Black Stone, by Wikipedia

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Black Stone, by Wikipedia

Postby admin » Wed Mar 30, 2016 6:31 am

Black Stone
by Wikipedia



The Black Stone, surrounded by its silver frame and the black cloth kiswa on the Kaaba in Mecca

The Black Stone (called الحجر الأسود al-Hajar-ul-Aswad in Arabic) is a Muslim object of reverence, said by some to date back to the time of Adam and Eve. It is the eastern cornerstone of the Kaaba, the ancient stone building towards which all Muslims pray, in the center of Masjid al-Haram, the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia.[1] The Stone is roughly 30 cm (12 in.) in diameter, and 1.5 meters above the ground.[2]

Meanwhile, the Nazi involvement in Saudi Arabia became more and more extreme. The State Department and Department of the Interior did not have to rely on Army Intelligence reports from Britain and their own G-2 agents to discover the extent of that involvement. Details of it leaked into such liberal publications as Asia and the Americas and Great Britain and the World. From these sources, from German Foreign Office document 71/51181 (July 22, 1942) and from recently declassified secret reports prepared by British Intelligence on Walter Schellenberg of the Gestapo, it is possible to determine the extent of Nazi influence on Ibn Saud in the middle of the war. The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem was, until the time of Italy's collapse as an Axis partner, living in Rome, working with the agents of Kurt von Schroder's friend and associate Ambassador Franz von Papen in Ankara, Turkey, to send out agents through the Arab states. In Saudi Arabia fanatical Arabs were trained as Nazis at German universities and schools. From a headquarters in a carpet shop in Baghdad, Dr. Fritz Grobba, German minister to Iraq, ran espionage rings, subsidized Arabic newspapers and clubs in the Saudi Arabian capital of Jidda, The German TransOcean News Agency functioned as an espionage and propaganda agency in Jidda. The Nazi spy Waldemar Baron von Oppenheim, until recently in the United States and Syria, was headquartered in Saudi Arabia. Many Nazis flocked in disguised as tourists or technicians. They constructed roads and built factories. They formed German-Arab societies and learned Arab language so as to address crowds and whip them up into a fanatical support of Hitler. Ibn Saud, as always, played both ends against the middle, protesting admiration for Roosevelt and Churchill while authorizing his personal representative Rashid Ali EI-Kilani to continue to represent him in Berlin and address the Moslem society there.

-- Trading With the Enemy, by Charles Higham

When pilgrims circle the Kaaba as part of the Tawaf ritual of the Hajj, many of them try, if possible, to stop and kiss the Black Stone, emulating the kiss that it received from Muhammad.[3] If they cannot reach it, they are to point to it on each of their seven circuits around the Kaaba.[4]

The Stone is in pieces, from damage which was inflicted during the Middle Ages. It is now held together by a silver frame, which is fastened by silver nails to the Stone.

Origins and History

There are varying opinions as to the Stone's history and nature.

Many Muslims believe that the Stone fell from Heaven during the time of Adam and Eve, and that it was once a pure and dazzling white, but has turned black because of the sins it has absorbed over the years.[2]

Some say that the Stone was found by Abraham (Ibrahim) and his son Ishmael (Ismail)[5] when they were searching for stones with which to build the Kaaba, around 1700-2000 B.C.[6] They recognized its worth and made it one of the building's cornerstones. It was also said that the stone was given to (Ibrahim) Abraham by the Archangel Gabriel.[7]

Non-Islamic historians point to the history of baetylus, or meteorite worship, in pre-Islamic Arabia, and say it is likely that the Stone is a meteorite.[7][8][9] Grunebaum, in Classical Islam, says that the Kaaba was a place of pilgrimage even in pre-Islamic times, and was probably the only sanctuary built of stone, but that there are other sources which indicate there were other Ka'ba structures in other parts of Arabia. A "red stone", the deity of the south Arabian city of Ghaiman, and the "white stone" in the Ka'ba of al-Abalat (near the city of Tabala, south of Mecca). He points out that the experience of divinity of that time period was often associated with stone fetishes, mountains, special rock formations, or "trees of strange growth."[10]


A 1315 image of Muhammad lifting the Black Stone into place, when the Kaaba was rebuilt in the early 600s[11]

It is clear that the Black Stone was an object of veneration even before Muhammad, but in modern Islam, he is clearly associated with it.

Early chroniclers say that the Kaaba was rebuilt during Muhammad's lifetime, after damage caused by a flood. Around 600 A.D., the various tribes worked together on the project, but there was some contention among the Quraysh, Mecca's ruling clan, as to who should have the honor of raising the Black Stone to its final place in the new structure. Muhammad is said to have suggested that the Stone be placed on a cloak and that the various clan heads jointly lift it. Muhammad then placed the Stone into its final position with his own hands.[11][12]

The current ritual of the Hajj also involves pilgrims attempting to kiss the stone seven times (once for each circumambulation of Kaaba), emulating the actions of Muhammad. When Umar ibn al-Khattab (580-644), the second Caliph, came to kiss the Stone, he said in front of all assembled: "No doubt, I know that you are a stone and can neither harm anyone nor benefit anyone. Had I not seen Allah's Messenger [Muhammad] kissing you, I would not have kissed you."[13] Many Muslims follow Umar: they pay their respects to the Black Stone in a spirit of trust in Muhammad, not with any belief in the Black Stone itself. This, however does not indicate their disrespect to the stone, but their belief that harm and benefit are in the hands of God, and nothing else. In modern times, large crowds no longer make it practically possible for everyone to kiss the stone, so it is currently acceptable for pilgrims to simply point in the direction of the Stone on each of their circuits around the building. Some even say that the Stone is best considered simply as a marker, useful in keeping count of the ritual circumambulations (tawaf) one has performed.[14]

Some Muslims also accept this hadith, from Tirmidhi, which asserts that at the Last Judgement (Qiyamah), the Black Stone will speak for those who kissed it:

It was narrated that Ibn ‘Abbas said: The Messenger of Allah said concerning the Stone: "By Allah, Allah will bring it forth on the Day of Resurrection, and it will have two eyes with which it will see and a tongue with which it will speak, and it will testify in favour of those who touched it in sincerity."[15]


There are conflicting stories about the reason that the Stone is in pieces. Some sources state that it occurred as the result of a theft in 930 CE, when Qarmatian warriors sacked Mecca and carried the Black Stone away to their base in Bahrain. According to this version of the story, it was returned twenty-two years later, but in a cracked and damaged state.[16][17] According to the 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica, the damage occurred during a siege in 638.[7] Another account has it happening later, during a siege launched by a general of the Umayyad caliph Abd al-Malik (646-705).[18]



1. Sheikh Safi-ur-Rahman al-Mubarkpuri (2002). Ar-Raheeq Al-Makhtum (The Sealed Nectar): Biography of the Prophet. Dar-us-Salam Publications. ISBN 1591440718.
2. SaudiCities - The Saudi Experience. Makkah - The Holy Mosque:The Black Stone. Retrieved on August 13, 2006.
3. Elliott, Jeri (1992). Your Door to Arabia. ISBN 0-473-01546-3.
4. Mohamed, Mamdouh N. (1996). Hajj to Umrah: From A to Z. Amana Publications. ISBN 0-915957-54-x.
5. Austin Cline. The Kaaba in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Retrieved on 2007-05-04.
6. Walking the Bible: Timeline. (2005). Retrieved on 2007-05-04.
7. "Mecca" in the 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica.
8. Brother Andrew. Islam: Meteorite Worship of the black stone. The Interactive Bible. Retrieved on 2007-05-05.
9. March of Islam, pp. 26, 47
10. Grunebaum, p. 24
11. University of Southern California. The Prophet of Islam - His Biography. Retrieved on August 12, 2006.
12. Saifur Rahman al-Mubarakpuri, translated by Issam Diab (1979). Muhammad's Birth and Forty Years prior to Prophethood. Ar-Raheeq Al-Makhtum (The Sealed Nectar): Memoirs of the Noble Prophet. Retrieved on 2007-05-04.
13. University of Southern California. Pilgrimage (Hajj). Retrieved on August 12, 2006.
14. The Saudi Arabia Information Resource. The Holy City of Makkah. Retrieved on August 12, 2006.
16. Qarmatiyyah. Overview of World Religions. St. Martin's College. Retrieved on 2007-05-04.
17. "Black Stone of Mecca." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2007. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 25 June 2007 <>.
18. Time-Life Books (1988). Time Frame AD 600-800: The March of Islam, 47. ISBN 0-8094-6420-9.


• Grunebaum, G. E. von (1970). Classical Islam: A History 600 A.D. - 1258 A.D.. Aldine Publishing Company. ISBN 202-15016-X
• Sheikh Safi-ur-Rahman al-Mubarkpuri (2002). Ar-Raheeq Al-Makhtum (The Sealed Nectar): Biography of the Prophet. Dar-us-Salam Publications. ISBN 1591440718.
• Elliott, Jeri (1992). Your Door to Arabia. ISBN 0-473-01546-3.
• Mohamed, Mamdouh N. (1996). Hajj to Umrah: From A to Z. Amana Publications. ISBN 0-915957-54-x.
• Time-Life Books (1988). Time Frame AD 600-800: The March of Islam, ISBN 0-8094-6420-9.
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Re: Black Stone, by Wikipedia

Postby admin » Wed Mar 30, 2016 6:48 am

Later Hitler took Dr. Stein up the Danube to visit his mystic teacher, a rustic woodcutter and herbalist named Hans Lodz "who retained in his peasant's blood the last traces of the atavistic clairvoyance of the ancient Germanic tribes" and who "resembled a mischievous yet malevolent dwarf from the pages of Grimm's Fairy Tales or an illustration from a book on ancient Germanic folklore". 16 The men took a swim in the river at which Dr. Stein noticed that Hitler had only one testicle.

It was Lodz, Dr. Stein learned, who had prepared for Hitler a peyote concoction that afforded him psychedelic insight into his past lives. The peyote itself had come from Pretzche, who had lived for a time in the German colony in Mexico. Hitler had hoped that his former existences, viewed in his drug trance, would include an early incarnation as a powerful Teutonic ruler, but it was not to be.

Instead his psychedelic perception revealed non Eschenbach's Parzival to have been prophetic of events that would take place a thousand years after it was written, i.e. in the present. And it showed Hitler to have been the historical personage behind the evil sorcerer Klingsor, the very spirit of the anti-Christ and the villain of Parzival.

According to Dr. Stein's work, Klingsor was in fact Landulf II of Capua, the traitorous confidant of the Holy Roman Emperor who betrayed Christianity to the Moslem invaders of Italy and Spain.

Armed with the knowledge of his black spiritual ancestry, Ravenscroft writes, Hitler moved to Germany, joined the Bavarian Army, survived the hellish trench warfare on the western front, won the Iron Cross, second class, and got discharged in Munich where he encountered the men who were to invent National Socialism.

Virtually every study of Hitler's time in Munich mentions the Thule Society as superficially a kind of Elk's Club of German mythology which met often and openly at a fancy metropolitan hotel and for a time counted Hitler as a member. Behind the scenes, however the society seems to have been considerably more sinister.

Robert Payne whose excellent Hitler biography contains no occult explanations, describes the Thule Society as the center of the right wing opposition to the brief Bavarian postwar socialist coup under the Jewish intellectual Kurt Eisner.

The reaction set in swiftly, as the extreme right gathered its forces. The headquarters of the reaction was the Hotel Vierjahreszeiten, where several floors were given over to the Thule Society, ostensibly a literary club devoted to the study of Nordic culture but in fact a secret political organization devoted to violent anti-Semitism and rule by an aristocratic elite. The name of the organization derived from ultima Thule, the unknown northern land believed to be the original home of the German race.

The symbol of the Thule Society was a swastika with a dagger enclosed in laurel leaves.

Most of the occult historians of the era believe the Thule Society operated on a deeper level still, a level headed by a mysterious figure called Dietrich Eckart. Goodrick-Clarke calls Eckart Hitler's mentor in the early days of the Nazi Party, along with Rudolf Hess and Alfred Rosenberg. 18

According to Ravenscroft [Spear of Destiny], Eckart, like Hitler, first achieved transcendence through psychedelic drugs. Research on peyote by the German pharmacologist Ludwig Lewin had been published in 1886, leading to widespread popular experimentation. Later a heroin addict, in earlier days Eckart used peyote in the practice on neopagan magic in Berlin. He came to believe that he, too was the reincarnation of a ninth century character. In his case it was Bernard of Barcelona, a notorious betrayer of Christianity to the Arabs and a black magician who used thaumaturgy to hold off Carolingian armies in Spain.

Ravenscroft writes 'there can be little doubt' that both Crowley and Eckart conducted deep studies of the Arabian astrological magic performed by Klingsor's real life counterpart, Landulf II. It was to Sicily -- then a Moslem stronghold -- that Landulf fled after his traitorous links to Islam were disclosed. And it was in a dark tower in the mountains of the southwest corner of that island that his evil soul festered with additional bitterness over his castration by the relatives of a noblewoman he had raped. There he practiced sadistic satanism of a nature that foreshadowed the horrors of Nazi concentration camps.

-- "The Controversy of the Occult Reich," by John Roemer
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Re: Black Stone, by Wikipedia

Postby admin » Wed Mar 30, 2016 6:55 am

The "Klingsor of the Anti-Grail" was Landulf II of Capua (Capri) who resided in the Castle Merveille (Castle of Wonders). Wolfram (Tungsten) calls the Castle of Klingsor by the title Kalot Enbolot. Klingsor or Landulf II was referred to as the "wickedest man of the century" and an associate of the corrupt Pope John VIII. The former was required to flee his "Castle of Wonders" because of its hated reputation for sexual depravity and its alleged alliances with the nation of Islam. He sought refuge in the occupied Arab territory of Sicily at Carlta Belota (Kalot Enbolot) on the exact site of an ancient fertility Temple of Aphrodite Porne where he resumed his occult practices. In the Wagnerian opera, Klingsor and his cronies attempt to rob the followers of the Holy Grail of their vision through ritual sexual perversions thereby robbing the pious of their Celestial guides.

Klingsor is sometimes identified as the Bishop ("Lord of Terra di Labur") of Naples and Capri and the brother of Queen Sybillia of Sicily. This queen gave birth to a son conceived during a rite of magica sexualis which, when discovered by King Henry VI, was castrated and Klingsor tortured on the rack since he had been the "operator" (father) during the sex magic.

The Klingsor "Spear of Destiny" is a story of heretical and esoteric Christianity involving Camelot symbolism. In order to make amends with a certain "Hugo of Tours," Charlemagne offered him anything he desired to which Hugo asked for "the previous thing kept in a silver casket which Charlemagne had received from Patriarch Fortunatus". The casket alluded to was thought to contain the Blood and a portion of the Body of Christ along with a fragment from the True Cross. Having obtained the object of his desire, Hugo placed it upon a camel (questing beast) and "admonished" (?) the camel to "perform his sacred duty" and take the reliquary to its sacred site. Wherever the camel first halted and laid down its burden would become the home of the silver casket.

At the height of his battle for Sicily, General Patton visited the Klingsor Castle site at Carlta Belota in the mountains above Monte Castello (Castle Mountain). Patton was as steeped in mysticism as Adolf Hitler and Rudolf Hess and believed himself to have been reincarnated. Patton sealed off the Oberen Schmid Gasse in Nuremburg, Germany, when it was rumored that Hitler had possession of the Spear of Destiny and stored it in a secret vault at this location. Patton ordered intelligence agents to locate the spear; its whereabouts, if it exists at all, are unknown today.

-- King Kill 33, by James Shelby Downard & Michael A. Hoffman II
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