2d Session
S. Con. Res. 27, 79th Congress
JULY 20 (legislative day July 5), 1946 -- Ordered to be printed with illustrations
ALBEN W. BARKLEY, Senator from Kentucky, Chairman
JERE COOPER, Representative from Tennessee, Vice Chairman
WALTER F. GEORGE, Senator from Georgia
SCOTT W. LUCAS, Senator from Illinois
OWEN BREWSTER, Senator from Maine
HOMER FERGUSON, Senator from Michigan
J. BAYARD CLARK, Representative from North Carolina
JOHN W. MURPHY, Representative from Pennsylvania
BERTRAND W. GEARHART, Representative from California
FRANK B. KEEFE, Representative from Wisconsin
(Through January 14, 1946)
WILLIAM D. MITCHELL, General Counsel
GERHARD A. GESELL, Chief Assistant Counsel
JULE M. HANNAFORD, Assistant Counsel
JOHN E. MASTEN, Assistant Counsel
(After January 14, 1946)
SETH W. RICHARDSON, General Counsel
SAMUEL H. KAUFMAN, Associate General Counsel
JOHN E. MASTEN, Assistant Counsel
EDWARD P. MORGAN, Assistant Counsel
LOGAN J. LANE, Assistant Counsel
Washington, D.C., July 16, 1946
Hon. Kenneth McKellar,
President pro tempore of the Senate.
Hon. Sam Rayburn,
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Dear Mr. President and Mr. Speaker: Pursuant to Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 27 (as extended), Seventy-ninth Congress, first session, the Joint Congressional Committee on the Investigation of the Pearl Harbor Attack has completed its work with a view to a full and complete investigation of the facts relating to the events and circumstances leading up to or following the attack made by Japanese armed forces upon Pearl Harbor in the Territory of Hawaii on December 7, 1941.
The committee has endeavored faithfully to discharge the duties assigned and respectfully submits herewith its report.
Sincerely yours,
Vice Chairman.
On Sunday morning, December 7, 1941, the United States and Japan were at peace. Japanese ambassadors were in Washington in conversation with our diplomatic officials looking to a general settlement of differences in the Pacific.
At 7:55 a.m. (Hawaiian time) over 300 Japanese planes launched from 6 aircraft carriers attacked the island of Oahu and the american Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor in the Territory of Hawaii. Within a period of less than 2 hours our military and naval forces suffered a total of 3,435 casualties in personnel and the loss of or severe damage to: 188 planes of all types, 8 battleships, 3 light cruisers, and 4 miscellaneous vessels.
The attack was well planned and skilfully executed. The Japanese raiders withdrew from the attack and were recovered by the carriers without the latter being detected, having suffered losses of less than 100 in personnel, 29 planes, and 5 midget submarines which had been dispatched from mother craft that coordinated their attack with that of the planes.
One hour after Japanese air and naval forces had struck the Territory of Hawaii the emissaries of Japan delivered to the Secretary of State a reply to a recent American note, a reply containing no suggestion of attack by Japan upon the United States. With the benefit of information now available it is known that the Japanese military had planned for many weeks the unprovoked and ambitious act of December 7.
The Pyrrhic victory of having executed the attack with surprise, cunning, and deceit belongs to the war lords of Japan whose dreams of conquest were buried in the ashes of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. History will properly place responsibility for Pearl Harbor upon the military clique dominating the people of Japan at the time. Indeed, this responsibility Premier Tojo himself has already assumed.
We come today, over 4 years after the event, not to detract from this responsibility but to record for posterity the facts of the disaster. In another sense we seek to find lessons to avoid pitfalls in the future, to evolve constructive suggestions for the protection of our national security, and to determine whether there were failures in our own military and naval establishments which in any measure may have contributed to the extent and intensity of the disaster.
Foreword ........................................................... xi
Introductory statement ............................................ xiii
Part I. Diplomatic background of the Pearl Harbor attack .......... 1
Japanese record of deceit and aggression ........................ 1
Fundamental differences between American and Japanese policies .. 4
Steps taken by the United States to meet the threat of Axis aggression ...................................................... 10
Initial United States-Japanese negotiations: 1941 ................ 13
Japanese proposal of May 12 ...................................... 14
Japanese reaction to German invasion of Russia ................... 15
Temporary cessation of negotiations .............................. 16
Freezing of assets ............................................... 18
Resumption of negotiations and proposed meeting of President Roosevelt and Premier Konoye ................................... 19
Japanese proposals of September 6 and 27 ......................... 26
Advent of the Tojo Cabinet ....................................... 28
Arrival of Saburo Kurusu ......................................... 30
Negotiations versus deadlines .................................... 32
Japanese ultimatum of November 20 and the modus vivendi .......... 32
United States memorandum of November 26 .......................... 38
Fraudulent nature of Japanese diplomacy November 28 to December 7 ..................................................... 42
Diplomatic and military liaison in Washington .................... 43
Conclusions ...................................................... 47
Part II. The Japanese attack and its aftermath ..................... 53
Formulation of the plan and date for execution ................... 53
Nature of the plan ............................................... 54
Departure for the attack ......................................... 56
Execution of the attack .......................................... 57
Air phase ..................................................... 57
Submarine phase ............................................... 62
Withdrawal of the striking force ................................. 63
Damage to United States naval forces and installations as a result of the attack .................................................. 64
Damage to United States Army forces and installations as a result of the attack .................................................. 65
Japanese losses .................................................. 65
Summary comparison of losses ..................................... 65
State of readiness to meet the attack ............................ 66
Attack a surprise .............................................. 66
Personnel ...................................................... 66
Antiaircraft ................................................... 67
Aircraft ....................................................... 68
Action taken following the attack ................................ 68
Defensive forces and facilities of the Navy at Hawaii ............ 69
Defensive forces and facilities of the Army at Hawaii ............ 70
Comparison of strength and losses: Japanese attacking force and Hawaiian defensive forces ...................................... 70
Part III. Responsibilities in Hawaii ............................... 75
Consciousness of danger from air attack .......................... 75
Admiral Kimmel's awareness of danger from air attack ........... 75
General Short's awareness of danger from air attack ............ 79
Plans for the defense of Hawaiian coastal frontier ............. 81
Concept of the war in the Pacific .............................. 87
Conclusions with respect to consciousness of danger from air attack ....................................................... 88
Information supplied Admiral Kimmel by Washington indicating the imminence of war .............................................. 89
Information supplied General Short by Washington indicating the imminence of war .............................................. 100
Action taken by Admiral Kimmel pursuant to warnings and orders from Washington ............................................... 103
Dispatch of October 16 from-Chief of Naval Operations ....... 103
Dispatch of November 24 from Chief of Naval Operations ...... 104
The "War warning" dispatch of November 27 ................... 104
Evaluation of the "War warning" dispatch of November 27 ......... 107
On where the attack might come .............................. 107
Other dispatches received on November 27 .................... 108
"Psychological handicaps" indicated by Admiral Kimmel ....... 109
The "War warning" and training .............................. 110
The term "Defensive deployment" and failure to institute distant reconnaissance .................................... 110
Action which was not taken upon receipt of the "War warning" .... 117
Estimate and action taken by General Short with respect to the warning dispatch of November 27 ............................... 119
No warning of attack on Hawaii .............................. 120
Dispatches indicating threat of sabotage .................... 121
"Do-Don't" character of the November 27 dispatch and "Avoidance of war" ........................................ 123
Commanding general's reliance on the Navy .................... 125
Interference with training ................................... 125
The order to undertake reconnaissance ........................... 126
The Short reply ................................................. 128
Action which was not taken upon receipt of the November 27 dispatch ...................................................... 129
The "Code destruction" intelligence ............................. 130
General Short's knowledge of destruction of confidential matter by Japanese consulate ......................................... 131
The "Lost" Japanese carriers Radio intelligence at Hawaii ....... 133
The "Mori" call ................................................. 137
Detection of Japanese submarine on morning of December 7 ........ 138
Radar detection of Japanese raiding force ....................... 140
Other intelligence received by Army and Navy in Hawaii .......... 142
Channels of intelligence ..................................... 142
The "Manila message" ......................................... 142
The Honolulu press ........................................... 142
The role of espionage in the attack ............................. 145
Liaison between Admiral Kimmel and General Short ................ 150
Estimate of the situation ....................................... 153
Part IV. Responsibilities in Washington ........................... 159
Basing the Pacific Fleet at Hawaii .............................. 159
Defensive facilities available in Hawaii ........................ 163
Transfer of Pacific Fleet units to the Atlantic ................. 167
"ABCD" understanding? ........................................... 168
Avoidance of war ................................................ 172
Intelligence available in Washington ............................ 179
The "Magic" .................................................. 179
Policy with respect to dissemination of magic ................ 180
"Ships in harbor" reports ....................................... 181
Nature of consular espionage ................................. 181
Conclusions with respect to "Ships in harbor" reports ........ 189
The "Winds code" ................................................ 191
"Hidden word" code .............................................. 192
The "Deadline messages" ......................................... 193
Dispatches indicating fraudulent nature of negotiations after November 28, 1941 ............................................. 195
Status of diplomatic negotiations and the Army dispatch of November 27 ................................................... 198
Failure to follow-up on the Short reply of November 28 .......... 201
The "Berlin message" ............................................ 204
Code destruction intelligence ................................... 205
The McCollum dispatch ........................................... 206
Events of December 6 and 7, 1941 ................................ 209
The "Pilot message" ........................................... 210
The fourteen part memorandum .................................. 211
First thirteen parts ........................................ 211
Analysis and significance of first thirteen parts proper .... 212
Military significance of "Pilot" and "13-part" messages apart from messages proper ................................ 219
The fourteenth part ....................................... 221
"One o'clock" and final code destruction messages ............... 222
Events attending transmittal of the December 7 dispatch ...... 224
Choice of facilities ......................................... 225
Significance of the "One o'clock" and code destruction messages ................................................... 226
Significant messages translated after the attack ................ 228
Intelligence concerning Hawaiian defenses ..................... 228
Considerations responsible for delays in translations ......... 230
Conclusions with respect to intelligence available in Washington which was not supplied Hawaii ...................... 232
Estimate of the situation in Washington ......................... 234
Nature of responsibilities ...................................... 237
Duties in Hawaii ............................................. 237
Duties in Washington ......................................... 238
Unity of command ................................................ 240
General observations ............................................ 245
The "Wyman Matter" ........................................... 245
The Philippine Attack ........................................ 246
Prior inquiries concerning the Pearl Harbor attack ........... 246
Part V. Conclusions and recommendations ........................... 251
Conclusions with respect to responsibilities .................... 251
Recommendations ................................................. 252
Supervisory, administrative, and organizational deficiencies in our military and naval establishments revealed by the Pearl Harbor investigation .......................................... 253
Operational and intelligence work requires centralization of authority and clear-cut allocation of responsibility ...... 254
Supervisory officials cannot safely take anything for granted in the alerting of subordinates ................... 254
Any doubt as to whether outposts should be given information should always be resolved in favor of supplying the information ............................................... 255
The delegation of authority or the issuance of order's entails the duty of inspection to determine that the official mandate is properly exercised .................... 255
The implementation of official orders must be followed with closest supervision ....................................... 256
The maintenance of alertness to responsibility must be insured through repetition ................................ 256
Complacency and procrastination are out of place where sudden and decisive action are of the essence ............. 257
The coordination and proper evaluation of intelligence in times of stress must be insured by continuity of service and centralization of responsibility in competent officials ................................................. 257
The unapproachable or superior attitude of officials is fatal: There should never be any hesitancy in asking for clarification of instructions or in seeking advice on matters that are in doubt ................................. 258
There is no substitute for imagination and resourcefulness on the part of supervisory and intelligence officials ..... 259
Communications must be characterized by clarity, forthrightness, and appropriateness ....................... 259
There is great danger in careless paraphrase of information received and every effort should be made to insure that the paraphrased material reflects the true meaning of the original .................................................. 260
Procedures must be sufficiently flexible to meet the exigencies of unusual situations .......................... 261
Restriction of highly confidential information to a minimum number of officials, while often necessary, should not be carried to the point of prejudicing the work of the organization .............................................. 261
There is great danger of being blinded by the self-evident .. 262
Officials should at all times give subordinates the benefit of significant information ................................ 262
An official who neglects to familiarize himself in detail with his organization should forfeit his responsibility ... 263
Failure can be avoided in the long run only by preparation for any eventuality ....................................... 263
Officials, on a personal basis, should never countermand an official instruction ...................................... 263
Personal or official jealousy will wreck any organization ... 264
Personal friendship, without more, should never be accepted in lieu of liaison or confused therewith where the latter is necessary to the proper functioning of two or more agencies .................................................. 264
No considerations should be permitted as excuse for failure to perform a fundamental task ............................. 265
Superiors must at all times keep their subordinates adequately informed and, conversely, subordinates should keep their superiors informed ............................. 285
The administrative organization of any establishment must be designed to locate failures and to assess responsibility .. 265
In a well-balanced organization there is close correlation of responsibility and authority .............................. 266
Committee members signing the report ............................ 266
Additional views of Mr. Keefe ................................... 266
Appendix A. Prior investigations concerning the Pearl Harbor Attack .......................................................... 269
The Roberts Commission .......................................... 269
The Hart Inquiry ................................................ 269
The Army Pearl Harbor Board ..................................... 269
The Navy Court of Inquiry ....................................... 270
The Clarke Inquiry .............................................. 270
The Clausen Investigation ....................................... 270
The Hewitt Inquiry .............................................. 271
Appendix B. Names and positions of principal Army and Navy officials in Washington and at Hawaii at the time of the attack along with the leading witnesses in the various proceedings ..... 275
Organization and personnel of War Department .................. 275
Army Air Forces ............................................. 275
Organization and personnel of Navy Department ................. 276
Organization and personnel of Hawaiian Department ............. 276
Hawaiian Air Force .......................................... 277
Staff of Commander-in-Chief, United States Fleet and United States Pacific Fleet ........................................ 277
Organization and personnel of Fourteenth Naval District .... 278
List of witnesses appearing before the Joint Committee and their assignments as of December 7, 1941 .................... 278
List of leading witnesses in prior proceedings who did not testify before the Joint Committee and their assignments as of December 7, 1941 ......................................... 279
Appendix C. Communications from the President of the United States relating to the Pearl Harbor investigation ...................... 285
Appendix D. Review of the diplomatic conversations between the United States and Japan, and related matters, from the Atlantic Conference in August 1941 through December 8, 1941 .............. 291
Introductory statement ........................................ 291
Brief resume of the Japanese-American conversations prior to the Atlantic Conference ..................................... 293
The Atlantic Conference (August 10-14, 1941) .................. 300
President Roosevelt warns Japan against further aggression and at the same time offers to resume the Japanese-American conversations (August 17, 1941) ............................. 302
Japan protests United States shipments of oil to Russia (August 27, 1941) ........................................... 305
Premier Konoye sends a personal message to President Roosevelt urging the proposed "Leaders Conference" (August 28, 1941) .... 306
Germany suspects treachery (August 29-30, 1941) ................. 307
President Roosevelt replies to Premier Konoye's message (September 3, 1941) ........................................... 310
Japan presents new proposals in a new form (September 6, 1941) .. 311
Ambassador Grew supports the proposed "Leaders Conference" (August-September, 1941) ....................................... 314
Japan determines its minimum demands and its maximum concessions in the negotiations with the United States (September 6, 1941) ........................................... 316
The United States asks Japan to clarify its new proposals (October 2, 1941) ............................................. 319
Germany demands that Japan warn the United States that war between Germany and Italy and the United States would lead to war between Japan and the United States pursuant to the Tripartite Pact (October 1941) ................................ 325
The Konoye Cabinet falls, and Ambassador Nomura asks permission to return to Japan (October 16, 1941; October 18-November 5, 1941) ......................................................... 326
The Tojo Cabinet formulates its "Absolutely final proposal" (November 5, 1941) ............................................ 331
Ambassador Grew warns that war with Japan may come with "Dramatic and dangerous suddenness" (November 3, 1941) ........ 335
Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek appeals to Great Britain and the United States for aid (October 28-November 4, 1941) ........... 337
Japan delivers its next-to-last proposal to the United States (November 10, 1941) ........................................... 344
The Tojo Cabinet refuses to consider any suggestion less favorable to Japan than its" Absolutely final proposal" (November 18-19, 1941) ........................................ 355
Japan delivers its "Absolutely final proposal" to the United States and demands an agreement on that basis (November 20, 1941) ........................................... 360
The United States replies (November 26, 1941) ................... 363
The Tojo Cabinet makes a pretense of continuing the Japanese-American conversations and at the same time moves additional Japanese troops into southern Indochina (November 27- December 7, 1941) ................................ 387
The invasion of Thailand by Japanese forces from French Indochina appears imminent (December 1-7, 1941) ......................... 405
Germany tells Japan the time is ripe to strike at the United States, and promises to join with Japan in war against the United States (November 29, 1941) ............................. 409
President Roosevelt returns to Washington as the far eastern situation moves rapidly toward a climax (December 1, 1941) .... 411
President Roosevelt asks the Japanese Government to explain its purpose in moving additional troops into southern Indochina (December 2, 1941) ............................................. 415
The Japanese Government claims its troop movements in French Indochina are for the purpose of defense against an attack by the Chinese (December 5, 1941) ................................ 421
The last hours (December 6-8, 1941) ............................. 424
Appendix E. The "Winds Code" ...................................... 469
Establishment and nature of the "Winds Code" .................... 469
Efforts to monitor .............................................. 471
Considerations bearing on the possibility of a message in execution of the "Winds Code" having been received prior to December 7, 1941 .............................................. 471
Considerations militating against likelihood of "Winds Code" execute message having been received prior to December 7, 1941 .............................................. 475
Appendix F. Geographical considerations and Navy and Army installations ................................................... 489
Geographical considerations ................................... 489
Navy and Army installations ................................... 490
Navy ........................................................ 490
Army ........................................................ 491
Illustrations ................................................. 499
The Minority Pearl Harbor Report