The Hidden Dangers In Polio Vaccine, by Eleanor McBean

Re: The Hidden Dangers In Polio Vaccine, by Eleanor McBean

Postby admin » Sun Dec 13, 2015 4:24 am


(1) You need not have your children inoculated with polio vaccine unless you want this inoculation done.

Every parent is free to refuse it, and the Ministry of Health says that no child will be inoculated without the express permission of its parents.

(2) The Salk polio vaccine which is to be used in this country does not protect from paralytic polio. In the trial of the vaccine in America in 1954, 71 children who had been fully inoculated with it developed paralytic polio.

(3) The vaccine may have the power to start polio. During five weeks after Salk Vaccine was launched on the world by the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis in America, and, at the time, wrongly declared to be safe, potent and efficient, at least 112 inoculated children developed polio and two-thirds of the cases were paralytic polio There were 6 deaths At first it was said that the children had already got polio before they were inoculated; then it was said that the inoculation aroused polio which was already there and caused it to develop; and finally it was believed that in a great many cases it was live virus remaining accidentally in the vaccine which caused the cases of polio.

(4) Vaccinated children in America are believed to have given polio to their parents. 149 such cases have been reported with 6 deaths; the first two cases were 18-months old babies who became ill after the inoculation and were taken to the hospital. They recovered, and on returning home their parents developed polio. The Denver Medical Officer of Health calls this "satellite" polio. The Franklin Lakes Board of Education, New Jersey, asked 8 children who were given the Salk anti-polio vaccine to stay away from school for the rest of the term. Parents of other children were afraid they might be polio "carriers." (Daily Telegraph, June 21st, 1955).

(5) The Salk Polio Vaccine is grown on monkey kidney tissue. It is said not to protect for longer than five months, if it protects at all, and an eminent physiologist was quoted by the Manchester Guardian as saying that "if it means that a child should be reinoculated at frequent intervals with a preparation derived from monkey kidney ‘it is terrifying in its possibilities.’ Among them is the risk of the child developing sensitivity to some of the ingredients of the vaccine."

(6) Every inoculation has caused serious illness and not a few deaths. There are official records of 1,700 deaths from vaccination against smallpox, and such deaths are still being recorded every year, many of them being deaths of babies. In recent months babies have developed encephalitis from anti-yellowfever vaccine, as has been admitted in the Bulletin of the Ministry of Health.

There are 3 deaths on record from tuberculosis caused by B.C.G. inoculation. Inoculation against diphtheria has activated paralytic poliomyelitis. Past history of all the vaccines and serums justifies fear that the new vaccine will damage health and may cause death.

(7) Two Medical Research Council doctors stated in Picture Post, May 7th, 1955 that the risk of contracting poliomyelitis is 1 in 25,000. The vast majority of children are never in any danger of contracting this disease. To go out of your way to give a child an inoculation that may cause illness, and even give it the disease you wish to guard against, when the likelihood of that child getting that disease naturally is so small as to be almost negligible is the height of folly.

(8) To keep your child healthy carry out the rules of health. See that it has proper food, and plenty of fresh air, that it is warmly clothed in winter, avoiding exposure to damp and chills, and see that it gets enough sleep. Make sure that the water supply is pure, and that the house is properly ventilated, and avoid overcrowding.

(9) The manufacture and testing of the polio vaccine causes gross cruelty to animals, chiefly monkeys.

Leaflet issued by The National Anti-Vaccination League, London.
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Re: The Hidden Dangers In Polio Vaccine, by Eleanor McBean

Postby admin » Sun Dec 13, 2015 4:25 am

By Therese Gay
AUGUST, 1955

Just about a month ago today the American public was presented with what was publicized as one of the great milestones of medical history, the Salk Anti-Polio Vaccine. At the time I got out an article on the contrived look of the unprecedented promotion of the new vaccine. Through an unfortunate set of circumstances it never did get to San Antonio to meet the deadline.

The article was entitled "Salk Vaccine, Science or Enterprise." It dealt more with the peculiar conditions surrounding the unveiling of this monument of medical advance than with the vaccine itself—the soap-opera props employed to put it over, how it was timed to fall on the anniversary of FDR’s death in melodramatic fashion to play on the sympathy and sentiment, for whatever it was worth to the Purse of the American people through the March of Dimes collection campaign. I touched on various aspects of the great hoax that was being perpetrated by the seeming collusion between profit and progress; how NBC jumped the gun and broke the release time by an hour; how half a dozen giant pharmaceutical houses had it ready for the market even before the fateful V day when the great men of science, medicine and the press were invited to hear the miracle pronouncement that polio had been conquered.

I spoke of how parents were fooled about what was shot into their children in order to make the 1954 testing program effective; how statistics had been handled to make a good case for the vaccine; how medical societies throughout the land were cautioning physicians against profiteering and black-marketing; how the research wizards had studiously avoided any approach or premise that even hinted at causal relationships; how the 25 million said to have been spent on its research program had been mulct from the American public through the Polio Foundation’s collection campaigns, and how that self-same public was the last to be let in on the secret; how the favored drug houses had invested many millions in new equipment and materials long before the safety of the vaccine had been publicly established, and how they were outspoken in their expectations of increasing their investments tenfold before the year was out, with even brighter prospects for the years to come; how politicians, preachers, physicians, professional publicists, the press, and the rest of the army of panderers of the public good all joined in the hosannas and hailed the new Messiah of Medicine, Jonas Salk, M.D., as one of the great benefactors of mankind, etc., etc. And, like any self-respecting Hygienist just must, when confronted with such a stupendous spectacle of studied scientific stupidity, I dealt in a bit of prophecy,—yes, even at the risk of being labeled a Hygienic crank.

The prophecy was to the effect that all that glitters is not gold; that in the present instance there wasn’t enough known about the vaccine to warrant or justify the universal inoculation program that was to follow the announcement, enthusiasm to the contrary notwithstanding; that in my humble Hygienist opinion the worst was yet to come.

WELL, the prophecy was borne out, but all too soon—and with a directness of action, or should I say reaction, that in a couple of weeks the fait accompli was threatened with fiasco, and the flexuous mind of the press was forced to turn the ferris-wheel of its imagination in all directions to stave off the stench that threatened to wreck the whole enterprise. The unexpected occurrence of a high percentage of afflictions and several deaths threw the whole program into a tailspin of chaos and confusion. Frankly the whole country was scared out of its wits—and with good reason. In fact, the first good reason it had shown. The government called off the mass inoculations. Towns, cities and states were in a dither of indecision. The parents who early consented and whose children had already been given their initial shots were living in a vacuum of panic and dread anxiety. The President stepped in, Congressmen and Senators started calling for an investigation. Salk, his colleagues and government officials were locked in long hours of conference to get at the bottom of the bottom that had just fallen out of their ill-founded dreams.

The press had a field day of headlines that was unprecedented even in its own mottled career. Reevaluation became the theme of the delay. One of the vaccine producing laboratories on the west coast was made the face-saving scapegoat. The nobby Mrs. Hobby was run through the grinder for being asleep at the switch and even threatened with Luce-ing her job. Errors in production, errors in government control of testing, errors in the type of preservative employed were screeched across the nation’s news wires. All kinds of errors were put forth except the basic error of the vaccine itself.

The rest is all history—the kind you buy at the newsstands every day—the kind the public has been educated to retain only until the next edition comes out—the kind that has little effect on the public consciousness because it isn’t allowed to set long enough to take hold.

It is now a month and millions of headlines away. At the risk of being called a boasting "I-told-you-so" I could very well use my first article and thus spare myself the toil of the present one. But in the light of subsequent happenings, another attempt to expose this newest affront to human health and the dignity of the individual is justified—so here goes—I’ll fire away again and let the shots fall where they will.

First, let us break the word "Poliomyelitis" down. Polio is a prefix meaning gray. Myel means the spinal cord. And, as we all know by various experiences with it, itis mean inflammation. Put them all together and they spell "Poliomyelitis," an inflammation of the grey matter of the cord. Current medical belief holds that this inflammatory condition of the spine is brought about by a group of three viruses that are thought to invade the human body through portal openings in the mouth and the nose, and through cuts and wounds. After they (the viruses) gain entrance to the body they spread along the nerve fibers to different parts of the central nervous system. Specifically, the paralyzing type of polio is considered an acute infection of the anterior horns of the gray matter of the spinal cord, causing such damage and destruction to the nerve cells that early paralysis develops, the extent and character of which is determined by the particular site of involvement and the number of cells attacked. It may affect a single muscle, a single limb or the entire body. The viruses are supposedly spread by contact with discharges from the nose, throat and bowels of diseased persons, or carriers of the virus. The incubation period is said to range from 4 to 18 days. It strikes in the summer and the fall, and generally hits its peak between August and September.

The respiratory centers are often affected as a complication of the earlier symptoms, rendering the breathing mechanism incapable of functional movement. This is called bulbar polio and its victims are kept alive only by the use of the iron lung, a mechanical device that substitutes for the normal diaphragmatic movements. The greatest incidence is amongst children, hence the name infantile paralysis. But it also attacks adults as well. Pregnant women have a better than average susceptibility to the disease. The symptoms that precede the onset of paralysis are fever, sore throat, headache, vomiting, fatigue, stiffness of the neck, constipation, diarrhea and, in some cases, pain in the extremities, (to the Hygienist, as vague an assortment of diagnostic factors as one could ever hope to meet up with.)

The inability to move the affected parts of the body is due to the destruction of the particular nerve cells related to the motor activity of those parts. The virus is commonly excreted in the stools for six to eight weeks after the disease has struck. It is said, too, that the virus may be found in the throat for a short time at the outset of the illness.

The usual procedure followed when polio struck a community was to close down the swimming pools and the playgrounds and, where the disease became widespread, to close down the schools as well. Those afflicted were isolated for two to four weeks. There was no drug or serum considered specifically effective until the advent three years ago of gamma globulin, a human blood fraction containing antibodies. There wasn’t much in the way of treatment until Sister Kenny came along with her original concept of water-cure methods for the relief of pain and specialized physiotherapy for the restoration of movement, wherever it was deemed possible.

It is believed that there are many more cases unreported, due to mildness of symptoms and wrong diagnoses, than there are cases reported. The disease is relatively new to the United States though it is said to be ancient in origin. It was not recognized here until 1894. Today it is found in all parts of the world, and temperate climates resembling our own favor it. It is not a disease of the impoverished nor of the well-to-do. Yet there appears to be a parallel between the rising living standards of the nation and the ever-mounting yearly epidemics of the crippling disease. The first epidemic took place in New York City in 1907. The 1916, 1931, 1949 and 1952 epidemics reached the greatest proportions. In a few short years the disease changed from one of rarity to one of epidemic yearly recurrence and the medical mind has been in a state of desperate and constant search for some solution in the form of an immunizing agent.

Research was the answer. But research took money, and lots of it. Destiny came to the rescue in the unfortunate affliction of our late President, Franklin Delano Roosevelt. This circumstance touched off the organization of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis and the resulting annual March-of-Dimes campaigns, which have collected 270 million dollars in the 17 years since their inception. These monies are purportedly used equitably for alleviating the discomfort of polio’s suffering victims and for the deemed research necessary for its conquest.

Here indeed was big business! And, as everyone who isn’t living in a cloud knows, big business has to produce. Research indeed was the answer. So—out of courage and generosity, out of sympathy and sentiment, out of tender-hearted pity for the poor suffering kiddies who annually fell victim to this modern plague, the people (sic!) determined that polio had to be licked and that American scientists were the ones to do it. Fancy science going chauvinistic! But scientists are ever beset with their own unsolved problems and are ever wary of taking on new ones. So science had to be organized. Thus the grant-in-aid was thought up and, believe you me, big business never conceived of a better stunt to shake some of the lead-thargy out of the pants of the lazy tinkerers that comprise the great majority of researchers. Especially is this true when renewal time approaches. At that time there’s an aura of OR ELSE in the air that gives a magic spurt to scientific inquiry. Now, organization spells efficiency. So, all the threads of the polio research fabric had to be pulled together—that is, all the threads that fit into the color scheme, thus automatically ruling out all undesirable hues and shades (of though:).

Well, they researched to the very beginning of polio in this country, and found there was nothing until 1909, when Doctor Karl Landsteiner proved that polio was caused by a virus and not by the bacteria the medical profession had long sought in vain to find. Landsteiner discovered that this virus could grow only in the spinal nervous tissues of monkeys or humans. (Maybe this was the answer to Jekyll and Hyde complex instead!) ,The years that followed showed very little in the way of successful polio research. The key to the failures of these un-productive years turned up, it is said, when in 1949 Drs. Bodian and Howe of Baltimore discovered there were three well-defined types of polio virus instead of the single type heretofore thought to exist. This is about the time Dr. Salk first enters the picture for Salk was one of the four laboratory directors, singled out by the Polio Foundation to verify the findings of Bodian and Howe, a project that took three years to complete.

1949 turned up another related project in the research of Dr. Enders of Harvard, who showed that polio virus could be grown in non-nervous tissue cultures in test tubes, thus freeing research, as it were, from total reliance on monkeys. Up until this time the cultures in which the virus was grown were considered unacceptable for producing a commercial vaccine for human injection. Salk then took on from Enders’ work and found, as Enders had already, that monkey kidneys were the most successful virus-growing tissue, at least up until that time. All that remained was to find the best broth in which to grow the tissue cells. Salk settled for one that was developed by Dr. Parker of Toronto. Now all the ingredients of a successful vaccine were at hand. The problem of live virus vaccine as against the killed virus vaccine was booted about furiously, and to this day it still is. Salk was the first, I believe, to suggest a dead virus vaccine as a more practical means of protection. In opposing his theory many of his colleagues hold that a live virus with the paralyzing sting bred out of it gives the patient a mild non-paralyzing disease that induces a lifetime immunity. The "dead-virusers" are said to be more concerned with the element of risk, claiming that the live virus can always turn to a paralytic type.

Salk, of course, is a dead-to-center dead viruser. Salk’s being chosen for this job was no matter-of-chance happening. In his medical student days at New York University he was one of the bacteriology pupils of Dr. Thomas Francis, Jr., head of the department. Was it fate spinning the wheel? Let’s see. After graduation and internship at Mt. Sinai Hospital in New York, the National Research Counsel, on the basis of some work he had done as a student on flu virus under Dr. Francis, awarded Salk a fellowship at the University of Michigan, where he worked again under Dr. Francis. Together they developed the flu vaccine now on the market. It just so happens that this very same Dr. Francis was in charge of the evaluation of the whole polio project sponsored by the Foundation, and it was he whose history-making report on that fateful April day stirred the nation and the world into a frenzy and enthusiasm that exceeded anything ever before accorded a medical discovery. The reception and reaction well befit the dawn of a new era. To return to Salk—the Francis influence was felt again. When the University of Pittsburgh decided to set up a virus laboratory of its own, Salk was asked to take over. He transferred his work to Pittsburgh where he has been ever since, and where the final stages of the vaccine research were carried on. There may be no implications in the association of Drs. Francis and Salk, but the sequence and turn of favorable events surely points a finger of suspicion, especially at the big business aspect. Personally, I prefer to think of them as a happy combination that unfortunately worked the wrong side of the street. The respective parts each played in the huge drama must remain conjecture, but it was Salk who came in for the big hero worship. At any rate both helped forge another link in the chain of medical advance that is fast reducing the human race to a state of medical mesmerism. It doesn’t take too much imagination, with things going as they are, to calamitously view the supposed success over the summer scourge as the beginning of our fall.

The Hygienic perspective naturally rejects the whole affair and shares none of the enthusiasm for this newest millennium. We’ve seen far too many of them. To our way of thinking, all the vaccines and all the antibodies they can arouse do not answer the basic questions of where do the viruses come from; why do they attack as they do in the good old summertime; and how do they get into the human body? As I understand it, medicine has failed to definitely establish a true portal of entry for the virus, and this has brought forth the further controversy of endogeniety and exogeniety. There are many theories. Some investigators consider the virus as an enzyme-like substance with a deranged cell proclivity. Others see the virus as a biochemical substance that goes haywire. Others think oh well, why go on? Your guess is a good as theirs. As far as we are concerned, it all boils down to this: We don’t see why we should put our bodies to the extra effort of producing antibodies, to combat dead viruses, to produce artificial immunity to something we needn’t have had in the first place. Frankly, it all sounds too Quixotic. Moreover, windmills are out of style. We now have windbags and not imaginary ones either.

But to get back to Salk. Despite the unquestioned brilliance of his mind, in our opinion he is barking up the wrong alley. The logic of that mind cannot make up for the incorrectness of its premise. In this game of polio research (and that’s what it has turned out to be) he intercepted the ball and carried it across the line to a delusive touchdown. It so happens the goal posts of victory happened to be his own,, and, well—"that, wont win any games." In the final score, if I may continue the metaphor, I’m sure the superior ground strategy of polio will easily overpower the aerial astigmatics of Salk and his team. Any qualified coach or judge would advise Salk to discard his theoretical illusions and reconstitute his attack and defense formations on more practical considerations than the color of his opponents’ uniforms or some similar superficies. This might explain to him the fact that polio cannot be beaten by concentrating on its symptoms because they’re simply a camouflage when evaluated on a prima-facie basis. The Hygienist does not accept symptoms at their current face value. He uses them as legal tender to gain entrance to the deeper vaults of the human body wherein the foundation stones of disease are more easily discernible. As these stones are laid so does he deduce the weaknesses in the human structure. In this way the active as well as the potential factors are brought out into the clear light of scientific evaluation; etiology and prognosis are more truly estimated; and acute and chronic disturbances are nipped in the bud of their origin. The fact is nobody, Salk included, can follow the phantasmagoria of symptomatology and come to a true understanding of any disease for the simple reason that symptoms are only symptoms, not causes, Or is that too elementary for men of Dr. Salk’s caliber?

His error is not one of logic but rather of the superficial premise upon which he launched his whole research program. Mankind’s error exists in its being constantly deluded by the specious type of reasoning men of medicine employ and base their conclusions on. We forget that logic is a means to an end, that it can serve the villain and the saint, the misguided and the well grounded, the people and their exploiters. In this instance, the end served is surely not ours, for had it been, Salk would have probed deeper than the symptoms of polio to get to the underlying bottom of the problem.

He would have explored other approaches. He would have considered other premises than the germ theory of the disease. He might have given thought to the possibility that perhaps virology was not the only beginning to so serious a study. He might have glanced back through history’s pages and refreshed his memory on the course of pellagra in our south; on the scourge of scurvy; on the incredible incidence of beriberi among the white rice eating peoples of the Orient. He might even have seen the related significance of this latter condition to the present problem of polio in the symptoms of its advanced stages known as polyneuritis, in which control of the muscles of the feet, legs and arms, and in severe cases of the trunk too, is affected. He might have learned that these too were epidemic diseases and were endlessly ascribed to various germs, and that in the final analysis all medical research in their behalf turned out to be meaningless medical meandering down the insidious avenue of infection; proving that medical research, if not a disease in itself, is surely a pathological compulsion in most cases.

In the end pellagra, scurvy and beriberi turned out to be diseases of dietary deficiency that could be controlled by the simple process of putting back into the nutriment of nature some of the vital elements that commerce saw profit in removing. These and many more correlatives could he have seen had his immunological perspective recognized the true relationship of Virology to Symptomology, as that of tweedledee and tweedledum. Hygienists do not discredit the presence of the three guilty viruses. We say that they are merely a symptom of polio rather than the cause. And we openly admit our skepticism of any approach to the problem of polio that systematically or unwittingly ignores the basic enervating and toxemic forces that nurture the soil of its growth in the human body.

Furthermore, we look askance on any data that disregards the clues inherent in the study of the comparative eating habits of our own rich country with its high polio rate as against the eating habits of the poor countries of the East with their low polio incidence. Our superiority in the matter of advanced sanitation and hygiene apparently offers no advantages in the way of polio prevention, or at least not where our respective diets remain the same. The one clear spot in the statistical panorama is the difference in the overall consumption of white sugar. Explicitly, their’s is but a fraction of ours. It may stun you to learn that in the year 1939 the per capita consumption of white sugar in China, where only sporadic cases of polio were seen, was 3.2 lbs., whereas in the United States 103.2 lbs. per person were consumed. I understand from good authority that this pattern ran true in the epidemics of 1949 and 1952, which were the most severe in our history.

This is not a rare and isolated statistical item. The United States Army documented well the figures of our soldiers contracting the disease in the Philippines, in China and in Japan—with no outbreaks among the native children. The Surgeon General’s Office has reports filed away concerning the 1945 outbreak amongst our troops in the Philippines, when 250 were afflicted with the disease, with 50 deaths resulting—but with no outbreaks amongst the natives. The only plausible answer here, and one which has been reported by a few honest investigators, exists in the fact that the American soldier was allowed to take his eating habits along with him. He was permitted to stuff himself with ice cream, soda pop, candies, pastries, etc. With all due respect to his great fighting ability he was coddled into ill health by the misguided generosity of the Army authorities, perhaps to recompense for some of the ghastly aspects of that systematic decimation of human beings called war. In one account I read the following: "Ice cream manufacturing equipment generally soon followed combat equipment."

In war as in peace polio seems to strike under similar conditions. The pattern of epidemiologic statistics clearly indicate a correlation between sugar consumption and epidemic outbreaks of polio in the various countries of the world. Our own country is perhaps the best example of this trend of figures. Salk might have studied the effect of white sugar on our calcium levels and learned something of calcium waste and its effect on nerve nutrition.

I do not pretend to have made a special study of polio, to have any data or knowledge difficult of access, or to have any special qualifications that permit me to speak with authority. But I refuse to close my eyes to what surely appears as worthwhile evidence just because it does not fit into the running crossword puzzle of rigged science that right now has even its instigators and promoters in a state of hopeless confusion.

If Salk was really the well grounded man he should have been, he would not have followed so quickly in the footsteps of the witch hunters bent upon finding an epidemic-borne virus for the disease. But then he might not have found it so easy to retain the sponsorship that enabled him to carry out the project. Researchers are well aware that funds available for research are earmarked with if’s, and’s and but’s, and that they all spell conformity in big fat letters. It’s got to be a virus! It’s got to be specific! And it’s got to equate with some manufacturing scheme! "OR ELSE, Mr. Researcher, you’re gonna have to get off of your hands and seek your own way in the cold, cold world." It’s easy to see how seif-preservation can gain an easy ascendancy over the nobler impulses of race preservation. Picture an idealistic young research genius (who by some special moral stamina is reluctant to relinquish his standards) up against the dilemma of compromise or starvation. It isn’t long before integrity gives way to passive acceptance of the philosophy "Well, a guy’s got to live." And the downfall of an honest soul is well on its way.

Frankly, I don’t know that such a thing as pure research exists today except in isolated cases and in the small remains that minds disposed to science never lose. Yet, where in the world is true research more needed than in the biological sciences? And where in the world is it more bungled than in our own great country where human health has become the most profitable means of mass exploitation yet devised, and where research has become a football in and out of science, and where all the avenues of public health education are aimed at the enslavement of the mass mind to the promptings of the total medical industry.

The newspapers and the airways play up with sickening sentimentality the noble sacrifices of the dedicated doctors who daily sacrifice their own personal interests by working in the wards, the clinics, the hospitals and the laboratories. They feed us glowing word pictures of little children, victims of leukemia roaming around cancer wards awaiting the noble ministrations of the doctor. They show polio victims being given the chance to learn to walk again. . . on crutches! They describe the various institutions and dramatically paint the altruism of those doctors engaged in helping the youngsters rout out some of the scars that follow in the wake of their afflictions. But do they tell you those kiddies are there because of medicine’s failure to serve the public need? Do they tell you that those little spastics are bearing the cross for the mistakes of medicine? Do they tell you that those innocent little victims of polio, diabetes, cerebral palsy, nephrosis, rheumatic heart, etc., are living symbols of the low standard of medical practice? And as for their touching sentiments—are they as sentimental in reporting the investigations of those able men who disagree with current medical fancies? Not by a long way!

They either ignore or scorn those whose results contradict the efforts of medicine. The miracle of the Salk Vaccine is not the miracle of hope we were told to accept. It is the miracle of sensational overselling. Even the President admitted this. To put it in the words of one of Salk’s henchmen, Dr. Robert A. Moore, Vice Chancellor of the University of Pittsburgh Schools of the Health Professions: "Health is too important to hide under a bushel. We have something to sell, and if we are convinced our product is good, let us use the same techniques others use in our society to sell their products." (Emphasis mine.) This statement speaks for itself. Does the learned Doctor not realize the potential for harm he’s condoning? Does he not realize the callousness of his attitude? I’m wondering what he actually means by "good." Good to sell or good to take? AND what, does he mean by "health"? Falling for every gimmick medicine and the drug industry parades before our eyes?

Before we can consider the new vaccine the dawn of a new era it had better dawn on us to get rid of the old. The change we need is not merely a switch of affections to a new vaccine (heaven knows they come too often). What we need is to get rid of the whole nonsensical apothecary of medicine and to adopt a sane approach that will start at the bottom of things and not somewhere in the middle of nowhere, as Salk did.

And that approach must of necessity aim at the unity of disease—not at one of its manifestations. Salk and all he represents in method and philosophy see health only in terms of a suppression of symptoms. We Hygienists look upon health as a high standard of physiological efficiency. We say this difference is not only a matter of philosophy, but that it is a starting point that leads on one side to an endless hunt for techniques of covering up or masking the setbacks we bring on to ourselves by incorrect living; and on the other side to a system of honest inquiry into the real foundations of health. We say with Byron, "The best prophet of the future is the past." On the past record of medicine we must reject the work of Dr. Salk and his team of co-workers. In short, we look upon the new vaccine as a bane rather than a boon to humanity, however slow its accumulative effects may appear in the records.

As for immunity to polio and all the other disease designations, we Hygienists choose to keep faith with our principle of vital fitness. We consider the integrity of our physical economy the only real safeguard against any of the incursions of ill health, whatever the symptom complex may be. We view the phenomenon of artificially-induced immunization as the mere prelude to a pathological change of venue, a delaying action and therefore an obstruction of the laws of physiology.

We say you just cannot beat disease by preventing its symptoms. True prevention must start with the elimination of cause. We contend the elimination of polio must follow the same course lest it leave worse evils in its tracks. No, we do not think it’s Polio’s last summer at all. As for the vaccine, its mistakes are already apparent. Its consequences only time can evaluate. Salk’s statement, on his day of glory, to the effect that he would like the prevention of mental ills to be his next target, confirms my contention that research can become a compulsive neurosis. As a follow-up of his work we have been threatened with vaccines for the common cold, for sneezing and, there have been hints, even for cancer. Come to think of it, it may not be too long before they come up with one for thinking. Maybe Salk’s work has paved the way for it, too. We wish we could think disease could be whitewashed so simply. We just can’t, and look the figures of our national health in the face. Those figures belie the efficiency of the vaccines. the serums, the drugs and all the rest of the claptrap of the medicine man.

It is regrettable that man has long confused promise with performance and hope with illusion; that in the fatuity of his dreams the lessons of the past have eluded him; and that despite his sad experience he continues to patiently bear the burdens that error places in his path. In the cool sobering light of retrospect, when the mind dwells on the ledger of man’s progress down the ages; when the balance sheets show our losses and gains, our aims and our accomplishments, our investments and our dividends; when we think of the state of the world and the despair that exists everywhere, and of our descending spiral of achievement in a moral sense: when we examine what science has brought us to. and where it might have—it is then that the spirit saddens and man is left to face the disquieting fact that he has never truly learned to distinguish between the milestone and the millstone.

The above articles are quoted from Dr. Shelton Hygienic Review Box 27 San Antonio, Texas by special permission.
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Re: The Hidden Dangers In Polio Vaccine, by Eleanor McBean

Postby admin » Sun Dec 13, 2015 4:26 am

by Duon H. Miller
300 Bird Road, Coral Gables, Florida

1. Bechamp, (the real discoverer of bacteria) writes ‘Bacteria do not cause disease, and that, therefore serums and vaccines can neither prevent nor cure disease."

2. Dr. James A. Shannon of the National Institute of Health, (U.S. Government)(June 23, 1955) states: "The only wholly safe vaccine is a vaccine that is never used."

3. The famous Doctor Harry R. Bybee says: "My honest opinion is that vaccine is the cause of more disease and suffering than anything I could name."

4. Human Biochemistry, in discussing "PYROGENS" points out injections of distilled water may be potentially dangerous . . . surely "monkey-juice" isn’t fit to inject into little children.

5. Dr. T. M. Schippel of Washington, D. C., writes, "Parents—play safe! Let other callous parents permit this poisoning of their children. Just take your youngster off candy, soft drinks and colas and infantile paralysis will pass your family by. Remember, polio is not ‘catching’—it comes from the insides of ‘over-indulged’ kiddies."

6. Dr. S. A. Mills, so correctly defines polio as . . . "POLIO IS A TOXIC WASTE PARALYSIS, TOXIC . . . because of how it affects. WASTE……because of what it really is. PARALYSIS. . . because of what it does."

7. Prof. Yutaka Mukai (Japan), states—"Polio is not caused by the Virus, but essentially the physical constitution. Health promoting foods can prevent Polio completely."

8. Scientist and physician, Dr. William F. Koch, M.D., Ph.D., says, "the injection of any serum, vaccine, or even penicillin, has shown a very marked increase in the incidence of POLIO, AT LEAST 400%. Statistics on this are so conclusive, no one can deny it."

9. September 20, 1953, The United Nations World Health Organization Committee reports, "Efforts to Control Polio Complete Failure" and condemns any large scale intramuscular injections.

10. Dr. Charles Creighton M. D., (Encylopedia Britannica) reports: "In England 1733 newly vaccinated infants died from syphilis."

11. Robert S. Allen. Washington correspondent, reported in the New York Post….."doctors and others on the staff of the National Institute of Health are not inoculating their own children with the Salk vaccine." WHY????

12. The world’s greatest brains and scientists all agree THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A VIRUS . . . merely a mythical word to confuse the public. Read Dr. A. J. Shadman’s (M.D.) new book, "Who Is Your Doctor And Why."

God bless little Jackie Moore crippled by polio who would today be healthy had not "medical phonies" concocted a fraudulent polio vaccine.

Any polio vaccine is fraudulent and dangerous. Inoculation for immunity is strictly a vicious "myth" ... making the body "unclean" and subject to sickness which may be polio.

Vaccinated children are far more susceptible to polio than children whose bloodstreams are not polluted.

Robert S. Allen, Washington correspondent, reported in the New York Post "Doctors and others on the staff of the National Institute of Health are not inoculating their own children with the Salk vaccine." WHY??????

Scientitic American Magazine states . . . "No human virus disease has yet been brought under control by a killed virus vaccine."

The world’s greatest brains and scientists all agree THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A VIRUS . . . merely a mythical word to confuse the public. Read Dr. A. J. Shadman’s (MD) new book "Who Is Your Doctor And Why".

The fact that polio vaccines are sold on the "virus" myth and since there is no such thing. . . isn’t it common horse sense to classify this vaccine as fraudulent?

The practice of vaccination is ENTIRELY EMPIRICAL completely devoid of scientific certitude . . . which by-passes all glandular guards of the body making it "unclean", dangerous and subject to sickness which may be polio. No vaccine has or can achieve any scientific purpose.

The U.S.P.H.S. has developed into a high pressure sales organization to promote the wishes of vaccine producers. Could it be the U.S.P.H.S. is "loaded" with Russian doctors and could it be they don’t have American citizenship papers??? The non-thinking American public have been viciously lied to, brainwashed and deceived by these "rascals" who recall the old side-show puppets dancing and singing anything the string puller desires . . . yet not a brain in their heads.

Little Jackie Moore had his polio shot . . . now his right leg is in braces….There are thousands of similar cases with untold numbers now sleeping in their little white coffins all because of the most inhuman, unGodly, unchristian, money-making racket known to mankind. As Robt. Burns said, "Man’s Inhumanity To Man Makes Countless Thousands Mourn."



January 8, 1958

Dr. LeRoy E. Burney
U. S. Public Health Service
Washington, D. C.


When you report to the Associated Press . . . "the incidence of all types of Polio declined 62% in 1957 as compared with 1956. and Paralytic cases declined about 73%’ . . upon what FACTS do you base such a ridiculous statement?

If these figures are a brain child of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, that alone will label them worthless as far as being truthful is concerned. Knowing the inner workings of this corrupt group from their President down to their local "hatchet-men", I trust giving out these false percentages was not intentional on your part. Why continue taking the public on an expedition into Alice of Wonderland?

First, their President, Basil O’Connor, KNOWS of clinics in this country who have long successfully treated Polio, has received invitations to visit the clinics and even when he is in their vicinity he ignores them . . . WHY??? Does he place GOLD before GOD???

Second, an M. D. lecturing for them at a public meeting admitted they had no immediate positive diagnosis for POLIO . . . so for the past several years it is very clear they "juggle" the figures erroneously, simply to brainwash and lie to the public. We expect the TRUTH from public servants.

If a sick child were brought into your office, could you, any member of your Department, or any member of the A. M. A. that you know give an immediate, correct and positive diagnosis as to Polio. I doubt it.

You’ll recall the "puppets" in the old fashioned side-show where they danced sang, etc., yet didn’t have a brain in their head but were simply doing the planned wishes of the "experts" pulling the strings. It looks like the Money-Beggars and the monkey-juice peddlers are pulling the strings with our Health (?) officials, dancing and singing while innocent little children die from the unnatural injection of a foreign protein into the body in violation of every law of God and Nature.

Polio is a CONDITION . . . as is a sprained ankle. It is not a disease caused by any mysterious live virus, as no such virus exists. Polio vaccine has NEVER prevented, or mitigated Polio in even ONE child or adult . . . yet look at the DEATHS on the doorsteps of vaccine.

An honest Congressional investigation would shock this nation. I suggest you call for such an investigation immediately. Let us bring order out of chaos, eliminate this shameful "racket", prevent further suffering, deaths and disgrace. You may rest assured I’m eager and willing to cooperate without any personal recompense.

Will greatly appreciate a copy of the department’s findings of fact which you no doubt have had prepared to support the Press release referred to in the first paragraph of my letter.


Duon H. Miller


June 12, 1959

Judge Homer B. Weimar
Court House
Nashville, Tenn.

Dear Sir:

Articles in the local papers relative to the polio inoculation program in Tennessee, have been very disturbing to me.

After years of being president, following my founding of Polio Prevention, Inc., and knowing the TRUTH about polio, this whole thing upsets me. I am sending you a book which you may keep, titled "The Poisoned Needle".

Dr A J Shadman, medical doctor, and perhaps the greatest, published the fact that there is no such thing as a "virus". Dr. Shadman documents this in his new book "Who Is Your Doctor And Why?"

Polio vaccine is based on a non-existent virus, therefore considered by all of us as fraudulent. I understand I am being called to testify at the hearing which I’ll gladly do because I’ve been in perhaps closer touch with polio situations than any other one man in this country.

I published over five million pieces of literature, not one word of which has ever been refuted or disproven.

When the truth is known, the people in Tennessee will be shocked beyond description to think that humans could stoop as low as they have in connection with this polio vaccine which has crippled and killed untold numbers of innocent children as well as adults.

I pray to our Creator that the sealed blood streams of the children of Tennessee will not be violated through fraud.

Respectfully yours,

Duon H. Miller
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Re: The Hidden Dangers In Polio Vaccine, by Eleanor McBean

Postby admin » Sun Dec 13, 2015 4:30 am

The Doctors Talk it Over: "THE SALK MONKEY KIDNEY JUICE"
Dr. T. M. Schippell, N.D.
June, 1956

"WE, NATUROPATHS, HAVE BEEN holding our breaths, worried about the revelations that are sure to make themselves manifest as a result of this Salk vaccine craze. And it is a "craze" — which later will be frankly dubbed ‘crazy’ by the scientists who, in the future, look back on our present way of life. You cannot poison the human blood stream with the decaying products of a diseased monkey’s kidney and not eventually pay the price to the Almighty.

"When human blood stream was sealed from outside contamination— that was the silent warning Nature gave to man not to monkey with the body’s life-line with monkey kidney juice or other foreign substance. But our hay-wire scientists seem to believe that they know more about the functioning of the human organs than the Creator.

"This dosing with ‘Salk slop’ is in the same category of so-called medical research which permits a surgeon to yank the tonsils from a helpless child or ‘scare’ an appendix operation from a grown-up. Not many years ago the ‘big bugs’ in the medico-scientific field had the effrontery to calmly state, in their public meetings, that the ‘appendix’ served no useful purpose in the body and the tonsils were the remains of our ‘gills’—left over in our bodies when man emerged from the sea as a land animal. Now, students realize that the appendix helps to keep the cecum on the safe side by holding the putrefactive bacteria, in that blind sewer, at a safe level and that the tonsils play important parts in killing disease organisms that would otherwise get into the lymphatic circulatory system.

"Yet in many quarters the yanking out of tonsils for a fee and the chopping out of the appendix for the doctor’s wife’s fur coat continue unabated. Gall bladder operations are still sending unfortunates to the insane asylums as of yore and the so-called ‘fixing’ of stomach and intestinal ulcers by ‘removing a section of the anatomy’ with a knife, is still considered good ‘practice’. Yet even the most obstinate medical physician and surgeon KNOWS that ulcers are caused by too strong stomach chemicals, digesting the mucous membrane, and that the proper treatment is merely to reduce the strength of such digestive chemicals. Small-pox vaccine—which has spread syphilis throughout the civilized world is still ‘obligatory’ in many parts of the universe and the Schick vaccine—that arch killer of Japanese babies in the hands of our army ‘brass hat doctors’—is still being used as a ‘professional fee getter’ although it still curtails the infant population.

"Altogether , the situation seems to be getting worse—not better. And the Salk vaccine—for all its blatant propaganda, for all its high endorsement by the Public Health Department of our kindly government—is failing dismally just as Duon H. Miller, of Coral Gables, Florida, predicted it would fail.

"Let us look again at this rotten laboratory concoction—this Salk vaccine made from the diseased kidney of a tortured monkey. If you will recall, the proponents of this polio medicine never CLAIMED that it would PREVENT POLIO. Those gentlemen of the dollar sign merely said that it would PROBABLY prevent the paralysis which followed or accompanied the usual polio. They KNEW that nothing that could be ‘shot’ into the clean blood streams of the youngsters would lower the sugar content. And manifestly it was the excessive sugar—taken into the infant’s body in the summertime in the shape of ice cream, cola and other soft drinks, candy and like sweets—that BROUGHT ON POLIO.

No question about that! All medical books show that polio does not exist in those countries where the consumption of sugar—refined sugar—is less than 90 pounds per person.

"Well, anyway, the American people were sold a ‘bill of goods’ by those stuff-shirted individuals back of this Salk concoction. And it was the sainted ‘March of Dimes’ parasites who did that ‘selling’. No question about it—the ‘March of Dimes’ had to come up with some new ‘gadget’ to keep the dimes rolling in so that the motley array of individuals on that expanded payroll might still receive their lush salaries And the gist of the whole ‘selling campaign’ was not that the Salk vaccine would CURE POLIO or would even PREVENT POLIO. But it was emphasized that this Salk monkey juice WOULD PREVENT THE PARALYSIS WHICH FOLLOWED POLIO.

"That PREVENTION OF PARALYSIS was what actually ‘sold’ the American people on this Salk concoction. Polio, without paralysis, was not feared. The reason millions of parents were willing to ‘take a chance’ with their children and toss them onto the table of ‘medical experimentation’—the reason they were willing to have their offspring’s blood stream contaminated by this Salk filth— was in the hope it MIGHT PREVENT POLIO PARALYSIS.

"As Al Smith would have said ‘Let us look at the record.’ Most of you know that during 1955, millions upon millions of little American children had their blood streams filled with this Salk vaccine. Some got one—some got two and some even get three ‘shots’. So, in this year of 1956—if this monkey juice was any good at all—the number of cases of polio should have been almost wiped out and PARALYSIS, FOLLOWING the few cases of polio which did SLIP THROUGH, should be practically nil.

"Right in line with the above is a report, issued in Washington, D. C. on May 11, 1956, as appeared in the New York Times.

‘Through 1956 through last Saturday—May 4th—(four months of 1956) there had been 1,463 polio cases, broken down into 803 paralytic, 399 non-paralytic and 261 UNSPECIFIED. In 1955—same period (four months) there was 1,599 cases, 437 nonparalytic and 459 unspecified. PARALYTIC CASES numbered 703.’

"There you have in black and white the DEFINITE RESULTS of this Salk preventative paralysis vaccine. Although tens of thousands of children received the Salk trash in 1955 which should have PROTECTED THEM FROM PARALYSIS—there were over 12 per cent MORE PARALYSIS CASES in 1956 than in 1955. Just how gullible do the medical authorities believe the American people are? The medical men should know that the average layman can read figures and make comparisons. So let us not permit these medical double-talkers to blind us further. What is the good of CUTTING DOWN THE POLIO CASES IF MORE OF THOSE WHO ARE STRICKEN BECOME PARALYZED? And what is EVEN MORE dreadful to contemplate-is the thought of what may be the aftermath of this placing in a child’s blood stream of this rotten, filthy juice from the diseased kidney of a dead monkey? Vaccination for small-pox spread syphilis throughout the world. And we, Naturopaths, are now wondering—what will this Salk filth conjure up?"
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Re: The Hidden Dangers In Polio Vaccine, by Eleanor McBean

Postby admin » Sun Dec 13, 2015 4:33 am

Health Research, Mokelumne Hill, California.

Dear Sirs:

May I congratulate you on your splendid work.

There are probably many moments of discouragement when you ask yourself, "Is it worth it all?" It is! It is only through public enlightenment that an end can be made to the abuses of the drug trust and the medical-bund.

Organizations such as yours are capable of slowing down the drug and vaccine steamroller. If you were not hurting them or if they did not fear you, they would not attempt to persecute you.

My personal knowledge of the medical bund is of an intimate nature. I hold the B. Sc., M. A., and Ph.T. degrees from New York University. I did graduate work on a grant from the medical-bund controlled National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. I am a graduate of an A. M. A. approved school of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation. I have had clinical training in the finest hospitals in New York, including Bellevue Hospital, St. Vincents Hospital, Hospital for Joint Diseases, Brooklyn Veterans Administration Hospital, St. Giles Hospital, PostGraduate Medical School Hospital, and several others.

I have been on the staff of the New Jersey State Department of Health, and was in complete charge of the Monmouth County Cerebral Palsy Treatment Center. For the past three years I have been executive director of the Homestead Rehabilitation Institute (and still am at this writing.)

My experiences have enabled me to observe from within the workings of official medicine. At first, I could not believe what I saw.

Were the truth concerning medical treatment and so-called prevention ever to leak out, the stench of it would obliterate the public confidence in the medical profession and put an end to the fantastic drug trust profits.

Good people, like you, are battering at the A. M. A. stainless-steel curtain attempting to open a seam so that the light of day can enter the dark and secret places where the facts are hidden.

That stainless-steel curtain is strong, but it is far from being invulnerable. Truth is, in the long run, the hardest substance in existence—capable of boring through any tissue of lies, no matter what its composition.

You may, if you wish, publish my letter in part or in whole — and you may use my name. Please do not use it until after September 15, 1956. Until that date, I shall remain economically vulnerable to medical bund attack. After that date, I shall be a practicing member of the great and honorable Chiropractic profession—having recently won my D.C., degree after four arduous years of secret study.

Keep up the good work, and may the Lord bless you.

Dr. Milton Fried, D. C.,
223 Prospect Ave.,
Suite A. A.
Hackensack, New Jersey
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Re: The Hidden Dangers In Polio Vaccine, by Eleanor McBean

Postby admin » Sun Dec 13, 2015 4:33 am

"In the minds of the American people, partly because of the foundation’s National Foundation FOR Infantile Paralysis) fund-raising campaigns, polio had come to seem, a major public-health problem which, in terms of statistics, it is not. For fifteen years Americans had been contributing to the March of Dimes, and they wanted results. The Foundation, acting as their agent, was determined to have vaccine available at the earliest possible.

"Park, Davis (Chemical manufacturers) had a special reason for pushing its vaccine development program. The company had suffered a serious financial setback. It had gambled heavily on Choromycetin, an antibiotic, only to have the bottom drop out of the market after disturbing indications that the new wonder drug might, under some conditions, cause fatal blood disorders. The stockholders were asking blunt questions, and management was understandably on the lookout for a new product sufficiently spectacular to wipe out the memory of Chloromycetin. POLIO VACCINE SEEMED A GOOD BET, and in the early spring of 1953, after spending a little over $1 million on research, Park, Davis believed its own experimental vaccines were READY FOR TESTING ON CHILDREN."

SALK VACCINE: THE BUSINESS GAMBLE By Spencer Klaw, p. 125-126, Sept, 1956 issue of FORTUNE MAGAZINE.

Is there a connection between the Salk vaccine and the transmission of monkey encephalitis to a number of mental patients in Germany? Those who are interested — should read page xxxi of Doctors of Infamy by Alexander Mitscherlish (who testified at Nuremberg).
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Re: The Hidden Dangers In Polio Vaccine, by Eleanor McBean

Postby admin » Sun Dec 13, 2015 4:34 am

June 28, 1955

Polio Prevention, Inc.
Coral Gables, Florida


Enclosed are the newspaper clippings of the death of my 8 year old son Charles Bynaker. In these eight years I had a happy life until someone came up with polio "shots" which took him away from me.

They say he had a brain abscess but I know he didn‘t, because he never got sick until he took the shot. He took it on Thursday and came home thursday evening, from school sick and the last words he said to me just before he died were . . . "Mommy the old shot made me sick."

Now can you understand how I feel? If I had 10 more kids they would never take the shots. Many people who saw him knew he was not sick until he took the shot.

As bad as I need a child, I can never have anymore of my own. If I had it to do over again, I would never sign the paper. I am a mother whose life has just been slapped in the face.

I know he did not have abscess of the brain. I know why they said he had. That was because they thought I would sue someone. Well all the money in the world won’t bring him back.

They also wanted to cut his head to pieces, but I didn‘t let them I took him to the hospital in one piece and I meant to bring him back the same way.

I know how rotten this polio vaccine is and it is nothing but a killer. He was paralyzed from his waist up and died like that.

I found out who put it out, but maybe they lied again. They said it was put out by Lilly Co., but they have lied so much to me I just don’t know what to believe anymore. They did not want to tell me who put it out or what doctor gave the shot.

They say it was free to all children, but lets stop and look what I had to pay. I am not a rich person and I had no insurance so it leaves me in a pretty bad spot. Hospital bills totaling $163.75, plus burial expenses of $358.00. Now do you see where there is anything free to it?

I hope you will send me the facts about this child killer vaccine, that’s all it is. I know the shot killed my son. They had him in the iron lung from Saturday night until he died Sunday evening.

I wish all mothers could read my letter so they would not have to be broken hearted like I am now; so please feel free to publish any part of my letter.

Yours truly,

Margaret Bynaker Rt. 2, Dayton, Va.
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Re: The Hidden Dangers In Polio Vaccine, by Eleanor McBean

Postby admin » Sun Dec 13, 2015 4:34 am


Nashville Banner, June 13, 1959

Editor’s Note: The Banner has carried reports of official actions in connection with the refusal of Ben Gamble, Edenwold Road, to allow his children to be inoculated with Salk vaccine. He has asked this newspaper for the privilege of stating his side of the case. His statement follows:

To the Editor of TheBanner:

"Are We Guinea Pigs?"

For the benefit of an uninformed public I would like to make my position, in refusing to have my children inoculated with the Salk vaccine, better understood.

I am not a belligerent person, neither am I a conformist. I try to obey the laws of the land, except where I think they infringe my individual rights.

My Bible teaches me that the Creator sealed our blood stream for specific reasons and with a lot more brains than the human race has today and that he did not intend it to be polluted with so-called serum.

Good health, in my book, can be defined in two simple words—assimilation and elimination. We are the product of what we eat. I live in the country, grow my own vegetables on organically fertilized soil and we have one cow from which we obtain pure milk. I have read where the U. S. is the most unhealthy nation in the world and the rejections made by the Armed Services seem to confirm this fact.

Doctoring has become one of the most profitable professions, simply because people have been brain-washed by clever advertising to think that most of the foods we buy in the stores is good for us, when in fact the reverse is quite true. Our soil is being ruined by chemicals and the foods we get in the store are all doctored with some form of additives to prolong shelf life.

I wish you could read the stacks of mail I am receiving from people in all walks of life who praise me for the stand I have taken against compulsory inoculation.

I think the following quotes from an article which appeared in the Tri-State Medical Journal, February, 1959, by Fred B. Klenner, M.D., should be of interest:

"In 1955 we were told by the National Foundation, the United States Public Health Service and ‘lesser’ Public Health Departments, Medical Societies through their political officers and appointees that ONE injection of the currently used polio vaccine would give prolonged, possibly life-time protection. In 1956 we were told, after those receiving the initial shot developed polio, that a ‘booster’ or second shot was necessary to raise the protective antibody level to a height whereby 90 per cent protection against paralytic infection would be assured. In 1957 we were told, after those receiving the second injection also developed polio, that a third ‘shot’ was imperative to effect absolute protection. For some this was their fourth and even fifth boosters. Now in 1958 we are told that a fourth shot is "Expedient."

Dr. Joseph L. Melnick, a professor at the Yale School of Medicine had this to say: "We are not happy at the prospect of inoculating children year in and year out with the Salk vaccine, for it contains monkey kidney protein which might (like the horse serum in Tetanus Antitoxin) produce allergic states if inoculated repeatedly over the years." All must remember that the present polio vaccine contains, besides monkey protein, horse serum, formaldehyde, streptomycin and penicillin as well as indicator dye and preservatives, some of which, are also allergens. Feinberg reported the possibility of primary sensitization to penicillin in very low concentrations and stated, "The amount of penicillin in polio vaccine is small, but judging by its activity as determined by us in tests of passively sensitized skin, it is sufficient to produce reactions in highly sensitive patients." Zimmerman reported on six cases of penicillin reactions to polio vaccine which were controlled with penicillinase. All physicians know that once an allergen is given to any individual the next dose, or the next might produce an allergic reaction—and such reaction could be fatal.

The PHS states that it is doing everything possible to encourage production of more potent vaccine, which is an admission that vaccine to-date has been weak and worthless. It means that millions have received ‘Ostrich’ shots believing themselves protected.

Dr. Henry W. Kumm, head of the National Foundation’s division of virology and epidemiology recently made the statement that the Salk vaccine for polio may soon be replaced by a pill. He stressed that "it (polio) isn’t nearly as finished as some people think. The number of cases in 1958 was larger than 1942 when we had no Salk vaccine." Dr. Kumm admitted that a live virus vaccine should be more efficient and should cost less. Dr. John J. Hanlon, director of public health services, city of Philadelphia, Pa., stated recently that "it is becoming clear that we must switch over to live-virus vaccine as soon as the scientists prove that it is completely safe and effective, and it looks as though this will happen in the near future."

Too long, now, has the medical profession only served as a medium in expressing the views of others. Politics and politicians have no place in medicine.

Misleading and seemingly deliberate false publication of figures and comments on the merit of the so-called Salk vaccine must forever be regretted. In North Carolina the Public Health Service was claiming advantage for the vaccine two years before such injections were inaugurated. The magic number of 90 per cent effectiveness for the assumed killed virus vaccine against paralytic polio has never been substantiated.

Polio is a complex infection. There is a definite reason which will explain why a person comes down with non-paralytic or paralytic disease or no disease at all. It is only natural for those interested in a specific program to think that their views alone prevail. Just why does a person, vaccinated triply or 16 times or not at all come down with paralysis. Who can at this moment say what the factors are that give protection to one group and not to another; paralytic disease on one side of a street and not on the other. The fact that the total number of paralytic cases increased in 1958 even though 52,000,000 had been triply vaccinated is important and significant. Paralytic disease in 1958 was up 43 per cent over 1957 in spite of the fact that approximately 25,000,000 more persons had received the injections.

There is an old saying "It isn’t the things we don’t know that bothers us —but the things which we know and which are not true."

I think J. H. Tilden, M.D., puts it about right, when he said—"It is exceedingly difficult to secure an honest hearing for any criticism of authority.

Established beliefs are well nigh invulnerable because they are accorded infallibility by the masses who are educated to believe that they will be damned for thinking, and because of this, few will tolerate opposition of any nature to anything they have been educated to believe. People who have their thinking done for them are always intolerant."

It is a truism that we are living in a time the like of which has never been seen before. We are front and center in a battle for men’s minds. Now as never before it is vital that we have the truth, and yet there is an active conspiracy not just to conceal the truth but even so change the facts. The communications media are concentrated in the hands of a few men who are thereby enabled to manipulate the emotions of the American public at will.

In our present day world of new political techniques and mass publicity leverages, the unknowing are at the mercy of the knowing as never before, and it is not at all impossible that a clique wholly alien in aims to the interests of the nation could gain the symbols and controls of power, masquerading as the "government" of the nation while, in reality, exploiting it as a colony for their own private aims.

This raises the question as to how far a man of integrity may be morally and patriotically bound to pursue a course he knows to be injurious to his well being.

If you saw the Sister Kenny picture on TV June 8th you’ll understand what I mean. Orthodox medicine has all but destroyed competitive methods of healing such as homeopaths, osteopaths, chiropractor and naturopaths. However, in spite of this people are getting relief from such methods. People should have the right to select the Doctor he thinks can serve him best. It’s not the people who are wrong—it’s the system.

BEN GAMBLE, Edenwold Road, Nashville, Tenn.
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Re: The Hidden Dangers In Polio Vaccine, by Eleanor McBean

Postby admin » Sun Dec 13, 2015 4:35 am

Edenwold Road, Nashville, Tenn.

Well, it took the best legal talent the state could muster, at taxpayers’ expense, to defend their position while I, as a taxpayer, must pay my attorney to protect my children from having their blood polluted with this monkey juice which they say has been 80% effective in preventing polio.

On the face of it, you know that’s not true and the records show we have more polio this year than last.

I may be a "craggy" faced person as stated in June 28th issue of the Sunday Tennessean and I may even be one of the thousands of crackpots which Dr. Lentz mentioned in previous articles. However, I am a law-abiding citizen in what we all hope is free America and under the Bill of Rights of our Constitution I hope I still have this right to protect my children from having their blood contaminated with the organs from some poor unfortunate animal whose death and suffering must be heard by my God who promises to punish all who disobey his laws.

My case is attracting world-wide attention. I have received letters and a great many statistics from several foreign countries where the Salk and other poisonous serums have been outlawed.

Maybe a poor country man like me can’t expect to get his side of this dirty situation presented under the Iron Curtain laws which are worse than those of Hitler or Russia which are being used to drug and brainwash us into submission.

I may even have to go to jail because my rights as a free man have been taken over by a more powerful money grabbing group who have the means to crucify me on the cross of freedom.

This case will hurt Tennessee ar more than it will me.

People will hesitate to come here when they learn what their children must submit to before they can go to school here in Davidson County. I have received letters from all over this country praising my position in this matter and I wish to quote the following from a letter which I recently received from the health officer from one of the largest cities in this country:

"I am happy to see you challenge the constitutionality of the Salk Vaccine law in Tennessee. It seems to me that your basic defense should be along the following lines:

Public Health authority re communicable disease control is based on the right of people to be protected against an individual who has a communicable disease, and who is therefore a threat to them. Thus we have the authority to quarantine certain diseases e.g. tuberculosis or to require immunizations which are capable of preventing the spread of a disease if the person in question is to associate publicly with others e.g. smallpox and diphtheria immunizations. In the latter cases the immunizing agent not only prevents deleterious effects of the disease but more pertinently prevents the person from being infected with the disease which in turn makes him incapable of becoming a spreader of the disease. It is by preventing the infection that the deleterious effects of the disease is prevented. From a public health point of view, then, when we require quarantine or immunization it is primarily to protect the public at large from the individual and only secondarily to protect the individual. This we can contrast to a non-communicable disease program where our primary interest is to protect the individual e.g. we may advise yearly chest x-rays for the detection of lung cancer or periodic vaginal exams and testing for women to detect early cervical cancer. But our authority does not permit us to make this mandatory because of the non-communicability of the disease. It is for this reason that our most important work in health education is accomplished by education and not by regulation. Most states in the United States e.g. Illinois, also feel that even in the case of communicable disease control through immunization it is preferred that in a democracy this be accomplished by education rather than by law. (I can make available a quotation to this effect from the standard text on public health administration).

Now the Salk vaccine is a very peculiar immunizing agent. The Salk vaccine is only alleged to protect the individual from the paralytic effects of a polio infection in a given individual by blocking the virus in its passage from the alimentary tract to the nervous system through the circulating blood. The evidence is extensive at present (and I can give you the literature on this) that the Salk vaccine does not prevent the alimentary infection with the polio virus so that the child or adult vaccinated with the Salk vaccine still remains a threat to others by virtue of the continuing discharge of polio virus from his throat and from the intestinal tract even though he is alleged to be protected from the paralytic effects of the infection by stopping the spread from the intestinal tract to the central nervous system through the blood stream.

The Salk vaccine, then, is uniquely different from smallpox, and diphtheria immunizations because it does not prevent the spread of the infection and therefore it does not prevent the public from the polio infection but it only protects the given individual vaccinated (if it works) from the paralytic effect of the disease.

To require obligatory vaccination for the sake of the individual is radically different from requiring vaccination for the sake of the public or for the common good. It infringes on a basic right of an individual to freely accept or reject something that is being done to his body. This principle is quite obvious in surgery. A patent has a right to refuse what may even turn out to be a lifesaving measure. At any rate no patient is operated upon unless he voluntarily gives written permission. The same applies to medication. No person can be forced to take medication except under the special circumstances of being a threat to others. But even in the quarantine law for tuberculosis, where a patient refuses to undergo treatment which would make him non-communicable he still retains the right (intrinsic) to remain quarantined rather than accept treatment.

This I believe then should be your primary defense: the right of an individual to refuse a vaccination when the effect of the vaccine at best can only protect him and contributes no protection to the public at large. Smallpox and diphtheria do both: they protect the disease from spreading, and protect the individual from getting the infection and thereby the disease. The Salk vaccine does not effect the spread of the disease it only and allegedly protects the individual inoculated from the paralytic effects of the infection.

Your defense, however, should not stop here — for the following reasons:

1. Most experts will agree that enough time hasn’t passed as yet to really know whether the vaccine is effective. At present, our evidence is mostly circumstantially or statistically contrived.

2. The manufacturing process of the vaccine has not as yet been standardized.

a. Potency cannot be guaranteed, and much of the vaccine on the market since regulations were introduced trying to make the vaccine safe (May 1955 and Nov. 1955) have no potency or antigenetic capacity at all. (See Time Jan. 19, 1959). Medicine: Much of the material used in about 200,000 U. S. inoculations has been no good. As a result, an all-out effort to improve the commercially produced vaccine is now being made. Until this succeeds, individuals who have already had three injections should get a fourth.)

b. Safety cannot be guaranteed. Naturally the vaccine is safer to the degree that it has no virus (i.e. antigen or potency). However, the manufacturing process does not insure safety of the vaccine. Safety can only be determined by:

1. Safety tests after the manufacture of the vaccine. But the safety tests aren’t foolproof.

2. By surveilling its effect after it has been given to children.

The Salk vaccine is the only approved drug on the market which the USPHS constantly surveys in order to make sure that it is safe. If it were intrinsically safe there would be no need for this.

3. Finally part of the defense can well center around the fact that vested interests (drug houses, National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis) and overcommitted parties (USPHS, American Medical Association, mass communicators,) and for the most part, only those items which are favorable, get to the laity or the physicians. That which is unfavorable is repressed or screened out.

For instance, the vaccine failed in the Hawaiian epidemic of 1958. But the USPHS stopped reporting on this in their confidential reports when this was becoming evident. There is much testimony to this effect.

In this connection, two recent items will interest you: a. A four-line item in the Chicago Daily News, Tues., May 5, 1959 London (UPL): "Dr. Jonas Salk Tuesday defended his polio vaccine against attack by the World Health Organization." b. Chicago Daily News 5.28.59, Duluth, Minn. (UPI) "One of the developers of a new oral polio vaccine said Wednesday the recent use of Salk vaccine in Israel had ‘little if any effect.’ Dr. Herald R. Cox of Lederle Laboratories, which seeks to market the new vaccine, suggested the ineffectiveness of Salk inoculations during a round table discussion at the Minnesota State Medical Association convention. Cox said a confidential report on a polio epidemic showed 90% of children under 6 years old in Israel were given Salk shots. But the outbreak became an epidemic, he said. It is evident that the vaccine failed," Cox said.

The Israel epidemic occurred in 1958 prior to September. I have seen no reference to this epidemic in this country. There was an item on it in the Lancet (a British medical journal) in the Oct. 11, 1958 issue on page 766. This was a summary report on the Fifth European Symposium on Poliomyelitis held in Madrid on Sept. 3 8-300. Two reports are of interest:

1. "Dr. Payne reported that Israel had an epidemic of several hundred cases in 1958, affecting equally those unvaccinated and those vaccinated with Salk’s vaccine and technique. Three doses, but certainly not two doses, "perhaps" had a slightly beneficial effect."

2. Commercial vaccines were indifferent; and we wanted them three times, and in some instances six times more potent than they were, especially as regards Typell."

Aristotle suggests in his treatise on Politics that the electorate, like the medically educated layman, the "user", so to speak, may "turn" out to be a better "judge" than the experts, the statesmen and the political scientist on the one hand, and the practicing physician and the medical scientist on the other.

Two months ago at a polio meeting in N. Y., I found out that, in Israel 70% of the vaccine used to immunize the children under 6 was Lilly vaccine. In this country Lilly sells the most and has the worst, but they seem to have some kind of a tie-up with Salk, Basil O’Connor and the USPHS.

I am running out of time. Under separate cover I will send you all my published writings on the vaccine. Everything I have written in the past still holds. I am sorry that my work load has not permitted me to write more. But when I can get my hands on a $5,000 grant to facilitate matters I intend to do a book. I have managed to keep up on everything that has been going on.

If you need more help from me let me know. This Friday I leave for the meetings of the American Medical Association in Atlantic City and will be there for most of the week. Over the weekend I expect to visit family in N. Y. and will be back to my desk by June 17th. I will do what I can for you, circumstances permitting. To repeat, however, my work load gets heavy and pressing and I can’t always answer immediately. If it is urgent, however, I will manage to.

I do think, however, that the North Carolina and Tennessee law is both unconstitutional and unwise, and I do believe by demonstrating this in the court you will contribute a great service to science."

It was the obvious intent of the 1909 Private Act to compel immunization "shots" against communicable or contagious diseases. It has never been proven that polio is contagious. To be consistent Dr. Lentz should restrict the intermingling or association between the Davidson County residents and those from other areas. It might be interesting to know what the incidence of polio is in adjoining counties where shots are not compulsory and where a far less percentage in the 40 and under group who have availed themselves of this so-called protection.

Why is it that polio is on the increase in spite of the increased number taking the Salk shots. Why is it if Salk shots are 80% effective that there are repeated warnings and scare headlines suggesting the possibility of a polio epidemic.

I am very grateful to the Nashville Banner for the space they have given me to present my position in this important matter which really effects every family in our state and I am sorry to say that our other newspaper has not seen fit to give me the same privilege, however, at my trial I shall have witnesses from various parts of the country who have offered their services to testify in my defense and if the people can get the true facts, I’m sure that during this trial, a great many important facts shall be brought out and I am sure when it’s all over, justice will be done.

Ben Gamble

Edenwold Road

Madison, Tenn.
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Re: The Hidden Dangers In Polio Vaccine, by Eleanor McBean

Postby admin » Sun Dec 13, 2015 4:35 am


"I believe, after a careful study, that the policies of the American Cancer Society are open to question.

"The American Cancer Society was organized in 1913 by a group of public-spirited physicians and laymen. In 1937 the Society launched its first annual drive to obtain funds from the public. It was an honest endeavor, and the activities of the Society during this period can be commended.

"In 1945 the Society was reorganized. A group of influential businessmen joined the Board of Directors, and a program of research was added to complement education and service to the cancer patient.

The new Board of Directors introduced two features into the activities of the Society: get more money from the public and have an exclusively layman’s society distribute funds for research.

"First, let us consider who were the ‘influential businessmen’ who, in 1945, joined the Board of Directors. Among the directors ‘elected’ to the new Board of the American Cancer Society were: Mr. Elmer H. Bobst (of William H. Warner Co.) who became Chairman of the Board, and Mr. James S. Adams (of Lazard Freres etc. Co., New York) who became the Treasurer.

"During the following ten years the team Adams and Bobst has influenced decisively the fate of cancer research in America. During this time, Bobst acted as the owner of the various Warner-enterprises (mostly dealing in pharmaceuticals) and Adams acted as the banker of the Warner-enterprises. (Warner-enterprises have recently been taken over by Lazard Freres etc. Co.)

"There is a record of Bobst’s activities prior to his election as the Chairman of the American Cancer Society. In the book of Mr. Wendel Berge, Assistant Attorney General of the U. S.: ‘Cartels, Challenge to a Free World’ (Public Affairs Press, Washington, D. C.) Elmer H. Bobst is mentioned among those who were prosecuted by the Dept. of Justice for violation of the anti-trust laws.

"On December 17, 1941, Bobst was found guilty by the Court, and fined $6,000.

"The violations of the law of which Bobst was found guilty, included ‘the hostility of cartel members toward a new product which endangers their control of the market. . . In the field of synthetic hormones the cartel control has been such as to be detrimental to our national interest’ (p. 81).

"Among the methods used by the cartels Mr. Berge quotes: ‘It has attempted to suppress the publication of scientific research data which were at variance with its monopoly interest. (p. 84). Research in U. S. has been seriously affected by restrictions imposed by foreign cartel members’. (p. 58).

"Methods to increase money collected from the public met with success. In 1938 the drive brought in $133,487; in 1950 this rose to $13,916, 396 and in 1955 to $24,427,102.

"When a cancer drive for contributions is put on, a scare and accomplishment campaign in the public press is put into effect. Scare slogans are used such as, ‘One in six will die of cancer,’ ‘Seven Danger Signals,’ ‘Woman has to learn to examine her breasts at regular monthly intervals,’ ‘Rapid progress is being made,’ ‘Startling discovery,’ ‘Knocking a hole in the tumor,’ ‘Crash attack on cancer.’ The scare publicity whips the public to a state of mass hysteria.

"In reality, about one in 500 dies each year of cancer and there have been no significant advances made by the organization-controlled researchers of any importance.

"Concerning the distribution of the money to the right, scientists, wasting it on sterile projects, or its use for corruption, the public has no chance to advise or to decide.

"The monopolizing of cancer research started immediately after the new Board was elected to the American Cancer Society. In time, it was perfected. The public accepted the new idea, not realizing that research money in the hands of laymen acting without real control, would easily be used by unscrupulous people to corrupt science.

"In 1947 a new institution called ‘The Damon Runyon Memorial Fund for Cancer Research’ was created. The Fund was successful. As of July 1954, $7,689,218 has been collected from the public.

"The main promoter of this Fund was the former radio-commentator Walter Winchell. Winchell was on radio time paid for by Warner Co. The funds of Damon Runyon Memorial were and are administered by the American Cancer Society. Large funds were also obtained from the U. S. Atomic Commission.

"There was an intertwining of institutions such as the Jane Coffin Childs fund, the Babe Ruth Foundation and others. Through this coordination the American Cancer Society was in complete control of public money spent for cancer research.

"Close relationship was created between the Society and the National Cancer Institute of the U. S. Public Health Service to which the Congress every year votes many millions of dollars for cancer research.

"Dr. John R. Heller, Director of the Institute, became a member of the Board of the American Cancer Society, and James S. Adams of the American Cancer Society became a member of the National Advisory Council of the Institute.

"It was now possible to monopolize this money for projects agreeable to the combine, and to deny it to outsiders.

"In spite of the financial domination of Adams-Bobst, who had every year about $50,000,000 to distribute, there are independent scientists who did not cooperate. A way was devised to annihilate them. The Society announced a new service, described by them as follows: This service assumes a "watch-dog’ responsibility concerning unscrupulous attempts to exploit the universal suffering of cancer in appeals for funds or in respect to ‘cures’ and unproved methods of treatment.

"They now stood with the angels, wrapped in virtue.

"Thus a layman’s society imposes a censorship, self-appointed, upon an important branch of science, promoting itself to a position of scientific authority. When this ‘service’ is consulted, it ‘warns’ people not to give money for projects to which the Society is hostile, or to try any treatment not approved by the Society.

"$1,500,000 in Advertising — In consequence, cancer patients, pronounced hopeless, are deprived of the opportunity of getting relief from newly discovered treatments, and, in addition, the ban of new procedures makes futile endeavors by independents to develop a new, successful method.

"It is surprising that these activities of the American Cancer Society, which are detrimental to the public health, are tolerated and even often supported by the American Medical Association. In late years, this Association has changed basically.

"While before, the Association acted as the promoter of public health and clinical medicine, now it behaves like a union of medical practitioners which exclusively promotes the welfare of its members without regard for the public interest. The Journal of the AMA, which is regarded as the mouthpiece of medical progress, publishes many articles in support of the American Cancer Society without careful investigation of their correctness.

"The American Cancer Society spends $1,500,000 in advertising. It is obvious that such a sum must bring results, publicity wise. On the other hand, anything critical of the Society is not accepted for publication. Money talks.

"The American Cancer Society is conscious of the danger of losing public support as it becomes clear that nothing of value is developed. Therefore, every year before the drive for money begins, the Society inspires reports of "tremendous" achievements in the press. Statistics are quoted showing cancer cures increasing.

"These statistics are fortified by statements issued by Federal Government Agencies.

"As a recent example, we quote the information wired on March 20, 1956. to newspapers: ‘Dr. Leonard A. Scheele, the Surgeon General of the U. S. Public Health Service, stated the rate of cure in cancer cases increased in the past ten years from 15% to more than 50%. These figures are unsupported. Statistics of the last ten years would indicate this claim to be absurd.

"After Scheele lost his position of Surgeon General, he became the President of Warner-Lambert Pharmaceutical Company, a corporation controlled by AdamsBobst.

"No action by the government was taken on the situation. Could the fact that Bobst was important in the Republican Party where he kept the purse as its Treasurer have had any influence? Bobst also made contacts with important people in the Democratic party.

"As a consequence, the problem of cancer is at an impasse, and one of the main stumbling blocks of progress appears to be the activities of the American Cancer Society and its affiliates.

"Cancer research requires money. The expense for chemicals, experimental animals, and for salaries of indispensable assistants and technicians, amounts to considerable sums which only rarely can be afforded by the research-conduction scientist. The independent researcher must have public support. Many prominent people, being convinced that they help fight cancer, have made sacrifices in time, work and money to assist the American Cancer Society.

"When an independent scientist applies to the American Cancer Society, or associated organizations, for funds, regardless of his background or reputation, he is often put through an agonizing experience. Needless to say, he does not get any help.

"Funds collected by these charity appeals, go for research and development to their friends. When a new, important development is announced, the drug monopoly, can, in this way, receive the benefit of the public money in the form of profits received from the products of their manufacture sold to the public.

"I believe in capitalism and democracy. I believe in the profit motive. I am bitterly opposed to Communism. I am also bitterly opposed, and always have been to monopoly. If a medical conspiracy exists, it would be particularly damnable as it would involve the matter of life and death." — Copyrighted article by David M. Kasson, taken from Issue #65, April, 1957 of The bidependent, ($3.00 yearly), 225 Lafayette St., New York 12, New York.

Reprinted by Special Permission of Lyle Stuart, Editor of the former, The Independent — now known as Expose.
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