Freda Bedi, by Wikipedia

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Re: Freda Bedi, by Wikipedia

Postby admin » Thu Apr 04, 2019 1:23 am

A Look Back … The National Committee for Free Europe, 1949
by Central Intelligence Agency
Historical Document
Posted: May 29, 2007 04:10 PM
Last Updated: May 25, 2017 03:14 PM



On June 1, 1949, a group of prominent American businessmen, lawyers, and philanthropists – including Allen Dulles, who would become Director of Central Intelligence in 1953 – launched the National Committee for Free Europe (NCFE) at a press release in New York. Only a handful of people knew that NCFE was actually the public face of an innovative "psychological warfare" project undertaken by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). That operation – which soon gave rise to Radio Free Europe – would become one of the longest running and successful covert action campaigns ever mounted by the United States.

Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty examines the first twenty years of the organization, policies, and impact of Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty, arguably one of the most important and successful policy instruments of the United States during the Cold War.

The book is based on extensive archival research both in the United States and in Germany, Poland, and Hungary, as well as on interviews and the author’s own experiences. It uses CIA materials, in part declassified at the request of the author, extensively. Johnson concentrates on the origins and role of RFE/RL in the context of U.S. national security strategy, with particular attention to the role of the Central Intelligence Agency in covertly organizing and funding RFE/RL from 1949 to 1971. And he details RFE activities during the most important East European crises of the era—Poland and Hungary in 1956 and Czechoslovakia in 1968.

-- Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty: The CIA Years and Beyond, by A. Ross Johnson

George Kennan of the Department of State could be considered the godfather of NCFE. He – more than any other official – pressed the National Security Council to reorganize covert action planning and management. This resulted in the creation of the Office of Policy Coordination (OPC) at the CIA in September 1948 and the appointment of the visionary OSS veteran Frank G. Wisner as its chief.

Kennan proposed that OPC work through an "American freedom committee" in dealing with anti-Communist émigré groups in the United States to develop operations abroad. The idea was to fund selected émigrés in their activities to demonstrate that the newly imposed Soviet-style dictatorships in Eastern Europe oppressed the aspirations of their people. NCFE was the American umbrella for these exiled European figures in the United States, raising private funds through Crusade for Freedom to supplement CIA funding and organizing exile activities to reach back to their occupied homelands.

From the start, Wisner and OPC regarded NCFE as one of their signature operations. As the Cold War reached perhaps its most dangerous phase, NCFE and other projects (such as the Congress for Cultural Freedom, 1950, and Radio Liberty, which began broadcasts to the Soviet Union in 1953) rallied anti-Communist intellectuals, politicians, and activists to fight the Soviets in a contest for the peoples' "minds and loyalties."

NCFE soon gave rise to its more famous progeny, Radio Free Europe, which began broadcasting behind the Iron Curtain on July 4, 1950. Radio Free Europe aired programs to Eastern Europe in six languages. For decades, it was a beacon of hope to people who had otherwise lost access to the outside world.

CIA subsidies to the Free Europe Committee (NCFE's later name) ended in 1971, after Sen. Clifford P. Case (R-NJ) revealed that it received covert assistance. After that date, all CIA involvement ended, and Radio Free Europe was publicly funded by Congressional appropriation through the presidentially appointed Board for International Broadcasting. RFE merged with Radio Liberty (RL) in 1976 in a new non-profit corporation, RFE/RL, Inc. Oversight was assumed in 1995 by the Broadcasting Board of Governors, responsible for all non-military U.S. international broadcasting.

Today the programs of RFE/RL – radio, internet, television, and mobile – reach 27 million people in 26 languages and 23 countries, including Russia, Ukraine, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, the republics of Central Asia, the Caucasus, and the Balkans, as well as the Baltic states.
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Re: Freda Bedi, by Wikipedia

Postby admin » Thu Apr 04, 2019 1:25 am

Radio Liberty, the CIA on the beach of Girona
by Irina Schytcheva
5 March, 2019




Radio Liberty was an American radio station built in Costa Brava in the Cold War, to broadcast anti-Communist propaganda. This media was a prop provided by the United States to strengthen the Franco’s dictatorship in Spain. Specifically designed for the CIA, The Central Intelligence Agency, a civilian foreign intelligence service of the federal government of US. This radio was located on the beach of Pals in Girona. A city located 99 km northeast of Barcelona, at the confluence of the rivers Ter, Onyar, Galligants, and Güell. One of the biggest Catalan cities and where you will find the amazing Dalí museum!

What were the antecedents of its creation?

The rapprochement campaign began in 1937 in the New York Times. In 1943, the Special Services Office of the CIA sent to Spain the wife of the Count of Romanones, Aline Griffith. In 1947 Franco dictated the Law of Successión or “Ley de Sucesión” “Spain will be a Kingdom”, they sign then with the “kingdom of Spain”. Foster Dulles and William F. Jr. Buckley praised the figure of Franco in 1957. That year the agreement was signed to mount the station. Buckley’s brother, James L, was president of RFE-RL from 1982-1985.

The interior of Radio Liberty

Who supported the radio?

The pillars of the radio were: the CIA, large companies with their economic contributions and the military. Its work was to issue propaganda to the countries of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (URSS) with the objective of “achieving its liberalization”. They did it from Spain that was kidnapped by a dictatorship. It was one of the most powerful in the world, with the most innovative material at the time.

Why on the beach of Pals?

The Americans decided to build it in this little paradise of Costa Brava because of its strategic position, since the waves that emitted bounced with the stratosphere and went directly to the city of Moscow.
Marina Capdevila wanted to give life and color to this building, painting more than 2000 m2 of surface in 12 days of hard work. See this magic and historic place from the top in this video!

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Re: Freda Bedi, by Wikipedia

Postby admin » Thu Apr 04, 2019 1:46 am

Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty: The CIA Years and Beyond (review)
by Malcolm Byrne
Journal of Cold War Studies
The MIT Press
Volume 14, Number 3, Summer 2012, pp. 213-215



In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Reviewed by Malcolm Byrne: A. Ross Johnson, Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty: The CIA Years and Beyond. Washington, DC: Wilson Center Press, 2010. 304 pp. $55.00.

A video marking 60 years of broadcasting at Radio Free Europe (RFE) and Radio Liberty (RL) begins with a grainy, black-and-white clip of Ronald Reagan narrating a promotional film about the radios. As footage of a radio tower rolls by, Reagan intones: "This powerful 135,000-watt Radio Free Europe transmitter pierces the Iron Curtain with the truth, answering the lies of the Kremlin, and bringing a message of hope to millions."

This tongue-in-cheek glimpse of a bygone era is entertaining, but the segment also unintentionally points up one of several ambiguities that have shadowed RFE and RL ever since Ramparts magazine and The New York Times published articles in 1967 exposing the radios' ties to the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Were the stations supposed to be independent sources of news and information, as their sponsors claimed? Or were they just propaganda tools of the U.S. government, as the ham-handed Reagan promotional video unwittingly suggests?

Ross Johnson's fervent hope in this valuable new book is to be able finally to settle some of these nagging questions and misperceptions. By focusing on RFE's and RL's formative first two decades, he not only fills a gap in the literature but manages to convey many of the subtleties and complexities about the radios' formation and early development that helped give rise to their somewhat ambiguous image.

The chief cause of this ambiguity was RFE's and RL's relationship to the CIA. Johnson does not see that connection as a problem and explains why in his view the agency turned out to be a helpful, even necessary, institutional base. One reason was policy-related. George Kennan conceived of the idea to establish a broadcasting operation using Soviet-bloc émigrés as a weapon of psychological warfare, which placed it squarely under the purview of institutions like Frank Wisner's Office of Policy Coordination and the CIA.

The relationship also had a financial basis. Voice of America (VOA) already existed through public funding. In the postwar environment it was highly unlikely that Congress would be willing to appropriate money for a second, similar-sounding government radio operation. Far easier to use the agency's clandestine funds.

Another source of confusion is the fact that the nature of RFE's and RL's mission changed over time. RFE's first broadcasts out of New York in July 1951 were unvarnished propaganda salvos against the Soviet-bloc regimes—"short and negative," reflecting the perspective of U.S. hardliners. Only after management succeeded, following some political and bureaucratic struggle, in transferring production and transmission [End Page 213] operations from New York to Munich did "a second RFE" emerge, eventually developing a quite different role as "surrogate broadcaster" for the captive nations. The service would no longer be a simple mouthpiece for the United States but one run substantially by émigré broadcasters who were thought to know best what would work with their audiences.

The decision to grant considerable autonomy to the individual services was critical to RFE's (and RL's) long-term success. But it also played a part during RFE's bleakest episode—the 1956 Hungarian revolution. Johnson calls that experience "the story that never dies." His defense of the overarching—and relatively circumspect—official policies that were in effect well before the uprising is spirited but also well-sourced. So is his critique of certain instances in which the guidance coming from headquarters was not honored in the breach. The violations that did occur, he says, were less dire than many have believed. What is more, the really egregious broadcasts more likely came from the "many other foreign radio stations" that were broadcasting to Hungary during the revolution (such as the right-wing Radio Madrid).

Some of these points are disputed by other researchers (and certainly many Hungarians are unlikely to be persuaded), but Johnson's access to all the available recordings, log tapes...
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Re: Freda Bedi, by Wikipedia

Postby admin » Thu Apr 04, 2019 1:54 am

Joanna Macy
by Wikipedia
Accessed: 4/3/19



Another woman who experienced Freda's ability to break down barriers to get what she wanted was Joanna Macy, renowned American environmentalist, teacher, and author. She was living in Delhi with her husband Francis Underhill Macy], who was working for the Peace Corps, when Freda came to visit.

"I remember I opened the door and she stood there in her maroon clothes, greeting me as if somehow I and not she were the guest. I loved the way that touch of the Raj blended so paradoxically and superbly with the monk's garb she wore. She had come because she wanted my husband to release a particular person in the Peace Corps to work for her in Dalhousie. 'I shall speak to my friend Mr. B in the Cabinet,' Mummy said with a smile. 'When do you think we can expect him?' It was the marriage of serenity and sheer nerve. She was English in the way only the English can be. She had implicit authority," Macy said.

Later, Macy went to Dalhousie to help settle Khamtrul Rinpoche, a high lama who had escaped from Tibet with a huge number of followers, including monks and a large community of accomplished artists and craftspeople. She took the opportunity to take teachings from Freda at a small class for Westerners she had organized in Dalhousie. Macy also undertook a silent retreat under Freda's direction, and today acknowledges Freda's influence on her spiritual life.

"What she had to say had a lucidity and simplicity about it. I can't accept any teachings if there is a false note -- if it is not coming from a person's wholeness and integrity, if what they are saying merely comes from what has been heard or read. With Freda I was able to drink it in. It was coming from beyond."

"I don't know how realized she was. I didn't go into those areas. She told me something about her mystical experience in Burma. She said she came out onto the street and saw everything in the world lit up as though from within. She did not go into a featureless expanse -- but the ordinary world was transformed for her.

"She also taught me from her actions. I never heard her say a mean thing about anyone. She was always thinking of others, writing to people all the time, trying to get others what they needed. And it was done with such affection. She constantly had a folder in her lap, and whenever she had a minute, she'd write a note to someone.

"Mummy was wonderful for me to a very high degree," Macy continued. "First of all, she was important because she was a woman. I am grateful to someone who understood the teachings and practice, and that it was a woman in a tradition that is quite male dominated. That was not by choice -- it was sheer good luck. I was not consciously being a feminist, but I knew and I trusted her. She had a love of the Dharma and used it in a bold, brave way. When I first approached her for teachings, she replied, 'Yes, of course, my dear, I will be delighted. That is just the thing.' I sensed she had just been waiting for me to ask.

"Although she had reverence for the tradition, she did not present me with any overlay of doctrine or view. Nor did she start me off as the lamas would have done, with the Vajrayana (the Buddhism exclusive to Tibet). Instead, she wanted me to recapitulate her own journey, starting with the Theravada buddhism she had learned in Rangoon. For me this was quite marvelous. It acquainted me with the early teachings of the Buddha and disciplined my mind in a way of following empirically my own experience in the immediate arising of mental and physical phenomena in my own body and mind. 'Bare attention -- just watch the thoughts. Know you are thinking, thinking. Get the "I" out of it," Mummy instructed. This allowed me later on in graduate school to approach the early teachings without any filter, with tremendous respect and curiosity for what the Buddha was saying. During my retreat I was in torment yet fascinated watching my own mind.

"She was trying to bring me right up to Tibetan practice. She kept talking about Trungpa, whom she loved very much. 'Wait till you meet him,' she said. When Trungpa came to the States, I thought, 'Now I'll graduate to a Tibetan practice,' but I stayed with the Vipassana I'd learned from Mummy.

"What Mummy did not do for me, however, was to model the social significance of the Buddha's teachings for our times, which is what I had become very focused on. 'Engaged Buddhism,' as it's called. To me Buddhism frees us to act for social and ecological survival, what needs to be done for a just and sustainable society. This wasn't of interest to Mummy."

-- The Revolutionary Life of Freda Bedi, by Vicki Mackenzie

Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, Institute of Noetic Sciences president Willis Harman argued that significant social change cannot occur without significant consciousness change.[66] In the 21st century, humanistic psychologists such as Edmund Bourne,[67] Joanna Macy,[68] and Marshall Rosenberg[69] continued to apply psychological insights to social and political issues.

-- Humanistic psychology, by Wikipedia

Joanna Macy - Choosing Life | Bioneers
We open our heart-mind to behold and give shape to our world, to let our hearts be a mirror to the world....

Carl Jung believed that the core of each life is a question that that life, that person, must pursue, and is fortunate if he or she discovers it. Well, I know what the question was ... the question was how to be fully present to my world, present enough to enjoy it and be useful, while at the same time knowing that my species, we human species, are progressively destroying this world. Wow! That splits you right down the middle and puts you back together again, over and over again. It has asked me to keep my eyes and heart open to what I see happening, to unblock the feedback loops, and help others do it too, to speak the truth...

I wanted to dedicate the minutes of my talk with you to Edward Snowden, and to Chelsea Manning, and to countless others of our brothers and sisters who are helping us see what really is going on, breaking down the walls of secrecy! Because it is only when we are able to see our world and touch it that we can be part of its self-healing....

In 1953, he [Francis Underhill Macy] married Joanna Rogers, who embraced her husband's activism and remained his compatriot for life. He began working for the Russian-language station Radio Liberty, which was based in Munich, at the height of the Cold War. He worked for the U.S. Information Service, which sent American citizen diplomats around the world to talk to people about American values and democracy.

-- Francis Underhill Macy - improved Russia relations, by Peter Fimrite

Ramparts magazine and The New York Times published articles in 1967 exposing the radios' ties to the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

-- Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty: The CIA Years and Beyond (review), by Malcolm Byrne

The prominence of the USIA is significant, since this is an agency with a long track record in political and psychological operations. It was created by the Eisenhower administration in 1953 as an agency within the NSC at the recommendation of a top-secret report issued by the President's Committee on International Information Activities. Its explicit purpose was to conduct propaganda, political and psychological operations abroad in conjunction with CIA activities.41 A National Security Action Memo in 1962 stipulated coordination among the USIA, the AID, the CIA, the Pentagon, and the State Department in waging political warfare operations, including civic action, economic and military aid programs.

-- Promoting Polyarchy: Globalization, U.S. Intervention, and Hegemony, by William I. Robinson

To see my world as lover and self, to not be afraid of the suffering, and not being afraid, can get my heart-mind kind of bruised and banged up a little bit. That's what the time we're in seems to call for. And so the times of welcoming the world in a heart and mind have brought such adventures....

So this question opens me up, and opens us all up. And I turn to Rilke again, "I live my life in widening circles that reach out across the world." ...

I've been circling around God, that primordial tower, I've been circling for thousands of years, and I still don't know. Am I a vulcan, a storm, or a great song? Same for you! That's the same for you! I've learned that in my deep ecology. Friends, as we tell the truth of what we feel and know is happening, as we let others speak through us, other life forms, the life in us is so big, it cannot be reduced to one social role, to one curriculum vitae. Our roots go back, back, back to the beginnings of life. You know that. To the first splitting and spinning of the stars. And all of that journey forward, our human journey, and those before us, have brought us to this point. And we can be so grateful, I am so grateful to be alive now. Because, for life to continue, well, that means -- and you know it in your heart, and that's why you're here at Bioneers, and that's why Kenny Ausubel and Nina Simons are so faithful in bringing it -- that we have to make a giant step in our consciousness. We have to make real what we dream and know and intuit: That we are one planet people. And we can only be one planet people if we honor all our differences. That we belong to one living sacred body of earth. And when we get that, my brothers and sisters, when we really get that, we'll be able to achieve the ongoing singing of the song of life. Isn't that so?! ...

Rilke said toward the end of his life, in a sonnet to Orpheus ... "Quiet friend who has come so far, feel how your breathing makes more space around you." And then he says, "Let this darkness be a bell-tower, and you the bell, and as you ring, what batters you becomes your strength!" Ho, ho! Get that! Then you realize that you're made for change.

And I love it that systems thinking helps us see that, with positive feedback loops, where the change is so great that the old values, and the old norms, and the old self-images, the old worries and feuds, don't fit anymore. And that you have to die to the old forms, and resurrect in a larger self, wider rings....

The word is "positive disintegration." Because you are having to die to images and concepts of yourself that are simply too small. That there is something so big that wants to happen through us. And that we MUST allow it to happen through us if we want life to continue on this planet. Because the engines of destruction are strong!

Joanna Rogers Macy
Born 2 May 1929 (age 89)
Occupation Author, Buddhist scholar, environmental activist
Nationality American

Joanna Rogers Macy (born May 2, 1929), is an environmental activist, author, scholar of Buddhism, general systems theory, and deep ecology. She is the author of eight books.[1]


Macy graduated from Wellesley College in 1950 and received her Ph.D in Religious Studies in 1978 from Syracuse University, Syracuse. She studied there with Huston Smith, the influential author of The World's Religions (previously entitled The Religions of Man). She is an international spokesperson for anti-nuclear causes, peace, justice, and environmentalism,[1] most renowned for her book Coming Back to Life: Practices to Reconnect Our Lives, Our World and the Great Turning initiative, which deals with the transformation from, as she terms it, an industrial growth society to what she considers to be a more sustainable civilization. She has created a theoretical framework for personal and social change, and a workshop methodology for its application. Her work addresses psychological and spiritual issues, Buddhist thought, and contemporary science. She was married to the late Francis Underhill Macy, the activist and Russian scholar who founded the Center for Safe Energy.[citation needed]

Key Influences

Macy first encountered Buddhism in 1965 while working with Tibetan refugees in northern India, particularly the Ven. 8th Khamtrul Rinpoche, Sister Karma Khechog Palmo, Ven. Dugu Choegyal Rinpoche, and Tokden Antrim of the Tashi Jong community. Her spiritual practice is drawn from the Theravada tradition of Nyanaponika Thera and Rev. Sivali of Sri Lanka, Munindraji of West Bengal, and Dhiravamsa of Thailand.

Key formative influences to her teaching in the field of the connection to living systems theory have been Ervin Laszlo who introduced her to systems theory through his writings (especially Introduction to Systems Philosophy and Systems, Structure and Experience), and who worked with her as advisor on her doctoral dissertation (later adapted as Mutual Causality) and on a project for the Club of Rome. Gregory Bateson, through his Steps to an Ecology of Mind and in a summer seminar, also shaped her thought, as did the writings of Ludwig von Bertalanffy, Arthur Koestler, and Hazel Henderson. She was influenced in the studies of biological systems by Tyrone Cashman, and economic systems by Kenneth Boulding. Donella Meadows provided insights on the planetary consequences of runaway systems, and Elisabet Sahtouris provided further information about self-organizing systems in evolutionary perspective.


Macy travels giving lectures, workshops, and trainings internationally. Her work, originally called "Despair and Empowerment Work" was acknowledged as being part of the deep ecology tradition after she encountered the work of Arne Naess and John Seed [2], but as a result of disillusion with academic disputes in the field, she now calls it "the Work that Reconnects". Widowed by the death of her husband, Francis Underhill Macy, in January 2009, she lives in Berkeley, California, near her children and grandchildren. She serves as adjunct professor to three graduate schools in the San Francisco Bay Area: the Starr King School for the Ministry, the University of Creation Spirituality, and the California Institute of Integral Studies.


• Despair and Personal Power in the Nuclear Age; New Society Pub (1983); ISBN 0-86571-031-7
• Dharma and Development: Religion as resource in the Sarvodaya self help movement; Kumarian Press revised ed (1985); ISBN 0-931816-53-X
• Thinking Like a Mountain: Toward a Council of All Beings; Joanna Macy, John Seed, Pat Fleming, Arne Naess, Dailan Pugh; New Society Publishers (1988); ISBN 0-86571-133-X
• Mutual Causality in Buddhism and General Systems Theory: The Dharma of Natural System (Buddhist Studies Series); State University of New York Press (1991); ISBN 0-7914-0637-7
• Rilke's Book of Hours: Love Poems to God; poems by Rainer Maria Rilke, translated by Anita Barrows and Joanna Macy; Riverhead Books (1996); ISBN 1-59448-156-3
• Coming Back to Life : Practices to Reconnect Our Lives, Our World; Joanna R. Macy, Molly Young Brown; New Society Publishers (1998); ISBN 0-86571-391-X
• Widening Circles : a memoir ; New Catalyst Books (2001); ISBN 978-1897408018
• World as Lover, World as Self; Parallax Press (2005); ISBN 0-938077-27-9
• "Pass It On: Five Stories That Can Change the World"; Parallax Press (2010); ISBN 9781888375831
• "Active Hope : how to face the mess we're in without going crazy"; Joanna Macy, Chris Johnstone; New World Library (2012); ISBN 978-1-57731-972-6

See also

• David Korten, a collaborator with Macy on the Great Turning Initiative


1. George Prentice (January 18, 2012). "Anti-nuclear activist is 'just a sucker for courage'". Boise Weekly.
2. "John Seed is founder and director of the Rainforest Information Centre in Australia".
External links[edit]

Wikiquote has quotations related to: Joanna Macy

• Joanna Macy's website on the work of Experiential Deep Ecology
• Gaia Foundation of Western Australia — an Australian organisation based on the principles of Deep Ecology.
• California Institute of Integral Studies
• Interview with Joanna Macy by John Malkin — published in ascent magazine, summer 2008
• The Healing on Mother Earth Project — a Sebastopol, Ca organisation based on the principles of deep ecology.
• "The Work that Reconnects" — Video series of a workshop with Joanna Macy.
• A Wild Love for the World, an interview with Joanna Macy, by Krista Tippet on the American Radio Show "On Being." This page provides links to the original program that first aired in 2010, along with the unedited version of the program. Macy also recites many Rilke poems during the show, but some of these poems are edited out so you can listen to them recited individually.
• "Allegiance to Life: Staying steady through the mess we're in," An interview with Joanna Macy from Tricycle: The Buddhist Review
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Re: Freda Bedi, by Wikipedia

Postby admin » Thu Apr 04, 2019 2:02 am

Joanna Macy on the relevance of the Shambhala Warrior Prophecy for our time
10 September 2017



Findhorn Fellow, Eco-philosopher and root teacher of The Work That Reconnects, Joanna Macy, shares the twelve centuries old Shambhala Warrior Prophecy from the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, which is said to come true in our time. She invites you to listen to it as if it were about you….

“There comes a time when all life on Earth is in danger. At that time great powers have arisen, barbarian powers, and although they waste their wealth in preparations to annihilate each other, they have much in common. Among the things these barbarians have in common are weapons of unfathomable devastation and death and technologies that lay wast to the world. And it is just at this point in our history, when the future of all beings seems to hang by the frailest of threads, that the kingdom of shambhala emerges. Now, you can’t go there because it is not a place. It exists in the hearts and minds of the shambhala warriors….

“Now the time is coming when great courage is required of the shambhala warriors: moral courage and physical courage, and that’s because they are going to go right into the heart of the barbarian powers to dismantle their weapons. They are going to go into the pits and citadels where the weapons are made and deployed. They are going to go into the corridors of power where the decisions are made, to dismantle the weapons in every sense of the word. The shambahla warriors know that these weapons can be dismantled because they are made by the human mind. They can be unmade by the human mind. The dangers that face us are not brought upon us by some satanic deity, or some evil extraterrestial force or some unchangeable preordained fate. They arise out of our relationships and habits, out of our priorities. They are made by the human mind; they can be unmade by the human mind.

“Now is the time the shambhala warriors go into training. They train in the use of two implements. One is compassion and the other is insight into the radical interdependence of all phenomena. You need both. You need the compassion because that provides the fuel to move you out where you need to be to do what you need to do. That means not being afraid of the suffering of your world. When you’re not afraid to be with that pain, then nothing can stop you. You can be and do what you’re meant to.

“But by itself that implement is very hot – it can burn you out. So you need that other tool – you need the insight into the radical interconnectivity at the heart of existence, the web of life, our deep ecology. When you have that, then you know that this is not a battle between good guys and bad guys. You know that the line between good and evil runs through the landscape of every human heart. And you know that we are so interwoven in the web of life that even the smallest act, with clear intention, has repercussions through the whole web beyond your capacity to see. But that’s a little cool; maybe even a little abstract. You need the heat of the compassion – the interplay between compassion and wisdom.”

The mystics usually regard technology, science, and reason as the basic sources of the ecological crisis, and contend these should be contained or even replaced by toil, divination, and intuition. What is even more troubling is that many mystical ecologists are neo-Malthusians, whose more rambunctious elements regard famine and disease as necessary and even desirable to reduce human population.....

Social ecology [on the other hand] claimed that....Capitalism -- not technology, reason, or science as such -- produced an economy that was systemically anti-ecological....

Social ecology offered the vision of a nonhierarchical, communitarian society that would be based on directly democratic confederal communities with technologies structured around solar, wind, and renewable sources of energy; food cultivation by organic methods, a combined use of crafts and highly versatile, automatic, and sophisticated machinery to reduce human toil and free people to develop themselves as fully informed and creative citizens.....

[Deep ecology is] an exercise in a superficial form of social analysis that grossly underplays the profoundly systemic factors that have produced overfed elites in all parts of the world and masses of underfed underlings. Nearly all we learn from Dammann’s liberal good intentions is that an ecumenical “we” must be faulted for the ills of the world -- a mystical “consumer” who greedily demands goodies that “our” overworked corporations are compelled to produce....

The principal practical recipe for social change they have to offer “us” in Deep Ecology is little more than a naive prayer. “Our first principle,” they write, “is to encourage agencies, legislators, property owners and managers to consider flowing with rather than forcing natural processes.”....

The Ehrlichs’ treatment of fundamental social issues ... reveals the extent to which they come to terms with the status quo. Our democratic “market-based economies [are] so far the most successful political and economic systems human beings have ever devised ” That there is a systemic relationship between “market based” economy and the ruthless plundering of the planet hardly appears on the Ehrlichs’ social horizon.

Naess [claims] that deep ecology has an affinity with “contemporary nonviolent anarchism.” But the reader who might be stunned by this commitment to a libertarian alternative quickly learns that “with the enormous and exponentially increasing human population pressure and war or warlike conditions in many places, it seems inevitable to maintain some fairly strong central institutions” -- or, put less obliquely than deep ecologists are wont to do, a “fairly strong” centralized state....

[James Lovelock said it is] “when we drive our cars and listen to the radio bringing news of acid rain [that] we need to remind ourselves that we, personally, are the polluters.” Accordingly, “we are therefore accountable, personally, for the destruction of the trees by photochemical smog and acid rain.” The lowly consumer is seen as the real source of the ecological casts, not the producers who orchestrate public tastes through the mass media and the corporations who own and ravage Loveloek’s divine Gaia.....

The attempt by many mystical ecologists to exculpate the present society for its role in famines, epidemics, poverty, and hunger serves the world’s power elites as the most effective ideological defense for the extremes of wealth on the one side and poverty on the other.

-- Will Ecology Become ‘the Dismal Science’?, by Murray Bookchin
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Re: Freda Bedi, by Wikipedia

Postby admin » Fri Apr 05, 2019 1:11 am

John E. Stapleton Driver
by Dilgo Khyentse Fellowship - Shechen
June 1, 2014



The tulkus were learning English and their lessons on the modern world with varying degrees of success. Freda's star student, Trungpa Rinpoche, however, was making exceptional progress, and Freda's aspirations for him became increasingly ambitious. He had a natural aptitude for English and had taken to reading the poets that Freda presented him with, especially T.S. Eliot. He was keen on history and geography too. Freda decided that he was ready to try to get into Oxford, her own university, where he would receive the finest education the West had to offer. With such credentials he would be perfectly equipped and have the clout to bring the sacred Buddhist teachings to the outside world in a language it could understand.

With the help of John Driver, an Englishman who was also tutoring Trungpa, Freda set about getting a Spalding Scholarship for Trungpa, and succeeded. In early 1963 Trungpa set sail for England accompanied by Akong Rinpoche, to enter into the arcane, privileged, and hallowed halls of Oxford University. It was another epic journey into the unknown, heralding as many adventures, pitfalls, and triumphs as they had met in their escape from Tibet.

-- The Revolutionary Life of Freda Bedi, by Vicki Mackenzie

Alongside this new emergency, Freda continued to pursue another hugely ambitious project. 'My two lama "sons" are coming to England in March ... wonderful young lamas,' Freda told Olive Chandler -- an indication of the strong emotional as well as spiritual bonds forged with these tulkus.24 Along with John [E. Stapleton] Driver, a scholar of Tibet who had spent several years in Kalimpong, she managed to secure a Spalding scholarship to allow Trungpa to study at Oxford University. Akong was to accompany him. They were, in Cherry Armstrong's words, Freda's 'golden boys'. She recognised in Trungpa, in particular, an exceptional spiritual presence and an ability to communicate and to inspire those with whom he came into contact. Both had formal roles at the school -- Trungpa as codirector (he described himself as the school's spiritual advisor) while Akong made sure that the place ran with tolerable efficiency. Anita Morris, who taught English both at Green Park and at Dalhousie, had mixed opinions of the two. 'Akong was very much taking care of the younger ones -- a lot of them were a lot younger. So if they had any pains or any problems, they would go to Akong,' she recalls. 'He'd be going down maybe to a doctor at Dalhousie if necessary or just for ordinary shopping and taking care of things. Whereas Trungpa just did his own thing, his bits of painting and that sort of stuff.'25 A Tibetan lama who knew both well at Dalhousie comments that Trungpa always wanted attention and prominence, while Akong was solid and reliable. Trungpa was already developing a reputation as something of a wild child. Although it was a well-kept secret, he apparently fathered a child with a Tibetan nun who came to Dalhousie to visit him. They took a mattress up on the roof of the school -- said Trungpa's English wife in her memoirs -- and spent the night there. That was not at all typical of the school, but not entirely untypical ofTrungpa.26 He was an enormously important figure in the spread of Tibetan Buddhism in North America and Europe and one of the first to teach westerners in English, but he had lifelong issues about sexual promiscuity and the use of drink and drugs.

At Ladakh Buddhist Vihar, Cherry remembers Trungpa and Akong sitting in their room studying maps of the London Underground and out-of-date bus timetables in preparation for their journey. They travelled by boat. On the day they were due to dock outside London, the pupils at the Home School -- by now back in Dalhousie -- held a prayer ceremony on an open patch of woodland on the hillside adjoining Kailash. 'They lit a fire of juniper branches and the smoke rose in a blue spire into the branches of the trees and on up into the cloudless sky. We sat on brightly patterned Tibetan rugs spread over the stony ant-infested ground and the lamas began their chanting. It was a happy, picnic-like affair around the scented bonfire, with kettles of hot buttery Tibetan tea.'27 At Tilbury, Cherry's parents were on hand to welcome the two Tibetans -- as were Anita Morris and other well-wishers -- and to provide them with an initial berth at the family home in High Wycombe. Once installed at Oxford, Trungpa and Akong were joined by an old friend and another alumnus of the Home School, Chime Rinpoche. They shared a small flat in St Margaret's Road, on the same street as Freda's old college, and Akong took work as a hospital orderly to help support the household. All three became powerful beacons of Tibetan Buddhism in the west.

-- The Lives of Freda: The Political, Spiritual and Personal Journeys of Freda Bedi, by Andrew Whitehead


John E. Stapleton Driver was one of the first Europeans to meet and receive teachings from the great Tibetan lamas when they fled homeland in the 1950’s. He was an integral part of this unique period of history.

John was born in 1931 in England. He taught himself Tibetan from a textbook when he was young. In later years his natural linguistic ability gave him a wide knowledge of both occidental and oriental languages. He earned a degree in Classical Chinese at Oxford University (Merton and St. Antony's Colleges). During those studies he became interested in Tibetan and Sanskrit and related Buddhist teachings.

In the mid-1950’s, he traveled to India to do research and field work for his Ph.D. on the Guhyagarbha Tantra. He lived in Kalimpong, a small town to which many of the most important Tibetan Buddhist teachers of the last century had fled.

He was a student of Jamyang Khyentse Cho Kyi Lodro and took numerous teachings from him in Sikkim and India. The Fourth Dodrup Chen Rinpoche lived in John’s house for some time and gave the Nyingtik Yab Shi empowerments there to him and John Blofeld. John was deeply devoted to Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche and often met him informally to receive teachings.

In India, John also taught English classes to Trungpa Rinpoche, Tulku Thondrup, Chime Wangmo (Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche’s daughter), and others. He was instrumental, with Freda Bedi, in getting a scholarship to Oxford for Trungpa Rinpoche and continued to help him with his studies in England.

John translated two great classics into English: Tibet: Land of the Snows by Giuseppe Tucci
and R.A. Stein’s Tibetan Civilization. He wrote a descriptive catalogue of the Tibetan manuscripts in the important Bodleian Collection that still provides invaluable material for researchers.

"It was not just the ideologists and theoreticians of national socialism who were closely concerned with Tibet, but also high-ranking intellectuals and scholars closely linked to Italian fascism. First of all, Giuseppe Tucci, who attempted to combine Eastern and fascist ideas with one another, must be mentioned (Benavides 1995)."

-- "The Shadow of the Dalai Lama," by Victor and Victoria Trimondi

He worked for The London Stock Exchange as part of the team setting up Talisman, the first computerized share-dealing system. In 1979 he founded a consultancy, Flowergold Ltd, and one of his contracts was with The British Library, defining international cataloguing conventions and also facilitating technical compatibility with the Library of Congress.
His warm and personal relationship with Khyentse Rinpoche continued over the years and in 1990, he traveled to Tibet with him and a number of students on pilgrimage. John passed away on May 28th in England after a long illness that he faced with fortitude and courage.


Donation of J.E. Stapleton Driver Collection of Tibetan texts to Bodleian
September 3, 2016

J.E. Stapleton Driver in Kalimpong, 1958

In May 2014, J. E. Stapleton Driver passed away.

Many in the Tibetan Studies field will know of the works he translated, Tibetan Civilisation (by R.A.Stein) and Tibet, Land of Snows (by G. Tucci).

Driver was a graduate of Merton College (in Classical Chinese, 1954), and then pursued his interests in Tibetan studies (Guhyagarbha Tantra) in Kalimpong, Gangtok and Kathmandu, 1957-60.

He returned to St Antony's College as a fellow to continue his researches (1961-65), and thus was in Oxford when the Tibetan Buddhist lama tulkus Trungpa Rinpoche, Akong Rinpoche and Chime Rinpoche first came to Oxford (1963).

In the early 1970s Driver created a descriptive catalogue of the Tibetan manuscripts and older xylographs held at Bodleian, which is still used today.

One of John Driver's sons, Felix Driver, kindly got in touch earlier in 2016 to enquire whether the Bodleian Tibetan Collection would like to receive his father's Tibetan texts, and also the books, thangkas (scroll paintings) and Tibetan artefacts.

Bodleian readily agreed, and the Driver Collection has been formed.

Sample box of wrapped texts ready for transport (136 texts in all)

Sample box of loose texts ready for transport (estimated 400 smaller texts in all)

In future, the catalogue shelfmark heading for the manuscripts and early xylographs will be 'MS. Driver' followed by the relevant number. The catalogue records should appear on Karchak (online digital catalogue of Tibetan texts in Bodleian) when that is published online.

Meanwhile, back in the 1960s, Gene Smith had created a catalogue that included 35 of Driver's collection which had been microfilmed at the British Library. The catalogue was published by T.V.Wylie (U of Washington, 1969), the Driver Collection records are in vol. 2.

After 2 days of sorting through the collection, by Felix Driver and Charles Manson, eventually on July 7th 2016 the Driver Collection was transported to Weston Library to be deposited in the Special Collections storage. Thanks due to Edward Adcock and his team for facilitating the move so easily.

After the sorting, 2 happy people (Manson & Driver).

Subsequently on August 2nd, Felix and his mother, Mrs Anne Driver, and sister Tabitha were able to visit Weston Library to see where the collection is, and some Tibetan Studies scholars in Oxford were there for the happy occasion.

Robert Beer, Felix Driver, Anne Driver, Prof Heather Stoddard discussing a thangka from the Driver Collection

Inspecting a Tibetan xylograph text (Stoddard - Anne Driver - Felix Driver - Manson - Ujeed)

Inspecting a Tibetan manuscript (18th century) of the Driver Collection (F Driver - A Driver - Stoddard - Manson - Ujeed)

MS. Driver 1 (Weston Library)



Much work to be done cataloguing the collection - updates will be forthcoming.

With many thanks to the Driver family.



Marginal Amusement at the Bodleian
by Tibeto-Logic
December 21, 2011

Earlier today, under inspiration from the latest blog entry from Janus, I was doing an internet search for ‘Hero Capable [of overcoming all comers all at] Once,’ or, in the original tongue, Dpa'-bo Chig-thub. What to my great surprise could possibly pop up, but a rare catalog of Tibetan manuscripts and so forth that are kept at the Bodleian Library in Oxford, England. It’s so rare it’s not even a publication, really, just a typescript done, as you might expect, on a typewriter. I could hardly believe my eyes. What could explain this outrageously good fortune?

Answer: Descriptive Catalogue of the Tibetan Manuscripts Held at the Bodleian Library, Oxford, prepared by John E. Stapleton Driver in ca. 1970, and revised by David Barrett, 1993. Total page count: 152.

Some very thoughtful person put it up for us in a searchable PDF format. Here.[dead link]

You can find something entertaining already, 4 pages into it (there are no page numbers) in the entry for MS.Tibet.a.1, described as "a meditation text," with the title Bla mgon dbyer med kyi rnal 'byor thun mongs ma yin pa nyamsu len tshul rin chen dbang gi rgyal po'i do shal.

Someone wrote on the title page (I give it 'as is,' except for changing it into Wylie): 'di mang gi yi ge phal cher ma dag pa dang 'ga zhig rang zo byas pa'ang mang tsam 'dug pas zhu dag tong tshod mi 'dug go. This is there translated, “As the text in this is generally corrupt and in a good many cases even made up, there’s no end to correcting it.”

A second person wrote on the title page in a different hand: 'di 'bri mkhan dang khyed rang gnyis ka ma dag pas skyon dan[g] .... rang bzo byed mkhan gtso bo khyed rang 'dra. — khyed 'dra bas zhus dag gtong ba las ma gtang ba dga 'dug. This is translated, “Of the writer of this and yourself, the chief introducer of corruptions and inventions seems to be yourself." — "Rather than have someone like you make corrections, they were better not made at all.”

And finally, at the end of the text, somebody wrote (in English? Well, no Tibetan is given): “It would shame you if a scholar were to see such a corrupt text, so I suggest you burn it.”

The original text was purchased in 1885 from two of the Schlagintweit brothers: R.H. and A. If you are like me you may well have trouble keeping straight which of the five Schlagintweit brothers was which, in which case this webpage would be a big help.[dead link]

But what about the person given as the author of the text, the monk Legshé Ludrub (Legs-bshad-klu-sgrub)?

A quick search of TBRC [Buddhist Digital Resource Center] and a few other places turned up neither the title of this guruyoga text nor its author. Who can he be? Where’s our good Doctor Watson?

John E. Stapleton Driver, in case you don’t remember, was the one who translated R.A. Stein’s Tibetan Civilization into English.

As part of this catalog, you can find some of the papers that were left behind by W.Y. Evans-Wentz (1878-1965) — famous editor of such well known works as The Tibetan Book of the Dead — after his own entry into the bar-do. Among these papers are some draft translations by Lama Kazi Dawa Samdrup.

Some of the Tibetan books here came from Solomon C. Malan (1812-1894), a friend and student of Csoma de Körös. For more about this, see P.J. Marczell, The Tibetan Mss. of the Malan Bequest in the Bodleian and Their Relation to the Life and Works of Csoma Körösi, Studia Asiatica, vol. 2, nos. 1-2 (2000), pp. 55-71. Get it for free (or not!) here.[dead link]

Other materials came from Samuel Turner (1749-1802), author of An Account of an Embassy to the Court of the Teshoo Lama in Tibet (London 1800).

(*My note: I guess this means Joseph White, since he did indeed marry Mary Turner, sister of Samuel.)

For more about this, see the late Michael Aris’s article, A Note on the Resources for Tibetan Studies at Oxford, Bodleian Library Record, vol. 10, no. 6 (May 1982), pp. 368-375. Or look at this page of the Bodleian's own website (scroll down the page to the section about Tibet).

If the kind person who did this is still in a generous mood, I suggest they put up two other rare catalogs of Tibetan manuscripts that exist (however seldom) in typescripts. They are:

P. Denwood, Catalogue of Tibetan Mss and Block-prints outside the Stein Collection in the India Office Library (1975), in 145 pages. For a reference, look here.

E. Gene Smith, University of Washington Tibetan Catalogue, vols. 1-2 (Seattle 1969). For a reference, look here.

Or is this asking too much?
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Re: Freda Bedi, by Wikipedia

Postby admin » Fri Apr 05, 2019 1:33 am

John Blofeld
by Wikipedia
Accessed: 4/4/19




John Eaton Calthorpe Blofeld (Born Anthony, 2 April 1913 – 7 June 1987) was a British writer on Asian thought and religion, especially Taoism and Chinese Buddhism.

Early life

Blofeld was born in London in 1913.[1] In his youth, he happened to come across a small statue of Gautama Buddha and, without knowing what it was, he felt a great passion to possess it, and then privately offered it flowers and prostrated before it every night. Experiences like this led Blofeld to believe in reincarnation, and that he had been a Buddhist in China in a previous life.[2] He was educated at Haileybury College, then Downing College, Cambridge University where he read natural sciences but did not complete his degree. Instead he left in his second year for travels to China.[3] From 1932 to 1935 he lived in Hong Kong, teaching English at the Munsang College at Kai Tak Bun, Kowloon City<Munsang College> and learning Cantonese.[4] Then in the summer of 1935, he moved to China, having obtained a teaching position at the Hebei Academy of Industry in Tianjin, with a teaching schedule that would allow him to spend three nights a week in Beijing.[5] Family matters called him back to England in the summer of 1937, so he was not present when the Japanese occupied northern China.

War years and after

Returning to Hong Kong in September 1937, he mostly resided in and traveled around China until 1949, visiting monasteries and all the sacred mountains[6] and talking to Mongolian lamas, Zen masters, Taoist sages, and others. He lived for some time in Peking, and traveled through Asia (Tibet, Mongolia, China, India, and Burma) to visit the places where those religions lived within their practitioners. He talked to Taoist eremites (hermits), spent time in monasteries and experienced how alive the spiritual culture of China was in this period. Blofeld became a pupil of Hsu Yun but actually received training in Ch'an (Zen) meditation from Hsu Yun's pupils at a monastery near Kunming, Yunnan. He also received Vajrayana teachings.

Starting in 1937, he traveled around south China and southeast Asia, visiting Guilin,[7] Hanoi,[8] Kunming (where he spent ten months meditating in the Hua Ting monastery),[9] and eventually returned to Hong Kong to resume teaching at the Min Sheng Academy. But after several months there, he returned to England in 1939, to enroll in the School of Oriental and African Studies at the University of London, where he studied Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Malaysian. His academic studies were again interrupted, this time by World War II. After one year of studies, he enlisted in counterintelligence (otherwise he would have been conscripted without a choice of which service to enter), and was soon promoted and sent to the British Embassy in Chongqing as cultural attache, on the basis of his proficiency in Chinese.[10]

When the war ended, Blofeld returned to England and, in six months, received a master's degree in literature at the University of Cambridge. In 1946, he flew to Hebei. He had a Chinese National Government grant to study Tang Dynasty Buddhism, and taught English at Shi Fan University.[11]

Seeing that a Communist takeover was imminent, Blofeld fled Beijing with his pregnant wife.[12] He then taught English in Hong Kong (1949-1951) and Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok (1951-1961).[13] During these years he also visited Darjeeling to study with Nyingma teachers including Dudjom Rinpoche and Dodrupchen Rinpoche.

Blofeld worked for the United Nations (ECAFE, later ESCAP - Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific) (1961-1974), and then retired.[14] In his later years, he conducted extensive lecture tours of America and Canada (1978-1980), and subsequently studied Chinese composition and literature.

His studies and his collected experiences with the sages and mystics of China are of special interest, because he entered this realm in an era before the Cultural Revolution which aimed at annihilating all ties to the old feudal Chinese identity.

His own view on the practices and beliefs he encountered was always marked by admiration of this lived spirituality. In the beginnings of his travels and studies, he was not very familiar with the native languages, and held a skeptical position against the shamanistic elements of those religions. But as his studies dove deeper into the complex symbolism of Asian thought, he developed a broader view, and became himself a deeply spiritual man. Blofeld mentored Red Pine in his translation work. According to Red Pine, Blofeld "was a very sincere Buddhist who practiced every night for several hours and loved what he did. I don't think he ever stopped learning."[15]

Personal life

At age 34, Blofeld married Change Mei-fang, of whom he wrote, “She was half Manchu and half Chinese ... She was a woman of excellent character, intelligent and capable, but she was extremely argumentative! This goes to show that the old saying, 'Heaven punishes the guilty', is not just an empty slogan.”[16]

His first child was a son, named Ming Deh (“Bright Virtue”), born in Hong Kong the year he fled the Communist takeover of Beijing. A year later, his daughter, Shueh Chan (“Snow Beauty”) was born.[17]

He died of cancer at age 74 in Bangkok, Thailand. His ashes occupy a place of honor in a Chinese Guan Yin temple he had helped build in 1951.[18]

He left a son and daughter who currently reside in Spain and Chesham. He has four granddaughters and a grandson.

Selected works

• The Huang Po Doctrine of Universal Mind - 1947, under pseudonym Chu Ch'an
• The Path to Sudden Attainment, a treatise of the Ch'an (Zen) school of Chinese Buddhism by Hui Hai[ar] of the T'ang Dynasty - 1948
• The Zen Teaching of Huang Po: On the Transmission of Mind - 1959
• City of Lingering Splendour : A Frank Account of Old Peking's Exotic Pleasures - 1961
• The Zen Teaching of Hui Hai - 1962
• I Ching, the Book of Change - 1968
• The Way of Power. A guide to Tantric mysticism of Tibet - 1970
• The Tantric Mysticism of Tibet : A Practical Guide to the Theory, Purpose, and Techniques of Tantric Meditation - 1970
• The Secret and Sublime: Taoist Mysteries and Magic - 1973
• Atisha: A biography of the renowned Buddhist sage - 1974, Translated by Thubten Kelsang Rinpoche and Ngodrub Paljor, with John Blofeld.
• Bodhisattva of Compassion : The Mystical Tradition of Kuan Yin - 1977
• The jewel in the lotus: An outline of present day Buddhism in China - 1977
• Mantras: Sacred Words of Power - 1977
• Wheel of Life : The Autobiography of a Western Buddhist, ISBN 0-87773-034-2, 1978
• Taoism: The Quest for Immortality - 1978
• Gateway to Wisdom: Taoist and Buddhist Contemplative Healing Yogas - 1979 -1980
• The Chinese Art of Tea - 1985
• My Journey in Mystic China: Old Pu's Travel Diary - 2008 (originally published in Chinese in 1990)


1. Blofeld 2008, pg. 4
2. Blofeld 2008, pp. 5-7
3. Blofeld 2008, pg. 2
4. Blofeld 2008, pg. 90
5. Blofeld 2008, pp. 35-6
6. Huang Li-Sung in Blofeld 2008, pg. xxxi
7. Blofeld 2008, pg. 127
8. Blofeld 2008, pg. 134
9. Blofeld 2008, pp. 134-149
10. Blofeld 2008, pp. 159-160
11. Blofeld 2008, pg. 224
12. Blofeld 2008, pg. 242
13. Blofeld 2008, pg. 245
14. Blofeld 2008, pg. 246
15. KJ Interviews: Dancing with Words: Red Pine's Path into the Heart of Buddhism
16. Blofeld 2008, pp. 225-6
17. Blofeld 2008, pg. 243
18. Daniel Reid in Blofeld 2008, pp. xxi-xxv


• Blofeld, John. My Journey in Mystic China: Old Pu's Travel Diary 2008 (originally published in Chinese in 1990) Inner Traditions. ISBN 978-1-59477-157-6
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Re: Freda Bedi, by Wikipedia

Postby admin » Fri Apr 05, 2019 1:53 am

Leslie Weir [Colonel]
by Wikipedia
Accessed: 4/4/19



Another source of volunteers came via the international network she had established in Delhi, the Tibetan Friendship Group, through which Freda roped in pen pals, sponsors, and helpers for her tulkus and Tibetan refugees in general.

One such volunteer, John Weir Hardy, a particularly well-connected young man (educated at Eton, England's most exclusive and expensive private school), wrote glowingly in a newsletter of his experience with Freda:

I left England embittered, having lost faith in humanity. Business life was never my strong point. The Tibetans have cured me of my despondency and have taught me much. They gave me the necessary balance which one must find to go through life and Mummy was able to show me how to benefit from combining the spiritual with the material. Every fleeting second is a world in itself, another facet of a complex people's way of life, another glimpse into a world which is far more cultured than I have ever met.

And so the progress. Eton is taking much interest in the work and is going to run a major appeal in the hopes of raising about one thousand pounds, most of which will go toward a jeep.

-- The Revolutionary Life of Freda Bedi, by Vicki Mackenzie

Leslie Weir [Colonel]
by Wikipedia (France)
Accessed: 2/1/20

Leslie Weir
Birth: January 29, 1883, Ghazipur, British Indies
Death: December 7 , 1950 (aged 67), Nairobi, Kenya
Nationality: British

Leslie Weir (January 29, 1883 in Ghazipur in India1 - December 7, 1950 in Nairobi, Kenya2) is a Scottish colonel3 of the British Indian Army known to have been the British commercial agent in Gyantsé in Tibet, the British political representative in Sikkim and to have met the 13th Dalai Lama.



He married in 1912 to Thyra Letitia Alexandra Sommers, a New Zealander, daughter of a Danish gold prospector3, with whom he had two daughters, Joan Mary Jehu4 and Thyra Beatrice Rose Weir, mother of Joanna Lumley.


The 13th Dalai Lama seated at Norbulingka in 1932, photo by Leslie Weir.

He went for the first time in 1909 to Tibet where he was the British commercial agent in Gyantsé for a few years. He met the 13th Dalai Lama in 1910 with the political officer Charles Bell in Darjeeling5.

Leslie Weir was the British political representative at Sikkim from August to October 1911, from October 1928 to April 1931, from August 1931 to January 1933 6.

It is in this capacity that he returns to Tibet5 with his wife Thyra Weir3. He was invited to Lhasa by the Dalai Lama in 1930 to help solve new disputes between the Tibetan government and the Chinese government5. The August 17, 1930, his wife is the first English woman to be received in audience by the Dalai Lama7. Leslie Weir was invited a second time in 1932 by the Dalai Lama to Lhasa, where he went with his wife and daughter Joan Mary. He then spends most of his time in conference with Le Kashag and the Dalai Lama, and all three are received in audience by the latter at Norbulingka. The Dalai Lama took an interest in the paintings of his wife and daughter and authorized them to paint in Tibet5.

The political situation between Tibet and China is then complex, especially on the border, worrying Tibet. Tough negotiations between Tibet and China, and the writing of a letter asking the 9th Panchen Lama to return to Tibet considered of importance for the Dalai Lama and Leslie Weir, delay the return of the Weir family in Sikkim in winter. The conflict between the Tibetans and the Chinese on the eastern border is diminishing due to the civil war in Sichuan and the withdrawal of troops by Chiang Kai-shek. Leslie Weir and his family then return in December via the Nathu La pass, which is blocked by snow the day after their passage. Weir wrote to the Dalai Lama to thank him for his hospitality and to report that the passage was marked by luck, which was not the reason, replied the Dalai Lama: he had prayed for this5.

Notes and references

1. [archive]
2. Kenya Gazette [archive], March 6, 1951, p. 331
3. (en) Alex McKay, Tibet and the British Raj: The Frontier Cadre, 1904-1947 [archive ], p. 119-120
4. (in) Michael Aris, Obituary: Mary Joan Jehu [archive], Tibetan Bulletin, November-December 1994.
5. (en) Joan Mary Jehu, Brief account of time in Tibet [archive], Tibetan Bulletin, November-December 1994
6. Fabienne Jagou, The 9th Panchen Lama (1883-1937): issue of Sino-Tibetan relations, Paris: EFEO, 2004 (Monographs: 191), p. 220
7. (in) Emma Martin, A Feminine Touch: Elaine Tankard and the establishment of the Tibet collections at National Museums Liverpool [archive], Journal of Museum Ethnography, no. 23 (2010), pp. 98-114
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Re: Freda Bedi, by Wikipedia

Postby admin » Fri Apr 05, 2019 2:22 am

Part 1 of 4

Tibetan Friendship Group
Accessed: 4/4/19

Another source of volunteers came via the international network she had established in Delhi, the Tibetan Friendship Group, through which Freda roped in pen pals, sponsors, and helpers for her tulkus and Tibetan refugees in general.

One such volunteer, John Weir Hardy, a particularly well-connected young man (educated at Eton, England's most exclusive and expensive private school), wrote glowingly in a newsletter of his experience with Freda:

I left England embittered, having lost faith in humanity. Business life was never my strong point. The Tibetans have cured me of my despondency and have taught me much. They gave me the necessary balance which one must find to go through life and Mummy was able to show me how to benefit from combining the spiritual with the material. Every fleeting second is a world in itself, another facet of a complex people's way of life, another glimpse into a world which is far more cultured than I have ever met.

And so the progress. Eton is taking much interest in the work and is going to run a major appeal in the hopes of raising about one thousand pounds, most of which will go toward a jeep.

Freda's Tibetan Friendship Group newsletter was one way that she let the outside world know about the plight of Tibet and what had happened to its people as a result of the Chinese invasion. In her lifetime she wrote literally tens of thousands of letters, usually working late into the night, to societies and individuals seeking funds, goods, skills, clothes, expertise, and anything else that was needed. She used all her skills of persuasion and journalism, making each letter intensely personal to encourage total involvement and therefore willingness to give. Her approach was quintessentially Freda, emphasizing human interest over intellectual argument:

This is Yangchen (picture provided), a little novice girl of Tilokpur, the Mahayana Buddhist nunnery. She is the politest little girl we have. Good manners are a little-considered virtue these modern days, but how comfortable it is to have a pleasant little girl like this. SHE NEEDS A SPONSOR [sic] at $7 a month, or even $5 for food. Her younger sister, Jayong, aged 7-8, is very bright, a darling child.

About a refugee school in Varanasi that she had visited and taken under her wing, she wrote,

There was a great deal of student poverty. They have scholarships, which are meager, but there are always emergencies -- clothes to be bought and medicines beyond what can be provided. I wish someone could remember the students at Christmas. The boy that was helped with medicines (gift of Mrs. Mollie Noeltner, USA) still faces the operation and would need at least Rs 400 (about $54) for the heart drugs. Another student looks very TB-ish. Many of the pupils would love student pen friends. They would have to send postage money to the students, though. Even if no great sums were sent, it would give them a sense of companionship and courage.


Single-handedly Freda had already set the scene for Buddhism to make the historic leap from East to West when she had the foresight to establish the Young Lamas Home School. In 1972, the year of her full ordination as a bikshuni nun, she took another momentous step in that direction by personally agreeing to take the Buddha's message to South Africa, the first of several overseas "missions" she undertook....

The invitation had come from Rosemary Vosse, a theosophist descended from Italian nobility, who had met Freda in India. She had literally begged Freda, now known as Sister Palmo, to come to South Africa, which was being brutally ripped apart by the bloody internal war of apartheid, as blacks fought for equal rights and the end to racial segregation. ...

It was an invitation Freda could not resist. Any notion of racial inequality and suppression of freedom was an immediate clarion call to her. In fact it was in Johannesburg that her hero, Mahatma Gandhi, had formulated his philosophy of peaceful civil resistance, triggered when he was ordered to move from a first-class carriage to a third-class carriage because he was "colored," despite the fact that he was working as a lawyer there and had a valid ticket. The result was Satyagraha, his Doctrine of Truth, which he propagated there for twenty years and which Freda espoused when she became a Satyagrahi.

Her tour was to encompass Johannesburg, Capetown, Durban, and Port Elizabeth....

She addressed audiences, large and small, who had come as a result of publicity generated by her Tibetan Friendship Group.


She hoped Kabir, now a film star, would be able to visit, accompanied by his new girlfriend now that he'd divorced his first wife, the flamboyant classical Indian dancer named Protima. "Kabir is back after a great success on TV in Europe. He has now made his first Italian film, Black Corsair," she wrote proudly to Valerie Grove, from the very active Australian branch of the Tibetan Friendship Group.


March 28, 1977, the day of her death, was an interesting one....

Throughout the day many people spontaneously turned up to visit Freda, many of them from the Tibetan Friendship Group that Freda had founded.
She greeted them all warmly and told them about her new project to sponsor Tibetan children in top Indian public schools, especially girls, who had less chance of receiving a good education than boys.

-- The Revolutionary Life of Freda Bedi, by Vicki Mackenzie

Rosemary was known to her many Tibetan friends as Karma Dolma Chuzom, a name which was given to her by H.H. the 16th Gyalwa Karmapa, Rangjung Rigpe Dorje. To many of us, she was simply known as Dolma, ‘Mother.’

Over the years, Rosemary was a great inspiration to many through her selfless service to Humankind. She was deeply involved in Theosophy, with her late husband -- and was a President of the Cape Town Lodge.

Inspired by an article which appeared in The Middle Way, the Journal of The Buddhist Society in London, Rosemary founded The Tibetan Friendship Group in the late 1950’s and edited its Newsletter -- The Tibetan Friendship Group Newsletter, for many years, which then changed into The Bodhisattva Path, and eventually transformed into eighteen issues of MAITRI under the Editorship of Karma Samten (Andre de Wet), AND Sheila Fugard.

-- In Memory of Rosemary Vosse (Karma Dolma Chuzom), by

Freda was concerned that the Indian authorities simply didn't understand the tradition of incarnate lamas, and their critical place in Tibetan society and spiritual practice. Little was done to identify these young lamas, some little more than infants. 'Nobody knew quite what to do with them,' Freda lamented to Olive Shapley. 'In the lamas we have inherited a tradition that dates back to the seventh century -- spiritual richness we can only as yet partially realise,' she wrote to friends. 'I am sure the whole world will ultimately be enriched.'

There are perhaps 200 high 'incarnate' lamas in the country now headed by His Holiness [the Dalai Lama] (including 40-60 child or adolescent incarnations: many of them young people of extraordinary intelligence and physical beauty) ... dedicated monks and lamas of a high standard of learning and spirituality number perhaps 2,500; in addition we have junior and simpler country monks, over 1,500 of whom have volunteered for roadwork. We all pray ultimately we may be able to settle the bulk of the refugees in big land settlements.

Nehru had taken a diplomatic risk by hosting the Dalai Lama and tens of thousands of those who followed in his wake. But there was a limit to the amount of official support and funding that could be expected for the refugees' welfare, with the most urgent and unmet need being the upkeep and education of the young lamas.

Freda was entirely comfortable soliciting money and support from the rich and well connected. She had also established links with Buddhist and similar groups in London and elsewhere. Within weeks of returning to Delhi from the camps, she sought to turn her extensive network to the Tibetans' advantage. In mid-August 1960, she wrote a long letter to Muriel Lewis, a California-based Theosophist with whom she had corresponded for several years. Muriel ran the Mothers' Research Group principally for American and Western Theosophists, a network which had an interest both in eastern religions and in parenting issues.

I should like to feel that the 'Mothers' Group' was in touch with all I do (Freda wrote). Do you think it would be possible for some of your members to 'Adopt' in a small way -- write to, send parcels to -- these junior lamas? Friendships, even by post, could mean a great deal. We could work out a little scheme, if you are interested. The language barrier is there, but we can overcome it, with the help of friends.

Freda's family had, she recounted, already taken a young lama under their wing.

Last year my son [Kabir] 'adopted' one small lama of 12, sent him a parcel of woollen (yellow)clothes, sweets and picture books, soap and cotton cloth. This time when I went to Buxa, Jayong gave me such an excited and dazzling smile. He was brimming over with joy at seeing me again! It is very quiet away from your own country and relations for a small lama with a LOT TO LEARN. It was of course most touching to see the 'Mother-Love' in the faces of the tutor-lamas and servant lamas who look after the young ones. They are very tender with them.

Freda's letter was included in Muriel's research group newsletter and subsequently reprinted by the Buddhist Society in London. This was the founding act of the Tibetan Friendship Group, which quickly established a presence in eight western countries and was the conduit by which modest private funds were raised for the refugees. It outlasted Freda and ... it helped give prominence to the Tibet issue as well as the well-being of the Tibetan diaspora.

-- The Lives of Freda: The Political, Spiritual and Personal Journeys of Freda Bedi, by Andrew Whitehead

Tibetan Youth Congress (India)

Name of Administrative Contact: Tsetan Norbu
Street Address: PO McLeod Ganj
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Dharamsala (HP) 176215, INDIA
Telephone Number: 91 1892 21554
Fax Number: 91 1892 21849
Email Address:


Training Programs

China (Tibet): Tibetan Youth Congress organizes intensive leadership-training courses for Tibetan college students in India, facilitating their involvement in the political struggle for democracy and human rights in Tibet.

-- A Survey and Analysis of "Supporting Human Rights and Democracy: The U.S. Record 2002-2003": Hearing Before the Committee on International Relations House of Representatives, 108th Congress, First Session, July 9, 2003

Tibetan Friendship Group Australia (Inc)

Name of Administrative Contact: Ann Trenoweth (President)
Street Address: PO Box 39
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Gordon NSW Australia 2072
Telephone Number: +612 97990613
Fax Number: +612 97990617
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

We are a humanitarian support group, working since 1969, providing sponsorships, community projects and health care programs.


Tibet Support Groups

Use this global directory to find your way to Tibet Support Groups near you. You may also search for them by alphabetical listing.

If your group is not listed, or the information here is not current, tell us!

If you are looking for phone numbers for Tibetan offices or communities in India, Nepal or Bhutan, check the Tibetan Telephone Directory. Here's the Students for a Free Tibet (SFT) chapter contact information. Finally, if you are looking for organizations that concern themselves specifically with Tibetan Buddhism, i.e. Dharma groups, best try Quiet Mountain.

Disclaimer - being listed in this directory does not imply that an organization has any particular political agenda regarding Tibet.

TSG Global Directory

Tibet Support Groups in Africa

Use these links to find Tibet Support Groups in Africa. You may also search for Tibet Support Groups by alphabetical listing.

South African Friends of Tibet (Africa)

City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Cape Town, South Africa
Email Address:,
Web Page URL (Address):

Tibet Society of South Africa (Africa)

Name of Administrative Contact: Renato Palmi & Elizabeth Gaywood
Street Address: PO BOX 52006 BEREA ROAD 4007
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: DURBAN SOUTH AFIRCA 4007
Telephone Number: + 31 2616096
Fax Number: + 31 2616096

Web Page URL (Address):


Buryat Society Friends of Tibet (Buryat)

Name of Administrative Contact: Bazardapov Vladimir
Telephone Number: (301-22)730-77 / 795-05
Fax Number: (301-22)732-74
Email Address: root@techn.buriatia

The Roof of the World Foundation (Indonesia)

(Yayasan Atap Dunia)
Name of Administrative Contacts: Enrico Soekarno, Chairman
Amanda Suharnoko, Supervisor
Street Address: Wisma Subud #30, Jalan R.S. Fatmawati No. 52
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Jakarta 12430, Indonesia
Telephone Number: 62-21-7501850
Fax Number: 62-21-7669337
Email Address:,

A Tibet Support Group with a focus on the Arts, Culture and Inter-faith.

J.H. Moon Yoga Research Center (Tibet Cultural Center) (Korea)

Name of Administrative Contact: Jin Hee Moon
Street Address: 6FSochon Bldg,#628-23 Shin Sa Dong
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Kang Nam-Gu,Seoul,Korea
Telephone Number: 82 2549 7424
Fax Number: 82 2549 2757

Organizing Committee of H.H the Dalai Lama's Visit to Korea (Korea)

Name of Administrative Contact: Jung WoongKi
Street Address: #205 Shinhwa bldg, 30-6 Iksun-dong
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Seoul, South Korea, 110 340
Telephone Number: 82-2-743-2525
Fax Number: 82-2-744-3424
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

Our purpose is:

1. To Promote Inter-Religious Harmony and Peace

2. To Promote the Reunification of Korea in accord with the Teachings of Peace and Universal Responsibility of the Dalai Lama

3. To Promote a Lifestyle of Simplicity and Community Spirit inspired by respect for Tibetan culture and values, one of the most precious traditions of human civilization.

Stream Of Free Tibet (SOFT) - Korea (Korea)

Name of Administrative Contact: Aum Tashi
Street Address: Chongno-gu, Kwanghwamoon P/O K.P.O BOX 1351.
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Seoul, South Korea, 110-613
Telephone Number: 82-505-852-0310
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

We were established in 1998 in South Korea. As a member of TIBET ONLINE, our name is Stream of Free Tibet (SOFT). We are active in various areas to inform Koreans on Tibet issues and recent incidents in Tibet. We wish to make solidarity with all TSGs world wide.

Tibet's Friends (Korea) (Korea)

Name of Administrative Contact: An, Jung Bae
Street Address: We are an on-line community, don't have a particular address of the office.
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Seoul, South Korea
Telephone Number: 82-10-9034-4219
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

Since demonstration at Lhasa in March 2008, we, korean netizens who are willing to support Tibetan have met and acted together as follows; candle-light demonstration, demonstration and performance in front of Chinese embassy in Korea, and the 'Tashi Delek Tibet Peace Concert' with Korean popular musicians.

Circle of Friends for Tibet (Philippines) (Philippines)

Name of Administrative Contact: Jacinto Vidal
Street Address: PO Box 320, Cebu Central Post Office
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Cebu City, Philippines 6000
Telephone Number: +6391 5726 4361
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address): user/serkolfriends

We Support the Tibetan people's endeavor for self-determination. We join the the worldwide campaign to spread awareness on China's illegal occupation of Tibet. We are a Tibetan support group based in Cebu City, Philippines.

Thai-Tibet Centre (Thailand)

Street Address: 4753 3 Soi Wat Thong NappakhumDomejchaopraya Rd
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Klong-SarpnBangkok 10600Thailand

Tibet Studies Center - Thailand (Thailand)

Name of Administrative Contact: Dhamrong Padamapas
Street Address: 113 Fuang Nakorn Rd
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Bangkok 10200, THAILAND
Telephone Number: 662-225-9533
Fax Number: 662-225-9540

Friends of Tibet - Hong Kong (Hong Kong)

Name of Administrative Contact: Linda Rose
Street Address: 203 Wingting Building 7-9 Wellington Street
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Hong Kong

Alliance for Research in Tibet (Hong Kong)

Name of Administrative Contact: Peter Kedge
Mailing Address: PO Box 98728
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: TST, Hong Kong
Telephone Number: 852-23257068
Fax Number: 852-23257068
Email Address:,

Buddhist Perception of Nature (Hong Kong)

Name of Administrative Contact: Nancy Nash
Street Address: 5H Bowen Rd
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Hong Kong, HONG KONG
Telephone Number: (852) 252.33.464
Fax Number: 286.91.619

Israeli Friends of the Tibetan People (Israel)

Name of Administrative Contact: Ran Natanzon
Street Address: IFTIP, P.O.B 11377
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Tel-Aviv 61117, Israel
Telephone Number: ++972-(0)3-6444773
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

Friends of Tibet - Nepal (Nepal)

Name of Administrative Contact: Jampa Gyaltsen
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

Tibet Culture Centre (Nepal)

Street Address: PO Box 3231
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Boudhanath Kathmandu Nepal

Friends of Tibet, Sri Lanka (Sri Lanka)

Email Address: friendsoftibet.srilanka @
Web Page URL (Address):

The Core Group for Tibetan Cause (India)

Name of Administrative Contact: Dr. N.K.Trikha, National Convenor
Mr. Tsering Dorje, Coordinator, ITCO
Street Address: H-10, 2nd.Floor, Lajpart Nagar-III
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: New Delhi, Delhi, India 110024
Telephone Number: 91+11-29841569, 29830578
Fax Number: 91+11-51591553
Email Address:,
Web Page URL (Address):

About the Core Group for Tibetan Cause: The Core Group for Tibetan Cause is the apex coordinating body of all the Tibet support groups in India. In a sense, it is the umbrella organisation of the entire Tibet movement in the country with task of coordinating, directing,planning and initiating activities in support of the Cause of Tibet and Tibetans in India. It is headed by a National Convenor and four other National Co-convenors drawn from major support groups. The country-wide organisational set up is divided into seven regions--Northern, Eastern, Western, Southern, North East- I, North East- II, West Central and Delhi. Each region has a Regional Convenor who coordinates the activities of all support groups in the region. Each region keeps working according to its own programmes. There are regional conferences held at certain intervals of time under the guidance of the Core Group. The Core Group itself meets from time to time to plan things and to take policy and practical decisions. Common programmes suggested by the Core Group are carried out in a syncronised manner by different groups all over the country. An All India Conference of members of all constituents of the Core Group is held every three years to thoroughly discuss all issues relating to the problem of Tibet, review the progress of the movement and plan future action.

Foundation for Universal Responsibility of His Holiness the Dalai Lama (India)

Name of Administrative Contact: Rjiv Mehrotra
Street Address: FUR, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: New Delhi, 110 003, India
Telephone Number: 91 11 2464 8450, 2465 1606
Fax Number: 91 11 2464 8451
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

Friends for Tibet and Tibetans (India)

Name of Administrative Contact: Satya Prakash Malviya
Street Address: D-503 PurvashaAnand Lok,Mayur Vihar,Phase 1
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Delhi - 110 091,India
Telephone Number: 91 11 225 8725
Fax Number: 91 11 225 8725

Gu Chu Sum Movement of Tibet (India)

Former Political Prisoners Association
Name of Administrative Contact: Ngawang Woeber
Street Address: Lungta House, Jogibara Rd, PO McLeod Ganj
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Dharamsala 176219. HP, INDIA
Telephone Number: 00 91 1892 220680
Fax Number: 00 91 1892 221379
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

The Gu-Chu-Sum (9-10-3) Movement of Tibet was established on March 27, 1991 in Dharamsala, India by former political prisoners of the Tibetan freedom movement. Initially organised by monks, nuns, and lay people, we grew out of the earnest, heartfelt wish to help the suffering Tibetans remaining in prisons in Tibet and to provide needed support to former political prisoners and their families who have journeyed into exile. Gu Chu Sum is endorsed by HH The Dalai Lama, the Tibetan Government-in-Exile, and the Indian Government. All 256 members of GuChuSum are former political prisoners.

Himalayan Committee for Action on Tibet (India)

Name of Administrative Contact: Lama Chosphel Zotpa
Street Address: 5 Ladakh Budh Vihar,Bela Road,Near ISBT
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Delhi, India
Telephone Number: 91 11 396 5323

India Friends of Tibet (India)

Name of Administrative Contact: Sethu Das (President, Friends of Tibet INDIA),
- or -
Tenzin (General secretary, Friends of Tibet INDIA)
Street Address: PO Box: 16674
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Bombay 400050, India
Telephone Number: Mobile: 9418079832 Pager: 9628222255 / 9628210212
Fax Number: +91 (22) 8644073
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

India Tibet Friendship Society (India)

Name of Administrative Contact: Mr. Manoj Kumar
Street Address: 6 Brahmaputra Hostel,Warden Flats,JNU
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: New Delhi 110067, INDIA
Telephone Number: 011-616-4847
Fax Number: 011-688--5368
Email Address:

Indian Women for Free Tibet (India)

Name of Administrative Contact: Jyotsna Roy
Street Address: 194, Anupam Apartments, M-B-Road
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: New Delhi, India 110068
Telephone Number: 91 11 6517772
Email Address:

Indo Tibetan Friendship Society - Mysore Chapter (India)

Name of Administrative Contact: Group Captain H. Rajagopal ( Retd)
Street Address: # 981, E & F Block, Panchamantra Road, Kuvempunagar
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Mysore 570 023, Karanataka, INDIA
Telephone Number: 91-821-2546213
Email Address:

Our Mission:

Mysore is the headquarters of the District where there are four large Tibetan settlements existing since the last four decades with nearly 30,000 Tibetans. From these colonies about 200 Tibetan students are studying in various colleges and other educational Institutions in the city of Mysore. A number of Tibetans from the nearby Tibetan Colonies put up their shops during weekends. As such there was a need to set up a Tibet Support Group organized for the benefit and for mutual understanding of the local as well as Tibetan communities.

Indo Tibetan Friendship Society was formed in August 2004. Since then we have conducted a number of useful programs like Human Rights awareness among the college students where world renowned Human Rights specialists addressed the students of different colleges. The students of these colleges were apprised of the deprivation of Human Rights in Tibet after China occupied the country. In addition, Tibetan Medicine camps where Indian patients were treated free of cost. Reciprocally Indian Dental Surgeons and Physicians conducted free medical check up and follow up treatment for the Tibetans in the various settlements.

On 7th August 2005 we organized a Seminar on World Peace where H. H Professor Shamdong Rinpoche, the Prime Minister of Tibetan Government in Exile, was the Chief Guest. Many eminent persons addressed the huge gathering of Indians and Tibetans. The program was widely covered in print and electronic Media. On 19th March 2006 ITFS Mysire observed its Anniversary inviting the Local M L A and the Superintendent of Police to address the gathering. Acharya from Tibetan School also spoke on the subject of Indo Tibetan relations. A 20-Minute Video Presentation was also put up depicting the Tibetan struggle and how China's occupation of Tibet affects the countries around in the South and South East Asia (The CD can be had on request) Now ITFS-Mysore has 48 members who are eminent in their own walk of life. We have plans to conduct awareness camp for the journalists and media persons on Tibetan situation and how it affects India and other countries.

Tashi Lhunpo Monastery (India)

Street Address: Tibetan Settlement, P.O. Bylakuppe 571 104
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Distt. Mysore, Karnataka State, INDIA
Web Page URL (Address):

Seat of the Panchen lama and leading in the Panchen Lama Campaign.

Tibet Empowerment Circle (India)

Name of Administrative Contact: Tashi Wangdu
Street Address: Dharamsala Mandala, Temple Road
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: McLeod Ganj, Himachal Pradesh 176219 INDIA
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

Tibetan Children's Village (India)

Name of Administrative Contact: Phuntsok la
Street Address: TCV
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Upper Dharamsala, distt Kangra, HP India
Email Address:

Tibetan Parliamentary and Policy Research Centre (TPPRC) (India)

Name of Administrative Contact: Penpa Tsering (Executive Director)
Street Address: H-10, 2nd floor Lajpat Nagar - III
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: New Delhi - 110024. India
Telephone Number: +91 11 29830578 / 29841569
Fax Number: 41591553
Email Address: and
Web Page URL (Address):

The Tibetan Parliamentary and Policy Research Centre (TPPRC) is a joint project of the Friedrich-Naumann Foundation, a public funded German institution, committed to liberal democratic ideals and engaged in strengthening pluralist development ( and the Assembly of Tibetan People's Deputies (ATPD), Tibet's Parliament in exile. Since its inception in 1991, it has been engaged in understanding and dissemination of information on various political aspects related to Tibet with a view to carry forward the global movement of the Tibetan people's struggle for freedom and democracy. All programmes of TPPRC are aimed at strengthening the democratic process and institutionalization of democracy among the Tibetan people and in promoting the political programme of the Tibetan administration.

Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy (TCHRD) (India)

Name of Administrative Contact: Tsewang Lhadon (Ms.); Executive Director
Street Address: Narthang Building, Gangchen Kyishong
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Dharamsala, 176 215, H.P. INDIA
Telephone Number: +91 1892 223363
Fax Number: +91 1892 225874
Email Address:,
Web Page URL (Address):

Brief background information on TCHRD:

Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy (TCHRD) is a non-governmental organisation (NGO) established in 1996. The Centre is based in Dharamsala, the northern Indian state of Himachal Pradesh in India.

The Mission and Aim of TCHRD is to:

* promote and protect the human rights of the Tibetan people in Tibet and
* educate the Tibetan community-in-exile on the principles and concepts of human rights and democracy.

Some of the activities of the Centre are:

a. Monitor and Research human situation in Tibet
b. Produce documents/reports relating to specific human rights issues, disseminate them internationally
c. Create awareness on the human rights situation in Tibet through seminars and conferences, through press releases and news briefs and memorandums to visiting delegations to China and Tibet, through case submissions to UN special Rapporteurs and Working Groups and through presentations -- written and oral at international conferences and meetings.
d. Lobby for international support for human rights of Tibetan people
e. Educate the Tibetan community-in-exile in the principles of human rights and democracy through workshops, schools and training sessions

The Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy is governed by a governing body of 12 members from various sectors who act as trustees of the Centre. His Holiness the Dalai Lama is the patron of the Centre.

The Centre has a regular staff of twelve Tibetans including the Executive Director. Time to time the centre is supported by volunteers both Tibetan and western. The Executive Director looks after the day to day functioning of the Centre.

TCHRD is funded by donations from individuals and Foundations around the world.

Tibetan Women's Association (India)

Name of Administrative Contact: Mrs. Dolkar Lhamo Kirti
Street Address: c/o Bhagsunag Road, PO McLeod Ganj
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Dharamsala (HP) 176215, INDIA
Telephone Number: 91 1892 21198 / 91 1892 21527
Fax Number: 91 1892 21527 / 91 189221528
Email Address:

Tibetan Youth Congress (India)

Name of Administrative Contact: Tsetan Norbu
Street Address: PO McLeod Ganj
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Dharamsala (HP) 176215, INDIA
Telephone Number: 91 1892 21554
Fax Number: 91 1892 21849
Email Address:


Training Programs

China (Tibet): Tibetan Youth Congress organizes intensive leadership-training courses for Tibetan college students in India, facilitating their involvement in the political struggle for democracy and human rights in Tibet.

-- A Survey and Analysis of "Supporting Human Rights and Democracy: The U.S. Record 2002-2003": Hearing Before the Committee on International Relations House of Representatives, 108th Congress, First Session, July 9, 2003

Union of Indo Tibet Friends (India)

Name of Administrative Contact: IÂ Sri A.K.S. Rathod (Founder President)
IIÂ Sri Sanjay Kr. Singh (General Secretary)
Street Address: New Alkapuri, Behind DPS
Sai Kripa Apartment, 2nd Floor – 2B
P.O. Doranda, Ranchi – 834002
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Ranchi - 834002, Jharkhand, BHARAT
Telephone Number: 09031971676, 09931190782
Email Address:

UITF is a non-profit organization working for the Liberty, Dignity, Justice and Democracy of Tibet. It is matter of concern that many nations in the world are in favor of democracy in Tibet but it is still under the puppet Communism Government of China.

Japan Committee for Tibet (Japan)

Name of Administrative Contact: Shuei Kobayashi
Street Address: 5-60-1 Sakae-cho, Tachikawa-shi
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Tokyo, JAPAN
Telephone Number: 81-425-36-1332
Fax Number: 34-4334

The Milarepa Fund - Japan (Japan)

Name of Administrative Contact: Tomoko Tahara
Street Address: 1-43-18 Apt. V-202 Uehara
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code:
Shibuya Tokyo 151-0064,Japan
Telephone Number: 81 3 5465 0844
Fax Number: 81 3 5465 0834
Email Address:

Tibet Culture Centre INL - Japan (Japan)

Street Address: 2F, 3-12 6Chome, Shimbashi
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Minato-ku, Tokyo 105, Japan
Telephone Number: +81-3-3578-8222
Fax Number: +81-3-3578-8245

Tibet Support Network Japan (Japan)

Name of Administrative Contact: Rev. Shuei KOBAYASHI
Street Address: 5-60-1 Sakai Cho
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Tachikawa Shi, Tokyo 190-0003, Japan
Telephone Number: 81-425-36-1332
Fax Number: 81-425-34-4334

13 Tibet Support groups jointly formed the TSNJ (Tibet Support Network Japan) in order to enhance the effectiveness of TSG work in Japan.

Tibetan Snowlion Friendship Society (Japan)

Name of Administrative Contacts: President Tenzin Dolkar, F. Morita
Street Address: Inside Tibetan Restaurant Rangzen
Dotemachi Marutamachi sagaru, Komano-cho 554-3
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Kamigyo-ku, 602 Kyoto Japan
Telephone Number: 81-75-256-0859
Fax Number: 81-75-256-0859
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

Friends of Tibet - Pakistan (Pakistan)

Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

Taiwan Friends of Tibet (Taiwan)

Name of Administrative Contact: Li, Jiehmei
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Taipei, Taiwan
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

Taiwan Friends of Tibet is a non-governmental organization concerning the human rights in Tibet. We are against the abuse of human rights in Tibet and support Tibetan people with expression and action to have political, economic, social, cultural and religious rights according to the international law.

Australia Tibet Council (Australia)

Name of Administrative Contact: Paul Bourke
Street Address: PO Box 704
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Darlinghurst NSW 1300, Australia
Telephone Number: 61-02 9283 3466
Fax Number: 61-02 9283 3846
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

ATC was established in 1988 as Australia's first national Tibet support organisation and has dynamic Branches and Action Groups in every Australian state and a National Office in Sydney.

ATC publicises the latest news from Tibet, provides briefings to organisations, individuals and the media, lobbies parliamentarians and organises specific campaigns.

Australian Tibetan Society (Australia)

Street Address: 5/62 Dover Road
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Rose Bay NSW 2029 Australia

Australian Tibetan Association (Australia)

Name of Administrative Contact: Namgyal Tsering
Street Address: PO Box 347
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Killara NSW 2071, AUSTRALIA
Telephone Number: (02) 416.4937
Fax Number: (02) 416.2635

Dhargyey Buddhist Centre, New Zealand (Australia)

Name of Administrative Contact: Jane Gillespie (Director)
Street Address: 22 Royal Terrace
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Dunedin, New Zealand 9006
Telephone Number: +64-3 4778374
Fax Number: +64-3-4749623
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address): Tibet Awareness Pages:
Dhargyey Buddhist Centre Home Page:

Freedom in Tibet Association (Australia)

Name of Administrative Contact: Alma Aldrete
Street Address: 50/A Swaine Ave
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Rose Park 5067 Australia

Friends of Tibet New Zealand (Australia)

Name of Administrative Contact: Thuten Kesang
Street Address: P.O. Box 66 002 Beachhaven
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: North Shore City,Auckland 0749, New Zealand
Telephone Number: 64 9 483 7275
Fax Number: 64 9 483 7275
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

Friends of Tibet (NZ) was established in 1986, to promote Tibet issue amongst the New Zealand general public.

We do this through public speaking, Newsletters and regular meetings. Today we have Branches in all major cities in New Zealand.

We identify ourselves as an political organisation, who's Aim and Objectives are to push New Zealand Government to recognise Tibet as an Occupied Country. We give financial support to Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy and Gu Chu Som organisation in Dharamsala. 95% of our members sponsor Tibetan children in TCV and THF schools in India.

Office of Tibet, Australia/Tibet Information Office (Australia)

Name of Administrative Contact: Chhime Rigzing
Street Address: 3 Weld Street
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: YarralumlaCanberra ACT, 2600
Telephone Number: (61-6) 285 4046 and (61-6) 282 4306
Fax Number: (61-6) 282 4301

Students for a Free Tibet New Zealand/Aotearoa (Australia)

Name of Administrative Contact: Angela Dempster-Passang
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Dunedin, New Zealand
Telephone Number: 3-4738352 021-1263958
Fax Number: 3-4738352
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):,

SFT (NZ) is operating via SFT University of Otago Chapter in Dunedin. We have a strong Tibetan community here, and undertake activities to put Tibetan culture into the public eye, and demonstrate clearly that it is about outreach with China - not anger about the past. We mainly have done this by music concerts and Panchen Rinpoche camping hunger strikes on the Uni Lawn!

Tibet Support Group-Australia (Australia)

Name of Administrative Contact: Rose Dow
Street Address: Box 3112 Norwood
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: 5067, South Australia, Australia
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address): http://

Tibet Support Group (TSG) is an Australian based group of volunteers who aim to assist Tibetan refugees living in India with humanitarian and educational support. We set up sponsorships and raise funds to provide educational opportunities and humanitarian aid to individuals and families. TSG has been supporting Tibetan refugees in India for over 25 years now.

It is Tibet Support Group's intention to provide support for Tibetans experiencing hardships, medical and financial and to provide education and training opportunities.

Tibetan Children's Relief Society of New Zealand (Australia)

Name of Administrative Contact: Geoff Pownall, Secretary
Street Address: PO Box 66002
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Beachhaven, Auckland 0749, New Zealand
Telephone Number: 64 9 627 9565 or 64 21 627 014
Fax Number: 64 9 627 9582
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

The Society was formed in 1964 to build a home for refugee children at the Tibetan Children's Village in Upper Dharamsala. The New Zealand home was the second home to be built in the village.

The society raises funds for the building and maintenance of the home as well as sponsorships for the health, welfare and education of children at the Tibetan Children's Villages and Tibetan Homes Foundation.

Tibetan Community of Australia (Victoria) (Australia)

Name of Administrative Contact: Sonam DolkarShatsang
Street Address: P.O. Box 146
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Kew East,Victoria 3102,Australia
Telephone Number: 61 3 9859 7106
Fax Number: 61 3 9859 7106
Email Address:

Tibetan Friendship Group Australia (Inc) (Australia)

Name of Administrative Contact: Ann Trenoweth (President)
Street Address: PO Box 39
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Gordon NSW Australia 2072
Telephone Number: +612 97990613
Fax Number: +612 97990617
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

We are a humanitarian support group, working since 1969, providing sponsorships, community projects and health care programs.

Voice of Tibet Inc. Australia (Australia)

Name of Administrative Contact: Mr. Tenpa Dukdag
Street Address: P.O. Box 1759
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Dee Why, Sydney, NSW 2099, Australia
Telephone Number: (02) 8212 4337
Fax Number: (02) 9559 3433
Email Address:

We are Tibetan Australians Promoting Human Rights, Democratic Freedoms & Self-determination for the people of Tibet based on the principles of "Middle-Way Approach" of His Holiness The Dalai Lama.

Tibet Support Group - Albania (Albania)

Name of Administrative Contact: LUMNIE BORICI
Street Address: LGJ.50,RGJ.:DEDE GIJON LULIPALLATI 1, AP.31/H2
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: TIRANA ALBANIA

Danish Tibetan Cultural Society (Denmark)

Name of Administrative Contact: Pernille Fogh Christensen
Street Address: Ryesgade 90A
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Copenhagen 2100,Denmark
Telephone Number: 45-35267926
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

Tibet Support Committee, Denmark (Denmark)

(Stoettekomiteen for Tibet)
Name of Administrative Contact: Charlotte Mathiassen
Street Address: Ryesgade 90A
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: DK-2100 Copenhagen,Denmark
Telephone Number: 354 36690
Fax Number: 45 388 0767
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

Tibet Support Group, Denmark was founded in 1989. It is an independent member organisation with an elected board. There is no paid staff and all active members work voluntarily. The TSG publishes a member magazine "Sneløven" (Snowlion) three times yearly and has a website. Its main objective is to provide well documented and updated information to the Danish public and the media and to work politically for a peaceful solution to the Tibet issue.

Tibet Charity (Denmark)

Name of Administrative Contact: Chairman: T.D. Lakha Lama
Contact person: Pia Kryger Lakha
Street Address: Niels Bohrs All 21
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: 2860 Soborg, Denmark
Telephone Number: +45 39560848
Fax Number: +45 39563829
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

Tibetan Community - Denmark (Denmark)

Street Address: Langelansvej 47 ATV
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: 2000 Frederiksbjerg Denmark

Tibetfriends (Denmark)

Name of Administrative Contact: Ole Sol
Street Address: Christiania 1407 K
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Copenhagen, Denmark
Telephone Number: 26566358
Fax Number: 32963807
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

The object of Tibetfriends is by peaceful means:
To work for a free and democratic Tibet.
To inform about and support Tibet, Tibetans,Tibetan culture and philosophy.
To inform about violations of Human Rights.
To arrange financial support for humanitarian and cultural projects.

Campaign for Tibet - Finland (Finland)

Name of Administrative Contact: Tauno Auer
Street Address: P.O. Box 314
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: FIN-00811 Helsinki, Finland
Telephone Number: +358-9-7592519
Fax Number: +358-9-7573259
Email Address:

Human Rights and info work for Tibet since 1988. We gather and distribute information on the situation in Tibet. We try to lobby e.g. in the Finnish Parliament, the media etc. in order to bring forward the Tibetan issue. We launch/participate in different campaigns with other support groups.

Finnish Tibetan Culture (Finland)

Street Address: PL 24
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: 33230 TAMPERE FINLAND
Fax Number: +358 31 2229844 MONDAY

Tiibetin Ystävät Suomessa - Friends of Tibet in Finland, FTF (Finland)

Name of Administrative Contact: Marianne Kajander
Street Address: P.O.Box 345
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: FI-00531 Helsinki, Finland
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

The objective of the FTF (according to our rules) is to fasten the world's attention on the situation of Tibet and the Tibetans; and to promote peaceful campaigning for Tibet and for the rights and the freedom of Tibetans. In addition, the objective of the FTF is to operate for the promotion and improvement of living conditions of disadvantaged Tibetan children; and to promote the preservation of Tibetan culture, including Tibetan Buddhism.

Tibet Support Group - Finland (Finland)

Name of Administrative Contact: Marjatta Naatanen
Street Address: Riihitie 23 B 16
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Helsinki 00330, FINLAND
Telephone Number: 358-0-485051
Fax Number: 358-0-485051
Email Address:

Eco-Tibet Ireland (Ireland)

Name of Administrative Contact: Anthony O'Brien
Street Address: Shivlagh, Bunowen
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Louisburgh, County Mayo, Ireland
Telephone Number: 353-98 23791
Fax Number: 353-98 23791
Email Address:

Tibet Support Group - Ireland (Ireland)

Name of Administrative Contact: Neil Steedman
Street Address: Whitepark
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Arklow, Co. Wicklow, IRELAND
Email Address:

Tibet Trust/Tibet Action - N. Ireland (Ireland)

Name of Administrative Contact: Nikki Abon
Street Address: PO Box 52
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Coleraine, Northern Ireland BT52 IRFUK

Tibetan Community in Ireland (Ireland)

Name of Administrative Contact: Mr Namgyal Damdul, Chairman
Street Address: 57 Mountjoy Street
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Dublin-7, Republic of Ireland.
Telephone Number: Mobile: +353-876623410, + 353 857024373
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

The Tibetan Community in Ireland is a community-based organization formed on 14th October, 2007 by Tibetans living in the Republic of Ireland. It represents the rights and needs of the Tibetans living in Ireland and works for the Tibetan cause which is based on truth and non-violence. The community's day to day business is managed by the Chairman and the Treasurer of the Community. The Council of Members govern the functioning of the Community.

Tibet Unterstutzung Liechtenstein (Liechtenstein)

Name of Administrative Contact: Renate Mueller
Street Address: Postfach 961
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: FL-9490 Vaduz,Liechtenstein
Telephone Number: 423 232 61 38
Fax Number: 423 232 6168
Email Address:

Macedonia Friends of Tibet (Macedonia)

Name of Administrative Contact: Sasko Rocevski
Street Address: Ul.MIHAIL CAKOV BR 7-3-18
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Skopje, Macedonia
Telephone Number: 0038922778308
Email Address:

Association des Amis du Tibet eu Pologne (Poland)

Name of Administrative Contact: Eva Kedzierska
Street Address: Ul. Bonifacego89m60
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Poland
Telephone Number: 48 22 842 2617
Email Address:

EVOT (Poland)

Name of Administrative Contact: Zbigniew Lisiecki
Street Address: ul.Waszyngtona 16 m 7
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: 03-910 Warszawa, Poland
Telephone Number: +48 22 617656
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

Evote provides a list of addresses where letters for Tibet's independence can be directed.

Free Tibet Klub Gaja - Poland (Poland)

Name of Administrative Contact: JACEK BOZEK
Street Address: NAD WILKOWKA 24
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: PL-43-365 WILKOWICE POLEN

Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights (Poland)

Name of Administrative Contact: Adam Koziel, Tibet Desk
Street Address: ul. Zgoda 11
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: 00-018 Warsaw, Poland
Telephone Number: (48-22) 5564450, 5564452
Fax Number: (48-22) 8281008
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

Polish Movement for Free Tibet (Poland)

Name of Administrative Contact: Kedzierska Ewa
Contact in Poland: Michal Orzechowski
Street Address: Ch. des Sauges 35
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: 1018 Lausanne, Switzerland
Telephone Number: 004121/ 647 43 06
Fax Number: 004121/ 647 43 06
Email Address:

Created after a rally in front of Chinese embassy, on 10th of March, 2000, which gathered more than 100 people.

Completes the activities of Polish Associations of Friends of Tibet, (in Poland since 10 years ago), but the difference is that we cooperate with other support groups in Europe (chiefly, French-speaking).

I'm for a moment in Switzerland, and coordinate, as a President of PMFT, actions from here.

Our future actions include: Tibetan day on 1th of December, and will try to organise again a rally on 10th Dec. in front of Chinese embassy.

We need Tibetan flags, if you can supply.

Students for a Free Tibet Poland (Poland)

Name of Administrative Contact: Piotr Cykowski
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

Wolney Tibet - Poland (Poland)

Name of Administrative Contact: Jacek Bozek
Street Address: Nad Wilkowka 24
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Wilkowice 43-365 Poland

Friends of Tibet - Tuva, Russia (Russia)

Name of Administrative Contact: Opeu-ool Ouliana
Street Address: Lenin Street h. 32, r. 103
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Kyzyl, 667000, Tuva, Russia
Telephone Number: 8 (394) 22-370-65 / 3722-26
Fax Number: 8 (394) 22-370-65

Kalmyic Friends of Tibet (Russia)

Name of Administrative Contact: Kookueva Antonina, Ivanovna
Street Address: Elista, 8-55-5 (?)
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Kalmyic, RUSSIA
Telephone Number: (847-22) 5-56-97 / 5-08-38
Fax Number: (847-22) 6-0072

Lotus (Russia)

Name of Administrative Contact: Valery Pavlov
Street Address: Hrustalnaj str. 51-113
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Ekaterinburg, Russia, 620138
Telephone Number: 74-23-81
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

Our dharma-centre founding ven. Eshe-Lodoi Rinpoche. We practice Tibetan Buddhism.

Russia Friends of Tibet (Russia)

Street Address: 193015 ST. PETERSBURG
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: 45-82 TAVRICHESKAYA RUSSIA
Telephone Number: +7 812 2744439 HOME+7 812 2719832
Fax Number: +7 812 2720727,+7 812 5539911,

Society Friends of Tibet, Moscow (Russia)

Name of Administrative Contact: Shagolarova Dulma
Street Address: Leninski Prospekt, 123-1-375
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Moscow 117513, RUSSIA
Telephone Number: 438-17-87

St. Petersburg Friends of Tibet Society (Russia)

Name of Administrative Contact: Margarite Kojevnikova
Street Address: Tavricheskaya, 45 - 82
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: St. Petersbourg, 193015, RUSSIA
Telephone Number: 7-812-274-4439
Fax Number: 7-812-264-6431
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

Tibet-Himalayas Society, St. Petersburg University (Russia)

Name of Administrative Contacts: President Prof. Victor Rapoport, Director Elena Mazalova/b>
Street Address: Universitetskaya nab.7/9
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: St.Petersburg, Russia, 199034
Telephone Number: 007 812 218 78 11
Fax Number: 007 812 218 44 21
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

Tibet-Himalayas Scientific-Cultural Society exists in St.Petersburg University for two years. Main aims of this society are the developing in St. Petersburg University scientific, cultural and sport activities in the Tibet-Himalayas region. Look on our WEB-page

TSG Krasnodar Region (Russia)

Name of Administrative Contact: Tatiana Pavlenko
Street Address: Vlasova Str. 257
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Krasnodar, Russia zip.350004
Telephone Number: +7-918-39-43-309; +7-861-226-40-19
Email Address:,

TSG Sochi Region (Russia)

Name of Administrative Contact: Stanislav Scherbatov
Street Address: Vlasova Str. 257
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Krasnodar, Russia zip.350004
Telephone Number:,

Foundation Dharmaling (Slovenia)

Name of Administrative Contact: Jon Jamnikar (Director)
Street Address: Melikova 1
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Ljubljana, 1000, Slovenia
Telephone Number: 00386 40 125 512
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

Our mission is to provide peace and humanity in all aspects of life. By believing that change can be achieved through constant and well thought action, we actively work on areas that enhance quality of life. We expose important issues to relevant authorities, promote peace, educate to democracy, help those in need by improving health conditions and organizing humanitarian activities. Our focus is long term success.

Tibet Support Group - Slovenia (Društvo za podporo Tibetu) (Slovenia)

Name of Administrative Contact: Jernej Koselj
Street Address: Adamičeva ulica 2
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: 1117 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Telephone Number: +38631628945
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

This newly created TSG, is a team of volunteers, motivated and concerned by the situation in Tibet, from political and cultural points of view.
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Joined: Thu Aug 01, 2013 5:21 am

Re: Freda Bedi, by Wikipedia

Postby admin » Fri Apr 05, 2019 4:22 am

Part 2 of 4

Comité de Soutien au Peuple Tibetain - Suisse (Switzerland)

Name of Administrative Contact: Ms. Jeanine Sdaerer, Mrs. Claude Levenson and Mrs. Christiane Suter
Street Address: Case Postale 57
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Lausanne 6 , CH-1000, SWITZERLAND
Telephone Number: 41 26 424 8186
Fax Number: 41 26 424 8186
Email Address:

Dra-ba (Switzerland)

Name of Administrative Contact: Claudia Masüger
Street Address: Im Oberstadel 19
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: CH - 8405 Winterthur, Switzerland
Web Page URL (Address):

Dhotoe Chushi Gangdrug, Europe (Switzerland)

Name of Administrative Contact: Tashi Wangdü Khorlotsang
Street Address: Illnauerstr. 30
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: 8307 Effretikon, Switzerland
Telephone Number: 0041 52 343 89 70
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

Gesellschaft Schweizerisch-Tibetische Freundschaft (Switzerland)

Name of Administrative Contact: President: Yangchen Büchli
Vice President: Jean-Pierre Sauthier
Street Address: Binzstrasse 15
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Zurich, Switzerland, 8045
Telephone Number: +41 1 451 38 38
Fax Number: +41 1 451 3868
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

Lungta (Switzerland)

Name of Administrative Contact: Chrstophe Besuchet
Street Address: P.O. Box 2204
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Geneva 2 CH-1211 Switzerland

la Porte du Tibet/ Geneva Tibet Support Group (Commitè de Soutien au Peuple Tibetain.) (Switzerland)

Name of Administrative Contacts: Girardin Vèronique - Arnal Jacques
Street Address: 15,Rue des Savoises
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: GENEVA 1205. SWITZERLAND
Telephone Number: 0041-22 320 63 20
Fax Number: 0041-22 320 63 20
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

We opened our new office this 26th October. In our new office you can find news, informations, actions for Tibetan human rights, books and Tibetan handicrafs.

Formerly we were Commitè de Soutien au Peuple Tibetain.

Tibet Bureau - Geneva (Switzerland)

Street Address: Place de la Navigation 10
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: 1201 Geneva, Switzerland

Tibet Democratie (Switzerland)

Name of Administrative Contact: Mr. Thierry Kallfass
Street Address: Poterie 6
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: CH-1202 -Geneva, Switzerland
Telephone Number: 0041 22 3447602
Email Address:

Supporting Mrs Claude B. Levenson work and some projects liken Clean Kailash in Tibet.

Tibet Initiative Basel (Switzerland)

Name of Administrative Contact: Tashi Tsering
Street Address: Utengasse 25
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Basel CH - 4058, SWITZERLAND
Telephone Number: 0041-61-681-1617
Fax Number: 681-7063

Tibet Support Group - Switzerland (Switzerland)

Street Address: Entrebois 57
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: 1018 Lausanne Switzerland

Tibetan Community - Switzerland and Liechtenstein (Switzerland)

Name of Administrative Contact: Jampa Tsering, President
Street Address: Binzstrasse 15
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: CH-8045 , Zürich, Switzerland
Telephone Number: Tel. 0041 52 383 3018
Web Page URL (Address):

Tibetan Folklore Association (Switzerland)

Name of Administrative Contact: Mr. Tekhang Chungthak, President
Street Address: Hörnli str.76
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: 8400 Winterthur, Switzerland
Telephone Number: 0041-52-2325067
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

Tibetan Refugee Educational Effort (Switzerland)

Name of Administrative Contact: Phillip & Lill Sturgeon
Street Address: Postfach 43
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: 3920 Zarmatt Switzerland

Tibetan Woman Organization - Switzerland (Switzerland)

Name of Administrative Contact: Namgyal Phala
Street Address: Farmerstr. 14
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Winterthur 8400, SWITZERLAND
Telephone Number: 052-242-3213
Fax Number: 052-738-7941 (0041)
Email Address:

Tibetan Youth Association in Europe (Switzerland)

Name of Administrative Contact: Kelsang Gope
Street Address: Binzstrasse 15
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: CH-8045 Zurich, Switzerland
Telephone Number: +41 79 506 85 12
Fax Number: +41 1 450 88 55
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

Direct actions, campaigning, socio-cultural exchange between young Tibetans, empower and train young Tibetans in the struggle for a Free Tibet.

Verein Tibetfreunde, Switzerland (Switzerland)

Name of Administrative Contacts: Samra Losinger, President
Street Address: Kramgasse /Postfach 825
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: CH-3000 Bern 8, Switzerland
Telephone Number: 0041 31 311 37 36
Fax Number: 0041 31 311 27 69
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

Association TIBET FREUNDE has the concern to preserve the threatened identity and culture of Tibetans through development cooperation.

We provide sponsorships and support education and health projects in India and Nepal.

Austrian Committee for Tibet (Austria)

Name of Administrative Contact: Lobsang Gyalpo
Street Address: Neustift am Walde 26/8
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: 1190 Vienna, Austria
Telephone Number: 43-1-440-2375
Email Address:

Austrian Committee for Tibet is a Committee of Austrian Members of Parliament representing all the political parties in Austrian Parliament, as well as Tibet Support Groups in Austria.

Gesellschaft Für Bedrohte Völker (Austria)

Name of Administrative Contact: CLAUDIA NEYER
Street Address: MUTTERSTRASSE 25
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: A-6800 FELDKIRCHAUSTRIA
Web Page URL (Address):

Gesellschaft Für Bedrohte Völker -Tibetkoordination (Austria)

Name of Administrative Contact: Daniela Luschin
Street Address: Prinz-Eugen-Str. 52/5
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: 1040 Wien, Austria
Telephone Number: 043 699/ 10809503
Fax Number: 43 1/503 49 91
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

Gesellschaft Save Tibet (Austria)

Name of Administrative Contact: Ms. Elisabeth Zimmermann
Street Address: Lobenhauerngasse 5
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: A-1170 Wien, Austria
Telephone Number: +43-1-4849087
Fax Number: +43-1-4849087
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

Mission statement: SAVE TIBET is a Tibet support group with more than a dozen volunteer activists and many supporting members. We do lobbying work, disseminate information to the public and to our members, organize events featuring Tibetan culture, advise Tibet travellers, collect funds for projects in exile settlements and in Tibet, etc. We co-operate with the Government-in-Exile and the representative of His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Austria and Switzerland in our work.

Syamatara Ö:sterreich Tibethilfe (Austria)

Name of Administrative Contact: Hugo Klinger
Street Address: Steinfeld 5
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: A-6068 MILS, Austria
Telephone Number: 0043-5223-43600
Fax Number: 0043-5223-43700
Web Page URL (Address):

Tibetan Community - Austria (Austria)

Name of Administrative Contact: Mrs. Tseten Zöchbauer
Street Address: Tibet Restaurant, Wähering Gürtel 102
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: A - 1090, Vienna, Austria
Telephone Number: Tel +43-1-4402375
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

Tibetan Nomads (Austria)

Name of Administrative Contact: Amchok CHOETAR
Street Address: Breitenfeldergasse 18/10
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: A- 1080 Vienna Austria
Telephone Number: 0043-1-4077438
Fax Number: 0043-1-4077438
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

We are mainly concerned about the life of nomads in Tibet and how we can help them protect their traditional way of life under the Chinese rule.

Verein Freunde Tibets - Austria (Austria)

Name of Administrative Contact: MICHAEL LUGGER
Street Address: ALBERTGASSE 30/2/13
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: A- 1080 WIENAUSTRIA
Web Page URL (Address):

Association Bulgaria-Tibet (Bulgaria)

Name of Administrative Contact: Ivan Andreev
Street Address: 5, Shandor Petioffstr
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: 1606 Sofia Bulgaria

Bulgarian Tibetan Friendship Society (Bulgaria)

Name of Administrative Contact: Georgi Zhelyazkov
Street Address: 336 Sofia-Lyulin, BL. 628, VH. 2, Apt. 43
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Sofia (?), Bulgaria
Telephone Number: +359/2/66-52-87
Fax Number: +359/2/66-52-87

Centre for Tibetan and Central Asian Studies - Bulgaria (Bulgaria)

Name of Administrative Contact: GEORGI SVECHNIKOV
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: SOFIA BULGARIA
Telephone Number: 359 2 44 526
Fax Number: 359 2 44 526

Act for Tibet (England)

Name of Administrative Contact: Isabel Losada
Telephone Number: 07957 397 190
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

If you want to take effective (and maybe individual) action for Tibet this website is an information and action resource for you.

We do not seek independence - we consider the Dalai Lama is a wise man - a pragmatist and a realist.

For this reason we support him and his Government is seeking a genuine autonomy for the Tibetan People.

We are not a membership organisation and we do not just ask you for money.

We invite you to take positive action.

Please visit.

Appropriate Technology for Tibetans (ApTibeT) (England)

Name of Administrative Contact: Sean Jones, Treasurer & Trustee
Street Address: First Floor, 89-93 Fonthill Road
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: London N4 3JH, UK
Telephone Number: 44 (0)207 281 8180
Fax Number: 44 (0)207 281 8280
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

What we do: ApTibeT is an environmental NGO working in international development at grassroots level with the poorest Tibetan communities wherever they might be, saving lives and facilitating their building a sustainable future through the use of appropriate technologies.

Brighton Tibet Link (England)

Name of Administrative Contacts: Larry Gethin
Street Address: 24 Freshfield Street
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Brighton BN2 2ZG, ENGLAND U.K.
Telephone Number: 01273 675803
Fax Number: 01273 675803
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

The Foundation for the Preservation of Tibetan Medicine (England)

Name of Administrative Contact: Susie Altmeyer-Ennis
Street Address: 36 Hyde Abbey Road
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Winchester, Hampshire, England, SO23 7DA
Fax Number: (01962) 621 734
Email Address:

The Foundation for the Preservation is a Charity which is dedicated to the renewal of the ancient system of Tibetan Medicine. We seek to educate the West about Tibetan Medicine's history, strengths and weaknesses. We seek to bring sufficient resources to allow schools, mentorships and medicinal plant gardens to thrive. We are committed to the sources of healing: the doctors, patients and plants which have sustained Tibetan Medicine for thousands of years.

Our main objectives at the present time are the maintenance and development of the following projects:

Sister Palmo's Medical School for Ladakhi Nuns.
Amchi Smanla's school and research centre in Zanskar.
Supporting scholarships for new students at Amchi Smanla's school in Nurla, Ladakh.
Development of a medicinal plant preservation project by Anchi Ngawang.

Four Directions UK (England)

Name of Administrative Contact: David Meanwell
Street Address: 31 Caversham Avenue
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Sutton, Surrey, United Kingdom, SM3 9AQ
Telephone Number: +44 (0)7711 023 193
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

Our Mission:

Four Directions UK is committed to raising the profile of Tibet and the struggle of the Tibetan people for political, cultural and religious freedom in their own land. We work to increase awareness of the human rights abuses faced by Tibetans in Tibet and to influence key decision makers to support Tibet.

We also run the Tibet Urgent Response Network (TURN), an emailing list. Perhaps you would be able to add this to your mailing lists entry? Tibet Urgent Response Network issues regular email alerts (about twelve per year) to enable activists to campaign on behalf of Tibet and Tibetans. Subscriptions are free, just send a blank email with "Subscribe" in the subject line to tibet.response - at -

Free Tibet Campaign (England)

Name of Administrative Contact: Matthew Whitticase, Director's Assistant
Street Address: 28 Charles Square
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: London, N1 6HT, UK
Telephone Number: 44 (0)20 7324 4605
Fax Number: 44 (0)20 7324 4606
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

An independent membership organisation campaigning in support of the rights of the Tibetan people to freedom and independence.

Friends of Tibet - U.K. (England)

Name of Administrative Contact: David Meanwell
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

Help Tibet (England)

Name of Administrative Contact: Isabelle White
Street Address: PO Box 138 Barnes
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: London SW13 9RN, UK
Telephone Number: 020 8748 8784
Fax Number: 020 8748 8784
Email Address:

Mission Statement: Help Tibet works in partnership with people of Tibetan origin to promote sustainable communities and to develop initiatives which support the well being of the most vulnerable.

Independent Tibet Network (formerly Campaign Free Tibet) (England)

Name of Administrative Contact: Denise Foley
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

Formed in 1988 we are a research and lobbying network which campaigns for justice, human rights and independence for Tibet and East Turkestan. We are an international network where people can join our online campaigns, give donations, research information or help orphaned children.

Karmachakra Ltd (England)

Name of Administrative Contact: Matt Gruninger
Street Address: 43 Kingsgate Road
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: London, NW6 4TD, England, UK
Telephone Number: 0207 625 9394
Email Address:

Meridian Trust (England)

Name of Administrative Contacts: Gill Farrer-Halls and Ilsa Fatt
Street Address: 5 Torrens St.
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: London EC1V 1NQ England
Telephone Number: 0171 278 2576
Fax Number: 0171837 2800
Email Address:

The Office of Tibet, London (England)

Name of Administrative Contact: Thubten Samdup
Street Address: Tibet House, 1 Culworth Street
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: London NW8 7AF U.K.
Telephone Number: + 44 20 7722 5378
Fax Number: + 44 7722 0362
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

The Office of Tibet in London is the official agency of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the Central Tibetan Administration in-exile in Northern Europe, the Baltic States and Poland.

Tibet Foundation (England)

Name of Administrative Contact: Karma Hardy (Director)
Street Address: 1 St. James's Market
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: London SW1Y 4SB, England, UK
Telephone Number: +44 20 7930 6001
Fax Number: +44 20 7930 6002
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):
Registered Charity 292400

Tibet House - UK (England)

Street Address: 1 Culworth Street
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: London NW8 7AF U.K.
Telephone Number: (44-71) 722-5378
Fax Number: (44-71) 722-0362

Tibet House/Pestalozzi Children's Village (England)

Street Address: Sedlescombe Battle
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: E Sussex TN 33 OhrUK

Tibet Society of the U.K. (England)

Name of Administrative Contact: Ms Philippa Carrick
Street Address: Unit 9, 139 Fonthill Road
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Finsbury Park, London N4 3HF, UK
Telephone Number: (44) 20-7272-1414
Fax Number: (44) 20-7272-1410
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

The Tibet Society of the UK is the world's oldest group to support Tibet's independence. It was established within hours of the Dalai Lama's flight from Tibet in 1959. Today the Society works to raise public awareness of the plight of Tibet, and through its charitable wing, the Tibet Relief Fund, raises funds to support the Tibetan people in Tibet, India and Nepal.

You can join the Tibet Society for £20 per year (details on our web page). This helps us to lobby the UK government through the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Tibet. We keep our members informed of all up to date developments on Tibet, organise lectures and cultural events and the annual Ennals Memorial Lecture.

The Tibet Relief Fund provides clean water, education, healthcare and employment projects in Tibet, India and Nepal. We also run a sponsorship scheme, helping more than 1,000 Tibetan children in exile.

Tibetan Community - Britain (England)

Name of Administrative Contact: Tashi Phuntsok
Street Address: 91A High Street, Thornton Heath,
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Surrey CR7 8RY, UK
Telephone Number: 44 (0)208 683 4319

Aide A L'Enfance Tibetaine (France)

Name of Administrative Contact: Pottier Yvette
Street Address: 8 rue de Boulangers
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Paris 75005, France
Telephone Number: From Within France:
From Outside France:

The purpose of this association is to sponsor studies of Tibetan children during 7 years each. There are about 3000 children helped in this way. It is connected to the TCV organization (see the book of Jetsun Pema).

Aide aux Refugies Tibetains (Tibetan Refugee Relief) France (France)

Name of Administrative Contact: Alain Dorje
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: France
Telephone Number: 0631751313

Alpes Tibet (France)

Name of Administrative Contact: Claude Moulin
Street Address: 46 rue St Laurent
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: 38 000, Grenoble, France
Telephone Number: 33 4 76 13 28 85
Fax Number: 33 4 76 13 2885
Email Address:

Nos Amis de l'Himalaya (France)

Name of Administrative Contact: anita-pascale rogeon-pinpin
Street Address: 2 place du tertre
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: CANEJAN 33610 france
Telephone Number: 05 56 75 37 49 +indicatif
Fax Number: 05 56 75 37 49 +indicatif
Email Address:

Asie Pacifique (France)

Name of Administrative Contact: Philippe Murcia
Street Address: 35 rue Paul Antin
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: 33800 Bordeaux, France
Telephone Number: 33 05 56 91 96 00
Email Address:

Association Dorje (France)

Name of Administrative Contact: Philippe Rivierre
Street Address: 12 rue de Massacre
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Chartres, Pays, France
Telephone Number: 33 2 37 90 3113
Email Address:

Association Drôme Ardèche-Tibet (France)

Name of Administrative Contact: Emmanuelle Corbeau - Fabrice Cartier - Marie Laure Maroe
Street Address: BP 420
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: 26402 Crest cedex - France
Telephone Number: (00-33)04 75 22 28 58
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

Faced with the manifest transgression by the People's Republic of China of the human rights of Tibetans; in the face of serious attacks on their cultural and religious freedom and on the lack of respect for their environment, the Association aims to: "support the Tibetan people in their non-violent struggle for freedom, to participate in publicizing its culture and to promote non-violence." It acts in connection with the Tibetan community and the National and International Support Network in Tibet. From the map given by the European Parliament resolution of July 6, 2000, a part of his actions are part of national, European and international political life.

Association Tibet Libre (France)

Street Address: 7 cour Fernand Jaeger
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Strasbourg 67000, France
Telephone Number: +33 (3) 88 27 33 00
Fax Number: +33 (3) 88 27 33 08

The Association helps mainly with sponsoring the education of young Tibetan monks in exile.

Briancon05 Urgence Tibet (France)

Name of Administrative Contact: Benoit Camard
Street Address: Maisons des Jeunes et de laculture du Brianconnais,35 rue Pasteur
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: 05100, France
Telephone Number: 33 4 92 21 36 76
Email Address:

Caisse d'Aide aux Prisonniers Tibetains (CAPT) (France)

Name of Administrative Contact: Judith Caris Namgyal
Street Address: 6 rue Gutenberg
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Montreuil, 93100, France
Telephone Number: 09 52 10 99 17
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address): ... euple.html

Based on the suggestions of former political prisoners, such as Ganden Tashi, and french Tibet supporters wanting to follow up their actions and willing to support those victims of repression; the CSPT created in the 1990's a sponsoring programme to bring assistance to former political prisoners in exile: the CAPT.

The idea behind the programme is to help those freedom fighters to have an opportunity to study, find a job and/or an activity and adapt to a life in exile. The help is therefore limited in time (apart from older or very ill people who are considered life beneficiaries) and depends on strict conditions.

Over the past ten years, 135 individuals and their families have benefited from this programme. Today, the CAPT sponsors 51 former political prisoners.

Chagpori France (France)

Name of Administrative Contact: MONTAGNE Marie
Street Address: Quartier le Blanchissage - Chemin des Baous
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: 83210 Sollies-Toucas, France
Telephone Number: 04 94 33 34 90
06 84 77 77 48
Fax Number: 04 94 33 34 90
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

Our Mission:

Help for Tibetan people in Ravangla and Darjeeling
Protection of Tibetan Medicine

Collectif Bretagne - Tibet (Brittany - Tibet) (France)

Name of Administrative Contact: Eric Duquesne
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Nantes, Brittany, France
Email Address:

Brittany-Tibet is a collective created in 2006 and which aims to make known the situation of Tibet in Britain.

Comite de Dauvegarde du Peuple Tibetain et de sa Culture (France)

Name of Administrative Contact: Francoise Bruxeille
Street Address: Les Cuques No 9, Boulevard Andre Malraux
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Plan de Cuques, 13 380, ??
Telephone Number: 0033-91-07-33-13
Fax Number: 0033-91-07-31-42
Web Page URL (Address):

Comité de Soutien au Peuple Tibetain - France (France)

Name of Administrative Contact: Jean-Paul RIBES (President)
Jean-Marie BRODU (Secretary)
Street Address: 174 Bd Eugene Decros
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: 93260 Les Lilas - France
Telephone Number: (33) 1-30 90 98 74
Fax Number: (33) 1-30 90 88 25
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

Comité de Soutien au Peuple Tibétain Bretagne (France)

Name of Administrative Contact: Michel Le Mell
Street Address: 3 Bois Geffroy
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: 22200 Plouisy, France
Telephone Number: 33 296 213938
Fax Number: 33 296 213938
Email Address:

Comite de Soutien au Peuple Tibetain de l'Herault (France)

Name of Administrative Contact: Christiane Anderegg
Street Address: 2 rue du Puits de Sechon
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: 34660 Cournonterral, France
Telephone Number: 33 4 678 54160
Fax Number: 33 4 678 54160
Email Address:

C.S.P.T. Midi-Pyrenees Rencontres Tibetaines (France)

Name of Administrative Contact: Jordane de Marliave
Street Address: 44 Chemin des Izards
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: 31200 Toulouse, France
Telephone Number: 33 5 34 55 93 40
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

Eco-Tibet France (France)

Name of Administrative Contact: Francoise Bonzon
Street Address: Les Aures - 26770
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: La Roche Saint - Secret, FRANCE
Telephone Number: 33-75-53-52-58
Fax Number: 33-75-53-52-58
Email Address:

France-Tibet (France)

Name of Administrative Contact: Marcelle Roux and Christophe Cunniet
Street Address: 10 rue Jean MACE
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: 75011 PARIS, FRANCE
Telephone Number: 33 (0)6 80 70 69 45
Fax Number: 33 (0)1 46 62 99 84
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

The aim of FRANCE-TIBET is to increase the knowledge of the general public so as to draw the attention of International Institutions to the urgent need to save Tibet. We participate in and organize campaigns and demonstrations. We also provide regular information on Tibet to our members and friends. In particular, we send a free e-mail letter regularly to those who request it. Just send an e-mail to with the message "abonnement" for a french version, or "english subscription" for an english version.

When you are in France, you can contact:

Marcelle ROUX :
Tel. mobile: 06 80 70 69 45
E-mail :

Christophe CUNNIET
Tel. : 01 46 62 99 84 / 06 12 25 95 54
E-mail :

Philippe HORELLOU :
Tel 01 43 48 49 07
E-mail :

We are always happy to meet Tibet's other friends.

France-Tibet North of France (France)

Name of Administrative Contact: Francis Longavesne
Street Address: 408 Rue des Carliers
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Le Doulieu 59940, FRANCE
Telephone Number: 33-28-489281
Fax Number: 33-28-493572
Web Page URL (Address):

Groupe Non-Violent (France)

Name of Administrative Contact: Louis Lecoin, Jean-Marc Bruneel
Street Address: 106 avenue du Casino, B.P. 21

Lions des neiges (France)

Name of Administrative Contact: Michel Gignoux
Street Address: 10 Rue Louis Aulagne
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: 69600 Oullins, France
Telephone Number: 33 472 669252 / 33 478 507823
Fax Number: same as tel.
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

French TSG (tibet support group) in Lyon. Fight for the recognition of the tibetan truth. Member of CFTL (Comité Français pour le Tibet Libre) which group 10 TSG (french towns of Strasbourg, Lille, Toulouse, Bordeaux, Marseille, Grenoble, Lyon. And Belgium town of Bruxelles)

Lions des Neiges Mont-Blanc (France)

Telephone Number: Valerie (president): 00 33 (0)685 32 23 78 (in french); Didier *vice-president) 00 33 (0)450 54 55 20 (in french)
Fax Number: Anne-Marie: 00 33 (0)450 54 59 62
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

Lions des Neiges Mont-Blanc is a non political, non religious and non profit making organisation. Our aim is to support Tibet and the Tibetan so that they regain freedom. We hold many events (shows, films, Tibetan walks for peace, Tibetan New Year celebrations, Tibetan meals, lectures, debates, information stands, even paragliding baptisms...). We have also published two comic strips, Where the snow never melts.

Our actions are inspired by non violence as His Holiness the fourteenth Dalai Lama commends.

Maison des Himalayas (France)

Name of Administrative Contact: Josette Denis
Street Address: 49 rue des Pres
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: 62920 Gonnehein, France
Telephone Number: 33 3 21 56 0122
Fax Number: 33 3 21 569913
Email Address:

Maison du Tibet - Tibet Info (France)

Name of Administrative Contact: Jean Marie Brodu
Street Address: 174 Bd. E. Decros
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: 93260 Les Lilas, France
Fax Number: 33 1 48 45 12 09
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

May All Beings Be Happy (France)

Name of Administrative Contact: Jacques Keysers
Street Address: BP 172
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: 75967 Paris cedex 20 - France
Telephone Number: 01 40 18 32 62
Fax Number: 01 40 18 32 62

MABBH aims at informing about the situation of Tibet and Tibetans in order to help the Tibetan people.

Montagne du Bonheur (France)

Name of Administrative Contact: Pascale Rebière
Street Address: 16 rue d'Alembert
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: 75014 Paris - France
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

The goal of the the "Montagne du Bonheur" association is:

to bring humanitarian aid in the areas of health and education, without distinction of race, gender, class, religion or political opinion, to the disadvantaged populations in India and Tibet, helping Tibetan and Indian communities as well as other inhabitants;
to contribute to the safeguard of local culture and traditions;
to bring support to the people and inhabitants for which the Human Rights are criticised in addressing public and political bodies;
to provide relevant help in response to requests from local inhabitants.

Objectif Tibet (France)

Street Address: BP46
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Objectif tibet - 74140 SCIEZ France
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

Passeport Tibetain (France)

Name of Administrative Contact: Patrice Muccini
Street Address: 6 rue Cadinot
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: 90850 Essert, France
Telephone Number: 33 3 84 28 10 39
Email Address:

Recontres Tibetaines (France)

Name of Administrative Contact: Claude Lenseigne
Street Address: Le Remoulin 31530
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Lasserre, France
Telephone Number: (33) 61-86-51-14
Fax Number: (33) 61-86-51-14

Reseau International des Femmes pour le Tibet (France)

Name of Administrative Contact: Anne Ribes
Street Address: 2 rue d'Agnou
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: 78580 Maule,France
Telephone Number: 33 130 909874
Fax Number: 33 130 908825
Email Address:


Name of Administrative Contact: Noelle MARCOCCIA
Street Address: Secretary , 35 bld de l'europe
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: 69600 OULLINS - FRANCE
Telephone Number: 04 78 51 95 72
Email Address:

Solidarite Tibet (France)

Name of Administrative Contact: Milleret Vincent
Street Address: 17 Rue Roland Garros
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: 41000 Blois, Paris, France
Telephone Number: 0033-(0)254-45-27-05
Fax Number: 0033-(0)254-42-61-53
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

Soutien a la Culture et a l'Art Tibetains (France)

Name of Administrative Contact: Pierre-Yves Ginet
Street Address: 23 rueNey
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: 69006 Lyon, France
Telephone Number: 33 4 72439562
Email Address:

Students for a Free Tibet France - Etudiants pour un Tibet Libre (France)

Name of Administrative Contact: Sègolëne Antoine
Street Address: 42, avenue des Gobelins
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: 75013 Paris France
Telephone Number: 0033 6 79 10 63 41
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

Students for a Free Tibet France - Etudiants pour un Tibet Libre is the French branch of Students for a Free Tibet.

Students for a Free Tibet (SFT) works in solidarity with the Tibetan people in their struggle for freedom and independence. We are a chapter-based network of young people and activists around the world. Through education, grassroots organizing, and non-violent direct action, we campaign for Tibetans’ fundamental right to political freedom. Our role is to empower and train youth as leaders in the worldwide movement for social justice.

Tibet 59 / 62 (France)

Name of Administrative Contact: Jean Pierre Catteau
Street Address: 102 rue Pasteur
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: 62800 Lievin, France
Telephone Number: 33 3 21 44 42 95
Fax Number: 33 3 21 44 4295
Email Address:

Tibet Liberte Solidarite (France)

Name of Administrative Contact: Richard Petit
Street Address: 27 rue du grand couvent
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: 13200 Arles, FRANCE
Telephone Number: +33 / 4 90 96 64 98
Email Address:

We are a regional group (south east France), a member of the french federation. We try to work for official recognition of the Tibetan Government in Exile and sino-tibetan negotiations. We organize exhibitions to promote tibetan culture.

Tibet Lion Des Neiges (France)

Name of Administrative Contact: Michele Huber
Street Address: 1c rue du Grand-Couronne
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: 67100 Strasbourg, France
Telephone Number: 33 3 88 84 61 74
Fax Number: 33 3 88 84 61 74
Email Address:

TSG Bordeaux (France)

Name of Administrative Contact: Jo Reny
Street Address: 77 rue KlŽber
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: 33800 Bordeaux, France
Telephone Number: 0557.958.703
Fax Number: 0557.958.703
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

Tibetan Community - France (France)

Name of Administrative Contact: JIGME DORJI
Street Address: 28 RUE SORBIER
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: F-75020 PARIS FRANCE

Tibetoile (France)

Name of Administrative Contact: Henri Maupin
Street Address: 11 Impasse des Pins
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: 25550 Bavans, France
Telephone Number:
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

TIBETOILE is an association aiming to help the populations of the Himalayas living in India and in Nepal. Since its founding, TIBETOILE has engaged on three principal axes: the defense of the Tibetans, their culture, and the sponsorship of Tibetan and Nepalese children.

Tsowa-Maintenir la Vie (France)

Name of Administrative Contact: Alain Pasty, Marie-France Garaude-Pasty
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Runchy 71190 Mesvres, France
Telephone Number: 00 33(0)385 543 660
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

Tsowa is a non-profit humanitarian association whose aim is to help tibetan refugees exiled in India and Nepal in the health, culture and education domains. For this, Tsowa collects funds and medicines. The association is working with local authorities to determine actions; our goal is to help create self-sufficient structures. Tsowa is fully engaged in protecting Human Rights.

Urgence Tibet (France)

Name of Administrative Contact: Marie Hudelot, Maison Milliere
Street Address: 10 rue de laChouette
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: 21000 Dijon, France
Telephone Number: 33 3 80 30 9999
Fax Number: 33 3 80 63 7010
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

Tibet Support Group - Hungary (Hungary)

Street Address: 1H.NEMES GEZA S.
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: 1098 BUDAPESTDESI HUBER U. 6 / IHUNGARY
Telephone Number: +36 1 127 4323
Fax Number: +36 1 127 4323

Hungarian Tibet Support Association, Sambhala Tibet Center (Hungary)

(Tibetet Segítõ Társaság Alapítvány, Sambhala Tibet Központ)
Name of Administrative Contact: Tibor Hendrey (leader)
Street Address: 1068 Budapest, Szófia u.7
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Hungary-1068
Telephone Number: 0036-1-266-8084; 00 36-30-944 02 60
Fax Number: 0036-1-266-8084; 00 36-30-944 02 60
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

The Gate of Dharma Buddhist College, Budapest (Hungary)

Name of Administrative Contacts: Pal Farkas, Tamas Agocs
Street Address: Borzsony u. 11
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Budapest 1098, HUNGARY
Telephone Number: 361-280-6712
Fax Number: 361-280-6714

All-Party Parliamentary Group For Tibet - Italy (Italy)

Name of Administrative Contact: DDr. Karl Zeller, MP c/o Associazione Italia-Tibet
Street Address: Via Pinturicchio 25
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: 20133 MILANO, Italy
Fax Number: 0039-2-70638382
Email Address:

Altrimondi Tibet (Italy)

Name of Administrative Contact: Rossana Barbolla
Street Address: Via Giustiniano 45
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Impetatore, 00145 Roma, Italy
Telephone Number: 39 6 5417158
Email Address:

Amici del Tibet - Friends of Tibet-Italy (Italy)

Name of Administrative Contact: Ugo Papi
Street Address: Via di Pietra 84
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Rome Italy 00184
Telephone Number: 0039 066711553
Fax Number: 0039 0647826312
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

What we do:

To pressure Government of Italy to take initiative, in the international arena, in favour of Tibet and in favour of Tibetan Government in exile
To mobilise the public opinion in support of Tibet by cooperating with all Tibet support groups, Ngo's, cultural and social organisations.
To form Tibet lobbies in all political parties,trade unions, social organisations.
To organise Conventions, conferences, press conferences, Demonstrations, Exhibitions Protests and signature campaigns to raise awareness of the violation of basic human rights in Tibet done by China.
To publish and distribute books, pamphlets, magazines on Tibet issue.
To support the dialog between H.H. the Dalai Lama and China's Government in order to establish genuine autonomy in Tibet.
To support the Interparliamentarian group for Tibet in the Italian Parliament.
Publications of "Vivail Tibet" magazine (issued six times per year)

Associazione Italia-Tibet (Italy)

Name of Administrative Contact: Gunther Cologna
Street Address: Via Pinturicchio 25
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: 20133 Milano, Italy
Telephone Number: +39-02-7063 8382
Fax Number: +39-02-7063 8382
Email Addresses: Office -
Gunther Cologna -
Vicky Sevegnani -
Web Page URL (Address):

Associazione per il Tibet e i Diritti Umani (Italy)

(Association for Tibet and Human Rights)
Name of Administrative Contact: Alessandro Paolini
Street Address: Consiglio regionale del Piemonte, via Alfieri 15
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Torino, Italy, 10121
Telephone Number: +39 011 5757822
Fax Number: +39 011 5757425
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address): http://www.consiglioregionale.piemonte. ... tti_umani/

The Association was established in Turin, at the Piedmont Regional Council, on March 9th 2002, upon the initiative of the Piedmont Region and with the inclusion of ANCI (Associazione Nazionale Comuni Italiani / National Association of Italian Cities & Municipalities).

The Association aims at promoting and coordinating the European campaign entitled "A flag for the status of full autonomy of Tibet", designed to support at EU level a resolution by the European Parliament issued on July 6th 2000, and to support the Dalai Lama’s and the Tibetan government’s initiatives with regard to the authorities of the People’s Republic of China.

In 2011, 201 Italian Local Bodies had taken the membership of the association.
Now the Association has changed name and organization. In fact has taken the form of association of Piedmont regional councillors and the name of Associazione per il Tibet e i diritti umani (Association for Tibet and human rights). Currently are members 42 out of 60 regional councillors.

On 16th December, 2007, His Holiness the Dalai Lama has visited Turin on invitation of Regional Council and of the Association.

Associazione Villaggio Terra (Italy)

Name of Administrative Contact: Gattini Elio (vice president)
Street Address: Cadibona 23
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: ROMA Italia 00139
Telephone Number: + 39 06 45473949
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

Our Association has helped the Tibetan people many times, including: 1) Help for refugees (see project at our website). 2) Help for information in our country on the situation of the Tibetan people (human rights), in collaboration with the Tibetan Women's Association.

Ewam Centre (Italy)

Name of Administrative Contact: Valentina Dolara
Street Address: Via Pier Capponi 12
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: 50132 Florence,Italy
Telephone Number: 39 55 575376
Fax Number: 39 55 580152
Email Address:

La Casa del Tibet - Italy (Italy)

Names of Administrative Contacts: Stefano Dallari
Street Address: La Casa del Tibet, I-42026 Votigno di Canossa
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: (Reggio Emilia) Italy
Telephone Number: +39-522-293665
Fax Number: +39-522-293665

Rina & Franco Bellaterra Association (AREF) (Italy)

Name of Administrative Contact: Marilia Bellaterra
Street Address: Via di San Crisogono, 37
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: 00153 - ROMA (ITALY)
Telephone Number: +39 06 5896181
Fax Number: +39 06 581173
Email Address:,
Web Page URL (Address):

A non profit Organization of social utility for the support of people with special needs.

To take actions in the field of the international cooperation
To help Tibetan refugees by means of Long Distance Support of children, adolescents, grandparents, civilians and monks
To develope initiatives aimed at producing jobs for the creation, development and self sustainment of business infrastructures
To promote scholastic and social diffusion, respecting sociocultural differences and integration
To mobilise the public opinion in support of Tibet by cooperating with all Tibet support groups, Ngo's, cultural and social organizations.
To organise Conferences, press conferences, Demonstrations, Protests and campaigns to raise awareness of the violation of basic human rights in Tibet.
To organize Video and Photo Exhibitions.

Gruppo Sostegno Famiglie Profughi Tibetani (Italy)

Name of Administrative Contact: gloria barbieri muzzarelli
Street Address: corso montevecchio 64
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: torino, italia, 10129
Telephone Number: +39-011-542476
Fax Number: +39-011-19792707
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

A group of italian citizens to favor sponsorisation of tibetan children in India; we collect also funds for projects in various camps.

Yeshe Norbu Appello per il Tibet (Italy)

Name of Administrative Contact: Francesca Piatti / Enza Mascia
Street Address: Via Poggiberna 9
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: 56040 Pomaia Pisa, Italy
Telephone Number: +39 050 685 033, +39 050 685 209
Fax Number: +39 050 685 768
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

Tibet Support Group - Lithuania - Fund Tibet (Lithuania)

Name of Administrative Contact: Radvile Racenaite
Street Address: V. Grvbo 41-23
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Vilnius 2055, LITHUANIA
Telephone Number: (370-2) 74-25-57

Lithuanian Tibet Culture Foundation (Lithuania)

Name of Administrative Contact: Gintaras Druckus (Vytautas Umbrasas)
Street Address: Baltijos 16 - 1
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: LT - 48247, Kaunas, Lithuania
Telephone Number: (+370 616) 78422 (Gintaras); (+370 698) 42250 (Vytautas)
Fax Number: (+370 37) 32 31 11
Email Address:,

Brief information about Lithuanian Tibet Culture Foundation:

Lithuanian Tibet Culture Foundation was founded February 20th, 2001. Main activities priorities: close work together with the Parliamentarian Tibet support (relations) group in Lithuanian Parliament; political support to Sino-Tibetan dialogue and situation in Tibet; commemoration March 10th and December 10th by organizing public events (raising Tibet flag, public meetings, etc.).

International Campaign for Tibet - Europe (Netherlands)

Name of Administrative Contact: Tsering Jampa
Street Address: Vijzelstraat 77
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: 1017 HG Amsterdam,The Netherlands
Telephone Number: 31 20 330 8265
Fax Number: 31 20 3308266
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

Tibet Support Group - Netherlands (Netherlands)

Name of Administrative Contact: Coordinator of TSG-NL, Lydia Stilma
Street Address: Postbus 3673
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: 1001 AL, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Telephone Number: 31 20 623 7699
Fax Number: 31 20 420 2208
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

TSG Free Tibet And You (Netherlands)

Name of Administrative Contact: Alex Bunjes
Street Address: Groeneweg 1
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Oud Zuilen, 3611AT, The Netherlands
Telephone Number: 31 658 70 427
Mobile + 31 (0) 6 538 70427
Email Address:,
Web Page URL (Address):

You may participate in this group quite easily by sending mails to:

Artists for Tibet (Scotland) (Scotland)

Name of Administrative Contact: Brenda Temple
Street Address: 40 High Barholm
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Kilbarchan, Scotland PA10 2EQ
Telephone Number: 01505-706346
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

This charity fund-raising site was launched in February, 2002. Fifty leading Scottish painters, sculptors and craftsmen and women have donated pieces for an on-line auction in which people can bid by e-mail for the work on show. The project aims to raise money desperately needed to construct a refuge in Nepal for Tibetan refugees, including children and destitute elderly people. It is hoped the site will remain "live" as long as it is required and that more and more artists from around the world will donate pieces of work as they learn of its existence and aims.

Edinburgh University Tibet Society (Scotland)

Name of Administrative Contact: Iain Thom
Street Address: Societies Centre, The Pleasance
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Edinburgh EH8 9JT, Scotland
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

EUTS is a student group that seeks to raise awareness of Tibetan issues through political lobbying, participation in the Cross-Party Group on Tibet in the Scottish Parliament and through non-violent direct action.

Glasgow Friends of Tibet (Scotland)

Name of Administrative Contact: Annalie Hayward
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

Our group started in 2002 and is based in Glasgow. We hold both political type events (petitioning, participation in demonstrations) and cultural events (host talks, films, Tibetan meals).

Basque Parliamentary Supporting Group on Tibet (Spain)

Name of Administrative Contact: Karmelo Sainz de la Maza. Member of Basque Parliament
Street Address: Parlamento Vasco
C/ Becerro de Bengoa, S/N
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: VITORIA-GASTEIZ. (SPAIN)
Telephone Number: (45)247800
Fax Number: (45)140085
Email Address:

Fundació Casa del Tibet - Spain (Spain)

Names of Administrative Contacts: Thubten Wangchen
Street Address: C/ Rosselló 181
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: 08036 Barcelona, SPAIN
Telephone Number: 932075966
Fax Number: 934592090
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

Comite de Apoyo del Tibet (CAT) - Madrid and Ibiza, Spain (Spain)

Name of Administrative Contact: Alan Cantos
Street Address: Costa Rica 11 (1, A26)
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: 28016 Madrid, Spain
New office in Ibiza: contact Madrid office
Telephone Number: (34) 91 350 2414
Fax Number: (34) 91 350 2414
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

An independent Tibet support group founded 18 years ago and working on cultural, social, humanitarian and information campaign issues.

Friends of Tibet - Spain (Spain)

Telephone Number: (+34) 687 062 709
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

Les Amis du Tibet asbl (Belgium) (Belgium)

Name of Administrative Contact: Mr Marc Liegeois, President
Street Address: Thier du Goreux, 37
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: B4020 LIEGE, Belgium
Telephone Number: +32 495 209902
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

Tibetan Development Fund, asbl/vzw (Belgium)

Name of Administrative Contacts: Mr Jean-Paul Neusy, President
Mr Marc Liegeois, Secretary
Street Address: Av. Charbo 79
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: B- 1030 BRUSSEL, BELGIUM
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

Tibetan Help (Belgium)

Name of Administrative Contact: Mr Marc Liegeois, President
Street Address: Impasse Croctay, 6
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: B- 4020 LIEGE, BELGIUM
Telephone Number: +32 495 209902
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

Friends of Tibet - Czech Republic (Czech Republic)

Name of Administrative Contact: Martin Knotek
Street Address: Za Vokovickou Vozovnou 369/5
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Prague 6 16100 Czech Republic
Telephone Number: +420 608877698
Email Address:

Lungta (Czech Republic)

Name of Administrative Contact: Sklenka Lubomir
Street Address: Dlouha 33
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic
Telephone Number: +420 2 231 50 98
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address): (english version) (czech version) (TIBINFO service)

(Tibet Support Group in Czech Republic)

Civic association LUNGTA is self-imposed, non-governmental, and non-profit organization of people who are interested in Tibet, Tibetan culture or Tibetan Buddhism. The association has been a legal entity according to the Czech law. The main aim of the association is to help its members in their effort to reach and publicize true information about unique Tibetan culture, Tibetan Buddhism and the situation in Tibet.

The association tasks are mainly:

organizing of lectures, exhibitions, concerts, meetings, and demonstrations
organizing visits of local and foreign teachers
publication activity, library services
running of public TIBINFO - Tibet Information System (
cooperation with Czech and foreign organizations concerned with Tibetan culture, Tibetan Buddhism, political situation, and human rights situation in Tibet
supporting a rise and development of Tibetan Buddhism centers (of different schools) in the Czech republic without any special preference.

Malé Občanské Sdružení Tolerance (M.O.S.T.) - Ostrava "Charitable Society of Tolerance" (Czech Republic)

Street Address: Tilschové 5, 709 00 Ostrava
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Mariánské Hory, Czech Republic
Telephone Number: +420 603 730272
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

We try to build bridges not only between cultures but also between people. We want to show a different way of life, different way of thinking, we want to offer an alternative, a possibility to look over the fence to see what it looks like somewhere else, a possibility to compare our way of life with people on the other side of the world.

Our objective is to provide people with information about Tibet, Ladakh and the eastern style of life in the form of lectures, exhibitions, films and discussion forums. Our main projects are the Festival For Tibet a Distant Godparenthood - aid to small monks and nuns in Buddhist monasteries in Small Tibet in India.

Olympic Watch (Czech Republic)

(Committee for the 2008 Olympic Games in a Free and Democratic Country)
Name of Administrative Contact: Petr Kutilek, Executive Secretary
Street Address: Milady Horakove 103/66
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Prague, CZ, 16000
Telephone Number: +420-608-560-503
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

The mission of Olympic Watch is to monitor the human rights situation in the People’s Republic of China in the run-up to the 2008 Olympic Games and campaign to achieve improvements in the lives of the people in China.

The situation of Tibet is one of the main concerns of Olympic Watch. The Committee has issued several statements on the issue and its representatives are in contact with the Tibetan exile. Among other points of concern are the ongoing persecution of the Beijing regime’s democratic opponents; curtailment of freedom of speech and access to information; death penalty in an environment short on fair trial procedures; and the Beijing government’s policies towards Taiwan.

Olympic Watch was established in Prague in 2001 in response to the IOC's decision to grant Beijing the organization of the 2008 Olympic Games. Originally an initiative of three former Czech dissidents, the Committee currently consists of thirteen high-profile personalities from around the world. Olympic Watch is now reinvigorating its activity into a sustained campaign.

Potala, o.s. (Czech Republic)

Street Address: Horovo námestí 3
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: 180 00 Praha 8, Czech Republic
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

Civic organization interested in traditional societies and their benefit to the world, especially Tibet and Tibetan culture.

Tibet česky (Tibet in Czech) (Czech Republic)

Name of Administrative Contact: Sandra Pikorová
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):

Tibet česky is an open forum for translators of Tibet related media.

It is a project where professional translators (volunteers) are proofreading articles translated by students, providing them with feedback so they can improve their English. At the moment we have translated most of our articles but we are growing and people are learning and improving. We have been also cooperating with the existing organizations in the Czech Republic, Lungta, M.O.S.T., etc. mainly working on the content and language related issues of different texts. Our aim is to inform and educate the public on Tibet issues, providing articles from various sources, especially current news about the situation. Since there is not much being translated, people in the Czech Republic are not well informed about what is happening, although there is a great potential and interest in the Czech Republic for more support and help for Tibet.

Also, we are now organizing a visit of Tashi Lhunpo Monks. You can find more at:

Estonian-Tibetan Cultural Society (Estonia)

Name of Administrative Contact: Maret Kark
Street Address: Tähe 4
City, State/Province, Country and Postal Code: Tartu 51010, Estonia
Telephone Number: +372-7-465589
Email Address:
Web Page URL (Address):
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