Michael Cohen reacts to Rep. Jim Jordan’s subpoena of a company connected to Judge Juan Merchan’s daughter.
The Michael Cohen Show
Aug 29, 2024
hey and welcome back to the Michael
Cohen Show and thanks so much for all
your support I'm really glad that you're
enjoying this and if you are just make
sure that you hit subscribe and share as
we're on our journey to
250,000 subscribers all right this is
this is just insane so stay with me on
this one my friends because again nobody
knows this Cast of Clowns better than I
house Judiciary chair Jim bag Jordan the
Pena a company that is connected to
judge Juan michan's daughter this is
absolutely insane first and foremost let
me be clear while Jim bag Jordan did go
to law school Jim B Jordan never took
the bar exam he's actually not an
admitted lawyer yet he is the house
Judiciary chair the man understands
nothing about law you know going for
three years of law school doesn't make
you into as they say in Yiddish
a mean a genius amongst Geniuses he is
not he is definitively not and so
playing politics playing politics
they're now trying to figure something
out in order to save their Fearless
furer Donald and this has to do with the
Manhattan district attorney case so
let's take a look at the subpoena first
and I want to read something from it
this is right out of Jim B Jordan's
letter to the
company as we made clear in our August
1st and August 16th letters the
committee is continuing to conduct
oversight of politically motivated
prosecutions by state and local
officials popularly elected prosecutors
such as Manhattan district attorney
Alvin brg have engaged in an
unprecedented abuse of authority by
Prosecuting a former president of the
United States and current nominee for
that office office of relevance to the
committee's oversight is the
impartiality of Judge Juan Maran the
presiding trial judge due to his refusal
to recuse himself from the case in light
of his apparent conflicts of interest
biases one such conflict is Miss michan
well it should say is Mr michan's
daughter well is Miss M's daughter of
Judge michan and president of authentic
campaigns work on behalf of President
Trump's political adversaries and the
possible Financial benefit that Miss
michan and authentic campaigns received
from the prosecution and conviction of
Trump there's so many issues in this one
paragraph first of all it's poorly
written but there's so many issues here
first and foremost Alvin brg is doing
his job many people have been prosecuted
B based upon the 34 counts that Donald
Trump was indicted upon that's to start
second of all second of all you don't
get to do what's called judge shopping
or Forum Shopping you don't get to
decide where you want a case to be heard
as the defendant or the judge who has
been assigned to this case that's just
not how the system works it doesn't work
for you it doesn't work for me and it
certainly shouldn't work for Donald
Trump either so what do they do they're
trying to find a hook I mean it's not
like judge eileene
Cannon is not conflicted it's not that
judge Eileen Cannon of course that's the
judge in the maral Lardo documents case
hasn't shown her biases towards for the
benefit of Donald Trump no no no for Jim
Jordan the siifan ass kisser that he is
that's acceptable but they didn't like
that judge Juan Maran was not gonna put
up with Donald Trump's and so
they're now going after maran's daughter
and this company claiming that they're
making money off of the conviction of
Donald Trump how how it just doesn't
make any sense they don't put any
specifics in fact every single one of
the investigations that Jim B Jordan and
other other siop fantic chairs of
various different committees have
brought against Democrats they have all
failed they have gone absolutely nowhere
uh hello what about for example Hunter
Biden's laptop and the documents and the
millions of documents and the
incriminating evidence that was
supposedly coming off of that
computer what's come off of it a porn
tape of Hunter Biden having sex with a
with a prostitute doing drugs yay yay
we're all so much better for that we're
all just so much better for it what
happened to all of the bisma
that they claim it's such nonsense you
want to talk about political
that's what you have here all right now
I also want to for a quick second I want
to react to something that CNN wrote
it's an article outlining what happened
so it starts out house Judiciary chair
Jim Jordan aka Jim bag Jordan subpoenaed
a company connected to the daughter of
New York state supreme court judge Juan
michan as Republicans continue to claim
that her political work influenced how
michan handled the hush money case
against former president Donald Trump
next The subpoena obtained by CNN was
sent to the CEO of authentic campaigns
Michael Nellis and demanded all
documents relating to the company's
connections with the Biden Harris
campaign any correspondence with judge
michon and any document that refers to
the indictment of trump in The subpoena
which came after request to turn over
the documents
voluntarily Jordan argued that judge
impartiality over Trump's case was in
question because of his daughter's work
and claimed that the documents demand in
The subpoena would determine whether the
prosecution of trump was politically
motivated in May a New York jury found
Trump guilty guilty guilty of 34 charges
of falsifying business records following
a seven-week trial presided over by
judge Juan
Maran Nels called The subpoena and this
are his words yet another abuse of power
aimed at promoting a baseless right-wing
theory all right once again there's so
much here to
unpack first and
foremost when you start a when you start
investigation you're not supposed to
start the investigation predicated on
your gut feeling on a belief it's
supposed to be predicated on some form
of evidence is that evidence
documentary meaning something written is
it based upon
testimony reliable testimony verifiable
testimony we don't know all we know is
that sick aant Jim bag
Jordan decides that he needs to protect
his furer and he's going to do it any
which way he can you
see he wants something he wants
something out of this
relationship in fact we haven't heard
from Jim B in quite some time you see
unlike the case where Jim bag had turned
a blind eye to sexual abuse when he was
the assistant wrestling coach at Ohio
unverifiable in fact people have come
forward and stated as
such whatever happened to the
investigation into
that never happened never happened but
here off of his gut off of his interest
in protecting Donald Trump they now are
going to put this company this Michael
Nellis they're going to put judge
daughter through hell and I know what
this is because I testified before seven
congressional committees and I can tell
you Jim begag was in some of them and
he's no
genius I assure you that ill prepared
ill prepared for everything because they
don't have evidence this is a fishing
Expedition and that's fine cuz I'm
certain that there's nothing that's
going to that's going to emanate from
subpoena where there's documentation or
there's some communication between judge
michan's daughter and the J judge Maran
or Michael Nellis and judge Maran or so
that hey let's benefit from this by
figuring out how we're going to be able
to work for the Biden Harris campaign
how does that have any effect upon
12 12 independent jurors who they were
involved defending the slow attorney
himself Todd blanch the stupidest lawyer
of all
time how did this act by judge michan's
daughter have any effect upon 12
independent jurors that they were helped
that they helped in terms of seeding
because they had their preemptory
challenges they were involved in the
process how is it that they managed to
get after a short 9-hour
deliberation off of a 7-week
unanimity in guilt by the 12 independent
jurus the answer is they couldn't have
of course it's a rhetorical question but
that's not going to stop Jim bag it's
not going to stop the Republicans from
trying to dispar
judge M they're trying to create some
form of a paper trail so that after
sentencing on September 18th they can
try to use that to expand upon their
Appel um their appeal which guaranteed
they're going to
do which once again is all part of the
Donald Trump delay
tactic I don't think it's going to work
I truly don't they can appeal they can
do whatever they want I think judgment
ran despite what Jim B Jordan said that
he showed
impartiality how about site the
impartiality that you want to claim that
Maran actually engaged
in it's not as if like judge cannon that
they're coming up with rulings that
aren't predicated in
law everything he did was judicious he
acted professional he acted impartial
and the fact that they could attack him
on this is truly disgraceful and it goes
to show you the danger the absolute
danger that our country can and will
face in the event that Donald Trump
becomes president of the United States
again people like Jim bag Jordan will be
given the highest positions in this
country and they will be running a muck
over the system of law over our rule of
law like we have never seen in this
country before and it's why I will end
this episode as I do each and every
episode it is imperative that you are
registered to vote go go to vote.org
make sure you and everyone that you know
are registered and make sure that you
get to the ballot that you get to the um
to the voting booth and that you vote
Harris walls
2024 because our democracy depends on it