspopok. this is Michael popok, legal
AF, reporting.
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