Trump Threatens Colorado Supreme Ct. After Disqualification

Gathered together in one place, for easy access, an agglomeration of writings and images relevant to the Rapeutation phenomenon.

Trump Threatens Colorado Supreme Ct. After Disqualification

Postby admin » Sat Dec 23, 2023 1:22 am

Trump THREATENS Colorado Supreme Court after DISQUALIFICATION
by Ben Meiselas
Dec 22, 2023

MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports on how Donald Trump is amplifying threats and attacks on the Colorado Supreme Court Justices who ruled against him in the constitutional disqualification case.


The Colorado Supreme Court Justices who
ruled that Donald Trump is disqualified
from the 2024 ballot, are now facing
death threats, and other very serious
threats to their well-being, as a result
of Donald Trump posting images of them
on his social media platform, and other
MAGA influencers and Republican leaders
posting images of them, and attacking
them. Let's take a look at Donald Trump's
post on his social media platform. The
responses to those posts, I want to show
you a few other posts that Trump is
making, then I want to show you what
President Biden's been doing at the
exact same time, so you can see a
contrast. Here is what Donald
Trump is posting. He goes:

[Donald Trump] A sad day in

And then somebody else posts:

[Jean Mars] Communist Thugs Democrats dressed up as
justices in Colorado. Where's the crime?

[Ben Meiselas] And Donald Trump reposts that right
there from this uh account, and then
shows the photographs of the Colorado
justices, Supreme Court Justices, who
ruled against him. Donald Trump then
posts again other accounts that are
attacking these Colorado Supreme Court
Justices. Someone writes:

[Explore Express] A group of
kangaroo legal justice system "THUGS" that
weaponized the real America's justice
system with an all hands on deck to get

[Ben Meiselas] And it's that image that now
Donald Trump is spreading of the four
Colorado Supreme Court Justices, that
says, "Colorado Democrat Activist Justices.
Election Interference," on this photo. It
also has some of the other prosecutors
and judges who Donald Trump is
attacking their families, and their
loved ones and friends, and their
lives as well. You see Donald Trump posts
the photo again. And just take a look at,
I looked literally for a minute
at some of the the comments, and I could
have posted or talked about hundreds of
these comments right here, but it was so
sickening that I just stopped. There's a
broader report that I'm going to share
with you in a moment, but here's what I
found in basically the first minute, the
two minutes, and I just said, "All right,
enough. I'm not looking at this anymore."
You'll get the point though.
Someone writes, for example Kevo197369
writes: "Time to take out the trash, these
scumbags need to be brought to justice."
Another account goes: "Those four are in
deep trouble!" This account, Candy1958
says, "GITMO has their rooms ready."

A lot of
people comparing them to Satan.
Someone someone by the name of MAGApostle
goes: "4 sulfuric balloons
have sold their souls to Satan for a
bile stained robe and massive worldwide
ridicule for their freshman law student
homage to George Soros." They've got to
make it like anti-semitic, and
somehow claim that this is a Soros
plot, because this is what MAGA
Republicans do. This other account goes:

[Trending water] Time to protest in front of some houses!

These other accounts are saying,

"Leadvitamin] That's
treason against the people, and why the
second amendment was written. These
people should pay the price of treason.

[Ben Meiselas] A
death threat right there. Someone else

[mdn4] Pretty sure they won't be smiling
for their Gitmo mug shot.

Another account

[NJPatriot61] a liberal Jew and 3 white

So you see these hateful and kind of
anti-Semitic accounts that Donald Trump
is amplifying. Some of these accounts,
like the one that says "Communist Thug
Democrats," and you know, when you get a
repost like Donald Trump on his social
media platform for that, then others join
in. And this is the MAGA movement. I mean,
this is who they are.

When we talk about
the various court cases involving Donald
Trump, I mean, just think about him the
only judge Donald Trump doesn't attack
is Judge Aileen Cannon, who does his
bidding. But let's just take a look at
New York attorney General civil fraud
case: he goes after New York attorney
General Leticia James. He goes out after
the Judge Justice Arthur Engoran. He goes
after Justice Arthur Engoran's
principal law clerk. I'm not going to say
her name here, but I know her name. Why
would I know the name of a Judge's
principal law clerk in a case but for
the fact that Donald Trump attacks her?
There has to be a gag order in that case
because Donald Trump keeps on attacking
the principal law Clerk, and he spreads
defamatory statements that she's
involved, like, in a relationship with
Chuck Schumer. Donald Trump attacks
Justice Arthur Engoran's wife, and
claims a Twitter account that's not
Judge Engoran's wife's Twitter account,
is Judge Engoran's wife, and use that to
attack, and threaten Judge Engoran's
wife. He attacks judge Arthur Engoran's
kids. I mean, I know Judge Engoran's
kids' names. Why are we talking
about the kids of Judges, the wives of
Judges, the principal law clerks -- Donald Trump

I could do this in any
Court, by the way. You go to the
Washington DC criminal case. He attacks
Special Counsel Jack Smith. He attacks
Special Counsel Jack Smith's wife. He
attacks federal Judge Tanya Chutkan. He
attacks federal judge Tanya Chutkan's dad.
I could do this in
literally every single -- Manhattan district
attorney goes, he goes after Manhattan District
Attorney's family. The E. Gene Carroll
case. He attacks E. Gene Carol, attacks E. Gene
Carroll's lawyer, he attacks the way E. Gene
Carroll's lawyer looks, he attacks federal
judge Kaplan in the E. Gene Carroll case.

want to go to Central District of
Florida, I mean, Central District of
California, Southern division. Remember
a year and a half ago a a Judge, David
Carter, ruled against Donald Trump, or
Donald Trump's lawyer John Eastman.
Donald Trump attacks Judge David Carter. I
could go through each and every one of
these judges. He attacks their family. And
then you want to go through all of the
members of Congress. You want to go
through, you want to talk about Ruby
Freeman and Shaye Moss. You want to talk
about Michael Cohen. Whoever it
is, Donald Trump attacks them, their
family members, and goes right to try to
destroy their lives. You want to talk
about in 2020 some of the Republicans,
whether it was Governors, or Secretary of
States, or elected officials who
opposed Donald Trump, they would get these
death threats to their family. And by the
way, we've experienced here at the Meidastouch
Network where we've had people
give us death threats, and people attack
our loved ones, and find their phone
numbers. This is what the MAGA movement
does. And they rely on fear, they rely on
their hatred, and they just go after the
people. It it is a true fascist movement
right here.

By the way,
here are the other things that Donald
Trump's been posting. He goes:

[Donald Trump] I'm not an
insurrectionist ("PEACEFULLY & PATRIOTICALLY"),
crooked Joe Biden is!!!

[Ben Meiselas] He posts in all


[Ben Meiselas] Donald Trump posts:


[Ben Meiselas] He just repeats the lies, over and
over again, and it's all projection and
confession, when he's the one who engages
in this behavior, and engages in this
conduct. By the way, just compare that for
a moment to what President Biden is
saying right now, at the exact same time.
Here's what President Biden is posting:


And by the way, here's a report from
CBS that just came out, and it says:

"Colorado Supreme Court justices getting violent threats after their ruling against Trump, report says.

After ruling Tuesday that former President Donald Trump is barred from the Colorado primary ballot because he is disqualified from becoming president again on 14th Amendment grounds, Colorado Supreme Court justices are facing violent threats across both mainstream and fringe social media platforms, according to a report obtained by CBS News. The Colorado justices ruled the U.S. Constitution bars Trump from retaking the Oval Office due to his conduct surrounding the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Posts have included calls for the justices and Trump opponents to be killed by gunfire, hanging or bombs, while others are encouraging followers to stock up on weapons and ammunition and urging a civil war against Democrats. Many users have been responding directly to Trump's posts on his social media platform, Truth Social, with the same violent rhetoric and calls to arms.

I shared with you some that
I just found, in a short period of time.
And they share some right here as well
that are similar to the ones I showed

"What do you call 7 justices from the Colorado Supreme Court on the bottom of the ocean?" one user wrote. "A good start."

"The Justices should be arrested and sent to GUANTANAMO," another user wrote.

"The country is over anyway," wrote another. "Only thing left is civil war and retribution against those who destroyed it."

Other users suggested that Trump's opponents should be thrown out of helicopters, recreating the method Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet used to kill his political opponents, and others blamed Jews for the court's decision.

The threats against the justices, all seven of whom are Democrats, were first aggregated and analyzed by Advance Democracy, a non-partisan, non-profit organization that conducts public interest research.

And I could go on more, but here's the point: I'm
showing you the normalcy and behavior of
President Biden, and even as CBS writes
this article, I'm I'm glad they're point
pointing this out, but this behavior
can't be normalized. What Donald Trump
and his followers, and we're not just
talking about fringe followers, we're
talking about Republicans in leadership
positions, the mainstream modern-day
Republican party that has gone full MAGA,
they're the ones, these leaders in the
Republican Party, calling for national
divorce, calling for civil war, calling
for people to, you know, take serious,
dangerous actions against these justices,
or against people who don't do whatever
Donald Trump wants. Donald Trump! I mean,
just think, just saying
that Donald Trump, it's just
so beneath the dignity and integrity of
our country. And as we approach
2024, I want you to all know we're all in
this together, and it is so important
that you share these videos, that you
talk to family members during the
holidays, that you share these videos,
that you let people know: here's
the threat that Donald Trump is
engaged in. Here's his erratic,
despicable behavior. But also show them
the alternative, like we do here on this
network. Show them what President Biden
is out there doing, and saying. And also
talk about these economic metrics. Legacy
Media is by and large just, you know,
has completely given up their role as
the fourth estate. But talk about the
economy: third quarter 5.2% GDP growth;
America's leading all G7 in GDP growth.
We have record employment right
now, low unemployment. We've got great
metrics that we should all be happy to
share and we're going to be happy to
share that here on the Meidastouch


Colorado Supreme Court justices getting violent threats after their ruling against Trump, report says
by Jacob Rosen, Katrina Kaufman
CBS News

After ruling Tuesday that former President Donald Trump is barred from the Colorado primary ballot because he is disqualified from becoming president again on 14th Amendment grounds, Colorado Supreme Court justices are facing violent threats across both mainstream and fringe social media platforms, according to a report obtained by CBS News. The Colorado justices ruled the U.S. Constitution bars Trump from retaking the Oval Office due to his conduct surrounding the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Posts have included calls for the justices and Trump opponents to be killed by gunfire, hanging or bombs, while others are encouraging followers to stock up on weapons and ammunition and urging a civil war against Democrats. Many users have been responding directly to Trump's posts on his social media platform, Truth Social, with the same violent rhetoric and calls to arms.

"What do you call 7 justices from the Colorado Supreme Court on the bottom of the ocean?" one user wrote. "A good start."

"The Justices should be arrested and sent to GUANTANAMO," another user wrote.

"The country is over anyway," wrote another. "Only thing left is civil war and retribution against those who destroyed it."

Other users suggested that Trump's opponents should be thrown out of helicopters, recreating the method Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet used to kill his political opponents, and others blamed Jews for the court's decision.

The threats against the justices, all seven of whom are Democrats, were first aggregated and analyzed by Advance Democracy, a non-partisan, non-profit organization that conducts public interest research.

The group's president, Daniel J. Jones, remarked in a statement to CBS News that, "We are seeing significant violent language and threats being made against the Colorado justices and others perceived to be behind yesterday's Colorado Supreme Court ruling. The normalization of this type of violent rhetoric is cause for significant concern. Trump's statements, which have sought to delegitimize and politicize the actions of the courts, is serving as a key driver of the violent rhetoric."

Some of the justices who voted in favor of removing Trump from the ballot had their office email addresses, building addresses and photos shared online.

In their 4-3 ruling, the justices recognized its magnitude and alluded to the potential for retribution, writing, "We are likewise mindful of our solemn duty to apply the law, without fear or favor, and without being swayed by public reaction to the decisions that the law mandates we reach."

The decision by the Colorado court has set up a showdown in the U.S. Supreme Court over the constitutional provision at the center of the case, one that could threaten Trump's eligibility for the presidency if the U.S. high court rules against him.

The threats against the Colorado justices are the latest in what has been a steady stream of violent online rhetoric against law enforcement and judges who take action against the former president.

Such rhetoric has, predictably, spiked with every major legal development involving Donald Trump, according to Advance Democracy. This includes when Trump was indicted in New York on charges relating to his alleged hush money payments, after he was indicted in Fulton County, Georgia, and after he was indicted in Florida and Washington, D.C. on charges brought by Special Counsel Jack Smith.
Trump has pleaded not guilty in all the legal cases against him.

The potential for intimidation related to Trump's cases has led two different courts to impose gag orders on him in an effort to protect those involved in the cases from threats and harassment, as well as the integrity of the proceedings. A gag order was placed on Trump in his New York civil fraud trial after he attacked the judge's clerk on social media, leading to a torrent of serious and credible threats against her. He has since violated that gag order twice.

In the federal election interference case, Trump's gag order bars him from going after witnesses about their participation in the case, court staff and relatives of prosecutors and court staff. Trump is in the process of trying, yet again, to challenge that gag order, saying it infringes on his right to free speech.

In August, a woman was charged with threatening to kill Judge Tanya Chutkan, who oversees the 2020 election subversion case. Abigail Jo Shry allegedly left a message at the judge's chambers that said, "If Trump doesn't get elected in 2024, we are coming to kill you, so tread lightly. …You will be targeted personally, publicly, your family, all of it."

A spokesperson for the Colorado Supreme Court declined to comment to CBS News. The Trump campaign hasn't responded to a CBS News request for comment.

-- Olivia Rinaldi and Matthew Mosk contributed to this report.
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Re: Trump Threatens Colorado Supreme Ct. After Disqualificat

Postby admin » Sat Dec 23, 2023 2:25 am

Colorado Supreme Court judges receiving online hate after ruling against Donald Trump: Report
by C Krishnasai
Updated: Dec 21, 2023, 03:28 PM IST

Colorado Supreme Court judges—who ruled against Donald Trump, prohibiting him from contesting in the state's primary next year citing his role in the Jan 6 attacks—have been receiving online threats, according to a report.

The report by Advance Democracy, a nonpartisan, nonprofit organisation that conducts public interest research, has claimed to have found "significant violent rhetoric" against the justices and Democrats on the Trump-owned social media platform Truth Social.

They found that some social media users posted justices' email addresses, phone numbers and office building addresses, reports NBC News.

Online vitriol by Trump's supporters

"This ends when we kill these f--kers," a user wrote on a pro-Trump forum that was used by several Jan. 6 rioters.

"What do you call 7 justices from the Colorado Supreme Court at the bottom of the ocean?" asked another user. "A good start."

Many of the online hate posts had details about the methods that can be used to kill Trump’s so-called enemies.

Speaking to NBC News, President of the Advance Democracy Daniel J Jones expressed concerns over the consistency of the violent threats and rhetoric being used against the judges.

“We are seeing significant violent language and threats being made against the Colorado justices and others perceived to be behind yesterday’s Colorado Supreme Court ruling," Jones, a former FBI investigator and staffer for the Senate Intelligence Committee, said in a statement.

"The normalisation of this type of violent rhetoric — and lack of remedial action by social media entities — is cause for significant concern," he said.

"Trump’s statements, which have sought to delegitimize and politicize the actions of the courts, is serving as a key driver of the violent rhetoric. Political leaders on both sides of the political aisle need to speak out against these calls for violence, and social media platforms need to reassess their role in hosting and promoting this rhetoric.”

Donald Trump reacts

The former president slammed the ruling on Truth Social, saying, “WHAT A SHAME FOR OUR COUNTRY!!! A SAD DAY IN AMERICA!!!”

Trump’s campaign had previously said it would “swiftly file an appeal” to the US Supreme Court, where conservatives hold a six to three majority.

Biden responds to Colorado court ruling

In his first response to the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision, Biden told reporters Wednesday there is “no question” Trump supported an insurrection on the US Capitol. “Well I think certainly it’s self-evident,” said the incumbent president.

“You saw it all. Now whether the 14th Amendment applies, I’ll let the court make that decision. But he certainly supported an insurrection.” He added, “No question about it — none, zero. And he seems to be doubling down on everything.”

(With inputs from agencies)
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Re: Trump Threatens Colorado Supreme Ct. After Disqualificat

Postby admin » Sat Dec 23, 2023 2:32 am

Judges Face Death Threats After Kicking Trump Off The Ballot: Not surprising, still horrific.
by Kathryn Rubi8n8o
Above the Law
December 22, 2023 at 1:13 PM

Say what you will about Trump supporters, but they aren’t known for their measured response to adversity. I mean, their calling card is storming the gd Capitol. And when Donald Trump loses in court, well, death threats are shockingly common.

So, yeah, after the Colorado Supreme Court kicked Donald Trump off of the Republican primary ballot for a little matter of insurrection, threats against the justices have come rolling in.

As reported by NBC News:

Advance Democracy, a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that conducts public interest research, identified “significant violent rhetoric” against the justices and Democrats, often in direct response to Trump’s posts about the ruling on his platform Truth Social. They found that some social media users posted justices’ email addresses, phone numbers and office building addresses.

And while horrific, the violent rhetoric is not particularly original:

“This ends when we kill these f–kers,” a user wrote on a pro-Trump forum that was used by several Jan. 6 rioters.

“What do you call 7 justices from the Colorado Supreme Court at the bottom of the ocean?” asked another user. “A good start.”

Posts — whose images and links were included in the report — noted a variety of methods that could be used to kill those perceived as Trump’s enemies: hollow-point bullets, rifles, rope, bombs.

“Kill judges. Behead judges. Roundhouse kick a judge into the concrete,” read a post on a fringe website.
“Slam dunk a judge’s baby into the trashcan.”

Daniel J. Jones, president of Advance Democracy, catalogued some of what they’re seeing post-decision:

“We are seeing significant violent language and threats being made against the Colorado justices and others perceived to be behind yesterday’s Colorado Supreme Court ruling,” Jones, a former FBI investigator and staffer for the Senate Intelligence Committee, told NBC News in a statement.

“The normalization of this type of violent rhetoric — and lack of remedial action by social media entities — is cause for significant concern,” he said. “Trump’s statements, which have sought to delegitimize and politicize the actions of the courts, is serving as a key driver of the violent rhetoric. Political leaders on both sides of the political aisle need to speak out against these calls for violence, and social media platforms need to reassess their role in hosting and promoting this rhetoric.”

What an awful sign of our times that threats against our nation’s jurists are considered commonplace.

Kathryn Rubino is a Senior Editor at Above the Law, host of The Jabot podcast, and co-host of Thinking Like A Lawyer. AtL tipsters are the best, so please connect with her. Feel free to email her with any tips, questions, or comments and follow her on Twitter @Kathryn1 or Mastodon
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Re: Trump Threatens Colorado Supreme Ct. After Disqualificat

Postby admin » Wed Dec 27, 2023 5:04 am

LOSER Trump THREATENS More Judges who Call him a TRAITOR
by Michael Popok
Dec 24, 2023

Thousands of death threats against the Colorado Supreme Court justices who voted against Donald Trump poured in after Trump attacked and doxxed them by name and face and are being taken seriously by the Department of Justice in the FBI. Michael Popok of Legal AF reports that it has gotten so bad that this week alone, the FBI is investigating death threats to a current US Supreme Court Justice, several presidential candidates, and an FBI agent, in addition to the Colorado Supreme Court justices.


Michael popok, legal AF. it's gotten
so bad with death threats against the at
least four of the Colorado Supreme Court
Justices and their families at the FBI
the Department of Justice have had to
intervene that's how bad the death
threats have been in the last two days
since the Colorado Supreme Court in a
four to3 unboned decision meaning the
entire Supreme Court voted four votes
went against Donald Trump in a 213 page
decision it's gotten so bad with threats
not only of course LED tone at the top
from by Donald Trump in his own social
media we'll put up a number of them here
attacking putting the Target on the back
or the front of each of these justices
and their families for doing nothing
more but using their legal prowess and
Acumen and their judicial decisionmaking
to rule against Donald Trump that's
their crime as far as Donald Trump and
his followers are concerned and having
blown the dog whistle right and having
blown it into a bullhorn we have exactly
what happens every time Donald Trump
triggers his followers right the call in
response the call and response of
stochastic terrorism on display once
again Donald Trump knows it he's been
told he knows it in his heart in a fiber
of his being that if he blows a whistle
and tells somebody to attack they will
it's been pointed out time and time
again and been the basis the driver of
various Federal Court decisions gagging
and having his gag upheld and in the
state court in New York he's been this
guy's been gagged three times and every
one of the judges has said to him
including the trial judge the District
of Columbia you know that if you sick
the dogs on somebody they will be harmed
injured or killed and he did it all
again whether it's Steven Chong his
spokesperson Alina Haba or Donald Trump
himself attacking not just the
intellectual and jurist Prudential
underpinnings of the decision but the
the people themselves that's the problem
here that's the attack on the people who
are doing their job wearing the black
robe it's gotten so bad that Lisa Monaco
who's the number two lawyer in the
Department of Justice the deputy
attorney general answering only to
Meritt Garland as the Attorney General
she has told in a recent interview uh
she has told the uh reporters that there
are so many threats going on right now
in our political process that the FBI
and the department of justice has to
take seriously that just this week alone
think about this just this week alone
they are invest the FBI is investigating
threats to kill a sitting US Supreme
Court Justice three different
presidential candidates and an FBI agent
that is in addition to the new threats
to kill the uh Colorado Supreme Court
Justices that's in a
week that's where we are right now and
one of the Prime suspects for fomenting
this discontent and and using it as a uh
it's almost like a u a trampoline effect
to take what Donald Trump says and he
repeats and
retweets uh and on his social media and
and go to those dark dark places of
attempted or threatened assassination is
a website called the the has been the focus of a lot
of investigative uh uh reporting at
least by
a a uh a not a non for-profit
nonpartisan organization called Advanced
democracy who delivered a 100 page
report back in April concerning the
Donal uh role in planning the
Insurrection on January 6 fomenting it
and celebrating it including Jan 6
Insurrection it's been the number one
place if if you will that people go to
try to find and report to the FBI Gen 6
Insurrection insurrectionist and here's
what they said on the Donald dowin
against these Colorado justices that are
that is so troubling to the FBI and to
any moral group of people they said that
the justices of the Colorado Supreme
Court should be beheaded that one of
them who I believe has a small child or
a baby that child should be slammed
dunked into a trash can um and that this
all ends their words when we kill them
meaning the Colorado Supreme Court
Justices you can see why this has raised
a major concern for the Department of
Justice and the FBI under Joe Biden's
Administration this is the same
organization as I just outlined that the
advanced democracy group in issuing
their report identified as some of of
the all of the planning that went on
pre-planning that went on dur and
coordination during Jan 6 was through
the Donal in fact that is where
people would say things in advance of
going to Jan 6 like um how do we build
Gallows how much Lumber do we need what
are the dimensions for it how many
nooses do we bring how do you tie a
noose why don't we bring a guillotine
I'm not making this up this is the same
organization that Donald Trump tries to
message to in the dark web in order to
reach his critical mass of followers in
order to get him get them to send him
money Andor to try to get him elected
and if people are killed and maimed and
assassinated or the crazy crackpots that
have weapons and access to weapons in
his movement get that message and take
it into their own hands he doesn't care
I mean I mean he'll let's just be frank
that is the person that is running to be
president on one of our two national
parties the person that would do
that people on our side of the aisle
think that that person is so
depraved is so um lacking of moral
character who has is so lacking in
Courage and so lacking in conviction
that he should never see the inside of
the Oval Office ever again but to the
other side of the aisle and mainly the
Maga wing of the Republican party which
is rapidly becoming the Republican party
you know he is their best hope for
re-election the restoration of the Trump
presidency so we have to continue to
shine a light on it in places like the
midest Touch YouTube channel that's
where I do all of my work at the
intersection of law politics and Justice
you like lawyers who know what they're
talking about involving the law politics
and Justice then you reach the right
place it's right here here and every
week hourly we do legal analysis like
this one it's it's all the leaders of
legal AF Ben melis my co-founder of
legal AF and of the mightest touch
Network civil rights lawyer Karen
Friedman n nif former prosecutor and me
and then we join together on Wednesdays
and Saturdays for the leading podcast
devoted to that valuable real estate
corner of law politics and Justice and
we call it legal AF for a very good
reason follow us on Wednesdays Saturdays
800 p.m. Eastern Time right here on the
midest touch Network free subscribe and
help them get to 2 million free
subscribers when I started we had 400
people that watched it was mainly
friends family and pets and now look at
us okay and it's all because of you it's
nothing to do with me it would just be
me Ben and Karen just talking to each
other on a zoom on a zoom call about
what we read in the newspaper and uh
what do we think about it if it wasn't
for you if you like what I'm doing on
hot t like this one give me a thumbs up
and leave a review a comment I've been
known to comment back that helps me with
the ratings and keeps me on the air get
us wherever you can get us on all
podcast platforms for legal AF the
podcast and until my next legal AF until
my next hot take this is Michael popok
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