Ruby Freeman Was Not Arrested by the FBI, by Dan Evon

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Re: Ruby Freeman Was Not Arrested by the FBI, by Dan Evon

Postby admin » Wed Jun 22, 2022 5:26 am

Georgia investigators seek testimony from former Kanye West publicist who approached election worker
by Sara Murray and Jason Morris
Jun 14, 2022

Investigators probing efforts to meddle with the 2020 election results in Georgia have sought testimony from Trevian Kutti, former publicist to R. Kelly and Kanye West, who allegedly pressured a local election worker.

Investigators probing efforts to meddle with the 2020 election results in Georgia have sought testimony from a former publicist to R. Kelly and Kanye West who allegedly pressured a local election worker, according to court documents obtained by CNN.

The publicist, Trevian Kutti, made headlines last year when Reuters reported that Kutti had pressed a Georgia election worker to confess to Donald Trump's baseless voter fraud claims or face dire consequences. Kutti told the election worker she was a "crisis manager and was sent from a high-profile individual," according to a police report included in the court filing.

The heart of Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis' probe has focused on attempts by Trump and his allies to overturn the state's 2020 election results. But the interest in Kutti is an indication of the investigation's sprawling nature. Prior to seating a special grand jury in May, Willis' team had already spoken to more than 50 witnesses and planned to subpoena dozens of others, a source familiar with the probe told CNN.

A special grand jury could hear from Kutti and a number of other witnesses as early as this week. Several current and former officials in the Georgia secretary of state's office have been subpoenaed to testify. Among them: former investigator Frances Watson, who Trump called in December 2020, telling her she would be "praised" for finding fraud. Gabe Sterling, the chief operating officer, who pleaded with Trump to denounce the harassment of election officials and their families, is also expected to testify.

When Kutti approached election worker Ruby Freeman in January 2021, Freeman was already facing threats. She was among the election workers Trump and his campaign had targeted by baselessly claiming she was counting fake mail-in ballots. Those claims have been refuted repeatedly by local and federal officials.

Freeman called the police, who responded and suggested that the two women speak at a local police precinct as officers supervised. Freeman agreed.

"Ms. Kutti stated that Ms. Freeman was in danger and had 48 hours to speak with her so that she could get ahead of the issue," according to the police report. Kutti said the danger Freeman faced was related to the election, the police report stated.

During the meeting at the police precinct, Kutti reiterated those claims.

"I cannot say what specifically will take place," Kutti told Freeman, according to the body camera footage obtained by CNN through a public records request. "I just know that it will disrupt your freedom."

"You are a loose end for a party that needs to tidy up," Kutti added.

During their interactions, Kutti arranged for Freeman to speak to several people over the phone in order "to acquire a false confession from Freeman," Chief Senior Assistant District Attorney F. McDonald Wakeford wrote in a court filing that sought Kutti's witness testimony this month.

"The identity of these third parties, as well as the nature and extent of their relationships to the Witness [Kutti] or other persons publicizing disproven allegations of election fraud, are known only by the Witness [Kutti]," Wakeford wrote.

Georgia investigators also want more information from Kutti about the events that led up to her interaction with Freeman and the exchange they had at Freeman's home before moving to the police precinct.

Kutti did not respond to CNN's request for comment. An attorney for Freeman also did not respond to CNN's request for comment.

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Re: Ruby Freeman Was Not Arrested by the FBI, by Dan Evon

Postby admin » Thu Jan 05, 2023 10:54 pm

Trump’s offensive against Ruby Freeman reaches an ugly new level: As Donald Trump renews his offensive against an innocent election worker in Georgia, remember that his own team told him these claims weren't true.
by Steve Benen
Jan. 3, 2023, 9:03 AM MST

Around midnight last night, for reasons that aren’t yet clear, Donald Trump used his social media platform to launch a new offensive against an old perceived foe. It started with this unfortunate missive:

“Wow! Has anyone seen the Ruby Freeman ‘contradictions’ of her sworn testimony? Now this is ‘BIG STUFF.’ Look what was captured by Cobb County police body cameras on January 4, 2021. ... Now it gets really bad.”

Soon after, the former president published another item, accusing Freeman of election crimes, followed by a third missive, in which the Republican asked, “What will the Great State of Georgia do with the Ruby Freeman MESS?” Trump concluded that he’s battling “the evils and treachery of the Radical Left monsters who want to see America die.”

Both items referred to “suitcases” filled with ballots that Trump believes Freeman opened, all as part of the crime that was committed only in his imagination.

In case anyone needs a refresher, it wasn’t long after the 2020 elections when the nightmare began for a clerical worker in a county election office in Georgia and her mother. Trump and some of his rabid followers decided that Shaye Moss and her mother, Freeman, who had taken a temp job helping count ballots, were directly and personally responsible for including fake ballots in Georgia’s election tally.

In fact, unhinged Republicans claimed to have proof in the form of a video in which Moss and Freeman could be seen doing their jobs. What conspiracy theorists said were “suitcases” of bogus ballots were really just standard boxes used locally to transport actual ballots.

The video — which showed nothing nefarious or untoward — nevertheless made the rounds in conservative media and in far-right circles, with Republicans insisting that the images showed election fraud, reality be damned. Trump even put it on screen during one of his post-defeat political rallies. In fact, the former president went after the two Black women, by name, repeatedly, which in turn led Republican activists to threaten the women’s lives and show up at their homes.

Freeman, a retiree who started a small boutique business selling fashion accessories, was forced to flee her house, close her business, and move to an undisclosed location on the advice of the FBI for her own safety.

These women, who’d done nothing wrong, were terrorized because of a ridiculous lie. During the Jan. 6 committee’s televised hearings six months ago, the public had the chance to see their sworn testimony, in which they described their experiences in painful detail.

“There is nowhere I feel safe. Nowhere,” Freeman testified.

“Do you know how it feels to have the president of the United States to target you? The president of the United States is supposed to represent every American. Not to target one,” Freeman added. “He targeted me. A proud American citizen who stood up to help Fulton County run an election in the middle of a pandemic.”

That was six months ago. Overnight, Trump decided to pick the same unnecessary fight with the same innocent woman all over again.

Making matters worse, the former president has already been told that his accusations are false — not just by reporters and fact-checkers, but by his own Justice Department. As Rachel noted on the show several months ago, former acting Deputy Attorney General Richard Donoghue told Trump directly that the matter had been reviewed and the accusations were baseless.

After one conversation in which the then-president referenced an imagined suitcase filled with fraudulent ballots, Donoghue told Trump, “No, sir, there is no suitcase. You can watch that video over and over. There is no suitcase. There is a wheeled bin where they carried the ballots. And that’s just how they moved ballots around that facility. There’s nothing suspicious about that at all.”

Trump, in other words, was told the truth, but he chose to tell lies that put innocent election workers in danger — and last night, the Republican decided to do it again.

Steve Benen is a producer for "The Rachel Maddow Show," the editor of MaddowBlog and an MSNBC political contributor. He's also the bestselling author of "The Impostors: How Republicans Quit Governing and Seized American Politics."


Trump not quite done with his new offensive against Ruby Freeman
Donald Trump seems awfully eager to pick a new fight with Ruby Freeman. Don’t be too surprised if the Georgian and her attorneys decide to fight back.

by Steve Benen
Jan. 4, 2023, 9:25 AM MST

Two years ago, Donald Trump launched one of the more outrageous offensives of his political career, targeting a clerical worker in a county election office in Georgia and her mother. The Republican had decided that Shaye Moss and her mother, Ruby Freeman, who had taken a temp job helping count ballots in the 2020 election, were directly and personally responsible for election fraud — claims that had no basis in fact.

In fact, Trump’s own Justice Department looked into the allegations and explicitly told him that they were baseless.

The former president didn’t care. On the contrary, the Republican went after the two Black women, by name, repeatedly, which in turn led some Trump followers to threaten the women’s lives and show up at their homes. Freeman, a retiree who started a small boutique business selling fashion accessories, was forced to flee her house, close her business and move to an undisclosed location on the advice of the FBI for her own safety.

As we discussed yesterday, Trump, for reasons that still aren’t altogether clear, renewed his attacks against Freeman around midnight on Monday night, publishing a trio of items on his social media platform, insisting there’s “TROUBLE FOR RUBY!!!”

The underlying claims are, of course, still at odds with reality, but the former president nevertheless kept the offensive going this morning with a new pair of online attacks:

“At first she thought that they had been caught, got VERY nervous, and wanted to ‘spill the beans’ on everyone. Then the SOS, GBI, FBI, calmed her down, helped CLEAN her social media, took her away (for two months!). SHE THEN CHANGED HER STORY!”

By all appearances, these allegations are quite bonkers. Worse, they might very well lead to a new round of harassment, threats and potential violence from radicalized Trump followers who don’t realize that the Republican’s claims are ridiculous.

But there’s another angle to this worth pondering: Will Trump’s latest round of attacks lead to litigation?

As regular readers might recall, Freeman and her daughter already filed suit against a far-right conspiracy website, alleging that it knowingly published false stories that led to dangerous consequences. They also sued Rudy Giuliani and a far-right media outlet called One America News Network, or OANN.

What’s to stop them from suing the former president, too?

As my colleague Lisa Rubin explained via Twitter overnight, when Trump initially went after Freeman, he was still a sitting president, which complicated her litigation options.

Now, however, he’s a private citizen.

Trump seems awfully eager to pick a fight with Freeman. Don’t be too surprised if the Georgian and her attorneys decide to fight back.

Update: Van Dubose, who represents Freeman and Moss, provided this statement: "Nobody, not even a former president, has a right to intentionally spread damaging, defamatory lies about fellow citizens. The lies about Ms. Freeman and Ms. Moss have been proven false over and over again, but they have nonetheless upended my clients’ lives and continue to threaten their safety."
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Re: Ruby Freeman Was Not Arrested by the FBI, by Dan Evon

Postby admin » Wed Jul 26, 2023 10:11 pm

Rudy Giuliani admits to making "false" statements about 2 former Georgia election workers
by Melissa Quinn
July 26, 2023 / 2:00 PM / CBS NEWS ... tatements/

Washington — Rudy Giuliani, the former New York City mayor who served as an outside lawyer to former President Donald Trump, acknowledged Wednesday that he made "false" statements when he claimed two Georgia election workers engaged in voter fraud during the 2020 election. Giuliani, who's being sued by the now former election workers for defamation, still argued he was engaging in constitutionally protected speech when he made the allegations. [LC: "I have the right to lie and ruin people's lives."]


RUBY FREEMAN and Wandrea Moss,

Case No. 1:21-cv-03354 (BAH)
Judge Beryl A. Howell


WHEREAS, Defendant Giuliani believes that he has legal defenses to this Complaint; and

WHEREAS, Defendant Giuliani is desirous to avoid unnecessary expenses in litigating what he believes to be unnecessary disputes; now

IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED, solely for the purposes of this litigation that Defendant Giuliani, for the purpose of deciding this case on the legal issues, and recognizing that all other defendants previously identified in the complaint have resolved their claims with all plaintiffs and without admitting to the truth of the allegations, hereby does not contest the following allegations:

1. Defendant Giuliani concedes solely for purposes of this litigation before this Court and on Appeal: that Defendant Giuliani made the statements of and concerning Plaintiffs, which include all of the statements detailed in Plaintiffs Amended Complaint, ECF No. 22 at §§ 57-101 and he does not dispute for purposes of this litigation, that the statements carry meaning that is defamatory per se;

2. That Defendant Giuliani, for the purposes of this litigation only, published those statements to third parties;

3. That Defendant Giuliani, for the purposes of this litigation only, does not contest that, to the extent the statements were statements of fact and otherwise actionable, such actionable factual statements were false. This stipulation does not affect Giuliani's ability to seek setoff, offset, or settlement credit, or his argument that his statements are constitutionally protected statements or opinions or any applicable statutes of limitations, or that Giuliani's statements, in fact, caused Plaintiffs any damages, and the amount of any alleged damages which Giuliani's statements may have caused or any other legal defense not expressly waived by this Stipulation;

4. That Defendant Giuliani does not contest, solely for the purposes of this litigation, including on any appeal in this litigation, the factual elements of liability (subject to any retained affirmative defenses not expressly waived herein) regarding Plaintiffs' claim for intentional infliction of emotional distress and other related tort claims. This stipulation does not affect Giuliani's ability to seek setoff, offset or settlement credit, or his argument that his statements are constitutionally protected statements or opinions or any applicable statute of limitations, or that Giuliani's conduct, in fact, caused Plaintiffs any damages, and the amount of any alleged damages Giuliani's conduct may have causes or any other legal defense not expressly waived by this Stipulation.

Dated: July 25, 2023

By: Rudolph W. Giuliani

Giuliani's concession came in a two-page stipulation he submitted to the federal District Court in Washington, D.C., as part of the lawsuit brought by Ruby Freeman and Wandrea "Shaye" Moss, who are mother and daughter. In the filing, the former mayor admitted that for the purposes of the litigation, "to the extent the statements were statements of fact and otherwise actionable, such actionable factual statements were false."

Giuliani also admitted that "he does not dispute for purposes of this litigation, that the statements carry meaning that is defamatory per se," and no longer contests the "factual elements of liability" raised by Freeman and Moss. But he noted that the declaration has no effect on his argument that he made constitutionally protected statements or opinions, or that his conduct caused the pair any damage.

Giuliani's concessions come as he faces the prospect of sanctions from the court regarding his discovery obligations in the dispute. Freeman and Moss asked U.S. District Judge Beryl Howell, who is presiding over the case, earlier this month to impose the sanctions, including awarding certain attorneys' fees and costs, on Giuliani for failing to preserve electronic evidence from his email, messaging and social media accounts and electronic devices.

"Indeed, sanctions exist to remedy the precise situation here — a sophisticated party's abuse of judicial process designed to avoid accountability, at enormous expense to the parties and this Court," the pair's lawyers wrote. "Defendant Giuliani should know better. His conduct warrants severe sanctions."

Giuliani, though, asked to deny the request for sanctions, and noted in a separate filing that he "stipulates by concession any pertinent facts for which discovery from him would be needed."

"Out of abundance of caution, and to avoid any potential controversy, Giuliani has agreed to stipulate to the factual aspects of liability as to plaintiffs claims, except damages, as such discovery or information would be solely in possession of the plaintiffs," Joseph Sibley IV, Giuliani's lawyer, told the court. "While Giuliani does not admit to Plaintiffs' allegations, he — for purposes of this litigation only — does not contest the factual allegations."

The signed declaration noted that Giuliani "is desirous to avoid unnecessary expenses in litigating what he believes to be unnecessary disputes."

Ted Goodman, a political adviser to Giuliani, said in response to the filing that it was made "in order to move on to the portion of the case that will permit a motion to dismiss."

"This is a legal issue, not a factual issue. Those out to smear the mayor are ignoring the fact that this stipulation is designed to get to the legal issues of the case," he said in a statement.

Michael Gottlieb, a lawyer for Freeman and Moss, said Giuliani's acknowledgements are a "major milestone in this fight for justice," though certain issues, including damages, still must be decided by the court.

"Giuliani's stipulation concedes what we have always known to be true — Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss honorably performed their civic duties in the 2020 presidential election in full compliance with the law; and the allegations of election fraud he and former-President Trump made against them have been false since day one," Gottlieb said in a statement.

Freeman and Moss worked as election workers in Fulton County, Georgia, during the 2020 election. Freeman was a temporary employee tasked with verifying signatures on absentee ballots and preparing them for counting and processing, while Moss, who had worked for the Fulton County elections department since 2012, worked on the county's absentee ballot operation.

The two were thrust into the public eye after they were shown in security camera footage from the State Farm Arena in Atlanta processing ballots. The Trump campaign and Giuliani shared an excerpt from the footage, and falsely claimed it showed Freeman and Moss engaging in a fake ballot scheme.

Though Georgia election officials refuted the inaccurate claims peddled by Trump's allies, Moss and Freeman were subjected to violent and racist threats and harassment. The two women appeared before the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, assault on the U.S. Capitol about how their lives were upended by the baseless theories spread about them.

Freeman and Moss filed their lawsuit against Giuliani in December 2021, alleging he made defamatory statements about them, which he repeated long after the 2020 election had been decided, and inflicted severe emotional distress on them.

Giuliani sought to dismiss the lawsuit, but Howell denied his request, writing that Giuliani "propagated and pushed" a false narrative that the election was stolen.
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Re: Ruby Freeman Was Not Arrested by the FBI, by Dan Evon

Postby admin » Wed Aug 30, 2023 10:47 pm

Giuliani Suffers MAJOR LOSS in Federal Court Order
by Michael Popok
Aug 30, 2023

Rudy Giuliani was just hit with major default judgment sanctions by a federal judge in the Fulton County election workers Ruby Freeman and Shay Moss defamation case. Michael Popok of Legal AF explains why Giuliani was punished and why the judge is about to tell the damages jury that Rudy is hiding documents about his net worth.


Michael popock legal AF Rudy Giuliani
doesn't have to worry about the
defamation case in federal court brought
by Shea moss and Ruby Freeman Fulton
County election workers who got
mercilessly attacked by Rudy and others
by claiming that they were committing
election fraud when they were not
doesn't have to worry about going to
trial in that case anymore because he is
so committed contempt conduct and
misconduct in front of the federal judge
judge Beryl Howell in the District of
Columbia that just today in a new order
scathing New Order she has punished him
sanctioned him Rudy Giuliani by
finding that he is liable for all of the
counts in the complaint brought by Ruby
Freeman and Shameless so he is
automatically liable without trial for
defamation intentional infliction civil
conspiracy and and even punitive damages
all that's left is for a future jury at
the end of November beginning of
February when it's somewhere in that
period based on instructions by this
same judge to find the amount that
Rudy's going to have to pay the damages
how big are the punitive damages how big
are the damages regular damages that are
going to be awarded to Ruby Freeman and
Shane Moss that's the only thing left
for the jury because the judge has taken
away and given uh effectively Rudy
Giuliani the death penalty in civil
cases by finding him as a matter of
sanction and law liable already without
the need for a trial why did that happen
well if you've been following our hot
takes on Midas Touch and on legal AF you
sort of know where this was going and go
going quickly and it went South quick
Rudy Giuliani has refused to provide
documents that he's required to provide
in a federal case
on a certain schedule at all he's made
up every excuse you could think of uh I
lost him I didn't retain them I had to
turn them all my devices were picked up
by the federal government in a in a dawn
raid and search warrant execution uh I I
I don't have the money to get it from
the the vendor that's holding on to the
data uh judge judge judge oy oi in
response the judge says come to my
courtroom bring your lawyer with you and
three months ago she told him if you
don't start and this is my paraphrase if
you don't stop effing around and you're
going to pay them a sanction of ninety
thousand dollars or so for attorney's
fees to get to this point you're looking
down the barrel of a default sanction
being entered against you on the claims
did that make Rudy Giuliani sing a new
tune turn a page no he continued to
refuse to turn over documents especially
ones related to his finances because
that's what they need in order to
evaluate punitive damages and the judge
has had enough
Rudy saw the writing on the wall uh in
July because he tried to file
a stipulation, what he called a
stipulation, and we'll put it up on the
board here,
that he crafted with his lawyers, where
he tried to have it both ways, his cake
and eat it too. He was going to sort of
admit to liability, but also refused to
admit to liability, or say that it was
only for the purposes of the stipulation.
It was so confusing and nonsensical,
because you either stipulate to
liability, and that's a one-line
stipulation you give to the judge: "I
stipulate to liability; let's go to a
trial on damages, Judge." But you don't
have it both ways. You can't say, "I
stipulate, but I really don't stipulate. I
did it, but I really didn't do it. I
defamed, but I really didn't defame at all.
The statements were false, but they
really weren't false." This was so
confusing, that the Judge, after Rudy
Giuliani went on his own podcast, and did
a video that I'm going to show you now,
had something to say about that
stipulation. And that's how we got to
today with the new order that I'm going to
read you next. Let's run the video of
Rudy Giuliani talking in third person,
like some weirdo Donald Trump, about
how he's not cooperating with Donald
Trump, and he did not admit liability.
Roll the tape.

[Rudy Giuliani] Number one, "Giuliani is
cooperating against Trump." Untrue.
Giuliani is telling the truth, which is
that Trump is entirely innocent. Fake
news number two, "Giuliani admitted that
he lied." No.
Giuliani in a lawsuit, in order to
reach the merits of the lawsuit, didn't
contest the earlier portion of it with a
clear statement that that was no
admission, that it was true or false.
Happens all the time in lawsuits.
It's called admission arguendo.
And of course, only the most dishonest
and cheapest of reporters
deliberately misunderstand it. So let's
make it clear: I have not admitted that I
lied at any point. I haven't. And of
course, I'm not cooperating against
Donald Trump, because there's nothing to
cooperate about. The man is innocent, and
they're framing him.

[Michael Popok] Okay you know who
else saw that tape? The judge. And so the
Judge issued her own order recently, and
said, "I can't make heads or tails of your
stipulation. It's incongruous. It's
puzzling. You're admitting
liability in one paragraph, you're saying
you're not admitting liability in
another. Then there's the video where he
says he's not admitting liability. And so
this doesn't do it for me. I'm going
forward," the Judge said, "with the motion
for sanctions that the other side, Ruby
Freeman and Shaye Moss, already filed. And
I'll figure out what to do as terms of the
sanctions. But this stipulation, and your
efforts to try to do an end-run around
the motion for sanctions, is a failure Mr.

So he's had another month and a
half to try to fix it but instead he
just goes on his podcast and his talk
shows and all that and talks about how
he didn't really admit to liability so
the judge decided to answer that
question for him with the sanction today
which I'm going to read the relevant
Parts I've been doing this for 32 years
this is the most scathing order on a
civil case I've ever seen including an
instruction that she's going to give the
future damages jury about Rudy Giuliani
hiding documents and trying to deflate
lower his net worth to avoid a huge
damage and punitive damage amount let me
let me read that to you now
the order just came out we'll put it up
on the screen
ordered that plaintiff's motion for
Discovery sanctions is on page one in
the form of a default judgment and an
award of attorney's fees and costs
associated with filing the motion is
granted it is further ordered that the
default judgment will be entered against
Rudolph W Giuliani on his liability for
plaintiff's defamation intentional
infliction of emotional distress civil
conspiracy and punitive damages then she
required at the bottom of page one over
to page two she required that by
September 20th both sides confer and
come up with a proposed date for trial
on just damages not liability and that
has to take place between Thanksgiving
effectively and February 2024
and she awarded for a second time the
plaintiff's another attorney's fees and
costs award they already got 89 000
awarded which was never paid by Rudy
Giuliani it's just kind of running with
interest here and then
um she then ordered Rudy Giuliani to do
a number of things with his documents
including about the Crown Jewel of the
Giuliani podcasting Empire the Giuliani
Communications LLC and Giuliani partners
and she ordered him
to ensure that those companies his
businesses that run his podcast and his
videos produce complete responses to
plaintiff's requests for financial
documents showing viewership right and
she knows her terms including RFP
numbers 19 and 35 she wants everything
about his podcast called common sense of
all things how much revenue it generates
advertising agreements distribution
contracts and Records to summarize
viewer and listener metrics for
giuliani's statements on social media
sort of like the video we just showed
you also wants to know the reach of
Common Sense page visits posts shares
Impressions listener numbers how many
times he mentioned the plaintiffs how
many Impressions online views of
plaintiff statements because that's
going to be the math ladies and
gentlemen for punitive damages he
mentioned them 150 times and this was
the amount of reach he had you know I
don't know four million people listen to
it so they're going to say give her ten
dollars for every person that at times
every time he mentioned them it's going
to be a huge uh potential punitive
damage number she also awarded this is
on page three of the order it's only a
three-page order that he Rudy Giuliani
reimbursed the plaintiff's attorney's
fees and costs
in the amount of eighty nine thousand
one hundred and seventy two dollars
which was due already in July
she also listened to this one this is
the this is it man this is the end of
the road for Rudy Giuliani and it's and
this is the final paragraph ordered that
as a sanction for defendants failure to
timely reimburse the plaintiffs the 89
000 in attorney's fees by July 25th 2023
it's already over a month late the jury
will be instructed this is the jury on
Damages that they must when determining
an appropriate sum of putative damages
infer that he Giuliani is intentionally
trying to hide relevant discovery about
his financial assets for the purpose of
artificially deflating his net worth
unless he produces a Folsom complete
response to that information by
September 20th and even if he does it by
September 20th the judge just says I'm
still going to potentially instruct the
jury about giuliani's intentionally
trying to hide relevant Discovery to
deflate his net net worth I'll consider
that at the time of the trial but if he
misses yet another Giuliani misses yet
another deadline in this case that's the
instruction the jury's going to get
which is he's hiding he's deflating take
that into account when you award
punitive damages this could be a
multi-million dollar punitive damages
award in addition to the actual damages
for defamation and so that's what
that when you screw around with a
federal judge wearing a federal a black
robe in her courtroom
that's exactly as a template what Donald
Trump is going to find as he continues
to screw around with judge chutkin it's
presiding over his John 6th hearing
judge McAfee in Fulton County Judge
Jones potentially you know you don't
screw around with federal judges Donald
Trump is no longer the center of the
universe the judges are and Rudy
Giuliani just found out himself and I
found it very poignant at the end there
that last paragraph
that she said because it's exactly by
the way what Donald Trump is being
accused of doing up in New York for the
New York attorney general civil fraud
case in which he's being accused of
artificially deflating his net worth so
you see where Rudy Giuliani got the idea
from let me let me be a pauper let me
pull out my pockets in federal court and
say I don't have any money I just came
in here with a fuzzy Lifesaver and a
nickel your honor
and she said yeah let's take a look at
common sense in your podcast I mean
Steve Bannon right and other podcasters
make tons of money doing podcasts to
this day right Alex Jones to this day
makes tons of money from the gullible
and that's money that will now get
transported over in a big armored car
eventually by a jury for Ruby Freeman
and Shane Moss based on this ruling by
Beryl Howell just today against Rudy
Giuliani finding him liable already of
defamation civil conspiracy tortious
interference and responsible for
punitive damages before he even steps
into a courtroom in front of a jury the
only thing left for the jury is how big
the punitive damages are going to be how
big the Civil damages are going to be
and those factors on instruction by this
same federal judge judge Beryl Howell
I'll cover it on hot takes just like
this one in one place the Midas touch
Network free subscribe help them get to
2 million if you like hot takes like
this one at the intersection of Law and
politics who doesn't like hot ticks
you'll love our podcast legal AF on
Wednesdays and Saturdays also on YouTube
for Midas Touch Network and also
wherever you get your audio podcast from
we're there as well if you're like me
I'm Michael popock and you can give me
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until the next hot take Michael popock
legal AFF
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Re: Ruby Freeman Was Not Arrested by the FBI, by Dan Evon

Postby admin » Tue Dec 05, 2023 2:41 am

Trump Codefendant Trevian Kutti Threatens Witness: “I’m Going to F*ck Her Whole Life Up": Kutti's comments on Instagram Live were likely a violation of her bond agreement
by J.D. Wolf
Dec 3, 2023 ... le-life-up

On Tuesday, Trevian Kutti took to Instagram Live to appeal for legal donations to fight charges listed in the Fulton County District Attorney's RICO indictment against Trump, Kutti, and 17 other codefendants. Kutti faces charges related to compelling false statements from a witness, specifically Georgia election worker Ruby Freeman.

During the video, Kutti appeared to threaten Freeman which is a likely violation of her bond agreement.

Kutti’s bond agreement bars her from intimidating acts against codefendants and witnesses, obstructing justice, posting about the case on Instagram or other social media platforms.

Kutti addressed the Georgia RICO indictment

In her video, Kutti addressed the court case against her and alluded to future moves before asking for GiveSendGo donations:

"We got this. So I just wanted to give an update. I think all of you know what I'm dealing with in Georgia. I just want to come and say look the fight is the fight. I have some things coming up very soon where I'll be delivering a few blows and I just want to let ya'll know I'm here for ya'll. This is not simply for me, even though I understand that I was built for this exact moment in history and there's nothing more that I intend, plan, prepare to do than to take down this situation in Fulton County."

Kutti practiced her mugshot smile for 2 hours

Kutti, the former publicist for Kanye West and R. Kelly, told viewers to "feel free to ask" questions and revealed she practiced her "historical" mugshot smile for 2 hours.

Kutti implied people are being controlled in Fulton County

Kutti continued discussing her case and seemed to imply that people are being controlled:

“Fulton County is the worst. You got to understand you got people who put batteries in people's backs, and unfortunately they should've left me alone, but now they're going to deal with me."

Kutti described herself a warrior on the battlefield

Kutti said she was in a remote location and was:

"...focusing, planning, preparing ...getting ready for the fight of my life and it's the fight of your lives too. Nobody thinks about it as deeply I think as that, but you guys have probably one of the best warriors in the game on the battlefield for you."

Kutti admitted she can’t talk on certain topics because of being out on bond

During the live video, Kutti mentioned she was out on bond and implied there are certain topics she can't discuss:

"What else do you guys want to know about what's happening in Georgia? Now, mind you, I can't talk about a lot, but as long as it's not the details of the case."

Kutti said she is “taking down the ho”

Kutti, who has posted about taking down Fani Willis, seemed to refer to the Fulton County District Attorney as a “ho.” Kutti said, "As you guys have seen, my posts have not been as frequent because I'm focusing on taking down the ho."

Kutti discussed assassination conspiracy theories

After discussing assignation conspiracy theories, Kutti became annoyed at a troll on her live chat who typed, "your fingerprints are all over the murder weapon” and said:

"Let me just tell you right now, you can't kill Trump when his entire base is a militia. You can't do it. Negro, your mama's fingerprints are on it too. Look, ok? I just, I want to respect Black people and Black men, but when you come over here and you act crazy and you talk crazy to me you going to be, you'll be outdone. Ok? You'll be outdone."

Kutti appears to threaten witness Ruby Freeman

At this point Kutti shifted from talking about assassinations to apparently, based on the context, talking about Freeman:

"Everybody’s alive. There’s no murder weapon. As a matter of fact, there’s a woman sitting somewhere who knows this whole thing is a lie. Who knows I never did anything to her. Who knows I never. Who knows she begged me for help. There’s a woman sitting somewhere who knows that I’m going to fuck her whole life up when this is done.

Kutti then said her conversation was on video at a police station, further fitting the context of her interaction with Freeman.

Kutti’s threat likely violated her bond agreement

These comments obtained by MeidasTouch are likely a violation of Kutti’s bond agreement. Those charged in indictments are not supposed to comment about witnesses or issue threats. Pledging to “fuck” up the life of a witness is a likely violation.

The context of assassination and murder weapons immediately preceding the threat isn’t a good look either. Will this lead to a forfeit of Kutti’s bond or a revised bond order? That will be up to the Fulton County District Attorney and the judge.

Clips from Kutti’s Instagram live can be found here: ... le-life-up
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Re: Ruby Freeman Was Not Arrested by the FBI, by Dan Evon

Postby admin » Wed Oct 23, 2024 6:50 am

Judge Orders that GA Election Workers Shaye Moss & Ruby Freeman can Seize & Sell Giuliani's Stuff
Glenn Kirschner
Oct 22, 2024

At long last, the chickens have come home to roost for disgraced Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani. A federal just just ordered that the two Georgia state election workers Giuliani defamed, Shaye Moss and Ruby Freeman, can now seize and sell Rudys high-priced New York apartment, his luxury cars, his expensive watch collection, his sports memorabilia, and can take control of money in his bank accounts. As the Hill reported, "Judge orders Giuliani to hand over assets to Georgia election workers."

This video discusses the importance of this development and how it will serve the legal principles of specific and general deterrence, hopefully convincing others NOT to follow in Rudy's corrupt and defamatory footsteps.


well friends for Rudy Giuliani the
chickens have finally come home to roost
the two Georgia state election workers
that he defamed Shaye and Ruby Freeman
those two women whose lives Rudy
endangered courtesy of a brand new Court
ruling they get to take his stuff his
property his money his expensive cars
his fancy watch
collection they get to seize his stuff
for the wrong he has
done let's talk about that because
matters hey Glen kershner here well
friends a judge just ordered that
Georgia state election workers Shaye
moss and Ruby Freeman can seize and sell
Rudy giuliani's property to begin
collecting on the
$146 million defamation judgment a jury
entered against
him hello
accountability let's start with the new
reporting this from the hill headline
judge orders Giuliani to hand over
assets to Georgia election
workers and that article begins Rudy
Giuliani must turn over much of his
property his apartment in New York the
city that made him mayor and other
prized possessions to two Georgia
election workers who have sought for
months to collect their massive
defamation judgment a federal judge r
ruled Tuesday the order appoints Ruby
Freeman and Shaye Moss the election
workers as receivers of giuliani's New
York apartment
mercedesbenz luxury watches and some of
his cash among other items US District
Judge Lewis Lyman ordered Giuliani to
hand over his assets within seven days
and gave the mother daughter Duo
authority to immediately
put those items up for sale they will
also be free to pursue giuliani's claim
that former president Trump owes him
legal fees for work following the 2020
election I don't know that is just sort
of Just Desserts isn't it Shea moss and
Ruby Freeman will allowed to pursue the
claim that Rudy Giuliani has against
Donald Trump for I believe a couple of
million dollars that Donald Trump
stiffed Rudy
Giuliani only the best people that's all
my editorial
addition the article
continues Rudy is also fighting to
retain his Palm Beach Florida condo by
declaring it his Homestead the judge
said Giuliani could remain in control
for now a jury in 2023 found Giuliani
defamed Freeman and
by baselessly claiming they engaged in
election fraud and ordered him to pay
million Giuliani froze the judgment and
other pending lawsuits against him by
filing for chapter 11
bankruptcy but a judge threw him out of
bankruptcy for a lack of
transparency allowing the election
workers to collect on the
Judgment wait a minute you mean Rudy
Giuliani the same Rudy Giuliani who
filed dozens of baseless fraudulent
lawsuits trying to help Donald Trump
steal the 2020 presidential election
that Rudy Giuliani wasn't being straight
with the bankruptcy court the the Rudy
Giuliani who has been disbarred in both
New York and Washington DC for bringing
those fraudulent
suits challenging the 2020 election
results you mean that Rudy Giuliani
wasn't being honest and candid and
transparent with the bankruptcy
court again my editorial
Edition Beyond his New York apartment
Giuliani must also turn over his 1980
mercedes benz SL 500 television various
Furniture signed photos of famed Yankees
Reggie Jackson and Joe dagio 26 watches
and non-exempt cash in his checking
accounts the judge however deferred a
decision on whether Giuliani must turn
over three Yankees World Series rings
giuliani's son Andrew has intervened in
the legal battle to claim they were
gifted to him in 2018 contending the
election workers aren't entitled to them
a hearing is set for October 28th to
discuss those matters and the judge has
also scheduled a January 16 2025 bench
trial for whether Giuliani can hold on
to his Palm Beach condo as his
Homestead friends it's been a long road
for sheos and Ruby Freeman and I for one
am very happy they will begin to collect
on that money judgment that a jury
entered against Rudy Julian y remember
not only did he defame those two women
but he endangered their lives recall
they had to flee their home because of
the threats that came pouring in after
Rudy began lying about them claiming
they were changing votes or stuffing
ballot boxes in Georgia friends recall
that when Shay and Ruby were serving as
election workers in 2020 there were
videos of everything that was
transpiring in that area where ballots
were being processed and on one occasion
you saw the mother and the daughter pass
something between them something very
small you couldn't really see what it
was but one handed something to another
and we know courtesy of sworn testimony
that that something was a ginger
mint but what did R Rudy Giuliani say
what lie did he choose to tell based on
that video he said you know they were
passing a a USB drive that was designed
to change votes from you know Trump to
Biden and look at them Rudy Giuliani
said look at them don't they look like
drug dealers passing vials of cocaine
back and forth just look at
them friends why do you think Rudy
Giuliani chose to characterize them as
looking like drug dealers just look at
them I'll let you answer that question
yourself let's finish with this friends
I hope what has happened to Rudy
Giuliani will serve as both specific
deterrence and general deterrence two
fancy terms we use in the law what do
they mean well when when these kind of
judgments are handed down by juries
these massive money judgments it is to
deter people from engaging in the same
or similar conduct that Rudy Giuliani
engaged in so specific deterrence means
specifically deterring the wrongdoer
against whom the money judgment was
entered Rudy Giuliani maybe he will
choose to stop lying about people in
service to his orange deity Donald Trump
specific deterrence but let's hope it
also serves as general deterrence what
does that mean well it means that others
who hear about or who learn about what
happened to Rudy Giuliani when he chose
to defame election workers those people
will reflect upon whether they want to
go the way of Rudy
Giuliani they want to serve
a criminal president who just lost an
election they want to defame the people
who choose to do the hard work of being
election workers you know just honestly
trying to process ballots just trying to
serve their community and their country
others who hear about what happened to
Rudy Giuliani when he chose to defame
Savage and endanger the lives of those
election workers maybe they will say to
themselves gee
I don't want my stuff seized I don't
want my home my car my expensive watch
collection my sports memorabilia or my
money seized to satisfy a judgment that
might be entered against me if I lie in
service to Donald Trump or anybody else
that is the principle of General
deterrence hopefully other attorneys
will not sign up to do what Rudy
Giuliani did either file fraudulent
lawsuits for which he has been disbarred
in two
jurisdictions or lie about election
workers trying to fraudulently install
Donald Trump in to the presidency for a
second term after he lost the election
to Joe Biden let's hope others that hear
about Rudy giuliani's fate and how the
chickens have now come home to
roost choose not to go down that same
although I fear Donald Trump is in the
process of putting together a new crop a
new batch of Nefarious lawyers who may
be similarly drunk on the proximity to
power and will be willing to do Donald
Trump's dirty bidding bringing bogus
nefarious fraudulent law suits once
again to try to undo his opponent's
election win but friends let's hope
those other lawyers who see what
happened to Rudy Giuliani resist Donald
Trump's attempts to enlist them into his
corrupt core of attorneys heck maybe
they will even come to the
conclusion that
matters we'll
see friends as always please stay safe
please stay tuned and I look forward to
talking with you all again
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Re: Ruby Freeman Was Not Arrested by the FBI, by Dan Evon

Postby admin » Fri Jan 17, 2025 2:15 am

Rudy Giuliani Pays Out To Settle $148 Million Defamation Judgment He Owes Georgia Election Workers
by Glenn Kirschner
Jan 16, 2025

In a surprise move, Georgia state election workers Shaye Moss and Ruby Freeman agreed to a confidential settlement to conclude their efforts to collect the $148 million jury award from Rudy Giuliani.

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