U.S. Intelligence and the Nazis, by Richard Breitman, Norman

"Science," the Greek word for knowledge, when appended to the word "political," creates what seems like an oxymoron. For who could claim to know politics? More complicated than any game, most people who play it become addicts and die without understanding what they were addicted to. The rest of us suffer under their malpractice as our "leaders." A truer case of the blind leading the blind could not be found. Plumb the depths of confusion here.

Re: U.S. Intelligence and the Nazis, by Richard Breitman, No

Postby admin » Wed Jun 27, 2018 6:28 am


RICHARD BREITMAN, professor of history at American University, is the aurhor of Official Secrets: What the Nazis Planned, What the British and Americans Knew and a number of other books. He serves as editor of the scholarly journal Holocaust and Genocide Studies, and is director of historical research for the Interagency Working Group.

PAUL BROWN, historian and employee of the National Archives, specializes in Third Reich, Holocaust, and intelligence-related subjects. Prior to his appointment to the IWG, he was a member of the Presidential Advisory Commission on Holocaust Assets in the Un ired States. His most recent article is "The Senior Leadership Cadre of the Geheime Feldpolizei, 1939-1945" in Holocaust and Genocide Studies.

NORMAN J.W. GODA is an associate professor of history at Ohio University. His publications include Tomorrow the World: Hitler, Northwest Africa, and the Path toward America as well as numerous journal articles. He is currently completing Tales from Spandau: Diplomacy, Symbolism, and the Nuremberg War Criminals 1947-1987. He received his Ph.D. in European History from the University of North Carolina.

ROBERT HANYOK is a historian with the Center for Cryptologic History of the National Security Agency. He served as a special technical adviser to the staff of the IWG. Mr. Hanyok has published and lectured on various subjects in cryptologic history. He received his master's degree in history from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County.

TIMOTHY NAFTALI, an associate professor ar the University of Virginia, is director of the Presidential Recordings Program and Kremlin Decisionmaking Project at the Miller Center of Public Affairs. His book reviews on intelligence history appear in various publications, including the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times.

ROBERT WOLFE was the senior reference specialist for more than thirty years for the National Archives' massive captured German and World War II war crimes trial records, as well as for the records of the postwar occupation of Germany and Austria. His publications include American as Proconsuls: U.S. Military Government in Germany and Japan, 1944-52 and Captured German and Related Records.
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Re: U.S. Intelligence and the Nazis, by Richard Breitman, No

Postby admin » Wed Jun 27, 2018 7:11 am


1939 Neutrality Act. See Neutrality Act of
1948 Displaced Persons Act. See Displaced
Persons Act
Abramson, Alexander, 296
Abwehr, 7, 93-103, 107, 123, 138, 378,
387, 446-47
opposition to Nazis in, 94, 99-101
Acheson, Dean, 427
Adenauer, Konrad, 394, 395-98, 405, 455
AFHQ (Allied Forces Headquarters) 326, 328
Agh, Laszlo, 228, 231-37, 258n43, 453, 455
Agudas Israel, 6
Aktion Reinhard, 451
aI-Assad, Hafez, 457
Albert, Ludwig, 401-2, 405
Alden, S.S., 45
Aldrich, Winthrop W., 188
Alexander, Harold, 326-27
Alexander, Robert, 45-47
Alexander, Stella, 206
Allied Declaration of December 17, 1942,
41n52, 43n86, 45
Allied Forces Headquarters (AFHQ), 326, 328
Allied Translator and Interpreter Section
(ATlS), 466
Almansi, Danre, 79, 83
"Alperg, "code name of Wilhelm Hottl, 269
Alpine Redoubt, 267-68, 272, 448
al-Qaeda, 444
Altemeyer, Werner, 96-97
Altmann, Klaus, alias. See Barbie, Klaus
Alvarez del Castillo, J. M., 14
American Jewish Committee, 45
American Jewish Congress, 26, 45
American War Refugee Board, 55
Angleton, James, 152, 327, 339
Arajs, Viktor, 95
Ardeatine Caves massacre, 319, 328-29, 448
"Ardent," code name of Herbert Karzki, 63
Argentina, 457
Adolf Eichmann in; Josef Mengele in; Martin
Bormann allegedly in. See under South America
Army Counterintelligence Corps, United
States. See CIC
"Artist, " code name, 125
Artukovic, Andrija, 207, 210, 228, 230-31,
Aschner, Leopold, 130
ATIS (Allied Translator and Interpreter
Section), 448
Augsburg, Emil, 382-84, 389, 40 1, 449, 453
alias Dr. Alberti, 389, 40 I
Auner, Kurt, 382, 394
Auschwitz, 456
bombing of, 444
Austrian Resistance Movement. See 0-5
Avdzej, John, 228-30, 256n11
Badoglio, Pietro, 77, 318
Baer, Thomas, 4
Baldiveso, Angel, 428
intelligence network, "Dogwood, "
49; "General Agency 13" and Gehlen
Organization, 382
Baltic States (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania)
and Nazi executions, 24
bank accounts, of Jews, blocked, 174, 194n6
banks, and Ruckwanderer Mark Scheme
Chase National Bank, 173, 176-93;
Chemical Bank and Trusr, 177; J. Henry
Schroder Banking Corporation, 175-76,
181; New York Overseas Corporation,
174-78, 181, 184; Robert C. Mayer &
Co., 175, 183, 186
Banzer Suarez, Hugo, 427
Barbie, Klaus, 3, 211, 426-32, 436-37, 449, 457
alias Klaus Altmann, 427-28; in Bolivia,
426-30; Klaus Barbie and the United States
Government (1983), 430
Barcza, Marguerite, 297, 307
Basett, F. (Captain), 101
The Battle for Rome, 77, 79
Bauer, Yehuda, 54
Baun, Hermann, 380-81, 383, 387, 389
BDC (Berlin Documents Center), 339, 350
Becher, Kurt, 57, 130, 448
Beetz, Hildegard, 272
Belzec extermination camp, 450-51
"Bendall and Verschoyle" aliases, 215-16
Ben-Veniste, Richard, 4
Berg, Willi, 306
Berle, Adolf, 20
Berlin Document Center (BDC), 339, 350,
Bermuda Conference, 45-47
"unconditional surrender" appeal, 47
Bernadotte, Folke, 111-13, 448
Berry, James, 274
Best, Werner, 140-41
BN (Bundesamt fur Verfassungsschutz,
Federal Office for the Protection of the
Constitution), 303, 308, 395
Biddle, Francis, 189, 192
Bismarck, Ono von, 397
BKA (Federal Criminal Police Service), 356-57
Blaschke, Rudolf, 123
Bloom, Sol, 46-47
Blowback, 328
Blunda, George F., 215
Blunt, Anthony, 13
BND (Bundesnachrichrensdienst; West
German Secret Service), 5, 7, 376, 377, 384,
402, 405-6
Boehrsch, Herbert, 382
Boker, John R., Jr., 379-80
Bolivia, 457
Klaus Barbie in. See under South America
Bolschwing, Otto Albrecht von, 341, 343-54,
344fig, 365, 382, 384, 394, 399, 452, 454-55
Borchers, Hans, 183
Bormann, Martin, 419-26, 432, 436
Borodajkewycz, Tarias von, 277
Bossard, Samuel, 386, 387-89, 391
Bradley, Omar, 392
Brand-Grosz Mission. See Brand Mission
Brand, Haynal, 54, 62
Brand, Joel, 54, 55, 446
Brand mission, 54-57, 447-48
Brazil, 458
Josef Mengele in. See under South America
extermination reports and, 445; Kopkow
and, 449
British intelligence, 114, 132, 298, 423
Anthony Blunt as Soviet spy, 13; "Bendall
and Verschoyle" aliases, and Pavelic
(Ustasa), 215-16; H. Montgomery Hyde,
13; Horst Kopkow, 145-46; MI-5, 13,
100, 101, 294-95, 299, 303, 423; MI-6,
13, 34-36, 423; MI-14, 36; reports on
concentration camps, 32, 33-34, 36-37;
Ultra (German Enigma cipher machine),
Bruce, David, 19, 20
Brunner, Alois, 138, 159-64, 456-57
Brunner, Kun Heinrich, 132
Bruns, Walter, 95, 96-100
Bucharest pogrom, 453
Budak, Mile, 208, 210
Bugelsack, George, 75-76
Bund, the, 5
Bundesamt fur Verfassungsschutz. See BN
Bundesnachrichtensdienst. See BND
Burger, Adolf, 122
Cahill, John D., 192
"Camelia," code name of Helmuth James van
Moltke, 52
Canaris, Constantin, 94-95
Canaris, Wilhelm, 94-96, 99-100, 107
Carstenn, Friedrich, 400
Casey, William J., 429-30, 433-34
memoir, 11-12
"Cassia," code name, Franz Messner, 52
Catholic Church
"The Catholic Episcopate in Croatia," 207-
8; in Croatia, 204-10, 213-20
Central Intelligence Agency. See CIA
Central Intelligence Group. See CIG
"Cereus," code name of Archibald Coleman,
50, 53
Chase National Bank, 173, 176-93, 446
Ernest H. Kuhlman, 176; FBI
investigation of, 183-93; Joseph C.
Rovensky, 176, 179
Chemical Bank and Trust, 177
Chile, 457
Walter Rauff in. See under South America
Churchill, Winston, 83-84, 468
CI (CIA Counter-Intelligence), 152, 338
"The Hunt for 'Gestapo Mueller,''' 152
CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), 5, 7, 228-
30, 127, 340-41, 364-65
Klaus Barbie and, 457; Adolf Eichmann,
337-40; Aleksandras Lileikis, 363-64;
Erich Rajakowitsch, 359-63; Eugen
Dollmann, 317-18, 326-28, 330; Gehlen
Organization, 155, 265, 274, 276, 278-85,
375-77, 382-83, 385, 388-402, 404-6,
453; and the Gestapo, 138, 146, 148-49,
151-52, 155-56, 160-61; Leopold van
Mildenstein, 342; misjudgments of,
452-57; and Nazi collaborators, 231, 238,
240-41, 246, 249, 252-55; Otto Albrecht
van Bolschwing, 341, 343, 347-54,
382, 452; Pullach Operations Base and, 452;
Red Orchestra, 296-97, 299, 306-9; Theodor
Saevecke, 354-59; Skorzeny and, 449;
Ustasa, 211-16, 218-20; Wilhelm Hottl,
265, 274, 276, 278-85
CIC (United States Army Counterintelligence
Corps), 7, 61, 102, 153, 211-12, 228, 251-52,
378, 381, 390, 426
Augsburg and, 449; Adolf Eichmann, 338,
346, 348-49, 352, 360, 363; Kiroly Ney,
275; Klaus Barbie, 426-27, 457; Ludwig
Albert, 401-2; Hass and, 454; Hofle and,
450-52; misjudgments of, 449-52, 454-55;
Red Orchestra, 293, 299-303; Wilhelm
Hottl, 265, 271-83, 285; Roeder and, 449;
Vatican and, 456
CIG (Central Intelligence Group), 296, 326,
328-29, 347, 385, 386-88, 453
Hoyt S. Vandenberg, director, 385-86, 388
Cimperman, J. A., 423
cipher machine, Enigma. See Ultra
Claire, Daniel, 434-35
Clark, Thomas c., 425
Clemens, Hans, 405
code names
"Alperg" (Wilhelm Hottl), 269
"Ardent" (Herbert Katzki), 63
''Artist'' (Brirish informant), 125
"Dogwood" (Alfred Schwarz), 49-53
"Camelia" (Helmuth James van Moltke), 52
"Cassia" (Franz Messner), 52
"Cereus" (Archibald Coleman), 50, 53
"Culprit" (ex-Abwehr informant), 102
"Dora" (Alexander Rado), 295
"Dottore Fabiano" (Krunoslav
Draganovic), 217
"Dynamo" (Krunoslav Draganovic), 217
"Fidelia" (Walter Huppenkothen), 299-302
"Fire Tongs" (Gehlen's Red Orchesrra
investigation), 303
"Flush" (Friedrich Schwend), 126
"Franco" (Bruno Francazi), 217
"General Agency 13" (SD Balkan
network), 382
"Gerbera" (Teddy Kollek), 58
"Iris" (Fritz Laufer), 53, 55
"Java" (ex-Abwehr informant), 102
"Kantar" (Jewish Agency), 63
"Lucy" (Rudolf Roessler), 295
"Montgomery" (Austrian net), 274-78
"Mount Vernon, " (Austrian net), 274-78
code names (continued)
"Operation Bernhard, " 121, 125-26, 132, 285
"Operation Reinhard, " 86
"Operation Sunrise, " 85
"Operation Wool, " 109
"Ossie" (Otto Albrecht von Bolschwing), 346
"Othello" (Manfred Roeder), 298-302
"Rusty" (Gehien Organization), 381-86, 390
"Sascha" (Alexander Abramson), 296
"Sissy" (Rachel Duebendorfer), 295-96
"Stock" (Josef W. Rudiger), 51-52
"T-4" ("euthanasia" program) 75-76
"Taylor" (Christian Schneider), 295
"Trillium" Andre Gyorgi (aka Bandi
Grosz), 53
"Usage" (Otto Albrecht von Bolschwing),
"Utility" (Reinhard Gehlen), 395
"Wanda," 31, 37
"Wendig" (Friedrich Schwend), 125
"West-Wind" (Harster operation), 108
"Wolf's Lair" aka Wolfsschanze (Hitler's field
headquarters), 320-23
"Zigzag, " 102
"Zipper" (Gehlen Organization), 282, 284,
392, 394-401, 405
COI (Coordinator of Information), 11, 14, 25
Oral Intelligence Unit, 21; predecessor to
OSS, 20-21; Secret intelligence branch, 19
Cold War
CIA use of Nazi war criminals, 3, 337-65;
Reinhard Gehlen, 379
Coleman, Archibald, 50, 53, 58
College of San Girolamo, 211-16, 450, 456
Combincd Services Derailed Interrogation
Center (CSDIC), 321, 323
COMlNT (communications intelligence),
462-63, 467, 469n1
Comintern, 449
Committee of Croatian Refugees in the
College of San Girolamo. See College of San
communications intelligence. See COMlNT
Communism, 227, 230, 238
anti-Communists in U.S., 227-28, 243;
Communistic Attempts to Gain Control over
American Church Organizations (1952),
241; Communist Party of Germany
(KPD), 301, 390
Communists, 453, 455
concentration camps, 31-34, 36-37, 64-65, 81,
113, 451, 467
Allies' knowledge of, 445; of Jasenovac
and the Ustasa, 204, 206, 211, 230;
labor for counterfeit currency, 121-23,
125-26; Operation Bernhard and, 447;
Schellenberg and, 447; Swiss-made
barracks deal, 127-32
Conroy, E.E., 192
Coordinator of Information. See COl
Copeland, Miles, 404
Correa, Mathias, 189
Coughlin, Charles, 183, 186
counterfeit currency (British and U.S.)
concentration camp labor, 121-23, 125-36,
447; RHSA forgery operation, 125. See
also Operation Bernhard
Counterintelligence Corps. See CIC
Counter-Intelligence War Room, 94, 113, 148-49
Critchfield, James, 349-50, 376, 393, 395-402,
403fig, 405, 452
Croatia, 203-20, 455
Andrija Arrukovic, 230-31; mixed marriage
controversy, 209-10. See also Ustasa.
Croatian Liberation Movement. See Ustasa.
Crosby, Francis, 421, 423, 425-26
cryptologic agencies. See COMINT; GC&CS;
OP-20-G; SIS
"Culprit," code name, 102
Alfred Schwarz, 49, 51, 53; execution of
children, 73-76; execution of Jews, 15-
16; Fritz Laufer, 53; testimony of Joseph
Goldschmied, 21-22
D-Day, 444
Dallin, Alexander, 245, 247-48
Daluege, Kurt, 450
D'Amato, Alphonse, 432
Dannecker, Theodor, 79-80, 84
Davis, Arthur, 432
Dear A letters, 444
decoding messages, 378-79, 443-50
Purple (Japan's cipher machine), 461,
465-66; Ultra (Germany's Enigma cipher
machine), 378-79, 386, 443. See also SD
decodes; cryptologic agencies
Gunther Pancke, 140; Nazi occupation
policy, 139
Deportation of Jews
from Italy, 77, 78-79
Deppner, Erich, 383-84, 399, 453. See also GV-G
Deriabin, Peer, 405
de Silva, Peer, 397
Deutsche Handels- und Wirtschaftsdienst
International Commerce Service, 178, 181,
186, 189
Deutsche Hollerith Maschinen Gesellschaft,
Devoe, Carl, 61
Dickstein, Samuel, 46
Die geheime Front, 278
Dienststelle (substation)
(62) 383; (150), 401; GV-G (12), 383;
GV-L (114), 382-83, 389-90, 395,
410n44, 412n81
Displaced Persons Act, 227, 252
Dodds, Harold, 46
"Dogwood" network, 49-53. See also Alfred
Dohnanyi, Hans von, 100, 107
Dollmann, Eugen, 109, 317-31, 448
Hitler's "tea party, " 321-23
Doloezalek, Alexander, 383
Donovan, William J., 11, 20, 37, 39n9, 52, 268
and J. Edgar Hoover, 29
"Dora, " code name of Alexander Rado, 295
Dorls, Fritz, 302-3
"Dottore Fabiano, " code name of Krunoslav
Draganovic, 217
Draganovic, Krunoslav, 203, 211-20, 450,
452-53, 454-56
College of San Girolamo, 211-16
Duebendorfer, Rachel, 295-96
Duker, Abraham, 12
Duker-Dwork Collection, 12-13
Dulles, Allen, 109, 207, 253, 403fig, 444-45
Adolf Eichmann, 339-40, 357; Eugen
Dollmann, 318, 325-28; Operation
Sunrise, 85, 317-26; Reinhard Gehlen,
403-4; Hottl and, 448; Lebed and, 452;
reports on Nazi extermination of Jews,
22-23; in Switzerland, 24-30, 63, 107,
153, 267-70, 295
Dwork, Charles Irving, 12
"Dynamo, " code name of Krunoslav
Draganovic, 217
Eagleburger, Lawrence, 158
Ecuador, Walter Rauff in. See under South
Eden, Anthony, 45
Eggen, Hans Wilhelm, 109, 128-31
Egypt, 456-57
Cairo, (Morale Operations) 55, 56, 58-64;
Leopold von Mildenstein, 342-43; Nazi
training in, 404-5
Eichmann, Adolf, 54, 143-44, 148, 150, 267,
382, 396, 450-52, 457
capture of, 341, 343-45, 349, 353-54,
359-64, 419
Einsatzgruppen, 141-43, 147, 300, 307, 383,
443, 454
Eisenhower, Dwight 0., 62, 106, 235
Elam, Schraga, 128
Eleventh Dectee to the Reich Citizenship Law
(1941), 16
Elling, Georg, 321
ENIGMA Codes, 444
Enigma cipher machine, Germany's. See Ultra
"ethnic cleansing, " 204-5. See also Ustasa
EUCOM (United States European
Command), 329-30
"Euthanasia" plan, 75-76
extermination camps. See concentration camps
FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), 5-6, 8, 449
Hoover, 453-54; informants, 189;
investigation of Chase National Bank,
173-74, 183-93; Montt reports and, 445;
and Nazi collaborators, 227-55; Nazi racial
policies and, 446
FOP (Free Democratic Party), 341-42
Federal Bureau of Investigation. See FBI
Federal Criminal Police Service (BKA), 356-57
Felfe, Heinz, 308, 359, 377, 399, 402, 405, 455
FHO (Fremde Heere Ost, Foreign Armies-
East), 377-78, 380-81
"Fidelio, " code name of Walter Huppenkothen,
Fiebig, Konrad, 383-84, 399, 453
Final Solution, 17, 26, 57, 131, 340, 444
and Italy, 82, 87; Montt reports and, 445-46;
Nazi racial policies and, 446-47. See also
Nazi atrocities
"Fire Tongs, " code name of Red Orchestra
investigation (Gehlen), 303
"Flush, " code name of Friedrich Schwend, 126
Foa, Ugo, 79, 83
Foote, Alexander, 295, 297
Ford, Richard, 423
Forrestal, James, 392
Foxworth, P.E., 186
Francazi, Bruno, 217
France, Red Orchestra in, 306-7
"Franco, " code name of Bruno Francazi, 217
Frank, Friedrich, 383
Frank, Karl Hermann, 15, 76
Free Democratic Party. See FDP
freie Mitarbeiter system, 356-57, 365, 456-57
French Communists, 446
G-2 (U.S. Army intelligence), 388-89
Gaevernitz, Gero von Schultze, 101, 109,
Galloway, Donald N., 390
gas, as extermination method, 122, 154
Gausebeck, August T., 183, 186
GC&CS (Britain's Government Code and
Cypher School), 444-45, 448
Gehlen Organization, 7, 154, 218, 274, 279, 282
BND (Bundesnachrichtendienst), 308,
376; Otto Albrecht von Bolschwing, 347-
49, 352, 359, 361, 365; Red Orchestra,
303, 306-7; Reinhard Gehlen, 155, 279,
375, 387, 388fig, 392, 395-96, 401, 404;
"Rusty" code name, 381-86, 390; and U.S.
Intelligence, 375-406; "Utility" code name
(Reinhard Gehlen), 395; "Zipper" code
name (from CIA), 282, 284, 392, 394-401,
Gehlen, Reinhard, 449, 453, 454-57
"General Agency 13, " code name of SD Balkan
network, 382
Genscher, Hans Dierrich, 457
"Gerbera, " code name of Teddy Kollek, 58
The German Basic Handbook, 34
German Communist Party. See KPD
German counterintelligence, 137-39, 141, 382
GV-G (Dienststelle 12), 383; (GV-L
(Dienststelle 114), 382-83, 389-90, 395
German High Command, 443
German Intelligence Service (GIS), 93
German opposition to Nazis. See under
Germany, Federal Republic of, 443-55
Gestapo, 137-164, 447
departments IV A and IV B, 143-44;
Einsatzgruppen, 141-43, 147; freie
Mitarbeiter system and, 456; Hans Merz,
144; Harro Andreas Wilhelm Thomsen,
143-44; Himmler Collection, 137-39;
Horst Kopkow, 144-46; interrogations
of, 141, 153; Klaus Barbie, 426; Martin
Sandberger, 146-47; officers in Gehlen
Organization, 376-77; Red Orchestra, 294,
309; Stefan Rowecki, 144; Walter Rauff,
153-59, 452; U.S. hiring of, 449
Geyer, Hans Joachim, 400
Gisevius, Hans Bernd, 101
Globke, Hans, 396-98, 455
Globocnik, Odilo, 451
Goebbels, Joseph, 341-42, 393, 419, 420
Goeth, Amon, 65
Goggin, Ray E, 347
Gold Discount Bank, 176, 177, 181, 188. See
also banks, and Ruckwanderer Mark Scheme
Gold Train, Hungarian, 267, 269
Goldschmied, Joseph, 21, 444
Gorby, Benjamin, 299-301, 432
Goring, Franz, 110-12
Goring, Hermann, 138, 298
Gottsch, Werner, 278-79
Gouzenko, Igor, 294-95
Government Code and Cypher School
(British). See GC&CS
The Great war for the Fatherland, 29
Greece, deportation of Jews, 160
Greek resistance, 443
Gregor, Helmut, alias. See Mengele, Josef
Griffiths, John E, 421-23, 425-26
Grimme, Adolf, 298
Grabel, Willi, 123, 125
Grossvogel, Leon, 293, 297
Grosz, Bandi, 53, 55, 446
GRU (Glavonoye Rasvodyvatelnoye
Upravalenie, Red Army Intelligence),
293-95, 306
Guisan, Henry, 128
Gurevitch, Anatoli, 297, 301, 306-7
Guse, Karl, 383
GV-G (Dienststelle 12), 383
GV-L (Dienststelle 114), 382-83, 389-90, 395,
Gyorgi, Andre. See Grosz, Bandi
Haas, Karl Theodor, 280, 454
Hans Utsch & Co. See Utsch & Co., Hans
Harnack, Arvid, 293, 298, 306
Harrison, Leland, 25, 26
Harster, Wilhelm, 81, 86, 154, 361, 383
Operation "West-Wind," 108
Hautz & Co., 175, 183-85, 188-89
Hecke, Helmuth, 277
Hecksher, Henry, 347
Heinicken, Friedrich, 183, 188
Heinz, Friedrich Wilhelm, 279-81, 456
Hier, Marvin, 432
Helbein, William (Helbros Watch Company),
Helms, Richard, 352, 364, 388, 390
Herrnstadt, Rudolf, 306
Hesse, Fritz, 110-11
Heydrich, Reinhard, 19, 73, 103, 141, 266, 271,
443, 454
Hilberg, Raul, 84, 147
Hillenkoetter, Roscoe, 388, 391
Himmler, Heinrich, 54, 73, 78, 99, 266, 420,
deportation of Jews in Rome, 77; Eugen
Dollmann, 318; "Himmler Collection, "
137-39; last speech, 145; Operation
Bernhard, 122; Otto Albrecht von
Bolschwing, 344-45, 353; release of
Hungarian Jews, 130; SD Foreign
Intelligence, 103, 104, 107-8, 110, 112
Hitler, Adolf, 19, 22, 23, 75, 107, 420, 444-45
Allied appeal to release Jews, 45-46, 111-
12; the Destruction of the Jews speech,
27; Italian Jews, 80; Nazi occupation of
Denmark, 140-41, 142f; "Tea Party, " 320-
23; Ustasa, 204; Wilhelm Canaris, 94-95
Hitler's Paper Weapon, 285
Hodosy-Strobl, Paul, 389-90
Hoeher, Wolfgang Paul, 400
Hofle, Hermann Julius, 450-52
Hofmann, Otto, 75, 76
persecution of Jews, 360-62
Holocaust, 458
avoidance of, 449; U.S. trials and, 444
Holtzheimer, Hermann, 457
Holtzman, Elizabeth, 4, 431-32
Holzach-Meier, Paul, 128-30
Hoover, J. Edgar, 29, 184-85, 188, 192-93, 297,
Martin Bormann, 421-23, 425-26; Nazi
collaborators, 229, 232-33, 236-37, 240-
43, 254
Horton, S. Herman, 339
Hottl, Wilhelm, 125-26, 265-85, 448-50,
Hrynioch (Hirnyj), Ivan, 251
Huie, Byron S., Jr., 20
Hungary, 447-48, 453, 455
Allied intelligence, 446; Hungarian Gold
Train, 267, 269; Hungarian Warriors
Comradeship Association (MHBK), 231-
35; Jews in, 29-30, 54, 56, 57, 267; Joel
Brand and Bandi Grosz, 54, 55; release
of Jews, 130; Rudolf Kasztner, 54, 57;
Wilhelm Hottl, 265-67, 285; Wurm,
informant, 50
"The Hunt for 'Gestapo Mueller,'" 152. See
also Muller, Heinrich
Huppenkothen, Walter, 299-302, 450
Husmann, Max, 325-26
Hyde, H. Monrgomery, 13
IBM, 122
Il processo dell' Arcivescovo di Zagabria, Fiorello
Cavalli, (1947) 205, 210
Imredy, Bela, 267
INS (Immigration and Naturalization
Service), 454
The McCarran Act of 1950, 353; Nazi
collaborators, 227-30, 232, 235-36, 240,
252, 254
intelligence gathering
al-Qaeda and, 444; CIA misjudgments and,
452-57; CIC misjudgments and, 449-52;
c1assification lengrhs and, 444; Dogwood
chain and, 446; double agents and, 446;
Dulles report and, 444-45; ENIGMA and,
444; German war crimes and, 444; Gestapo
and, 447; Hitler's Final Solution and, 444-45;
ignoring of Holocaust and, 449; Jewish
eradication and, 444; Montt reports and,
445-46; Nazi racial policies and, 446-47;
peace feelers and, 447-48; Pearl Harbor and,
444; public scrutiny of, 444; spy hiring and,
449; U.S. misjudgments in, 449-58; Karl
Wolff and, 448
Interagency Working Group. See IWG
Interkommerz, 129-30
International Committee of the Red Cross
(ICRC), 47-49, 126
International Labor Office (ILO), 295-96
"Iris, " code name of Fritz Laufer, 53, 55
Iron Guard, 237-43, 345-49, 352, 382, 394,
452-53. See also Sima, Horia
Adolf Eichmann, 337-41
Istanbul, Turkey, 447-48
anri-Nazi Germans, 50, 52; Brand and
Grosz, 55; David Milgrom, 50-51;
Lanning "Packy" Macfarland, 52-53; OSS,
52-53, 58; Teddy Kollek, 53
Italian Military Intelligence Service (SIM), 327
Ardearine cave massacres, 319, 328-
29; deportation of Jews, 77, 78-79, 85;
Eugen Dollmann, 318-20, 323, 325-29;
extermination of Jews, 80, 328; German
occupation, 77, 80
IWG (Nazi War Crimes and Japanese Imperial
Government Records Interagency Working
Group), 4-5, 74, 93, 137-38, 293, 462
Jablon, Peter, 254
Jackson, Robert S., 419-23, 426
Jahnke, Kurr, 105
James, Alan, 331
Japanese cipher machine, code name "Purple, "
461, 465-66
Jasenovac, 445
"Java, " code name, 102
Jeckeln, Friedrich, 95, 99, 147
Jewish Affairs Department. See under
SD (Sicherheitsdienst, SS intelligence
Jewish Agency for Palestine, 5-6, 33, 53,
58-66, 446
base in Switzerland, 62-63; code name
"Kantar, " 63; evidence of Nazi crimes, 58;
War Crime Documentation, 64-66
Jewish belongings, seizure of
blocked bank accounts, 174, 194n6;
confiscated property, 267, 275, 346, 360,
Jewish Labor Committee, 30
Jewish-Nazi negotiations, 55-57, 62, 130
Jewish resistance, 56, 59
Jewish Soviet spies, 293, 295-97
Dulles report and, 444-45; eradication and,
444; Hofle and, 451; trading of, 448
J. Henry Schroder Banking Corporation,
175-76, 181
Jobke, Karl Otto, 400
John, Otto August Walter, 100-101, 395
Johnson Debt Default An of 1934, 184, 188-89
Johnson, Hans, 299
Joint Distribution Committee, 6
Jost, Heinz, 103, 346
J. P. Morgan Company, 183
Juretic, Augustin, 206, 209-10
"The Catholic Episcopate in Croatia, " 207-8
Kaltenbrunner, Ernst, 10fig, 77, 79, 84, 121,
149, 266-69, 271, 273-75, 447-48, 456
"Kantar, " code name of the Jewish Agency for
Palestine, 63
Kappler, Herbert, 76-85, 328-29, 456
Karski, Jan, 30
Kasztner, Rudolf, 54-55, 57, 62, 111
Katyn massacre, 445
Katz, Robert, 77, 79, 83
Katzki, Herbert, 58, 62-63
Katzmann, Friedrich, 64
Kayser-Eichberg, Erich Ulich, 384
Keitel, Wilhelm, 268, 322
Kempner, Robert, 298
Kernmayer, Erich, 276
Kessel, Albrecht von, 83
Kesselring, Albert, 268, 326, 328
KGB, 265, 284, 376, 405
Khrushchev, Nikita, 217-18
Klages, Otto, 55
Klarsfeld, Beate, 157, 163, 427
Klarsfeld, Serge, 161
Klein, Hans Eberhard, 434
Klein, Walter, 307
Klement, Richard, alias. See Adolf Eichmann
Koblitz, Donald, 157
Kohl, Helmut, 158, 457
Kohn, Georg, 122
Kollek, Teddy, 53, 58, 61
Konig, Jules, 63
Kopkow, Horst, 144-46, 294, 447, 449
Korea, 453
Kowarik, Karl, 276
KPD (Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands,
Communist Party of Germany), 301, 390
Krassowski, Werner, 383
Krichbaum, Wilhelm, 282, 405
Kruger, Bernhard, 122
Krumey, Hermann, 55
Kuckoff, Greta, 298-99
Kunzel, Ermin, 75-76
The Labyrinth, 103, 113
Ladd, D. M., 422-24
Lammers, Hans Heinrich, 420
Landsberg prison, 443
Langer, Alfred, 121
extermination of Jews, 95, 96
Lauber, Walter, 282
Laufer, Fritz, 53, 55
Lazarus, Izadore, 102
Leary, Lewis, 63
Lebed, Mikola, 228, 249-55, 452, 454-55
Le Foreign Excelente Reincote, 293, 297
Lemnitzer, Lyman, 328
Leslie, Edgeworth Murray, 268, 448-49
Lichtheim, Richard, 26
Liebl, Willard K., 384-85
Lileikis, Aleksandras, 340, 363-64
"List of German Concentration Camps, " 33
Long, Breckenridge, 46
Loofborough, Frederick, R., 109
Lucas, Scott, 46
Lucid, Thomas A., 273-74, 276-77, 348, 393
"Lucy, " code name of Rudolf Roessler, 295
Lueders, Walter, 151
Luther, Martin, 106
Macek, Vlatko, 206, 208, 213
Macfarland, Lanning "Packy," 52
Mackenson, Hans von, 329
Mackey, Argyle, 253
Magruder, John, 326
Maidanek, 451
Malz, Wilhelm Heinrich, 149
Malzer, Kurt, 329
Marcus, Karl, 57
Martin, Nicholas Neamtu, 242
Marwede, (Dr.), 180-81
Marxism, 445
Masson, Roger, 129-30
Mayer, Saly, 111-112
The McCarran Act of 1950, 353
McClelland, Roswell, 111-12
McNally, George J., Jr., 126
McNulty, George A., 188-89
counterfeit money and laborers, 122; James
Critchfield, 376; The Labyrinth, Walter
Schellenberg, 103; OSS officials, 11; Ono
August Walter John, 100; revelations about
Nazi crimes, 11, 30; Reinhard Gehlen,
376, 404; William J. Casey, 11-12
Mengele, Josef, 3, 430-37, 457-58
In Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay, 430-36;
In the Matter of Josef Mengele (1992), 431, 433
Merz, Hans, 144
Meyer-Schwerrenbach, Paul (aka Wolf
Schwertenbach), 128-30
MHBK (Magyar Harcosok Bajtarsi Kozossege,
Hungarian Warriors Comradeship
Association). See under Hungary
MI-5. See under British Intelligence
MI-6. See under Brirish intelligence
MI-14. See under British intelligence
Milano, J. v., 276-78
Mildenstein, Leopold von, 339-43, 353, 364
Milgrom, David, 50-51
Moldovan, Andrei, 238-43
Mollhausen, Eitel Friedrich, 80, 90n35
Moltke, Helmuth James von, 52, 121
"Montgomery," code name of Austrian net,
274-78, 282-83
Montt Rivas, Gonzalo, 15-20, 76, 445-46
report of Nazi genocide, 16, 20
Morgenthau, Henry, Jr., 20, 187, 445-46
Morris, Stanley, 434-35
Mossad, 457
"Mount Vernon," code name of Austrian net,
274-78, 282-83
Mudd, Robert Clayton, 212
Mueller, Heinrich. See MLiller, Heinrich
Muller, Heinrich, 8, 79, 137, 139, 300, 447, 457
disappearance of, 148-53; Einsatzgruppen,
141; Sonderkommando Jerzy, 139
Mussolini, Beniro, 77, 78, 203, 266, 318-20,
322, 325, 404
Musy, Jean-Marie, 110-12, 448
Nasser, Gamel Abdel, 456-57
National Alliance of Russian Solidarists (NTS),
NATO (North American Treaty
Organization), 443
Naujocks, Alfred, 122
Nazi atrocities
concealment of, 73; description of, 22-23,
28, 51, 65, 97, 273, 345; Final Solution,
17, 26, 57, 82, 131; lack of recognition by
U.S., 11-14, 66, 328, 340-41, 350. See also
Gestapo; Einsatzgruppen
Nazi collaborators in the C.S., 227-55
Nazi-Jewish negotiations, 55-57, 62
Nazi manhunts, 419-37
Nazi War Crimes and Japanese Imperial
Government Records Interagency Working
Group. See IWG
Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act of 1998, 4-5,
13, 22, 73, 203, 206, 317, 320-21, 323, 337,
341, 354, 365, 376, 404, 443
double agents and, 446; racial policies of,
Nazis, German opposition to. See under Abwehr
Neutrality Act of 1939, 184, 188-89
New York Overseas Corporation, 174-78, 181,
Ney, Kiroly, 275-76
Niebelungen Verlag (press), 278
"Night of Broken Glass" (Reichskristallnacht), 179
KVD (Soviet Secret Police), 246, 251, 306
NSA, 456
O-5 (Ausrrian Resistance Movement), 346
Offczarek, Emmerich, 279
Office of Special Investigations. See OSI
Office of Strategic Services. See OSS
OP-20-G (U.S. Navy cryptologic agency),
462-63, 465, 466
Operation Bernhard, 447
concentration camp labor, 121-23, 125-36;
RHSA forgery operation, 125; Wilhelm
Hottl and Hitlers Paper Weapon, 285
Operation Reinhard, 86
Operation Sunrise, 85-86, 269, 317, 320, 323-
28, 330, 448
Operation Wool, 109. See also Luigi Partilli
Opitz, Henry Paul, 399
OSI (Office of Special Investigations), 4, 430-
33, 436
OSS (Office of Strategic Services), 444, 446-47
anti-Nazi resistance, 95, 378; Cairo,
(Morale Operations) 55, 56, 58-64;
counterintelligence (X-2), 102, 126, 379,
386; immigrants, 21; Istanbul, 53, 58;
and Jewish Agency for Palestine, 58-64;
knowledge of Holocaust, 5-6, 8, 11-37;
Martin Bormann, 420; Montt reports
and, 445; (R & A) Research and Analysis
branch, 12-13, 51; Secret Intelligence and
Special Operations, 20-21, 52; Special
Services Unit (SSU), 326, 328, 348, 378,
385; Strategic Services Unit, 212; Ustasa,
206; Vatican and, 456; Wilhelm Hottl,
265-73, 285, 448; Karl Wolff and, 448
"Ossie, " code name of Otto Albrecht von
Bolschwing, 346
Oster, Hans, 100, 107
"Othello, " code name of Manfred Roeder,
OUN and OUN-B (Organization of
Ukrainian Nationalists), 249-52, 254
Palestine (prewar)
Otto Albrecht von Bolschwing, 343-44,
346, 349
Palffy, Dorothy and Fidel, 266, 267
Palivoda, Armand, 296-97. See also RKO
Radio Films.
Pancke, Gunther, 140-41
Pancrazio, Padre, 319, 328
Pannwitz, Heinz, 306-9, 443, 454
Panzinger, Friedrich, 294, 307-8, 443, 454-55
Papanace, Constantin, 345, 348
Papler, Jack, 122
Paraguay, 457
Josef Mengele in. See under South America
Parrilli, Luigi, 109, 325-26. See also Operation
Pavelic, Ante, 203-5, 212-15, 450, 456
peace feelers, 447-48
Penrose, Stephen, 61, 63
Peron, 457
Phayer, Michael, 205-6
Philp, W. R., 380
Pieracki, Bronislaw, 249, 251-52, 254
Pinochet, Augusto, 457
Pius XII, 450, 456
Pleasants, Henry, 397
Pohl, Ritter von, 325
Poland, 446
Bronislaw Pieracki, 249, 251-52, 254;
intelligence, 138; John Avdzej, 228-30;
Hofle and, 451-52; resistance, 144; Sipo
unit "spezialle Aufgaben," 383; Sword and
Plough (Miecz i Plug), 144; underground
and, 447
Political Warfare Intelligence. See PWE
Polte, Friedrich, 266
Ponger, Kurt, 281-84.
Ponger- Verber Affair, 281-84
Poste de Commandement Cadix, 465
Potts, Roy Frazier, 174-78, 184. See also New
York Overseas Corporation
pragmatism, 449
Prague, 444
Price, Arnold, 12
Priebke, Erich, 328
Proskauer, Joseph M., 45
"Purple" code name of Japanese cipher
machine, 461, 465-66
Pullach Operations Base, 452
PWE (Political Warfare Executive), 33
R&A. See Research and Analysis
Rabinowitz, Germina, 295-96
Rademacher, Franz, 160-61, 456
Rado, Alexander, 295
Rado, Emmy, 22
Rajakowitsch, Erich, 340, 359-64
Rarig, Frederick, 189, 192-93
Rauff, Walter, 138, 153-59, 354-56, 452,
Reagan, Ronald, 157-58
Reams, Robert Borden, 26
Red Army, 449, 453
Red Army Intelligence. See GRU (Glavonoye
Rasvodyvatelnoye Upravalenie)
Red Cross, 47-49, 126
Red Orchesrra (Rore Kapelle) nerwork, 145,
293-309, 447, 449, 454
Red ll1ree (Rore Drei), 294-95, 297
Reese, Mary Ellen, 376
Reich Ministry of Economics (RWM), 173,
Reich Office for Foreign Exchange Control,
173, 174-75, 178
Hans Hartenstein, 173, 176
Reichsbank, 122, 125, 174, 188
Gold Discount Bank, 176, 177, 181, 188;
Jews blocked accounts, 174, 194n6
Reich Security Main Office. See RSHA
Reinefarth, Heinz, 443, 450, 454
Reiser, Heinrich, 306-7
Research and Analysis (branch of OSS), 51
knowledge of Holocaust, 12-13
Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 104-6, 108, 110,
141, 320-23
Riegner, Gerhart, 26, 28
RKO Radio Films, 296-97. See also Palivoda,
Robert C. Mayer & Co., 175, 183, 186, 189
Robert Hautz & Co. See Hautz & Co.
Rockefeller, Nelson
as Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, 20
Roeder, Manfred, 298-302, 449-50
Roessler, Rudolf, 295, 303
Rogers, William, 427
Romania, 453
Andrei Moldovan, 238-43; Iron Guard,
237-43, 345-49, 352; John Trurza, 238-41;
Ono Albrecht von Bolschwing, 345-46,
349-52; Viorel Trifa, 228, 237-44
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 6, 45, 58, 106, 183
Rote Drei (Red Three), 294-95, 297
Rote Kapelle. See Red Orchestra
Roth, Elmer, 236
Rothenberg, Hugo, 138
Rothmund, Heinrich, 130-32, 447
Rorhpletz, Friedrich, 325-26
Rovensky, Joseph C, 176, 179. See also Chase
National Bank
Rowecki, Stefan, 144
RSHA (Reich Security Main Office), 6, 17, 19,
73, 77, 108, 113, 340, 350, 357, 360, 447
counterfeit money, 121-25; Italian Jews,
79; Wilhelm Hottl, 266, 272-74, 280
Ruckwanderer Mark Scheme, 173-93
Chase National Bank, 173, 176-93; FBI
investigation, 183-93; J. Henry Schroder
Banking Corporation, 175-76, 181; New
York Overseas Corporation, 174-78, 181,
184; Reichsbank, 174, 188; Robert C
Mayer & Co., 175, 183, 186
Rudiger, Josef W., 51-52
Russia, 448
extermination reports and, 445; Gehlen
Organization and, 381-82, 455;
GRU (Glavonoye Rasvodyvatelnoye
Upravalenie), 293-95, 306; Katyn massacre
and, 445; National Alliance of Russian
Solidarists (NTS), 245-49; NKVD
(Soviet Secret Police), 246, 251, 306; Red
Orchestra (Soviet spy network), 293-309;
Vladimir Sokolov (aka Vladimir Samarin),
228, 243, 245-49, 453-54; trials of, 443
"Rusty, " code name of Gehlen Organization,
381-86, 390
Ryan, Allan, 211
Rygiol, Henryk
report from Birkenau, 32-33
Sachsenhausen, 447, 451
Saevecke, Theodor, 340, 354-59, 365, 443,
452, 454, 456
Safir, Howard, 433
Sagalowitz, Benjamin, 25
Sandberger, Martin, 105, 146-47
"Sascha," code name of Alexander Abramson, 296
Scheidler, Iris, 274
Schellenberg, Walter, 10fig, 57, 78, 103-5,
106-114, 149, 266, 284, 300, 447-48
counterfeit money, 121, 125; The
Labyrinth, 103, 113; Swiss barracks deal,
Schlandt, Ernst, 382, 394
Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., 12
Schmidt, Helmut, 431
Schneider, Christian, 295
Schorner, Ferdinand, 268
Schuetz, Karl, 402
Schulte, Eduard, 25
Schultz-Dubois, (Captain), 95
Schulze-Boysen, Harro, 293-94, 298, 300,
302, 306
Schuster, Ildefonso Cardinal, 325-27
Schutz, Kurt, 328
Schwarz, Alfred, "Dogwood, " 49-53
Schwend, Friedrich, 123, 125-27, 447
Schwerrenbach, Wolf. See Paul Meyer-
SD (Sicherheitsdienst, SS intelligence
organization), 6, 53-54, 55, 64, 77, 339-40,
342-45, 349-50, 353-55, 359-60, 365, 446-47
counterfeit money, 121, 123, 125-26;
decodes, 78, 86, 104; Jewish Affairs
Department, 339-45, 349, 353; Nazi
espionage, 103-14; officers in Gehlen
Organization, 376-77, 382; Romania
and, 453; Theodor Saevecke and, 452; in
Switzerland, 109-10; Swiss barracks deal,
128-29, 132; and Wilhelm Hottl, 265-85,
Sedlmeier, Hans, 430, 436
Selbschutzfuhrer, 450
Selke, Benno, 301-2
Serrino, Juan, 421, 423, 426
Shelah, Menachem, 206
Shepardson, Whitney, 63
Sher, Neil, 433, 436
Sherman, Irving, 58
Shertok, Moshe, 58-59
Shultz, George, 428, 433
Sicherheitsdienst. See SD agents
Silberbaum, Karl, 362
Siles Suazo, Hernan, 428, 430
Sima, Horia, 345, 348, 382, 394. See also Iron
Simpson, Christopher, 328, 377
Singer, Bederich, 297
Siracusa, Ernest, 427
SIS (U.S. Army Signal Intelligence Service),
"Sissy," code name of Rachel Duebendorfer, 295-96
Six, Franz, 384
Skorzeny, Otto, 10fig, 268, 275, 404, 449, 456
Smith, Sherrill, 183
Smith, Walter Bedell, 398
Smith, William French, 433
Sobibor, 451
Sokolov, Vladimir, (aka Vladimir Samarin)
228, 243, 245-49, 453-54
National Alliance of Russian Solidarists
(NTS), 245-49
Somann, Ono, 382
Sonderkommission Rote Kapelle, 294, 306-7
South America, 446, 456-57
Adolf Eichmann in Argentina, 337-38;
Josef Mengele in Argentina, Brazil and
Paraguay, 430-36; Klaus Barbie in Bolivia,
426-30; Martin Bormann allegedly in
Argentina, 421-23, 425-26; Ruckwanderer
Mark Scheme, 184-85; Ustasa rebels in,
203, 210-12, 216; Walter Rauff in Chile
and Ecuador, 155-59
Soviet Union. See Russia
Spacil, Josef, 125
Specter, Arlen, 432
Spitz, Georg, 123, 126-27
Sporkin, Stanley, 429
SRP (Socialist Reich Party), 302-3
freie Mitarbeiter system and, 456; Gehlen
and, 453; hangings of, 443; Hottl and, 448-49;
Nuremberg trials and, 443; RSHA and, 447;
Schellenberg and, 447-48; Syrians and, 456;
U.S. hiring of, 449; Karl Wolff and, 448
SS Race and Settlement Office, 75, 76, 383
SSU. See under OSS
Staehle, Peter, 151-52
Stahel, Rainer, 80
Stalin, Josef, 391
Stampfli, Walter, 128
Stephenson, William, 14
Stepinac, Alojzije, 204-11, 214, 230, 445
The Case of Cardinal Aloysius Stepinac,
Richard Panee, (I 953), 205, 210; Il
processo dell' Arcivescovo di Zagabria,
Fiorello Cavalli, (1947) 205, 210
Sternbuch, Isaac, 110-11
"Stock, " code name of Josef W. Rudiger, 51-52
Strangl, Raimund, 279
Stroessner, Alfredo, 431-32, 434, 435, 457
Suchard, Jean, 48
Supreme Ukrainian Liberation Council
(UHVR), 250-51, 253
Sweden, 448
Switzerland, 445, 447-48
barracks deal, 127-132; COMINT, 463-64;
Heinrich Rothmund, 130-32; Jewish
Agency, and base in, 62; 055, Allen
Dulles, 24-30, 63, 107, 153, 267-70,
295; Red Cross, Geneva, 47-49; Soviet
espionage network, 294-96; Swiss Alien
Police, 130-32; Swiss Federal Police, 295,
303; Wilhelm Hottl, 267-72
Sword and Plough (Miecz i Plug), 144
Syria, 456- 57
Alois Brunner, 161-64; William L.
Eagleton, Jr., 162
Szalasi, Ferenc, 231, 236, 258n29, 267
Szenes, Hannah, 59
''T-4.'' See "Euthanasia" plan
''Taylor, '' code name of Christian Schneider, 295
Taylor, Telford, 450
"Tea Party, " Hitler's, 320-23
The Last Days of Hitler, 320
Tellkamp, Eberhard, 400
terms and acronyms (list of), 472-73
Theberge, James D., 157-58
Theodorovich, John, 239, 260n70
Thomsen, Harro Andreas Wilhelm, 143-44
Timm, Eric, 126
Tisserant, Eugene, 214
Tito, (Josip Broz), 204-5, 213, 217-20, 348, 455
Toldi, Arpad, 267, 269
Tomasevich, Jozo, 206
Treblinka, 451
Treppcr, Leopold, 293, 301, 306. See also
Leon Grossvogel; Le Foreign Excelente
Trevor-Roper, Hugh Redwald, 320-21, 323
The Last Days of Hitler, and Hitler's "tea
party," 320-23
Nuremberg, 443, Trial of the Major War
Criminals, 443; standards for, 443-44
Trifa, Viorel, 228, 237-44, 453, 455
Iron Guard, 237-43
"Trillium, " code name, Andre Gyorgi (aka
Bandi Grosz), 53
Truman, Harry 5., 420-21, 423, 425
Trutza, John, 238-41
UHVR (Ukrainska Holovna Vyzvolna Rada,
Supreme Ukrainian Liberation Council),
250-51, 253
Ukraine, 452, 454
Supreme Ukrainian Liberation Council
(UHVR), 250-51, 253; Ukrainian
Insurgent Army (UPA), 249-51, 254;
Ukrainian Nationalist Organization (OUN
and OUN-B), 249-52, 254
Utrra (Germany's Enigma cipher machine),
378-79, 386, 461
F.W. Winterbotham, The Ultra Secret, 461
United States
intelligence misjudgments of, 449-58;
Nuremberg trials and, 443; Pearl Harbor
and, 444; spy hiring and, 449, 452-53;
Trial of the Major War Criminals and, 443;
Vichy French funds and, 443; war crimes
trial program and, 443; war criminal
concealment, 449-58
United States Army Counterintelligence Corps.
United States Army Signal Intelligence Service
(515), 462-63
United States European Command (EUCOM)
United States Navy cryptologic agency (OP-
20-G) 462-63, 465, 466
UPA (Ukrainska povsranska armiia, Ukrainian
Insurgent Army), 249-51, 254
"Usage, " code name of Otto Albrecht von
Bolschwing, 352
USFET (U.S. Forces European Theater), 380
U.S. State Department, 445
Ustasa, 203-20, 230, 456-57
Bureau of Colonization, and Krunoslav
Draganovic, 211; College of San Girolamo,
211-16; "ethnic cleansing" of Jews, Serbs,
Gypsies, 203-4; Vatican, 203-5, 213-14
"Utility, " code name of Reinhard Gehlen, 395
Utsch & Co., Hans Utsch, 175, 184-85, 189
Vacarescu, Joachim, 382, 394
Vandenberg, Hoyt S., 385-86, 388. See also CIG
Van Der Horst, Cornelius, 399
Vatican, 81-83, 91n51, 319-19, 325, 443, 456
and Ustasa, 203-5, 211-19
Verber, Walter, 281-84
Vichy French funds, 443
Vietinghoff-Scheel, Heinrich von, 326
Visser t'Hooft, Willem A., 28, 445
Vollmer, Walter, 399
von Bismarck, Otto. See Bismarck, Otto von
von Bolschwing, Otto Albrecht. See
Bolschwing, Otto Albrecht von
von Dohnanyi, Hans. See Dohnanyi, Hans von
von Gaevernitz, Gero. See Gaevernitz, Gero von
von Kessel, Albrecht. See Kessel, Albrecht von
von Mildenstein, Leopold. See Mildenstein,
Leopold von
von Pescatore, Hans. See Pescatore, Hans von
von Pohl, Ritter. See Pohl, Ritter von
von Ribbentrop, Joachim. See Ribbentrop,
Joachim von
von Vietinghoff-Scheel, Heinrich. See
Vietinghoff-Scheel, Heinrich von
von Weizsacker, Ernst. See Weizsacker, Ernst
Vrba-Wetzler Report, 35
Waetjen, Eduard, 101-2, 108
Waibel, Max, 325-26
Waldman, Eric, 389
"Wanda," code name, 31, 37
War Criminal Prison Number 1, 443
War Refugee Board, 6, 58, 63
Warsaw Treaty Organization, 217
Webster, William, 436
Weissenborn, Gunther, 299, 301
Weizsacker, Ernst von, 319
Welles, Sumner, 45
"Wendig," code name of Friedrich Schwend, 125
Wenner, Eugen, 326-27, 329
Werwolf, Nazi guerrilla movement, 268, 272
Westen, Friedrich, 267, 269, 275, 287n36
"West-Wind, " code name of Wilhelm Harster
operation, 108
White, Edward, 431
Wiesenthal, Simon, 157-58, 362
Winckelmann, Otto, 275
wiretaps, 93
Wise, Stephen, 26-27, 45
Wisliceny, Dieter, 54
Wolff, Karl, 78-86, 109-11, 268-69, 323,
325-27, 448
"Wolf's Lair" (Wolfsschanze), code name of
Hitler's field headquarters, 320-23
World Jewish Congress, 6, 26, 47-48, 445
Wurm, informant, 50
Yugoslavia. See Ustasa
Zamora, Adet, 427
Zaslani, Reuven, 61, 63
Zeidler, Hans Martin, 129, 130-32
Zentrale fur Heimatdienst, 279
ZfH (Zentrale fur Heimatdienst), 279
Ziegra, Hans, 174, 176-81, 184. See also New
York Overseas Corporation
"Zigzag," code name, 102-3
Zimmer, Guido, 105, 108-9, 325-27
"Zipper," code name of the Gehlen
Organization, 282, 392, 394-401, 405
Zweig, Ronald, 267
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