The Bollyn Trial, by Christopher Bollyn

Gathered together in one place, for easy access, an agglomeration of writings and images relevant to the Rapeutation phenomenon.

Re: The Bollyn Trial, by Christopher Bollyn

Postby admin » Tue Oct 03, 2017 12:32 am

How the Undercover Hit Squad Hijacked the 911 Call
by Christopher Bollyn
August 15, 2006

The three-man undercover tactical squad of Michael Barber, Timothy Stoy, and Darin Felgenhauer hijacked the response to Bollyn's 911 call taking it from the properly uniformed police officer named Fitzgerald, who had originally been dispatched. (Barber, it should be noted, is an agent of Michael Chertoff's Department of Homeland Security and served as an agent of DHS in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina.) Barber's hijacking of the 911 response was clearly meant to provoke Bollyn because the unmarked undercover car with three armed men prowling his neighborhood was precisely the car that concerned Bollyn and that had prompted his 911 call.

The transcript in which Barber and Felgenhauer ask to be sent to Bollyn's house is here.

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Re: The Bollyn Trial, by Christopher Bollyn

Postby admin » Tue Oct 03, 2017 2:16 am

Christopher Bollyn: The Man Who Solved 9/11
by Know More News
Sep 22, 2017

Investigative journalist, 9/11 researcher, and author Christopher Bollyn sits down with Adam Green and Know More News for an exclusive interview.

We discuss:

His Books and Tour
Israeli Role in 9/11
Predictive Programming
Alex Jones controlled opposiiton
and much more!

Buy Christopher Bollyns Books!
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