"Judge, I'm Not Tainting Jury Pool, This is Legit Litigation

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"Judge, I'm Not Tainting Jury Pool, This is Legit Litigation

Postby admin » Thu Apr 13, 2023 10:29 am

Trump Files MOST FRIVOLOUS Federal Lawsuit Yet
by Ben Meiselas
Apr 12, 2023

"No, Judge, I'm not intimidating witnesses, intimidating Michael Cohen, or tainting the jury pool -- this is legitimate litigation. I have the litigation privilege for this massive data dump of grievances against Michael Cohen that I am now going to prosecute in the court of public opinion, which is what I've always wanted to do; so don't blame me."
-- Donald Trump to Judge Merchan's warning to not speak publicly about this case in any way that could sour the case, sour the jury pool, or mess with the criminal justice system. The People of the State of NY against Donald J. Trump.

Donald Trump has just filed a new frivolous lawsuit for $500 million against Michael Cohen and mentioned MeidasTouch on the lawsuit. MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports.


I'm Ben Marcellus from the Midas touch
Network Donald Trump just filed what may
be his most frivolous lawsuit yet and
that is saying a lot he just sued his
former lawyer Michael Cohen for 500
million dollars in federal court in the
southern district of Florida every
single aspect of this lawsuit is
completely laughable and frivolous and
Donald Trump also references Midas Touch
multiple times in this Federal lawsuit
so let's just take a look at this
complete mess of a lawsuit that Donald
Trump filed which will inevitably get
thrown out and Donald Trump will likely
get sanctioned for as he did before in
the southern district of Florida the
first thing I note about this case
Donald Trump versus Michael Cohen in the
United States District Court southern
district of Florida is the division that
it is filed and it's filed in Miami
division as opposed to West Palm Beach
where Donald Trump's previous lawsuits
were filed why'd he file it in the Miami
division well Donald Trump is trying to
Forum shop here because he's trying to
avoid judge Donald Middlebrooks who's a
federal judge in the southern district
of Florida who sits within the West Palm
Beach division who just sanctioned
Donald Trump and his lawyer a million
dollars for filing a frivolous Rico or
racketeering lawsuit back in March of
2022 against Hillary Clinton and
numerous other defendants like dozens of
other individuals who should never have
been sued in the first place so that's
why he filed in Miami there's no basis
of jurisdiction in Florida there's no
basis of jurisdiction in Miami at all
this case does not belong in Florida and
one of the reasons that Donald Trump
files this in Florida is he argues that
because Michael Cohen does business like
he has podcasts and has other business
interests in Florida that that gives
Florida and specifically Miami uh
jurisdiction which is just a incorrect
legal argument so this case will almost
certainly get dismissed for lack of
jurisdiction okay what is Donald Trump
suing Michael Cohen for well according
to the lawsuit he's suing Michael Cohen
for a few causes of action he's suing
Michael Cohen for breach of fiduciary
duty is the first cause of action the
second cause of action is breach of
contract the third cause of action is
breach of the implied Covenant of good
faith and fair dealing the fourth cause
of action is for unjust enrichment and
the fifth cause of action is for
conversion which is basically a form of
civil theft and then you go to the
prayer for relief in terms of the
damages that Donald Trump is requesting
on page 31 and Donald Trump request
actual compensatory and incidental and
punitive damages and an amount to be
determined at trial but expected to
substantially exceed 500 million dollars
and where did Donald Trump get that
number from he just completely makes it
up because he's trying to get a headline
and large media networks will see a
number like 500 million dollars and
they'll write the headline Donald Trump
Sue's former attorney Michael Cohen for
500 million dollars but Donald Trump's
completely pulled that number out of
thin air and it is completely completely
a frivolous demand let's just go through
some of these causes of action and
normally I like to give you
um very intelligent and informed legal
analysis I can give you intelligent and
informed critical legal analysis of
Donald Trump's complaints but actually
going through his complaints and trying
to make logic or structure out of of
them is made Impossible by the fact that
these complaints and legal documents
that Donald Trump files are completely
frivolous just going in reverse order
the fifth cause of action for conversion
Donald Trump basically alleges that he
overpaid Michael Cohen's seventy four
thousand dollars for Michael Cohen's
services to him and as a result of that
Michael Cohen kept this money and that
that constitutes a theft of Donald
Trump's money entitling Donald Trump to
500 million dollars so that's a similar
allegation in the unjust enrichment
complaint uh cause of action Donald
Trump alleges that Cohen was unjustly
enriched by 74 or 75 000 and therefore
Donald Trump should get 500 million
dollars the breach of fiduciary causes
of action and the breach of contract
cause of action essentially alleges that
Michael Cohen was Donald Trump's lawyer
and by saying negative things about
Donald Trump by having podcasts that are
critical of Donald Trump by giving media
interviews that were critical about
Donald Trump and by explaining and
exposing Donald Trump's criminality that
that caused injuries to Donald Trump and
he argues that Michael Cohen owed him
confidential duties and responsibilities
and that Michael Cohen should not have I
guess told the truth to the media about
Donald Trump's crimes and that caused
Donald Trump
injury here you know one thing I do want
to say I want to show you where Donald
Trump mentions uh Midas touch with his
lawsuit in a moment though but
you know Donald Trump just really opened
up the floodgates here you know for
Discovery and it'll be interesting and
I'll ask this to Michael Cohen when we
um do our podcast together political
Beatdown which by the way you should
subscribe to Michael Cohen can set
um Donald Trump's deposition now
and ask Donald Trump all of these
questions about his criminality and I
could almost certainly bet you that
Donald Trump is going to invoke his
Fifth Amendment rights against
self-incrimination as he always does and
so you know Donald Trump here you know
he files these lawsuits to harass and
intimidate and obviously here he is
um very very very
concerned about the charges brought by
the Manhattan District Attorney's office
where Michael Cohen was one of the
witnesses before the uh grand jury that
was meeting in Manhattan which
ultimately voted to indict and so this
is where this is Donald Trump's way of
retaliating against Michael Cohen by
filing this lawsuit and also trying to
encourage his cult members to harm
Michael Cohen and put Michael Cohen's
safety uh in Jeopardy you go to page 21
and this is where we start to be
mentioned there's a whole section on
Michael Cohen's podcast
executive produced by the Midas touch
Network and
um there's like numerous paragraphs here
that talk about the various guests we've
had on the paragraph 107 talks about
says the podcast is produced by Midas
Touch and the more than 250 episodes on
the podcast produced to date defendant
repeatedly and consistently reveals or
purports to reveal confidential
information gleaned by nature of his
prior attorney-client relationship with
Donald Trump as well as information
pertaining to plaintiff's personal and
private life as with the books a
significant amount of information
revealed on the podcast is inflammatory
misleading or outright false he says and
that's because Donald Trump lies about
everything and so when Michael Cohen
gets to finally take Donald Trump's
deposition in this case he'll gonna ask
him okay list every single thing that
you believe was false and produce all
documents regarding everything that you
say is false go list each and every one
of those things and at the same time you
know Donald Trump whines and wants to
play the victim with this 500 million
dollar lawsuit against Michael Cohen
right Donald Trump was on his social
media platform
um just completely threatening and
bashing uh Michael Cohen Donald Trump
wrote for example
um before the indictment was handed down
by the criminal grand jury just a
reporter that the most important witness
to go before the New York City Grand
Jury a highly respected lawyer who once
represented convicted felon jailbird and
serial fake Storyteller and liar Michael
Cohen will be doing so tomorrow
afternoon the information he will
present will supposedly be conclusive
and irreverent and irrefutable Witch
Hunt he's referring to Robert Costello
who the grand jury absolutely detested
and despised and Robert Costello claimed
that the there was no attorney Klein
privilege with respect to Michael Cohen
and tried to bash Michael Cohen in front
of the grand jury the grand jury was not
having it and they believed Michael
Cohen I'll show you other posts by Trump
if disbarred and fully discredited
lawyer Michael Cohen is not indicted for
perjury then perjury does not exist
Donald Trump also writes it is being
said that disbarred lawyer Michael Cohen
has put out to dry today after as highly
respected former attorney and legal
adviser Robert Costello made a great
impression not only on the DA's office
but the grand jury itself he's known to
be a great lawyer and highly honorable
man he stated to the media that he could
no longer listen to the lies that Cohen
was spreading he told the truth with
papers documents and backup he left zero
doubt the D.A will do the right thing of
course these were the posts before
Donald Trump was criminally indicted by
the grand jury in Manhattan by the way I
also think that Michael Cohen has a
lawsuit against Donald Trump for
defamation the same way that e Gene
Carroll is bringing a defamation case
against Donald Trump for his statements
lying about his sexual assault
that he engaged in on her I mean think
that Michael Cohen has the ability to
bring a defamation case against Donald
Trump for his false and defamatory
statements about Cohen so we'll
ultimately see if Cohen files a
cross-complaint against Donald Trump for
defamation but here's what I think the
steps are going to be this case does not
belong in Miami number one if it should
go anywhere in Florida which I don't
believe there's jurisdiction it would be
the West Palm Beach division likely
before judge Middlebrooks who's
previously sanctioned Donald Trump a
million dollars so Donald Trump filed it
in the wrong division so first motion is
to either move it to the West Palm Beach
division number one where Donald Trump
at least lives but more likely it's a
lack of personal jurisdiction in Florida
anyway you would take that case and then
you would move to dismiss it it would
likely have to be refiled and brought in
New York
and then Michael Cohen would file a 12
B6 motion under Federal rule 12 B6 a
motion to dismiss the lawsuit brought by
Donald Trump it's likely all time barred
by the statute of limitations number one
um number two it's likely subject to
numerous other first amendment
immunities that Michael Cohen has number
three it doesn't really State a cause of
action at all but even if you get past
that strategically maybe Michael Cohen
answers the complaint and then
um we see starts going right into
get it set the deposition of Donald
Trump right away
um and start asking Donald Trump all of
these questions that you know Donald
Trump's not going to sit for that
deposition ask him all the questions
about his crimes
Donald Trump's opened the door for that
so we'll keep you posted here but want
to report on that frivolous lawsuit
brought by Donald Trump the fact that he
did mention Midas Touch in that
that he filed against Michael Cohen
why he filed it in that area why he was
Forum Shopping what is likely to happen
next and of course we'll ask Michael
Cohen about it on political Beatdown I'm
Ben Marcellus from the Midas touch
Network thank you so much for watching
hit subscribe we are on our way to 1.5
million subscribers here thanks to your
support and obviously Donald Trump is
very familiar with our podcasts and our
content here and it makes him very very
very nervous that's what happens when
you tell the truth thank you all for
your support you can also subscribe to
our audio podcast just search the Midas
touch podcast it's free wherever you get
your audio podcast until next time I'm
Ben Marcellus oh you could also become a
member of our patreon
p-a-t-r-e-o-n.com slash Midas touch
thank you for watching until next time
I'm Ben micellis have a great day hey
Midas Mighty love this report continue
the conversation by following us on
Instagram at Midas Touch to keep up with
the most important news of the day what
are you waiting for follow us now


Trump REEKS of DESPERATION as Fox Gets HAMMERED in Court
by Michael Popok and Karen Frieman Agnifilo
Legal AF

Especially 1:33:00 to end
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Re: "Judge, I'm Not Tainting Jury Pool, This is Legit Litiga

Postby admin » Fri Apr 14, 2023 4:11 am

Michael Cohen RESPONDS to Trump’s $500 Million Lawsuit
Streamed 7 hours ago

Michael Cohen and Ben Meiselas discuss the latest breaking news and Trump's new frivolous lawsuit against Michael. This and more on the new episode of Political Beatdown.

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