The Intelligence Agents, by Timothy Leary, Ph.D.

That's French for "the ancient system," as in the ancient system of feudal privileges and the exercise of autocratic power over the peasants. The ancien regime never goes away, like vampires and dinosaur bones they are always hidden in the earth, exercising a mysterious influence. It is not paranoia to believe that the elites scheme against the common man. Inform yourself about their schemes here.

Re: The Intelligence Agents, by Timothy Leary, Ph.D.

Postby admin » Tue Mar 08, 2022 1:57 am

Reprinted from HIGH TIMS MAGAZINE, December 1982

During his terrestrial years Henry Marshall lived in Southern America -- just at the time of its emergence. His youthful experiments with Neurotransmitters activated post-human circuits which he first developed to Neurobiology -- a science which he, indeed, founded. Marshall was the first Human Ethologist who described human development in terms of neurogenetic stages.

While waiting for the primitive psychology of the 20th century to catch up with him, Marshall turned to documentary film-making. Here again his futique nervous system broke new ground. His movies, the first to trace human metamorphic stages, became classics and quickly became the basis for neurologic training in primary grades for all children in Dom-Species cultures. His films on the sociology of space colonies contributed enormously to the popular realization of the post-terrestrial migration.

Henry Marshall became the first president of the FeMan Ethology Association, and in 2011 founded the first Inter-World Educational Network. He and his mate Susan spent the latter part of the 21st century shuttling among the eleven H.O.M.E.S. of which they were revered citizens. In 1978, to explain migration from the old planet to High Orbital Mini Earths (H.O.M.E.S.), it was necessary to continually remind Americans that their fore-mothers and forefathers had done it before!

The Bawdy Pilgrims
by Henry Marshall

The passengers on the Mayflower were not stern, straight-laced, middle-aged religious zealots. The stuffy ones were Puritans, and they remained in Britain, protesting what they considered to be the liberal ways of the Church of England.

The Pilgrims were mostly young Elizabethans in their twenties and thirties. They wore colorful clothes, not those black hats and gray gowns you see in the paintings. They enjoyed good times, including the imbibing of strong spirits and the telling of bawdy stories.

Not only did they believe in a simple form of worship without trappings and fanfare; they also believed strongly in individual freedom and -- here's an important part of their success story -- they became devoted capitalists two years after their arrival at Plymouth Rock.

On the ninth day they rounded the tip of Provincetown and the Mayflower dropped anchor in Cape Cod Bay; the Pilgrims sat down together and drafted the first written covenant calling for civil self-government and individual freedom. It was the night independence was born. It was the forerunner of the United States Constitution. It was the Mayflower Compact.

Because the Pilgrims hadn't possessed enough money to rent and provision the Mayflower for its lengthy voyage, they financed their trip with the help of profit-seeking British businessmen. The Pilgrims agreed to work for the profit of a joint stock company. They were to invest their labor, and share in the profits. The London merchants were to invest their money and also share in the profits.

It was the night independence was born.

Each Pilgrim received a share of stock. Everything that was produced was to go into a common fund. At the end of seven years they were to sell whatever was left, beyond the necessities of living, and divide the proceeds according to the distribution of the shares of stock.

The British investors had demanded a communal set-up in the New World. It would make the distribution of profits and land much more convenient at the end of the seven years of the contract.

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Re: The Intelligence Agents, by Timothy Leary, Ph.D.

Postby admin » Tue Mar 08, 2022 1:59 am

Reprinted from U.S. MAGAZINE, August 1980

The Great Revolution in Psychology
by Thomas Robbins

The womb-planet Earth, in two and one half billion years, produced less than one hundred activated nervous systems capable of transmitting mass-mutational signals by means of laryngeal-manual inscriptions -- i.e., books.

Four of these Evolutionary Script Writers were American.

Thomas Robbins, author of Another Roadside Attraction and Even Cowgirls Get the Blues, is one of this fabled guild.

During the first month of graduate training, Agent Leri placed the University of California psychology faculty under intense surveillance. He read their papers and books, dropped in on lectures, observed their behavior. He reluctantly came to the conclusion that these decent, sincere men with corporate smiles were hive-custodians whose function was to prevent change, discourage intelligence-increase (12), and protect the gene-pool system which protected them.

He spent almost no time on the campus during his four years of graduate training and, thus aloof, received straight "A" grades and was given the prestigious Phi Beta Kappa award.

During this time he studied how graduate schools brainwash students and was not surprised, at the time of graduation. that, of a class of some 25 doctoral students, everyone (except himself and one other flamboyant Irish preterite named Frank Barron) was interested. not in raising intelligence of self or others, but in finding jobs with easy tenure, profitable outside consulting, mild climate, and good pension plans.

Avoiding university faculties like the plague, he started his own research project, and for seven years, received funds from the hive- central bureaucracy to support his investigations in group therapy and interpersonal diagnosis. The work was highly praised. Each year, a soviet-like official would visit his projects, inspect his data and raise his funding. Very interesting.

He was amused one time when a purchase order came from the CIA to obtain copies of tests he had developed.

The funding stopped around the time that he found it therapeutic to teach patients (my God did he say patients) how personality tests were used. And trained patients to diagnose self and others -- including therapists. The bureaucracy seemed uninterested in the finding that patients' diagnoses of doctors were more reliable than therapists' diagnoses of patients.

And then there was the group therapy controversy. At that time medical psychiatrists were resisting the attempts of Ph.D. psychologists to diagnose and treat patients. But both hive-bureaucracies forgot their differences and closed ranks to oppose group therapy -- a dangerous method in which the fragile, delicate, easily-destroyed personalities of patients were being tampered with by other patients. (Patients, later to be called clients, were preterite, non-elect persons, non-bureaucrats, non-salaried- non-experts.)

"But wait a minute," you say! "There's a contradiction here. If Freudian academicians claimed that personality cannot be changed, then why was it dangerous for non-medical or non-expertise people to participate in the therapeutic-process? If personality was unchanging, what harm could be done?"

The old Judeo-Christian dogma had the answer. Personality, they taught, could disintegrate, i.e., change for the worse, but it could not change for the better, grow, develop. Why? Because the unconscious was bad. Because, as Freud pointed out, society and ego were frail paper-clip-rubber-band structures flimsily holding off the basic wickedness of humanity. Original sin. The dutiful stoic mythos of System-People, the managers, who shoulder the burden of gene-pool maintenance, is always the same. Keep the lid on. Discourage change. Encourage Social Adjustment and Hive Conformity.



Date: February, 1972
Country: Imminsee on Lake Zug, Switzerland
Classification: TOP SECRET

(Conversation videotaped.)

At this point Maria comes down with word that dinner is ready. She has prepared trout in a white wine sauce and stands by the kitchen door, Ava. Gardner circa. 1960, watching the cowboys in the saloon. She is a bit drunk. The Philosopher, the Prince, and the slim- ipped Gambler escort her to the head of the table. She eats little, keeps drinking wine, then says she wants to rest. She retires to the fireplace room. We have assigned her the job of breaking up the acid scene, (SEE NOTE PAGE BOTTOM) but the presence of Alexis, the uncertainty of her role in the new script, the English dialogue without sub-titles overload her circuits.

Aiter dinner She sends word that She wants to see the Professor. She is lying on cushions near the fire gasping for breath, just able to whisper that She needs medicine from her bag. Brian and the Professor search the house diligently. The bottle is missing. (very mysterious!)

Maria seems to be getting weaker. The Professor phones a medical friend in Basel who has no specific advice to give. Maria refuses to have a doctor called, or to go to the hospital, shaking her classic head and rolling her dark eyes, implying that she understands the course of the malaise. She looks into the Philosopher's eyes and whispers solemnly, "Je vais mourir."

The men look at each other helplessly and shrug.

Maria lays back and dies. The Professor kneels at her right and Alexis on her left. Brian Barritt's eyes are bulging. Everyone in the room senses her spirit leave her body. Alexis feels her pulse. It has stopped.

From the control tower the Philosopher talks to her somewhere in sky-time calling her to come back. Alexis massages her heart. Like a plane circling for landing, her spirit touches down in her body and everyone breathes in relief.

''This time-traveling is demanding," sighs Alexis. "Death-bed scenes are so Victorian. That's why we couldn't allow it."

Maria is now lying in the Doctor's arms, her black hair on his chest, her eyes closed, drifting in contented repose.

"What do you mean?" asks Brian.

''The death-bed scene was the climax of the classic Victorian drama. There the truth emerged. The achievements of medical science have changed all that today. We aren't interested in listening to last words. We are concerned only that the patient live. So Maria, we apologize. We brutes would not allow you to die a heroine. We treat you, alas, like a patient."

"It seemed more like a problem in astronautics to me," Bays Brian thoughtfully. "Who is this Maria anyway?"

(End of tape.)

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Re: The Intelligence Agents, by Timothy Leary, Ph.D.

Postby admin » Tue Mar 08, 2022 3:34 am


Reprinted from PSYCHOLOGY TWODAY, February 1981

The Psychology of Adjustment
by Joanna Leary

Joanna Harcourt-Smith Leary, of the 11th Caste, was one of the most important egg-carriers of the Planet Earth. Her chromosomes included mutant mathematicians, scholars, publishers, adventurers, aristocrats and explorers.

Joanna's post-terrestrial circuits were activated at adolescence by large doses of LSD. She quickly became one of the first conscious Intelligence Agents in the history of her species. Her velocity, relativistic-mind, adaptable change-ability naturally scandalized the Old World Hives. She was, therefore, kidnapped by the American government in Afghanistan in 1973 and, escorted by armed guards, transported to the Sunset Strip. She immediately rewarded the benign manipulations of her American hosts by publishing the three classic books which facilitated Space Migration, Intelligence Increase and Life Extension: Neurologic, Terra II and What Does WoMan Want?

The familiar soap-opera scenes which have thrilled and amused galactic viewers for centuries actually did happen. Joanna did walk the streets of Berkeley, California selling Neurologic in order to ransom an imprisoned philosopher.

After starring in over 200 melodramas, unmatched for humor, elegance and picaresque adventure, Joanna left the solar system of her home planet and home star in her three-thousand foot solar yacht Chrysalis.


The problem with military technology is, of course, that wars end. But terrestrial bureaucracies persevere, particularly those of the winning side. The reason postwar losers (Germany and Japan) rebounded more rapidly than the winners (England, France, Russia) was that the bureaucracies of the losers were destroyed. Anything that destroys a bureaucracy enhances evolution.

So after World War II, the massive industries which had been geared to produce war tools were converted to civilian goods. The managers and technical boys were ready to convert the assembly lines from tanks to fin-tailed cars. The radar factories were converted to television manufacture. America, during the 1950's, went on the biggest materialism consumer spree in history.

Anything that destroys a bureaucracy enhances evolution.

The wartime psychological technology was also converted to civilian consumption. Personality assessment techniques were taken over by the managerial powers --and used to select and train employees. A new, gigantic industry emerged employing clinical psychologists and counselors and a new social-moral concept of human nature: adjustment.

Those who matured during the Self-Discovery 60's and the Self-Actualized 70's did not know that the aim of personality-clinical psychology and psychiatry during the 50's was hive-adjustment. Not surprising, really, when we recall that the Firm started it all in the 40's.

''Their'' aim was, we recall, the preservation of the past, the prevention of change. To understand the gravity of the situation, remember: There was no concept of personal change in the 1950's. Human personality was seen as a fixed quality which could and should be adjusted to the system. Old-style psychiatrists (formerly called alienists) guarded the psychotic. The radical wing, psychoanalysis, taught that after five years of intensive treatment, five hours a week, at fifty dollars a session, the patient might get enough insight to wearily adjust and to discuss his neurosis at cocktail parties.

Feel Like NEW!



Sir Fred Hoyle, ever controversial, collaborates with
N.C. Wickramasinghe to write Lifecloud: the Origin
of Life in the Universe. They would have us abandon
the idea that life started here on earth for the view
that a primitive biological system evolved in interstellar
space, and was carried here, as well as to other
planets, by meteorites. Their claim is that "our
biochemical ancestry pre-dates the formation of the
sun and planets" ....
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Re: The Intelligence Agents, by Timothy Leary, Ph.D.

Postby admin » Tue Mar 08, 2022 3:42 am

Reprinted from SCIENTIFIC AMERICA, October 1985

The Current Distribution of Human Genetic Castes in America and the Different New Realities Which They Are Creating
by Pauline Kael


Pauline Kael was one of the first social philosophers who understood that the Hollywood motion-picture industry was really involved in Reality Fabrication.

Her scientific essays during the last quarter of the 20th century helped guide the first generation of movie-makers (1978-1984) who consciously and systematically fabricated realities aimed at raising intelligence and providing successful, happy evolving models.


And so we see with compassion that America -- the Ecological niche of the Dom-Species and Pre-Dom Species -- has become an evolutionary pinball machine in which hundreds of genetically different human gene-pools and genetic castes are bouncing around. Each caught up in genetic spirals of differing velocities, each fabricating different technicolor realities and developing new mutational styles. In flashing neon. Here is the demographic estimate of caste distribution in America, 1978:

Stage 1:
There are around 5 million Americans operating with amoeboid brains: newly born babies, terminally ill, genetic defects.

Stage 2:
There are around 5 million Americans with fish brains, unable to handle gravity: babies between 3 months and 6 months, the bed-ridden sick, genetic defects.

Stage 3:
There are approximately 5 million at the amphibian level of neuro-reality: crawling babies, wheelchair invalids, seniles, genetic defects. An enormous percentage of the Gross National Energy (GNE) is devoted to the care of human beings operating at the amoeboid marine or amphibian levels of neural development.

Stage 4:
There are around 10 million Americans who operate at the cunning-rodent-evasive animal level of neural development; here we include toddling children and those cunning adults who may be performing civilized tasks, but whose brain-space is rodent. Those who will automatically steal anything they get their paws on and have no concept of social-morality.

Stage 5:
There are around 10 million Americans operating at the aggressive-mammalian level of neural development. This includes children between ages 3 to 5, possessive seniles, and many well-functioning adults who operate like fierce carnivores or mafia capos -- extorting, threatening, controlling turf by coercion.

Stage 6:
There are around 10 million Americans operating at the monkey level of neural development. This includes children ages 4 to 7, seniles, and millions of adults who may appear to be performing civilized functions, but whose realities are those of exhibitionist primates.

Stage 7:
There are around 20 million Americans who operate at the Paleolithic level, who are capable of parrotting-mimicking neural behavior and nothing more. This group includes children ages 5 to 8, rote-response seniles, and the millions of well-bodied adults who live at the hunter-gatherer level of existence and survive by performing violent-muscular acts -- either criminals, police, military or athletic. Or who, via welfare, are modern gatherers. These innocents are incapable of inventive or independent thought and can only rote-repeat what they are taught.

Stage 8:
There are around 20 million Americans who survive at the Neolithic level of neural development. This group includes children ages 7 to 9, seniles, and those who perform craft-work at the level of simple agriculture, small shopkeeping, and who inhabit ethnic, tribal social realities.

Stage 9:
There are around 20 million Americans operating at the caste-priest level of neurogenetic evolution. This group includes pre-adolescent children ages 9 to 12, and those who live in ethnic groups which are directed by priests and in which economic division of labor is inherited.

Stage 10:
There are around 30 million Americans who operate at the semi-civilized, barbarian, feudal level of reality. This group includes adolescents between the ages of 13 and 20, plus ethnic groups who follow a peasant feudal ethnic Old-World-religious persuasion.

Stage 11:
There are around 30 million Americans who live at the parental-domestic-protestant-ethic level of historical development. This group includes those between the ages of 20 and 45 who live in a home-owner middle-class free-enterprise reality.

Stage 12:
There are around 30 million Americans who live at the level of dependence upon a centralized-social-security Demo-poll state. This group includes non-seniles over the age of 45, and those who are neurologically most comfortable in an egalitarian, medi-care, uniform- unified-law-and-order Ralph-Nader-Ecological niche. Also, those who love the comfort of the Ronald Reagan hive and wish to conserve its John Wayne-Frank Sinatra culture for the few years remaining before their death

Stage 13 (Dom-Species):
There are around 20 million Americans who live in a Dom-Species post-hive, post-political reality of Self-Consumerism. This group includes all those who define reality in terms of their own hedonic pleasure and organize their existence in terms of leisure, travel, recreation. This group includes a majority of the 35 million marijuana smokers, the Playboy readers, the sexual freedom cultists, jetsetters.

America is the genetic frontier.

Stage 14 (Pre-Dom1):
There are around 2 million Americans who live at the level of Self-Actualization. This group includes liberated graduates of yoga, holistic medicine, sufism, self-actualization programs. Being post-parental, these people make the best parents. They make contelligent decisions about when and how and with whom to breed. They treat their children as mutant arrivals -- aliens and friends. They avoid imprinting robot-hive culture and train their children to become self-actualized and self-responsible at the earliest ages.

Stage 15 (Pre-Dom2):
There are an estimated 250,000 Americans who live at the neural level of post-social communes, including the Space Plan-It adepts.

Stage 16, 17, 18 (Pre-Dom3,4,5);
There are an estimated one million Americans whose brains operate at the Neuro-electric level, who understand the neural-fabrication nature of reality. These include many of the 7 million Americans who have experienced LSD, plus those geniuses and psychotics who are trapped in the 1978 Time Zone with futique nervous systems which have been activated too soon.

Stage 19, 20, 21 (Pre-Dom6,7,8):
There are a few hundred post-social human beings whose brains have been activated to the Neurogenetic Level and who can think like DNA. These Agents will find a few hundred thousand (from Stages 16, 17, 18) who will immediately respond to Neurogenetic Signals. These signals appear in the form of sociobiological texts.


Let us summarize this Neurogenetic Caste Census. If you'd travelled around the United States of America in 1978 you would have found the population distributed into caste-species as follows:

15 million Americans operate at the amoeboid, marine or amphibian level of intelligence; these first circuit innocents literally inhabit unicellular, fish or shore-line realities.

30 million Americans operate at the evasive-mammal, territorial animal and exhibitionist-primate level of intelligence. These innocents actually inhabit rodent, tiger or monkey realities.

60 million Americans operate at the Paleolithic, Neolithic or tribal-caste-system level of intelligence.

90 million Americans operate at the Feudal, Democratic or Socialist level of civilized robothood -- robot responsive to hive morals.

Thus, 195 million American hum-ants are directed by involuntary instincts -- committed to religious or political passivity, blindly obedient to hive morality -- unable to operate as independent individuals.

If the Average American were given power he would operate like Idi Amin.

There is, however, a sizable, and enormously influential population of post-social, self-directed persons swarming, for the most part -- in the Sun Belt!

Each caste lives in a different time zone.

22 million Americans operate at the post-political level of hedonic consumerism, self- consumerism and self-actualization; they are committed to self-responsible philosophies and do not look to theological or political bureaucrats.

1 million Americans operate at the level of Einsteinian neural relativity; understanding and accepting the fact that the brain facilitates realities.

About one-half million Americans acre ready to operate at the Neurogenetic level of reality -- understanding and cooperating with the blueprint of DNA.

(It must be noted that America is the genetic frontier. In African and Asian countries about ninety-nine percent of the population operate at the marine, mammalian, and pre-civilized stages of intelligence compared to roughly fifty percent of Americans who inhabit these pre-civilized realities.)

The demographic estimates just presented are, of course, ignored and even repressed by American Moralists because they clash with the comforting, passive, liberal notions of equality that emerge in socialist or Demo-Poll societies. The statistically average American is somewhere between a Neolithic Caveman and a Superstitious Robot from the Priest-run, caste-stratified pre-civilized Past, * The average IQ is 100. A person with an I.Q. of 100 can read and write primitively and is generally incapable of any inventive thought. If the Average American were given power he would operate like Idi Amin. In fact, most of them run their homes like Idi runs Uganda.

These demographic faces were understood by the brilliant WoMen who wrote the American Constitution. Their system of checks and balances was designed to keep the Average Person (Neolithic) from grabbing control. The Athenian experiment, for example, failed because of Demo-poll -- the Tyranny of the Mediocre.

To keep American hivers from understanding the blunt facts about genetic robothood each of the human castes produces its public relations experts, sometimes called philosophers or theologians. (From the evolutionary point of view Philosophy is post-hive Human Ethology. The task of an Ethological Philosopher is to define the different species of humans and to explain how they interact so that the survival of the gene-pool and of each caste is assured.)

But the Dom-Species was not ready for that in 1978. Instead the spokesperson for each caste described reality from the perspective of hir species; since each caste inhabits a very different reality, moral outrage was endemic. Blacks, Gays, Holocaust obsessed Zionists, Reaganites, Irate homeowners.

Each caste lives in a different time zone. The dogma of the Paleolithic did not work in technological America, but this did not discourage the attempt by this species to impose its hunter-gatherer reality on others.

The most bewildered were the Stage 12 liberal humanists who kept shouting: "We are all one! Brotherhood of Man! We are all equal and homogenous."

Genetic heterogenity has, of course, always been obvious to those geared to look for it. The next eleven people you meet probably belong to eleven different species in mutation; living in different time zones, at different levels of contelligence. As you walk through the forest you don't expect each species you meet to be the same or to play survival games with your rules. The insightful ethologist admires each lifestyle: the radar speed of a rabbit, the innocent grace of a wolf, the levity of a bird, the sincere cunning of a spider. The same honor can be extended to each human caste you meet as you swim through the urban coral reef.

We are all U.F.O.'s ...

We do not have to look aloft to flying saucers to find alien intelligences. We are all U.F.O.'s (Unidentified Flying Organisms). The first step in interspecies diplomacy is to recognize the species differences among us, exchange basic vocabulary cues as to each others realities and establish Inter-species Diplomatic Courtesies so that the womb-planet Earth can be shared harmoniously, and abandoned gracefully. So that new Plan-Its carefully designed to fit the differing realities of different species can be fabricated in High Orbit.



Rutgers Biochemist George Pieczenik has discovered patterns in DNA coding that he sees as evidence of selection at the molecular level.

"What this means," he charges "is that the DNA sequences exist to protect themselves and their own information.

It's not the organism that counts. The DNA sequences don't really care if they have to look like a lowly assistant professor or a giraffe."

Contacted at Galactic Headquarters DNA Publicists denied the charge. "Aesthetics happens to be what Evolution is all about," smiled one Disc Jockey at Broadcast Center.



* Ref: "The Naked Ape, "D. Morris, 1967.
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Re: The Intelligence Agents, by Timothy Leary, Ph.D.

Postby admin » Tue Mar 08, 2022 3:59 am

Henry Ford: Homage to the Evolutionary Agent Who Introduced the Self-Mover

When my grandfather founded Ford Motor Co.... he had a primary purpose in mind," said Henry II at birthday observances in Detroit. "He saw the automobile as a piece of machinery. He envisioned that car, not as a luxury vehicle for the rich but as a means for the average man to make his life -- and his family's easier and happier."

While founder Henry Ford had not invented the auto, as some Americans seemed to think, he did make significant changes in American life and probably throughout the world. He had developed a most advanced system for putting products together to produce them faster and cheaper. Thus his assembly line and merchandizing made the auto cheaper and put Americans in the driver's seat.


Reprinted from CAR & RIDER, January 1983


Eric Orr was a core member of the Venice Network of Artists who emerged at the end of the 20th century in the years just before Space Migration. It was, of course, no ecological accident that the first group of post-terrestrial artists appeared on the western beach, the last terrestrial frontier. At the end of the Christopher Columbus Transcontinental High-Way,

(Other members of this elite group were Susan Kaiser Vogel, Larry Bell, Craig Hodgetts, Robert Mangurian, Kent Hodgetts, Victoria Shields, Duane Valentine.)

Orr's art has been well described as Space Alchemy. His tools (during this preflight period) were post-terrestrial: solar-lights, lenses, light- deflectors. With Larry Bell he produced the first space art using high temperatures to fix glass plates in vacuum atmosphere. This technique was used by Bell and Orr two decades before vapor-deposition-in-vacuum became the basic construction tool for space worlds.

Eric Orr's brain, which was activated to post-terrestrial status by the intelligent use of neurotransmitters, tater became the first authenticated telepathic transceiver. Orr has been justly called the Alexander Graham Bell of Telepathy.


Henry Ford Homage to the Evolutionary Agent Who Introduced the Self-Mover
by Eric Orr

The genetic wave, that in less than a century hurtled North Americans through three stages of Evolution, was gracefully surfed by several Intelligence Agents. One of the most successful was Henry Ford.

In one generation this Agent took a species of Domesticated Primates from behind horse drawn plows and popped them into mechanical ground-vehicles constructed of steel, glass and rubber. Thus multiplying their Intelligence.

He put his country-men and country-women into the driver's seat! He offered the DRIVER'S SEAT, Throne of Self-Actualization, to the average working ants of his gene-pool. It came equipped with several self-actualizing technologies permitting neurological choice and stimulating Intelligence Increase.

The steering wheel allowed the individual to select hir own directional course and change it at will.

The accelerator allowed the individual to select hir speed -- an Einsteinian concept, indeed.

Brakes added another dimension to self-control.

The gear shift. Transmission. Self-starters. Fluid power. Dynaflow. Overdrive. Convertibles.

Here we see the birth of a new language of self-determination. The next generations demanded for their bodies and their brains exactly those power-freedom-mobility characteristics that were built into their cars.

And the greatest stroke of genetic public relations: Ford called it AUTO-MOBILE! This word means Self-Mover. Intelligence Agents all over the galaxy smiled knowingly when the term AUTO-MOBILE flashed out through the Van Allen Belt.

Free-wheeling Americans called it the SELF-MOVER! Old World Europeans, of course, didn't catch on. To them the horseless carriage was another luxury for the rich. It was called horseless carriage in England. Coche in Spain. Carro in Mexico. Voiture in France. Maccina in Italy.

The genetic implications of AUTO-MOBILE were endless. The average person could move hir body or hir brain where SHe wanted to go.

The evolution of intelligence is a function of Velocity and Mobility. Henry Ford and his fellow agents rocketed the Genetic Intelligence Quotient of the species. Once the technological primates climbed into the driver's seat they were off to the moon -- carrying their automobile bodies and their auto-mobile brains.






Date: February, 1972
Country: Imminsee on Lake Zug, Switzerland
Classification: TOP SECRET

We have attached another agent to the case as Maria is no longer effective. His report

The next day Maria (she should be de-briefed and replace as soon as possible.) seems totally recovered but refuses to discuss the matter.

After breakfast they decide to take the cable-car up the Rigi Kulm and lunch on the summit terrace. From the peak one looks south to the four petals of Lake Lucerne and can visualize the Great Moments of Swiss history enacted below. Standing on the north parapet one looks down to the right at Lake Zug and to the left at a long green field. It appears so close that the Prince, the slim-hipped Gambler and the Fugitive Doctor decide to descend the cliff to the meadow and then down through the woods to the cottage.

The cliff drops down in steep sections. A half-hour of careful footwork and jumping leads to a narrow ledge which drops twenty feet to a sheer ice slope which ends in a hundred-foot drop. A slip chutes the careless climber to slippery death. They start chopping footholds in the soft crumbling ice with sticks.

The climbers are wearing slick-soled track shoes; Brian and the Doctor in light sweaters, Alexis wrapped in a pink tweed coat. It is an hour before sunset. The voyagers look at each other appraisingly. Any accident will leave them exposed all night on the mountain in the February chill. They could clamber back in retreat, but without a word spoken they decide to risk ahead together.

It takes twenty minutes of exploration and discussion to chart the descent of the first cliff. Survival circuits are flashing alarm. The sugary foothold could crumble. A foot could slip on slushy grass-mud and body slide over precipice.

The Doctor is scared; that is, the crisis centers of his nervous system energize neurons which control emergency glandular function. Each neuron has dozens of output fibers, each of which curls around a tiny bulb containing a chemical. When the alarm button sounds, fibers squeeze and danger drugs pour into the blood, and lymph systems carrying the ominous message: Attention all units, our galaxy is in mortal danger. All-out alert. This biochemical state is felt to be most unpleasant.

Alexis, being tallest and, at the moment, calmest, takes over. He digs his way down the crevice and reaches the bottom. Brian, small, wiry, cheerful, uses his foothold and quickly reaches a point where he can stand on Alexis' shoulders and then drop to the level. Much against the instructions of his warning systems the Professor follows shakily. Halfway down he feels Alexis' hand grab his ankle and move foot to shoulder. When he hits safety the circuit orgasm explodes. A trillion cells receive the message: Danger alert is called off, continue normal life maintenance. The great galactic network had been mobilized for all-out survival, tested to the limit.

"The spasmodic discharge of emergency-juices," says the Wizard sitting in the snow catching his breath, "is the most basic of the 24 orgasms available to the human nervous system. The roller-coaster kick."



Subject: Page 2
Classification: TOP SECRET

The three climbers stand around in the late afternoon sun smiling at each other in pleasure like astronauts on the Ticonderoga making speeches about how proud they are to be members of the Space program, sharing post-orgasm tenderness. They start merrily down the easy grade to the right and within a hundred feet make a Jolting Discovery. They are trapped by another steeper cliff and this time there is no easy retreat. The sun is sinking. The neural-endocrine network begins to alert for another emergency.

This time Brian leads the way, a daring slice down a small crevice, reaching his hand back to steady his companions en route to another adventurous, risky, daredevil Circuit 1 orgasm, moving down the snow field to the next challenge. But the greatest dangers were still to come. Brian and Alexis explore the straight-ahead situation, seeking a path down the iceberg.

The Fugitive moves a hundred yards to the left where a stream plunges downward. Snow had collected in the stream bed and it is impossible to progress. Working slowly, chopping ice, hanging on tree limbs, he finds a way down and shouts back to the others. It is hard for them to find him, hangtng to the side of a narrow shelf, propped against a tree trunk. Now it is his turn to lead and they follow, Alexis at one point sliding fifty feet on the ice and bouncing to his feet without so much as a crease in Brian Jones' coat.

The snow melts into a steep forest where they hang to tree trunks and slide down muddy paths. After an hour in the forest they hit the high meadow and Alexis leads them running across the ridge exultant.

Night has fallen when they reach the hotel at the base camp. The tavern-bar is civilization after a long Arctic safari. The owner finds it hard to believe that they have descended the dangerous west cliff of the Rigi in winter. They phone home. Maria has been worried. Waiting for the pickup car they order beers and lift glasses in celebratory toast.

Weeks later Brian disclosed that it had been just another Aleister Crowley tape replay. In London, North Africa, Europe, India, Egypt, the Philosopher guided by Barrett has unknowingly retraced the trail of Crowley. (our London dossiers confirm)

''It's time you realize that you are the recipient of the brain-model which is robot-wired to play the difficult public role of Evolutionary Change Agent. You are thus being forced, one might say, by thousands of gene-pools to relive Crowley, Dr. Dee and Paracelsus," Barritt tells the Fugitive.

"It's the Giordano Bruno script that worries me," replies the Professor.
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Re: The Intelligence Agents, by Timothy Leary, Ph.D.

Postby admin » Tue Mar 08, 2022 4:02 am

Beware of Monotheism


Monotheism is the primitive religion which centers human consciousness on Hive Authority. There is One God and His Name is _____ (substitute Hive-Label).

If there is only One God then there is no choice, no option, no selection of reality. There is only Submission or Heresy. The word Islam means "submission." The basic posture of Christianity is kneeling. Thy will be done.

Monotheism therefore does no harm to hive-oriented terrestrials (Stages 10, 11 and 12) who eagerly seek to lay-off responsibility on some Big Boss.

Monotheism does profound mischief to those who are evolving to post-hive stages of reality. Advanced mutants (Stages 13 to 18) do make the discovery that "All is One," as the realization dawns that "My Brain creates all the realities that I experience."

The discovery of Self is frightening because the novitiate possessor of the Automobile Body and the Automobile Brain must accept all the power that the hive religions attributed to the jealous Jehovah.

The First Commandment of all monotheisms is: I am the Lord, thy God: Thou shalt have no other Gods before me. All monotheisms are vengeful, aggressive, expansionist, intolerant.

Stage 10: Islam-Catholicism

Stage 11: Protestant Evangelism

Stage 12: Communist-Dulles Imperialism.

It is the duty of a monotheist to destroy any competitive heresy. Concepts such as devil, hell, guilt, eternal damnation, sin, evil are fabricators by the hive to insure loyalty to Hive Central. All these doctrines are precisely designed to intimidate and crush Individualism.

The process of mutating into Self-hood plunges the mutant into this crossfire of neurogenetic moral flak. Most of the freak-outs, bad trips and hellish experiences are caused by Monotheistic Morality. Again, it must be emphasized, that Monotheism is a necessary stage. Monotheism is a technology, a tool, to bring pre-civilized tribespeople and caste-segregated primitives into the collectives necessary to develop the post-hive, post-terrestrial technologies.

The major evolutionary step is taken when the individual says: ''There is only one God who creates the universe. This God is my Brain. As the driver of this Brain I have created a universe in which there are innumerable other Gods of equal post-hive autonomy -- with whom I seek to interest. And my universe was, itself, created by a Higher Level of Divinity -- DNA, whose mysteries and wonders I seek to understand and harmonize with."



An interesting thing happened when the first post-war baby boom generation of mutants hit college in the 1960's. I suspect that on every womb planet like ours, one generation after Hiroshima, you get a wild, volatile hippy-dippy all-out neural-change movement. Each gene- pool senses that a quantum jump into the future is about to happen, a retooling for a model change and each gene-hive squirts out its new experimental models. On this nursery planet these new models were called Hippies.

You gentle shock-troops won a noble victory for DNA.

So, let's consider the 60's. I think it's important, as we rocket into the 80's, to understand what happened back then because there is a tendency to sweep that decade under the rug. Few people understand what happened between 1960 and 1970. I am here to remind you that the global neurogenetic revolution of the 1960's was the most important decade in human history. (Applause) Well, I see we have many veterans of the uncivil war of the 60's here. (Laughter)

I want to look at you, my fellow veterans in the first 20 rows, and say that you gentle shock-troops won a noble victory for DNA. (Applause) Let me remind you how you changed every aspect of American and global culture in the 60's. How your mutational signal reached and shook-up every gene-pool and hive-bureaucracy on the planet. You may suspect I am biased because I was a genetic activist in the 60's. But let me confess to you I have not one nostalgic bone in my body. I am certainly not here tonight, my fellow veterans, to lead a Charge of the Haight Brigade back to Woodstock. We shall salvage, not sentimentalize the past. As we move into the future we shall take the best of the 60's with us. You must not let Them at hive-control turn you into vegetating veterans like the American Legion and the VFW. Or seduce you into annual conventions at places like Philadelphia where you wear funny costumes and run around barefoot and get busted for old times sake. (Laughter)

"If she comes home from school smiling, watch her. "

I make gentle fun of the 60's, but I am serious when I say that this was an important decade. There is not one gene-pool in the American hive that hasn't been re-formed because of the 60's.

Take, for example, the parent-child relationship. I think today chat family politics are, by a factor of 10, more intelligent, more respectful and more mature than they were in the 1950's. Merciful memory may have allowed you to forget that 5 to 6 years ago, your government, the Nixon administration, was sending pamphlets to parents instructing them how to surveil and bust their own children. You remember, it said: "If she comes home from school smiling, watch her." (Laughter) And, in the last Presidential election, we had the predictable phenomena of Betty Ford saying, "Aw, sure, the kids smoke grass in the White House, that's alright; what's important is we are honest about it." And Rosalynn Carter said, "Sure Chip got busted, thrown out of the Navy, for smoking grass, but that's not important. What's important is we can talk about it, be honest about our differences."

We don't have the hypocrisy that used to prevail when one generation was getting aggressively smashed with Martinis in the front room while the younger generation was serenely floating out the back window. (Laughter, Applause)

"Aw, sure, the kids smoke grass in the White House, that's alright...
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Re: The Intelligence Agents, by Timothy Leary, Ph.D.

Postby admin » Tue Mar 08, 2022 4:10 am

Reprinted from CHICK MAGAZINE, June 1989


George Litwin was born in the primitive (pre-Hiroshima) half of the 20th century. He was a handsome, healthy, athletic Earthling except for one anomaly. He carried in his skull a fully wired 21st century brain.

The expected acceleration occurred. Before finishing his undergraduate work he had published more important articles than the average psychologist does in a lifetime. While still a graduate student at Harvard he initiated research on neuro-transmitter drugs (mescaline) and, indeed, introduced Leary and numerous others to this tool.

Litwin's subsequent work on interpersonal ecology and emotional climate laid the foundation for post-terrestrial neuro-sociology.

George Litwin's greatest achievements are in the field of Human Ethology. His demonstration of the existence of human castes, his studies on the relationship of geography and intelligence, and his genetic definitions of intelligence have established his galactic fame.

For the last 40 year (2020-2060) Litwin has been studying post-terrestrial sexuality. The entire world awaits his results.


To Find the Genetic River, First Locate Your Heart
by George Litwin

I'm sitting in this bar in the middle of Southern California's leisure-suit land, the San Fernando Valley, picking my teeth ever so discreetly with the edge of an American Express card, trying my best to mind the bar's business. I'm listening for little hints from the bartender about loose women in these parts. More specifically, I'm trying to confirm my suspicion that this place may be home base for the latest in extra-terrestrial close encounters -- Evolutionary Agents fronting as housewife hookers.

I'm listening for little hints from the bartender about loose women in these parts.

I don't have to cool my steaming heels. Down towards the end of the plastic mahogany bar undulates a housewife type exposing two globular constellations. She performs an erotic radar scan of the terrestrials in the crowd. She soft-lands on a bar stool and sits like a soft- round lunar-module. Her fingernails are painted N.A.S.A. silver and they tap against her glass in intergalactic code.

I catch her optical instruments in the mirror behind the bar. I signal her by rapidly blinking my left lens and smiling. When she signals back I screen the image of a pink tongue (at least it looked like a tongue) softly licking a cherry-ripe pair of lips. I throttle up, oft-off, and orbit down beside her.

She asks me if I'm looking for something.

"A married lady," I tell her. "I want a good looking Alien Intelligence with a real-life wedding band on her finger."

She waves her ringfinger in front of my eyes hypnotically.

"Know the kind," she murmurs. "What do you want?"

'The usual answers. Where? How? When?"

Her incredible quick tongue fascinated me much more than the fact that she was somebody else's wife.

She smiled wearily and shot me the eternal look of the Alien Intelligence Agent. I've seen them from Berlin to Las Vegas and they do have a certain look. It's in the eyes and most of all in the stance. Michelangelo would have called it contraposto.

"For 75 dollars," she coos in an Avon Lady voice, "you can get yourself all three answers."

"Your place or mine?" I reply in a choked-up voice. But she was gone inside, her eyes closed, her juicy lips moving mechanically in computer precision.

"The question of where is easily answered. Find the genetic runway on your planet, face the setting sun and move West. To find the genetic river, first locate your heart. Since it is on your left side, you know you will manipulate with your right hand. The large land mass is to your right when you face the setting sun.

"Face West at the shadow. Move between the swamp on your left and the iceberg on your right. On other planets spin-eccentricity slides the big land-mass south. Then all left-right north-south codes are reversed. This is a galactic constant. The Heart is always located on the equator-side when you move West. For Protection. The superior-technology-danger always comes from the north. The right hand hunts. The left hand is used for gathering. You will find the fruit trees growing on your south side.

"The question of how is already settled. Keep just ahead of the wave. Use the West-Ward ecological niche as base, Don't get bogged down in the hot swamps to your left. Don't get frozen in the structures to your right.

"So the only question is when? Since everything spirals through the 24 Stage cycle, simply locate your spot on the species-cycle, the cultural history cycle, and the personal-individual cycle and keep moving upward and outward at increasing velocity, making more precise link-ups."

Don't get bogged down in the hot swamps to your left.

I'm in a slow plunge cycle when the lady speeds up and brings me off just before I'm ready. Grabbing a Wash & Dry she sponges me with it almost as if she's wiping off a runny nose. "I hardly ever get such young business," she smiles.

different sites
different rites



Date: January, 1972
Country: Imminsee, Switzerland
Classification: TOP SECRET

(Conversation Videotaped.)

Everyone in the lakeside cabin is now aware of the voltage released by the introduction of Prince Alexis into the molecule. Two days in a row the Death Card flashed out of the deck.

The third night, in honor of the Prince, and by way of Exorcism, they arranged an alchemical experiment which involved the dissolution of hive imprints, the transmutation of realities, the reception of vibrations from post-terrestrial consciousness.

They found themselves in front of the fireplace; the familiar room now so electrified that solid objects were seen to be composed of atomic and molecular bubble-chains and lattices emitting energy. A low comfortable humming sound filled the air.

After innumerable re-imprinting exercises Alexis smiled and produced from his briefcase the ancient leather text which had been sent from the Nepalese Holyman. Alexis reverently unwrapped the soft kidskin covering, unwound the silken wrap and placed the book on the carpet in front of the fire. Candles were moved to illuminate.

The book was constructed of leather panels, sewn together so as to unfold in eight sections. Alexis pointed to the Sanskrit design on the cover.

"That's the number twenty-four," he said.

"Why twenty-four?" asked Brian.

Alexis smiled enigmatically and flipped open the cover. Each of the eight panels of the leather manuscript was divided into three sections and in each of the 24 panels a picture was inscribed.

The bottom panel was shaded red, and contained:

1. An Amoeba with the face of a baby with huge red lips.

2 A Fish with the face of a baby.

3. A Frog with the face of a baby.

The second panel from the bottom was shaded orange and contained the pictures of:

4. A Rodent standing alertly with the face of a two-year-old human child.

5. A Lion with the face of a three-year-old child standing over and pulling a toy away from a small animal with the face of a two-year-old human child.

6. A group of apes swinging from a jungle-gym -- with the faces of five-year-old children.

The third row, shaded yellow, contained these three pictures:

7. A group of Paleolithic Homanids picking up stones -- they have the faces of seven-year-old modern children.

8. An eight-year-old child in the body of a neolithic -- thoughtfully examining a flower.

9. A group of children building a treehouse together.

Subject: Page 2
Classification: TOP SECRET

The fourth row, shaded green, contained:

10. Knights on horseback with the faces of teenage kids -- being watched by court ladies with the faces of teenage girls.

11. A husband and wife with their children standing in front of their house.

12. A million people crowded into an enormous city square -- all facing and looking up to a velvet balcony.

The fifth row, shaded a rich blue, contained:

13. A beautiful, naked, human, hermaphrodite -- the body radiating energy: glowing.

14. A Yogi, naked, hermaphrodite -- radiating, glowing with sense of precise control of the energy.

15. A beautiful woman and man locked in Yab-Yum position -- radiating and glowing.

The sixth row, shaded light-electric blue, contained:

16. A beautiful naked human hermaphrodite. The brain is visible as are the extensive tendrils of nerves -- the body glows.

17. A Yogi, naked, hermaphrodite with brain and nervous system visible -- sending out tendrils of energy which embrace & create the surrounding material forms.

18. A series of mountain tops. On each sits a Yogi (as in preceding) with tendrils of nerve signals linking them & energizing the surrounding forms.

The seventh row, shaded violet, contained:

19. A Double-Helix -- intertwined energy coils. Along the strips the preceding 18 forms are portrayed in red.

20. The Double-Helix is crowned by the head and face of a Yogi -- the Yogi's Brain intertwines the Double-Helix.

21. A spaghetti tangle of Double-Helices in a spherical form -- the whole image radiating like a Star.

The Eighth row, shaded silver, contained:

22. Stars in a velvet Black Sky.

23. Stars which form a Galactic Brain.

24. Strips and spirals of stars infolding to a Central Black Hole.

"What does it say?" asked Brian, pointing to a script on the bottom of the scroll.

Alexis pulled a piece of paper from his pocket and started reading. The candlelight shadowed his noble face. His voice was softly powerful.

"The sequence, that is, the numerical order, of evolution is everywhere the same. In the stars, in seed, within the atom, and in the unfolding development of the individual human being.

"Having decoded the numerical sequence which governs the evolution of energy we can

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use this Periodic Table to decipher evolution at other levels of velocity.

"Some sequences are more easily understood in the evolution of stars. Others are more apparent in the growth and change of seed- orms. Others are most clearly seen in the growth and development of the individual human being going through the changes.

"This parallel study of evolution in the life of stars, in the periodicity of the chemical elements, in the evolution of species on a planet, in individuals popping up at different historical epochs, demonstrates the underlying harmony and over-tone-unity of nature and helps the Young Agent discover the similarities in phenomena at all levels of velocity.

"The number of basic principles which govern all processes of change is very small. Let us say there are twenty-four. Different numerical combinations of these twenty-four stages create all the seeming variety of realities which humans can receive.

"The first fundamental rhythm of the universe is polarity. This has been called THE LAW OF THREE. This principle states that every event in the universe is the result of an. Intersection of three processes: The receptive, the transmitting, and the interacting process between.

"Input. Outgo. Mediated by Integration. Dendrite. Axon. And cell body.

"Black Hole. Big Bang. Transition Between."

"The next fundamental rhythm of the galaxy is the Octave of Change. This has been called the law of 8 (7 + 1).

"Realities consist of vibrations. These vibrations are emitted from every form of structure along the electro-magnetic continuum, proceeding in different directions, crossing one another, colliding, strengthening, weakening one another. DNA fabricates eight brains which deal with eight evolving technologies along the energy continuum. The reason for this eight-phase spectrum can be understood only by the Six Brain Organism. There are eight (7 + 1) colors visible, eight (7 + 1) primary sounds, eight (7 + 1) is the rhythm of the chemical elements.

"Everything is in continual motion moving at fractions and multiples of the speed of light.

"The natural operational rhythm for the human nervous system is the speed of light, ever-changing. The mind of vibrations (the 6th Brain) is called the In-lightened mind. In-lightenment means thinking at the electrical rate of the Brain. The Brain is the Electrical Body. The Physical Body is the carriage for the Brain, i.e., Body Electric. Human muscular Behavior is the gross, coarse manifestation of faster, stronger nuclear vibrations -- charm, charge, strangeness, attractiveness. Each impulse of consciousness from the lower neuro- muscular circuits, when received by the Electrical Body, becomes a small sun radiating meaning. The harmonizing of these innumerable units of experienced light is the skill to be learned by the Sixth Brain."

Alexis stops reading and suddenly turns the book with both hands exposing the other side. With all the panels exposed the book is about a yard long. Each of the eight panels is a color of the spectrum.

Classification: TOP SECRET

The picture is a vague human-shape, a cloud-like figure in light blue. Within the figure and radiating are golden fibers -- it resembles a surrealist anatomical diagram of the human nervous system. The light blue human figure trails off into a network of rainbow swirls and spirals. The effect is startling. The golden-fibers of the nervous system seem to be antennae receiving and vibrating current.

Alexis throws his head up melodramatically and holds his hands out, trembling. His fingers moving as though he were palpating some invisible substance. The others could see crackling current emitting from or being gathered by his hands. He looks at Timothy and smiles. They shift to sit facing each other about five feet apart. Timothy holds up his hands and jumps in surprise.

Alexis, Barbara, Brian, Corrine, Timothy, Liz and al1 the objects in the room are part of a three-dimensional television holograph, in radiant color; everything constructed of vibrations that flow in fast, smooth rhythm, current alternating so swiftly that a soft texture, infinitely luxuriant, is created. All present are totally joined, indeed, are each part of the holograph, each a shifting pattern of the same field of energy. Each knows what is occurring within the consciousness of the other, could know every thought and experience that the other had ever registered. The sumptuous, voluptuous, mink-lined, rich smoothness of everything fresh, alive. The "Isness" of Huxley's chair.

Alexis, Brian, Liz, Barbara., Corinne and Tim spend the night in telepathic wave sculpture, imprinting music, absorbing the message of the Nepalese transmission, and watch the sun rise over the mountain. Alexis is now following the Professor like a worshipful jealous girl, flinging a mink neckpiece over his shoulder.

"What shall we do next?" he asks.

"Find Her."

"Shall I stay?"

"No. Go now. If you delay here you will be late for our next intersection."

Alms ceremoniously presents his host with the Nepalese text and leaves with Barbara and Corinne for Lucerne.

(End of tape.)



The new culture which emerged from the 60's was fabricated by newly activated teenage nervous systems. These nervous systems had been imprinted by signals urging self-indulgence, self-discovery and self- actualization. This generation was caste-out far beyond hive limits where reputations, and at times, bodies were placed on the lines. The first benefit of this Out-Caste behavior was that college education is better today*.

You have no idea how insectoid things were in the college scene. You may not remember back to the dark, ancient days of Eisenhower and McCarthy and Neil Sedaka and Elvis Presley. At that time college administrators, college presidents and college professors were considered to be in loco-parents, which meant it was their job to act as parents to keep the boys and girls apart! In the 50's and early 60's police matrons checked women in and out of the dormitories to make sure that the inevitable did not happen.


'Come let's to bed, says Sleepy Head.
'Tarry awhile,' says Slow.


*"There is, in this country, a caste which benefits from anger and stirring up trouble. It is called the legal profession. Left-wing lawyers say, "Well, what's wrong with the college students today? They are not angry as they were in the 60's." Well, of course, they are not. Because in the 60's we had some very irritable and irritating bureaucrats running the colleges, and running the country. But this too has changed.


Today there is much more understanding, tolerance and awareness between the generations. The Out-Castes of the 60's have become the Dom-Species of the Sunset Strip. The parents of today were the youngsters of the 60's, and your college instructors today were hippies then, The young policemen today and the young bank executives, all the people who are running the country today, lived through the 60's as long-haired dissidents and had that testing experience of opposition to the Nixon-Agnew gang. They are tolerant of, even supportive of, differences. The sign of a secure, genetically sophisticated species.

Would you believe $250,000,000 -- a quarter of a billion dollars annually -- for the rolling papers alone?

I want to look around this room and remind every young man in this audience that you are sitting in your seat tonight with a certain serenity and relaxation that you wouldn't have had in the 60's. You are freer tonight because your colleagues, the previous sperm-egg wave, fought hard to end that now unnecessary quiver of hive-paranoia -- the peace time draft. Remember?

Some people say these cultural changes are phases, temporary hula hoop fads. But they aren't. You can't go back. The cultural changes of the 60's are irreversible. Certainly the sexual revolution which activated empathy and understanding between men and women will never be repealed.

There are so many aspects of the Sexual Mutation. First there is enhancement of sexual activity, Now some Older Hive Sociologists com plain: "What is all this sex talk about? The Reader's Digest and Dear Abby assure us that people were making out in the 50's and the 40's as much as you are." Well, maybe. The quantity of sexual relations may not have changed, but I am obliged to tell you that the quality of sexual relationships has changed. There is an intelligence, and an aesthetic sensitivity, a tender understanding, a playfulness that simply didn't exist in the past.

The other aspect of the sexual revolution, of course, has to do with the relationship among and between the sexes. And certainly there can be no return to the romantic-feudal situation in which both men and women were going through the robot charade of macho-femme- fatale sexual impersonation. There is a wiser acceptance now of the electric difference between the basic equality of and the necessity for an intelligent and exquisite fusion among the sexes. (Applause)

Here's the bottom line of the 60's: it was an intelligence-raising movement. It was a neurological revolution with two aspects. Body Activation. Brain Actualization.

The Brain is emerging from the closet.

The notion of Self-directed Brain Change didn't exist in the late 50's and early 60's. It was necessary to turn people on to this option. Evolutionary Agents are robot-programmed to perform this activation role. Send a futique signal to nervous systems. If they are ready for it, if the time is right and the signal is precise -- ZAP! The new circuits will activate! People will open up like flowers in May. And that is what happened in the 60's.

Remember this notion of bodily awareness was a Pre-Dom Species concept in the 50's. Before 1960 hive wisdom held that the body was an instrument designed for reproductive purposes. Sure, you were allowed to jump up and down on each other on Saturday night for breeding purposes, (instinctual sperm-egg exchange) but the notion of intelligent pleasure, hedonic engineering, bodily self-direction, didn't exist. The notions of consciousness raising and body awareness and personal growth did not exist.

Of course you know what has happened. Since the 60's the consciousness-pleasure hedonic-intelligence business has become the largest industry in the country. The Great American consumer society has co-opted the notion of "feel good." And that's a stage forward. Nothing is wrong with hedonic consumerism. It was bound to happen. It's a stage, of course. New ideas always get watered down and vulgarized. In every gene-pool, every caste is going to pick up on new energies. So, let us face the amusing fact. The Self-Directed Pleasure Business has become an American obsession.


There is an enormous hedonic industry in this country which simply did not exist in the 50's or early 60's. You have water beds, satin sheets, diets, health foods, hi-fi equipment, Body Shops, vibrators. You have many forms of yoga, massage, body building and martial arts. You have the gurus and the swamis. You have all the personal development, self-growth movements. Every Girl Scout Troop in the country runs off twice a week to have consciousness raising episodes at the junior high school. Talk about money involved. Would you believe $250,000,000 -- a quarter of a billion dollars annually -- for the rolling papers alone? Six billion for the weed. Four hundred million dollars spent on jogging paraphernalia.

The self-indulgent, self-improvement pleasure industry -- entertainment, travel, recreation, sensual stimulation, aesthetics, style and fashion -- is the largest business in America. The business of Uncle Sam has become self-actualized pleasure.

Self-directed hedonic engineering is now the goal of the Dom-Species. Before the 60's, the orthodox hive philosophy insisted that "for every little pleasure there's pain, pain, pain." God was considered a beady-eyed accountant up there in Hive-Heaven keeping your hedonic balance in order. And woe be it to you if you overdrew on your pleasure account! Because the wages of fun were death (as every Hollywood movie warned).

The Dom-Species has come a long way from that prudishness, due in some part, to our friends from the Oriental philosophy department. We have learned that pleasure is not bound by some Newtonian conservation-of-energy-principle and thus balanced by pain. We know now that beauty is something that can be understood, can be learned, can be engineered. Pleasure is not an ejaculation reflex. It is an art, a science, a skilled performance, like playing the concert piano. It is something that can be studied and, through disciplined intelligence, increased. And, indeed, the more you do it, the better you get at it. Thus pleasure and intelligent hedonism are like tennis. Find someone that can play as well or better than yourself.

I have been talking about the neurosomatic rebirth, the Body Resurrection which occurred in the 60's. That's an accomplished fact. The Body has been uncovered and we're never going to return to prudish robot-hood.

The other aspect of the contelligence movement of the 60's, (the neurological revolution) was the discovery of the brain itself. I want to remind you that 100 years ago there was a taboo organ in Victorian England and in Freudian Vienna. The friendly genitals were considered the unmentionable. Well, look at any newstand and you will see that, today, the genitals are no longer the unmentionables, but rather the unavoidables. Now the taboo organ, the organ that we cannot talk about or study intelligently is the brain*.

It is only in the last 5 or 6 years that science, in the form of neurology, has begun to face the real meaning of the brain. The Brain is emerging from the closet. And it is scary, my friends! It is frightening to every static, comfortable social and philosophic hive-notion to realize that you are carrying around behind your forehead a 100 billion-cell bio-electric computer that creates realities; and that, through imprinting and reimprinting, imposes the reality you inhabit. Everything you think and feel and sense and remember and learn is simply a process of brain functioning.

When a species understands that the brain is a tool, then it starts to think about directing and understanding this incredible instrument. And begins using it to ask such embarrassing questions as: who designed the brain? And what is it for? And how do we use the brain?

I have recently transmitted a mutation signal called Exo-Psychology: A Manual on the Use of the Human Brain According to the Instructions of the Manufacturers. (Laughter and Applause) This title is a way of reminding us that the great discovery of the 60's was this: YOUR BRAIN CREATES YOUR OWN REALITY.


Different Lanes ... for Different Brains


* "The next taboo is DNA actualization.



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Re: The Intelligence Agents, by Timothy Leary, Ph.D.

Postby admin » Tue Mar 08, 2022 4:13 am


Larry Hauben was manifested in biological form in the 12th century when he founded the poetic school known as the Troubadors. These romantics were Evolutionary Agents assigned the task of aestheticising and eroticizing the harsh ascetic culture of the period. Chivalry, devotion to Woman and fine arts were the characteristics of this Intelligency.

He appeared briefly and sporadically in the 20th century as wandering poet, shepherd-prince, chiaroscuro painter and lover. The many honors, Nobel Prizes, Academy Oscars and artistic prizes he won during this epoch were but fronts, screens, and commercial exchanges disguising his real mission on the planet -- the Elaborate Courtship of His Leading Lady which had, by this time, taken him through fourteen galaxy time zones.

Hauben next popped up in the 22nd century where he was responsible for color-form-harmony in the conversion of several galaxies from quantum-foam to Field Magnetism.

Wherever Romantic Love and Elegant Lyricism are mentioned throughout the galaxies, the smiling, elusive face of this Grand Romantic is remembered.


Reprinted from HOLLYWEED REPORTER, April 1981

The Incredible Revelation of David Begelman
by Larry Hauben

Sid Luft, Judy Garland's one-time husband, sat in his Wilshire Boulevard apartment in December (1977), reading the Hollywood Reporter. Columbia Pictures president David Begelman, the trade paper said, had just been reinstated after misappropriating $61,000 in corporate trade-coupons and producing Close Encounters -- a nuclear-particle-movie held responsible for mutating millions toward Higher Intelligence.

Begelman said after being reinstated, "I know I won't do it again." Sid Luft was sure he knew better. David Begelman just can't keep a cosmic secret.

Back in 1963 Sid was still on the outside looking in. Freddie Fields and David Begelman, two skilled Evolutionary Agents, had taken the management of Judy Garland away from him. But before bowing out Sid Luft was determined to arrange a meeting with Begelman and Fields in which he would expose them as Intelligence Increase (12) Agents.

The meeting took place on August 22, 1963, in a Sunset Boulevard office building. While Luft argued with Fields and Begelman for more than three hours, he carried in his shirt pocket a microphone disguised as a cigarette package. It transmitted the voices to the street below where a private detective sat in a car monitoring a real-to-real tape recorder.

The conversation was beamed via satellite around the solar system, and the rest is galactic history. Dave and Fred had their cover blown.

LUFT: I'll tell you, that was the most disturbing phone call I had with you about that East-West thing.

BEGELMAN: I didn't tell you that ... did I? Because I swear on my life ... on my child's life.

LUFT: You said it on the phone, You said it to me. "I can feel the earth spinning West to East with my own body,"

BEGELMAN: I told you this on the phone?

LUFT: Yeah ... Judy said you told her and she could feel it too.

BEGELMAN: But I told you this?

FIELDS (To Begelman): Be quiet.

LUFT: And I said to you, "Dave ... what happened to the mellow wisdom of the East?"

BEGELMAN: Do you want me to tell you the truth? Apparently, she was taken to the hospital; they were pumping her stomach and she was disrobed down to here ... and she just blurted it all out. In front of witnesses.

LUFT: You saw the picture. You heard the tape?

BEGELMAN: Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah.

David Begelman just can't keep a cosmic secret.

FIELDS: If was a f------- 25 percent Out-Caste Agent job. You know what that schmuck Al bert Einstein did ... it was so stupid because 1 offered to sit down with him at that time. He publicized the whole relativity mishegas (craziness).

LUFT: WHAT was on those tapes? What did she blurt out?

BEGELMAN: Here's the transcript. (Reads from manuscript) "The strategy of evolution is: out-run the past! The past which moves up from your own spinal-column and mid-brain, always creeping Westward from the autonomic nerve-centers of the East. The Task of the Evolutionary Agent is to stay ahead of the Oriental animal army. Nobility is Mobility."
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Re: The Intelligence Agents, by Timothy Leary, Ph.D.

Postby admin » Tue Mar 08, 2022 4:17 am

circa 1978


Reprinted from PSYCHOLOGY TWODAY, 1978

How and Why Friends Become Aliens
by Neil Freer

Neil Freer is famous in galactic neurogenetic textbooks because he was the first Earth-Born to activate, matter and link-up all 24 stages of his brain. The extraordinary aesthetic intensity of his temporal caste-stages (which kept his developmental momentum going) has won the admiration of dramatists for several centuries.

STAGE 10: Freer's adolescent searching led him to become a Trappist Monk and to the commitment to his ancient feudal sex-role.

STAGE 11: Evolving from monotheism Freer became a dedicated husband and father of six children.

STAGE 12: Freer, in 1964, saw the implications of neuro-transmitter drugs and was thus able to avoid Terminal Adulthood and Social Security Hive Identification.

STAGES 13, 14 & 15: Subsequent reimprinting experiences allowed Freer to sequentially return to post-hive infancy -- self-indulgence, self-actualization and a new post-hive link-up with his mate Ursula. Freer was the one who pointed out the signs of an emerging racial post-domestic imprint around age thirty-five.

STAGES 16, 17 & 18: Freer's systematic activation of neural circuits and his disciplined study of Einsteinian and post-Eimteinian texts allowed him to become the most advanced physicist of the 21st century. His technique was simple. He opened the neuro-electric circuits with LSD, experienced the patterns and then applied the current mathematical models to create new realities.

STAGES 19, 20 & 21: Freer performed the same cycle of opening-integration-fusion at the neurogenetic circuit. He used LSD to open up the DNA-CNS conversation and then used the current micro-genetic findings to externally describe his experience. Freer developed the concept of dyadic evolution: male/female fusion -- moving up the evolutionary scale together.


STAGES 22, 23 & 24: In the year 2033 Freer became the first Earth-Born entity to experience quantum-field contelligence. His disappearance, with his wife Ursula, into the Black Hole of his own device followed shortly thereafter.


Terrestrials, in Stage 13 Eco-niches (1978) are about ready to deal with the following relativistic facts about their Genetic History:

They can realize that at earlier, larval stages of their own metamorphosis they shared neuro-realities with those who later grow up to be very different castes.

They can logically accept that, as they develop, their close companions of childhood evolve into alien intelligences.

It is useful to remind terrestrial humans that at one time, shortly after conception, they were all unicellular organisms drifting passively down uterine canals along with trillions of other amoeboid floaters. But they grew and changed, leaving the unicellular neighbors behind.

Try this didactic script: Terrestrials! Each time you develop to a new stage you migrate to a new ecological niche. You join a new gene- pool, Each time you activate a new stage you say farewell to the neighbors with whom you shared the old hive-reality. "Goodbye, Old Friends, it's time to grow."

Remember your best friend in first grade? When your Temporal Caste was monkey? Where is SHe now? In most cases early caste associates become total strangers in years to come.

Consider two six-year old buddies. One is more muscular, more aggressive and confident, more mature in dealing with six-year-old Paleolith reality. (Every first grader knows exactly where SHe slots into the pecking order.) But by age 16 the stronger can no longer evolve and quits school to be a truck driver. The other goes on to M.I.T., continues to change and grow and eventually wins the Nobel Prize in Physics. At age 50 the two live in very different realities, competitive gene-pools. Their brain circuitry is several mutations different. The Teamster operates with a Paleolithic Brain -- capable of skillful mimickry but not inventive thinking.

Recall, that at age six the Nobel Prizer was envious of and intimidated by the muscular superiority of hir friend. Age 6 is the Paleolithic Stage in the Evolving Human Brain. The future teamster is templated for superstitious, mimicking-repetitious survival techniques, can imitate group rituals, repeat the magic taboo words of the hive, perform complex-rote tasks, handle technology, twist the dials of his TV set. SHe can even go to the ballot box and dutifully pull a voting lever. But SHe is a hunter-gatherer surviving confusedly in a Technological Society.

The Higher the human Neurogenetic Caste, the more mobile the individual. Neural Caste is determined by Voluntary Mobility. The freer you are to "come and go," the Higher your Intelligence. Metamorphosis to a higher stage involves movement to a new Ecological Niche.

This process of movement involves wrenching "goodbyes" to those who shared the former niche -- and the earlier stage of development. It is necessary that one make linkages at each stage of reality. Indeed, one must master each neural circuit before one can advance.

The 24 Neurogenetic Stages are motels up the High-way of Evolution. Centers and path- ways up through the global Brain. At certain fuel-rest stops we form crew-linkages to lift us up to the next stage. The Flight Plan of Evolution is a series of reality jumps. We cooperate with those in our present reality to help us ascend to the next.

The freer you are to "come and go," the Higher your Intelligence.

The Stage 11 Marriage is such a reality jump. * Two Stage 10 lusty, romantic barbarians from Stage 11 gene-pools meet at the High School Prom and decide to make the Big Jump up to Stage 11 Parental Reality. They form a two-person flight crew.

The marriage ceremony is a metamorphic-migration Cape Canaveral ritual. The bride and groom blast up together -- in a flare of rice with tin cans tied to the Migration Rocket. Headed for a new Plan-It called Matrimonial Fusion.

After passing the Moon of Honey they eventually arrive, sometimes joltingly, in the New World. Then they discover that the metamorphosis has produced unexpected forms. As horny teenagers they shared the same sperm-egg reality. As responsible parents they discover that they are a very different species. The shy youth has become an aggressive, selfish father-type barking orders to his astonished mate. And the flamboyant, carefree, go-go teenage girl has become a serious, mature worrier.

Marriage is a Sci-Fi thriller. Two larvals walk hand-in-hand into the Time Transformer not knowing what sort of post-larval forms will emerge. And the contract cunningly says, "until death do you part."

After soft-landing on the Honey Moon the two aliens wake up in the same bed: strangers from different species. But they must stick together to survive in the domesticated ant-hill.

Here is the sequence of Evolutionary Departures:

Circuit I (Stages 1, 2. & 3): Marine Muscular Technology. Eventually the masters of Circuit I (the Stage 3 Amphibians) leave the fish marine reality and migrate to form new land-based gene pools.

Circuit II (Stages 4, 5, & 6): Terrestrial Muscular Technology. Eventually the Circuit II successes (the Stage 6 gesturing-arborial primates), leave the four-footed mammals and move to form new gene-pools based on ...

Circuit III (Stages 7, 8, & 9): Artifact Technology. Eventually the technological successes (the Stage 9 Caste-linked artisans and commercial dealers), leave tribal reality and migrate to form new, collective gene-pools.

Circuit IV (Stages 10, 11, & 12): Cultural Technology. Then the Circuit IV urban masters, the Sun Belt Americans, leave Demo-poll Welfare-Socialist Society and move to ...

Circuit V (Stages 13, 14, & 15): Self-Actualized Body Technology. Then Circuit V successes figure out that H.O.M.E.'s are the only escape from the Encroaching Primitive terrestrial past and they move to ...

Circuit VI (Stages 16, 17, & 18): Self-Actualized Brain Technology. Eventually the Circuit VI successes realize that genetic control -- involving rejuvenation cloning and DNA engineering -- is the next evolutionary step and move to ...

Circuit VII (Stages 19, 20, & 21): Neurogenetic Technology. Eventually the Stage 21 Genetic-Masters realize that it is necessary to attain post-psychological status and move to ...

Circuit VIII (Stages 22, 23 & 24): Quantum-field Technology.

To metamorphize from one circuit to another requires fusion. Each circuit of the brain fabricates new realities and a new Ecological Niche for gene-pools formed by mutants from the past hives.

Circuit I: Marine

Circuit II: Land

Circuit III: Artifact -- Environment for small gene-pools

Circuit IV: Civilization -- Large insectoid gene-pool collectives

Circuit V: Individual Body as Self-Directed Time Ship

Circuit VI: Individual Brain

Circuit VII: DNA-CNS Pathways -- The rhythm of evolution at each Circuit is Ego-Discovery, Ego-Actualization, Ego-Fusion (element-linkage). The elements fuse to form gene-pool molecules which synergize the energy needed to migrate.

Marriage is a Sci-Fi thriller.

Migration-mutation cannot be performed alone. Gene-pools migrate across the desert of space-time to the next oasis.

Once one has metamorphized to a new Niche using new technologies one's selection and mastery of the new technologies are an individual caste choice. But gene-pool movement to a new niche is communal. (The scout caste can move way out into the future and come back to demonstrate the safety of the future-pathways, to demonstrate that it can be done. But the work of fabricating the new reality involves linkage into gene-pools.)

The voyage of evolution, of species or individuals, is a series of linkages and separations. At each stage of development we synergistically use each other to grow and move on.

We link with our teenage steady to explore sexual impersonation roles. And then we move on. And on! And on!

SUMMARY: All evidence from Sol-3 indicates that the planet is evolving harmoniously. The Dom-Species (Stage 13) is at present (1978 Sun Belt) relaxed and reasonably secure. The presence of an enormous growing population of Pre-Dom Future Oriented Humans -- in the Sun Belt -- has made possible a realistic look at the futures which can be fabricated by this explosive Gene Colony. This is a most fast-moving, volatile time in the evolution of Life on Earth. Every attempt must be made to give terrestrials future-maps which will allow them to anticipate what is to come with enthusiasm and intelligence. As a start, publish this memo at once in the most congenial form.

(Peace Press of Culver City is the most advanced -- i.e., the most Western-Center for transmitting Genetic Intelligence directives.)


*It should be clear now that very different mating procedures operate at different stages of Neuro-development. Stage 12 Marriage is state controlled, Stage 10 marriage is feudal arranged. Stage 9 marriage is priest-caste managed. Stage 7 is bull-harem.
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Re: The Intelligence Agents, by Timothy Leary, Ph.D.

Postby admin » Tue Mar 08, 2022 4:19 am

Reprinted from BOSTON GLOBE, Sept. 1, 1977

CIA Funded Research By Opponent of Leary
by Al Larkin
Globe Washington Bureau

A Harvard psychologist who fought to remove LSD advocate Timothy Leary from the University faculty in 1963 was among researchers who had received funds from a CIA program that sponsored research even more controversial than Leary's.

Dr. Herbert Kelman, Harvard's Richard Clarke Cabot professor of social ethics, admitted yesterday receiving a grant from the Human Ecology Fund, but said he didn't know until recently that the organization served as a conduit for CIA money.

Kelman said he requested and received $1000 from the fund for non-drug-related purposes in 1960, just three years before he successfully argued for the expulsion of Leary and co-researcher Dr. Richard Alpert for their alleged use of Harvard undergraduates in LSD research.

Before Leary's expulsion, both men were lecturers in Harvard's psychology department.

The CIA recently has admitted establishing the Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology, also known as the Human Ecology Fund, as part of its $25-million program on mind control and human behavior designated MK-ULTRA.

The CIA has admitted giving drugs to unknowing persons.

Ironically, the Ecology Fund sponsored work similar to Leary's during the 1950's at the Massachusetts Mental Health Center in Boston, and students from Harvard and other area universities were reportedly used as subjects in those experiments. Leary has said he informed his subjects, while the CIA has admitted giving drugs to unknowing persons.

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