Harvey Weinstein: 'Beautiful Girls' Scribe Scott Rosenberg

Re: Harvey Weinstein: 'Beautiful Girls' Scribe Scott Rosenbe

Postby admin » Thu Sep 27, 2018 11:46 pm

Kavanaugh’s Yearbook Page Is ‘Horrible, Hurtful’ to a Woman It Named
by Kate Kelly and David Enrich
New York Times
Sept. 24, 2018



During a Fox News interview on Sunday, the Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh rebutted claims of sexual abuse. But some are questioning his characterization of his high school and college years. Published On Sept. 25, 2018 Credit CreditImage by Jacquelyn Martin/Associated Press

Brett Kavanaugh’s page in his high school yearbook offers a glimpse of the teenage years of the man who is now President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee: lots of football, plenty of drinking, parties at the beach. Among the reminiscences about sports and booze is a mysterious entry: “Renate Alumnius.”

The word “Renate” appears at least 14 times in Georgetown Preparatory School’s 1983 yearbook, on individuals’ pages and in a group photo of nine football players, including Judge Kavanaugh, who were described as the “Renate Alumni.” It is a reference to Renate Schroeder, then a student at a nearby Catholic girls’ school.

Two of Judge Kavanaugh’s classmates say the mentions of Renate were part of the football players’ unsubstantiated boasting about their conquests.

“They were very disrespectful, at least verbally, with Renate,” said Sean Hagan, a Georgetown Prep student at the time, referring to Judge Kavanaugh and his teammates. “I can’t express how disgusted I am with them, then and now.”

Judge Kavanaugh’s years at Georgetown Prep, in a Maryland suburb of Washington, are under intense scrutiny because of allegations by Christine Blasey Ford that he sexually assaulted her during high school. Judge Kavanaugh has denied the allegation. He and Dr. Blasey are scheduled to testify Thursday before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Judge Kavanaugh’s peers have given different accounts of what he was like. But his yearbook provides a contemporaneous glimpse of the elite Catholic school’s hard-drinking atmosphere — Judge Kavanaugh’s personal page boasts, “100 kegs or bust” — and a culture that some describe as disrespectful to women.

This month, Renate Schroeder Dolphin joined 64 other women who, saying they knew Judge Kavanaugh during their high school years, signed a letter to the leaders of the Senate Judiciary Committee, which is weighing Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination. The letter stated that “he has behaved honorably and treated women with respect.”

When Ms. Dolphin signed the Sept. 14 letter, she wasn’t aware of the “Renate” yearbook references on the pages of Judge Kavanaugh and his football teammates.

“I learned about these yearbook pages only a few days ago,” Ms. Dolphin said in a statement to The New York Times. “I don’t know what ‘Renate Alumnus’ actually means. I can’t begin to comprehend what goes through the minds of 17-year-old boys who write such things, but the insinuation is horrible, hurtful and simply untrue. I pray their daughters are never treated this way. I will have no further comment.”

Michael Walsh, another Georgetown Prep alumnus, also listed himself on his personal yearbook page as a “Renate Alumnus.” Alongside some song lyrics, he included a short poem: “You need a date / and it’s getting late / so don’t hesitate / to call Renate.”

-- Brett Kavanaugh: ‘Horrible, hurtful taunts’ towards schoolgirl in high school yearbook revealed, by Kate Kelly, David Enrich

Alexandra Walsh, a lawyer for Judge Kavanaugh, said in a statement: “Judge Kavanaugh was friends with Renate Dolphin in high school. He admired her very much then, and he admires her to this day.

Brett Michael Kavanaugh
Bethesda, Maryland 20816
Varsity Football 3, 4; J.V. Football 2; Freshman Football 1; Varsity Basketball 3, 4 (Captain); Frosh Basketball (Captain); J.V. Basketball (Captain); Varsity Spring Track 3; Little Hoya 3, 4*** Landon Rocks and Bowling Alley Assault -- What a Night; Georgetown vs. Louisville -- Who Won That Game Anyway?; Extinguisher; Summer of '82 -- Total Spints (Rehobeth 10, 9 ...); Orioles vs. Red Sox -- Who Won, Anyway?, Keg City Club (Treasurer) -- 100 Kegs or Bust; [DELETE] -- I survived the FFFFFFFourth of July; Renate Alumnius; Malibu Fan Club; Ow, Neatness 2, 3; Devil's Triangle; Down Geezer, Easy, Spike, "How ya' doing'. Errr Ah; Rehobeth Police Fan Club (with Shorty); St. Michael's ... This is a Whack; [DELETE] Fan Club; Judge -- Have you Boofed Yet?; Beach Week Ralph Club -- Biggest Contributor; [DELETE] -- Tainted Whack; [DELETE] Beach Week 3-107th Street; Those Prep Guys are the Biggest ...; BONZAGA YOU'RE LUCKY.

A threesome with 1 woman and 2 men.

William Hereford Lifestyle

-- Devils Triangle, by Urban Dictionary

I've been around the block several times including raising boys and grandsons and I'll tell you that at no time did the word bouf mean farting nor is a devil's triangle a drinking game like quarters. One means butt-f*cking and the other refers to two on one sex (2 men).

-- Gabby Gale @GayleDazzler!

Judge Kavanaugh mentioned Renate Dolphin on his yearbook page, his lawyer said, because of one high school event they attended together “and nothing else.” Address and some names have been obscured.[/i]

“Judge Kavanaugh and Ms. Dolphin attended one high school event together and shared a brief kiss good night following that event,” the statement continued. “They had no other such encounter. The language from Judge Kavanaugh’s high school yearbook refers to the fact that he and Ms. Dolphin attended that one high school event together and nothing else.”

Ms. Dolphin said she had never kissed Judge Kavanaugh. “I think Brett must have me confused with someone else, because I never kissed him,” she said through her lawyer.

In an interview on Fox News on Monday, Judge Kavanaugh defended his high school behavior in general terms. “People might have had too many beers on occasion and people generally in high school — I think all of us have probably done things we look back on in high school and regret or cringe a bit,” he said.

A White House spokesman, Raj Shah, declined to comment beyond the statement from Judge Kavanaugh’s lawyer.

Four of the men who were pictured with Judge Kavanaugh in a photo captioned “Renate Alumni” said it was simply a reference to their dating or going to dances with Ms. Dolphin.

An elite Catholic boys’ high school founded in 1789, Georgetown Prep has many alumni who have gone into public service. Justice Neil M. Gorsuch of the Supreme Court is a graduate, as is Jerome H. Powell, chairman of the Federal Reserve.

Judge Kavanaugh, a member of the football team and the captain of the basketball team, played a prominent role in Georgetown Prep’s firmament in the early 1980s. The school’s culture was one of heavy drinking and at times insensitivity.

The 1983 yearbook, for example, includes multiple apparent references to the Ku Klux Klan (but not on Judge Kavanaugh’s page). His page, in addition to the “Alumnius” entry, mentions his role as “treasurer” of the “Keg City Club.”

“The vast majority of the time I spent in high school was studying or focused on sports and being a good friend to the boys and the girls that I was friends with,” he told Fox News on Monday.

Some of Judge Kavanaugh’s high school peers said there was a widespread culture at the time of objectifying women.

“People claiming that they had sex with other people was not terribly unusual, and it was not terribly believable,” said William Fishburne, who was in Judge Kavanaugh’s graduating class and was a manager for the football team. “Not just Brett Kavanaugh and his particular group, but all the classmates in general. People would claim things they hadn’t done to sort of seem bigger than they were, older than they were.”

Bill Barbot, who was a freshman at Georgetown Prep when Judge Kavanaugh was a senior, said Judge Kavanaugh and his clique were part of the school’s “fratty” culture. “There was a lot of talk and presumably a lot of action about sexual conquest with girls,” Mr. Barbot said.

Renate Alumni (missing: Pres. J.C. Del Real)
Judge Kavanaugh, far left, and eight football teammates in a yearbook photo. “I don’t know what ‘Renate Alumnus’ actually means,” Ms. Dolphin said. “I can’t begin to comprehend what goes through the minds of 17-year-old boys who write such things, but the insinuation is horrible, hurtful and simply untrue.”

Ms. Dolphin was a subject of that braggadocio, according to Mr. Hagan and another classmate, who requested anonymity because he fears retribution. They said Judge Kavanaugh and his friends were seeking to memorialize their supposed conquests with the “Renate” yearbook references.

“She should be offended,” Mr. Hagan said of Ms. Dolphin. “I was completely astounded when I saw she signed that letter” on Judge Kavanaugh’s behalf.

Some women who knew Judge Kavanaugh at the time defended his conduct.

“These guys weren’t any different than other boys high schools across the country,” said Suzanne Matan, a friend of Judge Kavanaugh’s from their high school days. “And I chose to hang out with those boys and many other girls did, too, because they were fun, and they were safe, and they were respectful.”

The Georgetown Prep yearbook’s personal pages were designed and written by the individual students, according to alumni. A faculty adviser reviewed the pages.

Judge Kavanaugh was one of 13 graduating seniors who referred to Ms. Dolphin in some way on their personal pages. Some gave themselves titles — DeLancey Davis, for example, listed himself as “chairman of the Bored” of the “Renate Club.” Another football player, Tom Kane, mentioned on his page “Renate’s Suicide Squad.”

The group photo, with Judge Kavanaugh and eight fellow football players in pads and uniform, grinning, was captioned “Renate Alumni.” Mark Judge, the commentator and author who has written about his alcohol-fueled years at Georgetown Prep, stands next to Judge Kavanaugh in the photo.

Barbara Van Gelder, a lawyer for Mr. Judge, declined to comment.

Four of the players in the “Renate Alumni” photo — Mr. Davis, Mr. Kane, Tim Gaudette and Don Urgo Jr. — said in a statement that they had “never bragged about” sexual contact or anything like that with Ms. Dolphin. The statement, issued by Jim McCarthy, a public-relations representative, said the yearbook’s “Renate” references “were intended to allude to innocent dates or dance partners and were generally known within the community of people involved for over 35 years.”

“These comments,” the statement continued, “were never controversial and did not impact ongoing relationships until The Times twisted and forced an untrue narrative. This shabby journalism is causing egregious harm to all involved, particularly our friend, and is simply beneath contempt.”

Michael Walsh, another Georgetown Prep alumnus, also listed himself on his personal yearbook page as a “Renate Alumnus.” Alongside some song lyrics, he included a short poem: “You need a date / and it’s getting late / so don’t hesitate / to call Renate.”

Mr. Walsh, a bank executive in Virginia, was one of scores of Georgetown Prep alumni who signed a letter to Senate Judiciary Committee leaders vouching for Judge Kavanaugh’s “sharp intellectual ability, affable nature, and a practical and fair approach devoid of partisan purpose.” He did not respond to requests for comment.

Ms. Dolphin was aware that members of Judge Kavanaugh’s clique were reciting that poem, according to a person familiar with her thinking. She told the football players that she found it offensive, believing it made her seem like a cheap date, and she asked them to stop.

Some of Judge Kavanaugh’s peers said they doubted that the yearbook notations were good-natured. “Those guys weren’t big on crushes,” Mr. Fishburne said. “I think they felt that if a girl didn’t want to date them, then they must be gay. I’m serious.”

A high school friend of Ms. Dolphin’s, who also signed the letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee, said that while she stood by the letter’s contents, as a friend of Ms. Dolphin’s she was “sickened” by the yearbook’s “Renate” references. She and a second friend of Ms. Dolphin’s denied that there was any sexual contact between Ms. Dolphin and Judge Kavanaugh or anyone else in his circle.

Kitty Bennett contributed research.

A version of this article appears in print on Sept. 24, 2018, on Page A1 of the New York edition with the headline: Yearbook ’83: Football, Kegs And Innuendo.
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Re: Harvey Weinstein: 'Beautiful Girls' Scribe Scott Rosenbe

Postby admin » Fri Sep 28, 2018 10:47 pm

Rule 413. Similar Crimes in Sexual-Assault Cases
Cornell Law School
Legal Information Institute
Accessed: 9/28/18



(a) Permitted Uses. In a criminal case in which a defendant is accused of a sexual assault, the court may admit evidence that the defendant committed any other sexual assault. The evidence may be considered on any matter to which it is relevant.

(b) Disclosure to the Defendant. If the prosecutor intends to offer this evidence, the prosecutor must disclose it to the defendant, including witnesses’ statements or a summary of the expected testimony. The prosecutor must do so at least 15 days before trial or at a later time that the court allows for good cause.

(c) Effect on Other Rules. This rule does not limit the admission or consideration of evidence under any other rule.

(d) Definition of “Sexual Assault.” In this rule and Rule 415, “sexual assault” means a crime under federal law or under state law (as “state” is defined in 18 U.S.C. § 513) involving:

(1) any conduct prohibited by 18 U.S.C. chapter 109A;

(2) contact, without consent, between any part of the defendant’s body — or an object — and another person’s genitals or anus;

(3) contact, without consent, between the defendant’s genitals or anus and any part of another person’s body;

(4) deriving sexual pleasure or gratification from inflicting death, bodily injury, or physical pain on another person; or

(5) an attempt or conspiracy to engage in conduct described in subparagraphs (1)–(4).

(Added Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXII, §320935(a), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2135; Apr. 26, 2011, eff. Dec. 1, 2011.)

Effective Date

Section 320935(b)–(e) of Pub. L. 103–322, as amended by Pub. L. 104–208, div. A, title I, §101(a), [title I, §120], Sept. 30, 1996, 110 Stat. 3009, 3009–25, provided that:

“(b) Implementation.—The amendments made by subsection (a) [enacting this rule and rules 414 and 415 of these rules] shall become effective pursuant to subsection (d).

“(c) Recommendations by Judicial Conference.—Not later than 150 days after the date of enactment of this Act [Sept. 13, 1994], the Judicial Conference of the United States shall transmit to Congress a report containing recommendations for amending the Federal Rules of Evidence as they affect the admission of evidence of a defendant's prior sexual assault or child molestation crimes in cases involving sexual assault and child molestation. The Rules Enabling Act [ 28 U.S.C. 2072 ] shall not apply to the recommendations made by the Judicial Conference pursuant to this section.

“(d) Congressional Action.—

“(1) If the recommendations described in subsection (c) are the same as the amendment made by subsection (a), then the amendments made by subsection (a) shall become effective 30 days after the transmittal of the recommendations.

“(2) If the recommendations described in subsection (c) are different than the amendments made by subsection (a), the amendments made by subsection (a) shall become effective 150 days after the transmittal of the recommendations unless otherwise provided by law.

“(3) If the Judicial Conference fails to comply with subsection (c), the amendments made by subsection (a) shall become effective 150 days after the date the recommendations were due under subsection (c) unless otherwise provided by law.

“(e) Application.—The amendments made by subsection (a) shall apply to proceedings commenced on or after the effective date of such amendments [July 9, 1995], including all trials commenced on or after the effective date of such amendments.”

[The Judicial Conference transmitted to Congress on Feb. 9, 1995, a report containing recommendations described in subsec. (c) that were different than the amendments made by subsec. (a). The amendments made by subsec. (a) became effective July 9, 1995.]

Committee Notes on Rules—2011 Amendment

The language of Rule 413 has been amended as part of the restyling of the Evidence Rules to make them more easily understood and to make style and terminology consistent throughout the rules. These changes are intended to be stylistic only. There is no intent to change any result in any ruling on evidence admissibility.
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Re: Harvey Weinstein: 'Beautiful Girls' Scribe Scott Rosenbe

Postby admin » Mon Oct 08, 2018 10:37 pm

With Kavanaugh Confirmed, It’s Time to Burn It Down
by Jennifer Wright
Harpers Bazaar
Oct 6, 2018



"We will burn patriarchal institutions to the ground. And I pray that, for our daughters, the blaze will light the way forward."

Design by Moira Gilligan

“I desire you would Remember the Ladies, and be more generous and favorable to them than your ancestors. Do not put such unlimited power into the hands of the Husbands. Remember all Men would be tyrants if they could. If particular care and attention is not paid to the Ladies we are determined to foment a Rebellion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any Laws in which we have no voice, or Representation”

Abigail Adams wrote that in 1776. Her words have never seemed more prescient than they do today.

Surely, this is a time where many ladies wish to foment a rebellion. So many of us, today, want to burn a system to the ground that could put a man like Brett Kavanaugh, a man accused of multiple accounts of sexual assault, on the Supreme Court. Especially when there is such a strong sense that justice has not been done. The FBI’s investigation was limited. Mark Judge, an alleged witness, was never subpoenaed and made to testify. Ford’s nuanced, precise testimony seemingly could not hold up to a man shouting about how much he enjoyed beer.

Some (male) people might be concerned that women will foment the rebellion. To them I can say with certainty that the rebellion is already underway.

Like Ford, women “are used to being collegial.” So the rebellion might look more polite and orderly than some people expected.

That does not mean we are not furious.

“Women are so angry,” Trump declared in a rather garbled press conference about Kavanaugh on Tuesday night: “Women are very angry.”

It may be the first time I’ve agreed with Trump. God, are we angry. If we had calendars, like Kavanaugh, for many of us, this week would just be represented by the word “fury” scrawled in all caps.

For years, women’s anger has been dismissed. We have been taught to subsume anything even resembling anger at all costs. Watch a woman speak in a tone that does not convey deference and watch her be called "strident". Watch a woman speaking firmly be accused of "yelling". If she is not smiling, she seems "angry". If woman are openly upset, they will be called "hysterical," a term which implies that the root of their anger is a form of madness.

"For the first time in a long time—perhaps the first time ever—women’s rage is being seen as valuable."

Mercifully, for the first time in a long time—perhaps the first time ever—women’s rage is being seen as valuable and useful. Soraya Chemaly’s book Rage Becomes Her and Rebecca Traister’s Good and Mad are both recent books delving into the way women’s fury have created a more just world. In Chemaly’s book, she remarks that, “Anger has a bad rap, but it’s actually one of the most hopeful and forward thinking of our emotions. It begets transformation, manifesting our passion and keeping us invested in the world. It is a rational and emotional response trespass, violation and moral disorder.”

And women’s anger does create change, even here, even in this age. In an excerpt from Good and Mad published in New York Magazine, Traister cites not only my personal favorite angry American woman, Abigail Adams, but the many times American women’s anger has been the impetus for social movements. Those range from the women at textile mills in Lowell Massachusetts staging walk-outs in the 19th century, in one of the first iterations of a labor movement, to Emmett Till’s mother cracking open her son’s coffin in order to reveal the damage done to him to the world. Doing so, in Traister’s words, “lit a match under a burgeoning social struggle that would help to partially remake the United States and lessen (though hardly obliterate) the legal and political obstacles to racial parity.”

We’ve been angry before. We’ve channeled our anger to remake society, before. We’re good at this.

“Why aren’t women out in the streets then?” Some people are wondering.

Those people are remarkably unobservant. We are. Seventy percent of the membership and almost all of the leadership of local resistance groups are women. We are outside The Hart Senate Office Building chanting “We Care” and “Abolish I.C.E.” We are organizing walk-outs to protest Kavanaugh. We have been out there, in the streets, numbering in the millions since Trump was elected.

And yet, each year, when we march, Republican men wonder why women are even marching.

Honest question: what exactly are these women marching for https://t.co/M1PnadkDiL

— Harrison Barron (@harrison_barron) January 21, 2017
What are these women marching for???
The “right to EXPOSE THEMSELVES”??? https://t.co/8mEP7o5hfP

— Dave Jones (@mdj17) January 21, 2018
I don't get what the fuck all these women are marching for all over the place. Like when did women loose all their rights??

— Dylan (@dylanobney42) January 21, 2017

That is easy to answer this week. When we march, we are marching against your blithe dismissal of the fact that women’s lives have value. We are marching to inform you that we are people, not objects for male pleasure. We are marching to show that our lived experiences of pain will no longer be something you can dismiss with a laugh and a shrug.

"We are marching against your blithe dismissal of the fact that women’s lives have value."

Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, when asked what she remembered most about her assault, replied, “Indelible in the hippocampus is the laughter, the uproarious laughter between the two.”

It’s telling how little Republicans have evolved in 50 years that, during this trial, as a woman described her sexual assault, republicans like Kurt Schlichter were tweeting, “I’m laughing.”

Women are not.

Women aren’t going to keep politely laughing along with you. Even Republican women, who will tie themselves into knots trying to justify bad male behavior, have seemingly reached the end of their rope.

They are fleeing the Republican party in droves. In 2002, 36 percent of young women identified as Republican. In 2018, 23 percent do. Steve Bannon (has said “The Republican college-educated woman is done. They’re gone. They were going anyway at some point in time. Trump triggers them.” I would suggest that it’s the entire GOP’s dismissal and mockery of issues like the #MeToo movement that “triggers” them, but okay. This, all by itself should be a message to men on the Right to stop laughing, and start taking women seriously.

But they’re refusing to. If anything, they’re leaning in to misogyny.

In Kavanaugh’s confirmation they have revealed their true colors completely.

The GOP has made it clear that confirming a man accused by multiple people of sexual assault, who responded to accusations by bemoaning what a hard time he’d had as a result, was not only tolerable to them, it was desirable. Many onlookers saw Kavanaugh presenting as angry and entitled — he alternated between crying, yelling, lashing out at Senator Amy Klobuchar and expressing his fondness for beer.

Christina Cauterucci at Slate wrote an article called, “Brett Kavanaugh’s Testimony Made It Easier Than Ever to Picture Him as an Aggressive, Entitled Teen.” New York Times writer Mara Gay said on MSNBC “You hear a lot of entitlement coming from him.” Alexandra Petri of the Washington Post quipped on Twitter, “is this how people get to talk if they don't spend their entire lives being scrutinized for tone?”

is this how people get to talk if they don't spend their entire lives being scrutinized for tone

— Alexandra Petri (@petridishes) September 27, 2018

It’s fair to say that, among women, Kavanaugh’s speech did not go over too well.

But Donald Trump Jr. loved it. During the Trial, Trump Jr. tweeted, “I love Kavanaugh’s tone… others in the GOP should take notice!” Trump himself was similarly enthusiastic, tweeting, “Judge Kavanaugh showed America exactly why I nominated him. His testimony was powerful, honest, and riveting.”

I love Kavanaugh’s tone. It’s nice to see a conservative man fight for his honor and his family against a 35 year old claim with ZERO evidence and lots of holes that amounts to nothing more than a political hit job by the Dems.

Others in the GOP should take notice!

— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) September 27, 2018

Judge Kavanaugh showed America exactly why I nominated him. His testimony was powerful, honest, and riveting. Democrats’ search and destroy strategy is disgraceful and this process has been a total sham and effort to delay, obstruct, and resist. The Senate must vote!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 27, 2018

The GOP has given women an incredibly good reason to vote against them during the midterms. They’ve presented us with the image of a man screaming about how he’s the real victim in sexual assault accusations to rebel against.

And women across the world are already rising to stand against the powerful men like him. And not just “perfect” women anymore. For a long time, our imperfection, the fact that we might be revealed not to have perfectly walked the tightrope of female respectability, has been an impetus for women to remain silent. Rise up and call out men and you’ll be told it’s because you’re a slut. Or ugly. Or dirty, in some way that means you deserved your poor treatment.

"For a long time, the fact we might be revealed not to have perfectly walked the tightrope of female respectability, has been an impetus for women to remain silent."

This still happens, but it seems as though this year women just stopped caring. Women like Stormy Daniels are coming forward to fight against Trump and the GOP. Jill Filipovic wrote of how Rudy Giuliani remarked “I don’t respect a porn star the way I respect a career woman, or a woman of substance, or a woman who has great respect for herself as a woman, and as a person. So, Stormy, you want to bring a case? Let me cross-examine you.” Seemingly, he did this with the intention of shaming her, as women have often been shamed in the past. Except—and this was unusual—it did not seem to bother her. She did not flinch. Stormy remained, as Filipovic wrote, “an imperfect, entirely self-possessed woman telling her story with clarity and without shame. And here we are, actually listening to her.”

The day is coming where, when men make statements intended to remind us of how imperfect we are, they will be met not with fear, but with an eye-roll. Our imperfections do not negate our truths. There is such great power in the fact that we will no longer be shamed.

"There is such great power in the fact that we will no longer be shamed."

And this rebellion, in its large and small manifestations, will go on. Women are not going anywhere. We are going to keep existing, and more and more, we are going to share our truths. “Bravery”, as Senator Leahy told Dr. Ford, “is contagious.” This week has been horrible, but it is one battle lost, not a war. Women are running for office in unprecedented numbers. We may suffer under the leadership of old white men who have little regard for women. It seems increasingly unlikely that the next generation will.

So, don’t let anyone tell you that the rebellion has yet to begin. The events of this week only mean that it must not yet end.

Our rage burns so brightly. I look out, and I see a nation of women incandescent with rage. We will burn patriarchal institutions to the ground. And I pray that, for our daughters, the blaze will light the way forward.
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Re: Harvey Weinstein: 'Beautiful Girls' Scribe Scott Rosenbe

Postby admin » Sat Nov 03, 2018 1:17 am

'Bro Culture’ Led to Repeated Sexual Harassment, Former Google Engineer's Lawsuit Says
by Kate Conger
2/28/18 2:58pm



Loretta Lee, a software engineer who worked at Google for seven years before being fired in February 2016, is suing Google for sexual harassment, discrimination, retaliation, and wrongful termination she says she experienced at the company. Lee says in her lawsuit that the company’s “bro-culture” led to continuous harassment and that Google did nothing to intervene.

Lee’s lawsuit follows more than six months of Google grappling with the fallout from a memo written by a former employee, James Damore, in which he argued that women were biologically less fit for careers in tech than men. Damore’s memo, which was published by Gizmodo in August, received both support and condemnation from other Google employees and spurred internal debate about sexism, racism, and diversity within the company.

Throughout her time at Google, Lee was routinely sexually harassed, according to her lawsuit. She says her male coworkers spiked her drinks with alcohol and shot nerf guns at her regularly, and she says one male coworker messaged her to ask for a “horizontal hug.” At a holiday party, Lee’s lawsuit says, a male coworker slapped her across the face while he was intoxicated.

In one particularly alarming incident detailed in Lee’s lawsuit, she says she found a male coworker hiding under her desk when she returned after a short break. He refused to say what he was doing, the lawsuit says. “The incident with the co-worker under her desk unnerved her. Plaintiff [Lee] had never spoken to that co-worker before. She was frightened by his comment and believed he may have installed some type of camera or similar device under her desk,” the lawsuit says.

Google’s human resources department pressured Lee during a series of meetings to make a formal complaint about the incident, she says. But she was frightened that a complaint would only generate retaliation from her coworkers, she says—and video had emerged of the incident, her lawsuit states, so she didn’t think that she should be required to make a complaint. When she refused, HR cited her for “failing to cooperate,” her lawsuit states. Lee says she finally relented and made a complaint, which Google then failed to investigate, the lawsuit states.

Lee’s male coworkers retaliated against her after the complaint, her lawsuit says. They refused to approve her code and stalled her projects, she says, making it more difficult for her to succeed at work.

“Not only did Google fail to prevent severe and pervasive sexual harassment in Plaintiff’s workplace, but the repeated and awkward meetings that Human Resources forced Plaintiff to attend led her group to retaliate against her in the very way she feared,” the lawsuit states. “Google’s failure to take appropriate remedial action is consistent with its pattern and practice of ignoring sexual harassment in the workplace, making no significant efforts to take corrective action, and punishing the victim.”

Lee received positive performance reviews throughout her career at Google and placed highly in two internal hackathons, the lawsuit states. However, when she was terminated in February 2016, she says, she was told she was being fired for poor performance.

Shortly before being fired, Lee was in a car accident and requested medical leave—but Google didn’t accommodate her requests, her lawsuit says.

“We have strong policies against harassment in the workplace and review every complaint we receive. We take action when we find violations—including termination of employment,” a Google spokesperson said in a statement. Google disputes Lee’s allegations about her coworkers’ behavior and about how HR handled the case, the spokesperson added, noting that Google promptly investigates and responds to allegations of workplace misconduct.

The allegations in Lee’s lawsuit are reminiscent of those raised last year by Susan Fowler, an engineer who blew the whistle about systemic sexual harassment at Uber. Fowler, like Lee, received sexually suggestive messages from her coworkers and experienced retaliation from HR after she made the problem known.

Damore sued Google last month for firing him, alleging that the company routinely discriminated against conservative white men. Since his termination last August, Google employees who advocate for diversity at the company say that Damore’s supporters have weaponized the company’s HR department, filing spurious complaints that claim diversity activists are discriminating against white men.

Tim Chevalier, a former Google engineer, sued the company this month for discrimination, harassment, and wrongful termination after he was fired for internal message board posts that advocated diversity at the company.

“An important part of our culture is lively debate. But like any workplace, that doesn’t mean anything goes. All employees acknowledge our code of conduct and other workplace policies, under which promoting harmful stereotypes based on race or gender is prohibited,” a Google spokesperson said in response to Chevalier’s lawsuit.

Googlers have also had screenshots of their internal conversations leaked to alt-right websites, according to Wired. In the immediate aftermath of Damore’s memo, Google CEO Sundar Pichai planned to hold a town hall meeting to address the situation. However, the town hall was canceled after leaks to alt-right sites led employees to fear for their safety. The town hall was never rescheduled, sources tell Gizmodo, although the threats that led to its cancellation seemed to compound the need for Google management to address the situation.

Google’s response to its cultural conflict stands in stark contrast to Uber’s reaction to its own sexual harassment crisis last year. After Fowler’s blog post went viral, Uber hired former US attorney general Eric Holder to lead an investigation into its workplace culture and retained the law firm Perkins Coie to investigate 215 complaints of sexual harassment. Based on Perkins Coie’s findings, Uber fired more than 20 employees. Holder’s investigation found that Uber did not have consistent procedures in place for responding to harassment, and made sweeping recommendations for how Uber could improve its culture.

Google, by comparison, seems to have done relatively little to address the recent swell in employee complaints of harassment and discrimination. The company does have procedures in place to address complaints of sexual harassment and assault—in 2015, Google instated a program called Respect@ to educate its employees about acceptable workplace behavior and collect reports of behavior that crosses lines. Employees can submit anonymous reports through an internal site, and Google reports the number, type, and outcome of complaints to its employees through an annual Internal Investigation Report. Google declined to share recent data from its Internal Investigation Report with Gizmodo.

Updated 3/1 at 7:00pm with additional comment with Google, including the company’s dispute of Lee’s claims and information about its Respect@ program.
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Re: Harvey Weinstein: 'Beautiful Girls' Scribe Scott Rosenbe

Postby admin » Sat Nov 03, 2018 1:25 am

Google Faces Internal Backlash Over Handling of Sexual Harassment
by Kate Conger, Daisuke Wakabayashi and Katie Benner
The New York Times
October 31, 2018



SAN FRANCISCO — Google is struggling to contain a growing internal backlash over its handling of sexual harassment and its workplace culture.

Over the past week, Sundar Pichai, Google’s chief executive, and Larry Page, a co-founder of Google and the chief executive of its parent company, Alphabet, have taken multiple steps to calm its agitated 94,000-person work force. The anger arose after The New York Times revealed last week that Google had paid millions of dollars in exit packages to male executives accused of harassment and stayed silent about their transgressions.

Google later said it had fired 48 people for sexual harassment over the last two years; none received an exit package. Mr. Page and Mr. Pichai also issued apologies, with Mr. Pichai later saying his initial statement “wasn’t enough” and apologizing again. And one of the executives whom Alphabet continued employing after he was accused of harassment resigned on Tuesday and did not obtain an exit package.

But employees’ dissatisfaction has not subsided. On Thursday, more than 1,500 — most of them women — plan to walk out of almost two dozen company offices around the world to protest the treatment, organizers said.

“We don’t want to feel that we’re unequal or we’re not respected anymore,” said Claire Stapleton, 33, a product marketing manager at Google’s YouTube who helped call for the walkout. “Google’s famous for its culture. But in reality we’re not even meeting the basics of respect, justice and fairness for every single person here.”

The walkout is a culmination of simmering tensions at a time when Silicon Valley workers have become more activist. Tech employees once moved in lock step with their leaders to make products that they said would change the world, but the industry has come under the spotlight for causing harm rather than good. That has led engineers, data scientists and others to increasingly question how their work is being used.

Employees at Microsoft and Amazon recently protested the companies’ work with federal immigration authorities when migrant children were being separated from their families at the Mexican border. And some employees at Facebook have complained that the social network is intolerant of different political perspectives.

Nowhere has the tech employee activism been more evident than at Google. Workers have pushed back this year against the company’s artificial intelligence work with the Pentagon, saying their work shouldn’t be used for warfare. Google eventually decided not to renew its contract with the Pentagon. Employees also rebuked Mr. Pichai and other executives for developing a search engine for China that would censor results. Since then, Google has not moved forward on a search product for China.

Google declined to comment.

The treatment of female employees has been an especially charged topic at Google. Just 31 percent of its global work force and about 26 percent of its executives are women. Google has also been sued by former employees and the Department of Labor, which claim that it underpaid women; the company has said it does not have a wage gap between male and female employees.

Google workers said other incidents had raised questions about the company’s attitude toward women. Last year, one engineer, James Damore, argued in an internal document that women were biologically less adept at engineering and that “personality differences” explained the shortage of female leaders at the company. After an outcry, Google executives rejected the memo and fired Mr. Damore.

At a staff meeting last year, Google’s founders, Mr. Page and Sergey Brin, also struggled to answer a question about who their female role models were, said two employees who saw a video of the meeting.

Mr. Brin tried to recall the name of a woman he had recently met at a company event who had impressed him, the people said. Mr. Page eventually reminded Mr. Brin that the woman’s name was Gloria Steinem, the feminist writer. Mr. Page said his hero was Ruth Porat, the chief financial officer of Google and Alphabet, said the people, who were not authorized to speak publicly.

Last week, The Times reported that Google had paid Andy Rubin, the creator of the Android mobile software, a $90 million exit package even after the company concluded that a harassment claim against him was credible. (Mr. Rubin has denied any misconduct and has said the report of his compensation is a “wild exaggeration.”) Google also paid millions of dollars in an exit package to another executive who was accused of harassment, and continued employing a third despite a harassment claim.

Google’s workers were outraged. They immediately raised questions at a staff meeting with executives last Thursday about how the company approaches sexual harassment.

“I know this is really an exceptionally painful story for some of you, and I’m really sorry for that,” Mr. Page said at the time.

The meeting did little to quell the anger. On Friday, Ms. Stapleton said, she created an internal mailing list to organize a walkout. More than 200 employees joined over the weekend, she said, and the numbers have since grown to more than 1,500.

On Tuesday, Richard DeVaul, one of the Alphabet executives who The Times revealed was accused of harassment, resigned from the company. He did not receive an exit package, according to a company spokeswoman.

That same day, Mr. Pichai sent an apologetic email to employees saying he would support this week’s protest. He said that some workers had already raised constructive ideas of how to improve policies around harassment and that he hoped to “turn these ideas into action,” according to the email, which was obtained by The Times.

Employees organizing the walkout have called on Google to end the practice of private arbitration — which requires people to waive their right to sue and often includes confidentiality agreements — in cases of sexual assault and harassment. They also are demanding publication of a transparency report on instances of sexual harassment, more disclosure of salaries and compensation, an employee representative on the company’s board and a chief diversity officer who could make recommendations directly to the board.

Other employees said they were disappointed that senior executives such as David C. Drummond, Alphabet’s chief legal officer, who had a child with a female subordinate, and Mr. Brin, who had a public extramarital relationship with an employee, remained in influential positions. Some raised questions about whether it was appropriate for Eric Schmidt, the company’s former chief executive and chairman, to remain on Alphabet’s board after former and current employees said he had retained a mistress as a company consultant.

Thursday’s walkout is set to begin in Google’s Tokyo office and then circle the globe, with employees leaving work around 11 a.m. in their time zones, Ms. Stapleton said. People can choose whether or not to return to work, she said.

“While Google has championed the language of diversity and inclusion, substantive actions to address systemic racism, increase equity and stop sexual harassment have been few and far between. ENOUGH,” organizers of the walkout wrote on an internal website, which was viewed by The Times. “Time’s up at Google.”

Kate Conger and Daisuke Wakabayashi reported from San Francisco, and Katie Benner from Washington.

Follow Kate Conger, Daisuke Wakabayashi and Katie Benner on Twitter: @kateconger, @daiwaka and @ktbenner.
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Re: Harvey Weinstein: 'Beautiful Girls' Scribe Scott Rosenbe

Postby admin » Sat Nov 03, 2018 1:37 am

A trip to Cabo, an allegation of sexual assault, and 'a culture of dishonesty': Inside the downfall of the founding CEO of $1.9 billion startup Apttus
by Becky Peterson
Business Insider
November 1, 2018



Kirk Krappe, the longtime CEO of $1.86 billion startup Apttus, left the company in July. Two months after Krappe’s abrupt departure, Apttus was acquired by Thoma Bravo, a Chicago private-equity firm.

Sexual harassment and inappropriate relationships were rampant at the highest levels of Apttus, according to documents and several former employees and insiders Business Insider spoke with.

Krappe left the company after the settlement of a claim of sexual assault at a February company retreat. The claim against Krappe was described to Business Insider by several people familiar with the matter.

In a recent letter to David Murphy, the Apttus executive chairman installed by Thoma Bravo, a former Apttus employee describes a place overrun by fear, bullying, and discrimination — and hints at more forthcoming legal claims.

When employees showed up to work at Apttus’ San Mateo headquarters on July 2, they were shocked to learn that the startup’s longtime CEO, Kirk Krappe, was no longer at the company.

Krappe, whose faint British accent and pocket-square outfits made him stand out in Silicon Valley’s landscape of fleece vests, cofounded Apttus in 2006 after a career spent at Bain & Co, Oracle, and several enterprise startups.

He was the face and voice of the company. Just a few weeks earlier, Krappe was onstage at the company’s annual user conference delivering one of his trademark “free-form” speeches. These often began with an abstract history lesson (topics included human evolution and Turkish archaeology) and eventually segued into Quote-to-Cash, a sales software, Apttus’ signature product.

It didn’t take long before rumors about Krappe’s disappearance were swirling through the company’s offices. There had been a booze-filled sales retreat in Cabo. There were allegations of sexual assault. Had Krappe been forced out, people wondered?

The story about Cabo was just one of many worrisome allegations involving Krappe that were coming to a head around the time, and which ultimately would suggest that the tech entrepreneur’s old-world charm and erudite air might be concealing a pattern of questionable behavior.

With promises of an eventual IPO, Krappe sold employees, customers, and investors on a Silicon Valley dream that in hindsight appeared to have been only loosely based in reality.

Instead of a hot IPO-bound startup, the company Krappe created was by a number of accounts a lawless place where sexual harassment and inappropriate relationships were rampant at the highest levels, according to several former employees and insiders Business Insider spoke with and according to legal documents.

Misdeeds such as padding expense reports and promising clients nonexistent products were encouraged, the people said, and any voices of dissent were swiftly silenced.

At a time when reports of inappropriate behavior among executives at high-profile tech companies from Google to Uber have come to light, the story of Apttus is more than just another disturbing example of alleged sexual misconduct in the male-dominated technology business.

The startup’s still unfolding drama, if the allegations are true, shows how pervasively a company can be infected by toxic behavior once it’s taken root at the top of the organization, and how easily it is allowed to happen in Silicon Valley.

Big-name backers from Salesforce Ventures to ICONiQ Capital to IBM’s venture arm invested in Apttus during Krappe’s tenure, even as his behavior — including having a child outside of his marriage with a manager at the company — raised eyebrows throughout the organization.

Apttus’ last venture round in September 2017 valued the company at $1.86 billion. Salesforce, whose founder, Marc Benioff, is an outspoken advocate for stamping out sexism in the workplace, declined to comment, as did IBM. ICONiQ Capital, which is closely associated with Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg, both prominent supporters of the #MeToo movement, did not return requests for comment. Zuckerberg and Sandberg declined to comment.

Two months after Krappe’s departure, Apttus sold a majority stake to Thoma Bravo, a Chicago private-equity firm with offices in San Francisco.

Multiple lawsuits

It’s unclear whether Thoma Bravo was aware of the allegations surrounding Krappe during the time of the acquisition. But while the problematic CEO was gone by the time Thoma Bravo announced the deal, some of the problems created during Krappe’s reign are likely to live on.

Several claims involving allegations of harassment or a hostile work environment are in various stages of negotiations, Business Insider has learned, and there are three lawsuits from former employees who claim that Krappe had misled them about the health and size of Apttus’ business.

And in a recent letter sent to David Murphy, the Apttus executive chairman installed by Thoma Bravo, in October, a former Apttus employee hinted at more forthcoming legal claims.

The private-equity firm has not disclosed how much it paid to acquire its majority stake in Apttus, which has raised about $400 million in funding over the years. In a news release announcing the deal, Thoma Bravo touted the “operational excellence” it would bring to Apttus, which makes software to helps businesses manage revenues and customer relationships.

Representatives from Apttus declined to comment. Thoma Bravo did not respond to a request for comment.

A night of heavy drinking at the hotel bar

The claim that preceded Krappe’s departure was made by a 26-year-old rising star on Apttus’ business-development team who, along with her aunt, attended a February retreat in Mexico that Apttus hosted for high-performing sales personnel.

The Presidents Club event, as Apttus called the company getaway, took place at the One&Only Palmilla resort near Cabo San Lucas, a coastal property that to many is the epitome of paradise. Located 30 minutes from downtown Cabo, the beachfront is lined with palm trees and beach chairs. Its bright-blue infinity pool is an Instagram influencer’s dream with its dramatic views of where the Gulf of California meets the Pacific Ocean.

It was there, after a night of heavy drinking at the hotel bar, that Krappe allegedly followed the business-development employee back to her hotel room and sexually assaulted her.

The claim against Krappe, which was described to Business Insider by multiple people familiar with the events, was settled outside of court in early June. A large sum of money changed hands, and both Krappe and the plaintiff left the company at the time of the settlement. Gloria Allred, who represented the plaintiffs on the case, declined to comment.

Krappe did not respond to multiple requests for comment.

Bikinis, massages, and ‘sexulence’

For some employees, signs of dysfunction and unprofessional conduct were routine at Apttus.

In early 2015, people at the company noticed that one of their colleagues was pregnant. The late-20s blonde, who managed the global partnerships and business-development teams at Apttus, had started showing. Though she was tight-lipped about her relationship with Krappe, most people at the company thought it was his child, sources told Business Insider.

Krappe, who was in his mid-50s at the time, was still legally married to the mother of his four oldest children. But the newly minted couple got engaged and started raising their newborn daughter as a family.

People felt scandalized, but it wasn’t just because of the affair. Krappe’s fiancée moved up quickly at Apttus, and eventually managed a team called the Salesforce Excellence Team, known by some internally as the “sexulence team” because it was made up exclusively of “very pretty girls.”

It was that team’s job to fly around the country to host social events with salespeople at Salesforce, a crucial Apttus partner at the time and an investor in the startup.

That team, multiple sources said, was liberal with its expenses. Sources told Business Insider that manicures and massages would be documented as team-bonding expenses. Luxurious dinners between two Apttus employees would be documented as four-person client dinners with nonexistent Salesforce employees. In at least one instance, bikinis and beach chairs got expensed on a trip to Florida.

“We were encouraged to spend money on anything, and it would be approved,” one former team employee said.

Employees on other teams took note of the spending, and of the fiancée’s special status at the company. One employee on the fiancée’s team went to HR and blew the whistle about the spending. Not long after, that employee was asked to leave the company, according to people familiar with the matter. Krappe’s fiancée did not return requests for comment.

“It’s like a zoo, and you either bite or you’ll get bitten,” another former employee said. “I’ve never worked at a company like this ever. It’s strange.”

A meeting at the fish market

But the alleged misdeeds at Apttus went a lot deeper than just expense reports.

In mid-2017, Apttus was hit with two lawsuits from former employees who both alleged that executives at Apttus, including Krappe, lied about the company’s sales pipeline, product readiness, and command structure to get them to join the company. A third suit, on behalf of a former general manager and vice president William Veiga, is pending.

The first two suits were filed on behalf of Elizabeth Baker and Marco De La Cuesta, high flyers in the enterprise-sales world. Baker had previously worked for Oracle and both spent time at SAP. They took managerial roles on the sales team at Apttus in late 2015, and were terminated by the board in June 2016.

Both complaints allege that they were fired over their refusal “to engage in the requested illegal and unethical conduct, and otherwise engage in a culture of dishonesty and corruption.”

In her complaint, Baker describes meeting Krappe for lunch at the Fish Market in San Mateo before she took the job, and being told by Krappe that Apttus was experiencing “unprecedented growth in large enterprise companies.”

In their respective lawsuits, both Baker and De La Cuesta allege that Krappe sold them on Apttus as a company with a $400 million sales pipeline, but that pipeline didn’t exist. He also sold them on key customers, including Intel, Clorox, GE, HPE/HPI, and McKesson, and both allege that parts of the customer base were fictionalized or misrepresented.

In the case of Intel, the Silicon Valley chip giant, both suits allege that Apttus sought to sell a product that didn’t yet exist. Intel grew concerned that something was wrong “after extensive suspicious delays and excuses from Apttus,” according to the complaints.

It all came to a head in a meeting with the team, when Intel asked directly if the products it had “purchased had actually been developed, and if other Apttus customers were currently using the products today, in an actual production environment,” according to the complaints.

One team member deferred to another, who told Intel they had nothing to worry about. Later, the first team member said that he refused to answer their question because “his wife worked at Intel and ‘he did not want to lie,'” the complaint said.

Intel declined to comment.

‘Devalued, bullied, and treated like dirt’

Krappe’s credibility among some employees began to suffer as his long-promised IPO never materialized.

For two years, Krappe had told employees and the public that Apttus would IPO imminently. A $55 million funding round in late September 2017 meant Apttus was flush with cash, but employees were starting to lose hope that they would ever see a big payout on the equity that many were offered as part of their pay packages.

Krappe told TechCrunch that Apttus would IPO in 2016 if it didn’t get bought, and, later that year, he told MarketWatch that the company intended to go public in 2017. In October 2017, Bloomberg reported that Apttus hired Goldman Sachs to manage the offering.

With so much compensation wrapped up in equity, the IPO was highly personal to employees. But when staff members inquired into the delay, one person said, management would claim that the company just wasn’t ready, and would invoke the IPO quiet period as a reason they couldn’t explain the situation more in depth.

“We’d go to all-hands meetings where he’d speak and try to be inspirational,” one former employee said of Krappe. “He always talked about being a team and being on a rocket. When you hear something repetitively, you’re, like, ‘This is something I’ve heard over and over.'”

The poor employee morale has outlived Krappe within Apttus.

In a recent letter to David Murphy, the Apttus executive chairman installed by Thoma Bravo, a former Apttus employee describes a place overrun by fear, bullying, and discrimination, and hints at more forthcoming legal claims. The author of the letter, Kyle Bouchard, was employee 33 at the startup and had moved up to vice president of strategic accounts. He resigned from the company soon after its acquisition in September.

“As a human being, you only can take so much of this brutality and for me, I chose not to be a part of a company where employees are devalued, bullied, and treated like dirt,” Bouchard wrote in the letter obtained by Business Insider.

The letter singled out Krappe’s handpicked chief strategy officer, Raj Verma, who is now COO, for many of the ongoing problems. According to insiders, Verma and Krappe worked closely together until the spring, when things came to a head. Bouchard declined to comment.

Verma did not return a request for comment.

‘Never give up’

Whether Krappe will attempt to return to the business world is unclear. Business Insider is not aware of any criminal charges filed against him as a result of the alleged assault.

On the February night of the Presidents Club award ceremony in Cabo, just hours after the alleged sexual assault, Krappe and the rest of Apttus team headed to a farmhouse restaurant called Flora Farms, known for frequent celebrity guests such as Jennifer Aniston.

During the dinner, Krappe took the stage to pass out trophies to his star employees, according to people who were present. In the background, a video projected on the wall played Krappe’s biography, tracing his life from his roots in Africa to the founding of Apttus. The video ends with Krappe’s youngest daughter, now a toddler, running up and jumping into his arms during a staff photo in San Mateo.

In Swahili, and then English, words flash across the screen: “Never give up.”

As the video played, the audience could see Krappe well up with tears.
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Re: Harvey Weinstein: 'Beautiful Girls' Scribe Scott Rosenbe

Postby admin » Wed Mar 17, 2021 1:44 am

NY State Senator Alessandra Biaggi Says Cuomo Has Abused His Power for Years & Must Resign
by Amy Goodman
Democracy Now!
March 16, 2021



Alessandra Biaggi, New York state senator.
Alessandra Biaggi on Twitter

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is refusing to step down despite growing calls for his resignation after multiple accusations of sexual harassment and misconduct, as well as his cover-up of thousands of COVID-19 nursing home deaths. Alessandra Biaggi, a New York state senator representing parts of the Bronx and Westchester, says it’s long past time for Cuomo to go and that the many scandals surrounding the governor reveal a consistent pattern. “The governor has not only abused his position of power, but he has used it in a way that is political and as a way to have the executive branch essentially protect himself and not the people of New York,” says Biaggi.


This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be in its final form.

AMY GOODMAN: This is Democracy Now! I’m Amy Goodman, with Juan González.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is refusing to step down despite growing calls following multiple accusations of sexual harassment and misconduct, as well as his cover-up of thousands of COVID-19 nursing home deaths. Both Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Senator Kirsten Gillibrand have called for his resignation.

SEN. KIRSTEN GILLIBRAND: Because of the multiple credible sexual harassment and misconduct allegations, it’s clear that Governor Cuomo has lost the confidence of his governing partners, as well as the people of New York. That’s why I believe that the governor has to resign.

AMY GOODMAN: President Biden, who’s a longtime friend of Cuomo’s, has yet to weigh in. He said the investigations should be allowed to happen.

We’re joined by New York state Senator Alessandra Biaggi. She is a Democrat who represents parts of the Bronx and Westchester, one of the first lawmakers to call for Cuomo’s resignation.

So, there are six women who have accused him of sexual misconduct, and then you have the nursing home scandal of the thousands of undercounted deaths in nursing homes. State Senator Biaggi, we had you on talking about the issue of sexual harassment and assault many months ago. What are you demanding now?

SEN. ALESSANDRA BIAGGI: So, I mean, thank you for having me, and good morning.

You know, I think, just zooming out for a second, the totality of the circumstances here are not, frankly, for the faint of heart. I mean, the details of the growing sexual harassment allegations and the nursing home death cover-up, as you’ve mentioned. We also have reports about the governor’s vaccine czar calling county officials to gauge their loyalty to the governor with regard to whether or not a county will receive vaccines. All of this, collectively, and other things that I haven’t mentioned, reveal a same and similar underlying issue and pattern, which is that the governor has not only abused his position of power, but he has used it in a way that is political and as a way to have the executive branch essentially protect himself and not the people of New York.

And so, I am calling for Governor Cuomo to resign. And I also — just, you know, pausing for a second — there are many of us, of course, who are calling for the governor to resign. It does not mean that the governor is going to resign, as I’m sure that the public watching can see. And so, if the governor does not resign, I do believe that the next step has to be starting the process for impeachment. Now, I’m sure also that many people are hearing what I’m saying and thinking to themselves, “Well, I thought that the Assembly actually did start the articles of impeachment or did start he impeachment process.” The Assembly started an investigation through their Judiciary Committee, which is not the same as drafting the articles of impeachment. In fact, there is only one other example in the entire United States history where an investigation begins before the articles of impeachment are drafted. In fact, the investigation piece is actually for the Senate. And so, I do think that is the next prudent step because of what is in front of us in terms of our responsibility as lawmakers and elected officials.

JUAN GONZÁLEZ: Well, Senator Biaggi, I wanted to ask you the — you worked for a time in the governor’s office. Could you talk about your own experiences in that workplace? And you’ve also said that you haven’t met a person in New York City politics who has a good relationship with Andrew Cuomo. Why is that?

SEN. ALESSANDRA BIAGGI: So, I did work for the governor. I worked in his executive chamber right after coming off of the 2016 election, thinking, like many people, that I was going to join an administration that was going to be this progressive beacon of New York and do a lot of good to push back against the Trump administration. Not only was I wrong, but I entered an administration that was part of this culture of fear, of toxicity, of berating people, of yelling at people. Many people that were surrounding me and my colleagues, in things that I personally experienced, were just constantly living day to day in a state of fear and intimidation.

And not only was that, in and of itself, sufficient to think that that is a workplace that not only is toxic, but also abusive, there was a lack of progress happening. So, that behavior and that pattern of abuse by the governor and his top aides is something that actually leads to bad governance. And so, you know, when I look back now, thinking about just what was possible at that time, there was so much more that New York could have done, and yet we were stopped because of the governor’s obsessiveness, frankly, with controlling everything around him. And so, there was not an email that went out the door without his approval, or a press release that went out the door without his or his top aides’ approval. And you might think that that’s a very normal way to operate an office, but when you have an office full of very ambitious, smart people who want to do their job and serve the people of New York but are prevented from doing so because there is one person who wants to have all of the control, you soon find that you cannot actually do your job.

JUAN GONZÁLEZ: And in terms of those who say that the governor should be given the benefit of having an actual investigation verify these allegations, what do you say to them?

SEN. ALESSANDRA BIAGGI: Well, you know, the governor is guaranteed due process under the law, of course. But calling for the governor to resign is absolutely not a judgment about his liability for any alleged criminal acts that we’re talking about here. The formal investigations, right now there are several of them. There are two federal investigations, two for nursing homes — the FBI and the EDNY, Eastern District of New York — and then there’s the attorney general’s investigation with regard to the sexual harassment, assault and misconduct claims. Those are all allegations that can continue to move forward, and should continue to move forward. But there is a very stark difference between investigations, that may lead or end in criminal charges, and the question of confidence in our political leadership.

And that’s why I continue to stand by my call for the governor to resign, especially, again, in this moment that we are in, which is not a moment to take lightly. We are in the midst of budget. We are about to start planning for the recovery of the state of New York. We have a $16 billion deficit. There is a lot of work to do. And I think what we are hearing in the days — as each day goes on, is the governor saying, “We have work to do. We have to get back to work,” as if all of the things that we’re describing here are a distraction that he doesn’t want to think about — and I’m sure that he doesn’t want to think about it. But the point is that these are distractions that have been created because of the behavior of our governor. And the rest of us want to get back to work to be able to do our jobs.

AMY GOODMAN: Do you think that Governor Cuomo, in his hatred for Mayor de Blasio, and also the kind of pressure he’s under now as de Blasio calls also for him to resign, is actually shortchanging the city, de Blasio said, to the tune of hundreds of thousands of vaccines? And do we see this in other places in New York? And also, you shared text messages with New York magazine showing the kind of harassment that one receives, particularly you, from his aide, Melissa DeRosa, who’s often at his side. And just remember, we have to abide by FCC rules on not expressing curses on the air.

SEN. ALESSANDRA BIAGGI: Yes, I will surely not repeat the curse words of members of the governor’s administration, so you have my word on that.

Listen, I think that when we listen to what de Blasio was saying about shortchanging the city, that’s not something that’s an anomaly. It’s not unusual. In fact, the governor’s decisions about how he governs are very political. He oftentimes makes decisions based on those who are loyal to him. So, you know, the stories coming out about his vaccine czar calling people, calling county executives, and trying to gauge their loyalty about their relationship to the governor, and then decisions being made about vaccines, it’s not an unusual thing for those of us who have been working in New York state government under this executive administration. But it’s also not acceptable, because —

AMY GOODMAN: We have 10 seconds.

SEN. ALESSANDRA BIAGGI: Sure — to make decisions based on politics in a moment where we can save lives is outrageous. And so, you know, I think that there is a lot of work to be done here, and I think that this is a governor who’s not able or fit to do it.

AMY GOODMAN: Alessandra Biaggi, New York state senator representing parts of the Bronx and Westchester.
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Re: Harvey Weinstein: 'Beautiful Girls' Scribe Scott Rosenbe

Postby admin » Sun Aug 08, 2021 2:57 am

Kavanaugh's college roommate: He was lying
Oct 3, 2018

James Roche, the college roommate of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, speaks to CNN's Anderson Cooper about his experience with Kavanaugh at Yale.


I Was Brett Kavanaugh’s College Roommate: He lied under oath about his drinking and terms in his yearbook.
by James Roche
October 03, 2018, 7:45 PM

In 1983, I was one of Brett Kavanaugh’s freshman roommates at Yale University. About two weeks ago I came forward to lend my support to my friend Deborah Ramirez, who says Brett sexually assaulted her at a party in a dorm suite. I did this because I believe Debbie.

Now the FBI is investigating this incident. I am willing to speak with them about my experiences at Yale with both Debbie and Brett. I would tell them this: Brett Kavanaugh stood up under oath and lied about his drinking and about the meaning of words in his yearbook. He did so baldly, without hesitation or reservation. In his words and his behavior, Judge Kavanaugh has shown contempt for the truth, for the process, for the rule of law, and for accountability. His willingness to lie to avoid embarrassment throws doubt on his denials about the larger questions of sexual assault. In contrast, I cannot remember ever having a reason to distrust anything, large or small, that I have heard from Debbie.

I did not want to come forward. When the New Yorker’s Ronan Farrow contacted me while researching a story about Debbie and Brett, I told him that I didn’t see the point. There is no way that Brett will face legal consequences after this much time. Either he will be confirmed or another conservative judge will be. There would be a high cost. I was raised in a Republican family. My mother, who has since passed away, was a Republican state representative in Connecticut. My father owns a MAGA hat. I have close friends who are very conservative. In recent years I have had disagreements over politics with some of these friends and family, but I care deeply about them. My involvement has and will come with personal, professional, and reputational damage.

Debbie needed someone to help her be heard.

Ultimately, I told Farrow that Debbie’s story was believable and that Brett was “frequently, incoherently drunk.” When asked about my comments in the New Yorker at his hearing last week, Judge Kavanaugh seemed to suggest that my account was not credible because “it was a contentious situation” where I “did not like” the third suitemate. He then referenced a prank I pulled on the third suitemate and some redacted portion of his closed-door questioning by Senate Judiciary Committee staff. It’s true that I played a prank on the third roommate. We were not close. But that relationship has no bearing on my ability to observe Kavanaugh’s behavior then and to describe it now.

As for the specifics of what happened to Debbie freshman year: When Farrow approached me, I had a vague memory of an event involving Debbie and Brett, but not enough to say “I am sure.” I told Farrow that I could participate off the record and only to support Debbie’s credibility and to describe Brett’s behavior when drinking, where I had meaningful, firsthand experience.

Right before publication, Farrow called me and asked if I would reconsider publicly sharing my own recollections. Debbie was going to be attacked. She had lived with the pain of this event for years. Brett’s friends who participated would deny that it happened. It would be a powerful Washington judge and his friends against Debbie.

Others would say: “Brett was background-checked many times. This must be made up.” As Brett’s college freshman roommate, I would have expected to be interviewed if a background check was looking for evidence of poor college behavior. I wasn’t called. I assume college behavior was not a topic of interest. The FBI didn’t find Debbie’s story because they were not looking for it.

As for this round of the investigation: I still haven’t been called, even though they are supposedly looking into Debbie’s case. How will they learn what happened if once again they are not allowed to truly and thoroughly investigate?

Debbie needed someone to help her be heard. When nobody else would do it, I agreed to be quoted in Farrow’s story on the record. “Is it believable that she was alone with a wolfy group of guys who thought it was funny to sexually torment a girl like Debbie? Yeah, definitely,” I said. “Is it believable that Kavanaugh was one of them? Yes.” I stand by this quote and I accept it is my opinion and not objective fact.

Since the New Yorker story came out, I have been asked for countless interviews by print publications, TV, and online media, the vast majority of which I have resisted. Ultimately I wrote and distributed a statement to minimize the distraction to my personal and business life. In the statement, I wrote that Brett “was a notably heavy drinker, even by the standards of the time, and that he became aggressive and belligerent when he was very drunk.”

I believe that many women have been mistreated and silenced. When they come forward, they are treated like they are liars or whiners or crazy. But I also believe that both accusers and the accused deserve a deep, unfettered investigation. In Brett’s cases, if he is innocent, he should be cleared. If he is not and he is being untruthful to the nation, that should disqualify him from sitting on the highest court in the land. This just seems fair.

The other night I reviewed the transcript of the hearings. People are asking for me to respond.

I do not know if Brett attacked Christine Blasey Ford in high school or if he sexually humiliated Debbie in front of a group of people she thought were her friends. But I can say that he lied under oath. He claimed that he occasionally drank too much but never enough to forget details of the night before, never enough to “black out.” He did, regularly. He said that “boofing” was farting and the “Devil’s Triangle” was a drinking game. “Boofing” and “Devil’s Triangle” are sexual references. I know this because I heard Brett and his friends using these terms on multiple occasions.

I can’t imagine that anyone in the Senate wants to confirm an individual to a lifetime appointment on the United States Supreme Court who has demonstrated a willingness to be untruthful under oath about easily verified information.

I do not argue that Brett or anyone else should be persecuted for teenage drinking antics that are common to many, many Americans. My parents once visited Yale unexpectedly to find that I was unresponsive in my dorm room after a long session at Mory’s where friends and I sang and drank from trophy cups way past our limits. I was not a choirboy, but—unlike Brett—I’m not going on national television and testifying under oath that I was. This is not about drinking too much or even encouraging others to drink. It is not about using coarse language or even about the gray area between testing sexual boundaries with a date and sexual abuse. This is about denial. This is about not facing consequences. This is about lying.

In this case, the lies are not trivial: His lies about sexual terms and his drinking are directly relevant to the accusations of Christine Blasey Ford and Debbie Ramirez, which both involved sexual behavior and heavy drinking. The truth would make him look bad and would bolster the credibility of both of these women. In this climate, had he simply said “I don’t remember” or even “If I did these things in my youth I am sorry,” he might have sailed through the confirmation process. But he lied, under oath, like it was nothing.

During last week’s hearings, some committee members equated Brett’s frustration over his stalled ambitions and the challenges to his character to Ford’s pain from an attempted rape and challenges to hers. They had both “been through a lot.” Members of the committee ignored the obvious and easily checked inaccuracies in his story and instead chose to erupt with rage that one of the most powerful men in America might have to defend himself against credible allegations of sexual assault. There was no consideration given to the truth that even if he withdraws, Brett will return to his position for life as one of the most powerful forces in the U.S. justice system. The women who say that they have been traumatized by his actions, meanwhile, will know that their suffering and bravery did not even warrant a thorough investigation.

Debbie’s story and her pain have been lost in all of the yelling. Her accusation should be fully and properly investigated, as should any current and emerging allegations regarding Judge Kavanaugh’s behavior. Let real law enforcement professionals spend the time that it takes to figure out the truth. If this takes too long, find a less controversial, similarly conservative judge and start over.

To me it seems very simple. We are deciding if a man is suited to judge others. To hear with compassion and empathy the cases of the vulnerable. As a Supreme Court justice, he would be the last line of legal defense for people who need a champion with unimpeachable judgment. A man who lies effortlessly rather than taking responsibility for his own words and actions is not what we need.
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Re: Harvey Weinstein: 'Beautiful Girls' Scribe Scott Rosenbe

Postby admin » Tue Aug 10, 2021 4:14 am

Cuomo accuser Brittany Commisso breaks her silence to detail groping allegations and says the governor is lying
by CBS News
August 9, 2021 / 6:30 AM
https://www.cbsnews.com/news/brittany-c ... interview/



During the COVID-19 pandemic, Cuomo became known by the nickname of the "Love Gov" after answering a question by his brother, CNN anchor Chris Cuomo, about showing his softer tone while leading coronavirus response efforts. The governor responded with, "I've always been a soft guy. I am the love gov. I'm a cool dude in a loose mood, you know that. I just say, 'Let it go, just go with the flow, baby.' You know. You can't control anything, so don't even try."

-- Andrew Cuomo, by Wikipedia


In a damning report released last week by New York State Attorney General Letitia James, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is accused of sexually harassing 11 women. In an exclusive interview with "CBS This Morning" and the Times Union, one of those women, previously known only as Executive Assistant #1 is breaking her silence.

Brittany Commisso began working as an executive assistant in the governor's office in 2017. Now, she is speaking publicly for the first time since filing a criminal complaint against Cuomo last week — just days after the attorney general's report was released.

"To me this was a dream job. And it unfortunately turned into a nightmare," she said.

Commisso was not the first woman to come forward with allegations of sexual misconduct against Cuomo, but she is listed first in the attorney general's report. She believes this is because of the seriousness of her allegations.

"I believe that my story appears first due to the nature of the inappropriate conduct that the governor did to me," Commisso said. "I believe that he groped me, he touched me, not only once, but twice."

Commisso, now 32, alleges that the governor groped her for the first time on December 31, 2019. She said that she was at the governor's mansion that night to help Cuomo with his upcoming State of the State address. According to Commisso, after finishing her draft of the speech, Cuomo suggested the two of them take a selfie together.

"He was to my left. I was on the right. With my right hand, I took the selfie," she said. "I then felt while taking the selfie, his hand go down my back onto my butt, and he started rubbing it. Not sliding it. Not, you know, quickly brushing over it — rubbing my butt."

Commisso said this made her so nervous that her hands began to shake, making it difficult for her to even take the picture.

"I was embarrassed," she said. "Not only embarrassed for what was going on, I was embarrassed that a governor wanted a selfie and I couldn't take it. I was so nervous. I remember looking at them, and when he said, 'can I see them?' I showed him them. And he said, 'Oh, those aren't – those aren't good.'"

Cuomo then, according to Commisso, suggested the two try again on the couch. A suggestion that she said she accepted because she thought he would no longer be able to touch her rear end if she were sitting down.

"So we sat down on the couch and in the photo I have my arm wrapped around his shoulder, almost as if we were taking a picture with a buddy. And I got a clear photo sitting down," Commisso said. "And that is the one that has been blurred out that has been now released to the public."

A selfie taken by Brittany Commisso with New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. BRITTANY COMMISSO

According to Commisso, after finishing her draft of the speech, Cuomo suggested the two of them take a selfie together.

"He was to my left. I was on the right. With my right hand, I took the selfie," she said. "I then felt while taking the selfie, his hand go down my back onto my butt, and he started rubbing it. Not sliding it. Not, you know, quickly brushing over it — rubbing my butt."

Commisso said this made her so nervous that her hands began to shake, making it difficult for her to even take the picture.

"I was embarrassed," she said. "Not only embarrassed for what was going on, I was embarrassed that a governor wanted a selfie and I couldn't take it. I was so nervous. I remember looking at them, and when he said, 'can I see them?' I showed him them. And he said, 'Oh, those aren't – those aren't good.'"

Cuomo then, according to Commisso, suggested the two try again on the couch
. A suggestion that she said she accepted because she thought he would no longer be able to touch her rear end if she were sitting down.

"So we sat down on the couch and in the photo I have my arm wrapped around his shoulder, almost as if we were taking a picture with a buddy. And I got a clear photo sitting down," Commisso said. "And that is the one that has been blurred out that has been now released to the public."


Forged evidence - an item or information manufactured, or altered, to support some agenda, is not admissible in many courts, including U.S. criminal courts.
Planted evidence - an item or information which has been moved, or planted at a scene, to seem related to the accused party, is not admissible in many courts, including U.S. criminal courts.
• Tainted evidence - information which has been obtained by illegal means or has been revealed (or traced) using evidence acquired by illegal search, and/or seizure, is called the "fruit of the poisonous tree" and is not admissible in many courts, including U.S. criminal courts.
Parallel construction - tainted evidence, where the origin of the evidence is untruthfully represented, preventing discussion of whether it was legally obtained or not.

-- False evidence, by Wikipedia

Cuomo has denied that he ever touched Commisso inappropriately, including when they took the selfie.

Commisso alleges that Cuomo groped her a second time at the governor's mansion in November 2020. She claims that, during this encounter, Cuomo hugged her in a "sexually aggressive manner."

"It was then that I said, you know, governor, you know, you're — my words were 'you're going to get us in trouble.' And I thought to myself, that probably wasn't the best thing to say," Commisso said.

Commisso claims she was afraid a staffer might walk in and get the wrong idea, but that after she said that, Cuomo "shut the door so hard to the point where I thought for sure, someone downstairs must think if they heard that, 'what is going on?'"

It was then that Commisso claims the governor groped her a second time.

"He came back to me and that's when he put his hand up my blouse and cupped my breast over my bra," she said. "I exactly remember looking down, seeing his hand, which is a large hand, thinking to myself, 'Oh, my God. This is happening.'"

"It happened so quick, he didn't say anything. When I stopped it, he just pulled away and walked away."

Commisso described Cuomo's behavior that night as "almost as if he was in a sexually aggressive state of mind. I really don't know how to explain the moment. It was, it was – I don't have the words. I don't have the words."

Cuomo has denied this accusation as well, saying, "to touch a woman's breasts, who I hardly know, in the mansion with 10 staff around, with my family in the mansion, to say, 'I don't care who sees us.' I would have to lose my mind to do such a thing."

Commisso called the governor's response "disgusting."

"I know the truth. He knows the truth. I know what happened and so does he," she said. "I don't believe that there were 10 staff there that day. I don't believe his family was there that day. And if that's what he has to say to make himself feel better, I really, I feel sorry for him."

Commisso said she never planned on going public with her allegations, partly because she was worried about what might happen to her daughter. But everything changed a few months later when she saw Cuomo deny accusations of sexual harassment during a press conference in March 2021 and heard him say that he "never touched anyone inappropriately."

"He almost has this smirk that he thinks that he's untouchable," Commisso said. "I almost feel like he has this sense of almost a celebrity status and it just — that was the tipping point. I broke down. I said 'He is lying.'"

"I felt like he was personally saying it to me that 'I never touched anyone inappropriately,'" Commisso explained. "And, yes, you did."

Commisso said that after watching his denial she "broke down" and told two coworkers "a little bit."

Commisso also apologized to Cuomo's other accusers for not coming forward and telling her own story sooner.

"I hope that the other women understand and that I've seen them and I support them. And I thank them, because without them, I don't know if I would have come forward."

"I was afraid that if I had come forward, and revealed my name, that the governor and his 'enablers' I like to call them would viciously attack me, would smear my name as I had seen and heard them do before to people," she said.

Commisso also explained that she wanted to protect her daughter, saying, "I didn't want her to have to deal with anything that came along with this."

"And, but then I also — after a couple of months and processing this whole thing, I do want her to know that she has a voice," Commisso said. "I never want her to be afraid to speak. I never want her to be afraid of any person in power, a man or a woman."

In addition to the two groping allegations, Commisso also claimed that the governor would hug her inappropriately and that he kissed her on the lips without her consent.

"These were not hugs that he would give his mother or his brother," Commisso said. "These were hugs with the intention of getting some personal sexual satisfaction out of. Then they started to be hugs with kisses on the cheek. Then there was at one point a hug, and then when he went to go kiss me on the cheek, he quickly turned his head and he kissed me on the lips."

Commisso said that she did not consider any of this behavior normal or acceptable.

"Maybe to him, he thought this was normal. But to me and the other women that he did this to, well, it was not normal," she said. "It was not welcomed. And it was certainly not consensual."

Cuomo has denied kissing Commisso.

Commisso also denied the governor's claim that he only hugged her on multiple occasions because she initiated the contact and he didn't want to make her feel awkward.

"That is not true. I would never on my own get up and initiate a hug with the governor," she insisted. Asked if Cuomo was lying, Commisso replied, "Yes. 100%."

Commisso also brushed aside the governor's suggestion that his accusers were misinterpreting his actions.

"There's a difference between being an affectionate and warm person. Sexual harassment is completely different," she said. "The governor knows that what he did to me and what he did to these 10 other women, whether it be a comment or an actual physical contact, was sexual harassment. He broke the laws that he himself created."

Commisso said that she filed a criminal complaint because "it was the right thing to do. The governor needs to be held accountable."

"What he did was a crime," she said. "He broke the law."

Albany County Sheriff Craig Apple said on Saturday that his office will undertake a criminal investigation based on Commisso's complaint. He said that the governor could face a misdemeanor charge or "possibly a couple."

Commisso ended the interview by pleading with the governor to heed his own words.

"There was a speech that he gave less than a month ago, and in his speech, he said, 'If you give New Yorkers the truth and you give New Yorkers the facts, the good, the bad, the ugly, they will do the right thing.' I would say, Governor, this is the truth. These are the facts. And it's your turn to do the right thing. And that right thing is to resign and to tell the truth."

Cuomo has denied all claims of sexual harassment and has thus far resisted calls for his resignation from his fellow Democrats, including President Biden. He has until the end of this week to submit evidence in his defense in connection with a State Assembly impeachment probe.
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Re: Harvey Weinstein: 'Beautiful Girls' Scribe Scott Rosenbe

Postby admin » Thu Aug 12, 2021 3:57 am

Gov. Cuomo Resigns After Sexual Harassment Probe; Critic Says He Is “Still Gaslighting New Yorkers”
by Amy Goodman
AUGUST 11, 2021
https://www.democracynow.org/2021/8/11/ ... esignation

Yuh-Line Niou: Democratic member of the New York State Assembly.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has announced his resignation, effective August 24, after a week of intense pressure from fellow Democrats for him to step down. Cuomo, who has been in office since 2011, had few allies left after an investigation by New York’s attorney general found he had sexually harassed at least 11 women — allegations he continues to deny. “Governor Cuomo is still gaslighting New Yorkers,” says Yuh-Line Niou, a member of the New York State Assembly representing Manhattan, who says Cuomo must still be impeached. “Impeachment means that New York will not be paying Andrew Cuomo’s pension for the rest of his life. Impeachment means that Governor Cuomo will not be able to run for office again.”


This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be in its final form.

AMY GOODMAN: New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has announced he’s resigning, following the recent release of a devastating report from the New York Attorney General’s Office, which found the three-term Democrat sexually harassed at least 11 women in violation of state and federal law. New York Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul will take over in two weeks, becoming New York’s first woman governor. Cuomo made the announcement Tuesday afternoon as state lawmakers were moving forward on starting impeachment proceedings against him.

GOV. ANDREW CUOMO: “New York tough” means New York loving. And I love New York. And I love you. And everything I have ever done has been motivated by that love. And I would never want to be unhelpful in any way. And I think that given the circumstances, the best way I can help now is if I step aside and let government get back to governing. And therefore, that’s what I’ll do.

AMY GOODMAN: During his resignation speech, Governor Cuomo denied all the allegations and continued to defend his actions.

GOV. ANDREW CUOMO: I take full responsibility for my actions. I have been too familiar with people. My sense of humor can be insensitive and off-putting. I do hug and kiss people casually, women and men. I have done it all my life. It’s who I’ve been since I can remember. In my mind, I’ve never crossed the line with anyone. But I didn’t realize the extent to which the line has been redrawn. There are generational and cultural shifts that I just didn’t fully appreciate. And I should have. No excuses.

AMY GOODMAN: One of Cuomo’s accusers, former aide Lindsey Boylan, responded by saying, quote, “From the beginning, I simply asked that the Governor stop his abusive behavior. It became abundantly clear he was unable to do that, instead attacking and blaming victims until the end. It is a tragedy that so many stood by and watched these abuses happen,” she said.

Governor Cuomo had faced mounting calls to resign for months over the sexual harassment allegations, as well as his cover-up of thousands of COVID-19 deaths in New York nursing homes.

We’re joined now by two guests. Zephyr Teachout is a professor of law at Fordham University who ran against Andrew Cuomo in the Democratic gubernatorial primary in 2014. We are also joined by Democratic Assemblywoman Yuh-Line Niou, who first called on Cuomo to resign in February. She was one of the first.

Democratic Assemblymember Yuh-Line Niou, thanks for joining us once again on Democracy Now! Respond to Governor Cuomo’s resignation yesterday. And now, again, this doesn’t go into effect — this has been sort of unexplained, why he wants two weeks, but for 14 days.

ASSEMBLYMEMBER YUH-LINE NIOU: Yeah, well, I mean, I don’t believe that it’s a shock to us that he also still wants to control the narrative, control the timeline, control everything. Governor Cuomo is still gaslighting New Yorkers. He had his lawyer — that the state is actually paying for — come out and defend him again on a state platform, basically telling these women that they were imagining it, that they were not harmed by the governor. And then he continued to say things, just like the clip that you played, that “I didn’t know where the line had — that the line had been redrawn,” and, you know, all of these different things that continued to basically dismiss the fact that women do know when men are mistreating them.

And then, at the end, he addressed the Legislature and tried to say that it would be costly to the state and painful for the state to proceed with impeachment proceedings, because he doesn’t want us to actually hold him accountable. Governor Cuomo basically told New Yorkers in his remarks that in exchange for resigning, he’d like the Assembly to not impeach him and not investigate his conduct any further. This is gaslighting all New Yorkers. Impeaching him isn’t what is costly; actually, not impeaching him is what is costly.

JUAN GONZÁLEZ: And, Assemblywoman, in terms of this issue of what happens now with the impeachment proceedings, because there has been some speculation that the governor and some of his remaining few supporters would like to see him possibly have a comeback later, and if he was impeached, obviously, he could not come back to run for office again, so I’m wondering what your sense is in terms of whether the Assembly will move forward, now that he’s resigned.

ASSEMBLYMEMBER YUH-LINE NIOU: What you’re saying is exactly right. Impeachment must continue. And we must remember that the governor’s abuse of power extends far beyond just the women that, you know, he actually harassed and harmed and victimized. And it also extends to the millions that he made on the book deal while abusing his staff and misusing his staff. It extends to the victims of COVID-19 who passed away in nursing homes and whose numbers and whose deaths he erased, in their numbers, and hid from the Legislature, right? This is a pattern. This is serial abuse.

Impeachment means that New York will not be paying Andrew Cuomo’s pension for the rest of his life. Impeachment means that Governor Cuomo will not be able to run for office again by claiming to be the victim, while he’s also gaslighting and harming further the actual victims that he caused harm to. Impeachment means that we are then securing justice for folks who actually came forward, were brave enough to speak up about their experience, and also the folks who were not yet able to come forward, who we know there are many.

JUAN GONZÁLEZ: And could you comment on this irony of Governor Cuomo, while he was in office, supposedly championing the rights of women and now to being forced to resign in disgrace because of his treatment of women?

ASSEMBLYMEMBER YUH-LINE NIOU: Well, I mean, it’s interesting that you actually commented on that, because just because Governor Cuomo is retiring, it doesn’t actually mean that the toxic culture of abuse and misogyny in which he operated and thrived in is actually going away. We want to actively work to change that. We have to pass legislation that will make Albany a safe and harassment-free workplace. Landmark legislation was passed in 2019 to protect workers in the workplace from sexual harassment, but we, very ironically, exempted our own staff, our own folks, from being protected. I actually have a bill, with Senator Andrew Gounardes, to close that loophole.

AMY GOODMAN: How is that possible that you exempted yourselves?

ASSEMBLYMEMBER YUH-LINE NIOU: Well, I believe that that was a clause or an exemption that the executive wanted.

AMY GOODMAN: Well, as Governor Cuomo continually says, “I did this to everyone. It’s just that mores are changing now, and I wasn’t up on the times,” I wanted to go to Governor Cuomo’s former executive assistant. In the report, she was known as “Executive Assistant Number One.” But this past week, she came out, named herself and filed a criminal complaint — her name is Brittany Commisso — accusing Cuomo of groping her, kissing her against her will, verbally harassing her. This is Commisso speaking on CBS about one of the incidents that occurred at Cuomo’s Executive Mansion.

BRITTANY COMMISSO: So, he gets up, and he goes to give me a hug. And I could tell, immediately when he hugged me, it was in the — probably the most sexually aggressive manner than any of the other hugs that he had given me. It was then that I said, you know, “Governor” — you know, my words were, “You’re going to get us in trouble.” And I thought to myself that probably wasn’t the best thing to say, but at that time I was so afraid that one of the mansion staff, that they were going to come up and see this and think, “Oh, you know, is that when she comes here for?” And that’s not what I came there for, and that’s not who I am. And I was terrified of that.

And when I said that, he walked over, shut the door, so hard, to the point where I thought, for sure, someone downstairs must think — they must think, if they heard that, “What is going on?” — came back to me, and that’s when he put his hand up my blouse and cupped my breast over my bra. I exactly remember looking down, seeing his hand, which is a large hand, thinking to myself, “Oh my god, this is happening.” It happened so quick. He didn’t say anything. When I stopped it, he just pulled away and walked away.

AMY GOODMAN: Again, that is the Executive Assistant Number One. She is naming herself, Brittany Commisso, filing a criminal complaint accusing Cuomo of groping her. Unclear if other criminal complaints will be filed. A number of local DAs, from Albany to New York City, have asked for the evidence behind the attorney general’s report. And this could continue at that level, on a criminal level. Yuh-Line, state Assemblymember Yuh-Line Niou, you yourself are a sexual assault survivor. You have championed the legislation that ultimately Governor Cuomo has signed off on. Can you tell us whether he will be impeached, whether or not he leaves, as impeachment proceedings are continuing in the Assembly now?

ASSEMBLYMEMBER YUH-LINE NIOU: I mean, you mentioned, you know, the Child Victims Act, which is about child survivors of the childhood sexual assaults, etc., that we actually passed. But we have not passed the Adult Survivors Act, which is actually very important in this case.

And I just wanted to note that if you are a survivor of sexual assault, it doesn’t matter if you had to laugh it off, go to a dance party or drink until you made yourself sick or make a joke or even have sex or forget or just read a book or take a shower, or whatever that you have to do to survive something like that, because the way that Governor Cuomo’s lawyer addressed that situation was just gaslighting and very harmful, talking about how Brittany actually got up and ate cheese and crackers and made jokes with her colleagues. And I just wanted to say that there are lots of different ways for survivors to cope and to survive after something violating, and it’s a really big deal that they just got through it. And I think that it’s a really big deal to acknowledge that.


“A Petty Tyrant with Too Much Power”: Former Cuomo Rival Zephyr Teachout Responds to Resignation
by Amy Goodman
AUGUST 11, 2021
https://www.democracynow.org/2021/8/11/ ... r_teachout

Zephyr Teachout: professor of law at Fordham University and former candidate for the Democratic nomination for New York governor.

Law professor Zephyr Teachout, who challenged Cuomo for the New York Democratic nomination for governor in 2014, describes Cuomo as “extraordinarily vengeful” and applauds the bravery of the women who spoke up about his behavior. “He never hesitated to use the power of the state, state resources, to serve his own ends,” says Teachout.


This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be in its final form.

JUAN GONZÁLEZ: Well, I’d also like to bring into the conversation Zephyr Teachout, professor of law at Fordham University. You were a candidate for governor in 2014 against Andrew Cuomo. And I’m wondering, one, your reaction to what’s happened in the last few weeks, and also to the governor’s resignation, and also how the governor dealt with you in your campaign.

ZEPHYR TEACHOUT: Yeah. Thank you so much for having me on. And I do want to take the moment to thank Assemblywoman Niou for her extraordinary leadership, because one thing that has not gotten enough attention in the last 24 hours, since Cuomo has resigned, is something that all New York politicians and leaders know, which is that he is extraordinary — extraordinarily vengeful and will destroy people’s careers, will go out of his way to make sure that those who speak up against him are crushed and vanished. And Assemblywoman Niou, as well as the extraordinarily brave survivors, who should never have been in the position they were in, their speaking up has been an incredible service for all New Yorkers, and it has been with extraordinary bravery, because they are not wrong to be scared of Cuomo’s revenge.

When I ran against Andrew Cuomo, just as one small example of hundreds of such examples, two — a few organizations supported me, including the New York chapter of the National Organization of Women and the Public Employees Federation. Cuomo threatened to destroy the leaders of those organizations. And after my race, after I got about 34% of the vote with their support, both of those leaders were gone. He made sure they no longer could keep their leadership position. So, when he threatens, he threatens with the full power — threatened — I’m not used to the past tense yet, and we can’t wait for those 14 days, for the past tense — with the full power of the state resources behind him.

So, as you hear these stories of these survivors and the extraordinary report by Attorney General Tish James, which interviewed over 170 witnesses and looked at over 50,000 documents, remember, it is not just that he was doing these sort of gross abuses and assaults. There is no time at which there was a cultural line where it was OK to grope, proposition your employees. He was doing it not — with this deep threat of state power behind him, and he never hesitated to use the power of the state, state resources, to serve his own ends.

So, my feeling yesterday was one of extraordinary relief for the state of New York, which has crumbling infrastructure, some of the highest inequality in the nation, and feeling of relief that we might finally have a government worthy of its people, and extraordinary gratitude to those who dare to speak up against a petty tyrant with too much power.

JUAN GONZÁLEZ: And I’m wondering if you could also talk about the general situation that continues to exist in Albany and in many state capitals across the country, not only of the harassment of women — we’ve seen it over and over again, not just with governors, but also with elected assemblymen and senators and their staffs — and the fact that most of the state capitals have very little press coverage anymore to, somehow or other, hold people accountable. I’m wondering: Do you expect that there’s going to be any significant change in the culture of this corruption at the state government level?

ZEPHYR TEACHOUT: We are at that moment of significant change in New York. And this is after decades upon decades of a old boys’ club that covers up its own, both in terms of sexual harassment, sexual assault and corruption. And these two are deeply intertwined. There’s an abuse of power that connects these two.

I think it’s important to understand, as Assemblywoman Niou was mentioning, that Andrew Cuomo not only used this powerful position to abuse women, but also used it to retaliate against them and also used his staff to cover up nursing home deaths, lying about the number of people who had died in nursing homes, and then lying about the reason he lied, so that he could make millions in a book deal and do a victory lap and look like the hero, while people were suffering. He epitomizes the connection between abusive power of toxic masculinity and the abuse of power in corruption.

So, what is changing in New York? Which relates to why Andrew Cuomo resigned. He did not resign in a fit of love, as he described yesterday. Those of us who watched him know that this is a man who rules entirely by fear and power, not love. He resigned because he could count the numbers, and for the first time he knew that he would be impeached, he would be convicted, and he would no longer be able to run for office in the future.

Now, why did that happen? It happened because of local, grassroots organizing that elected a new generation of lawmakers, lawmakers who, despite the threats to their career, to their constituents — because this is what Andrew Cuomo does, is he threatens to take away money from people’s local needs, so lawmakers are afraid to speak up not only for how he will smear them in the press, but also for the effects on his constituents. We have a new generation of lawmakers rising up. And it is so important to support them, to support the legislation that Assemblywoman Niou talked about, the Adult Survivors Act, among others, and to take this moment and say we don’t want to replace Andrew Cuomo with somebody else who is backed by big real estate money, big healthcare money, and holds all the strings of powers in his or her hands. We need a new generation of small-D democratic leadership, where we see the Legislature leading, where the executive branch doesn’t collect power and dole it out as favors and punishments.

So it’s a major moment for New York state, but I would argue it’s a major moment for the Democratic Party nationally. We should be proud that Democrats, looking at somebody who had a “D” next to their name — and Andrew Cuomo has always been a bit of a Ronald Reagan-Margaret Thatcher Democrat; if his name wasn’t Cuomo, you might think he was a Republican — but that Democrats had the moral courage to say, “No. Yes, he’s a Democrat, but what he has done is beyond the pale.” And that is something we should be proud of and make sure that we do in other states, as well.

AMY GOODMAN: Finally, Zephyr Teachout, and we just have a minute, ironically, the resignation of Governor Cuomo is paving the way for the first woman New York governor —


AMY GOODMAN: — Kathy Hochul —


AMY GOODMAN: — who became a congressmember after winning a special election, because the previous congressmember was forced to resign because of sexual malfeasance. But what do you know of soon-to-be Governor Hochul?

ZEPHYR TEACHOUT: Well, when she was — she’s been sort of at Andrew Cuomo’s side. She has been a lieutenant governor who largely serves as a spokesperson, not a lieutenant governor who has been a public critic. But before that, what we know is that she was fairly conservative. She was a bank lobbyist before she became lieutenant governor. When I ran in 2014, my running mate was Tim Wu, who ran for lieutenant governor and pointed out that she was opposed to driver’s licenses for undocumented immigrants at the time. She has changed her position on that. There is bit of a blank slate question here. It’s been a long time since she has run on her own platform.

But I think what is critical here is that — you know, Kathy Hochul and I don’t share the same politics, but I believe Kathy Hochul will not abuse her position of power. I believe Kathy Hochul will not use threats, abuse her staffers, and that we need to take this moment to transform the deeply corrupt and abusive and toxic culture of Albany. And I will be pushing her to be a — lead as a progressive governor.

But again, and I said this before, this is the moment for the state Legislature in New York. It is a moment to stop looking at individual leaders and look at the small-D democratic moment, so we can have leaders like Assemblywoman Niou, who has been so brave and leading on legislation that would allow New York to thrive, with funding for schools and infrastructures, for building New York. And that requires both a change in our understanding of what is possible in New York, but also a wholehearted rejection of granting anyone so much power to be so abusive as Andrew Cuomo had.

AMY GOODMAN: Zephyr Teachout, we want to thank you for being with us, professor of law at Fordham University. In 2014, she ran for the Democratic Party nomination for New York governor against the incumbent, Andrew Cuomo. And also thank you to Democratic Assemblywoman Yuh-Line Niou.
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