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Re: Trading With the Enemy, by Charles Higham

PostPosted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 3:25 am
by admin

Abetz, Otto, 11, 25-28, 183-184, 190
Abs, Hermann, 217
Acheson, Dean: at Bretton Woods, 12-15: Davis Oil and, 68; Ford Company and, 161: ITT and, 100: SKF and, 123, 125, 128: Standard Oil and, 40-41,55-57,60-61
Adam-Opel (GM subsidiary), 168,171, 175
Admiral Graf Spee (battleship), 149
Agfa company, 133-134
Agricultura1 Advisory Commission, 3
Aguirre, Ernesto, 108-109
Alba, Duke of, 94
Alba Pharmaceutical Company, 142
Albert, Dr. Heinrich, 95,142,154-160
Aldrich, Winthrop (of Chase National Bank), 20,22-23,25,28-31: BIS and, 12,18-19: SS and, 132
Algiers, BIS in, 10-11
Alien Property Custodian, Office of (see also Crowley, Leo T.): GAF and, 137-139: SKF and, 118,127, 140: Sterling and, 141-142, 151
All-American Cables Office, 104
All Honorable Men (Martin), 217
Allied Military Government, 211-,-212
Allied War Council, 182
Almazan, Juan, 77
Alpa (Nazi firm), 175
Ambruster, Howard, 144-145, 151 152
America and a New World Order (Howard), 166, 215
America First movement, 72, 157
American Agriculturist, The (journal), 3
American Chemical Society, 162
American Cyanamid, 140
American 1.G. Chemical Corp.: Edsel Ford and, 156;GAFand, 131, 133, 134; Standard Oil and, 33-34, 36; succeeded by General Aniline and Film, 36
American Liberty League, 162, 165
American Magazine, 35
American Nazi party, 165
American Red Cross, 18,125
American Telephone and Telegraph Company (AT&T), 94
Anderson, Sir John, 15
Angell, Frank, 193
antiblack and ant-communist movements, Du Pont involvement in, 162,165
anti-Semitism (see also Auschwitz; Jews): at Ford Motor Company, 154-155, 157-158; among German-Americans, 192; at GM, 162, 165, 167-168; at SKF, 121; in U.S. State Department, 85
Antonescu, General Ion, 37
AO (Organization of Germans Abroad), 133,135,189-190
Arabian-American Oil Company (Aramco), 82-85,88-92
Arab Legion, 80
Arab world, Hitler and, 80-81
Aramco, see Arabian-American Oil Company
Armanda Capriles and Company, 104
Arnold, General Henry H. (.'Hap"), 122,213
Arnold, Thurman, 44-53, 152
Asea, 122
Asia and the Americas (journal), 84
Associated Bunds organization, 192
Associated Press, 6
AT&T, 94
Auboin, Roger, 5
Auer, Erhard, 155
Auschwitz: BIS and, 18; GAF and, 131; postwar treatment of, 211, 213
Austria National Bank, gold looted from, 4-5, 210n, 214
Austrian State Opera, 37
aviation fuel, wartime trade in, 34 -36, 52-53,220
Axis powers: Ford and, 159-161; 1TT and, 111-112, 113; Standard Oil and, 43
Azzolini, Vincenzo, 3

Backer, Mrs. Dorothy S. 89
Bahrein, Sheikh of, 84
Bailey, S. P. 28-29
ball bearings, international wartime trade in, 116-129
Banca Commerciale Italiana, 24
Banco Aleman Transatlantico, 26, 122, 150
Bank for International Settlements (BIS), 1-19; at Bretton Woods, 12-19; Bank of England and, 2, 5-9; Bank of France and, 2, 3, 5, 8, 6; Chase Bank and, 2, 12, 17, 18-19, 20; Davis Oil and, 63, 72; Farben and, 145; Ford Motor Company and, 159-160; GAP and, 131-132; GM and, 168-169; ITT and, 95, 96; postwar role of, 210, 214, 218; Standard Oil and, 18, 59
Bankhead, William, funeral of, 86
Bank of Belgium, gold looted from, 1, 8,16-17, 210n
Bank of England, BIS and, 2, 5-9; Czech gold transfer and, 6, 7; Standard Oil and, 59
Bank of France: BIS and, 2, 3, 5, 8, 16; Ford Motor Company and, 160; Hitler and, 183; Standard Oil and, 59; Windsor and, 183
Bank of Italy, 2, 3
Bank of Sweden, 9
Banque de Paris et des Pays-Bas, 22, 24, 184
Banque Francaise et Italienne pour l'Amerique du Sud, 24
Barco pipeline, 76
Barth, Alfred W., 23, 30
Baruch, Bernard, 51
Batt, William L, (of SKF), 116-122, 125-129
Bayer Company, 141-142, 145, 147, 149-152
Beacon Research Laboratory , 78
Beaverbook, Lord, 195, 197
Bedaux, Charles (systems inventor), 165-166, 177, 178-188, 220
Bedaux, Fern Lombard, 179-181,184
Beekrnan, Gustave, 88-89
Beer Business (Germany), control of, 67
Behn, Nando, 107
Behn, Sosthenes (of ITT), 93-96, 98,104,109, 111-115; AO and, 191; GAF and, 137; GM and, 167,171; National City Bank and, 20; post-war role of, 215-216; SKF and, 116-117,121-122; SS and, 132; Standard Oil and, 36
Bennett, Jack, 221
Bensmann, Nikolaus, 77-78, 178
Bentley, Elizabeth, 223
Berge, Wendell, 152
Berger, Bernard, 82
Berle, Adolf A. (of U.S. State Department): Davis Oil and, 68 70; Farben and, 148-149; GM and, 174, 177; Standard Oil and, 39; Windsors and, 183
Bernstein, Colonel Bernard, 219-220
Bertrand, Albert, 25-27, 31
Beyen, J. W., 5,6-7, 12, 13
Beyond Our Shores the World Shall Know Us (RCA), 112
Biddle, Francis (attorney general): AO and, 200-208; Bedaux and, 186-187; Chase Bank and, 28; GAP and, 137-139; Proclaimed List and, 40; Standard Oil and, 40, 45, 48; Sterling and, 151-153; Welles and, 87
BIS, see Bank for International Settlements
Black Legion, 165
Black Luftwaffe, 64
Blair, Frank A., 142
Blume, Hans, 105-106, 108-109
Blume, Kurt, 109
Board of Economic warfare, 43-44, 82, 101
Board of Trade for German-American Commerce, 134
Bofors munitions empire, 117
Bohle, Ernst-Wilhelm, 189n
Boisanger, Yves Breart de, 3, 10
Bone, Senator Homer T., 48-53, 151
Borchers, Dr. Hans, 200
Borchers, Heinrich, 172
Bormann, Martin, 189
Bosch, Carl, 142, 15'5
Bosch company, 118
Brady, William G., Jr., 53
Brasol, Boris, 155
Braun, Miguel, 54
Bretton Woods, 1nternational Monetary Conference at, 12-19
Bretton Woods Act, 15
Brewster, Senator Owen, 87, 89 -90, 214
British-American Chamber of Commerce, 7
British Cable and Wireless, 104-106, 108, 110-111
British 1ntelligence, 35
British Ministry of Economic Warfare, 123
British Purchasing Commission, 120,195, 196-197
Bronson, Richardson, 222
Broun, Heywood, 43
Brown, Edward E. (Ned), 12, 14-15
Brown Brothers, Harriman, 221
Buchman, Frank, 180
Bullitt, William C. (U.S. ambassador to France): Aramco and, 82-83, 85-87; BIS and, 4; GAP and, 138; Standard Oil and, 37; Welles and, 85-87; Windsors and, 180, 183
Burke, Thomas, 106-107
Burrows, Major Charles A., 40-41
Butler, General Smedley, 163-164

Caesar, Hans-Joachim: Bedaux and, 183; Chase Bank and, 20-21, 25-28; Davis and, 67; ITT and, 95
Cahill, John T., 30
California Standard, 76, 84
Caltex, 80-82, 85, 89-92
Canaris, Admiral Wilhelm, 189, 209
Capehart, Senator Homer, 115
Cardenas, Lazaro, 66 -67
Carillo, Alejandro, 66
Carp, Werner, 217
Chamberlain, Neville (British prime minister), 5-6, 181-182, 190
Chase Manhattan Bank (formerly Chase National Bank), 20
Chase National Bank. Bedaux and, 183; BIS and, 2, 12, 17, 18-19, 20; Ford Motor Company and, 160; GAP and, 20, 132, 134; Nazi account of, 20 -31; Rockefeller ownership of, 18-19,20; Standard Oil and, 32, 57; Sterling and, 20
Chemical Company (Farben subsidiary), 133
Chemie (I.G.) (Farben subsidiary), 34, 134, 216,220
Chemnyco (parben subsidiary), 54, 137
Chicago Tribune, Hitler interview in, 155
Churchill, Winston (British prime minister): BIS and, 6: Ibn Saud and, 83, 84; war policy of, 194; Windsor and, 181, 183
Cia Argentinia Comercial de Pesqueria, 54
CIDRA, 103
CIO, 66, 68-69,71-72, 74
Circle of Friends (financiers of the Gestapo), 20, 84, 94, 132
Clark, Bennett C , 88-89
Clark, Charles, 62
Clark, Edward Terry, 143
Clark, Thomas C. (Tom), 75
Clark's Crusaders, 162
Clauson, Pete, 77
Clay, General Lucius D., 213-214, 221-222
Clayton, Will, 98
Clemm, Karl von, 63-65, 67, 71-74
Clemm, Werner von, 63-65, 67, 71-72,74
Cochran, Merle, 4-9
Coffee, John M., 11-12, 168, 183
Cole, Felix, 159-160
Collier, Harry D. (of California Standard), 36, 44, 84 -85; Caltex and, 83; Davis Oil and, 74; Texas Company and, 79
Compagnie Generale, 104
Compania Veracruzana, 72
Condor airline, 39, 41
Coolidge, Calvin, 142-143
Corcoran, David, 146
Corcoran, Thomas (Tommy), 145-146, 151-152
Coudert, Frederic, 8
Council of Twelve, 132, 189
Crockett, Alice, 196
Crowley, Leo T. (alien property custodian): GAF and, 137-140, 215, 216; SKF and, 118; Sterling and, 143, 151
Cuba, GM in, 173
Cummings, Homer S. (attorney general), 79, 135
Currie, Lauchlin (of White House Economic Staff): at Bretton Woods, 18; denounced by HUAC, 223; Ford Motor Company and, 160-161; postwar mission of, 219; SKF and, 119-121, 123-125, 128-129
Curtis Wright Aviation Corporation, 120
Czech National Bank, gold looted from, 1,5-9, 16-17, 210n, 214

Daniell, Raymond, 217-218, 219
DAPG (Standard Oil German subsidiary), 56
Darlan, Jean, 183
Davis, General Robert C., 18, 104, 107-110
Davis, William Rhodes (of Davis Oil Company), 63 74
Davis Oil Company, 63 74; Acheson and, 68; Berle and, 68 70; BIS and, 63,72; Farben and, 63, 65; GM and, 63; ITT and, 95; Texas Company and, 77
Day, Stephen A., 136
Dearborn, Richard J., 51-52,77
Dearborn Independent (Ford news paper), 155
Death's Head Brigade, 132
de Gaulle, General Charles A., 113, 172
Denker, Paul, 214
Deterding, Sir Henri, 33, 65
Deutsche Bank, 214
Deutsche Obersseeische Bank, 26
Deutsche Landersbank, 214,217
De Wolf, Francis, 102-103 diamond trade: Chase Bank and, 24, 28, 30; von Clemms and, 63-65, 67, 71-74
Dickson, George, 97
Dicto (cargo ship), 124
Diesel company, 122
Dillon, Read (bankers), Hitler and, 135, 212
Dinkelbach, Heinrich, 217
Dodd, Thomas E., 17
Dodd, William E., 167
Dodge, Joseph, 213
Dollfuss, Maurice, 157-161
Donovan, William, 98
Draper, Brigadier General William H., 129, 212-215, 219-223
Dresdnerbank, 132, 175, 214
Dulles, Allen (of Sullivan and Cromwell law firm): Chase Bank and, 22; Farben and, 143: Ford and, 154; ITT and, 112-113; postwar role of, 216
Dulles, John Foster (secretary of state; member of Sullivan and Cromwell law firm): Belgian Bank and, 8; Chase Bank and, 22; Farben and, 8, 143; Ford and, 154; GAP and, 139 -140; ITT and, 95; SKF and, 118
Dunnington, Walter G., 79
du Pont, Irenee, 162-163, 165-166
du Pont, Lammot, 142, 162, 165, 179
du Pont, Pierre, 162
Du Pont family: Farben and, 220; FDR overthrow plotted by, 163-165; GAF and, 131; GM and, 162-66; Hitler and, 171, 174; Standard Oil and, 34
Durr, C. J., 102-103, 110
Duvoisin, David, 55, 58
Dwyre, Dudley G., 150

Eastman Kodak. GAP and, 140; ITT and, 98
Eden, Anthony, 12
Edward VIII of England, see Windsor, Duke of
Einzig, Paul, 5 7; In the Center of Things, 7
Eisenhower, General Dwight D.: Bedaux and, 186; North African invasion planned by, 10; postwar policies of, 212-213, 217, 218, 219
Electrolux: Goring and, 67; SKF cand, 117,122
Emanuel, Victor, 139 -140
Epoca (journal), 39
Erca (Nazi firm), 175
Erhardt, Ludwig, 200
Erickson, P. E., 104
Ericsson Company, 102
Esso 4 (Standard Oil's Rhine barge), 56
Ethyl company, 34 -35
European Standard Corporation (ITT in
Eurotank, 63,65, 66, 70, 72, 73
Export-Import Bank, 104

Fahey, Charles, 219
Farben (I.G.) industrial trust (see also Ilgner, Max; Schmitz, Hermann), 130-153; AO and, 189, 193, 196; Auschwitz and, 131; Bedaux and, 178; Berle and, 148-149; B1S and, 145; Chamberlain and, 6; Davis Oil
and, 63,65; Dulles and, 8, 143;
Ford Motor Company and, 33, 142-143, 159; GAP and, 130-141,142,148, 149; GM and, 162, 176, 216; Hitler overthrow plotted by, 194; intelligence network, see N.W.7; ITT and, 96, 113; postwar treatment of, 211-223; Roosevelt letter on, 211; SKF and, 118; Standard Oil and, 33-38, 46-50, 52, 54,56,58,61-62, 216-217,220; 'Statistical Branch', of, 133; Sterling Products and, 135, 141-153; systems of, 178; Texas Company and, 76, 78
Farish, William S., 32, 35-39, 42-53, 55
Farish family, 52-53
Fath, Creekmore, 21-22, 52
FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation; see also Hoover, J. Edgar): AO and, 189, 193-209; Aramco and, 88-1; Bedeaux and, 186-187; Chase Bank and, 24-25; Davis Oil and, 65, 67, 69, 70, 74; GAP and, 134; GM and, 172-174, 176; ITT and, 108,109, 112; sexual deviants pursued by, 86-89
Federal Communications Commission, 102-130, 108-110
Federal Reserve Bank. B1S and, 1-2, 10,11; Belgian gold and, 8; Chase Bank and 31; New York Post financed by, 89; Standard Oil and, 59
Fellgiebel, General Erich, 112-113, 215
Ferguson Commission, 223
Fezandie and Sperrle, 136
Fifth Column, 82, 89
Financial News, 5
First National Bank of Boston, 63
First National Bank of New York, 2
Flack, Joseph, 59
Flynn, Errol, 180
Focke Wulf company: ITT and, 93, 95; postwar disposition of, 220; SKF and, 116
Foley, Edward H., Jr., 41
Ford, Edsel, 154, 156-161; American I.G. and, 156; Farben and, 33; GAP and, 131, 135; ITT and, 97-98; Sterling Products and, 142; trucks sold to enemy by, 55, 159 -60
Ford, Henry, 154-157, 159, 161; AO and, 191,196; BIS and, 159-160;
Farben and, 142-143; Hitler and, 154 -156, 168, 172; International Jew, The, 155; ITT and, 97-98; Standard Oil and, 33
Ford Motor Company, 154-161; Acheson and, 161; anti-Semitism at, 154-155; 157-158; Bank of France and, 160; Bedaux and, 183; Chase Bank and, 160; Farben and, 159; ITT and, 95,97-98; SKF and, 116; systems of, 178
Foreign Economic Administration: GAF and, 139; postwar operation of, 215; SKF and, 121, 127-128
Forrestal, James V.: GAF and, 135; ITT and, 114; postwar policies of, 212: Standard Oil and, 39; suicide of, 210 -211; Texas Company and, 78, 80,83, 85
Fortune magazine, 118
Foxworth, Percy, 198, 201
Franco, Generalissimo Francisco: Chase Bank and, 21; ITT and, 94, 95, 100; Standard Oil and, 59-61; Texas Company and, 76
Frank-Fahle, Gunther, 214
Fraser, Ingram, 195, 196-197
Fraser, Leon, 2, 11, 12, 13
Fraternity, The, defined, xiii-xiv
Freon, GM and, 176
Freudenberg, Richard, 214-215
Friends of New Germany, 191
Funk, Dr. Walther (Reichsbank president): BIS and, 1-2, 4-5, 14, 17, 18; Chase Bank and, 22, 25; Ibn Saud and, 80; ITT and, 96; postwar findings on, 219

GAF, see General Aniline and Film
Gallagher, Ralph W., 53, 58, 59, 61-62
Galopin, Alexandre, 3,8
Gantt, Robert A., 101
General Aniline and Film (GAF); American I.G. and, 36-38, 131, 133, 134; AO and, 192, 196; Auschwitz and, 131; BIS and, 131-132; Chase Bank and, 132, 134; Farben and, 130-141, 142, 148, 149; Ford Motor Company and, 131,135,154,156; GM and, 131, 162; ITT and, 137; postwar status of, 215,216,220, 223; SKF and, 118; Standard Oil and, 139-140; Texas Company and, 78
General Dyestuffs, 137, 139
General Electric, 221
General Motors (see also Mooney, James D.), 162-177; anti-Semitism at, 162, 165, 167-168; Berle and, 174, 177; BIS and, 168-169; in Cuba, 173; Davis Oil and, 63; Farben and, 162, 176, 216; GAF and, 131, 162; ITT and, 95, 97, 167, 170, 171; Standard Oil and, 34; systems of, 178
Georgetown University, Mooney diaries at, 170
Gerard, James W., 58
German-American Bund, 165
German-American Business League, 192
German-American Commerce Association Bulletin, The, 25, 174
German Americans, anti-Semitism among, 192
German Economics Ministry, 130
German Import-Export Corporation, 67
German Secret Service, 135
German TransOcean News Agency, 84
Germany (see also Nazi Germany), postwar reconstruction of, 15-16, 212
Gestapo (see also Himmler, Heinrich; Schellenberg, Walter): AO and, 194, 198, 201;"Bedaux and, 184; BIS and, 2, 7, 17; financing of, 20, 84, 94, 132; Chase Bank and, 20, 23, 27; Davis Oil and, 63; GM and, 174- 75; ITT and, 93, 98-99; postwar treatment of, 214; Schroder (of GAF) and, 132; Texas Company and, 78, 84
GM, see General Motors
Goddard (Theodore) and Company, 204
Goebbels, Dr. Joseph, 38, 190 gold: financiers' emphasis on, 178; Nazi looting of, 1-19, 210, 214, 218-219 good neighbor policy, Standard Oil violation of, 47
Goring, Hermann: art collection of, 27; BIS policy opposed by, 10; Davis
Goring, Herman (Cont.) Oil and, 63-64, 67 72; Ford and, 156; Four-Year Plan of, 131,137;
GM and, 162-163,170-171, 174; ITT and, 94 -95; quoted, 144; SKF and, 116,117, 126; Standard Oil and 33, 37-38: Texas Company and, 76; Windsors and, 181
Gorman, Francis J., 181
Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, 80-82, 84
Grasselli company, 142
Gray, William Steele, Jr., 79
Great Britain and the World (journal), 84
Griffis, Stanton, 125-126, 129
Grobba, Dr. Fritz, 84
Grube, Colonel Wilhelm, 101
Guernsey, diamond smuggling in, 24
Guffey, Senator Joseph F., 66,72
Gunther, Christian E., 123
Gyssling, George, 200

Hackworth, Green H., 41-42
Hague Memorandum, 36-37
Halbach, Ernest K., 136-141, 216, 220
Halifax, Lord, 177,190, 194-195, 197
Hallauer, Martin, 110
Hamberg, Harald, 125-126
Hamilton, Duke of, 180
Hardy Bank, 71
Harriman, Averell, 221
Hams, Henry Upham, 79
Hamson, Earl G., 152
Harrison, Leland (U.S. minister to Switzerland): Davis Oil and, 74; GM and, 176; Standard Oil and, 55, 57-58
Haslam, R. T., 61, 216
Havero Trading Company, 104
Hawkins, Phillips, 222
Hayes, Carlton J. H., 59-60, 100
Hayes, George W., 109-111
Healey, James E, Jr., 30-31
Hefferich, Emil, 20
Heider, Carl von, 214
Hemisphere Communications Committee, 101-102
Henggler, Henri, 55
Hertslet, Joachim G. A., 67-70
Hess, Rudolf, 180, 198-199
Hill, James J., 79, 147-148
Himmler, Heinrich (Gestapo chief): AO and, 189, 194, 196, 198, 201; Bedaux and, 179-180; BIS and, 17; Chase Bank and, 20; Davis Oil and, 63,65,68,69: GAP and, 132: GM and, 168, 175: ITT and, 98-99,113
Hitler, Adolf. AO and, 189-91, 194, 196, 198-199; B1S and, 2, 10; Chase Bank and, 21,25; Davis Oil and, 65, 68-69; Du Ponts and, 171, 174; Farben and, 194; Ford and, 154-156, 168, 172; France and, 181, 183: GAP and, 132; GE and, 221; GM and, 162,166,170-171, 173; Hohenlohe and, 200-201; Ibn Saud and, 80- 3, 85; ITT and, 94-95, 98-99, 112-113; Jewish financial aid to, 135: Jewish power as viewed by, 80-81; Lindbergh and, 157: Mein Kampf, 155; plots against, 9-10, 113, 189, 194; Standard Oil and, 34-35; Windsors and, 178, 180,182
Hoagland, Warren E., 41-42
Hoefken-Hempel, Anny, 180
Hohenlohe, Princess Mabel, 193
Hohenlohe, Princess Stefanie, 189 208: husband of, 191
Holland National Bank, gold looted from, 1, 16-17, 210n
Holt, Senator Rush D., 73, 136 homosexuality, public officials charged with, 86-89
Hoover, Herbert: AO and, 197; Farben and, 142, 143; GAF and, 131; postwar report of, 222-223
Hoover, J. Edgar (See also FBI): AO and, 193-195, 198-209; Aramco and, 86-89: Bedaux and, 186; Chase and, 24-25; Davis Oil and, 68 70; Farben and, 148-149; GM and, 172-174; homosexuality imputed to, 86; ITT and, 97, 112; Windsor and, 181-182
Hopkins, Harry L, 81, 138
hops, German franchise in, 67
House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), 223
Howard, Frank A., 36-38,45, 47, 52, 53, 54, 61
Howard, Graeme K., 166, 174,215
Hubbard, Father Bernard R., 133-134
Hudek, Karel, 96-97
Hull, Cordell (secretary of state): Bedaux and, 186; BIS and, 4,8,14; Chase and, 29; Davis Oil and, 69; Farben and, 211; GM and, 172, 176-177; ITT and, 96, 98, 109; Standard Oil and, 38, 39, 41, 43, 54, 57-61; Welles and, 87
Hull, Lyttle, 195, 199
Hungary, BIS loans to, 9

lbn Saud, Abdul-Aziz, 80-85, 90
Ickes, Harold L. (secretary of the interior): Aramco and, 83-85;GM and, 172; Standard Oil and, 42-49, 53- 54, 60-61; Texas Company and, 78; Windsors and, 183
I.G., See American I.G. Chemical Corp.; Chemie (I.G.); Farben
(I.G.) industrial trust
llgner, Max (of Farben): AO and, 189, 192; GAF and, 131, 133, 141, 143-144; postwar role of, 211, 213; Texas Company and, 77-78
Ilgner, Rudolf, 133-134, 136, 137, 211
Immigration and Naturalization Service, 187-188, 195-197, 199, 203-207
Imperial Chemical Industries, 6
Industria Electre-Ace Palngt, 103
In Fact (newsletter), 168
1ngles, Major General Harry C., 115
Inglessi, Jean, 56-58
International Jew, The (Henry Ford), 155
International Monetary Conference (Bretton Woods, 1944), 12-19
International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation (ITT; see also Behn, Sosthenes; Westrick, Gerhardt), 93- 95; Acheson and, 100; B1S and 95, 96; Chase Bank and, 20; Davis Oil Company and, 95; Farben and, 96, 113; Ford Motor Company and, 95, 97-98; GAP and, 137; GM and, 95,97, 167, 170, 171; Nazi arrangement with, 98; postwar role of, 216, 220, 222; SKF and, 116, 122; SS and, 132; Standard Oil and, 36, 95, 113; Sterling and, 95, 97; systems of, 178; U.S. arrangement with, 100
International Trading Company, 24
In the Center of Things (Einzig), 7
Inverforth, Lord, 65
Iran, Hitler and, 81
Iraq, Hitler and, 81-85
Italcable, 104, 107
ITT, see International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation Jackson, Robert H. (attorney general): AO and, 198, 200, 202; Davis Oil and, 69; GAP and, 137; at Nuremberg,210

Jacobs, John R., Jr., 50.52
Japan: American and British wartime trade with, 11-12, 34-35; BIS in, 11, 96; ITT in, 113; RCA in, 113; Standard Oil in 34-35, 47
Jews (see also anti-Semitism; Auschwitz); Arab and German hatred for, 80-81; Chase Bank and, 25, 27; gold looted from, 1, 16- 18; Hitler's financial aid from, 135; Hitler view on power of, 80-85
Johnson, Herschel, 123, 125, 128-129
Jones, Jesse H. (secretary of commerce): Davis Oil and, 74,81, 90-92; ITT and, 101c-Roosevelt and, 81; SKF and, 120; Standard Oil and, 40, 43, 44, 46, 47
Jones, Walter A., 66
Judson, Franklin S., 121
Junkers propulsion systems, GM and, 175
Justiano, Mario, 149-150

Kaufman, Samuel H., 91-92
Keilhau, Wilhelm, 12
Kennedy, Joseph J. (U. S .ambassador to England). GM and, 168-170; Standard Oil and, 36; Windsors and, 181
Kennedy, Robert F., 223
Keppler, William, 84, 94, 132
Kern, Gordon, 220
Keynes, John Maynard, 12, 14-15
Keynes, Lydia Lopokova, 12, 14
Khalid Al-Hud Al Qarqarni, 80
Kilgore, Senator Harley, 215, 218-222
Killinger, Baron Manfred von, 167-168
Kimball, Harry M., 201
Kirby, John Henry, 166
Knapp, Lawrence, 103
Knieren, August von, 61
Knowlton, Hugh, 102-103, 109-110
Knox, Franklin (secretary of the navy), 45-46
Knudsen, William S (GM president), 163,165-166
Kohn, Charles, 143
Krauch, Carl (of Farben), 130; Ford and, 155-158; GM and, 162
Kreuger, Kurt, 214
Kreuter, Alexander, 220
Krupp Works: early Nazi financing by, 162; GE and, 221; Goring's Four Year Plan and, 131; postwar influence of, 222, 223; Standard Oil and, 56
Kugler, Hans, 214
Ku Klux Klan, 165
Kupper, Gustave, 214

Ladd, D. M., 202-203
La Follete, Senator Robert M. , Jr., 49-50
Lamont, Thomas, 164
Landon, Alfred M., 165
Langer, Senator William, 90
Lapham, John H., 79
Larkin, Joseph J. , 20-31
L.A.T.I. airline, 38-39, 52, 71, 201
Laval, Pierre, 185-186
La Varre, William, 38-39, 140
Lee, Higginson and Co., 7
Lee, Ivy, 33-34
Lee, Senator Josh, 72-73
Leibowitz, Samuel, 88-89
Lend-Lease program, 47, 73, 81
Leopoldskron Castle, 191
Lerner, Max, 188
Lesto, George, 158-159
Les Trois Rois, 9
Levinson, Charles, 175-176, 177
Lewis, John L., 66, 68-69, 71-72, 74
Liberty magazine, 178
Life magazine, 77
Lilienfeld company, 161
Lindbergh, Charles, 72, 157, 196, 200
Lindemann, Karl, 20, 93, 113, 217
Lindsay, Sir Ronald, 1 81
Link, The, 179, 182
Lionel (cargo ship), 124
Lipkowitz, Irving, 49 -50
Littell, Norman, 45, 146, 151-153
Little, John, 207-208
London bombing, Standard Oil and, 34 -35
London New Chronicle, 122
Long, Breckinridge ( assistant secretary of state): AO and, 203; Ford Motor Company and, 158, 160; ITT and, 99-100, 106-111
Lublin company, 18
Luer, Carl, 175
Luftwaffe: SKF and, 116; Standard Oil and, 34-36
Lundeen, Ernest, 136

MacArthur, General Douglas, 164
MacGuire, Gerald, 163-164
Mack, John E., 138
Maloney, William Power, 91-92
Man Called Intrepid, A (Stevenson), 73-74, 193-194
Manchester Guardian, The, 157
Mann, Henry, 94
Mann, Rudolf, 144, 146
Mann, Wilhelm, 141
Markham, James E., 140
Marks, U.S. wartime sale of, 23, 30
Marshall, Verne, 72
Martin, James Stewart, 215-223; All Honorable Men. 217
McClintock, Earl, 141-142, 145-146, 148, 150
McGarrah, Gates W., 2
McGohey, John F. X., 30
McGowan, Sir Harry, 182
McGuire, Matthew F., 198-202
Mc1ntyre, Marvin, 87
McKittrick, Thomas H., 1-2, 7-20, 210; family of, 7, 13
McLarin, H. M., 54
Meader, George, 220-222
Meili, E. H., 23
Mein Kampf (Hitler), 155
Messersmith, George S., 70,166-167, 173 methanol, wartime restrictions on, 52
Mexican Telephone and Telegraph, 101-102
Mexico, Davis Oil Company of, 63-75
Meyer, Emil, 7
Meyer, Julius P., 134
Middle East Supply center, 82
Milch, General Erhard, 190
Miles, Sherman, 194
Miller, Colonel Francis P., 221
Mills, Sir Percy, 214
Mitchell, Charles E., 131
Moffett, James, 79 -81, 89 -92
Moll, Alfredo E., 136, 139, 143
Moll, Jose O., 161
Monckton, Sir Walter, 183
money world community, Schacht's concept of, 130
Montgomery, General Bernard, 54
Mooney, James D. (GM European head), 97, 166-177, 194
Moral Rearmament Movement, 180
Morgan, Grenfell, 168
Morgan, J.P., 94
Morgan Bank, 27, 163-164, 168, 183
Morgan family, 2
Morgenthau, Elinor, 3, 14
Morgenthau, Henry (secretary of the treasury): BIS and, 3-8, 11; at Bretton Woods, 13-15; Chase Bank and, 24-25, 28-30; Davis Oil and, 68, 71, 74; Farben and, 147-149; Ford Motor Company and, 160-161; GAF and, 137
Morgenthau, Henry (Cant.) 139; GM and, 176; ITT and, 99, 101; postwar work of, 212, 223; SKF and, 119- 21, 128; Standard Oil and, 36, 40, 41, 42, 55, 57; Windsors and, 183
Morgenthau Plan, 212
Mouvement Synarchique Revolutionnaire, 27
Muccio, John J., 39, 54
Munn, Gurnee, 193
Murphy, Robert D., 10, 186, 212, 214-215
Mussolini, Benito, 69, 80

Nation, The, 89,139,187, 188
National Cash Register, 222
National City Bank of New York (NCB). Chase and, 20, 25: Davis Oil and, 63; Farben and, 141, 146-147; GAF and, 131,134,137, 139; ITT and, 20,94, 106, 110; SKF and, 121
National Council of Clergymen and Laymen, 166
National War Labor Board, 48
Nazi Germany (See also Germany): American and British wartime trade with, 11-12; Chase Bank and, 20- 31; ITT and, 98, 110-113: marks sold in U.S. by, 22-24; RCA in, 113
Nazi Winter Help Fund, 104
NBC, 104-105
NCB, see National City Bank of New York
Nelson, Donald, 118
Neutrality Act, 69
Newcomer, Dr. Mabel, 13
Newsom, Earl, 53
New York Daily News, 97
New York Evening Mail, 142
New York Guaranty Trust Bank, 27
New York Post, 88-89
New York Sun, 198
New York Times, The, 31,47, 59,60, 61, 96-97, 111, 151, 161
New York World, 2
Niedermann, Carlos, 25-29
Niemeyer, Sir Otto, 7-9
Nippon Electric Company, 102
Nixon, Russell A., 212-215, 219
No Foreign Wars Committee, 72-73
Noramco, 215
Norman, Montagu, 5-8, 182
North African invasion, B1S and, 10-11
Norway: at Bretton Woods, 12, 18; SKF strike in, 128
Nuremberg trials, 17-18, 153, 209, 210
N.W.7. (Farben spy network), 39, 133-131, 141, 213
Nye, Gerald P., 88

Oberg, Major General Karl, 185
O'Dwyer, William, 88
Office of Economic Programs, 120
Office of Strategic Services (OSS), 22, 125, 216
O Globo (Brazilian newspaper), 201
Ohnesorge, Wilhelm, 98-99, 112-113, 175,184
oil, international wartime trade in. by Davis Oil Company, 73; by Standard Oil, 37-38, 52-62; by Texas Company, 77-85
OKW (Nazi armed forces high command), 112
Opel works (GM subsidiary), 162, 167-168, 171, 175
Oppenheimer, Waldemar, Baron von, 84
Organization of Germans Abroad, See AO
Orient Gruppe, 190
O'Rourke, Joseph, 206
OSS, see Office of Strategic Services
Oursler, Fulton, 178
Ozalid company, 133

Pajus, Jean, 120,122,128-129
Panama: Chase Bank in, 24, 30-31; SKF vessels registered in, 121-122; Standard Oil German ships registered in, 39
Pan American Airways, 71, 76-77
Papen, Franz von, 84,132
Paramount Studios, 125
Patents for Hitler (Reimann), 21
Patterson, Robert P., 124, 127-128, 221
Patton, General George S., 212, 218
Paul, Randolph, 11
peanut oil, North African pipeline for, 184
Pearson, Drew, 97, 198-199
Pease, H. M., 104
Pell, Hamilton, 74
penicillin, trading of, 222
Perkins, Milo R., 40
Petain, Marshal Henri, 85, 183-184
Peters, Carl, 215
Petrola (Swiss syndicate), 56
Petroleum Times, The, 216
Phillips Milk of Magnesia, Farben and, 141
Pico I and Pico II (Danube barges), 56
Pieper, N.J.L., 194, 199
Pillsbury, Colonel E. I., 213
Pincemin, Henri, 108
Pinkerton Agency, 166
pipeline, North African, 184
PM, 13,126-127,139, 188
Poland, BIS loans to, 9
police power, financiers' emphasis on, 178-179
Poole, Charles, 165
Portugal, wartime trading in, 25
Poteat, Douglas, 125-126
Potsdam Agreement, sabotage of, 218-219
Pratt-Whitney, SKF and, 121
Probst, Otto, 66-67
Proclaimed List: ITT and, 103-104; SKF and, 116, 119, 126, 128; Standard Oil and, 40, 59; Sterling and,149- 152
Pucheu, Pierre, 10, 159-160
Puhl, Emil (of BIS), 1-2,4-5,7,8,11, 16-19; Chase.:Ind, 20-22,25-26, 29; Davis Oil and, 67; GM and, 168- 169; Ibn Saud and, 80-81; ITT and, 94, 95; postwar findings on, 219 Puleston, Lieutenant James, 124-125
PYL (Chile radio station), 105-106

Quebec Conference, 212

Rachid Ali El-Kilani, 84
Radiobras, 106, 110
Raeder, Admiral Erich, 67
Raskob, John Jacob, 162
RCA (Radio Corporation of America), 101, 104-105, 107-115; Beyond Our Shores the World Shall Know Us, 112
Reagan, Daniel, 55-57
Redman, Joseph R., 114-115
Reed, Philip D., 221
Reichsbank: BIS and, 1-2, 4, 7, 8-9, 11, 16-17; Chase Bank and, 20-23, 25, 29; Davis Oil and, 65; Ibn Saud and, 80; ITT and, 96; postwar treatment of, 214, 219; SKF and, 117
Reimann, Gunther, Patents for Hitler, 21
Reinhardt, Max, 191
Remington company, 165
Ribbentrop, Joachim von (Nazi foreign minister): AO and, 191; Arab world and, 80; Davis Oil and, 63; GAF and, 135-136; GM and, 168, 172; ITT and, 95-96
Richter, George, 108
Riddleberger, John, 174
Rieber, Torkild "Cap" (of Texas Company), 76-79; GM and, 171; 1TT and, 95-97; as Nazi-English go between, 194
Riefter, Winfield, 123
Ringer, Fritz, 36-37
Rio Conference, 107
Rios, Fernando de los, 21
Rockefeller, Avery, 22
Rockefeller, John D., 20,32
Rockefeller, John D. II, 48-49, 53
Rockefeller, Nelson, 39-40, 59n, 101
Rockefeller family: BIS and, 2; Chase National Bank and, 18-20; corporations owned by, 20; Nazi government and, 20-31; Standard Oil and, 32, 45,49
Rodd, Francis, 16&-169
Rodgers, William Starling Sullivant, 79-80, 83-85, 91-92
Rogers, Edward S., 143
Rogge, O. John, 74 75
Rommel, General Erwin (German commander in Africa), 81; Ford trucks used by, 159-160; pipeline for use of, 184
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 3, 181,208
Roosevelt, Franklin D.: AO and, 197, 203-204, 208; Aramco and, 78, 81, 83, 84, 86-87, 88, 90-91; Baruch and, 51; Davis Oil and, 66, 68-72; Farben and, 211; GAF and, 135, 137-138, 140; GM and, 163-164, 169- 72; Ickes and, 42-44; 47-48; ITT and, 101, 113: Morgenthau and, 3; Nazi consulates and, 199; plots against, 71-72,163-165; postwar plans of, 211-212, 223; SKF and, 121; Sterling and, 152-153; Welles and, 86-87; Windsors and, 181-182
Rooth, Ivar, 9
Rosen, Hugo von (Goring cousin), 116-122, 126, 128-129
Rothermere, Lord, 190-192, 199, 206
Royal Air Force (RAF). Ford Motor Company bombed by, 158-160; royalties paid to Nazi Germany by, 35
Royal Dutch Shell Group, 33, 216
Royalist party, Hitler overthrow planned by, 194
Ruark, Robert, 208
rubber, international wartime trade in, 36, 51-52, 220
Rubber Reserve Company, 51-52
Rubinstein, Serge, 72, 74
Riickwanderer scheme, 23, 30
Rumanian Iron Guard, Farben and, 37
Rumely, Edward A., 142

Sacks, Alexander, 223
Sahara, plans for development of, 184-185
Sanders, Alexander, 216
Sandstede, Gottfried, 201
Sarnoff, Colonel David, 105, 107-110
Saudi Arabia, oil deals with, 80-85, 90
Savourin, C. F., 59
Schacht, Hjalmar Horace Greeley (Nazi minister of economics; Reichsbank president). B1S and, 1-2; Davis Oil and, 65; GAF and, 130; GM and, 167; Hitler overthrow plotted by, 9-10; at Nuremberg, 210; policies and beliefs of, 10, 13-14; world money community concept of, 130
Schecklin, Commander George, 108
Schellenberg, Walter (SD head): AO and, 189; GAP and, 132-133; Hitler overthrow plotted by, 194; Ibn Saud and, 84; ITT and, 93,98-99,112-113; Windsors and, 183
Schmidt, Orvis A., 15-18
Schmitz, Dietrich, 97, 131, 133-134, 137, 211
Schmitz, Hermann (Farben joint chairman), 141-142, 145-146; AO and, 189, 191; Bedaux and, 179; BIS and, 2, 4, 5, 11; Davis Oil and, 63, 65; Ford and, 157; GAP and, 130-134, 136-137; GM and, 162-163; Hitler and, 216; postwar status of, 211, 217-218, 222;
Standard Oil and, 33-35, 37-38; Texas Company and, 77
Schofield, Major Lemuel, 188, 195-208
Schroder, Baron Bruno von, 20, 22
Schroder, Baron Kurt von: Arab oil and, 84; Bedaux and, 180, 186; BIS and, 2, 4, 7, 10-11, 16; Chase Bank and, 22; Davis Oil and, 65; Farben and, 145; Ford and, 155; GAF and, 131-132; GM and, 163; ITT and, 93-95, 98-99
Schroder, Rockefeller and Company, Investment Bankers: Bedaux and, 180; Chase and, 22-24; Davis Oil and, 63; Ford Motor Company and, 159; Standard Oil and, 49
Schroder (1. Henry) Bank: Chase Bank and, 22-24; Davis Oil and, 63; Farben and, 145; GAF and, 139-140
SD (Gestapo counterintelligence service; See also Schellenberg, Walter), 132-133, 190
Sears, Roebuck, 118
Securities and Exchange Commission
(SEC), 34-35, 121, 145
(SECC) Securities and Exchange Control Commission, 149-150
Selbourne, Lord, 123-124
Seldes, George, 168
Separator company, 122
SFI (Farben subsidiary), 147
SGE, see Standard Gas and Electric
Shell Oil Company, 33, 65
Siemens company, 104, 108, 122
Siering, Werner, 148-149
Siling, Phillip, 108
Simon, Sir John, 5-6, 10
Singer sewing machine company, 222
SKF (Swedish Enskilda Bank), 116, 129; Acheson and, 123, 125, 128; anti-Semitism at, 121; Chase Bank and, 20; Farben and, 118; Ford and, 116; GAP and, 118; ITT and, 116, 122
Sloan, Alfred P., 53, 162, 166, 174
Smit, Leonard J., 24, 28-30
Smith, Congressman Al (of Wisconsin), 152-153
Smith, Ben, 181
Smith, Gerald L. K., 166
Smith, Lawrence, 102
Social Justice magazine, 179n
Sorenson, Charles E., 159, 161
South America, international wartime trade in: by ITT, 101-111; by SKF, 121-122; by Standard Oil, 39-54; by Sterling Products, 142; Welles's knowledge of, 85
Spaatz, General Carl, 122-123
Spain, Chase Bank in, 21, 25
Spencer, Richard, 221
SS, 18, 132, 168
Standard Electrica, 100
Standard Gas and Electric (SGE), 139, 140
Standard Oil, 32-63 Acheson and, 40-41, 55-57, 60-61; American
Standard Oil (Cont.) I.G. and, 33-34,36: Bank of England and, 59; Bank of France and, 59: Berie and, 39: B1S and, 18, 34, 59; Chase Bank and, 32, 57: Farben and, 33-38, 46-50, 52, 54, 56, 58, 61-62, 216-217, 220: GAF and, 139-140; Hitler plot and, 113: ITT and, 36, 95, 113; SS and, 132: systems of, 178
Standard Oil of California, 76, 131
Standard Oil of New Jersey, 20, 22, 25, 131
Starnes, C R., 51
Stein (J. H.) Bank of Cologne, 2, 63, 131-132, 145
Stephenson, Sir William, A Man Called Intrepid, 73-74, 193
Sterling Dyestuffs, 142
Sterling Products. Chase Bank and, 20: Farben and, 135, 141-153: Ford family and, 142: ITT and, 95, 97: systems of, 178
Stewart, James B., 172-173
Stimson, Henry L. (secretary of war), 124, 134, 145-146
Stockholm Enskilda, 117
Stockton, Kenneth, 113
Stone, I.F., 58, 139-140, 151, 188
Strakosch, Sir Henry, 6
Strauss, George, 5-6, 10
Strezlin, Harvey, 88
Stuart, Sir Campbell, 108-109
Stulpnagel, General Otto von, 184
Sullivan and Cromwell law firm, 8, 22, 154
Sulton, Lt. General Dan 1,221
Sweden: GM in, 176; SKF and government of, 116-117
Swedish Enski1da Bank, See SKF
Swint, Wendell R., 162
Swiss National Bank, 13, 16-18, 218-220
Swiss Standard, 54-59
Swope, Herbert Bayard, 195, 197 synthetic rubber agreements, postwar findings on, 220

Talmade, Eugene D., 166
Tamm, Edward A., 199-201, 207
Tawresey, J S., 121
Teagle, Walter C. (Standard Oil chairman), 32-35, 37, 43-45, 47-50, 53, 59: AO and, 191; Bedaux and, 179- 180: family of, 52-53; Farben and 142: GAF and, 131, 135: Schacht and, 65; ship named for, 36; SS and, 132
Telefunken, 104
Telegrafica y Telefonica del Plata
(TTP), 104-105
Telephone and Radio (ITT Swiss and Spanish subsidiary), 100-101
tetraethyl lead, international trading in, 34-35, 216, 220
Texas Company, 76 79, 84, 95, 97, 178
Texas Oil of Arizona, 77
Thayer, Phillip W., 149
Thiele, General Fritz, 99, 113, 215
Thomsen, Hans, 97, 135, 172, 195
Thornburg, Max, 44
time and motion study, effects of, 178
Time magazine, 22
Tippleskirsch, Baron von, 167-168
Titanic, Sarnoff and, 105
T-men (U .S. Treasury agents), 218-220
Tobey, Charles W., 13
Toledano, Vincente Lombardo, 66
Trading with the Enemy Act, 30, 42., 100, 158
Transradio Consortium, 18, 104-110
Trans-Saharan Railway, 184
Truman, Harry S: Aramco and, 90: Farben and, 146: postwar policies of, 212, 220, 221, 222, 223; Standard Oil and, 46-49, 53; Welles and, 87; Wheeler and, 75
TTP, See Telegrafica y Telefonica del Plata
Tuck, S. Pinkney, 185
Tungsten, international trade in, 60-61, 221
Tyler, L. L., 173-174

U-boats, SKF and, 116
Underwood company, 98
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
(USSR): Farben postwar status in, 220; Hitler and, 80-81
United River Plate Telephone Company, 103
U.S. Army Signal Corps, 220
U.S. Censorship Office, 120
U.S. Coast Guard, 204-205
U.S. Commerce Department (see also Jones, Jesse H.): GAF and, 140; Standard Oil and, 40
U.S. Commercial Company, 98, 101, 103,109-110
U.S. House of Representatives: GAF and, 135-136; Un-American Ac tivities Committee of, 223
U.S. Interior Department (see also Ickes, Harold L.), 42-49, 53-54, 60-61
U.S. Justice Department (see also Ar- nold, Thurman; Biddle, Francis; Cummings, Homer S.): AO and, 197- 198; Chase Bank and, 28; Standard Oil and, 44-49; Texas Company and, 90
U.S. Military Government Cartel Unit (.5ee also Nixon, Russell), 212, 220
U.S. Military Intelligence: FBI and, 186; GAP and, 132;ITTand, 112; Standard Oil and, 39
U.S. Naval Intelligence, homosexual brothel raided by, 88
U.S. Navy Department (see also Knox, Franklin): SKF and, 127; Texas Company and, 90
U.S. Senate, 135-136; Antitrust Committee, 49-50; Defense Committee, 146; Military Affairs Committee, 18; Patents Committee, 48-53, 151; War Investigation Committee, see Kilgore, Harley
U.S. State Department (see also Acheson, Dean; Berle, Adolf; Dulles, John Foster; Hull, Cordell; Welles, Sumner): anti-Semitism in, 85; GAP and, 134; postwar role of, 220; SKF and, 127; Standard Oil and,41-42
U.S. Steel Corporation, postwar influence of, 222
U.S. Treasury Department (see alsoMorgenthau, Henry): BIS and, 18; Chase Bank and, 28; GAP and, 137- 38; postwar activities of, 218-220, 223; SKF and, 127; Standard Oil and, 40-41
U.S. War Department (see also Stimson, Henry L.): SKF and, 127; Standard Oil and, 40-41

Valtin, Jean, 198
Vanderbilt, Harold S., 2
Vatican: North African invasion and, 11; Roosevelt and, 170
Vichy Algiers, Ford plant in, 159 160
Vichy France, Hitler and, 181
Vodka-Cola (Levinson), 175-176
Volkswagen, GM and, 168
Voorhis, Congressman Jerry: BIS and, 11; Sterling and, 152-153; Windsors and, 183

Wachter, W. B., 176
Waldman, Henry, 60
Wallace, Henry, 44,82-83, 101
Wallenberg, Jacob, 102, 117, 122, 124-125, 129
Wallenheim, Baroness Ingrid von, 96
Wall Street Journal, The, 118
Walsh, David I, 82-83, 88-89
War Petroleum Board, 43, 48, 49, 55
War Production Board, 116, 118-121
Warren, Fletcher, 172-173
Washington Post, The, 126
Washington Times Herald, 201
Watson, Major General Edwin M. ("Pa"), 68, 87, 181-182
Weber, Ernst, 13, 16
Webster, Edwin S. , 157
Wehrle, Erna, 67-68, 70, 74
Weiss, William E., 33, 97, 135, 141, 148
Weizsucker, Baron Ernst von, 182
Welles, Sumner (of State Department) GM and, 171,174; policies of, 85; at Rio Conference, 107; sex problems of, 86-87; Standard Oil and, 39,60
Wenner-Gren, Axel (of Electrolux): Goring and, 67, 74; 1TT and, 102; as Nazi-English go-between, 194; SKF and, 117, 122; Windsors and, 177
Western Electric, 114
West India Oil Company, 54
Westrick, Gerhardt (ITT chief in Germany), 93-99, 103, 113, 115; Ford and, 154-156, 158; GM and, 171- 172; postwar activities of, 215-216, 220; Texas Company and, 79
Weygand, Maxime, 184
Wheeler, Senator Burton K.: GM and, 168; isolationism of, 88-90; ITT and, 113-115; Nazi sympathies of, 71-73, 75 ,200
White, Harry Dexter (assistant secretary of the treasury): B1S and, 4, 12, 13, 15; Chase Bank and, 25-26, 28, 30; HUAC and, 223; 1TT and, 101; Morgenthau Plan and, 212; Standard Oil and, 42
White, William Allen, 136
Wiedemann, Fritz (Nazi diplomat): AO and, 189-202, 206, 209; Bedaux and, 178,180; GAP and, 133; ITT and, 96
Wilkinson, H. A., 82
Williamson, Hugh, 137, 220
Willkie, Wendell, 2, 72
Winant, John G. (U.S. ambassador to England): BIS and, 8; Ford Motor Company, 161; GM and 176; ITT and, 100-101; postwar role of, 212; SKF and, 122-123; Standard Oil and, 57
Winchell, Walter, 97, 197, 202
Windsor, Duke and Duchess of, 117, 177, 178-183, 191
Wingquist, Sven, 117, 122
Winter, Eduard, 172, 174-175
Winterbottom, W. A., 108-111
Winthrop Chemical, 140, 141-142
Wiseman, Sir William, 193-197, 203
Witty, Fred C., 31
Wohlthat, Helmuth, 67, 70, 168-171
Wojahn, Max, 143-144, 147
wolfram, international trade in, 60 61
Wolverine Republican League, 165
Wood, Sir Kingsley, 10, 57
Worms Bank: Bedaux and, 180, 183; BIS and, 10; Chase and, 22; Ford and, 157, 159-160; postwar activities of, 220
Wyzanski, Charles E., 61-62

Yalta Conference, 212
Yingling, R.T., 99-100
Young, Owen D., 2

Zech-Burkersroda, Count, 182
Zingg, Gustav, 40, 59

Re: Trading With the Enemy, by Charles Higham

PostPosted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 3:26 am
by admin
In 1932, Schmitz joined forces with Kurt von Schroder, director of the BIS and the enormously wealthy private bank, J.H. Stein, of Cologne, Germany. Schroder was a fanatical Nazi. On the surface he was suave, elegant, impeccably dressed, with a clean-cut face. In private he was a dedicated leader of the Death's Head Brigade. During the war he could be seen driving from his office in his sober pinstripe, changing into a black and silver uniform covered in decorations, and continuing to a meeting by torchlight of his personal storm troopers. It was this SS man who was most closely linked to Winthrop Aldrich of the Chase Bank, Walter Teagle of Standard Oil, Sosthenes Behn of ITT, and the other American members of The Fraternity. In 1933, at his handsome villa in Munich, Schroder arranged the meeting between Hitler and von Papen that helped lead to Hitler's accession to power in the Reichstag.

Also in 1932, Hitler's special economic advisor Wilhelm Keppler joined Schroder in forming a group of high-ranking associates of The Fraternity who could be guaranteed to supply money to the Gestapo. They agreed to contribute an average of one million marks a year to Himmler's personally marked "S" account at the J. H. Stein Bank, transferable to the secret "R" Gestapo account at the Dresdnerbank in Berlin.


Librarian's Comment:

Dr. Strangelove Or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, directed by Stanley Kubrick

Re: Trading With the Enemy, by Charles Higham

PostPosted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 3:26 am
by admin
On March 29, 1933, Farben's Max Ilgner -- by now a Nazi officer in Gestapo uniform -- sent a message to Max Wojahn, Sterling export manager for South America, which read, in part: "You are asked to refrain from objecting to 'indecencies' committed by our [Nazi] government. ... Immediately upon receipt of this letter, you are to contribute to the spread of information best adapted to the conditions of your country and to the editors of influential papers, or by circulars to physicians and customers; and particularly to that part of our letter which states that in all the lying tales of horror [about Germany] there is not one word of truth."

Re: Trading With the Enemy, by Charles Higham

PostPosted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 3:27 am
by admin
"A clique of U.S. industrialists is hell-bent to bring a fascist state to supplant our democratic government and is working closely with the fascist regime in Germany and Italy. I have had plenty of opportunity in my post in Berlin to witness how close some of our American ruling families are to the Nazi regime. On [the ship] a fellow passenger, who is a prominent executive of one of the largest financial corporations, told me point blank that he would be ready to take definite action to bring fascism into America if President Roosevelt continued his progressive policies." -- U.S. Ambassador to Germany William E. Dodd