The Camera Assassin III: Confessions of a gutter press photo

Gathered together in one place, for easy access, an agglomeration of writings and images relevant to the Rapeutation phenomenon.

Re: The Camera Assassin III: Confessions of a gutter press p

Postby admin » Sun Apr 03, 2016 3:52 am

Chapter 7 - Rampant Bonking at the News of the World

When Murdoch hired me as a News of the World photographer, he knew full well that I was an ex-criminal with a seedy and sleazy past. But so was pretty well everyone at the News of the World where I worked for some two decades. In fact, whole departments from lofty executives to lowly reporting hacks would all go bonking in the very establishments we were exposing.

Except for one club, the Cabaret Club in Old Bond Street. For many years while I was at the News of the World, me and Ray Chapman (the paper’s longest serving reporter) had been putting the heat on this clip joint. The club was owned by a man called Toni Ingleman, who has a string of convictions for living off immoral earnings. If we took off the heat, Ingleman promised, he would let us visit the club for a taste of its delights whenever we liked. Obviously we took him up on his offer and so did most of the other staff members at the time, including the news editor, Alex Marunchak who worked at the News of the World between 1981 and 2006 and moonlighted as an Ukrainian interpreter for the Metropolitan Police for 20 years while still at the newspaper, but that's another story.

The Cabaret Club turned into a bordello almost exclusively used by News of the World staffers. Nor did we confine ourselves to Bond street. Far from it. Me and Chapman probably had a thousand ‘legovers’ apiece during the late seventies and eighties. At least we were culpable many, many more times than the people we purported to expose. We also acted as procurers for several other members of staff, including some of the hierarchy. Me and Chapman, acting openly as pimps for News of the World staffers, high and low, were paid in ‘shifts’ at £180 a time. At one stage both of us were doing nine ‘shifts’ a week. After a while we did not need to do any real work at all. Executives would sign the dockets automatically, and then go off to Toni’s for a screw.

Over a very long period of time, Toni Ingleman's club put on orgies for the News of the World staff. All we had to do was to promise that the club would never be exposed.

Ian Cutler

After leaving the News of the World and setting up Scallywags magazine, I began to tell the truth of what really happened back then. It appears that after we published parts one and two of this story, where rat eats rat and then exposes himself, the Screws’ took exception and began a harassment campaign of our outlets, printers, distributors and so on. Murdoch was obviously unable to take being spanked with his own riding crop. Of course this behaviour ensured that we would continue with the series. After all, there was a lot more dirt where this lot came from.

The News Of The World “Animal’s Room”: The recent book on the history of the News of the World, "150 Years: the News of the World Story" by Cyril Bainbridge and Roy Stockdill, proudly names all the stalwart soldiers who have battled to save public morals and expose the sleazy side of the life. The only thing the authors did not mention was that at one time or another, pretty well everyone they have named was at it themselves. It refers to ex-editor Barry Askew in derogatory terms about his relationship with the ghastly woman Sonia Sutcliffe, but it falls short of mentioning that he took her to The News Of The World's “Animal’s Room” on a regular basis every time she came to the office. It was here that she would give him a blow job during “sensitive negotiations”.

The "Animal’s Room” was upstairs in the old Bouverie Street office and had been set aside as a den for anyone to sleep after a later shift when they could not get home, but in reality it was a permanent bordello. In more generous times, pre- Murdoch, there had been a similar suite permanently reserved for similar purposes at the Strand Palace Hotel within easy walking distance of the office. Rupert, however, soon got to know about the indiscretions and cancelled the facility.

Gobbling: The “Animal Room” was my idea, but all I had done was move the sleaze into the hallowed building itself.

Central to all the indiscretions was Tina Dalgliesh, a former secretary who had, literally, gobbled her way to the top and become an ‘ace’ reporter on the feature’s desk. She very nearly lived in the “Animal’s Room”, and there were very few staffers, from Deputy Editor Phil Wrack downwards, who had not had their flies undone.

A senior executive, Stuart Kuttner, had a different predilection. He not only liked to dress up as a woman, but he was an uncontrollable voyeur who, dressed up and fully made up, would haunt the brothels of Shepherd’s Market.

I often used to screw Rosanne, secretary to the controversial and foulmouthed Kelvin McKenzie, Rosanne claimed that Kelvin “didn’t seem to know what to do with it”, even, apparently, when it was exposed under his desk. Using his brother’s name, Craig McKenzie got into the act, even at one stage with Mike Parker (former Features Editor at the Daily Star). In full view of everyone they used to do a “double gobble” with two of Toni’s whores.

Whores Galore: I remember a notorious party I threw at my home in Mercers Road, Islington. With the promises of hoards of whores, just about everyone on the News of the World turned up. I did not let them down. Features supremo, Rod Tyler, “good friend” of Caroline Thatcher, did a free floorshow by bonking a girl called Jean Leyland on a sofa. He ‘paid’ me by signing a docket for two shifts - £140 at the time.

Upstairs, Gerry-can Brown had ignored the ten top call girls supplied by me from Toni’s Club and settled for the faithful Tina Dalgliesh. In the next bedroom veteran reporter Ray Chapman was doing it the wrong way up with Rosalie Shan, the “fashion” editor who had become quite used to office customs.

Even one of the authors of the "150 Years: the News of the World Story" book, Roy Stockdill (who ended up as news editor of the sanctimonious Screws) was at it with one of Toni’s girls.

The News of the World has gone now, never to be seen again. It was an institution for 168 years. Every time you read of an orgy you would know that the article had been written by the world’s greatest experts on the subject. Vintage Presbyterian Rupert Murdoch has been sent a copy of this present book in the hopes he might buy it for a SKY TV mini-series.

Carbon Tetrachloride: One day Ray Chapman called me to the hospital where his wife lay near to death. Chapman was beside himself with grief and could not stop sobbing. “You’ve got to get up there,” he told me. “I’m desperate. I don’t know what to do. Judy is dying”.

Of course I rushed to the hospital where I found Chapmen almost demented. Still sobbing he spluttered out his story. Michael, a tramp who Chapman had used on various stories, had been given the job of cleaning the Chapman’s bath.

Michael had bought a cleaning solvent called carbon-tetrachloride, telling Chapman a cock and bull story about it being a date-rape drug. He claimed that if a girl sniffed the substance she would go into an immediate sexual high. Chapman couldn’t wait to try it out on his unsuspecting wife.

That night they wined and dined and he plied her with drink. Then they went to bed and Chapman admitted, “I screwed her just about every way possible”. In the morning however, Judy did not wake up and Chapman became worried. He eventually called an ambulance and she was rushed to hospital where she was declared “in a state of emergency”. Unless they knew what the trouble was, the doctors told him, she might die.

Chapman knew that if he told them the truth he would be arrested. So he despatched me to his home to remove the evidence. Chapman told the doctors that his wife had been cleaning the carpet with this toxin. The doctors quite literally clutched her from the jaws of death in the nick of time and she gradually recovered.

Wrack's Little Baby: One of the favourite stories to do the rounds at the time was when Deputy Editor, Phil Wrack became acting editor, pending a new appointment. Wrack had a reputation for being both a seasoned drinker and an outrageous flirt. He would most certainly not have survived today’s mood of so-called political correctness.

His long-term secretary was called Angela Mulligan and she was summoned into the editor’s office after Wrack had been on a lengthy binge. She found him standing in front of his desk with his trousers around his ankles and everything on display. He chased her round the room three times before she could escape, chanting, “Get your lips around this Angie”.

“I was terrified”, she later told stunned staffers in the Printer’s Pie. “His tool was as large as a baby’s arm holding an orange”.

Anal Fixated Craig McKenzie: Poor Craig had contracted herpes by going with a prostitute (supplied by me) called Diane. Craig had apparently asked, not for the proverbial “blow job” so favoured by so many staffers, but that she should lick his private parts including his anus. She apparently obliged, but later told me that she would prefer not having to service McKenzie again.

Craig McKenzie became a senior editorial executive at the Daily Express under Sir Nicholas Lloyd who, despite his humble beginnings, was knighted by Thatcher for his services to the Tory party. While Lloyd did spend a long period as Feature’s Editor at the Screws, it is not suggested that he had any inkling of what his underlings were doing. But perhaps he should have known.

Bribed: My former fellow culprit, Ray Chapman, accepted a £25,000 bribe from a well known villain after Chapman was going to expose him for murder. He used the money to buy a flat in North London.

When I left the paper in the mid 1990s I received a golden handshake of £10,000, a glowing reference from the then editor, Derek Jameson and another £10,000 to keep my mouth shut.

Much Bonking On My Boat: My sex boat, permanently moored in St. Catherine’s dock, was well Known to Rupert. On one occasion Rod Tyler and Carole Thatcher had a pleasant afternoon on board!!

Ian Cutler's sex boat in St. Catherine’s dock, well known to Rupert. Rod Tyler and Carole Thatcher had a pleasant afternoon on board!!

Friends on board Ian's boat.

Suicide: Later on a young lady who had been a constant visitor to the now notorious Animal’s Room became pregnant. She managed to convince Parker the child was his. Low and behold, Craig McKenzie was invited to be the best man and of course, I took the wedding photographs. Parker had absolutely no idea that his bride had visited the Animal's Room so often with me.

As with many of these sordid tales, this one has a sad ending which goes over and above the general sleaze. After the wedding, the lady wanted to get a gas cooker on hire-purchase and made an agreement with the company pretending she was the wife of Ray Chapman who had a much higher credit rating.

When she could not pay the bills the company moved in on Chapman and he reported the lady to the police who subsequently charged her. Unable to face the impending disaster she committed suicide.
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Re: The Camera Assassin III: Confessions of a gutter press p

Postby admin » Sun Apr 03, 2016 3:53 am

Chapter 8 - Mistakes For Which I Am Truly Sorry

DEAD - 2nd September 1975 - I took the photographs and a reporter called Colin Frost did the story. Robin Shields was a superintendent for the ambulance service in Belfast during the day, but by night he was an active protestant wearing combat garb and tracking IRA members.

Robin Shields allowed me to take photographs of him on the condition that none of them would be published. Due to a mix up, all the photographs ended up in the hands of the Evenings Standard. I told the paper “You can’t use the ones which show Mr. Shield’s connections with the Protestants.”

Ian Cutler as a young freelance for the Evening Standard, The Sun, The Mirror, Daily Telegraph and The Times amongst others.

I was a very young man at the time and rather naïve. I did not realise that the paper wouldn’t keep its word. All the photographs were used, exposing Mr. Shields, who was promptly assassinated the following weekend.

I would like to say sorry.

Bays Transport Motel, Liverpool Road, Islington, London - There were six dead after a fire caused by an arsonist. I persuaded the policeman on site to let me photograph the bodies being removed from the building, showing their identities. I would like to say sorry.

Fish Shop Murder 13th March 1975 - I persuaded the police officer on duty to pose for a photograph with the corpse, without consent from the victim’s family. I am sorry about this.

Welsh Hills Picnic Party - In order to expose “sex orgies” on a caravan site, Tina Dalgleish and I went off to the Breacon Beacons where we expected to find a wife-swapping group we learned of via contact magazine advert. However there was no action and no real story to tell. Indeed apart from the two reporters and the couple who placed the advertisement, only one other person turned up. In the absence of anything interesting to report, Tina decided they should fake some action. No sex actually took place at all.


Arnold Lewis the victim of the story and so-called wife swapping party arranger was a lay preacher. When Dalgleish told him who they really were he said he’d commit suicide if it ‘ever came out’. I reported this to features editor Rod Tyler who got straight on the phone to Murdoch whose office was upstairs. Rod was getting redder and redder.

When, after about three minutes, he put the phone down I asked Rod what Rupert had said. Rod replied that Murdoch had sworn at him and ranted "run it, run it, run it !!!".

The false story appeared as a Splash on the front page of the News of the World the following weekend.

The next day the man topped himself.

Maggie and Alan, the preacher's friends, took the News of the World to court, but this action failed. They later produced a play all about this story and its impact on the lives involved.

I would like to say SORRY. - Rupert didn’t!
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Re: The Camera Assassin III: Confessions of a gutter press p

Postby admin » Sun Apr 03, 2016 3:55 am

Chapter 9 - I Met Them All, Celebs and Villains Alike

From left to right: Ian Cutler, Pat Flannigan and Charlie Kray - Friends of Rupert

Annie Robinson of the Weakest Link TV show, a good friend.

Ian with John, Anne’s husband

Eddie Chapman (left) with Fabian of the Yard (right), who (according to Eddie) was bent. This photo was taken a few years before Rupert’s time.

The Great Train Robbers with Ian Cutler (front row, 3rd from right).

Photo from left to right: the late Dermot Harris (brother of the late actor Richard Harris), Bobby Mckew (former employee of the late gangster Billy Hill) and on the right the one and only late Eddie Chapman
Photo by Ian Cutler
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Re: The Camera Assassin III: Confessions of a gutter press p

Postby admin » Sun Apr 03, 2016 3:58 am

Chapter 10 - My Post-Murdoch Enterprises

Scallywag magazine was published in London between 1991 and 1995. The subtitle of issues 1 - 6 was "Camden's only alternative community magazine". It sought to publish controversial journalism which other satirical and investigative publications (such as Private Eye) would not publish due to fear of litigation. It was founded and edited by Simon Regan and myself. We published about 30 issues and even sold some stories to News of the World.

One story involved Norman Scott who had been the homosexual lover to the former leader of the Liberal Party, Jeremy Thorpe. At least Scott claimed to have had a love affair with Thorpe. This was at a time when homosexual acts were illegal in Britain and the whole mess damaged his political career. John Penrose introduced me to Scott. We arranged to meet in the St. Pancras Hotel and I pretended to be a gay man looking for a lover. I made out I was going to fuck him and when he got undressed I whipped my camera out. He was not a happy bunny.

Ian Cutler’s photo of Norman Scott, Jeremy Thorpe’s ex-lover

In 1993 we were sued for libel by the then Prime Minister, John Major, because we had reported rumours that he had had an affair with Conservative minister Edwina Currie. By also suing the magazine's distributors, he received a settlement from them, and they passed the costs onto the magazine. Scallywag's financial position never recovered. We lost the case and our magazine went bust!

Paradoxically Mrs. Currie later admitted to the affair in her diaries which were published in 2002 and serialised in the Times newspaper. Mr. Major described the affair as the most shameful event of his life, but said his wife Norma had long known of the relationship and had forgiven him.

Private Spy: In 1982 me and former News of the World reporter John Duggan launched Private Spy. It was a video series sold through video libraries. We made a nice few quid out of it.




Snippets from “Private Spy,” one of Ian’s ventures.

We employed Reggie Bosanquet as the anchor man for this video series. In 1983 he got into a bit of a stew when he was accused of fronting a sexy video for us. As well as working for Private Spy he was also rector of Glasgow University and a number of students complained. Reggie, to his credit, hit back by saying "I may be rector but that doesn't mean the students can rule my life". Reggie wasn't guilty of anything. It wasn't porn anyway, it was journalism and university students should be well enough educated to know the difference.

"Video none of your business"

Bent Coppers and Missing Bullion: In the 1960s a notorious criminal, John McVicar (born 1940), was convicted for armed robbery and given a 23-year gaol sentence. While in prison he took an Open University degree in Sociology and was awarded a BSc first class. After his release from prison in 1978 he studied for a postgraduate degree at the University of Leicester.

In 1983 McVicar worked with Private Spy to produce a video documentary exposing bent police officers. The investigation revolved around an armed gang who held up a security van on its way to Tilbury Docks. They got away with 321 silver ingots.

The police received a tip off that the bars were hidden in a lockup in Southgate, north London. I went along to take photos. McVicar was able to point the finger at three men, a senior police officer, a wealthy businessman and a prominent solicitor. The News of the World also ran the story.

What happened to the missing bullion?

Police Officers Oral Sex With Prostitutes: On one occasion in 1982, John Duggan and me took some video footage of an on-duty copper skewing a whore in the back of an unmarked police car. Needless to say the police were not happy about being caught out, and within just 20 minutes of taking the video we were arrested. Next morning in Clerkenwell Magistrates Court, Magistrate Mark Romer threw the case out telling us to "Keep up the good work". Nevertheless we did not get off scot free. During our night in the cells we had the crap kicked out of us. Shortly afterwards I had my stroke, effectively ending my career as a photo-journalist.

OBSERVER: Video pair stalk red light area
They film the prostitutes being picked up and then surprise them and their clients with cameras and lights at indelicate moments on the back seats of parked cars.
At the end of last month, after a number of warnings, two of the crew, Ian Cutler, 37, former News of the World reporter, and John Duggan, 36, were arrested 20 minutes after filming a policeman having intercourse with a prostitute.
But the local magistrate, Mr. Mark Romer, discharged them saying "Keep up the good work."
The deterrent effect on the prostitutes' clients has not pleased local police
by Paul Lashmar

I sued the police for the return of my private property seized in the arrest. This consisted of three video cassettes, one of which showed the policeman having sex with the prostitute, my notebooks, a C.B. radio and my beloved land Rover car. The magistrate this time was John Purcell. He ordered the police to return all of my property except the car, saying that because of its value I would have to apply to the County Court. The police denied having the embarrassing video.

Video man seeks return of "police car sex" film
The director of a company making Private Spy video films asked Clerkenwell magistrates' court in London yesterday to order police to return a cassette which, he claimed, shows a police officer having sex with a prostitute in an unmarked police car.
Mr. Ian Cutler, of Upper Holloway, north London, summoned the police for the return of property, including three video films, some notebooks, CB radios and a Land-Rover.
The magistrate, Mr. John Purcell, ordered the return of all items in police possession, except the Land-Rover, which, he said, was a matter for the county court.
Mr. Cutler, aged 37, managing director of the video company, told the court, that police claimed that only one video remained in their custody instead of three.
He said: "Two of them contain material we shot in the King's Cross area, and one is a police officer in an unmarked police car receiving oral sex from a prostitute."
The police representative, a Mr. Brodie, said only two cassettes had been in police custody. One had been returned and one had been kept.
The retained video was the subject of a police investigation and other contents might become an exhibit in proceedings alleging impersonation of police officers, he said.
Mr. Brodie said the Land-Rover was not registered in the name of Mr. Cutler, or of his film director, Mr. John Duggan, aged 36. But it had not been stolen.

My friend Eddie Chapman helped me win a later case where I sued the Metropolitan Police for beating me up. I met Eddie while in my 30s. Eddie had been a double agent in the Second World War and Christopher Plummer had played his part in the 1966 film, Triple Cross. Eddie had a farm where I went for rehabilitation following my stroke. Eddie bought his friend, ex-judge Sir Lionel Thompson. The judge was Mars-Jones, and I won a very large sum of money.

Eddie Chapman

My Journalism Career Was Over so I opened a pub, the Cap't Cutler's, just off Fleet Street. It was very popular with journalists, snappers and editors. One day the mob came in and demanded fifty grand. I refused to pay so they burnt it down with me inside. I barely escaped. Then to top it all off, the insurance company refused to pay out because I had had a conviction for arson many years ago.

Ian’s London Pub
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Re: The Camera Assassin III: Confessions of a gutter press p

Postby admin » Sun Apr 03, 2016 3:59 am

Chapter 11 - Murdoch and BSkyB

British Sky Broadcasting Group plc (BSkyB), trading as Sky, is the leading British satellite broadcasting, broadband and telephony services company. It was formed in 1990 by the merger of Sky Television and British Satellite Broadcasting. Murdoch's News Corporation owns a 39.14 percent controlling stake in the company.

The News Corporation's takeover bid for BSkyB was a proposed takeover of British Sky Broadcasting (BSkyB) by News Corporation, the media conglomerate of Rupert Murdoch. The bid was launched in June 2010.

Dr. John Vincent Cable (born 9 May 1943) is a British Liberal Democrat politician who was dissatisfied with the Tory - Lib Dem coalition. In December 2010 undercover reporters from The Daily Telegraph, posing as constituents, set up a meeting with Cable. During the meeting Vince Cable told them that he had "declared war" on Murdoch (these comments were not published [in the] Telegraph report but were leaked to BBC journalist Robert Peston). Following this revelation Cable had his responsibility for media affairs (including ruling on Murdoch's takeover plans) withdrawn from his role as Business Secretary. These duties then passed to Jeremy Hunt.

Jeremy Richard Streynsham Hunt (born 1 November 1966) is the UK Secretary of State for Culture, Olympics, Media and Sport. He was much more sympathetic to Murdoch's takeover bid than Cable had been. Everything was looking good for Rupert, until ......

The blow came in July 2011 with a series of devastating revelations of the hacking of the phones by News of the World reporters. Details of the activities, especially regarding the paper's hacking into the voicemail of murder victim Milly Dowler, sparked widespread outrage against News Corporation. In the face of a planned motion in the House of Commons calling on News Corporation to abandon the bid, Murdoch acquiesced and withdrew the bid. However News Corporation held on to its existing 39.1% stake.

In July 2011 The News of the World finally gave up the fight and closed (see next chapter). Yet even in its grave, scandal continued to hound this sordid paper. in April 2012 explosive emails were released showing that Jeremy Hunt had schemed with the Murdochs in an attempt to help them win the BSkyB deal. I wonder what may have induced him to commit such an outrageous breach of his public duties. Murdoch has deep pockets. Whatever the payoff was, instead of properly scrutinising the deal, the emails show that Hunt had set up a secret back door to feed information to Murdoch's News Corporation.

The Leveson Inquiry - On 13th July 2011 Prime Minister David Cameron appointed Lord Justice Leveson as Chairman of a public inquiry with a remit to look into the specific claims about phone hacking at the News of the World, the initial police inquiry and allegations of illicit payments to police by the press, and a second inquiry to review the general culture and ethics of the British media. I have been called to give evidence at this enquiry. Look out for Camera Assassin 4 where I will bring you up to date.
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Re: The Camera Assassin III: Confessions of a gutter press p

Postby admin » Sun Apr 03, 2016 3:59 am

Chapter 12 - The Final Demise of the News of the World

As I have shown in this book, The News of the World had always been a dirty newspaper, especially since Murdoch took it over. Lies, double standards, sleaze and dirty tricks had been its stock in trade.

Then starting in 2006 allegations of phone hacking began to engulf the newspaper. These culminated in the revelation on 4th July 2011 that, nearly a decade earlier, a private investigator hired by the newspaper had intercepted and deleted the voicemail of missing British teenager Milly Dowler, who was later found murdered. However, a Scotland Yard spokesperson admitted at the Leveson Inquiry that it had not been a private investigator who had deleted Dowler's voicemail.

Due to the public backlash, the withdrawal of advertising and maybe my own revelations too, News International announced the closure of the News of the World on 7th July 2011.

The scandal deepened when the paper was alleged to have hacked into the phones of families of British service personnel killed in action. Senior figures on the newspaper were questioned by police. Former editor Andy Coulson and former News of the World royal editor Clive Goodman were arrested on 8th July 2011. The former executive editor Neil Wallis was arrested on 15th July and former editor Rebekah Brooks was arrested on 17th July.

You enjoyed this book now own the video !!!
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