The Hidden Dangers In Polio Vaccine, by Eleanor McBean

Re: The Hidden Dangers In Polio Vaccine, by Eleanor McBean

Postby admin » Sun Dec 13, 2015 4:37 am

The Nashville Banner
July 9, 1959

A State Penitentiary guard, whose eight-year-old son died of polio Saturday today vowed his daughter, seven months, would "never" be administered Salk anti-polio vaccine.

"I firmly believe those shots put the polio germ in my boy," said Davic Edwards, whose son, Billy Gene, had been vaccinated with a series of three Sail shots.

"I should have stuck to my feelings and never allowed him, or my other children, to be vaccinated," Edwards added tearfully.

His son, who would have been a third grader at Lipscomb School this September, died at General Hospital.

The boy was rushed there Friday after he began vomiting. His temperature also had soared, but he was released after treatment.

"Early Saturday morning he couldn’t even stand up," said Edwards. "We rushed him back to the hospital . . . he died several hours later."

The cause of death — paralytic bulbar polio — was determined after an autopsy. Result of the autopsy was revealed Wednesday, but Edwards said he has not received official word from the hospital.

"All I know is what I read in the paper ... that my boy died of polio. The doctor said I’d be the first to know after the autopsy, but he hasn’t called me yet," Edwards said.

Prior to death. Edwards said his son was apparently in a coma, had difficulty breathing and couldn’t talk.

"I’ve always been opposed to those shots," Edwards said. "My wife has, too. She never was for them. I didn’t want them to give the shots to my children, but my wife said she was told that if they were to go to school they’d have to have them, so I gave in.

"I guess I felt if I didn’t let the children take the shots and then one of them came down with polio . . . well, you know what people would say."

Edwards said he would not allow one of his daughters, Wanda Sue, seven months, to be given the Salk vaccine. He said his other six children, ranging in age from six to 14, all have been given three shots each. He said he would not allow them to be administered the fourth shot.

Dr. John J. Lentz, city-county health director, said he would not attempt to have the children given the fourth shot.

"We recommend the fourth shot, but that’s all," Dr. Lentz said.

Because Wanda Sue is not of school age, Dr. Lentz said there would be no attempt to administer the vaccine to her.

The death of Billy Gene was the third attributed to polio in Tennessee this year. said Dr. C. B. Tucker, in charge of the disease division of the State Health Department. Dr. Tucker added that Billy was the only one of the three that had been given the shots. One of the deaths was in January in Knoxville and the other was a Nashville Negro who died last month.

Six cases of polio have been reported in the state during 1959, Dr. Tucker added. All had at least one or more Salk shots.

Edwards, who resides with his wife and children at 178 Wharf Ave., had been a penitentiary guard for two years. His son was buried in Woodbury Sunday


Next month Ben Gamble, a Nashville Electric Service laborer, is to stand trial in Criminal Court on a charge of refusing to allow two of his school-age children to be vaccinated against polio.

A special venire will be called to select the jury to try Gamble before Judge Homer Weimar.

The jurist recently declared constitutional a little-known state law which requires children to be inoculated against various diseases.

Conviction on the charge is a misdemeanor.

Gamble of Edenwold has said he feels the anti-polio shots are "really more harmful than good."

"When a boy reaches 16 nowadays, his blood is half full of medicine," Gamble has commented.
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Re: The Hidden Dangers In Polio Vaccine, by Eleanor McBean

Postby admin » Sun Dec 13, 2015 4:37 am

Address by Miss Lily Loat
Edited by J. H. Tilden, M.D.
A quotation from "PHILOSOPHY OF HEALTH"
January, 1927.

"It may interest our readers, who are, no doubt, all interested in the vaccination question, to learn that Miss Lily Loat, for many years secretary of the National Anti-Vaccination League of Great Britain, has been touring the states and has been giving lectures in various parts of the country. From the address given by Miss Loat before the English Annual Session of the American Medical Liberty League we quote the following as reported through that astute and courageous paper, The Truth Teller, of Battle Creek, Michigan:

Our own fight against vaccination has been a long and arduous battle. While individuals and small groups were fighting for freedom in this matter as far back as the time of the passing of the compulsory vaccination act of 1853. the definitely organized struggle started with the passing of the harsh vaccination act of 1867, which aimed at compelling every parent of a child to have that child vaccinated within three months of birth. Those who refused could be ordered by the magistrates over and over again until the child attained the age of fourteen to have it vaccinated and could be fined for each refusal to comply with such magistrates’ orders. This law was passed on the assurance of the leaders of the medical profession that vaccination was perfectly safe and a certain protection against smallpox. Although the sanitary condition of England had improved very considerably since the disastrous smallpox epidemic of 1838 (and in this connection for some idea of London in the seventeenth and earliest part of the eighteenth century 1 would refer you to Mrs. Dorothy George’s book, "London Life in the Eighteenth Century").

Although there was certainly a gradual improvement, things were still bad. and between 1853 and 1867 there were three fairly severe smallpox epidemics. The supporters of vaccination played on the fears of the legislators of that day and secured the vaccination act of 1867 without much trouble. But in doing so they lit a fire of resistance that has never been quenched amongst men and women of the Anglo-Saxon race. That fight for freedom from medical tyranny in this particular matter has been waged in England for nearly sixty years and it is going on still.

For many years it was confined mainly to the poorer classes. Only a very few men of intellect and distinction championed our cause. It was natural that most of the disasters due to vaccination should fall on the poorer classes and that those classes should publish them while the upper and middle classes would be more likely to keep such things to themselves. But by degrees what might be called the artisan class, the smaller shopkeepers and the lower middle classes became the backbone of the movement. They paid large sums in fines, they had their goods seized and sold when they could not or would not pay fines. Those who had no goods or would not let them be seized went to prison, some were ruined, and some emigrated to avoid ruin. There are men living in America today whose parents left England on account of the harsh vaccination acts. The public saw honorable, upright men appearing again and again before the magistrates and many began to ask what it could mean when such men were willing to go to such lengths to save their children from the operation. Inquiry was usually followed by conversion to our side and the side of resistance went higher and higher. Defense funds were formed all over the country to assist resisters either to pay the fines inflicted on them or to keep the wives and families when the men went to jail. In more than one case a widow went to prison for carrying out her husband’s injunction never to have the children vaccinated. Elections for boards of guardians — the public authority that had the administration of the vaccination law in its charge — were fought on the vaccination question, and by the year 1898 at least one-fifth of the 600 or more boards in England were pledged not to enforce the law.

Four very important things happened between the passing of the vaccination act of 1867 and the passing of the act of 1898, which contained the first conscience clause.

The first was the smallpox epidemic of 1870-72, which carried off 44,000 persons in England and Wales and proved to hundreds of thousands of people that vaccination is not a protection against smallpox, for that epidemic occurred when 97½ per cent of the people over two and under fifty had either had smallpox or been vaccinated, as was stated by Sir John Simon, chief medical officer to the Privy Council, in his evidence before the select committee which in 1871 inquired into the vaccination act of 1867.

The second very important event was the passing of the great public health act of 1875. The sanitarians had been preaching for years that unless the laws of health were observed no country could be free from any form of zymotic disease, while the vaccinators said, in effect, that you could be as filthy as you liked, only be vaccinated and you would be saved from smallpox. The epidemic of 1870-72 showed that the sanitarians were right and this great act which governs practically all sanitary observances in England today was passed by Parliment some two years after the close of the epidemic.

The third great event was the conversion of two men high up in the medical profession to our side, namely, Dr. Charles Creighton and Professor Edgar M. Crookshank. There had been many other registered doctors who had fought vaccination in England, right from the time Jenner introduced his discovery, but they were not of the standing of these men and they did not write such comprehensive, logical, dispassionate and scientific books as these two men did.

Dr. Creighton was asked about the year 1884 to write the article on vaccination for the ninth edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica. He agreed to do so, but instead of contenting himself with the usual stock statements he went right back to Jenner’s own writings and to contemporary documents. He searched the

pro- and anti-vaccination literature of many countries and came to the conclusion that vaccination is a "grotesque superstition." He wrote to the editor of the Encyclopedia Britannica and said: "If you want an apologetic article, I am not the man to write it." The editor promised to publish whatever he wrote and so in the ninth edition of the Encyclopedia the article on vaccination is an anti-vaccination article. About the same time Creighton wrote a little book called "Cowpox and Vaccinal Syphilis" and a year or so later a larger book called "Jenner and Vaccination."

In 1887 Dr. Edgar M. Crookshank, who at that time was professor of pathology and bacteriology at King’s College, was asked by the government to investigate an outbreak of cowpox in Wiltshire. Sir James Paget drew his attention to Creighton’s work, evidently hoping that Crookshank would refute it, but the results of his laborious investigations are contained in two large volumes entitled "The History and Pathology of Vaccination", in which he says that the credit given to vaccination belongs to sanitation and isolation and that nothing would more redound to the credit of the medical profession than to give up their faith in vaccination.

Although written some forty years ago, these books have never been answered.

The fourth great event in this period was the appointment of a royal commission to inquire into certain aspects of the vaccination question. This commission was appointed in 1889 and sat for seven years. It issued six reports and reported finally in 1896.

When they were appointed nearly all the commissioners were strongly in favor of vaccination and although most of them never surrendered their faith in the operation, after hearing evidence from the anti-vaccinists, they unanimously agreed that at least repeated prosecutions for the same child ought to be stopped. Two of them issued a minority or dissent report, which is, in effect, an anti-vaccination document. Even the majority commissioners went so far as to admit that vaccination was not a permanent protection against smallpox and that it had done injury — injury that was not inconsiderable in gross amount. They suggested that in the case of genuine objectors the compulsory law should be relaxed, but this was in the hope of stopping the agitation against vaccination rather than from any kindly feeling for the objectors.

The result of the commissioners’ report was the vaccination act of 1898. In its first form this did not contain a conscience clause, but it did contain a clause forbidding repeated penalties for the same offense. An election at the town of Reading, fought on the vaccination question, induced the government to insert a conscience clause into its vaccination act. This was against the wishes of a large number of its own supporters, but although they lost the election, they carried out their promise and passed the bill with the conscience clause included.

This conscience clause, which the anti-vaccinists had opposed, knowing that its passage into law would greatly delay the repeal of the compulsory clauses of the vaccination acts, was a very poor affair. Bench after bench of magistrates refused to grant exemption, no matter how strong the applicant’s reasons might be. Men went to court as many as seven times and then failed to get exemption and were subsequently prosecuted for not having their children vaccinated.

The league agitated and agitated until the act of 1907 was passed by the Liberal government which came into office after the election of 1906, during

which the anti-vaccinists had worked strenuously and had got pledges to vote for the repeal of compulsion from over 300 of those returned to Parliament.

That act under which an objector had to make a statutory declaration of his objection to vaccination before the baby is four months old, has resulted in the exemption of nearly five million children in England and Wales under sixteen years of age. These are mainly the children of the middle and working classes, as we call them, but we have support in the higher ranks of society. The duchess of Hamilton’s seven children are all exempted and two of them have King George and Queen Mary as sponsors. Lady Maud Warrender, who also moves in royal circles, paid a fine sooner than have her son vaccinated. Lady Isabel Margesson, sister of the Earl of Buckinghamshire, is a member of the league.

Among scientists our most notable supporters were Alfred Russel Wallace and Herbert Spencer.

We have fifteen or sixteen registered medical men as vice-presidents of our league and there are some thirty others who more or less sympathize with our work. That the number is not more is easily understood. Medical students in England do not study the vaccination question. It is taken for granted at all the medical schools and no student dare question what he is taught. He has to cram a vast amount of book knowledge into his brain and he has neither the time nor the inclination to study any subject not needed for his examinations. When he qualifies he goes into general practice or becomes a specialist, but as the majority of the vaccinations in England are done by the 4,000 public vaccinators, most of the doctors see very little of the operation. They do not realize the harm done by it and their minds have been closed up when they were students.

Of literary men, George Bernard Shaw is our most noted supporter.

Important developments are in sight in England. Early this year the government appointed a committee of inquiry into vaccine lymph. It is certain that the present glycerinated calf lymph has caused deaths from "sleepy-sickness" in England, two London professors having brought to the notice of the government seven of such cases at the end of the year 1922. At the Paris Academy of Medicine in July, 1925, doctors discussed deaths from this disease which had occurred shortly after vaccination in Holland and other European countries. At the beginning of this year there was a conference at The Hague under the auspices of the health committee of the League of Nations, which discussed many matters in connection with smallpox, vaccine lymph, etc., and finally decided to ask each country represented there to appoint a committee to investigate these matters.

Smallpox in England has declined almost to the vanishing point and the recognized dangers of vaccination will probably induce the government to drop compulsory infant vaccination altogether and substitute for it the compulsory vaccination of all persons who have been in contact with smallpox. This, of course, we shall resist with all our might so far as our friends will allow.

In answer to an article headed "Vaccination Wins Again" in the Detroit Saturday Night Press, Miss Loat asks:

(1) That the disease which is being diagnosed as smallpox in unvaccinated persons in England is hardly distinguishable from chickenpox, the absence or presence of vaccination marks being the fact that definitely decides the diagnosis.

This has been admitted by English medical officers of health and the Ministry of Health has twice stated in answer to questions in Parliament that vaccination is one factor in the diagnosis of these cases.

(2) That as in those districts where this very mild disease is running the vast majority of the children are unvaccinated, it would be difficult for the disease to find a child who had been vaccinated in infancy to attack.

(3) That those cases which, though vaccinated immediately after being in contact with this alleged smallpox, subsequently contract it, are all classified as unvaccinated.

(4) That in spite of these official attempts to make out a case for vaccination, the fatality rate of the unvaccinated cases in England is less than half of the vaccinated cases.

(5) That the English Ministry of Health omits to state that in 1872, when 85 per cent of the infants born were vaccinated, there were 19,000 deaths from smallpox in England and Wales, while in 1925, when less than half the children born were vaccinated, there were only 6 deaths from that disease.

The history of vaccination and smallpox in England can be summed up in these words, the truth of which is apparent to any unbiased student of our national statistics: "Much vaccination, little sanitation, much smallpox; little vaccination, improved sanitation, little smallpox."

The children of England, five million of whom are unvaccinated, were never healthier than they are today. The people have shown their detestation of vaccination and neither persuasion nor force will induce them to submit to what the famous Dr. Charles Creighton called "a grotesque superstition."
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Re: The Hidden Dangers In Polio Vaccine, by Eleanor McBean

Postby admin » Sun Dec 13, 2015 4:37 am

447 Crane Blvd.
Los Angeles 65, Calif.
Dec. 31, 1956


Governor Goodwin J. Knight
State Capitol
Sacramento, Calif.

Dear Governor Knight:

According to reports in the papers you are asking for $3,000,000 of public funds to furnish Salk vaccine to California adults under 40 years of age as well as to the children.

As a taxpayer and a spokesman for a large group of thinking people, I feel justified in asking why you are wasting this large sum of our tax money to promote a scheme that has not proved to be either safe or beneficial in the light of true investigation. We know this vaccine has killed many people and caused paralysis in many more who would, undoubtedly, have been well today without the shots of Salk toxoid.

In spite of all the high pressure sales talk and advertising technique, plus the false reports and garbled statistics designed to sell the people and their leaders this dangerous vaccine, enough of the truth has leaked out so that 17 states have already rejected their supplies of Salk vaccine. Why should our great state be the slowest to wake up to this monstrous fraud?

According to an AP report (Dec. 13) "Only 4 states have used up their grants from the $53,600,000 federal appropriation to aid states in providing free vaccine to people under 20 years of age." It is evident that the people do not

want this deadly vaccine and have not been induced to use it up. It is bad enough to have President Eisenhower rob us for this large sum, but why should you rob us again for the same thing?

Health Director Peterson of Idaho didn’t mince words when he stated, to the press, that polio struck only vaccinated children in areas where there had been no cases of polio since the preceding autumn. "In 9 out of 10 cases the paralysis occurred in the arms in which the vaccine had been Injected."

After the American Public Health Service announced that there had been "168 confirmed cases of poliomyelitis among the vaccinated with 6 deaths . . .‘ the Salk promoters clamped down a rigid censorship on the reporting of Salk casualties and the people were told that there were none and that the vaccine was safe and successful.

Even Surgeon General Scheele admitted (to the closed session of the convention of the AMA) that "Salk vaccine is hard to make and no batch can be proved safe before it is given to children." Yet, the public was immediately told that the vaccine was SAFE. They also announced that it was the intention to vaccinate 57,000,000 people before Aug. 1955 (before the propagandized people had a chance to learn of its dangers.) One paper reported that the promoters expected a five billion dollar profit from the vaccine. (See page 29 of HIDDEN DANGERS IN POLIO VACCINE, enclosed.)

We elected you because we had confidence in your integrity and ability. If you have been deceived by these ruthless promoters of a multi-million dollar racket, it is time to turn the tables and open an honest investigation. On the other hand if you are associated with them and knowingly fostering a program that is doing damage to the people under your leadership you will, sooner or later, have to face charges that will not be altogether pleasing.

I am enclosing the booklet titled HIDDEN DANGERS IN POLIO VACCINE which is a compilation of some of the latest findings on the Salk vaccine program and its hazards as well as other vital information about polio. W believe it is worthy of your serious attention. It is to be hoped that this information will help you to gain a broader view of the subject that will help you to reverse your decision on this life and death issue. We ask that you withdraw your ca? for public funds to support private rackets.


Dear Friend:

From an answer I received from Governor Knight, it seems he is determine to use this $3,000,000 he has already taken from the taxpayers, and he suggest raising still more, to vaccinate the whole population under forty. This obvious would be very dangerous to those infected with this poison. The drive will be sometime this month. We had better make our voices heard and write o protests to him immediately.

Yours for Truth and Health
Eleanor McBean
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Re: The Hidden Dangers In Polio Vaccine, by Eleanor McBean

Postby admin » Sun Dec 13, 2015 4:38 am

Washington, D. C.
February 9, 1957

Friends and well wishers of Duon H. Miller, the Florida cosmetic manufacturer who spent many thousands of dollars of his own money to warn the American public against the lethal effects of Salk vaccine, its worthlessness as a preventive, the false propaganda of the serum trust and the doctored "statistics" of the US Public Health Service, will be glad to know that he is now off the hook.

Upon demand of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, whose racket he was seriously interfering with, he was railroaded by a Federal Court in Florida after the Post Office Dept. was importuned to go far afield and split hairs to convict him of sending out "derogatory statements" about the Salk racketeers on a postal card.

There actually is a P0 regulation which says that such statements are all right in sealed mail, but "unmailable" on postal cards. The usual procedure is for postal inspectors to notify the "culprit" and have him sign a stipulation not to do it again. We know this from personal experience. In the Miller case this was not done, because of pressure from NFIP and those who own the serum trust—the House of Rockefeller.

Miller was given a 2-year prison sentence and placed on probation for two years in July of 1955. It was admitted by the "prosecution" that its main object was to stop him from telling the truth about Salk vaccine. So, terms of the probation were that he was not to send anything thru the mails having the slightest reference to vaccine or medicine of any sort.

This (illegally) revoked his rights to freedom of speech and press granted him by the First Amendt to the Constitution. This was so raw that the judge has been prevailed upon to declare the Constitution again in effect. His probation thereupon was "lifted" January 28 instead of causing it to run its full course to July 1957. This also lets the judge off the hook because Congress could have filed impeachment charges against him for violation of his oath in abrogating the Constitution.

The serum trust is getting desperate. They saw in the Miller "prosecution" a warning to all who dared to tell the truth about their deadly racket, so they "went to town" in making it. It now develops they have a "stockpile" for 25,000,000 of these deadly "shots" which they can’t dispose of, even with the fake statistics put out by the US Public Health Service and reprinted widely by the medical and general press.

To dispose of it, they are now resorting to circus methods. They prevailed on a church in Cleveland to help them interfere with God’s work by advertising "coffee, cookies and Salk shots." In Michigan their lobbyists had a bill introduced in the legislature to force the inoculation of all school children. They told the legislature "$2,000,000 worth of Salk shots" is spoiling. In New Jersey they have a similar bill.

They even prevailed on Mr. Eisenhower to use the high office of the Presidency as a huckster stand. By words put in his mouth by serum trust press agents, Ike urged everybody—adults and children—to have three polio shots "while supplies are now plentiful." The royal medics in London hooked Good Queen Bess into having her two children’s health interfered with by polio shots— amid a fanfare of press and radio hokum.

While they were selling these deadly shots like hotcakes, the serum trust was

announcing (thru their stooges in the USPHS) that Salk vaccine "has polio under control." They now say "polio is far from conquered." They have 25,000,000 shots for sale, with a profit of more than $5 a "shot" involved.


THE LATEST foray of The Food and Drug Administration into illegal activities is the libel it is committing on Harry N. Hoxsey (Cancer Cure Fame). They have sent flaring notices to 56,000 post offices with instructions to have them posted on lobby bulletin boards. Every postmaster who puts one of these up is subject to a libel suit, along with the head Food & Drug banditti. DEFENDER MAGAZINE, Wichita, Kansas is now sending out printed petitions for you to sign and mail to your representatives in Washington, D. C. This calls for a Congressional Investigation on The Food & Drug Administration. Their economic well-being depends on people being sick and they have the law on their side. YOU can limit their powers only through your representatives in Washington by acting NOW!


KNIGHT SIGNS BILL FOR POLIO VACCINE—Sacramento, Feb. 6 (AP)—Gov. Knight, saying he hopes to end for always the threat of a major polio outbreak in California, has signed a bill for vaccinating everyone under 40.

The money will go for the purchases of vaccine and the administration of mass inoculations for about 2 million persons.

"For the first time," the governor said yesterday as he signed the bill, "the opportunity is at hand to conquer a major disease in the State of California— crippling polio."

He noted there are 4 million other Californians under 40 and said: "It is hoped the vaccination campaign which soon will get under way will serve as an incentive to the citizens of California to seek vaccinations against crippling polio through their private physcans."



P. 0. Box 1623, Washington, D. C., January 25, 1958

VACCINE ECONOMICS—A 2-year prediction in CAPSULE NEWS came true last week when a verdict for $147,000 was rendered against the Cutter Laboratories of California for the crippling of two children with Salk vaccine.

At the time (in 1956) the US Public Health Service and the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis put on their drive to sell Salk vaccine, to the glory and profit of the Drug Trust, CN said the Cutter Laboratory had been taken into the fold of the six licenses to be the goat "in case something happened."

All of the other five licensees were members of what is known as the Rockefeller Drug Trust, because the House of Rockefeller is heavily interested financially. The jury said the Cutter people were not negligent "either directly or by inference."

This was correct but the jury should have bawled out the real culprits.

Since they hadn’t been indicted they couldn’t have found them guilty, but the jury could have placed the blame where it belonged.

Officials of the USPHS and NFIP are the guilty ones. They had guilty knowledge that this Salk concoction was worthless and was a killer. "Tests" of it were made at the Universities of Michigan and Pittsburgh and the only thing they showed was that the testers were either confused or covering up something.

There was no confusion at the National Institute of Health. One of their scientists, who couldn’t stomach the crippling and killing of innocent children for profit, told CN at the time—the same thing he and his associates told their superiors that Salk vaccine was a crippler and a killer, and of no value as a preventive of polio.

Walter Winchell went on the air a few days later and said Salk vaccine would prove to be "a killer." Officials of the NIH refused to let their children be vaccinated with it. CN also exposed the fact that the idea of Salk vaccine was dreamed up by the NFIP to bolster the sagging receipts of its annual March-of-Dimes racket.

Just as CN predicted, the Cutter Laboratories were selected to be the goat. A significant feature is that nearly all of the business was directed to the five Rockefeller companies—just enough to Cutter to enable Drug Trust press agents to divert attention from the other five killers.

Salk vaccine made a barrel of money in 1956 for the killers.

Pitman-Moore is one of three subsidiaries of Allied Laboratories. So great was the profit from Salk vaccine that Allied’s 1955 profit ($1,292,136) was upped to $2,598,060 in 1956. An increase of profit (not just sales) of around 100% for the parent company.

Eli Lilly made a profit after taxes of $16,328,081 in 1955. With the Salk vaccine sales in 1956 this profit was upped to $30,052,815; an increase of 90%.

Sharp & Dohme is one of 25 subsidiaries of Merck & Company. Salk vaccine sales so boosted Merck’s business in 1956 that its net profit, after the tax bite, was $20,224,427 compared with $15,714,342 in 1955.

Wyeth is one of 41 subsidiaries of American Home Products. Salk vaccine sales boosted AHP’s profits from $20,536,619 (1955) to $31,250,355 in 1956. A 50% profit increase for the parent.

Parke-Davis’ management must have been below that of the others for this dealer in death only increased its 1956 profits from $14,322,015 (in 1955) to $17,645,728.

All of these figures are taken from Moody’s Manual of Industrials, the investors’ bible. All are "after taxes" profits.

The poor Cutter people, goats in the legal action, actually saw their profits drop from $584,219 in 1955 to $188,241 in 1956.

Lloyd’s of London (who will bet on anything) seem to be the big goat, for these six companies have been insured against this kind of thing up to $5,000,000 per company. A trillion dollars couldn’t pay for the cripplings and murders which happened before the companies stopped the slaughter by putting red water in their ampules, instead of the pus of diseased monkey kidneys.


Duon Miller of Florida, the blood chemist who probably is our best posted individual on poliomyelitis, has challenged the sales pitch put out by the USPHS which claims Salk vaccine has made polio decline 62% and paralytic cases 73%.

Even the fake statistics of USPHS can’t make polio victims in the District of Columbia believe this. The Health Dept. records here show nine times as many cases in 1957 as in 1956—this in spite of serum trust claims that Salk vaccine has "wiped out polio."

In a scorching letter to the swivel chair doctor who heads up the USPHS, Mr. Miller pointed out:

"If these figures are the brain-child of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis that alone labels them worthless.

"Its President (Basil O’Connor) knows of clinics in this country that has long successfully treated polio. He has received invitations to visit these clinics; even when he is in their vicinity he ignores them.

"Why? Because he places gold before God.

"An MD, lecturing for NFIP, admitted they had no immediate positive diagnosis for polio. So, it is very clear that NFIP juggle its figures to brainwash the public.

"If a sick child were brought into your office could you, any member of your bureau, or any member of the American Medical Assn., give an immediate, correct and positive diagnosis as to polio? I doubt it.

"Polio is a condition. It is not a dis-ease caused by any mysterious live virus, as no such virus exists. Polio vaccine has never prevented, nor mitigated polio in even one child or adult.. . yet look at the deaths from vaccine.

"An honest Congressional investigation would shock the nation."



300 Bird Road, Coral Gables, Florida

November 14, 1948

Mr. Arthur S. Flemming
Sec’y Health, Education & Welfare
Washington, D. C.

Dear Mr. Flemming:

I have just read an article in Drug Trade News which states the Public Health Service is to work hard on "selling" Salk shots. For quite some time it has appeared that the U. S. Public Health Service seems to be a "sales promotion organization" for the Vaccine Trust, working at the expense of the American taxpayer.

Enclosed you will find a copy of my letter to Dr. Burney written January 8th, delivered to him through our Senator George Smathers, and followed up by a request from Senator Smathers for a reply, but as yet this letter still has not been replied to . . . unquestionably because Dr. Burney could not answer it honestly.

I see in the article I am just reading that the Public Health Service spent about $40,000 on its previous drive and expects to spend that much more money on the new campaign.

Also, he states the fact that no cases of polio can be traced to any lot of vaccine since May of 1955. Let me enclose a couple of clippings here which are typical of happenings all over this country where people have had the three shots and die. If that happened in your family, how would you like it?

Dr. Burney is paid by the taxpayers in this country and if he is so involved he cannot answer a letter honestly, I think he should be removed from office.

It has just been documented in the book "Who Is Your Doctor And Why?’ by Dr. Shadman, M. D. of Boston, that germs do not cause disease nor does virus because there is no such thing.

Now let me quote a paragraph from a Washington newspaper taken from an article I recently wrote:

"The national polio program has been truly disgraceful, ungodly and inhuman. Polio is a condition, not a disease. Since there is no such thing as a virus, polio isn’t caused by a virus . . . Therefore, any polio vaccine is fraudulent, and is rapidly proving itself just that in spite of faked figures and statistics."

We have doctors who are successfully treating polio in this country, and I say it is a crime against God and humanity that U.S.P.H.S. does not bring this information to the public, rather than devote all their time as a "sales agency" for vaccines.

The Asian Flu Vaccine, in my opinion, was a hoax and the old idea of vaccination against small pox has been a hoax for some time and there has been practically no small pox in this country, according to the official figures which I read a couple weeks ago, since it is caused ONLY by the poisonous bite of the bed bug. Why propagate this vaccine, which is of no value, like all the other vaccines?

I think our U.S.P.H.S. should be FOR THE PEOPLE and not for the Vaccine Trust.

I would appreciate a reply to this letter and also to the questions I wrote to Dr. Burney on January 8th. I have been in blood chemistry a good many years and I think I know what I am talking about concerning polio and what a vicious, disgraceful racket it has been, and still is.

I was in hopes that when you took over we would get some common sense in our U.S.P.H.S. and have it run as it should be run for the benefit of the public.

Very truly yours,

Duon H. Miller




Natural Health Guardian, 319 Huntington Ave., Boston 15, Mass., July, 1959

By Dr. T. M. Schippdll, N. D.

Here is something to paste in your hat—statistics show there was more paralysis polio last year—yes, 1958—than any preceding year. And that happened in spite of the highly advertised fact that, during those 12 months of 1958, tens of thousands of units of blood-corrupting polio vaccine were forced into the veins of deluded Americans.

What does this strange anomaly mean? Why, it simply means that, as usual, John Q. Public was taken for a "buggy-ride" by the medical powers-that-be and was hoodwinked into paying good money for a useless blood-poisoner that in actual practice (giving the lie to the rigged medical "results") does not prevent polio, does not treat polio and does not cure polio.

But while we are on the subject, just realize that nobody, not even the most

astute medical doctor, knows what this decaying matter—from a dead monkeys disintegrating kidney—will eventually do to the human body in which blood it is forced. No, the possible dire consequences cannot be foretold by any panel of medical experts with 79 crystal balls and 150 ouija boards. Why? Because they cannot project themselves into the future—they cannot foretell what this poisonous matter—floating in the blood—will eventually develop into. Of course, they all HOPE TO HEAVEN that nothing sinister will happen but they know what DID HAPPEN in a somewhat similar situation when the supposedly HARMLESS pus, taken from the diseased udder of a cow, used in Great Britain supposedly to prevent "small pox", killed—in one year—by syphilis, more than 1,500 infants and gave tens of thousands of other innocents incurable skin diseases that sent many to premature graves.

But you will say, in spite of the rise in paralysis polio, there was NO EPIDEMIC of polio in 1958. True again—and let us find the reason there was no epidemic. An epidemic, of any medical ailment, is always MAN MADE. It never JUST HAPPENS.

Remember back, when we all were threatened with an Asiatic Flu invasion a couple of years ago — a "dreamed up" invasion which never arrived? Why, Asiatic flu is common every year in the Far East where sanitation and hygene are practically unknown. But just how the soothsaying medical "wise-acres" happened to "know" that this year, Asiatic flu would attempt to cross the oceans nobody ever seemed inclined to analyze. Anyway, the "remedy" for that "threatened disaster" was prepared months and months in advance by the sainted Drug Trust and parceled out to the accommodating medical fraternity.

These "guardians of the public health" contaminated the blood of every American who had the price and still possessed illusions about the infallibility of Modern Medicine. Oh, there was a real clean-up of cash through this dirtying of human blood with a concoction from decaying hen’s eggs. We all had friends who suffered nausea and God-knows-what else while the laboratories and medical men were fattening both their pocketbooks and the mortality tables.

But listen—before the date set for the embarkation from the distant shores of this "Asiatic flu invasion," a collection of medical men in California.—disgusted with the bare-faced effrontery of those pushing this prearranged "remedy"

—came out flatfooted and condemned it as dangerous to life and prophesied it would "kill more than it would save."

That ended the "Asiatic flu scare." The laboratories and their compatriots tucked their tails between their legs—the signal was given to "forget the flu invasion"—the great reception committee of needle-pushers was dispersed and the Asiatic flu scare vanished into thin air. But the results are still to be found in the country’s cemeteries.

And remember the Massachusetts polio epidemic of a few years back? The local authorities wanted to close the schools because six or seven cases appeared each day. But those "cases" were never close together—in a geographical way — and those "terrible germs" could not be put on the same family tree. So the schools remained open.

What actually happened was that not one doctor in 50 can diagnose a case of incipient polio so every strain, every wrench, every bit of indigestion was instantly diagnosed as "polio" and so reported to the authorities. Conclusion? That horrible imaginary epidemic found the victims recovering miraculously from

their sprains, wrenches and bellyaches — the excited doctors got paid "polio treatment prices" and the paralysis polio, in Massachusetts that year, was just at its regular normal rate.
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Re: The Hidden Dangers In Polio Vaccine, by Eleanor McBean

Postby admin » Sun Dec 13, 2015 4:39 am

Volume V
Numbers 7-8 Adventures on Health Frontiers 1959
July - August


"And they all with one consent began to make excuses." That’s what the polio vaccine muddle begins to look like. We have tried to follow the polio vaccine matter for the past three years by reading the daily papers, the national magazines and both federal and state health department reports. To say the least, we are in a state of confusion. In this issue we shall bring you items from the papers, national magazines and governmental reports, so that you will be as confused as we are.

Our reason for featuring the polio matter in this issue is, several states are trying to enact compulsory polio vaccination laws and two have already done so. While Tennessee does not have a compulsory law, its public health director has taken the matter into his own hands and has ruled that it is illegal for anyone to send a child to school unless he has been immunized against polio. If you don’t send the child to school you will be arrested, so who makes the law in America? We wonder how any lawmaker can ever think of voting for legislation of this nature when no one knows yet whether the polio vaccine is good or bad. Certainly we know the proponents are in disagreement. Salk blames the makers of the vaccine and the makers say the formula is not right. When the vaccine was first given very bad results followed. Cutter Laboratories got the blame. Then people who were vaccinated still got polio. The departments of health and the manufacturers then said the vaccine was only effective against the type which causes paralysis. Next, when those vaccinated still got the type which caused paralysis we were told you must have two shots. Still those vaccinated came down with the paralytic type and we were told we must have three shots — that would do the trick. Still today we have those with three shots contracting the paralytic type of polio and we are told we should have four shots, and probably the job will have to be done over every eighteen months, or less. We ask, where do we go from here?

As you peruse the pages of this Bulletin you will find news items and reports which would lead anyone, who will think the problem through, to conclude that in proportion to the percentage of the population vaccinated, the same percentage of those vaccinated have polio of the paralytic type as those who have not been vaccinated. This regardless of whether one, two or three shots had been had.

To be fair, we must state that since the inauguration of the Salk polio shots the governmental agencies in order to make a good showing, adopted a policy of listing as polio victims only those who were proved so by laboratory tests. Before the inauguration of this policy anyone with the right symptoms was listed as a polio victim. This new procedure reduced the total number of folks recorded

paralytic polio because the overall total of all cases was reduced. This does not, however, affect the fact that practically the same percentage of vaccinated have paralytic polio as the unvaccinated.

To make the matter more confusing, about the time the United States Departments of Public Health became the salesman for the makers of Salk vaccine, certain scientists in America were developing a live polio remedy which was proving very effective. It could be taken by mouth, one or two doses gave 100 per cent immunity. It was cheap. It would not require the services of a doctor nor would it require a million hypodermics, nor could it be controlled by the six big drug houses, etc. On other pages you will find more about this vaccine. The question is, why was not the United States Health Department interested in this development? Why did the Department rush the Salk vaccine into use before it was ready?

Is there an unholy alliance between our United States Department of Public Health and the large drug houses? Can the public trust the Department to do that which is best for the people? It would seem the time has come for a congressional investigation of this matter. This is a very serious matter. The public is entitled to know the truth. Such an investigation can be had if the public will demand it. The pens or pencils of one million folks will accomplish it if those pens and pencils are used to write to the legislators at Washington.

THIS ONE THING WE ARE NOT CONFUSED ABOUT: "THE AMERICAN PEOPLE MUST ORGANIZE AND FIGHT FOR THEIR LIVES". The National Health Federation has been brought into being for such a purpose. Its Washington Office is on the job. For the first time in history the American people have a voice in Washington. We must support it and keep it strong. Urge your friends to join.

Polio 1958 and 1959 News

Increase in Paralytic Polio Cases — Public Health Service reports that from January to August, 1957, out of a total of 3,212 polio cases there were 1,055 paralytics, or 33.5 of the total.

From January 1st to August 1958 there was a total of 1,638 cases of polio, with 801 of them paralytic, or 49% of the total.

Polio Hits Honolulu

The following reports cover the period from August, 1958, to April, 1959. These items are taken from day-today newspaper reports. June 19, 1958—The wave of polio among military-connected families continues with the ‘report of two more cases in Tripler Army Hospital. This brings a total for this year to 21. Victims are William M. Thomas, Jr., four-year old. He had one polio shot in May and is suffering from paralysis of both legs. The other victim, Dennis W. Prescott, two-year old. He had his first Salk shot May 15th and is suffering from paralysis in both arms, left shoulder and back.

September 5, 1958—The Territory’s 56th case of polio, a one-year-old army dependent, has paralysis in both arms and legs. The infant had two Salk shots, the last one March 3rd.

Two more army dependents, one of whom had a complete series of three Salk Vaccine shots, have been hospitalized with polio. Dr. James Enright with the Territorial Board of Health said one of these had received three vaccine shots, the last one on April 16th. His case is the 8th this year in which the victim

Had all vaccine shots. The patient is suffering paralysis on the right side of his face. The second patient is suffering a paralysis of both her arms and legs. Her condition is serious. The patient had received two vaccine shots, the on March 3rd.

August 12, 1958 — The condition of Air Force Sgt. Patterson, who is suffering from Bulbar Polio, was described as "grave" this morning. The sergeant, his wife and two children, one and three years old, received their first polio shots on June 9th.

July 18, 1958 — the newest civilian case is a part Hawaiian three-year-old girl. She has paralysis of the right leg. She has had no Salk vaccine. The second case reported today is suffering from paralysis of the right shoulder. This patient had had two Salk shots, the last July 2nd.

September 13, 1958 — Five more polio cases were reported in Honolulu today. The five cases included a three-year-old girl who had received all three Salk vaccine shots. She is the 9th fully vaccinated Islander to come down with polio.

Two of the others reported today had received two shots. One is suffering with paralysis of the neck muscles and the other has paralytic symptoms in her left foot. The two other victims reported both with mild forms of paralysis had not received Salk shots.

September 18, 1958 — The Territory of Hawaii’s 62nd polio victim of this year is a two-year-old Marine dependent who had received all three Salk vaccine shots. The victim is suffering from paralysis of the left leg. The boy received his third shot two weeks ago and is the 10th Island resident inoculated with three Salk shots to come down with paralytic polio.

October 1, 1958 — Two more polio cases were reported today bringing this year’s total to 65. One victim, a twenty-year-old woman, suffering with weakness of her left leg, had received no polio shots. The other victim, a nine-months-old boy suffers from a paralysis of his left leg. The boy received two Salk vaccine shots, the last one in April.

October 16, 1958 — Hawaii’s 68th polio victim of the year was reported today. The patient has no paralysis and had had two Salk shots.

September 24, 1958 — Honolulu health officials cannot understand why their vaccination program is bogging down. They say 15% less people are getting their third shots than was the case in 1957. From the foregoing record as published in the newspaper it is not hard for a layman to understand why the public shies away from the Salk vaccine.

Does Salk Vaccine Protect?

The Honolulu Advertiser on July 15, 1958, carried a statement by Doctor Enright of the Territorial Department of Health as follows: "Of the 32 discovered paralytic polio cases so far this year, six had had three Salk shots; six had had two shots; four had one shot, the rest, none." This makes 16 of the 32 who had been vaccinated. Percentage-wise, it is 50%.

In an article published in the same newspaper April 22, 1959, Doctor Enright is again quoted: "Of Hawaii’s polio victims last year 16 had received three Salk shots. No one who received the recommended four shots was stricken," Doctor Enright continues. "About 60% of the Island’s population has had polio shots."

Checking the newspaper items we find that of 65 who had suffered from polio during 1958, 32 had paralytic polio for which the Salk vaccine was specifically developed to prevent. Of these cases 16 had received three, two, and one shots. This is 49 8/l0ths per cent of the total of 65 cases who suffered from paralytic polio. According to Doctor Enright’s figures, as taken from the article of April 22nd, 60% of the Island’s population has had polio shots. This means that a greater percentage of those inoculated against polio came down with the disease than those who received no inoculation. If these news reports are true, it must follow that the polio vaccination program actually increases the incidence of polio and does not protect against the paralytic type of polio.

That the Honolulu polio situation regarding paralytic cases is typical all over the nation during this same period is borne out by a press dispatch quoting the United States Public Health Service. The date of the dispatch is August 22, 1958: It says: "Out of 233 polio cases reported by the states, 114 were paralytic," or 49 9/10th per cent paralytic. The dispatch continues that during the year 1957 the figures for the comparable week were 314 cases of which 81 cases were paralytic, or 25 8/10ths per cent paralytic. We vaccinate against paralytic polio and each year the per cent of that type increases.

Dr. Salk Calls for Public Understanding

Dr. Jonas E. Salk, in an analysis of the preparation and administration of poliomyelitis vaccine, has described a "temporary situation that will require the exercise of judgment by practicing physicians and health officers, and understanding by the public as well."

Speaking at the Scientific Symposium on Polio Vaccine, University of Michigan School of Public Health, Dr. Salk said his study of the occurrence of paralytic polio in some people who have had three doses of vaccine leads him to suggest:

"That the use of vaccines of less than optimal potency may well be the principal reason for the occurrence of paralytic polio in persons who have had three doses of vaccine."

"That the attainment of potency levels of an order of magnitude sufficient to induce the desired effects after one or two doses in practicably feasible."

Who Is Right?

National Institute of Health — Trouble’s brewing between Dr. Jonas Salk and pharmaceutical houses making the polio vaccine bearing his name. Dr. Salk blames "weakness" of the manufactured product for cases of paralytic polio in persons having had the recommended three shots of vaccine. Throwing the ball right back, the pharmaceutical people say they are following Dr. Salk’s formula— in other words, if the vaccine is weak, it’s his fault, not theirs.

Polio Vaccine Fed to Russ

MOSCOW, June 17 — The Communist party organ Izvestia said today nearly 2 million Russian children have been given spoonful of Soviet-produced live polio vaccine and not a single case of polio developed.

The questions were deeply challenging and vitally important Is a live-virus polio vaccine safe and effective?

Should such a vaccine be used generally us place of the "killed" developed by Dr Jonas Salk?

The whole problem of poliomyelitis, and how to eliminate it once and for all, was being threshed out this week at a World Health Organization conference in Washington, D. C., where some 50 international scientists met to check results of the first experimental tests with three new live-virus serums.

All developed in this country, the three are: (1) The widely publicized vaccine of Dr. Albert Sabin of the University of Cincinnati, which has been tried out experimentally on 3.8 million Russians, 143,000 Czechoslovakians, 200,000 people in Singapore, and 2.5 million Mexicans; (2) a strain made by Dr. Hilary Koprowski of the Wistar Institute, Philadelphia, already used in a mass inoculation program of 320,000 in the Belgian Congo, with a new testing program ready to start among Polish children, and (3) the carefully screened and tested live vaccine of Dr. Herald Cox of the Lederle Laboratories, Pearl River, N. Y., with which selected groups of Minneapolis, Minn., school children have been inoculated.

Many Advantages?

Up to now, none of the three strains has been tried on a mass scale in the U. S. because a large percentage of the population already has been vaccinated with the Salk "killed" product. Nevertheless, Drs. Sabin, Cox, and Koprowski believe that the live polio vaccine is the final answer to polio. If successful, the advantages are many: Live vaccine costs less; it is easy to administer in syrup, spray, or pill form; it provides longer immunity; it not only protects against paralyzing polio, as the Salk shots do, but also against all polio infections.

Another appraisal of live-virus vaccine will be made on July 7 in New York when the National Foundation, which has supported Dr. Albert Sabin’s research with grants amounting to $1.5 million, will hold a conference to determine its value. The evaluation group, headed by Dr. Thomas B. Turner of Johns Hopkins University, will include the original committee that recommended the first Salk-vaccine trials. "Reports from the Sabin live-virus-vaccine trials appear encouraging," said Basil O’Connor, president of the National Foundation. "But before the new vaccine is made generally available, it must be licensed by the National Institute of Health in Washington. We cannot be sure if and when a live vaccine will be so licensed. In the meantime, there is only one sensible thing to douse the Salk killed-virus vaccine to the fullest extent." — Newsweek, June 29, 1959.

Are you confused? We are! We would like to know the truth and we feel that only an impartial congressional investigation of this entire matter can ferret out the facts.

Editor’s Note: It will be interesting to see when the U. S. Department of Public Health okays a live Polio Vaccine if at all.

1. Will they wait until the six big drug houses get rid of their immense stock of Salk.

2. Will they O.K. it at all unless the manufacture of it is in the hands of these drug companies.

3. Will they refuse to okay the others and give the go-ahead to the Doctor Cox vaccine, because it is owned by Lederle Drugs, one of the big six.
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