"Science," the Greek word for knowledge, when appended to the word "political," creates what seems like an oxymoron. For who could claim to know politics? More complicated than any game, most people who play it become addicts and die without understanding what they were addicted to. The rest of us suffer under their malpractice as our "leaders." A truer case of the blind leading the blind could not be found. Plumb the depths of confusion here.


Postby admin » Sat Aug 01, 2015 2:04 am

by Rhawn Joseph, Ph.D.
© 2003 R. Joseph
1st ed.




Table of Contents

1. THOSE WHO BURN BOOKS: When History Repeats Itself. The Nazi Roots.
4. CIA-NAZIS: TERROR & MURDER INCORPORATED: Corporate Terrorism, Guatemala, Chile, Cuba, Watergate and the Kennedy Assassination
5. THE TERRORIST ASSASSINS: Operation Gladio, Rockefeller, Bush, the For-Reagan Assassinations
6. THE TANGLED ROOTS OF TERRORISM: Wahhabism, Nicaragua, Iran-Iraq War, Iran-Contra, and the Sadat Assassination
10. BUSH, FBI & CIA SABOTAGE PRE-9-11 INVESTIGATIONS: FBI/CIA Agents Working for Bin Laden?
13. BIN LADEN THE BUSINESSMAN: "This is Not Terrorism. This is Strictly Business."
14. A TAIL OF TWO "HEROES": Drunk, Drugged & Getting Out of Harm's Way

Prescott Bush and Rockefeller's Standard Oil had been in business with the Hitler regime and the Nazis since 1933, and in 1942, three Bush businesses were seized by the U.S. government, for violation of the Trading With the Enemies Act.

Three generations of the Bush clan became members of a German secret society: the Yale chapter of the "Order of Skull and Bones." In Germany, the Order of Skull of Bones -- also known as "The Brotherhood of Death"-- gave rise to Hitler and the dreaded SS. Prescott Bush, through his shipping company, became a special "Friend" of Himmler's SS -- the same SS which, in conjunction with IG Farbin, ran the concentration and slave labor camps.

The Bush clan and Rockefeller's standard Oil, were in business with IG Farben, as well as with the Saudis who had also partnered with Hitler.

At the conclusion of WWII, and Germany's defeat, thousands of high ranking Nazis and SS agents were recruited, by Bush-Rockefeller lawyer, Allen Dulles, into what would later become the CIA. Allen Dulles, and later, George Bush, would become directors of the CIA...

... IG Farbin, a consortium of companies that included Bayer, conducted horrible experiments on concentration camp inmates to discover an "ethnic biological weapon" --a deadly disease that would target specific ethnic groups... Drs. funded by the Rockefeller foundation directed this research.

In 1957, a scientist who completed his medical training in Nazi-occupied Poland, and who was funded by the Rockefeller foundation, injected 300,000 Central African men, women, and children, with an experimental polio vaccine -- a vaccine that contained a deadly AIDS-like virus, monkey HSIV. Years later, Central Africa would become "Ground Zero" for the AIDS/HIV epidemic...

On August 6, 2001, Bush received a memorandum titled "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.," but then did nothing. Two weeks later, CIA Chief Tenet and his top deputies received a briefing paper labeled "Islamic Extremist Learns to Fly." Bush and Cheney were notified and did nothing...War would be good politics and good for the business of war.

...Three generations of the Bush clan have been in business with governments and people who kill Americans, and on the morning of 9-11-2001, Bush sr. was in business with the bin Ladens and other Saudis who had helped fund Osama bin Laden and the attack of 9-11-2001... 15 of the hijackers were from Saudi Arabia and Bush did nothing to stop the attack.

The attack of 9-11, would transform an inept, incompetent president into a war time leader who would attack not Saudi Arabia but Iraq and then steal its oil and well as attack American Civil Liberties and the U.S. constitution...

Bush knew in advance, but welcomed the attack of 9-11-2001, as its aftermath would not only earn his family and associates billions of dollars, but would provide an excuse for attacking Iraq and toppling its leader, Saddam Hussein--the sworn enemy of Osama Bin Laden.

"Key FBI Headquarters personnel had to be spies or moles.. who were actually working for Osama Bin Laden....Key FBI HQ personnel... continued to, almost inexplicably, throw up roadblocks and undermine Minneapolis' desperate efforts... to stop terrorists...." who planned "to take control of a plane and fly it into the World Trade Center." --FBI supervisor, and Colleen M. Rowley, FBI Special Agent & Chief Division Counsel...

"It was as if Usama bin Laden, hidden in some high mountain redoubt, were engaging in long-range mind control of George Bush." --United States Counterterrorism Chief, Richard A. Clarke.

...and it goes on and on...
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Postby admin » Sat Aug 01, 2015 2:06 am

Chapter 1: THOSE WHO BURN BOOKS ... When History Repeats Itself ... The Nazi Roots

"Naturally, the common people don't want war. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism."

-- Hermann Goering, President of the Reichstag, Adolf Hitler's second in command.


The new leader of the "free world," who promised a "new world order" did not win power by democratic means. He was appointed after he failed to win the presidency with a majority of the votes (1,2). Yet, he did have the backing of banks, industrialists, and transnational corporations, including those controlled or directed by America's leading families, and the father of George Bush (2,3,4).

And that same year he took office, the nation was struck by terrorists. One of the nation's most recognizable symbols, a towering majestic building, burned and then crashed to the ground (5).

"This is a cunning and well-prepared plot," the leader of the nation proclaimed (6).

Terrorists were to blame, the government announced, foreign terrorists and their agents.

Yet, what the people were not told, was that the man ostensibly in charge of the investigation, deleted critical information and rewrote investigative police reports. He did so to protect and cover up government involvement in this dastardly deed (7,8).

The government and the nation's media were instead warned that terrorists were running amok, the nation was in danger, freedom itself was under assault. The nation and freedom must be protected from terrorism, the people were told (7,9).

The leader who promised a "new world order" warned the nation that only his party could protect the people from terrorism. Only his party was concerned with national security. He, his minions, and the media which supported him, demanded that the people give them their votes, to give his party a ruling majority, and he derided the patriotism of those who opposed him (7,9,10).

Officials of opposing parties were threatened. Laws were hastily passed, supported even by those who opposed his rule. The constitution itself was modified, in order to protect the citizens, to protect freedom, to protect the nation, the people were told (11).

"The laws are too liberal" the leader complained.

Those "associated" with the "terrorists," were rounded up and jailed without charge, and their property, their homes, their charities, were seized by the state. Citizens, children, government officials, working men and women were encouraged to spy on their friends, neighbors, and coworkers, and to report anyone and anything that might be suspicious. And those deemed suspicious, were rounded up without charge, jailed, and denied legal counsel, and most were never seen or heard from again (7,9,12).

And then the leader demanded that civil service laws be altered to give him power to hire only those of his choosing, and to fire those who displeased him. The leader required this power to protect the people from the terrorists who were threatening the nation, it was said (13).

But the true terrorists, those responsible for the "terrorist attack," were government agents, controlled by the most powerful men in government. As Hermann Goering later boasted, "who burned the Reichstag? I burned it."

As the people later learned, but as many suspected even then, it was Hitler, Goering, and the Nazis, who were behind the plot to set fire to the Reichstag, Germany's parliament -- the same men who would use terrorism and the threat of terrorism to consolidate their power and as a pretext to set the world aflame (7,9).


In 2000, as the election year heated up, the presidential race between Bush and Gore seemed too close to call. According to national polls, both men were in a statistical dead heat.

And then, a sensational book was published, which threatened to destroy Bush's chances for the presidency. St. Martin's Press had just released 70,000 copies of "Fortunate Son," a biography of George W. Bush, written by investigative journalist, author, and one-time convict, James H. Hatfield. Within 72 hours the book shot to #8 on's Top 100 and #30 on The New York Times Best Seller list.

The well researched, documented book (14) confirmed what many suspected. George Bush, a man with a history of alcoholism, and at least one ticket on his record for drunk driving, had also abused drugs. In 1972, while absent without leave from the Texas Air National Guard -- a period of desertion which lasted at least 11 months (14,15) -- George W. Bush had been arrested and convicted for possession of cocaine. He had been sentenced by a Dallas judge, to perform community service, at the completion of which, the conviction was expunged from his record.

Even before Hatfield's book hit the shelves, it had already been confirmed that George W. Bush had been a cocaine abusing drunk.

Michael C. Dannenhauer, the chief of staff of former President George H.W. Bush (George W's father) revealed in an April 1998 interview with Houston Public News reporter Toby Rogers, that Bush "was out of control since college. There was cocaine use .... but the drinking was the worst" (16).

During the 2000 campaign, when confronted by reporters, Bush confirmed these allegations by dismissing them. He blurted out that he hadn't taken drugs "since 1974." Later he and his staff dealt with these charges by refusing to discuss them.

As to Hatfield's book, that too was dealt with. First, the Dallas Morning News received confidential information on Hatfield's criminal past which was then trumpeted before the nation. As to the book itself, the powers that be at St. Martin's Press announced they were going to withdraw Hatfield's best selling book, and burn it. It will be turned into "furnace fodder" they proclaimed (17).

The burning of dangerous books ... that too has Nazi roots.

In May, 1933, the Nazis conducted book burning campaigns throughout Germany. Tens of thousands of books which threatened the Nazi leadership and their ideology, were burned by university students and professors, as well as SA troops who ransacked public libraries. Books were burned in Frankfurt, Hamburg, Hannover, Munich, Nuremberg. Cologne, Dortmund, Halle, Wurzburg, Munster, Gottingen, Konigsberg, Salzburg, and Koblenz, and the burnings were celebrated with torch light parades. And those which were not burned. were pulped and sent off to paper mills -- the same fate which befell the copies of Hatfield's book which escaped the fires.

History tells us, those who burn books ... burn people.

In 2000, the powers that be, like those from Nazi Germany. again ordered the burning of books. Hatfield's dangerous book, was thrown to the flames.

And history tells us, those who burn books ... burn people.

On July, 20, 2001, James Hatfield, the nemesis of George Bush and the author of that dangerous book, was found dead (18).

On the morning of September 11, 2001, three thousand other Americans would also die -- and like the dangerous book written by James Hatfield. they too would burn in flames.

But unlike Hatfield's book. which threatened to upset the Bush plans for grabbing the Presidency. the death of these three thousands innocent souls would save the Bush Presidency and fuel a Bush power grab and an assault on the constitution and civil liberties unprecedented in the history of the United States -- but eerily reminiscent of those terrible events that led to the rise of Nazi Germany.


"A dictatorship would be a heck of a lot easier. there's no question about it."

-- George W. Bush.

"We don't seek to change a single word of the Constitution ... we are merely proposing a few practical exemptions."

-- George W. Bush.

We must "update our Bill of Rights to reflect 21st Century realities."

-- George W. Bush

Like the Nazis who passed or issued numerous edicts designed to destroy constitutionally guaranteed civil rights following the "terrorist" attack on the Reichstag, the Bush administration did likewise. Using the threat of terrorism, the Bush administration proposed laws such as the "Patriot Act," and the Homeland Security bill -- laws which would give the FBI unprecedented access to private homes, businesses, phone calls, e-mail and letters, and which would provide Bush with the right to fire those civil service employees who do not share his views (19).

The Bush team also ushered in the Operation TIPS program which encourages tens of thousands of mail carriers, utility workers and others with access to private homes to spy on American citizens and report suspicious activity (20). The Nazis also inacted similar programs soon after coming to power.

With little debate, the "Patriot Act" was hastily passed by congress in October of 2001. The "Patriot Act" constituted a major "legal" assault on civil liberties and the constitution.

The American Civil Liberties Union describes the "Patriot Act" as "significantly boosting the government's law enforcement powers while continuing a trend to cut back on the checks and balances that Americans have traditionally relied on to protect individual liberty."

"This law is based on the faulty assumption that safety must come at the expense of civil liberties," said Laura W. Murphy, Director of the ACLU's Washington National Office. "The USA Patriot Act gives law enforcement agencies nationwide extraordinary new powers unchecked by meaningful judicial review."

Indeed, like the Nazi laws passed 70 years prior, the Patriot Act, signed into law by Bush (21), suspends or curtails a number of constitutionally guaranteed civil rights (19,20,22,23), i.e., individuals can be arrested and detained indefinitely without charge; police powers are increased enabling them to monitor private telephone conversations or to conduct secret searches with minimal judicial oversight; private business records can be seized even if there is no evidence of a crime; American citizens can be spied on for "intelligence" purposes and without the need of a warrant; even librarians can be ordered to provide police with lists of all books and reading material checked out by a "person of interest" even though there is no evidence of a crime.

Non-citizens basically have no rights at all, if the president or his attorney general decides to suspend them. If the person is not a U.S. citizen they may be arrested on the order of the president or attorney general. They may be held in secrecy for an indefinite period, have their conversations with attorneys monitored, be tried by a military tribunal, and if found guilty they may be executed without the right of appeal or judicial review. In fact, they have no right to a lawyer. A non-citizen can thus be arrested, tried. and executed in secret-and the same applies to U.S. born citizens who are identified as "enemy combatants" by the Bush administration (23.24).

As summed up by Nancy Chang, Senior Litigation Attorney Center for Constitutional Rights (25), "The Administration's blatant power grab, coupled with the wide array of anti-terrorism tools that the USA PATRIOT Act puts at its disposal, portends a wholesale suspension of civil liberties that will reach far beyond those who are involved in terrorist activities. First. the Act places our First Amendment rights to freedom of speech and political association in jeopardy by creating a broad new crime of "domestic terrorism." and by denying entry to non-citizens on the basis of ideology. Second. the Act will reduce our already lowered expectations of privacy under the Fourth Amendment by granting the government enhanced surveillance powers. Third. non-citizens will see a further erosion of their due process rights as they are placed in mandatory detention and removed from the United States under the Act. Political activists who are critical of our government or who maintain ties with international political movements. in addition to immigrants. are likely to bear the brunt of these attacks on our civil liberties."

Cities. townships, and several police departments across the United States also objected to this law. Many passed resolutions. laws, or issued statements proclaiming they would not comply, explaining that the Patriot act was an assault on civil liberties (19). The Bush administration responded to these complaints by attacking those who made them.

On February 28, 1933, following a terrorist attack on the Reichstag. an almost identical assault on the constitution and civil rights, was signed into law by the Nazi government of Adolf Hitler (11).

And like Hitler, President George Bush has repeatedly attacked the patriotism of those who do not support his assaults on civil liberties. And like Hitler, Bush asked the citizens to give his party a ruling majority: "The democrats .... [in the] Senate are more interested in special interests in Washington and not interested in the security of the American people."

Hitler used the threat of terrorism as a campaign theme and to consolidate his power to gain control of the German parliament. George Bush and team have followed the same Nazi recipe.

"We expect to get votes in the fall because of the War on Terrorism."

-- Ari Fleischer, Bush White House Spokesman

"Bush Adviser Suggests War as Campaign Theme,"

-- New York Times, 1/19/02

"President Bush's top political adviser said today that Republicans will make the president's handling of the war on terrorism the centerpiece of their strategy to win back the Senate and keep control of the House in this year's midterm elections."

-- Washington Post, 1/19/02

Identical political strategies were used and implemented by the Nazis in 1933.

"Bush wants to divert attention from his domestic problems. It's a classic tactic. It's one that Hitler also used."

-- Herta Daubler-Gmelin, Germany's Justice Minister, 9/17/2002.



George W. Bush, has a tendency to use an upraised, stiff-armed Nazi salute when greeting friends and supporters. And, just as Adolf Hitler repeatedly emphasized that his actions were based on "feelings," "emotions," and intuitive thoughts, George Bush claims likewise.

"I have always been guided by the wisdom of the inner Voice... by Divine intuition. I have never trusted logic. If the voice speaks, I know the time has come to act"

-- Adolf Hitler.

As noted in a recent book by Bush-administration insider, Bob Woodward ("Bush's War"), Bush prides himself on relying on his emotions, on "intuition," "gut feelings," and his "inner voice," when making judgments or planning some course of action.

Like Hitler, Bush has also voiced a desire to be a "dictator."

"If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator."

-- George W. Bush 12/18/2000.

These similarities are not a function of "coincidence." The Bush family was in business with the Nazis prior to and after Hitler declared war on America. As detailed by John Loftus. former prosecutor in the U.S. Justice Department's Nazi War Crimes Unit. "the Bush family fortune came from the Third Reich" (4).

In 1937, William Dodd, US Ambassador to Germany, warned that Bush and gang were trying to import Nazism to America: "A clique of U.S. industrialists is hell-bent to bring a fascist state to supplant our democratic government and is working closely with the fascist regime in Germany and Italy. I have had plenty of opportunity in my post in Berlin to witness how close some of our American ruling families are to the Nazi regime."

The Nazi-link to the Bush family, was first alleged in 1934 by the U.S. Congress which believed that Hamburg-America Line and Union bank, which were directed by Prescott Bush, were subsidizing the Nazi movement in Germany and the United States (3,4,26,27). Corporations associated or directed by Bush and his cronies, had been working with and financing the Nazis and their supporters since 1924.

"The Bush family were crucial players in setting up the industrial power behind the Third Reich."

-- Robert Lederman, Philadelphia City Paper (26).

In 1942, the Bush family was still in business with the Nazis. despite the declaration of war by Hitler against the United States (3,4.26,27). In consequence. three Bush companies were seized by the U.S. government. for being in violation of the Trading with the Enemies Act (27,28).

As we shall discover. doing business with those who kill Americans is a Bush business tradition. In October of 1942, however, the government of the United States tried to put the Bush family out of business.

U.S. Government Vesting Order No. 248, issued in 1942, resulted in the seizure of Union Banking's assets as they were being used to support the Nazi war effort and were serving as a Nazi front. Two other Vesting Orders were issued that year (nos. 259 and 261) and two more Nazi-front companies directed by the Bush bank and his associates were seized: Holland American Trading Corporation and Seamless Steel Equipment Corporation (21,28).

Prescott Bush was forced to divest himself, at least overtly, of his Nazi associations.

Following the end of the war, Bush negotiated with his friends in government, trading his Nazi assets and Nazi contacts in return for political favors, including support when he sought political office. With the helpful assistance of Bush and his cronies including in particular, Allen Dulles, Nazis were recruited and became high ranking members of an American Intelligence organization that would later be renamed the CIA (3,23,24) -- an organization that George H.W. Bush would soon lead.

As detailed by Christopher Simpson, BBC News, UPI, and others (29,30,31) after WWII, Nazis were recruited, brought to the United States, and then subsidized by the CIA to build a power base for the Republican right wing. Several Nazi became top Bush campaign aids (31,33,33).


George H.W. Bush when he sought the Presidency in 1988, was forced, like his father, Senator Prescott Bush, to divest himself of Nazi associations. The Bush-Nazi connection was exposed by the Washington based weekly newspaper, Jewish Week (31), and George Bush was forced to fire a number of Nazi and neo-Nazi advisors (32,33).

After the election, four of these neo-Nazis were brought back into the fold and were offered high paying positions in the Republican Party (30).


It has been said, that those who do not learn from the past, are condemned to repeat it.

Some repeat the past, because they have learned from it.


At 10 am, that nightmarish September 11 morning, a jet soared above the clouds, a thousand miles from the raging fires that burned in New York city. Inside that jet stood a smirking man with a Mona Lisa smile. And in that moment of triumph, his picture was taken, a picture which would later be sold and distributed to his supporters.

The picture was of President George W. Bush as he spoke by phone to his vice-president. Dick Cheney.

A picture says a thousand words.

There is no sign of sadness on the frightened smirking face of George Bush. There is no sign of compassion or concern for those innocent women and men who burned to death or who fell a thousand feet and died. There is not a hint of sympathy for the thousands of grieving families. for the wives. sons. mothers, fathers, husbands, daughters, or friends of those who died.

As Bush admitted to reporters, his only concerns were for his father, his family, and himself(34): "I was trying to get out of harm's way ...We were concerned about threats to the President."

And now, safe at last, he seems to be saying: "I'm safe. We won!"



1). On January 30, 1933. Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany. by President Paul von Hindenburg. Adolf Hitler in the two previous elections had failed to obtain a majority of the votes for the Presidency.

2). After five weeks. the disputed 2000 presidential elections were decided on December 12, 2000, by the United States Supreme Court, which ruled that Democratic Presidential nominee. Albert Gore, did not have the right to demand a recount of the contested Florida ballots: SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES. GEORGE W. BUSH. et al.. PETITIONERS v. ALBERT GORE. Jr.. et al. [December 12, 2000]. Justice Scalia argued that a recount would "threaten irreparable harm to petitioner (Bush) ... by casting a cloud upon what he claims to be the legitimacy of his election." By ruling in favor of George Bush, the Supreme Court thus effectively ruled him the winner of the 2000 elections even though Bush had lost the popular vote. Thus it could be said that by taking the side of Bush, and by making "an unmistakable partisan decision without any foundation in law," that right-wing Justice Scalia appointed Bush president. The Court's actions, were seen as sensible, legally legitimate, and pragmatically defensible to some, and an egregious, traitorous abuse of power to others. Vincent Bugliosi, former California prosecutor. has argued that "the five justices stole the election" (The Nation. 2/5/2001).

3). Webster G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin, "George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography," The Executive Intelligence Review.

4). John Loftus and Mark Aarons. "The Secret War Against The Jews" St. Martins Press, New York, 1994.

5). On February 27, 1933, the Reichstag, the German Parliament building, was burned. Marinus van der Lubbe, a Dutch Communist "terrorist," was arrested and later executed.

6). Adolf Hitler, 2/27/1933

7). J. Toland. "Adolf Hitler," Doubleday, New York, 1976. As detailed in Toland's book, Hermann Goering, rewrote investigative notes and records of the Reichstag fire in order to throw investigators off the scent and to implicate several individuals who had no part in the plot.

8). Coleen M. Rowley, FBI division legal advisor for 12 years. Rowley accused FBI director Mueller and the FBI of a "cover-up" for "political reasons." and went on to note that other agents were accusing FBI headquarters of "deliberate" sabotage. That sabotage included deleting critical information and rewriting a search warrant in order to prevent Minnesota FBI agents from uncovering the plot to attack the World Trade Center.

9). W.L. Shirer. "The Rise & Fall of the Third Reich." Fawcett World Library, New York, 1960.

10). Following the 9/11 attack, and during the 2002 mid-term elections, vice-president Dick Cheney and President George Bush, repeatedly attacked the patriotism of democrats. Using the "war on terrorism" as a campaign gimmick, Bush pleaded with the public to elect a Republic House and Senate, and claimed that the Democrats were putting special interests ahead of the safety of the country.

11). On February 28, 1933, an emergency decree "For the Protection of the German People" altered the constitution and eliminated a number of civil rights. This "Law" restricted demonstrations, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and the sanctity of the home, security of mail and telephone, and authorized the confiscation of literature considered to be dangerous to the state. Likewise in 2002, Republic president George Bush, asked Congress to pass several laws, such as "Patriot Act" and the Homeland Security Bill, which would alter the Bill of Rights, and give authorities the right to search homes and offices, wire tap phones, and open mail, without the necessity of a search warrant.

12).After the 9/11 attack, over 1,000 Muslim men, including at least two American citizens, were rounded up, jailed, and held without charge and without benefit of an attorney and with no right to speak with relatives or friends.

13). On April 7, 1933, the "Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service" was passed. This law gave Hitler the authority to dismiss all politically unwanted persons from Civil Service jobs including those in universities and libraries. The "Homeland Security" bill provides George W. Bush with the same right -- that is. the right to hire and fire security agents and personnel who would be denied civil service protection and whose loyalty would thus be to President Bush.

14). St. Martin's Press stated that Fortunate Son had been "scrupulously corroborated" and "fact-checked" by in-house attorneys and a respected Washington, DC. firm that specialized in "vetting" biographies for publishing houses.

15). Boston Globe. 5/23/2000. "One-year gap in Bush's National Guard Duty. No Record From 1972-73. by Walter V. Robinson. See also. The New Republic. 10/16/2000, 11/13/2000.

16). The Greenwich Village Gazette. 9/ 13/1999.

17). On October 1, 2002. I called the executive offices of St. Martin's Press, to obtain an explanation for why they burned these books. No explanation was forthcoming.

18). Hatfield's death was officially ruled a suicide.

19). The homeland security legislation will launch the largest government reorganization in US history. It would combine 22 federal agencies involved in counter-terrorism into a new department with more than 170,000 employees and a budget of $17.5bn. Mr. Bush argues that he must have broad powers to hire and fire workers to deal with changing terrorism threats. But Democrats. long allies of organized labor. charge that the president is seeking an unwarranted rollback of collective bargaining and civil service protections. Among the provision of the bill. passed by the U.S. Senate. on November 19,2002. includes a number of special interest provisions that have nothing to do with terrorism. but which rewards companies which avoid US taxes by leaving the country and establishing their headquarters "off shore," and which provide legal protection for pharmaceutical companies which make drugs that might harm men. women. and children. Some of the pharmaceutical companies that will be protected include those in which George H.W. Bush and his associates. have investments. and those which have created experimental drugs which have harmed over a hundred thousand Gulf War veterans.

20). The TIPS program was announced by the Bush administration in January 2002. The TIPS program creates a national information sharing system for specific industry groups. such as water. electric. and gas meter readers, telephone repairmen. delivery drivers, postal workers, and so on. to report suspicious. publicly observable activity, including activity observed in private homes. that could be related to terrorism. This reporting system is to be administered by the Department of Justice in coordination with several other federal agencies, including the Office of Homeland Security, the Department of Labor. the Federal Bureau of Investigation. and FEMA, as a part of Citizen Corps. The TIPS program includes a centralized telephone hotline and web-based reporting system that automatically and immediately routes tips to appropriate federal, state, and local law enforcement nationwide; The program is scheduled to be operational in the fall of 2002 as one of the new Citizen Corps programs.

21). Reminiscent of the laws which were hastily passed following the Reichstag fire, the Patriot acts was hastily-drafted, and then passed with virtually no public hearing or debate. The Senate was stampeded into passing this law, 98-to-l. In the House, 356 congressman voted yes, vs 66 who dared to vote no. On October 26, the Act was signed into law by a triumphant President George W. Bush.

22). In a letter sent to letter was sent to Senators Bob Graham, Orrin Hatch, Patrick Leahy, and Richard Shelby, Assistant Attorney General Daniel J. Bryant, of Department of Justice, acting as a representative of the Bush administration, openly advocated the suspension of the Fourth Amendment: "As Commander-in-Chief, the President must be able to use whatever means necessary to prevent attacks upon the United States; this power, by implication, includes the authority to collect information necessary to its effective exercise ... The government's interest has changed from merely conducting foreign intelligence surveillance to counter intelligence operations by other nations, to one of preventing terrorist attacks against American citizens and property within the continental United States itself. The courts have observed that even the use of deadly force is reasonable under the Fourth Amendment if used in self-defense or to protect others ... Here, for Fourth Amendment purposes, the right to self-defense is not that of an individual, but that of the nation and its citizens ... If the government's heightened interest in self-defense justifies the use of deadly force, then it certainly would also justify warrantless searches."

23). In addition to the opposition of numerous civil rights groups, cities and police departments across the nation voiced opposition and passed laws and resolutions which called that called the USA Patriot Act a threat to the civil rights of the residents of their communities. Cities passing resolutions in opposition include Cambridge, Denver, Northampton, Amherst, Leverett, Carrboro, Berkeley, Ann Arbor, and so on. The resolution passed in Cambridge, says in part, "We believe these civil liberties [freedom of speech, assembly and privacy; equality before the law; due process; and freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures] are now threatened by the USA Patriot Act." Police departments in various cities across the nation, including Portland, are., vowed to defy the Justice Department and this law, explaining that state law barred police from questioning people who are not suspected of a crime.

24). U.S. citizen, Jose Padilla, of Chicago Illinois, was labeled as an "enemy combatant," in June of 2002, by the Bush administration. "Enemy combatant," is a legal designation allowing the government to jail him without formal criminal charges. As of October, 2002. Padilla was still being held in a military prison in South Carolina. although he has not been charged with a crime. Padilla can be held indefinitely. His attorney has argued in court that he is being held illegally and should be released as his arrest and incarceration is "unconstitutional." Yaser Esam Hamdi was born in Louisiana. He is being held in a military prison. in Norfolk. Virginia. although he has not been charged with a crime. The Justice Department has argued that he is not entitled to an attorney. U.S. District Judge Robert Doumar who is hearing the case, responded to the government's position by asking. "so the Constitution doesn't apply to Mr. Hamdi?" He then when on to say: I have no desire to have an enemy combatant get out. But due process requires something other than a declaration by someone named Mobbs that he should be held incommunicado. Isn't that what we're fighting for?"

25). Nancy Chang. Senior Litigation Attorney. Center for Constitutional Rights. 10/1/2001.

26). Robert Lederman. Philadelphia City Paper, 1/18/01

27). In October of 1942. Prescott Bush. was managing partner of Brown Brothers Harriman. On Oct. 20, 1942, Under the Trading with the Enemy Act. the U.S. government ordered the seizure of Nazi German banking operations in New York City which were being directed by Prescott Bush, including the Union Banking Corporation. in which Bush was a director. The U.S. Alien Property Custodian seized Union Banking Corp.'s stock shares. all of which were owned by Prescott Bush. E. Roland. Bunny Harriman. and three Nazis. and two other Bush associates. The vesting order noted that the Union Banking Corporation was run as a front for the ''Thyssen family" of "Germany" and designated "Thyssen" as "nationals ... of a designated enemy country." In 1941, Fritz Thyssen, wrote a book, titled. "I Paid Hitler" Kennikat Press. New York. 1972.

28). Office of Alien Property Custodian. Vesting Order No. 248. executed October 20, 1942; ER. Doc. 42-11568: Filed. November 6, 1942; 7 Fed. Reg. 9097. New York City Directory of Directors list Prescott Bush as a director of Union Banking Corporation for the years 1934 through 1943. Alien Property Custodian Vesting Order No. 259: Seamless Steel Equipment Corporation; Vesting Order No. 261: Holland-American Trading Corp. Alien Property Custodian Vesting Order No. 370: Silesian-American Corp. New York Times (12/16/1944) ''The Union Banking Corporation, 39 Broadway. New York. has change its principal place of business to 120 Broadway." 120 Broadway is the address of the government's Alien Property Custodian.

29). BBC News. 9/17/2001 "CIA Recruits Nazis;" UPI 9/20/2000, "CIA says Nazi general was intelligence source:" Christopher Simpson. "Blowback," 1988; As detailed by Simpson, BBC News, and UPI, after WWII, Nazis were recruited, brought to the United States, and then subsidized by the CIA to build a power base for the Republican right wing. Some were brought here as individuals others as well organized groups. The U.S. State Department and the CIA put high-ranking Nazis on the intelligence payroll in order to use "their expertise in propaganda and psychological warfare." Reinhold Gehlen, Hitler's most senior eastern front military intelligence officer, was employed by the U.S. to fight an intelligence war and to employ propaganda against the American people.

30). Russ Bellant "Old Nazis, The New Right And The Republican Party." South End Press. Boston, 1991.

31). Washington Jewish Week, 9/8/1988.

32). David Lee Preston, Philadelphia Inquirer, "Fired Bush backer one of several with possible Nazi links" (9/10/1988).

33). Among those fired, included Nicholas Nazarenko, an ex-Waffen SS officer, and Bohdan Fedorak, who headed a WWII Nazi group involved in anti-Jewish wartime pogroms.

34). Edwin Chen, "Bush Fled 'Harm's Way' After 911 Attacks," Los Angles Times, 5/22/2002.
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Postby admin » Sat Aug 01, 2015 2:09 am




To fully comprehend the mind set that led to the events of 9/ 11/2001, it is important to understand the history of the Bush family, the CIA, and the leadership of the Republican party, in the years prior to and after Hitler became Chancellor of Germany.

Hitler rose to power on the backs of his own private terrorist organizations, the SA and SS (1,2,3). Hitler also received considerable financial assistance from transnational corporations, including those directed or controlled by Prescott Bush and his associates, Harriman, Walker, and Rockefeller (4,5).

Hitler had been seeking power, to become the leader of Germany, since the early 1920s. Following the failed "beer hall putsch" in November of 1923, and Hitler's subsequent brief imprisonment, Hitler had vowed to take power "legally" through the ballot box.

In 1932, as his storm troopers ran amok and the next presidential election neared, Hitler was in desperate need of an infusion of cash. It was his intention to again run against von Hindenburg for the Presidency of Germany. Hitler required lots of money if he was to defeat the venerable old general.

Hitler arranged a private speech, before a group of rich industrialists, which he gave at the Park Hotel in Dusseldorf (2,6). This was followed by a second meeting, on January 27, at the Industrial Club, which was arranged by Bush business partner, Fritz Thyssen (2,6,7)

The attendees included the owners and representatives of Germany's largest companies and corporations including those that were controlled or directed or in business with Prescott Bush, his father-in-law George Walker, and their associates, Harriman and Rockefeller: Standard Oil, IG Farben, Hamburg-Amerika shipping, Consolidated Silesian Steel Corporation, German Steel Trust's Union Banking Corporation, etc. (4,5,8).

Hitler explained to this moneyed-elite, that he was in favor of eliminating the unions -- which is exactly what he did after coming to power. The industrialists were all for that. Hitler also explained he was for total managerial freedom, and that once he came to power the Nazis would begin public works programs and a massive rearmament program that would be directed by the leaders of industry -- the wealthy and powerful men in his audience. The government would pay these men to rebuild and re-arm Germany. He certainly had their attention now.

Hitler not only offered them hope. but catastrophe. Communism would destroy them. he explained. If the communists came to power they would confiscate the factories. the private property, and the wealth of the aristocrats and moneyed elite.

Hitler explained. "Bolshevism. if unchecked. will change the world as completely as Christianity. If Communism continues unchecked. three hundred years from now Lenin will be regarded not only as one of the revolutionaries of 1917, but as the founder of a new world doctrine and will be worshipped as much as Buddha."

Only the Nazi party, he warned, could stem the Red tide. Only the Nazi party could lead Germany back to greatness as a world power. Only the Nazi party was offering hope and business opportunity -- the opportunity for unlimited growth and unlimited wealth.

Within days Hitler and the Nazis were in receipt of incredible sums of money which Hitler put to use in the coming election, and to finance terrorism -- terrorism which was funded and supported by companies associated. directed, or controlled by Prescott Bush and his partners (4,5).

Hitler believed in the power of terror.

Terrorism works.

As Hitler explained in his speeches, private conversations, and in his book. Mein Kampf: Terrorism is a form of propaganda. It is a political weapon that can be used to instill fear. horror and indignation. and to sap and destroy the will of a people. Through fear and terror one can demand obedience and blind submission. Through death and terror (and the promise of more terror to come), the terrorist will conquer all opposition. Terror is a political weapon and its purpose is to force capitulation:

"Cruelty is impressive. Cruelty and brutal strength. The masses want it. They demand it. They need the thrill of terror to make them shudderingly submissive."

"The joy of killing brings men together."

"Hate, hate, and more hate. There is nothing that sustains you like hate!"

"My morality is that of the magnificent blond beast, roaming wantonly in search of prey and victory."

"Yes, we are barbarians. We want to be barbarians. It is an honorable title."

"When I came to power, I did not want the concentration camps to become old age pensioners homes, but instruments of terror."

"Terror is a salutary thing ...The most effective method has at all times been terror or violence ... terror and violence ... is the weapon which most readily conquers reason."

"Terror at the place of employment, in the factory, in the meeting hall, and on the occasion of mass demonstrations will always be successful unless opposed by equal terror ....The defeated adversary in most cases despairs of the success of any further resistance."

"Violence is broken only by violence and terror by terror. Only terror is capable of smashing terror."

"This is a tactic based on precise calculation of all human weaknesses and its result will lead to success with almost mathematical certainty ... the importance of physical terror toward the individual and the masses ...the psychological effect can be calculated with precision ...Shameless spiritual terrorization ...the hideous abuse of their human freedom ...ruthless force and brutality ... they always submit in the end." -- Adolf Hitler

As summed up by Hitler in his book, Mein Kampf: Terror is the most effective form of politics. The people must never know if they or their loved ones will be maimed or murdered. They must always feel they are at risk of suffering a horrible death. They must always feel as if the iron hand of terror may strike at any moment, for any reason, or for no reason at all. They or their neighbors may be killed or maimed at any time, at any place -- at home, in bed, while making love, while kissing their children good night. Through brutality, physical terror and violence we are able to gain mastery over the soul and the mind of our enemies. We win by making them afraid.

In 1932, Adolf Hitler. flush with the cash that was pouring into his coffers, prepared for the next election by unleashing terrorists upon the people.

Germany, in 1932. was thrown into "a state of civil war."

"There was a wave of political violence and murder such as even Germany had not previously seen:' wrote William Shirer (3).

Christopher Isherwood recalled: "Hate exploded suddenly without warning. out of nowhere: at street comers. in restaurants. cinemas. dance halls. swimming baths. at midnight. after breakfast. in the middle of the afternoon. Knives were whipped out, blows were dealt with spiked rings. beer-mugs. chair legs or leaded clubs: bullets slashed the air and rebounded from iron roofs ... The storm troopers swarmed the streets seeking battle and blood."

Even so. despite the terror and an incredible propaganda blitz financed by his friends in commerce and industry. Hitler lost the election.

Again, he resorted to terrorism in order to undermine the government. His hope was that if the government fell. President Hindenburg would be forced to appoint him Chancellor.

"We must be ruthless," Hitler announced. His terrorists gangs were again ordered to run amok. and the government began to totter and fall. And as it fell. the government was given a final shove by Hitler's friends in industry and commerce who prevailed upon Hindenburg to appoint Hitler Chancellor and to install a Nazi government (2.3).

In 1933. Hitler was appointed Chancellor. The Nazi government immediately unleashed its storm troopers, who swept through the streets, arresting, dragging off. and then beating up and torturing all enemies of the Nazi State who were then confined, if they lived. in one of the numerous make-shift concentration camps that were springing up all over Germany. By the end of 1933, over 50 impromptu concentration camps were established -- usually in cellars and bunkers (1,2.3).

Goering, as Minister President of Prussia controlled the Prussian police. He also created his own secret police force. Abteilung IA, which he had exempted from Paragraph 14 of the Prussian Administrative Police Law, and which was rechristened the Geheime Staatspolizei, the Secret State Police. It was a bureaucrat in the post-office who invented the abbreviation, Gestapa; and thus the Gestapo was born (I).

It was Goering's Gestapo, along with the SA and SS which led the terror campaign to arrest, beat up and to destroy anti-Nazi organizations and individuals without regard for the law. The Gestapo was above the law and it had no obligation to abide by the law. Its job was to annihilate and exterminate all political opposition. It was not just enemies of the Nazis who were murdered and tortured, but anyone and everyone who had somehow offended a member of the SA or SS. German citizens were being beaten with iron bars and truncheons and then starved and whipped (1,2,3).

In April 1934, Goering appointed Heinrich Himmler to be deputy chief of the Prussian Secrete Police. Soon the Gestapo became an arm of the dreaded SS (which had replaced the SA as Hitler's private terrorist army). The Gestapo and the Nazi SS came under the control of the greatly feared, Heinrich Himmler (I). Those who were counted among Himmler's "circle of friends" included the leading business men of Germany, several of whom were in business with Prescott Bush, Harriman, Dulles, and Rockefeller.

Himmler's dreaded SS recruited its members from the upper echelons of society, i.e. the blue bloods, bankers, and aristocrats. As detailed in Heinz Hohn's, The Order of the Death's Head, "the first arrivals were from the aristocracy. Even before the Nazi seizure of power certain great names had been added to the SS list" including Grand Dukes, Counts, and Princes. However, after Hitler came to power, "in 1933 there came a further infusion of blue blood. Many of the senior SS posts were occupied by the ruling class elite. The primary requirements in the SS, were money and officer material, and they could come only from one source -- the old-established ruling class elite -- the nobility, the world of commerce and the financiers ... Germany's captains of industry" (pp. 152, 153, 158).

The SS sported. along with its SS insignia, a skull, the "death head," and was known as the "brotherhood of death" (1). The SS could, in many ways, be likened to a business-savvy Satanic organization. It was the SS which ran Hitler's extermination- and slave labor camps.

There have been allegations that Hitler's German-Nazi SS had a fraternal counterpart in the United States. the "Order of Skull and Bones," which was known as "the Order" and the "Brotherhood of Death."

The American chapter of the "Order of Skull and Bones" also has its roots in Germany (see chapter 3). Its headquarters? Yale University (7) the alma matter of Prescott Bush. George H. W. Bush, and George W. Bush.

Like its German counterpart. the American "brotherhood of death" also known as the "Order of Skull and Bones" recruited its members from the upper echelons of society. i.e. the blue bloods, bankers, and aristocrats. Among is members: Prescott, George H.W. and George W. Bush (8).


Hitler had always intended the SS to be his personal instrument of terror. It was to be mysterious. sinister. a black-robed secret order that was totally above the law. but whose tentacles reached into every German home. Listening and watching with hundreds of thousands of unseen eyes, the Gestapo. aided by informers and 2,800,000 men in the regular police. duly noted any and all suspect behavior that even remotely suggested even a hint of treachery or opposition to Nazism. The SS ruthlessly weeded out all enemies of the Nazi state. Thousands of German citizens. including politicians and labor leaders. were either murdered or confined to one of the more than 20 concentration camps or the 160 affiliated labor camps where they were used as slave labor (1).

These slave laborers not only earned money for Himmler's SS. but those industrialists and bankers who helped the Nazis come to power. Some of those banks and corporations were directed by or directly connected to Prescott Bush and the Rockefellers (4,5,9). Prescott Bush and his partners were in fact in business with several leading Nazis. such as Friedrich Flick (4.5,10) who later became Hitler's minister of the Interior (2,3). IG Farben (11,12) the company that developed the poison gas to kill Russians, gypsies. and Jews. and which also ran several of the concentration camps, was in partnership with Rockefeller's Standard oil, as well as in business with Bush and associates. Likewise. Bush and his partner, Harriman, were in business with Fritz Thyssen (4,5) who had been supporting Hitler since the early 1920s (2,3).

According to the United States Government, Prescott Bush's Union Banking Corporation (which he directed) was working as a front for the "Thyssen family" of "Germany ... nationals ... of a designated enemy country" (12). In 1941, Fritz Thyssen, wrote a book, titled, "I Paid Hitler."

Likewise, Prescott Bush and associates and Standard Oil, were in business with IG Farben, providing loans, executive expertise, and petroleum-related products (13). IG Farben in fact owned a huge stake in Standard Oil. IG Farben, in association with Standard Oil, used that expertise to develop poison gas and petroleum-related products to drive the Nazi war machine. IG Farben -- a consortium of companies that included Bayer -- also ran the slave labor and death-camps, the most notorious of which was Auschwitz where 83,000 people worked as slaves. IG Farben/Bayer not only worked people to death, but provided funds, scientists, and medical personnel to conduct horrible experiments on inmates.


Throughout the 1930s, and the early 1940s, the Bush family and other "Bonesmen" formed an unholy alliance with the SS and Hitler's Nazi Germany. Indeed, the evidence indicates that Prescott Bush was not just doing business with the Nazis and profiting from the use of slave labor, but that his company became members of the "Friends of the Reichsfuhrer SS," that is, friends of SS Gestapo chief, Heinrich Himmler.

As detailed by Heinz Hohn (1), the Hamburg-Amerika shipping company, and its directors, were honored as "Friends of the Reichsfuhrer SS." Prescott Bush was one of the directors of the Hamburg-Amerika shipping company (13, 14). Hamburg-Amerika was seized by the U.S. government in August 1942 along with another Bush company, Union Bank in November of that year ( 12), for trading with the enemy or for acting as Nazi-fronts and for distributing Nazi propaganda in the United States. Indeed, Congressional hearings in 1934 established that Hamburg-Amerika routinely provided free transatlantic passage for those distributing Nazi propaganda (15).

Why would Bush and friends import Nazi propaganda?

In order to destroy democracy in the United States.

"A clique of U.S. industrialists is hell-bent to bring a fascist state to supplant our democratic government and is working closely with the fascist regime in Germany and Italy. I have had plenty of opportunity in my post in Berlin to witness how close some of our American ruling families are to the Nazi regime."

-- William Dodd, U.S. Ambassador to Germany in 1937.

Before his companies were seized, Prescott Bush freely admitted and described his own role in running the Hamburg-Amerika shipping company: "Three or four of us were really running the business. the day to day business all the administrative decisions and the executive decisions. We were the ones that did it. We were the managing partners. let's say."

What other proof do we have? Emil Helfferich, the chairman of Bush company. Hamburg-Amerika. frequently wrote out checks to Heinrich Himmler (payable on a special Standard Oil account). According to U.S. intelligence documents reviewed by author Anthony Sutton. Helfferich was still making these payments to the S.S. in 1944 -- the same S.S. which was rounding up. enslaving, and supervising the mass murder of "subhumans" (Russians, Jews, Gypsies, Poles. etc.). at IG Farben's death camps.

Thus as a director of the Hamburg-Amerika shipping company Prescott Bush, the father of George H.W. Bush, became "partners" with and "Friends of the Reichsfuhrer SS," and thus provided financial support for a Nazi terrorist organization (the Gestapo) that spied on. terrorized. and murdered not just German citizens. but Jews, Americans, and the peoples of Europe.

"The Bush family were crucial players in setting up the industrial power behind the Third Reich."

-- Robert Lederman, Philadelphia City Paper (1/18/01).

"Certain American industrialists had a great deal to do with bringing fascist regimes into being in both Germany and Italy. They extended aid to help Fascism occupy the seat of power, and they are helping to keep it there."-

-- William Dodd, US Ambassador to Germany in 1937.

"The Bush family fortune came from the Third Reich."

-- John Loftus, former prosecutor in the U.S. Justice Department's Nazi War Crimes Unit.

Hitler and his SS, as is well known, murdered tens of millions of people, including six million Jews, and millions of other "sub-humans" including Germans who were retarded, disabled, or suffering from epilepsy and other disorders.

This Nazi program was based on the emerging science of "eugenics," a neo-Darwinian concept in which the State weeds out the weak, in favor of the strong; i.e. the sterilization and/or execution of mental patients, the insane, the retarded, the feeble minded, criminals, and physically disabled including those who are blind or deaf. The goal of eugenics is the purification of the race by preventing the breeding of inferior races and unfit individuals.

"Those who are physically and mentally unhealthy and unworthy must not perpetuate their suffering in the body of their children. The prevention of the faculty and opportunity to procreate on the part of the physically degenerate and mentally sick, over a period of only 600 years, would ... free humanity from an immeasurable misfortune."

-- Adolf Hitler

"Famine in India, unwanted babies in the United States, poverty that seemed to form an unbreakable chain for millions of people -- how should we tackle these problems? It is quite clear that one of the major challenges of the 1970s will be to curb the world's fertility."

-- George H. W. Bush

Prescott Bush and his son, George H.W. Bush were enthusiastic supporters of "eugenics," the weeding out of inferior humans. Before G.H.W. Bush became president, he frequently made remarks about the "down-breeding ... of America" and sponsored hearings, such as one that took place in August 5, 1969, on the threat posed by black babies (16).

We should not be surprised therefore to learn that companies directed or associated with Prescott Bush and his associates such as Rockefeller and Harriman, also supported the Nazi eugenics programs. As noted, Emil Helfferich, the chairman of Bush company, Hamburg-Amerika, frequently wrote out checks to Heinrich Himmler and his S.S. -- the same S.S. which was rounding up and supervising the mass murder of "subhumans" at IG Farben's death camps.

The principle behind eugenics, is that only those with "good genes" that is, those of "good birth" and who are "well born" (i.e. aristocrats) deserve to live and to breed. Prescott and George H.W. Bush, as blue-blooded members of America's aristocracy, and thus of "good birth" and "well born" were thus ardent supporters of eugenics, with George Bush later pushing for the sterilization of inferior races (16).

Thus, being birds of a feather. Prescott Bush and his partner. Harriman. used the Hamburg-Amerika Line, to transport Nazi specialists in propaganda to the United States. including those advocating and practicing eugenics -- and the Rockefellers did likewise (17).


Prescott Bush was in business with the Nazis, his son George H.W. Bush would hire Nazis, and neo-Nazi advisors (9,18), and both would advocate Nazi practices such as eugenics, in order to purify the race. Indeed. both men even made arrangements for Nazis and those supporting Nazi policies to come to this country.

Prescott Bush, of course. did not act alone. Bush was in business with his father-in-law, George Walker. the Harrimans, and the Rockefellers. And then there is the Dulles brothers. Allen Dulles acting as legal counsel to the Bush-Harriman-Rockefeller clique. as well as a go-between in setting up deals with leading Nazis.

At the close of the second world war, Prescott Bush, Rockefeller, and Dulles were still in business with the Nazis, and assisted hundreds of Nazis to come to the United States. and to obtain work in the Republican party and in the ass (5,9) -- a spy agency which would later be named. the CIA (19).

As revealed by the National Archives. as admitted by the CIA, and as reported by BBC and UPI (20). the CIA recruited and employed hundreds of high ranking Nazis, including Nazi General Reinhard Gehlen who placed his Nazi spy ring at the disposal of the United States following the close of WWII. Gehlen was Hitler's senior intelligence officer on the Eastern Front during the war and was responsible for the torture and murder of millions of Soviet prisoners.

Gehlen's network of SS and Gestapo Nazi agents. not only in the East, but in Europe were secretly released from prisoner of war camps by U.S. intelligence officers (4,20), including Allen Dulles (4,24), the same Allen Dulles who worked for Prescott Bush and company, as a lawyer (25). Prescott Bush, Harriman, and the Rockefellers called upon the Dulles brothers to help cover up the fact that they were in business with the Nazis.

Dulles was an excellent choice, because of his connections to the Roosevelt administration, and because, in the 1930s Dulles had helped establish several interlocking financial networks between IG Farben, Standard Oil and the ruling family of Saudi Arabia, the House of Saud.

Dulles was well rewarded for his work and became the first director of the CIA. Gehlen's Nazi CIA spy ring, became known as "the Gehlen Organization and received millions of dollars in funding from the U.S. until 1956" (UPI 9/20/2000.

Additional files released by the CIA on April 29. 2001, indicates that hundreds of World War II Nazi war criminals ended up on the CIA payroll, including Klaus Barbie, the infamous "Butcher of Lyon." Barbie was eventually convicted of crimes against humanity by a French court. Barbie was not the only "Butcher" that the Bush-Dulles clique helped to escape from justice. Nazi Major General Walter Dornberger who had been sentenced to death by hanging for war crimes was also welcomed with open arms (21).

A U.S. Justice Department spokesman Eli Rosenbaum said "the files demonstrated that the real winners of the war were Nazi war criminals" (21).

Not surprisingly, the CIA, like the Gestapo, would employ espionage, propaganda, terror, chemical and biological warfare, including the purposeful infection and murder of American citizens to obtain its objectives (22, see also chapter 8). And, like the Gestapo, the CIA would be, as it still is, above the law.


"The great masses of the people will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one."

-- Adolf Hitler

Hitler believed in using terror as a political weapon and to justify war and the destruction of his enemies. Terror would also play a major role in assisting him in pursuing one of his major objectives, an attack on the Soviet Union, and the seizure of the oil-rich states in the Caspian basin (2,3,23).

It was the oil rich lands of the Caspian basin. and "living space" that Hitler sought. But before he dared grab what he believed was rightfully his, he had to first deal with Poland which blocked the way (2,3).

Initially. Hitler tried to negotiate with the government of Poland for a "corridor" across their land. upon which the Nazis intended to construct highways and railroad routes. which could be used to transport German troops.

Hitler tried threats and bribes, but it was to no avail. Finally. after months of negotiation and days and months of "terrorist" provocation (which he claimed was directed at Germany by Poland) he gave the Poles one last chance. He made them a final "generous offer." They refused.

Hitler was not the only one involved in a dispute with Poland. Since 1934. the Polish government had been fighting with the American and German stockholders who controlled the Upper Silesian Coal and Steel Company (2) -- a Prescott Bush company (14). According to a March 19, 1934, article which appeared in the New York Times. the Upper Silesian Coal and Steel Company was being accused of "excessive borrowing. fictitious bookkeeping and gambling in securities." The New York Times then went on to say: "Two-thirds of the company's stock is owned by Friedrich Flick. a leading German steel industrialist. and the remainder is owned by interests in the United States" i.e. Bush. Harriman and gang.

According to the New York Times. "Herr Flick" fearing "an attempt to make the company's board entirely Polish. retaliated by restricting credits" so that "the new Polish directors were unable to pay the workmen regularly."

The Polish division of the Upper Silesian Coal and Steel Company. in addition to fraud, had also failed to pay taxes to the Polish government. Millions were owed. The dispute would be settled, in 1939, with the destruction of Poland by Nazi Germany.

Hitler, however, needed justification to attack an independent state which had done him no harm. His generals were reluctant to attack, as they knew that the German people and the international community were opposed to war (2,3).

Hitler promised his generals that he would give the German people "a propagandist reason for starting the war. The victor" he told them, "will not be asked afterward whether he told the truth or not. In starting and waging a war, it is not right that matters, but victory."

However, Hitler knew that he needed deeds not words.

Days later, on August 31, 1939, operation "Canned Goods," the code name for a "terrorist" attack on German citizens and German property, was carried out by SS men dressed in Polish Army uniforms (2,3). There had already been numerous "terrorist" attacks conducted against German property and civilians by SS men dressed as Polish soldiers. Hitler, however, needed one final grand attack to justify his war.

On August 1, concentration camp inmates, who had been drugged and shot, and dressed in Polish uniforms, were displayed as evidence of unceasing Polish terrorism being waged on Germany. These "terrorist" attacks, including the final, August 31, attack on a German radio station, provided the justification for war.

On September 1, 1939, Hitler explained to the German people and the world, that because of these terrorist assaults, "I have therefore resolved to speak to Poland in the same language that Poland for months past has used toward us. Polish soldiers fired on our territory. We have now been returning fire, and from now on bombs will be met with bombs."

As the world later learned, these terrorists assaults on Germany were conducted by German SS agents under the watchful eye of Himmler's SS and Gestapo (1,2,3).


In 1941, after defeating France and conquering Europe, Hitler prepared to attack Russia, which in fact, had been his plan since the 1920s, as detailed in his book, Mein Kampf (23):

"And so we National Socialists consciously draw a line beneath the foreign policy tendency of our pre-War period. We take up where we broke off six hundred years ago. We stop the endless German movement to the south and west, and turn our gaze toward the land in the east. At long last we break off the colonial and commercial policy of the pre-War period and shift to the soil policy of the future. If we speak of soil in Europe today, we can primarily have in mind only Russia and her vassal border states."

Hitler wanted "living space" and "oil." And, he planned that upon conquering the Soviet Union, that Russia would be "divided up into individual states with governments of their own."

One of Hitler's allies in this campaign was the king of Saudi Arabia, Ibn Saud (26). Ibn Saud was the leader of the Sunni- Wahhabi sect of Islam. Saud was the principle Arab leader who had united the Arabian Peninsula early in the 1900s.

Hitler was most appreciative of Arab support, but not in the manner that Ibn Saud may have envisioned. In 1942, Hitler once said: "I'm going to become a religious figure. Soon, I'll be the great chief of the Tartars. Already. Arabs and Moroccans are mingling my name with their prayers. Amongst the Tartars, I shall become Khan. The only thing of which I shall be incapable is to share the sheiks mutton with them. I'm a vegetarian. and they must spare me from their meat. If they don't wait too long, I'll fall back on their harems!"

In the 1930s Ibn Saud had his eye on Iraq and the southern states of the Soviet Union, whose populations were predominantly Muslim. Ibn Saud dreamed of spreading Sunni-Wahhabi control over this region, thus creating an even greater Islamic state which would be under the domination of the Saud family. Ibn Saud's preferred methods of conquest, terror and the sword.

Hitler saw eye to eye with Saud: "In this struggle which will decide the fate of the Arabs I can now speak as a man dedicated to an ideal and as a military leader and a soldier. Everyone united in this great struggle who helps to bring about its successful outcome, serves the common cause and thus serves the Arab cause .... The situation is as follows: We are conducting the great struggle to open the way to the North of the Caucasus ...during the struggle (and we don't know when victory will come, but probably not in the far future) we will reach the Southern Caucasus ...then I would like to issue a declaration; for then the hour of the liberation of the Arabs will have arrived."

Ibn Saud was not only in business with Hitler, but with the Rockefellers and associates -- individuals and corporations which were likewise in business with the Nazi-regime.

Hitler, the oil companies, Bush-Harriman-Rockefeller-Dulles, and the Saudi-Wahhabi clan of Saudi Arabia, joined in an axis of evil. They all had their eyes on the same prize: the Persian Gulf, the central Asian states, and oil.

The only way to grab that prize would be war. The Soviet Union would have to be defeated and destroyed, something that Hitler had been promising since writing his book, Mein Kampf.

War has always been good for business -- that is, the business of war. Thus those who would most profit from war, e.g., bankers, arm's manufacturers, and those oil-companies and nations with their eyes on the same prize, had latched onto Hitler and his Nazi party, for the sole purpose of bringing him to power so that he would launch his war against the Soviet Union.

Hitler's early allies included Bush, Harriman, Rockefeller's Standard Oil, and the royal family of Saudi Arabia.

"The Nazis would have remained a minor political party, and Germany would have remained a cash-starved country, weaponless and powerless, but for the massive influx of outside investment capital. Our intelligence sources believe that the most important event of this period was the alliance between American oil companies and Saudi Arabia. It was the indispensable precondition for the war and the Nazi holocaust" (John Loftus & Mark Aarons, 4).

The Nazis wanted oil, world domination, and supported mass extermination and terrorism. Bush and Harriman were in business with the Nazis and supported eugenics and terrorism. Standard oil wanted oil and funneled money to Himmler's SS and supported terrorism (13). The Wahhabis, like the Nazis, were seeking world domination through mass conversion to Sunni-Wahhabism, and failing that, the mass extermination of those who resist. And all had their eyes on the oil-rich southern Caucuses and Caspian basin.

Six decades later terror would again be employed and would again serve as justification for seeking access to these oil-rich states which would be tom away from Russia. And just as the royal family of Saudi Arabia, Bush and associates, and American oil formed an unholy alliance with a terrorist (Nazi) regime in the 1930s and 1940s (4,5,11,12,13,19), the Saudi royal family, Bush and associates, and American oil companies would form an unholy alliance with a terrorist regime that would attack America on September 11, 2001.

The goals would remain the same: the oil-rich lands of the Caspian basin.

According to UNOCAL, nearly 200 billion barrels of oil may lie beneath the soil of Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, and Uzbekistan -- what had been the southern states of the Soviet Union: $40 trillion dollars in oil!

The Saudi Royal family, the CIA. and the Bush family and their associates in the oil business. have been drooling over these riches for decades.


In the 1930s and I940s. the Nazis would lead the effort to break up and conquer the southern states of the Soviet Union. At the end of the war, thousands of Nazis would be recruited into the CIA (19,20) and the Republican party.

Decades later. the Nazi-infested CIA who would again set out to break up and conquer the oil-rich southern states of the Soviet Union. Like the Nazis, the CIA would employ terrorists and form an alliance with a consortium of oil-companies and the Sunni- Wahhabi clans of Saudi Arabia in order to achieve this objective (27,28,29).

As detailed by Zbigniew Brzezinski, National Security Adviser to the Carter Administration, in an interview with weekly French publication, Le Nouvel Observateur (28). in July 1979 President Jimmy Carter secretly approved CIA efforts which were already underway in Afghanistan to topple the Soviet backed regime. The purpose of this aid. was to draw the Soviets into Afghanistan and to instill civil unrest in the central Asian oil-rich countries it controlled.

It was also in 1979, that Osama bin Laden. who was representing his family company in Istanbul. began working with the CIA to recruit "Arab-Muslim volunteers for Afghan's resistance against the Red Army"' (30). In 1979, Osama bin Laden, the business man, helped launch the holy war which was to topple the Soviet- backed regime in Afghanistan-the key to the central Asian states -- and hopefully strip the oil rich regions of central Asia from the grasp of the Soviet Union.

Afghanistan was the key, for in the words of UNOCAL vice president, John J. Maresca: "A route through Afghanistan is the best option with the fewest technical obstacles that would bring Central Asian oil closest to Asian markets and thus would be the cheapest in terms of transporting the oil."

First Afghanistan then central Asia, and then an oil pipeline could be built leading to the sea.

Osama bin Laden's family, being in the construction and oil-related business, and the Saudi royal family -- all of whom were in business with the Bush family, even in the 1970s -- stood to make billions of dollars if Afghanistan and the central Asian states became subject to western control.

According to William Casey (27), Director of the CIA during the Reagan-Bush administration, the principle reason for training and funding the Afghan mujahideen, was to wage terrorism and war against the Soviet Union, "with Saudi cooperation," and to sow discord in the Soviet Central Asia, in order to stir an Islamic revolution and pry these states away from the Soviet sphere of influence.

Afghanistan was a key player because Afghanistan provided the only sensible route from the oil fields north of its border to Pakistan and thus the sea.

As detailed by Peter Schweizer (27), "arms were being purchased on the international market with Saudi money and the CIA was flying them from Dhahran to Islamabad. The CIA was also flying in weapons and ammunition. Ten thousand tons of arms and ammunition were going through the channel every year. However, that this was done through the Wahhabi clan was top secret;" the Wahhabi clan being the bin Ladens and the Saudi royal family.

The Saudis were happy to playa major role. Saudi Arabia's King Faud, and other prominent Saudi families belonged to the Wahhabi clan. Like king Ibn Saud from decades before, they wished to extend the rule of Wahhabi-Sunni Muslims across Afghanistan, Pakistan, and the oil-rich states of the former Soviet Union in order to create a single Islamic superstate ruled by Muslims subscribing to the Wahhabi branch of Sunni Islam (31,32).

The Wahhabis, like Hitler, were seeking to establish a ruthless Nazi-like "New World Order" which would be ruled with an iron-fist by the Saudi-Wahhabism elite and the chosen few:

"Wahhabism exalts and promotes death in every element of its existence. the suicide of its adherents. mass murder as a weapon against civilization. and above all the suffocation of the mercy embodied in Islam" -- Stephen Schwartz. The Two Faces of Islam (32).


The Soviet Union finally collapsed in the 1990s. but as the first Bush administration would soon be out of power. and as civil war raged in Afghanistan. conditions were not yet ripe for establishing the pipeline and gaining access to the fabulous riches that lay beneath the soil of the Caspian basin. Ten years would pass.

With the election of George W. Bush. in 2000, negotiations began in earnest with the Taliban rulers of Afghanistan (29). But. the Taliban refused the terms offered by the Bush team. and could not be bought off by the tens of millions of dollars they had already received since Bush came to power. The Bush administration threatened to destroy them (29).

The Taliban were not swayed.

The Bush team. however. had an ace in the hole. and his name was Osama bin Laden.

As the Bush team well knew, a terrorist assault, launched against the United States from a base deep inside Afghanistan, would be justification for the invasion of that country, the annihilation of its government, and the installation of a regime which would welcome the United States military and the construction of an oil pipeline across its soil. And this is exactly what came to pass after the terrorist attack of 9/11.

Hence, just as Hitler and the Nazis would first negotiate with the government of Poland for a "corridor" across their land, the Bush administration would first negotiate with the Taliban rulers of Afghanistan for the right to build a pipeline across their country (29). And just as Germany was repeatedly provoked by terrorist attacks (conducted by its own agents) the United States would be repeatedly provoked by Osama bin Laden -- a man whose family (and their associates) stood to make millions of dollars in oil-related business if only the Taliban would agree to the Bush administration terms (see chapter 12).

And like the Poles 60 years before, negotiations with the Taliban rulers of Afghanistan would be to no avail. Finally, in August, after threatening to destroy them, the Bush administration made a final generous offer and a stark choice: "A carpet of bombs or a carpet of gold" (29).

The Taliban leadership of Afghanistan refused.

On September 11, 2001, the United States was attacked by terrorists who had in the past received funding from the CIA (27,29); terrorists who belonged to an organization linked to Osama bin Laden. Bin Laden's family had been in business with the Bush family for years (34,35,36) and they, along with Bush associates, stood to make billions of dollars in U.S. war-related spending and and pipeline construction (35).

Conveniently, these terrorists made Afghanistan their home base during the final term of the Clinton administration, in 1996. And, conveniently, these terrorists attacked the United States only after George W. Bush had been installed as President of the United States and the representatives of the oil business were installed in positions of power in his administration (36).

And, just as the world and the German people had learned that these terrorist attacks occurred under the protective gaze of Germany's intelligence agencies, Americans would learn that the terrorists who struck on 9/l1, did so under the watchful gaze of the modem American version of Hitler's Gestapo.
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Postby admin » Sat Aug 01, 2015 2:10 am



"In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, it was planned that way."

-- President Franklin D. Roosevelt

"The president was provided information about bin Laden wanting to engage in hijacking."

-- Bush White House Spokesman, Ari Fleischer.

As we shall detail in later chapters, despite their claims of having been taken unawares and with complete surprise, top officials in the FBI, CIA, and Bush administration, knew with absolute certainty that al-Qaeda was planning to launch a major attack on the United States before the end of 2001. And they knew that five-man hijacking teams would commandeer American commercial jetliners and crash them, kamikaze style, into the twin towers of the World Trade Center.

"They don't have any excuse because the information was in their lap and they didn't do anything to prevent it."

-- Senator Richard Shelby.

Not only was the information in their lap, but some of the 9/11 hijackers may have been in their pocket. We know that the CIA and bin Laden formed an association in 1979 (if not sooner) and that his mission was to recruit Arab-Muslim volunteers for Afghan's resistance against the Red Army (37,38). Despite official denials. there is considerable evidence that "five of the alleged hijackers ... received training at secure U.S. military installations" (39). We know that the Reagan-Bush administration wanted to assassinate Libyan President, Moamar Gadafy and that 10 years later, in 1996 bin Laden would be hired by British Intelligence to assassinate Gadafy (40).

That same year. bin Laden. who was losing millions of dollars in his many business ventures in Sudan. left his troubles behind. In 1996. at the urgings of the U.S. and the Saudi royal family. bin Laden moved to Afghanistan. where he then proceeded to buy influence and power -- courtesy of tens of millions of dollars being funneled to him via his many friends in the U.S. and the Saudi royal family.

"This is not jihad. This is strictly business"

-- Osama bin Laden (41).

It has also been reported by independent intelligence sources that bin Laden has frequently met with CIA agents, and that he met again with a CIA agent in July, 2001 and provided details of the coming 9/11 attack (42). Attorney General John Ashcroft broke with tradition and stopped flying commercial jets after that meeting (43).

And we know that the CIA had been tracking and closely monitoring several of the 9/11 hijackers since 1999 (44). We know that the CIA tracked and then met with and debriefed one of the 9/11 hijackers in January and February of 2001 (45). We know that the CIA was monitoring the phone conversations of several of the 9/11 hijackers during which the coming attack was discussed (46). We know the CIA as well as top officials in the FBI sabotaged and actively interfered with the investigative efforts of FBI field agents who were on the verge of uncovering the 9/11 plot (47,48).

And we know that Hitler's SS employed similar tactics in 1939, training and employing "terrorists" who attacked German targets, which "justified" Hitler's war on Poland (1,2,3).

And we know that the CIA recruited thousands of Nazis and SS leaders following the war, and has repeatedly relied on Nazi tactics to meet its objectives and those of big business including the oil industry (9,13,20).

In the days before the attack, the CIA tape recorded 9/11 hijacker, Mohammed Atta as he described by phone to a known al-Qaeda leader, the upcoming attack and gave that date on which it would occur: September 11, 2001 (46).

By law, Atta and fellow 9/11 hijacker, Marwan Al-Shehhi, should have never been granted visas or allowed into the country. Atta had been implicated in previous terrorist attacks and he had allegedly met with a senior Iraqi intelligence officer (46,49). Atta and al-Shehhi had also been tracked, by the CIA, to Afghanistan and Osama bin Laden's terrorist training camps (50). And yet, in the months prior to 9/11 they were allowed to continue their activities in this country unhindered; activities which included flight training.

Atta and Marwan were not alone. Several of the other hijackers had also been granted visas and allowed into this country in the weeks and months before 9/11 although they were known to be directly associated with bin Laden's al-Qaeda (46,49).

The CIA had been monitoring two of the 9/11 hijackers, Khalid al-Midhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi since at least January 2000 (46). Both men, as the CIA knew, were linked to al-Qaeda and had met with Osama bin Laden. In fact the CIA monitored their movements in Afghanistan and then tracked them to Malaysia, where they were photographed attending an al-Qaeda conference speaking with a number of al-Qaeda operatives. And then, the CIA tracked both men from Malaysia to the United States where they took up residence in San Diego, renting a room in the house of an FBI informer (46). These two terrorists then proceeded, for the next 18 months. to move about freely and to hold meetings with at least six of the other hijackers. including Mohammed Atta and Hani Hanjour. Hanjour would later hijack American Airlines Flight 77.

Yet another 9/11 hijacker, Ziad al-Jarrah had even been questioned by the CIA about "his terrorist activities" after spending three weeks at an al-Qaeda training camp in Afghanistan. The CIA had closely monitored his movements, and then questioned. debriefed, and then allowed al-Jarrah to travel to the United States (50). On 9/11, Ziad al-Jarrah piloted the hijacked jet that crashed in Pennsylvania.

Top officials in the FBI. CIA. and other U.S. intelligence agencies had known since the year 2000, that individuals known or suspected to be linked with bin Laden or other terrorists groups, had been slipping into the country. and were planning on hijacking and crashing commercial jetliners into U.S. cities (46,49).

They also knew that suspected terrorists on the FBI's "watch list" were receiving flight training. And they knew that men on their "watch list" were holding late night meetings that were attended by other men who were being watched (46,49).

In fact eight of those on the FBI"s watch list lived at the same address as two of the 9/11 hijackers: Hamza al-Ghamdi and Ahmed al-Ghamdi. All ten men shared a dormitory at Flight Safety International -- a flight school in Vero Beach -- and were training to be pilots. Hamza and Ahmed were on the jet that hit the south Tower of the World Trade Center (46,49).

Yet another certified pilot on the FBI's watch list shared an address in Daytona Beach with Waleed al-Shehri. a hijacker on the flight that struck the north Tower of the World Trade Center. Also at that address: Saeed al-Ghamdi. a hijacker on the flight that crashed in Pennsylvania (46,49).

Top officials in the FBI, CIA. and Bush administration, not only knew of this activity. they acted, in the words of FBI agents, Colleen Rowley (47) and O'Neil (48), to "block," "sabotage" and interfere with the investigative efforts of FBI agents, including those who were on the verge of uncovering the plot.

For example, in July of 2001. Phoenix FBI agent, Kenneth Williams (51), submitted a five page report to FBI Headquarters that linked a number of Middle Eastern flight students to Osama bin Laden and to a radical British Islamic group, Al-Muhajiroun. He also discovered that one of the flight school students had communicated with Abu Zubaydah, one of bin Laden's top aides. He recommended that the FBI immediately begin canvassing flight schools in order to identify any suspected terrorists.

FBI headquarters turned down his request (46).

Top FBI officials then interfered with the investigative efforts of Minneapolis FBI agents who believed they had uncovered a plot to attack the World Trade Center (47).

The Minneapolis offices asked for a warrant to search the computer and personal effects of Zacarias Moussaoui who had been arrested by FBI agents on August 15 of 2001, just weeks before the 9/11 attack (47,49). Moussaoui had been requesting training in a Boeing 747 simulator. However, he had no interest in learning about landings or takeoffs. According to an instructor at the flight school: "He just wanted to learn to steer the plane, which was very odd."

Instead, the warrant was rewritten by headquarters, critical information was deleted (47), and was then rejected by the same top level FBI officials who had rejected the William's memo which warned of a similar terrorist attack (46).

As detailed by Coleen Rowley, a senior FBI agent in the Minneapolis office, in a 13 page memo sent to FBI Director Mueller, FBI officials instead "blocked" and "sabotaged" their investigation, and altered and deleted critical information so that a warrant would not and could not be issued (41). She accused Mueller and FBI headquarters of sabotaging and blocking the investigation, and of engaging in a "cover up" for "political reasons."

What political reasons?

Oil. Trillions of dollars in oil.

Coleen Rowley (47) went on to note that other agents were accusing FBI headquarters of "deliberate" sabotage. Comments "were actually made that the key FBIHQ personnel had to be spies or moles ... who were actually working for Osama Bin Laden."


The CIA and Bush administration knew about the attack in advance, they allowed known al-Qaeda terrorists to come to this country and move about freely, they interfered with the investigative efforts of those FBI agents who threatened to uncover the plot, and they knew that the attack of 9/11 would be immediately followed by biological terrorism, i.e. letters containing weapons-grade anthrax.

On the morning of 9/11, top Bush administration officials and support staff, began taking the anthrax-antibiotic Cipro, weeks before the first anthrax attacks became public (52).

Bush administration officials not only knew in advance about the anthrax and that the World Trade Center would be attacked on 9/11 they welcomed the attacks which is why these same officials conspired to block and sabotage the efforts of FBI field agents who were on the verge of uncovering the 9/11 plot.

The claims by the intelligence community that they "failed to connect the dots" is an absurdity.

"I don't believe any longer that it's a matter of connecting the dots. I think they had a veritable blueprint and we want to know why they didn't act on it."

-- Republican Senator Arlen Specter, 6/6/ 2002.

Top CIA and FBI officials. and members of the Bush administration. failed to connect the dots because they are the dots.

The terrorist assault of 9/11 would provide the Bush administration and their associates in the oil and defense industries, with the justification for war and the opportunity to build a pipeline across Afghanistan in order to gain access to the multi-trillion dollars in oil that lay just beyond Afghanistan's northern border.

Iraq would be next.

Terrorism, of course, is not just about oil and money, but power. As will be detailed in later chapters, the CIA and thus the American government, have employed terrorism for decades in order to topple left-wing leaders and bring to power right-wing governments in their place. We should thus not be surprised to discover that the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack on the United States was also in the best interests of a right wing government -- that of George W. Bush.

"We expect to get votes in the fall because of the War on Terrorism."

-- Ari Fleischer, Bush White House Spokesman.

"Bush Adviser Suggests War as Campaign Theme."

-- New York Times, 1/19/02

Identical political strategies were used and implemented by Nazis in 1933. "It's a classic tactic. It's one that Hitler also used." -- Herta Daubler-Gmelin, Germany's Justice Minister, 9/17/2002.



1). Heinz Hohne. The Order of the Death's Head." Ballantine, New York. 1967.

2). J. Toland. "Adolf Hitler," Doubleday, New York, 1976

3). W. L. Shirer. "The Rise & Fall of the Third Reich." Fawcett World Library, New York, 1960.

4). John Loftus and Mark Aarons. "The Secret War Against The Jews" St. Martins Press, New York, 1994; Charles Higham, "Trading with the Enemy: An Expose of the Nazi-American Money Plot 1933-1949," Delacorte Press, 1983.

5). Webster, G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin, "George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography," The Executive Intelligence Review.

6). Goebell's Diaries.

7). Anthony Sutton, "America's Secret Establishment: An introduction to The Order of Skull & Bones" Liberty House, New York. 1986; Ron Rosenbaum, "The Last Secrets of Skull and Bones," Esquire Magazine, September, 1977; Peggy Alder-Robohm, "Skull and Bones -- Bush's Boy's Club," Covert Action Quarterly No. 33, 1990;

John Schrag, "Skeleton in His Closet," Willamette Week, September 19-25, 1991; David W. Dunlap, "Yale Society Resists Peeks Into Its Crypt," New York Times, 11/4/88

8). Anthony Sutton, "America's Secret Establishment: An introduction to The Order of Skull & Bones" Liberty House, New York. 1986; Peggy Alder-Robohm, "Skull and Bones -- Bush's Boy's Club," Covert Action Quarterly No. 33, 1990; John Schrag, "Skeleton in His Closet," Willamette Week, September 19-25, 1991.

9). Russ Bellant "Old Nazis, The New Right And The Republican Party." South End Press. Boston, 1991. Charles Higham, "Trading with the Enemy: An Expose of the Nazi-American Money Plot, 1933-1949," Delecorte Press, New York, 1983

10). Prescott Bush acknowledged his partnership with Frick. in a March 19, 1934, letter to Averell Harriman. Prescott Bush. Bush, who was director of the German Steel Trust's Union Banking Corporation was concerned about a problem which had developed in the Flick partnership. See also Webster G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin, "George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography," The Executive Intelligence Review; John Loftus and Mark Aarons. "The Secret War Against The Jews" St. Martins Press, New York. 1994.

11). As detailed by Robert Lederman in the Philadelphia City Paper (1/18/01) "banks and shipping companies operated by the Bush family" invested millions of dollars into IG Farben. It is IG Farben. which produced the poison gas. Zyklon B which was used to murder Jews. Gypsies. Russians and so on. IG Farben built and operated. in conjunction with Himmler's SS. more than 40 concentration camps. including Auschwitz.

12). On Oct. 20, 1942, under the Trading with the Enemy Act, the U.S. government ordered the seizure of Nazi German banking operations in New York City which were being directed by Prescott Bush. including the Union Banking Corporation. in which Bush was a director. The U.S. Alien Property Custodian seized Union Banking Corp.'s stock shares, all of which were owned by Prescott Bush. E. Roland. Bunny Harriman. and three Nazis. and two other Bush associates (see Office of Alien Property Custodian Vesting Order No. 248. Vesting Order No. 259. Vesting Order No. 261, Vesting Order No. 370). Vesting Order No. 248 noted that the Union Banking Corporation was run as a front for the "Thyssen family" of "Germany" and designated "Thyssen" as "nationals ... of a designated enemy country," See also testimony of Capt. Frederick C. Mensing. John Schroeder. Paul von Lilienfeld-Toal. "Investigation of Nazi Propaganda Activities and Investigation of Certain Other Propaganda Activities:' Public Hearings before A Subcommittee of the Special Committee on Un-American Activities. United States House of Representatives. Seventy Third Congress. New York City. July 9-12, 1934 -- Hearings No. 73-NY-7, Washington: U.S. Govt. Printing Office. 1934.

13). Prescott Bush. the vice-president of Harriman and Co. and president of Union Banking. became. In 1929 became a director and chief financial officer for Dresser industries which supplied oil-related equipment to the Rockefeller Standard Oil Company. Prescott Bush was also one of the directors of the Hamburg-Amerika line. Hamburg-Amerika Line. was a Nazi front-company whose partners included I.G. Farben. Emil Helfferich was the chairman of Hamburg-Amerika as well as chairman of Standard Oil's German subsidiaries. Standard Oil provided expertise to I.G. Farben including the know how to make leaded gasoline. As detailed in An I.G. Farben memo: "Since the beginning of the war we have been in a position to produce lead tetraethyl solely because. a short time before the outbreak of the war. the Americans had established plants for us ready for production and supplied us with all available experience. In this manner we did not need to perform the difficult work of development because we could start production right away on the basis of all the experience that the Americans had for years." In another I.G. Farben memo Standard Oil's assistance in procuring $20 million worth of aviation fuel and lubricants is acknowledged: 'The fact that we actually succeeded by means of the most difficult negotiations in buying the quantity desired by our government... and transporting it to Germany, was made possible only through the aid of the Standard Oil Co." At the completion of WWII, IG Farben was split up by the Allies into different pharmaceutical companies, the best known of which is Bayer. Currently, Bayer in a major investor in the Carlyle Group, a defense related investment group which is chaired by former Reagan-Bush secretary of Defense, Frank Carlucci, and which counts George H.W. Bush as among it most prominent stockholders. At the completion of WWII, when the Rockefeller-IG Farben relationship was finally brought to light, including the fact that IG Farben owned 30% of Standard Oil stock, the company hired lawyer Allen Dulles to represent it before congress and Federal Court. Allen Dulles would later become the first Director of the C.I.A. Dulles was also in business with Brown Brothers and was a board member of a Nazibank, the Schroeder Bank.

14). Prescott Bush was director of the German Steel Trust's Union Banking Corporation. Prescott Bush, George Walker (Prescott Bush's father- in-law) and their associates owned controlling shares of Consolidated Silesian Steel, and Bush served as President of Union Banking and a senior partner in Brown Brothers, and together these companies controlled and directed the North American operations of the Hamburg-Amerika Line, as well as Consolidated Silesian Steel (see Consolidated Silesian Steel Corporation - Meeting of Board of Directors, Oct. 31, 1930; Harriman papers, Library of Congress; John A. Kouwenhouven, "Partners in Banking. Brown Brothers Harriman," Doubleday & Co., Garden City, 1969. Andrew Boyle, "Montagu Norman," Cassell, London, 1967. Sir Henry Clay, "Lord Norman," MacMillan & Co., London, 1957).

15). Investigation of Nazi Propaganda Activities and Investigation of Certain Other Propaganda Activities, op. cit., chapter 2, 1934. See testimony of Capt. Frederick C. Mensing, John Schroeder, Paul von Lilienfeld-Toal, Public Hearings before A Subcommittee of the Special Committee on Un-American Activities, United States House of Representatives, Seventy Third Congress, New York City, July 9-12, 1934 -- Hearings No. 73-NY-7, Washington: U.S. Govt. Printing Office, 1934.

16). Congressional Record for Bush speech in the House of Representatives, Sept. 4, 1969. See also Bush Task Force testimony 8/5/69. After he became President, sterilization became his administrations "first choice" of reducing the population in third world countries (Joanne Grossi, USAID's Population Office, July 16, 1991). Under his administration, the U.S. government paid for the surgical sterilization of undesirables in Mexico, the Caribbean, Puerto Rico, Panama, Brazil, and India (Nafis Sadik, "The State of World Population." New York, United Nations Population Fund: User's Guide to the Office of Population, 1991, Office of Population. Bureau for Science and Technology. United States Agency for International Development).

17). Letters to and from Averell Harriman. the principle partner. in the Hamburg-American Line. frequently make references to eugenics. These include letters to and Dr. Charles B. Davenport. President. The International Congress of Eugenics. Cold Spring Harbor. L.I.. N.Y. (e.g .. letter of January 21. 1932 from Harriman to Davenport: I will be only too glad to put you in touch with the Hamburg-American Line." Letter of January 23, 1932 from Davinport to Harriman: "Thank you very much for the action you took which I hope will enable more of our German colleagues to come to America on the occasion of the congresses of eugenics and genetics. In 1934, congressional hearings established that Hamburg-Amerika was transporting Nazis into America who were distributing and promoting Nazi propaganda (See Investigation of Nazi Propaganda Activities and Investigation of Certain Other Propaganda Activities. U.S. Congress. 1934). See, Rockefeller Collection, Title Rockefeller/Eugenics, Stacking Code GC/88, AccNo 239. box I: Includes copies of correspondence from the Rockefeller Family Archives, pertaining to support given to the English Eugenics Society for their researches in birth control and eugenics. 1934-1940. See also, Stefan Kuhl, "The Nazi Connection: Eugenics. American Racism. and German National Socialism," Oxford Univ Press. 2002. As detailed in this book. American scientists. social theorists. and America's royal families. inspired and applauded Nazi racist ideology. A 1907 Indiana law permitting the sterilization of the mentally handicapped predated and served as a model for Germany's 1933 Law on Preventing Hereditarily III Progeny. The 1924 American Immigration Restriction Act was praised by Adolf Hitler in Mein Kampf. With the help of the Harrimans and Rockefellers. German theorists came to the U.S. seeking international legitimacy. The Rockefeller Foundation and Jewish philanthropist James Loeb helped fund major eugenics institutes in Germany. including the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology. Eugenics and Human Heredity. See also Wendy Kline, "Building a Better Race: Gender. Sexuality. and Eugenics from the Turn of the Century to the Baby Boom," University of California Press. 2001: Philip R. Reilly. Gerald Grob, "The Surgical Solution: A History of Involuntary Sterilization in the United States:' Johns Hopkins Univ Press. 1991.

18). Washington Jewish Week. 9/8/1988: David Lee Preston. Philadelphia Inquirer. "Fired Bush backer one of several with possible Nazi links" 9/10/1988.

19). R. Harris Smith. "OSS: The Secret History of America's First Central Intelligence Agency," University of California Press. 1972: Fletcher Prouty, "The Secret Team: The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the U.S. and the World," Prentice Hall, 1973; Jonathan Kwitney, "The Crimes of Patriots: A True Tale of Dope, Dirty Money & the CIA," WW Norton, 1987; Rodney Stich, "Defrauding America: A Pattern Of Related Scandals -- Dirty Secrets Of The CIA And Other Government Operations," Diablo Western Press, 1993; William Blum, "Killing Hope: US Military and CIA Intervention Since WWII," Common Courage Press, 1995.

20). BBC News, 9/17/2001; UPI, "CIA says Nazi general was intelligence source" 9/20/2000. According to the UPI story, "the National Archives said that the CIA had filed an affidavit in U.S. District Court "acknowledging an intelligence relationship with German General Reinhard Gehlen that it has kept secret for 50 years. The CIA's announcement marks the first acknowledgment by that agency that it had any relationship with Gehlen and opens the way for declassification of records about the relationship," the National Archives said. Gehlen was Hitler's senior intelligence officer on the Eastern Front during the war and transferred his expertise and contacts to the U.S. as World War II reached its climax. The CIA's acknowledgment of its dealings with Gehlen came in a response to an appeal of a Freedom of Information Act request by researcher Carl Oglesby, the National Archives said. See also Linda Hunt "Secret Agenda: The United States Government, Nazi Scientist and Project Paperclip, 1945 to 1990," St. Martin's Press, 1991; Charles Higham, "American Swastika: The Shocking Story of Nazi Collaborators in Our Midst from 1933 to the Present Day," Doubleday, 1985.

21). BBC News 4/28/2001.

22). Rodney Stich, "Defrauding America: A Pattern Of Related Scandals - Dirty Secrets Of The CIA And Other Government Operations," Diablo Western Press, 1993; Jonathan Kwitney, "The Crimes of Patriots: A True Tale of Dope, Dirty Money & the CIA," W.W. Norton, 1987.

23. Adolf Hitler, "Mein Kampf."

24). The Dulles brothers (John Foster, later Secretary of State, and Allen, later director of the CIA) represented the interests of Bush, Harriman, Rockefeller, and other Nazi collaborators. Allen Dulles had also negotiated business deals between the "Bonesmen" and Hitler's Nazis. The Nazis considered Dulles to be "the most influential White House man in Europe" and Dulles had numerous meetings with top members of the SS. In January of 1943, Dulles, acting as a representative of the United States, began negotiating with top Nazis, and was urging that Hitler be deposed and replaced by SS chief Himmler. The white House and Himmler were agreeable. "The stumbling block was the question of how the SS could get rid of Hitler." Himmler wished to make Hitler an "honorary president."

The entire plan of replacing Hitler, however, when awry, when, according to Dulles. Hitler became aware of the plan due to "some Allied agency neither American or British."

Himmler panicked.

Dulles then began negotiating with Obergruppenfuhrer Karl Wolff. Himmler's "senior aid" and "Head of his Personal Staff: he knew all the murkiest secrets of SS headquarters."

This too came to naught.

By this late stage of the game. it was no clear that Germany would lose the War. It would be impossible to replace Hitler with Himmler, the leader of Germanys secret order of Skull and Bones, the SS -- the "Brotherhood of Death."

Allen Dulles, in his book "The Secret Surrender," repeatedly refers to "good" Nazis, such as Standartenfuehrer Eugen Dollmann. Himmler's representative in Rome, and SS Obergruppenfuehrer Karl Wolff, the High SS and Police Leader of Northern Italy. In 1938, this "good" Nazi, Karl Wolff played a major role in the atrocities of "Kristallnacht," in November of 1938, during which 20.000 Jews were attacked and sent to concentration camps. After the conquest of Poland. Wolf sent a letter to Himmler which read as follows: "For your letter of July 28th. 1942. I thank you also in the name of the Reichsfuehrer SS -- sincerely. With particular joy I noted your assurance that for two weeks now a train has been carrying. every day, 5000 members of the Chosen People to Treblinka. so that we are now in a position to carry through this 'population movement.' With best regards and Heil Hitler!" Thus, in the mind of Dulles and his CIA, there are "good" sadists and mass murderers such as Wolff and even SS chief, Himmler, and those that are bad.

25). From 1927 to 1941, Dulles worked as lawyer and international finance specialist for Sullivan & Cromwell. a Wall Street law firm in New York. Dulles performed work for Bush. Harriman. and Rockefeller in setting up business relationships with the Nazis and with top Nazi industrialists and played a pivotal role in promoting U.S.-Nazi corporate relations. Allen was also legal counsel for Standard Oil and the Nazi's IG Farben, co-owned by the Rockefellers. Dulles was recruited by OSS intelligence chief Colonel William J. Donovan. in 1941. and was posted to Berne. Switzerland. Dulles was picked because of his great expertise on Germany which he acquired through his law firm during the 1930s. From October 1942 to May 1945, he gathered intelligence information on Nazi Germany related to all aspects of the war effort, including as it pertains to commerce and industry. There have been suggestions that President Roosevelt suspected that Dulles was a traitor and had his New York "Office of Coordinator of Information" wiretapped 1941-42. Dulles as well as Bush were both suspected of treachery by Roosevelt, and this led to the seizure of Bush-Dulles- linked firms, like Bush's Union Banking Corp., were seized under the Trading with the Enemy Act (1942). It is also rumored that Roosevelt intended to have Dulles, Bush, and their associates charged with treason once the war ended, but his plan died with him in 1945. In 1951, Dulles was appointed Deputy Director of the nascent Central Intelligence Agency, and in 1953 he was appointed CIA Director by President Dwight D. Eisenhower. In that capacity, Allen Dulles orchestrated a number of remarkable covert intelligence operations including the overthrow of Iranian nationalist leader Mohammed Mossagdeh in 1953, and the overthrow of Guatemalan leader Guilenno Arbenz in 1954. Dulles and his brother, John, were deeply linked to the United Fruit Company and when the company assets in Guatemala were nationalized, Dulles orchestrated the overthrow of the Guatemala leader and the ruthless mass murder of Guatemalian peasants who had been demanding a fair wage. See also, William Blum, "Killing Hope: US Military and CIA Intervention Since WWII," Common Courage Press, 1995.

26). OFFICE OF U.S. CHIEF OF COUNSEL FOR PROSECUTION OF AXIS CRIMINALITY No. 792-PS 17 September 1945 Source of Original OKW Files, Flensburg [Excerpt] LEADS: CANARIS, IBN SAUD, GRAND MUFTI. SUMMARY OF RELEVANT POINTS (with page references): 1. Only through the funds made available by Germany to the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem was it possible to carry out the revolt in Palestine. (Page 1). 2. Germany will keep up the connection with the Grand Mufti. Weapons will be stored for the Mufti with Ibn Saud in Arabia. (Page 2). 3. Ibn Saud himself has close connections with the Grand Mufti and the revolting circles in TransJordan. (Page 2). 4. To be able to carry out our work one of Germany's agents will be placed in Cairo (Page 3). 5. The document is undated but obviously written before the outbreak of the war in 1939. It is not signed. Analyst Landmann Doc. No. 792-PS.

27). Peter Schweizer, "Victory-The Reagan Administration's Secret Strategy that Hastened the Collapse of the Soviet Union."

28). Le Nouvel Observateur, 11/15-21/1998, see also, Bill Blum, "Killing Hope," Common Courage Press.

29). Jean Charles Brisard & Guillaume Dasquie, "Bin Laden: The Forbidden Truth." These two French Intelligence analysts report that the U.S. government saw the Taliban regime "as a source of stability in Central Asia that would enable the construction of an oil pipeline across Central Asia" from the rich oil fields in Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, through Afghanistan and Pakistan, to the Indian Ocean. President Bush, in fact, made public statements to that effect, and his administration, in March, announced it was providing $43 million dollars to the Taliban and this was duly reported by the American media. Brisard & Guillaume Dasquie reported that he Bush Administration began to negotiate with the Taliban immediately after coming into power in February and held a number of meetings in Washington. Berlin and Islamabad. with the last and final meeting taking place in August. five weeks before the attacks on New York. That some of these meetings took place has been confirmed by Niaz A. Naik. former Pakistani Secretary for foreign affairs.

30). Le Figaro 10/31/2001.

31). Hamid Algar, "Wahhabism: A Critical Essay," Islamic Publications International. 2002; SaOd K. Aburish. "A Brutal Friendship: The West and the Arab Elite:' St. Martins Press. 1997: Ahmed Rashid. "Jihad: The Rise of Militant Islam in Central Asia:' Yale Univ Press. 2002.

32). Stephen Schwartz. "The Two Faces of Islam." Double Day, 2002.

33). Washington Post. "Bush: Out of These Troubled Times ... a New World Order." 9/12/1990; Washington Post. "Bush's Talk of a 'New World Order:' Foreign Policy Tool or Mere Slogan?" 5/26/1991.

34). BBC News. 6/11/01; Wall Street Journal. 9/19/2001: Hindustani Times, 9/28/01:

35). Daniel Golden. James Bandler. Marcus Walker. "Bin Laden Family Could Profit From a Jump In Defense Spending Due to Ties to U.S. Bank." Wall Street Journal. 9/27/2001; Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel Larry Klayman. 9/28/01: New York Times. "As the War Shifts Alliances. Oil Deals Follow," 12/15/2001. According to the New York Times: "The State Department is exploring the potential for post-Taliban energy projects in the region. which has more than 6 percent of the world's proven oil reserves and almost 40 percent of its gas reserves. Secretary of State Colin L. Powell said he was particularly impressed with the money that American oil companies were investing there. He estimated that $200 billion could flow into Kazakhstan during the next 5 to 10 years."

36). Dick Cheney (Vice President). former chairman. Halliburton. one of the top companies providing service to the oil industry. Haliburton gave Cheney $34 million as a farewell gift when he left the company; Condoleezza Rice (National Security Advisor), former board member. Chevron Oil. Chevron named one of their oil supertankers the "SS Condoleezza Rice." Richard Armitage (Dept. of State). formerly of UNOCAL oil: Zalmay Khalilzad (National Security Council) a top advisor to UNOCAL who became undersecretary of defense during the first Bush administration: and the list goes on.

37). Le Figaro 10/31/2001.

38). Jean Charles Brisard & Guillaume Dasquie. "Bin Laden: The Forbidden Truth."

39). Newsweek 9/15/2001. The FBI and military claim that the 9/11 hijackers stole the identities of these men who are all Saudi nationals. However, the 9/11 hijackers were Saudi nationals. and their names are identical to those who underwent military training in the U.S. Neither the military, FBI, or CIA, has been able to produce or identify anyone else with those names. The obvious conclusion is that five of the hijackers received training in the United States at U.S. military bases.

40). According to David Shayler, an MIS British intelligence agent, and as reported by French Intelligence Analysts, Jean Charles Brisard & Guillaume Dasquie, in their book, "Bin Laden: The Forbidden Truth," bin Laden was providing leadership and financial support to an Islamic fundamentalist group called al-Muqatila The membership of al-Muqatila consisted entirely of Libyans who had been recruited by bin Laden, to fight and conduct terrorist attacks against the Soviets during the 19808 and early 1990s -- terrorist attacks which were funded by the CIA. In 1996, bin Laden ordered al-Muqatila to assassinate Gadafy. The assassination plot failed. Gadafy suspected that the assassination attempt had been orchestrated by the CIA and British Intelligence, and he also feared that bin Laden was attempting to use al-Muqatila to conduct terrorist attacks against Western targets that could then be blamed on Libya. Shayler, Brisard, and Dasquie, report that in March, 1998, Libya issued an international arrest warrant against bin Laden and the leadership of al-Muqatila. The warrant was sent by the Libyan interior ministry to Interpol on March 16th, 1998, and accused bin Laden and al-Muqatila of murdering two German intelligence agents, Silvan Becker and his wife, in 1994. According to former MIS agent David Shayler, the warrant was ignored by the CIA and British intelligence because of British collaboration with al-Muqatila.

41). United States v. Usama bin Laden et al., S (7) 98 Cr. 1023 (LBS), Sworn testimony of Essam Al-Ridi at the Southern District Court of New York, February 14,2001; See also, United States District Court, Southern District of New York, "United States of America v Ali Mohamed."

42). Le Figaro, 10/3112001; United Press International, 11/01/2001; Radio France International, 11/1/2001.

43). On July 26, 2001 General, John Ashcroft broke with tradition and refused to ever again fly on any commercial jets. When questioned by CBS News correspondent Jim Stewart, about this unusual move, the Justice Dept. issued a terse reply: "Because of a "threat assessment" by the FBI. Yet when pressed by CBS, "neither the FBI nor the Justice Department ... would identify what the threat was, when it was detected or who made it." When Ashcroft was directly asked by reporters about the "threat" he replied with a straight face: "Frankly, I don't," know anything about it, he told reporters.

44). Newsweek, 6/4/2002; ABC News, 6/412002; CNN, 8/1/2002. Confirmed before joint House and Senate Intelligence Committees, United States Congress, June-September 2002. As reported by Newsweek, 6/4/2002 and ABC News. 6/4/2002, and as reported before joint House and Senate Intelligence Committees. United States Congress. the CIA tracked two of the 9/11 hijackers (al-Midhar and al-Hamzi) from Malaysia to the United States. and informed the FBI of their arrival in the U.S. in January 2000. Both men had flown directly to San Diego, a principal U.S. Naval base. However. neither CIA did not notify Immigration until 18 months later. in August of 2001. In June 2001. the State Depanment issued al- Midhar a multi-entry visa even though the FBI and CIA knew he was a suspected terrorist. It is noteworthy that both men arrived at a Naval base and that 10 months later a Navy ship. the USS Cole was bombed. However, almost 11 more months would go by before the CIA notified Immigration, but by then, they had disappeared. Also of significance, both men, while living in San Diego, were under the surveillance of an FBI informer who provided the FBI with details about their activities. As of October, 2002. the FBI and Justice Department have refused all demands by the joint House and Senate Intelligence Committees, to interview the informer or the FBI agent he reported to (see New York Times. 10/6/2002 "The Inquiry: Congress Seeks F.B.I. Data on Informer; F.B.I. Resists").

45). CNN, 8/1/2002. reported that "Jarrah had spent at least three weeks in January 2001 at an al-Qaeda training camp in Afghanistan." Upon completing his terrorist training, the CIA. which had been monitoring his movements. requested that intelligence officials based in the United Arab Emirates question him about "his terrorist activities." According to CNN, "the CIA notified officials that he would be arriving from Pakistan on his way back to Europe." The CIA had closely monitored his movements, and then questioned, debriefed, and then allowed al-Jarrah to return to the United States. On 9/11. Ziad al-Jarrah piloted the jet that crashed in Pennsylvania.

46). Confirmed before joint House and Senate Intelligence Committees, United States Congress. June-September 2002.

47). Coleen Rowley. 13-page letter to FBI Headquarters and FBI Director, Robert Mueller, May 21, 2002; joint House and Senate Intelligence Committees, United States Congress, May 2002. University Press. "America Attacked," University Press, California, October 11, 2001.

48) Jean Charles Brisard & Guillaume Dasquie. "Bin Laden: The Forbidden Truth." Paris.

49). Sara Jess et al.. "America Attacked," University Press, California, October 11, 2001.

50). CNN, 8/1/2002.

51). Kenneth Williams, "Phoenix Memo," July 1, 2001: joint House and Senate Intelligence Committees, United States Congress, May 2002.

52). Judicial Watch. 6/7/2002; Associated Press. "White House Mail Machine Has Anthrax," 10/23/2001.
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Postby admin » Sat Aug 01, 2015 2:35 am



"We must speak the truth about terror. Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories concerning the attacks of September 11, malicious lies that attempt to shift the blame away from the terrorists themselves, away from the guilty."

-- George W. Bush speaking before the UN General Assembly 11/10/2001

"Conspirators are successful because the moral citizen cannot accept the conclusion that other individuals would actually wish to create incredibly destructive acts against their fellow citizens."

-- Ralph Epperson (the Unseen Hand).

"Some of the biggest men in the U.S. in the fields of commerce and manufacturing know that there is a power so organized, so subtle, so complete, so pervasive that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it."

-- President Woodrow Wilson, 28th President of the USA


The philosophical and political roots of the 9/11 conspiracy do not have their source in Afghanistan or from within the inner sanctum of al-Qaeda or the current Bush administration, but instead can be traced backwards in time, to Berlin, Germany, and the year 1823.

It was in 1823 that Hegel, the great German philosopher and political scientist, proposed his dialectic (1), an idea that spread like a virus from the University of Berlin, to Yale college -- the alma matter of George W. Bush, his father, George H.W. Bush, and grand-father, Prescott Bush.

Hegel proposed and developed the concept of "Controlled Conflict." Hegel argued "that all historical events emerge from a conflict between opposing forces" and that change is a product of conflict between two opposing forces that produced such change. However, by creating. manipulating and controlling that conflict, Hegel proposed, it was possible to create a specific end result: "Conflict produces change, and controlled conflict produces controlled change." The controlled change is referred to as a "synthesis" such that in the end. both opposing forces undergo change and cease to exist except as an altered state (1).

By understanding and putting this principle to work. Hegel argued. one could create a specific end result and shape world history, simply by creating and managing a controlled conflict between opposing parties and opposing states.

Hegel also believed the state to be representative of the Divine Will. He argued that the end result of a controlled conflict was a product of reason and Divine Will, and had little or nothing to do with the will of the masses whose purpose was simply to obey.

Hegel's views were also consistent with and incorporated the theology of Martin Luther, the founder of Protestantism.

Luther preached that the true Christian owes absolute authority to the State (2). It is not for the people to decide what is right or wrong. but merely to obey.

Adolf Hitler deeply admired Luther, and considered the Protestants to be "submissive as dogs, and they sweat with embarrassment when you talk to them."

When the German peasants revolted against the state in 1525, Luther advised the princes to act ruthlessly against these "mad dogs."

Luther's brand of Protestantism considered the state to be a representative of the will of God on earth. Thus the Protestant Church in Germany has always stood up for the advancement of German nationalism and the interests of the state. Since its inception Protestant pastors have always stood solidly behind the King, the Junkers, and the Army, until 1918 when the King was overthrown: an event which made the Weimar Republic an enemy of the Protestant Church (3).

Thus, the German Protestant Church, being nationalistic, antidemocratic, and a willing instrument of the state, was easy to Nazify. though there was also opposition (3 -- pp 326-327).

Adolf Hitler considered Luther to be "one of my spiritual ancestors. I have sought to carry out the ideas of this man of God. to the smallest detail." Indeed. both Hitler and Luther believed the state to be the personification of divine will, and both men condemned the Jews "and their lies."

"Throughout the history of Germany," Luther once said, "the Jews have exploited and sought to enslave honest Germans. While Germans toiled, the Jews fleece us of our money and goods and then sit around the stove and fart."

Hitler also agreed with Luther's solution to "the Jewish problem." According to Luther (2): "First set fire to their synagogues ... raze and destroy their schools ... take away their prayer books and Talmudic writings, in which adultery, lies, and sex with children is taught. Forbid that Rabbis be allowed to teach. Take away their cash and silver. Let whosoever throw brimstone and pitch upon them and let them be driven like mad dogs from the land."

To destroy the Jews, would also be in keeping with the Nazi's version of eugenics: the extermination of a dangerous "subhuman" race.

Hitler celebrated Luther's birth date by unleashing his storm troopers on November 9 and 10, 1938. The Nazis, funded by bankers, industrialists, Standard Oil and Prescott Bush and associates (4) destroyed Jewish business, and set fire to their synagogues and schools -- the so called Kristallnacht (3,5,6): "The Night of Broken Glass."

Though it is true that almost half of the Protestant clergy and leadership initially opposed Hitler's attempts to Nazify the Protestant church (3), Nazi ideology is deeply rooted in Lutherism and Hegelian thought. Both Luther (2) and Hegel (1) saw the state as being an instrument of God.

As explained by Hegel (1): "The march of God in history is the cause of the existence of states, their foundation is the power of Reason realizing itself as will. Every state, whatever it be, participates in the Divine essence. The State is not the work of human art, only Reason could produce it."

Because the State is also God and a representative of absolute pure reason, it is the absolute duty of all citizens to serve God and Reason by serving the State. Democracy, individualism, morality, the will of the masses are irrelevant. According to Hegel, the individual can only find freedom through worship and utter obedience to the State (1).

Hitler believed that he had been chosen by "divine providence" to lead the state ( Believing himself to have been chosen by God. and that he was acting as an instrument of God. Hitler-and his Nazi followers who shared these beliefs -- also believed that the Nazi state should act according to Hitler's will. and Hitler's will alone.

As summed up by Rudolf Hess: "Hitler is Germany and Germany is Hitler!"

"The individual is nothing."

-- Adolf Hitler.

"If men were given complete liberty of action, they would immediately behave like apes. Slacken the reins of authority, give more liberty to the individual, and you are driving the people along the road to decadence."

-- Adolf Hitler (7).

The philosophies of Hegel (1), Luther (2), and Hitler (7), in equating the state with Divine Will, also promotes the goal of annihilating all individuality. The individual is nothing. The individual has no rights. Morality consists solely in obedience to the state which is a manifestation of the Divine essence and the power of reason.

Democracy, therefore, is the antithesis of Hegelian thought.

As summed up by Hegel (1): "All the worth which the human being possesses, all spiritual reality, he possesses only through the State. For truth is the unity of the universal and subjective will: and the Universal is found in the State, in its laws, its universal and rational arrangements. The State is the Divine Idea as it exists on earth."

Likewise, according to Hegel, the synthesis resulting from the conflict between opposing forces and opposing states (thesis vs anti-thesis) represents the "march of God through history."

However, because God and the Divine essence is also a manifestation of reason. the use of reason to manipulate and create a controlled conflict (between "thesis" and "anti-thesis") could therefore result in the creation of a new state (Synthesis): A new world order that is divinely inspired and governed by an all powerful intellectual elite.

In the 1990s, George H.W. Bush. repeatedly announced and called for a "New World Order."


Paradoxical as it may seem, Hegel's philosophy not only provided a theoretical basis that supported Germany's Protestant religion and the most conservative and rabidly nationalist of German political movements during the 19th century, but opposing revolutionary movements of the 20th century: Marxism (8) and the rise of Nazism and Adolf Hitler (9).

Broadly considered, Hegelians can be divided into two seemingly oppositional camps: the right-wing Hegelians who promoted German/Prussian militarism and spawned Baron von Bismarck and later Adolf Hitler (9), and the left-wing Hegelians (the "scientific socialists") who provided the philosophical foundations that gave rise to Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, and thus Marxism/Communism (8).

Be it Nazi or Communist, regardless of their right- or leftward leanings, these Hegelians all share the same unifying beliefs: The supremacy of an all powerful state, the total insignificance of individuality, contempt for democracy, and the desire to create a New World Order -- a singular all powerful government which would rule the world (7,8,9).


The existence of these two opposing Hegelian-political/governmental organizations, is also Hegelian. The Hegelian dialectic envisions the participation of two opposing parties (thesis vs antithesis) who are then guided and manipulated into engaging in a controlled conflict (1). The result of this conflict between thesis and anti-thesis, is synthesis: change in the form of increased wealth, increased power, and the concentration of this power and wealth in the hands of a divinely elected elite who control the state; i.e. a New World Order.

At the turn of the 19th century, the major national powers of the world were ruled by Kings or democratically elected governments whose economies were capitalistic. Communism was as yet, a theory.

The first world war was not fought between communists and capitalists, but between kings and kings (e.g., Germany against Russia), and between kings and democratically elected governments (i.e. Germany against France, Britain and America).

As the first world war neared to a close. it became apparent that the democratic states would triumph and that the Kings of Germany and Russia would be exiled and deposed.

War and conflict is good for business. at least for those lending money or selling oil and weapons. But if the kings were deposed and replaced by democratically-elected governments, wars and thus controlled conflict. among the major powers might well become obsolete.

As the first world war drew to a close, an American bank, with direct ties to Prescott Bush and George Walker (Bush's future father-in-law), began providing loans. funds, and other assistance to Communist terrorists and Bolshevik revolutionaries who were striving to overthrow the Russian Zsar (10). In 1917, the Bolsheviks took power in Russia, and the "red terror" began. Millions of Russians were murdered by terrorists who were financed by Standard Oil and a New York investment bank. Guaranty Trust (10).

The communist government of the new Soviet Union would now be in conflict with the democratic West. as the stated goals of both were world dominion: i.e. a communist world (Thesis). or a democratic world (Anti-Thesis). Those who would finance and thus control the coming conflict, would be bankers, oil companies, and arm's merchants, and in return they would be the recipients of incredible wealth, i.e. synthesis.


With the defeat of Germany, World War I came to an end. However, although Germany's king was deposed and exiled and a democratic government was installed in his place (the Weimar Republic), the controlled conflict within Germany had just begun. Nationalists, Nazis, and monarchists battled with the Communists and the democratically elected government in order to install their own regimes in its place (3,5,6,7).

The German communists advocated the creation of a Soviet Socialist state aligned with and eventually to become a satellite of Soviet Russia. The Hitler wing of the Nationalist movement instead promised to destroy both the Weimar Republic and the German Communists. As detailed in Hitler's Mein Kampf, he also promised to destroy Communist Russia which would become, instead, a Nazi slave state (3,5,7).

The Nazis and Russian Communists not only shared the same fascist Hegelian roots but were propped up financially by some of the same individuals and organizations (10,11), including the alumni of a Yale secret society, "The Brotherhood of Death" (also known as "Skull and Bones"), e.g., the Bush family and their associates in the oil and banking industries.

Hitler and his Nazis began receiving tens of thousands of dollars from individuals, banks and business associated with Bush- Harriman and Standard Oil, as early as 1923 (12). By the late I920s until he came to power, Hitler and his Nazis were receiving millions of dollars in payments (12) -- money and assistance which kept pouring in even after Hitler declared war on Russia and America (12,13).

From the perspective of bankers and arm's merchants, there is no contradiction in providing funds to and doing business with opposing groups, organizations, or states. If both could be guided into conflict, both would require loans to buy weapons, which would trigger an arm's race, and eventually, war. And war is good for banks, oil companies, and arm's merchants.

This strategy also has Hegelian roots.

Thesis and anti-thesis = controlled conflict between opposing states: Nazi Germany vs Communist Russia. for the purposes of creating a synthesis.

Synthesis: The creation of new wealth for bankers, the armaments industry. and the financial backers of the Nazi and Communists regimes. and the creation of a "New World Order."



During the 1930s and early 1940s, the Bush family and their associates (Harriman, Rockefeller), were betting on the Nazis as were a number of other influential Americans, such as Joe Kennedy (14) and newspaper magnate William Randolf Hearst (15). Some of these men not only openly supported the Nazis, but were predicting the death of democracy (as well as Communism) and advocating a Nazi form of government for the United States.

In the 1930s and 1940s, it seemed to many that Hitler and his Nazis would finally deliver the Hegelian promise of a New World Order, ruled over by a divinely inspired and a divinely chosen, business- friendly, powerful elite (3,4).

"My presence on earth is providential. I owe it to a superior will."

-- Adolf Hitler.

Power, however, requires money. Money can be borrowed, stolen, or earned. To make the most money requires the elimination of competitors. As summed up by John D. Rockefeller: "Competition is a sin."

It was in fact the goal of the SS, also known as "The Order" and the "Brotherhood of Death" to gain monopolistic control over all forms of German industry and commerce and to employ, as slave labor, the conquered peoples of other countries (6,7) -- slaves who would be kept ignorant, impoverished, unhealthy, and uneducated. As pontificated by Hitler (7):

"What will the social order of the future be like? Comrade, I will tell you. There will be a class of overlords, after them the rank and file of the party members in hierarchical order, and then the great mass of anonymous followers, servants and workers in perpetuity, and beneath them again all the conquered foreign races, the modern slaves. And over and above all these will reign a new and exalted nobility of whom I cannot speak."

"In order to retain our domination over the people in the territories we have conquered ... we must therefore ...deprive them of any form of State organization and consequently, keep them on as Iowa cultural level as possible."

"The ideal solution would be to teach this people an elementary kind of mimicry. No special books for them! The radio will be enough to give them the essential information. Of music, they can have as much as they want. They can practice listening to the tap running. I'm against entrusting them with any work that calls for the least mental effort."

"To teach the Russians. the Ukrainians and the Kirghiz to read and write will eventually be to our own disadvantage; education will give the more intelligent among them an opportunity to study history, to acquire an historical sense and, hence, to develop political ideas which cannot but be harmful to our interests."

"A loud-speaker should be installed in each village, to provide them with odd items of news and. above all. to afford distraction. What possible use to them would a knowledge of politics or economics be? There is also no point in broadcasting any stories of their past history. All the villagers require is music, music and plenty of it. Cheerful music is a great incentive to hard work; give them plenty of opportunities to dance, and the villagers will be grateful to us."

"In the field of public health, there is no need whatsoever to extend to the subject races the benefits of our own knowledge. This would result only in an enormous increase in local populations. and I absolutely forbid the organization of any sort of hygiene or cleanliness crusades in these territories. Dentistry, too. should remain a closed book for them."

"Compulsory vaccination will be confined to Germans alone. and the doctors in the German colonies will be there solely for the purpose of looking after the German colonists. We must even try to stifle any desire for such things, by persuading them that vaccination and the like are really most dangerous!"

"I recently read an article from the pen of some Herr Doktor advocating the prohibition of the sale in the occupied territories of contraceptives. If any criminal lunatic should really try to introduce this measure. I'd soon have his head off! In view of the extraordinary fertility of the local inhabitants, we should be only too pleased to encourage the women and the girls to practice the arts of contraception at all times. Far from prohibiting the sale of contraceptives, therefore, we should do our utmost to encourage it."

"The local population must be given no facilities for higher education. Instruction in geography can be restricted to one single sentence: The Capital of the Reich is Berlin, a city which everyone should try to visit once in his lifetime. There is no need to teach them much more than, say, the meaning of the various road-signs. Jodl is quite right when he says that notices in the Ukrainian language 'Beware of the Trains' are superfluous; what on earth does it matter if one or two more locals get run over by the trains?"

"As for the ridiculous hundred million Slavs, we will mould the best of them to the shape that suits us, and we will isolate the rest of them in their own pig-styes; and anyone who talks about cherishing the local inhabitant and civilizing him, goes straight off into a concentration camp!"

When Adolf Hitler spoke of a "New World Order," he envisioned a world of slaves ruled over by the Nazi elite: "The Brotherhood of Death," his SS, the high ranking membership of which consisted almost exclusively of aristocrats and the kings of industry and commerce (6,7).

"Thanks to its method of recruiting, the SS will be a nursery of rulers. In a hundred years' time from now, we'll control this whole empire without having to rack our brains to know where to find the proper men."

-- Adolf Hitler

The need for the Superman is, in its most imperative aspect, a political one. We have been driven to Proletarian Democracy by the failure of all the alternative systems; for these depended on the existence of Supermen acting as despots or oligarchs; and not only were these Supermen not always or even often forthcoming at the right moment and in an eligible social position, but when they were forthcoming they could not, except for a short time and by morally suicidal coercive methods, impose superhumanity on those whom they governed; so, by mere force of “human nature,” government by consent of the governed has supplanted the old plan of governing the citizen as a public-schoolboy is governed....

At all events Australia and Canada, which are virtually protected democratic republics, and France and the United States, which are avowedly independent democratic republics, are neither healthy, wealthy, nor wise; and they would be worse instead of better if their popular ministers were not experts in the art of dodging popular enthusiasms and duping popular ignorance....

The only fundamental and possible Socialism is the socialization of the selective breeding of Man: in other terms, of human evolution. We must eliminate the Yahoo, or his vote will wreck the commonwealth....

That may mean that we must establish a State Department of Evolution, with a seat in the Cabinet for its chief, and a revenue to defray the cost of direct State experiments, and provide inducements to private persons to achieve successful results. It may mean a private society or a chartered company for the improvement of human live stock. But for the present it is far more likely to mean a blatant repudiation of such proposals as indecent and immoral, with, nevertheless, a general secret pushing of the human will in the repudiated direction; so that all sorts of institutions and public authorities will under some pretext or other feel their way furtively towards the Superman. Mr. Graham Wallas has already ventured to suggest, as Chairman of the School Management Committee of the London School Board, that the accepted policy of the Sterilization of the Schoolmistress, however administratively convenient, is open to criticism from the national stock-breeding point of view; and this is as good an example as any of the way in which the drift towards the Superman may operate in spite of all our hypocrisies....

Even a joint stock human stud farm (piously disguised as a reformed Foundling Hospital or something of that sort) might well, under proper inspection and regulation, produce better results than our present reliance on promiscuous marriage. It may be objected that when an ordinary contractor produces stores for sale to the Government, and the Government rejects them as not up to the required standard, the condemned goods are either sold for what they will fetch or else scrapped: that is, treated as waste material; whereas if the goods consisted of human beings, all that could be done would be to let them loose or send them to the nearest workhouse. But there is nothing new in private enterprise throwing its human refuse on the cheap labor market and the workhouse; and the refuse of the new industry would presumably be better bred than the staple product of ordinary poverty....

It will have to be handled by statesmen with character enough to tell our democracy and plutocracy that statecraft does not consist in flattering their follies or applying their suburban standards of propriety to the affairs of four continents. The matter must be taken up either by the State or by some organization strong enough to impose respect upon the State....

Let those who think the whole conception of intelligent breeding absurd and scandalous ask themselves why George IV was not allowed to choose his own wife whilst any tinker could marry whom he pleased? Simply because it did not matter a rap politically whom the tinker married, whereas it mattered very much whom the king married. The way in which all considerations of the king’s personal rights, of the claims of the heart, of the sanctity of the marriage oath, and of romantic morality crumpled up before this political need shews how negligible all these apparently irresistible prejudices are when they come into conflict with the demand for quality in our rulers. We learn the same lesson from the case of the soldier, whose marriage, when it is permitted at all, is despotically controlled with a view solely to military efficiency....

On the other hand a sense of the social importance of the tinker’s marriage has been steadily growing. We have made a public matter of his wife’s health in the month after her confinement. We have taken the minds of his children out of his hands and put them into those of our State schoolmaster. We shall presently make their bodily nourishment independent of him. But they are still riff-raff; and to hand the country over to riff-raff is national suicide, since riff-raff can neither govern nor will let anyone else govern except the highest bidder of bread and circuses. There is no public enthusiast alive of twenty years’ practical democratic experience who believes in the political adequacy of the electorate or of the bodies it elects. The overthrow of the aristocrat has created the necessity for the Superman. Englishmen hate Liberty and Equality too much to understand them. But every Englishman loves and desires a pedigree....

A conference on the subject is the next step needed. It will be attended by men and women who, no longer believing that they can live for ever, are seeking for some immortal work into which they can build the best of themselves before their refuse is thrown into that arch dust destructor, the cremation furnace.

-- Man and Superman, by George Bernard Shaw

When the newly elected George H.W. Bush (and his administration) took office in 1988 and repeatedly spoke of "a new world order," and when, twelve years later, his son, President George W. Bush (and his administration) spoke the same words, these men were not addressing the American public. They were speaking to the same brotherhood which brought Hitler to power, "the Brotherhood of Death."


In 1823, Samuel Russell, a child of the Wall Street banking establishment, founded "Russell & Company" the largest opium smuggling operation in the world. Russell and Company was based in Connecticut, and in addition to Chinese tea and silk, specialized in acquiring opium in Turkey and smuggling it to China (16).

In 1830, Russell and Company bought out their primary competitor, the Perkins (Boston) syndicate and thus established Connecticut as the epi-center of the illegal opium trade. Because of the incredible wealth generated. and through his connections to Wall Street. Russell's company (and thus Connecticut) became an epicenter of illegal and secret political power ( 16).

The grandfather of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Warren Delano. Jr.. served as Chief of Operations, at Russell and Company. and later became a partner (16).

In 1831. William Huntington Russell. half-brother to Samuel. left the United States and Yale college, to spend a year studying in Germany (17). Germany was in a fever. the epi-center of "new ideas" and a scientific revolution in psychology, philosophy, and educational reform. In the new Germany. children were being educated according to the "scientific method." They were taught what to think and how to think it, as well as total obedience to the state.

William Huntington Russell wanted to learn first hand. "The "Scientific Method" and the ideas and philosophy of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. Hegel held the Chair in Philosophy at the University of Berlin from 1817 until his death in 1831.

In Germany, the scientific method. and the Hegelian dialectic were being applied to every aspect of human endeavor: through reason and the application of the scientific method. it was possible to create a pre-determined synthesis and thus the most desirable predetermined outcomes (1).

Russell was particularly impressed with the concept of "thesis versus anti-thesis" and Hegel's historical dialectic: the state is absolute. individuals are granted their freedoms based on their obedience to the state. controlled conflict, by an intellectual elite, can produce a pre-determined outcome.

Russell, being a child of the Wall Street banking elite, quickly realized the implications. Hegel's philosophy and the "Scientific Method" could be applied to banking: Through controlled conflict, it was possible to create a synthesis in the form of incredible financial wealth. Those engaged in this conflict would require financing. Controlled conflict, when conducted in secret, would be good for business.

Indeed, secrecy is mandated when the dialectic is applied to the creation of "opposing forces" who are to be manipulated into engaging in a "controlled conflict." Secrecy is also necessitated so that the opposing forces do not realize that the same banks are providing funds to both of those in conflict.

Of course, William Huntington Russell was not the first to realize the necessity of secrecy for the purposes of applying Hegel's dialectic to banking and commerce. Banking requires secrecy, particularly when it comes to laundering incredible sums of money acquired through criminal enterprise and the drug trade.

Long before he arrived in Germany, Russell had learned the value of secrecy. What he wanted was to learn first hand was the Hegelian scientific method. So, it is not surprising that after he enrolled at the University of Berlin, Russell became a member of a secret society which also incorporated Hegelian ideas.

Russell joined the secret order of "Skull and Bones" (17). The membership of the Berlin order of Skull and Bones came from the privileged class, the aristocracy, and the families of bankers and the moneyed elite. Russell fit fight in and formed a warm and close relationship with many of its members.

When it came time for his to return to America and Yale college, Russell sought and obtained permission to form an American chapter of the secret German Society of Skull and Bones: chapter 322, The Brotherhood of Death (17,18).

Russell returned to the United States and Yale College in 1832. Russell, along with his very close friend, Alphonso Taft (the father of William Howard Taft who became President of the U.S. and then Chief Justice of the Supreme Court), and 13 other children of the Wall Street elite, established and became the founding members of "The Order of Scull and Bones," later changed to "The Order of Skull and Bones."

The Order of Skull and Bones was to be a super secret society for the elite children of the Anglo-American Wall Street banking establishment (17,18). Its purpose: To generate incredible wealth and power for its members.

Presumably, the Order of Skull and Bones exists only at Yale. As detailed in Antony C. Sutton's superbly researched 1986 text, America's Secret Establishment (17): "Those on the inside know it as The Order. Others have known it for more than 150 years as Chapter 322 of a German secret society. More formally, for legal purposes. The Order was incorporated as The Russell Trust in 1856. It was also once known as the 'Brotherhood of Death.' Those who make light of it. or want to make fun of it, call it 'Skull & Bones', or just plain 'Bones'."

The Order of Skull and Bones, however, is certainly not a college fraternity fun-house. Rather, the purpose of Skull and Bones is the application of skull duggery, piracy, and the scientific method to the creation of power, wealth, and the inducement of controlled conflict between opposing individuals, businesses, and states.

The Order of Skull and Bones is also geared to promote the mutual success of its members in the post-collegiate world. Hence, only those of the incoming senior class become members (17,18) and membership is retained for life.

Each year fifteen juniors are selected by the graduating seniors to be initiated into next year's group. New members are reportedly given a large sum of money, and a clock -- the significance of which is to remind them that the Order of Skull and Bones is timeless.

As detailed by Antony Sutton (17) it is the "timeless" nature of this secret brotherhood which provides it with continuity and thus the capacity to build up both vertical and horizontal "chains of influence." These multi-generational chains of influence ensure the success of its members in their varied schemes. be it drug smuggling or the creation and financing of controlled conflict for the purposes of acquiring power and incredible wealth.

Prescott Bush, George H.W. Bush. and his son, George W. Bush, are alumni of Yale and members of Skull and Bones (17,19).


After its founding. Russell and friends hoisted a pirate flag as a symbol and talisman of their brotherhood. The pirate flag has an obvious meaning: death. Pirates are terrorists, murderers, marauders, cutthroats and thieves, answerable to no one, above the law, and without morals and scruples.

Soon after its establishment at Yale, the Order of Skull and Bones began to develop an unsavory reputation (17).

In October of 1876, an investigative article on The Order, appeared in Volume 1, Number 1, of "The Iconoclast." The Iconoclast was published off campus, in New Haven, "because the college press is closed to those who dare to openly mention 'Bones'."

The Iconoclast reported evidence of Satanism, i.e. walls covered in black, and in room 322, the "sanctum sanctorium of the temple ...[was] furnished in red velvet...[ with] a pentagram on the wall... and in the hall of the founders of Bones at Yale, and of members of the Society in Germany, when the chapter was established here in 1832."

The Iconoclast goes on to report that "Out of every class Skull and Bones takes its men. They have gone out into the world and have become in many instances, leaders in society. No doubt they are worthy men in themselves, but the many, whom they looked down upon while in college, cannot so far forget as to give money freely into their hands. Bones men care far more for their society than they do for the college."

"At first the society held its meetings in hired halls; in 1856, the 'tomb,' a vine-covered, windowless, brown-stone hall was built. This is where they hold their strange, occultist initiation rites and meet each Thursday and Sunday."

"Year by year the deadly evil is growing," The Iconoclast warned. "The society was never as obnoxious as it is today. Never before has it shown such arrogance and self-fancied superiority. It grasps ... and endeavors to rule. It clutches at power with the silence of conscious guilt ... a society guilty of serious and far-reaching crimes."

An uninvited "guest" to the tomb reported seeing: "On the west wall, an old engraving representing an open burial vault, in which, on a stone slab, rest four human skulls, grouped about a fools cap and bells, an open book, several mathematical instruments, a beggar's script, and a royal crown (17,18). On the arched wall above the vault are the explanatory words, in Roman letters, 'We War Der Thor, Wer Weiser, Wer Bettler Oder, Kaiser?' and below the vault is engraved, in German characters, the sentence; 'Ob Arm, Ob Beich, im Tode gleich.'"

The English translation of the German words reads as follows: '"Who was the fool, who the wise man, beggar or king? Whether poor or rich, all's the same in death."

And what does that mean?

There are no morals. There is no right or wrong. The ends justify the means. Everything ends the same, "in death."


For the next 30 years after its founding. various members of The Order of Skull and Bones made a pilgrimage to Germany and the University of Berlin (17). The University of Berlin was Ground Zero for the study of Hegelian principles and the "scientific method" as applied to business, government, education. psychology. and the acquisition of power and wealth.

In Germany, the state had taken complete responsibility for the education of children. The purpose of a German education was to mold the character and thinking of all German citizens and to make them obedient to the German state (1).

These Hegelian principles were absorbed by the visiting Bonesman. three of which. upon returning to America, applied these principles at home (17).

Timothy Dwight (class of 1849) became Professor in the Yale Divinity School and then 12th President of Yale University.

Daniel Coit Gilman (class of 1852) became the first President of the University of California. first President of the Johns Hopkins University and first President of the Carnegie Institution.

Andrew Dickson White (class of 1853) became the first President of Cornell University.

For these three "Bonesmen," a university education was the key to shaping the thoughts, prejudices, and ideas of future generations and training those who would someday become the future leaders of America. Of course. these noble "Bonesmen" had no interest in providing a university education to the masses. A university education was only for the children of the rich and powerful; men who would seek to fulfill the Hegelian dialectic and the eventual creation of a New World Order which would be ruled over by the moneyed elite.


Although, most certainly, the founding of colleges and universities is to be commended in the most laudatory of terms, not all "Bonesmen" were interested in improving the lot of mankind. Education would be a form of thought control and mankind would serve only one purpose: to engage in controlled conflict, to help create a New World Order, and to thus make the Bonesmen and their banker and business friends very powerful and very rich.

The American civil war offered the Bonesmen and their associates in banking, the first opportunity, in America, to fund controlled conflict. The resulting "synthesis" would include the erosion of democracy at the local level ("states rights"), the elimination of state-chartered "Free Banking" and the establishment of centralized "national" banking and thus the establishment of a few private "national" banks that could be owned and controlled by a handful of families.

From the outset of the American civil war, these private national banks (as well as the "Free" banks), loaned money to both the Union and the Confederacy (20). Many of these bankers also funded and equipped "bushwakers," "death squads," and private militias whose specialties included the torture and assassination of Union or Confederate sympathizers. Neighbors were sometimes "slain before the eyes of their wives and children," some were killed for "fun" (21). Not uncommonly these "death squads" would pick "off neighbors one by one," ambushing and assassinating suspected enemies, and spreading terror. Every man, armed or unarmed, was fair game. Men were shot down in their fields, on their doorsteps, while on the road. Men taken captive were scalped, beheaded, castrated, and mutilated. Crops, homes and entire towns were burned (21).

The owners of these banks, these merchants of death, essentially funded the war and the many competing death squads in order to reap the incredible, staggering profits. Indeed, by the end of the war, over $6.6 billion dollars in direct costs (that is, in 1860s dollars) had been consumed by the civil war and the government of the Union and Confederacy (20).

War and terror were good business. The merchants of death made incredible fortunes.

In 1863, Abraham Lincoln identified this moneyed elite. as the enemies of mankind and the enemies of the United States of America:

"The money powers prey upon the nation in times of peace and conspire against it in times of adversity. It is more despotic than a monarchy. more insolent than autocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy. It denounces. as public enemies. all who question its methods or throw Light upon its crimes. I have two great enemies. the Southern Army in front of me and the bankers in the rear. Of the two. the one at my rear is my greatest foe ... corporations have been enthroned. and an era of corruption in high places will follow. and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until the wealth is aggregated in the hands of a few, and the Republic is destroyed."

-- Abraham Lincoln

Thomas Jefferson was of the same opinion: "I sincerely believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. Already they have raised up a money aristocracy that has set the government at defiance. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people to whom it properly belongs."

In 1863, after a failed attempt to bring the banks under centralized government control. President Lincoln and Congress took the advice of his Secretary of the Treasury and the northern banking establishment. and created a national banking system and a uniform national currency to be issued only by "national banks" (20).

The National Banking Act of 1863 and a subsequent law passed in 1865 (which levied a 10-percent tax on State banks) put the free banks out of existence. The control of the national banks was put squarely into the hands of the members of the order of Skull and Bones (20).

It wasn't just banking but money which was put under the control of a handful of individuals. National Bank Notes were printed by private bank note companies under contract to the Federal government.

The Guaranty Trust Company was one of the national banks which emerged during the war between the states. The Guaranty Trust Company, established in 1864, was controlled almost entirely by families whose sons were, or would soon become, members of Skull and Bones: Vanderbilt, Whitney, and Harriman (17,22).


The concept of a bank is quite simple. Money is deposited in the bank for safekeeping, and the bank may pay a small interest fee to depositors in return. This same money is loaned to businesses, governments, and men of means, at a high rate of interest. This same money can be loaned to those who own the banks, at a 0% interest rate, and the loans may even be "forgiven."

A bank is a risk-free money-making machine for those who own the bank. If anyone defaults on a loan, and if the bank goes bankrupt, only the depositors lose money.

With the incredible amounts of money flowing into the coffers of the Guaranty Trust Company, the Harriman family was able to finance and buy the bankrupt Union Pacific Railroad, as well as create the W. A. Harriman investment firm.

Bert Walker (the maternal great-grand-father to the current George Walker Bush clan) was one of Harriman's principal partners. Bert Walker had sought and lost the Republican presidential nomination, but in so doing, had established himself as a member of the Republican power-elite (23). Bert Walker and then later, his son, George Walker, were not only partners with the Harrimans, but, due to their Republican credentials, were well situated to influence the administrations of successive Republican presidents.

The Harrimans were also partners with the Rockefellers. The Harriman railroad shipped the oil pumped out of the ground by John D. Rockefeller, the founder of Standard Oil.

Samuel P. Bush -- the father of Prescott, was also in business with the Harriman-Walker-Rockefeller clique. Samuel P. Bush, owned Buckeye Steel Castings Co. which manufactured parts for the Harriman railroad company (23).

It is men likes these, if not these very men, who Lincoln referred to as "The money powers [who] prey upon the nation in times of peace and conspire against it in times of adversity ...until the wealth is aggregated in the hands of a few. and the Republic is destroyed."


In the 1930s, Bush, Harriman, and Rockefeller, established themselves as enemies of democracy by going into business with Hitler, and by importing Nazism to the United States. As detailed in chapter 2. it is because Bush was still in business with the Nazis after Hitler declared war on the U.S., that several of his companies. including the Hamburg-Amerika shipping line. was confiscated by the government of the United States.

History was repeating itself, for at the close of the first world war, and Germany's defeat. the Hamburg-Amerika's commercial shipping fleet was first confiscated by the American government in 1919 -- part of the spoils of war.

In 1920. the Harrimans became the new owners of Hamburg- Amerika. The Harrimans also obtained the exclusive right to 50% of all shipping business that originated in Hamburg and 100% control of all activities of the Hamburg line that originated in the United States.

In 1931, Harriman & Co. merged with Brown Brothers to become one of the biggest investment banks in the world. Prescott Bush became a senior partner in the new firm. That same year. George Walker began running the North American operations of the Hamburg-Amerika shipping line under the auspices of Walker's American Shipping & Commerce. which in turn was controlled by a holding company called the Harriman Fifteen. Averell Harriman. George Walker. and Prescott Bush were the directors of this holding company and thus the owners of the Hamburg-Amerika line (4,23).

Three years later. U.S. government investigators determined that several of the directors of the Hamburg-Amerika line. were major contributors to the Nazi Party. These men, it was determined, had provided a wealth of funds to Hitler for his 1932 election campaign (12). Prescott Bush was one of these men. Prescott Bush was financing Nazi terrorism as a means of destabilizing Germany's democratic government and catapulting Hitler to power.

Prescott Bush and one of the companies that he directed, the Hamburg-Amerika Line, was identified by the U.S. embassy in Berlin as providing the funds to support Hitler's "costly election campaigns" and "the cost of maintaining a private army of 300,000 to 400,000 men." It was these men who spread terror throughout Germany.

As detailed by Tarpley and Chaitkin (24) "The American embassy also reported that the Hamburg-Amerika Line was purchasing and distributing propaganda attacks against the German government, for attempting this last-minute crackdown on Hitler's forces."

After Hitler came to power, the Hamburg-Amerika Line also began financing Nazi propaganda and subsidizing pro-Nazi newspapers here in the U.S. The purpose of this propaganda was clear. The Bonesmen were not just seeking to support Nazi Germany, but were seeking to undermine the constitutional government of the United States (4,24). The Bonesmen were sworn enemies of democracy.
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Postby admin » Sat Aug 01, 2015 2:36 am



After Hitler came to power, his dreaded terrorist organization, the SS was unleashed upon the German people (3,5,6). The SS was not just a terrorist organization, but deeply involved in spying and espionage as well as business. Other long range goals was to establish monopolies not only in Germany, but in all the countries it conquered (6). Himmler's dreaded SS, had a lot of friends in the business world who also hoped to benefit from the spoils. They gave him and his SS incredible sums of money, making them, so to speak, stockholders in his money-making terrorist organization.

The Hamburg-Amerika line, which was directed by Prescott Bush, not only contributed money and helped to distribute Nazi propaganda in the U.S. and Germany, but it was also one of the official "Friends ofthe Reichsfuhrer SS" (6) -- also known as "The Order" and the "Brotherhood of Death."

Like its American counterpart, the "Order of Skull and Bones" the German "Order" was dedicated to making money, and recruited its membership from the aristocracy and the moneyed elite.


In 1922, Averell Harriman. an alumni of Skull and Bones (Class of 1913), made a pilgrimage to Germany. But Hamburg wasn't the lure. It was Berlin-the ancestral home of Skull and Bones. the Brotherhood of Death. Indeed. various members of The Order of Skull and Bones had been making pilgrimages to Germany and the University of Berlin since the inception of the American chapter of the Brotherhood of Death (17). Harriman was a dedicated "Bonesman."

According to his third wife, Pamela, Averell "Harriman regularly went back to the tomb (the Bone's Temple) on High Street. once even lamenting that his duties as chief negotiator at the Paris Peace Talks prevented him from attending a reunion" (25).

While in Berlin he made contact with Fritz Thyssen, also, allegedly, a member of a Germany-based secret society: though which one, of course, is a secret.

A number of German secret societies were in existence at the time, such as the Illuminati of Bavaria and the Thule Society. These secret societies counted rich industrialists, mystics. aristocrats. bankers and high ranking military men among their members (26).

In the early 1920s, when Harriman paid his visit to Germany. the membership of the Thule Society included Dietrich Eckart, Rudolf Hess, and Heinrich Himmler (27) all of whom were directly associated with Adolf Hitler, and all of whom became Nazi leaders (3.5). The secret society that had anointed Hitler as its leader, would later become known to the world as the SS -- The Brotherhood of Death (6).

Although it cannot be proved. there is evidence to suggest that Himmler's SS. and its American counterpart. Skull and Bones. were one and the same and directly linked with the Thule Society or the Illuminati. In fact (and as will be detailed later in this chapter), some of the occult rituals that were said to be part of the initiation into the Thule Society and the SS (27). are similar to those that are said to be practiced by initiates into the American chapter of the Brotherhood of Death, that is. Skull and Bones (17,28).

For example. both employ initiation ceremonies in which the initiate "dies to the world and be born again into the Order ..." (29). In October of 1988 then Vice-President George H.W. Bush was asked by a reporter if he were "a Christian." At first Bush seemed confused by the question, but then said, "if you mean born again, then, yes, I am a Christian."

In his book, Mein Kampf (7) and in some of his speeches, Hitler also refers to being born again, that is "born anew." Likewise, George Bush Jr., refers to himself as "born again" and freely admits he was "honored" to be chosen to be a member of Skull and Bones. As reported in the August 7, 2000 issue of Time magazine, Bush was asked: "Did you have any qualms, say, about joining an elite secret club like Bones?" Bush replied, "No qualms at all. I was honored."

The motto of Hitler's SS begins as follows: "It is an honor to be an SS man. It is an honor ..." (6).

The leaders of the Thule Society also believed it to be an honor to have inducted Hitler into the mysteries of its secret order (27). In 1919, Dietrich Eckart, a leading member of the Thule Society, met Adolf Hitler for the first time. Eckhart believed that Hitler was the German "Messiah ... the long-awaited savior" who would lead Germany to her destiny. Eckhart took Hitler under his wing and initiated Hitler into the mysteries of the secret order: "Follow Hitler; he will dance, but it is I who have called the tune. I have initiated him into the Secret Doctrine, opened his centers of vision, and given him the means to communicate with the powers" (27).

Hitler, in turn, referred to Eckhart as the "spiritual founder of' the Nazi party (7). In Table Talk (7) Hitler says of the man: "We've all taken a step forward on the road of existence, and we could no longer picture to ourselves exactly what Dietrich Eckart was for us. He shone in our eyes like the polar star." In the final paragraphs of Mein Kampf (7), Hitler says of Eckart, "he was one of the best, who devoted his life to the awakening ..."

Prominent members of Thule also included Rudolf Hess. Fritz Thyssen, who Harriman visited in 1922, reports that it was Hess who introduced him to Adolf Hitler. Thyssen too, thought Hitler would be the savior of Germany (30). Like the Bonesmen, Thyssen believed that the New World Order would be ruled by the kings of banking and commerce.


Thyssen and Harriman agreed to establish a banking association. and two years later. in 1924 the W.A. Harriman Co .. established an international investment firm. "Union Banking Corporation," which was in business with the Thyssens (31). Bert Walker's son, George Herbert Walker, was made president (24).

As detailed by Webster G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin in their superbly documented book. George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography, " by personal agreement between Averell Harriman and Fritz Thyssen in 1922... the Union Banking Corporation has since its inception handled funds chiefly supplied to it through the Dutch bank by the Thyssen interests for American investment.. .. transferring funds back and forth between New York and the Thyssen interests."

The Union Banking Corporation and the Thyssen bank also acted as Nazi fronts and served to launder funds for Thyssen and the Nazis -- money and funds that could be used to buy guns, arms, favorable publicity. and dozens of U.S. senators, congressman, and newspaper editors (12).

"Prescott Bush became vice president of W.A. Harriman & Co. in 1926. That same year, a friend of Harriman and Bush set up a giant new organization for their client Fritz Thyssen. prime sponsor of politician Adolf Hitler. The new German Steel Trust. Germany's largest industrial corporation. was organized in 1926 by Wall Street banker Clarence Dillon. Dillon was an old comrade of Prescott Bush's father Sam Bush" (24).

Thyssen went into business with Harriman for the same reasons he went into business with Hitler, to increase his wealth and power. It is unlikely that Thyssen did not inform Harriman of his intention of helping Hitler come to power. Indeed. Fritz Thyssen was Adolf Hitler's primary financial backer and had been providing considerable financial support to Hitler and the Nazis, since 1923 (30). At their first meeting, Thyssen gave the new "German Messiah," $25,000. At the same time, Thyssen and Harriman were also making big plans, some of which were dependent on Hitler coming to power.

As Thyssen explained (30): "We were at the worst time of the inflation. In Berlin the government was in distress. It was ruined financially. Authority was crumbling. In Saxony a communist government had been formed and the Red terror, organized by Max Hoelz, reigned through the countryside. The German Reich ... was now about to crumble."

Thyssen states that it was General Erich Ludendorff who first told him of Hitler and that Hess made the introductions. In 1923, General Erich Ludendorff was also the chief patron of Hitler's SA -- which, because it had been outlawed by the German government, had been renamed "Frontbann" (6). The SA ("Frontbann") was a terrorist organization, which counted among its members, Heinrich Himmler.

Thyssen admits that he was mesmerized by Hitler (30). "I realized his orator gifts and his ability to lead the masses. What impressed me most however was the order that reigned over his meetings, the almost military discipline of his followers."

In 1924, after his meetings with Hitler, Fritz Thyssen sent Hendrick J. Kouwenhoven, the managing director of his bank, to meet with the Harriman-Walker clique. It was after that meeting that the Union Banking Corporation was established.

In 1926 George Walker made his son-in-law Prescott Bush, vice-president of Harriman & Co. and president of Union Banking (24). The Thyssen banking relationship was expanded to include partnerships in the new German Steel Trust, Germany's largest industrial corporation, which was also headed by Fritz Thyssen, Adolf Hitler's primary financial backer.

According to the United States Government, Prescott Bush's Union Banking Corporation (which he directed) was working as a front for the "Thyssen family" of '"Germany ... nationals ... of a designated enemy country" (31).

As summed up by John Loftus, former U.S. Department of Justice Nazi War Crimes prosecutor, and the President of the Florida Holocaust Museum: "Thyssen (and the Nazi Party) obtained" his "early financing from Brown Brothers Harriman, and its affiliate, the Union Banking Corporation. Union Bank, in turn, was the Bush family's holding company for a number of other entities, including the Holland American Trading Company. The Bush's Union Bank bought the same corporate stock that the Thyssens were selling as part of their Nazi money laundering."

These Nazi-front companies, "Brown Brothers. Harriman" and "Union Banking Corporation." were controlled almost entirely by men who belonged to the American chapter of "Skull and Bones" (32).

Prescott Bush and associates, and Standard Oil, also provided loans, executive expertise, and petroleum-related products to IG Farben (12). IG Farben used that expertise to develop poison gas and petroleum to drive the Nazi war machine. and to run its slave labor and death-camps. the most notorious of which was Auschwitz where 83.000 people worked as slaves.

It is estimated that in the concentration camps alone. Himmler's SS, worked to death and killed over 10 million men and women (6). A favored method of killing was using a special gas developed by IG Farben.

As detailed in chapter 2, Prescott Bush and Harriman were also in business with several other leading Nazis. such as Friedrich Flick who later became Hitler's minister of the Interior, as well as IG. Farben, the company that developed the poison gas to kill Russians, gypsies, and Jews. Like Harriman and Bush, Flick was a member of The Order (6). The Flick-Harriman partnership was managed by Prescott Bush (see chapter 2).

According to a U.S. government brief presented in 1946 at the Nuremberg war crimes tribunal. industrialist Friedrich Flick, was "a leading financial contributor to the Nazi Party from 1932 on and a member of the Circle of Friends of Himmler who contributed large sums to the Nazi SS."

The "Circle of Friends" is also known as the "Friends of the Reichsfuhrer SS." The Hamburg-Amerika line, which was directed by Prescott Bush. was also counted among the Friends of the Reichsfuhrer SS (6) -- also known as "The Order" and the "Brotherhood of Death."

Frick joined this most secretive and powerful of societies in 1932. By contrast, Prescott Bush and the Harriman brothers (W.A. and E.R) joined the American chapter of The Order, in 1917, 1913, and 1917, respectively, long before Hitler had taken the first steps on his long road to power. They were all part of the same brotherhood, however. Indeed. be it the Thule Society, the SS, or the American version of "The Order," all sprouted from the same German roots.


The evil, diabolic symbolism of Skull and Bones is designed to stir feelings of terror and to warn of death which is why it appears on bottles of poison and has been the symbol of choice for pirates and death squads. It is precisely because it is designed to induce terror that the symbol of the death head became the talisman worn on the black uniforms of Adolf Hitler's Nazi elite: The Order -- the dreaded SS, the Brotherhood of Death.

The Bonesman of Yale shared not just the symbolism of the Skull and Bones with the SS Nazi elite, but practiced many of the same exact initiation rituals and recruited their elite members from the same strata of society.

Like the Bonesmen of Yale, the Nazi SS recruited its members from the upper echelons of society, i.e. the blue bloods, bankers, and aristocrats. As detailed by Heinz Hohns (6), "the first arrivals were from the aristocracy. Even before the Nazi seizure of power certain great names had been added to the SS list" including Grand Dukes, Counts, and Princes. However, "in spring 1933 came a further infusion of blue blood. Many of the senior SS posts were occupied by the nobility ... and the ruling class elite. The primary requirements in the SS, were money and officer material, and they could come only from one source -- the old-established ruling class elite -- the nobility, the world of commerce and the financiers ... German's captains of industry."

There were, however, different ranks within the SS. Those who were to belong to the highest ranks underwent an initiation ceremony similar to that of the Order of Skull and Bones at Yale.

As detailed in Heinz Hohn's, The Order of the Death's Head (6), initiates into the SS underwent an occult-like quasi-religious midnight ceremony involving oath-taking, question and answer confessions, and prayer-like sessions, all of which were designed to impress upon the initiate that he was able to become a "knight" and a member of a secret brotherhood.

The ceremony took place at midnight, in a castle, beneath the dining hall where there lay "a stone crypt" and "the realm of the dead" (6). "A flight of steps in the middle of the crypt led down into a well-like cavity; in the centre of the cavity were twelve stone pedestals." Bones and relics, including the skull and skeleton of noble men and kings were also kept within the "holy of holies" including the bones of "King Heinrich."

Initiates would thus commune with the spirits of the dead, who might appear and even speak. The initiate into the SS, by undergoing this spiritual journey, would also be reborn, as a knight, and a member of the secret order (6).

Likewise. we are informed that initiates into Yale's The Order, were required to undergo an array of "exotic and occult" "bonding rituals" including a quasi-religious midnight ceremony which involved question and answer confessions that took place while the initiate lay in a coffin (17,29).

The ceremony took place in castle, at midnight, in "the tomb."

As explained by Ron Rosenbaum (29) while lying in the "coffin" the initiates goes "off on a symbolic journey through the underworld to rebirth, which takes place in Room Number 322
. There, the Order clothes the newborn knight in its own special garments, implying that, henceforth, he will tailor himself to the Order's mission" (p. 89, 148).

The Castle walls of Himmler's SS headquarters, were heavily decorated with Nazi symbols and regalia.

Likewise, based on several independent reports by those who visited the Skull and Bones' Yale Castle -- what Bones initiates call "the Tomb" -- some of the walls and rooms are covered with Nazi symbols and regalia, including swastikas, and "SS macho Nazi iconography." One visitor described a room with "a little Nazi shrine inside" (17,18).

In yet another room of the Order of Skull and Bones, one visitor observed "mantelpieces decorated with loads of skulls." She and others have been told "that in order to prove their mettle and perhaps to bond them in mutual guilt over participation in an illicit act, each class of 15 new initiates to Skull and Bones are required to dig up the skull of a famous person and bring it to the Tomb to be enshrined in its skull collection" (17,18).

Like the SS, The Order of Skull and Bones is also known as the Brotherhood of Death. And we are told, initiates into the SS and The Order of Skull and Bonesm are required to say the words: "It is an honor..."

When George W. Bush was asked, "Did you have any qualms, say, about joining an elite secret club like Bones?" Bush replied, "I was honored" (33).

The identical symbolism and use of similar language is not just coincidence. In fact, Prescott Bush and several of his fellow Bonesmen, felt such an affinity with Nazi terrorist ideals, that they helped arm Hitler's SS and the Nazi terrorist war machine.

However, Bush and his partners in banking and oil, did not link up with Hitler and his SS just because of shared ideology but because of money, oil, and an unquenchable thirst for power.


As the 1932 presidential elections began, Hitler and the Nazi party were almost broke. They were desperate for funds. And then, after meeting with the captains of industry, Hitler was suddenly flush with cash.

According to Hitler's vice-Chancellor, Franz von Papen (34), "the most documented account of the National Socialists' sudden acquisition of funds was contained in a book published in Holland in 1933." It was published "by the old established Amsterdam publishing house of Van Holkema & Warendorf, called De Geldbronnen van Het Nationaal-Socialisme (Orie Gesprekken Met Hitler) under the name "Sidney Warburg."

In that book, "The Financial Sources of National Socialism" it is claimed that Hitler's rise to power was aided directly by Wall Street bankers, industrialists, and oil companies, including Standard Oil, and John O. Rockefeller, who contributed $32,000,000 between the years 1929 to 1932.

In the opening paragraphs, the author, who calls himself "Sydney Warburg" states that: "There are moments when I want to turn away from a world of such intrigue, trickery, swindling and tampering with the stock exchange .... Do you know what I can never understand? How it is possible that people of good and honest character -- for which I have ample proof -- participate in swindling and fraud, knowing full well that it will affect thousands."

The New York Times (11/24/1933), was quick to dismiss the book, but in so doing, revealed its own Nazi sympathies: "Hoax on Nazis Feared."


The New York Times. "feared" that not only the Nazis, but the publishers were "victims of a hoax."

The New York Times was apparently a fan of Hitler, for prior to 1933, and during the same time Rockefeller and Standard Oil were contributing millions of dollars, it ran several quite positive stories about Adolf Hitler in 1929, 1930, and 1931 (35) as did the Hearst publishing empire (15).

The author of this "feared hoax" was "Sydney Warburg." However. after the book's publication, not only the New York Times but the Warburg family, which included Max Warburg, a director of IG Farben in Germany, and Paul Warburg a director of American IG. Farben, denounced the book. Of course, we also know that IG. Farben was a major financial supporter of Hitler, and we know the Standard Oil and the Bush-Harriman clique were in business with IG Farben (36). S,. the Warburg denunciation cannot be taken completely seriously.

Nevertheless, James Warburg demanded that the book be destroyed because it contains "a mass of libelous material against various members of my family and against a number of prominent banking houses and individuals in New York." However, Warburg then goes on to say. "I have never to this day seen a copy of the book" (37).

Within days of the books publication. and although those who denounced it have never seen a copy it disappeared from circulation and almost all copies were quickly destroyed (36).

As detailed in Antony C. Sutton's well documented book. Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler (36). the first section of the book explains that in 1929. American banks and investors were concerned that the demands by France on German war reparations, were eating into their own profits. Thus. these American business men called a meeting in June 1929 to discuss the problem and what might be done. Those in attendance included "members of the Federal Reserve Bank and leading American bankers" including the "directors of Guaranty Trust Company. the Presidents of the Federal Reserve Banks. in addition to five independent bankers, young Rockefeller. and Glean from Royal Dutch Shell. Rockefeller" and "Carter" of Guaranty Trust Company. "dominated the proceedings. The others listened and nodded their heads."

Antony Sutton, then goes on to report that according to Warburg's book, "The general consensus at the bankers' meeting was that the only way to free Germany from French financial clutches was by revolution, either Communist or German Nationalist."

Rockefeller argued that the money should go to Hitler. After some negotiation, 10 million dollars was transferred to the Nazis.

During subsequent meetings, it was explained that Hitler's storm troopers and SS, were insufficiently equipped and badly needed machine guns, revolvers, and carbines. Hitler explained that he had two plans for takeover in Germany: (a) revolution (b) legal takeover plan. Hitler is quoted as saying, "revolution costs five hundred million marks. Legal takeover costs two hundred million marks -- what will your bankers decide?"

A legal takeover thus offered the best deal.

Warburg passed these demands to Rockefeller and Guaranty Trust and received the following answer in reply:

"Suggested amounts are out of the question. We don't want to and cannot. Explain to man that such a transfer to Europe will shatter financial market. Absolutely unknown on international territory. Expect long report, before decision is made. Stay there. Continue investigation. Persuade man of impossible demands. Don't forget to include in report own opinion of possibilities for future of man."

After further negotiations, Rockefeller and the American banking and oil interests offered an additional $15 million which would help finance the legal takeover. Revolution would be too expensive and destructive.

In the months after Hitler took power, in 1933, Warburg delivered yet another payment from Rockefeller and Carter and their associates in banking, industry, and oil, i.e. 7 million dollars (37).

Although the New York Times, and the directors of IG Farben -- a company that assisted in the murder of millions of men, women, and children -- have decried this cruel "hoax" which puts the Nazis, Rockefeller, Standard Oil, and the bankers at Guaranty in such a bad light, we do know that these men and these companies were in business with the Nazis (13). And we know that Emil Helfferich, chairman of the Bush-Harriman company, Hamburg- Amerika, was also chairman of Standard Oil's German subsidiaries. Emil Helfferich frequently wrote out checks to Heinrich Himmler payable on a special Standard Oil account. According to U.S. intelligence documents reviewed by author Anthony Sutton (36). Helfferich was still making these payments to the S.S. in 1944 -- the same S.S. which was rounding up. enslaving. and supervising the mass murder of Russians. Jews. Gypsies, Poles, etc., at IG Farben's death camps.


"In two years Germany will be manufacturing oil and gas enough out of soft coal for a long war. The Standard Oil of New York is furnishing millions of dollars to help."

-- Commercial Attache, U.S. Embassy in Berlin, Germany, January 1933.

Standard Oil also provided expertise to IG. Farben including the know how to make leaded gasoline. As detailed in an IG Farben memo: "Since the beginning of the war we have been in a position to produce lead tetraethyl solely because, a short time before the outbreak of the war. the Americans had established plants for us ready for production and supplied us with all available experience. In this manner we did not need to perform the difficult work of development because we could start production right away on the basis of all the experience that the Americans had for years."

In another IG Farben memo Standard Oil's assistance in procuring $20 million worth of aviation fuel and lubricants is acknowledged:

"As a further remarkable example of advantageous effect for us of the contract between IG and Standard Oil, the following should be mentioned: in the years 1934 / 1935 our government had the greatest interest in gathering from abroad a stock of especially valuable mineral oil products (in particular. aviation gasoline and aviation lubricating oil), and holding it in reserve to an amount approximately equal to 20 million dollars at market value. The German Government asked IG if it were not possible. on the basis of its friendly relations with Standard Oil. to buy this amount in Farben's name; actually. however. as trustee of the German Government. The fact that we actually succeeded by means of the most difficult negotiations in buying the quantity desired by our government from the American Standard Oil Company and the Dutch -- English Royal -- Dutch -- Shell group and in transporting it to Germany, was made possible only through the aid of the Standard Oil Co."

Standard oil, Rockefeller, and the Bush-Harriman clique, not only provided financial and technological assistance to Hitler, but assisted his war effort and terror campaign to the detriment of the United States (13,36,38).

It is because of this collaboration, that the Bush-Harriman- Walker properties were seized by the U.S. government for violation of the Trading with the Enemy Act (31).

Charges of "criminal conspiracy with the enemy" were also filed against Standard Oil. However, when evidence of collusion was presented by Thurman Arnold, chief of the Antitrust Division of the U.S. government, it was pointed out by Standard that it was also selling oil and fuel to the U.S. Army, Navy, and Air Force. If Standard Oil were punished, America might lose a major share of its oil supply, and might lose the war.

Standard Oil not only threatened the government of the United States, but it had already orchestrated a major oil and gasoline shortage during the Summer of 1941. These artificial shortages were also investigated by the United States Congress.

As summarized by the U.S. National Archives, a "Special Committee to Investigate Gasoline and Fuel-Oil Shortages" commenced hearings on August 28, 1941. "18.89 Fear of impending gasoline scarcity along the Atlantic seaboard gripped the American public during the summer of 1941. Members of Congress were deluged with letters and telegrams from concerned constituents. In August... authorities ... sought to quiet public concern. These statements failed to stop the hoarding of gasoline and the deterioration of public confidence."

"18.90. In response to the confusing situation, the Senate established the Special Committee to Investigate Gasoline and Fuel- Oil Shortages (78A-F3l) on August 28, 1941. The committee, chaired by Francis T. Maloney of Connecticut, was to investigate the shortage of fuel in the various States, the methods of delivery, and the means to ensure an adequate supply for national defense without undue hardship to the private sector.... A major focus of the committee was the petroleum distribution system."

Recalling the terrible gas shortages which were due to a problem in the "petroleum distribution system" the government backed down and Rockefeller and Standard oil escaped punishment. The charges of "criminal conspiracy with the enemy" were dropped. However. Standard Oil did not get off the hook completely. Standard oil agreed to release its patents and pay a modest fine.

Thurman Arnold did not let the matter drop. however. He. along with Secretary of the Interior Harold Ickes. provided the documents detailing the collusion between Standard Oil and IG Farben. to Senator Harry Truman. chairman of the Senate Special Committee Investigating the National Defense Program. There followed a series of hearings in March 1942. "In order to disclose the truth about Standard" ( 13, 39).

After the hearing, the committee chairman. Harry S. Truman. characterized the arrangements between Standard oil and IG Farben as "treasonable."

Again, however, the entire matter was dropped. Standard Oil again threatened to disrupt the U.S. war effort.

According to Mark Aarons and John Loftus (The Secret War Against the Jews), "There was a reason for Rockefeller's escape: blackmail. According to the former intelligence officers we interviewed on this point. the blackmail was simple and powerful: The Dulles brothers (John Foster. later Secretary of State, and Allen. later director of the CIA) had one of their clients threaten to interrupt the U.S. oil supply during wartime. Standard executives made it clear that the entire U.S. war effort was fueled by their oil and it could be stopped .... The American government had no choice but to go along if it wanted to win the war" (39).

In May of 1942. another aspect of the treasonable relationship maintained between Standard Oil and IG Farben was brought up during testimony before a Patents Committee hearings. chaired by Senator Homer T. Bone. Even after Hitler declared war on the United States, Rockefeller and thus Standard Oil was collaborating with Nazi Germany and seeking to prevent the U.S. from manufacturing explosives and synthetic rubber (40.41.42).

Following the conclusion of the war. Standard Oil's treasonable behavior was again brought to light by the United States Congress. During congressional hearings conducted before the Truman, Bone, and Kilgore Committees, it was concluded that "Standard Oil" had "seriously imperiled the war preparations of the United States" and that Standard Oil had colluded with IG Farben, to prevent the United States from gaining access to war-related technologies such as the creation of "synthetic rubber."

As noted, although the most serious charges against Standard Oil were dropped, the U.S. government did seize a number of its patents, under the Trading with the Enemy Act.

However, in July of 1944, Standard Oil, filed a lawsuit against the U.S. government, contesting the seizure of its patents. In November of 1945, Judge Charles E. Wyzanski ruled that the government had been entitled to seize the patents.

Standard Oil appealed. On September 22, 1947, Judge Charles Clark rejected the appeal, concluding that "Standard Oil can be considered an enemy national in view of its relationships with IG. Farben after the United States and Germany had become active enemies" (40).

Rockefeller, of course, was a member of the Brotherhood. Rockefeller was also in business with other Nazi collaborators, including Prescott Bush and the Harrimans.


From 1927 to 1941, the future director of the CIA, Allen Dulles worked as lawyer and international finance specialist for Sullivan & Cromwell, a Wall Street law firm in New York. Dulles performed work for Bush, Harriman, and Rockefeller in setting up business relationships with the Nazis and with top Nazi industrialists, and served as legal counsel for Standard Oil and the Nazi's IG Farben, who had partnered with the Rockefellers (43).

Allen Dulles played a pivotal role in promoting U.S.-Nazi corporate relations. The Nazis considered Allen Dulles to be "the most influential White House man in Europe" and Dulles had numerous meetings with top ranking members of the SS (6).

In fact both Dulles brothers (John Foster, later Secretary of State, and Allen, later director of the CIA) represented the interests of Bush, Harriman, Rockefeller, and other Nazi collaborators prior tom during and after the ending of the second world war. Whereas Allen served as a spymaster. lawyer and deal maker who brought over a thousand high ranking Nazis into the CIA and found jobs for them in the Republican party and corporate America (43.44), John Foster Dulles was on the board of IG Farben who had partnered with Standard Oil (43).

As was the case with Guaranty Trust, which provided loans to the Nazis and to the Soviet Union, Rockefeller's Standard Oil was also in business with Hitler's nemesis: the Soviet Union. By doing business with both fascist regimes. this guaranteed that regardless of who won the war. Standard Oil would profit. The Dulles' brothers are said to have played a major role in ironing out the Soviet deal.

In 1938, oil was discovered in Saudi Arabia. The king of Saudi Arabia. Ibn Saud, was a supporter of Adolf Hitler. Dulles. acting as a representative of Standard Oil (as well as IG Farben) also played a major role in negotiating and gaining major concessions from Ibn Saud.

As Saudi Prince Bandar explained to PBS Frontline (45): "America has never been a colonizing power as far as we were concerned. Our relationship with America ... started in the 1930s. And when the Americans came to Saudi Arabia. they didn't come as an invader. They came actually as a private sector. trying to help us find oil. They found the oil for us. and they've been our friends ever since."

The result of these discoveries and negotiations was a joint venture between Standard Oil, Texaco. and Mobil. and the formation of the Arabian-American Oil Company (ARAMCO). King Ibn Saud and his family were promised millions in return. whereas the Arabian people received basically nothing (46).

By 1944. Standard Oil had twice artificially created oil shortages as a means of gaining leverage over the U.S. government. Based on the discoveries made in Saudi Arabia, the Standard oil-led cartel successfully lobbied the U.S. Senate. which in turn proposed that the U.S. government should finance the construction of oil pipelines and oil refineries so as to meet future energy needs. With the assistance of the Dulles brothers. this proposal soon became a program to assist Standard oil and ARAMCO in the Persian Gulf.

In February and March of 1944, the "Special Committee Investigating Petroleum Resources" began hammering out the details. As summarized by the United States National Archives: "18.94 In February 1944, the Petroleum Administrator for War, Secretary of Interior Harold Ickes, announced that the Arabian-American Oil Co. would construct a refinery to produce petroleum war products for the Allied Nations, and that the U.S. Government would construct a petroleum pipeline from the Persian Gulf area to the eastern shore of the Mediterranean and would obtain a crude oil petroleum reserve of one billion barrels in the Gulf area." Because of interests pertaining to "national welfare and security" this Special Committee also agreed to "the disposal of Government-owned pipelines and refineries as surplus properties, tidelands oil, and other issues related to petroleum supplies."

In other words, after twice being held hostage by Standard Oil, the U.S. government agreed to give "Government-owned pipelines and refineries" to this Standard oil-led cartel, and to fund the creation of new pipelines and refineries in Saudi Arabia.

The U.S. government and the oil cartel headed by Standard Oil, were now in business with the "royal family" of Ibn Saud. Saud and his family began receiving millions of dollars in payments as their reward for selling out so cheaply (46).

Roosevelt, it is said, had been considering bringing charges of treason against Dulles, Bush, and Rockefeller following the conclusion of the second world war. However, Roosevelt's death put a stop to that. Not only did these traitors get off scott free, but the Dulles brothers also received handsome rewards, Allen becoming the first director the CIA, and John, the Secretary of State.

Nevertheless, although faded by time, and despite the purposeful destruction of incriminating records, the facts remain the same: Prescott Bush, the Harrimans, Rockefellers, the Dulles brothers, and Ibn Saud, had partnered with a terrorist Nazi regime at war with the United States. The Saudi royal family, the Bush family, the Harrimans, Rockefellers, American banks. American Oil, and America's political elite, went into business with Nazi terrorists who murdered tens of millions of innocent, men, women, and children, including tens of thousands of Americans. They partnered with a terrorist regime that was at war with America for three interrelated reasons: money, oil, and power.

Decades later, after Bush was elected vice-president and then President, he, the Saudi royal family, and the CIA, would provide tens of millions of dollars in support of yet another terrorist organization that would declare war with the United States, this one ostensibly headed by Saudi multi-millionaire, Osama bin Laden.

As we shall see. doing business with gangsters, thugs, and terrorists who preach death to America, and who kill Americans, is a Bush family tradition (4,47).



1). Phenomenology of Spirit: Philosophy of History: Science of Logic: The Philosophy of Right: by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel.

2). The Bondage of the Will; By Faith Alone: by Martin Luther.

3). W. L. Shirer. "The Rise & Fall of the Third Reich." Fawcett World Library. New York. 1960.

4). John Loftus and Mark Aarons. ''The Secret War Against The Jews" St. Martins Press. New York. 1994: Charles Higham. "Trading with the Enemy: An Expose of the Nazi-American Money Plot 1933-1949." Delacorte Press. 19R3: Webster G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin. "George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography." The Executive Intelligence Review.

5). J. Toland. "Adolf Hitler." Doubleday, New York, 1976

6). Heinz Hohne. The Order of the Death's Head." Ballantine. New York. 1967.

7). Adolf Hitler, "Mein Kampf:" Adolf Hitler. "Table Talk."

8). David MacGregor. "Hegel and Marx After the Fall of Communism. "Demy, 1998: Sowell Thomas. "Marxist Philosophy and Economics." William Morrow and Company." New York 1985. In 1843. Marx began work on a line-by-line analysis of Hegel's "Philosophy of Right"· and introduced a synthesis which he described as "dialectical materialism." the philosophy of communism. In 1948. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels published The Communist Manifesto. in which he applied Hegel's ideas of thesis and anti-thesis to government and capitalism to arrive at the synthesis of a "conflict-free society:" i.e., communism. Marx believed his idea of a communist society was the fulfillment of Hegel's ideal, which, according to Marx and Engle, "had been turned upside down on its head." Marx believed he had put the Hegelian Idea right side up. In Marxist communism, instead of just a few individuals owning all the means of production, and thus all the wealth, all the people would own their own means of production and would share equally in its rewards. "Hegel -- in contrast to his disciples -- did not parade ignorance, but was one of the finest intellects of all time" -- Friedrich Engels, "The Critique of Political Economy."

9). Tom Rockmore, "On Heidegger's Nazism and Philosophy," University of California Press, 1992. Leonard Peikoff, "The Ominous Parallels," Second Renaissance, Inc. 1986.

10). Antony Sutton, "Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution," Arlington House, 1974; Among the banks loaning millions of dollars to the Soviet Union in the early 1900s: J.P. Morgan, Guaranty Trust Company (Harriman-Walker), and Rockefeller's Chase-Manhattan Bank. It is estimated that over $75,000,000 in assistance was provided. In 1912, Mrs. Edward Harriman (Mother of Roland and Averell Harriman) sold 8,000 shares of Guaranty Trust to J.P. Morgan which thus acquired a controlling interest. The Harriman- Walker-Bush and Rockefeller banking clique had their eye on the oil-rich Caspian basin and the Caucuses. With these loans, the Soviet Union was able to purchase oil-related services from companies controlled by this same clique, including Rockefellers Standard Oil which built oil refineries which were financed by the loans provided by Harriman-Bush-Rockefeller banks.

11). The Washington Post, 2/2/1918; John Loftus and Mark Aarons. "The Secret War Against The Jews" St. Martins Press, New York, 1994; Charles Higham, "Trading with the Enemy: An Expose of the Nazi-American Money Plot 1933-1949," Delacorte Press, 1983; Webster G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin, "George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography," The Executive Intelligence Review; Antony Sutton, "Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution," Arlington House, 1974; Eustace Mullins, "The World Order," 1980.

12). Anthony Sutton, "Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler." Anthony Sutton, "How the Order Creates War & Revolution;" John Loftus and Mark Aarons. "The Secret War Against The Jews" St. Martins Press, New York, 1994; Charles Higham, "Trading with the Enemy: An Expose of the Nazi-American Money Plot 1933-1949," Delacorte Press, 1983; Christopher Simpson, "The Splendid Blond Beast."

13). "Senate Special Committee Investigating the National Defense Program," Senator Harry Truman, chairman, May-August, 1942; NMT, "IG. Farben Case," Volumes VII and VIII; "Elimination of German Resources," United States Congress; United States Senate, Patents Committee, Senator Homer T. Bone, Chairman. May, 1942.

14). Edward J., Jr. Renehan, "The Kennedys at War, 1937-1945," Doubleday, 2002.

15). William E. Dodd. U.S. Ambassador to Germany. 1937. "Ambassador Dodd's Diary;" see also Court Documents: Hearst vs Gillmor. see paragraph 61: "Promptly after this said visit with Adolf Hitler and the making of said arrangements ... said plaintiff. William Randolph Hearst, instructed all Hearst press correspondents in Germany. including those of INS [International News Service] to report happenings in Germany only in a friendly' manner. All of such correspondents reporting happenings in Germany accurately and without friendliness. sympathy and bias for the actions of the then German government. were transferred elsewhere. discharged. or forced to resign." According to journalist George Seldes: "William Randolph Hearst. Sr., was the lord of all the press lords in the United States. The millions who read the Hearst newspapers and magazines and saw Hearst newsreels in the nation's moviehouses had their minds poisoned by Hitler propaganda ... Hitler had the support of the most widely circulated magazine in history, 'Readers Digest: as well as nineteen big-city newspapers and one of the three great American news agencies. the $220-million Hearst press empire" (George Seldes. "Even the Gods Can't Change History").

16). Karl Meyer, "The Opium War's Secret History," New York Times. 6/28/1997; Jack Breeching. "The Chinese Opium Wars." Harcourt Brace Jovanovich 1975.

17). Anthony Sutton. "America's Secret Establishment: An introduction to The Order of Skull & Bones" Liberty House, New York. 1986.

18). Ron Rosenbaum. "The Last Secrets of Skull and Bones." Esquire Magazine. September. 1977; Peggy Alder-Robohm. "Skull and Bones - Bush's Boy's Club." Covert Action Quarterly No. 33, 1990; John Schrag, "Skeleton in His Closet." Willamette Week. September 19- 25. 1991: David W. Dunlap. "Yale Society Resists Peeks Into Its Crypt." New York Times. 11/4/88.

19). Peggy Alder-Robohm. "Skull and Bones -- Bush's Boy's Club." Covert Action Quarterly No. 33, 1990: John Schrag. "Skeleton in His Closet," Willamette Week, September 19·25. 1991.

20). Bensel, Richard F. "Yankee Leviathan: The Origins of Central State Authority in America. 1859-1877." Cambridge University Press. 1990; Ransom. Roger L. "Conflict and Compromise: The Political Economy of Slavery. Emancipation. and the American Civil War." New York: Cambridge University Press. 1989: Ransom. Roger L. "The Economic Consequences of the American Civil War." In The Political Economy of War and Peace. M. Wolfson. Norwell (Ed). Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998; Goldin. Claudia, and Frank Lewis. "The Post- Bellum Recovery of the South and the Cost of the Civil War: Comment." Journal of Economic History 38.487-492. 1978.

21). Michael Fellman, "Inside War." T. J. Stiles, "Jesse James, Last Rebel of the Civil War," Knopf, 2002.

22). Ted Aynn, "Hope for the Wicked;" Webster G. Tarpley &Anton Chaitkin, "George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography," The Executive Intelligence Review. A veritable list of America's financial elite and powerful have been members of Skull and Bones.

23). Fitzhugh Green, "George Bush: An Intimate Portrait," Hippocrene Books; Russell S. Bowen (ret. Brigadier General, U. S. Army), "The Immaculate Deception: The Bush Crime Family Exposed," America West Publishers 1991; Webster G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin, "George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography," The Executive Intelligence Review; Christopher Simpson, "The Splendid Blond Beast."

24). Webster G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin, "George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography," The Executive Intelligence Review.

25). Walter Isaacson and Evan Thomas, 'The Wise Men: Six Friends and the World They Made," Simon & Schuster, 1986; Christopher Ogden, "Life of the Party: The Biography of Pamela Digby Churchill Hayward Harriman," Little and Brown and Company 1994

26). William Still "New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies," Huntington House, 1990; Michael Howard, "The Occult Conspiracy: Secret Societies -- Their Influence and Power in World History," Destiny Books 1989; Bill Cooper, "Behold A Pale Horse."

27). Trevor Ravenscroft, "Spear of Destiny."

28). Bill Cooper, "Behold A Pale Horse." Ron Rosenbaum, "The Last Secrets of Skull and Bones," Esquire Magazine, September, 1977.

29). Ron Rosenbaum, "The Last Secrets of Skull and Bones," Esquire Magazine, September, 1977.

30). Fritz Thyssen, "I Paid Hitler."

31). On Oct. 20, 1942, Under the Trading with the Enemy Act, the U.S. government ordered the seizure of Nazi German banking operations in New York City which were being directed by Prescott Bush, including the Union Banking Corporation, in which Bush was a director. The U.S. Alien Property Custodian seized Union Banking Corp.'s stock shares, all of which were owned by Prescott Bush, E. Roland, Bunny Harriman, and three Nazis, and two other Bush associates (see Office of Alien Property Custodian Vesting Order No. 248, Vesting Order No. 259, Vesting Order No. 261, Vesting Order No. 370). Vesting Order No. 248 noted that the Union Banking Corporation was run as a front for the "Thyssen family" of "Germany" and designated "Thyssen" as "nationals ... of a designated enemy country." See also testimony of Capt. Frederick C. Mensing, John Schroeder, Paul von Lilienfeld-Toal, "Investigation of Nazi Propaganda Activities and Investigation of Certain Other Propaganda Activities." Public Hearings before A Subcommittee of the Special Committee on Un-American Activities. United States House of Representatives. Seventy Third Congress. New York City. July 9-12, 1934 -- Hearings No. 73- NY-7, Washington: U.S. Govt. Printing Office. 1934.

32). Members of Skull & Bones in Brown Bros. Harriman: Ray Morris (Class of 1901). Mortimer Seabury (Class of 1909). W.A. Harriman (Class of 1913), E. Roland Harriman (Class of 1917). Prescott Sheldon Bush (Class of 1917). Ellery S. James (Class of 1917).

Knight Wooley (Class of 1917). Robert A. Lovett (Class of 1918). Members of Skull and Bones in Union Banking Corp: E. Roland Harriman (Class of 1917). Prescott Sheldon Bush (Class of 1917), Knight Wooley (Class of 1917). Ellery Sedgewick James (Class of 1917).

33). Walter Isaacson, "My Heritage Is Part Of Who I Am." Time Magazine. 6/7/2000.

34). Franz van Papen, "Memoirs," E.P. Dutton & Co., Inc., 1958, Translated by Brian Connell.

35). New York Times, 9/15/1930. 9/21/1930/ In 1929 the New York Times reported only one brief item on Adolf Hitler. In 1931 it repeatedly ran articles on Hitler most of which presented him in a favorable light.

36). Antony C. Sutton. "Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler."

37). James P. Warburg's Sworn Affidavit. New York City. New York. 8/15/1949. However. there is also evidence that the Warburgs were also enthusiastic supporters of Hitler. In a letter dated. March 27. 1933. Max Warburg states that "For the last few years business was considerably better than we had anticipated. but a reaction is making itself felt for some months. We are actually suffering also under the very active propaganda against Germany. caused by some unpleasant circumstances. These occurrences were the natural consequence of the very excited election campaign, but were extraordinarily exaggerated in the foreign press. The Government is firmly resolved to maintain public peace and order in Germany, and I feel perfectly convinced in this respect that there is no cause for any alarm whatsoever." On March 29. 1933. Max's son. Erich Warburg. sent a cable to his cousin Frederick M. Warburg. a director of the Harriman railroad system; "use all your influence" to stop all anti-Nazi activity in America. including "atrocity news and unfriendly propaganda in foreign press, mass meetings. etc." On March 31, 1933. the American-Jewish Committee. issued a statement asking that "no American boycott against Germany be encouraged." See John L. Spivak "Wall Street's Fascist Conspiracy." New Masses. January 29-February 5. 1934.

38). Leonard and Mark Silk. "The American Establishment:" Carrol Quigley. "Tragedy and Hope;'' James F. Hopkins, "A History of the Hemp Industry in Kentucky," University of Kentucky Press, 1951; George Seldes, "Facts and Fascism," In Fact, Inc., 1943; George Seldes, "Even the Gods Can't Change History: The Facts Speak for Themselves," Lyle Stuart, Inc., 1976.

39). John Loftus and Mark Aarons. "The Secret War Against The Jews" S1. Martins Press, New York, 1994.

40). "Trading with the Enemy."

41). As detailed in the book, Trading With the Enemy, "John R. Jacobs, Jr., of the Attorney General's department, testified that Standard had interfered with the American explosives industry by blocking the use of a method of producing synthetic ammonia. As a result of its deals with Farben, the United States had been unable to use this vital process even after Pearl Harbor. Also, the United States had been restricted in techniques of producing hydrogen from natural gas and from obtaining paraflow, a product used for airplane lubrication at high altitudes." In addition, "Texas oil operator c.R. Starnes appeared to testify that Standard had blocked him at every turn in his efforts to produce synthetic rubber after Pearl Harbor." This testimony was followed by that of "John R. Jacobs" who "reappeared in an Army private's uniform (he had been inducted the day before) to bring up another disagreeable matter: Standard had also, in league with Farben, restricted production of methanol, a wood alcohol that was sometimes used as motor fuel."

42). NMT, IG. Farben case, Volumes VII and VIII, pp. 1304-1311; "Elimination of German Resources, p. 1085."

43). Richard Sasuly, "IG Farben." Joseph Borkin, "The Crime and Punishment of LG. Farben," 1978.

44). Christopher Simpson, "Blowback: America's Recruitment of Nazis and Its Effects On the Cold War," Wiedenfeld & Nicholson, 1988; Tom Bower, "The paperclip conspiracy: the hunt for the Nazi scientists," Little, Brown, 1987; Charles R. AIlen, Jr. Nazi war criminals in America : facts-action: the basic handbook," Highgate House, 1985; Clarence Lasby, "Project Paperclip; German scientists and the Cold War," Atheneum, 1971.

45). PBS Frontline, Prince Bandar interview, 9/2001.

46). SaOd K. Aburish, "A Brutal Friendship: The West and the Arab Elite," S1.Martins Press, 1997; Micah L. Sifry and Christopher Cerf, "The Gulf War Reader," Random House, 1991; A. M. Vasilev, Alexei Vassiliev, "The History of Saudi Arabia," New York University Press, 2000.

47). Russell S. Bowen (ret. Brigadier General, U. S. Army), "The Immaculate Deception: The Bush Crime Family Exposed," America West Publishers. 1991; Peter Brewton, "The Mafia, CIA, and George Bush," Shapolsky Book Pub., 1992.
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Postby admin » Sat Aug 01, 2015 2:39 am


Chapter 4: CIA-NAZIS: TERROR & MURDER INCORPORATED: Corporate Terrorism, Guatemala, Chile, Cuba, Watergate and the Kennedy Assassination

Throughout the 1930's and early 1940s, Prescott Bush, the Harrimans, Rockefellers, and their associates, had been in business with Nazis and the terrorist brotherhood, the SS (1,2). With the assistance of the Dulles brothers, who were playing pivotal roles in and out of the White House, the Brotherhood of Death began expanding its cancerous tentacles into the heart of the United States government (1,2). With the help of friends in high places, including Dulles and hundreds of Nazis in the new CIA. Bush and friends were not only able to completely cover up their treacherous crimes, but would use the government of the United States as a tool for committing new ones.

Within just a few years after the end of World War II, Hitler's SS, would be transformed into an American version of the Gestapo: the CIA. Like Hitler's Gestapo, the CIA would be used as an instrument for murder and terror. and the assassination of men who threatened the political, business, and financial interests of Dulles, Bush, and the Wall Street elite.


"After the Nazis' 1943 defeat at Stalingrad," write Loftus and Aarons (1), "various Nazi businessmen realized they were on the losing side and made plans to evacuate their wealth. The Peron government in Argentina was receiving the Nazi flight capital with open arms, and Dulles helped it hide the money."

"The Guinness Book of Records lists the missing Reichsbank treasure" estimated at $2.5 billion dollars "as the greatest unsolved bank robbery in history. Where did it go?"

"According to our source," write Loftus and Aarons (1), the bulk of the treasure was simply shipped a very short distance across Austria and through the Brenner Pass into Italy. Dulles' contacts were waiting."

"Our sources claim that Dulles and his colleagues exerted a great deal of influence to ensure that Western investments in Nazi Germany were not seized by the Allies as reparations for the Jews. After all, much of 'Hitler's Gold' had originally belonged to the bankers in London and New York. The captured Nazi loot went underground."

At the end of WWII, some of that money, with the direct assistance of Dulles, may have been laundered through Bush- Harriman-Rockefeller banks. Dulles was in an excellent position to help his friends and cover up his tracks, because with Roosevelt dead, any effective opposition to him had also died. Dulles and his brother began consolidating their forces in the new Truman administration, volunteering their services, spreading their tentacles, covering up their crimes, and buying power (3).

Loftus and Aarons (1) go on to say, "Dulles and some of his friends volunteered for postwar service with the government not out of patriotism but of necessity. They had to be in positions of power to suppress the evidence of their own dealings with the Nazis." Through the influence of the Dulles brothers, investigations into their traitorous acts, and those of the Harriman-Bush- Rockefeller clique, were quashed. Ongoing investigations were also taken away "from the Treasury and turned over to the State Department. There Dulles' friends shredded the index to the interlocking corporations and blocked further investigations" (1).

"Dulles had this goal in mind: Not a single American businessman was ever going to be convicted of treason for helping the Nazis. None ever was, despite the evidence. According to one of our sources in the intelligence community, the U.S. Army Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC) had two large 'Civilian Internment Centers' in Occupied Germany, code named 'Ashcan' and 'Dustbin.' The CIC had identified and captured a large number of U.S. citizens who had stayed in Germany and aided the Third Reich all through World War II. The evidence of their treason was overwhelming. The captured German records were horribly incriminating." So, they were destroyed.

With the destruction of these and other records, Bush, Harriman, Rockefeller, as well as the Dulles brothers were almost in the clear. "Almost" would not be good enough. The cover up continued.

"Justice Department attorney, O. John Rogge, dared to make a speech about Nazi collaborators in the United States." He "was quickly fired. However, the attorney who buried the treason cases was later promoted to special assistant attorney general" (1).

A number of Americans who had been in business with or agents of Bush, Dulles, Harriman, Rockefeller, and the Nazis, were unable to cover their tracks, and had been imprisoned at the conclusion of the war, even though they were American citizens. It was important that they be cleared and never brought to justice, otherwise they would likely testify against Bush and gang.

"Victor Wohreheide, the young Justice Department attorney responsible for preparing the treason trials, suddenly ordered the prisoners' release. All of the Nazi collaborators were allowed to return to the United States and reclaim their citizenship" and their money (1). Once released, and with charges dropped, there would be little threat of these Nazi criminals ever testifying against Bush, Dulles, Harriman, Rockefeller, and the others.

It was not just Nazi businessmen, but Nazi businesses that were spared.

"Despite direct orders from President Truman and General Eisenhower, IG Farben, the citadel of the Nazi industrialists, was never dismantled" (1). Instead, companies such as Bayer, which comprised a major part of the IG Farben cartel, were allowed to continue doing business, with Bush, Harriman, Dulles, and Rockefeller getting a piece of the action.

Even worse, just as the U.S. congress had decided to give away oil pipelines, refineries, and petroleum-related industries and properties to the Rockefeller led oil-cartels, and to use American tax dollars to fund new refineries and pipelines in the Middle East (see chapter 3), "Dulles' clients demanded, and received, Allied compensation for bomb damage to their factories in Germany" (1).

"Only a few of the top Nazis were executed. Most of the rest were released from prison within a few years. Others would go virtually unpunished. No one ever investigated the Nazi sympathizers in Western intelligence who had made it all possible."

"The bottom line is that the Nazi businessmen survived the war with their fortunes intact and rebuilt their industrial empires to become the richest men in the world." Indeed, some became "multibillionaires" even though they "had been prominent members of Hitler's inner circle" (1,2).

Dulles' clients got away with it. President Roosevelt's dream of putting the Nazis' money men on trial died with him" (1,2).

Dulles and his clients had won.

However, insofar as the Dulles-Bush-Harriman-Rockefeller clique were concerned, this was just a single battle. The great prize would be to seize power in the United States and to use the government to serve their own ends. Like Hitler, they intended to do it "legally."

Knowledge is power. Secrecy insures that knowledge and power are controlled by those controlling the secrets. If crimes remain secret, there is no punishment, just rewards.

Espionage and spying are a means of gaining access to the secrets of others. Knowledge is power.

It was the job of Allen Dulles to bury the secrets which would implicate his patrons and business partners, as well as himself, in treasonable and criminal acts. However, Dulles, with a long history in spying and espionage, wanted more than to just bury secrets. Dulles wanted to build a spy agency (4), that like Himmler's Gestapo, would be above the law, and thus beyond any possibility of penalty for crimes such as terror, theft, slavery or murder.

Even before the end of World War II, Dulles, who would soon become the first director of the CIA, had begun recruiting his dream team of super-spy masters from the "Brotherhood of Death," that is, from Himmler's dreaded SS, the Gestapo (5). Dulles would create an American version of the Gestapo: the CIA. The CIA would become his personal instrument of power.


From 1927 to 1941, the Dulles brothers worked as lawyers and international finance specialists for Sullivan & Cromwell, a Wall Street law firm in New York. Allen Dulles performed work for Bush, Harriman, and Rockefeller in setting up business relationships with the Nazis and with top Nazi industrialists. Dulles played a pivotal role in promoting U.S.-Nazi corporate relations (6).

Dulles was also legal counsel for Standard Oil and the Nazi's IG Farben, which had partnered with the Rockefellers and owned considerable Standard oil stock. His brother John Dulles (who later became Secretary of State) was an IG Farben board member (6).

Dulles was originally recruited by OSS intelligence chief Colonel William J. Donovan, in 1941, and was posted to Berne, Switzerland. Dulles was picked because of his great expertise on Germany which he acquired through his law firm and by working as an agent for Bush, Harriman, and Rockefeller (6).

From October 1942 to May 1945, he gathered intelligence information on Nazi Germany, especially as it pertained to commerce and industry. Much of this information was also passed on to his business associates, i.e. Bush and gang (1,2,6).

The Nazis considered Dulles to be "the most influential White House man in Europe" and Dulles had numerous meetings with top ranking members of the SS (4,6,7). In January of 1943, Dulles, acting as a representative of the United States, began negotiating with top Nazis. Dulles was urging that Hitler be deposed and replaced by SS chief Himmler (7).

Himmler was a mass murderer, responsible for the deaths of at least ten million men, women, and children, in the Nazi death camps and elsewhere (7,8). However, Himmler was still a business man and a member of the "Brotherhood of Death" (8), as were Bush, Harriman, Rockefeller, and other Dulles' associates (9). Dulles and gang thought Himmler would make a fine leader.

All were in agreement with the Dulles plan, including Himmler, and presumably, the White House (7). "The stumbling block was the question of how the SS could get rid of Hitler" (7). Himmler wished to make Hitler an "honorary president."

The entire plan of replacing Hitler. however, went awry, when, according to Dulles (4), Hitler became aware of the plan due to "some Allied agency neither American or British."

Himmler panicked.

Dulles then began negotiating with Obergruppenfuhrer Karl Wolff (4), Himmler's "senior aid" and the "Head of his Personal Staff." Wolff "knew all the murkiest secrets of SS headquarters."

This too came to naught, perhaps because Hitler learned of the meetings with Dulles. Curiously, Hitler seemed to know Dulles personally, and thus did not object to these meetings. In April, 1945, for example, Hitler summoned Wolff and asked him about Dulles (7,8). Wolf replied: "I am happy to report to you, my Fuhrer, that I have succeeded in opening doors through Mr. Dulles." After further discussion, Hitler relied: "Go back to Italy. Keep up your relationship with Dulles and the Americans."

By this late stage of the game, it was clear that Germany had lost the War. It was also clear that it would be impossible to install Himmler as the leader of Germany, though, that hope was actually kept alive until the final weeks of the war.

Dulles and the Bush gang had lots of Nazi "friends" including hundreds of men who wore the dreaded SS death head. Many of these were Nazi businessmen -- men who, in the name of profits, enslaved, starved, and worked to death, millions of men and women.

When the war ended, Dulles acted to insure that Nazi businessmen would escape punishment with their fortunes intact. He also helped thousands of high ranking SS officers to escape.

Dulles was not acting out of kindness. He wanted to put these men to work as spies who would murder and kill in the name of the good 'ol USA. Even before the war ended, Dulles had begun recruiting Gestapo agents, that is, members of the German Order of Skull and Bones, the Brotherhood of Death, into what would become the American version of the Gestapo, the CIA (5,6).

As recently revealed by the CIA (5) and as documented by Christopher Simpson, in his extensively researched book, Blowback (10), "hundreds of convicted Nazi war criminals" were "smuggled out of Germany to avoid prosecution at the war crimes trials at Nuremberg." They were "recruited by, and were put on the payroll of several U.S. government agencies, including the Army CIC, the OSS, and the Office of Policy Coordination within the State Department."

Dulles was well rewarded for his work on behalf of his Nazi friends and American business partners. He became the first director of the CIA.

Once the war ended, thousands of SS men, murderers, torturers, killers of women, children and babies, were recruited by Dulles, including, as admitted by the CIA on April 29, 2001 (11), Klaus Barbie, the infamous "Butcher of Lyon." Barbie was eventually convicted of crimes against humanity by a French court.

SS Nazi Major General Walter Dornberger was yet another "butcher" recruited by Dulles. Dornberger had been sentenced to death by hanging for war crimes. With the help of Dulles he escaped his fate, and was welcomed with open arms into what would become the CIA (5).

As revealed by the National Archives, as admitted by the CIA, and as reported by BBC and UPI (5), the CIA employed high ranking Nazis, including Nazi General Reinhard Gehlen who placed his Nazi spy ring at the disposal of Dulles following the close of WWII. Gehlen's Nazi CIA spy ring, became known as "the Gehlen Organization and received millions of dollars in funding from the U.S. until 1956" (11).

Gehlen was Hitler's senior intelligence officer on the Eastern Front during the war and was responsible for the torture and murder of millions of Soviet prisoners of war. However, instead of being brought to justice, Gehlen's network of SS and Gestapo Nazi agents, were secretly released from prisoner of war camps by U.S. intelligence officers at the urgings of Allen Dulles.

According to T. H. Tetens author of "The New Germany and the Old Nazis, "Gehlen "immediately asked for an interview with the commanding officer" and offered the United States "his intelligence staff, spy apparatus, and the priceless files for future service."

Dulles made personal arrangements for Gehlen to be sent to Washington where his offer was accepted. "The Pentagon-Gehlen agreement," states Tetens (l2), "in practice guaranteed the continuation of the all-important Abwehr division of the German General Staff. Hundreds of German army and SS officers were quietly released from internment camps and joined Gehlen's headquarters in the Spessart Mountains in central Germany. When the staff had grown to three thousand men, the Bureau Gehlen opened a closely guarded twenty-five-acre compound near Pullach, south of Munich, operating under the innocent name of the South German Industrial Development Organization."

"In the early fifties it was estimated that the organization employed up to 4,000 intelligence specialists in Germany, mainly former army and SS officers, and more than 4,000 V-men (undercover agents). Gehlen's spy network stretched from Korea to Cairo, from Siberia to Santiago de Chile. Within a few years the Gehlen apparatus had grown by leaps and bounds" (12).

As summed up by Tetens (12), "the short period of 1950-51 must be marked as the time when Hitler's old officers, SS leaders, and [Nazi] party functionaries returned to power and influence."

A US Justice Department spokesman, Eli Rosenbaum, said "the files demonstrated that the real winners of the war were Nazi war criminals."

Allen Dulles, in his book "The Secret Surrender," justifies his use of Gestapo agents, by making a distinction between "good" and "bad" Nazis. Standartenfuehrer Eugen Dollmann, Himmler's representative in Rome, was a "good" Nazi, as was SS Obergruppenfuehrer Karl Wolff.

In November, 1938, this "good" Nazi, Karl Wolff played a major role in the atrocities of "Kristallnacht" (the night of broken glass), during which 20,000 German Jews were attacked, beaten up, their homes and business burnt, and then sent to concentration camps where they were tortured, starved, and murdered.

After the conquest of Poland, Wolf sent a letter to Himmler which read as follows: "For your letter of July 28th, 1942, I thank you -- also in the name of the Reichsfuehrer SS -- sincerely. With particular joy I noted your assurance that for two weeks now a train has been carrying, every day, 5000 members of the Chosen People to Treblinka, so that we are now in a position to carry through this 'population movement.' With best regards and Heil Hitler!"

Thus, in the mind of Dulles and his CIA, there are "good" sadists and mass murderers such as Wolff and even SS chief, Himmler, and those that are bad sadists and murderers, i.e. communists and labor leaders.

The CIA, thus, became a Nazi refuge and would soon become an instrument of Nazi-like terror. The CIA, like the Gestapo, would employ espionage, propaganda, terror, chemical and biological warfare, including the purposeful infection and murder of innocent American and foreign citizens, to obtain its objectives (13, see also chapter 8). And, like the Gestapo, the CIA would be, as it still is, above the law, and its agents would be encouraged to break the law and to commit crimes against humanity.

"Hitherto acceptable norms of human conduct do not apply. If the United States is to survive, long-standing American concepts of 'fair play' must be reconsidered. We must develop effective espionage and counterespionage services and must learn to subvert, sabotage and destroy our enemies by more clever, more sophisticated, and more effective methods than those used against us. It may become necessary that the American people be made acquainted with, understand and support this fundamentally repugnant philosophy."

-- General James Doolittle, report to President Eisenhower, 1954.

"The CS is the only part of the IC [intelligence community], indeed of the government, where hundreds of employees on a daily basis are directed to break extremely serious laws in countries around the world. A safe estimate is that several hundred times every day (easily 100,000 times a year) officers engage in highly illegal activities that not only risk political embarrassment to the US but also endanger the freedom if not lives of the participating foreign nationals and, more than occasionally, of the clandestine officer himself."

-- Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, House of Representatives, 104th Congress, 1996.

"Over the past fifty years, it is now documented, these Americanized fugitive Nazi war criminals have been involved in, and in many cases in charge of U.S. government covert operations -- international weapons smuggling, drug cartels, Central American death squads, right wing anti-communist dictatorships, LSD mind control experiments -- the Republican National Committee's Ethnic Heritage Councils, and the Presidential campaigns of Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and George Bush" (12).

Hitler's dream and his SS essentially became the CIA.

Indeed, the Dulles, Bush, Harriman, Rockefeller clique, like Hitler before them, would employ Nazi-CIA terrorists not just for spying and murder, but as instruments to be used for gaining incredible wealth, as well as political power, and as yet another means of gaining control over the United States government.


The CIA was the afterbirth of a marriage between Hitler's SS, and the ass (6,10,12). In 1944, William J. Donovan, the creator of the ass, and his assistant, Allen Dulles, presented a draft proposal for the creation of a super-spy agency, "which will procure intelligence both by overt and covert methods and will at the same time provide intelligence guidance, determine national intelligence objectives, and correlate the intelligence material collected by all government agencies."

Three years later, in 1947, President Harry S. Truman, agreed to the formation of a centralized intelligence agency, with Dulles acting as a director (14). In 1949, the Central Intelligence Agency Act (15) was passed, thus creating a spy agency which would be modeled after the SS, and which would be above the law, and could carry out its activities in secret and independent of congressional scrutiny. The act also exempted the CIA from having to disclose its "organization, functions, officials, titles, salaries, or numbers of personnel employed."

Dulles immediately began recruiting Nazi terrorists and SS torturers to fill the ranks, and to teach SS methods to new CIA recruits (6,10,12). Almost overnight, the CIA became a criminal enterprise, devoted to protecting the business interests of the Wall Street elite, including those directed or controlled by Bush, Harriman, Rockefeller, and the Dulles brothers. Anyone and everyone challenging or threatening the ability of these men and their associates to make money and to rape and exploit third world countries, became dangers to "national security." Opponents would be eliminated, their governments or organizations toppled, and indigenous populations, including workers, murdered or terrorized into submission -- tactics identical to those employed by Hitler's SS -- the Brotherhood of Death (7).


""I worked in the CIA for 13 years" explained John Stockwell, in a speech given on October 10, 1987. In 1978, Stockwell, the highest-ranking CIA official ever to leave the agency and go public, was awarded the Medal of Merit before he resigned.

"I sat on a subcommittee of the NSC [National Security Council] so I was like a chief of staff, with the GS-18s, Henry Kissinger, Bill Colby (the CIA director), making the important decisions. My job was to put it all together and make it happen and run it" ( 16).

"I was conditioned by my training, my marine corps training, and my background, to believe in everything they were saying about the cold war, and I took the job with great enthusiasm .... only to discover ... that nothing we were doing in fact defended U.S. national security interests."

"The CIA, the state department, works with the death squads. They don't meet the death squads on the streets where they're actually chopping up people or laying them down on the street and running trucks over their heads. The CIA people meet the police chiefs, and the people who run the death squads, and they do liaise with them, they meet them beside the swimming pool of the villas. And it's a sophisticated, civilized kind of relationship. And they talk about their children, who are going to school at UCLA or Harvard. They don't talk about the horrors of what's being done."

"I went to Nicaragua a total of 7 times. This was a major covert action. It gave me a chance, after running operations from Washington, to go to a country that was under attack, to talk to the leadership, to talk to the people, to look and see what happens when you give white phosphorous or grenades or bombs to people, and they go inside a country ... It gave me a chance to talk to the people, who have been shot, or hit, or blown up .... We're talking about 10 to 20 thousand covert actions."

"The Indonesian covert action of 1965, not only eliminated the Indonesian communist party, it also eliminated the entire segment of the population that tended to support the communist party - the ethnic Chinese, Indonesian Chinese. The CIA's report put the number of dead at 800,000 killed. Ralph McGehee," who helped run that operation, "said that this was a model operation that should be copied everywhere in the world."

"That's the sentiment in Washington. If you're killing 1 to 3 million communists, that's great. The problem, though, is that these people killed by our national security activities are not communists. They're not Communists, they're not Communist KGB. In the field we used to play chess with the KGB officers, and have drinks with them. It was like professional football players -- we would knock heads on Sunday, maybe in an operation, and then Tuesday you're at a banquet together drinking toasts and talking. The people that are dying are people of the third world. That's the common denominator. People that have the misfortune of being born in the Metumba mountains of the Congo, in the jungles of Southeast Asia, in the hills of Nicaragua. Far more Catholics than communists, far more Buddhists than communists. Most of them couldn't give you an intelligent definition of communism, or of capitalism."

"The CIA creates police units that become death squads with the leaders on the CIA's payroll, trained by the CIA. We had the 'public safety program' going throughout Central and Latin America for 26 years, in which we taught them to break up subversion by interrogating people. Interrogation, including torture. Dan Metrione, the famous exponent of these things, was the master of the business, how to apply the right amount of pain, at just the right times, in order to get the response you want from the individual. They developed a wire. They gave them crank generators, with 'U.S. AID' written on the side, so the victims would know where these things came from."

"Now how do you teach torture? Dan Metrione: 'I can teach you about torture, but sooner or later you'll have to get involved. You'll have to lay on your hands and try it yourselves.'''

"To teach torture, sometimes they would grab beggars from off the streets. All they could do was lie there and scream. And when they would collapse, they would bring in doctors and shoot them up with vitamin B and rest them up for the next class. And when they would die, they would mutilate the bodies and throw them out on the streets, to terrify the population so they would be afraid of the police and the government. And this is what the CIA was teaching them to do."

"To destabilize Nicaragua, beginning in 1981, we began funding Somoza's ex-national guardsmen, calling them the contras (the counter-revolutionaries). We created this force, it did not exist until we allocated money, We've armed them, put uniforms on their backs, boots on their feet, given them camps in Honduras to live in, medical supplies, doctors, training, leadership, and then sent them in to de-stabilize Nicaragua. Under our direction they systematically blew up granaries, saw mills, bridges, government offices, schools, health centers. They ambushed trucks so the produce couldn't get to market. They raided farms and villages ... they assassinated religious workers, teachers, health workers, elected officials, government administrators. They use terror, a technique to traumatize the society so that it can't function.

"They'd go into villages, haul out families, and with the children forced to watch they'd castrate the father, peel the skin off his face, put a grenade in his mouth and pull the pin. With the children forced to watch they'd gang-rape the mother, and slash her breasts off. And sometimes for variety, they make the parents watch while they do these things to the children. Its been documented that 13,000 people were killed this way in Nicaragua, mostly women and children. These are the activities done by these contras. The contras are the people Reagan and Bush call 'freedom fighters'" (16).


Like Hitler's Gestapo (7,8), the mission of the CIA had a definite political purpose which was to put into power those sympathetic to the interests of the Wall Street elite and who supported the fascist ideology of the Brotherhood. However, it was not just third world countries which would be subverted, but the government of the United States.

As explained by Loftus and Aarons (1) "Dulles had been recruiting Nazis under the cover of the State Department's Office of Policy Coordination. Eastern European emigre networks that had worked first for the SS, then the British, and finally Dulles" were also recruited and put on the payroll of the State Dept., even though they were Nazis working for the CIA.

"The CIA did not know it, but Dulles was bringing them to the United States less for intelligence purposes than for political advantage. The Nazis' job quickly became to get out the vote for the Republicans."

"According to several of our sources among the 'old spies,' Richard Nixon's political career began in 1945, when he was the navy officer temporarily assigned to review ... captured Nazi documents" (1). The documents revealed the Nazi record of Karl Blessing, "former Reichsbank officer and then head of the Nazi oil cartel, Kontinentale O1 A.G. 'Konti' was in partnership with Dulles' principal Nazi client, IG Farben. Dulles" with Nixon's help "lost Blessings Nazi party records and personally vouched for Blessing as an anti-Nazi in order to protect continued control of German oil interests in the Middle East. Blessing's Konti was the Nazi link to Ihn Saud [King of Saudi Arabia] and ARAMCO [the Arabian- American Oil Company]. If Blessing went down, he could have taken a lot of people with him, including Allen Dulles," and the Bush, Harriman, Rockefeller gang.

Naturally, the Dulles, Bush, Harriman, Rockefeller clique were eager to reward Nixon for his help, and together, they "arranged financing for Nixon's first congressional campaign. Nixon, they believed, would be yet another useful tool in the toolbox they were constructing in Congress. Some of these tools, i.e. Thomas Dewey, they hoped to place in the White House. Nixon won, but Dewey lost the election.

Not surprisingly, Richard Nixon gives a different explanation as to how his relationship with the Bush gang first developed. In his biography (17), Nixon claims that he saw an advertisement, in a Los Angeles newspaper, that had been placed there, in 1946, by the Orange County Republican Party and a wealthy group of businessmen led by Prescott Bush. Bush and friends, Nixon claims, wanted a young candidate to run for Congress against the liberal democratic incumbent. Nixon says he responded to the ad, and they basically hired him to run for congress, which he did, thus becoming a congressional mouthpiece for the Bush gang.

Nixon, acting as the pro-business, anti-communist mouthpiece of the Dulles-Bush-Harriman-Rockefeller clan, was so effective in this capacity, that he became Eisenhower's running mate, in 1952 -- despite Eisenhower's dislike of the man.

"In preparation for the 1952 Eisenhower-Nixon campaign, the Republicans formed an Ethnic Division, which, to put it bluntly, recruited the 'displaced Fascists' who arrived in the United States after World War II. Like similar migrant organizations in several Western countries, the Ethnic Division attracted a significant number of Central and Eastern European Nazis, who had been recruited by the SS as political and police leaders during the Holocaust" (1).

The Nazis worked not only for the Eisenhower-Nixon ticket, but to put Prescott Bush in the Senate. It was during this same time period, during the early days of the attempted Nazification of the Republican party, that Prescott's son, George H. W. Bush, became actively involved with Republican politics. It was possibly also around this same period, that G.H.W. Bush began working in the CIA.

It was the dream of Dulles and gang, to elevate their man Nixon, to the White House. In 1960, Nixon ran against Kennedy. Although the Nazi wing of the party was put at Nixon's disposal, he lost. Nixon didn't blame his loss on the Nazis. Far from it. Instead, and at the urgings of Dulles and gang, he intended to make full use of his Nazi friends the next time he ran for president.

"In 1968 Nixon promised that if he won the presidential election, he would create a permanent ethnic council within the Republican party" (1). The word "ethnic" was code for "Nazi." In the early 1960s, if not before, George H.W. Bush also began playing an active role in the creation of these ethnic councils. Thus he willingly carried out Nixon's promise after the 1972 election, while he served as chairman of the Republican National Committee (1,19).

One of the men Bush helped to recruit was Laszlo Pasztor, who became the Chairman of Nixon's Republican Heritage Groups council. During World War II Pasztor served as a government official representing Nazi Hungary in Germany. Other emigre slots were also filled by the members of various Nazi collaborationist organizations (1,12,18,19).

As documented in a 1988 study by Russ Bellant of Political Research Associates, virtually all of the Fascist organizations of World War II were welcomed into the Republican party during the Nixon administration -- and George W. Bush, as chairman of the party, played a major role. Emanuel Jasiuk was representative of the character of the Republican ethnic leaders that Bush and Nixon were after. Emanuel Jasiuk, was a notorious mass murderer who was recruited by the Nazis when they invaded what is today called the independent nation of Belarus (which during WWII was part of the Soviet Union).

In addition to being Nazi fascists and haters of democracy, what all these George H.W. Bush recruits had in common was that they had fought against the United States, during World War II.

While George Bush did his duty bringing Nazis into positions of power in the republican party, Nixon, after he became President, was surrounding "himself with what was known as the Berlin Wall, a long succession of advisors with Germanic names: We recall at the top of his 'German General Staff' as it was also known, there was Haldeman, Erlichman, Krogh, Kliendienst, Kissinger (the Rockefellers ' emissary) and many others" (19).

As described by Groden and Livingstone (19), "Some of these men would watch the great Nazi propaganda films in the basement of the White House until all hours of the night, and drink, in fact, get drunk with their power, with blind ambition, as one of them wrote."

As detailed by Loftus and Aarons (1), "According to several of our sources in the intelligence community who were in a position to know, the secret rosters of the Republican party's Nationalities Council read like a Who's Who of Fascist fugitives. The Republican's Nazi connection is the darkest secret of the Republican leadership."


"An Allende victory would represent a definite psychological set-back to the US and a definite psychological advantage for the Marxist idea."

-- CIA study, 9/7/70.

Chile had long been ruled by a U.S.-backed Nazi-like military dictatorship which served as a lackey for the Wall Street elite (20).

In 1969, during Nixon's second year in office, a coalition of socialists, communists, and most of the social-democratic parties of Chile, banded together to create the "Popular Unity." The Popular Unity offered a comprehensive program that was designed to reorganize the national economy and to provide improved health care, education, nutrition to the people of Chile. Salvador Allende Gossens, a physician with a distinguished record of government service, was chosen to be the Popular Unity's presidential candidate (21).

In a speech, Allende laid out one of his "dangerous" proposals that so aggrieved Nixon and his Nazis: "Today in Chile there are over 600,000 children mentally retarded because they were not adequately nourished during the first eight months of their lives, because they did not receive the necessary proteins." To correct the problem, Allende announced his intention to develop a free milk-distribution program.

Wall Street, the CIA, and it's cadre of Nazis in the Republican party and Nixon White House, became alarmed. As detailed in the previous chapter, it was Nazi policy under Hitler, to keep conquered peoples, and all "subhumans" uneducated, and to prevent them from gaining access to health care.

CIA agents and U.S. dollars began streaming into the country (22,23) to fight Allende. Jorge Alessandri, the former dictator of Chile was one of the beneficiaries of CIA help and U.S. dollars. In the days before the election, when it became clear Allende would win, he issued a warning: "I don't think that [Allende] will achieve his objective because the organized public forces and Carabineros (military police) of Chile will not allow the criminal doctrines to win. Moved by patriotism, they will save us at the cost of sacrificing the liberty that we all enjoy" (23). In other words, the military will overthrow Allende and his supporters, and a blood bath will ensue.

Allende, realizing the dangers posed by the military, promised that if elected, he would only gradually implement his educational and health care programs and would not call for any changes in Chile's military (21,23).

General Rene Schneider Chereau, Commander in Chief of the Chilean Army was satisfied: "The Armed Forces cannot stop the changes. Allende has given us his assurance that he will stay within the Constitution and laws." The military thus stayed neutral. Despite the CIA's attempt to interfere with the election, Allende won by a huge plurality.

Wall Street and the Nixon administration went into shock (20,21,22). Nixon began referring to Allende as "that bastard ... We're going to get that bastard ..."

As summed up by one Chilean newspaper (24): "This election must have been a shock to foreign investors in Chile, mainly for the mining companies owned by the Americans ...Allende is ready to install a revolutionary government to end the dominion of foreign capital."

Nixon and his Nazis knew better. They decided to kill Allende.

"I don't see why we need to stand by and watch a country go communist because of the irresponsibility of its own people." - Henry Kissinger, National Security Adviser to Nixon.

"Save Chile! ... not concerned with risks involved ... $10,000,000 available, more if necessary."

-- handwritten notes of CIA Director Richard Helms, 9/15/1973.

"It is firm and continuing policy that Allende be overthrown by a coup. It would be much preferable to have this transpire prior to 24 October but efforts in this regard will continue vigorously beyond this date. We are to continue to generate maximum pressure toward this end utilizing every appropriate resource. It is imperative that these actions be implemented clandestinely and securely so that the United States government and American hand be well hidden .... Please review all your present and possibly new activities to include propaganda, black operations, surfacing of intelligence or disinformation, personal contacts, or anything else your imagination can conjure which will permit you to press forward toward our objective."

-- Cable from CIA headquarters to Henry Heckscher, CIA station chief in Santiago, Chile, 10/16/1973.

The CIA realized, however, that if it was to regain control of the country, not just Allende and his supporters, but the General Rene Schneider Chereau would also have to be removed. General Chereau had promised to obey the constitution and to uphold democracy. A military coup would be impossible with General Chereau at the helm.

On October 26, General Rene Schneider Chereau was dead. He had been attacked and shot by 10 men. According to Chilean intelligence sources, U.S. President Richard Nixon had given "orders to prevent the socialists' rise to power, hoping to prevent the creation of another Soviet ally in the Western Hemisphere" (25). That is, the Nixon administration ordered the assassination of General Chereau. Allende would be next.

The CIA now had control over Chile's military, Chilean General Pinochet, would become one of the leaders of the military coup, and then, following the overthrow of AlIende, Pinochet would become Chile's new US-backed dictator.

On September 11, 1973, US Navy ships, which had gathered off the coast of Chile, went on high alert offshore. Over 30 jet fighters and support planes began to appear along the borders.

The signal was given: Sections of the Chilean navy seized the port city of Valparaiso, west of Santiago. Allende called his Minister of Defense, Orlando Letelier, and asked him to investigate. Letelier was immediately arrested. Allende began calling his generals. "No one is answering," he remarked. "I think that this time all of them are involved."

Soon the Presidential palace was surrounded by tanks. Jets soared overhead. Snipers had taken up their positions.

The attack began. Tank cannons boomed. Jets fired missiles. And then Chilean soldiers attacked and swarmed into the Palace.

A little after 12 noon, Salvador Allende was dead. He had been shot in the head (26).

It was not enough to kill Allende. Wall Street, the CIA, and the Nixon Nazis were determined to terrorize the Chilean population into helpless submission and to destroy his supporters root and branch.
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Postby admin » Sat Aug 01, 2015 2:42 am



The CIA had learned their art from the masters of terror: Hitler's SS. In order to subdue and enslave a population, it must be subjected to unrelenting terror. The Nixon White House, the Rockefeller-Bush Wall Street clique, and the CIA, were determined to crush and destroy the people of Chile and to eliminate any member of the intellectual or professional class who even harbored a socialist thought (26).

Based on lists provided by the CIA, students, teachers, doctors, nurses, and of course, members of the Popular Unity party, were the first to be "disappeared;" i.e. rounded up, hideously tortured, and killed. Then the working class and the peasants were targeted. Those who had dared to elect Allende would be tortured, murdered, and severely punished (26,27).

The following eye-witness accounts are taken from Robinson Rojas Sandford's book, The Murder of Allende and the End of the Chilean Way of Socialism (26):

"During the first weeks of October, I had to cross Bulnes bridge to get over the Mapocho very early every morning. The first time I could not believe my eyes. It couldn't be true. From a distance I could see lots of people gathered along the bridge's railing and the riverbanks. They were looking at the half-floating corpses, four men's bodies. I still remember, one was wearing a red shirt. Farther off, there was a fifth body which had been dragged ashore."

"This scene went on every day, and not just at this bridge. You could see them at Pedro de Valdivia bridge too. Dozens of women would station themselves at the bridges every day, in hopes of seeing the body of a husband or son who had disappeared after being picked up by the soldiers."

"One day I saw nine corpses, all with bare chests, hands tied behind their backs. The bodies were perforated by bullet holes. And with them was the body of a girl, apparently fifteen or sixteen years old."

"Some peasants traveling over the Las Tejuelas bridge, which crosses the Nuble River about a mile and a half from Chillan, noted that, as usual, the water level was beginning to drop with the end of the rainy season. Along with this phenomenon, they noticed another one, new and horrifying: the appearance of dozens of headless cadavers with their arms tied behind their backs. Some of the bodies were half decayed. When the peasants notified the military police post at the city gates, they were told curtly: 'You saw nothing. If you say anything, we will arrest you and cut your throats, just like those corpses.'''

"Those bodies were the leftovers from the 'extermination' operation in Nuble Province, resembling the "leftovers" in any other province in Chile after September 11 -- human debris left by bayonets, machine guns, and torture devices of the Chilean Air Force, Navy, and Army."

"Shortly before this incident at the Las Tejuelas bridge, the Arauco Fishing Association, which produces canned seafood in the port of Talcahuano, had to halt work for several days. The fish they were receiving were full of bits of human flesh from bodies the Chilean Navy had tossed into the ocean after they came out of the naval base's torture chambers."

"Chilean Air Force troops deposited the body of a seventeen- year-old boy, an MIR party member, in a town south of Santiago. Part of the boy's abdomen had been subjected to vivisection. Both his legs were broken, and also his left arm: His entire body was covered with holes made by cigarette burns. He had also been castrated."

"Children were not spared. On September 18 a military patrol went to pick up Jose Soto, a maker of wrought iron furniture, in his sixties, president of the supply and price control junta in his district, Quinta Normal. Soto wasn't home. His fourteen-year old son was alone in the house. The military patrol seized the boy. Afterward they threw the boy's bullet-riddled body on Soto's doorstep -- 'so the sonofabitch won't be a faggot and will turn himself in,' the soldiers shouted to his neighbors."

"Other common forms of torture practiced by the Army's SIM and military police intelligence officers were to extinguish cigarettes in the victim's anus and to apply electric current to the ears, anus, and testicles."

"During September and part of October, in the Santiago communities around the industrial areas, the soldiers would leave bodies in the streets. When their relatives came to pick them up, they were arrested. The bodies generally had fingernails pulled out, or legs broken, or testicles smashed. Several had their eyes burnt out, apparently with cigarette butts."

The torture and the murders continued for years. Anyone could be a target, even citizens of other countries including the United States and Britain (28).

William Beausire was a citizen of Britain. "He was apolitical. He had committed no crime. In November 1974, William was on his way to England from Santiago when he was abducted in Buenos Aires by agents of DINA, General Pinochet's intelligence service. He was taken to their notorious Villa Grimaldi torture centre in Santiago. Over the next seven months William was systematically tortured by the Chilean secret police. We know from witnesses that William had electrodes attached to his genitals. We know that he had sticks forced into his rectum. We know he was suspended from a wall, hanging by his arms. We don't know what happened to William. He was last seen in July 2nd 1975, being escorted by DINA agents from a torture centre in Santiago. He is now missing, presumed dead."

William Beausire was just one of the thousands of those tortured and killed because of the likes of Wall Street, Nixon, the CIA, and Rockefeller-clone, Henry Kissinger. Kissinger, who never met a mass murderer he didn't like -- that is, so long as the murderer wasn't a communist -- was pleased as punch by the atrocities that were committed.

"In the United States, as you know, we are sympathetic with what you are trying to do here. I think that the previous government was headed toward Communism. We wish your government well."

-- Henry Kissinger, speaking to Chilean military dictator, Pinochet, 6/8/76.

Prior to joining the Nixon Nazis, Kissinger had served as a top aid to Rockefeller, and played a major role in covering up the tracks of his boss, while in Germany immediately following the war.

Other interesting characters that served in the Nixon White House, included, Donald Rumsfeld who would later hire his old buddy, Dick Cheney to be his deputy. Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney not only served during the 9/11/1993 tragedy orchestrated by the Nixon White House, but the 9/11/2001 tragedy that occurred during the Bush Jr. presidency, Like Mr. Bush, Cheney attended Yale.

And of course there is George H.W. Bush. In 1973, he was the chairman of the Republican party, and a member of the CIA, during the Nixon administration. What role he played in the mass murder and torture of Chilean men, women, and children, can only be guessed at.

Almost 30 years after the 9/11 tragedy in Chile, Cheney and Rumsfeld would again be part of a Republican administration during another 9/11 tragedy, this one headed by the son of George H.W. Bush.


The Nixon Presidency ended with his resignation, after a failed cover up of petty crimes, a burglary, committed by men associated with or employed by the CIA (29).

Nixon was not brought down by the second rate burglary known as "Watergate," but by the subsequent cover up and the fear of what might also be exposed if Congress voted for impeachment. There were numerous cover-ups in place, one of which may well have served the purpose of covering up the role of Bush and friends in a number of sordid and illegal plots including the financing of the CIA-"plumbers" unit who committed the Watergate burglary (30).

Five men had been arrested in the early morning hours of June 17, 1972, while committing a burglary at Democratic headquarters, at the Watergate hotel. In addition to their burglary gear, they carried nearly $3,000 in hundred dollar bills, all in sequence. Four of the men were from Florida -- Bush country. Three were Cuban-Americans.

When burglar James W. McCord was asked his occupation by the judge, he replied he had recently retired from government service, from the "CIA." He was not alone. The four men from Miami all had CIA connections, and had been involved in "anti- Castro" activities (31). James W. McCord, however, also had worked as an FBI agent, and as the former chief of physical security for the CIA. At the time of the burglary he was a lieutenant colonel in the Air Force Reserve and employed full time as the security coordinator for Nixon's Committee for the Re-election of the President.

The loyalty of McCord and the others was not to Nixon per se, but to the Anglo-American financier elite and to the notion that communism must be extinguished wherever it may rear its head. Some of these individuals were directly associated with CIA bureaus which in turn have been linked to George Bush, such as the Office of Security- Security Research Staff (30).

It was Henry Kissinger -- Rockefeller's man in the Nixon White House -- who demanded the creation of "The Plumbers." Kissinger insisted that something had to be done to stop leaks to the press (29). Kissinger got his wish following the "Pentagon Papers" affair of 1971.

The Plumbers were funded through a mechanism that appears to have been set up by George Bush. Funds were provided by a fellow oil man and Bush business partner, Bill Liedtke, the president and CEO of Pennzoil. This was first discovered by the U.S. House of Representatives Banking and Currency Committee, chaired by Texas Democrat Wright Patman.

The first hint that big money might be behind the Plumbers, was the large amount of cash found in the pockets of the Watergate burglars. Cold, hard cash, is the most common means used by Wall Street, CIA spooks, and organized crime, when financing murders or other crimes.

However, this time, the Wall Street elites and big oil not only paid cash, they used checks. $100,000 was found in the Miami bank account of Watergate burglar Bernard Barker (31). Baker had been a CIA operative since the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba -- which was yet another link to George H.W. Bush.

The $100,000 was traced to Texas CREEP (Committee to ReElect the President) chairman William Liedtke, longtime business partner of George H.W. Bush.

When this discovery was made by Patman's committee, an all out effort was made by the Nixon White House to stop any investigation which might lead from Liedtke to Bush and thus from Bush to Barker and to the Bay of Pigs .... which in turn, as we shall see, could lead to questions about the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Indeed, CREEP had set aside hundreds of thousands of dollars to subvert the electoral process and to eliminate any and all democrats who might pose a threat to the election of Richard Nixon (31).

As would be the case following the cover up of the events leading up to the tragedy of 9/11/2001, the FBI took the lead in mishandling the Watergate "investigation." For example, "the government inexpl icably failed to execute search warrants for the homes of the five arrested burglars ... Persons in critical positions who might know details of the bugging operation, particularly secretaries," were not interviewed (31). Others were questioned with their lawyers present and then, they were not asked the right questions (31). Likewise, "prosecutors had not pursued other crimes -- no matter how obvious" (31). In addition, those being investigated, and their associates were receiving copies of FBI reports.

Acting FBI director, Gray, later admitted that he had "contained the investigation judiciously" to the point of criminal negligence (31). Gray even destroyed documents taken from the White House safe of one of the Watergate burglars. Almost 30 years later, another FBI director, Mr. Mueller, would be accused of similar crimes in an attempt to cover up FBI, CIA, and Bush administration complicity in the 9/11/2001 attacks.

Who led the effort to sabotage the Watergate investigation? Nixon and his henchmen. Who else? We can only guess. However, what we do know is that the sabotage involved threatening and blackmailing six Democratic members of the House Banking and Currency Committee.

As later admitted by Nixon operative Maurice Stans: "There were indirect approaches to Democratic [committee] members. An all-out campaign was conducted to see that the investigation was killed off, as it successfully was."

Kentucky Democratic Congressman William Curlin, Jr., revealed in 1973 that "certain members of the committee were reminded of various past political indiscretions, or of relatives who might suffer as a result of [a] pro-subpoena vote."

Despite its charter, the CIA as well as the FBI regularly spies on members of congress, the judiciary and their staffs. Evidence of adultery, pedophilia, drug use, and so on, are stored and filed away, to be used in cases of necessity -- at which time the files may be used to persuade a congressman or senator to vote a certain way. And if they don't, the information may then be leaked to the press.

Members of Patman 's committee were apparently shown such files, and they voted on Oct. 3, 1972, against continuing chairman Patman's investigation into who had funded the Plumbers.

It was also revealed, in a tape Nixon made of his White house conversations, that Nixon had instructed Haldeman to stop an FBI inquiry into who had provided the funds to the "plumbers" unit. Haldeman was told to use the excuse that the investigation would endanger CIA operations (29).

Indeed, it was a similar excuse which led to the destruction of files taken from the White House safe of Howard Hunt. Acting FBI director "Gray was told that the files were 'political dynamite' and should 'never see the light of day'" (31). Indeed, as detailed by Bernstein and Woodward (31): "the covert activities" the Nixon White House was seeking to cover up, "involve the whole U.S. intelligence community ...The cover up was mainly to protect the covert operations. The president, himself, has been blackmailed."

The involvement of the FBI in the coverup and other improprieties and illegalities eventually became public. In consequence, acting FBI director, L. Patrick Gray was forced to resigned.

The exact role of the CIA in the Watergate coverup is still not known. However, it is known that the CIA also sought to put a halt to these investigations as so many former agents were involved. However, the concern was not with Watergate. There were yet other, even more serious crimes which had been covered up and which might now come to light, including those related to an international incident known as the "Bay of Pigs" and the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.


In 1951, Dulles was appointed Deputy Director of the nascent Central Intelligence Agency, and in 1953 he was appointed CIA Director by President Dwight D. Eisenhower. In that capacity, Allen Dulles orchestrated a number of remarkable covert intelligence operations such as the overthrow of Iranian nationalist leader Mohammed Mossagdeh in 1953.

Upon coming to power, Prime Minister Dr. Mohammed Mossadeq had the audacity to defy the British-led oil cartel which was pumping Iranian oil out of the ground but paying almost no royalties (32). In 1951 Mossadeq authorized nationalization of the Iranian National Oil company.

The Rockefeller-led oil-brotherhood retaliated by refusing to purchase Iranian oil, whereas crippling sanctions were imposed by Britain and the U.S. sending Iran spiraling into financial chaos. Rockefeller, however, had no interest in forcing the return of oil concessions to Britain. Rather, his intention was to grab Iran's oil fields for himself (32). The hated "Shah" of Iran -- who had been forced from power and was eager to return -- agreed to the deal. Mossadeq, however, would have to be overthrown.

Dulles organized a campaign of terror and destabilization, in order to overthrow Mossadeq and bring the "Shah" to power in his place. Contrary to plan, the people of Iran rose up in rebellion and the "Shah" was forced to flee the country.

Dulles and Rockefeller (and Rockefeller's top aid, Kissinger) were not about to give up. The People of Iran, would be severely punished.

The CIA called upon the Iranian military, and a CIA-trained security force, SAVAK, and provided $10-million dollars in funds, as well as training, logistics, weapons, and supervision, and unleashed a brutal civil war in the country. Mossadeq was deposed, the Shah was returned to power, and the CIA-trained special police, SAVAK terrorized the population to maintain order (32,33). After the coup, Iranian National Oil was de-nationalized, with U.S. oil companies getting the lion's share, rights to 40% of all output.

Dulles and the Rockefeller oil-men on Wall Street had won. In 1976, Amnesty International concluded that the Shah of Iran had the worst human rights record on the planet, and that the number and variety of torture techniques the CIA had taught SAVAK were "beyond belief."


The next major target of the Dulles clique, was Guatemalan leader, Guilermo Arbenz.


Dulles and his brother, John, were linked financially to the United Fruit Company. As detailed by Shlesinger and Kinzer (34) "Secretary of State John Foster Dulles and his brother CIA Director Allen Dulles had a personal interest in protecting United Fruit's businesses. Both had investments in firms with heavy investments in United Fruit. In addition, the American ambassador at the UN was a stockholder of United Fruit and President Eisenhower's personal secretary [Ann Whitman] was the wife of United Fruit's public relations director." Allen Dulles also served on the board of directors, and his old law firm, Sullivan and Cromwell, had represented UFC.

The United Fruit Company (UFC) virtually owned Guatemala. UFC paid no taxes, it dictated the laws, workers were basically slaves earning the lowest wages in the world. If anyone complained or tried to organize a union they were branded "communists" and dealt with harshly (34,35).

The United Fruit Company (UFC) not only owned most of the land, but it had kept 85% of it out of production (35). The vast majority of the people of Guatemala were not allowed to own or till the land, and by law, were not even considered "citizens" of the state which was ruled by a brutal, U.S. backed military dictator Jorge Ubico (25,26). As the Dulles brothers had their poisonous tentacles wrapped tightly around the throat of the U.S. government, the U.S. government backed these policies 100%.

Unfortunately for the Wall Street elite, conditions in Guatemala began to change in 1944 with the overthrow of the military dictatorship and the election of Guatemala's first president, Juan Arevalo who challenged UFC's rule. The people of Guatemala were given citizenship, schools and hospitals were built... and back in Washington, plans to overthrow the new government were being mapped out (34,35). There were over two dozen failed attempts to overthrow Arevalo and crippling sanctions were passed by the U.S. congress.

In 1950 Jacobo Arbenz became president, winning 63% of the vote. He promised to extend the reforms of Arevalo, and to break the grip held on the country by UFC. He also pledged to develop government based industries to provide higher paying jobs to the people and to make the country less dependent on imported goods from America. When he also began expropriating unused farmland and distributing it to the people, CIA director, Dulles, and other officials connected to UFC and Wall Street, began a public relations campaign to paint the new leader of Guatemala as a communist and a threat to the security of the free world. The New York Times, and other major newspapers began echoing these claims, warning of the dangers posed to the U.S., and the world, by the "communist leader" of Guatemala.

Eisenhower was finally persuaded to authorize the training of terrorists and saboteurs who were then unleashed upon Guatemala from neighboring countries (34). The CIA-led coup was also supported by massive air strikes.

CIA operative, E. Howard Hunt (34) freely admitted in an interview with CNN that in leading the overthrow that "what we wanted to do was to have a terror campaign: to terrify Arbenz particularly, terrify his troops, much as the Germans terrified the population of Holland, Belgium and Poland at the onset of World War II and just rendered everybody paralyzed."

Arbenz was toppled on June 27, 1953, and a CIA-trained army and police force took over the country. Repeating the pattern employed in Iran, the CIA-backed army and police continued to employ indiscriminate mass murder and terror to "keep order." Between 100,000 to 200,000 men, women, and children were tortured and murdered by CIA-trained thugs.

Dulles, and the Wall Street clique had won again. It was almost impossible for them to lose as they now had the CIA and the U.S. government to do their bidding. Any leader in any country who tried to throw off the Wall Street yoke, would be deemed a "communist." Sanctions would be imposed, and if possible, any leader who sought to put his people first, would be overthrown and killed. A Wall Street-friendly dictator and a Nazi-like SS police state would be installed in their place (13).


Cuba, 90 miles off the coast of Florida, was just another police state, ruled by a fascist, Nazi-like dictator Fulgencio Batista. Batista took his orders from mobsters and Wall Street (36,37). Batista ruled Cuba with an iron fist, and was backed 100% by Wall Street, organized crime, the CIA, and the United States government, who saw him as a "stabilizing force" at least insofar as Wall and other criminal interests were concerned.

Havana was so overrun with American gangsters and Mafiosa, that under Batista, Cuba became known as "the Latin Las Vegas." Indeed, under Batista, Havana became a playground for the Wall Street elite, CIA, and U.S. government officials, as well as the offshore headquarters for gangsters such as Vito Genovese, Meyer Lansky, Frank Costello, and Santo Trafficante.

As Batista received a hefty cut of the action, he was pleased to keep the Cuban population suppressed, exploited, and under control. Although rebellions periodically flared up, Batista and his army had always been successful in ruthlessly and brutally quashing dissent (36,37).

In 1958, Batista began to lose his grip over the country. Cuban peasants were rising up, and Castro's rag-tag revolutionary army were marching toward Havana (37). On New Year's day, 1959, as the country spun out of his control, Batista, realizing that he had also lost the support of the military, departed Cuba. A military junta took over (36). Castro continued his march and on the 8th of January he arrived in Havana and was greeted by hundreds of thousands of Cubans.

On February 16th Castro became prime minister, then several months later resigned, when the new President of Cuba refused to enact land reform or to reduce rents and utility rates. On July 26th, Castro again became Prime Minister. Standing beside him was Che Guevara who summed up their plans for the future:

"We are now the hope of the unredeemed Americas. All eyes -- those of the great oppressors and those of the hopeful -- are firmly on us. In great measure the development of the popular movements in Latin America depends on the future stance that we take, on our capacity to resolve so many problems. And every step we take is being observed by the ever-watchful eyes of the big creditor and by the optimistic eyes of our brothers in Latin America ... In Cuba we are slaves to sugar cane, the umbilical cord that binds us to the large northern market....We must diversify our agricultural production, stimulate industry that within a short time the infant Cuban industries can compete with the monstrous ones of the countries where capitalism has reached its highest level of development... we shall struggle to the last drop of our rebel blood to make this land a sovereign republic with the true attributes of a nation that is happy, democratic, and fraternal with its brothers of Latin America."

Dulles and the Wall Street junta, had heard enough. Castro, they decided, was a Communist, and his government would be overthrown (39). A campaign of terror was unleashed, with both sides committing atrocities (36,38,40).

That same year, 1959, Dulles' CIA began to train Cuban exiles in a terrorist training camp in Guatemala. Dulles was planning an invasion to overthrow Fidel Castro. Vice-President Richard Nixon, who hoped to be elected President in Nov. 1960, was kept informed of the plan (code named: JM/WAVE). It would be Nixon's job to implement the plan and take back Cuba, when, it was hoped, he was elected President in November of 1960 (39).

Nixon lost the election to Kennedy. Nevertheless, in March of 1961, Dulles received authorization for the operation by President Eisenhower who said, "Everyone must be prepared to swear that he has not heard of it." Apparently, President-elect Kennedy was one of those who was initially kept out of the loop.

Part of the Bay of Pigs operation was also being run out of South Florida (39,41).The Bay of Pigs operations know as "JM/ WAVE..,. proliferated across [Florida] in preparation for the Bay of Pigs invasion. A subculture of fronts, proprietaries, suppliers, transfer agents, conduits, dummy corporations, blind drops, detective agencies, law firms, electronic firms, shopping centers, airlines, radio stations, the mob and the church and the banks: a false and secret nervous system twitching to stimuli supplied by the cortex in Clandestine Services in Langley" (41).

Soon more and more people became aware that something was up and that an invasion of Cuba might be imminent.

Not surprisingly, with so much activity, and so much attendant excitement, the press soon got wind of it, including the fact that an army of Cuban exiles was being trained in Florida and Guatemala. Ten days before Kennedy was sworn in, the New York Times announced: "U.S. Helps Train an Anti-Castro Force at Secret Guatemalan Base." Presumably, this newspaper article was the first detailed briefing Kennedy had yet received. Even after he was was sworn in, he did not learn the rest of the details until the last minute (39).

When John F. Kennedy came to office, the CIA was so powerful, that it was almost a state within a state, a power answerable only to itself. It could do whatever it wanted, and it did, and was able to resist even minimal supervision from the two previous administrations. Murder, terrorist attacks, the rigging of elections, the incitement of rebellions, the instigation of coups, and plots to kill foreign leaders, were all planned and carried out with little input from outsiders, including two previous presidents of the United States.

The CIA and the Wall Street Brotherhood assumed Kennedy would also take a hands off approach, and would do what he was told, that he would bend to their wishes.

They were wrong.

Kennedy was concerned about international repercussions if Cuba were attacked. Attacking another sovereign state without provocation would be a violation of international law.

The CIA informed him that the Cuban people would rise up and support the invaders and all Kennedy need to is supply 16 planes-which of course would reveal that America was behind the attack. Kennedy decided against the plan and publicly repudiated any American involvement in any unprovoked military attack on Cuba (39).

The CIA decided to go ahead with the plan.

On the morning of April 17, thirty minutes after the Cuban exiles began their invasion, the phone at the president's bedside rang. Secretary of State Dean Rusk told Kennedy that the CIA wanted to call in U.S. planes to cover the anti-Castro Cubans who were running into unexpected difficulties. Although Kennedy had been told that the grateful Cuban population would welcome the invaders and overthrow Castro, instead they had risen up and were massacring the CIA-trained "freedom fighters."

Send in the air strikes, now, Kennedy was told. Everything had already been arranged. All he need do is give the order and the air strikes would begin (39).

Kennedy exploded. They had lied to him, had deceived him from the very beginning, and now they were trying to force him to declare war on Cuba and call in air-strikes.

He refused, and his decision left 1,500 exiles stranded on the beaches of Cuba, in the Bay of Pigs (39). The CIA, top pentagon officials, the Wall Street elite, and the Cuban exile community felt betrayed. They were outraged. Kennedy, they decided, was a traitor. Kennedy was soft on communism. Kennedy deserved to die.

It was the "stab in the back" all over again (42).

CIA operative, E. Howard Hunt was still fuming about the Bay of Pigs ten years later (43): "No event since the communization of China in 1949 has had such a profound effect on the United States and its allies as the defeat of the US-trained Cuban invasion brigade at the Bay of Pigs in April 1961. Out of that humiliation grew the Berlin Wall, the missile crisis, guerrilla warfare throughout Latin American and Africa, and our Dominican Republic intervention. Castro's' beachhead triumph opened a bottomless Pandora's box of difficulties that affected not only the United States, but most of its allies in the Free World. These bloody and subversive events would not have taken place had Castro been toppled. Instead of standing firm, our government pyramided crucially wrong decisions and allowed Brigade 2506 to be destroyed. The Kennedy administration yielded Castro all the excuse he needed to gain a tighter grip on the island of Jose Marti, then moved shamefacedly into the shadows and hoped the Cuban issue would simply melt away."

Kennedy, too felt betrayed. The CIA had lied to him. Deceived him. Made him look like a fool. Kennedy was so outraged that he fired CIA director Allen Dulles, Dulles' deputy Richard Bissell, and deputy director Charles Cabell and numerous others. Kennedy swore he was going to "smash the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds."

On June 28, 1961 Kennedy signed National Security Action Memoranda 57, which (along with Memoranda 55,56) effectively stripped responsibility for covert "paramilitary" operations from the CIA, and put them under the control of the Defense Department and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. These memoranda sent shock waves and stirred up outrage throughout the CIA -- feelings which reached the boiling point when rumors began to circulate that if Kennedy won a second term, he would appoint his brother, Bobby Kennedy to be head of the CIA.

Dulles had been deposed and now his private police force, his creation, his personal instrument of terror, had been stripped from his hands. Not only was Kennedy going to destroy it but he he was going to hand the remains over to his brother.

It was Kennedy who would have to be destroyed.

Over the next two years, after he refused to engage in a nuclear war with the Soviet Union over the Cuban missile crisis (44), and when he continued to refused to expand the war in Viet Nam (45), the desire to eliminate Kennedy reached fever pitch. Indeed, his refusal to invade Vietnam may have been the last straw. Not only were the "communists" threatening to take over the free world, with each free state falling like dominos (46), but if the US failed to go to war the Wall Street elite would lose billions of dollars in the sale of armaments.

Kennedy repeatedly refused to go to war.

Kennedy would have to die.


In 1945, following the surrender of Japan to Allied forces, Viet Nam's nationalist leader, Ho Chi Minh established the Democratic Republic of Vietnam based on the idea of "National Liberation."

In 1946, France declared Vietnam to be a "free state." However, as it could only be "free" within the French Union. Ho Chi Minh's government rebelled (47).

In 1950, China and the Soviet Union pledged to provide support to Ho Chi Minh. The U.S. countered with 15 million dollars in aid to the French. As part of the package, the U.S. also sent military advisors (46,47).

But it was to no avail.

Over the course of the next four years, the Vietnamese repeatedly beat back the French. In 1954, at the "Battle of Dienbienphu" they lay siege to the French garrison at Dienbienphu and made it impossible for French supplies to arrive by air.

France was finally defeated by the Vietnam's nationalists (47). The Wall Street elite decided that it was time to take matters into their own hands and pay these "communists" a lesson. That same year, Eisenhower and the Dulles brothers advanced the "domino" theory (46), and warned of a communist threat to the "free world" of southeast Asia, and a threat that would soon spread to the United States:

"You have a row of dominoes set up. You knock over the first one, and what will happen to the last one is the certainty that it will go over very quickly."

The splitting of Vietnam into two states was finally proposed, as a means of containing the communists (46,47). As part of the "Agreement on the Cessation of Hostilities in Vietnam" a provisional demarcation line was drawn at the 17th parallel which was to divide Vietnam until nationwide elections are held. The United States, however, was opposed to democratic elections. The Dulles clique were convinced that if such elections were held, Ho Chi Minh would win in a landslide.

On October 23, 1954, President Eisenhower wrote a letter to Ngo Dinh Diem, President of the Council of Ministers of [South] Vietnam, offering significant military and financial aid: "The purpose of this offer is to assist the Government of Viet-Nam in developing and maintaining a strong, viable state, capable of resisting attempted subversion or aggression through military means."

Considerable military and financial assistance followed. But it was not having the desired effect. Nationalist leader, Ho Chi Minh, was becoming ever more popular and powerful. It was apparent that his nationalist forces in the north of Viet Nam, would soon be powerful and popular enough to drive Diem and his Western backers, from the country. The Wall Street elite proposed to lend South Viet Nam even larger sums of money, to buy military equipment from firms controlled by the Wall Street elites (46,47,48). There was only one catch: It would be U.S. taxpayers who would supply the money, and if South Viet Nam fell or defaulted, it would be U.S. taxpayers who would reimburse the bankers.

On April 4, 1959, President Eisenhower gave a speech at Gettysburg College, in Pennsylvania, April 4, 1959:

"Viet-Nam is a country divided into two parts, like Korea and Germany. The southern half, with its 12 million people, is free but poor. It is an underdeveloped country; its economy is weak, average individual income being less than $200 a year. The northern half has been turned over to communism. A line of demarcation running along the 17th parallel separates the two. To the north of this line stand several Communist divisions. These facts pose to south Viet-Nam two great tasks: self-defense and economic growth."

"For Viet-Nam's economic growth, the acquisition of capital is vitally necessary. [A] way for Viet-Nam to get the necessary capital is through private investments from the outside and through governmental loans ... And there is still the other of Viet-Nam's great problem -- how to support the military forces it needs without crushing its economy .... military as well as economic help is currently needed in Viet-Nam ... We reach the inescapable conclusion that our own national interests demand some help from us in sustaining in Viet-Nam the morale, the economic progress, and the military strength necessary to its continued existence in freedom."


1959 was a pivotal year. The Dulles Wall Street clique were hoping that with the election of their man, Nixon, as the next president of the United States, that he would launch a full scale invasion into Cuba followed by a huge military buildup in Viet Nam (46,47).

The election of Kennedy threatened those hopes.

As early as 1951, while serving as a congressman, Kennedy presciently observed: "The Indo-Chinese states are puppet states, French principalities with great resources but as typical examples of empire and colonialism as can be fond anywhere. To check the southern drive of Communism makes sense but not only through reliance on the force of arms. The task is, rather, to build strong native non-Communist sentiment within these areas and rely on that as a spearhead of defense. To do this apart from and in defiance of innately nationalistic aims spells foredoomed failure."

And again, after his election, Kennedy stated that: "we can't expect these countries to do every thing the way we want to do them. They have their own interests, their own personalities, their own tradition. We can't make everyone want to go in our image. In addition, we have ancient struggles between countries ....We can't make the world over, but we can influence the world."

Dulles and the Wall Street bankers and arms merchants wanted war: War with Cuba, and a long protracted, costly war with Viet Nam.

Kennedy, however, repeatedly refused to escalate the conflict. Although there are those who claim otherwise, such as Walter Rostow, who headed Kennedy's State Department Policy Planning Council, others, such as his brother (45) who served as Attorney General, and Roger HiIsman, Kennedy's Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs, and presidential aides Kenny O'Donnell and Dave Powers -- all maintain that he had no intention of expanding the war.

Kennedy's refusal to expand the war was also the fear of the Pentagon and CIA. As summed up by William E. Colby, former director of the CIA: "President Kennedy was unalterably opposed to sending U.S. combat troops to Vietnam."

Thus, many of those in the Pentagon, the CIA, and on Wall Street, were unalterably opposed to Kennedy as he was viewed as soft on communism and unwilling to give them the expensive war they craved. Many wanted to kill him (50), and for good reason -- or so they thought.

First was the refusal to invade Cuba. Second, he fires Dulles. Third, he threatens to eviscerate the CIA. Fourth he refused to go to war with the Soviet Union over the Cuban missile crisis in October of 1962 (44) when the right wingers, the CIA, and Pentagon were clamoring for nuclear war. Fifth, he refused to expand the war in Vietnam. And then, finally, and perhaps the last straw, President John F. Kennedy and Premier Nikita Khrushchev signed the first major arms control agreement, the "Partial Test Ban Treaty" in 1963.

With the signing of the "Partial Test Ban Treaty" outrage erupted among the Wall Street elite, the anti-communists, the Pentagon, the CIA, and on and on. The "Partial Test Ban Treaty" threatened to halt the nuclear arms race as it banned nuclear testing in the atmosphere, the oceans and outer space. Moreover, the Treaty contained a preambular promise to eventually end to all nuclear test explosions."

American needed these weapons, the right-wing screamed. The Soviets could never be trusted. The signing of the treaty was a betrayal. And besides, think of all the money the government would spend if only Kennedy were willing to engage in an expensive arm's race.

Kennedy was now being openly described in some circles as a traitor. Extreme right wing groups were clamoring for his head. Posters with a bull's eye across his face were printed. On November 22, 1963, Kennedy was killed.
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Postby admin » Sat Aug 01, 2015 2:44 am



"The CIA was behaving during those years like a rogue elephant rampaging out of control"

-- Senator Frank Church, Chairman of Select Committee on Intelligence, July 1975.

Theories and speculation abound as to who killed Kennedy and why (50,51). In the discussion which follows, we will focus primarily on well established facts, including those reported by the Warren Commission (52).

What we know is that Kennedy had made a number of very deadly enemies, including former CIA director Allen Dulles, whom he had fired. We also know that despite his firing and his hatred for Kennedy, Allen Dulles was appointed to the Warren Commission which investigated Kennedy's assassination.

And we know that General Charles Cabell, the CIA deputy director fired by Kennedy after the Bay of Pigs, was now working in the Pentagon. Charles Cabell's brother, Earle Cabell, was mayor of Dallas, the city in which Kennedy was shot.

Who else was in Dallas that morning?

Vice-President Johnson, former vice-President Nixon, FBI director J. Edgar Hoover, Chase Manhattan bank president and future Warren Commission member John McCloy, and a George Bush oil-business partner, George Brown (of Brown and Root). Indeed, according to Madeleine Brown, Johnson's mistress, these men attended a small party on the evening before the assassination, which was hosted by Clint Murchison. According to Ms. Brown (53):

"The group ... went behind closed doors. A short time later Lyndon, anxious and red-faced, re-appeared. I knew how secretly Lyndon operated. Therefore I said nothing." When Johnson emerged from the meeting, he squeezed "my hand so hard, it felt crushed from the pressure, he spoke with a grating whisper, a quiet growl, into my ear, not a love message, but one I'll always remember: "After tomorrow those g--d- Kennedys will never embarrass me again -- that's no threat -- that's a promise."

Perhaps Ms. Brown is mistaken. Perhaps Johnson never uttered such a prophetic message. However, that he disliked the Kennedys and feared he would not be on the ticket for Kennedy's second term, is well known.

What we also know is that the Kennedy assassination was carried out with military precision, by at least two marksmen who were crack shots.

How do we know there were at least two marksmen?

As based on the testimony of witnesses who heard from seven to eight shots, as based on Kennedy's movements as he was shot, and as based on the trajectories and the seven bullet holes in the bodies of Kennedy and governor Connally.

This was also the opinion of Governor Connally who said: "there were either two or three people involved or more in this or someone was shooting with an automatic rifle."

Lee Harvey Oswald did not use or own an "automatic rifle."

Oswald was not a marksman. According to expert testimony presented in the Warren Commission report (52): Oswald was a good shot, somewhat better than or equal to better than the average let us say.'"

Kennedy -- a moving target -- was shot at least twice according to the Warren Report (52), and possibly four times in a matter of seconds (50,51,54,55), i.e. in the throat and the head (52), and in the back (50,51,54,55). According to several experts, the head shot was actually two head shots which were almost simultaneous, one coming from the rear the other coming from the right (55).

In addition, during that same time frame, Governor Connally was struck in the wrist, and in the thigh (52). And, there was a third victim who was also wounded.

Thus, witnesses tell us that seven to eight shots were fired. Seven bullet holes appeared in Kennedy and Connally, and a third man was also injured. The Warren Commission believes that the very first shot missed and was mistaken as a car backfiring (52).

Given that all these shots occurred in less than 7 seconds, and as no automatic weapon, but only a rifle was found, it can be concluded that there were at least two and more likely, three shooters. This latter supposition is consistent with the conclusions of others, as well as the reports of witnesses, some of whom believed shots were fired from the book Depository whereas many others heard the shots coming from the Grassy Knoll. The Grassy Knoll, which was to the right of Kennedy, and also offered the best location for an assassination. A third volley of shot may have come from the Dallas County Records Building.

Even if we accept the Warren Commission report, is it likely that a man who is an "average" shot would have been able to hit Kennedy -- a moving target -- twice from a distance "of 177 to 266 feet" (52) with a rifle, and in less than 7 seconds? In fact, expert marksmen, using the rifle allegedly used by Oswald, could not duplicate the feat (50,51).

Nevertheless, according to the Warren Report (52) "the Commission has concluded that the shots which killed President Kennedy and wounded Governor Connally were fired from the sixth-floor window at the southeast comer of the Texas School Book Depository Building. Two bullets probably caused all the wounds suffered by President Kennedy and Governor Connally. Since the preponderance of evidence indicates at least three shots were fired the Commission concluded that one shot probably missed the Presidential limousine and its occupants, and that the three shots were fired in a time period ranging from approximately 4.8 to 7 seconds.


On the morning of 11/22/1963, the Kennedy motorcade was slowly winding its way down the streets of Dallas. Kennedy's wife sat beside him, and Governor John Connally and his wife, were sitting up front in the limousine, behind the driver.

At 12:30, the motorcade arrived in Dealey Plaza and turned right from Main to Houston Street. A few seconds later the motorcade took the 120 degrees turn into Elm Street passing the Schoolbook Depository Building where Leon Oswald allegedly lay in wait.

Just as the limousine neared the grassy knoll, a man stood up and opened an umbrella, which he pumped in the air -- as is apparent from watching the Zapruder film. It was at that moment, as the limousine passed the Stemmons Freeway sign, that Kennedy reached up and grabbed his throat. We know this, because it was caught on film.

Abraham Zapruder was standing near the grassy knoll that day filming the Kennedy motorcade. The film shows the entire assassination including the opened umbrella.

Mrs. Connally reports that she heard gunshots. She turned and saw Kennedy putting his hands to his throat -- and this is recorded in Zapruder Film Frame 225.

Mrs. Kennedy also heard the shots, which she thought might be firecrackers. It was at this moment that she heard "terrible noises" coming from her husband. It was gurgling sounds from the gunshot to his throat. She turned toward, and put her hands on him when Kennedy was struck again. As detailed in Zapruder Film, beginning with Frame 232, we see Kennedy, his hands still at his throat, thrown forward as he is struck in the back. We also see John Connally turning to his right, holding his Stetson in his right hand -- which means that Kennedy has been struck twice and Connally has not been hit at all. In Zapruder Film 238, we see Connally falling forward, as he is shot in the back. He cries out, "My god, they're going to kill us all."

On the Zapruder film, we can see Ms. Kennedy, turned to her right, facing and holding on to President Kennedy. In Zapruder Film Frame 313, Kennedy is shot in the right temporal region of his head and the rear portion of his skull splashes out onto the trunk.. Over a third of his brain was blown out of the back of his skull.

We know that bullet entry wounds can be quite small. We know that exit wounds are often quite large. We know that when a bullet strikes an object, the object, such as a person's head, will move in the direction ofthe trajectory ofthe bullet. Thus we know, based on photographic and physical evidence, that Kennedy received at least one shot from his right, which is the direction of the grassy knoll.

Hence, based on the physical and visual (54) evidence, and based on the Zapruder Film, Kennedy was first shot in the throat -- meaning that he was shot from the front, then in the back, and then in the head from the right. As is also evident based on the Zapruder film, Connally was shot in the back. However, Connally was also shot in the wrist, and a bullet lodged in his thigh.

In addition to the seven bullet wounds in the bodies of these two men, there was yet a eighth wound in yet another victim, James Tague. Tague was standing near the Triple Underpass watching the motorcade approach. When the shots rang out he was wounded by a passing bullet.

In addition to the physical and visual evidence, a large crowd of witnesses at Dealey plaza reported that shots were fired from the Grassy Knoll (50,51,52). Some witnesses also stated that a whisp of smoke was visible in the area of the Grassy Knoll. Some witnesses even claim to have seen men with rifles in downtown Dallas before the shooting.

Photos taken from the opposite side of Elm street, shows the grassy knoll and the heads of two men standing behind a fence, one of whom appears to be holding an object that some have interpreted to be a rifle (56).

There were also eyewitnesses who reported seeing cars roaming in the area behind the Grassy Knoll, some with out-of-state license plates and extra radio antennas. Some claimed to have seen men speaking into walkie-talkies (52).

Nevertheless, even if we were to dismiss the eye-witness accounts, there remains the physical and visual evidence. Kennedy was shot at least 3 separate times by 3 separate bullets. Connally was struck by a fourth bullet. Two of the shots came from behind. The throat shot appears to have come from the front. The head shot came from the right.

Based on this and additional evidence, the Warren Commission in a report cosigned by the disgraced Dulles, concluded that (52):

1. Lee Harvey Oswald was the only assassin and acted on his own.

2. He shot from the 6th floor of the Schoolbook Depository Building which was behind the President's limousine at the time of the assassination.

3. He used an Italian Mannlicher-Carchano rifle.

4. There was no conspiracy.

But what about the witnesses who claimed the shots came from behind the grassy knoll?

Answer: They were mistaken.

What about the fact that Oswald was only an average shot?

Answer: He was lucky that day.

What about the fact that the shots came in such quick succession, that if there was a lone gunmen, he would have had to be firing an automatic weapon?

Answer: Oswald was a lone assassin and he used a rifle.

What about the fact that foliage from the trees along the roadway would have blocked his view?

Answer: He shot through the foliage.

What about the seven bullet wounds, several of which had different trajectories, and at least one if not two of which, came from the right and not from the direction of the book depository which was in the rear?

Answer: A "magic bullet!"

According to the Warren Commission (52) a single bullet caused the seven wounds of Kennedy and Connally. Conveniently, this magic bullet (Commission Exhibit #399) was found in an almost pristine condition at Parkland Memorial hospital lying on a stretcher. And the near perfect bullet had been fired from an Italian Mannlicher-Carchano rifle (57).

The "authorities" were so "convinced" that a "lone assassination" had carried out the crime, that even before Lee Harvey Oswald had been charged, and within hours of Kennedy's murder, the White House announced that Kennedy's assassination was not a conspiracy (58). The announcement was made by McGeorge Bundy, an associate of the Rockefeller-Bush-Harriman-Dulles clique, and a member of Yale's Skull and Bones (Class of 1940). McGeorge Bundy also notified Kennedy cabinet members, who were flying back to Washington, that the assassin had been apprehended and there was no conspiracy.

In fact, it has been announced "there was no conspiracy" before Oswald had been charged with the assassination and before the rifle found in the book depository had been traced to Oswald. Moreover, none of the evidence itemized in Chapter IV of the Warren Report ("The Assassin") was known to the Dallas police at the time Bundy was telling the world there was no conspiracy.

The announcement was made around 4 PM (58).

What is also curious, is that 35 minutes after the shooting, after Lee Harvey Oswald had returned to his home, a police car pulled up, honked twice, and then left. Oswald then left the house, and was apparently stopped by a police officer J.D. Tippit, who he then shot, and then, Oswald went to a movie. Within minutes the police, and the news media, arrived outside the movie theater (52). Oswald had already been identified as the killer of Kennedy before he had been arrested!

Later Oswald claimed that he had been set up, that he was a patsy.

On November 24, 1963, on a Sunday morning, as he was led into the garage of the police building, Oswald was shot by Jack Ruby in front of hundreds of journalists and millions of people watching TV.

Again, however, we are told by the Warren Commission (52) that Ruby acted alone, and that there was "no conspiracy."

There was no conspiracy, according to the Warren Report. Yet, according to the Dallas Morning Star, which on November 22, 1963, published details describing the route of Kennedy's motorcade, Kennedy was supposed to go straight down Main Street. However, it did not go down Main street. Instead it turned onto Houston and then Elm Street which not only offered the perfect street for a triangulated assassinated attempt from three directions, but which required Kennedy's limousine to turn and slow almost to a crawl as it neared the grassy knoll.

The Warren Commission claimed that the reason the route was changed was that it is impossible to go from Main Street onto Stemmons Freeway. Which is not true.

Numerous witnesses, including traffic patrolman Joe Smith testified that nothing would have prevented the motorcade from going directly down Main Street and on to the Stemmons Freeway (52 p. 538).

Who was in a position to change the route?

The secret service?

The Dallas police?

The mayor of Dallas?

Coincidentally, the mayor of Dallas, on the day of the assassination, was Earle Cabell, the brother of the Charles Cabell, the former deputy director of the CIA who, along with Dulles, had been fired by Kennedy in 1961.

Another coincidence. Eighteen material witnesses died during the three-year period which followed the murder of President Kennedy -- six by gunfire, three in motor accidents, two by suicide, one from a cut throat, one from a karate chop to the neck, three from heart attacks and two from natural causes.

Yet another oddity. The man who pumped the umbrella was never sought and never questioned by the Warren Commission. Neither was the man who sat next to "umbrella man" even though a photograph of both indicates that he appeared to be speaking into a handheld radio with a long antenna.

And yet another oddity. The Zapruder film, was quickly snapped-up by Life magazine for $250,000.00., and then locked away so that there would be no public viewing. Instead, the magazine published a series of still photos, lifted from the Zapruder film, showing Kennedy being shot. However, Life magazine published several of the photos in reverse order, thus making it falsely look as if Kennedy had been shot in the head, from behind, with his head lurching forward. Until the film was shown to Americans in its entirety, in 1975, no one was the wiser.

Who owned Life magazine in 1963? Henry Luce, a close personal friend of Allen Dulles, the Director of the CIA. Henry Luce was an alumni of Skull and Bones (class of 1920).

Who purchased the Zapruder film for Life magazine? C.J. Jackson, formerly a "psychological warfare" consultant to the CIA.

And then there is the evidence, presented in the Warren Report (52), which indicates Oswald was an average shot. According to data provided by the "Records Branch, Personnel Department, Headquarters US. Marine Corps" Oswald received a "sharpshooter qualification as a 'fairly good shot' and a low marksman rating as a 'rather poor shot.'''

As stated in the Warren Report (52): "Major Anderson concluded: 'I would say that as compared to other Marines receiving the same type of training, that Oswald was a good shot, somewhat better than or equal to better than the average let us say.'''

The Warren Commission using a stationary target, "had expert riflemen fire the assassination weapon from a tower at three silhouette targets at distances of 175,240, and 265 feet. The assassination rifle [was] mounted with [a] telescopic sight. Three marksmen, rated as master by the National Rifle Association, each fired two series of three shots. In the first series the firers required time spans of 4.6, 6.75, and 8.25 seconds respectively [in order to get off three shots]. The marksmen took as much time as they wanted for the first target and all hit the target. For the first four attempts, the firers missed the second shot by several inches."

In another test, "the three FBI experts ...fired three shots from the weapon at 15 yards in 6, 7, and 9 seconds. At 15 yards each man's shots landed within the size of a dime. The shots fired by Frazier at the range of 25 yards landed within an area of 2 inches and 5 inches respectively. Frazier later fired four groups of three shots at a distance of 100 yards in 5.9, 6.2, 5.6, and 6.5 seconds. Each series of three shots ...were a few inches high and to the right of the target."

Thus, when experts were given "as much time as they wanted" to shoot at a stationary target, all "missed the second shot by several inches." Likewise, when their best expert, Frazier, fired the weapon in three separate tests, and at a motionless target, he missed all three times.

And let us be clear. Shooting at a still target is much easier than a moving target, and Kennedy's vehicle and his body were in motion. And, Oswald did not have "as much time as they wanted."

Nevertheless, although their own experts repeatedly failed in these tests under stress free conditions and using a still target, the Warren Commission concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald, whose shooting skills were "better than or equal to better than the average" was the lone assassin, and that there was "no conspiracy."

No conspiracy?

The Warren Report itself appears to be a conspiracy of incompetence. The Warren Report is an 26 volume, 888 page morass of often irrelevant questions and incomplete answers with witnesses often being cut off before they can reply to questions. A number of witnesses were told they need not answer as investigators had questioned them in another setting -- that is, off the record. The report is also padded with hundreds of pages of insignificant and irrelevant testimony and exhibits, such as pictures of Oswald's pubic hairs and Jack Ruby's mother's dental charts. The 26 volumes were not arranged in any logical manner and there is no index. However, whereas often irrelevant witnesses are questioned at length, many of those who were at the scene were never questioned at all. Moreover, many who were questioned complained later that their testimony was altered, or that they were pressured and intimidated by investigators who made it clear that they did not believe the witness.

Who served on the Warren Commission?

The leader of the pack was Allen Dulles, former director of the CIA. A curious choice. Dulles had been fired by Kennedy because Kennedy believed Dulles was untrustworthy and a liar. What kind of man was Allen Dulles? He was a man who had been in business with Nazis, who sought to have SS chief and mass murderer Heinrich Himmler take the place of Hitler, and who had recruited Nazi mass murderers for his CIA and into the Republican party (l ,2,5,6, to, 11,12, 18). Whereas his Nazi partners tortured and killed millions, Dulles and his CIA were directly responsible for the mass murder and torture of 100s of thousands of men, women, and children (13,35). Dulles was a killer. He had a Nazi-mentality.

Second in command: John McCloy, chairman of Chase Manhattan bank (59) -- a bank owned by the Rockefellers, and a bank that was used as a Nazi front and which laundered Nazi funds, and which stole tens of millions of dollars from Jews who were being murdered and worked to death in the concentration camps being run by Rockefeller business partner, IG Farben (1,2,60,61,62). Indeed, Rockefeller's Chase Manhattan bank (like the Bush-Harriman gang) continued its relationship with the Nazis even after Pearl Harbor, and after the Nazis declared war on the U.S. It was because of Chase/Rockefeller collusion with the Nazis that law suits were filed by victims of its business practices (60,61). Chase and other Nazi-banks were forced to pay millions of dollars in compensation to those it stole from and who were murdered and whose property was seized by its Nazi business partners.

Earl Warren, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and a former Dulles-Rockefeller protege, was basically third in command. At the urgings of Dulles and Rockefeller, Earl Warren had been chosen to serve as the 1948 Republican vice-presidential candidate on the ticket headed by Thomas Dewey. They ran against Truman, accusing him and the Democrats of being communist sympathizers. They lost.

Having Dulles and McCloy head the Warren Commission is tantamount to having "murder incorporated" investigate itself. Dulles had the motive and certainly the means to kill Kennedy (63) as did his CIA lieutenants (64). Let us also recall that McCloy attended a private meeting the night before, which was attended by Nixon, Hoover, and Johnson, at the end of which comments were made to the effect that Kennedy would be no more (53).

Other commissioners included, Democratic Senator Russell, Republican Senator Cooper, Republican congressman Gerald Ford, and Democratic congressman Hale Boggs.

And then there is yet another Yale Skull and Bones connection. Arlen Specter, who graduated from Yale Law School, served as assistant counsel and investigator for the Warren Commission. Specter is credited with coming up with the "magic bullet" theory.

Warren Commission investigator Specter was promised a political career leading to a Senate seat by the money men, and Specter was elected, first as a District Attorney (in a heavily democratic district) and then to the senate with their help. Specter became chairman ofthe Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. As a Republic Senator, he has been described by his Senate colleagues as "a partisan hatchet man serving at the behest of the Senate Republican leadership" and "he has been criticized by some of his Republican colleagues on the Judiciary Committee for being too loose with the facts. They refuse to put their names on reports he authored" (65). One of Specter's attributes is the ability to dig up or manufacture "dirt" which he uses to intimidate, destroy, or manipulate his enemies, and those of the Republican leadership (65).

Boggs later complained that FBI director Hoover had ordered his aides to compile secret dossiers on each member of the Warren Commission so he would have adequate dirt in his files to apply certain pressures if a need arose. Boggs also complained that "Gestapo tactics" were applied on Commissioners to accept the Dulles, McCloy, Specter version of the evidence (66). Soon after making these statements, Boggs was killed.


"While in the Air Force, I will be treated like any other enlisted man ... Keeping the secret will be a part of my training -- learning to live my cover."

-- Phillip Agee described his experience in becoming a CIA officer with a military cover.

Who was Lee Harvey Oswald?

Oswald had served in the Marines where he received training in the Russian language. While in the Marines in 1957 and 1958, Oswald was also stationed at Atsugi Air Base in Japan (52), the home of the largest CIA station in the Pacific, and the home base of the super-secret U2 spy plane. There he worked as a radar operator (67).

After Oswald left the Marine Corps in September of 1959, he traveled to the Soviet Union where he sought to renounce his citizenship (52). Where he obtained the financing for his trip, $1,500.00 (in 1959 dollars) is unknown, given his low salary as an enlisted man.

On October 31, 1959, while living in the Soviet Union, Oswald went to the American Embassy to renounce his U.S. citizenship. Mr. Richard E. Snyder, senior consular official at the Embassy, testified that Oswald was bright, articulate. self-confident and seemed "to know what his mission was. He took charge, in a sense, of the conversation right from the beginning" (52).

Oswald was given a rent-free apartment in Minsk, near where an espionage training academy was located.

Why had Oswald gone to the Soviet Union?

In 1959, President Dwight Eisenhower took the first bold step to end the cold war with the Soviet Union. He took these steps despite vehement opposition from the Pentagon, his advisors, and the Dulles clique (68). The Dulles brother, Allen, head of the CIA, and John, Secretary of State, were calling for "united action" by the Western and Asian Allies to oppose the communists. John Dulles wanted more than "containment," but "liberation" from communism, in the form of "massive retaliation."

In a speech given on January 12, 1954, Dulles called upon the President to develop "a great capacity to retaliate instantly, by means and at places of our own choosing," including the indiscriminate use of atomic weapons for attacking Moscow.

Dulles was accused, however, of wishing to go to war not because he was against communism, but to make his banking and arm's merchant friends on Wall Street fabulously wealthy (68). Indeed, he was repeatedly accused in the early 1950s, of acting less like a statesman and more "like a corporation lawyer serving his clients."

Dulles called his political philosophy, "brinkmanship," that is, a willingness to go the brink of war, and then over the brink, and to massively retaliate, and destroy, with atomic bombs, all those he deemed to be enemies of Wall Street and the United States.

Eisenhower's golfing partner, Senator Prescott Bush, was urging the same strategy.

President Eisenhower, however, wanted to end the cold war and the arm's race with the Soviet Union (69). Contrary to Dulles and Bush, Eisenhower wanted to reduce weapons production and defense spending. Hence, in 1959, Eisenhower and Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev agreed to meet in Paris, in May 1960, to discuss a test ban and arms reductions treaty (69,70).

But then an international incident, made the meeting impossible to hold and destroyed all hopes of an arm's reduction treaty -- much to the delight of hawks on both the Soviet and American side.

Since 1956, Eisenhower had authorized the U2, an ultra-light, high-flying spy plane, to conduct secret reconnaissance missions over the Soviet Union (70). The reason he approved these missions was that he did not believe the reports he was getting from Dulles and the CIA, which claimed a Soviet military superiority. Eisenhower hoped that the information obtained from these flights would silence the war-mongers in his administration and on Wall Street. The Soviets lacked the interceptor aircraft and missiles to shoot down the U2, so Eisenhower was confident that he could always deny their existence.

At the insistence of Allen Dulles and gang, Eisenhower reluctantly agreed to one last flight, just as the Paris summit approached. On May I, 1960, U2 pilot Frances Gary Powers was detected and then shot down as he crossed the Soviet Union (70).

A belligerent Khrushchev was enraged and canceled the summit.

There was jubilation on Wall Street and in the Dulles' households.

Shortly thereafter, less than 18 months after his defection, and 6 months after Gary Powers had been shot down, Oswald -- who had been stationed at Atsugi Air Base in Japan, the home of the largest CIA station in the Pacific and the super-secret U2 spy plane -- opened negotiations with the U.S. Embassy in Moscow (52). Amazingly, Oswald was not only granted permission to immediately return to the United States but he was allowed to bring his new Russian wife, with the U.S. picking up the tab!


As detailed in the Warren Report (52) "Oswald's mother, Mrs. Marguerite Oswald, testified before the [Warren] Commission that she believes her son went to Russia and returned as an undercover agent for the U.S. Government. Mrs. Oswald mentioned the belief that her son was an agent to a State Department representative whom he visited in January 1961."

"In 1962 Oswald had told Pauline Bates, a public stenographer in Fort Worth, Tex., that he had become a 'secret agent' of the U.S. Government and that he was soon going back to Russia 'or Washington.' Mrs. Bates ...'thought that maybe he was going over under the auspices of the State Department as a student or something.'''

"The Commission has also examined a report that, not long before the assassination, Oswald may have received unaccounted funds through money orders sent to him in Dallas. Five days after the assassination, C.A. Hamblen, early night manager for the Western Union Telegraph Co. in Dallas, told his superior that about 2 weeks earlier he remembered Oswald sending a telegram from the office to Washington, DC., possibly to the Secretary of the Navy" (52).


On October 8, 1962, Oswald moved to Dallas and the next day he went to the Dallas office of the Texas Employment Commission. An employment counselor testified, on the basis of a general aptitude test Oswald had taken, that Oswald's verbal and clerical potential was "outstanding" and that he had college level abilities: "Well-groomed & spoken, business suit, alert replies. Expresses self extremely well" (52).

Oswald also began handing out "Hands Off Cuba" leaflets for the "Fair Play for Cuba Committee." He even appeared on a radio debate on August 21, 1963, where he made his pro-Cuba sentiments quite clear to the listening public. One of the men who arranged the debate (Mr. Stuckey) testified that "Oswald seemed like such a nice, bright boy." Stuckey thought that Oswald acted very much as would a young attorney (52).

According to the Warren Report (52): "Oswald left for Mexico City on September 25, 1963, and arrived on September 27, 1963. He went almost directly to the Cuban Embassy and applied for a visa to Cuba. Representing himself as the head of the New Orleans branch of the "organization called 'Fair Play for Cuba,' he stated his desire that he should be accepted as a 'friend' of the Cuban Revolution."
He insisted that he was entitled to the Cuban visa because of his background, partisanship, and personal activities on behalf of the Cuban movement. He engaged in an angry argument with the consul who finally told him that "as far as he was concerned he would not give him a visa" and that "a person like him [Oswald] in place of aiding the Cuban Revolution, was doing it harm."

According to the Warren Report (52): "Oswald's activities with regard to Cuba raise serious questions as to how much he might have been motivated in the assassination by a desire to aid the Castro regime."

The Warren Commission "found no evidence that the extreme views expressed toward President Kennedy by some right-wing groups centered in Dallas or any other general atmosphere of hate or right-wing extremism which may have existed in the city of Dallas had any connection with Oswald's actions on November 22, 1963."

In 1992 the KGB released dossier #31451: the Oswald file. Among the revelations: the KGB suspected that the American defector was a CIA operative.


Oswald, before he was killed, claimed that he was a patsy, that he had been set up (52).

But why?

To justify an attack on Cuba?

As detailed in a book by James Bamford "Body of Secrets," and as reported by David Ruppe, ABC (5/1/2001), in the months before Kennedy was gunned down the "U.S. Military drafted plans to terrorize U.S. cities to provoke war with Cuba." The plans included the killing of innocent people and [to] commit acts of terrorism in U.S. cities [in order] to create public support for a war against Cuba. Code named Operation Northwoods, the plans reportedly included assassination, hijacking planes, blowing up a U.S. ship, and even orchestrating violent terrorism in U.S. cities. The plans were developed as ways to trick the American public and the international community into supporting a war to oust Cuba's then new leader, communist Fidel Castro."

The media was also to be manipulated. Top Generals are quoted as saying "casualty lists in U.S. newspapers would cause a helpful wave of national indignation."

The military and "the Joint Chiefs of Staff even proposed using the potential death of astronaut John Glenn during the first attempt to put an American into orbit as a false pretext for war with Cuba." The military argued that "the objective" in killing Glenn, "is to provide irrevocable proof ... that the fault lies with the Communists."

According to ABC news, "The plans had the written approval of all of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and were presented to President Kennedy's defense secretary, Robert McNamara, in March 1962."

If they were willing to kill John Glenn in order to provoke war with Cuba, given their laundry list of gripes about Kennedy, why not kill him instead?

Fidel Castro was alarmed by the links being made between Oswald and Cuba. According to National Security Agency documents, Castro was terrified the U.S. would retaliate against Cuba in the first hours after the assassination. He feared the assassination would give the U.S. a pretext for invading his country and toppling his rule.

Many in the CIA, Pentagon, and on Wall Street were planning on exactly that.

Was Oswald a CIA agent? An "undercover agent?" Some think so (71), including his mother (52).

It would be a neat trick, indeed, to train Oswald as a CIA agent, use him to provide info resulting in the downing of Gary Power's U2 spy plane, and then bring him back, set him up for a mission which he knows little about, put him in that book depository, have 3 expert CIA marksmen kill Kennedy, and then, have Oswald, the communist defector and friend of Cuba, take the blame.

At least from the perspective of a "thought experiment" Oswald would have been the perfect patsy and the perfect "patriot." Oswald not only puts a stop to an arms control agreement with the communist Soviet Union back in 1960, but in 1963, he serves as a trigger that might ignite a war with Russia and Cuba.

However, Cuba was not attacked. Instead, Lyndon Johnson, upon becoming president, escalated the war in Vietnam.

The Wall Street elite, the war mongers, were delirious with joy. Billions of dollars would be spent and were spent fighting the Vietnam war. The war was a cash cow.

War has always been good for business.

The death of Kennedy had resulted in war.

Dulles and the Bush-Harriman-Rockefeller gang, had won again.
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Postby admin » Sat Aug 01, 2015 2:44 am



Eleven years later, George W. Bush was terrified. Nixon was about to be impeached for the coverup of Watergate, and it had been revealed that Nixon had tape-recorded his own White House conversations. Among the incriminating remarks made on the White House tapes, were comments about the "Texans," the "Cubans" and "the Bay of Pigs."

According to Haldeman (72) Nixon's chief of staff (31), Nixon always used code words when talking about the 1963 murder of Kennedy, referring to the assassination as "the Bay of Pigs."

In that same tape (31), Nixon also discussed Robert Mosbacher, George Bush's partner. The "Texans" were most likely George Bush, Robert Mosbacher and Jim Baker. The "Cubans" some suspect, is a reference to the men who assassinated Kennedy, i.e. the "Bay of Pigs."

Watergate burglar E. Howard Hunt, was a CIA-operative, linked to the "Cubans," the "Bay of Pigs," the assassination of Kennedy, and to George H.W. Bush. In fact, four other Watergate burglars were also associated with the CIA and the anti-Castro movement, including Mr. Martinez who was still on a CIA retainer at the time of the burglary (31).

When Martinez was questioned by judge Sirica, Martinez said, "When it comes to Cuba and when it comes to Communist conspiracies involving the United States, I will do anything to protect this country against any Communist conspiracy" (31).

In 1961, George Bush (despite his denials) was a CIA-operative (73), and was linked to E. Howard Hunt (30), the "Cubans" and the "Bay of Pigs" (30,73), and the assassination of President Kennedy (73).

As noted, acting FBI director Gray, destroyed the files taken from the White House safe of Howard Hunt after he was warned they were "political dynamite" and should "never see the light of day." Some of those files pertained directly to President Kennedy (31).

When the Supreme Court ruled against Nixon, and he had been ordered to turn over his secret White House tapes, George Bush was so scared that others in the Nixon White House had wryly remarked that Bush had "turned into assholes and shit himself to death" (74).

George W. Bush had a lot of reasons to "shit" his pants.

For one, there was the problem involving Watergate burglar E. Howard Hunt, the CIA operative who some believed played a role in Kennedy's assassination (75). Hunt was a member of the White House "plumbers," the secret team assembled to perform a number of covert and illegal services for the Republicans (29).

Hunt's phone number was found in the address book belonging to one of the Watergate burglars (31). It was this phone number which enabled reporters and investigators to link the break-in to President Nixon and his reelection campaign. Later it was discovered that Hunt and another former CIA operative, Gordon Liddy, were at the scene and directing the burglary (31).

Hunt, after his arrest, was issuing a thinly veiled threat to talk and spill his guts to Congressional investigators unless he received hush money (31). Hunt was immediately given $75,000.

As detailed by Bernstein and Woodward (31): "the covert activities" the Nixon White House was seeking to cover up, "involve the whole U.S. intelligence community ...The cover up was mainly to protect the covert operations. The president, himself, has been blackmailed."

What would Hunt talk about that warranted an immediate payoff?

Three years after Watergate, Hunt was accused in an article published by the Liberty Lobby, a conservative, right wing organization, of being linked to the Kennedy assassination (75). Just as Hunt had been at the Watergate directing the burglary, it was being suggesting that Hunt was in Dallas on the day of the shooting. Hunt sued in Federal Court, and lost an appeal in 1985.

The forewoman of the jury said that she and the jury believed that the CIA had killed the president, and that Hunt had played a role in the assassination.

Indeed, Hunt had been playing a role in the assassination and overthrow of democratically elected leaders and presidents, since the 1950s (35,76). After his first successful mission, against the democratically elected president of Guatemala in 1953, Hunt admitted that the real reason for the coup had little to do with communism, and that he had been fooled into serving the interests of Wall Street and the Dulles clan. "I felt a little bit betrayed when I learned that, because I thought, 'Hey, you know, I'm working for the United States of America, I'm not a hireling for United Fruit.' But I went ahead with my assigned tasks in any case, and if United Fruit benefited from it, that was part of the set game" (76).

One of Hunt's next major missions was Cuba. "I was yanked back from [where I was stationed in] Montevideo ...and told: 'What we're doing is reassembling the OPB Success' team' -- that is, the Guatemala operational team -- 'to take care of Castro.' My role was very similar to what it had been in the Guatemalan project; I was located down here in Miami, in Coconut Grove; I was equipped with a safe house. And by that time, several hundred thousand Cuban exiles had come over here and made their home here. President Ydigoras Fuentes of Guatemala was good enough to give our Cuban exiles a training area in two training areas in his country ..."

And then the "Bay of Pigs "fiasco, which left Hunt, the Cuban exiles, and the CIA fuming and enraged at Kennedy.

Notable in Hunt's interview with CNN are his remarks regarding CIA "training areas" in South America.

Two formerly secret documents, "FBI, Operation Condor Cable," dated, 9/28/1975, and "FBI, Operation Condor Cable," dated 9/28/1976, detail how U.S. intelligence agencies oversee and coordinate a network of Chilean, Argentinean and Paraguayan secret police agencies which provide "special teams" trained by the CIA, and which travel "anywhere in the world ... to carry out assassinations," including the assassination of political opponents in the United States.

One of the teams of Cuban exiles that were to attack Cuba, had receiving special training in South America. Many of these individuals were then flown to south Florida where they waited for the signal to attack.

Like E. Howard Hunt, many of these individuals came to the conclusion that they had been betrayed by Kennedy.

One year after Hunt's CNN interview (76) detailed above, former CIA officer Victor Marchetti alleged in the August 14, 1978 edition of The Spotlight, a Washington newspaper, that "some of the figures in the [Kennedy assassination] conspiracy" included "Howard Hunt, Gerry Hemming, a long-time Cuba mercenary, and Frank Sturgis, one of Hunt's fellow Watergate burglars." In that same article, it was alleged that George Bush also played a role in the Kennedy assassination and it was suggested that the link was Hunt and the Cubans who had been trained for the failed Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba.

These allegations, of course came after Watergate and the fall of Nixon. In 1974, at the height of the Watergate investigation, George H.W. Bush was faced with the possibility that the entire damn might break and that the avalanche of material that might be uncovered could bury him alive.

Bush was so frightened, he "broke out into assholes and shit himself to death."

If Nixon was impeached, the investigation would follow the money trail, the Bay of Pigs trail, the E. Howard Hunt trail, the Kennedy trail, and it might lead to George H.W. Bush.


In 1959 George W. Bush began running his Zapata oil company from a headquarters in Houston. He also spent a lot of time in Louisiana and Florida, where Zapata was drilling off shore, for oil.

That same year, Dulles began preparing for the coming invasion of Cuba, and a major part of the operation was being run out of Guatemala and South Florida -- Bush country.

In a briefing to President Kennedy in the Cabinet Room on March 29, 1961, Richard Bissell of the CIA, mentioned that the CIA code name for the Bay of Pigs invasion was "Operation Zapata" (77).

Seven landing craft and support ships were used in the Bay of Pigs invasion. One was named "Houston" and another, "Barbara" (78)-which coincidentally is the name of Bush's wife. Houston, of course, was the headquarters of Bush 's Zapata oil company.

Coincidences, of course.

Bush was also working for the CIA at this time, and, as noted, was spending a lot of time in south Florida.

According to Joseph McBride of The Nation (73),"a source with close connections to the intelligence community confirms that Bush started working for the agency in 1960 or 1961, using his oil business as a cover for clandestine activities."

We do not know with I00% certainty if Bush played a role in the Bay of Pigs fiasco. However, we do know that E. Howard Hunt was a Bay of Pigs veteran CIA operative. So too was Watergate burglar, Frank Sturgis.

The official CIA name for the Bay of Pigs invasion, was known as "JM/WAVE." Even after the Bay of Pigs "JM/WAVE became a continuing and extended Miami operation, the CIA's largest in the continental United States" (41).

Many of those who had trained for the invasion, were trained in South America in the same camps where "special teams" trained by the CIA, are sent "anywhere in the world ... to carry out assassinations," including the assassination of political leaders (63).

Likewise, just as E. Howard Hunt was seething with rage against Kennedy, so too were many in the Cuban exile community who wanted revenge for the death of their friends, comrades, brothers, sons and fathers, on the beaches of Cuba. They all blamed Kennedy and many wanted to kill him.

Their hatred was inflamed even further when, in 1962 Kennedy shut down a CIA program that was preparing for another invasion (Operation Mongoose). The crack down on Cuban exiles continued into 1963 with Kennedy shutting down their paramilitary training camps in Louisiana and Florida -- both locations also being states where Bush was doing business.

Many of these men were linked not just to the CIA, but to George H.W. Bush. As pointed out by Georgie A. Geyer (81), "an entire new Cuban cadre emerged from the Bay of Pigs. The names Howard Hunt, Bernard Barker, Rolando Martinez, Felix Rodriguez and Eugenio Martinez would, in the next quarter century, pop up, often decisively, over and over again in the most dangerous American foreign policy crises. There were Cubans flying missions for the CIA in the Congo and even for the Portuguese in Africa; Cubans were the burglars of Watergate; Cubans played key roles in Nicaragua, in Irangate, in the American move into the Persian Gulf."

Cubans everywhere, and all working for the CIA in operations linked to George Bush. And not just Cubans, but CIA operative, E. Howard Hunt who was linked to assassination of Kennedy, and who, following his arrest as a Watergate burglar, was threatening to talk.

Hunt was implicated in the Kennedy assassination, Cubans trained by the CIA were suspected of involvement, and so to was George Bush.

Consider, for example, a secret FBI memo, written by FBI director Hoover which had been accidentally released (79). In that memo (dated 11/29/63) it is stated that "George Bush of the CIA" was being kept informed about the Warren Commission investigation and the assassination of Kennedy as it pertained to the Cuban exile community and any forthcoming attack on Cuba (79). The substance of the letter, is that "George W. Bush of the CIA" was in some way linked with the anti-Castro groups in Florida, which were in turn linked to Hunt and the assassination of Kennedy.

Hunt was still seething about Kennedy and the debacle in Cuba 10 years later, and both Hunt and Sturgis are alleged to have been in Dallas on the day of Kennedy's assassination.

As noted, Hunt was even accused of being involved in the Kennedy assassination by a CIA agent, in an article that appeared in a magazine published by Liberty Lobby. Hunt sued in Federal Court for defamation and lost.

The CIA was so alarmed by these allegations that the "Commission on CIA Activities Within the United States" (the Rockefeller Commission) sought to refute them in its 1975 report (80).

The Rockefellers and Bush family had been in business together for decades, and Bush was a CIA agent in 1960, and later became director of the CIA -- the same CIA whose agents were implicated in the assassination of Kennedy, and the same CIA whose director had been fired by Kennedy and who then sat on the Warren Commission which served largely as a vehicle to cover up the crime.

According to an article written by Joseph McBride and published in the July 1988 issue of The Nation, Bush was involved in the Kennedy assassination. McBride's source observed: "I know [Bush] was involved in the Caribbean [Bay of Pigs] I know he was involved in the suppression of things after the Kennedy assassination."


On March 8, 1974, as cries for Nixon's impeachment grew ever louder, George H.W. Bush, chairman of the Republican National Committee, began making frantic phone calls. He "was having trouble keeping the party professionals in line" (74). An impeachment vote was becoming a certainty, and who knows where the investigation might lead.

"What in the world do we do now?" asked Bush. Bush was panicking, threatening to pack up and run (74). Finally, Bush and friends, including Republicans in congress, began suggesting that Nixon should resign in order to put a stop to any impeachment investigation.

Party loyalists, however, were outraged by the idea (74). Of course, most did not realize that it was not just Nixon's Presidency which was at stake, but the reputations and lives of those whose dirty secrets would be exposed if congress voted for impeachment.

What was not yet clear, however, was if there were enough votes for impeachment. It all depended on what Nixon mayor may not have said on the tapes he secretly made of his own conversations in the White House.

And then the transcripts of the tapes were ordered released after a protracted court fight. The Nixon team began making transcripts of the tapes, including one that sent Bush and others into paroxysmals of fear.

Somebody asked John Dean, Nixon's counsel, "Does Bush know about the transcript yet?


"Well, what did he do?"

"He broke out into assholes and shit himself to death" was the reply (74).

What was on the tape?

The media referred to it as the "smoking gun."

Nixon had taped himself, on June 23, 1972, discussing with his Chief of Staff, H.R. Haldeman, how best to stop the FBI investigation into the CIA-Watergate burglary. They were worried the investigation would expose their connection to "the Bay of Pigs thing."

According to Haldeman, in his book "The Ends of Power", Nixon always used code words when talking about the 1963 murder of Kennedy, referring to the assassination as "the Bay of Pigs."

In that same tape, Nixon also discussed Robert Mosbacher, George Bush's partner. He also referred repeatedly to the "Cubans" and the "Texans." The "Texans" being George Bush, Jim Baker, and Robert Mosbacher.

Yet another tape was even more incriminating. It contained an 18-minute gap. Six court-appointed electronics experts said that the gap was created after the tape had been erased and erased yet again, five separate times.

An impeachment inquiry would certainly lead to a lot of questions, that Bush and friends would prefer not be asked.

Bush was almost dumb with fear.

It was clear Nixon would be impeached. Who knows what might be revealed if the impeachment hearings became wide ranging and delved into other the crimes committed by the White House and Nixon's associates?

An investigation would result in the opening up of a flood gates of crimes and treasonable acts committed by officials in the CIA, FBI, and the Republican Party. Everything having to do with the "Bay of Pigs," the "Cubans" the "Texans" might come to light.

No wonder Bush "broke out into assholes and shit himself to death."

Bush was terrified, almost dumb with fear. The situation was deteriorating. A lot of people were in a panic. They simply could not allow an impeachment investigation to proceed.

Either Nixon would have to die, or he would have to resign.

Frantic meetings were held. Emissaries were sent to consult with Nixon who was already being blackmailed (31). The horrible consequences of an impeachment investigation were explained.

On August 9, 1974, Richard Nixon resigned.

He was then pardoned by his hand-picked successor, Gerald Ford -- former Warren Commissioner.

By pardoning Nixon, Ford insured that there would be no investigation.

After Ford became president, Rockefeller was chosen to be the new Vice-President. George Bush would become director of the CIA.

As to E. Howard Hunt, he would spend 33 months in prison. The cover-up was a success.

The Dulles-Bush-Rockefeller gang, had won again.



1). John Loftus and Mark Aarons. "The Secret War Against The Jews" St. Martins Press, New York, 1994.

2). Anthony Sutton, "Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler," Charles Higham, "Trading with the Enemy: An Expose of the Nazi-American Money Plot 1933-1949," Delacorte Press, 1983; Christopher Simpson, "The Splendid Blond Beast."

3). The Dulles family believed themselves to be of royal blood, claiming they could "trace its ancestry to Charlemagne" (New York Times 5/25/ 1959). The Dulles family had also been intimately involved in American politics since the 1800s, and were not just influential but rich. John Watson Foster, the Dulles brother's grandfather, became a brigadier general in the Civil War, United States Minister to Mexico and Russia, Secretary of State under President Benjamin Harrison, and amassed a huge fortune. The Dulles brothers first sought access to the White House in 1940, supporting a Republican lawyer for the "mob," Thomas E. Dewey, for President. Dewey lost the nomination to Wendell L. Willkie in 1940 (who in turn lost to Roosevelt). Dewey again sought the Presidency, with Dulles acting as his chief advisor, but lost to Roosevelt in 1944 and then again in 1948, when he lost to Truman. Dewey became governor of New York.

4). Allen Dulles, "From Hitler's Doorstep: The Wartime Intelligence Reports of Allen Dulles, 1942-1945," Pennsylvania State Univ Press, 1996; Allen Dulles, "The Secret Surrender."

5). BBC News, 9/17/2001; UPI9/20/2000; National Archives, 9/17/2001: Charles Higham, "American Swastika: The Shocking Story of Nazi Collaborators in Our Midst from 1933 to the Present Day," Doubleday, 1985.

6). Burton Hersh, 'The Old Boys: The American Elite and the Origins of the CIA," Tree Farm Books, 2001.

7). Heinz Hohne. The Order of the Death's Head." Ballantine, New York. 1967.

8). J. Toland. "Adolf Hitler," Doubleday, New York, 1976; W. L. Shirer. "The Rise & Fall of the Third Reich." Fawcett World Library, New York, 1960.

9). Anthony Sutton, "America's Secret Establishment: An introduction to The Order of Skull & Bones" Liberty House, New York. 1986; Ron Rosenbaum, 'The Last Secrets of Skull and Bones," Esquire Magazine, September, 1977; Peggy Alder-Robohm, "Skull and Bones-Bush's Boy's Club," Covert Action Quarterly No. 33, 1990; John Schrag, "Skeleton in His Closet," Willamette Week, September 19-25, 1991; David W. Dunlap, "Yale Society Resists Peeks Into Its Crypt," New York Times, 11/4/88.

10). Christopher Simpson, "Blowback."

II). National Archives, 9/17/2001; UPI 9/20/2000.

12). T. H. Tetens, 'The New Germany and the Old Nazis."

13). Audrey R. Kahin, George McT Kahin, "Subversion As Foreign Policy: The Secret Eisenhower and Dulles Debacle in Indonesia;" University of Washington Press, 1997; Vitaly, Syrokomsky, "International Terrorism and the CIA: Documents, Eyewitness Reports, Facts," Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1983; James A. Bill, "The Eagle and the Lion: The Tragedy of American-Iranian Relations," Yale University Press, 1988; R. Harris Smith, "OSS: The Secret History of America's First Central Intelligence Agency," University of California Press, 1972; Fletcher Prouty, "The Secret Team: The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the U.S. and the World," Prentice Hall, 1973; Jonathan Kwitney, "The Crimes of Patriots: A True Tale of Dope, Dirty Money & the CIA," WW Norton, 1987; Rodney Stich, "Defrauding America: A Pattern Of Related Scandals -- Dirty Secrets Of The CIA And Other Government Operations," Diablo Western Press, 1993; William Blum, "Killing Hope: US Military and CIA Intervention Since WWII," Common Courage Press, 1995; Report to the President by the Commission on CIA Activities Within the United States, Washington, DC. 1975.

14). R. Harris Smith, "OSS: The Secret History of America's First Central Intelligence Agency," University of California Press, 1972.

15). The Central Intelligence Agency Act, 1949. United States Congress.

16). John Stockwell, "The Secret Wars of the CIA." Speech given on 10/10/1987.

17). Richard Milhous Nixon, "The Memoirs of Richard Nixon," Richard Nixon Library Editions, 1990.

18). Russell Bowen, "The Immaculate Deception;" Charles Higham, "American Swastika: The Shocking Story of Nazi Collaborators in Our Midst from 1933 to the Present Day," Doubleday, 1985; T. H. Tetens, "The New Germany and the Old Nazis;" Christopher Simpson, "Blowback;" Robert J. Groden & Harrison Edward Livingstone. "High Treason."

19). Robert J. Groden & Harrison Edward Livingstone, "High Treason."

20). James Petras & Morris Morley, "The United States and Chile: Imperialism and the Overthrow of the Allende Government," Monthly Review Press, 1975.

21). Regis Debray, "The Chilean Revolution: Conversations with Allende," Pantheon, 1972; Paul M. Sweezy, "Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Chile," Monthly Review Press, 1974.

22). Tim Weiner, "How the CIA Took Aim at Allende," New York Times, 9/12/1998; Paul M. Sweezy, "Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Chile," Monthly Review Press, 1974.

23). Miguel Gonzalez Pino, et aI., "Los mil dias de Allende II,," Santiago, Chile: Centro de Estudios Preblicos, 1997.

24). Gonzalez Pino, "Allende concita atenci -- n de la prensa mundial," La Tarde, 9/7/1970.

25). "CIA plot against Allende: Operating guidance cable," 10/16/ 1970. "CIA, Operating Guidance Cable on Coup Plotting, October 16, 1970." In this cable, Thomas Karamessines, CIA deputy director, conveys Kissinger's orders to Henry Hecksher, CIA station chief in Santiago, and includes the following statements: "It is firm and continuing policy that Allende be overthrown by a coup." The "operating guidance" is to hide the "American hand." The CIA is instructed to ignore any orders which are not consistent with this guidance cable. "CIA, Memorandum of Conversation of Meeting with Henry Kissinger, Thomas Karamessines, and Alexander Haig, October 15, 1970." This Memorandum includes a discussion of covert plans promoting a coup in Chile, and the overthrow of Allende, known as "Track II." Kissinger orders the CIA to "continue keeping the pressure on every Allende weak spot in sight."

26). Robinson Rojas Sandford, "The Murder of Allende and the End of the Chilean Way of Socialism," Harper & Row, 1976; Paul M. Sweezy, "Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Chile," Monthly Review Press, 1974.

27). Department of State, "Chilean Executions," Memo, 11/16/1973; Tim Weiner, "How the CIA Took Aim at Allende," New York Times, 9/12/ 1998; Thomas Hauser, Missing: The Execution of Charles Horman," Simon & Schuster, 1983; Thomas C. Wright & Rody Onate, eds., Flight from Chile: Voices of Exile," University of New Mexico Press, 1998; FBI Report to Chilean Military on Detainee, 6/6/1975.

28). Department of State, "Kubisch-Huerta Meeting: Request for Specific Replies to Previous Questions on Horman and Teruggi Cases," 2/ 11/1974; "FBI Report to Chilean Military on Detainee," 6/6/1975 - This 1975 document, sent by FBI attache Robert Scherrer to Chilean General Ernesto Baeza, records U.S. collaboration with Chile's security forces. The CIA promises to provide surveillance of Chilean citizens and other sympathizers inside the United States. This document also describes "Operation Condor." Condor was actually a network of secret police agencies in Argentina, Paraguay, Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Chile, who were coordinated by the CIA for the purposes of tracking, capturing, torturing, and killing dissidents, including those inside the United States, and including the citizens of other countries. "FBI, Operation Condor Cable," 9/28/1976 -- This cable was written also written Robert Scherrer, the FBI's attache in Buenos Aires. This cable summarizes intelligence information and details Operation Condor, the joint intelligence operation designed to "eliminate Marxist terrorist activities in the area" The cable goes on to provide information about "special teams" which travel "anywhere in the world ... to carry out assassination against terrorists or supporters of terrorist organizations."

29). John Dean, "Blind Ambition: The White House Years," Simon & Schuster, 1976; Elizabeth Drew, "Washington Journal: The Events of 1973-1974," Macmillan, 1984; Carl Bernstein & Bob Woodward, "All the President's Men," Simon & Schuster, 1974; Theodore H. White, "Breach of Faith: The Fall of Richard Nixon," Atheneum-Reader's Digest, 1975.

30). Webster G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin, "George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography," The Executive Intelligence Review.

31). Carl Bernstein & Bob Woodward, "All the President's Men," Simon & Schuster, 1974.

32). James A. Bill, "The Eagle and the Lion: The Tragedy of American- Iranian Relations." Yale University Press, 1988.

33). Rockefeller, and his clone, Henry Kissinger, also played a role in the downfall of the Shah, in 1978 and the subsequent Iranian hostage crises which resulted. The Shah was a hated, brutal, dictators, and it was the job of his secret police, SAVAK, to keep the rabble terrorized and under control. But it was precisely because of his despotic rule that the Iranian people increasingly rebelled, and then welcomed the return of Iran's spiritual leader, the Ayatollah Khomeni. As more and more riots broke out, the Rockefeller and the Rockefeller owned, Chase Manhattan bank (which had loaned the Shah incredible sums of money, pressured the CIA which pressured SAVAK to employ increasingly horrific measures which finally trigged the Iranian revolution. The synthesis of this Hegelian dialectic was that Rockefeller and Chase Manhattan Bank came out ahead of the game and with more money that if the Shah had stayed in power. As detailed by James Brill (23), after the revolution, private policy makers such as Kissinger and Rockefeller managed one last scam. Chase Manhattan Bank appealed to the U.S. government and the courts, claiming that the new Iranian government might withdraw their funds from the bank and repudiate the shah's loans. Rockefeller/Chase was demanding that it be awarded all Iranian assets, which was far and beyond what was owed. The new Iranian government pledged to repay those loans. The new Iranian government, however, also demanded the return of property and funds stolen by the Shah, and that the Shah -- who was in exile in another country, be returned to Iran. Kissinger and Rockefeller figured they had nothing to lose and everything to gain if they could provoke a crisis. They began lobbying Washington for the admission of the Shah into the U.S. and their wishes were granted. This resulted in the Iranian takeover of the U.S. embassy, the hostage crisis, the freezing of Iranian assets, and a declaration of default by Chase which allowed Chase to seize Iranian assets to offset the loans. In the end, the Iranian- hostage the crisis clearly benefited the American banking community."

34). Stephen Shlesinger & Stephen Kinzer, "Bitter Fruit: the Untold Story of the American Coup in Guatemala," Anchor Press, 1990.

35). Stacy May & Galo Plaza, "The United Fruit Company in Latin America," Washington, National Planning Association, 1957; Alejandra Batres, "The Experience of the Guatemalan United Fruit Company Workers, 1944-1954: Why Did They Fail?" Texas Papers on Latin America, Paper No. 95-01, University of Texas at Austin, 1995; Paul Dosal, "Doing Business with the Dictators: a Political History of United Fruit in Guatemala, 1899-1944," SR Books, 1993; Thomas, McCann, "An American Company: the Tragedy of United Fruit," Crown, 1976. CIA operative, E. Howard Hunt, who played a major role in the overthrow of Jacobo Arbenz in Guatemala, later told that "I felt a little bit betrayed when I learned that ... the reason [for the overthrow] was because Thomas Corcoran, the famous lobbyist working for the United Fruit Company, had persuaded Eisenhower and some other high dignitaries to do something about it. I thought, 'Hey, you know, I'm working for the United States of America, I'm not a hireling for United Fruit.'"

36). Jay Mallin, "Fulgencio Batista: Ousted Cuban Dictator," Story House Corp, 1974; Marifeli Perez-Stable, "The Cuban Revolution: Origins, Course, and Legacy," Oxford University Press, 1998.

37). Ernesto Che Guevara, "Episodes of the Cuban Revolutionary War 1956-58," Pathfinder Press, 1996. Julia E. Sweig, "Inside the Cuban Revolution: Fidel Castro and the Urban Underground," Harvard Univ Press, 2002.

38). Syrokomsky, Vitaly, "International Terrorism and the CIA: Documents, Eyewitness Reports, Facts," Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1983.

39). Peter Kornbluh (Editor), "Bay of Pigs Declassified: The Secret CIA Report on the Invasion of Cuba, National Security Archive Documents Reader," New Press, 1998; James G. Blight & Peter Kornbluh (Editors), "Politics of Illusion: The Bay of Pigs Invasion Reexamined," Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1998.

40). Marifeli Perez-Stable, "The Cuban Revolution: Origins, Course, and Legacy," Oxford University Press, 1998.

41). Donald Freed, "Death in Washington," Westport Press, 1980.

42. The "Stab in the Back" was a term used by Hitler and the Nazis to explain Germany's surrender in WWI. Hitler blamed communists and the new democratic leadership which had assumed power in Germany.

43). E. Howard Hunt, "Give Us This Day," New Rochelle: Arlington House, 1973.

44). Graham T. Allison, Philip Zelikow, "Essence of Decision: Explaining the Cuban Missile Crisis;" Michael R. Beschloss, The Crisis Years: Kennedy and Khrushchev, 1960-63," Edward Burlingame Books, 1991.

45). John Bartlow Martin, "Third Oral History Interview with Robert F. Kennedy," 4/30/64. John F. Kennedy Library; John M. Newman, "JFK and Vietnam: Deception, Intrigue, And The Struggle For Power."

46). Arnold, James R. "The First Domino: Eisenhower, the Military and America's Intervention in Vietnam," Morrow, 1991.

47). Archimedes Patti, "Why Viet Nam? Prelude to America's Albatross. Berkeley," University of California Press, 1980; Surveillant, "A chronological account -- from 1945 to 1962 -- of the decisions that led to America's military commitment in Vietnam."

48). Anderson, David L. "J. Lawton Collins, John Foster Dulles, and the Eisenhower Administration's Point of No Return in Vietnam." Diplomatic History, 12, 127-147, 1988.

49). Gibbons, William C. 'The U.S. Government and the Vietnam War: Executive and Legislative Roles and Relationships," Princeton University Press, 1986-1989.

50). Morrow, Robert D. "Betrayal," Henry Regnery Company, 1976; Warren Hinckle & William Turner, "Deadly Secrets: The CIA-Mafia War Against Castro and the Assassination of J.F.K." Thunder's Mouth, 1992; Robert Groden & Harrison Livingstone. "High Treason: The Assassination of John F. Kennedy and the New Evidence of Conspiracy," Berkley Books, 1989.

51). Mark Lane, "Plausible Denial, "Thunder's Mouth, 1991; Mark North, "Act of Treason: The Role of J. Edgar Hoover in the Assassination of President Kennedy," Carroll & Graf, 1991; C. Robert Blakey & Richard N. Billings, 'The Plot to Kill the President," Times Books, 1981; Robert Sam Anson, 'They've Killed The President!" Bantam, 1975.

52). "Report of the Warren Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy," Bantam, 1964.

53). Madeleine Brown, "Texas In The Morning."

54). Robert Grogen, "The Killing of a President: The Complete Photographic Record of the JFK Assassination, the Conspiracy. and the Coverup. New York: Viking Studio Books, 1994; Robert Grogen, The Search for Lee Harvey Oswald: The Complete Photographic Record," Penguin Studio, 1995.

55) Several independent experts, including Vincent Salandria, Professor Josiah Thompson and Ray Marcus, have argued that the "third" shot, which struck Kennedy in the head, was actually two nearly simultaneous shots, one coming from the right front (the grassy knoll) and the other from the rear. In large part this argument is based on Vincent Salandria's "Head Movement Theory" (Esquire, 12/1966) i.e. that the sudden and different movements of Kennedy's head -- which are apparent when a frame by frame analysis of the Zapruder film of the assassination -- are due to two almost simultaneous bullets striking his head. Thus the third shot was really a third and fourth shot. This explanation is also consistent with the large number of witnesses who heard seven or eight shots. A close analysis of the Zapruder film which captured the entire assassination, shows Kennedy reaching up toward his throat, and then we see an explosion of red mushrooming from the right which is then followed, almost immediately, by the explosion of the back of Kennedy's head as his skull and portions of his brain are splashed onto the back of his limousine. We also see his head being thrown back -- which is consistent with Newton's second law of motion -- i.e. that an object struck by a projectile will be driven in the same direction as that of the projectile. Likewise, it is clear from the Zapruder film that the bullet struck the right temporal region of his head. It is also evident from autopsy photos that the right temporal injury is rather small, whereas the left parietal injury is massive. It would thus be expected that his left parietal skull and brain would be ejected, as entry wounds are almost always smaller than exit wounds which tends to blow outward. As the book depository was behind Kennedy, it is thus rather apparent that a right frontal entry was not caused -by a bullet fired from behind.

56). Orville Nix, a UPI photographer, was standing opposite the grassy knoll taking pictures. An analysis of the Nix film showed what looked to be a car with a man standing on it holding what appeared to be a rifle that appeared to be pointed in the direction of Kennedy's car. Maurice Schonfeld, Jack Fox, and Burt Reinhardt, all of U.P.I. also believe the photograph shows a man pointing a rifle. UPI reporter, Jack Fox subsequently interviewed several witnesses to the assassination. S. M. Holland, who was standing on the overpass, told Fox there were four shots: "... the first came from the book building and hit the President. The second came from the same place and hit Governor John Connally .... The third shot came from behind the picket fence to the north of Elm Street. There was a puff of smoke under the trees like someone had thrown out a Chinese firecracker and a report entirely different from the one which was fired from the book building." Seven other witnesses on the overpass also saw a puff of smoke rising. 1. M. Smith, a Dallas policeman, claimed to have "caught the smell of gunpowder" behind the wooden fence. Holland also claimed he ran toward the fence and saw a station wagon with two muddy marks on the bumper "as if someone had stood there to look over the fence."

57). The "magic bullet," according to the Warren Commission, entered Kennedy's back, turned upward and exited his neck, then it struck Connally in the back, turned right and struck Connally in the wrist, and then turned left and entered Connally's thigh, and then, it fell out on Connally's stretcher in the Dallas hospital where he had been taken. Others, such as Mark Lane, Vincent Salandria, Ray Marcus, Leo Sauvage, Harold Weisberg, and Professors Richard H. Popkin and Josiah Thompson, propose a more logical explanation for the "magic bullet." The bullet was fired from Oswald's rifle before the assassination and then it was left on the Connally's stretcher, where it was found later that day. Also, three doctors, Finck, Humes, and Shaw testified that bullet fragments were found in Connally's wrist whereas the bullet found on the stretcher only had a slight dent, as if it had been shot into something soft, like a pillow.

58). Theodore H. White's The Making of the President, 1964. "On the flight [back to Washington aboard Air Force One] the party learned that there was no conspiracy; learned of the identity of Oswald and his arrest." Air Force landed in Washington at 4:58 p.m. Dallas time. According to Dallas District Attorney Henry M. Wade he had received a number of telephone calls from the FBI, the State Department and White House, that afternoon, and the calls continued into the evening.

59). John McCloy served as a Member of Committee on the National Security Organization from 1948 to 1949. Because of his extensive business connections with Germany prior to and during the war (serving Rockefeller-Nazi interests), he served, at the urgings of Rockefeller and the Dulles brothers, as US Military Governor and High Commissioner for Germany from 1949 until 1952. In 1953 until 1960, he served as Chairman of the Board, Chase National Bank and then, after it merged with another bank, the Chase Manhattan Bank. During the war, IG Farben owned 40% of Chase stock, whereas Rockefeller owned much of the rest.

60. Newsweek 12/1/98. Daily News 12/21/98: "Chase National Bank -- the precursor of today's Chase Manhattan Bank, helped the Nazis to plunder Jewish property in France during World War II. The New York-based bank controlled by the Rockefeller family closed Jewish accounts even before the Germans ordered them to do so and did business with the Nazis while they were sending Jews to the gas chambers. And while the U.S. was at war with the Nazis, Chase also helped German banks do business with their overseas branches. Chase Manhattan is now the largest bank company in the U.S. with more than $300 billion in assets. Lawyers representing Holocaust survivors" named "Chase Manhattan in their lawsuit" and "another big U.S. bank, J.P. Morgan. While many other U.S. businesses and banks closed down their Paris operations after France fell to the Germans, Chase National remained open and even thrived. The relationship between Chase and the Nazis apparently was so cozy that Carlos Niedermann, the Chase branch chief in Paris, wrote his supervisor in Manhattan that the bank enjoyed 'very special esteem' with top German officials and 'a rapid expansion of deposits.' Niedermann's letter was written in May 1942 - five months after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor and the U.S. also went to war with Germany."

61). Daily News, 12/24/98, "Chase Named In Holocaust-Asset Suit. Two American banks were named in a class-action lawsuit yesterday that accuses them of collaborating with the Nazis to deprive Jewish depositors of their rightful assets. 'They froze and blocked Jewish accounts during the period of the Nazi occupation in France, depriving Jewish families of the financial means to flee France,' said attorney Kenneth McCallion, who filed the suit against Chase Manhattan Bank, J.P. Morgan and seven French banks. McCallion charges Chase's Paris branch - with full backing of its New York office - displayed "excessive zeal" in enforcing anti-Jewish laws and was held in "very special esteem" by Vichy authorities. Court papers also say Chase prospered under German occupation, nearly doubling its deposits between 1942 and 1944 from 27 million to more than 50 million French francs. Chase officials said in a statement that it has been in settlement talks with the World Jewish Congress for several weeks and that it was disappointed that an 'unnecessary" lawsuit has been filed."

62. NMT, IG. Farben case, Volumes VII and VIII, pp. 1304-1311; "Elimination of German Resources, p. 1085."

63). The CIA have a huge network of contract killers that can be called upon from any country, and imported into any country, for the purposes of terrorism and murder, including the murder of politicians and presidents. For example, as revealed in a cable written FBI attache Robert Scherrer, "FBI, Operation Condor Cable," 9/28/1976, the CIA maintains a joint intelligence operation involving a network of secret police agencies and "special teams" which travel "anywhere in the world ... to carry out assassination against terrorists or supporters of terrorist organizations," including individuals or organizations inside the United States.

64). CIA contract agent and electronics expert, Robert D. Morrow, in his book, First Hand Knowledge -- How I participated in the CIA-Mafia Murder of President Kennedy, claims that in July of 1963, Tracy Bames, CIA head of Domestic Operations ordered him to procure "four Mannlicher 7.35 mm surplus rifles. I received a second phone call. It was del Valle calling from, I assumed, Miami. He asked me to supply him with four transceivers which were not detectable by any communications equipment then available on the market. I told him that I could provide him with sub-miniaturized units whose operation would be confined to a range of fifty or one hundred kilohertz. To operate any sizable distance, the units would require an antenna at least several feet in length. A wire taped to the user's leg would easily suffice for this purpose. Del Valle then requested that I deliver the transceivers and the rifles to David Ferrie. Del Valle explained to me that the rifles and communications equipment were for his Free Cuba Committee, and that Clay and Ferrie were assisting him in the operation. Then he dropped the bomb. Del Valle exclaimed, 'They had better be perfect, compadre. They are for Texas! ...Kennedy is going to get it in Dallas!"

65). Jim Oliphant. Legal Times, 6/21/2000

66). Robert Groden & Harrison Livingstone. "High Treason: The Assassination of John F. Kennedy and the New Evidence of Conspiracy," Berkley Books, 1989; Mark North, "Act of Treason: The Role of J. Edgar Hoover in the Assassination of President Kennedy," Carroll & Graf, 1991.

67). Edward Jay Epstein, "Legend: The Secret World of Lee Harvey Oswald," Hutchinson, 1978.

68). Richard H. Immerman, "John Foster Dulles: Piety, Pragmatism, and Power in U.S. Foreign Policy," Scholarly Resources, 1999; Richard H. Immerman (Editor), "John Foster Dulles and the Diplomacy of the Cold War," Princeton University Press, 1992.

69). Tom Wicker & Arthur M. Schlesinger, "Dwight D. Eisenhower 1953-1961," limes Books, 2000; Robert R. Bowie & Richard H. Immerman, "Waging Peace: How Eisenhower Shaped an Enduring Cold War Strategy," Oxford University Press, 2000.

70). Fred 1. Cook, "The U-2 Incident, May, 1960: An American Spy Plane Downed over Russia Intensifies the Cold War," Franklin Watts, 1973.

71). John M. Newman, "Oswald and the CIA," 1995.

72). Haldeman, "The Ends of Power",

73). Joseph McBride, '''George Bush,' CIA Operative," The Nation, July 16, 1988.

74). Bob Woodward & Carl Bernstein, "The Final Days," Avon Books.

75). Victor Marchetti, The Spotlight, Liberty Lobby, 8/14/1978.

76). CNN, "Howard Hunt: CIA Operative, Central America," 9/1997 & 10/1997.

77). "Operation Zapata." See page 89, Michael R. Beschloss, The Crisis Years: Kennedy and Khrushchev, 1960-63," Edward Burlingame Books, 1991.

78). "Houston" and "Barbara" were the names of two of the ships used in the Bay of Pigs. See pages 79-80, Quintin Pino Machado, "La Batalla de Giron," La Habana: Editorial de Ciencias Sociales, 1983; and see pages 98-99, "Schumacher, Operation Pluto," and Peter Wyden, "Bay of Pigs, The Untold Story," Simon and Shuster, 1979.

79). "Date: November 29, 1963 To: Director Bureau of Intelligence and Research Department of State From: John Edgar Hoover, Director Subject: ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY NOVEMBER 22, 1963 Our Miami, Florida, Office on November 23, 1963 advised that the Office of Coordinator of Cuban Affairs in Miami advised that the Department of State feels some misguided anti-Castro group might capitalize on the present situation and undertake an unauthorized raid against Cuba, believing that the assassination of President John F. Kennedy might herald a change in US policy, which is not true. Our sources and informants familiar with Cuban matters in the Miami area advise that the general feeling in the anti-Castro Cuban community is one of stunned disbelief and, even among those who did not entirely agree with the President's policy concerning Cuba, the feeling is that the President's death represents a great loss not only to the US but to all Latin America. These sources know of no plans for unauthorized action against Cuba. An informant who has furnished reliable information in the past and who is close to a small pro- Castro group in Miami has advised that those individuals are afraid that the assassination of the President may result in strong repressive measures being taken against them and, although pro-Castro in their feelings, regret the assassination. The substance of the foregoing information was orally furnished to Mr. George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency and Captain William Edwards of the Defense Intelligence Agency on November 23, 1963, by Mr. WT. Forsyth of this Bureau."

80). "Report to the President by the Commission on CIA Activities Within the United States," Washington: US Government Printing Office, 1975, pp. 251-267.

81). Georgie Anne Geyer, "Guerrilla Prince," Little, Brown, 1991.
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