Part 1 of 2
James Woods vs. John Doe: Notice of Motion and Motion for an Order Compelling Non-Party Kenneth P. White to Answer Deposition Questions and Produce Documents; and An Order for Sanctions Against Non-Party Kenneth P. White in the amount of $9,040.55by James Woods
2049 Century Park East, Suite 2400
Los Angeles, California 90067-2906
Telephone: (310) 556-3501
Facsimile: (310) 556-3615
mweinsten@lavelysinger.comImolnar@lavelysinger.comAttorneys for Plaintiff JAMES WOODS
JAMES WOODS, an individual,
JOHN DOE a/k/a "Abe List" and DOES 2 through 10, inclusive,
Case No.: BC 589746
[Hon. Mel Recana, Dept. 45]
[Declaration of Michael E. Weinsten and Separate Statement filed concurrently herewith]
Date: December 22, 2016
Time: 8:35 a.m.
Dept: 45
Reservation ID: 161109172908
Complaint Filed: July 29, 2015
Trial Date: None
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on December 22, 2016, at 8:35 a.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard in Department 45 of the Los Angeles Superior Court, located at 111 North Hill Street, Los Angeles, California 90012, Plaintiff James Woods ("Plaintiff") will, and hereby does, move the Court for an order compelling Non-Party Kenneth P. White ("White") to (1) provide substantive responses without objection to the questions asked during his deposition and (2) produce documents responsive to Plaintiff s deposition subpoena.
Plaintiff brings this motion to compel White's deposition testimony pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedure § 2025.480(a). Plaintiff brings this motion after White refused, during his November 14, 2016 deposition, to answer any questions related to the actual identity of his client in this action - Defendant John Doe a/k/a "Abe List" - by improperly asserting the attorney-client privilege and other unfounded objections.
Plaintiff will also move the Court for an order compelling White to produce documents that he was required to produce pursuant to Plaintiff s deposition subpoena.
Plaintiff will also move the Court for an order that White pay to Plaintiff the sum of no less than $9,040.55 as the reasonable costs and attorney fees incurred by Plaintiff in connection with bringing the instant Motion and taking White's November 14, 2016 deposition.
This Motion is made and based upon this Notice, the accompanying Memorandum of Points and Authorities, the Separate Statement, the Declaration of Michael E. Weinsten and any exhibits attached thereto, the court's file herein, and any oral argument and other documentary evidence as may be Presented at the hearing.
Dated: November 30, 2016
Attorneys for Plaintiff JAMES WOODS
o A. AL's Unsuccessful Anti-SLAPP Motion
o B. White's Unsubstantiated Claim That AL Died During The Appeal of the Court's Anti-SLAPP Ruling
o C. White's Unfounded and Bad-Faith Refusal to Answer Basic Deposition Questions and Produce Documents Concerning the Identity of His Purportedly Deceased Client
o A. A Motion To Compel Is Proper Where A Deponent Refuses To Answer Questions During The Examination Or Produce Documents At Deposition
o B. The Court Should Compel White To Answer Deposition Questions Relating to the Identity of AL Since This Information is Neither Private Nor Privileged And Is Critical To Woods' Ability To Effectively Prosecute His Claims Against AL
o i. Because AL's Privacy Rights Died With Him, White CannotWithhold AL' s Identity On Privacy Grounds
o ii. AL's Identity and Information Related To His Identity Is Not Protected By The Attorney-Client Privilege
o iii. Information Related to the Identity of AL Is Highly Relevant And Critical For Woods' To Prosecute His Claims Against AL
o C. White's Claim That Woods Is Not Entitled to Information Related to the Identity of AL Due to Fear of "Harassment" or "Intimidation" Is Unfounded
• 4 AF Holdings LLC v. Doe, No. 2: 12-CV-1066 GEB GGH, 2012 WL 6042635 (E.D. Cal. 2012)
• Baird v. Koerner, 279 F.2d 623 (9th Cir. 1960)
• Beverly Hills Nat. Bank & Trust Co. v. Superior Court In and For Los Angeles County, 195 Cal. App. 2d 861 (1961)
• Brunner v. Superior Court 0/ Orange Cty., 9 51 Cal.2d 616 (1959)
• Doe v. Kamehameha Schools etc., 596 F.3d 1036 (9th Cir. 2010)
• Flynn v. Higham, 149 Cal.App.3d 677 (1983)
• Hays v. Wood, 25 Cal.3d 772 (1979)
• Hendrickson v. California Newspapers, Inc., 48 Cal.App.3d 59 (1975)
• Kramer v. Superior Court of Los Angeles County, 17 237 Cal. App. 2d 753 (1965)
• Krinsky v. Doe 6, 159 Cal.App. 4th 1154 (2008)
• Lugosi v. Universal Pictures, 20 25 Cal.3d 813 (1979)
• Moran v. Superior Court in and/or Sacramento County, 38 Cal. App. 2d 328 (1940)
• Pers. v. Farmers Ins. Grp. of Companies, 52 Cal. App. 4th 813
• Rosso, Johnson, Rosso & Ebersold v. Superior Court, 25 191 Cal.App.3d 1514 (1987)
• 26 Tien v. Superior Court, 139 Cal.App.4th 528 (2006)
• United States v. Doe, 28 655 F.2d 920 (9th Cir. 1980)
Statutes • Code of Civil Procedure § 1987.2(a)
• Code of Civil Procedure § 2023.030(a)
• Code of Civil Procedure § 2025.010
• Code of Civil Procedure § 2025.480(j)
• Evidence Code § 952
• Evidence Code § 954
I. INTRODUCTIONThis case arises from the publication of a malicious and fabricated accusation leveled against actor James Woods ("Woods") by an individual who hid behind the Twitter name "Abe List" (hereafter "AL"). In July 2015, AL falsely accused Woods of being a "cocaine addict" on the widely popular social media site Twitter and, after Twitter refused to remove the libelous statement, Woods was forced to file suit for defamation and invasion of privacy by false light to protect his good name and reputation.
Rather than face Woods' claims on the merits, AL's modus operandi from the very beginning of this lawsuit has been to utilize various procedural roadblocks to conceal his identity from Woods and delay the prosecution of Woods' claims. For example, shortly after Woods filed the Complaint, AL filed a frivolous (and ultimately nnsuccessful) anti-SLAPP motion, which was clearly intended solely to prevent his identity from being disclosed. When Woods then sought to conduct discovery in connection his opposition of the anti-SLAPP motion, AL vehemently opposed the motion, claiming that Woods first had to prove his entire prima facie case against AL before discovering AL's identity.
After this Court denied AL's anti-SLAPP and rightly held that Woods had "met his burden of showing a probability of prevailing" on his claims, AL filed afrivolous appeal of this COUli's order, once again trying to block the disclosure of his identity and further delaying the prosecution of Woods' claims. Then, when it was finally time for AL to file his reply brief - after Woods had already incurred the time and expense of filing a 50-page Respondents' brief - AL's counsel, Kenneth P. White ("White"), filed a declaration with the appellate court (1) stating that his client had passed away, (2) indicating that AL's estate would be substituting into the matter, and (3) requesting an extension of time for the filing of AL's reply brief However, no substitution was ever made. Instead, weeks later, White suddenly filed a dismissal of the appeal - which resulted in this case being remanded back to the trial court.
Critically, although White claims that AL is deceased, he has refused to provide any evidence whatsoever substantiating this claim. Moreover, when Woods' counsel reasonably requested that White at least provide the identity of his now-purportedly-deceased client - a fact which would be necessary in order to confirm whether AL is actually deceased - White refused.
As a result of White's staunch refusal to provide evidence of AL's purported client's death, or even AL's name, Woods was forced to take White's deposition on November 14,2016. During this deposition, White still refused to disclose AL' s identity (or produce the relevant documents requested in the deposition subpoena), asserting the unfounded objections that such information is private, subject to the attorney-client privilege, not relevant to the claims in this lawsuit, and harassing. [1]
Obviously, White's objections are meritless and in bad faith. First and foremost, AL's right to privacy died along with him and, in any event, White cannot assert this right on his deceased client's behalf. See Lugosi v. Universal Pictures, 25 Cal.3d 813,820,833 (1979) (dissenting Justices agreeing with majority that: "It is not disputed that the right of privacy is a personal one, which is not assignable and ceases with an individual's death.") (emphasis added). Second, AL's identity and information related to his identity are not subject to the attorney-client privilege - as these are merely facts, not communications. See Hays v. Wood, 25 Cal.3d 772,785 (1979) (rejecting attorney's claim that the identity of his clients are privileged). Indeed, Woods is unaware of even a single case where the attorney-client privilege was upheld to preclude an anonymous litigant from disclosing his name. Third, there is no question that AL's identity is relevant to Woods' ability to effectively prosecute his claims, conduct discovery and obtain a judgment against a known person - even more so in light of the fact that the Court has already found Woods has a "probability of prevailing" on his claims, Indeed, if White is unwilling to substantiate his claim that AL is deceased, Woods is entitled to investigate whether this claim is true. [2] Lastly, information related to AL's identity is clearly not being requested for purposes of "harassment" or "intimidation," nor has White has offered any factual or legal support for such an absurd objection (nor does any such support exist).
In light of the above, Woods' motion should be granted and White should be compelled to answer the deposition questions set forth in the concurrently-filed Separate Statement, as well as produce documents responsive to the Subpoena.
A. AL's Unsuccessful Anti-SLAPP MotionOn July 29, 2015, Woods filed the instant lawsuit against AL for defamation and invasion of privacy by false light.
On September 2, 2015, AL filed an anti-SLAPP motion claiming that the defamatory tweet at issue was protected by the First Amendment and that Woods could not prevail on his claims because the tweet was not a statement of fact, but, instead, mere "rhetorical hyperbole" and "insult."
On February 8, 2016, the Court denied AL's anti-SLAPP motion, finding that Woods had "met his burden of showing a probability of prevailing" on his claims for defamation and invasion of privacy.
On February 11,2016, AL filed a Notice of Appeal of the Court's February 8, 2016 order denying his anti-SLAPP.
B. White's Unsubstantiated Claim That AL Died During The Appeal of the Court's Anti-SLAPP Ruling.On August 26, 2016, while AL's appeal was pending, Woods' counsel received an email from White stating that there had been a "development in the Woods v. Doe matter," and requesting a time to speak. Declaration of Michael E. Weinsten ("Weinsten Decl."), ~2, Ex. A. During a telephone that same day, White informed Woods' counsel that AL had purportedly died. Weinsten Decl., ~2. White, however, would not respond to any of Woods' counsel's questions regarding the identity of AL, or how or when AL allegedly died. Id White also refused to provide any actual documentary evidence that AL is deceased. Id. Shortly thereafter, on October 21,2016, AL (or AL's estate), dismissed the pending appeal.
C. White's Unfounded and Bad-Faith Refusal to Answer Basic Deposition Questions and Produce Documents Concerning the Identity of His Purportedly Deceased ClientOn November 3, 2016, Woods issued and served a Deposition Subpoena for Personal Appearance and Production of Documents and Things (the "Subpoena") on White. Weinsten Decl., Para. 3, Ex. B.
In addition to testimony, the Subpoena sought the production of the following categories of documents:
• DOCUMENTS sufficient to IDENTIFY John Doe a/k/a "Abe List", your client and the defendant in the lawsuit captioned James Woods v. John Doe a/k/a "Abe List", which is pending in Los Angeles Superior Court, Case No. BC589746.
• DOCUMENTS sufficient to IDENTIFY the personal representative of the estate of John Doe a/k/a "Abe List."
Weinsten Decl., Para. 3, Ex. B.
On November 9, 2016, White served written objections to the Subpoena. Weinsten DecL, Para. 4, Ex. C. On the same day, White also informed Woods' counsel by phone that he would not answer questions at the deposition that would disclose the identity of AL. Weinsten Decl., Para. 5, Ex. D. However, White was ambiguous as to whether he would answer other questions. Id.
On November 10, 2016, Woods' counsel sent White a meet and confer letter explaining that White's objections to the Subpoena were unfounded because the identity of his client was not subject of the attorney-client privilege or private information. Weinsten Decl., Para. 5, Ex. D. White never responded to this letter. Weinsten Dec., Para. 5.
On November 14, 2016, Woods took White's deposition pursuant to the Subpoena. Weinsten Decl., Para. 6, Ex. E. During his deposition, White refused to respond to the following questions, among others:
• "What is the legal name of your client?" Weinsten Decl., Para. 6, Ex. E at 7:7.
• "What is the name of his heir?" Weinsten Decl., Para. 6, Ex. E at 8:12.
• "What was Abe List's residential address when he passed away?" Weinsten Decl., Para. 6, Ex. E at 31 :14-15.
• "[D]id Mr. Abe List live in Los Angeles, California?" Weinsten Decl., Para. 6, Ex. E at 26:13-14.
• "Other than the handle "Abelisted" are there any other Twitter accounts under other handles that were owned or managed by Abe List?" Weinsten Decl., Para. 6, Ex. E at 39:6-8.
• "Who informed you that Abe List had passed?" Weinsten Decl., Para. 6, Ex. E at 14:2.
• "Would that be Abe List's father?" Weinsten Decl., Para. 6, Ex. E at 14:8.
• "So just to be clear, you are not going to give me the name of the personal representative of Abe List's estate?" Weinsten Decl., Para. 6, Ex. E at 14: 14-17.
• "Where did Mr. Doe pass away? Weinsten Decl., Para. 6, Ex. E at 15:15.
• "How old was Abe List when he passed away?" Weinsten Decl., Para. 6, Ex. E at 17:16.
• "Was Abe List married?" Weinsten Decl., Para. 6, Ex. E at 23:3.
• "Did Abe List live in Los Angeles, California, when he passed away?" Weinsten Decl., Para. 6, Ex. E at 26:21-22.
White's counsel objected to the above questions on the grounds that they purportedly seek information that is (1) protected by the attorney-client privilege, (2) "not reasonably calculated to lead to admissible evidence," and (3) designed to "harass, intimidate third parties and/or deceased people ... " Weinsten Decl., Para. 6, Ex. E at 7:8-22. White also failed and refused to bring any of the documents requested in the Subpoena to the deposition. Weinsten Decl., Para. 6.
Efforts to further meet and confer continued throughout White's deposition, wherein Woods' counsel sought legal authority in support of White's objections, but was provided none. See, e.g., Weinsten Decl., Para. 6, Ex. E at 7:23-8:4.
A. A Motion To Compel Is Proper Where A Deponent Refuses To Answer Questions During The Examination Or Produce Documents At Deposition"Any party may obtain discovery ... by taking in California the oral deposition of any person, including any party to the action." Cal. Civ. Proc. Code § 2025.010. "It is established that a litigant has the right to take a proper deposition, and to receive responsive answers to proper questions ... for the purposes of discovery or for use as evidence, or for both purposes." Beverly Hills Nat. Bank & Trust Co. v. Superior Court In and For Los Angeles County, 195 Ca!. App. 2d 861, 864-865 (1961) (citations omitted). Indeed, "a deponent may be examined regarding any matter, not privileged, which is relevant to the subject matter involved in the pending action, whether it relates to the claim or defense of the examining party, or to the claim or defense of any other party." Kramer v. Superior Court of Los Angeles County, 237 Cal. App. 2d 753, 756 (1965); see also CCP Section 2017.010 (providing that "any party may obtain discovery ... that is relevant ... , if the matter either is itself admissible in evidence or appears reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence.") "The statute authorizing the taking of depositions ... should be liberally construed to the end that a litigant in a pending action may be afforded a reasonable opportunity to procure available testimony in support of his cause." Mora v. Superior Court in and for Sacramento County, 38 Cal. App. 2d 328, 334 (1940).
"If a deponent fails to answer any question or to produce any document ... under the deponent's control that is specified in the deposition notice or a deposition subpoena, the party seeking discovery may move the court for an order compelling that answer or production." CCP § 2025.480(a). "If the court determines that the answer or production sought is subject to discovery, it shall order that the answer be given or the production be made on the resumption of the deposition." CCP § 2025.480(e).
As set forth below and in Woods' Separate Statement filed herewith, White's objections to Woods' deposition questions and White's objections to Woods' document requests are without merit and the answers and production sought are relevant to the issues in this litigation. As such, Woods submits that Mr. White should be compelled to provide answers to the deposition questions set forth herein and produce responsive documents to the Subpoena.
B. The Court Should Compel White To Answer Deposition Questions Relating to the Identity of AL Since This Information is Neither Private Nor Privileged And Is Critical To Woods' Ability To Effectively Prosecute His Claims Against AL.Mr. White has refused to produce responsive documents and answer critical questions at his deposition relating to the identity of his purportedly-deceased client on the grounds that such information is somehow (1) protected by the right to privacy, (2) protected by the attorney-client privilege, (3) "not reasonably calculated to lead to admissible evidence," and (4) intended to "harass, intimidate third parties and/or deceased people ... " For the reasons set forth herein, White's objections are meritless and his testimony, as well as the production of responsive documents, should be compelled.
i. Because AL's Privacy Rights Died With Him, White Cannot Withhold AL's Identity On Privacy GroundsWhite has refused to produce documents responsive to the Subpoena on the baseless ground that the documents are "protected by the right to privacy and anonymity." Weinsten Decl., Para. 4, Ex. C at 2:13- 14, 24-25. First, assuming AL is actually deceased (which is not conceded), he no longer has any right to privacy. More specifically, it is well settled that the right of privacy does not survive but dies with the person. See Lugosi v. Universal Pictures, 25 Cal.3d 813, 820, 833 (1979) (dissenting Justices agreeing with majority that: "It is not disputed that the right of privacy is a personal one, which is not assignable and ceases with an individual's death.") (emphasis added); Hendrickson v. California Newspapers, Inc., 48 Cal.App.3d 59, 62 (1975). Further, "the right to privacy is purely a personal one; it cannot be asserted by anyone other than the person whose privacy has been invaded .... " Hendrickson, 48 CaLApp.3d at 62; Flynn v. Higham, 149 CaLApp.3d 677 (1983) (children of deceased actor Errol Flynn cannot sue author of biography of Flynn for defamation or invasion of privacy because the right of privacy cannot be asserted by anyone other than the person whose privacy has been invaded). Thus, White cannot assert such a right on AL's behalf.
Second, AL does not have (and never had) the right to proceed anonymously in this lawsuit. Under California law, a litigant who has voluntarily appeared and submitted to the jurisdiction of the court has a very high burden to satisfy in order to remain anonymous. A general "presumption exists that cases will be litigated with the true identities of the parties set forth on the record, and a court may not lightly disregard that presumption." AF Holdings LLC v. Doe, No. 2:l2-CV-1066 GEB GGH, 2012 WL 6042635, at *2 (E.D. Cal. 2012) (emphasis added) (denying defendant's right to litigate anonymously.) This presumption is based on, among other things, the public interest in an open court system, including the public's right to know the identity of parties to a lawsuit. See Doe v. Kamehameha Schools etc., 596 F.3d 1036, 1042-43 (9th Cir. 2010) ("We are sympathetic to the concerns of the Doe children and their parents, but we recognize the paramount importance of open courts.") California courts only allow parties to use pseudonyms in the "unusual case" when nondisclosure of the party's identity "is necessary ... to protect a person from harassment, injury, ridicule or personal embarrassment." United States v. Doe, 655 F.2d 920, 922 (9th Cir. 1980) ("We recognize that the identity of the parties in any action, civil or criminal, should not be concealed except in an unusual case, where there is a need for the cloak of anonymity."). Here, AL has never established (and neither has White) the extraordinary circumstances required for a litigant to remain anonymous. [3]
In light of the above, White cannot refuse to answer questions of produce documents that relate to the identity of AL on privacy grounds.
ii. AL's Identity and Information Related To His Identity Is Not Protected By The Attorney-Client PrivilegeContrary to White's claims, AL's identity and information related to his identity is not subject to the attorney-client privilege. See Hays, 25 Ca1.3d at p. 785 ("It is well established that the attorney-client privilege, designed to protect communications between them, does not ordinarily protect the client's identity."); Tien v. Superior Court, 139 Cal.App.4th 528, 537 (2006) (same); Brunner v. Superior Court of Orange Cty., 51 Cal.2d 616,618 (1959) ("[I]t is the general rnle that an attorney is not privileged to withhold disclosing by whom he has been employed."). To the contrary, California courts have acknowledged that once litigation is commenced, a litigant should not be required "to struggle in the dark against unknown forces," even if this means disclosing the name of a client who wishes to remain anonymous. See Baird v. Koerner, 279 F.2d 623, 630 (9th Cir. 1960) ("There is no question ... that it is at times vital to the administration of justice to require disclosure of a client's name.")
The attorney-client privilege is "a privilege to refuse to disclose, and to prevent another from disclosing, a confidential communication between client and lawyer." See Evid. Code, § 954 (emphasis added). '" [C]onfidential communication between client and lawyer' means information transmitted between a client and his or her lawyer in the course of that relationship and in confidence by a means which ... discloses the information to no third persons other than those who are present to further the interest of the client in the consultation ... and includes a legal opinion formed and the advice given by the lawyer in the course of that relationship." Evid.Code, § 952 (emphasis added).
Here, AL's legal name does not fit within the purview of Evid. Code, § 954, as it is not a "communication" made in confidence. There is no question that someone's legal name is not "confidential"-it is known by many people outside the scope of any attorney-client privilege communications. Moreover, disclosing the identity of AL, or information related to his identity, would not disclose the contents of any legal advice obtained by AL (or AL's estate). Woods is not asking for any communications that AL had with White regarding his identity. Indeed, Woods is not aware of a single case where a court has allowed an attorney of a deceased client who is a party to a lawsuit to withhold the identity of his client on privilege grounds.
Furthermore, the extremely limited exceptions to the general rule that client identities are not privileged are inapplicable here. First, there is no reason to believe that disclosing the identity of AL (or his estate's personal representative) might implicate AL in unlawful activities or expose him to criminal or civil liability. See Tien, 139 Cal.App.4th at 537; Hays, 25 Cal.3d at 785. Considering that AL has already been sued by Woods, there is no risk in exposing him to any "civil liability" beyond what he is already facing. Moreover, there is no risk of exposing AL to criminal liability since Woods' allegations are not criminal in nature. Thus, this exception does not apply.
Second, this is not a situation where "known facts regarding an attorney's representation are sue that the disclosure of the client's identity would betray personal, confidential information regarding the client." Tien, 139 Cal.App.4th at 537-538 (holding trial court's discovery order compelling disclosure of the names of class members who contacted plaintiffs' counsel did not violate attorney-client privilege because disclosing the names would not "disclose any personal, confidential information.") The identity of AL or information related to the identity of AL does not constitute "personal, confidential information" because, as stated above, AL's name is not confidential-it is known by virtually everyone that has met AL; not solely his attorneys. Moreover, the disclosure of this information would not "betray a confidential communication" because someone's legal name is not a "confidential communication" - it is a/act, plain and simple. See Tien, 139 Cal.App.4th at 538; cf. Rosso, Johnson, Rosso & Ebersold v. Superior Court, 191 Cal.App.3d 1514, 1518 (1987) (refusing to order disclosure of identities of women who responded to newspaper advertisement directed to women who have suffered injury from use of an intrauterine device because "revealing their names would reveal the nature of a 3 medical problem, ordinarily considered a confidential communication").
iii. Information Related to the Identity of AL Is Highly Relevant And Critical for Woods' To Prosecute His Claims Against ALWoods is entitled to discover the identity of AL. It is indisputable that AL' s identity is critical and relevant to Woods' ability to investigate and gather information to prosecute his claims against AL. Indeed, California courts have recognized that "[n]otwithstanding the constitutional right to anonymity ... a libel plaintiff has a legitimate competing interest in discovering an anonymous speaker's identity in order to effectively prosecute the libel claim." Doe 2, 206 Cal. App. 5th at p. 1311. Moreover, because White has refused to provide any evidence substantiating his claim that AL is deceased, Woods requires AL's name in order to conduct his own investigation into the issue. Lastly, Woods cannot obtain (or collect) a judgment against a "John Doe." Thus, he needs AL's identity to obtain a collectable judgment against him.
C. White's Claim That Woods Is Not Entitled to Information Related to the Identity of AL Due to Fear of "Harassment" or "Intimidation" Is UnfoundedLastly, White has refused to provide the identity of AL based on the baseless claim that this information is sought to "harass, intimidate [unnamed] third parties and/or deceased people ... " Weinsten Decl., Para. 6, Ex. E at 7: 13-1 S. This is ridiculous. First of all, if AL is in fact deceased (as White contends), he cannot as a matter of fact (and common sense) be "harassed" or "intimidated." Moreover, White does not indicate who the "third parties" are that would purportedly be "harassed" or "intimidated" should the identity of AL be disclosed. Instead, White's objections are baseless and designed to further obstruct Woods' ability to prosecute his claims. White provides zero evidence that Woods intends to use this information for any other purpose than to prosecute his claims in this lawsuit. As such, White should be compelled to respond to the deposition questions and produce responsive documents.
IV. WHITE'S FAILURE TO PROVIDE ANY JUSTIFICATION FOR HIS FAILURE TO ANSWER DEPOSITION QUESTIONS AND OR PRODUCE DOCUMENTS RESPONSIVE TO THE SUBPOENA WARRANTS AN AWARD OF MONETARY SANCTIONS AGAINST HIMPursuant to Code of Civil Procedure section 2025.480G), where a court concludes that a deponent improperly refused to answer deposition questions, the court must impose monetary sanctions unless the court finds that the losing party "acted with substantial justification" or that there are other circumstances that make the imposition of sanctions improper. California courts may also impose a monetary sanction against a deponent engaging in the misuse of the discovery process by failing to respond to a subpoena. See Cal. Code ofCiv. Pro. § 2023.030(a) ("The court may impose a monetary sanction ordering that one engaging in the misuse of the discovery process ... pay the reasonable expenses, including attorney's fees, incurred by anyone as a result of Vthat conduct. "). A nonparty opposing a motion to compel compliance with a subpoena without substantial justification is also subject to sanctions. See Cal. Code of Civ. Pro. §§ 1987.2(a) ("the court may in its discretion award the amount of the reasonable expenses incurred in making ... the motion, including reasonable attorney's fees, if the court finds the motion was ... opposed in bad faith or without substantial justification."); 2020.030; 2025.480; 2023.01O(d); see also Pers. v. Farmers Ins. Grp. a/Companies, 52 Cal. App. 4th 813, 818 (The Code "authorizes service of a deposition subpoena for the production of documents on a nonparty witness and ... authorize[ s] punishment for 'refusal ... to produce' documents requested in the subpoena.") (emphasis added)
Here, White's refusal to answer Woods' deposition questions was without substantial justification and constituted a misuse of the discovery process pursuant to CCP §§ 2023.010(d) and (e). As such, monetary sanctions are warranted to compensate Woods for the reasonable costs and fees associated with the motion and deposition.
As set forth in the accompanying declaration, the total fees and costs that Woods will incur in connection with this motion are no less than $9,040.55. Weinsten Decl., Paras. 7-9.
V. CONCLUSIONFor the reasons stated herein and in Woods' Separate Statement filed concurrently herewith, White has unjustifiably refused to answer relevant questions during his deposition and produce the relevant documents specified in the Subpoena. As such, Woods respectfully requests that the Court issue an Order directing White to appear and answer the questions set forth in Woods' Separate Statement and to produce all documents specified in the Subpoena at 10:00 a.m. on January 5, 2017. Woods also respectfully requests that the Court award monetary sanctions against White and in favor of Woods in the sum of $9,040.55.
Dated: November 30, 2016
Attorneys for Plaintiff JAMES WOODS
DECLARATION OF MICHAEL E. WEINSTEN1. I am an attorney at law duly qualified to practice before the Courts of the State of California. I am a member of Lavely & Singer Professional Corporation, attorneys of record for Plaintiff JAMES WOODS ("Woods") in this action. The facts stated herein are true and correct and of my own personal knowledge, and if called and sworn as a witness, I could and would testifY competently thereto under oath.
2. Attached hereto as Exhibit "A" is a true and correct copy of an August 26, 2016 email that I received from Kenneth White ("White"), counsel for Defendant JOHN DOE alk/a "Abe List" ("AL") in this action. That same day, during a telephone call with my associate Lindsay Molnar, White claimed that AL had died. However, White would not respond to any of Mrs. Molnar's questions regarding the identity of AL, or how or when AL allegedly died. White also refused to provide any actual documentary evidence that AL was deceased.
3. On November 3, 2016, my firm issued and served a Deposition Subpoena for Personal Appearance and Production of Documents and Things (the "Subpoena") on White. A true and correct copy of the Subpoena is attached hereto as Exhibit "B."
4. On November 9, 2016, White served written objections to the Subpoena, a true and correct copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "C."
5. Attached hereto as Exhibit "D" is a true and correct copy of a November 10, 2016 letter sent by Ms. Molnar to White. White never responded to this letter.
6. On November 14, 2016, Mrs. Molnar took White's deposition pursuant to the Subpoena. White failed and refused to bring any of the documents requested in the Subpoena to the deposition. A true and correct copy of relevant excerpts from the certified transcript of White's deposition is attached hereto as Exhibit "E."
7. Woods has incurred and will incur reasonable costs and attorney fees in connection with Whites deposition and the bringing of this Motion in the amount of $9,040.55, consisting of the following:
(a) Motion filing fee - $60.00
(b) Process server fee - $70.00
(c) Deposition court reporter and transcript fee -- $598,05
(d) Attorney fees - $8,312.50
At the hourly billing rate of $375.00, Mrs. Molnar has spent nine (9) hours meeting and conferring with White, taking White's deposition, and drafting this motion, for a total of $3,375.00 in attorney fees. Additionally, at the hourly billing rate of $400.00, my associate David B. Jonelis has spent five (5) hours drafting and revising this motion, for, a total of $2,000.00 in attorney fees. Additionally, at the hourly billing rate of $625.00, I spent one and a half (1.5) hours reviewing and revising this motion, for a total of $937.50 in attorney fees.
9. Based upon my experience, I anticipate that Mr. Jonelis will spend an additional five (5) hours preparing the reply to this motion and attending the hearing on this motion, for a total of $2,000.00 in attorney fees.
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct.
Executed this 30th day of November, 2016, at Los Angeles, California.
On Aug 26, 2016, at 1:09 PM, Kenneth White <>wrote:
Michael and Lindsay:
There's been a development in the Woods v. Doe matter that I'd like to bring to your attention. I hope that it will permit a resolution. I know you have a brief due soon and I'll stipulate to extending the time to file it while I brief you on it. Please let me know when you are available to talk.
Ken White
Kenneth P. White
Brown White & Osborn LLP
333 S. Hope Street, Suite 4000
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Phone (213) 613-9446
Fax (213) 613-0550
TO: Kenneth P. White, Brown White & Osborn LLP, 333 South Hope Street, 40th Floor, Los Angeles, California 90071
YOU ARE ORDERED TO APPEAR IN PERSON TO TESTIFY AS A WITNESS in this action at the following date, time and place:
Date: November 14, 2016
Time: 11:00 a.m.
Address: LAVELY & SINGER, P.C.
2049 Century Park East, Suite 2400, Los Angeles, California 90067
Date issued: November 9, 2016
Lindsay Molnar, Esq.
Attorneys for Plaintiff James Woods
DEFINITIONS1. The term "DOCUMENT" or "DOCUMENTS" as used herein shall mean and refer t all writings (whether electronic or hard copy) as defined by California Evidence Code section 250 and further includes any and all originals as defined by California Evidence Code section 255 and an and all duplicates as defined by California Evidence Code section 260, as well as all drafts prepare at any time in connection with such DOCUMENTS, within YOUR possession, custody and/or control and/or YOUR agents, attorney, accountants and/or any other PERSON who may act on his behalf excepting only those DOCUMENTS which are privileged or otherwise protected from discovery.
2. Without limiting the foregoing, the term "DOCUMENT" or "DOCUMENTS" as use herein also includes all written, typewritten, printed, electronic and graphic materials of any kind 0 nature, including, but not limited to, correspondence, notes, memoranda, telegrams, cables, telexes telecopies, electronic messages and attachments (including but not limited to email messages an attachments transmitted, received or maintained via websites or internet service providers such Hotmail, Gmail, Earthlink, AOL, Cox, Yahoo, ATT, Comcast, Verizon, Sprint, or any other provide or account) (also including any messages, posts, instant messages, emails, or status updates of an sort sent, received, posted, and/or transmitted via,,, or other internet websites or social networking services), instant messages, text messages, sms messages, weblog posts, posts and/or messages made on the internet or any website, publications contracts, agreements, insurance policies, minutes, interoffice communications, offers, charts, papers records, reports, analyses, studies, books, calendars, diaries, appointment books, statements complaints, filings with any court, tribunal or governmental agency, internal investigations, plans bylaws, corporate minutes, ledgers, transcripts, summaries, agendas, audits, work orders, repair orders, bills, invoices, receipts, estimates, financial records, financial statements, account statements confirmations, performance evaluations, personnel files, diplomas, certificates, instruction manuals policy manuals, bulletins, advertisements, periodicals, accounting records, checks, check stubs, check registers, canceled checks, bank statements, money orders, negotiable instruments, sound recordings films, photographs, mechanical or electronic recordings, tapes, transcriptions, any records of any statement, conversation, telephone call, meeting, event or activity, computer program(s) and data an data processing cards. As used herein, the term "DOCUMENTS" should be construed in its broadest possible sense to include all types of documents and "WRITINGS" as defined by California Evidence Code Section 250, all forms of information retained on any computer or other electronic or magnetic media or memory, all computer diskettes, drives, flash drives, cellular phones, and other memo apparatus containing such information, and any other graphic, printed or typed material of any nature or kind whatsoever.
3. "IDENTIFY," as it relates to a Person, shall mean to state the Person's full name, last known address, last known telephone number, last known company for whom that Person worked and the Person's position with that company. As it relates to a Document, "IDENTIFY" shall me to state the type and title of the Document, its subject matter and bates number, and who ha possession, custody or control of it.
4. The terms "COMMUNICATION" and "COMMUNICATIONS" as used herein shall mean and include every manner or means of disclosure, transfer, communication, or exchange of data and/or information, whether orally, electronically, by DOCUMENT, or in any other manner or whether face to face or by telephone, mail, facsimile, electronic mail, text message, internet posting personal delivery, or otherwise.
REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION1. DOCUMENTS sufficient to IDENTIFY John Doe a/k/a "Abe List", your client and the defendant in the lawsuit captioned James Woods v. John Doe a/k/a "Abe List", which is pending in Los Angeles Superior Court, Case No. BC589746.
2. DOCUMENTS sufficient to IDENTIFY the personal representative of the estate of John Doe a/k/a "Abe List."
KENNETH P. WHITE (Bar No. 173993)
333 South Hope Street, 40th Floor
Los Angeles, California 90071-1406
Telephone: 213.613.0500
Facsimile: 213.613.0550
Attorneys for subpoenaed non-party,
Case No.: BC589746
Date: November 14, 2016
Time: 10:00 a.m.
Place: Lavely & Singer, P.C.
2049 Century Park East, Ste. 2400
Los Angeles, CA 90067
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that non-party Kenneth P. White hereby objects to the Deposition Subpoena for Personal Appearance and Production of Documents and Things, served by Plaintiff James Woods as follows:
Non-party Kenneth P. White objects to the notice of deposition on the grounds that it represents an attempt to depose him on subjects protected by the attorney-client privilege, and is not reasonably calculated to lead to discoverable evidence for use in the case. Its purpose is to harass Mr. White, the late Mr. Doe's family, and to attack the late Mr. Doe's name.
REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION No. 1.:DOCUMENTS sufficient to IDENTIFY John Doe a/k/a "Abe List", your client and the defendant in the lawsuit captioned James woods v. John Doe a/k/a "Abe List", which is pending in Los Angeles Superior Court, Case No. BC589746:
OBJECTION TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION No. 1.:Non-party Kenneth P. White responds as follows: Non-party objects that the request seeks documents protected by the right to privacy and anonymity. Non-party objects that the request is not reasonably calculated to lead to discoverable evidence. for use in the case. Rather, the purpose is to harass Mr. White, the late Mr. Doe's family, and to attack the late Mr. Doe's name.· Non-party objects that the request seeks information covered by the attorney-client privilege. Without waiving the first two objections, Non party rests on the latter objection and will not produce documents.
REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION No. 2.:DOCUMENTS sufficient to IDENTIFY the personal representative of the estate of John Doe a/k/a "Abe List."
OBJECTION TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION No. 1.:Non-party Kenneth P. White responds as follows: Non-party objects that the request seeks documents protected by the right to privacy and anonymity. Non-party objects that the request is not reasonably calculated to lead to discoverable evidence. Rather the purpose is to harass Mr. White, the late Mr. Doe's family, and to attack the late Mr. Doe's name. Non-party objects that the request seeks information covered by the attorney-client privilege. Without waiving the first two objections, Non party rests on the latter objection and will not produce documents.
DATED: November 9, 2016
Attorneys for subpoenaed non-party, KENNETH P. WHITE
I am employed in the County of Los Angeles, State of California. I am over the age of eighteen years and not a party to the within action. My business address is 333 South Hope Street, 40th Floor, Los Angeles, California 90071.
On November 9, 2016, I served the following document(s) described as: NONPARTY KENNETH P. WHITE'S OBJECTION TO DEPOSITION SUBPOENA FOR PERSONAL APPEARANCE AND PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS AND THINGS in this action by placing true copies thereof enclosed in sealed envelopes and/or packages addressed as follows:
Michael E. Weinsten
Lavely & Singer, P.C.
2049 Century Park East, Ste. 2400
Los Angeles, CA 90067
Tel.: (310) 556-3501
Fax: (310) 556-3615
Attorneys for Plaintiff
James Woods
BY ELECTRONIC MAIL: On the above-mentioned date, from Los Angeles, California, I caused each such document to be transmitted electronically to the party(ies) at the e-mail addressees) indicated below. To the best of my knowledge, the transmission was reported as complete, and no error was reported that the electronic transmission was not completed.
STATE: I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct.
Executed on November 9, 2016, at Los Angeles, California.
Letty Perez