Trump at Arlington National Cemetery: Disregard for Deceased Veterans & Disrespect of Fed Employees
by Glenn Kirschner
Aug 30, 2024
At a recent trip to Arlington National Cemetery, Donald Trump showed extreme disrespect for deceased military service members, desecration of the hallowed ground of their final resting place, and a despicable disregard for a cemetery employee who tried to prevent Trump and his campaign members from violating federal prohibitions against political activity at the cemetery.
This video discusses why Trump has exposed himself (again) as unworthy of the support of military service members, veterans, and the family members of those who have been laid to rest at Arlington National Cemetery.
so friends Donald Trump
disrespects soldiers and
Veterans he desecrates the Hallowed
Ground on which they're buried and in
the process he disregards the
law let's talk about that because
Justice matters
hey all Glen kerser here so friends over
the past week I'm sure you saw the
stories about Donald Trump going to
Arlington National Cemetery where our
fallen soldiers are buried turning the
trip into a campaign video that was
posted on Tik Tok while at Arlington
Trump campaign employees mistreated
quote pushed
aside an employee of the cemetery who
was simply trying to enforce the
regulations prohibiting political
activity on the grounds of Arlington
Cemetery well friends we're going to
turn to the new reporting about all that
and more um but after we get through the
reporting the end of this video video is
going to have a a bit of a surprise I
would even call it a happy ending and
that happy ending is going to come
courtesy of some new reporting by of all
places Fox
News let's turn to the new reporting
first headline from CNN US Army rebukes
Trump campaign for incident at Arlington
Cemetery and that article Begins the US
Army issued a stark rebuke of former
president Donald Trump's presidential
campaign over the incident on Monday at
Arlington National Cemetery saying in a
statement on Thursday that participants
in the ceremony were made aware of
federal laws regarding political
activity at the cemetery and abruptly
pushed aside an employee of the cemetery
quote participants the August 26th
ceremony and the subsequent section 60
visit were made aware of federal laws
Army regulations and DOD policies which
clearly prohibit political activities on
grounds ANC Arlington National Cemetery
employee who attempted to ensure
adherence to these rules was abruptly
pushed aside the Army spokesperson said
in the statement on Thursday and friends
before I continue with the article you
should know that after Trump and his
campaign went to Arlington National
Cemetery and had this encounter with a
cemetery employee indeed quote pushed
her aside while she was trying to tell
them about the rules the regulations and
the laws prohibiting political activity
at the cemetery after that
the Trump campaign issued a statement
saying that This Woman This Cemetery
employee was acting improperly and
indeed had a quote mental health
episode so yes just demeaned mocked even
somebody who was trying to tell them the
law prohibits you from engaging in this
kind of political activity at Arlington
National Cemetery
all my editorial
comment back to the
article quote this incident was
unfortunate and it is also unfortunate
that thec employee and her
professionalism has been unfairly
attacked ANC is a National Shrine to the
honored dead of the Armed Forces and its
dedicated staff will continue to ensure
public ceremonies are conducted with the
dignity and respect the nation's Fallen
deserve the statement
said so friends let's talk about some of
the Fallout as a result of what Donald
Trump and his campaign staff members did
at Arlington National Cemetery first of
all the reporting about an employee a
woman who works at the cemetery who was
trying to tell Trump and his campaign
staff political activity is not
permitted it's against the rules the
regulations and indeed it violates
federal law the code of federal
regulations and she was quote pushed
aside first of all if this was a
physical pushing aside that could be an
assault we would have to see more
reporting on it and I don't think we
will for reasons I'll explain in a
minute but an assault or a battery more
precisely is an UNC consented to
touching if you push somebody even if
you don't injure them if it was an
unconsented to touching that's an
assault more precisely it's a battery
the unlawful touching of another person
so might this woman have a valid
complaint that she could file might this
Cemetery employee who was simply
professionally trying to explain to
Trump and Company why they couldn't do
what they appear appeared to be doing
there on the grounds of Arlington
National Cemetery might a crime have
been committed against her well we'll
probably never know you know
why this reporting from NBC
News the woman who works at the cemetery
and filed an incident report has
declined to press charges the New York
Times reported on Wednesday citing
military officials according to the
report which has not been independently
verified by MSNBC or NBC News the woman
retaliation from Trump's
followers so even if whatever the Trump
staffers did to that Arlington National
Cemetery employee who was trying to do
her job whatever they did if it
constituted an assault or a
battery she was not going to
insist that charges be pressed
why because she feared retaliation from
supporters what's some of the other
well as I mentioned um the Trump
campaign apparently posted on Tik Tok
What was inarguably a campaign video
here is the reporting again from
CNN a video of the visit posted by the
Trump campaign on Tik Tok showed video
of the former president walking through
Arlington and visiting grave sites with
audio of him criticizing the Biden
Administration and friends there you see
some pictures of Donald Trump with the
thumbs up and the big
grin right that's certainly appropriate
while standing in front of the headstone
of Fallen Soldiers right the thumbs up
and the big grin how about some semity
sport but do you see that other
headstone kind of off to the left there
I've I've blurred out the information on
The Headstone because I didn't want to
publicize the name of that particular
fallen soldier and here's why here's
some more reporting this from The New
York Times Trump videos at Arlington
stir more Fallout after grave site visit
the family of a Green Beret buried there
expressed concern about videos and
photos taken by his
grave and then the New York Times also
reiterates what we discussed earlier
that a cemetery employee declined to
press charges after an altercation with
the Trump team fearing
retribution can you
imagine being the family members of that
Fallen soul soldier that Green Beret
whose headstone appeared without their
consent in a tick tock video for Donald
campaign in how many ways can Donald
Trump demean soldiers I mean he
infamously called them suckers and
losers and in how many ways can he
desecrate their final resting place and
yes I served on active duty in the US
Army for six and a half years before I
joined the Department of Justice so this
is a little personal to
me but let's end with a little bit of a
silver lining you know we're always
trying to look for the Silver Lining
that is lurking behind the big dark
orange Cloud that is Donald

And Friends mind you I'm not a
polls guy I'm not a political analyst or
expert and I'm certainly not a Fox News
guy but look at
this this is a poll that reportedly was
conducted by Fox News of registered
voters between August 26th and August
28th and among
veterans Harris leads Trump
89% to 9% among female veterans Harris
leads Trump 94% to 3% among active
military members registered voters
Harris leads 84% to 12% and wounded
vets Harris leads
96% to
1% and I would say those numbers seem
about right given everything we know
about Donald Trump and how he has never
respected Ed military members and never
respected as a gross
understatement so those numbers seem
about right I would think it would be
100% to 0% quite frankly for those
members of the military and
Veterans who have watched what Donald
Trump has said and has done to our
military members and our veterans and
our fallen
heroes so and the chickens are coming
home to
roost and Donald Trump I have to believe
will be
crushed come November 5th at the
polls and that is
exactly what America
needs because
matters friends as always please stay
safe please stay tuned and I look
forward to talk talking with you all
again tomorrow