The Vaccine Autism Cover-up: How One Doctor’s Career was Des

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Re: The Vaccine Autism Cover-up: How One Doctor’s Career was

Postby admin » Fri Apr 01, 2016 10:27 pm

VAXXED documentary: Official announcement from the producers unveils mass media cover-up of the 'suppression of medical data' by the CDC
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
March 30, 2016




(NaturalNews) Cinema Libre Studio will be distributing Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe, the explosive documentary directed by Andrew Wakefield which was "de-selected" from the Tribeca Film Festival this past weekend.

The film investigates the claims of a Senior Scientist at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Dr. William Thompson, who revealed that the CDC had manipulated and destroyed data on an important study about autism and the MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine.

Cinema Libre Studio has been working with the Vaxxed team since fall of 2015, and has acquired worldwide rights from Autism Media Channel. The documentary will premiere Friday, April 1 in an Exclusive Engagement at the Angelika FiIm Center in New York City before being widely released in other cities with future distribution plans to be unveiled.


The film was an Official Selection at the Tribeca Film Festival with the world premiere scheduled for April 24th. However, after the film was announced in the lineup last Monday, online protests erupted. Then festival co-founder Robert De Niro had a one-hour conversation with Representative Bill Posey, who appears in the film and who has vetted all communication related to the CDC whistleblower and asked that he be brought before Congress to testify. After the call, a statement was posted on the Tribeca Facebook page from De Niro:

"This is very personal to me and my family and I want there to be a discussion, which is why we will be screening VAXXED. I am not personally endorsing the film, nor am I anti-vaccination; I am only providing the opportunity for a conversation around the issue."

The pressure mounted when the story went viral and the festival made an about-face, when TFF executives called Cinema Libre Studio executives over the holiday weekend to tell them the film was being pulled from the line-up. De Niro then posted a second statement saying:

"My intent in screening this film was to provide an opportunity for conversation around an issue that is deeply personal to me and my family. But after reviewing it over the past few days with the Tribeca Film Festival team and others from the scientific community, we do not believe it contributes to or furthers the discussion I had hoped for."

The media frenzy continued including a petition to bring back the film to the festival which now has over 28,000 signatures.

Since 1986, the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) has been compensating children and adults who are victims of vaccine injury including but not limited to: injuries, learning disabilities, severe/permanent disabilities, AUTISM, and death.

They have been compensating for AUTISM cases resulting from vaccine injury. If vaccines don't cause autism, why is it being proven in court rulings, and why are they paying these cases out if they don't? Because vaccines DO harm, they DO injure, and they DO kill, and......they DO cause autism.

Source: "By 2010, the U.S. Court of Claims had awarded nearly $3 billion dollars to vaccine victims for their catastrophic vaccine injuries, although two out of three applicants have been denied compensation."

In 2013, biologist Dr. Brian Hooker received a call from a Senior Scientist at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) who led the agency’s 2004 study on the Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR) vaccine and its link to autism. The scientist, Dr. William Thompson, confessed that the CDC had omitted crucial data in their final report that revealed a causal relationship between the MMR vaccine and autism.

Over several months, Dr. Hooker records the phone calls made to him by Dr. Thompson who provides the confidential data destroyed by his colleagues at the CDC. Dr. Hooker enlists the help of Dr. Andrew Wakefield, the British gastroenterologist falsely accused of starting the anti-vax movement when he first reported in 1998 that the MMR vaccine may cause autism. In his ongoing effort to advocate for children’s health, Wakefield directs this documentary examining the evidence behind an appalling cover-up committed by the government agency charged with protecting the health of American citizens. Interviews with pharmaceutical insiders, doctors, politicians, and parents of vaccine-injured children reveal an alarming deception that has contributed to the skyrocketing increase of autism and potentially the most catastrophic epidemic of our lifetime.

Blackfish was screened at Tribeca, and look at the movement it caused. Because of Tribeca, and because of the amazing people who documented what was happening at SeaWorld, SeaWorld recognized the need for change, and they changed because the world needed them to.

Pharmaceutical companies are afraid that if people start to question vaccines (and rightfully so) they will lose BILLIONS in profits. Well, they've already made BILLIONS off of us, injuring and killing our children for their "greater good" and it's time for it to end. Look at a vaccine insert and the lists and pages of debilitating side effects including death and tell me that they are "SAFE." No one inherently looks at a vaccine insert that lists death and permanent injury and thinks "yeah, that sounds safe." Go ahead, look.

People argue that if people start to question vaccines, it will jeopardize the safety of children. BECAUSE of the cover-up, we have already done that. Now it's time to set things right, and hold the correct people responsible.



The CDC RELEASED documents can be found as well as a link to the story here: ... documents/

VAXXED the movie trailer can be found here:

Congressman Posey on throwing the studies in a garbage can to get rid of the evidence:

Dan Burton demanding a yes or no from the FDA for a vaccine link to Autism:

For Vaccine injury stories/videos and educational information please visit: and

-- Bring VAXXED back to Tribeca, Petition at

The "suppression of medical data by a governmental agency"

Cinema Libre Chairman Philippe Diaz says, "We chose to distribute this film to correct a major issue, which is the suppression of medical data by a governmental agency that may very well be contributing to a significant health crisis. The media storm of last week also revealed another issue; the hyper mediatization by some members of the media and the documentary community who had not even seen the film, as well as Tribeca executives, which condemned it as anti-vaccine. This film is not anti-vaccine and neither is Dr. Wakefield. Wakefield's concern for the last twenty years has been about making sure that vaccines are safe for children. This is why we decided to release the film now rather than as originally planned later in the year."

Richard Castro, Head of Distribution, explains, "It's disturbing that an American film festival can succumb so easily to pressure to censor a film that it has already selected and announced. On Friday I received a call from Tribeca executives expressing concerns about showing the film, but no opportunity was afforded our filmmakers to even address those concerns. When I questioned the rationale, it was indicated that sponsors interest was a factor. By Saturday night, the film was simply pulled off the festival's programming schedule."

Produced by Del Bigtree, who left his job as producer on the Emmy award-winning television show The Doctors to make the film, the documentary features Dr. Brian Hooker, to whom Thompson leaked documents as well as autism experts (Dr. Doreen Granpeesheh, Mark Blaxill, Polly Tommey), practicing family physicians (Dr. James M. Sears, Dr. Rachel Ross), former Pharmaceutical drug representative Brandy Vaughn, research scientists (Dr. Luc Montagnier, Stephanie Seneff) and Congressman Bill Posey.

Says Bigtree, "While making the film, we spoke to so many medical professionals who are afraid to speak out publicly against the pharmaceutical companies, and their influence on the medical industry. When the CDC Whistleblower story broke last year, not one mainstream news outlet ran the story. Either they were asleep at the wheel or were in a coma induced by their pharmaceutical advertisers."

Wakefield says, "Our aim with this movie was to take this complex, high-level fraud and to give it context, and weave through it the tragic street-level narratives of ordinary families affected by autism. We hope that the film will help, at a minimum, push Congress to subpoena Dr. William Thompson and investigate this fraud at the CDC."

The film was produced by Del Bigtree, edited by Brian Burrowes with original music by Franceso Lupica (Knights of Cups, Tree of Life) who has contributed his "Visual Music Design" to several Terrance Malick films. The film was financed through donations of individual families and philanthropists, and was acquired from Autism Media Channel in a deal negotiated by Wakefield for Autism Media Channel and Bigtree with Richard Castro.

Twitter: @vaxxedthemovie #vaxxed #cdcwhistleblower

ABOUT CINEMA LIBRE: Cinema Libre Studio is a full-service mini-studio known for producing and distributing high concept feature films and social impact documentaries. Headquartered in the Los Angeles area, the team has released over 200 films.
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Re: The Vaccine Autism Cover-up: How One Doctor’s Career was

Postby admin » Sun Jan 29, 2017 2:17 am

What Media Hid in De Niro Autism Film Affair
by William Engdahl
August 6, 2016



Dr. Andrew Wakefield, a former British gastro-enterologist and vaccine researcher has been fully exonerated of the charges that he, together with a world renowned pediatric gastroenterologist, Prof. John Walker-Smith, conducted fraudulent tests with children that raised the possibility of a link between the popular MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine and onset of autism and other severe symptoms. Most remarkable is the fact that despite his de facto exoneration in a British Court more than four years ago, in 2012, mainstream media in the UK and the USA have chosen to deliberately ignore the fact. They did so to hide the explosive content of Wakefield’s film, Vaxxed.

This past April, Hollywood actor and founder of the Tribeca film festival, Robert de Niro, announced in an interview to the New York Times that he had personally arranged for a new documentary film, Vaxxed, about links between autism and vaccinations, to be shown on April 24 at his festival in order to open a national debate on the subject. Some 48 hours later the Tribeca website announced it had pulled the film. The pressure had been enormous. To his credit, some days later, on America’s most popular morning show, de Niro repeated his earlier statement that while he is not anti-vaccine, he wants an open debate on the subject. De Niro’s own son is autistic.


At the time I wrote my article, I was not aware that a British Court some four years ago completely exonerated Wakefield’s co-author and researcher in the autism study. Since then a helpful reader has pointed me to the entire text of the Court decision. I’ve decided to write this follow-up in the interest of justice to Andrew Wakefield, whom I’ve personally met and whose moral courage going up against the pharma lobby against all normal odds we owe a debt to. I do it also in support of Robert de Niro’s call for an open debate on the question of links between not only autism and vaccines. Had our “mainstream” media not been long ago polluted with the toxic waste of the pharma industry, and had they maintained a scintilla of honest journalism today, such an account would not have been necessary.

In February, 2012, Mr. Justice Mitting held hearings on the charges brought against world renowned pediatric gastro-enterologist, Prof. John Walker-Smith, Wakefield’s co-researcher, in Britain’s High Court of Justice, Queen’s Bench Division, Administrative Court.

The Justice ruled that charges brought against Walker-Smith by the British General Medical Council’s Panel, the GMC “panel’s determination cannot stand. I therefore quash it.” Walker-Smith won his appeal against a General Medical Council regulatory board that had ruled against both him and Andrew Wakefield for their roles in authoring a 1998 Lancet MMR paper, which raised questions about a link to autism. The complete victory means that Walker-Smith has been returned to the status of a fully licensed physician…”

Astonishingly, as the judge pointed out, the conclusions of the GMC board that stripped both Walker-Smith and Wakefield of their licenses to practice medicine in the UK were based on “inadequate and superficial reasoning and, in a number of instances, a wrong conclusion… The end result is that the finding of serious professional misconduct and the sanction of erasure are both quashed.” He notes that the board’s trial of Walker-Smith and Wakefield had no actual complainants, no harm came to the children who were studied, and parents supported Walker-Smith and Wakefield through the trial, reporting that their children had medically benefited from the treatment they received at the Royal Free Hospital.

Dr. Andrew Wakefield was not party to the Walker-Smith appeal process. Walker-Smith’s insurer had agreed to fund his costly appeal. Dr. Wakefield’s insurer refused, and Wakefield was financially unable to join the appeal. The judge’s full exoneration of Walker-Smith in the matter of the Lancet study he published together with Wakefield, exonerates the content of the Lancet paper and of Andrew Wakefield. The article both co-authored was grounds for their losing medical licenses. On learning of the Walker-Smith exoneration in 2012, Wakefield, from his new residence in Texas, filed a defamation lawsuit against the British Medical Journal and three individuals for falsely accusing him of “fraud.”

The Lancet study which Professor Walker-Smith and Dr. Andrew Wakefield co-authored, never asserted a causal link between the MMR vaccine of Glaxo SmithKline and autism. They rather suggested a serious study should be undertaken. Their Lancet article was removed after the 2010 British General Medical Council’s trial. Lancet is owned by the large Elsevier Group, whose Chairman had been named to the board of Glaxo SmithKline, major producer of MMR vaccines, in 2003.

In the latest media attack campaign, led by The New York Times, the UK Guardian and other mainstream media, focus was on one fact only: That Robert de Niro had organized a screening of the documentary, Vaxxed, directed by Wakefield. As the Guardian sub-titled their article, “Actor criticized for adding doc by Andrew Wakefield, who was struck off UK medical register…”

CDC autism test fraud–the deeper media cover-up

However, the deeper cover-up by the mainstream media, was their refusal to write one word about the explosive content that Wakefield’s documentary focused on. Had they done that, Glaxo SmithKline (GSK), the world’s largest seller of vaccines, conceivably could today be in bankruptcy proceedings along with other makers of MMR vaccines.

Wakefield’s Vaxxed documents that “the CDC (US Government’s Centers for Disease Control-w.e.) deliberately and willfully concealed a significantly increased autism risk associated with receipt of MMR vaccine according to the CDC’s recommended schedule (by 18 months) in vulnerable subgroups of children i.e. African American boys and children with ‘isolated’ autism who were essentially previously developmentally normal. As a consequence, millions of American children have been put in harm’s way.” (emphasis added-w.e.)

The film’s content, which features “interviews with pharmaceutical insiders, doctors, politicians, and parents of vaccine-injured children,” contains the testimony of CDC whistleblower, Senior Scientist Dr. William Thompson who led the CDC agency’s 2004 study on the Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR) vaccine and its link to autism. Wakefield’s film details the history from the point in 2013 when Thompson, evidently seized by conscience, approached biologist Dr. Brian Hooker by phone. Thompson “confessed that the CDC had omitted crucial data in their final report that revealed a causal relationship between the MMR vaccine and autism.” (emphasis added-w.e.)

In a series of phone discussions in 2015 with US Congressman Bill Posey, Thompson described (all on tape) that while he was a senior scientist at CDC, he and his colleagues, after making a study of the link between vaccines and incidence of autism in small black boys, “scheduled a meeting to destroy documents related to the study. The remaining four co-authors all met and brought a big garbage can into the meeting room, and reviewed and went through all the hardcopy documents that we had thought we should discard, and put them into a huge garbage can.” Thompson is quoted declaring, “Oh my God! I cannot believe we did what we did. But we did.”

In the movie Dr. Hooker states how he recorded the phone calls made to him over several months, by Dr. Thompson, who provided the confidential data destroyed by his CDC colleagues. The film calls for Congress to subpoena Dr. William Thompson and investigate the CDC fraud, and for Congress to repeal the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act that frees vaccine makers from liability and hold manufacturers liable for injury caused by their vaccines.

This criminal cover-up by the CDC, the government agency mandated to protect the health and safety of Americans, is the real focus of the Robert de Niro-Wakefield Vaxxed drama. DeNiro stated that he had familiarized himself with the William Thompson CDC case in detail before deciding to include Vaxxed in his film festival. De Niro had spoken at length with US Congressman Bill Posey, about Posey’s tape-recorded phone talks with CDC Whistleblower Thompson.

Rockefeller (Un-)Sanitary Commission

The website of the Rockefeller Foundation posted its 100-year Centenary of the founding of the Rockefeller Sanitary Commission (RSC) in 2009. Standard Oil magnate John D. Rockefeller had founded the commission in 1909 initially, as they describe,“…to bring about a co-operative movement of the medical profession, public health officials, boards of trade, churches, schools, the press and other agencies for the cure and prevention of hookworm disease.” Hookworm eradication, as the Rockefeller Foundation today admits, was simply a “favorable wedge,” allowing the RSC to promote the creation of an organized and well-funded public health network…”

The Rockefeller Foundation (RF) began in the 1920’s to organize a complete reorganization of American medical education, basing it on pharmaceuticals and surgery while discrediting or demonizing numerous alternative approaches. It was in effect doing in the medical area what the Standard Oil group had done in world oil -- dominate it.

As the RF then details in its website, they were responsible for the major turn by the WHO, CDC and others in the 1980’s to advocate very early and very massive multiple vaccinations of infants:

“RF’s global efforts to provide childhood vaccines began in 1984, following an international meeting at the RF conference center in Bellagio, Italy, on the protection of the world’s children. International delegates from the fields of medicine, government and philanthropy met to discuss the concept of a global immunization program for children as one means of providing primary health care and reducing mortality among children in the developing world. The World Health Organization (WHO) had already initiated the Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) in 1980; however, in later years, the program had suffered from financial constraints. The Bellagio meeting resulted in hundreds of millions of dollars in funding allocated to the EPI.”

However the really explosive jump in early childhood and even infant multiple vaccinations took place when the Rockefeller Foundation and their Children’s Vaccine Initiative teamed up with the billions of dollars of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, founded in 1994. At a 1999 World Bank Summit, again in the Rockefellers’ Bellagio center, senior staff of the RF, the Gates Foundation, WHO, World Bank and UNICEF. They agreed to create and fund a new organization to replace the CVI, the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) in 2000.

This brief history is crucial in the context of the astonishing number of vaccinations given on recommendation of the WHO and the US CDC since precisely the mid-1980’s when the Rockefeller Foundation launched the project. Incidentally, the same foundation was deeply into launch of the GMO project at the same time, together with Monsanto where a Rockefeller sat on the board.

Precisely it was since the 1980’s, when the Rockefeller vaccine initiative was launched, that the alarming rise of child autism began to manifest. Most recently, USA autism rates climbed nearly 30% between 2008 and 2010. Incidents of child autism have more than doubled since 2000 according to a new study from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, affecting one of every 68 children who are 8-year-olds. Thirty years ago autism in the USA was virtually unheard of. When it was first described in 1943 by Leo Kanner, it was believed to occur at a rate of 4–5 per 10,000 children. Today, it is 1 in 68!

The CDC claims not to know the cause.

It’s clearly not genetic change because such changes take many generations to manifest. Therefore it must be a significant change in the environment of the children. The most significant environmental change since the 1980’s in the USA, where it is well-documented, has been the intensity and frequency of child, and now infant, multiple vaccinations, all including MMR.

Alarming Ratajczak Studies

In 2011, Dr. Helen Ratajczak, herself a former senior scientist in the pharmaceutical industry, published a ground-breaking article in the Journal of Immunotoxicology entitled “Theoretical aspects of autism: Causes -- A review.” Ratajczak did what nobody else apparently had bothered to do: she reviewed the body of published science since autism was first described in 1943. Not just one theory suggested by research such as the role of MMR shots, or the mercury preservative thimerosal; but all of them.

Ratajczak’s article states, in part, that “Documented causes of autism include genetic mutations and/or deletions, viral infections, and encephalitis [brain damage] following vaccination. Therefore, autism is the result of genetic defects and/or inflammation of the brain.” xviii [emphasis added]

In a detailed interview with, Dr. Ratajczak described the situation today in terms of infant exposure to multiple vaccines, the agenda of the same CDC that faked vaccine-autism data to be pharma-friendly.

She noted, “In the USA, in 2010, 50 doses of 14 vaccines are given by the age of six years with Hip B given at birth, and again at 2 months along with Rotavirus, Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (three vaccines in one injection), Homophiles influenza type b, pneumococcal, and inactivated poliovirus. Two months is the most vulnerable age immunologically. Most infant mortality occurs at 2 months because the protection from the mother’s immunity is waning, and the child’s immunity is still immature.”

Dr Ratajczak continues with this alarming observation from her years of research, “Thus, the immune system is compromised at two months. A challenge by so many vaccines while the immune system is compromised might contribute to an onset of autism (Ratajczak, 2011). The inflammation caused by the vaccines would damage the central nervous system and brain.”

She points to several documented studies of the effect of delaying child vaccination until after 2 years: “In Japan, some doctors gave no vaccines to infants for two months, and then began vaccinations only to children 2 years old or older. Japan jumped from 17th place in child mortality to the lowest child mortality in the world (Vaccine Awareness Network, 05 May, 2011). Similar results happened in other countries, such as the United Kingdom. The post-neonatal mortality dropped in 1976 when there was publicity about the whooping cough vaccine causing brain damage, and the vaccination rate fell to only 10 – 30%, with a concomitant fall in infant mortality rate.”

A compromising video

A recent French TV documentary program, “Special Envoy,” revealed that in France since 2015 parents who by law are required to vaccinate their children for diphtheria, tetanus and polio, can only do so by giving their child multi-vaccines marketed by GlaxoSmithKline as Hexavalent vaccine, or in liquid form by Sanofi Pasteur called Hexavac.

The TV program obtained an explosive video from June 2012, which shows Jean Stéphenne, former director of the GSK’s vaccine department, boasting of his success in a presentation. He explains the GSK strategy as follows: “We bought all the patents on hepatitis B. It was the first time a vaccine was protected by patents, so we have all patents. And now you competitors, if you want to come on the market, you have to negotiate with us… one includes [patented] hepatitis B with other “products” that were not protected by patents, and by doing that the product is made fully protected. So the strategy is not more complicated than that [applause].” The previous DTP (Diphteria, Tetanus, Poliomyelitis) cost 24 euros. The “hexavalent” vaccine costs 120 euros. The French TV program asks if the GSK patent strategy was driven by genuine health concerns or by profit.

There is perhaps no greater harm done today to human beings than that being promoted by the pharmaceutical industry and its ability to win friends and influence politicians, to pass friendly laws and to persuade mainstream media to hide the horrendous and mounting toll of vaccine damage to infants. I have had personal occasion in clinics in Germany to see what vaccine damage can do to children. It’s hushed up. It’s very, very real.

Despite the fact that Andrew Wakefield’s Vaxxed was pulled at the last minute, Robert de Niro has done the world a great service, alone through the media firestorm the film has generated, by placing attention on the work of Wakefield and the urgent need for an international spotlight on possible links between vaccinations, especially the multiple MMR vaccine, and illnesses such as autism. Instead of shooting the messenger, Andrew Wakefield, honest journalism could discuss the content of the Wakefield documentary. It’s very sobering.

F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”
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