Trail of the Octopus: From Beirut To Lockerbie

"Science," the Greek word for knowledge, when appended to the word "political," creates what seems like an oxymoron. For who could claim to know politics? More complicated than any game, most people who play it become addicts and die without understanding what they were addicted to. The rest of us suffer under their malpractice as our "leaders." A truer case of the blind leading the blind could not be found. Plumb the depths of confusion here.

Re: Trail of the Octopus: From Beirut To Lockerbie

Postby admin » Fri Nov 01, 2013 1:27 am

2. Rifaat Assad

From about 1976 until about 1984, President Assad's younger brother, _____, leading baron of the Lebanese drug trade. He used Syrian military trucks, aircraft and diplomatic pouches as tools of his international drug network which he based out of the northern Bekaa. The 569th Syrian Army division which he commanded was reportedly little more than "muscle" for his drug trafficking organization.

Specializing in opium and heroin, Rifaat amassed an illicit fortune. After an unsuccessful attempt to depose his brother, Hafez, he was effectively exiled and now leads a life of luxury in his heavily-guarded villa on the French Riviera. He reportedly continues to play a substantial role in Bekaa Valley drug trafficking with the tacit approval of some Western governments. Two of Rifaat's sons, Darid and Firas, are also reportedly based in France and involved in smuggling arms and drugs throughout the Mediterranean.

3. Mustafa Tlass, Syrian Minister of Defense

Syrian Defense Minister Mustafa Tlass is associated with at least three known drug traffickers including Hamad Ali al-Kis from Baalbak. Tlass was recently involved in procuring an exit visa for a very high-profile trafficker who had to leave Syria quickly, presumably to avoid "problems." This is consistent with other reports of his obtaining visas for traffickers traveling to Argentina, Spain and Germany.

During August 1989, the Syrian Defense Ministry reportedly distributed more than 1,000 "laissez passer" or travel permits at $10,000 each to "friends" of the Defense Ministry. This report is consistent with news accounts that drug smugglers from Lebanon were intercepted on their way to Israel and Egypt with special travel passes signed by "M. Tlass." At least one government source has told the Subcommittee staff that the U.S. Government presently possesses sufficient information to indict Tlass for drug trafficking.

4. General Ali Dubah, Commander of Syrian Military Intelligence

Dubah, related to Monser al-Kassar by marriage, is one of President Assad's closest friends and confidantes. He is connected with many major Lebanese trafficers including the Jaffar clan.

He also coordinates Syrian extortion efforts to ensure that sufficient drug profits are left over from the "personal corruption" so that the Syrian military intelligence service is not deprived of its institutional share. Dubah's role in the drug trade has been characterized as "having his hand in everyone's cookie jar."

Kenaan has also been shown to arbitrate disputes between _____ known drug trafficking clans, presumably for a fee.

Tlass, Dubah and Kenaan have all personally issued travel passes to known drug traffickers. Such passes allow the dealer to move freely in Lebanon and/or Syria "with his car, his personal weapon and cargo, without being searched or detained."

Working together with the Lebanese clans who have traditionally controlled the drug trade, these and other lesser officers are heavily involved with the Lebanese trafficking networks to serve essentially their own purposes:

(1) They rake off whatever immediate drug profits they can for personal enrichment;

(2) They use the drug money for other purposes related to their military/intelligence activities (i.e. they buy informers); and

(3) They use their ability to manage the drug trade of any of the organized groups by either threatening to seize that group's drugs, or more subtly, by allowing one group to move its product to market more quickly and cheaply.

VI. Syrian Military and Diplomatic Officials Have Been Repeatedly Linked to Drug Trafficking During the Last Ten Years.

Syrian military and intelligence officials in occupied Lebanon are involved in the drug trade at all levels: cultivation, production and transportation. Such connections between high-level Syrian Government officials and drug traffickers are not coincidental. These bonds are merely a representative sample of the Syrian Government's widespread pattern and practice of associating itself with those who peddle poison around the world.


575 MADISON AVENUE, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10022, SUITE 1006, TEL. 212-605-0375, TLX: 237699 WWBUS, FAX: 212-3089834



As the overall assignment, Defense trial counsel retained us to investigate the facts of the disaster, gather intelligence, develop leads, locate witnesses, locate and obtain physical evidence, and to locate expert witnesses and advise and consult with counsel as it may direct. The first stage assignment was to determine the facts and then to identify the sources, nature, extent, form and quality of available evidence; and then to recommend the action to obtain such evidence in court-admissible form, and to estimate the likelihood of obtaining same and the costs.


The assignment commenced some six months after the disaster during which time law enforcement agencies of Great Britain, Federal Republic of Germany and the United States have investigated the matter. Reports of their results and theories have been published in various journals via direct quotes attributed and unattributed from official investigative sources. Review of same shows that many key facts have been established while others remain in dispute. Therefore, it is useful to summarize same before we state our independent findings.

A. Facts Generally Agreed by Law Enforcement:

The flight originated in Frankfurt on a Boeing 727 on December 21, 1988. The flight landed in London's Heathrow airport. A second plane, a Boeing 747, was then used for the continuation leg to New York JFK under Number 103. All continuing passengers deplained in Heathrow and then boarded the 747 with the London passengers. The flight crashed over Lockerbie, Scotland, due to a bomb explosion, with all lives lost.

Law enforcement investigators have determined that the bomb was made of Samtex explosive and concealed in a suitcase which was in a cargo hold, that it weighed approx. 1.25 pounds (568 grams), that it exploded over Lockerbie, and that it was sufficient in explosive power to cause the plane to crash.


Source 1 is comprised of six persons working in different units of the intelligence community of a Western government. Reliability of this information is very good. Generally this group of agencies is only fair to good among the various persons reporting based on our prior experience and its past record. However, the very number of separate sources in these agencies (not necessarily sympathetic to each other), all sharing the conclusion, as well as the depth of the intelligence gathered, and the agencies' considerable resources and special interest in the matter, justifies rating this information as very good.

Source 2 is comprised of three persons working in different units of the intelligence agency of a second Western government. Reliability of this information is very good, not so much due to prior experience with the sources, which is good to very good, but because of their position to know the particular facts.

Source 3 is one person working for the intelligence agency of a third Western oriented government. Reliability of this information is excellent based on our prior experience with both the agency and the particular person, its and his prior record, and its position to know first hand these matters.

Source 4 is one person working for the intelligence agency of a fourth Western government. Good. It is normally rated very good but is conservatively downgraded as to this matter because its information seems in some aspects to be derivative, i.e. in great part based on information received from other agencies.

(It must be emphasized that these sources did not have as their objective the acquisition of evidence for the apprehension and trial of the perpetrators; rather, their objective is to monitor terrorist acts, draw conclusions based on their expertise, and then use what they learn so as to defend their countries in the future.)

Source 5 is an experienced Director of airport security for the most security conscious airline. He was in a position to receive the inside consensus of various security officers at Frankfurt Airport, which he reported to us. He also receives daily terrorism intelligence from his company's liaison with its host country's highly regarded intelligence service, and ...

Extracts from a confidential report on the Flight 103 disaster commissioned from Juval Aviv, of Interfor Inc., by James M. Shaughnessy in the course of Pan Am's own investigation.


The subject disaster resulted from planning and events ___ a couple of years earlier.

Libya's Qadaffi is a major funder of terrorism. He tired of the ineffectiveness and costs of the internal jealousies among terrorist factions, wanted more effective terrorism against America, yet did not want to suffer further American retaliation. He demanded that the more skilled terrorist groups coordinate better, and do it so as to preserve his deniability.

At the same time, Syrian intelligence, which had been exposed as planning the Hindawi bomb attempt against El Al in London out of its embassy there, sought deeper cover and backed Ahmed Jibril's PFLP as its front team.

Meetings were then held among leaders of various factions: Ahmed Jibril of PLFP, Abu Nidal, George Habash, Ali Issa Duba of Syrian intelligence, and Iranian radicals, (named by us hereafter for convenience as the "Interterror Group"). They agreed to cooperate and seek secure routs for smuggling contrabad and people for terrorism while raising additional funds. (Some of these groups had been doing so individually for some time). They never trusted each other, kept secrets from each other, and never worked together in full cooperation, but there were frequent although wary joint contacts and operations.

They set up a complex drug and arms smuggling operation via various European cities. Eventually Abu Nidal ran the drugs-arms operations, while Ahmed Jibril concentrated on arms and terrorist planning.

Monzer Al-Kassar, born 7/1/47, in Nabak, Syria, is married to Raghda Duba, the sister of Syrian intelligence chief Ali Issa Duba, (sometimes spelled Douba). Al-Kassar is a major arms and drug smuggler who has played a key role in terrorism banking and "diplomacy" among terrorist groups, and has acquaintances with certain Western leaders. For example, he is known to have had friendly contacts with former Austrian Chancellor Bruno Kreisky.

Al-Kassar has had long term romantic affairs with Raja Al-Assad, the daughter of Rifat Assad, who is the brother of Syrian President Hafez Assad, spending time with her at her ...


The PanAm Frankfurt smuggling operation worked as follows: an accomplice boarded flights with checked luggage containing innocent items. An accomplice Turkish baggage handler for PanAm was tipped to identify the suitcase, then switched it with an identical piece holding contraband, which he had brought into the airport or otherwise received there from another accomplice. The passenger accomplice then picked up the baggage on arrival. It is not known how this method passed through arrival customs where such existed, but this route and method worked steadily and smoothly for a long time.

The Turkish baggage handlers attended mosques in Cologne and Bonn which were fundamentalist Islamic sects. It was there that they were recruited.

Khalid Jafar was a regular "passenger" accomplice for the drug route.

The BKA/DEA/CIA surveillance operation continued to monitor the route without interfering with it, apparently seeking intelligence. As they realized the extent of the oepration they decided to try to channel the operation into less numerous areas so that they could concentrate their surveillance focus. So BKA began a combination of arrests and visible police presence at other drug operation locales in West Germany, which eventually induced the operators to concentrate where there was no such visible presence, at Frankfurt airport, PanAm.

CIA had another motive to channel the operation to PanAm's baggage area. It had for some time been surveilling separate activities there involving shipments (contents unspecified) to and from the East Bloc via PanAm through Frankfurt, Berlin and Moscow. This would enable them to more efficiently monitor both operations now.

The CIA unit involved in this Frankfurt airport surveillance works in West Germany with BKA and has a control at an unknown location in the Washington area. We cannot say with certainty that the activities of this unit were fully reported if at all up the channels to CIA HQ; it appears that it eventually operated to some or a large extent as an internal covert operation without consistent oversight, a la Oliver North or Edwin Wilson. To distinguish what it knew as opposed to what CIA HQ definitely knew, we refer to that unit as CIA-1.



From this perspective the apparent contradictions in the reports of the official investigations might be explained as follows: (1) Jafar checked a suitcase, possibly in a manner which was not recorded or noticed, and we stand by our sources as to this; (2) The signs of an explosion in the CIA luggage was likely an anti-entry small explosive often used by them, and was likely triggered by the first explosion or a hurtling object; (3) the nervous CIA presence and strange behavior at the crash site indicates the sensitivity of the contents of the CIA passengers' luggage.

It is pointless to try to pin down further the exact motives and identities and roles of the terrorists. All had the same goal: to strike at America. They are known to work together, albeit in duplicity. Confusion of funders, planners, perpetrators and motive is a mark of Syrian intelligence planning.

We are also persuaded by the intelligence as to the BKA-CIA-1 surveillance, videotape and possession of key evidence by the U.S. Government, as well as the communications codename. The persons so reporting spoke from what appears to be detailed knowledge. It was our impression that more than one of these persons prefers to keep the truth hidden (and assumes that it will remain so) while others prefer that it emerge, although not in a position to do so.

From the perspective of intelligence analysis our findings are conclusive. From the perspective of journalists it is publishable speculation. From the perspective of trial lawyers it probably remains inadmissible speculation or hearsay.

The police authority of Trollhattan, Sweden, hereby merely certifies that this is a copy of a page in a passport, which has been presented before the police authority by a gentleman, who states that his name is Lester Knox Coleman and who has applied for asylum in Sweden on political grounds. The police authority does not certify the authenticity of the passport in question.


Ulrica Ericsson
Deputy Police Superintendent

Specimen pages from Coleman's still valid American passport with some of the visas and entry and exit stamps that support his account of his movements as a DIA secret agent.
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Joined: Thu Aug 01, 2013 5:21 am

Re: Trail of the Octopus: From Beirut To Lockerbie

Postby admin » Fri Nov 01, 2013 1:29 am

-- Index --

Abbas, Abu 82, 86
ABC Network 49, 103, 146, 180-1,
186, 217-18, 223, 252-3, 262, 266-7,
275, 295
Aharoni, Daniel 292
Air Jordan 152, 156
Air Malta 73, 75, 113, 177-8, 183, 236,
238, 298-9
al-Assad, Raja 82
al-Kassar, Monzer 16-19, 50, 80, 82-6,
107-8, 119, 142, 166-7, 169-71, 197,
201, 235-6, 284
al-Megrahi, Abdel 183-4, 186, 301
al-Mogbrabi, Mahmoud 112, 233, 277
Al Shiraa 136
al-Zawi, Ahmed 187
Alabama, University of 191-2, 200,
205, 259
Alert Management Inc. 270
Alford, Bob 295
AMA Industries 13 0
Amal militia 108-9, 152-3
American Victims of Flight 103 52
Ammerman, Bert 52
Anderson, Jack 50
Anderson, Terry 130
Antoine 102
Aoun, Gen. Michel 4, 208-10
Arlington Hall 7, 21, 25, 28, 91-2
Arnett, Peter 4, 211
Asmar, Tony 3, 101-4, 109-10, 121,
128-30, 132-5, 189, 194, 198, 203-6
Assad, Pres. Hafez 50, 86, 132, 167-8,
172, 208, 302
Assad, Rifat 16-18, 30, 82, 119, 151, 153,
166-7, 302
Auburn University 132, 136, 149, 259
Aviv, Juval 42, 78-88, 90, 138-42, 181,
219, 224, 235-9, 241, 251, 256, 265-8,
272-6, 290-7, 302, 318
Baabda 4, 210-11
Bahamas 57, 61-4
Baker, James 139
Baltimore 65
Bank of Credit & Commerce International
(BCCI) 107, 121, 247
Barber, Alden 38, 40
Barr, William 182
Barron's 181-2, 266, 292
Barhen, Lt-Col. Terry E. 228, 230-2, 244,
263, 276-7
Beaini, Fohad 154
Bechari, Ibrahim 186
Beckman, Richard 288-9
Behrens, Lesley 5-9, 23
Beirut 4, 19, 50, 83, 96, 98-110, 129-32,
142, 161, 168, 192, 203, 209, 256
Bekaa Valley 17-19, 29, 119, 122, 152-3,
163-5, 167, 170, 226
Bell, Ian 179, 182
Bern 169-70
Bernard, Laurie 66
Berri, Nabi 108-9, 152, 156
Bitar, Victor 210
Black September 41-2, 44
Boohaker, Joseph L. 8, 21-4, 26, 208-10,
Boutros, Marcel 210
Boy Scouts of America 37-40, 45, 57,
205, 208-9, 259-60
Boyce, William D. 37
Boy's Life 57
Broadcasting 95
Brokaw, Tom 20, 45, 206
Bufkins, Russ 38
Buhler, Gregory W. 139, 146-7,
Bundeskriminalamt (BKA) 14-19, 42, 46,
49, 56, 71-2, 74-7, 82-6, 117, 142,
166, 221, 245-6
Burchette, Lloyd 200, 251, 254, 257-8,
263-4, 267
Bush, George 49-51, 70, 114, 117, 119,
172, 184, 186, 209, 280, 304
Byron, Christopher 255-65, 268, 287,
291, 294, 296
Cable News Network (CNN) 66, 129-30,
175, 211, 218-19, 228, 250, 261
Calero, Adolfo 102
Calero, Mario 102, 106
Cannistraro, Vincent 175-6, 181,
291-3, 295
Casey. William 96, 101, 103, 108, 122,
130, 149, 256
Casolaro, Danny 247-51, 255
CBN 95-8, 101-2, 105-10, 121
CBS News 67-8, 258, 290, 294, 296-7
Cetera, Mario 190
Channon, Paul 49, 186
Christian Broadcasting Network 95, 101,
159, 231, 256
Christian Lebanese Forces 102, 106, 142,
205-8, 211-12
CIA 7, 15-19, 30, 45-6, 57, 61, 64, 66,
79-89, 92, 116, 139, 149, 153, 156,
165-6, 169, 172-6, 181, 190, 193, 197,
214, 217, 230, 236-7, 256, 293
Clayton, Mark 37, 41
Clinton, Bill 303
Coddington, Clinton 271
Colby, William 27
Coleman, Jocelyn 36, 58, 60
Coleman, Lester Knox 31-2
Coleman Jr., Lester Knox 31, 34, 297
Coleman III, Lester Knox 2-10, 13,
20-45, 47-8, 56-69, 87-8, 91-110,
120-36, 146-70, 173, 175-6, 189-221,
226-31, 235-7, 239-41, 243-69,
275-7, 281-90, 294, 297, 301-2,
305-6, 308-13, 320
Squeal 61, 64, 159
Coleman, Margie 213, 282
Coleman, Mary-Claude 4, 6-9, 24, 26,
100, 104-5, 108-10, 126, 129, 148,
189, 203, 205-7, 212, 220-1, 229
Commission on Aviation Security
& Terrorism 114-17, 266,
Condor Television Ltd 121-2, 124-5,
133, 231
Connelly, Phillip 46-7, 138, 226, 233,
274, 277
Connors, John J. 244-5
Contras 16, 83, 101-3, 106, 108, 110,
149, 166, 201, 207, 247, 256
COREA see Operation Corea
Council of Lebanese-American
Organizations 210
Crane, David 66-7
Cronkite, Walter 38-9, 57
Cypriot Police Force Narcotics Squad
(CPFNS) 153-5, 193, 195, 197
Cyprus 3, 17-18, 29-30, 42, 50, 56, 107,
109-10, 121, 124, 126, 138, 142, 146,
148-66, 188, 192-204, 218, 225-6,
229, 252, 292, 313
Daily Mail 78
Daily Telegraph 78, 185
Dakar 172, 175-6
Dalkamoni, Hafez Kassem 14-16, 47-9,
71, 187, 233, 277
Damascus 50, 142, 302
Daod, Abou 155-6
DeCesare, Don 67-8
Defense Intelligence Agency (D1A) 2,
19, 24-8, 45, 48, 56, 65, 91-4, 97-8,
101-2, 105-8, 121, 129-30, 142-4,
149, 192, 194, 197, 200, 206, 209,
213-17, 227-8, 230-2, 253, 260, 310,
312-13, 320
Deutsch, Michael 214, 243-4
Dhyer, Pierre 106
Donaghue, Ethel 60
Donleavy, Bill 93-5, 97-100, 105, 107-8,
110, 121-9, 132-5, 148-50, 160, 164,
166-8, 189-92, 194, 196, 205-6, 232
Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)
1-2, 6-7, 17-19, 22-3, 25, 27-30,
42, 48, 50, 81-3, 87, 122, 138-9,
145-6, 148-9, 153, 160, 163-5, 169,
175-6, 180, 182, 188-90, 192-7, 204,
207, 213-20, 225-32, 235, 245-6,
255, 261-3, 265-7, 272, 294, 303,
309-11, 313
Dubah, Gen. Ali Issah 82, 86, 167,
171, 302
Dumfries & Galloway Constabulary 45,
Eddi, Raymond 210
El Al 14, 55
El-Jorr, Ibrahim 42, 151-2, 189, 192-6,
198-9, 202-3, 258
Elias, Abu 187
Emerson, Steven 158, 175, 218, 2S0, 257,
261, 265-8, 287, 291, 295
Esseff, John A. 210, 220, 260
Esseff, Joseph 210
Esson, George 111-12
Eurame Trading Company 29, 146,
193-8, 202, 204
Evans, Michael 251
Express, L' 172-3
Fadellah, Sheik Mohammed Hussein 102
Fatal Accident Inquiry 111, 114, 179, 276
FBI 4-5, 7, 9, 28, 47, 61, 89, 139, 141,
157, 174, 176-7, 180, 182, 214,
216, 235, 238-9, 243, 282, 288_90,
303-4, 306-7
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) 28,
52-4, 114-16, 225, 271, 298_9
Federal Tort Claims Act 145, 180
Fenton, Tom 67
Fhimah, Lamen Khalifa 183-4, 186, 301
Fitzgerald, A. Ernest 247-50
Fitzwater, Marvin 184
Flint, Julie 174-5
Foster, Tom 223
Frankfurt 16, 80, 84, 88, 119, 125
Airport 14, 17, 19, 46-7, 49, 51-5,
71-8, 82-3, 113, 115-16, 119, 137,
145-6, 224-5, 270-1, 299
Franks, Michael 102-3, 108, 110, 200-1,
256, 268, 275
Fraser, Lord 49, 111, 113, 184, 186
Freedom of Information Act 223-4, 273
Frezeli, Charles 209
Fulbright Commission 192, 254
Gaddafi, Col. Muammar 16, 82, 126-8,
173-4, 176, 186-7
Gallagher, Neil 47
Ganem, Fred 164, 195, 199
Gannon, Matthew Kevin 83, 85, 143, 206
Gauci, Tony 183
Gavzer, Bernie 26
Gazarik, Richard 237
Geagea, Shamir 211-12
Geohagen, Tom 40-1, 43
George (Syrian) 151, 155, 162, 170,
190-1, 194, 205, 259, 275, 282, 285
George (Taxi) 151, 155
Gerardo, Frank 107
Germany 46, 183, 185, 233
Ghadanfar, Abdel Fattah 14-16, 47, 49,
71, 233, 277
Gilbey, Emma 223
Goben, Mobdi ('the Professor') 15, 84
Graham, Gen. Danny 40, 43-4, 62
Greene, Stephen H. 180, 225
Grissom, Gregory 88-9
Guardian 78
Gurney, Peter 299-300
Habib, Dany 125, 150-1, 164, 196, 216
Haddad, Khaisar 187
Hadjiloizu, Penikos 155
Hallberg, Dr Hakan 244, 308
Hamadan, Jamal 153-4, 156-8
Hamilton, Adrian 186
Hamilton, William 247-9
Haser, Arman Jirayer 169-71
Hashim, Gushan 102, 106, 108-10
Hatfield, Gloria 289
Hayes, Dr Thomas 178, 233, 239, 277
Helms, Richard 93
Helsinki 19, 53, 175
Henderson, DC Derrick 276
Hershow, Sheila 28-9, 50
Hezbollah 17, 109, 122, 129, 131
H.M. Customs & Excise 18-19, 46-7, 54,
138, 226
Holdsworth, Diana 307
Hoobaka, Eli 106-7, 205
Horne, John 299
hostages (Beirut) 129-32, 168, 192, 204
House Government Operations Subcommittee
28, 180
House Judiciary Committee, Subcommittee
on Crime & Criminal Justice 316
Hudson, Paul 182
Hurd, Douglas 186
Hurley, Michael T. 1-3, 7, 18, 25-9,
110, 122-5, 148-56, 158-66, 168-70,
189-92, 194-204, 215-16, 218,
227-32, 244, 253-4, 257-8, 261, 267,
275-7, 311, 313
Hussein, Saddam 4, 50, 119, 169, 172,
181, 209
iDAG 287
Imandi, Marten 112, 117
Independent 74, 78, 172-5, 181
Inslaw Inc. 198, 247, 249
Intelligence & Security Command 95
Interfor Report 78-89, 139, 141, 181-2,
219, 224, 237-8, 251, 256, 266, 291,
302, 318
Iran 13, 17, 20, 32, 34, 70, 83, 102, 112,
117, 135-7, 142, 166, 174, 184-6, 188,
197, 236, 241
Iranian Airbus 1, 11, 13, 17, 20, 143
Iraq 4, 181, 190, 209, 262
Israel 4, 19, 106, 183, 185
Israeli Defence Forces 143, 225
Jafaar, Khalid Nazir 29-30, 47-8, 83-6,
146, 170, 180, 196, 229, 239-40, 246,
263, 267, 301-3
Jafaar, Sami 152-4, 156-8, 169-71, 190
Jafaar clan 17-19, 29-30, 152-3,
189-90, 195-6
Jeffries, Jan 58
Jiacha, Abdu Maged 183-4
Jibril, Abmed 13-14, 16--17, 19, 47,
82, 84-5, 119, 175-6, 181, 185, 187,
235, 242
Johnston, David 46
Jones, Michael F. 46-7, 138, 226, 274
Kabbara, Zouher & Nadim 152, 189-90
Kappler, Lt. Gen. James 92
Kasikopu, Andreous 154
Keefe, James 88-9
Keenan, Brian 130
Kenaan, Gen. Ghazi 130, 132, 167-8
Khomeini, Ayatollah 13
Khreesat, Marwan Abdel 14-16, 71, 74,
82, 118, 179
Kimbrough, Walton 33-4
King, David 200-1
Kohn, Aaron 58
KPI Repon 53-4, 56
Kreindler, Lee 235, 238, 270, 291-2
Kurz, Anat 185
Langotsky, Yossi 53
Lamaca 121, 151, 190, 195
Lasser, Stanley 169-70
LBC 106
Leavy, Thomas J. 3, 7, 22, 63-4, 94,
149, 210-12, 216--17, 221, 231, 245,
288-90, 307
Lebanese Army 209
Lebanon 3, 17-19, 102, 121, 196, 204,
208-11, 262
Leppard, David 74, 81, 112-13, 116, 178,
238-42, 277
Lester, Jocelyn see Coleman, Jocelyn
Levin, Jerry 129-30
Libya 16, 20, 34, 44, 70, 73--4, 76, 82,
113, 117, 119, 125-8, 168, 172-9,
182-8, 239, 241, 270-1, 299, 301
Libyan Arab Airlines 183-4
Lindsey, John 139
Lockerbie 1, 12, 20, 45-6, 48, 116,
172-3, 186
Incident Centre 48, 112
Lovejoy, David 19, 143, 201, 225, 236,
256-8, 275
Luqa Airport 72-4, 178, 183-4, 236
McAteer, Det. Insp. Watson 178, 241
McCarthy, John 130-1
McCloskey, James B, 65-6, 68, 91-2, 94,
110, 121, 231, 248-9
McDermott, Martin 192
McFarlane, Robert 102, 135-6
Mack, Linda 218
McKee, Major Charles 45, 83, 85, 143,
204, 206, 235-7
McLaughlin, Ann 114
MacMichael, David 251-4
MacQuarrie, James 11
Magharian, Berkev & Jean 169-71
Mahan, Danny 60-1
Maier, Kurt 300
Major, John 186
Malta 73-4, 76, 89, 112-13, 173, 176,
178, 181, 183, 236, 239, 270-1, 299
Marchetti, Victor 181
Maroni, Walid 210
Martin, Conrad 247
Martz, Ron 200, 251-S, 257-8, 261, 267
Mayer, Hartmut 42, 44, 166, 220-1, 233,
245-6, 277
Megrahi, Abdel see al-Megrahi
Merritt, John 77, 81, 118-19, 141, 237-8
MI6 95, 98, 106
Middle East Media Operations 161
Middle East Television (MET) 95-7,
102, 105
Mikalis, Sgt 155-6
Miller, Marshall Lee 26-8, 120, 147, 213
Miller, Neal 192, 205-6
Mills, David 159-60, 218
Mims, Lambert 37
Mobile 5, 21, 23-4, 35-7
Mogamarat 167, 170-1
Mogbrabi, Mahmoud see al-Moghrabi
Mohtashemi, Ali Akbar 13, 187, 241
Moran, James B. 214, 216, 243-5, 255
Mossad 15, 17, 19, 42, 84-5, 102,
194, 292
Mowat, Sheriff Principal 276
Mueller, Robert 182, 184
Mugraby, Dr Muhamad 210
Munich Olympics 41-2, 152, 166
Mutual Radio 126-7, 159
Nader, Pierre Abu 107
NARCOG 149, 151-3, 155, 159, 161,
163-4, 166, 168, 170, 192, 198, 201,
204, 207, 220
National Alliance of Lebanese Americans
(NALA) 208, 210
National Intelligence Academy 191-2, 259
National Security Agency 92, 139,
223, 224
NBC News 20, 22, 45, 145-6, 159,
180-1, 206-7, 217-18, 266-7,
275, 295
Neuss 14-16, 112-13, 117
New York 255, 259-60, 262, 265, 269,
287, 291
New York Post 53
New York Times 172, 186
Newsday 184
Newsweek 159, 218
Newton, Wayne 159
Nicosia 18, 25, 29, 50, 121, 146, 149,
154, 161, 164, 192-3, 195
Nidal, Abu 82, 84, 167
Niknam, Hussein 143
North, Lt-Col. Oliver 16, 48, 101-2,
107-8, 110, 130, 135-6, 159, 166,
200, 256
Observer 71-2, 77-81, 84, 88-9, 113-14,
118, 141, 174, 179, 186-7, 237-8,
254, 266
O'Connor, Bonnie 184
Olmert, Yossi 185
O'Neill, Roland 88-90, 140, 274
Operation Blessing 108
Operation Corea (Courier) 80, 86, 88,
146, 180, 236, 263
Operation Dome 193
Operation El Dorado Canyon 126, 159
Operation Goldenrod 152-3, 158, 169
Operation Polar Cap 169, 190
Operation Shakespeare 3, 23, 56, 192,
211, 216, 260, 290
Operation Steeplechase 101, 105-6
Operations Sub-Group on Terrorism 152
Orr, DCS John 48-9, 51, 71-2, 74, 112
Overseas Press Services Inc. 102-3
Owens, Richard 169
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)
163, 183, 187, 194
Pan Am 2, 19, 46, 50-6, 71-6, 82-5,
89-90, 114-16, 138--41, 207, 215,
217-18, 220, 239-40, 311-14, 318
Flight 103 1, 12, 19, 30, 48, 53, 80, 85,
88, 118-19, 143, 145, 206
lawsuits 78, 81, 137-8, 145, 180-1,
222-6, 233-5, 255-6, 264-8,
270-80, 291, 294, 298-301, 311_15
Pan American World Services 270
Parkinson, Cecil 50-1
Passic, Gregory 169
Pavlick, Michael 152, 170
Pedemonti, Richie 60-1
Pentagon 7, 26, 94, 209, 216
Phillippo, Ron 38
Philps, Alan 185
Pindling, Lyndon O. 63--4
Pindsorf, Bert 221, 233, 245, 277
Plaskett, Thomas G. 114-15, 139,
271, 294-5
Platt, Judge Thomas C. 140-2, 144,
233-5, 240, 242, 255, 271, 274, 278
Popular Front for the Liberation of
Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC)
13-17, 19, 47, 49-50, 70-5, 82, 84,
112, 117, 119, 142-3, 167, 174-5,
177-9, 185, 187-8, 198, 235-6, 302
Private Eye 51, 185-6
PROMIS Ltd 197-8, 247, 249
Racep, Ali 84
Rath, Volker 185
Rather, Dan 67
Reagan, Ronald 152, 157-8, 184
Rebmann, Kurt 80
Reefe, James 274
Reich, Rocky 36
Reno, Janet 303-4
Richardson, Elliot L. 247-9
RKO Radio Network 59
Robertson, Pat 48, 95-7, 101-3, 109-10,
159, 231
Robertson, Tim 96-7, 106, 109
Rockwell, Norman 57
Rogers III, Capt. Will 13
Romeo 95-6
Rosenthal, A.M. 186
Ross, Judge Allyne 141, 224, 238
Ross, Brian 22, 29, 146, 159, 218, 255-6,
261, 276
Rowan, Roy 235-8, 240, 251, 255-6,
260-1, 284
Salazar, Raymond 114-15
Salinger, Pierre 49, 146, 186-7, 218, 252,
255-6, 262-3, 275
Sands, Jim 35
Sarnoff, Robert W. 38
Sasser, Col. John 110, 121-2, 124, 158
Saudi Arabia 67-8, 258
Schafer, Michael see Franks, M.
Schreiber, Manfred 42
Schweitzer, Peter 67-8, 258
Shaughnessy, James M. 81, 87-9, 138-45,
147, 222-7, 230-1, 233-4, 236-7, 244,
256, 271-80, 292-4, 297, 318
Shaw, Connor 32
Silverman, Ira 159
Singlaub, Gen. John K. 101-2, 110
Skunk Kilo 154-5, 157
Sleigh (Sly), Robert 205, 282-7
Slizewski, Tom 257
Smith, Raymond 114
Soldier of Fortune 228-9, 252, 254, 257-8
Starnes, Evelyn 126-7
Steele, William H. 23-4
Stephen, Andrew 114
Stetham, Robert 152
Stringer, Howard 67
Suit, W. Dennis 102-3, 159-60
Sunday Correspondent III
Sunday Telegraph 53
Sunday Times 49, 74, 81, 112-13
Sweden 112, 117-18, 221, 233, 243-4,
246, 251, 281-3, 287-8, 290,
297, 305-6
Swire, Dr James 184-5
Syracuse Post Standard 223
Syria 14, 16-20, 50, 70, 82, 102, 115,
117-19, 131-2, 153, 165, 168, 172,
174, 181, 184-6, 188, 208_9, 241,
302-3, 316
Talar, Abou 154
Talb, Mohammed Abu 16, 73, 112, 117,
183, 233, 277
Teresa, Mother 221, 247
Terrell, Jack 200
Thatcher, Margaret 49-51, 70
Theodolus, Mike 254
Thompson, Charlie 28
Time 235-41, 251, 256, 258, 260-1,
264-7, 284, 295
Times 47, 78, 185, 251
Traficant, James 78-9, 81, 139
Trelford, Donald 187
Tribune-Review 237
Tripiccio, Ray 22, 261
Tripoli 113, 125-7, 173, 175, 184, 186
Tunayb, Major Khalil 301
Turner, Ed 130
Tuzcu, Kilin Caslan 88-90, 140, 274
TWA 747 hijack 152, 156
Unclassified 251-2
United States
Department of Defense 94, 97, 251
Justice Department 23, 81, 183, 198,
214, 222, 244-5, 247, 249, 262,
272-3, 276, 278, 280, 288, 297, 304
State Department 18-20, 53, 85, 88,
139, 209
US Aviation Underwriters 291
Van Atta, Dale 50
Vincennes, USS I, 11, 13, 20
Waite, Terry 130-1, 185
Wallace, Mike 290-6
Washington Journalism Review 265,
269, 287
Washington Post 50, 238-9, 241
Watson, Peter 270
Webster, William 139
Wehbe, Nabile 84
Werbell III, Lt Gen. Mitchell 103
Westinghouse 58-9
WFSB-TV 60-1
Whelen, James 101
Whitaker, Lawrence G. 178, 241
White House press corps 59-60
Wilkinson, Paul 174-5, 185
Williams, Hollis 226
Wilson, Edmund 20
Windels, Marx, Davies & Ives 81, 138
WMAR-TV 65-6
Woonie Radio 36-7
WSGN 58, 126, 129
WTN 131
Yeffet, Isaac 53-4
Younis, Fawaz 152-4, 156-7, 169,
190, 218
Zurich 126, 128, 170
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Re: Trail of the Octopus: From Beirut To Lockerbie

Postby admin » Fri Nov 01, 2013 1:33 am

From the jacket cover, First U.S. Edition:

"Somebody was hammering on the front door. It was light now, and he went through to the kitchen, which overlooked the street, to see who it was. As he looked out, a young man in a blue FBI windbreaker glanced up from below, hand on holster, and tried to hide behind a telephone pole." -- from the book

Trail of the Octopus tells the story of Lester Knox Coleman, an agent for the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), who was prosecuted by the U.S. government for his efforts to reveal what he knew about the bombing of Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland on December 21, 1988, that took the lives of all 259 passengers and crew, and another eleven persons on the ground. Coleman didn't set out to be a spy, but he turned out to be a good one. Having learned Arabic as the son of an oil engineer, electrical engineering as a radio broadcaster, and public relations with the Boy Scouts of America, he eventually put all these skills to work for the DIA. In 1984, at the age of thirty-nine, he began working as a DIA agent in Lebanon and Cyprus, undercover as a broadcaster, a newsman, and a college professor researching drug dealing for his thesis. He ran dozens of intelligence assets, gaining detailed knowledge of the drug and weapons trafficking that saturated the region.

When Coleman discovered that some of the agents, who were running Lebanese heroin to the U.S. through the Frankfurt and London airports for use in stateside "sting" operations, had gone rogue, he warned his superiors of the danger, but they took no action to stop the operation. Disgusted wtih a system that seemed to be obsessed with documenting everything and acting on nothing, in May 1988, Coleman withdrew from his position in Cyprus and returned to the United States.

When the Lockerbie tragedy occurred seven months later, Coleman didn't initially realize that what he had learned in the Middle East would be of value to investigators. He had turned his back on the spy business, and returned to journalism. But the spy syndicate wasn't done with him yet, and after he agreed to go back into the field for a new mission in the Middle East, Coleman learned what it was like to be an enemy of the United States.

This First U.S. Edition includes a new Foreword by Lester Knox Coleman and excerpts from the Second Circuit Court of Appeals decisions in Pan Am Airlines' appeal from the trial court verdict, including the stinging dissent by Justice Van Graafeiland that calls into question the evidentiary basis for the verdict that ended Pan Am's corporate existence and aborted further inquiry into the U.S. government's role in the disaster.

From the jacket cover, First U.K Edition:

Lester Knox Coleman is a man who knows too much.

An American spy on the run, he knows too much about the Lockerbie disaster. He knows too much about terrorist activities in the Middle East. He knows too much about American's ultra-secretive Defense Intelligence Agency.

Hunted by his own government, Coleman has been forced to seek asylum in Sweden.

In Trail of the Octopus Coleman tells all he knows -- not from any wish to betray his country but in order to survive, to give himself, his wife and their three young children some hope of a normal life. Once his knowledge is made public, there should be no further reason for Washington to seek to silence him.

Trail of the Octopus is the story of the biggest international cover-up in modern times.
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Re: Trail of the Octopus: From Beirut To Lockerbie

Postby admin » Fri Nov 01, 2013 1:34 am


Lester Knox Coleman is the first American citizen since the Vietnam war to seek political asylum in another country. Hounded by the FBI, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and Middle East heroin traffickers, Coleman is a victim of the biggest international cover-up in modern times.

In the spring of 1988 Coleman was on a mission for the world's most secretive and well-funded espionage organization -- The Defense Intelligence Agency. Coleman had been ordered to spy on the DEA in Cyprus which, along with the CIA, was running a series of 'controlled deliveries' of Lebanese heroin through the airports of Frankfurt and London en route to America. Coleman discovered that the security of this 'sting' operation had been breached and warned the American embassy that a disaster was waiting to happen. He was ignored. Seven months later, Pan Am Flight 103 exploded over Lockerbie. Among the dead was a DEA courier.

Over the last four years Washington has ensured that the blame for the bombing rests with Libyan terrorists and negligent Pan Am officials. With Pan Am and their insurers fighting this version all the way, it was never likely that Coleman's experiences in Cyprus would go unnoticed. In 1991 America's state security apparatus -- the 'optopus' -- made its move.

Trail of the Octopus is a gripping investigation into the causes of the Lockerbie disaster and the subsequent manipulation of the evidence. It is a revelatory insight into the rival American intelligence agencies and their use of Middle East drug traffickers and terrorists. And it is the story of a man who became a prisoner of his own knowledge.
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Re: Trail of the Octopus: From Beirut To Lockerbie

Postby admin » Fri Nov 01, 2013 1:36 am


A Londoner by birth, Donald Goddard lived in the US for ten years, for eight of them as an editor at the New York Times. He is the author of numerous critically acclaimed bestsellers, including Joey, The Last Days of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, All Fall Down, Undercover and The Insider.
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