Trump Federal Judge Trevor McFadden GETS VERY BIZARRE

From crooked judges who hand victories to those who appoint them to office, to corrupt bar prosecutors who are unable to protect the public from crooked lawyers, to sheriffs and police who declare themselves above the law, to congressional members who refuse to obey the laws they themselves enact, the nation is under attack. The courts have become a theater in which absurd results and outrageous consequences are routinely announced as normal. Here we consider and dismember these routine outrages that threaten to completely overwhelm the common, reasonable understanding of right and wrong.

Trump Federal Judge Trevor McFadden GETS VERY BIZARRE

Postby admin » Tue Jul 25, 2023 8:34 am

Trump Federal Judge Trevor McFadden GETS VERY BIZARRE with Jack Smith’s Legal Team
by Ben Meiselas and Michael Popok
Jul 21, 2023 Legal AF Podcast - Full Episodes

Legal AF hosts Ben Meiselas and Michael Popok discuss a bizarre scene in the DC Federal Courthouse involving the Donald Trump appointed judge Trevor McFadden.


I'm Ben Meiselas joined by Michael
Popok this is a legal AF hot take you
get both of us because quite an unusual
scene in the Washington DC federal
courthouse today where a trump appointed
judge from 2017 now a district court
judge federal judge Trevor McFadden
summoned the lawyers from special
counsel Jack Smith's team while judge
McFadden was involved in a sentencing of
other January Sixers we'd kind of gotten
to the bottom of this Michael popock
breakdown what happened here and Trevor
McFadden seems to have just been being a
total and complete jerk here just for
the sake of being it and I hope he's not
going to be the judge ultimately who's
assigned the case ultimately when
special counsel Jack Smith's indicts so
why did he say he brought U.S Marshals
to summon Jackson team to his Courthouse
you know when when when young you have a
bad combination here you've got a very
young federal judge he's 45. he was
appointed by Donald Trump he used to
work in the Department of Justice and at
one point in his life he was a cop put
all that together and it makes for a
kind of surly temperament that Trevor
McFadden has shown time and time again
when he's ever up with the Department of
Justice in front of him especially
anything that relates to John 6 he's the
only federal judge that is completely
unreliable no strike that he's reliable
in all of the sentencing of Gen 6
defendants he gives them the lowest
number that he possibly can give them he
chastises the Department of Justice
regularly for for seeking higher
sentences than even than than he wants
to give them he's let uh John 6 people
who have been uh convicted of
trespassing he's let them go with
probation when he's handled uh trials as
a bench trial where he's the judge and
there's no jury he's let a couple of
them off completely he is the only judge
among those in the DC uh Circuit Court
who regularly is a is a uh is a thorn in
the side of the Department of Justice
let's put it this way he's no Amit Meda
he's no Amy Berman Jackson I can I we
could we could spend all afternoon
talking about the judges that'll just be
perfectly fine when Donald Trump is
indicted later this week but Trevor
McFadden is not one of them and he
showed his true colors just today on
something completely unrelated we didn't
know getting up this morning that we
were going to do a hot take together
about Trevor McFadden because we didn't
know he was going to try to pull Rank
and you know he already suffers from
black Rogue disease most a lot of
federal judges do but he has a a nasty
case of it uh and berates people left
and right and he didn't like the fact
that the Department of Justice held up a
defense lawyer and everyone's going to
say oh my God that guy again Stan
Woodward who's the lawyer the the mega
Pac lawyer the the save America Pac
Trump paid lawyer for Walt now in
Mar-A-Lago when he's not doing that has
a cottage industry which a lot of
there's about six or eight lawyers that
do this that represent gen six people
he's got like a half a dozen or a dozen
Jan six defendants that he defends one
of his defendants uh was actually had a
bench trial in front of McFadden and
lost and was being sentenced today at
two o'clock okay well at the same time
or earlier that earlier in the in the
afternoon earlier later in the morning
before the two o'clock hearing because
usually there's a lunch break
um Woodward was down the hall in the
hallway because he's not allowed in the
grand jury room because one of his other
clients was in the Grand Jury Room with
Tom Windham who's the lead prosecutor
for the grand juries giving testimony
testimony We Now understand for Stan
Woodward who revealed it even though
there's supposed to be secrecy around
the grand jury about executive privilege
but again to be clear from when people
read this in Politico and other places
uh Stan Woodward is not allowed into the
Grand Jury Room it's the prosecutor the
uh there's usually a supervising judge
the uh the grand jury court reporters
and and courtroom Personnel but the
lawyer for the witness is not allowed in
he'll wait in the hallway but he's not
allowed in well he waited in the hallway
and it took another I don't know it took
him till 2 15 2 18 to finish with his
client in the grand jury and then run
down the hallway to go to go uh hook up
with a waiting pissed off Trevor
McFadden well judge McFadden was so
pissed off that he had to wait 20
minutes okay and I don't know if anybody
got him a note all Stan Woodward had to
do is let the bailiff know that he's
down in the grand jury room because he's
got a witness there so the judge isn't
pissed off but for all we know Stan Stan
Woodward who likes to poke the
Department of Justice as well didn't do
that showed up late and the judge said
where were you Stan Woodward says down
the hall grand jury got a witness with
you know with the Department of Justice
and I had to wait in the hallway until
he came out because it was important and
he said get to get
get down here get and the core of
personnel as the reporting was was like
sorry judge like just stop the
proceedings at the Grand Jury now let's
stop right there
this judge okay is not the supervisor of
the of all grand jury activity that is
chief judge Jeb boseberg he didn't go to
Jeb boseberg and say I got a problem
with your grand jury I got a problem
with your Department of Justice down
there they're late for 20 minutes for a
sentencing he just took it upon himself
to call Tom Windham make him stop in the
middle of examination of a witness in
front of a grand jury he had to stop
what he was doing come down the hallway
and stand in front of the judge to be
chastised which they did off the record
with a kind of a blurry it's a it's a
machine that makes white noise so that
the court reporter the court reporter
can hear hear it and she's taking it
down but nobody else in the courtroom
can hear it and the reporting is it was
quite animated between the two of them
Ben what the heck is going on with
McFadden he's obviously trying out to be
the judge for Trump when he's indicted
later this week
so let me add to that a little bit and
obviously McFadden is to your point you
know pull in rank acting completely
narcissistic this is not the temperament
at all that you want in a judge acting
very emotional what a very bizarre
display here's what we know was going
down today
um a former White House aide by the name
of William Russell was the individual
testifying before the grand jury that
news broke earlier in the day so putting
one and one together and getting to
Stanley Woodward saying that he was
representing a uh former Trump White
House aide who was making a claim of
executive privilege we believe that
person to be William Russell and Russell
now again works for Trump's presidential
campaign by the way there are no
legitimate executive privilege
objections to be made so the fact that
Woodward said he was standing there to
make executive privilege objections by
itself is completely frivolous in my
view as you mentioned popoc Woodward is
not allowed into the Grand Jury Room to
begin with so it's not like he's there
making objections that's not the way a
grand jury Works he's not permitted to
be in that room but in any event the DC
Circuit Court of Appeals has held over
and over again both with the new
presiding judge Jeb boseberg and before
that judge Beryl Howell that there is no
legitimate executive privilege claim
here that Donald Trump can assert or
that his former aides can assert they've
all lost that now what three dozen times
there is no legitimate executive
approach so the fact that that's why he
was saying he was out in the hallway no
I believe Stanley Woodward kind of tried
to put this whole thing in Motion in
order to get this result and was
intentionally late in my view to try to
trigger this thing uh from from
happening or trigger it to happen now
the doj they're not before the Trump
appointed judge Trevor McFadden right
now they're in a grand jury proceeding
they are on their own schedule right now
right presenting evidence before a grand
jury whether that goes 10 minutes over
20 minutes over I get if the doj is
before Trevor McFadden the judge and
they cause a delay while they're in
front of him a judge could get mad even
if they were before him that's an odd
way to act he said and the U.S Marshals
to go after special counsel Jack Smith
team and summon them to bring them it
seems fine just to I don't know maybe
tell the clerk hey can you reach out
there or call somebody at the special
counsel's office to let them know so
this whole thing was a stunt uh to begin
with but special counsel Jackson they
don't work for judge McFadden so judge
McFadden created this scene he knew that
media was going to be present at this
sentencing it was a high profile
sentencing it was a binge trial before
judge McFadden who was convicted before
judge McFadden so to be fair McFadden
found this individual Frederico Klein
guilty Frederico Clyde worked in the
state department during the Trump
Administration and was a January 6th
insurrectionist But ultimately what
McFadden does with these is is has very
kind of minimal sentencing uh for them
but that Stanley Woodward was both
representing the answer correctionist
who was found guilty he was now being
sentenced and the Trump a former
employee who was before The Graduate
Woodward also represents the to your
point dozens and dozens of other people
in Trump's orbit paid for
um by the pack and so this whole thing
felt very contrived that the judge
called ultimately Thomas Windham who's
one of special counsel Jack Smith's top
prosecutors on the special counsels team
went there everything the proceedings
were under sealed but you know again
just to my point that I said like that's
not judicial temperament that you want
that is a judge acting completely
erratic and to your point it's a it's a
45 year old Trump appointed judge who is
trying to prove a point and then you
know he makes that horrific he makes
this horrific statement in open court
accusing and he was saying it
tongue-in-cheek but it's not a funny
joke accusing special counsel Jack
Smith's team of
obstructing His official proceeding
because one of the things that the doj
has been charging insurrectionist with
is obstruction of an official proceeding
um judge Trevor McFadden accused you
know basically said now they're
obstructing an official proceeding and
this is also one of the things that the
January 6th insurrectionist and the mega
Republicans kind of repeat frequently
and basically say so is that an
Insurrection you know and and make light
of these very very serious events and so
before you leave that point he he didn't
say tongue-in-cheek suggest he did it
with humor he didn't he's he's didn't do
it with humor he said now that's an
example of interfering with an official
proceeding the fact that you're late in
my courtroom for this for this he also
by the way you just let's not leave
Frederico climb for a minute he's
letting him out against the department
of Justice's uh over their objections
until he is sentenced in November
despite convicting him of a series of
felonies of Mr meters he also did not
agree with the Department of Justice in
the bench trial that that he should be
given a weapons charge
um and so wherever he can find ways to
bend over backwards to help the Gen
sixth uh defendants and this is the same
he will and this is the same guy who a
year ago raised a lot of eyebrows when
he chastised the Department of Justice
for coming into his courtroom and
recommending sentences that he thought
and charges that he thought were out of
whack compared to what they did for
black lives matter or what they did for
other non-violent protesters he tried to
compare it to well for the guy that
stood up behind the Kavanaugh and the
Kavanaugh you know confirmation hearing
holding a sign and putting tape on his
mouth you only recommended acts in here
for the guy that broke into the capital
you know and and uh and trespassed and
did other nasty things you're
recommending more yeah because they're
not comparable but to Trevor McFadden
it's all comparable right because the
the black lives matter this is back to
your point Ben about about the Maga
black lives matter was riots and burning
down cities all around America which is
basically untrue there was looting that
was going on behind peaceful protests
having one not having anything to do
with the other but to McFadden in his
world view so look
that's what happened today I'm sure
there's more detail we can provide the
thing that worries me
is may make two things clear one he's
not the judge yet for the once uh Trump
is indicted later this week or early
next week there will be a judge assigned
he is one of many most of which were
fine with he is the canon-like truck
trial judge and we are you know biting
our fingernails hoping that that wheel
doesn't Spin and land on Trevor McFadden
because yes that would be a pro-trump
would be not great it would be terrible
um uh but you know let's we'll follow
that that's why it's important that you
follow these breaking news updates
because they all build on top of each
other there's a lot of pro-democracy
judges in Washington DC there's Trump
appointees who are like Trevor McFadden
so that's the importance of Elections
folks and uh you know we're never going
to sugarcoat it here we're going to tell
you how it is and the way judge McFadden
acted today is certainly not the
judicial temperament we support here at
the Meidas touch network and on legal AF
thanks everybody for watching hit
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