Affidavit of Lester K. Coleman (2/24/05)

Affidavit of Lester K. Coleman (2/24/05)

Postby admin » Mon Apr 25, 2016 7:23 am

Affidavit of Lester K. Coleman
by Lester K. Coleman
February 24, 2005





I, LESTER K. COLEMAN, a permanent resident of the State of Florida do affirm the following to be true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

I have only spotted first hand memory of particular events, therefore this affidavit was prepared after reviewing documents obtained under USC 5, Section 552 (a)(b) THE U.S. FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AND THE PRIVACY ACTS, from research conducted by third parties gleaned from public files and court documents.

I suffered from, and was treated for, several mental disorders from 1997 until 2003, diagnosed as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Depression, Anxiety Disorder, and Global Amnesia. These conditions are affirmed to have been triggered by severe abuse and medical Mal-Treatment while in federal custody, accused of making a false statement in an affidavit submitted in a civil case, ( Pan American World Airways v U.S., EDNY, 1990/ dismissed ).

I was held in pre-trial detention without bail and was transported sixteen times, housed in eight federal holding facilities in Atlanta, Oklahoma, Miami, NY MDC, NY MCC, Chicago, Milan, MI, and Manchester, KY.

I was held in solitary confinement several times in an 8X8 cell, up to five occupants sharing two bunked cots and one toilet. I was deprived of sleep, lights on 24/7, subjected to extreme noise therapy. I was repeatedly questioned by unknown persons in Atlanta, Oklahoma, NY MDC and Milan MI for hours at a time, sometimes subjected to flashing light treatment. Through out this abuse, I was suffering from Cancer. Even after a operation was performed I was returned to solitary confinement where I was deprived of post-operative care. The neglect was so severe that I was hospitalized for 11 days. It was at the hospital in White Plains, NY that I was diagnosed with PTSD by Dr. Harvey Berman, MD, PhD. Two officials I can now identify who were directly involved in my abuse are Victor Martinez the Unit Manager and William Austin the Case Worker at MDC, Brooklyn, NY

I affirm that my affidavit provided to Pan am, at the time sworn, was believed to be true and correct. The renunciation of my original statements was done under duress after subjected to the treatment as previously described.

I moved to Lexington, Kentucky to host a daily radio talk show at LM Communications, WLXG in September, 1997. My mental afflictions caused me to leave the station and be placed on disability in June, 1998. My air name at WLXG was LEX COLEMAN. My true legal name was THOMAS LEAVY. I had changed my name in April, 1990 prior to leaving the USA for Beirut. The name change was necessary as my birth name was well known to Syrian backed Narco-Terrorist cells operating in the Middle East and Europe.

This was a consequence of my work as an intelligence operative, contract consultant for two U.S. government agencies. I was involved with classified activities including: OPERATION MINERET, OPERATION DOME, OPERATION GOLDEN ROD, AND OPERATION EL DORADO CANYON in the years 1985 – 1989.

In 1999 I was asked by James Cormney, President and CEO of the Campbell House Hotel and Golf Club in Lexington, KY to assist in compiling evidence that would clear his son, Timothy, and free him from prison. I conducted an investigation and obtained advise from several forensic experts, including FBI Crime-Lab Whistleblower, Dr. Fredrick Whitehurst. We determined that Lexington-Police and "misplaced" key pieces of forensic evidence and at least one Lexington police officer embellished his credentials in sworn testimony.

During this same time period, I was named in the world press as a potential witness in the criminal trial of two Libyans accused of blowing up Pan Am 103. The night after the explosion in December, 1988 I appeared on NBC Nightly News as an expert on Middle East terrorism and said Libya likely had a role since CIA renegade, Edwin Wilson had shipped 20 tons of explosives to Muhammar Kaddafi , and had trained Libyan hit squads to blow up things.

Former New York Times editor, Author Donald Goddard wrote a book about me and my whistle blowing in a book, Trail of the Octopus, published in September, 1993. I cooperated with Goddard while under the protection of the Swedish government who had given my family sanctuary. Three days prior to publication the USA government announced in a news conference that I was being charged with perjury over the affidavit I gave Pan Am three years earlier, in a civil case that was dismissed.

While residing in Europe, I worked with ABC European Bureau Chief, Pierre Salinger to track the source of the Pan Am bomb. The international press had published abundant stories linking Syria, Iran and Libya to the attack. In April 1992 TIME Magazine ran a cover story about the bombing featuring my allegations and evidence gathered by many law enforcement, intelligence investigators and journalists. A year after the TIME cover story, Goddard’s book was published in Hard cover edition.

The Swedish government refused to recognize the USA indictment of me for perjury over the civil affidavit. The FBI (LEGAT LONDON) transmitted a communiqué to Swedish authorities via INTERPOL on March 30, 1992 that contained fabricated claims, including a made-up arrangement with a Swedish doctor that never existed. Swedish Secret police (SAPO) concluded that the FBI had lied.

While under Swedish protection, I lived under the name Jon Christie and held travel documents in that name. In 1994, with the assistance of SAPO I and my family relocated to an undisclosed country. In 1995 we relocated to Spain with the knowledge of Spanish authorities.

I returned to the USA in 1996 with the urging of my family. The governor of Alabama, Forest "Fob" James provided transportation from Madrid to the States. I was arrested and held without bail, and was subjected to the abuse. I was illegally held for 154 days. I was finally compensated by the USA Justice Department in a TORT settlement in June, 2002.

I had appeared in a film while living in Europe, in the year 1994, called THE MALTESE DOUBLE CROSS, produced by Allan Francovich. It reinforced Goddard’s version of the Pan Am bombing, linking Syrian backed terrorist, Iran and Libya to the mass murder. I basically said Libyan agents designed and built the bomb. Syrian based terrorist under the command of Ahmed Jibril carried out the plot, and Iran paid $10 million to have it done. The Iranians sought revenge for the American shoot-down of an Iran Air flight in July, 1988 filled with religious pilgrims bound for Mecca, Saudi Arabia. The destruction of Pan Am 103, filled with revealers headed home for Christmas, was equal and just revenge under Sharia, Islamic law. Five USA intelligence officers were among the dead.

Dr. Oswald LeWinter also appeared in the film. LeWinter was an Austrian born Jew who had escaped the Nazi death camps in his youth, and had made it to America.

He ultimately became an agent for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and was taken under the wing of James Angleton, the father of CIA covert operations. It was under Angleton’s watch that LeWinter became a NOC (Non Official Cover) and slipped into the shadow world. After Angleton’s departure, LeWinter fell into disfavor at Langley and was even arrested by the FBI during the Iran-Contra boondoggle. Like me, LeWinter linked Syrian, Iran, and Libyan elements to the bombing.

When I was arrested in Lexington, KY in 1999, accused of possessing forged instruments, LeWinter was arrested in Vienna, Austria for the same thing, and Allan Francovich dropped dead while clearing U.S. Customs in Houston, TX, after disembarking a flight from London.

I was thrown into a severely over crowded jail and subjected to filthy and deplorable conditions. As a result, I had a severe psychological relapse. I cannot remember in any detail my arrest or detention from July 1999 until December, 2000. The Fayette County Kentucky Court records says I appeared in September, 1999 and said I was mentally disabled and my legal name was Thomas Leavy. This has been affirmed to be true by records obtained from Social Security files and from a Federal Pre-Trial Services Report prepared in 1990, published in Goddard’s book.

A mental evaluation was ordered, and, according to the Court records I obtained in 2004, a pre-cursor mental exam was conducted by a Dr. Harwell Smith on September 25, 1999. Dr. Smith recommended I under go a complete in-patient exam to determine competency and capacity. There is no Court record of Dr. Smith’s report nor a recommendation by an alleged court-appointed lawyer to obtain a complete in-patient evaluation prior to my trial, nor during the trial, nor in 2003, when I was charged with violating probation. I was never provided a proper hearing by the trial court in Kentucky at any time.

The case against me was based on OVERSEAS checks deposited into my account at Central Bank and Trust of Kentucky, that cleared ON DEPOSIT. The Court video shows representatives from U.S. branches of foreign banks testified the checks were not printed on official bank customer paper stock. No actual signatory ever testified or claimed they had been bilked over checks deposited into my own account. The only party claiming monetary loss was Central Bank and Trust, ,my own bank, now a defendant in a federal suit in Washington, DC, and under investigation by the FDIC.

Even James Cormney, labeled a victim by prosecutors, testified at trial that he was NOT a victim, and even praised my investigative skills that uncovered police and prosecutorial mis-conduct in his Son’s prosecution.

The only alleged victim who appeared was a former landlady, Betty Bennet, who had received a check that Central Bank had refused to process. It is interesting that this is was also my bank and Mr. Cormney’s bank, and the bank that had cleared OVERSEAS checks ON DEPOSIT to my account, then claimed they were a victim of fraud.

A jury found me guilty in March, 2000. They fixed a sentence of four years. The Judge, Thomas Clark, placed me on probation and added six more years to the suspended sentence, totaling ten years.

In February, 2001 I was placed back on Disability. That Summer I worked as a program director for a Summer Camp in the Pocono Mountains for eight weeks. In September the crash of the planes into the World Trade Center triggered another psychological relapse. This was confirmed in a full Mental evaluation by Dr. Rosa K. Riggs, MD, PhD September 18th and 25th, submitted to Social Security. Social Security records shows that my trial attorney, Michael T. Meehan also was the principle contact person listed by Social Security throughout my trial, my initial incarceration, and while I was on probation and when I was examined by Dr. Riggs for disability. The record further shows Meehan used the Riggs report as evidence in the Federal TORT claim that was settled in June, 2002. At no time did I have any direct contact with Social Security, all communications was handled by attorney Meehan.

The record shows I fled Kentucky after the 9/11 disaster after receiving a contract from JATCO, a company based in Saudi Arabia on October 6, 2001. A JATCO general partner is a member of the Saudi Royal family who also is a principle in the King Faisal Academy. Though I have never seen such a document, it is my understanding that Prince Abdul Aziz, Bin-Saud transmitted verification of my company’s affiliation to attorney Meehan and he submitted it to the court. I carried out assignments and sought private therapy in New Orleans from February, 2002. I received tickets to fly to Saudi Arabia in March. I ended my affiliation with JATCO in September, 2002. During this time Les Coleman, LLC provided public relations and grant development for the Chartwell Center for Autistic Children and the Rainbow Children’s Hospice.

In December, 2002 I returned to my hometown, Panama City, FL and was reunited with my family. In April 2003 my Mother passed away and was buried May 7th in Pensacola. I was arrested May 14th at the Bay County Council for the Elderly and brought back to Kentucky for violating probation.

I was not provided a hearing even though the evidence now shows my attorney, Michael Meehan was completely aware of my mental conditions, disability claims, and of my exact whereabouts from June, 2002 the month previous to a warrant being issued for my arrest. It is interesting that Meehan transmitted $14.000 to me in New Orleans, from the federal TORT settlement, in July, 2002 the very month the Kentucky court issued a warrant for my arrest. His concern for self-incrimination seems to be a solid motive for him to not bring up my mental history and treatment. All Meehan wanted to do at the probation violation appearance was to avoid implication.

I wrote to Meehan twice after being sent to prison for ten years for a copy of the mental evaluation he obtained, using my Power of Attorney, for submission in the federal TORT claim. I never heard from him. I finally obtained it with a federal Privacy Act request and submitted it in a motion in Fayette Kentucky court to vacate my sentence.

On October 30th, 2003 Judge Lynn Hughes in the Federal District Court in Houston, TX threw out the conviction of CIA "renegade", Edwin P. Wilson. Wilson had spent 22 years in prison after the CIA claimed he had illegally delivered 20 Tons of plastic explosive to Libya and trained Libyan Hit Squads.

It was a CIA lie.

Wilson was working for the CIA all along. In a scathing condemnation of the CIA, Judge Hughes set Wilson free. Wilson’s vindication opened the lid of a Pandora Black box, Spooky characters began crawling into the light, and telling their tales. Wilson’s principle handler was long time CIA Covert Operations higher up, Theodore Shackley. Shackley’s number two was Vincent Cannistraro. Cannistraro turned up as the CIA’s principle in the Pan Am 103 investigation. Both of these men knew Wilson and knew of Wilson’s true affiliation with Libya.

The CIA had decided to Arm and train Libyan terrorist to strike and balance in dealing with Egyptian presidents Anwar Sadat and Hossnie Mubarrack. This evidence is said to be held in HOSIT reports and in the HITS database at the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), prepared by Defense Human Intelligence Service (DHIS). CIA had to keep the lid on Libya after their trained bomb makers built the bomb that blew up Pan Am 103, delivered to Ahmed Jibril who carried out the plot on behalf of Iran.

BTAF, the FBI, and the CIA’s own inspector general, in compiled reports, detail how the CIA was "operationally tasking Wilson" and his employees to accomplish specific objectives during and after Wilson delivered 20,000 pounds of explosive to Libya. The CIA had been tasking Wilson at exactly the same time they were teaching Libyans to blow up things like airliners.

Records piece together the methods the CIA used to funnel finances in and out of the United States. One method exploited Equine interests in Lexington, KY, Charlestown, W. VA., Warren, VA., and Ocala, FL. Transactions flowed through accounts held at Arab Bank, PLC, Bank Arab Espanol, Katherien Bank, to USA banks, including Central Bank and Trust of Lexington, KY. The proprietary companies used by the CIA to conduct these transactions were Mt. Airy Farms, VA; APEXCO, Cyprus; KINEX, Rome, Italy; and ZABBADO, Berlin.

Members of the Lexington financial and intertwined legal community were easily influenced to do the bidding of the CIA and Ted Shackley, including participating in the silencing of dissented government whistleblowers.


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