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PostPosted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 10:20 pm
by admin
Part 1 of 2


A priori categories of thought: 377,
conditions of apprehension:
idea: 378, 379, 380, 385
'Abaissement du niveau mentale':
156, 250, 566
Abegg, Dr. of Zurich: 244
Abelard,: 54, 62, 83, 398
Abstract thinking: 376, 377, 379,
"thoughts and feelings: 521
Abstracting attitude of oriental
religious and art-forms: 364, 365
Abstraction: 64, 339, 340, 342, 358,
as introverted attitude: 362,
363, 365, 368, 369
attitude of (Worringer): 361,
363, 366, 367
definition of: 520
function of: 366, 367, 368
impulse to: 361
Abstractionist and concrete thinking
(Flournoy): 375, 376, 377
Acceptance of evil: 234
Accommodation not true adaptation:
Action extraverted: 418
Activation of unconscious images:
292, 293, 294, 296, 300, 301
'Active nature' of Jordan: 185,
Active thinking as rational: 611
Activity, factor of in Jordan's
descriptions: 185, 188, 195, 206
Acts of the Apostles (vision of St.
Peter): 579, 580
Adaptation, the observance of universal laws:
Adjustment of extravert, his limitation:
Adler, psychology of: 309, 454, 478,
531, 532, 536, 585
Adler's 'fictitious guiding line':
Adler's interpretation of phantasy:
AEsthetic animation (Jodl): 359
devotion, 156
'disposition' of Schiller: 148,
153, 154, 160, 161, 575
AEsthetic estimation of the problem
by Nietzsche: 177
sensational attitude: 587
standpoint: 1-77, 181
types as opposed to rational:
AEsthetics, problem of typical atti-
tudes in: 358
AEsthetism: 152, 170, 176
Affect, definition of: 522, 544
Affect-explosion occasioned by failure
of adaptation: 597
Affective fluctuations: 244
Affective-sensation: 544
Affectivity as Jordan's character
criterion: 187, 189, 194
criterion of (Ostwald): 404
definition of: 523
Affects as instinctive processes: 565
pronounced, regarded as sensations:
523, 586
Age of enlightenment: 101, 230, 381
Agni: 251, 252, 258, 259, 260
Agoraphobia, spiritual: 361
Ahasuerus, the Wandering Jew: 331
Allegoric interpretation: 601
Ambitendency: 525, 539
Ambivalency: 525, 539
Ambrosius, St.: 286, 287
Amfortas: 269, 270
Amor et visia Dei: 25
Anagogic significance of Silberer:
Analogy, primitive thinking on the
level of: 534
Analytical therapy, aim of: 533
Ananda or bliss: 150, 308
'Angel abroad and devil at home':
Anima as inner attitude or soul:
or soul: 273, 524, 593-596
(soul), definition of: 588, 593
Animus of woman: 595
Anquetil du Perron: 152
Anselm of Canterbury: 54
Anthony, St. biography of: 72
Antinomians: 26
Antiphon of Rhamnus: 40
Antisthenes: 38, 45, 47, 50
Antitactic sect of Gnostics: 26, 312
Anton, 531
Apollo as image of principii individuationis:
Apollonian attitude: 180
Apollonian-Dionysian antithesis of
Nietzsche: 172
Apperception, active, impossible
without attitude: 526
as bridge: 527
definition of: 524, 525
passive and active: 376, 385,
524 subject to subjective influences;
typical differences of: 472
unconscious: 615
Approfondissement, introvert's tendency
to: 347, 349
Aquinas, Thomas: 58
Archaic function-ways: 370
Archaism, definition of: 524
Archetype; 211, 296, 378, 380, 390,
392, 395, 476, 482, 507, 5°8,
as inherited foundation of
psyche: 507
as instinctive apprehension;
476 as law-determined course: 508
as pooled experience of organic
existence: 507
as primordial image: 476
as symbolical formula; 476
influence of upon objects; 476
of woman; 277
the noumenon of the image:
Archimedean point: 627
Archontici; 26
Aristotle: 53
Arius, heresy of: 30
Arjuna: 243
Artist as creator and educator;
Aryaman: 260
Asses feast in Zarathustra: 229
Assimilation: 393, 422, 449
as process of apperception:
525 definition of; 525
to object; 422, 423, 525
Association fear (Gross); 343
Association studies (Jung): 518
Associative thinking as mere presentation:
Astarte, daughter of Behemoth: 333
Astral and lunar myths: 241
Athanasius, Archbishop of Alexandria:
Atharvaveda: 246, 247, 248, 249,
Atlantis: 445
Atman, or Self: 149, 244, 246, 247,
Attention, a secondary psychic
phenomenon: 547
extraverted: 417
in relation to attitude: 528
Attitude, as conscious function: 271
as expectation or state of
readiness: 527
definition of; 526
determining efficacy of primordial
image: 558
duality of, a normal phenomenon:
habitual as function-complex:
historical changes of; 229, 230
inner and outer: 591, 592
inner and outer, as function-complexes:
of unconscious: 422
symbolical: 604
the basis of intensity of
primary function: 355, 356
types: 529, 530
underlying sexuality and
power, 271, 529
Attitudes, conscious and unconscious:
general basic; 186, 198, 528,
529, 612
typical, formation of, 529,
Auch Einer (Vischer); 369, 480
Audition coloriee: 525, 539
Augustine, St.: 32, 286, 288
Auto-erotic: 472
'Automatismes', psychic (Janet):
Automatized processes: 566
Auxiliary construction (Adler): 531
Avenarius: 566
Azam: 588

Baldwin: 382, 543
Barbarian's danger of one-sided-
ness; 256
Barbarism: 128, 136, 140, 175, 255,
264, 331
Barlach's Der tote Tag: 321, 325
Basic functions; 14, 421, 428, 567,
instincts, Schiller on the two:
Basic Psych, Functions, peculiarities
of in extraverted attitude:
428 et seq.
Psych, Functions, peculiarities
of in introverted attitude:
480 et seq.
Bataks, Religion of the: 304
Beauty as religious ideal with
Schiller: 153
Bee, working, sexual deprivation
of: 296
Behemoth and his host: 228, 319,
325, 333, 334, 335
and Leviathan as the two
monsters of God: 333, 335
pact with: 229, 334
Bergaigne on Rita-concept: 258
Bergson: 398, 400, 568
Bernhard, St. prayer of: 273
Berserker rage: 256, 278
Bhagavadgita: 243, 244
Binswanger: 523
Biography, type-problem in: 401
et seq.
Biological precursor of types: 414
Bird, as symbol of Epimethean
realm: 335
Birth of deliverer equivalent to great
catastrophe: 328
"Birth of Tragedy" by Nietzsche:
170, 177, 182
Blake, William: 308, 336, 414
Blessedness, origin and nature of:
308, 311
Bleuler: 143, 522, 523, 525, 539,
Blonde beast, cult of: 318
Bodhisattva: 221
Bodhi-tree, the chosen: 222
Borborites: 26
Boring in the worship of Agni: 259
Bostonian tourists (James): 391
Brahma: 244, 247
Brahman as cosmic life-principle:
248, 249, 251
as Creator of the world: 245,
247, 254
as Eternal Truth: 247
as Gracious One (Vena): 247
as life-force: 249, 251
as process, or irrational factor:
246 as state of redemption: 245,
246, 247
as sun: 247, 248
attainment of: 150, 151, 243,
corresponding with Tao: 265
Brahman essence as psychological
state: 248, 249
identified with Rita: 257, 259
meaning of the word: 249
two great monsters of: 254
Brahman-Atman teaching: 149,
150, 151, 242, 245
Brahmanic conception of problem of
Opposites: 242 et seq.
Brahmans, sacred caste of: 249
'Brain-mythology': 353, 380
Brain, newly-born, an ancient instrument:
'Breaking through' of Eckehart:
314, 315
Brihadaranyaka-Upanishad: 245,
246, 248
Buddha and Mara (symbol-forming
process): 610
birth of: 221, 222, 320, 331
fire-sermon of: 364, 366
Buddhism: 242, 272, 306
Budge, Sir Wallis: 290
Burckhardt, Jakob: 476, 555
Bushman and his boy, episode of:

Caelestius: 33
Capacity for deviation: 339
Catapatha-Brahmanam: 251, 252,
253, 258
Catholic authorities: 287
Church and Luther: 84, 85
Causal investigation of latent meaning:
576, 578, 579
standpoint taken over from
natural science: 579
thinking and empiricism: 393
Celtic mythology: 288
Chalcedon, council of: 30
'Character as seen in Body and
Parentage' by Jordan: 184
social and domestic: 589
splitting in normal individual:
589, 590
Child as redeeming symbol: 266,
Tao as spiritual state of: 266
education, our belief in
method: 512
Childhood-complex: 157, 308
Childhood's phantasies: 321
Childlike attitude: 323
state: 309, 323
Chinese religion: 242, 264, 268
Christ and Anti-Christ: 540
Christ and temptation of the Devil:
as bridegroom: 285
birth of: 320
identification of Nietzsche;
Christ's understanding of His kingship
phantasy: 70
Christian asceticism: 255
attempt at solution: 234, 272
ideal as differentiated function:
231, 232
passion-theme and fate of
jewel: 331
principle of love: 151
process, meaning of: 27, 28
solution; 99
sphere and phantasy activity:
Christianity, traditional: 229, 236,
291, 292
Chthonic craving: 284
Chu-Hi school of China: 268
Church as bride: 285
schisms of Early: 283, 284,
symbol of in Hennas vision:
283, 293
Churinga rites of Australians: 366
Circulus vitiosus, neurotic: 371, 451
Civilization, advance of: 621
present state of: 352
Civilizing and cultural genius
(Gross): 352
Civitas Dei of St. Augustine: 32
Classic and Romantic types
(Ostwald): 401, 406
type as introvert: 404
type (Ostwald), characters of:
Classical solution: 232
'Cogito ergo cogito' of mystical
thinking: 483
Cognition and necessity of subject:
theory of: 42, 394
Cohen: 549
Collective attitude: 229
definition of: 530
psyche: 316, 318, 319, 332
unconscious: 236, 237, 240,
271, 300, 316, 319, 475, 476,
480, 555, 616, 624
unconscious, definition of: 616
Colmar manuscript: 287
Compensation, definition of: 531
disturbed in neurotic State:
Compensatory reaction of unconscious:
421, 537
relation of unconscious to
conscious: 422, 616
Complementary relation of soul to
outer character: 594, 595,
sex-character of soul: 594
Complex with commanding value:
Complexes as 'possessions': 138
Compulsion as archaic symptom: 525
neurosis of introverted intuitive
type: 570
neurosis of introverted sensation
type: 504
Concept, concrete: 522
developed from primordial
image: 558
Concepts, general: 530
need for precision of: 519
Conceptual-intuition of Hegel: 399
Conceptualism: 63, 66, 398, 399
Conclusion: 618
Concrete thinking, weakness of:
376, 377, 379, 380
Concretism, definition of: 533
in science: 381
of thought and feeling, as
archaic: 524, 534
Conscience of Epimetheus: 213,
222, 329
Conscious activity, selective: 532
inner life of introvert: 193
unconscious antithesis, development
of: 441
Consciousness deepened, as basis for
deepening of individuality:
definition of: 535
shallow extensive and narrow
intensive of Gross: 346
Consensus gentium: 57, 58, 519
Constructive, definition of: 536, 585
method: 83, 312, 313, 536,
537, 538
method, individualistic: 538
Consubstantiation: 84
Contractive effect (Gross): 341
Co-operation of unconscious: 159
Cosmogonic myth, projection of:
150, 151
Counter-function, development of:
558, 560
Creation, positive, as solution of
conflict of opposites: 400
Creative phantasy: 135, 138, 144,
146, 148, 573, 578, 581
Creative psychic activity: 573
State, the happy State: 311
Crank, the psychology of the: 508
Crihat, or saman=song: 253
Cripple Creek: 391
Criterion of extraverted thinking:
Critique of Pure Reason (Kant):
548, 559
Cross, interpretation of the: 601,
Cryptamnesia: 614
Cumont: 288
Cuvier as extraverted thinking type:
484 Cynics: 38, 39, 47
Cyrillian doctrine: 33

Daemon of Socrates: 182
Daemoniac possession: 256
Daemonic effect of soul: 225
Dante's Divina Commedia: 273, 299
Inferno: 236
quest of Beatrice: 299
Darwin as extraverted thinking
type: 484
Davy, Humphry: 403, 404
De Carne Christi: 21
Definitions: 518 et seq.
Dementia Praecox, by Jung: 254
Demiurgos: 117
Demons, as irruptions from unconscious:
138, 139
Dependence upon object: 596, 597,
Depersonalization of feeling: 451,
452 De Somniis, of Synesius: 137
Dessoir: 585
Destiny: 262
Destructive character of unconscious
archaism: 425, 426
Desubjectification of consciousness:
Deus absconditus: 123, 313
Deussen's Allgemeine Gesch, d,
Philos,: 243 et seq.
interpretations: 245, 249, 253
Devotion: 156, 157
'Devouring' type of Blake: 336, 414
Diastole as used by Goethe: 11,
179, 252, 263, 313
Diels: 542
Differentiated affectivity of extravert:
198, 199
feeling: 125
Differentiation as starting point:
definition of: 539
of function in civilized life:
94, 96
of instinct: 296
required to bring individuality
to consciousness: 561
Diogenes: 39, 50
Dionysian choir: 173
expansion or diastole: 179
orgies: 174
satyr-feasts, as totem feasts: 176
Dionysius the Areopagite: 58
Dionysos: 172, 173, 176, 177
Diotima: 53
Directed function, identification
with: 370
function, the nature of: 371,
Disciple, as incarnation of Brahman:
Discrimination necessary between
conscious man and his
shadow: 203
the nature of consciousness:
142, 156
Dissimilation: 393, 394, 395, 525,
540, 551, 582
Dissociation: 484, 574, 575
between ego and state of
feeling: 450
incompatible with united individuality:
of personality: 588, 590, 615
Divine birth as creation of new
symbol: 235
birth as psychological fact:
birth as oft-renewing process
(Eckehart): 313
Divine children, the three: 229, 334,
Divine harlot: 234
Docetism: 19, 30, 31
Doctor Illuminatus: 542
Dogmatism governed by idea: 396
of extraverted intellectual
standpoint: 440
versus Scepticism (James): 396
Dream as 'guardian of sleep'
(Freud): 537
law-determined principle of:
Dreams and conscious activity: 616
and inner attitude: 591
Du Bois-Raymond: 402
Duplication of character: 588, 598
'Duree Creatrice': 246, 265, 398
Dvandva, or pair of opposites: 242
Dyophysitic formula: 30, 31, 33
Dynamis: 23, 173, 307, 311, 316,
318, 327, 328
Dynamistic conceptions of the East:

Ebbinghaus, on attitude: 526
Eberschweiler: 338
Ebionites: 30, 31
Ecclesia, figure of: 284
Ecrasez l'infame: 230, 236
Education of man: 155, 156, 159
Ego and consciousness: 535, 536
Ego and its relations: 117
and Self: 475, 477, 540
and subject, relation of in
introverted feeling: 495
basis of, always identical with
itself: 450
defective relation of to object,
in introverted attitude: 478
definition of: 540
development of: 475, 477
of introvert, its system of
safeguards: 478
participation of in thesis and
antithesis: 607, 608, 609
reservation of: 472
resoluteness of (symbol): 609
'Egocentric': 472, 474, 477, 495
Egocentricity of morbid introversion:
477, 488, 495, 498
Ego-complex: 540
Einfuhlung: 358
Einstellung, or attitude: 526
Elan vital: 398
Eleatic principle: 48
Elijah's ascent into Heaven, medieval
illustrations of: 288
Elpore: 224
Emile ou de l'education, by Rousseau
104, 105
Emotion, definition of (v, Affect): 541
Empathy: 358
Empirical observation, limitations
of: 570
thinking: 376, 385, 482
Empiricism and ideologism: 381,
382, 383, 387
as pluralistic (James): 373
prevalence of: 381
synonymous with sensationalism
(James): 373
Empiricist type (James): 373
Empiricistic attitude: 393
Enantiodromia, definition of: 541
EnantiodroInia of Heraclitus: 123,
228, 333, 541, 596
Encratitic sect of Gnostics: 26, 312
Energetics, laws of: 110
Energic psychic process: 581
Energic value of conscious contents:
Energy, concept of: 41, 250, 262,
535, 581
Energy, hypostasizing of: 250, 535,
Engrams or archetypes: 211, 296,
Enkekalymmenos, the veiled-man
fallacy: , 44
Enlightenment, age of: 101, 230,
381 Enthusiasm in the two types: 407
Epimeleia: 224, 227
Epimethean attitude: 228, 229,
232, 234, 235, 323, 417, 419
quality of inferior function:
valuation of symbol: 323
Epimetheus and statue of Heracles:
as extraverted attitude: 207,
222, 228, 419
compact of with Behemoth:
downfall of: 228, 235, 236
figure in Goethe's Pandora:
224, 225, 226 ,
figure of Goethe: 217, 223
kingdom of: 222
realm of: 333
relation of to world: 208, 212,
213, 214, 419
reply to angel: 212, 222
seeks the jewel: 321
the shadow of Spitteler: 540
visit to sick Prometheus: 214, 219
Equilibrium, process of psychic: 426
Esoteric explanation of symbol:
'Esprit de l'escalier' quality of
inferior thinking: 442, 514
Esse in anima: 61, 68
'Est ergo est' of empiricist: 483
Euclid of Megara: 48
Evangelical movement: 84
Eve: 234
Excessively valued idea: 342
Exodus, Book of: 287
Exoteric standpoint, symbol alive
for: 602
Externalization, laws of (Jodl): 359
Extraversion, active and passive:
definition of: 542
value of: 198, 202
Extravert and introvert, attitude of
vis-a-vis the object: 395,
405, 412
archaic thoughts of: 187
danger of: 420
normality of, its conditions:
specific psychology of: 203,
341, 404, 405
unconscious egoism of: 424
Extraverted attitude and problem
of human relationships: 471
bias against introverted attitude:
472, 474, 476, 512
character of introvert's inferior
functions: 489
criticism: 197
feeling as creative factor: 447
feeling, when overstressed in
favour of object: 447
feeling-judgment as act of
accommodation: 446
Feeling Type: 448 et seq.
feeling type, feeling of an
adapted function: 448
feeling type, love-choice of: 448
feeling type, thinking of: 351, 427
formula, disagreeable results
of: 436-439
Intuitive Type: 464 et seq.
judgment as predicative: 442
man of Jordan: 200, 214, 215
mentality, dangers of (Gross):
352, 420
Sensation Type: 457 et seq.
thinking as synthetic: 442
thinking, appearance of: 431,
thinking, concretistic: 377
thinking, objective criterion
of: 428, 429, 431
thinking, peculiarities of: 428,
Thinking Type, description
of: 434 et seq.
thinking type, impersonal conscious
attitude of: 439
thinking type, the formula of:
Extraverted thinking type, unconscious
sensitiveness of: 439
Type, general attitude of consciousness
of: 416
Type, general description of:
woman of Jordan: 195
Eye as function-complex: 583
consciousness compared with:
532, 557

Faculty-psychology (Wundt): 384
Falsification of type through imitation:
Familial identity: 552
Fanaticism as over-compensated
doubt: 441
Faraday: 403, 404
Fatalism: 373
Father and Mother divinities: 157
Father-transference: 598
Fathers of the Church: 285, 286,
288, 290, 296
Faust as example of dissociation:
as the Self of Goethe: 540
How differently this token
works upon me,: 605
prayer of, to Virgin Mother:
rejuvenation of, through pact
with Devil: 610
solution of problem in: 233,
239, 240
the medieval Prometheus:
232, 234
transformation of, as figured
by Margaret, Helen, etc,:
Feeling, a kind of judging: 544
a rational function: 545
abstract and concrete: 545
active, as directed function:
and affect: 544
and thinking, incompatibility
of: 514
and thinking types as rational:
as process: 543
'Feeling', concept of: 519
criterion of acceptance or rejection:
definition of: 543
dependent upon thinking:
544, 545
distinguished from affect: 522
Feeling, disturbance of, from assimilation
to object: 449
futility of classification: 546
inaccessible to Intellectual definition;
in extraverted attitude: 446
necessarily represses thinking:
449, 451
Feeling-apperception, active and
passive; 546
'Feeling-into'; 64, 156, 393, 567, 582
and abstraction: 358,
368, 369
as extraversion: 360,
,definition of: 547
Feeling-intuition as undirected feeling:
of Schopenhauer:
Feeling-sensation or sensuous feeling:
119, 125, 127, 129,
180, 544
tone as feeling mixed with
sensation: 585
type; 547
Fere: 523
Ferenczi: 566
Ferrero; 601
Fetish and churinga, recharging of:
power of: 302, 366, 534
Fichte: 54, 55
Fictitious guiding-line (Adler): 369,
Fire-sermon of Buddha: 364, 366
Flatus vocis: 37, 59, 65
Flournoy (Des Indes a la planete
Mars): 588, 614
une mystique moderne: 333
on James' characters; 375
Forgetting, normal process of; 614
Form and name as two monsters or
functions of Brahman: 254
Formative instinct of Schiller: 126,
Formula, an intellectual superstition:
becomes a religion: 441
of extraverted thinking type;
435 et seq.
tyranny of in extraverted
thinking type: 435
Fons signatus: 286
France, Anatole: 37
Free-will: 373, 393, 395
Freedom, inner, impossibility of
proof of; 394
Freedom of subject, conditions of:
295, 396
the feeling of: 395
French Revolution: 100, 103, 230,
school of hypnotists: 470
Frenzy, the Dionysian state; 172
Freud, incest-wish of: 424
his interpretation of phantasy:
78-82, 537, 572, 577, 585
on repression of parent-imago:
psychology of: 78, 82, 454,
537, 539, 584, 585, 598, 606,
reductive method of: 78, 312,
313, 536, 537, 538, 577, 578,
his view of symbol: 157
wish-view of, true for extravert's
unconscious: 423, 424
Frobenius: 325
Function, conscious, nature of: 514
definition of: 547
main, nature of: 514
natural, an organized living
system: 564
secondary, nature of; 515
subjection of, to sensation
(concretism); 535
Function-complex, independence of:
Function-engrams: 211, 296, 556
Function-types: 412
Functions, basic: 14, 421, 428, 547,
567, 612
combinations of main and
auxiliary: 515, 516
grouping of unconscious: 516
of relation, mind and speech
as: 254
Principal and Auxiliary: 513
et seq.
rational and irrational; 570,
superior and inferior; 87, 324,
370, 426, 427, 563
the four basic, selection based
upon experience: 547
unconscious, their symbolical
appearance in dreams; 517
Fundamental laws of human nature:

Galtonesque family-portraits, type-descriptions
as: 513
Garden enclosed: 285, 286
Gaunilo: 55, 58
Gauss: 409, 410
Geheimnisse (Die) of Goethe: 231,
General-attitude types: 412, 414
Genius, civilizing and cultural
(Gross): 352
German 'classics': 95
Gilgamesh epic: 256
Gnosis: 234, 256, 289, 290, 291,
292, 298, 299
Gnostic philosophy: 18, 234, 289,
290, 298
Gnostics and their Remains (King):
God and soul essentially the same:
and Godhead, distinction between
(Eckehart): 315
as autonomous complex: 307
as collective idea: 139, 530
as determining force: 310
as function of the soul: 315
as highest intensity of life:
as inner value: 304, 310
as psycho-dynamic state: 305
as psychological function of
man: 300, 304, 310
as unconscious content: 306
as Universal Self of Toju's
philosophy: 268
dynamic character of: 301
existence of, dependent upon
soul (Eckehart): 311, 315
growth of concept of: 318
in the Devil's shape: 334
individual relationship with:
orthodox view of: 301
psychological significance of:
222, 300
relativity of: 300 et seq.
sickness of: 219, 220
subjectification of: 318
God-image: 157, 158, 300
God-imago, source of: 301
God-likeness of introverted attitude
towards the idea:
117, 120, 122, 123,
of Prometheus: 219,
God-renewal and seasonal phenomena:
symbol of: 240, 241,
Goethe and Dante: 298
Goethe and Schiller: 88, 102, 118,
Goethe's attempt at solution: 231,
Faust: 158, 170, 232, 233,
239, 240, 255, 267, 272, 273,
own type: 215
principle of systole and diastole:
11, 179, 252, 313
Prometheus: 215, 217
Golden Age: 108
Gomperz, Greek Thinkers: 541
on inherency and predication
41, 45, 47, 48, 49
Graeco-Roman art, criterion of: 360
Grail, legend of: 269, 270, 290, 298
Grail-symbol, probably derived from
Gnosis: 291, 298
Grecian and Christian cultures, com-
parison of: 92
mythology in dreams of
negroes: 556, 624
Greek Fathers: 285, 286, 296
mistrust of powers of Nature:
tragedy: 176
Gretchen episode compared with
Pandora: 233, 234
Gross' hypothesis, summary of: 357
Otto: 337, 531
Grosse Manner, by Ostwald: 401
Guardians of the market-place: 330,
Guillaume von Champeaux: 54

Hallucination: 554
Harking-back to the primitive: 302,
Harnack upon Origen: 24
Hartmann, E. von. philosophy of:
209, 585
Hase's History of the Church: 34 ,
Hegel: 55, 6o, 399, 549
Heine, on Plato and Aristotle: 9
'-heit ' and '-keit' (Spitteler): 212,
213, 226
Helen in Faust: 233, 234, 273
Hellenism: 91, 170
Helmholtz as teacher: 409
biography of: 402, 408
Hephaestus-Athene relationship:
218, 224
Heraclitus: 123, 541, 542
Herbart, on the reason: 383
Hermas: 275, 278, 280, 281, 282,
Hermas, vision of: 276, 281, 283,
293, 296
Hero, magical power of: 324
Hero-birth, primordial image of:
myth of hero and whale: 325
Heterogeneity of men: 619, 625
Hieronymus, St.: 289
Hiphil-Hophal, the high-priest: 329,
Historical factor, a vital need: 423
Hoffding: 543
Holderlin's Patmos: 326
Holstein-Augustenburg, Duke of,
Schiller's letters to: 87
Holy Communion controversy between
Luther and Zwingli:
Communion writing by Radbertus
upon: 33
Homer as a naive poet: 164
Homogeneity of human psyche: 624
Homoiousia: 30
Homoousia: 30
Homosexuality, from projection of
persona: 598
Human psychology, as opposed to
Nature-process: 623
psychology, universal homogeneity
of: 623
Hylici: 18, 190
Hymn of the Epimethean priests:
321 to Mary, the medieval: 285,
288, 289
Hypatia: 137
Hysteria, the extravert's neurosis:
421, 452
Hysterical amnesia: 614
characters: 421

Iakchos, winnowing basket of: 289
Idea, abstract, 376, 377, 389, 392,
394, 396, 522, 547, 551
as abstraction: 522
as primordial image at stage
of intellectual formulation:
as primum mavens for introvert:
as product for extravert: 551
as unconscious model: 379,
380, 386, 394, 395, 482
definition of: 547
dual nature of: 550
hierarchical character of: 396
related to image: 547
Ideas ante rem, 378
basic, as much feeling as
thought: 181, 490
mystical collective: 530
Idealism or ideologism: 387, 389
versus Materialism (James):
387, 388, 389, 390
Idealist and Realist the, of Schiller:
Identification backward: 316
definition of: 551, 553
distinguished from imitation:
leading to growth of secondary
personality: 552
purpose of: 552
with differentiated function:
127, 128, 551, 552
with momentary attitude:
Identity, an unconscious equality
with object: 553
definition of: 552
expressed in Christian ideal of
love: 553
familial: 552
in paranoic delusions: 553
original state of: 294, 295,
553, 563, 572, 582
responsible for suggestion:
the basis of 'participation
mystique': 553 ,
with persona: 595, 596, 597,
with soul: 596, 598
Ideologism: 381, 382, 387, 389, 394,
and materialism: 390
Image, an expression of total
psychic situation: 555
definition of: 554
of tottering man pierced by
arrow: 506
or imago of a man different
from his reality: 600
personal and primordial: 555
personal or impersonal: 547
primordial: 149, 250, 265,
267, 269, 271, 272, 277, 378,
384, 476, 481, 490, 500, 548,
550, 555
Images, artistic, philosophical and
religious application of:
311, 312
value of, for life and happiness:
Imagination: 82
Imaginative activity: 573, 581
Imago of object: 600
Immanuel: 327
Imitatio Christi and dissimilation:
Imitation a necessary expedient for
development: 551
Imprints or engrams: 556
Impulsion as instinct: 566
Indeterminism versus Determinism
(James): 393 ,
Indian religious practice: 250
teaching: 149, 151, 153, 242,
263, 302
Individual as against collective:
561, 562, 590
definition of: 560
degeneration of: 370
disposition, factor of: 415,
nucleus, separability of: 137,
139, 144
phantasy repressed by collective
symbol: 70
pychology, conditioned by
contemporary history: 578
way can never be opposed to
collective norm: 563
way, never a norm, 563
Individualism: 133, 272, 318, 563
Individuality, definition of: 561
suppression of in concretism:
when unconscious projected
upon objects: 561
Individuation as process of differentiation:
definition of: 561
leads to collective solidarity,
not isolation: 562
leads to appreciation of collective
norm: 563
not unique goal of psychological
education: 562
Indra: 247
Infant adaptation: 415
Inferior extraversion: 129
function, acceptance of: 99,
function, analytical release
of: 565
function, definition of: 563
function in extraverted attitude:
427, 428
Inferiority of feeling in extraverted
thinking type: 438, 439
with contracted consciousness
(Gross): 341
Inferiority with shallow consciousness
(Gross): 341
Inferiority-feeling of Adler: 531
Influence of poets and thinkers: 238
Inherency, principle of: 41, 45, 47, 50
character of inferior thinking: 442
Inherited functional disposition of
the psyche: 377, 616
Inner object=elements of the unconscious:
objects: 210, 591
personality opposed to outer:
processes, individual variability
towards: 592
Inouye, Tetsujiro: 268, 269
Inquisition: 293
Instinct and will: 565
as inborn manner of acting:
476, 560
definition of: 565
Intellect, definition of: 566, 611
inadequacy of: 628
Intellectual formula, limitation of:
436, 437
intuition or undirected thinking:
standpoint betrayed by repressed
feeling: 440
Intellectualism versus Sensationalism
(James): 387
Interest as libido bestowed: 521
extraverted: 417, 418
Intermediate type of Jordan: 184,
190, 191
Interpretation, causal and purposive:
578, 580
or latent meaning of phantasy:
upon objective plane: 572
upon subjective plane: 572,
599 et seq.
Introjection, active and passive:
an extraverting process: 567
as feeling-into: 547, 553, 583
as process of assimilation: 567
definition of: 566
Introversion active and passive: 567
and extraversion as biological
contrast: 414
and extraversion, not characters
but mechanisms: 354
definition of: 567
into unconscious: 147, 149,
150, 156, 309
Introversion of energy into the Self:
145, 147, 149, 304, 309
state of: 18, 0 ,
Introvert and extravert, comparison
of; 199, 202, 205, 404,
405, 406, 483
general character of: 485,
486, 487
growing isolation of: 489,
need of, in present day
culture; 352
values of: 193, 203
Introverted and extraverted manner
of thinking, opposition of:
386, 483
and extraverted view of
general concepts: 385, 386
attitude governed by psychological
structure; 475
character of extravert's unconscious:
difficulty of expression: 501
feeling counterbalanced by
primitive thinking: 491
feeling falsified by egocentric
attitude; 491
feeling intensive rather than
extensive: 493


PostPosted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 10:20 pm
by admin
Part 2 of 2

feeling, peculiarity of; 206
feeling, tendency to overpower
or coerce object: 494
Feeling Type; 492 et seq.
intellectual, feelings of: 350
intuitive, from extraverted
standpoint: 507
intuitive, nature of: 505, 506,
Intuitive Type as seer or
artist: 508, 509
Intuitive Type, general description
of: 508
man of Jordan: 144
mentality: 351, 357, 405,
406, 480
posture of fear towards the
object: 362, 479, 480, 485
Sensation Type, description
of: 500 et seq.
Sensation Type, inaccessible
to objective understanding:
thinking: 384, 385, 429, 430,
431, 480
thinking dependent upon arch-
aic image; 482
thinking, facts of secondary
importance for: 481
Introverted thinking, new views the
concern of: 481
Thinking Type, description
of: 484 et seq.
Type, general attitude of
consciousness: 471
Type, general description of:
471 et seq.
woman of Jordan; 191
Introvert's and extravert's relative
activity: 410
apparent egocentricity: 477
archaic affects; 187
emotional life: 193, 194
greater synthetic capacity:
348, 489
ideal a lonely island: 480
lack of personal relations:
406, 407, 478
lack of practical ability; 486
negative relation to object:
485, 511
power psychology: 395
primitive relation to object:
479, 485, 488
psychology, unconscious attitude
of: 477 et seq.
tendency to relativism: 349
undervaluation of his, own
principle: 498
unfavourable personal impression:
Intuition an attitude of expectation;
an instinctive apprehension:
an irrational perceptive function:
and sensation maternal soil of
rational functions: 568
compared with sensation in
introverted attitude:
compensating function to sensation:
concrete and abstract: 568
definition of: 567
element of: 168, 461
in extraverted attitude: 461
et seq.
in introverted attitude: 505
et seq.
repressed in sensation type:
457, 460
seeks to discover possibilities:
463, 464, 465
subjective and objective: 568
Intuitive and sensation types, similarity
of unconscious in: 466
Intuitive attitude: 388
cognition possesses character
of certainty: 568
discernment as shown by
Jordan: 189
mentality of primitive: 191
method of Bergson: 398
method of Nietzsche: 399
Intuitive Type: 181, 191, 569
thinking and feeling
as inferior
functions in: 465
Inundation from the unconscious,
danger of: 326, 328, 334
Invasion of evil: 235
Irrational, definition of: 569
nature of elementary facts:
Irrational Types: 468
not unreasonable
but empirical:
overtaken by
rational judgments:
Isaiah: 113, 322, 323, 324, 325, 327,
Isis and Osiris: 289, 290
Islands of the Blessed: 55

James himself an ideologist: 390
Types, general criticism of:
Types, characteristic pairs of
Opposites in: 382
William, on the types: 372 et
James-Lang theory of affect: 523
Janet: 156, 566, 574
Janus-faced psychological moment:
Jehovah: 285, 333
transformation of: 320
Jeremiah: 71
Jerusalem, on the reason: 383
Jesus and Satan (symbol-forming
process): 610
Jew, the wandering: 331
Jewel, fate of: 331
nature of in Spitteler's work:
320, 329
redeeming nature of: 329,
330, 331
Jews, medieval persecution of: 331
the, as symbol of repressed
elements: 331
Job, Book of: 333
Jodl: 359
Jordan, as possible introvert: 205
Jordan's description of types: 184,
214, 215, 404
impassioned type compared
with Gross' sejunctive type:
types, special description and
criticism of: 191
Julian the Apostate's discourse upon
King Helios: 99
Julian's discourse upon Mother of
the Gods: 17
Juno Ludovisi: 156, 158

Kant: 57, 58, 152, 377, 383, 390,
395, 484, 508, 522, 548, 559
as introverted thinking type:
on nature of the idea: 548
on reason, an introverted
view: 384
Kant's postulate of God, freedom,
and immortality: 395
Keratines, the 'horned-one' fallacy:
King, on Gnostic symbolism: 289
Kingdom of Heaven: 266, 305, 309,
Klingsor: 269
Kohler: 289
Kore of the mysteries: 288
Krishna: 243
Kubin: 483
Kule, in Barlach's Der tote Tag:
321, 325
Kulluka: 242
Kulpe: 526, 543
Kundry: 269, 270
Kwei of Tao: 267

Lalitavistara: 221
Lamb, Epimetheus' raging against
the: 229, 236
Landmann: 588
Lao-Tse: 83, 149, 151, 264, 268
Lasswitz: 549
Lateran Council: 84
Lehmann: 543
Less-impassioned type of Jordan:
185, 188, 341
'Levelling of ideas' (Wernicke):
Leviathan: 325, 333
Levy-Bruhl: 106, 165, 365, 530, 572
Libido as psychic energy, not
psychic force: 571
definition of: 571
detachment of, from object:
detachment of, from both
sides: 147, 149
splitting of: 29, 256
Libido-concept: 262
and Brahman-concept:
symbols: 246, 250
Liebig: 403 404
Likes and dislikes: 529, 543, 544
Image : 289
Lipps: 358, 360, 382, 525, 535
Literary figures, representing function-
complexes of author: 601
Living form, Schiller's symbol of:
134, 145, 158, 267, 330
symbol: 605
Logos: 54, 83, 256
Loretto, Litany of: 274, 283, 284,
285, 292, 296
Lost art thou when thou thinkest
of danger' (Nietzsche): 352
Lotus of Bodhisattva: 221
Lotze: 55
Lully, Raymond, conversion of: 542
Luther: 84

Macbeth: 322
Maeder's prospective function: 536
Magic cauldron of Dagda: 288
Magical powers and the older
nationalities: 233
Magna Mater: 290
Mahahharata: 243, 244
Maher-shalal-hash-baz: 327
Man as mere function: 94
Manas as form: 254
as psychological function of
introversion: 253, 254, 256
as serpent-like nous: 256
or reason: 252, 253, 256
Manu, Book of: 242
Margaret in Faust: 273
Marianus, Doctor, in Faust: 274
Marriage of Heaven and Hell
(Blake): 414
Mary the divine harlot: 234
Mask or persona: 590
Mater Gloriosa: 234, 273
Materialism: 210
and idealism: 387, 389
as extraverted character: 389,
Materialistic and theosophical think-
ing equally negative: 445
explanations as superstitious:
mentality: 433
Mathematical term as symbol: 603
Matter: 289
Maturity, relative, of the two
types: 407
Maya: 221
Mayer, Robert: 403, 404
Measure and number, methods of:
Mechtild von Magdeburg: 285
Mediatory product, superiority of
(symbol): 609
Medieval Christianity: 176, 285
mysticism: 285, 299, 302
psychology, problem surviving
from: 298
Megara: 39
Megarians: 38
Meister Eckehart: 152, 297, 299,
300, 303, 304, 305, 311, 314,
318, 334
Eckehart, on relativity of
God: 303, 304, 305, 314,
Eckehart on soul: 305
Meisterlieder, of Colmar MSS,: 287
Mephisto, personification of negative
thinking: 444
as archaic elements of Goethe:
Mephistopheles, interpretation of:
255, 540
the medieval Epimetheus: 232
Messiah or Mediator: 241
Messianic prophecies: 322
Messias in Spitteler myth: 335, 336
'Metaphysical' signifying 'unconscious
Method, constructive, as intuitive:
over-valuation of: 512, 513
reductive and synthetic: 83,
312, 313, 536, 537, 577, 578,
Meyrink: 160, 483
Middle disposition of Schiller: 147
Mind and speech, question of precedence:
Minerva as soul-figure of Prometheus
216, 217, 223
Miracle of Hellenic 'will': 178
Misautic (Weininger): 474
Mithraic influence on ecclesiastical
art: 288
Mitra: 251, 258, 260
Mneme (Semon): 475, 556
Moleschott's dictum: 444, 535
Moltzer, MissM, : 569
Monismas introverted attitude: 396
versus Pluralism (James): 396
Monophysites: 30
Monsters, the two great, of Brahman:
254, 256
Montanus: 22
Mood; 450, 543, 545
as feeling-valuation of conscious
situation: 543, 544
Moral problem for introverted intuitive:
Morality, extraverted; 418
More-impassioned type of Jordan:
Morton Prince: 588
Mosaic morality; 263
Moses' basket of rushes; 286
Mother-dragon, motif of: 325
Earth as source of all
power: 302
Mother of God in Divina Commedia:
of the Gods: 117
Mothers, heavenly, in Faust: 233
Mother-transference: 598
Muhler and Schumann: 526
Muhler, Max: 248
Muratorian Canon: 275
Mysteries, Grecian: 174, 176, 288
Mystica Vannus Jacchi: 289
Mystical collective ideas (Levy-
Bruhl): 530
thinking of introvert; 482
Mysticism, German; 285, 299
Myth, West African: 267
Mythological world of introverted
sensation type: 503
Myths as psychic product: 241, 615
astral and lunar: 241

Nahlowsky on higher or ideal
feelings; 521, 543
Nalve and sentimental poetry in
relation to typical mechanisms:
attitude: 165
Nakai Toju, the Sage of Omi: 268
Napoleon: 101
Narcissism (Freud): 598
Natalis solis invicti: 289
Nartorp: 535
Natural beauty as Western criterion
of art: 360
Natural-science method, overvaluation
of: 519
Naturalism, discussion of; 262, 263,
Nature and culture: 113
Nature-process, law-abiding regularity
of and in: 581
Necessity for recognition of types of
attitude: 621
Negative character of dependent
thinking: 443, 444
thinking, its destructive character:
444, 452
thinking, personified as Mephisto:
Negroes' dreams and motives of
Grecian mythology: 556, 624
Neo-Platonic views: 117
Nestorian controversy: 33
Nestorius: 33
Neurasthenia as neurosis of introverted
feeling type: 495
Neurosis, duality of attitude in; 527
from suppression of infantile
claims: 425
Nicolaitans: 26
Nietzsche: 37, 93, 122, 123, 161,
170, 237, 261, 298, 352, 399,
400, 477, 484, 535, 542
and Schiller, artist nature in:
as introverted thinking type: 484
as advocate of power: 298
Nietzsche's 'Attempt at a Self-criticism'
conception of Grecian character:
intuitionism; 399
own type: 182
Nirdvandva: 242, 243, 244, 269
Nominalism and Realism: 37, 63,
65, 349, 374, 398
as extraversion; 374
Norm, collective; 562, 563
'Nothing but' style of thinking:
444, 452
Nous, of Gnosis: 256
Novum; 133
Nu or Nut: 289, 290

Obatala and Odudua: 267
Object-animation, as a priori projection:
imago: 600
Object, dynamic animation of: 365
Object, influence of, upon thinking:
potency of, depends upon projection
of soul-image: 597
overvaluation of: 309
unconscious depotentiation of:
Objective catastrophe of extravert:
mind, assumption of: 627
plane, definition of: 572
values (rational): 583
Objects, inner and outer: 210, 591
Observer, judging and perceptive: 427
Oedipus: 39
Olympian Spring, by Spitteler: 240,
Olympus, middle world of: 171, 174
One-sidedness, as sign of barbarism:
Ontological proof: 54
Opposition between sensation and
thinking: 130
concept of: 250
Optimism versus Pessimism
(James): 389
Optimum of life: 263
Oriental art, impulse of (Worringer)
Orientation, definition of: 572
Origen: 23, 38
Organic inferiority, of Adler: 531
Ostwald: 239, 401, 535
Other-world: 218, 222
Overvaluation of instruction by
word and method: 512

Paganism: 230, 231, 233
Pagan influence on Christian symbolism:
288, 289, 290
thinking: 107
Pairs of Opposites, Brahmanic: 242
Pallas Athene: 218
Pandora, box of: 329
comparison of Goethe's with
Spitteler's: 223
gift of, as symbol: 228, 319
interlude of Spitteler: 218,
jewel of: 220, 221, 222, 228,
319, 329, 336
of Goethe: 223, 225, 226, 234
Pandu: 243
Parables of Christ
Paradisiacal state
Paradiso of Dante
Paradox and relativity, unavoidable
end of intellectual effort: 628
Paramatman: 243
Parameshtin: 247
Paranoia: 553, 583
Parent-complex: 157
Parental influence, factor of: 415
Parsifal: 98, 239, 269, 270
as reconciler of the opposites:
269, 270
'Participation mystique': 106,
120, 165, 279, 316, 365, 366,
524, 534, 553, 572
"mystique', definition of:-572
Paschasius Radbertus: 33
Passive thinking, as irrational: 6n,
Patanjali: 243
Paul, St. and symbol of the Cross:
conversion of: 575, 577,
Paulhan: 213
Pelagian controversy: 32, 33
Pelagius: 33
Perseveration phenomena: 338
Persian religion: 174
Person, introvert's concern with
his: 488
Persona: 208, 209, 210, 590, 592,
593, 594, 595
and soul, relation between:
594, 595, 596
as collective attitude: 590
as false self: 268
as function-complex: 591
as outer attitude or character:
identification with: 595, 596,
597, 598
projection of: 598
represented in dreams: 596
Personal as opposed to individual:
unconscious: 615, 616
Personality: 406, 407
dissolved in feeling of the
moment: 445
Personification of unconscious: 212, 306
significance of: 254
Pessimism of Schopenhauer: 170
Peter, St. vision of: 577, 580
Phallic symbols: 296
Phantasies as representations of
energic transformations:
development of: 312
Phantasm: 573, 581
Phantasy: 69, 75, 154, 312, 378,
554, 573-581
active and passive: 574, 575
activity, common to all four
functions: 547
as imaginative activity: 573,
as symptom or symbol: 580
creative, and individuality:
definition of: 573
image: 554
latent meaning of not certain:
576, 580
law-abiding principle in: 580,
manifest and latent meaning
of: 575, 576, 578, 580
Phantasying not identical with
passive thinking: 611
Philautic (Weininger): 472, 474
Phileros: 227, 229
Philhellenism: 231
Philosopher, and typical personal
attitude: 619, 620
Philosophy, English: 398
German: 400
Modern, the Problem of Types
in: 372 et seq.
Physiological differences of individuality
(Gross): 346
Pius, brother of Hermas: 278
Plaksa fig-tree: 221
Plato: 38, 40, 44, 45, 47, 50, 53,
216, 378, 548
Play, as dynamic principle of
phantasy: 82
Play-instinct of Schiller: 134, 140,
146, 154
Pluralism as extraverted attitude:
Plurality of personalities in same
individual: 588, 589
Plutarch: 40
Pneumatici: 18, 190
Poimen, or The Shepherd: 284,
Porphyrius: 23, 52
Positive quality of extraverted
thinking: 442
Possession by demons: 278
Powell on primitive thinking: 42
Power and love as incompatibles: 298
Power-attitude: 572
complex, definition of: 582
illusion of introvert: 478
Power-psychology, unconscious basis
of: 477
Pragmatism (James): 390, 397, 398, 400
a makeshift: 399, 400
Prajapati: 247, 248, 251, 252, 253,
Prana, or breath of life: 248
Pre-condition, psychological: 619,
Predication, principle of: 41, 45,
47, 50
Pregnancy of the soul: 595, 596
Primary function of Gross:, 338
intensity of, due
to attitude: 355
Primeval symbol represents future
truth: 484
Primitive, and loss of soul: 278
idea of God: 301, 302, 304,
310, 316, 534
languages (suffix of the thing
living): 365
psychology, reappearance of: 484
thinking and feeling: 534
relation to object: 365
spirit, revival of: 230
Primordial image: 149, 250, 265,
267, 269, 271, 272, 277, 378,
384, 476, 481, 490, 500, 548,
550, 555, 556
image, a mnemic deposit: 556
image, a recapitulatory expression
of living-process:
image, a self-living organism: 560
image as compensating factor: 272
image as idea and feeling: 490
image as psychic mirror world:
image, definition of: 556, 557
image expressing creative
power of psyche: 557
image, expression of energic
process: 560
image maternal soil of idea;
image, nature and function
of: 272, 557
image necessary counterpart
of instinct: 560
image reconciling idea with
concrete feeling: 558
image, role of in introverted
thinking: 481, 482
Primordial unconscious state: 553
Primum in mundo fecit deus timorem:
'Principia explicandi': 56, 627
Principium individuationis, Apollo
the image of: 173
Principle, guiding, irrational nature
of: 323, 324
Printer, case of the too-extraverted:
424, 425
Problem of different typical attitudes:
Processes with and without symbolic
meaning: 606
Procrustean bed: 121, 180
Projection, a process of dissimilation:
567, 582
a process of introversion: 583
active, an act of judgment:
583 definition of (vide Introjection)
566, 582
dependent upon identity: 553,
582 in paranoia: 583
of soul-image: 596, 597, 598
passive and active: 582
Projections, nature of: 294, 307,
365, 566, 582
of intuitive type: 467
Proktophantasmists: 101
Proletarian philosophy: 50
'Prolific' and 'devouring' classification
of Blake: 336
Prolific type of Blake: 336, 414
Promethean attitude: 228, 229,
298, 319
Prometheus as introverted attitude:
207, 216, 218, 227
comparison of Goethe's with
Spitteler's: 215, 217, 218,
condition of, in unconscious:
219 figure of tradition: 216
fragment of Goethe: 216, 218,
intervention of: 335
of Goethe as extravert: 226
relation to his soul: 208, 210,
214, 216, 217, 218
" reply to angel: 207, 211
Prophets in Israel (introverted
intuitive type): 507
Prospective function of Maeder: 536
meaning of symbols: 536,
607, 610
Protagoras of Plato: 216
Protestantism: 84
Psalms: 283
Psychoasthenia, introvert's neurosis:
479, 484
Psyche and consciousness: 536, 557
and soul, distinction between:
creative factor of: 579
definition of: 588
independent collaboration of:
Psychiatric view of Christ's psychology:
Psychiatry, type problem in: 337
et seq.
Psychic content as dynamic system:
581 inertia: 230
process, object as well as
subject: 622
relation between the different
types: 470
structure: 2 1 1
Psychici: 18, 190
Psycho-energic process: 521
galvanic phenomena (Binswanger)
Psychological differences of men:
types due to, identification
with superior function: 564
Psychology and methods of measure:
larger conception of: 75
of the oppressed: 497
'Psychology of the unconscious',
difficulty raised by: 626
Psychopathic states: 337
Ptah-tenen, hymn to: 290
Puer Aeternus: 336
Purposive standpoint in relation to
phantasy: 578, 579, 580
Pushan=Savitir, sun: 248
Pythagoras: 114

Rapport: 470
between rational and irrational
types: 470, 471
Ratio: 382, 383, 387
Schiller's conception of: 133
Rational, definition of: 583
explanation as Utopian ideal:
types judged from their conscious
psychology: 453
types, limitation of sensation
and intuition in: 454
Rational types, subservience to
chance of the: 456
type, the unconscious of: 455
Rationalism as psychological attitude:
as monistic (James): 373
logical and feeling: 382
synonymous with intellectualism
(James): 373
versus Empiricism (James):
382, 387
Rationalist types (James): 373
Ratramnus: 34
'Reagibilite' of primary function:
Reactive rapidity, criterion of
(Ostwald): 401, 403, 408, 410
Realism: 37, 63, 374
as introversion: 374
of extraverted sensation type:
Reality-adaptation, value of images
for: 312
Reason and objective values: 583
as capacity to be reasonable:
as disposition of the will: 383
as organ of balance: 280
as source of idea (Kant): 383
incapable of creating the
symbol: 322
laws of: 584
Reasonable judgment refers to
objective as well as subjective
factors: 496
Rebirth, meaning of: 222
Recapitulation of extraverted irrational
types: 468 et seq.
of extraverted rational types:
452 et seq.
of introverted irrational types:
511 et seq.
of introverted rational types:
495 et seq.
Reciprocity between thinking and
sensation: 132, 133
Reconciliation of Delphic Apollo and
Dionysos: 174
of differentiated with undifferentiated
223, 231
of the opposites: 323, 608
of Prometheus and Epimetheus:
227, 236
Reconciling Symbol as Principle of
Dynamic Regulation: 257
Symbol, Brahmanic conception
of: 247
Reconciling Symbol in Chinese philosophy:
Symbol, Nature of, in Spitteler:
Symbol, significance of: 234,
320, 608
Redeeming effect of living social
symbol: 605, 607, 608
factor associated with devastation:
middle path: 242
symbol, effect of: 334
symbol, essential qualities of:
324, 326, 327
Reductive, definition of: 584
method: 78, 312, 313, 536,
537, 538, 577, 578, 584
method as collective: 538
thinking of empiricist: 385
'Reflective nature' of Jordan: 185,
Reformation, the: 84, 293, 318
Regression converted into progression:
of libido: 231, 608
Regula fidei: 19, 198
Relativity of Goo, among the
primitives: 301, 302
of Idea of God in Meister
Eckehart: 297 et seq.
of the Symbol: 272, 300
Relaxed attitude characteristic of
extravert: 356
Religion as general attitude: 229
Indian and Chinese: 242
limitation of James' concept
of: 393
Western forms of: 241
Religious attitude and feeling: 291,
character of collective ideas:
devotion, state of: 156, 157,
form in Spitteler: 239
function as universal psychic
constituent: 392
symbol, value and meaning
of: 158
system, effect of upon individual
phantasy activity:
understanding of the problem:
177, 239
Religiousness versus Irreligiousness
(James): 391
Reminiscence-complexes: 157
Remusat, Charles de: 62, 64, 65
Renaissance: 107, 230
Renunciation of greatest value: 252
'Representations, Collectives' (Levy-
Bruhl): 530
Repression of feeling, etc, by
intellectual formula: 437,
of feeling, its disastrous results:
438, 439
of painful content (Freud):
615 Retrogressive orientation: 107
Reverie: 547
Rhoda, as soul-image: 275, 276,
277, 278, 280, 293
Ri and Ki, the two world-principles:
268, 269
Ribot: 543, 588
Riehl on consciousness: 536
Rigveda, hymn of: 251
Rita as libido-symbol: 261
as source of energy: 260
concept of: 151
Rita, meaning of: 257, 258
Rita-concept corresponding with
Tao: 264
Ritual-murder notion: 332
Roman auguries: 282
Romantic type (Ostwald): 401
type as extravert: 404
type, academic activities of
(Ostwald): 408
type, external reaction of:
410, 411
Roscellinus, Johannes: 53
Rosicrucian solution: 231, 234
Rousseau: 104, 112, 113, 127
Ruggieri, Archbishop: 236
Running amok: 256, 278
Ryochi, as individual Self: 268, 269
as summum bonum: 269
paralleled with Brahman as
light: 269

Sacred Books of the East: 242 et seq.
Sacrifice, necessity of: 309, 313
Sacrificium intellectus: 22, 25
phalli: 25
Sage of Omi: 268
Salvation-phantasy of idealistic
woman: 599
Samadhi: 243
Samskaras: 306
San-tsai, the three chief elements: 267
Saoshyant: 331
Sarepta, widow of: 287
Satyr of Dionysian choir: 173
Saul, interpretation of vision of:
577, 579
of Tarsus, example of enantiodromia:
542, 574, 575
Savage v, Barbarian
Saviour, birth of: 322, 323, 331
Scepticism, attitude governed by
object: 396
Schen of Tao: 267
Schiller and Goethe: 88, 102, 118,
on Idealist and Realist: 168
on naive and sentimental
poetry: 163
on reciprocity of the two
instincts: 133
on 'semblance': 162
on two basic instincts: 123,
Schiller's age and world of Greece:
91, 92, 170
attitude to Type problem:
83, 207
conscious attitude of abstraction:
118, 119
'Golden Age': 108
intellectual concept of Beauty:
introverted feeling of inferiority:
letters on AEsthetic Education
of Man: 87 et seq.
mediatory state: 161
ode An die Freude: 179
pair of opposites: 115
symbol as philosophical concept:
114, 148
third instinct: 134, 146
transcendental way: 111, 114
type: 89
Schiller, F. C. S. of Oxford: 398
Schisms, psychology of: 293
Schizophrenia (Bleuler): 615
Scholasticism: 52, 62
Schopenhauer: 123, 152, 153, 170,
178, 237, 239, 269, 383, 0389,
399, 549, 559, 584
on nature of the idea: 549,
on the reason: 383
Schopenhauer's attitude: 237
Schultz on Tertullian and Origen:
20, 26
Science and religion: 392
only one of forms of human
thought: 56
'Scientia intuitiva' (Spinoza): 568
Scientific empiricism: 385
literature, abundance of: 434
separatism: 381
theories as symbols: 603
Scotus Erigena: 34
Seasonal analogies of myths: 241
Secondary function (Gross): 337,
function, criticism of Gross'
concept of: 353
function, effect of personal
and milieu influence upon: 354
Seer or disciple, as Brahman: 247, 248
Sejunction (Wernicke): 342
Sejunctive personality (Gross): 342, 348
Self and world as commensurable
factors: 478
as a possible aim: 144
as Brahman: 245, 246, 247
as opposed to ego: 475, 476,
477, 478
defined under Ego: 540, 585
differentiation of, from the
opposites: 144
the individual: 475
true and false of Toju's
teaching: 268
unity of; 306
Self-divestiture, need of (Worringer)
368, 369, 371
Self-regulation of living organism:
371, 532
Semblance, Schiller's apologia for;
Semiotic as opposed to symbolic:
82, 584, 601
Semon: 475
Sensation, abstract, as directed
function: 587
an irrational function: 456,
and intuition: 587
as conceived by Schiller: 124,
concrete and abstract: 586
definition of: 585
element of: 168, 179, 456,
534, 535, 585
extraverted: 456
in introverted attitude: 498
et seq.
normal and pathological: 587,
588 repressed in intuitive attitude:
Sensation Type: 181, 182, 191, 456,
type, difficulty of rational
approach to: 461
Sensation-presentation: 130
Sensational and intuitive attitudes:
Sensationalism as empiricism: 387
as function of sensation
(James): 388
as reflexive attitude: 388
Sensuality versus spirituality (symbol)
608, 609
Sensuous instinct of Schiller: 124,
129, 131
relatedness as concretistic:
Sensuousness (Sinnlichkeit) as
psychological attitude: 388
Sentimental attitude: 166
Sermo of Abelard: 65, 398
Service of Woman and Service of
the Soul: 272
Sex, the types uninfluencedby: 413
Sexual function and general attitude:
Sexual interpretation of Parsifal:
270 Sexuality not the fundamental
problem: 270, 271
Sexualization of feeling and thinking
(Freud): 539, 588
Shadow of the extravert: 203
Shadow-effect of the two kinds of
thinking: 432
Shepherd, The, of Hermas: 275
Sign as opposed to symbol: 82, 584,
Silberer: 537
Silesius, Angelus, on relativity of
God: 317
'Simulation dans le caracter ': 213
Sinister: 282
Socrates' dialogue upon beauty: 53
Nietzsche's attack upon: 178
Socrates' rationalistic attitude: 182
Somnambulism: 588
Song of Songs: 284, 285, 286, 287,
296, 297
Sophia-Achamoth: 234, 288, 290
Soul and masculine and feminine
traits: 594
as autonomous complex: 305,
as birthplace of God (Eckehart)
as established character or
entity: 594
Soul as function of Godhead (Eckehart)
as function of relationship;
209, 210, 279, 306, 310
as image of God (Eckehart):
as perceptive organ of unconscious:
as personification of unconscious:
212, 306, 309, 310
character of, deducible from
persona: 595
definition of: 588
historical ways of viewing
the: 310
identification with: 596, 598
in league with undifferentiated
function: 226
loss of: 278, 309
Meister Eckehart on the: 305,
315 nature of: 211, 212, 273, 305,
310, 329
or inner attitude (anima):
pregnancy of: 595, 596
primitive view of: 306, 310
projection of: 596, 597
prospective symbolic character
of: 596
psychological view of: 306
service of: 272, 279
Soul-image: 276, 277, 283, 310
as ' vessel of devotion':
279, 280
definition of: 596
malevolent character of:
projection of: 597
represented by woman:
597, 598
when not projected:
Soul-stuff or soul-force of the
primitive: 365
Spear of Klingsor: 269, 270
Speech (Vac) as extraverting libido
movement: 252
Spencer and Gillen on primitive
mentality: 42, 316, 366
Spinoza: 568
Spiritualism: 210
Spiritus phantasticus: 137
Spitteler as poet: 236
Spitteler's principle of solution:
Prometheus and Epimetheus:
207, 240, 319
Spitteler's Prometheus as compared
with Goethe's: 215, 217, 218
type: 215
stigmatization of Saints: 393
'still waters run deep' (introverted
feeling woman): 492
Stilpon of Megara: 40, 50
Stirner; 93, 237
Stobaeus: 541
stoic concept, : 32, 261
teaching: 280
Sub specie aeternitatis quality of subjective
perception: 500
Subject and object relation as relation
of adaptation: 414
as inner object=the unconscious:
as only competent judge of his
motives: 454
extraverted repression of: 423
meaning of: 591
Subject-object identification: 294,
295, 553, 563, 572, 582
object identity, as hindrance
to collective organization:
Subjectification, morbid, of consciousness:
474, 475, 477, 488,
Subjective as epithet: 472, 473, 474
catastrophe of extravert: 425
factor, as firmly established
reality: 473, 474
factor, importance of: 473
factor in introverted psychology:
factor, its value only relative;
factor, meaning of the term:
473, 591
perception, influence upon
thought, feeling, and action:
perception, nature of: 499-
plane, definition of: 599
process inseparable from
thought: 431
Subjectively orientated thinking:
431, 432
Subjectivity, anti-real, of introverted
sensation type: 502
Sully on abstract feelings: 521
Summum bonum: 269
Sun and Wind as proceeding from
Prajapati: 252
Brahman as: 247, 248
Sun-goddess: 320
Surya or sun: 248, 251
Swedenborg's transformation: 542
Symbiosis: 132
Symbol a complex creation: 606,
arising from conscious and
unconscious co-operation:
as effecting transformation of
libido: 291, 295, 296, 297,
as living thing: 602, 605
as middleway: 324
as reconciling function: 608
as value for life: 159, 163,
291, 293, 294, 295, 605
definition of; 601 et seq.
dependent upon attitude of
observer; 603
dual character of; 14 1, 162,
266, 607
effective nature of: 291, 605
efficacy of: 141, 144, 157, 605
general, and loss to the individual:
292, 293
Goethe's choice of; 231
irrational: 267, 322
nature of, in Spitteler; 329,
new: 298, 320, 329, 335
of Divine birth: 313
of god with bull's head: 604
of God-renewal in Spitteler's
work: 240, 241, 320
of life, as conceived by
Schiller: 134, 148, 158, 267
origin of: 144, 146, 158, 291,
293, 295, 296, 605, 606, 607
reconciling conscious with unconscious:
representative of inferior functions
social and individual; 605
social validity of; 580
Symbols as shaped energies; 311
of the great natural mysteries:
314 Symbol-bearers: 225
forming process as biological
function; 294
Symbolic determinant of the will:
Symbolical attitude: 604
Symptom as distinguished from
symbol: 606
or symbol (phantasy): 580
Symptomatic actions (Freud); 606
Synesius: 137, 139
Synthetic character of introverted
thinking: 489
defined under Constructive:
536, 610
method: 83, 312, 313, 536
or constructive: 536
Systole and diastole: 11, 179, 252,

Tabula rasa, human mind as: 377
Talbot, P, Amaury: 290
Tao as creative essence: 266
as irrational fact; 267
as symbol: 266, 267
concept of: 151, 264, 268
meanings of: 264
" national religion of: 264
Tao-te-king, of Lao-Tze: 265
Tapas, or self-brooding; 149, 150,
248, 252, 259
Tat twam asi: 149
Taylor: 54
Teacher, inferior man never a good:
Temperaments, four ancient; 403,
404 human, clash of (James); 372,
Templars, order of; 298
Templum pudoris: 286
Temptations of Christ: 70
Tender and tough-minded as introvert
and extravert; 374, 382
Tender-minded and tough-minded
(James): 373, 374, 382
Tense attitude characteristic of
introvert; 356
Tension between conscious and unconscious:
psychic, an expression of
libido: 356
Tertium non datur: 52, 133
Tertullian: 19, 288
Tewekkul-Beg, the Mohammedan
mystic; 43
Thalamus, or bridal chamber: 286
Thema, 'approfondissement' of:
or leading idea of Gross: 338,
Theory of cognition: 42, 209
of types, Jung's previous contributions
upon: 613
Theosophical thinking: 444
Theosophy: 210
Thesis and antithesis in symbol-formation;
607, 608
Thibetan prayer, 'om mani padme
hum': 221
Thin and thick characters of James:
374, 375
Thinking, active or directed: 611
an Epimethean appendage to
feeling, in extraverted feeling
type: 449
and feeling as collective functions:
530, 531
and feeling, concretistic: 533,
and feeling types as rational:
452, 570
attitude: 572
both kinds necessary as
mutual correctives: 433
definition of: 611
dependent upon feeling: 612
enticing to the surface: 443
in extraverted attitude: 428
et seq.
in introverted attitude: 480
et seq.
infantile and negative, of
extraverted feeling type:
passive or intuitive: 611
process, relation of, to subject:
two sources of: 428
type: 434
Thomas Aquinas: 58
Thought-activity, active and passive:
Thyestian feast: 39
Tibullus: 361
'-tion' and '-ness' (' -heit' and
'-keit '): 212, 213, 226
Tishtrya Lied: 261
Toju, on nature of God: 268
Tondi: 304
Totem animal, assimilation to:
Tower of Babel: 283
Tower-symbol, the: 283, 284, 285,
293, 296
Transcendent function: 145, 159,
313, 562, 610, 612
Transference, a feeling-into process:
360, 567
state of: 567, 573 ,
to object, as extravert's defence:
Transformation of attitude: 240,
of libido: 291, 295, 296,
Transubstantiation, problem of: 33,
84 Treasure-symbol: 309
Tree, the chosen: 221
Tristan, of Wagner: 298
Truth identified with extravert and
his formula: 440
Tschuang-Tse: 83
Type, definition of: 612
Types described by author not the
only possible ones: 621
function: 412
general-attitude: 412, 414,
529, 530
general description of the:
mutual prejudices of the
(James): 373, 390, 391
random distribution of: 413
rational and irrational: 612, 613
social: 530
Typical conflict of introverted thinking
type: 90
Tyrant, psychology of: 594

'Ugliest man' of Nietzsche: 161,
237, 540, 610
Ugolino: 236
Ular: 268
Unconscious activity: 616
and conscious, compensatory
relation of: 422
and justification of experience:
apperception: 615
as determining factor: 307,
308 as historical background of
psyche: 211
as world of spirits: 310
compensatory function of:
contents, homogeneity of: 624
counter-position to intellectual
formula: 441, 542
definition of: 613
embodied in a woman: 441
intervention between subject
and object: 502
not psychic caput mortuum:
personal and collective: 615,
product as symbolical expression:
Unconscious world of images: 211
Unconsciousness of anima, or soul:
of persona: 598
Undifferentiated function incapable
of direction: 540
Uniform human psychology, the
assumption of: 622
regulation of life, questionable
efficacy of: 618
Uniformity of conscious psyche an
academic chimera: 624
'Unity of Being' of Eckehart: 308
Universalia, controversy upon: 37,
38, 52, 62, 374
Universality of the types: 413
Unredeemed elements projected
upon the Jews: 332
Upanishad philosophy: 263
Upanishads: 152, 243, 245, 246,
248, 263, 300, 390
Uterus symbolism: 289, 290

Vac as Logos: 256
as name: 254
as principle of extraversion:
253, 254, 256
or speech: 252, 253
Valentinian school, classification of:
Varuna: 251, 258, 260
Vas, interpreted as uterus: 286
sapientiae: 290
Vase of sin: 289
Vayu, or wind: 248
Vedas: 243, 258
Vedic conception: 242
hymns: 258 et seq.
Vena, or Gracious One: 247
Veraguth: 523
Vessel of devotion: 279
Vessel symbol, significance of: 291
symbolism: 286, 287, 288,
289, 290, 296
symbolism, extra-Biblical
origin of: 288 et seq., 296
symbolism of Gnosis: 289
Vibrations, theosophical explanation
of: 445
Vicvakarman: 253
Villa: 543, 585
Virgin, symbol-attributes of The:
274, 283, 284, 285, 286, 288,
289, 296
pregnancy of, as irrational
condition: 322
Virgin-worship, a vestige of Paganism:
290, 292, 293, 296
Virginity, symbols of: 286
Vischer, Fr, Th, : 369, 480
Vitality of psychic content, necessitating
two opposite theories:
Volipresence, concept of: 85
Vulcan: 223

Wagner, Nietzsche's change of attitude
to: 542
as advocate of love: 298
as thinking portion of Faust:
Wagner's Parsifal; 98, 269, 292
Wandering Jew, The: 331
Wang-Yang-Ming: 269
Warnecke: 304
Weininger: 472, 474, 475
Wernicke: 339, 342
Western forms of religion: 241
Whale, the invisible, of Behemoth:
Will, a secondary psychic phenomenon:
and instinct: 565
as disposable energy: 144
as energic process: 617
definition of: 616
efficacy of: 140, 144, 145
lacking in primitive mentality:
617 metaphysical, of Schopenhauer:
178, 315
'Will of God': 236
Winged-wheel of railway employes:
Witch-delusion of Middle Ages:
Woman, old, as the Church in
Hermas story: 280, 281,
service of: 272, 292
Wonder-child: 221, 320, 323, 332
Word, magical power of, 59
World anesthetic not moral
problem to perceptive types:
gaining the: 309
'World as Will and Idea' (Schopenhauer)
549, 559
World-reason, pre-existing: 584
Worringer: 358, 360, 361, 362, 364,
Wulfen's Cicerone d, riicksicktslosen
Lebensgenusses: 458
Wundt: 359, 384, 519, 522, 524,
525, 527, 543, 544, 548, 585
on reason, an extraverted
empiricistic view: 384
Wuwei, concept of: 268

Yajnavalkya: 246
Yaksha=aspect or daemon: 254
Yama, or sun: 248
Yang and Yin, Taoistic pair of
opposites: 267
Yoga, practice of: 150, 156, 243
Yogasutra, of Patanjali: 243

Zarathustra as the Self of Nietzsche:
of Nietzsche: 123, 178, 182,
229, 237, 239, 240, 399, 610
Zeller: 541
Zerebrale Sekundarfunktion, of
Gross: 337
Zwingli: 84, 85