Adnan Khashoggi Linked to 911 Terrorists, by Alex Constantin

What you are allowed to think and what you do think are two different things, aren't they? That's another way of saying that this forum may be NSFW, if your boss is a Republican. A liberal won't fire you for it, but they'll laugh at you in the break room and you may not get promoted. Unless you're an engineer, of course, in which your obsession with facing reality is not actually a career-disabling disability.

Re: Adnan Khashoggi Linked to 911 Terrorists, by Alex Consta

Postby admin » Tue Jun 27, 2017 7:00 am


by Alex Constantine

Ramzi Yousef lit for Pakistan. After the 1993 WTC bombing, he was sought around the world. A reward of $2-million was offered for his capture. He vanished for a spell in the mountainous wastes of western Pakistan, province of Baluchistan. But Youshef was soon spotted, big man about town in Peshawar, then Karachi. He was something of a celebrity amongst young Muslems aspiring to make their mark as mass murderers.

"His boyhood friend Murad was living in Karachi," according to the LA Times. "He had recently returned from the U.S., where he had earned a commercial pilot's license. Yousef came to see him. He talked, Murad said, about the need for good Muslims to give their lives, if needed, to the struggle." They discussed prospective targets: Benazir Bhutto, prime minister of Pakistan. Nuclear power stations. The U.S. Consulate in Karachi. A variety of other U.S. government buildings. "There was a plan to assassinate President Clinton."1

Ramzi took Murad to meet an old hand in the terror trade. "He said his name was Abdul Magid. He was a Saudi import- xport businessman." His real name, police discovered, was Khalid Shaikh Mohammed. "He wasn't Saudi, but like Yousef a Baluchi, born and raised by expatriates in Kuwait. He is thought to be Yousef's uncle." Like Ramzi Yousef, Mohammed had studied engineering in the States. In 1984, he enrolled at a two-year college in North Carolina. "After college, he came home to Pakistan and joined what appears to have been the family business - jihad. A Kuwaiti newspaper has reported that he went to work as secretary to an Afghan warlord."

Yousef and Murad "moved to an open-air compound where Yousef taught Murad to build bombs. Making chocolate, Yousef called it. In one practice session, a detonator exploded in Yousef's face." He recuperated, and Mohammed "showed up out of nowhere" to pay the bills.

Khalid Mohammed, Yousef and a third recalcitrant, Wali Shah Khan, arrived in the Philippines in early 1994. "Khan had stopped en route in Kuala Lumpur, where he and Hambali, the Indonesia patent medicine salesman, incorporated an export company called Konsojaya. Its real purpose, police say now, was to serve as a financial conduit for the plotters."1

Ramzi Yousef was blissfully re-united with his buds in Abu Sayyef, the military-intelligence cut-out of the U.S. proxy army in the Philippines.

The waltz of spooks and Islamic terrorists left recurrent footstep patterns in the ashes they left behind. Like the World Trade Center bombing, the 1998 US embassy blast in Nairobi was in part planned and executed by a CIA-FBI informant. In 1993, according to court affidavits, Mohammed was quizzed by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police after an agent of al Quaeda was caught entering the US with his driver's license and a false passport. The Mounties released Mohammed when the FBI claimed him as a prized asset, and the former US Army sergeant was free to continue running with al- aeda. Mohammed trained Osama bin Laden's bodyguards and the cell in Kenya responsible for the bombing. The FBI informant was only picked up in late 1998 and sentenced for his part in the crime.

The San Francisco Chronicle reported on November 4, 2001: "A former U.S. Army sergeant who trained Osama bin Laden's bodyguards and helped plan the 1998 bombing of the U.S. Embassy in Kenya was a U.S. government informant during much of his terrorist career.... Ali Mohammed, an Egyptian-born U.S. citizen and longtime Silicon Valley resident who pleaded guilty last year to terrorism charges, approached the Central Intelligence Agency more than 15 years ago and offered to inform on Middle Eastern terrorist groups.... Later, according to the sources, Mohammed spent years ... training [bin Laden's] Islamic guerrillas in camps in Afghanistan and the Sudan; bringing Ayman al-Zawahiri, who is bin Laden's chief deputy, to the Bay Area on a covert fund-raising mission; and planning the 1998 bombing of the U.S. Embassy in Nairobi, in which more than 200 people died."

Mohammed pled guilty. "He told a federal judge that he first was drawn to terrorism in 1981, when he joined Egyptian Islamic Jihad, a fundamentalist group implicated in that year's assassination of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat." As we've seen, Sadat's was a CIA murder led by Ayman Zawahiri. "For almost as long as he was a terrorist, Mohamed also was in contact with U.S. intelligence, according to court records and sources."

Mohammed quit the Egyptian Army "to work as a counterterrorism security expert for EgyptAir." The mind reels... "After that, he offered to become a CIA informant, said the U.S. government official who spoke on condition of anonymity."

The trusted bin Laden aide worked in the mid-'80s as a supply sergeant for a Green Beret unit, and an instructor on Middle Eastern affairs in the John F. Kennedy Special Warfare School. "Mohamed's behavior and his background were so unusual that his commanding officer, Lt. Col. Robert Anderson, became convinced that he was both a dangerous fanatic' and an operative of U.S. intelligence."2

An al Quaeda principal loosely tied to the 1993 WTC bombing was Saudi merchant Mohammed Jamal Khalifa, Osama's best friend and brother-in-law. "Khalifa's charity work in the Philippines did have some legitimacy," observed the Christian Science Monitor on January 21, 2003. "He built schools, established healthcare clinics, and distributed food aid. Many residents of the southern Philippines, Christians as well as Muslims, remember Khalifa kindly. The gray area lies in how much of Khalifa's charity money was diverted to terrorism. Khalifa says none: I am not only sure, but challenging anyone to prove otherwise'"

Abu Sayyaf defectors admitted they were given as much as 70 percent of the charity's grants. "Using charities in the Philippines as a cover, Khalifa is alleged to have funded the radical Islamic group Abu Sayyaf." He was said to have spearheaded a plot to hijack planes and crash them into the Pentagon or CIA - "widely seen as a blueprint for the Sept. 11 attacks."3



1) TERRY McDERMOTT, "The Plot - How terrorists hatched a simple plan to use planes as bombs" Los Angeles Times, September 1, 2002.

2) Lance Williams and Erin McCormick, "Al Qaeda terrorist worked with FBI - Ex-Silicon Valley resident plotted embassy attacks," San Francisco Chronicle, November 4, 2001.

3) Catherine Taylor, "Former Bin Laden friend denies terror ties," Christian Science Monitor, January 21, 2003.
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Re: Adnan Khashoggi Linked to 911 Terrorists, by Alex Consta

Postby admin » Tue Jun 27, 2017 7:01 am


[Draft] by Alex Constantine

"ChoicePoint as a company and I as an individual continue to believe [that] in a free society ... we do not always have the right to anonymity."

-- ChoicePoint CEO Derek V. Smith

Richard Armitage left ChoicePoint in March 2000 when government beckoned. He will always be one for the books, but before we move on to the White House for a looksee, there is a dangling question to address: What sort of company would take aboard this corrupt, mass-murdering-drug-smuggling-money-laundering pimp? Any company that would pay Dick Armitage good money to direct it could bear some examination.

So you click in the business pages on the Internet and you search, downloading any intelligence lead, every key buy-out announcement, director profile, loss statement, press release and SEC reprimand. You wade through trite press releases and confusing math. It takes awhile. When you are finished, you know the meaning of shame.

ChoicePoint is much more than a corporate safe-house or pack-station for Dick Armitage. And it isn't historically significant because he worked there prior to taking the State Department appointment as Powell's deputy. Just the opposite - Armitage's place in 911 history is assured because he was a director of ChoicePoint. ChoicePoint is the explanation of everything and nothing, the means justifying the means, founded on the sort of motives that turn some men, when they dwell on it, into hermits or existentialists. ChoicePoint and 911 were inseperable, "joined at the hip." It is no exagerration to say that ChoicePoint has determined the country's leadership, sacrificed thousands of innocent lives, moved the country into a police state and paved the road to war.


The founder of the company "fell" off a roof in 1998. His name was Rozar ("Razor" reversed). The obituary noted that Rick Rozar, a "former private investigator," was a "benefactor to needy children." He "fell from the roof at his Newport Beach home." He was 44 years old.

The tiny computer company Rozar started up in 1978 would evolve into one of the nation's leading public information brokers.

"Rozar, 44, was found by his fiancee about 3:45 p.m. Wednesday outside the front door of his $3-million home on Bayside Drive, overlooking Newport Bay, police said." Cause of death: "'It appeared that Rozar was working on a satellite dish system when he fell,' said Newport Beach police Sgt. Mike McDermott."

Rozar started-up CDB Infotek "as an insurance investigations business. He foresaw a growing marketplace for computerized databases that would automate the process for investigators. Equifax's Insurance Services Group bought a majority stake in the business in 1996, with Rozar staying on as president and chief executive. "The company was later spun off as part of ChoicePoint Inc., a publicly traded company. He resigned when he sold his remaining interest this year."1

It was reported that Rozar "engineered the sale of 70% of the business two years ago for more than $32 million, and sold his remaining interest this year for an undisclosed amount." (Unfortunately, he only lived long enough to spend a little of it - a $100,000 contribution to the Republican Party.)

Two years later, ChoicePoint purchased Database Technologies (DBT). This company, based in Boca Raton, was founded by Hank Asher. The FBI had accused Asher of hob-nobbing with drug peddlers from the Bahamas. The Bureau went so far as to cancel its CBT data management contract for this very reason.2

That was a hint that something might not be quite right at ChoicePoint. It wasn't CDBInfotek anymore - ChoicePoint was an Orwellian octopoid in the works.

The Guardian's Tim Wheeler let drop his reporter's instinctive caution in May 2003: "ChoicePoint Inc, a data-processing firm ... is notorious for purging Black and Latino voters in Florida to help George W Bush steal the 2000 election..."3

"To help George W. Bush steal the 2000 election..."

But there is no other way to interpret the documented interactions between Katherine Harris and the executives of Database/Choicepoint ... in the last analysis, it wasn't Ralph Nader or even the Supreme court. ChoicePoint decided the election.

Greg Palast, with Katherine Harris's e-mails and financial documents in hand, reported on the causes of the 2000 election after the event. Recall the chaos in Florida when ChoicePoint, inadvertently or not, "glitched" the votes: "Recent studies say nearly one-quarter to 31 percent of black men in Florida cannot vote ... The state's voter-purge project has critics doubting both the accuracy and the motives of the state's contractor, Database Technologies."

"Election supervisors in some counties -- including Palm Beach County -- declared the company's information too dubious to use." In a single glitch, "the company mistakenly listed 7,972 people as possible felons, only to acknowledge later that they had been convicted of misdemeanors..."4

This is not a portrait of a thriving democracy. This is fascism. Most Americans are accustomed, even habituated, to living with it, but this is what fascism looks like.

"Glitches" do not discriminate along racial lines. Palast's contemporaneous reports from Florida stated clearly that the purged black and Latino votes were NOT the result of a mishap. Laura Flanders at FAIR reported in late 2000, "many Floridians who found themselves scrubbed' off the voting rolls WEREN'T PURGED ACCIDENTALLY.... Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris paid a private firm, ChoicePoint, $4 million to cleanse' the voting rolls, and the firm used the state's felon ban to exclude eight thousand voters who had never committed a felony. ChoicePoint is a Republican outfit."5

"I am disappointed that, to my knowledge, the culprits haven't been legally pursued to the fullest extent of the law. Instead, ChoicePoint continues to get government contracts..." - Former U.S. Rep. Cynthia McKinney, D-Lithonia

Most native observers, swayed by media opinion formation, were unaware that the fix was in, and concluded that the purged votes could be explained away as computer error or KeystoneCop programming, or something else ... if it weren't a step in an accelerated process of fascist imposition on the United States, not isolated or incongruous by any means. ChoicePoint is the product of privitization - like scores of other "independent" contractors that serve the classified sector - and performs many of the "dirty tricks" that were once the province of the FBI, NSA, CIA and other clandestine agencies...

"I think clearly the government is now turning more and more to private industry to do its dirty work, to gather information on people, manipulate that information on people and, in so doing, circumvent the Privacy Act." - former U.S. Rep. Bob Barr, R-Smyrna

"Dirty work" turns a handsome profit. Within a decade since its founding, ChoicePoint's fortunes are swelling. The company's "market capitalization grew by $500 million in the year from Oct. 1, 2001, to $3.1 billion," according to the Atlanta Business Journals web site. A year after 911, ChoicePoint was the eward winner in the public-large company category (public companies with annual revenues exceeding $150 million)."6 The company pulled in nearly $800 million in fiscal 2002 revenue.7


The Bush administration rewarded ChoicePoint handsomely for the hand up in Florida. But the company had help down in Palm Beach from Theresa "Madam Butterfly" LePore, the local ballots chief.

Palm Beach was one of the key problem areas during Florida balloting. On Dec. 1, 2000, the Wall Street Journal's "Washington Wire" let on that LePore "wasn't always an embattled Palm Beach ballots chief. In the 1980s, she moonlighted as a flight attendant on private planes owned by Saudi weapons dealer Adnan Khashoggi, a middleman in Reagan administration arms sales to Iran."

Slate.Com's Timothy Noah did some background checking and reported, "Khashoggi has close ties, from Iran-Contra and elsewhere, to the Republicans, and vaguely defined ties to Dubya's father. (In a 1990 court case, Khashoggi's phone records revealed that Khashoggi had spoken at least twice with George Bush's vice-presidential office during 1985 and 1986.) LePore worked for Khashoggi during the 1980s, when, according to her official biography, she was chief deputy supervisor of elections in Palm Beach County, a job she held until 1996, when she was elected supervisor of elections."8

The Theresa LePore "Fan Club" web site offers a few pertinent morsels of her biography: "Terry has been married for many years. Twice, even. Her second husband is Mike Lally, heir to the Lally family adverb fortune.... Terry got her first courthouse job at the age of 16, and worked her way up to PBC Elections Supervisor (with that arms smuggling gig on the side). Her salary in 2000 was a bit over $100,000. When I ran, I chose Democrat because the incumbent was Democrat and the county registration is predominantly Democrat.' Is Terry a Democrat? It depends on what the definition of "Democrat" is.... You might say that Terry was a Democrat in the same way that Bill O'Reilly is an Independent." There were a grand total of 261 defective machines in Palm Beach "that should have been decertified and replaced, but instead remained in use. After the fiasco, Terry bought a new computer-based voting system that can't be verified. Great way to avoid a messy recount -- make it impossible to do! The new Sequoia system may have ruined the 2002 Primaries. But Terry promises that the votes were correct, because the machine says so."9

During the recount, Noah read that the Palm Beach County's manual count was duly turned in to Katherine Harris by the 5 p.m. deadline, and only 1,000 out of 462,000 ballots had been counted. "It just isn't possible that this partial recount failed to cover ... at least one percent of the total votes." Noah phoned Bruce Rogow, "lawyer to Palm Beach County Elections Supervisor Theresa LePore. There is nothing in the statute that precluded her from accepting the partial recount,' Rogow confirmed. Did she just cite the wrong law? Is there some other statutory language that forbids a partial recount? Nope, Rogow said."10

Now, Rogow's response is noteworthy in its own right, but his name is only raised here to point out that Theresa LePore's attorney was on retainer by the University of Southern Florida, and also represented accused terrorist Sami Al- Arian, George W. Bush's chum (see Khashoggi, parts II & III). (At a faculty question-and answer session at USF, where Sami taught, Rogow answered quesions regarding the university's decision to fire Al-Arian. "Where has the money to pay for the Al-Arian case come from?" they asked. Turns out that Sami's legal fees, $54,000 all told, were "taken from a fund held by the general counsel ... for the extra money, realizing there will be a certain amount of legal fees each year." In other words, the same university that was trying to fire him was tapping a slush fund to cover his legal fees, a weird conflict of interest.11)

The Bush family's warm relationship with Khashoggi, Al-Arian and other Middle Eastern terrorists was not so unusual down in the CIA's covert underground.

After all, the Muslim Brotherhood, Lois Battuello affirms, "had been funded by clandestine services as early as 1954-56." [See Miles Copeland, The Gameplayer, also Richard Labeviere's Dollars for Terror] "Gul Hekmatyar, now on the most wanted list, is a Muslim Brother and received support both financially and technically from them and from clandestines like Kermit Roosvelt as early as 1977. There was no presidential directive for support in Afghanistan signed by President Carter until March 1979, and that was to provide limited support in Afghanistan - to Shah Massoud and the more moderate Northern Alliance." [See George Crile's Charlie Wilson's War, and Ghost Wars by Steve Coll.]

"Any authorized' aid to Hekmatyar would have been underwritten by G. H. W. Bush as DCIA, as the CIA began funding The Safari Club when it was created on September 1, 1976..." [See Cooley, Holy Wars] "Under Bush, Nelson Rockefeller as VP watch.

"Since the Safari Club consisted of the intelligence services of Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Iran to serve as a false flag for U.S. operations in Africa, the Middle East and South Asia and its cadre of operatives consisted of Muslim Brothers, the CIA funding went through backchannels, much as funding in the early 1980s in the MAK program run by G. H. W. Bush as VP was filtered through Al Khalifa Refugee Center." [See Craig Unger, House of Bush, House of Saud, and Cooley.]

With the election won, "Team Bush" headed for the Reichstag with gold-plated lighters in their back pockets.



1) Scott Martelle, Barbara Marsh, "Rick Rozar, Founder of Internet Firm, Dies," Los Angeles Times, October 2, 1998.

2) Greg Palast, Best Democracy Money Can Buy excerpt, November 26, 2000.

3) Tim Wheeler, "Collecting data on everyone," Guardian, May 21, 2003.


5) Laura Flanders, "A racist elephant in our living room," Working for Change web site, 2000 ... emid=10383

6) ... _news.html

7) Charles Davidson, "ChoicePoint churning data into revenue," ... ocus4.html

9) Timothy Noah, "Did Adnan Khashoggi Throw the Election to Dubya?" Slate.Com, Dec. 4, 2000.

10) Timothy Noah, "Katherine Harris Pulls the Helpless Routine‹Again!" Slate.Com, Nov. 27, 2000.

11) Rob Brannon, "Faculty questions USF lawyers on Al-Arian," The (USF) Oracle Online, September 26, 2002. ... 2ff350d0e1



Re: Hank Asher of DataBase/ChoicePoint
Copyright 2004 Sun-Sentinel Company
Sun-Sentinel (Fort Lauderdale, FL)
Compliments of Lois Battuello

July 16, 2004 Friday Broward Metro Edition

LENGTH: 589 words
BYLINE: Ian Katz Business Writer

BODY: Life keeps getting better for Hank Asher.

As founder and a major shareholder of Seisint Inc., a Boca Raton company that makes a counter-terrorism computer program, Asher will make about $250 million from the sale of Seisint to LexisNexis, a subsidiary of information services giant Reed Elsevier Group. Started in 1998, Seisint now has more than 300 employees, most of them in the Boca Raton office. The company also has offices in London and in Reston, Va.

The $775 million deal, announced Wednesday, culminates a remarkable comeback for Asher, a onetime cocaine smuggler who now dedicates much of his time and money to cancer research.

"The sale makes me feel great about the fact that my inventions will be utilized in responsible, large-scale and important ways," Asher said. "I believe in doing good and doing well. Both have happened."

Asher admits to having smuggled cocaine into the United States during an eight-month period more than 20 years ago. He was never charged with a crime, but a cloud of negative publicity has hung over his head for years, even prompting his resignation from Seisint's board last year.

Asher has tried to make up for his misdeeds. He has poured millions of dollars into his JARI Research Foundation for cancer research. Asked if he plans anything entrepreneurial following the sale of Seisint, he said, "I think everything I do from here on in will be philanthropic."

Asher did say, however, that he would also do some fishing in the South Pacific from his 100-foot boat, whose satellite equipment allows Asher to communicate as if he were at home in Boca Raton.

Ironically, the company that will more than double Asher's net worth will also ensure that he never escapes his drug-smuggling past. LexisNexis databases are used by most major U.S. newspapers and magazines for research. Entering "Hank Asher" and "drug" brings up about 100 articles.

A Seisint database tool called Matrix has grabbed the attention of the Bush administration. Matrix, which Asher showed off to Vice President Dick Cheney and the heads of the FBI and Homeland Security during a visit to the White House last year, can quickly analyze data on millions of people. Law enforcement officials use it to compile lists of possible terrorists.

"The tools and technologies that were developed by Seisint because of 9-11 should prove to be invaluable to Lexis and to national security," Asher said.

However, civil libertarian groups have complained that it is an invasion of privacy.

Another Seisint product, Accurint, gives online access of public records to help government agencies and businesses with due diligence, identity and pre-employment screening.

Reed Elsevier said in a statement that Seisint's revenues are projected to grow more than 40 percent this year, to $115 million.

Seisint officials would not comment on the future of the company. Executives from Reed Elsevier were unavailable for comment.

"I believe it was a fair price to us, but an extraordinary deal for Lexis," Asher said. "When they open Seisint's products up to their distribution, I believe they will immediately more than double the current sales of Seisint and more than triple the profits. This makes Seisint the deal of the century for Lexis."

Asked how much he will make from the deal, Asher confirmed that the number is around $250 million. But he quickly added, "I don't like to talk about it. It sounds like I'm bragging."

Ian Katz can be reached at or 954-356-4664.
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Re: Adnan Khashoggi Linked to 911 Terrorists, by Alex Consta

Postby admin » Tue Jun 27, 2017 7:01 am


by Alex Constantine

Abdul Rahman Yasin and Nidal Ayyad were co-defendents in the 1993 bombing of the World Trace Center. When he met Ramzi Yousef - who has in common with 911 terrorist Mohammed Atta ties to Pakistan's ISI and, as we shall see, they all have a significant German connection - Ayyad was employed by Allied Signal, Inc. in New Jersey, a CIA front. The following excerpts relate the story of their involvement in the plot and necessary background indicating state sponsorship of terrorism of the "friendly fire" variety:


THE 1993 WTC BOMBERS & ALLIED SIGNAL ... trials.asp

... A few days after arriving at JFK with Ajaj, Yousef made contact with Sheik Rahman's followers. He met up with two men who had trained at the rifle range on Long Island in 1989, Abouhalima and Salameh. [Ramzi] Yousef moved into a Jersey City apartment with Salameh.... Abdul Yasin, an American-born engineering student of Iraqi descent, and Nidal Ayyad, a Kuwaiti-born naturalized American citizen, who had studied chemical engineering and worked at ALLIED SIGNAL in Morristown, N.J. In addition to opening bank accounts with more than $16,000, the men began trying to order chemicals, with varying success. By early February, Yousef asked Eyad Ismoil, a childhood friend who lived in Dallas, to fly to New York to help, prosecutors claimed in the trial.


August Term, 1997
(Argued: December 18 & 19, 1997 Decided: August 04, 1998 )
Docket Nos. 94-1312, -1313, -1314, -1315

also known as Mahmoud Abu Halima, AHMAD MOHAMMAD AJAJ,
also known as Khurram Khan,
Bilal Elqisi, ABDUL RAHMAN YASIN, also known as Aboud,

... Once in New York, Yousef assembled a team of trusted criminal associates, including Mohammed Salameh, Nidal Ayyad, Mahmoud Abouhalima and Abdul Rahman Yasin. Together, the conspirators implemented the bombing plot that Ajaj and Yousef had hatched overseas. Ayyad and Salameh opened a joint bank account into which they deposited funds to finance the bombing plot. Some of that money was later used by Salameh to rent a storage shed in Jersey City, New Jersey, where the conspirators stored chemicals for making explosives. Yousef also drew on that account to pay for materials described in Ajaj's manuals as ingredients for bomb making.

The first target of the conspirators' plot was the World Trade Center. Ayyad used his position as an engineer at ALLIED SIGNAL, a large New Jersey chemical company, to order the necessary chemical ingredients for bomb making, and to order hydrogen tanks from ALG Welding Company that would enhance the bomb's destructive force. Abouhalima obtained "smokeless powder," which the conspirators used to make explosives. Smokeless powder, and all the other chemicals procured by the conspirators for the bomb, were stored in the shed rented by Salameh....



What was so special about 1974?
Thursday, 18 April 2002, 10:44 am
Article: Linda Minor

The pilot who flew Ambassador Joseph Davies to Moscow was a Californian named Robert W. Prescott, who founded the Flying Tiger Line in 1945.... In November, 1944 Prescott had met with a group of Los Angeles businessmen in Acapulco, including one of [Edwin] Pauley's fellow UC Berkeley regents, Samuel B. Mosher, who wanted to establish an air freight line along the U.S. and Mexican west coast, to be called Aero-Azteca. The investors included Signal Oil Company [predecessor of Allied Signal]. They agreed to form a syndicate, with Mosher's group matching whatever Prescott could raise. Prescott found 14 Navy surplus cargo aircraft from the War Assets Administration and collected cash from friends from the American Volunteer Pilots unit (AVP) who had flown with him in China. This group of American civilians who fought with Chiang Kai-Shek in China before the U.S. entered the war (all of whom received the same commendation Cloud and Banner award given to Pug Winokur's father during his war service) had an important role in the setting up what William Casey would later call an "off-the-shelf" method of financing covert operations for the CIA and other black operations not disclosed to Congress.

The airline was initially called National Skyways Freight Corporation and included General Claire Chennault and others. In 1946 Chennault invited the men to go back to China to work for him at Civil Air Transport, which he was in the process of founding. By 1970 Nixon's attorney Herbert Kalmbach claimed to be representing the Flying Tiger Line, which merged with Seaboard World Airlines in 1980 and into Federal Express in 1989. In the beginning the California airline transported mostly foodstuffs but in late 1946 was awarded its first military contract with Army Air Transport Command--two flights daily to Tokyo and to Honolulu for a total of 1.2 million miles per month. The flights were to leave from San Francisco Fairfield Air Base, but the company remained based at Lockheed in Burbank.

In Mosher's 1954 Who's Who listing his home address was given as 10401 Wilshire, located just west of the Los Angeles country club and one mile east of the office building David Murdock constructed across the street from the Occidental Petroleum Co. The close proximity is very intriguing, considering the fact that in 1966, the year George Bush left Zapata, Mosher's Signal Oil sold its European refining and marketing arms to Occidental, after Armand Hammer obtained a concession from Libya's King Idris, who would later be replaced by Quaddafi. Mosher's office address in 1954 was given as 811 W. 7th in Los Angeles. This is just over five miles from Pauley's Bandini office. AtlanticRichfield's 12-story office building in Los Angeles was at the corner of 6th and Flower, a mere two blocks from Mosher's location. In 1954 Mosher was also serving as vice president and director for American Independent Oil Co. (whose president was Ralph K. Davies) and as director of the Southwest Exploration Co. and the American President Lines, as well as numerous oil and gas associations.



Blast Suspects Got German Cash
By Sara Fritz and Robert L. Jackson
Los Angeles Times

NEW YORK - The men suspected of exploding a bomb underneath the World Trade Center received tens of thousands of dollars from a bank account in Germany, giving credence to the theory that it may have been the act of a sophisticated international terrorist organization, authorities said Thursday.

Officials still have not determined the precise amount of money transferred to the suspects or the identity of the benefactors. Furthermore, they said they believed that the total amounted to less than $100,000 -- a relatively small sum in comparison to the money a well-funded international terrorist group could afford to spend. And they acknowledged they had no proof the money was spent in connection with the bombing.

Nonetheless, as authorities followed the widening money trail, sources said they were more inclined to support the view publicly expressed by FBI Assistant Director James Fox that the Feb. 26 bombing was "organized by a large, well-know terrorist group."

Although the money received by the suspects was wired from a bank in Germany, investigators said they suspect the funds actually originated elsewhere -- possibly Iran or Iraq. In Egypt, according to a knowledgeable source, followers of an Egyptian cleric whose New Jersey mosque has figured in the bombing case are known to be funded with Iranian money funneled through Sudan....

The money was wired to accounts at the National Westminister Bank branch in Jersey City, N.J., just a few blocks from the mosque where Omar's followers -- including at least two of the men arrested in the case -- worshipped.

The two principle suspects, Mohammed A. Salameh and Nidal A. Ayyad, held a joint account at the Jersey City bank that received some of the money from Germany. In addition, money from the same foreign source also was placed in individual accounts belonging to the men.

On Wednesday, investigators underestimated how much money the suspects had received from abroad because they were only aware of only the single joint account at the time.

Even though the suspects received tens of thousands of dollars, each individual deposit was less than $10,000, sources said. Under federal law, American banks handling transactions of $10,000 or more must report them to the Treasury Department, often prompting money launderers and criminals to break large transfers into smaller amounts.

The transactions provide the first publicly available evidence that those responsible for the bombing may not have been hapless amateurs, as they have sometimes been portrayed...

Ayyad, who was arrested Wednesday, holds a college degree in chemical engineering and was employed as a research engineer at the AlliedSignal Corp. in Morristown, N.J. Authorities said Salameh telephone Ayyad at least four times at his office on the day before the bombing, apparently seeking advice on how to mix the chemicals.



Yousef's terrorist motivations were not those of a militant Muslim fundamentalist, according to Reeve, who describes him as an "evil genius." He seems to have been a playboy, a sadist and someone with a mammoth ego (which proved to be his undoing, as he could have hidden out in the tribal areas of Pakistan undiscovered by the authorities.) Reeve alleges that individuals within Pakistan's ISI may have provided him with the documents that enabled him to enter the United States....



"Terrorism" and Blowback

Part Three: "Terrorism," Blowback and US Foreign Policy during the Clinton Years

... Information gleaned from Salameh's pockets, his residence, and the storage facility where the bomb had been prepared led to the arrests of Ahmad Ajaj, Palestinian chemist Nidal Ayyad and Mahmud Abouhalima. (The latter was extradited from Egypt where he had been viciously tortured because of his connections with militants who were attacking Egyptian installations.) Their trial began in September and on May 24, 1994 the four were convicted of conspiracy to commit terrorism and sentenced to 240 years in prison and sent to the top-security US penitentiary in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania.

Missing from the courtroom were ABDUL YASIN who had fled to Iraq...


FBI Let Suspected Terrorist Get Away

By JOSH MEYER and ERIC LICHTBLAU, Times Staff Writers

WASHINGTON -- A suspected bomber on President Bush's new list of "most wanted" terrorists was in the FBI's grasp eight years ago for allegedly playing a role in the first attack on the World Trade Center, but he was released and then allowed to leave the country, authorities acknowledged Thursday.

Abdul Rahman Yasin, 41, is one of the 22 accused terrorists identified by Bush on Wednesday as murderous extremists wanted by the U.S., whom authorities will aggressively pursue to bring to justice.

The FBI questioned Yasin at length soon after the February 1993 bomb blast at the trade center, which killed six people and injured 1,000. They asked about his sharing of apartments in Jersey City, N.J., with others who were later indicted and convicted in the bombing, and about how explosive chemicals got on one apartment's walls and may have caused a burn mark found on his thigh.

FBI agents also questioned Yasin about his association with Ramzi Ahmed Yousef, the man later convicted of masterminding the plot, according to law enforcement authorities and Stephen Somerstein, Yasin's lawyer.

"He . . . went in quite voluntarily, spoke at length to the FBI and went home," Somerstein said Thursday. "And the FBI appeared to be satisfied with that. They let him walk out the door."

A week after the bombing, on March 5, 1993, Yasin flew to Amman, Jordan, while other co-conspirators flew to Jordan, Saudia Arabia and Pakistan. He was indicted that August for his role in the bombing.

Officials at the Justice Department and the FBI declined comment.


Saddam's desperate offers to stave off war

Julian Borger in Washington, Brian Whitaker and Vikram Dodd
Friday November 7, 2003
The Guardian


... According to the Knight-Ridder news agency, the Iraqis sought a direct route to the Washington hawks in February. They found a Lebanese-American businessman, IMAD ED-HAGE, who boasted he had a direct line to the Pentagon.

Mr Hage told yesterday's New York Times that he was initially approached by General Habbush's chief of foreign intelligence operations, who turned up in Mr Hage's Beirut office and promptly collapsed, apparently from stress.

When Mr Obeidi recovered, he urged Mr Hage to tell his Washington contacts Iraq was ready to talk about anything, including oil concessions, the Middle East peace process, and banned weapons. The Iraqi official said the "Americans could send 2,000 FBI agents to look wherever they wanted", according to Mr Hage.

A week later Mr Hage travelled to Baghdad and talked to Gen Habbush himself. The general repeated the invitation to allow Americans to search for weapons and added an offer to hand over a suspected terrorist, ABDUL RAHMAN YASIN, who had been convicted in the US for the 1993 attack on the World Trade Centre. The regime would hold elections within two years, and the intelligence chief even offered to fly to London to discuss the issue in person.

Mr Hage relayed these offers via an intermediary to the Pentagon, but there was NO OFFICIAL RESPONSE. The Lebanese-American businessman persisted, and arranged a meeting with Mr Perle, a member of the Pentagon's advisory board.

It is understood that Mr Hage and Mr Perle met on March 7 in the lobby of the Marlborough hotel in Bloomsbury. They then went to an office nearby where over two hours Mr Hage outlined the Iraqi offer to Mr Perle...

A US intelligence source insisted that the decision not to negotiate came from the White House ... Mr Perle was travelling in Europe yesterday and unavailable for comment. However, he told the New York Times he had been TOLD BY THE CIA not to pursue contacts with the Iraqis....



Sabri, in a 13-page letter to UN Secretary General Kofi Annan to rebut US Secretary of State Colin Powell's presentation to the Security Council earlier this month, also said Baghdad is offering to hand over to Washington Abdul-Rahman Yasin, a suspect in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing who is on the FBI's most-wanted list. Sabri's letter, which was posted on the Iraqi Foreign Ministry's web site Thursday, denied any link between Iraq and Zarqawi or Ansar, saying both operated in NORTHERN IRAQI areas under the control of Kurdish groups allied to Washington and beyond Baghdad's reach.
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Re: Adnan Khashoggi Linked to 911 Terrorists, by Alex Consta

Postby admin » Tue Jun 27, 2017 7:01 am


by Alex Constantine

The Patriot Act ran the Congressional gauntlet like greased pork, untouched and unread, so civil libertarians opened it up and poked through its oleaginous mass prior to passage, wiped their hands, and came away with a creepy sense of deja vu - but by the time the obvious comparisons to the rise of National Socialism were made, the act was voted into law.

Then as now, the federal vaults swung open and revenue gushed through redirected banking channels, washed through hidden corporate and "homeland security" funds, ultimately lapping on the shores of select world-class criminals, a transfer of fluid capital worthy of German and American Robber Barons alike.

Two of the principal American backers of the Nazi regime were General Electric and ITT. Both multinationals were represented on the boards of IG Farben, the corporation that conspired to put Adolf Hitler in power, AND ChoicePoint, the corporation that conspired to put George W. Bush in power.



After 1915, International General Electric (I.G.E.) in New York, researcher Nhan Myrick informs us, "acted as the foreign investment, manufacturing, and selling organization for the General Electric Company." I.G.E. held a 25 to 30- percent interest in German General Electric (A.E.G.), and holdings in a company called Osram in Berlin.

The holdings gave I.G.E. four directors on the board of A.E.G., and another at Osram, "and significant influence in the internal domestic policies of these German companies. The significance of this General Electric ownership is that A.E.G. and Osram were prominent suppliers of funds for Hitler in his rise to power in Germany in 1933."

Farben, of course, was the most generous German-American financial underwriter of Hitler. "Several directors of A.E.G. were also on the board of I.G. Farben." The sinister luminaries included Hermann Bucher, chairman of A.E.G., also on the I.G. Farben board, and A.E.G. directors Julius Flechtheim and Walter von Rath. "I.G. Farben contributed 30 percent of the 1933 Hitler National Trusteeship (or takeover) fund." Accumulatoren Fabrik A-G "was a Hitler contributor with two directors on the A.E.G. board, August Pfeffer and Gunther Quandt. Quandt personally owned 75 percent of Accumulatoren Fabrik..."1


The nameplates may have changed over time, but fascism has been a geopolitical constant since it was conceived by Mussolini in the 1920s, and so have the political intrigues of General Electric.

We've already met a former director of ChoicePoint, Richard Killer Pimp" Armitage. Let's meet another: Kenneth Langone, a director at GE who interlocks with the ChoicePoint directorate.

Langone received his MBA from the Stern School of Business at New York University. He was the founder of Invemed Associates, LLC, and Home Depot, Inc. Langone is on the board of the New York Stock Exchange, DBT Online, Inc., InterWorld Corporation, TRICON Global Restaurants, Inc. and Unifi, Inc.

He's is a familiar face in New York politics, one of the principal fund-raisers for Rudolph Giuliani in his senate race against Hillary Clinton. Langone's place wasn't limited to backstair deal-making, however. During the campaign, New Yorkers switched on their television sets to see a commercial featuring a bimbo with a heavy southern drawl, dressed in a suit, crooning over a hot, gummy pizza called the Big New Yorker. "How do I know so much about New York pizza?" she asks. "'Cause, New York, I want to be your next senator!" A New York cop exults, "$9.99! What do they think this is, Arkansas?"2 Pizza Hut was owned by TRICON, a company under Langone's directorship.

Did the GE-ChoicePoint director's support for New York's take-charge mayor have anything to do with the fact that Rudy's mentor was none other than Adnan Khashoggi's attorney, Mr. Robert G. Morvillo, or that all three were movers in the same CIA-Mafia-corporate-Big-Boy net that has given rise to scores of headline-grabbing political scandals in the last few decades? From the archives:

Robert G. Morvillo

He is the name partner of Morvillo, Abramowitz, Grand, Iason & Silberberg, a 40-lawyer firm he established in 1973. Among his other well-known clients was Rep. Robert Garcia, convicted of extortion in the 1989 Wedtech scandal. In another bribery case, he won acquittal in 1987 for John Zaccaro, husband of former Democratic vice presidential candidate Geraldine Ferraro. He also represented the Saudi financier Adnan Khashoggi, alleged to have siphoned money from the Philippines for Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos but acquitted with them in a federal case. Two years ago he represented Robert Iler, who played the son of Tony Soprano of the HBO series The Sopranos,' on a robbery charge (he got probation). In the 1960s and 1970s, Morvillo served in the U.S. attorney's office for the Southern District of New York. He was a chief trial assistant in the fraud unit there, and then chief of the criminal division, where he mentored a young assistant U.S. attorney named Rudolph Giuliani."3

All contributions to Giuliani were handled by New York City Public-Private Initiatives Inc. (PPI), headed by Ms. Tamra Lhota. "As its name suggests," Newsday reports, "the corporation falls into a fuzzy area among the government, the business and the philanthropic worlds, where city officials can arrange private financing for pet projects without directly soliciting funds, which would be illegal."4

Tamra Roberts Lhota was a fundraiser in all three of Giuliani's runs for mayor. She ran PPI, according to the CUNY Clarion, "to raise private money for public projects.... PPI established and initially ran the Twin Towers Fund, which benefits the families of members of the City's uniformed services who were lost in the WTC disaster.... Members include Richard Grasso of the NY Stock Exchange, real estate magnate Jerry Speyer, NY Mets owner Fred Wilpon and former deputy mayor Peter Powers. Past PPI board members have included Henry Kissinger [and] David Rockefeller."5 Judith Nathan - Giuliani's highly-publicized "companion" through his messy divorce - was an unpaid board member. And Langone was there, of course.6

"This is shadow government," Peter Bienstock, a lawyer who chaired a state investigation of PPI, told Newsday. "That investigation's report, issued in 1990, said of such nonprofits, authorities and foundations: Although these entities are all created by governments to serve a public purpose ... their transactions are generally not subject to normal government oversight and control. Over time, they have collectively become, in effect, a shadow government, quite powerful but little known and understood,' the study said."7

Back at his alma mater NYU, where he was a trustee, there was some hand-wringing over Langone's association with the university. The campus newspaper reports, "two NYU trustees who also serve on the board of the New York Stock Exchange pose a serious conflict of interest to the proper functioning of the Big Board.... The report, released in July, also spotlights NYU trustee Richard Grasso, who resigned last Wednesday as chairman of the stock exchange amid criticism that a $140 million compensation and retirement benefits package he was set to receive was too large. The Council of Institutional Investors released the report, which questions Sexton's ability to act impartially while serving on the stock exchange's nominating committee....

The report cites numerous other potentially compromising connections among board members and those on the nominating committee, beside those related to NYU. A serious overlap' exists between the 27 board members and those on the nominating committee, Brentley said.... The council's report found only one nominating committee member with no obvious connection to the board.' Outside relationships exist among board members themselves, according to the council's report, which cited 24 such connections. Grasso had ties to five other members, Langone had relationships with four and Fink was connected to one other person, the report said."8

A few months later, Langone's Invemed, a Wall Street securities brokerage, was also in trouble with regulators. The company, it seems, had a close relationship with the Credit Suisse Group dating to the 1980s. The New York Times found that the companies together managed the shares for a company financed by Langone. Thereby, Invemed "would introduce companies that would issue stock to Credit Suisse, and then Credit Suisse would give a percentage of shares in a larger firm the group was managing to Invemed. According to The New York Times, in March 2000, Invemed participated in 50 new stock issues, more than 90 percent of which were underwritten by Credit Suisse."9

Credit Suisse ...


"2000: In mid year, the two largest banks in Switzerland, UBS and Credit Suisse, approved a "1.25 billion-dollar global settlement aimed at ending the long-running dispute over Holocaust assets..." - "GOVERNMENTS' COMPLICITY IN THE NAZI HOLOCAUST: France, Germany, and Switzerland"10



1) Nhan Myrick, General Electric Funded Hitler,", September 26, 2004.

2) "Hillary Panned by Pizza Hut," originally printed in the Times of London,

3) "Robert G. Morvillo,"

4) Dan Janison, "New York City's Shadow Government," New York Newsday, 12/27/99.

5) "CUNY's Board of Trustees: The Powers That Be,"

6) Stephanie Saul, "Rudy's WTC Fund Tied To Nathan's Firm," Newsday, February 9, 2002.

7) Janison.

8) Xana OíNeill, "Unease with trustees NYU-NYSE link called suspect,", September 23, 2003.

9) Elisabeth Salemme, Langone '57 accused of securities fraud,' Bucknellian (school newspaper), April 25, 2003.

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Re: Adnan Khashoggi Linked to 911 Terrorists, by Alex Consta

Postby admin » Tue Jun 27, 2017 7:02 am


by Alex Constantine

The name is so mnemonic that once you hear it, you can never get it out of your head: "David Corn," the Washington editor for The Nation, that straggling house organ of the American left. Though I, a leftist, may occasionally respect an article appearing in The Nation, it is all too often a disappointment. The magazine is myopic, and one reason for this is the continual recycling of celebrities of the left like David Corn, who make a living by upsetting the apple cart, but not too much. He has an internal limit switch. If he were to write honestly about the John Kennedy assassination, for instance, he would most likely lose the respect of his peers, and probably his job “ therefore, he doesn't write honestly about the John Kennedy assassination.

Instead, he finds "respectable" stories, scoops just below the headlines ... and brushes up against smaller conspiracies routinely, but watches his language, avoids inflammatory words like "fascism," and feigns professionalism.

The Nation claims that David Corn "broke news of the Bush-Enron oil deal." "Did George W. Bush once have a financial relationship with Enron?" Corn writes. The year was 1986, and "according to a publicly available record" “ that is, the book First Son, by Bill Minutaglio (so much for "breaking" the story) “ Bush and Enron "drilled for oil together--at a time when Bush was a not-too-successful oil man in Texas and his oil venture was in dire need of help. Bush's business association with Enron, it seems, has not previously been reported." Except in Minutaglio's book. So far, no conspiracy. But Corn is strolling onto the doggy path, and must hold his nose and watch his tongue lest someone notice. "It shows the credibility of the Bush gang and that of Enron deserve questioning when either one is talking about the other." What's this? A conspiracy of silence? (And did Bush or Enron ever have a serious claim to credibility?)

Ironically, David Corn, Noam Chomsky, Marc Cooper and other writers for The Nation frown on anyone who deals in "conspiracies," and often speak condescendingly about these geeky, paranoid mollusks. In fact, there are "conspiracy theorists" on the Internet who probed deeply into Bush's connections to Enron years ago (I have those postings on file, and some are posted in the Usenet newsgroups), but along comes David Corn detailing a conspiracy without actually using the word, and all the while praying to his personal god that no one notices.

"The CIA doesn't smuggle drugs ..." is the baldest lie in American history.

To be polite, Corn does a fair imitation of a dissenting writer ... for someone who travels on a State Department visa. On November 9, 2001, Corn boasted in an AlterNet posting that he "had been dispatched to Trinidad by the U.S. State Department to conduct a two-day seminar on investigative reporting for local journalists (your tax dollars at work!)." (Corn, "Why Bush Needs to Spin the War.") Journalists who eschew conflicting with the interests of their readers are not "dispatched" by the State Department, a branch of government that has no use for dissident writers, and in foreign countries has been known to plot their deaths. (And good ones do not spout the cliche about your tax dollars.)

David Corn finds "conspiracy theories" maddening: "Please stop sending me those emails. You know who are. And you know what emails I mean ... Okay, I'll spell it out -- those forwarded emails suggesting, or flat-out stating, the CIA and the U.S. government were somehow involved in the horrific September 11 attacks." There are the ridiculous emails "about a fellow imprisoned in Canada who claims to be a former U.S. intelligence officer and who supposedly passed advance warning of the attack to jail guards in mid-August. There are emails, citing an Italian newspaper, reporting that last July Osama bin Laden was treated for kidney disease at the American hospital in Dubai and met with a CIA official. There are the emails, referring to a book published in France, that note the attacks came a month after Bush Administration officials, who were negotiating an oil deal with the Taliban, told the Afghans 'either you accept our offer of a carpet of gold, or we bury you under a carpet of bombs.'"

Now, it happens that every one of these vaguely identified reports can be found on my own web site (thus this response), so I know them well. The sources include Le Figaro, the India Times, Wall Street Journal and the BBC. These are "conspiracy theorists?" The articles are, in fact, published by credible news organizations with by-lines and reputations behind them, without exception. Le Figaro has confirmed that Bin Laden met with a CIA agent name Larry Mitchell two months before the World Trade Center swallowed two domestic jetliners. But David Corn is irritated by the ludicrous "e-mails."

"Such a plot -- to execute the simultaneous destruction of the two towers, a piece of the Pentagon, and four airplanes and make it appear as if it all was done by another party “ is far beyond the skill level of U.S. intelligence," Corn insists. Never mind that the 9/" plot was allegedly conceived by a former U.S., intelligence asset. And Corn knows the classified agency's precise skill level? Perhaps the CIA is not so skillful, after all, and that's why the foreign press has been blowing the whistle and David Corn keeps receiving those "e-mails."

"Are there enough people of such a bent in all those agencies? That's doubtful," Corn sniffs. "CIA officers and American officials have been evildoers. They have supported death squads and made use of drug dealers overseas." That is, they conspired to kill and drug the country for political ends “ terrorist activity. Some would call this "conspiracy theory." "They have assisted torturers, disseminated assassination manuals, sold weapons to terrorist-friendly governments, undermined democratically-elected governments, and aided dictators who murder and maim. They have covered up reports of massacres and human rights abuses. They have plotted to kill foreign leaders...." David Corn can acknowledge this orgy of conspiracies (all the while avoiding utterance of the c-word, which would instantly turn him into a paranoid geek who will believe anything, presumably) “ some responsible for more deaths than 9/11 “ and still argue, "Would George W. Bush take the chance of being branded the most evil president of all time by countenancing such wrongdoing? Oil may be in his blood, but would he place the oil industry's interests ahead of his own?" Excuse my language, but this is a sadistically facile argument. Would Bush place the oil industry's interests ahead of his own? They are symbiotic, it goes without saying, and this corrupt politician with this CIA dad is capable of anything.

The essential problem: "Conspiracy theories may seem more nuisance than problem," a statement contradicted by the public's continuing taste for conspiracy theories at the cinema and on the Internet and everywhere else, "but they do compete with reality for attention." Could it be that they compete with David Corn for attention, and that's why he resents them?

Corn admits he cannot muster an argument to those accursed "e-mails." But in the end, we must depend on "common sense." "The spies and special agents are not good enough, evil enough, or gutsy enough to mount this operation." This is the same organization that dragged the country into Vietnam and pulled a coup in Chile, an immense bloodbath. They couldn't arrange or allow to happen the 9/11 devastation? "That conclusion is based partly on, dare I say it, common sense, but also on years spent covering national security matters. (For a book I wrote on the CIA, I interviewed over 100 CIA officials and employees.)" In the end, it comes down to "common sense" and trust in his credentials, not a valid debunking.

So how, in a crowded room, are we to distinguish David Corn from any "mainstream" media CIA apologist? Fact is, Corn's writing on the CIA is very tame, old hat, in my opinion, but better than nothing. However, Corn's sense of Black Tuesday is VERY common. He would be well advised to tune out CIA lies and investigate their actions. Don't listen to what they say, watch what they do.

And find an honest line of work.
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Re: Adnan Khashoggi Linked to 911 Terrorists, by Alex Consta

Postby admin » Tue Jun 27, 2017 7:02 am


by Alex Constantine

The US intelligence apparatus has created it own terrorist organizations. And at the same time, it creates its own terrorist warnings concerning the terrorist organizations which it has itself created. In turn, it has developed a cohesive multibillion dollar counterterrorism program to go after' these terrorist organizations."

- Michel Chossudovsky

Ink-black, old guard fascism is a recurring theme in the present round of state-sponsored terrorism. On November 7, 2001, Swiss authorities froze all accounts at Nada Management, a nondescript financial services/consulting house in Lugano, and stormed the premises. The firm was accused by the U.S. Treasury Department of laundering funds for al- Qaeda. Officers of the firm were held for questioning, including Albert Friedrich Armand "Ahmed" Huber, a retired Swiss journalist and director of the Nada branch of the al-Taqwa ("Fear of God") net - in fact, a symbiotic twin - reportedly founded by ODESSA banker Francois Genoud (See part V).

Huber was a repugnant study in his own right. On November 5, 2002, Asia Times printed a thumbnail bio: "Huber [is] a high-profile neo-Nazi who tirelessly travels the far-right circuit in Europe and the United States. He sees himself as a mediator between radical Islam and what he calls the New Right. Since September 11, a picture of Osama bin Laden hangs next to one of Adolf Hitler on the wall of his study in Muri just outside the Swiss capital of Bern. September 11, says Huber, brought the radical Islam-New Right alliance together."1

Islamism and National Socialism have cursed democracy and shared political scapegoats since the 1920s when they both emerged as ideologically-driven political forces to serve their respective elites.

The Arab reflection of Mein Kampf was penned by Hassan al-Banna - founder of "al-Ikhwan al-Muslimun," an early incarnation of the Brotherhood - a "supreme guide" who dwelt endlessly on "the sickness" that has defiled the Muslem world and threatened to leave it spiritually diminished.

Al-Ikhwan mustered a score of Islamist terror organizations in 1928. The organization received funding from the Saudis about this time, and in the 1930s Al-Ikhwan established a ligation in Munich to assist in fund-raising for Adolph Hitler and his National Socialist Party.

At the same time, Lois Battuello says, "footholds were established in dozens of countries to provide the vital network for al Qaeda. These existing networks explain al Qaeda's virtual world-wide theater of operations, the tapping of an existing and buried network, one that relies on word of mouth and maintains no written records (save plans for attacks on computers)."

The Brotherhood grew in numbers, and by the end of WW II there were a half-million of them in Egypt alone, with tentacles stretching across the Arab world. By the late 1940s, the Brotherhood was so formidable that it vied for power over Egypt. Al-Banna was martyred by the government on February 12, 1949. His assassination incited a jihad. Sayyad Qutb (pronounced KUH-tuhb), a propagandist who served up an omelot of distorted religious instruction and Nazi-style anti-Semitism, assumed leadership of al-Ikhwan. In the mid-1960s, Ayman al-Zawahiri, still a juvenile, was recruited into the ranks.

Zawahiri was born to a wealthy Egyptian clan. His grandfather was Grand Imam at the al-Azhar Institute, the Sunni hub of higher learning. Abdel-Rahman Azzam, Zawahiri's uncle on his father's side, was the Arab League's secretary general. In 1974, Zawahiri graduated from the medical college at Cairo university where his father was on the faculty.

Now, in the Middle East, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem was the most influential Nazi collaborator. Another was Youssef Nada, board chairman of al-Taqwa on the day the files were impounded by the Swiss federal prosecutor's office.2 Youssef Mustapha Nada was the president of the al Taqwa Bank Group.

Nada, a naturalized Italian, according to Paul W. Rasche in Studien von Zeitfragen, was "a member of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood and Jamaa-al-Islamiya, which is directly allied with al-Qaeda through Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri." In 1970, Nada relocated to Saudi Arabia. With an assist from the Muslim Brotherhood, he "established contact with members of the Saudi Royal family, and founded a construction company in Riyadh, much the same as the Bin Laden family. He remained active in Riyadh, and soon founded the first Islamic bank in Egypt, the Faisal Bank."

We've covered some ground since Part I of this Byzantine account, so recall the connection of Turki al-Faisal to Mr. Adnan Khashoggi: "... in cahoots with Sheik Kamal Adham, then director of Saudi intelligence (1963-79), brother-in-law of King Faisal and the CIA's key liaison in the Arab world, Khashoggi founded Oryx Investments." Oryx was linked by Khashoggi partner Wallace Hilliard to Huffman Aviation in Florida, home of the flight school where Mohammed Atta and his fellow terrorists flight-trained (Khashoggi, part I).

This pulls Zawahiri and Nada and al Taqwa directly into the Bush-Khashoggi-CIA axis: "The Faisal Islamic Bank of Saudi Arabia is the head bank of a number of affiliated Islamic Banks under that name across the Islamic world from Egypt to Pakistan to the Emirates and Malaysia. The head of Faisal Islamic Bank of Saudi Arabia is former Saudi Intelligence Chief, Turki al-Faisal [See parts V & VI]. Faisal Islamic Bank is directly involved in running accounts for bin Laden and his associates, and has been named by Luxembourg banking authorities in this regard."3

Those who don't remember history ...

Even the "mainstream" media has its uses. Nearly all of this has been reported here and there in the public print. It isn't a conspiracy theory. Fascists Genoud, Huber and Nada, by way of al Taqwa, were intimately tied to Faisal, Khashoggi, Hilliard, Dekkers, Atta ... and jihad!

... AND (why not?) throw into the mix Saud al Faisal - brother of Turki - ever the cheerful optimist, and an American ally in the war:

Royal Embasy of Saudi Arabia
Washington, D.C.
Press Release

November 9, 2001

Prince Saud Al-Faisal meets with President Bush, calls meeting "positive and productive"

His Royal Highness Prince Saud Al-Faisal, Minister of Foreign Affairs, met with President George W. Bush at the White House today. His Royal Highness described the meeting, which covered a range of issues, and in particular the current situation in Afghanistan and the Middle East peace process, as "positive and productive" (sic) ....4



1) Marc Erikson, "Middle East Islamism, fascism and terrorism," Asia Times, November 5, 2002. Also see, "Global Nazism and the Muslim Brotherhood Indicators of Connections," by Christopher Brown, Anerson Report, ... al_Global_

2) Ibid.

3) Paul W. Rasche, The Politics of Three - Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Israel," Studien von Zeitfragen 35, Jahrgang Internet, August 2001. http://www.druckversion.studien-von-zei ... 0Three.htm

4) Saudi embassy press release: ... &cIndex=22
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Re: Adnan Khashoggi Linked to 911 Terrorists, by Alex Consta

Postby admin » Tue Jun 27, 2017 7:03 am

Part 17: RUDY

by Alex Constantine

"Freedom is not a concept in which people can do anything they want, be anything they can be. Freedom is about authority..."

- Rudolph Giuliani, NY Daily News, October 25, 1998

"Lets forgive the Nazi war criminals!"

- George H.W. Bush, NY Times, April 14, 1990

The day after the decimation of the World Trade Center, the BBC lamented that a shattered Rudolph Giuliani "ventured so close to the chaos that he had to be ushered away, dust on his shoulders." Flashing Nikons caught it all. A wounded city struggled to come to terms with an overwhelming disaster, and the mayor was "at the centre of events, ensuring practical help, identifying with the suffering of the city's people, offering hope and reassurance for the future." Only a cynic would deny that this Mafioso's son was an inspiration to the world.1 To think, Rudy pointed out, that he'd recently been denied a third term, that the day before, on September 11, Democrats and Republicans had primaries scheduled to replace him. But these were postponed, of course. All eyes were on the mayor and his grim responsibilities in New York.2

It all took on an eerie cinematic quality, and Rudy proved that he had immeasurable star power. Jerry Hauer, former director of New York's Office of Emergency Management, told the BBC reporters: "I've been in the disaster business for a long time, and frankly, there are few elected officials as good as him".3

Frankly, Jerome M. Hauer left the position in New York for Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) - a partner with ChoicePoint in the keeping of secret files, "data mining and warehousing," on private citizens4 - in November 1999. Hauer was appointed to the office of vice president and associate director of SAIC's Center for Counterterrorism Technology and Analysis. David ("WMD sniffer") Kay, the Center's director, enthused: "His expertise in crisis management, fire safety and emergency medical response adds additional capabilities to our counterterrorism practice."

An ironic statement in light of recurring allegations that Rudy Giuliani and Jerry Hauer were instrumental in the development and release of the West Nile virus - a flagrant and deadly act of terrorism. The culmination of the plot came with the announcement of the vaccine (Financial Times, August 1, 2000): "Peptide Therapeutics, the UK biotech company, said it had been awarded a $3,000,000 grant to develop a new vaccine to combat the mosquito-borne West Nile virus, which killed seven. The vaccine will be developed at OraVax, Peptide's US subsidiary, using the company's proprietary ChimeriVax technology."5

Syndicated columnist Robert Shirer reports that Hauer had attended a secret panel discussion with representatives of OraVax (now Acambis) at the White House a year before the emergence of the disease, a meet also attended by defense officials: "Arrangements were then made to rescue the insolvent OraVax Corporation with a $343 million contract from the CDC for a smallpox vaccine, a $1.8 million contract from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases for a vaccine against dengue fever, and additional sums to stockpile the WNV vaccine for future emergencies.'"6

Robert Lederman, a free-lance reporter and activist in New York: "Oravax has now been given a grant from the N.I.H. (National Institute of Health) to create a WNV vaccine. The theory I and a number of other activists have been suggesting is that the entire WNV panic has been created specifically in order to justify the mass distribution of this very vaccine throughout the entire U.S." Oravax, he says, entered into a contractual agreement in 1966 with the Army's biochemical warfare facilities at Fort Dietrick. Dr. Thomas Monath, an Orafax vice president, had worked at Fort Detrick before, on a Japanese encephalitis vaccine derived from a genetically-altered virus concocted by Army scientists. Lederman: "WNV is a variation of Japanese encephalitis. Numerous medical and scientific institutions, many run by the Federal government, have been quietly experimenting with WNV in NYC and the surrounding area for decades. Most of this research involved bio-warfare applications."

May 9, 2000
Mosquito From Asia Could Carry West Nile

"(AP) ... In Army tests at Fort Detrick in Frederick, Md., japonicus was found to be the "most competent vector" [transmittter] for West Nile virus in a laboratory setting, when compared with other mosquitoes...."

The Orafax approach, Lederman says, is a "live, attenuated vaccine - it contains live WN virus - and involves the construction of a chimeric virus in which the envelope genes of yellow fever vaccine are replaced with the corresponding genes of the target West Nile virus.' In other words, the plan appears to be to expose the entire nation to a genetically- modified form of WNV. Since the vaccine is made from a genetically-altered strain, there is no way to know exactly what other theoretically beneficial or harmful genes may have been added. Scientists in the field of genetically-engineered (GE) foods have already found evidence that genes in the pollen of these foods can become incorporated into the DNA of insects that pollinate the GE plants. In other words it is possible to incorporate these genes into your own DNA simply by eating the food, or in this instance, orally taking a vaccine."7

There's no question that Giuliani was in his element on 911. The question is, how deeply? "Was it a coincidence," Lederman asked in a column written shortly after the catastrophe, "that the two worst terrorist attacks on U.S. soil each destroyed millions of files of criminal evidence that were embarrassing for U.S. government officials and corporations?... These millions of files were evidence in criminal cases involving major U.S. banks, US-trained terrorists, the Mafia, U.S. officials and foreign governments who are now our "allies" in the so-called war on terrorism.

"Giuliani has also refused to answer any questions on why he ordered all of the steel beams from ground zero melted down and destroyed before they could be examined by investigators. Giuliani cleaned up millions of tons of WTC evidence even faster than he cleaned up the squeegee menace,' street artists or topless dancing."8

The tragi-comic punchline:


... The latest allegations point to a wide-ranging scam involving a number of scrapyards, a traditional area of Mafia operations. Following tip-offs, police found 75 tonnes of material at one Long Island scrapyard and a further 180 tonnes in New Jersey. Trucks working at the World Trade Centre site are now being given official escorts to prevent any further loss of material. About 130,000 tonnes of rubble have already been removed, but an estimated one million tonnes of debris remains..."



1) See, "Rudy's Kin Tied to Mob," New York Daily News Online, July 6, 2000, review of Wayne Barrett's Rudy! An Investigative Biography of Rudolph Giuliani: "The book sketches a largely unflattering portrait of the clan, depicting his father, Harold, as a hothead and the muscle' behind a brother-in-law's loansharking operation, run out of a Brooklyn bar. Along with cracking heads, it says the mayor's father served time in state prison for a stickup, rarely held an on-the-nooks job and once was a gunman in a mob shootout in Brighton Beach, Brooklyn."

2) BBC report, "Giuliani firm among the ruins," September 14, 2001.

3) SAIC press release, November 30, 1999.

4) "Data Mining & Data Warehousing," SAIC web page.

5) Thanks to New York reporter Robert Lederman for the package of articles on the West Nile Virus cited in this section.

6) GROUND ZERO Forum NYC, Indepenent Media Center, "The final dots of 911 and LIHOP?"

7) Robert Lederman, "WNV Vaccine Announced by Co. Linked to Giuliani,"

8) Robert Lederman, "Bushies, Guiliani, Hitler, what is the connection?" Internet post, February 4, 2002.

9) Excerpt from "The Week" column, undated,
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Re: Adnan Khashoggi Linked to 911 Terrorists, by Alex Consta

Postby admin » Tue Jun 27, 2017 7:03 am


by Alex Constantine

"What is frightening and depressing is that a pseudoscientific propaganda word like terrorism has come to have such a hypnotic effect on public debate ... a word featured constantly in the anti-partisan communiqués of the Third Reich ... Should we not be wary of a term with which rulers fool themselves and by which history is abolished and language debased? Don't we fool and console ourselves enough as it is?"

- Christopher Hitchens, Harper's, September 1986

This account has been visited and revisited by alumni of the illustrious Oliver North's Iran-supply network. The mingling of Enterprise operatives with Middle Eastern radicals - discussed abstractly in the Iran-contra hearings - was completely acceptable to the Congressional quislings charged with oversight. Of the 26 committee members, 17 had voted in favor f funding the contras. The majority of "Select" Congressmen entrusted with deconstructing the secret sale of arms to Iran marched in step with the accused.

Chairman Lee Hamilton admonished North: "This secret policy of selling arms to Iran damaged US credibility." But he had to admit, "there are parts of your testimony that I agree with. I agree with you that our government needs the capability to carry out covert actions. During my six years on the Intelligence Committee, over 90 percent of the covert actions that were recommended to us by the president were supported and approved."

In 1988, Berkeley researcher Peter Dale Scott saw an "explicit agreement on the need to continue covert operations, many of which (especially those in ANGOLA and AFGHANISTAN) had support arrangements entangled with North's Iran-contra Enterprise."

These "support arrangements" continued through 911 to the present day.

Dr. Scott noticed that Hamilton's panel "mostly averted its eyes from the broader extent of the North-Secord-Hamilton consensus" and that fraternal consensus smiled on North, Secord, Armitage, Khashoggi, bin Laden, Zawahiri and their narcotics-tainted, genocidal paramilitary interventions around the globe.1

The oily CEO of The Enterprise was George H.W. Bush (with North was chief operating officer), who brought terrorism home in 1976. Bush was implicated first by journalists, then federal investigators, in a terrorist attack in the nation's capital - the fatal car-bombing of Chilean activist Orlando Letelier and co-worker Ronni Moffitt in 1976. The case was reopened and the CIA planned on letting go of a report that would have brought the name Bush to the surface ... but insisted on releasing it only after the 2000 election. And as the Washington Post reported on October 24, release of the report would certainly face imposing "obstacles" should Son of Bush defeat Son of Gore.

Full exposure of Iran-contra was hindered by a cover-up culture in Congress. George H.W. Bush was snared in the investigative net, so he enlisted the aid of a trusted ally in the House, Rep. Dick Cheney of Wyoming. Cheney was the ranking Republican in the Iran-contra probe. Robert Parry reports that Cheney "smartly exploited his relationship with Rep. Lee Hamilton," who "gave Bush a pass." The narrow, penlight focus of the investigation was the work of Cheney and Hamilton, who steered it away from "sensitive areas, such as contra-drug trafficking and the public diplomacy operation." (Iran-contra's Otto Juan Reich was tarred by the Orwellian "public diplomacy" scandal under Reagan. A Cuban exile with a sordid history of romancing repressive Latin American regimes, he followed Armitage to the State Department, was appointed to the office of Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs in January 2002, under Powell.)

"Despite surrendering to Cheney's demands time and again, Hamilton failed, in the end, to get a single House Republican to sign the final report. Only three moderate Republicans on the Senate side - Warren Rudman, William Cohen and Paul Trible - agreed to sign the report, after extracting more concessions." Cheney and a few fellow Republicans filed "a minority report with the Committee that denied any significant wrongdoing had occurred."2

As a result, more significant wrongdoing was inevitable. Political assassinations. Secret wars. ChoicePoint.

CP Directors Kenneth Langone and John J. Hamre are trustee and CEO/president respectively of the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in the District of Columbia, where the late Dr. Ray Cline, another Iran-contra veteran, made a substantial contribution to the international game plan that led to 911 and the ensuing clash of civilizations.

But before turning to Dr. Cline and his own significant evil, we should pause to reflect for a moment on John Hamre, a bundle of revelations in a portly package. Hamre is the aforementioned ChoicePoint connection to ITT (Khashoggi XIII) - the communications and Chilean coup-plot people - where he has been a director since 00. This was the same year he became chairman of CSIS - agent in place.

Before joining CSIS, Hamre was U.S. deputy secretary of defense, 1997-2000 ... under William Cohen, one of the Senate Republicans who signed Lee Hamilton's martinized Iran-contra report - and under-secretary of efense/comptroller from 1993 to 1997. Before joining the DoD, Dr. Hamre was on the staff of the Senate Armed Services Committee, 1984-1993, with responsibilities for oversight of weapons R&D and assorted defense budget ssues. From 1978 to 1984, he was deputy assistant director for national security and international affairs at the Congressional Budget Office. Dr. Hamre is a director of MITRE Corp. and Integrated Nano-Technologies LPC. He's a Rockefeller Fellow at Harvard Divinity School, and received a Ph.D. in 1978 from the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies.3

Dr. Hamre is also board chairman of the John and Mary R. Markle Foundation. The list of Markle grant recipients and partners includes CNN, The Children's Television Workshop, Infonautics, Crossover Technologies, M.I.T., The RAND Corporation, Carnegie-Mellon University and The Brookings Institute. Some members of the "philanthropic" Markle foundation under Dr. Hamre:

Philip Zelikow: executive director of the 911 Commission.

Judith A. Miller: The New York Times reporter whose articles on Saddam Hussein's WMD program proved to be fictional.

Stewart A. Baker: Chief counsel, NSA.

William P. Crowell: CEO of Cylink, Inc. in Santa Clara, California. Crowell came to Cylink from the NSA, where he had a series of senior positions, including deputy director of operations and deputy director.

Eric Benhamou: vice chairman, Israel21c, a non-profit organization that seeks, according to its website, to "promote the 21st century Israel that exists beyond the conflict."

Paul Schott Stevens: Under President Reagan, special assistant for national security affairs, executive secretary and legal adviser of the NSC.

Robert M. Bryant: former assistant director of the FBI, CEO of the National Insurance Crime Bureau. In November 1999, after 31 years of service, he retired as deputy director of the FBI, where he presided over the Bureau's strategic plan, and served as the agency's chief operations officer. While at the FBI, he directed a number of high-profile investigations, including the Aldrich Ames spy case, the Oklahoma City bombing and the Montana Freeman standoff.

John O. Marsh: Former Secretary of the Army and Virginia Congressman. A member of the Advisory Panel to Assess Domestic Response Capabilities for Terrorism Involving Weapons of Mass Destruction. Recently, the Panel released its second annual report entitled "Toward a National Strategy for Combating Terrorism."

Morton Halperin: Director of the Washington office of the Open Society Institute. Halperin is a director of policy planning staff at the Department of State. He was special assistant to President Clinton and a senior director at the NSC, 1994-1996. Other positions include director of the Center for National Security Studies, and director of the ACLU's Washington D.C. office.

Margaret Hamburg, MD: VP of biological programs at the Nuclear Threat Initiative.

Wesley Clark: War profiteer and former "liberal" presidential candidate.

Gilman Louie: President and CEO of In-Q-Tel, a CIA front, delivers new technologies to the intelligence community.

Michael Okerlund Leavitt; Republican governor of Utah, first elected in 1992. Leavitt resigned his office in November 2003, and was sworn in as the administrator of the EPA under Bush the next day. He was confirmed to this office on October 28, 2003. Leavitt also serves on the Homeland Security Advisory Council.

Ashton Carter: Ford Foundation Professor of Science and International Affairs, International Security Program.

The Markle Foundation, according to its website, was established in 1927 "to promote the advancement and diffusion of knowledge...and the general good of mankind..."



1) Peter Dale Scott, "Northwards without North: Bush, Counterterrorism, and the Continuation of Secret Power," International Center for Development Policy, author's draft, March 12, 1988.

2) Robert Parry, "History will be on the ballot Nov. 7," Consortium, November 5, 2000.

3) "John J. Hamre," ... eId=159003
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Re: Adnan Khashoggi Linked to 911 Terrorists, by Alex Consta

Postby admin » Tue Jun 27, 2017 7:04 am


"the presence of Secord in Best's Azerbaijani oil venture ought to have raised blood red flags around the world..."

edited by Alex Constantine


"Aid for Terrorists"
CounterSpy, vol. 6, no. 2
Feb 1982

In spite of repeated attempts at unification, the Afghan rebel' groups are as divided as ever. Infighting was pushed to a new peak recently by Sayed Ahmad Gailand, the head of the "National Islamic front of Afghanistan." Gailani confirmed statements made by the Afghan government, when he told a press conference in London, England in early November 1981 that it is incomprehensible and unforgivable' that the West is aiding certain rebel groups who are terrorizing the Afghan population.' Gailani, who likes to style himself as a moderate and who is asking for Western aid himself, singled out Gulbuddin Hekmatyar's Islamic Party which has shot villagers who had refused to pay them taxes, and sometimes burnt down villages which supported other resistence groups.' Kekmatyar received U.S. and Pakistani support as early as 1973 when Pakistan clandestinely trained some 5,000 Afghan "rebels" to destabilize the government of Muhammad Daoud.


"God Save the Shah: American Guns, Oil and Spies in Azerbaijan"
by Mark Irkali, Tengiz Kodrarian and Cali Ruchala

"GARY BEST HAS made it his business not to be found. A self-described electronics importer,' he has left a long trail of anecdote and innuendo of past misdeeds but few testifying witnesses. He was a marginal figure in one of the many subplots of the Iran-Contra Scandal, though how exactly he was related to the activities of Oliver North and his co- conspirators is unclear. His importing business was concentrated primarily in Southeast Asia, but somehow brought him into contact with the Afghan Mujahedin, Iran-Contra conspirator Richard Secord and legendary Air Force special operations commander Brigadier General Harry Heinie' Aderholt. His current mailing address, and his current profession, are unknown.

"In 1985, Gary's business was headquartered in Marietta, Georgia. What exactly his company did, and how he spent his days, is a mystery. Bob Fletcher, another figure on the periphery of Iran-Contra, claims that in 1985, Gary Best became a partner in his toy company, which he and other Iran-Contra figures planned to use as a cover for illicit weapons transfers of the sort that made Ollie (and Secord) famous.... He allegedly made several visits to the USSR as well as to Mujahedin headquarters in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and former associates say that Best bragged about his friendship with sometime-Afghan Prime Minister Gulbuddin Hekmatyar who, like many former Mujahedin, is now a sworn enemy of the United States. At the time of writing, Hekmatyar had just been placed on a terrorist list by the State Department, and a staffer contacted at his movement's headquarters in Pakistan was understandably reluctant to discuss too many things with outsiders that spoke English. A week later, the staffer, who claimed to be Hekmatyar's son-in-law, told us that no one in the organization had ever heard of Gary Best....

"According to Andrew, Best has a warrant out for his arrest in the United States and is probably traveling under a false passport.... The "crowd" expanded in 1991 to include another ghost from America's past: prominent Iran-Contra co- conspirator Richard Secord. Whereas the partnership of Best and Aderholt could be written off as a curious pairing, the presence of Secord in Best's Azerbaijani oil venture ought to have raised blood red flags around the world.

"Secord is a man that many people believe should have been in jail in 1991 - just two years after copping a plea to a count of lying to Congress (he was facing trial on eleven other felony charges). Instead, we are to believe that this former mastermind of arms shipments and shady deals with guerrillas and Ayatollahs was taken by the possibilities of dead oil wells in Azerbaijan.

"Best, Aderholt and Secord, with their lack of background in public relations, might be forgiven for picking such an Orwellian name for their venture as "MEGA Oil." Assuming that Aderholt and Secord were, as they say they are, accidental patsies in Best's devious schemes, it's still difficult to believe the atrocious due diligence that two men with extensive backgrounds in intelligence executed. Conducting a post-mortem on MEGA Oil - noting its birthdate and vital statistics - is almost as difficult as tracking down Gary Best.

"MEGA Oil's American partners wrote in press releases that the company was based in either Marietta or Atlanta, Georgia. A search of public records finds not one but two companies known as "MEGA Oil USA." One is called "MEGA Oil USA/Vista Joint Ventures," and was incorporated in 1985. "MEGA Oil USA" on the other hand wasn't incorporated until 1993. There is, moreover, a third MEGA Oil involved in the food processing business. None of these Georgia companies could be definitively traced to Best.

"To make up for MEGA Oil's lack of experience in the industry, Best contracted a company which specialized in rehabilitating and servicing existing oil wells. Ponder Industries, registered in Delaware but conducting business in Alice, Texas, entered into partnership with MEGA Oil in Azerbaijan feeling like they had trumped an entire industry. Later, an Securities and Exchange Commission panel expressed astonishment that Ponder had done even less due diligence on MEGA than they would have with any Texas partner - almost as little as Aderholt and Secord. Gary Best, insiders say, led Ponder to believe that his connections with the Azeri government would take care of any problems. As a result, Ponder agreed to fund and staff the oil wells in Azerbaijan by themselves, as well as providing unspecified "operating costs" to MEGA. All MEGA had to do was bring them the contract with SOCAR, the Azeri state oil company. Best promptly faxed it over. It was written in Russian, and no one in Ponder's office could read it. Incredibly, they took Best's word that the fax was exactly what he said it was: a joint venture agreement between MEGA Oil and SOCAR to service the abandoned oil wells.

"Ponder began flying their equipment and staff into Azerbaijan in late 1991 and January of 1992. The latter was the date when the conflict in Karabakh, which had hitherto been fought by guerrillas and militias, exploded into a full-scale war as Azeri soldiers pounded the Karabakh Armenians' "capital," Stepanakert, with thousands of rounds of artillery fire. It was intended to soften the Armenians' position, with thousands of fresh troops following the path of fire.

"The hopes of the Azeris for a quick and decisive thrust into Karabakh were bolstered when their American friends offered to help train-and-equip their beleaguered armed forces, and even bring in some of their old special forces friends to lend a hand in drilling and structural reorganization. MEGA Oil, a company in Azerbaijan which was created in order to fund a farcical search for POWs in Vietnam, was now hiring mercenaries.


Deterring Democracy excerpt,
Noam Chomsky
South End Press, 1991

... the CIA shifted its attention to the terrorist war against Nicaragua and the Afghan resistance against Soviet occupation. The complicity of the Reagan-Bush administrations in the drug rackets in Central America as part of their contra support operations is by now well known. Pakistan is reported to have become one of the major international centers of the heroin trade when Afghan manufacturers and dealers found their operations restricted after the Soviet invasion in 1979,' and moved the enterprise across the borders (South). "The U.S. government has for several years received, but declined to investigate, reports of heroin trafficking by some Afghan guerrillas and Pakistani military officers with whom it cooperates," the Washington Post reported well after the drug war was charging full steam head. U.S. officials have received first-hand accounts of extensive heroin smuggling by the leading Afghan recipients of U.S. aid and the Pakistani military establishment, who gave detailed information to the press in Pakistan and Washington. Nevertheless, according to U.S. officials, the United States has failed to investigate or take action against some [read any'] of those suspected.' U.S. favorite Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, the terrorist leader of the fundamentalist Hizbe-Islami party, is reported to be deeply implicated in drug trafficking. Other reports indicate that the Aghan rebels are being debilitated by increasingly fierce local battles for the lucrative heroin trade.'"


"How to Unseat the War Criminals and Reverse the Tide of War?" Expose the Links between Al Qaeda and the Bush Administration
by Michel Chossudovsky 15 March 2003

Colin Powell's Role: From Iran-Contra to September 11

"Both Colin Powell and his Deputy Richard Armitage, who casually accuse Baghdad and other foreign governments of "harboring" Al Qaeda, played a irect role, at different points in their careers, in supporting terrorist organizations.

"Although Colin Powell was not directly involved in the arms' transfer negotiations, which had been entrusted to Oliver North, he was among at least five men within the Pentagon who knew arms were being transferred to the CIA.' (The Record, 29 December 1986). Lieutenant General Powell was directly instrumental in giving the green light' to lower-level Irangate officials in blatant violation of Congressional procedures. According to the New York Times, Colin Powell took the decision (at the level of military procurement), to allow the delivery of weapons to Iran:

"Hurriedly, one of the men closest to Secretary of Defense Weinberger, Maj. Gen. Colin Powell, bypassed the written "focal point system" procedures and ordered the Defense Logistics Agency [responsible for procurement] to turn over the first of 2,008 TOW missiles to the C.I.A., which acted as cutout for delivery to Iran" (New York Times, 16 February 1987) ...

Richard Armitage

"CIA Director William Casey with the collaboration of Richard Armitage in the Pentagon ran the Mujahideen covert war against the Soviet Union' (quoted in Domestic Terrorism: The Big Lie The "War") "Contragate was also an off-the-shelf drug-financed operation run by Casey." (Ibid ).

Financing the Islamic Brigades

"The Iran Contra procedure was similar to that used in Afghanistan, where secret aid was channeled to the militant Islamic brigade (US News and World Report, 15 December 1986). In fact part of the proceeds of the weapons sales to Iran had been channeled to finance the Mujahideen.

"The Washington Post reported that profits from the Iran arms sales were deposited in one CIA-managed account into which the U.S. and Saudi Arabia had placed $250 million apiece. That money was disbursed not only to the contras in Central America but to the rebels fighting Soviet troops in Afghanistan." (U.S. News & World Report, 15 December 1986)
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Re: Adnan Khashoggi Linked to 911 Terrorists, by Alex Consta

Postby admin » Tue Jun 27, 2017 7:04 am


The Origins of the bin Laden Family; Salem bin Laden and Iran/Contra-October Surprise ... amily.html

About the bin Laden family
Origins of the bin Laden Family

Excerpted from a report dealing with prominent Saudi families of Yemeni origin. Although FRONTLINE cannot vouch for the accuracy of this report, it does come from French intelligence sources. Today one of the biggest construction groups in the kingdom [of Saudi Arabia] and the Middle East, the "bin Laden empire" traces its origins to Sheik Mohammed bin Laden, a native of the Chafeite (Sunni) Hadramout who emigrated [from South Yemen] to Saudi Arabia at the beginning of the century.

The beginnings of his activity are shrouded in mystery. It is said that, having satisfied King Abdul Aziz with construction work on the royal palace, Mohammed bin Laden was awarded a much more prestigious contract: the renovation of Mecca. Whatever the actual circumstances, it is a fact that the Saudi royal family gave the bin Laden family--and group-- exclusive rights to all construction of a religious nature, whether in Mecca, Medina or--until 1967--the Holy Places in Jerusalem. This enabled the bin Ladens to establish an industrial and financial empire which now extends far beyond religious construction projects.

The relationship between the bin Ladens and the Saudi royal family is quite exceptional in that it not simply one of business ties: it is also a relationship of trust, of friendship and of shared secrets. This is particularly the case with regard to the group's present-day leaders and the Soudairi clan.

Thanks to the renovation of Mecca, Sheik Mohammed bin Laden did not become merely Kin Abdul Aziz' official contractor, but his friend and confidant as well. This friendship has been handed down to their children. The bin Laden sons went to the same schools as the numerous offspring of King Abdul Aziz and they all followed the same path.

One of the connections which still explains many of the personal ties existing throughout the Middle East is the Victoria College in Alexandria, where the bin Laden boys attended classes along with schoolmates such as King Hussein of Jordan, Zaid Al Rifai, the Kashoggi brothers (whose father was one of the king's physicians), Kamal Adham (who ran the Saudi [security] services under King Faisal), present-day contractors Mohammed Al Attas, Fahd Shobokshi and Ghassan Sakr and actor Omar Sharif.

The relationship of trust between the royal family and the bin Laden group has never been repudiated, although it is known to have undergone some serious crises. The most important was doubtless the 1979 Mecca affair. Because the bin Laden company had the exclusive contract for repairs in the Holy Places, its trucks entered and left Mecca at all ours without being inspected. And the rebels used "bin Laden" trucks to get weapons into the city. One of the bin Laden sons, Mahrous, was actually arrested on account of his ties with the Islamists, but was later freed. He is currently manager of the group's Medina branch.

The reason is as follows: after studies in England, where he had kept company with Fadli (son of the ex-sultan of the Abdin region in South Yemen, now leader of a Yemeni fundamentalist group and arrested in Aden last January), Mahrous struck up friendships with a group of Syrian Moslem Brothers in exile in Saudi Arabia. Subsequent Saudi intelligence investigations showed that these Moslem Brothers had taken advantage of Mahrous to use bin Laden trucks without his knowledge.

There was a touch of irony to the episode: when the insurrection broke out, the Saudi security services had to go for help to the bin Ladens, the sole parties in possession of maps of Mecca enabling the Saudi (and Western) police to find their way through the city's underground passageways.

In any case, the episode also demonstrated the strength of the ties between the royal family and the bin Laden Group. Had it been some other group, there is no doubt that Mahrous--whether accomplice or patsy--would have been thrown into prison and the group barred from further economic activity in the kingdom, the sentence serving as a warning to others. This was not the case.

Likewise, the Saudi authorities' decision to issue an arrest warrant for Osama bin Laden on 16 May 1993 does not threaten to affect the relationship between the bin Ladens and the royal family. Osama, one of Mohammed's youngest son, has been known for years for his fundamentalist activities. ...The arrest warrant was issued both because of his support for fundamentalist groups involved in terrorist operations in Algeria and Egypt and his ties with upstart religious circles that tried to establish an independent human rights organization in Saudi Arabia at the beginning of May.

Contrary to appearances, both the Osama and the Mahrous incidents testify to the bin Laden's influence within the kingdom.

The ties of friendship binding bin Laden family members to King Fahd and his brothers make them prime confidantes and advisors. They play an obvious advisory role in Saudi-Yemeni relations. Still, they hold very few economic or financial interests in their ancestral homeland and certainly do not flaunt their family origins.

King Fahd's two closest friends were: Prince Mohammed Ben Abdullah (son of Abdul Aziz' youngest brother), who died in the early '80s and whose brother, Khaled Ben Abdullah (an associate of Suleiman Olayan), still has free access to the king; and Salem bin Laden, who died in 1988.

Like his father in 1968, Salem died in a 1988 air Texas. He was flying a BAC 1-11 which had been bought in July 1977 by Prince Mohammed Ben Fahd. The plane's flight plans had long been at the center of a number of investigations. According to one of the plane's American pilots, it had been used in October 1980 during secret Paris meetings between US and Iranian emissaries. Nothing was ever proven, but Salem bin Laden's accidental death revived some speculation that he might have been "eliminated" as an embarrassing witness. In fact, an inquiry was held to determine the exact circumstances of the accident. The conclusions were never divulged.

FRONTLINE Editors' Note:

The above paragraph is inaccurate. Salem bin Laden was piloting a light aircraft, not a BAC 1-11, when he crashed. As for "secret Paris meetings between US and Iranian emissaries" in October 1980, such meetings have never been confirmed.

In spite of Salem's death, the bin Ladens are still part of the small group of friends surrounding the king which includes, in particular, Prince Khaled Turki Al Soudairi (married to one of Fahd's sisters), Prince Faisal Ben Turki Al Abdullah (married to another sister and father of Prince Abdullah Ben Faisal, head of the Royal Jubail Commission) and the family of Moona (Fahd's wife), the Ibrahims.

As trusted servants of the royal family, the bin Ladens have also often acted as chaperones to the king's sons, helping them get their start in business. This was the case with both Prince Mohammed Ben Fahd and Prince Daud Ben Nayef, two of the most active second-generation princes and both at the head of financial empires during the '80s. Both princes were often encountered along with one or another of the bin Laden sons at the head of international companies.

Appointed governor of the Eastern Province in the mid-'80s, Prince Mohammed Ben Fahd resigned from the chairmanships of his companies, putting Prince Saud in his place. The latter, named vice-governor of the Eastern Province last June, has also since withdrawn from a number of business activities.

There was also a political aspect to Salem bin Laden's financial activities. Like Ali Ben Moussalem, Salem bin Laden layed a role in the US operations in the Middle East and Central America during the '80s.

On his death in 1968, Sheik Mohammed left behind not only an industrial and financial estate but also a progeny made up of no less than 54 sons and daughters, the fruit of a number of marriages. The lastborn came into the world in 1967 and is presently a student in Boston.

In an initial phase, the group was headed by Mohammed Bahareth, brother of Mohammed's first wife and uncle of his oldest children. As of 1972, Sheik Salem bin Laden, the eldest son, took over as his father's successor, with the assistance of several brothers.

Upon Sheik Salem's death, the leadership of the group passed to his eldest son, Bakr, along with thirteen other brothers who make up the board of the bin Laden group. The most important of these are Hassan,Yeslam and Yehia.

Most of these brothers have different mothers and different nationalities as well. Each has his own set of affinities, thus contributing to the group's international scope. Bakr and Yehia are seen as representatives of the "Syrian group"; Yeslam, of the "Lebanese group". There is also a "Jordanian group." Abdul Aziz, one of the youngest brothers, represents the "Egyptian group" and is also manager of the bin Laden group's Egyptian branch, which employs over 40,000 people. Osama bin Laden is, incidentally, the only brother with a Saudi mother.

Given the size of the family and the financial empire, the bin Ladens have obviously not managed to escape internal conflict.

One of the most significant clashes involved Ali bin Laden, Salem's youngest son and Bakkr's older brother. Ali currently lives between Beirut, Damascus and Paris. Some have said that the break took place over religious reasons. In fact, our information tells us that Ali bin Laden felt smothered under the weight of the bin Laden empire and chose freedom. This distancing has been accompanied by financial disputes, as the other brothers are in no mood to share the group's dividends with Ali and turn a deaf ear to his repeated demands for remittances.

This said, relations between Ali and his brothers had thawed during recent years. His son Mohammed, now completing his studies in Paris, is set to take on important duties within the group at the appropriate moment. It should be noted that he is currently in discussions with French weapons manufacturers and is strengthening his ties with the Saudi Defense Ministry.

In turn, Mahrous bin Laden is still a member of the group's board of directors. His mistakes during the '70s are still a sticking point, however, and he is primarily involved in the organization's Medina branch without engaging in activity at the central level...a way of getting himself forgotten.

Yeslam bin Laden chose the same path as his brother Ali, but without a family break. Very early on, and in consultation with Bakr and Hassan, he decided to move to Europe, where he heads up a portion of the group's international activities. He divides his time between Geneva and Paris. This choice also stems from his marriage with a woman of princely (but Iranian) family, Mirdoht-Sheybani. He is one of the most "Westernized" of the bin Laden brothers, and we are told that his household language is French.

It was only in 1972, four years after the death of Sheik Mohammed, that the [bin Laden] organization was given a group structure in order meet the needs of its expanding activities. Named Binladen Brothers for Contracting and Industry, the group is headquartered in Jiddahh.

With 1991 sales of SR 125 billion, the group is ranked 32 in Saudi Arabia.

After winning its spurs in the rebuilding of Mecca, the group extended its activities to the broad area of construction and infrastructural works, the Mecca-Medina highway, tens of thousands of housing units, etc., It also entered into agriculture, irrigation and representation of foreign groups (Audi, Porsche and the Dutch Heras Hekwerk group, which it represents for fencing and steel distribution). At the beginning of the `80s, it associated with Hunting Surveys Ltd (UK) for prefab construction and with the Dutch Pander Projects group for distribution of luxury products.

The group is extremely discreet with regard to its financial activities, contracts and projects. On the one hand, the group is a family business and does not have to account to anyone; on the other, its ties with the royal family increase its aura of mystery. Its main contracts are not decided at the industrial or economic level, are not run through the Saudi bureaucracy, but instead emanate directly from discussions held with the seraglio of power.

A discrete link thus exists between the bin Laden group, the royal family and the Chamberlain, Ali Ben Mousalem, a link about no one wishes to speak.

There have been many instances of companies which have seen their contracts withdrawn after having made their association with the bin Laden group the object of publicity judged inappropriate by the group.

This concern for avoiding any and all publicity is also emphasized by the fact that, in contrast to the majority of Saudi companies, the bin Laden group rarely if ever buys advertising space in industry publications.

Rarely, then, does one know in advance just what the next bin Laden project will be: generally, the information is there when it is all over. A number of significant projects have been noted in Saudi Arabia itself during recent years:

• A $296 million contract with other companies such as Ditco (Ben Zagr), Saud Ben Birdgis, Al Mouraiban, Kara, etc., for the construction of a ring freeway around Riyadh.
• A SR1.3 billion contract for construction of housing units for the security forces in Jiddahh.
• A SR1.3 billion contract for similar units for the National Guard at Mecca.
• A SR1.1 billion contract for construction of the Kharaj Military City near Riyadh.
• A SR1.1 billion contract for the Mecca Royal Divan.
• A SR4 billion contract for expansion of the Mecca Holy Places.

Several other major projects in Saudi Arabia have been noted recently:

• Construction and improvements at the Riyadh Airport for the Al Salem Aircraft Company, including construction of nine hangars, as part of one of the five offset programs in the US-Saudi Peace Shield agreement. Scheduled for completion in 1995, these operations are to transform Riyadh's King Khaled International Airport into one of the world's largest, ranking with Singapore, Frankfurt, etc.
• A $10 million contract for construction of a molded plastics factory at Jubail, in partnership with the Swiss group Buss AG, in the framework of the Jubail regional expansion plan and in cooperation with Prince Abdullah Ben Faisal and Saudi Formaldehyde Chemical Co. (SFCCL), founded in November 1990 at the initiative of the Jubail- Yanbu Royal Commission and businessman Mazen Al Lahiq.

The bin Laden group is represented in most Saudi cities (Riyadh, Damman) and in a number of capital cities in the region: Beirut, Cairo, Amman, Dubai.

• With over 40,000 employees, the bin Laden group in Egypt, managed by Abdul Aziz bin Laden, is that country's largest foreign private group. Sheik Salem had good relations with one of the largest local contractors, Osman Ahmed Osman, going back for many years. Together with the Saudi Shobokshi group, the bin Laden group is currently negotiating a $400 million contract for construction of a paper plant.
• The bin Laden group, represented by Yehia bin Laden, is also holding negotiations with the Lebanese authorities for a $50 million share in the project to rebuild central Beirut, within the framework of the Solidere project and in conjunction with the Al Baraka group and the Ben Mahfouz group. In 1981, the bin Laden group also set up a local company, Sarco SAL, directed by the Sarkissian brothers, but which has not shown any activity.
• The bin Laden group's domestic and regional activities are complemented by international operations. The group set up a representative firm in London, Binexport, in November 1990, but its international business is handled by the SICO offices in Geneva.

The bin Laden family has been present in international finance for many years. With regard to France, this was the case with the Banque Al Saoudi, whose vicissitudes in recent years are common knowledge. Shored up by Banque de France in 1989 to avoid bankruptcy, it was partially taken over by Banque Indosuez, becoming Banque Francaise pour l'Orient, which has just merged with Rafik Hariri's Mediterranee group.

It is interesting to note that the bank's honorary chairman was none other than Prince Mohammed Ben Fahd, and its board of directors included Sheik Salem bin Laden, Sheik Bogshan and Khalid Ben Mahfouz. Banque Al Saoudi and Indosuez' special connections in the Middle East were instrumental in financing a portion of the weapons contracts of the `70s and `80s.

Banque Al Saoudi was 75%-owned by the Paris-based Saudi Arab Finance Corporation, which also controlled a number of other companies: 75% of Saudi Finance Corporation (Saudifin), headquartered in Geneva and in turn controlling the Saudi Arab Finance Corporation and the Arab Finance Corporation International, both in Luxembourg.

Generally speaking, the same set of shareholders was involved: Salem bin Laden, Khalid Ben Mahfouz, Salam Ahmed Bogshan, Saad Khalil Al Bahjat, Taha Baksh, etc.

In London, the bin Laden group also controls the Abdoulla brothers' Evered Holdings.

Since 1980, the bulk of the bin Laden group's international activities are routed through the Geneva offices of Saudi Investment Company (SICO), which was established on 19 May 1980 and whose capital was increased to SF100 million on 30 April 1991.

Located at 13 rue Ceard, the company is chaired by Yeslam bin Laden. Board members are Beatrice Dufour, Baudoin Dunant and Tilouine el Hanafi.

Beatrice Lafour is Yeslam bin Laden's sister-in-law. She is of Iranian origin and is married to a Swiss financier.

Baudoin Dunant, one of French-speaking Switzerland's leading lawyers, is on the boards of over twenty companies in Geneva, Fribourg, Morges, Nyons, etc. He received international publicity in 1983, when he represented Swiss banker Francois Genoud. Genoud, an admirer of Hitler and heir to the rights to Geobbels' writings, had helped finance the FLN during the Algerian Ward and was on trial for participation in international terrorism.

This unseemly publicity did nothing to shake the confidence of Yeslam bin Laden, doubtless an indication that the lawyer is top-notch in his profession (he is also counsel to the financial group of William Kazan, who is currently liquidating a major portion of his banking investments).

During the `80s, the board of directors also included members of the Swiss Wyss family, a branch of which controls the Holderbank Company, which has just signed a $100 million contract with Qatar National Cement. Also on the board were members of the Shakarshi family, whose name is linked to a money-laundering scandal and drug trafficking in Zurich. A Shakarshi family member was also a director of the SICO London branch.

As a result of these scandals and bent on avoiding any publicity, the bin Ladens decided that it was necessary to break publicly with the Shakarshis. In actual fact, the Shakarshis were never overly troubled and it appears that the Zurich company was just another CIA front used to finance the Afghan resistance.

The tie between Yeslam bin Laden and the Shakarshi family would thus seem quite consistent with both family and royal policy. Our information tells us that Yeslam bin Laden continues to maintain relations as usual with the Shakarshi group.

One might also note that the chairman of board of the Zurich Shakarshi company was Dr. Hans Kopp. Kopp is an important lawyer (his wife was then Justice Minister, since resigned) known for his international activities, articularly with the American [intelligence?] services (since the `60s), and is close to the Swiss defense industry (Oerlikon- Buhrle/Contraves).

The Geneva-based SICO is the parent house for the Group's international financial activities and investments, with branches in London and Curacao. The Curacao branch, established in 1984, manages the bin Laden group's partnership with the American Daniels Realty Corporation (Duspic), part of the Fluor Corporation conglomerate. It is partly through the bin Ladens' influence that the Fluor group was one of the major recipients of reconstruction contracts in Kuwait.

Despite a few recent attempts (particularly with the Swiss Contraves group), the bin Laden family has never been directly involved in weapons contracts and has never been bent on adding this activity to its portfolio.

At most, it might be said that the activities of Salem bin Laden in the context of Irangate and Contragate, or of Yeslam bin Laden within his association with the Shakarshi family, have placed the family at the center of these negotiations, but solely as a guarantor or as a representative of the interests of the royal family. The real contracts have been signed directly by members of the royal family: Prince Mohammed Ben Fahd or Prince Saud Ben Nayef.

The bin Laden family (and Yeslam bin Laden in particular) have thus had long-standing and close ties to the London/Geneva-based Albilad company, created in the `70s by Mohammed Ben Fahd and taken over by Saud Ben Nayef in 1984. Albilad was the main instrument for negotiation of the Anglo-Saudi Al Yamama agreement. Saudi interests were represented by businessman Wafik Said, while the British side was represented by Jonathan Aitken, currently a minister in the Major government. It might be noted that a major player in these negotiations was none other than Mark Thatcher, son of the former Prime Minister and very close to Wafik Said.

Nonetheless, while the bin Laden group does not deal directly in armaments, it is an obvious presence in the big military- related construction contracts. We have mentioned a few of these above. At present, its most important contract is for the Riyadh Airport, through the intermediary of the Al Salam Aircraft company, in the framework of the compensation contracts stipulated by the Peace Shield agreement.

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