Pentagate, coordinated by Thierry Meyssan

What you are allowed to think and what you do think are two different things, aren't they? That's another way of saying that this forum may be NSFW, if your boss is a Republican. A liberal won't fire you for it, but they'll laugh at you in the break room and you may not get promoted. Unless you're an engineer, of course, in which your obsession with facing reality is not actually a career-disabling disability.

Re: Pentagate, coordinated by Thierry Meyssan

Postby admin » Mon Aug 31, 2015 10:53 pm




"It's important that Bush answer the questions raised by the events of September 11"
12 April 2002

The need for an investigation of the events surrounding September 11 is as obvious as is the need for an investigation of the Enron debacle. Certainly, if the American people deserve answers about what went wrong with Enron and why (and we do), then we deserve to know what went wrong on September 11 and why.

Are we squandering our goodwill around the world with what many believe to be incoherent, warmongering policies that alienate our friends and antagonize our allies? How much of a role does our eliance on imported oil play in the military policies being put forward by the Bush Administration? And what role does the close relationship between the Bush Administration and the oil and defense industries play, if any, in the policies that are currently being pursued by this Administration?

We deserve to know what went wrong on September 11 and why. After all, we hold thorough public inquiries into rail disasters, plane crashes, and even natural disasters in order to understand what happened and to prevent them from happening again or minimizing the tragic effects when they do. Why then does the Administration remain steadfast in its opposition to an investigation into the biggest terrorism attack upon our nation?

News reports from Der Spiegel to the London Observer, from the Los Angeles Times to MSNBC to CNN, indicate that many different warnings were received by the Administration. In addition, it has even been reported that the United States government broke bin Laden's secure communications before September 11. Sadly, the United States government is being sued today by survivors of the Embassy bombings because, from court reports, it appears clear that the US had received prior warnings, but did little to secure and protect the staff at our embassies.

Did the same thing happen to us again? I am not aware of any evidence showing that President Bush or members of his administration have personally profited from the attacks of 9-11. A complete investigation might reveal that to be the case. For example, it is known that President Bush's father, through the Carlyle Group had -- at the time of the attacks -- joint business interests with the bin Laden construction company and many defense industry holdings, the stocks of which, have soared since September 11.

On the other hand, what is undeniable is that corporations close to the Administration, have directly benefited from the increased defense spending arising from the aftermath of September 11. The Carlyle Group, DynCorp, and Halliburton certainly stand out as companies close to this Administration. Secretary Rumsfeld maintained in a hearing before Congress that we can afford the new spending, even though the request for more defense spending is the highest increase in twenty years and the Pentagon has lost $2.3 trillion.

All the American people are being asked to make sacrifices. Our young men and women in the military are being asked to risk their lives in our War Against Terrorism while our President's first act was to sign an executive order denying them high deployment overtime pay. The American people are being asked to make sacrifices by bearing massive budget cuts in the social welfare of our country, in the areas of health care, social security, and civil liberties for our enhanced military and security needs arising from the events of September 11; it is imperative that they know fully why we make the sacrifices. If the Secretary of Defense tells us that his new military objectives must be to occupy foreign capital cities and overthrow regimes, then the American people must know why. It should be easy for this Administration to explain fully to the American people in a thorough and methodical way why we are being asked to make these sacrifices and if, indeed, these sacrifices will make us more secure. If the Administration cannot articulate these answers to the American people, then the Congress must.

This is not a time for closed-door meetings and this is not a time for secrecy. America's credibility, both with the world and with her own people, rests upon securing credible answers to these questions. The world is teetering on the brink of conflicts while the Administration's policies are vague, wavering and unclear. Major financial conflicts of interest involving the President, the Attorney General, the Vice President and others in the Administration have been and continue to be exposed.

This is a time for leadership and judgment that is not compromised in any fashion. This is a time for transparency and a thorough investigation.
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Re: Pentagate, coordinated by Thierry Meyssan

Postby admin » Mon Aug 31, 2015 10:53 pm


"I was derided by spokespersons for the military-industrial complex as a conspiracy theorist."
16 May 2002

Several weeks ago, I called for a congressional investigation into what warnings the Bush Administration received before the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. I was derided by the White House, right wing talk radio, and spokespersons for the military-industrial complex as a conspiracy theorist. Even my patriotism was questioned because I dared to suggest that Congress should conduct a full and complete investigation into the most disastrous intelligence failure in American history. Georgia Senator Zell Miller even went so far as to characterize my call for hearings as "dangerous, loony and irresponsible."

Today's revelations that the administration, and President Bush, were given months of notice that a terrorist attack was a distinct possibility points out the critical need for a full and complete congressional investigation.

It now becomes clear why the Bush Administration has been vigorously opposing congressional hearings. The Bush Administration has been engaged in a conspiracy of silence. If committed and patriotic people had not been pushing for disclosure today's revelations would have been hidden by the White House.

Because I love my country, because I am a patriot, and because the American people deserve the truth, I believe it would be dangerous, loony and irresponsible not to hold full congressional hearings on any warnings the Bush Administration had before the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

Ever since I came to Congress in 1992, there are those who have been trying to silence my voice. I've been told to "sit down and shut up" over and over again. Well, I won't sit down and I won't shut up until the full and unvarnished truth is placed before the American people.
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Re: Pentagate, coordinated by Thierry Meyssan

Postby admin » Mon Aug 31, 2015 10:54 pm


Ed Royce: "We are the victims"

Ed Royce was not a witness of the attack that struck the Pentagon. The Republican Congressman from California is nevertheless positive -- it was in fact a Boeing 757-200. The proof: he personally knows the victims of the crash, notably the pilot, a former classmate. That's enough for him. The rest is negationism and pro-radical Islamic propaganda.

"Look what he's done again," says Ed Royce handing us a transcript of Thierry Meyssan's speech before the Arab League on 8 April 2002. For the Representative of the state of California, the author of The Big Lie distorts the facts. He accuses him of playing the game of pro-radical Islamic propaganda. "I went to Afghanistan, and you know what I heard on the Taliban radio? They said: all that's an American plot to unjustly accuse Osama bin Laden!" And Ed Royce becomes indignant: "We are the victims." This rhetoric stems, according to him, from negationism. To call into question the reality of the attack on the Pentagon is as serious as doubting the existence of concentration camps. "My father saw Dachau, he showed me the photos [...] and yet I heard him fighting against people who claimed the Holocaust never took place or that the Jews provoked it themselves by accusing others."


When one questions Ed Royce about the lack of evidence produced by the authorities concerning the crash at the Pentagon, he satisfies himself with a few photos of debris, that are nevertheless unauthenticated as such. It can only be a radical Islamic attack organized with external assistance. "We know who committed these acts," he declares with total assurance. In contrast to Cynthia McKinney, the Democratic Congresswoman from Georgia, Ed Royce sees no interest in calling for a Congressional inquiry. "What is inexplicable" is "this book", a "tissue of lies".

However, the Representative of the state of California evades certain questions. What does he make of the phone call received by the Secret Service at the White House, emanating from anonymous individuals who presented themselves with the identification and transmission codes of the Presidency? This information was reported by the Washington Post, the New York Times and the WorldNetDaily. Ed Royce carefully avoids answering us, pretending to believe this information comes from The Big Lie, and concludes that it is fraudulent in nature. They would in fact be American lies, because they have been proffered by the most serious press organs in the country. It's difficult for Ed Royce to admit that in the United States itself, one still can ask questions about the events of 9/11. The possibility of internal complicity is, on the other hand, inconceivable.

According to Congressman Royce, thanks to their institutions, Americans are "well-protected" from lobbying attempts. The Constitution and the law shelter politicians from a coup d'etat. He counts enormously on bipartisanship to permit a sort of countervailing power, each party checking the other. Is this theory of the balance of political forces still applicable today? That is not the opinion of Democratic Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney. In these times of war, it seems impossible to exercise any control over the Republican administration, and this is prevented in the name of national unity and the war against terrorism.

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Re: Pentagate, coordinated by Thierry Meyssan

Postby admin » Mon Aug 31, 2015 10:54 pm


Cynthia McKinney:
"The conspiracy of silence"

For several days now, nobody makes fun anymore of Cynthia McKinney in the corridors of Congress. Her peers were not mocking the Democratic Congresswoman from George for her colorful attire. Only a few days after the events of 9/11, McKinney was already on the warpath ... against the sudden omnipotence of the Bush administration and the restrictions of freedom imposed by the Patriot Act.

"What did the Bush administration know and when did it learn about it?" asks Cynthia McKinney. At the time we interviewed her, colleagues, whether Democrats or Republicans, accompanied her interventions before Congress with jeers. Today, with the international press devoting its front pages to the "mea culpa" of the White House, the Representative of the state of Georgia is no longer on duty as Congress's anti-patriotic, conspiracy theory crank. Although Cynthia McKinney's words might be more moderate. From 21 September, she has bitterly criticized the process of restricting fundamental civil liberties unleashed by the White House in the name of the war against terrorism. But above all, she asks publicly why no security measures were taken prior to 11 September, when the CIA and the FBI were apparently informed of imminent attacks on American territory.

Tony Blair, Bush's foreign minister

Cynthia McKinney also wonders about the fate of an American intelligence officer detained in Canada, a certain Delmart Vreeland, who is supposed to have tried to warn the Canadian secret services of the attacks yet to come. These are not the fantastical allegations of an "imposter", but public statements of a representative of the American people. The Congresswoman's worries are equally those of 12,000 people, mostly American citizens, who signed an online petition demanding an official inquiry into the "peculiarities" of the events (see the interview with Carlos Jacinto). The prime mover behind this petition, Lori Price, has for her part told Digipresse that she would send a copy of this document to the Congresswoman from Georgia who is intent on voicing the questions of her fellow citizens. In the name of the latter, as early as 25 September she was demanding "irrefutable proof" of the culpability of Osama bin Laden and the Taliban government. She has not obtained satisfaction up to this day.

Cynthia McKinney does not hesitate to accuse the Bush administration of having dispatched Tony Blair, "the real American foreign minister" on missions instead of Colin Powell, who imprudently promised a report on the events. This obstinacy in demanding a serious investigation has brought down upon her the wrath of Republicans, who see her as anti-patriotic. Now, an investigation into Republican affairs might reveal "too much information". And the Democrats, like Thomas Daschle, their Senate leader, won't take the risk, feeling constrained to submit to the consensual view: those against the war are against the United States. "In a time of national unity," McKinney says ironically in an imitation of President Bush, "we couldn't allow ourselves that [...] so let us continue our war against terrorism". It's what Cynthia McKinney calls "the conspiracy of silence".

Who profits from the crime?

Cynthia McKinney also wants explanations about the enormous profits generated by unusual stock market movements several days before 9/11. According to her, the amounts at stake total billions upon billions of dollars. The scandal involves insider trading that would implicate a number of holdings, "very big players", big enough to be comparable with national governments. The Congresswoman refers to Unocal, responsible for the oil pipeline project in central Asia. Unocal is said to have landed the deal thanks to support from the powerful Carlyle group. One finds this multinational group again listed as the 11th largest manufacturer of American defense equipment. George Bush senior, a member of the Carlyle group's board of directors, made several official visits to Saudi Arabia between 1998 and 2000. On these occasions, he met with representatives of the bin Laden family.

And what about flight 77 crashing into the Pentagon? If Cynthia McKinney hadn't yet read Thierry Meyssan's book at the time we interviewed her, she had on the other hand learned of a document to which the author of The Big Lie also makes reference. James Bamford, investigative journalist, reproduced this document, previous classified "Top Secret", in his book, Body of Secrets. In it, one discovers that forty years ago certain members of the American military leadership had planned and approved the organization of attacks on the national territory. Attributed to the Cuban regime, these "plane-bombs" would have justified an American attack against Fidel Castro. " It that was conceivable forty years ago, why not today?" asks the Congresswoman.

For Cynthia McKinney, the real questions thus remain: "Who are the authors of the attacks ? Why? How? Who helped them? Who knew? And who permitted this to happen? [...] The American people deserve to have the answers." Has the Representative from Georgia contributed to breaking a taboo? That's by no means certain, the discordant voice of Cynthia McKinney could well be smothered by the probable security measures following the next attacks, which we are told will be even more savage. But this time, the FBI seems to know.

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Re: Pentagate, coordinated by Thierry Meyssan

Postby admin » Mon Aug 31, 2015 10:55 pm


Carlos Jacinto: " A lot of things to clear up"

Carlos Jacinto, 21 years old, is one of the signatories of the online petition demanding explanations for the events of 11 September. The American Senate will soon receive the document signed by only 12,000 Internet users as of date. The interview he granted to Digipresse was prior to the latest revelations concerning the White House.

A student in political science at the University of Washington, Carlos Jacinto is above all an American citizen who questions the "hidden agenda" of the September 11 attacks. "There are lot of things to clear up," he starts by saying. For example, why did "Bush grant 43 million dollars in aid to the Taliban for the war against drugs in May, only a few months before the attacks?" His unanswered questions made him decide to sign a petition asking for an inquiry into the responsibilities and circumstances surrounding the events of 11 September. For Carlos, it's not a matter of making wild accusations or formulating a full-fledged indictment, but of simply posing questions.

Economic interests

The "problem" according to him does not revolve around the existence of the plane. He doesn't want to express an opinion about a book he hasn't read. It's more the political and economical aspects of the attacks that interest Carlos Jacinto. He wonders about the legitimacy of the financial transactions, the possibility of insider trading and particularly about the strategy of the company Unocal to win the deal for the construction of a pipeline in Afghanistan. What he has difficulty accepting is the idea "that the taxpayers have paid to help the Taliban, then paid again to support the war effort". The silence of the Bush government angers him, as do the silences of the Democratic opposition, and of its representative in the Senate, Tom Daschle. Without formulating clearly the word "plot", Jacinto ventures as far as saying that the events of "Nine Eleven" are closely linked to economic interests. "The bankruptcy of the company Enron has something to do with all these stories."

"A just war"

An American citizen, Carlos Jacinto was, like many of his fellow countrymen, in favor of the war in Afghanistan. "This war was just because we had to deliver these people from the extremists, and after all, we were responding to an attack on American unlike any other since Pearl Harbor!" But like a number of other American citizens as well, he does not wish to see his country bog down in wars that remind him of Vietnam. "Before sending our troops throughout the world, we have to know why and justify it, organize it. And I don't see any planning!"

A petition for an inquiry

The online petition signed by Carlos Jacinto and 12,000 other Internet users, was drawn up by Lori Price, editor and webmistress of and These two sites gather much information about the attacks in the United States. What are questions being raised by Lori Price?

In a general way, she dwelt on the financial transactions that took place just before the attacks. These transactions, principally those involving the United Airlines company, according to an article in the San Francisco Chronicle, are said to have permitted anonymous investors to make enormous profits by counting on the closure of the stock exchange during the four days following the crash, and betting on the fall in share prices. Indeed, between 6 and 10 September speculations on a drop in prices permitted the purchase of 4,744 sale options on United Airlines shares against only 395 buy options. The same scenario took place with American Airlines on 10 September (4,516 sales options against 748 buy options). Lastly, Lori Price also wonders about the role of the Carlyle group. This powerful multinational is said to have backed Unocal in its bid for a contract estimated to be worth two billion dollars, for the construction of a pipeline across Afghanistan.

Lori Price's online petition has received for the moment 12,615 signatures. "I would like to submit it to the Senate and the media when have reached 20,000 signatures." The list of unresolved mysteries on "9/11" is a long one. Like that of the profits reaped. The petition, which has been posted on the Net for several months now, enumerates twelve of these mysteries. Number 11 has since taken on a particular resonance. It involves "the hypothesis" that George Bush was warned of the attacks".

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Re: Pentagate, coordinated by Thierry Meyssan

Postby admin » Mon Aug 31, 2015 10:55 pm


Mike Walter: "Neither missile nor bomb, an American Airlines plane"

Mike Walters is a journalist for the daily newspaper, USA Today. His testimony is crucial because he says he saw it all: the airplane, the trajectory, the impact and the debris.

On the morning of 11 September, Mike Walter was on the Colombia Pike, going in the opposite direction to Steve Riskus. The Pentagon was a few hundred yards on his right when he saw an American Airlines plane pass over him on the left. The plane was headed in the opposite direction to the Pentagon, but he then saw it turn "fairly slowly". Next, once the turn was carried out, according to him the plane accelerated, crossed his route and plunged directly at the Pentagon.

Mike Walters is a crucial witness because he describes all of the phases of the catastrophe: the trajectory, its relatively slow speed at the start, its final acceleration and the impact. He also says he saw the American Airlines logo when the vehicle turned towards the Pentagon. He had plenty of time to notice that the plane was low and that it hadn't deployed its landing gear. His statement confirms the other testimonies: the plane hit a lamppost, it entered straight into the building and it did not hit the ground before impact. Traffic was dense, so he was driving slowly, the place where he was had a particularly clear view. His visibility was perfect, in contrast to that of Steve Riskus.

"Disintegration": an ambiguous term

His testimony is much better founded. He says in fact that he stopped and got out of the car because he "knew that this would be the subject he'd be covering that day". He was thus able to see pieces of the plane. According to him, if the explosion didn't cause damage to the nearby trees and cars, it was because the violence of the impact was propagated upwards rather than in a horizontal fashion. The airplane, he says, continued on its course inside the Pentagon, but the wings did not enter the building. They were folded back. [7] According to Mike Walter, the explosion was such that the plane disintegrated. Not in the sense that it had disappeared, because this term is ambiguous, but in such a way that it parts were reduced to small pieces disseminated all around. He claims to have seen men gathering the debris and placing it in bags bearing the inscription "evidence".

Finally, he explained about the first testimony that he gave to CNN in which he declared, "it was like a cruise missile with wings". In reality, he had resorted to using a metaphor because for him, that day, this commercial jet "was like a missile or a bomb since it was used to kill people". Mike Walter loses his temper slightly when one tries to put to the test what he saw. "It wasn't a missile, it wasn't a bomb, it was an airliner from American Airlines and I saw it plunge into the Pentagon."

Mike Walter is convinced and convincing. He took the trouble of returning to the scene with us and showing us several times the trajectory of the plane. He pointed out to us the hill where the reporters stood after the tragedy to watch the rescue effort. He also indicated on which lawn the wounded were evacuated and mimed the impact with his hands ... The sole fly in the ointment is that Mike Walter is the only witness in our investigation to have mentioned seeing the debris. Was that because of his particular position during the impact, further to the southwest of the Pentagon where the crash happened?

Patriotism versus freedom of the press

Beyond the controversy raised by Thierry Meyssan's thesis, we profited from Mike Walter's status as a journalist to ask him about the consequences of the Patriot Act for the freedom of the American press. The restrictions of this law took effect on 11 September and are the subject of a report edited by the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press (RCFP) entitled "How the War Against Terrorism Hinders Access to Information and the Public's Right to Information". The document notably evokes the difficulties encountered by reporters in Afghanistan, forbidden by the military to travel in strategic zones. Mike Walter did not deny the existence of these obstacles, but according to him this was nothing new, transparency not being -- by its essence -- a strongpoint of the military. However, he could not imagine the possibility of a plot or any sort of responsibility of military leaders or the American government in the attacks of 11 September. If it that had been the case, the scandal would already have erupted. Because according to him "nobody can keep a secret in this country, and especially not the government or the military".

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Re: Pentagate, coordinated by Thierry Meyssan

Postby admin » Mon Aug 31, 2015 10:55 pm


Richard Benedetto: "That plane is going to crash into the Pentagon!"

The testimony of Richard Benedetto, like Mike Walter a journalist for the daily newspaper, USA Today, mentions in detail the last moments of flight AA 77. Some of his statements, however, contradict those in other testimonies.

At the time of the tragedy, Richard Benedetto was also on Colombia Pike, en route to his office. He was not far from Steve Riskus and James Ryan, the other witnesses, when the Pentagon appeared on his left. He then distinctly saw an American Airlines plane pass over him to the left, and noticed that it was headed in a direction opposed to Reagan International Airport. The aircraft was flying very low, its landing gear still tucked inside. Right away, he thought that it "seemed to be heading toward the Pentagon". He saw the aircraft accelerate and speed straight at the building. But, like James Ryan, he was unable to see the impact because the hill obstructed his view. However, as James Ryan did, he described the same ball of fire, the same dull noise at impact and the same black smoke rising above the building.

A question of point of view

The testimony of Richard Benedetto corroborates the stories of other witnesses (the AA logo on the tail, the lamppost hit by the plane) with some slight variations, however. He did not see the plain waggle its wings as James Ryan said, and neither did he see the debris evoked by Mike Walter, nor could he make out the plane after the tragedy. "The smoke was too black and thick to be able to see anything at all." It is particularly difficult to judge the trajectory of the Boeing he describes because if the Pentagon is on his left, one does not see very well how the plane could have come from behind him on the left (James Ryan also claims this), since Mike Walter, who saw the Pentagon to his right, also perceived flight 77 coming from the left and then performing its turn. This difference in trajectory is, however, difficult to appreciate, because the route along Colombia Pike turns several times before passing in front of the Pentagon, and if for Steve Riskus the plane cut across the road, it is possible that for Richard Benedetto it was following it.

Lastly, the trajectory described by Mike Walter was the result of guesswork. It was not a reconstruction and it is difficult to say if the distance at which the plane made his turn coincided with the place where, from the other side of the road, Richard Benedetto saw it.

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Re: Pentagate, coordinated by Thierry Meyssan

Postby admin » Mon Aug 31, 2015 10:56 pm


Steve Riskus: "Like in a cartoon"

Steve Riskus, 24 years old is a "hotliner" in the computer industry. He was present during the crash at the Pentagon, where he was the author of the very first photos, right after the impact. He later published them on his Web site, for which on 10 September he registered a new domain name,

On 11 September, towards 9 am, Steve Riskus, 24 year old computer hotliner, was taking Colombia Pike on his way to see a friend. The Pentagon was a few hundred yards away on the left. Suddenly on the right, he saw an airplane cross his path and head directly for the Pentagon. He says he saw everything: the distinctive signs of an American Airlines jetliner, and the blue and red line along the vehicle. He noticed that the aircraft was flying very low, "at treetops level", that it was going very fast and that the landing gear had not been deployed. He saw the plane decapitate a highway lamppost and right after hit the wall of the building without touching the ground. "Like in a cartoon, it exploded immediately, there were flames and smoke, I could not see if the wings had entered the wall". He then stopped his car on Colombia Pike, where traffic became immediately blocked due to the shock of the explosion and resulting panic. On the side of the road, he took some pictures with his digital camera. After a few moments, still deeply shocked, he got back into his car and drove aimlessly around the Pentagon, but soon the rescue vehicles, the military and the police blocked off the crash scene. He then went to visit a friend and put his photos online on his site

The testimony of Steve Riskus is clear and precise. He has no doubts about the nature of the flying vehicle he saw pass before his eyes and hit the Pentagon. However, his visibility at the time was reduced, he says himself, by the trees along the road, and doubtless he had very little time, perhaps two seconds, in which to glimpse the aircraft. In that case, did he have time to see all these details, to notice that not only was it in fact a plane, but also one belonging to American Airlines, to see the eagle between the two letters AA, and to understand that it did not have the landing gear deployed? Steve Riskus had just heard about the attacks at the WTC. Did he interpret what he saw in light of that context? Several elements in his testimony tend in any case to contradict the official thesis. According to him, the aircraft entered the building straight on and not at an angle of 45°. Next, it did not strike the ground before exploding against the building. Lastly, Steve Riskus made it clear that he had not seen debris and had stood less than 200 yards from the place of the crash long enough to take many snapshots in which there does not appear any element permitting one to recognize an airplane.

The case of Steve Riskus is particular. This skateboarding fan created a Web site devoted to his favorite sport in October 2000. Now, on 10 September 2001, the eve of the crash, he registered a new domain name, This tag makes one pause, as does the date. Steve Riskus said he thought the new name was more "cutting edge" and had copied it from an expression used by cycling fans, bicycle thrash, and registered the name on 10 September because "everybody did something on that day, I registered this name, it's pure chance". Initially, he published the photos under both domain names. That very day he placed a link on his homepage, but later decided to suppress it. Only informed people can effectively go to that page by tapping a very exact precise address that is not accessible otherwise. Why? "Because I didn't want to mix everything up. My Web site has nothing to do with this story. I told people they could see my pictures by typing this address." However, if Steve Riskus's reticence about directly posting photos on his site which have nothing to do with its subject is understandable, a few months later, he added to his page about the crash a list of witnesses.

In the meantime, Steve Riskus received e-mails, certain of which alluded the deposit date of his domain name, "Even my friends asked me for explanations." Then he heard about Thierry Meyssan's book, and was solicited by a Web surfer seeking information. In some discussion forums, the case of Steve Riskus and his Critical-thrash appeared "suspect". To be sure, he registered this new name on 10 September. However, his site existed previously under the name The registrations were carried out in an open fashion, his surname appears on the registry server. He does not know at what point the registration of Critical-thrash became effective. But if one considers that this question only makes sense from the moment one begins to question his motives, one supposes that for him it wasn't very important to know that because in any case his site was already accessible. What he doesn't understand, six months after the crash, is why the press has not used his photos which he offered free of charge and the most immediate ones taken of the event. Another question also remains: in this case, why hasn't the FBI, which claims to have gathered all the evidence in its investigation of the attack, thought it worthwhile to make use of these photos.

A person "with good intentions"

One day he received a strange phone call from France. A person who said he had "good intentions" and of whom Steve "doesn't remember the name any more" warned him against Thierry Meyssan, who he said was manipulated by the CIA. It's a curious attitude to take the trouble of telephoning from France to warn someone who is not, after all, extremely threatened. Steve Riskus does not seem excessively troubled by the French controversy or by the possibility of an American manipulation being responsible for the attacks on 11 September. The e-mails come, he's used to Internet and responds to everyone but does not become interested in the identity of his correspondents. Had he received an e-mail or a call from Thierry Meyssan or someone from the Reseau Voltaire? He doesn't recall, doesn't think that happened, but what he does know is that he's "never refused to answer whoever it may be". That is not what Thierry Meyssan told us, claiming that one of his collaborators talked on the telephone with Riskus, and that the latter hung up in the middle of the conversation.

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Re: Pentagate, coordinated by Thierry Meyssan

Postby admin » Mon Aug 31, 2015 10:56 pm


James Ryan: "It was a nightmare"

James Ryan had not talked previously to the media. He contacted Digipresse after having watched the interview with Thierry Meyssan on the news stream of Yahoo!/Digipresse shortly after the release of The Big Lie in France. Meyssan's comments were shocking for this former military officer, but not as shocking as the terrible spectacle of the crash of flight AA 77.

James Ryan, 27 years old, works in sales for a computer company and is a former press attache for the US Navy. That day, he had to go see a mechanic whose shop was on Colombia Pike which runs past the Pentagon. He heard a plane pass over but did not pay real attention to it because there were planes flying over regularly in that area. However, he then noticed a strange noise that he interpreted as being that of the engines being suddenly cut off. He therefore raised his eyes and saw an aircraft at very low altitude that he immediately identified, he says, as an Boeing belonging to American Airlines. He made it clear that he saw the company's logo, that the aircraft was silver in color, and he also says he could distinguish the windows. He became all at once worried because he noticed that the plane was not on a normal trajectory since it wasn't headed towards Reagan International Airport, and above all because it appeared to him that the vehicle was in its landing phase, although neither the wing flaps nor the landing gear had been activated. The plane flew over his car. At that instant he saw it bank its wings as if it was gliding and had just "avoided the radio tower" in trying to stabilize itself. The next moment, the plane accelerated powerfully and sped straight ahead in the direction of the west wing of the Pentagon. James Ryan could not see the impact because in that place the ground rose above the road level, but he followed the aircraft as it disappeared behind the trees, then he heard a dull noise and saw an orange ball of fire rising in the sky, followed by thick black smoke. He's certain that it was the aircraft that he saw passing at low altitude. "A few instants before, the Pentagon was intact and then the plane did not reappear after the crash. "

Emotional but convinced

On certain points, James Ryan gives the same details as other witnesses. It was an American Airlines aircraft whose tail logo he recognized. He is even more precise in saying that he could see the windows. Very emotional, he admits that he still has nightmares and that he will remember that plane his entire life. He also took photos after the crash, including one of a member of the Navy, looked dazed and in a state of shock.

James Ryan's fragility, however, does not prevent a certain determination when he mimes the plane. And there, what is described could cause some confusion. His very sudden gesture could indeed evoke more the final approach of a missile rather than that of a civilian jet. Since his manner of testifying is indeed extremely subjective and emotional, no objective conclusion can be reasonably drawn here. But his testimony does differ from the others. He is the only person to speak of a peculiar noise equivalent to that an engine losing speed, and the one to have seen the plane pitch as it accelerated.

James Ryan did not wish to return to the scene of the crime. He still has nightmares and remembers "all the details of that plane". His eyes blur with tears as he tells that a few instants after the tragedy he saw in the sky, above the black smoke rising from the Pentagon, two eagles soaring over the dramatic scene. A couple of birds who are well-known in the area, it seems. "It was like a sign that we were going to find our strength again, like the Phoenix being reborn from its ashes."

Valerie Labrousse
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Re: Pentagate, coordinated by Thierry Meyssan

Postby admin » Mon Aug 31, 2015 10:56 pm


Ed Plaugher: Memory in Reverse

Ed Plaugher, the Arlington fire chief, was with his men on the scene of the attack to take part alongside the Federal teams in rescue efforts and fighting the fire that propagated itself within the Pentagon for several days.

Ed Plaugher almost laughs as he affirms: "I can assure you that it was a plane". Talkative, the fire chief of Arlington county enumerates an exhaustive list of the debris he says he saw at the site of the impact: "wings, the fuselage, seats, engines, landing gear, and the black box". On 12 September, however, he told journalists at a briefing in the Pentagon that there was only "small pieces of plane, and above all, no fuselage and no important debris".

His uncertain tone almost resembles the embarrassment he betrayed when he almost refused to testify at that same press conference, where they asked him what he thought about the origin of the debris found on the highway in front of the Pentagon. At the time he indicated that he had seen nothing and preferred that journalists address themselves directly to eyewitnesses. Ed Plaugher has thus recovered his memory. But how could he have seen the seats forty minutes after the explosion if the plane had, as the authorities claim, literally disintegrated? In his testimony for Digipresse, the fire chief also explains about the use of water in a kerosene fire. Explanations that at first sight seem plausible according to the press attache of the Paris fire department. Water, Ed Plaugher tells us, is not used to fight a kerosene fire ''as long as the fuel is liquid, but once it's consumed with the objects, once it evaporates, then you can use it". To be sure, but as Ed Plaugher himself says: water was utilized as the "first agent", something which, according to the French fire department official, seems doubtful unless the water was being used away from the heart of the blaze.

Another mystery is that, although Ed Plaugher claims to have seen them, according to official sources the plane's black boxes were found only on 14 September "at the very spot where the plane crashed into the Pentagon". The same day, Dick Bridges, another fire officer, said that they were damaged but the FBI thought they might be able to extract data from them. Shortly after, the FBI claimed that they provided no usable data. Six months after the attacks, however, the FBI issued a statement protesting against Thierry Meyssan's work and pointing to the existence as a crucial element of evidence the data from these black boxes ... Contradictions are thus frequent among the pieces of information given to the public over many months. Thus, at the beginning, there were no major pieces of debris, because the impact and fire had made everything disappear.

Confidential evidence

The FBI refused to meet with us, but nevertheless agreed to answer some questions by telephone. Its representative claimed, while releasing an official statement concerning Thierry Meyssan's book, that the FBI already had in its possession all the evidence necessary to prove the existence of a plane. So today there do in fact exist traces of flight 77 with debris authenticated by a "serial number of the airline company". However, when asked why these elements were not shown to the press and the public, thus silencing the detractors of the official thesis, the FBI spokesman, Fred Murnay declared that the investigation "isn't over" and that consequently, evidence would remain confidential.

Yet, according the FBI's Web site, since 26 September, the investigation had been taken over by the DoD, the American Defense ministry. Questioned on this subject, Fred Murnay denied it. Lost in the Katkaesque meanderings of the Federal administration, we ended by obtaining the name of the prosecutor in charge of the investigation. This was prosecutor McNulty, attached to the department for Arlington county where the Pentagon is located. He refused to speak with us and his press attache concluded a conversation with the words: "this investigation is not close to being ended". Alright, but how long will it take? "No doubt, years." One can thus wonder what the FBI discovered in its investigation and its harvest of evidence, because if the elements have "all been gathered together", as Fred Murnay claims, why haven't public proceedings started?

Valerie Labrousse
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