Nazis Treat Trial in Charlottesville Like a Joke

Gathered together in one place, for easy access, an agglomeration of writings and images relevant to the Rapeutation phenomenon.

Re: Nazis Treat Trial in Charlottesville Like a Joke

Postby admin » Sat Nov 27, 2021 4:00 am

Unite the Right verdict sends an urgent message
by Frida Ghitis
Updated 6:20 PM ET, Wed November 24, 2021

Frida Ghitis, (@fridaghitis) a former CNN producer and correspondent, is a world affairs columnist. She is a weekly opinion contributor to CNN, a contributing columnist to The Washington Post and a columnist for World Politics Review. The views expressed in this commentary are her own. View more opinion on CNN.

(CNN)For those of us who are growing increasingly worried about the prospect of even more deadly political violence in the United States, Tuesday's verdict by a Charlottesville jury -- which held extreme far-right leaders and groups that organized and participated in the violent 2017 rally liable for more than $26 million in damages -- came as very welcome news.

The defendants were found liable on state conspiracy and other claims, though the jury said it could not reach a verdict on two federal conspiracy claims. Still, it's a good day when some of the worst people in the country are held accountable and slapped with potentially crippling financial penalties.

The threat is far from over. But even if defendants don't come up with the millions the jury assessed against them, or the damages are reduced by the court, the trial and its outcome sent a signal that in America, there will be accountability after all for those awful summer days, a message that has been much too scarce since political violence started surging in the past few years.

The money may never come, and the ideology will not disappear. But this trial should accomplish at least two important goals. First, it should make others planning to make such a brazen public display of the horrifying views think twice.

Second, it establishes clearly and incontrovertibly that what occurred in Charlottesville in 2017, a landmark moment in US history, is an affront to the country's values, enlarging Americans' understanding of the violent threat posed by right-wing extremism, by making clear what the violence in Charlottesville was all about.

That event was not the first far-right attack in the US, but it opened the gates further and in a new way to displays of armed political radicalism, a threat that has been growing and accelerating, culminating in the January 6 attack on the Capitol, a coup attempt, in my view.

The events in Charlottesville on August 11 and 12, 2017, are seared in the minds of many Americans. It was the first year of a presidency that had excited far-right extremists. The march through the grounds of the University of Virginia looked and sounded like something out of 1930s Nazi Germany, with tiki torches and shouts of "Jews will not replace us," "Blood and soil," and stiff-armed Nazi-style salutes.

The moment seemed to confirm our worst fears. The day after that spine-chilling march, violent clashes between racists and anti-racists turned deadly when one of the defendants rammed his car into a crowd of counterprotesters, killing one and injuring several of the people now turned plaintiffs in this lawsuit.

After the Unite the Right rally, Americans -- and the rest of the world -- heard the former president speak out of both sides of his mouth, struggling to criticize the extremists among his supporters to the delight of neo-Nazis. He finally managed to condemn them, but not without declaring that there were "some very fine people on both sides."

During the trial, jurors came face-to-face with the repugnant views of the defendants. These views are protected by the First Amendment, but the Constitution does not permit violence or conspiracy. "This is going to be a violent summer," texted the once-far-right icon Richard Spencer two months before the rally. (Spencer has said the trial has been "financially crippling.") On a far-right message board, a man calling himself "JUDENJAGER," Jew Hunter in German, wrote, "we are gonna see some serious brawls at cville and we'll see blood on some of these white polos lol."

In these proceedings, some of the defendants spoke admiringly of Hitler and repeatedly uttered the n-word. One of the attorneys deliberately used the word k--e, an antisemitic slur, in an effort to "desensitize the jury," he explained.

The evidence was overwhelming. The jury found that five far-right groups should pay $1 million each, and a dozen defendants should pay $500,000 apiece, in punitive damages for participating in a civil conspiracy.

America -- and the world -- need to hear the message of accountability this jury has sent. After Charlottesville, far-right extremists became even deadlier. The next year, a man shouting "All Jews must die!" burst into a synagogue in Pittsburgh and opened fire, killing 11 people. The year after that, a man who police say told them he was targeting Mexicans allegedly shot and killed 23 people in a Walmart in El Paso, Texas.

Before long, armed militias were everywhere, protesting pandemic restrictions and demonstrating in support for former President Trump's bogus claims about the election. Militia members planned to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.

The FBI says racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists (RMVES) pose the greatest terrorist threat to the nation, and it found that January 6 "demonstrates a willingness by some to use violence," to achieve political goals.

America is also awash in weapons, and many of those weapons are in the hands of far-right militants ready to use them for political purposes. "When do we get to use the guns," asked an activist during a recent event by the right-wing youth group Turning Point USA. "I mean, literally, where's the line?" he asked again, "How many elections are they going to steal before we kill these people?"

If this is not frightening enough, consider what we have seen during this very unusual week.

In an odd coincidence, three separate trials all dealing with the tensions and the violence that have erupted in this country in recent years, reached a climax. In addition to Charlottesville, there's the conviction of three White men in Georgia for the murder of Ahmaud Arbery, an unarmed Black man they chased down. And then there was the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse, the teenager who showed up at an anti-racism protest armed with an assault rifle, which he used to kill two protesters in what he said was self-defense, a claim the jury accepted in their acquittal of him on all charges.

There's no evidence that Rittenhouse was an extremist, but this is a young man who -- let's say this again -- shot and killed two people. And despite the tragic outcome of his actions, Rittenhouse has become a hero in the eyes of many. His apotheosis included a meeting with the idol of the right, former President Donald Trump, at Mar-a-Lago. In a normal, stable society, he would have gone home and kept quiet, counting himself lucky not to spend the rest of his life in prison. His backers surely would have breathed a sigh of relief and perhaps tried to change the subject.

His actions, using a firearm in the middle of a political protest, are being touted as inspiration. Members of Congress are competing to bring him onto their staffs. One of those members, Rep. Madison Cawthorn, told his followers after Rittenhouse's acquittal: "You have a right to defend yourselves. Be armed, be dangerous and be moral."

The threats posed by extremist rhetoric and violence have not vanished, but in an environment like the one we're living in, the Charlottesville victory was important. Coming just before Thanksgiving, it gives one more reason to celebrate, however cautiously, during these perilous times.
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Re: Nazis Treat Trial in Charlottesville Like a Joke

Postby admin » Thu Jan 06, 2022 10:05 pm

School Official Gets DEATH THREATS For Investigating Neo-Nazi Students
by the Young Turks
Jan 3, 2022

A group of teenagers from a California high school were pictured with prominent swastikas drawn all over their bodies, prompting an investigation by their school’s superintendent. As it turns out, the superintendent, her family, and her colleagues have been receiving death threats almost daily. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian discuss on The Young Turks. Watch LIVE weekdays 6-8 pm ET.

Read more HERE:

"A school superintendent from California said she's been "subjected to death threats on a daily basis" after launching an investigation into a photo showing a group of students posing with swastikas drawn on their bodies.

"This has been one of the most traumatizing experiences in my life and in the lives of my colleagues," said Wheatland Union High School District Superintendent Nicole Newman on in a video shared to Facebook on Thursday.

She and her colleagues have also received "threats that are aimed against our families," Newman added in the video.

The photo, showing eight white students with thick, black swastikas painted onto their torsos, went viral on social media. The students, some of whom are holding alcoholic beverages, appear to be at a house party. The students attend Wheatland Union High School, Newman confirmed."


A California school superintendent said she's been 'subjected to death threats on a daily basis' since launching an investigation into a photo of students posing with swastikas drawn on their bodies
by Yelena Dzhanova
Jan 2, 2022, 7:07 AM

* A California school superintendent said she's facing death threats after announcing an investigation into students posing with swastikas.

* Nicole Newman said she saw a photo of Wheatland Union High School students with thick, black swastikas painted onto their torsos.

*"This has been one of the most traumatizing experiences in my life and in the lives of my colleagues," she said.

A school superintendent from California said she's been "subjected to death threats on a daily basis" after launching an investigation into a photo showing a group of students posing with swastikas drawn on their bodies.

"This has been one of the most traumatizing experiences in my life and in the lives of my colleagues," said Wheatland Union High School District Superintendent Nicole Newman on in a video shared to Facebook on Thursday.

She and her colleagues have also received "threats that are aimed against our families," Newman added in the video.

The photo, showing eight white students with thick, black swastikas painted onto their torsos, went viral on social media. The students, some of whom are holding alcoholic beverages, appear to be at a house party. The students attend Wheatland Union High School, Newman confirmed.

"When I first saw them, I was profoundly disturbed and heartbroken. I knew just how much pain these images were going to cause our community," Newman said.

The students have been disciplined, according to the Sacramento Bee. But details of the consequences they are expected to face were not publicly shared for legal reasons.

Newman said the video message posted on Thursday would be the last public update on the case "as we cannot legally go into detail regarding the discipline of these students."

"There is no denying that, the choices made by the students in the picture were hurtful and deeply troubling. Their actions do not represent who we are as a school district and community," Newman said in a separate statement on December 23.

Newman said she'd reach out to elected officials and "key community stakeholders" to "begin the process of having a broader community conversation about how we can work together to prevent this type of issue from ever happening again."
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Re: Nazis Treat Trial in Charlottesville Like a Joke

Postby admin » Sat Jul 29, 2023 12:12 am

Expert GOES UNDERCOVER and EXPOSES Recruitment Tactics of Dangerous Extremist Groups
Kristofer Goldsmith* [The Neo-Nazi Hunter: “A few years ago, a friend of mine that I served with called me up and said, ‘Hey, Goldie, I joined a neo-Nazi organization, and I want you to help me take them down.’” —Kristofer Goldsmith, Founder of Task Force Butler. Veteran Kristofer Goldsmith fought in Iraq. Now he brings his fight to the far right at home. Founder of the nonprofit Task Force Butler, Goldsmith works with other veterans to infiltrate neo-Nazi hate groups and compile evidence to stop them.]
Jul 27, 2023

Against All Enemies is a YouTube/podcast series and upcoming documentary film about threats to American democracy. In today’s episode, Thomas Rousseau, of the violent white nationalist street gang Patriot Front, is exposed as a failed leader of a dangerous cult. Learn more about how these white nationalist and fascist street gangs are shot through with pedophiles and murderers in our earlier episode:


Goldsmith CEO of task force Butler at
both against all enemies and task force
bottom lawyer we're focused on making
sure you're informed about the
persistent threat of neo-nazi's fascist
street gangs and extremists militia
as we're going to show you today the
radicalization pipeline is taking angry
young white men and juicing them up on
grievances hyping them on militant
versions of masculinity and gun culture
and turning them back into our society
there's a generation of Timothy
mcveigh's and Dylan roofs being groomed
for violence and they're just one bad
day away from being our next Mass
today we're going to make sure you know
about Patriot front leader Thomas
Rousseau and the Nazis who follow him
break the law under his orders and go to
jail to impress him you might have seen
last week that five members of patriot
front were convicted for conspiracy to
Riot in Idaho Rousseau and 30 other
members of his Neo-Nazi gang were
arrested last summer as they were
preparing to attack a pride event in
Coeur d'Alene
they were convicted thanks to Rousseau
writing down that plan to attack people
and carrying that plan with him for the
police to find when they were arrested
Rousseau is 25 and grew up middle class
in Texas Thomas Rousseau is also a
committed white supremacist who hangs
out with pedophiles and murderers
to be clear those are not the opinions
of myself or of task force Butler those
are proven facts with documentary
evidence and multiple convictions to
back up the statements
I'll address those facts very soon but
first Thomas Rousseau
Rousseau began showing signs of white
nationalist beliefs as a young teenager
by High School the FBI had picked up on
his racist organizing across Texas
and as infamy grew as he emerged as a
leader of the white nationalist gang
Vanguard America
in 2017 Rousseau's role as a leader in
Vanguard America also meant he was a
leading organizer behind the deadly
Charlottesville unite the right Neo-Nazi
rally just a moment to define the terms
we're using here because extremists have
done a pretty good job of blurring the
when we say white nationalist we're not
talking about people who are patriotic
and happen to be white
Senator tuberville this note is for you
to be a white nationalist means to be an
advocate for genocide the force removal
or mass murder of people of color this
is the definition of genocide and
genocide is the only way to achieve an
ethno State a white nationalist is a
genocidal Maniac Okay tuberville
and when we say Nazi we're not using
hyperbole we're talking about national
socialism the far-right totalitarian
political ideology and practices
associated with Adolf Hitler and the
Nazi party in Nazi Germany again we're
talking about people who want to see our
government commit genocide against our
own people Jews people of color the
lgbtq community and others this is what
we're talking about when we say Patriot
front is a white nationalist gang of
neo-nazis now that we have that cleared
up remember when I said Thomas Rousseau
Pals around with child sex predators and
here's where so in his Vanguard America
uniform leading Vanguard America as
their so-called ground Commander during
the unite the right rally with James
James Fields is the man who murdered
Heather heyer and injured over a dozen
when he rammed a car into a crowd during
the reunite the right protests
in the weeks following the attack
Rousseau claimed that Fields wasn't a
Vanguard America member which is a
pretty classic are you going to believe
me or Your Lying Eyes defense
there's ample documentary evidence of
fields in the Vanguard America uniform
getting invited to the Neo-Nazi rally to
march with Vanguard America
being in Vanguard America private chats
standing with other Vanguard America
members and carrying a shield with the
Vanguard America emblem right before he
murdered someone
unite the right had the exact opposite
effect for the assortment of deplorables
that gathered in Charlottesville then
the name of the Neo-Nazi rally sought to
achieve Vanguard America like other
far-right groups that showed up they're
splintered in effect that was
accelerated by Rousseau's paranoid
immature leadership style
rosette was actually been pretty
successful in projecting The Narrative
that Vanguard America dissolved into
chaos and ceased to exist end of story
but the true story is that rasoja seized
control of the organization its online
servers its members and then rebranded
it into a totally new organization
Patriot front
Vanguard America is Patriot front
Patriot front is Vanguard America
Patriot front has emerged as a National
Domestic threat with membership that
have been active across all of the lower
48. they've been showing up at
anti-abortion rallies Jewish synagogues
black lives matter protests and lgbtq
pride events
Patriot front members still to this day
communicate using Vanguard America's
server which is named blood and soil and
that's a direct undiluted callback to
Nazi Germany
Rousseau and Patriot front equate the
white European identity to the right to
inherit American soil
Rousseau is completely lacking in any
original thought and has nothing to
offer in his critiques of American
in his writings about the so-called
silent majority after the 2016 election
Rousseau sounds like he's openly
cribbing from 1980s Pat Buchanan just
very poorly
here's what he had to say in Fall 2016.
the truth is white voters especially the
working class have had more than enough
of being called racist sexist xenophobic
islamophobic homophobic and the rest of
the trite usual buzzwords
now keep in mind Rousseau is saying this
in the context of Trump's candidacy
being built around being openly all of
those things
Russo continues whining and saying quote
The Forgotten majority of the American
electorate has shown that much to the
dismay of the globalist agenda that they
have not been replaced by the tens of
millions of blue voting immigrants from
abroad that they can still hold up some
semblance of resistance against the
decay of their Nation
from the globalist agenda to the
replacement Theory to the championing of
the underclass Rousseau is the epitome
of what a dumb person thinks a smart
person sounds like
now I know Rousseau's Cadence voice and
manner of speaking are extraordinarily
but I'm only exposing you to a few
minutes of this clown so bear with me as
we make a point here
here he is at a recent DC rally we're
called the greatest threat there is a
threat we pose but not to the people we
threaten only the Intolerable conditions
which allow our highest offices to be
filled with career criminals and
plutocritic scum
here in the city that does not deserve
Washington's Name
by political prisoners
many of whom were tried and found guilty
by the media long before the courts had
any say
so charged with obstructing democracy
left of a democracy to obstruct we ask
how can one betray a democracy which no
longer exists
how can one be a traitor against a
liberal fantasy to which he was never
let them call us their slurs
insurrectionists supremacist the list
gets longer by the day we seek not
Insurrection but Resurrection we seek
not Supremacy but sovereignty
Patriot front is Thomas Rousseau's
personal cult it's his Cult of aggrieved
marginal owners who buy into his shtick
because name-dropping Thomas Paine is
very impressive to people who've never
read a book before
I know because 15 years ago when I was
freshly out of the service and
struggling with PTSD it hadn't yet been
to school that was me
I know from being an ultra conservative
Ron Paul supporter back in 2008 when I
was in seriously rough shape after
coming home from Iraq how important and
intelligent people can sound when they
rattle off quotes from the founding
fathers my personal instability and my
desire to find purpose in a new
patriotism made me an easy mark back
then it made me easy to manipulate
back then was when Elmer Stewart Rhodes
was using the same exact rhetoric and
his connection to the Ron Paul campaign
to lure disaffected veterans Into The
Oath Keepers
I know what it's like to be ripe for
radicalization because I was there
but what's important to realize is that
aggrieved marginal loaners can and do
commit real harm when they adopt
ideologies promoted by groups like
Patriot front and join those Neo-Nazi
Dylan roof killed nine black people in a
church in Charleston South Carolina
here he is wearing a jacket of the flag
of apartheid era South Africa and
Rhodesia two aggressively racist states
that have become the rallying cries for
white supremacists who want to
accelerate the arrival of an American
race war
the average Patriot front member has
given up their families and friends as
they put themselves at legal risk
because of their association with
Rousseau and his violent cult
and like so many Cults they're being
used to provide Financial comfort for
their cult leader like I said before
many are just a single bad day away from
being a mass shooter in a country
swimming with guns we have these
isolated weirdos who are being brought
into what is essentially a cult that
they have to pay to be members of
Thomas Rousseau has taken from Joseph
Goebbels of Nazi Germany to build a
sophisticated media production system
with an Affiliated LLC called media to
he has explicitly said that their
energetic use of video and social media
is so-called marketing for Patriot front
so we have this kid who's taking lessons
from Mussolini and Hitler on how to
build a fascist movement and then is
marrying it with Kim Kardashian's
influencer lessons to Rebrand white
supremacy by painting it red white and
except Thomas Rousseau is a failed
leader most of the young men who become
members of patriot front don't stick
around for very long they might still be
neo-nazis and they might still be white
supremacists but dealing with Rousseau's
immaturity his paranoia his grifting
behavior as he funds his lifestyle buff
by leeching off of their effort it sucks
for the average Patriot front member and
they leave
how do we know this a task force Butler
because we've infiltrated Patriot front
numerous times we've been undercover as
full-blown members we've shown up to
their functions both invited and well
not so invited we regularly receive tips
from an interview former Patriot front
members who regret being a part of the
group and want to make things right and
of course we've analyzed hundreds of
gigs of data when groups like unicorn
ride gain access to and release their
confidential Communications
using our inside knowledge task force
Butler literally wrote the book on
taking down Patriot front using civil
suits and criminal prosecutions it's
called project blacklisted and you can
learn more about that on our website
within weeks of sharing the project
blacklisted Report with the lawyers
committee for civil rights under law
that group was able to use our analysis
to help them file a lawsuit against
Rousseau some of his top lieutenants and
members in Virginia and that's for their
conspiracy to engage in a campaign of
racial intimidation and to destroy
murals depicting black excellence
Patriot front is at its core a
multi-level marketing scheme for a
racist boy from Texas but that doesn't
mean that it's harmless
when someone spends time in Patriot
front they get the rush of being part of
Rousseau's spectacle when they go out in
their little silly parades but they're
also trained in street fighting tactics
Communications Recruitment and how to
avoid detection as they commit hate
crimes now just think about this for a
moment there are neo-nazis out there who
meet this guy Russo and find that he's
too toxic to be around
after a few months they leave
that's what happens with Thomas Rousseau
and Patriot front his behavior may drive
them out but they're not leaving the
white supremacist cause Patriot front is
a pipeline that feeds the rest of the
fascist street gangs and white
supremacist groups throughout the
country right now we're also watching a
lot of the fascist street gangs evolved
from the al-Qaeda model to the Isis
from Big top-down organizational
leadership structure to semi-independent
local cells
for as long as it's existed Patriot
front has been spinning off other
smaller local and Regional Neo-Nazi
organizations like nsc131 who've been
terrorizing New England
through Thomas Rousseau Patriot front
also functions as part of a broader
white supremacist Terror Network that
includes organizations such as white
lives matter National Justice party
nationalist Social Club active clubs the
rise above movement the Aryan Freedom
Network and Blood Tribe just to name a
in multiple task force Butler reports on
Patriot front we've documented where
these extraordinarily violent groups are
coordinating tax on communities of color
lgbtq folks and anyone who might wind up
in their path when they're out dressed
up in their Best Buy uniforms now
while they may look Goofy they're kind
of doing that on purpose while they're
distracting you with their Best Buy
cosplay they're also carrying deadly
metal weapons and they're wearing armor
because they're looking to physically
assault anyone who might bump into them
so here's what we want you to take away
from this today
when you see someone say well we can't
see their faces how many of them there
are or they look like they work at Best
Buy they're not that scary or you see
someone who you know who's fallen into
the maggot disinformation bubble say
something to the effect of oh they're
undercover feds there aren't real Nazi
organizations in the U.S
this is what you need to know
patriotfront is a violent terrorist
racketeering gang that primarily
functions to plan train and manufacture
weapons for the explicit purpose of
engaging in acts of violence and
harassment against minorities the lgbtq
plus community and others deemed enemies
by Patriot fronts leader Thomas Ryan
Russo their goal is to inspire
terrorists School shooters and other
Predators who want to destroy our
country using genocide
Russo likes to wrap himself up in
self-aggrandizing pseudo-intellectual
double speak and compare their wearing
of masks to that of the Boston Tea Party
and how they dressed up as Native
Rousseau claims that they're disguising
themselves to engage in so-called
activism that their criminality is
actually an expression of patriotism
that goes back to the founding fathers
this is garbage when a thief wears a
mask to rob a bank it's not an
expression of their patriotism or their
bravery standing up against a tyrannical
they're wearing masks because they're
criminals doing crimes and they don't
want to get caught
Ry front members wear masks to deceive
you and make you think that their
numbers are greater than they actually
we know from being inside the
organization that they bulk up local
actions by getting an assortment of
white supremacists from other
organizations to mask up with them and
wear those clownish uniforms just for
that one day
Patriot front members wear masks because
they're cowards they know that if
they're identified as part of a Neo-Nazi
organization that they're going to face
consequences at work at school with
their families and with their local
communities and finally Patriot front
members wear masks because they've been
diluted into thinking that Thomas
Rousseau's pathetic little cult is going
to give them a sense of purpose and
it doesn't Rousseau is a grifter coward
who is playing on people's fears and
grievances for his own personal and
economic gain
that is what Patriot front members tell
he may love to play dress-up and wreck
other white supremacist lives by
convincing them to break laws to impress
him but that doesn't make him less
dangerous because when Patriot front
members are eventually identified and
they're completely isolated from their
friends and family all they have left is
Rousseau and his cult that's why he
wants them to get arrested so he can
control them and so that they feel like
they have no choice but to send Rousseau
money to subsidize his lifestyle
now remember when I said that Thomas
Rousseau hangs out with pedophiles and
murderers we introduced you to the
murderous James Fields now let me
introduce you to Patriot front member
Jared Michael Boyce he was one of those
guys picked up in Idaho a few months ago
and he pleaded guilty to nine felony
counts of sexual exploitation of a minor
and a misdemeanor count of dealing in
material that's harmful to minors
we've recently covered the amount of
pedophilia in the white supremacist and
fascist street gangs you can find the
link in today's show notes
the five members of patriot front who
were just convicted last week Forest
Rankin Devon Center Derek Smith James
Michael Johnson and Robert Whitted they
will for the rest of their lives be
unable to scrub off the stink of Thomas
Ryan Russo
never be confused Thomas Rousseau is a
thug leading a gang of thugs who want to
terrorize our society into submission
because they truly believe in their
fever dream of a white ethno state
a task force Butler we're regularly
infiltrating their networks and imposing
legal real world costs on them there are
about two dozen more members of patriot
front who will be facing trial on those
same charges as part of the same
conspiracy to Riot including their
leader Thomas Rousseau and our research
and Reporting is helping to make sure
that they get convicted
every day a task force Butler we're
making it harder for them to fundraise
train and organize
and in order to do that work we need
your support
against all enemies is produced by Ken
Harbaugh in partnership with task force
baller our team includes our producer
Michael L cessor and the task force
Butler volunteer researchers who provide
much of the Intel and Analysis that will
be bringing straight to you in this new
show come back tomorrow for another
against all enemies please like And
subscribe to this Channel and share this
video with three friends who you know
care about democracy
and check us out at taskforce
see you soon
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Posts: 36303
Joined: Thu Aug 01, 2013 5:21 am

Re: Nazis Treat Trial in Charlottesville Like a Joke

Postby admin » Sun Apr 28, 2024 1:32 am

Barr: Trump Brought Up ‘Things Like’ Executing Rivals a Lot
by William Vaillancourt
Fri, 26 April 2024 at 9:42 pm GMT ... 57189.html

Bill Barr, Donald Trump’s former attorney general who once said that voting for the indicted ex-president would be “playing Russian roulette with the country,” stood by his decision to vote for Trump in November while also suggesting that Trump used to regularly float the idea of executing his political rivals while in office.

Barr made the nonchalant admission Friday during a CNN interview
when anchor Kaitlan Collins mentioned former Trump White House communications director Alyssa Farah Griffin claiming that Barr was present in the summer of 2020 when Trump suggested that an unknown White House leaker should be executed.

“I remember him being very mad about that. I actually don’t remember him saying ‘executing,’ but I wouldn‘t dispute it, you know… The president would lose his temper and say things like that. I doubt he would’ve actually carried it out,” Barr said.

Collins then questioned whether Trump would say things like that “on other occasions.”

Barr responded that people would sometimes take Trump “too literally.”

“He would say things similar to that on occasions to blow off steam
. But I wouldn’t take them literally every time he did it,” he acknowledged.

Rumination increased rather than decreased anger and aggression. Doing nothing at all was more effective than venting anger. These results directly contradict catharsis theory.

The belief in the value of venting anger has become widespread in our culture. In movies, magazine articles, and even on billboards, people are encouraged to vent their anger and “blow off steam.” For example, in the movie Analyze This, a psychiatrist (played by Billy Crystal) tells his New York gangster client (played by Robert De Niro), “You know what I do when I’m angry? I hit a pillow. Try that.” The client promptly pulls out his gun, points it at the couch, and fires several bullets into the pillow. “Feel better?” asks the psychiatrist....

The theory of catharsis is one popular and authoritative statement that venting one’s anger will produce a positive improvement in one’s psychological state. The word catharsis comes from the Greek word katharsis, which literally translated means a cleansing or purging. According to catharsis theory, acting aggressively or even viewing aggression is an effective way to purge angry and aggressive feelings.

Sigmund Freud believed that repressed negative emotions could build up inside an individual and cause psychological symptoms, such as hysteria (nervous outbursts). Breuer and Freud (1893-1895/1955) proposed that the treatment of hysteria required the discharge of the emotional state previously associated with trauma. They claimed that for interpersonal traumas, such as insults and threats to the ego, emotional expression could be obtained through direct aggression: “The reaction of an injured person to a trauma has really only . . . a ‘cathartic’ effect if it is expressed in an adequate reaction like revenge” (p. PAGE?). Breuer and Freud believed that expressing anger was much better than bottling it up inside.

Freud’s therapeutic ideas on emotional catharsis form the basis of the hydraulic model of anger. The hydraulic model suggests that frustrations lead to anger and that anger, in turn, builds up inside an individual, similar to hydraulic pressure inside a closed environment, until it is released in some way. If people do not let their anger out but try to keep it bottled up inside, it will eventually cause them to explode in an aggressive rage. The modern theories of catharsis are based on this model. Catharsis is seen as a way of relieving the pressure that the anger creates inside the psyche. The core idea is that it is better to let the anger out here and there in little bits as opposed to keeping it inside as it builds up to the point at which a more dangerous explosion results.

If venting really does get anger “out of your system,” then venting should decrease aggression because people are less angry. Almost as soon as psychology researchers began conducting scientific tests of catharsis theory, the theory ran into trouble....

pounding nails should reduce subsequent aggression. The results showed the opposite effect. The people who had hammered the nails were more (rather than less) hostile toward the confederate afterward than were the ones who did not get to pound any nails....

venting anger does not reduce aggression. If anything, they concluded, it makes people more aggressive afterward. More recent research has come to similar conclusions... venting anger can reduce physiological arousal but people must express their anger directly against the provocateur. People also must believe that the provocateur will not retaliate. Venting against substitute targets does not reduce arousal....

Cognitive neoassociation theory posits that aggressive thoughts are linked together in memory, thereby forming an associative network. Once an aggressive thought is processed or stimulated, activation spreads out along the network links and primes or activates associated thoughts as well. Not only are associated aggressive thoughts linked together in memory but thoughts are also linked along the same sort of associative lines to emotional reactions and action tendencies (Bower, 1981; Lang, 1979). Thus, the activation of aggressive thoughts can engender a complex of associations consisting of aggressive ideas, emotions related to violence, and the impetus for aggressive actions.

Cognitive neoassociation theory predicts that venting should increase rather than decrease angry feelings and aggressive behaviors. Venting involves behaving aggressively, often against “safe” inanimate objects....In essence, venting is practicing how to behave aggressively. Such aggressive activity should prime aggressive thoughts, feelings, and behavioral tendencies, especially if the people think about the source of their anger while venting. Thus, venting should keep angry feelings active in memory and also should increase the likelihood of subsequent aggressive responses.

-- Does Venting Anger Feed or Extinguish the Flame? Catharsis, Rumination, Distraction, Anger, and Aggressive Responding, by Brad J. Bushman, Iowa State University, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin

“Why not?” Collins pressed.

“Because at the end of the day, it wouldn’t be carried out and you could talk sense into him,” Barr argued, prompting Collins to counter that an unexecuted order doesn’t remove the threat.

Barr insisted that there was no threat.

“I don‘t think the threat is there. The thing that I worry about President Trump is not that he’s going to become an autocrat and do those kinds of things,” Barr said.

When Collins inquired as to why Barr believes that, and whether or not it’s a “hunch,” Barr responded that it was just his “feeling.”

“Having worked for him and seen him in action, I don’t think he would actually go and kill political rivals and things like that,” Barr claimed.

Later in the interview, Collins read aloud Trump’s mocking response to Barr following his endorsement. Barr replied by effectively kowtowing: “Classic Trump,” he said.

The “real threat to Democracy,” Barr claimed, came from the Biden administration, as opposed to the former president who has been indicted for his role in the Jan. 6 insurrection.
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