The impulse to believe the absurd when presented with the unknowable is called religion. Whether this is wise or unwise is the domain of doctrine. Once you understand someone's doctrine, you understand their rationale for believing the absurd. At that point, it may no longer seem absurd. You can get to both sides of this conondrum from here.


Postby admin » Thu Oct 22, 2015 9:54 am


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Postby admin » Thu Oct 22, 2015 9:55 am

Part 1 of 2


Note: alphabetical order is word by word, Spanish names appear under the first element of the surname, as in 'Escriva de Balaguer, Josemaria', Most banks appear under 'Bank', 'Banco', 'Banque'

Abad, Mariano 24, 75
Abbruciati, Danilo 281, 288
ABC newspaper 59, 438
Abd-el-Krim 47, 48-9
Abdel Rahman, Sheikh Omar 386,
390, 421
Abi-Amir, Mohammed ibn 28
abortion 258, 395
absolutism, papal 366
Abu Sayyaf organization 420-1
Abubakar Janjalani, Abdurajak
Aburish, Said 392
ACNP (Asociacion catolica
nacional de propagandistas)
41-2, 77
Actualidad Economica weekly 165
Actualidad Espanol magazine 165
ACUT (Association de Culture
Universitaire et Technique)
Adams, Michael 170-1
administration of Opus Dei see
Advanced Technology limited
(Ad Tec) 170
advanced weapons systems 169
Adveniat 120, 218
Aerospatiale 251
Afghanistan 360, 361, 383
Africa 161, 173, 381-3
see also South Africa
African Bishops, Synod of 394-5,
Agca, Mehmet Ali 401
Agenzia A news service 246
Aguilar Gorrondona, Jose Luiz
Ahmed, Emir of Saragossa 30
aid projects 161
al-Bashir, General Omar Hassan
al-Turabi, Hassan xiii, 381-3,
421-3, 426, 430
Alastrue, Eduardo 76
Albareda Herrara, Jose Maria 66,
76--78, 79, 91
Albas, Canon Carlos (uncle of
Escriva) 46, 75
Albas, Mariano (godfather of
Escriva) 20, 74, 75-6
Albas y Blanc, Maria de los
Dolores (mother of Escriva)
19-22, 44, 62, 67, 93, 94, 97
Alcala Zamora, Niceto 58-9
Alcala-Meco Prison, Madrid 320
Alcazar newspaper 165
Alexander II, Pope 30
Alexius I, Emperor 32
Alfonso I, king of Aragon 33, 34
Alfonso VI, king of Castile 30
Alfonso XIII, king of Spain 40, 41,
Algeria 377, 395, 401, 424
Alianza popular 208
Allende, Salvador 213, 214-15
ALM syndrome (Anarchism,
Liberalism, Marxism) 87, 90
Almerighi, Mario 333, 337, 351
Alonso Pacheco, Joaquin 432
Alunan, Rafel 420
Alvarez Rendueles, Jose Ramon
Alvira, Tomas 77, 78
Ambrosiano Group Banco
Comercial S.A. (Managua)
Ambrosiano Services
(Luxemburg) 271
American stockmarkets 314
Anarchists 69, 76
Barbastro 74-5
Anderson, Carl A, 360, 361, 398
Andorra 77, 79, 136
see also Credit Andorra
Andreotti, Giulio 6, 106, 225, 243,
331, 348
and Banco Ambrosiano 270,
273, 285
and Freemasonry 207-8, 264
and Opus Dei 348-9, 350, 429
and Pecorelli killing 350
Andrew, king of Hungary 34
Anheuser Busch brewing family
Annuario Pontificio 281
Anselmi, Tina 286
anstalts (establishments) 163
anti-clericalism 50, 74, 393
violence 67, 69, 74-5
Antinucci, Mark 239
Antonio, Pyrenean guide 78-9
Antoniutti, Monsignor Ildebrando
AOP (Apostolate of Public
Opinion) 164, 167, 266, 372,
APIC (Catholic International
Press Agency) 156
apostles of Opus Dei, twelve 99
of penetration 103, 259-60
politics of 123
Aquinas, St Thomas 52
Arafat, Yasser 268, 430
Arana, Carlos 219
Arbenz Guzman, Jacobo 219
Arbor magazine 30
Archangels as guardians of Opus
Dei 30-3
see also individual Archangels
architecture studio as financial
source 105, 146
Arellano, Jesus 164
activity in 209
expansion into 38
foreign interest in 207, 208-12
guerrilla attacks in 209
Argentine Armed Forces 169
Arias Peace Foundation 419
Arinze, Cardinal Francis 394
Aris, Stephen 312
Aristrain Noain, Jose Maria 326,
Armed Islamic Group 401, 421,
Algeria 395
arms dealing 169, 206, 266, 331,
Bosnia 410
Croatia 404-6, 407, 409
Iran 378, 383, 409-10
Ukraine 407
Warsaw 362, 376-7
arms embargo, United Nations
405, 408, 410-3
army image of Opus Dei 37
Arrupe, Pedro (Jesuit General)
206, 216
Ascaso Column 69, 74
Ascaso, Domingo 69, 74
Ascaso, Francisco 47, 69
Asensio Barroso, Florentino 74-5
assets see international finance
Astrid of Belgium, Princess 154
Atarazanas Barracks 69
Athenagoras I, Patriarch 144
Augustine of Hippo, Saint 374
authoritarian clericalism 82, 84,
90, 209
Ayala, Angel 41
Azana, Manue 159, 64, 65
quotation 73
Aznar, Jose Maria 438

Babarito, Archbishop Luigi 15
Babic, Mate 405
Bacci, Cardinal Antonio 99
Badajoz 70
Badalamenti, Gaetano 350
Baggio, Cardinal Sebastiano 250,
252, 253, 257, 279, 303
Bagnasco, Orazio 141, 273, 280
Bakhita, Josephine 6-7
Balaguer (town) 19
Baldwin, king of Jerusalem 32
Balkans 363, 373, 375, 410
sectarian war in 7
Vatican intelligence in 378
see also Bosnia, Croatia, Serbia
Balzaretti, Leandro 286
banana plantations in Guatemala,
idle 219
Banca Cattolica del Veneto 239,
Banca Coca 309
Banca Commerciale Italiana 241
Banca del Gottardo (Lugano)
240, 245, 252
Banca Privata Finanziaria 168
Banco de Agricuitura (Lisbon)
Banco Ambrosiano 172, 210,
Argentina 251
and Banco Occidental 265
and Calvi 262-3, 276-87, 281
deepening problems (1983)
hidden shareholder 262-3, 269,
and IOR 223, 240-7, 250, 257,
263, 282-3, 299-301, 325
liquidation of 297, 350-1
restructuring plan (Calvi)
280-1, 282-5, 295
settlement from lOR 317-18
see also Calvi, Roberto; Nuovo
Banco Ambrosiano; Sindona,
Banco Ambrosiano Andino
(Lima) 268, 271, 277
Banco Ambrosiano Holdings SA
273, 278
Banco Ambrosiano Overseas
limited 242, 267, 278
Banco Atlantico 167-8, 174, 226,
235-6, 308, 321
Banco Bilbao 273, 325, 326
Banco Bilbao-Vizcaya 326
Banco Comercial de Angola 177
Banco de Credito Industrial 134
Banco de Espana 14, 131, 234,
236-7, 273, 308
Banco Espanol de Credito see
Banco Financiero Sudamericano
(Bafisud) (Montevideo) 267,
Banco de Jerez (formerly Banco
de Jienez) (Cordoba) 230
Banco Latino 165, 236
Banco de la Nacion, Lima 258
Banco del Norte 314, 315
Banco Occidental (Madrid)
264-7, 273
Banco Peninsular 265
Banco Popolare di Novara 273
Banco Popular Espanol 125, 134,
135, 166
and Hambros 168
and Luis Valls Taberner 305
and Ruiz-Mateos 230, 308, 33,
Banco Popular de los Previsores
del Porvenir see Banco
Popular Espanol
Banco Vizcaya 273, 307, 326
Banda della Magliana 281, 288,
346, 347, 437
Banesto (Banco Espanol de
Credito) 266, 306, 326, 435
Banja Luka, 'ethnic cleansing' in
377, 412
Bank of Italy 246-7
Bank of Spain see Banco de
banking in future development
banking industry, restructuring of
Spanish 326
Bankunion 168
Banque des Interets Francais 172
Banque Lambert (Geneva) 288,
Banque Leclerc (fonnerly Banque
de l'Harpe) 132, 133, 136
Banque de l'Harpe see Banque
Banque de l'Union Europeenne
172, 267
Baraona, Pablo 213
Barbarito, Archbishop Luigi 15
Barbastro 19-21, 23-4, 26, 30, 46,
and Civil War 73-6
assassination of Ascaso 47
bombings in 41
centre in 93
and Civil War 69, 74
Matesa research in 131
seminar on illegal Immigration
worker riots in 125
Baron Mora-Figueroa, Luis 230,
313, 314-15
Bartholomew, Patriarch 391
Baura, Eduardo 432
Beagle Channel dispute
(Argentina and Chile) 257
beatification of Jose Maria Escriva
3-18, 257, 338-9, 342
Beelzebub 295, 330, 349
Beijing Conference on Women
Belgrade (government in) 404,
412 ,
Bellatrix SA, 271, 279-80, 350
Bellinghieri, Giuseppe 'Pippo'
299, 345
Benedict, Saint, and opus Dei 29
Benelli, Archbishop Giovanni 149,
206, 221, 222, 225, 301
and John Paul I 250, 252-3,
264-5, 297
Berglar, Peter 22, 51n, 55n, 56n
Berlin Wall, fall of 362
Berlusconi, Silvio 348-9
Bermudez, Jorge 80-1
Bernal, Salvador 43
Bernard of Clairvaux, Saint 33
Bernstein, Carl 360n
Berti, Alberto Jaime, and
Guruceaga 314, 315-17
Berti, Alberto Jaimes 223, 256-7,
289-90, 313
Bethlehem 393
Biagi, Enzo 332
Bialystok 362
Bihac 43
Bin Laden Company, Sudan 383
Binetti, Carlo 277, 288
Binladen, Osama 383
birth control see contraception
Blackfriars Bridge, London (Calvi
affair) 291-2, 346
blackmail 330
Blue Zone 77
Bobetko, Janko 43, 412
Bochenski, Josef-Marie 156
Bodio, Giovanni 325
Bofill de Quadras, Pablo 165, 168,
Bokassa, Emperor Jean Bedel 309
Boletin Oficial del Estado 150, 152
Bolgiani, Francesco 245n
Bonassoli, Aldo 157, 161
Bonis, Donato de 314, 315
Bophuthatswana 282
BOR 1345 off-market operation
Borbon family 153
Borobio, Luis 146n
Bosnia 376-9, 404, 406
assassination base in 384
Muslims in 376
Vatican and military action in
373, 43
Botas, Manuel 121
Botella Raduan, Francisco 'Paco'
77, 94
Botta, Giacomo 251
Bouchard, Charles136
Boullon Rubio, Sister Concepcion
12, 14, 301, 342, 434
Bourbon-Lobkowicz, Princess
Francoise de 397-8
Bourot, David 376-7
Bove, Alfonso 276, 324
Boyer Salvador, Miguel 310, 33
Brazil, expansion into 38
Brelic SA Fribourg 132
Brennan, Joseph 296
Brevis sane (Lavitrano) 103
Brezhnev, Leonid 357-8, 361
bribery, alleged 342, 350, 435
Brief Circle (means of formation)
185, 188
Calvi's 287, 291, 295-6, 323,
328-335, 351
Carboni's 298
Britain and Muslims 390
Brno, centre in 363
Broglie, Prince Jean de 131-2, 136
Brussels International Airport 161
Budapest, centre in 363
Burgos 70, 79-82
Burke, Patrick Cormac 169, 432
Burkhardt, Monsignor Ernst 343
Bush, George 374, 384
business administration school see
business and God's work 33
Buttinelli, Monsignor Oscar 17
Buzzonnetti, Renato 254, 256
Byrne, Eamon 217
Byzantium 31

Cabanillas Gallas, Pio 208, 264,
266, 309, 435
cabinet reshuffle at Matesa
scandal 133
Caciavillan, Archbishop Agostino
Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft
law firm 348n
Caffarra, Monsignor Professor
Carlo 397, 398
Cairo Conference see UN
Population Conference
Cali SA 317
Calleja, Alvaro 171
Calo, Pippo 344, 350
Caloia, Angelo 325
Calvi, Anna 241, 252, 283, 284,
286, 287, 290, 346
Calvi, Carlo 241, 275-6, 283, 292,
investigations 335, 345, 348
Calvi, Clara (nee Canetti) 241,
250, 252, 272-3, 275, 276,
279, 283
Roberto's last days and
aftermath 290, 292, 302, 337,
345, 349
Calvi Murder, The (Pisano) 332
Calvi, Roberto 169, 222, 240, 262,
background 241-3
and Banca Cattolica del Veneto
and Banco Occidental 266-7
briefcase 287, 291, 295-6, 323,
326, 328-333, 335, 337
Calvi story 263-74
coroner's inquest 297
family's inquiry 323
forged warrant for arrest 285
imprisonment272, 276
and IOR 243-4, 245, 250, 252,
269, 284-5
last days and death in London
289-92, 298-9, 346-8
in Latin America 247, 251-2,
letters 277-8, 284, 296, 330-1
meeting Marcinkus 277
missing links in trail 297
money for his killers 350
and Paraparal 316
and Pope John Paul I 248, 250,
quotation 261
and United Trading 267-8
see also Banco Ambrosiano
Calvo Serer, Rafael 66, 30, 31,
122, 123, 165
Camorra 290, 315, 317, 344, 347,
Campbell-Johnston SJ, Michael
Campo Villegas, Gabriel 82n
Campora, Hector J. 210-3
Campos Menendez, Enrique 214
Canals, Salvador 96, 98, 101
Canary Islands 68
Candy, Clive 346
Canesi, Carlo 240, 243
Canete (Peru) 120-1
Canetti, Clara see Calvi, Clara
Canetti, Luciano 292
Canon Law 102, 340
canonization process (in general
terms) 8-9
Cantero, Alejandro 320
Capucci, Flavio 10, 3, 12-13, 434
Caracas 288, 313, 314
Carboni, Flavio Mario 276, 277,
280, 283, 287, 288-92
arrested and tried 297, 299, 351
and Calvi briefcase 328-33, 337
SISMI file on 334
Sofint Company 350
cardboard boxes, Calvi's 287, 291,
cardinals, extraordinary meeting
of (November 1979) 268
Carey, George Archbishop of
Canterbury, quotations 415,
Carles, Cardinal Ricard Maria 399,
Carrasco de Paula, Ignacio 432
Carrero Blanco, Carmen 121
Carrero Blanco, Luis 6, 49, 121,
134, 152, 158
Casa de Vicolo 203
Casa del Uffici 203, 205
Casado, Vicente Rodriguez 31
Casariego, Cardinal Mario 148,
219, 224
Casaroli, Cardinal Agostino 259,
268, 270, 271, 296, 303
and Paraparal venture 314
reply to Bishop Hnilica 335-6
and US administration talks 359
Casciaro, Pedro 65, 66, 77-79,
election of popes 141
Mexico City 38
Casey, William J, 358-61, 364
Castanon, Emilio 258
Castillo Lara, Cardinal Jose
Rosalio 224
Castillo, Professor Jose Maria 66,
84, 86
Castro Sanmartin, Victor 132
Catalunya 41
new Roman Catholic 375
Opus Dei 194
Catholic Action 64, 106, 107
Youth Congress (1948) 107
Catholic International Press
Agency 342
Catholic University of Caracas 224
Catholicism, militant 31
Cavabianca 224
Cavallo, Luigi 246, 330
CEDA (right-wing Catholic
parties) 64
CEDI (European Centre of
Documentation and
Information) 153-4
celibacy 5, 34, 63, 105
Ceniceros, Manuel 43
censorship, state and Church 123
Central African Republic
banknotes, counterfeited 333
Central Bank of Uruguay 274
Central University, Madrid 48
Centre for Research &
Communications (Manila)
Cerutti, Carlo 296
Ceuta 68
Chad 359
Chalandon, Albin 161
Charles V, Emperor 38, 39, 31
Chase Manhattan Bank (New
York) 240
Chechnya, foreign fighters in 413
Cheli, Archbishop Giovanni 269,
275, 324, 344, 433
Chelsea Cloisters, London
289--92, 298, 346
Chiffa-Habril, Algeria 377
Chile 38, 170, 206, 212-15
Chirac, Jacques 398
Chodron de Courcel, Bernadette
Christian Democrats 107, 32,
213, 215, 243
Christian military orders 32-3
Christian Solidarity International
423, 424
Christians oppressed,
in Palestine 393
in Turkey 391
Churchill, Winston 44
CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)
107, 155, 177
Afghanistan 364-5
Chad 359
Chile 213, 214
Guatemala 219
Iran 359
Liberation Theology 360
Poland 358
Cicognani, Cardinal Amleto 140,
Ciprialli, Archbishop Juan Luis
Cisalpine Overseas Bank 242
City of London Police and Calvi
299, 345, 347
Civil War, Spanish 68, 72, 82
Claes, Willy 400
Clark, William 359
Clark, Eileen 192-3, 205
Clarke, Kenneth (then British
Home Secretary) 348
Clavell Ortiz-Repiso, Monsignor
Luiis 432
Clean Hands investigations in
Italy 349-50
Clement V, pope 35
clerical association, request to
found 98, 100
clerical dress 439
Clinton administration 408
Clinton, William (Bill) 407
Coca, Ignacio 309, 315
Codex Iuris Particularis Operis Di
Coimbra student residence 101
Colby, William 155
Cold War 103, 33, 154
Cold Warriors 108, 351
Colegio Cesar Carlos (Madrid)
Coll Blasini, Nestor 277
College of Cardinals 140, 141,
301, 303
Collingwood, John E, 43n
Colombia 161
expansion into 38
Colombo, Bishop Pietro 373
Columbus, Christopher 38, 390
Commission for Social
Communication see Pontifical
Common Market regulations 272
common works 164, 167
communication technology 415
Communism 44
in Africa 175, 177
Catholic Alliance in Europe
against 438
as Church's most serious enemy
death of 362
and Pinay Group 156-7
Polish 362
and Pope John XXIII 141-2
in post-war Italy 102, 106-7
see also Marxism
Como 286
Company of Jesus see Society of
Compendium SA, 241
computer technology 415
Concepion, Sister see Boul1on
Concept of the Christian State
(Giancarlo Valori lecture)
Concha, Manuel de la 309
Conclaves of Cardinals (1978)
247, 256
Concordat with Vatican, Spanish
121, 123
Conde, Mario 435
conditioning 184, 191-4
Condor Legion, Hitler's 76
Condotte d'Acqua S.p.A. 168, 243
Condotte Espanola 165, 168
Conference of Venezuelan
Bishops 315-16
confession, restrictions on 191
Confidence (means of formation)
185, 191
Congregation for Causes of Saints
12, 14, 15, 258
Congregation of the Clergy 281,
congregation for the Doctrine of
the Faith 403, 439
Congregation of Religious 104,
258, 367
Congregation of Rituals 9
conspiracy theory on Roberto
Calvi 276, 300, 323
Constantine the Great, Emperor
8, 374
Constitution on Liturgy 143
Constitutional Court, Spanish 322
Constitutions, Opus Dei 105-6,
30, 163, 196, 368
Consulta Medica, Rome 3-12,
Consulta Tecnica 339
Continental Finance Corporation,
(Chicago) 240
Continental Illinois Bank & Trust
168, 236, 240
contraception 5, 144, 395, 398-9
John Paul I on 248-50, 252, 258
contradictions 178
convenience companies 175
see also holding companies,
Cooke, Cardinal Terence 361
Coomber, Cecil 291
COPEI (Venezuelan Christian
Democrats) 277
Coppola, Roberto 404-5
Corbi, Loris 168, 243
Cordoba 27-8
Cornwell, John 240, 259n
Coronel de Palma, Luis 312
corporate holdings worldwide, reorganization
of 169
corporate work 64, 164
Corriere della Sera 266, 270
corruption, Carboni's plans for
Cortes Domingues, Antonio 266
Cortes Domingues, Matias 266,
308-9, 313
Cortesini, Raffaello 15
Cosa Nostra 350
Cosentino, Francesco 243, 263
Cosmo do Amaral, Bishop Alberto
Costa Rica 419
Council for the Interpretation of
Legislative Texts 439
Council of Trent 52
Courage to Profess One's Faith
(homily, John Paul II) 372
Cowell, Alan xivn
Cox, Caroline 423
Craxi, Bettino 349
Credit Andorra 136, 165
CRIS (Centro Romano di Incontri
Sacerdotali) 145, 148-9, 372
Crnica, Stanislav 363, 404
Croatia 363, 375-6, 376-9, 404,
407, 410-14
arms dealing 345, 404-6, 407
diplomatic recognition of 378
John Paul II visit to 408
Vatican loan (alleged) 404-5
and Washington 406
Croatian forces, US training of
Croatian Fraternal Union of
America 406, 407-8
Croix, La 401
Cronica 17, 62, 88n, 89, 129, 145,
Law of Financial Hegemony
Cross, symbolism of empty 183
Crossing the Threshold of Hope (John
Paul II) 424-5
Crozier, Brian 82n
Crusade, Tenth see Tenth Crusade
Crusade of Understanding (John
Paul II and Islam) 401
Crusades 30-5
development of 32-36
Cubillos, Herman 213, 214
Cuevas, Angel de las 134
Cum Societatis document (Pius
XII) 103
Curia, Roman xv, 9, 102, 221
battle between factions 206
College of Cardinals and 302
Escriva's encounter with 103
rejection of Conservative-dominated
248, 250
Curt Martinez, Paco 230, 310
Czechoslovakia 4-6, 153, 329

Da Ros, Antonio 254
Da'awa Centre, Dammam 388
D'Agostino, Luigi 328-9
Daily Mail, The 174-5
Dammam, 384
Damman, F1orimond 157
Dar at-Is14m 365
Dario De Vida de Ud, (Alvaro Puga)
D'Aubisson, Colonel Roberto
(San Salvador) 343
D'Aubuisson, Roberto 343
Dayton peace agreement 412-13
De Benedetti, Carlo 27~0
De Bonis, Donato 290
De Eligendo Pontifice oration 247
De Fuenmayor 56n
de la Hera, Alberto 438-9
de la Rosa, Javier 435--6
De Nardo, Vincenzo 23-12
death certificate for Pope John
Paul I 255--6
sudden and/or violent 136,
158, 167, 208
Aristrain 328
Banco Atlantico major
shareholder 167
Benelli, Cardinal 301
Bouchard 136
Broglie, Prince Jean de 131-2,
Cabanillas 435
Calvi 291-2
Carrero Blanco (Luis) 158
Colombo, Bishop
Di Nunzio 270
Diego 1265
Egyptian diplomat 438
Ferrari 220, 257
Guzman 215
John Paul I, Pope 252-6
Lopez Bravo 327
Nikodim, Archbishop 252
Pecorelli 350
Ramos Umana 343
Rivera Damas 343
Romero, Archbishop 343
Sindona 321
Soldatti 208
Tejero Magro 327
Vaccari 299-300
Vagnozzi, Cardinal 268
Valls Tabemer (Ferran) 166
Valori 208
Villot, Cardinal Jean 258-9
Debre, Jean-Louis 425
Dechant, Virgil Chrysostom 397
Delta electronic 'sniffer' 159
Demichel, Elizabeth 194-6
Democratic Transition Assistance
Programme 409
Department of Legal Medicine
(Geneva) 20
desalination process,
development of 157-8
Deutsche Bank 325
Di Carlo, Francesco (Frank)
344-5, 351
Di Jorio, Cardinal Alberto 139,
Di Nunzio, Giorgio 269--70
dialogue between Christianity and
Islam 394, 422, 425, 426
Diario 16 newspaper 436
Diaz Hidalgo, Jose 'Pepe' 33
Diaz, Ramon 274
Diego I, Gregorio de 264-5
Diego II, Gregorio de 265--7,
Diego III, Gregorio de 274
digitalis 257
DINA (Chilean secret police) 214
Dinka people (Sudan) 6--7, 423
Diotallevi, Ernesto 288, 346
diplomacy, Vatican 217
'dirty handkerchiefs' (expendable
people) 262
discernment, definition of 84, 86n
dishonesty 192
disinformation as means to end
speculation on (Sindona) 223
squeeze 244
Dolores, Dona see Albas y Blanc,
Maria de los Dolores
Dols, Heliodoro 146, 147-8
Dominic, Saint 25
double speak 89, 232-3
drug abuse 220
Dry Sack, sherry 231
Dubois, Yves-Marc 155-6, 160
Duft, Peter 269, 270
Dumas, Roland 136-7
Durruti, Buenaventura 47, 69, 74,
DYA Academy (Derecho y
Arquitectura: Law and
Architecture) 64, 65, 67, 82-3
Dziwisz, Stanislaw 356

Eason, Reginald 175n
East German Ministry of Public
Security 358
Eastern Europe 288, 355, 359
Echevarria, Javier 12, 224, 393-4,
shrinking world 400
Spanish 38-9, 131
1920s 46
1930s 59
1940s and 1950s 121
1950s 125-6, 135, 230
1960s and 1970s 126
1970s 235
ecosystems damaged by Gulf Wars
Ecuador 38, 218
Ecumenical Council see Vatican
Council II
ecumenism 144
Ediciones Rialp (Madrid) 31,
165, 167
Edict of Milan 8
Editorial Magistero Espanol 165
by radio 120, 259
higher, importance to Opus
Dei 50, 90-2, 123, 164, 260
of Islamic women 418-19
national strategy 90-1
primary 92, 190, 260
secondary schools 190, 260
as source of power 109
in Spain 121
see also communication
Edward, Prince of England (Black,
Prince) 35
Effortil (Pope John Paul I's
medicine) 254, 255, 257,
Egypt 361, 383
Eibner, John 424
Eijo y Garay, Bishop Leopoldo 96,
Einaudi, Archbishop Giulio 404
Eire see Ireland
El Debate 42, 64
El Escorial 154
El Mercurio, Chile 213, 214
El Mozote (San Salvador) 343
El Pais 266
ELF petroleum company 159,
Emigrant Savings Bank, of New
York, 296
emigration see immigration into
Ender, Archbishop Erwin Josef
engineers, murder of Croatian
Enrique y Tarancon, Cardinal
Vicente 13, 256
Epoca 320-1
Erin S.A. 171
Escriva, Carmen (sister) 20, 44,
62, 93
Escriva de Balaguer, Josemaria
beatification 3-18, 257, 339-40,
birth and family 19-24
in Buenos Aires 212
characteristics 87-8, 89, 32,
147, 150-3
childhood 21-4
civil law doctorate 92-3
death 224-5
domestic prelate of papal
household 106
double-speak 89, 32
ecstasies 18
education 26, 39, 40-1, 43,
44-8, 48, 50
fear of civil authority 39
fear of poisoning 120
in Guatemala 224
hiding at outbreak of Civil War
70, 72, 76-9
illness 21, 95, 103, 124-5
interest in power 87-8
Liberation Theology 215
name changes 94, 97, 150-3
pastoral work 60-2
piety and penance 23, 25, 43-4,
46, 65, 93
poverty 42-3, 44
priesthood 45-8, 97
quotations ix 101, 108, 37,
127, 181
social distinctions/decorations
in Venezuela 223
view of papacy 139, 141, 143
visionary 51
work ethic 51-2, 167
Escriva, Jose (father) 19-20, 24,
42-3, 45, 97
Escriva, Maria Asuncion (sister)
Escriva, Maria de los Dolores
(mother) see Alba, y Blanc
Escriva, Santiago (brother) 6, 44,
62, 76, 150, 151
Escriva, Teodoro (uncle) 20, 67
Escudero Imbert, Jose 432
Esfina 135, 164-5, 167, 236
Espana sin problema (Serer) 31
Espinosa San Martin, Juan Jose
131, 133
espionage 362
see also SDECE
Estarriol Sesera, Ricardo 356, 357,
Estrada Leigh, Jaime 214
Estudio General de Navarra,
Pamplona 123-4
ETA (Basque separatists) 5-6,
327, 328
Ethics and Finance Committee,
Vatican 325
Eucharistic Congress, Bombay
(1963) 239
Eurodollar market 138
Europa Press 165
'Europe 2000 - A New Image for
Man' seminars in Poland 361
European Forum for Students 361
Eurotrust Bank Limited
(Anguilla) 336
euthanasia 258
evangelization and John Paul 3
373, 387
exchange controls see foreign
exchange controls
Exocet missiles for Argentina 251
immediately post-war 101
international 38-19, 176
Explosivos Industriales Cardoen,
Chile 206
export of state funding 131
see also international transfers
Extraordinary General Congress
of Opus Dei 221, 225

Fabiola of Belgium, Queen 154
Fahd, king of Saudi Arabia 384,
Faisal, king of Saudi Arabia 156
Falange Movement 67, 68, 83, 30
conflict with 32, 122-3, 125
and Matesa 132-3
and SARPE 165
Fallaci, Oriana 357n
falsification as means to end 367
family accommodation, Escriva
62, 63, 67, 93, 94-5
fanaticism of Opus Dei, roots of
Fanjul Sedeno, Juan Manuel 166
Far East interests 238
Farhat, Monsignor Edmond 396
'Father, The' see Escrivi de
Balaguer, Josemaria
FBI (Federal Bureau of
Investigation) 406, 438
of Opus Dei xvii
use of psychology of 366
Federal Reserve Bank, New York
Felici, Cardinal Angelo 12
Felipe, Prince of Spain 435
Felzmann, Vladimir xv, 181-2,
197, 366
and Escriva beatification 15-16
Fernandez Alonso, Monsignor
Justo 18
Fernandez Vallespin, Ricardo 63,
64, 94, 146
Ferrari, Giuliano 217-20, 343
Ferrer Bonsoms, Jose 165, 236
Ferruzzi Finanziaria S.p.A. 325
FGM Foundation, Zurich 174
Fiftieth Anniversary of Opus Dei's
Work 258
Filmoteca Vaticana 372
Finabank (Geneva) 223
finance, as source of power 109
finances, Vatican see IOR; Vatican
financial resources,
and general funds 33
growing 107
network outside Spain 137
Rome 102
strategy of Opus Dei 137-8,
see also international finance
Financial Times 312
Finnish embassy, 76
First National Bank (St Louis
Missouri) 267
Fisac, Lola 146
Fisac, Miguel 66-7, 77, 78, 81-2,
relationship with Escriva 146-7
FISALMA Panamanian 'sandwich
company' 159-61
Five Year Economic Development
Plan, Spain's first 131
flashpoints in future Tenth
Crusade 417
floating diocese, Opus Dei as 141,
149, 259, 303, 340
Florida 266
Foley, Archbishop John Patrick
370-1, 433
Fomento de Estudios Superiores
67, 83, 94
Fontana Codina, Enrique 133
Fontana, Mario 256
Fonz 67
Forbath, Peter 56n
foreign exchange controls 102,
105, 131, 135, 235, 247, 272
foreign transfers see international
Forensic Access Scientific
Investigation into Death of
Roberto Calvi 347-8
forensic review of Roberto Calvi's
death 346-7
forgery as means to end 367
Fornari, Professor 347
Foundation for the Sick
(Patronato de Enfermos) 49,
54, 59
Four Courts Press, Ireland 170
Foyer de Charite 161
Fraga Iribarne, Manuel 312
France, Muslim population in 390
Franco, Francisco 5, 6, 14, 47, 316
cabinet restructuring 125
campaign of repression 82
death 225
education 90
last years 207
and Matesa 133
outbreak of Civil War 68, 70
Presidencia 121
quotation 73
Spanish Morocco 48-9
victory celebrations 83
Franco, Ilario Carmine see Franco,
Franco, Monsignor Hilary 262,
281-2, 292, 323, 329, 330, 337
Franco police, denunciations by
Franklin National Bank (New
York) 223, 246
alleged in Banco Occidental
loan to Croatia 404-5
Matesa 127, 132, 134, 137
'sniffing machines' 160
Frederick I, Emperor-Barbarossa
Frederick II, Emperor 35
Free Access to Education,
International Organization
for the Development of 416,
of choice 416
loss of personal 197-8
Freeh, John 406
Freeh, Louis J, 1I74n, 406, 410-3,
Freeh, Marilyn 43
in Barbastro 24
and Church in 19605 263
in Europe 207
P1 Lodge 264, 266
P2 Lodge 210, 212, 222, 263-4,
269, 286, 326
P3 Lodge 264, 266
rumours about 95, 263
secret Lodge 269
senior prelates in 252
and Sergio Vaccari 298
sign language of Italian 347
Frei, Eduardo 231
Freitag, Hans Rudi 173
French assets, ownership of 171
French Treasury 160
foreign convenience companies
in 33
Opus Dei in 194
frigate for Peru 258
Frings, Cardinal Josef 197
Fuenmayor, Amadeo de 121,
Fundacion General
(Fundamerica) 174
Fundacion General Mediterranea
318, 174, 236
Islamic 387-8, 394-5, 412, 438
see also Islam
within Catholic Church 248,

Gabriel, Archangel, and the Work
63, 33, 166, 189, 210
Galarraga, Juan Antonio 173
Gallop, Angela 346-7
Galvin, John Rogers 409
Gama'a al-Islamiya (Islamic
Group) 388-4, 421, 428-4
Gamerbini, Giordano 268-4
Gantin, Cardinal Bernadin 16
Garcia de Haro, Ramon 433
Garcia Escobar, Maria Ignacia
Garcia Justo Mullor, Archbishop
Garcia Monco, Fausto 133
Garcia-Pelayo, Manuel 322
Garofano, Giuseppe 325
Garrido, Manuel 148, 197-8
Garzoni, Fernando 245
Cassis, Monsignor Macram 380
Gaudium et spes encyclical 143
Gaulle, Charles de 131
Gdansk, mosque in 362
Gdansk Agreement 357, 358
Gelli, Licio 207, 210, 212, 243,
251, 264, 284, 298-9
extradited to Italy 351-2
forged warrant 285
imprisonment and escape 299,
328-4, 326
magistrates' raid 269
and money for Calvi's killers
police search 437
United Trading payments to
Gelli, Wanda 251
General Congregations in Vatican
247, 248, 255
General Congress of Opus Dei see
Extraordinary Congress of
Opus Dei
German tax money for charity
120, 148
expansion into 38
Muslim population in 390
Gil Robles, Jose Maria 64, 67
Gillis, Ron 406-7
Giscard d'Estaing, Valery 131-2,
160, 172
Giudice, Monsignor Antonio del
Glemp, Cardinal Jozef 362
Glendon, Mary Ann 418
Goded, Manuel 69
gold bullion, Peron's 23-12
Goma, Cardinal Isidro 83
Gondrand, Francois 22n, 57n
Gonzalez Barredo, Jose Maria 63,
77, 38
Gonzalez, Felipe 306, 309, 321,
322, 434
Gordon, Luis 60-2
Gore, Al407
government of Opus Dei 199-202
grammar schools 190
Granada 38, 884
Grand Tibidabo Company,
Barcelona 435
Grandpoint House, Oxford 173,
Great Jubilee see Millennium
Gregory VII, Pope 30
Greyhound Finance AG 168
Griffits, Richard B, 409
Grossin, Paul 156
Guardia di Finanza 271-2, 285,
Guardian 193
Guatemala 38, 218-20, 224
Guida, Nunzio 348
guilds (medieval associations) 98
Gulf War,
damage to ecosystems 384
first 206
second 373
Guruceaga, Bishop Francisco de
314, 315-16
Gutierrez Calzada, Tomas 320
Gutierrez G6mez, Jose Luis 433
Gutierrez, Gustavo 215
Guzman, Saint Dominic 25
Guzman, Jaime 212, 213, 214, 215
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Postby admin » Thu Oct 22, 2015 9:55 am

Part 2 of 2

Haas, John M, 433
Haas, Monsignor Wolfgang 342
Habre, Hassan 359
Habsburg, Archduke Otto von
153, 154, 155
Habsburg, Karel von 154
Habsburg, Lorenz von 154
Habyarimana, Juvenal 394
Haig, Alexander 268, 359
Hamas 421, 438
Hambros Bank 168
Harakat al Islamiya fundamentalist
organization 421
Harvard Business School 130
Harvey's of Bristol 229, 230, 231
Harvieston, Dublin (national
Hashemi Rafsanjani, Mohammed
hashish, Lebanese 333
Hebblethwaite, Peter 17n, 99n,
142, 149n, 255n, 361n, 371,
Heer, Jurg 280, 350--1
Helsinki Human Rights Charter
Hengsbach, Bishop Franz 120,
148, 218
Heraclius, Emperor 365
Hercegovina, foreign fighters in
Hering, Grant B, 348n
Hernandez de Garnica, Jose
Maria 65, 100
heroin 324, 344, 345
Herranz, Archbishop Julian 433,
Herranz Rodriguez, Gonzalo 397
Herrera, Angel 50, 66, 109
Heusch, Professor Luc de 154
Hezbollah 421
Hispano Alemana de
Construcciones S, A, 307
'early Spanish (Visigoths to
Battle of Lepanto) 26-39
interlocked with Church 31
see also Civil War
Hitler, Adolf 15, 64, 68, 101
Hnilica, Bishop Pavel 329-38, 351,
Hodgson, Geoffrey 156, 157
Hoffner, Cardinal Josef 148, 250
Holbrooke, Richard 410
holding companies, cover 172,
Holiday Inn, Aurich 345
Holy Land 381, 391-3, 429-30
Alvaro del Portillo in 392
Holy See approval of Opus Dei
aims 103
holy war,
re-invention of 68
see also Just War doctrine
Holy Waters Golf Club, Rome 239
Holyoke College, Massachusetts
(USA) 407
Home Office, British 318
Home Office Forensic Science
Laboratory, British 346
homosexuality 258
Honduras, legation of republic of
(Madrid) 76, 77
Hopkins, Bill 298
Horn of Africa 363
Hostels Management limited 169
hotels owned by Banco
Occidental 273--4
human bombs, Croats as 377-8
Human Rights, University of 418
Humanae Vitae encyclical 144, 145,
249, 250
Hume, Cardinal Basil xv
Hussein, Saddam 384
Ibanez Langlois, Jose Miguel
212-13, 257
Ibanez Martin, Jose 77, 79, 90-3,
121, 146, 177-8
ideological front 32
IEI (Instituto de Educacion e
Investigacion) 307
IESE (Instituto de Estudios
Superiores de la Empresa)
127, 129-30, 134
Ignatius of Loyola, Saint 4, 84, 147
Il Borghese magazine 269
Il Popolo 15
immigration/emigration 399-400
incardination 50, 97
Independent Monarchist Club 59
Independent Republicans 137
Index of Prohibited Books, Opus
Dei's 144
India, centre in 138, 197
Induban 307
indulgences, papal 103
Industrial Engineering Designers
Limited 170
industrial loom see Iwer
Inecclesia 313-14, 315
inflation 125
influence, importance of 109
information technology see
communication technology
Institute for General Studies 213
Institute for Human Sciences 400
Vienna 356
Institute for International
Relations 210
Institute of Sovietology 156
intelligence services, west
European 155
International Brigades,
Communist 76
International Catholic Union of
the Press 370
International Congress of Opus
Dei, Milan 249
international finance,
contracts 138, 159, 161-2
physical ownership of assets
trade as source of capital 138
transfers 135, 271, 310
transnational networks 238
world financial system 244
see also individual banks and
International Monetary Fund 258
International Monetary System, The
(Solomon) 244
International Organization for
the Development of Free
Access to Education 416
International Planned
Parenthood Federation 257
Internet, terrorist threats on 425
Intifada (Palestinian rebellion)
IOR 107, 135, 139, 161, 239, 280,
284, 295
and Bishop Hnilica (Rusado)
board of lay experts for 325
change of status 247-8, 296,
Opus Dei and control of 222,
253, 258, 318
rumours about 171, 300
settlement of Ambrosiano affair
and United Trading 244--5, 278
see also Banco Ambrosiano and
its group banks
Ipil, Philippines 420, 421
IRA (Irish Republican Army)
170-1, 171, 325
Iran 359, 363, 383, 409, 420
and Bosnia 378
and Christianity 425-6
Iraq 374, 384
Ireland 169-70, 206
Iron Curtain 156
Islam 244, 359-60, 370-9
abortion and contraception
views 395-7
in Africa 381
ancient enmities 378
Balkan guerrillas 410
and Catholic Church 372-3,
378, 388, 390, 394
Christian response to 367, 373
and communication technology
and Europe 365, 399
'Floating Anny' 365, 421
rise and extremism of 5, 7, 244,
360-5, 383, 391, 393, 420
in Sudan xiii
women's rights 418-19
see also Afghanistan; history,
Islam Between East and West
(Izetbegovic) 376
Islamic Declaration, An
(Izetbegovic) 376
Islamic Jihad 421
Islamic Movement for Change 438
Islamic populations world wide
389, 390
Islamic Salvation Front 421
Islamic Welfare Party 391
Israel 359
Istanbul 391
Italian Chamber of Deputies 243
Italian Military Intelligence
Agency see SISMI
Italian Parliamentary Commission
Italian Prisons Authority 351
Italian secret service 296
Italian Socialist Party 270
Italy, Muslim population in 390
Iwer industrial loom 130-1, 132,
Izetbegovic, Alga 376, 378, 401
jahiliyya (period of ignorance and
barbarism) 387-8
Jana (Libyan news Agency) 396
Jannati, Ahmed 425-6
Jaruzelski, Wojciech 358
Jenner Residence, Madrid 93, 94
Jerusalem Post 393
jihad by Islamic militants 377, 383,
390, 412, 413, 425, 438
Jimenez Lablanca, Francisco 320
Jiminez Vargas, Juan 63, 66, 76,
77, 147
John of Austria (Don Juan) 35
John Paul I, Pope 248-50, 257,
death of 252, 253-6, 437
John Paul II Institute for the
Family 397, 398
John Paul II, Pope,
assassination attempt (Rome)
assassination plot (Manila) 421
beatification of Escriva 4
and Bishop Hnilica 336
and canonizations 9
Chile's episcopacy 215
election and policy 256-8, 297
and IRA 171
and Islam 372-3, 378, 388, 390
in Khartoum xiii, 380-3, 384,
386, 423
and Klaus Kung 342-3
media packaging of 372
Poland 356, 357, 358
and Portillo's bier 393-4
quotation 402
review of Vatican finances 276
and Ronald Reagan 359
and San Salvador 343-4
on technology 415-16
John XXIII, Pope 13, 139-43, 374
and Latin America 217
and Opus Dei 140-1
see also Vatican Council II
Juan Carlos, king of Spain 6, 122,
136, 157, 158, 225, 435
Escriva's hopes for Regency 152
Juan de Borbon, Don (son of
Alfonso XIII, father of Juan
Carlos) 122, 152
judgement, surrender of 191
Julian, Count of Ceuta 27
juridical status of Opus Dei 340
Just War doctrine 363, 366, 367,
373-5, 419
Gulf War 401
Krajina 43-12
Sudan 383, 423
Juventud 26

Kabul 383
Karmoner Savings Bank,
Klagenfurt 296
Kastner, Martin 356
Katz, Jeffrey M, 345, 346
Kebir, Rabah 401
Kelly, Crosby M, 155, 157-8
Kennedy, David M, 168
Kennedy, Eunice Mary 38
Kennedy, john F, 38
Kennedy, Paul 8n
Khartoum xiii, 380--3, 384, 421,
Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhollah
360-1, 386-7
kidnapping 272, 341
Kigali 394, 403
Klagenfurt, Austria 287
Klein, Nikolaus 394--5
Kleinszig, Manuela and Michaela
277, 286, 287, 290
Knights of Columbus 397, 398
Knights Hospitaller 37, 153
Knights of Malta 314, 359, 361,
404, 405
Knights Templar (Poor Knights of
the Temple) xv-xvi, 33-7
Knin 43
KOR (Polish Workers' Defence
Committee) 356
Koran 390, 425
Kowalczyk, Josef, Monsignor 362
Krajina 43, 412
Krenn, Monsignor Kurt 342, 343
Krol, Cardinal John J, 250, 361,
Kroll Associates Incorporated 345,
Kuharic, Cardinal Franjo 405, 412
Kulturgemeinschaft Arbor 173
Kung, Hans (quotation) 392
Kung, Monsignor Klaus M2
Kunz, Hans Albert 284, 288, 289,
Kuron, Jacek 356
Kuwait Investment Office 435

La Cierva, Juan de 41
La fede della Chiesa (Pope John
Paul II as Cardinal Wojtyla)
La Guaira diocese land sale
(Venezuela) 314
La Montagnola 203
La Piscine see SDECE
La Repubblica 279
La Vanguardia 327, 356, 357
Laghi, Archbishop Pio 268, 361
Lake, Anthony 407
Lambert, Baron 289
Lantini, Mario 301-2, 337
Lanusse, Alejandro 209, 210
Lara dalla Pegna, Pedrojose
Larraona, Archbishop Arcadio 98,
99-100, 101, 107, 140
on Pope John XXlII 143
Las Huelgas, Abbey of 79-80
Latin America,
Banco Occidental in 266
Calvi in 247, 251-2, ~31
coups d'etat 206
expansion into 38, 120
Latin America (contd)
investment in 207, 288
Opus Dei universities 233-4
political refugees in Madrid 208
see also Liberation Theology and
individual countries
laundering money 320, 344, 350
Lavitrano, Cardinal Alfonso 103
Law of 24 November (1939) 91
Law and Architecture Academy see
Law of Financial Hegemony
law studies 93
lawyer, Milan corporate
(anonymous) 193
Le Valliant, Yvon 362
Learjet, Calvi's 266
Lebanon 359
Leclerc, Robert 132, 137
Lefebvre, Archbishop Marcel 433
Lejeune, Anouk 433
Lejeune, Birthe Brinsted 433
Lejeune, Jerome 433
Lena, Giulio 330, 331-2, 333, 351
Leo X, Pope 408
Leo XII1, Pope 52, 144
Leon, Raoul de 132
Lepanto, Battle of (7 October
1571) 38
Lercaro, Cardinal Giacomo 208
Lernoux, Penny209
Lerroux, Alejandro 59
l'Espresso magazine 246
Calvi and John Paul 3284, 336
Calvi and Marcinkus 277-8,
Calvi to Hilary Franco and
Palazzini 330
Calvi to unknown addressee
Cavallo to Calvi 330
Lantini and Clara Calvi 302
Liberals in Spain 40, 90
Liberation Theology xv, 148,
215-17, 220, 325, 343-4
and CIA 360
countered by Opus Dei 340
and John Paul 3 5, 215
Libya 396, 420, 437
Liechtenstein funds 161, 163, 240
lies as means to end 367
lifestyle of Opus Dei 188-90
Light and Hope for Sudan
newsletter 423
Lima, University of 216
Limmat-Stiftung trust 174
Linacre College, Oxford 16
Linati, Jose Antonio 405
Lismullin Scientific Trust 169
litigation in Italy, interminable
Litton Industries 158
Liga Regionalista 41
Lockerbie disaster 396
Logrono 42, 43, 44
Lombardia Diaz, Pedro 141
assassination operations centre
in 384
Calvi in 287, 288-92
Longley, Clifford 367n
loom, industrial see Iwer
Lopez, Alfredo 150
Lopez, Anja 328
Lopez Bravo, Gregorio 133, 207,
208, 230-1, 306-7, 312, 323,
Lopez Ortiz, Jose 91-2, 93, 95, 98
Lopez Rega, Jose 209, 210
Lopez Rodo, Alfonso 165
Lopez Rodo, Laureano 121, 122,
125-6, 131, 133-4, 164, 355
Lopez Trujillo, Cardinal Alfonso
Lorenzi, Diego 254
Los Andes, University of (Chile)
L 'Osservatore Romano 6, 12,
299-300, 372, 412
Louis IX, Saint and king of France
Lovelok AG, Liechtenstein 240-1,
243, 278, 287
Luciani, Cardinal Albino 89, 248
see also John Paul I, Pope
Luciani, Edoardo 255
Luketich, Bernard M, 406, 407
Lumen Gentium decree 143
L'Unita newspaper 102
Lusignan, Guy de (king of
Jerusalem) 33
Lusofin 177
Lustrisimi, Sebastiano 276
Luxembourg, Sodetex S.A. in 132,
133, 135
Luxemburg, Brelic SA, in 132
Luxmoore, Jonathan 358n

Macarez, Nicolas 172
McCaffery, John 168
Macchi, Pasquale 239
McCloskey III, John 407
McFadyean, Colin 291
McHugh, Bishop James Thomas
397, 398
Macioce, Thomas 325
McNamara, Robert 158, 361
Madrid, Escriva's pastoral work in
Madrid Stock Exchange 264, 309
Mafia 315, 324, 336, 344, 347, 429
Magee, John 171, 254
Magistris, Monsignor Luigi de
Maicas, Fernando 171
Malraux, Andre 352
Mamie, Bishop Pierre 342
Manchester residence 173
Mannoia, Francesco Marino 344
Manolic, Josip 405
Manufacturas Valls 166
Manzikert, Battle of (19 August
1071) 31, 32, 391
Maquinaria Textil del Norte de
Espana Sociedad Anonima see
Marcinkus, Cardinal Paul 168,
206, 222, 238
and Casaroli 271, 273
Governor of Vatican City 278-9
investigation file on 268,
269-70, 287
and IOR 238, 242, 252, 253,
257, 277-8
and Banco Ambrosiano 296,
quotation 339
and Roberto Calvi 243, 246,
250, 262, 277, 283
subpoenaed 297
see also IOR
Marenches, Count Alexandre de
Margarita islands 313
Marmier, Henri 156, 160
Marocco, Riccardo 436
Marsal, Conde Tomas de 265-6
Martel, Charles 365
Martinez Ferigle, Salvador 38
'Martyrs Detachment' training
camp, Bosnia 413
Marxism 103, 107, 33, 144-5, 155
and Capitalism 220
in Chile 213
Freemasonry as weapon against
in Latin America 264
in Peru 215-16
spread of 207
in Third World generally 120
and Vatican finance 325
see also Communism
Masonry see Freemasonry
Mateos, Petra 310
Matesa 127-8, 136--7, 341
capital 132
and Falange 132-3
and government export
financing 133-4
Matthew, Saint (quotation) 3, 295
Maura, Antonio 41
Mazzolari, Bishop Cesare 386
Mazzoleni, Count Mario 104-5
means of formation, six 182-8
Mecca 429n
control of 120, 164-5, 259-60
press in Poland 356
and fundamentalism 387
publicity for fraud 132-3
Vatican information
department 255, 370--2,
Medina 429n
Mediocredito Lombardo Bank
Medjugorje shrine 403, 413
Melina 68
categories 63, 33, 184
change in type 108-9, 190
growing (1948) 107
see also recruitment
'men of trust', Opus Dei's 348
Mende, Peter 423
Menen, Carlos 174
Mennini, Luigi 283, 285, 286, 297,
Mennini, Sister Sandra 331
Men's Section 199
mercury, red 436--7
Merino, Jose 214
Mertes, Alois 156
methodology of Opus Dei 264,
Metropolitan Police Forensic
Science Laboratory 346
Michael, Archangel, and the Work
63, 189
Michalski, Krzysztof 356, 400
Middle East 359
Milan Industrial Fair (1959) 131
Milan magistrates 269-70
'Milkman' (refugees' conductor
in Barcelona) 77
Millennium Jubilee 8, 373, 381,
400, 424, 426, 430
Millet Maristany, Felix 166
Milone, Giuseppe 315, 316-17
Milosevic, Slobodan 376
mind control system 182
see also means of formation
Mindszenty, Cardinal Josef 33
Ministry of National Education 96
in Escriva's beatification
process 11-12, 434
and Pope Pius X 41
Miralles, Antonio 433, 439
Misol, Mercedes 435
missionaries, murder of (White
Fathers) 401
Miyans, Frank 'Kiko' 33, 313
Mladic, Ratko 43
Model Prison, Madrid 70
molestation of children in
Margarita islands 313--14
Molins Robit, Casimiro 167
Monarchist party 58, 32
see also Independent
Monarchist Club
monarchy, Spanish 122
Moncada, Alberto 183, 190--1, 216
Moneybags Theology 340, 348
Moneychangers, The (Raw) 245-6
Monreal Luque, Alberto 134
Montalban, William D, 13n
Montana Barracks 69
Montedison 325
Montegut borehole 159-60
Montini, Cardinal Giovanni
Battista 98, 102, 103, 106--7,
140, 142
see also Paul VI, Pope
Montoneros guerrillas
(Argentina) 23
Montuenga, Juan Francisco 235,
Mor, Ferdinando 324
Mora-Figueroa, Luis Bar6n 230
moral crisis in Italy 272
moral permissiveness 220
moral responsibility of Vatican
and IOR 302
Moran, Rosario 'Piquiqui' 204-5
Morocco, Spanish 47, 48
Morris, Professor Terence 4
Moszoro, Esteban 362
Mother Jones magazine 359
MPRI (Military Professional
Resources Incorporated)
Mubarak, Hosni 384
Muhammed, Prophet 382, 388,
415, 424--5
Mujahedin-e-Islam 365, 383
Mundo Cristiano magazine 165
Muslim see Islam
Muslim Brotherhood (Egypt) 421
Mussolini, Benito 68
Mutawah (Islamic religious
police) 144, 384-5
Muzquiz, Jose Luis 100, 38
Nacher March, Salvador ('Boro')
232, 313, 320
narcotics 333, 336
Nassau, Bahamas 242, 246
National Democratic Alliance,
Sudan 423
National Federation of Croatian
Americans 407
National Front 67
National Islamic Front xiv
National Syndicalism 32
Nationalist cause 68
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty
Organization) 154, 400, 412
Navalon Sanchez, Antonio 308,
309, 434-5
Navarra, University ofl4, 124,
130, 134, 141, 151, 233
Navarro-Rubio, Mariano 14, 125,
131, 165, 166, 167-8
Navarro-Rubio, Pilar 39
Navarro-Valls, Joaquin 371-2, 373,
at UN Conference on Women
and Islamic fundamentalism
395, 396, 398
neo-Peronista movement 236
Netherhall Educational
Association (in UK) 170,
New Theologians 220
Newsweek 13, 15
NGO (non-governmental
organization), human rights
416, 418
Nietzsche, Friedrich 44
Nikodim, Russian Orthodox
Archbishop of Leningrad
Nixon, Richard M, 134, 168, 213,
Nordeurop AG (Liechtenstein)
Nordfinanz Bank (Zurich) 174,
238, 244, 320
obligatory 66, 106
see also means of formation
Novi Travnik 377
novitiate 63, 183
NSRC (National Scientific
Research Council) 91-2, 96,
105, 30, 166
Nuclear Energy Commission 214
nuclear engineering 166
nuclear power, French 159, 401
Nuovo Banco Ambrosiano 298
oath of fidelity 182, 183
obedience, demands of 234-5,
oblation rite 183
Ocariz, Fernando 434, 439
Occidental Hoteles SA 274
O'Connor, William 134n, 233, 323
Oddi, Cardinal Silvio 250, 255,
258, 390-1
Office of Diplomatic Information
(Spain) 154
oil 158-60, 234, 244, 360, 384
oil wells, burning 384
Oles, Bishop Marian 374n
Olympic movement, international
Omega electronic 'sniffer' 159-60
Onassis, Aristotle 268
Ongania, Juan Carlos 209
Onteiro, Marchioness of 54, 60
OP scandal sheet 252, 350
Operation Desert Storm 374
Operation Devotion 345
Operation S, C, LV, 329, 356
Operation Storm (Balkans) 43,
Operation Vino Veronese 280
opium 344
Opus Central 358, 361, 362
power base of 432-4
Opus Dei,
annual budget for Spain
(1980s) 306
contradictions in behaviour 178
dangers of 340-1
drive to dominate Church 427
introduction to xv-xviii
juridical status 340
lifestyle 188-90
NGO opinions on 419
philosophy of 179, 181-8, 234,
Sainz Moreno's criticism of
as secular institute 104
structure 180, 355, 368
The Work (private and public
versions) 52-4
title first used 54-5, 97
see also Personal Prelature;
Opus Dei Charitable Trust (in
UK) 173
Orbegozo, Don Ignacio de 120
Order of St John of Jerusalem 37
ordination of priests 97-8
Orega-Aguirre, Marcelino 439
organized crime, power and
priests 344
Orlandis, Jose 95-6, 98, 101
Orme Court, Bayswater, London
Ortega Pardo, Gregorio 177-8
Ortolani, Umberto 207, 210, 243,
251, 267, 270
Ottoman Empire 37-8
Our Lady see Virgin Mary
Oxford, proposal for centre in
175, 177

P1, P2, P3 Lodges see Freemasonry
Pacelli, Eugenio see Pius XII, Pope
Pachetti company 242
Padalino, Giulio 246-7
Pahlavi, Shah Mohammed Reza
see Shah of Iran
Palatine Ordinary 60, 80
Palazzini, Cardinal Pietro 9, 12,
17, 247, 250, 258
and Calvi 262, 270, 280-1, 284,
Pale 412
Palestinian National Authority 393
Pamplona, Iwer plant in 132
Pan-European Union 154
Panciroli, Romeo 256, 297, 371
Panikkar, Raimundo 30, 39,
197, 367
Paoli, Eligio 323
Par, Alfonso 197
Parapal property venture 313,
Paris, opening in 68
Parousia (Second Coming of
Christ) 402
Pascendi encyclical 41
Pascucci, Vittore 336
Passigato, Archbishop Rino 16
passports, obligatory surrender of
Patronato of Santa Isabel, Madrid
60, 65, 67, 80
Paul IV, Pope 144
Paul VI, Pope 98, 120, 143-4, 149
attempted assassination of 239
and Curia dissension 206
death of 247
and Raimundo Panikkar 197
and Vatican financial problems
223, 239
Pazienza, Francesco 268, 269-71,
272-3, 275, 276, 324-5
Banco Ambrosiano revelation
Operation Vino Veronese 280
Peat Marwick, Swiss affiliate of 424
Pecorelli, Mino 252, 350
Pellicani, Emilio 282, 285--6
People's Power, Chile 213
Peralta title for Escriva 150-3
Perdiguera 48
Peres Olivares, Enrique 277
Perez, Carlos Andres 290
Perez Minguez, Fernanco 266
Perez-Embid, Florentino 30, 31
Perlmutter, Amos (quotation) 364
permits, residence 39
Peron, Isabelita 209-10, 212
Peron, Juan Domingo 208--12
persecution of Church in eastern
Europe 103
Personal Prelature of Opus Dei
xiv, 221, 247, 253, 258--60,
279, 297, 303-4
Banco Ambrosiano in 244, 258
expansion into 38, 120-1
social oppression in 215--17
Peruvian Central Reserve Bank
Pesenti, Carlo 157, 158, 283
Philippines 217, 419-21
philosophy of Opus Dei 179,
see also methodology
physical coercion as means to end
Piarist College, Barbastro 25, 26
Piccoli, Flaminio 243, 269, 348
Pietzcker, Thomas 325
pilgrimage 29, 31-2
see also Torreciudad
pilleria (dirty tricks) 16, 37-18,
127, 157, 427
intellectual 161
public, opinion 164
and Society of Jesus 220
Pinay, Antoine 155, 158, 160
Pinay Group 155-6, 161
Pinochet, Augusto 170, 213-14,
257, 316
pious union, Opus Dei as 96-7,
Pisano, Senator Giorgio 332
Pius X, Pope 41, 139
Pius XI, Pope 82
Pius XII, Pope 4, 82, 88, 98, 139
organization of Opus Dei 103
on Soviet Union 33
Pizza Connection 324, 344
Plan of Life 89-90, 185-8
Planas y Comas, Enrique 371, 372,
Planell Fontrodona, Francisco see
Frank Planell
Planell, Frank 165, 169
Plaza de Espana, storming of
barracks 68-9
'Podgora' undercover agent 285,
299, 323
Catholic underground
movement 356
economy at standstill (1970s)
penetration into 355-63
US response to crisis 359-60
polarization of religions 426
Poletti, Cardinal Ugo 11, 250, 252,
253, 2517
political goals 126, 178
as source of power 109, 33,
versus spirituality 32
politics and Opus Dei, Vatican
Politika newspaper 404, 405
Pons, Francisco 65
Pontifical Academy for
Ecclesiastics 217
Pontifical Academy for Life 397
Pontifical Commission for Social
Communications 370
Pontifical Council for the Family
397, 398
Popular Arab and Islamic
Conference, Khartoum 421
Popular Front 67, 76, 82
Portillo, Alvaro del 4, 7, 10, 69, 77,
and Civil War 76
death of 393-4
Escriva beatification evidence
12, 18
and Giovanni Benelli 250
ordination of 100
Personal Prelature 221, 258-60
in Pittsburgh (1993) 406
procurator general 94
rivalry with Casaroli 362
and Ruiz-Mateos 318-19
secrecy of Opus Dei 369
status of Opus Dei 98, 145
succeeds Escriva 225
to Rome with expansion plans
and Vatican Council 3140, 142
Portillo Option for Vatican
finances 222, 235, 306-7
Posito super vita et virtutibus 12, 13
Poveda Castroverde, Pedro 55,
ecclesiastica 309, 366, 369, 370
Escriva's interest in 87-8, 109
priests and organized crime 344
Prado, Manuel435
Prague, centre in 363
Prato Verde SA 279
Praxis (operating manual) 201-2
Prefecture for Economic Affairs,
Vatican 268
Prelate General 199
prelature, personal 141, 221-2
prelature nullius 80, 107, 120, 140
press see media
Preston, Paul 82n
Priestly Society of the Holy Cross
100, 149
in disguise 385
power and organized crime 344
primary schools 190
Primo de Rivera, Fernando 70
Primo de Rivera, Jose Antonio 67,
Primo de Rivera, Miguel 47, 49,
54, 58
Primum Institutum seculare decree
Pro Fratribus 329, 332, 333-4,
336, 356
Pro-Life organization 395, 396-7,
Prodi, Romano 351n
profit-transfer accounting 163
Propagandistas see ACNP
property, Vatican 429
property assets in UK 173
proselytism 128-9
Provida Mater Ecclesiae decree
Przydatek, Casimiro 328-9
public opinion 164, 192
publications, two layers of Opus
Dei 89
Puga, Alvaro 212, 213
purity of blood (limpieza del
sangre) 26
Pyrenees, Escriva and party escape
over 78-9, 147

Qassem, Sheikh Tala'at Fouad 413
Quintas Alvarez, Carlos 235, 310,
Quintas Alvarez, Mercedes 235
Qu'ran see Koran

Radio ERPA (Escuelas
Radiofonicas Populares
Andinas) 120
Radio Estrella del Sur (Peru) 120
Radowal AG, Liechtenstein 242,
243, 287
Rafsanjani, Mohammed Hashemi
see Hashemi Rafsanjani
Rahman, Sheikh Omar Abdel see
Abdel Rahman, Sheikh Omar
Ramirez, Eloy 266
Ramos Umana, Bishop Joaquin
Raphael, Archangel, and the
Work 63, 111, 189
Raw 245-6
re-unification of Germany 362
Reagan, Ronald 358, 359
records, 'sanitizing' as means to
end 367
to CIA 177
to Islam 400
to Opus Dei 62-3, 66, 128-9,
137, 369
adolescents 190-1, 194-7
Polish 356
refugees, problem of 363
Regional Tribunal for Latium at
Vicariat of Rome 17
registration in scriptus 96
Rendueles, Alvarez 273, 308
Republican Assault Guards 68
Republican party 58, 68
Republika Srpska Krajina 43
Revelations, Book of 381
Rhodes, Anthony 33n
Richards, Michael 173, 196-7
Riga, centre in 363
Rijeka, car bomb in 413
Rivera Damas, Archbishop Arturo
Rizzoli publishing empire 270,
Rocca, Giancarlo 57n, 367
Roche, John 16-17, 128, 145, 341,
Roche, Maurice 169n
Rockefeller, David 155
Rodriguez Casado, Vicente 66, 77
Rodriguez, Pedro 51n
Rodriguez Vidal, Adolfo 404
Roman College of the Holy Cross
204, 224
Roman Empire, fall of 366,
Romanovs (Russian royal family)
Rome Daily American 239
Rome Savings Bank 332
Romero, Archbishop Oscar 343
Romero, Augustin 171-2
Roncalli, Angelo see John XXIII,
Roover, Chevalier Marcel de 154
Rosa, Javier de la 435--6
rose, carved (sign in Pyrenees)
Rosecroft House residence,
London 204-5
Rosone, Roberto 281-2
Rothschild Bank (Zurich) 271,
280, 287, 350
Rotondi, Virgilio 329-30
Rotopress SA 165
Royal Seminary of San Carlos,
Saragossa 45
Rubio, Mariano 237, 308, 309
Rucker, Steven 345
Rueda Salaberry, Andres 172
Ruiz Gimenez, Joaquin 121, 123
Ruiz-Mateos, Jose Maria 174, 226,
229-37, 305, 434
assassination attempt on 321
disappearance and arrest
33-12, 318-19, 320-1
his counter-action and murder
charge 321-2
imprisonment and escape 320
Paraparal property venture
see also Rumasa
Ruiz-Mateos Sociedad Anonima
see Rumasa
Ruiz-Mateos, Teresa 231
Ruiz-Mateos y Cia 230, 310
Ruiz-Mateos, Zollo 319
Rumasa 231-7, 304, 305
and Banco Occidental 267
expropriation 310, 321-2
liquidation of 304, 321
and Ruiz-Mateo 305-7, 310
Rusado, Bishop of see Hnilica,
Bishop Pavel
Russian Orthodox Church 103,
Rwanda 394, 402-3

Saad, Muhammed 383
Sacerdotal Society of the Holy
Cross 173
Sacred Heart College, Bonn 197
Sadat, Anwar 361
Saenz Lacalle, Archbishop
Fernando 344
Sahraoui, Abdlkhadar 425
St Anthony's College, Logrono 43
Saint, Crosbie 'Butch' 409, 410
St Mary's Church, Cadogan
Street, London 33
Saint Serafino Foundation 325
Sainz de los Terreros, Manuel
Sainz Moreno, Professor Javier
138, 261-2, 326, 327, 348
Sala Stampa (Vatican Press
Room) 371, 379
Salamanca 70
Escriva in 79, 80
Salvat Dalmau, Manuel 128
Samaranch, Juan Antonio 130,
Sambeat, Martin 23
Samore, Cardinal Antonio 217,
218, 250
San Salvador 218, 220, 343
San Sebastian 79
Sanchez Asiain, Jose Angel 325
Sanchez Bella, Alfredo 133, 153,
154, 155, 158, 435
Sanchez Bella, Aurora 204
Sanchez Bella, Florencio 225
Sanchez Ruiz, Valentin 49-50, 54
Sands, Bobby 171
'sandwich companies' 159, 161
Santa Isabel see Patronato of Santa
Santos Ruiz, Angel 91
Santovito, Giuseppe 268, 269
Saragossa 10, 45-6
assassination of Soldevila 47
and Civil War 69-70
Escriva's law studies 48
Saragossa, University of 124
Sarajevo 379, 403-4, 410, 43
Sardinia, Roberto Calvi in 276,
SARPE (publisher) 165
Saudi Arabia 156, 158, 268, 361
finance for Islamic
fundamentalism 364-5, 376,
383, 390
and Islamic Popular Congress
jihad threat against royal family
society in 384-5
Saudi Gazette (quotation) 380
Sbarbaro, Monsignor Eugenio 276
Scalfaro, Oscar Luigi 369
Scheuer, James 250, 257
schism, possibility of Opus Dei
Schlypi, Archbishop Joseph of
Ukraine 103
school, recruitment from 190-1
science and Opus Dei 91
SDECE (French counterespionage)
Second Republic of Spain 58
Second Vatican Council see
Vatican Council II
Second World War see World War
secondary schools 190
secrecy 66, 97, 132, 142, 144, 146,
148, 149, 224
denied or refuted 369, 428
as discretion 109, 232
in international finance 163,
169, 175, 177, 238, 240, 252,
Jurg Heer 280
and Lopez Bravo's knowledge
within Conclaves 256
see also Hnilica, Bishop Pavel
secular institutes 104
Segovia, Maria Josefa 79-80
Segui, Salvador 47
Segura y Saenz, Archbishop Pedro
Selborne, Lord 174
Senate Select Committee on
Intelligence 359
Sendagorta Aramburu, Enrique
Seo de Urgel 78
Serbia 37~9, 404, 406, 43-12
Serus, Mother Superior Catalina
Seville University 111
Sewall, John 409, 410
Shaaban, Sheikh Anwar 414
Shah of Iran 360, 386-7
Shalikashvili, John 410
Shariah (Islamic law) 382-3
Shaw, Russell 397
shell companies 163, 243, 315
sherry business see Ruiz-Mateos,
Jose Maria
Shriver, R, Sargent (Jnr.) 38, 175
Sica, Domenico 287, 292
Silvestrini, Archbishop Achille 271
Sin, Cardinal Jaime L, 250, 419
Sindona, Michele 168-9, 222-3,
239, 240, 242
banking-empire downfall 244,
and Calvi 246
investigation into activities 269
Singuli Dies (Escriva's first pastoral
letter) 55-6
Siri, Cardinal Giuseppe 141, 143,
250, 256, 315
SISMI (Italian Military
Intelligence Agency) 257,
268, 269, 334
Sixtus V, Pope 9
Slovenia 375
'sniffing aircraft' scandal 296
'sniffing machines' for oil and
water 158-61
Soane, Andrew 175, 399
social centres, inner-city 190
social justice 215-16, 220, 416
see also Liberation Theology
Socialism in Spain (1980s) 306,
Society of God for Humanity 217,
Society of Jesus (Jesuits) 49-50,
59, 84, 95, 33, 37, 147, 386
and ACNP 42
Chile 213
and liberation Theology 215,
Peru 121
San Salvador massacre 343
threatened break-up 206
see also Hnilica, Bishop Pavel
Sodetex S.A., 132, 133, 135, 136
Sofint Company (Carboni's) 350
Soldatti, Francisco 208
Soldevila y Romero, CardinalJuan
Solidarnosc (Solidarity) 283, 325,
331, 357-8
and Ronald Reagan 359
Solis Ruiz, Jose 133
Solomon, Robert 244n
Somalia, UN operations in 373
Somoano Verdasco, Jose Maria
55, 60-2
song book, Opus Dei 194-5
Sopena, Eugenio 24, 74
South Africa 282
South America see Latin America
Southampton Docks 345
Sovereign Military Order of the
Knights Hospitaller of St
John of Jerusalem 153
Soviet invasion of Poland ordered
Soyster, Ed 409
Spada, Prince Massimo 223
blacklisted by Allies 101
early history of (Visigoths to
Battle of Lepanto) 26-39
Spanish Foreign Legion 70, 76, 83
Spanish Institute, London 30
Spanish Mortgage Bank 126
Spellman, Cardinal Francis 239
Sperling, David 175
Spiritual Curtain 345, 388, 414,
Spiritual Exercises (St Ignatius of
Loyola) 84
SPLA (Sudanese People's
liberation Army) 382
Spoliation (means of formation)
SPOT TV show, Italy 332
Srebrenica 43, 412
staff of Opus Dei, early 94, 39
Standard and Times newspaper 370
statutes of Opus Dei, first 56
Stephen, Saint 8
sterilization programme, female
STET telecommunictions 296
Stettin, centre in 363
stiftungs (foundations) 163
Stockholm International Peace
Research Institute 407
Strategic Plan 205-6
Strathmore College, Kenya 175
Strauss, Franz Josef 156
stress factor among younger
members 191-2
Strobel, Pellegrino de 297
Studi Cattolici 10
Sudan xiii, 6-7, 380-3, 384, 386,
Suguia Goicoechea, Cardinal
Angel 13
suicide bombers 438
Sultan ibn Abdul Aziz, Prince 156
Sunday Times 312
Supo Holding S.A., Zurich 175
Susak, Gojko 407-8
Swiss Credit Bank, Chiasso 23
Swiss Federal Court and Opus Dei
secrecy 369
Swiss money and French
government 160
presence in 173-4, 235
see also individual Swiss banks
Syria 365
Szoka, Cardinal Edmund 429

Tabligh 421
Tages Anzeiger newspaper 369
Tala'at Fouad Qassem, Sheikh 413
Talleres d'Arle Grande 167
Tapia, Maria del Carmen 39,
Tara Trust 169
Tardini, Cardinal Domenico 140
Tartars 362
Tassan Din, Bruno 271
Tauran, Monsignor Jean-Louis
tax, religious (Germany) 120, 148
tax-exempt status of assets 173,
taxation, Church exemption from
technocracy 127-8, 133, 214
Tedeschi, Senator Mario 269
Teissier, Archbishop Henri 395
Tejero Magro, Ricardo 326, 327
television, state see media
Telva magazine 165, 167
Templars (Poor Knights of the
Temple) 33-7, 440
Tenth Crusade (in future) 413,
415, 417
Teoria de la Restauracion (Serer)
Teresa of Calcutta, Mother 6
Teresian Association 55
Teresian Institute, Salamanca 79
Termes Carrero, Rafael 135, 172,
230, 310
international 380, 385-6, 390,
398, 412, 425, 438
see also Islam, rise of
Tesauri, Tito 285, 286
Tetmm 68
textile industry 127, 166
theocracy 43, 416
Theodosian Walls, Turkey 391
Theology of Organized Crime 344
Thief in the Night A (Cornwell)
Third Force, political 30, 32,
122, 123
Thomas Aquinas, Saint 52, 374
Thomas Becket, Saint 4
Thomas, Monsignor Rolf 439
Thomson, Ahmad 365, 388
threats as means to end 367
Tiempo magazine 362
Times, The 82n
Timoney, Seamus 169-70, 206
Tischner, Josef 356
Tisserant, Cardinal Eugene 217
Torello, Monsignor Juan Bautista
173, 356
Tornielli, Andrea 344n
Torre Annunziata 436-7
Torreciudad 21, 146, 147-8, 177,
198, 224, 234
'Tortola, Mr' (Camorra) 317
Toscano, Neyde 347-8
trade see international finance,
trade union, in Poland 357
Transformation Memorandum
(Portillo) 259
transnational network 238
Trenck, Charles de 223
Trieste 286
Trillo, Federico 438
True Cross, Founder's relic of
199, 225, 393
trust operations 240
financial 163--4
offshore 166
bending the 134, 135, 146, 192,
see also vocabulary, Opus Dei
Tubingen University 217
Tudjman, Franjo 375, 404, 408,
43, 412
Turabi, Hassan al- see al-Turabi
Turkey, Muslim population in 391
Turki bin-Faisal, Prince 156, 158
Turowicz, Jerzy 357
Turull, Pedro 173
Tuzla 410
Tygodnik Pawscechny Catholic
weekly 357

UBS (Union Bank of Switzerland)
159, 160, 160-1, 175
Ugiras, Octave 403
UK presence 172-3
Ullastres, Alberto 125-6, 130, 164
Ultramontanism 366-7
uncollectable receivables 236
Uniate Church 103
Union Bank of Switzerland 296
298, 320
United Fruit Company 219
United Nations,
Conference on Women (1995)
humanitarian force in Balkans
population Conference (Cairo)
395, 398-9
population Fund 250
relationship with Vatican 396
United States of America,
expansion into 38
and Muslims 390
United Trading Corporation
243-6, 252, 264, 277-8, 287,
and Bellatrix 271
debt to Banco Ambrosiano 267
and Exocet missiles 251
financing Solidarnosc 358
and IOR settlement 318, 325
and Rizzioli publishing 270
Universal de Inversiones S.A., 165,
University Hostels Limited 169
uprising of workers in Poland
Urban VIII, Pope 9
Urbani, Cardinal Giovanni 249
Uruguay, expansion into 38, 251
US AID 120
US Nation of Islam 421
US Peace Corps 38
Ut Sit Apostolic Constitution 304

Vaccari, Sergio 298-9, 323, 326
Vagnozzi, Cardinal Egidio 268,
Valencia 77, 93
Valladolid, centre in 93
Valls Taberner, Ferran
(Fernando) 166
Valls Taberner, Luis 134, 166, 230,
237, 266, 305
and death of Lopez Bravo 327
Paraparal property venture
Rumasa 305--22
Valori, Giancarlo Elia 210
Valori, Giuseppe 208
Vargas, Juan Jimenez see Jimenez
Vargas, Juan
Vatican Bank see IOR
Vatican Council II 13, 17, 140,
141, 142-3, 248
Vatican finances 138, 221-2, 244,
247, 252, 317, 325, 428-30
see also IOR
Vatican information department
Velasco, Professor Juan Martin
Velayati, Ali Akbar 412
Venezuela 18, 203--4, 223, 256-7,
276-7, 313--15
see also Paraparal property
Verein Internationales
Tagungszentrum 369
Veritas Splendor encyclical 258
vernacular in liturgy 144
Verwaltungs Bank 174
Vesco, Robert 268
vestments for inner circle
ceremonies 66
Vicente, Crispin de 33
Vienna, gateway into Eastern
Europe 355-6
Vila Reyes, Blanca 128
Vila Reyes, Fernando 128, 133
Vila Reyes, Juan 127-8, 130-2,
133, 135-6
Villa delle Rose 38, 224
Villa Sacchetti 203, 204
Villa Stritch, Rome 239, 281
Villa Tevere 4, 104-5, 425
coded messages on finances
current concerns at 365
Escriva's death at 225
Escriva's remains 6
Felzmann at 15
housekeeping at 39
mortgage and construction
Opus Dei headquarters 199,
Villa Vecchia 203
Villalba Rubio, Jose 74
Villar Palasi, Jose Luis 130-1, 134
Villegas, Alain de 157, 159, 161
Villot, Cardinal Jean 149, 221,
222, 247, 250
death of 258-9
and Guruceaga 314
and John Paul I 252, 254, 255
Vincentian Fathers 50
Vincenza, Sister 253, 254
Violet, Jean 155-6, 157, 160
Virgin Mary 26, 199
coat of arms for 175, 177
devotion to 229-30, 231, 402-3
shrines 46, 78, 102, 39, 145-6,
214, 248, 403
VITALITA account (Peron's gold
bullion) 23
Vitalone, Claudio 296, 350
Vitalone, Wilfred 296, 323
Vittor, Silvano 286, 287, 289, 290,
291, 296, 323, 332
arms smuggling 345, 376
vocabulary, Opus Dei 128-9
Vollmer, Cristina 397, 434
Vollmer Herrera, Alberto J, 397
vows 183, 234
Vukovar, siege of 376
Vuono, Carl 409

Walesa, Lech 356, 357, 358
Walters, Vernon 359
war see Just War doctrine
Warsaw Pact 357
warships for Latin America 331
Washington, Opus Dei's growing
influence in 360
water, concern about world
shortage of 157, 161
Way, The 15, 83-6, 170, 183
weapons 169-70
weapons deals see arms dealing
Week, Philippe de 159, 160, 175,
296, 325
Weekly Meditation (means of
formation) 188
Wehrmacht uniforms 265
whisper campaign against Escriva
'whistling' (joining Opus Dei) see
White, Detective Inspector (later
Superintendent) John 292,
Whyte, Benedict 33, 313
Alfred Julius 174
Wiederkehr, Arthur 159, 168-9,
174-5, 236, 237, 243, 244, 309
Zenith Finance SA 264
With Very Great Hope Papal Bull
298, 303
Wojtyla, Cardinal Karol 144,
148-9, 248, 249-50, 256, 356
see also John Paul II, Pope
wolfram 265
ordination of 439
role of 5, 418-19
women in Islam 418-19
Women's Residence 97, 38
women's section of Opus Dei 54,
61, 63, 79, 199
theological section 349
Woodward, Kenneth L, 13, 15
worker riots in Barcelona 125
World Bank 258
world financial system (1974) 244
World Organization for the
Family 397
World Trade Center, New York
World War II 83, 98, , 101
Wyszynski, Cardinal Stefan 33,
357, 358

Yague, Juan de 68
Yauyos, Peru 120-1
Ynfante, Jesus 105, 153n
Yom Kippur War (1973) 158, 222
Yousef, Ramzi Ahmed 421
youth clubs 190, 194, 260
Yugoslavia 376, 404, 405, 408

centre in 363
(government in) 404, 405, 408,
410, 413
Zawahri, Ayman 438
Zelen-Maksa, Mirjana 405
Zenith Finance S.A. 264
Zepa 422
Zirka Corporation (Monrovia)
Zorza, Lorenzo 276, 324
Zorzano, Isidoro 43, 56-7, 50, 62,
67, 77, 93-4, 171
administrator at headquarters
95, 98
Zululand, tests for oil in 158
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