Spooks for Trump: CIA-Voice Of America-State Department Back

Spooks for Trump: CIA-Voice Of America-State Department Back

Postby admin » Thu Jun 16, 2016 10:17 pm

Spooks for Trump: CIA-Voice Of America-State Department Background of Orlando Massacre Suspect’s Father Shows Intelligence Community Support for Pro-Trump Strategy of Tension/October Surprise
by Webster Griffin Tarpley
June 16, 2016



Seddique Mir Mateen is the father of the accused Orlando killer Omar Mateen. The elder Mateen is wise in the ways of Washington, having lobbied the US Congress, notably the maverick California Republican, Dana Rohrabacher. Mateen senior’s company is called Durand Jirga. Durand refers to the Durand Line, the line of demarcation between Afghanistan and the former British India recognized by the British. As a result of the partition of British India, the Durand Line is today the border between India and Pakistan. A Jirga is a traditional Afghan assembly of elders and leaders who make decisions for the community and mete out justice; the highest-ranking of these assemblies is the loya jirga, which can legislate the form of government. Durand Jirga is also the name of Mateen senior’s YouTube channel and Facebook page. The elder Mateen’s program is broadcast on Payame Afghan TV.

Seddique Mir Mateen announced his candidacy for the presidency of Afghanistan on May 22, 2015. He is a sympathizer of the Afghan Taliban, which seems to be his radical cover. Mateen senior sometimes speaks as an imposter, issuing orders to the Afghan Army and security forces while pretending to be president, which he of course is not. Nevertheless, Mateen senior is evidently funded by the CIA.

The pattern is by now familiar: veteran, experienced intelligence operatives with a pedigree of working for the CIA and the State Department in conflict zones around the world emigrate to the United States and live the good life. They stay in close contact with the US intelligence community. The next generation, often born in the United States, is consigned to terrorist operations in the same way that the cadet (younger) sons of the European nobility were once sent to make a career as junior officers in the army.

This was what we saw in the case of the Boston Marathon Bombing, when the uncle of the two accused patsy Tsarnayev brothers, Ruslan Tsarnayev/Sarni, turned out to have been married to the daughter of Graham Fuller, a main CIA controller for the entire Afghanistan mujahedin rebellion against the Soviet invasion and occupation.

In the case of the Orlando shooting, it transpires that the father of the accused shooter is deeply immersed in the Voice of America, the CIA, and the State Department.

Omar Mateen, the accused patsy, worked for G4S -– previously known as Wackenhut, the notoriously spook-ridden and scandal ridden security company.

The father of the accused shooter goes by the name of Seddique Mir Mateen. He is the host of the Durand Jirga Show on Payame Afghan Television of Ashta TV, which is based in Los Angeles. Payame broadcasts in Pashto, the eastern Iranian language of the Pushtuns and also the lingua franca of Afghanistan. It also broadcasts in Dari or Dari Persian, the second most prevalent language in Afghanistan, and in Urdu, a version of Hindustani which is the language of Pakistan, and also of several Indian states. Seddique Mir Mateen is a Pushtun and a militant backer of the Afghan Taliban.

Like Mohammed Merah, the French secret police informant who became the Toulouse synagogue shooter of 2012, the younger Mateen had been sent on a grand tour of the Middle East, specifically to the religious sites in Saudi Arabia in 2011 and 2012.

Sources familiar with Payame Afghan TV report that this broadcaster enjoys the unenviable reputation of being a controlled asset of the US government’s Voice of America, and thus qualifies as a creature of the CIA and the Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence:

‘The father of the man who slaughtered 50 people in the Orlando nightclub shooting Saturday night is a longtime CIA asset, whose TV show receives funding from the Voice of America -- Dari. The name of the … Afghan satellite channel, Payame Afghan, is said to be widely-known in Southwest Asia as a CIA-Pakistani ISI construct….’1

Frame grab shows program on Payame Afghan TV defaced and labeled as belonging to the Pakistani Inter Service Intelligence (ISI). Courtesy of Daniel Hopsicker’s Mad Cow Morning News.

Mateen was also in contact with the violent felon Marcus Dwayne Robertson, a former bodyguard for the Egyptian Blind Sheikh. Both were implicated in the 1993 first bombing of the World Trade Center in New York City:

‘The gunman who murdered at least 50 people in a Florida nightclub early Sunday morning was a follower of a controversial gang leader-turned-bank robber who was released from prison last year despite warnings from prosecutors that he would recruit people to carry out violent acts, sources told FoxNews.com. Marcus Dwayne Robertson, a former U.S. Marine known to his supporters at his Orlando-based Fundamental Islamic Knowledge Seminary as “Abu Taubah.” Omar Mateen, whose bloody siege inside a packed Orlando gay nightclub ended when SWAT teams stormed the building and killed him, was a radical Muslim who followed Marcus Dwayne Robertson, a law enforcement source said. During the same period, federal authorities claimed Robertson served as a bodyguard to Omar Abdel Rahman, nicknamed the “Blind Sheik,” who led the terrorist group that carried out the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center and donated more than $300,000 in stolen funds to mosques he attended, both claims Robertson denied. Robertson has adamantly denied the claims. After he was arrested in 1991 along with most of the other members of the gang, prosecutors cut a deal with Robertson, and let him serve four years in prison before going to work undercover for the FBI between 2004 and 2007 to document terrorists’ plans and networks in Africa, Egypt and the United States.’2

Mateen had also fallen under the intellectual influence of Anwar Awlaki, the deceased US double agent who figures in the life stories of so many terrorist patsies:

‘As part of the 2014 probe, which [FBI Director] Comey said did not amount to a formal investigation of Mateen, agents were told by someone who knew Mateen that they had concerns about him radicalizing because they knew he had watched Anwar al-Awlaki videos in the past. But the person told investigators that since that time, Mateen had married and had a child and he no longer considered him a possible threat.’3

The late Anwar Awlaki was a notorious double agent working for US intelligence. He helped to implicate a number of patsies as part of international Islamist terrorism, a process known as “sheep dipping.” Awlaki was known among the knowledgeable as “Anwar Awlaki, the CIA lackey.” Awlaki was brutally eliminated by a Predator drone when he had outlived his usefulness.

The television program hosted by Mateen the elder on Payame Afghan Television offered a strange spectacle, with the host sometimes claiming that he was in reality the President of Afghanistan, and sometimes that he was merely a candidate for that office:

‘The father of Omar Mateen hosted a bizarre, shoestring talk show, in which he ranted about the United States and once declared his support for the Taliban. Seddique Mateen posted dozens of hour-long episodes of his “Durand Jirga Show” on YouTube between 2012 and 2015. The clips cast a confounding shadow over the man who initially claimed his terrorist son was not religiously motivated in killing at least 50 people at an Orlando gay nightclub. “Our brothers in Waziristan, our warrior brothers in Taliban movement and national Afghan Taliban are rising up,” he said in Dari….4

‘Only hours before the massacre in Orlando, Seddique posted a video called Provisional Government of Afghanistan on a Facebook page. It appears that he is pretending to be the president of Afghanistan, and orders the arrest of multiple Afghan political figures. Dressed in army attire, he stated: “I order national army, national police and intelligence department to immediately imprison Karzai, Ashraf Ghani, Zalmay Khalilzad, Atmar, and Sayyaf. They are against our countrymen, and against our homeland….

In Seddique’s most recent Youtube video, he declares his candidacy for the Afghan presidency. However, the video came a year after Afghanistan presidential elections were held, which raises questions. In the video he goes back and forth between topics and even seems incoherent at times. Seddique uses the Dari language, and not Pashto, the language of Pushtuns, which adds another element of mystery to the video….

According to the Washington Post, Seddique holds strong political views and supports the Afghan Taliban. It is also reported that he is being referred to under two different names, Seddique Mateen and Mir Seddique. There are several videos posted on a Youtube channel under Seddique Mateen’s name. In one of the videos Seddique denounces the Pakistani government and expresses gratitude towards the Afghan Taliban. He stated: “Our brothers in Waziristan, our warrior brothers in [the] Taliban movement and national Afghan Taliban are rising up. Inshallah the Durand Line issue will be solved soon”….

According to The Daily Beast, Seddique owns a non-profit company, “The Durand Jirga, Inc.” A description of the company can be read on its webpage.’5

This evidence strongly suggests that forces inside the US intelligence community, especially the CIA, but also in the State Department and other agencies which control the Voice of America, there exists considerable support for the Strategy of Tension scenario, culminating in an October surprise terror event on terms favorable to Trump, which may represent the only means of installing the fascist Donald Trump in the White House in November. For the good of the nation, it is imperative that Obama install mole detectors at the offices of the principal intelligence agencies. Taken together with the persistent reports of a second shooter, and also with the strange figure of Ed Henson, the gun shop owner who sold Mateen the two weapons he allegedly used, the official version of the Orlando massacre is increasingly untenable, and the thesis of an orchestrated political false flag event is becoming more and more plausible.



Daniel Hopsicker, “ORLANDO SHOOTING DAD A LONGTIME CIA ASSET,” http://www.madcowprod.com/2016/06/13/or ... ime-cia-as
http://www.foxnews.com/us/2016/06/12/or ... dical-imam
http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/201 ... lando-shoo
http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nationa ... sts-bizarr
http://heavy.com/news/2016/06/mir-seddi ... son-afghan
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Re: Spooks for Trump: CIA-Voice Of America-State Department

Postby admin » Thu Jun 16, 2016 10:22 pm

Orlando Shooting Dad a Longtime CIA Asset
by Daniel Hopsicker
June 13, 2016



The father of the man who slaughtered 50 people in the Orlando nightclub shooting Saturday night is a longtime CIA asset, whose TV show receives funding from the Voice of America -- Dari. Pictured below is Seddique Mateen with California Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher


Rohrabacher was initially elected to Congress in 1988, with the fundraising help of friend Oliver North. Rohrabacher’s decades-long involvement in “all things Afghan” eventually earned him the nickname “Gunga Dana.” Today he chairs the United States House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Europe, Eurasia and Emerging Threats.

This morning President Obama called him a “home-grown” terrorist. In a series of phone interviews Monday morning, Donald Trump responded that “there’s something going on” with the President’s reaction to the Orlando shooting.

I guess even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

“It’s like calling Blackwater XE”

Orlando shooter Omar Mateen’s father said his son was not motivated by Islamist radical ideology, but in a Facebook video posted early Monday he said, “God himself will punish those involved in homosexuality.”

My own suspicion was first awakened on Monday morning when U.S. news outlets uniformly reported that the father’s TV show aired on “a U.S.-based Afghan satellite channel.”

That sort of circumlocution is typical when something is being hidden which the corporate media prefers we not ask questions about.

The name of the nameless Afghan satellite channel, Payam Afghan, is said to be widely-known in Southwest Asia as a CIA-Pakistani ISI construct, as this picture from Flicker shows.


The identification of shooter Omar Mateen also involved deception. He was said to work for a security company called G4S, which few have ever heard of. However, “G4S” is merely a re-branded “Wackenhut Corporation,” a name with a storied reputation for scandal in the U.S. and around the world.

Rohrabacher has stated that he sees radical Islam as the source of a major terrorist threat to the U.S. Calls to his office today to request comment on whether he views CIA assets relocated in the U.S. as a terrorist threat have not been returned.
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Re: Spooks for Trump: CIA-Voice Of America-State Department

Postby admin » Thu Jun 16, 2016 11:56 pm

Backlash Against Trump for His Allegation that Obama Supports Terrorism; More Corroboration of Second Shooter in Orlando Massacre
by Webster Griffin Tarpley
June 15, 2016



Trump Depends on Media Non-Feasance and Public Ignorance as Anti-ISIS Forces Cut Key Terrorist Supply Line at Manbij in Jarablus Corridor; Biggest Attacks on ISIS Now Ongoing; GOP Magical Thinking about Terrorism Exposed Here Six Months Ago

Tonight, the Erin Burnett Out Front program on CNN gave ample coverage to the testimony of Leydiana Puyanera, a wounded victim of the Orlando nightclub shootings, who categorically asserts that there was a second shooter on the scene who worked together with the accused suspect Mateen. The second shooter, she asserts, was white and did not appear to be afraid. Another wounded victim, Patience Carter, says she heard Mateen talking on the phone to a person or persons who sounded to her like an ally of the gunman. Both the FBI and the local police, the report notes, are still adamantly denying the presence of a second shooter. Here is the CNN report by reporter Nick Valencia:

No doubt to the disappointment of some of his more fanatical followers, Trump’s proposals in the wake of the Orlando massacre have fallen far short of the brutality and savagery he had demanded earlier in his campaign. So far, Trump has not demanded that the accused patsy’s first wife, second wife, child, and father be summarily executed in line with his tactic of exterminating entire villages and families in the manner of the Nazi SS. Trump has also not explicitly demanded that Mateen’s current wife be subjected to torture to make sure she tells the FBI what she knows. And although Trump has restated and expanded his call for measures against Moslems in the United States, he has so far stopped short of demanding that they wear a yellow crescent when they go in public.

So much of Trump’s rhetoric turns out to be an appeal to magical thinking, incantations, myths, and spells. This publication has repeatedly exposed the magical quality of GOP verbiage, as for example in the last Republican debate before Christmas, when we noted that “#Cruz believes in magic by pronouncing bogus incantation of “radical #Islamic terrorists” he imagines have accomplished something in reality.”1 Now, six months later, Obama and Clinton have taken up this analysis in what must be seen as yet another example of the intellectual leadership in the anti-Trump cause provided by the Tax Wall Street Party.

In the wake of the Orlando false flag event, Trump has called for the exclusion of other classes of persons from areas where terrorism is endemic. Does he mean Christian Arabs in their Maronite, Melkite, and Syriac? Does the billionaire dolt even know that these subdivisions exist? Trump also wants to start a neo-McCarthyite witch hunt in the Arab-American community to put the screws on Moslems who will be accused of failing to inform the police about terror attacks in advance.

The despicable opportunists who currently lead the Republican Party are profoundly worried about the backlash against such ideas at the polls in November. In some ways, they represent a new fault line for the breakup and splintering of the GOP. Up to now, Trump has attacked and antagonized most of the ethnic and demographic groups in the US population. In a very dangerous move, he has also begun to vilify members of the federal judiciary, which is a very dangerous place to pick a fight for nothing more than some inconsequential civil suit. Trump has singled out members of the media for personal aggression and slander, along the lines of his ego ideal Richard Nixon. Now he has also suggested that Obama is a supporter and enabler of terrorism. It is a safe bet that these tactics are generating more institutional enemies than followers.

The Republican Party already has plenty of demographic and other problems of its own. The crazed petty bourgeois Tea Party base is out of patience with the slick representatives of the elite billionaire donor class. The Buckleyite ideologues of the #NeverTrump movement cannot accept Trump’s opportunistic hodge-podge of demagogic populism and opportunism.

The scope of the Orlando massacre is also setting off anti-gun reactions in the Democratic Party and in large parts of the US population. If Trump and the GOP leaders stick to their slavish support of the doctrinaire National Rifle Association, this will be yet another public relations problem for them. The Democrats agree on the No Fly, No Buy slogan, meaning that persons on the government’s no-fly list should not be allowed to buy firearms. With proposals like this one commanding the support of a large majority of voters, the GOP’s embrace of the National Rifle Association may prove to be a disadvantage this time around.

As for the patsy Mateen, he is resembling his fellow Floridian Mohamed Atta of 9/11 fame more and more . Atta was allegedly a strict observant Moslem who cohabited with a prostitute, frequented discotheques, and made ample use of liquor and cocaine. Mateen is now revealed as a frequenter of gay bars like Pulse and an assiduous user of gay cell phone apps. Anything but strict religious observers, what will the FBI try to prove out of this narrative?

Republican Speaker of the House Paul Ryan gave an awkward press conference today to repudiate Trump’s speech of yesterday. Along with GOP House Majority Leader McCarthy, Ryan was attended by Congressman Steve Scalise of Louisiana, a close political ally of the Ku Klux Klan whom Trump was so reluctant to repudiate a few months back. Scalise fits the new look of the pro-Trump and openly racist GOP perfectly: for years, he has been exposed for his close cooperation with white supremacist groups from the David Duke machine in his state of Louisiana.2

Starting from Trump’s absurd megalomaniac tweets, Dana Milbank of the Washington Post speculates today that Trump may be helping himself by goading his Moslem and other targets into reactions against him:

‘He does deserve congratulations — for a new wave of radicalization. Trump’s anti-Muslim hostility makes it easier for terrorists to recruit and to inspire disaffected young Muslims. Trump warned Monday that the terrorism seen in Orlando “is going to get worse and worse” — and, thanks to him, that’s probably true.’3

One premise of Trump’s demagogy which deserves more scrutiny is his assumption that ISIS is winning on the battlefield of armed conflict. The reverse is true; ISIS is now under the most severe military pressure in its history. The most important prong of four offensives against the Islamic State is the attack on its principal supply line from Turkey. This offensive is being conducted by the YPG-Kurdish-SDF push against Manbij, the most important remaining road junction in the Jarablus corridor.

'The Manbij offensive comes at the same time as other enemies of Islamic State, the governments of Syria and Iraq, also launched major offensives on other fronts, in what amounts to the most sustained pressure on the militants since they proclaimed their caliphate in 2014 ….The Syria Democratic Forces (SDF) alliance launched the advance two weeks ago to seize Islamic State’s last territory on the Syria-Turkey border and cut the self-declared caliphate off from the world …. Having seized control of the last route into Manbij on Friday, the SDF has yet to enter the town …. ”We are closing in on Manbij,” [a member of the anti-ISIS Manbij Military Council] said, adding that fighting continues on the city’s outskirts …. Syrian government and allied forces are trying to advance against the Islamic State south-west of their de facto capital in Syria, Raqqa.’4

Obama personally called attention to the losses being sustained by ISIS after a special National Security Council meeting held at the Treasury Department:

'At the outset, I want to reiterate our objective in this fight. Our mission is to destroy ISIL. Since I last updated the American people on our campaign two months ago, we’ve seen that this continues to be a difficult fight -– but we are making significant progress. Over the past two months, I’ve authorized a series of steps to ratchet up our fight against ISIL: additional U.S. personnel, including Special Forces, in Syria to assist local forces battling ISIL there; additional advisors to work more closely with Iraqi security forces, and additional assets, including attack helicopters; and additional support for local forces in northern Iraq. Our aircraft continue to launch from the USS Harry Truman, now in the Mediterranean. Our B-52 bombers are hitting ISIL with precision strikes. Targets are being identified and hit even more quickly –- so far, 13,000 airstrikes. This campaign at this stage is firing on all cylinders.

‘And as a result, ISIL is under more pressure than ever before. ISIL continues to lose key leaders. This includes Salman Abd Shahib, a senior military leader in Mosul; Abu Sa’ad al-Sudani, who plotted external attacks; Shakir Wahayb, ISIL’s military leader in Iraq’s Anbar province; and Maher al-Bilawi, the top ISIL commander in Fallujah. So far, we’ve taken out more than 120 top ISIL leaders and commanders. And our message is clear: If you target America and our allies, you will not be safe. You will never be safe.

‘ISIL continues to lose ground in Iraq. In the past two months, local forces in Iraq, with coalition support, have liberated the western town of Rutbah and have also pushed up the Euphrates River Valley, liberating the strategic town of Hit and breaking the ISIL siege of Haditha. Iraqi forces have surrounded Fallujah and begun to move into the city. Meanwhile, in the north, Iraqi forces continue to push up the Tigris River Valley, making gains around Makhmour, and now preparing to tighten the noose around ISIL in Mosul. All told, ISIL has now lost nearly half of the populated territory that it once controlled in Iraq -– and it will lose more.

‘ISIL continues to lose ground in Syria as well. Assisted by our Special Operations Forces, a coalition of local forces is now pressuring the key town of Manbij, which means the noose is tightening around ISIL in Raqqa as well. In short, our coalition continues to be on offense. ISIL is on defense. And it’s now been a full year since ISIL has been able to mount a major successful offensive operation in either Syria or Iraq.

‘As ISIL continues to lose territory, it also continues to lose the money that is its lifeblood. As a result of our strikes against its oil infrastructure and supply lines, we believe that we’ve cut ISIL’s revenue from oil by millions of dollars per month. In destroying the storage sites where they keep their cash, we’ve deprived ISIL of many millions more.

‘Thanks to the great work of Secretary Lew and many others here today -– and working with nations and financial institutions around the world –- ISIL is now effectively cut off from the international financial system. Cutting off ISIL’s money may not be as dramatic as military strikes, but it is critically important. And we’re seeing the results. ISIL’s cash reserves are down. It has had to cut salaries for its fighters. It’s resorting to more extortion of those trapped in its grip. And by ISIL’s own admission, some of its own leaders have been caught stealing cash and gold. Once again, ISIL’s true nature has been revealed: These are not religious warriors, they are thugs and they are thieves.’5

Obama’s mention of Manbij in the Jarablus corridor is especially significant. Right now there are thought to be two US aircraft carriers in the eastern Mediterranean, both focusing on ISIS. Compared to this overview, Trump is simply a defeatist.

Other NATO countries, including France and Germany, have also sent small numbers of special forces to this critical Turkish-Syrian border area. They may have been attracted by the impending doom of ISIS. Unfortunately, the intentions of these forces are not at all clear.

‘French special forces have been tasked with training the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and building a military base near Kobani ahead of a major offensive on the Daesh-held city of Manbij, political analyst Idris Nessan, who served as deputy foreign minister of the Kobani Canton, told Sputnik. The French on the ground are not expected to take part in combat, at least for now. “French soldiers arrived in Kobani along with US troops to take part in liberating Manbij. They are primarily tasked with coordinating airstrikes of the [US-led] coalition, consulting and providing training to Manbij’s Military Council and the Syrian Democratic Forces,” he said. Nessan could not disclose how many French soldiers were present in Kobani, but added that additional troops could arrive if required. Manbij is a strategically important city located southwest of Kobani in northern Syria. It has been surrounded by Kurdish and Arab fighters, but Daesh militants are still maintaining their grip on the urban area itself. The siege has dealt a major blow to the terrorist group that relies heavily on unfettered access to Turkey that has allowed the organization to regroup, rearm and resupply. Manbij has also served as a key link between the border region and the Syrian city of Raqqa, the de facto capital of the Daesh caliphate.’6

A small contingent of Special Forces of the German Bundeswehr are also on the scene:

‘Tens of German special forces troops entered the Syrian territory on Tuesday joining French and US troops that are participating in a military operation near the northern Syrian city of Manbij, Arab media reported. The Al Mayadeen pan-Arabic TV channel noted it was the first announcement of the German forces’ presence in Syria. German servicemen are supporting their Western allies’ forces stationed near the Tishrin hydropower plant, the channel said, citing its sources. In late May, the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic forces announced an offensive against the Islamic State group. One of the goals of the operation supported by the US-led coalition is to liberate the city of Manbij.’7

In evaluating whether this Franco German military presence will be a plus or a minus in the struggle to wipe out the Islamic State, it will be well to bear in mind warnings coming from Thierry Meyssan of the Voltaire Network, who has been pointing to a plan to establish a pseudo-Kurdish state in northern Syria which risks coming under the control of a Kurdish renegade:

‘Washington and Moscow are working together to develop the military strength of the Syrian Kurds, allegedly to combat Daesh, but in reality to fight President Erdogan, whom the two great powers would be happy to remove. But the apprentice dictator of Ankara is preparing to turn the tables. He has begun to re-shuffle the population at the Syrian frontier in order to catch the Turkish Kurds in a vise, and is preparing to use his Syrian Kurdish spy, Salih Muslim -– armed by the United States and Russia –- to create a Kurdistan in Syria to which he can expel the Turkish Kurds …. But in reality, the YPG is the armed branch of the PYD (Democratic Union Party), which has two co-Presidents -– a woman, Asya Abdullah, and a man, Salih Muslim. Asya Abdullah is faithful to the principles of Abudllah Öcalan –- the founder of the PKK (Kurdistan Worker’s Party) -– and intends to create a Kurdistan on Turkish territory …. Salih Muslim is a traitor who, in a secret meeting at the Elysée on the 31 October, negotiated an agreement’8

The supporters of the pseudo-Kurdish state are thought to include the United Kingdom, France, and Turkey, with the US and Russia opposed. These developments merit enhanced scrutiny.

On the US domestic front, Trump may be losing ground against his opposition. Polls are now including not just the two major parties, but the Libertarians and the Green Party as well. Email and direct mail fundraising appeals now start from the assumption that Trump is losing, and that his dupes must send money to rescue the fascist billionaire. Trump, of course, was supposed to be a plutocrat so opulent that he could self finance everything without batting an eye. The Trump myth is crumbling as it crashes on the rocks of objective reality. The relevant polling is that Hillary is leading Trump by 42% to 38%, with the libertarian Johnson at 9%, and the Green Party at 5%:

‘The four-way horserace question — in addition to asking about Clinton and Trump — also listed Gary Johnson (the Libertarian candidate) and Jill Stein (the Green Party candidate) as additional third party options. The results from this question also show Clinton gaining on Trump. She now enjoys 42 percent support; Trump has 38 percent, Johnson has 9 percent support and Stein has 5 percent. Support for Johnson and Stein remained consistent from last week’s results — but Clinton now leads Trump by 4 points. In last week’s four-way horserace results, Clinton trailed Trump by a single point — 39 percent to 40 percent.’9

At the same time, it should be recalled that the Strategy of Tension in favor of Trump probably does not represent a single isolated event, or even a series of separate attacks, but rather is more likely to be a complex psychological warfare plan, which proceeds through phases towards some kind of October Crescendo. We should also remember that the Benghazi attacks of September 11, 2012 were supposed to represent an October Surprise in favor of Romney, but that this operation misfired because of Romney’s total political ineptitude in exploiting the event. Trump’s political ineptitude is of course far greater than that of Romney. All these plans tend to underestimate the well-known Rally Round, which generally sees the American people coming together to support the President when the nation is considered to be under attack. Trump’s speech of yesterday, in which he accused Obama of collusion with terrorists, risks running afoul of this Rally Round reflects, much to the detriment of the fascist billionaire.



TWSP Livetweet of GOP debate, December 15, 2016.
http://tarpley.net/gop-debates-a-grotes ... s-ready-to
http://www.breitbart.com/big-government ... ends-scali
Dana Milbank, “Trump exploits Orlando’s tragedy to smear Muslims and Obama,” Washington Post, June 14, 2016, https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions ... n-is-trump
http://www.reuters.com/article/us-midea ... SKCN0Z01JP
https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-of ... -president
http://sputniknews.com/middleeast/20160 ... roops-koba
http://sputniknews.com/middleeast/20160 ... orces-syri
http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2016-el ... ands-lead-
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Re: Spooks for Trump: CIA-Voice Of America-State Department

Postby admin » Fri Jun 17, 2016 12:09 am

Orlando Massacre a Blatant Pro-Trump False Flag; Fascist Candidate Suggests Obama a Secret Moslem in Collusion with Terrorists
by Webster Griffin Tarpley
June 14, 2016



In Reality, Orlando Event Fits Pattern of Pre-October Surprise Made to Order to Save Trump’s Faltering Bid for Power; More Pro-Trump Strategy of Tension Expected; Need Mole Detectors at FBI, CIA, NSA; FBI Director Comey Has Failed and Should Resign; No Real Evidence Linking Mateen to Foreign Terror Organizations

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump - June 12
What has happened in Orlando is just the beginning. Our leadership is weak and ineffective. I called it and asked for the ban. Must be tough.

For the past two and a half months, or more precisely since April 2, 2016, the Tax Wall Street Party has been urgently calling attention to the acute danger of an “October Surprise” terrorist attack favored or inspired by rogue network factions in the US intelligence community favorable to a seizure of power by the fascist candidate, Donald J. Trump. The simple logic of such an event is that Trump is so widely hated that under normal circumstances it would be virtually impossible for him to win enough states to take the Electoral College and thus seize the White House. Therefore, a terrorist event late in the campaign becomes plausible, since this might be a way to win the election. Even more likely is a series of events or strategy of tension, (see image above) which would proceed through several phases of articulated terrorist attacks to gradually build towards a crescendo of national hysteria in which Trump would demand dictatorial powers to save the nation from the inept Obama and Hillary Clinton, discredited bourgeois politicians of the old regime.

In general, it must be understood that the more or less automatic beneficiary of terrorist events from now through November 8 and beyond can be none other than Trump. The pattern of his response to the recent EgyptAir tragedy has demonstrated his commitment to the cynical political exploitation of such events. When the United States loses, Trump wins. By contrast, it is the task of persons of good will to inoculate as many people as possible against what is coming, so that they will be able to resist and counter attack the psychological warfare operations, which may be unleashed against the American people in the near future.

Here is how we introduced our first considerations on the 2016 October Surprise in the April 2, 2016, edition of this Daily Briefing:

National Revulsion Against Trump Reaching Critical Mass; GOP Operatives Eye Terrorism on Scale of Paris or Brussels as Possible Outside Event to Save Republican Ticket

September/October Surprise Plausible; Intelligence Community Factions Supporting Trump Are Prime Suspects in Any Terror Attacks Between Now and November Election … April 2, 2016 [1]

Over the last several months, the possibility of an October Surprise of pro-Trump terror has been publicly discussed by such well-known media figures as Bill Maher, Pro Trump terror Frank Luntz, Thomas Friedman, Charlie Rose, and Brian Lehrer of New York’s WNYC.2

Here is the discussion of the October Surprise principle which we offered on May 3, 2016:

In the wake of a large-scale terror attack, Trump would demand that all power be concentrated in his hands in a virtual state of siege -– just like Hitler in late January 1933 -– because he had been the only one to correctly forecast an imminent terrorist bloodbath. Trump could expect backing from those same media factions which have already given him more than $2 billion worth of free media for his primary campaign. The real estate demagogue might have a substantial chance of winning the Electoral College. As president, he could be expected to abuse the USA Patriot Act, the Espionage Act, and the full panoply of electronic eavesdropping. He has already promised to do much of this.

We are therefore looking at a classic October surprise, a terrorist event designed to interfere with the normal course of a presidential election. The original October surprise consisted of the machinations of the Reagan campaign to prevent the release of the Iranian hostages before the November, 1980 presidential election. Four years ago, in 2012, Republican forces attempted to humiliate the Obama administration and give Mitt Romney a ticket to the White House by using subversive CIA factions to carry out the Benghazi attack and prevent timely assistance from being rendered. In the modern era, due especially to early voting and absentee ballot voting, an effective October surprise needs to be front-loaded to the first half of October at the latest.’3

On Sunday, June 12, the day after the Orlando massacre, Trump staked his claim to credit for predicting that more terrorism was coming. This tweet reflected the crippling Narcissistic Personality Disorder which has afflicted him all of his life: he immediately portrayed the entire Orlando event as hinging on himself and his own critical role in forecasting the future:

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump - June 12
Appreciate the congrats for being right on radical Islamic terrorism, I don't want congrats, I want toughness & vigilance. We must be smart!

In the wake of the EgyptAir disaster, Trump immediately claimed terrorism, and at least some media replied that there was no proof of this. (Today, more than three weeks after that incident, there is still no proof concerning the cause of this air disaster.) This time, Trump simply assumes terrorism, and the media are too morally and intellectually bankrupt to contradict him.

Of course, there is no real proof that accused Orlando shooter Omar Mateen had anything to do with Al Qaeda, ISIS, Nusra, or any other terrorist organization. Any other characterization depends on the fake or hearsay reports. We are told that Mateen used a 911 phone call to the Orlando police to pledge allegiance to ISIS, Nusra, and Hezbollah, but this is hopelessly confused and cannot be taken seriously. We demand that the FBI immediately release transcripts and tapes of all three 911 calls involving Mateen, which they claim to have in their possession. These tapes should not meet the same fate of total oblivion suffered by the security cameras on so many buildings in Pentagon City and Crystal City which must have photographed whatever flying object hit the Pentagon on 9/11, and which have never been released. This same skepticism goes for the alleged expression of solidarity by Mateen with the Sarnayev brothers of Boston, the supposed authors of the Boston Marathon massacre. As for the claims by the Orlando police, the shooter could be heard shouting praise of Allah; such claims have no probative or evidentiary value.

According to CBS New York:

‘The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or ISIS, claimed responsibility for the shooting, CBS News reports. The terror group’s news organization, Aamaq Agency, said the attack was “carried out by an Islamic State fighter.”’4

But this supposed claim of responsibility by a group linked to ISIS is based on US media reports and is thus purely opportunistic and bereft of probative value or credibility. So ultimately, there is precious little that would link Mateen to any terrorist organizations. But there is plenty of evidence that links him to the broader US police and security community, which he worked for.

In the face of this, we are more than justified in asking how Trump knew what was coming. Was he engaged in what might be described as insider trading? Does he have back channels to the intelligence community, or for that matter to a notorious pro-terrorist government like that of Turkish President Erdogan?

In any case, a massive backlash against Trump began developing on the Internet on the part of normal people horrified by so much megalomania.

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump - June 12
"@WandaWalls20: @realDonaldTrump
Please make us safe. We cannot have Hillary as president. We will be in so much trouble.

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump - June 12
Is President Obama going to finally mention the words radical Islamic terrorism? If he doesn't he should immediately resign in disgrace!

Donald J. Trump - 7 hrs.
Based on the incredibly inaccurate coverage and reporting of the record setting Trump campaign, we are hereby revoking the press credentials of the phony and dishonest Washington Post.

Just like his ego ideal Nixon, Trump had a media enemies’ list, which now includes the Washington Post, Buzzfeed, Huffington Post, Des Moines Register, Univision, National Review, Mother Jones. All of these are now banned from Trump rallies, press conferences, and other events. We hope he bans all media, and thus cuts off the free publicity he has been getting.

With outrageous chutzpah, Trump took to NBC’s Today Show with Savannah Guthrie this morning and tried to suggest -– again, with no proof -– that Obama is a mole or terrorist sympathizer:

‘Trump replied that “I’m the one who predicted it, but I don’t want the credit.” Guthrie pointed out that he’s still calling attention to the credit — and noted that “in fairness, everyone can predict that there will be another terrorist attack.”

“I’m not sure that the president knows that!” Trump replied. “He won’t even use ‘radical Islamic terrorism,’ he thinks everyone’s a sweetheart!”

He also spoke conspiratorially about whether Obama “really gets it, but doesn’t want to know about it,” adding that “there are a lot of people who think he really doesn’t want to see what is happening — because Savannah, why isn’t he addressing the issue?”5

On Fox and Friends, the fascist billionaire again suggested that Obama was a mole in cahoots with the terrorists. Once again, he laid it with a profession of his own omniscience:

‘Presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump hinted Monday that President Barack Obama is either naive about the threat of terror or actively working with extremists in a Fox News interview after the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history….‘“I mean, I’ve been right about a lot of things, frankly, I was right about ‘take the oil,’ I was right about many, many things,” he said, “Our government, we’re led by a man -– look, guys, we’re led by a man that either is not tough, not smart, or he’s got something else in mind, people can’t believe it.” “They cannot believe that President Obama is acting the way he acts and can’t even mention the words radical Islamic terrorism,” he continued. “There’s something going on. It’s inconceivable. There’s something going on.” Trump also said Obama either “doesn’t get it or he gets it better than anybody understands -– it’s one of the other, and either one is unacceptable.”’6

Implicit in all of this seems to be the idea that Obama is secretly a Moslem. As an early critic of Obama in 2008, who has carefully examined the evidence concerning Obama’s religion, the present writer has concluded that Obama is in no way a Moslem, and that the preponderance of the evidence points in the direction of his atheism.

The rightists speculate that Obama will surrender to the supposed global jihad, whereas his true goal is to launch his own apocalyptic global hyper-jihad against Pakistan, China, and Russia, in conformity with the prescriptions of his guru and svengali, the marplot Zbigniew Brzezinski. Obama is the darling of the failed and bankrupt elites: Brzezinski, Jay Rockefeller, George Soros, Paul Adolph Volcker, General Merrill "Bomb Now, Die Later" McPeak, Joseph Nye of the Trilateral-Bilderberger complex, and the notorious ruling class cover-up artist Lee Hamilton are all in Obama's amen corner. The right-wingers then try to portray Obama as a Moslem, whereas he obviously worships at the Ford Foundation Church of the Counterinsurgency, where the racist provocateur Jeremiah Wright purveys a Gnostic synthetic religion totally distinct from both Christianity and Islam.

-- Obama, the Postmodern Coup: Making of a Manchurian Candidate, by Webster Griffin Tarpley

As far as terrorist sympathizers are concerned, this is the same Obama who some years ago instituted Terror Tuesdays at the White House, with ample time scheduled for reviewing human targets to decide whether they should be eliminated by predator drones and other means. Trump’s comments are absurd.

Trump also posted a statement on his campaign website, in which he portrayed himself as a dictatorial man on horseback in the tradition of Julius Caesar or Napoleon:

‘If we do not get tough and smart real fast, we are not going to have a country anymore. Because our leaders are weak, I said this was going to happen -– and it is only going to get worse. I am trying to save lives and prevent the next terrorist attack. We can’t afford to be politically correct anymore.’7

The American people should ponder how lucky they are that Trump is not already president. If Trump were president today, it is likely that he would have engaged in an oppressive frenzy of repressive measures, including the imposition of martial law, the suspension of habeas corpus, holding pens in the public streets or in sports stadiums on the Chilean model, boxcars and cattle cars, and perhaps even a few summary executions.

Trump’s speech at St. Anselm’s College today repeated his call for a total ban on Moslems crossing the US border to enter this country. He also darkly hinted at how we might use the president’s power to deny entry into the country against other unnamed groups coming from areas of conflict. He also suggested that Moslems and others who fail to denounce terrorist acts will also face serious “consequences” –- evidently a new McCarthyite witch-hunt along the lines of the one superintended by Trump’s mentor, the infamous Roy Cohn.

But, whatever else he might have been, Mateen was born in the United States, in the same state as Trump, in the same city as Trump, and even in the same borough of Queens where Trump says he was born. Mateen was from New Hyde Park, Queens, New York City, which is an exclave of the larger town of New Hyde Park which is located in Nassau County, just across the city line. So Trump and Mateen are paesani, further underlining the absurd and obsolete quality of Trump’s racist, blood and soil world (Blut und Boden) outlook.

And Trump’s rhetoric has feet of clay. The entire orchestrated hysteria of the last few days depends on assumptions which are largely untenable. The Orlando events also display some of those characteristic features which allow us to identify terrorist events as synthetic creations, classifiable as false flag terrorism.

Many terrorist actions have been ascribed to the actions of mentally troubled misfits or lone assassins, from the time of Lee Harvey Oswald to the present day. One virtually infallible clue to a false flag synthetic terrorism event is the presence of multiple shooters according to real-time reports from actual eyewitnesses. Then, all the assassins but one quickly disappear from the dominant media narrative, often without any comment as to why they are being discarded. Recent examples of this include Major Hassan of Fort Hood, and Anders Breivik of Norway, both of whom were initially reported as acting in conjunction with other shooters.

How Could Mateen Kill and Wound So Many?

In these cases, as in the Orlando shootings, one of the main common sense objections to the official version is that a single lone assassin is assumed to be capable of generating the very large numbers of victims, even while acting alone. Breivik is alleged to have chalked up 78 dead and 319 wounded -– a fantastic total. For Mateen, the claim is 50 dead and over 50 injured -– also impossible.

Eyewitness Daniel Gonzalez Reports a Second Shooter

In the Orlando case we have the report of eyewitness Daniel Gonzalez, who reports the presence of a second person working together with the main shooter by seeking to prevent victims from leaving the nightclub, and perhaps also by shooting:

‘“He kept on shooting and shooting and shooting, rapid fire,’’ Gonzalez said, “and he’d change (clips), put in more ammunition — bud-dudda. I could smell the ammo in the air.’’

He said he heard another gun from a different direction, so he wonders if there were two gunmen.

“Everybody dropped to the floor. We were trying to look for an exit. But the main exit was right next to the entrance where the shooter was shooting,’’ he said.

“In a moment of desperation we were all crawling on the floor trying to find a place to exit. I looked to my right and I could see people going through some curtains. We were digging through the curtains and found a door.’’

But he said the door was blocked by a man. He wasn’t sure if it was a club security person or an accomplice to the gunmen.

“Fifty people were trying to jump over each other trying to exit the place. There was a guy holding the door and not letting us exit. He’s like ‘Stay inside, stay inside.’ As he is saying that, the shooter keeps getting closer and closer and the sound of the bullets is getting closer. Everyone starts to panic. People are getting trampled. Let us out, let us out!’’’

Gonzalez’ first thought was that it was a hate crime. “This guy is trying to prevent us from leaving. Maybe they’re working together,’’ he said. … “I’m pretty sure it was more than one person. I heard two guns going at the same time. It was very, very crazy.’’8

Omar Mir Seddique Mateen, Cop

Omar Mir Seddique Mateen

Omar Mir Seddique Mateen, the accused patsy, was according to published accounts someone who had always wanted to be a cop, and who had been working as a security guard for nine years, most recently at a shopping center. He was thus practically a cop, or halfway a cop. He worked at Treasure Coast Square:

‘Treasure Coast Square is a shopping mall in Jensen Beach, Florida, USA. It comprises more than 120 stores, including anchor stores Dillard’s, JCPenney, Macy’s and Sears, as well as a food court and Regal 16-screen movie theater. The mall is managed by Simon Property Group, and opened in 1987.’10

Mateen’s father appears politically knowledgeable and familiar with the workings of the US Congress, which he lobbied. He had proclaimed himself a candidate for President of Afghanistan, whence he had emigrated to the US. Mateen’s first wife says that he had a violent temper, and sometimes became violent enough to beat her. She left him after four months. Mateen had a second wife, and a child by her:

‘An obscure real estate record says that Orlando terrorist Omar Mateen had a second wife — but the woman remained a mystery Monday, with few details emerging about her even as the gunman’s first spouse went public about their abusive relationship. The second wife, Noor Salman, was listed as Mateen’s spouse on a St. Lucie County mortgage document from September 2013. The couple moved into a house in Port Saint Lucie, Fla. with Mateen’s father and another one of his relatives, the document says.’11

G4S Secure Solutions of the United Kingdom

A salient fact about Mateen is his job with G4S Secure Solutions, a high-profile international security company headquartered in Great Britain, and thus inevitably with links to British intelligence.

‘The security company that employed Orlando nightclub shooter Omar Mateen also is a federal contractor for the Homeland Security and State departments -– raising more questions about how he passed background checks despite being on the FBI’s radar screen and the level of security at a firm handling sensitive U.S. operations. Mateen, who killed 49 people and wounded dozens more early Sunday inside the gay nightclub Pulse, started working for G4S Secure Solutions in 2007 and until the attack was employed as an armed guard at a gated retirement community in South Florida. The U.K.-based firm has a far-reaching portfolio that goes well beyond retirement villages, however, with its U.S. arm having become one of the biggest government contractors since 9/11. This includes helping secure 40 U.S. embassies worldwide and working with U.S. agents on border patrol.’12

Of all the red flags for a patsy, Mateen has most of them.

https://www.opendemocracy.net/ourkingdo ... ate-power-

https://www.opendemocracy.net/uk/shinea ... itish-secu

Mateen’s Gun Purveyor Was a New York City Cop

Ed Henson of the St. Lucie Shooting Center is a “former” New York City police officer. The New York Daily News reports that he retired from his post as NYPD detective in 2002. In his Monday appearance for reporters, Henson appeared calm and judicious as he spoke fluently and knowledgeably about the various technicalities of long gun and handgun purchases, waiting periods, background checks, and other details. His rhetorical posture was “Sorry, fellas, I’d like to help, but that is all I can tell you.” He was too polished, too smooth, too affable. He implied that his gun shop provides services for government agencies. What part of the NYPD was he attached to? Was it the Red Squad, one of the infamous Law Enforcement Intelligence Units (LEIUs) which form a semi-private network within the new post 9/11 domestic counterinsurgency and Cointelpro apparatus?

There is a photograph of Mateen wearing a grey NYPD tee shirt. Is that a statement about his sense of personal identity? How great was the influence of Henson over Mateen? Is Henson a patsy minder?

Henson ‘“told the Orlando Sentinel he had few memories of Mateen. “He’s a nobody,” Henson said. “He’s a customer. He came and purchased his guns and he left. We do a large business.”’13

Gun Shop Owner Ed Henson Talks Like Trump in Public, Wants Obama Executed

The combination of Mateen and Henson is all the more remarkable when we discover that Henson’s public posture was that of Islamophobia to the point of obscenity, mixed with plenty of anti-Obama obsession:

‘ATF Agent Sal van Susteren confirmed to the New York Daily News that accused Orlando shooter Omar Mateen purchased the weapons he used in the weekend’s massacre at St. Lucie Shooting Center, not far from Mateen’s apartment in Fort Pierce, Florida. The New York Daily News reported that the store’s owner, Ed Henson, an ex-NYPD officer, had posted on Facebook in December a meme that said, “F— Islam, F— Allah. F— Muhammad. F— the Koran. F— people who support terrorism,” as well as a comment in November calling for Obama to be “handcuffed, removed from Office and charged with Treason and then publicly executed!” “How can the American People and military stand by and do nothing while this piece of sh– puts everyone of us in danger.”14

This sure looks like a pro-Trump network, since the ideology is identical. More recent reports raise the possibility that Mateen may have been a homosexual himself, despite his father’s report that he became furious when he saw men kissing:

‘Omar Mateen lived a double life. The homophobic maniac who murdered 49 people inside Orlando’s gay-friendly nightclub Pulse Sunday morning had been hanging out there for three years — and chatted with men via online dating services like Grindr, said multiple witnesses who claimed to have firsthand knowledge of Mateen’s habits.’15

According to this, Mateen actually frequented the Pulse Night Club himself.

FBI Director James Comey gave a press conference on Monday in which he repeated hearsay evidence and failed to document or corroborate any of the FBI’s assertions about what happened.

‘Comey said the shooter, who was killed in a gunfight with police responders, made three 911 phone calls from the club during the attack, beginning at about 2:30 a.m. In the calls, he claimed allegiance to the leader of the so-called Islamic State (ISIL) as well as the perpetrators of the 2013 Boston Marathon attack and a Florida man who died as a suicide bomber in Syria for a terrorist group in conflict with ISIL.

The patsies ultimately have three vital functions. The first is that they have to be noticed. They must attract lots and lots of attention. They may issue raving statements on videotape, or doubles can be used to issue these statements for them if they are not up to it. They need to get into fights with passersby, as Mohammed Atta is said to have done concerning a parking space at the airport in Maine early in the morning on September 11. Even if they are presumed dead they must remain prominent, as in the case of Atta’s passport, which is alleged by the FBI to have survived the fiery collapse of the World Trade Center towers to be found undamaged and unsinged on a nearby street. Even when presumed dead they must be eloquent about themselves and their activities, as they accused 9/11 hijackers when they left behind a copy of the Koran, airline schedules, terrorist literature and videotapes, and Atta’s crudely forged last will and testament in a car and in luggage.

-- 9/11 Synthetic Terror Made in USA, by Webster Griffin Tarpley

The contents of these purported 9/11 calls are exactly what must be documented and proven. If the FBI could not find the truth about Mateen for years before June 11, 2016, why should we assume that they have figured anything out now? Comey continued:

‘“There are strong indications of radicalization by this killer and of potential inspiration by foreign terrorism organizations,” Comey said, adding that the FBI is the lead investigative agency on this case because it is a terrorism investigation.

Director Comey also described the FBI’s prior contacts with the killer, beginning in May 2013. The FBI opened an investigation when the shooter, then working as a contract security guard, made some inflammatory comments to co-workers and claimed a family connection to Al Qaeda. The shooter was interviewed twice during the preliminary investigation, where he admitted making the statements but said he had done so in anger at his co-workers, who he believed were discriminating against him. The case was closed after 10 months.

Two months later, the shooter’s name surfaced as a casual acquaintance of the Florida man who blew himself up in Syria for the terrorist group al Nusra Front. “Our investigation turned up no ties of any consequence between the two of them,” Comey said. “We will continue to look forward in this investigation, and backward. We will leave no stone unturned.”

Comey said the Bureau is reviewing those cases to see if anything was missed. “We’re also going to look hard at our own work to see whether there is something we should have done differently. So far, the honest answer is: I don’t think so. I don’t see anything in reviewing our own work that our agents should have done differently.”16

Comey’s smug complacency is astounding for a bureaucrat whose agency has just failed yet again in its essential mission of protecting the American people. As we have said before, Obama should put a mole detector at the door of CIA, FBI, NSA and the rest. In the meantime, Comey needs to take responsibility for failure and resign.

‘FBI Director James Comey added in a statement on Monday that the shooter was involved in precisely three calls to a 911 dispatcher at approximately 2:30am. Comey said: ‘He (Mateen) called and hung up. He called again and spoke with the dispatcher and hung up. ‘And the dispatcher called him back and they spoke briefly. ‘During the calls he said he was doing this for the leader of ISIS, who he named, and pledged loyalty to. But he also appeared to claim solidarity with the perpetrators of the Boston Marathon bombings and solidarity with the Florida man who died as a suicide bomber in Syria for Al-Nusra Front -– a group in conflict with the so-called Islamic State.’

The Boston bombers and the suicide bomber from Florida were not inspired by ISIS, which adds a little bit to the confusion about his motives’, Comey concluded.

Police chiefs chose to act when he boasted to the 911 call handler about ‘bomb vests, explosives’ and said he would murder more young people.’17

Again -– let’s hear those tapes, fast.

In the meantime, the lies and half-truths leaked from the US intelligence community are circulating in the media as the truth:

‘CBS News Justice and Homeland Security correspondent Jeff Pegues reports that Mateen called 911 just prior to the attack and pledged allegiance to ISIS. According to CBS News, Mateen identified himself to the 911 operator and also mentioned the Tsarnaev brothers, who were behind the Boston Marathon bombings in 2013.’18

Once again, this is exactly what must not be believed without conclusive proof.

In the meantime, this attack and any further terrorist attacks on the US and the other NATO states must be prima facie attributed to intelligence factions favorable to Trump. Obama must act now to prevent these factions from acting again.

To complete the false flag picture, it appears that the Orlando massacre was preceded by a mass casualty exercise held last October. [See links below]

It coincided with the annual meeting of the Emergency Nurses Association and used 100 actors and professional makeup and special effects experts & Fx appliances.

http://www.orlandosentinel.com/health/o ... -casualty-

Used “100 volunteer actors”

http://myinforms.com/en-us/a/36226524-o ... ill-screen



http://tarpley.net/gop-operatives-eye-t ... tside-even
http://tarpley.net/pro-trump-october-su ... -are-opera
http://tarpley.net/thomas-friedman-of-n ... ctober-sur
http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2016/06/12/ ... -shooting/
http://www.salon.com/2016/06/13/watch_n ... ams_trump_
http://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/t ... im-orlando
https://www.donaldjtrump.com/press-rele ... tement-reg
http://www.palmbeachpost.com/news/news/ ... -within-pu
Omar Mir Seddique Mateen (November 16, 1986 – June 12, 2016)
http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nationa ... -salman-ar
http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/06 ... ed-for-dhs
New York Daily News, June 13, 2016.
http://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/o ... nty-shooti
http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nationa ... ted-pulse-
https://www.fbi.gov/news/news_blog/dire ... -orlando-s
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... -ha-killed
http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2016/06/12/ ... -shooting/
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Re: Spooks for Trump: CIA-Voice Of America-State Department

Postby admin » Fri Jun 17, 2016 12:56 am

National Revulsion Against Trump Reaching Critical Mass; GOP Operatives Eye Terrorism on Scale of Paris or Brussels As Possible Outside Event to Save Republican Ticket
by Webster Griffin Tarpley
April 2, 2016



September/October Surprise Plausible; Intelligence Community Factions Supporting Trump Are Prime Suspects in Any Terror Attacks Between Now and November Election; After Unhinged Comments on Use of Nuclear Weapons in the Middle East and Europe, Voters Are Increasingly Terrified by Specter of Trump’s Erratic Finger on Thermonuclear Button; Trump Mocked As “Zombie Candidate” and “Kardashian Candidate”; New Poll Shows Billionaire Disliked by 67% of Americans, Including 80% of Millennials, 80% of Women, 85% of Hispanics; GOP Could Lose White House, Senate, House, and Supreme Court; Cruz Leads Trump by 10% in April 5 Wisconsin Primary; Tax Wall Street Party Calls for Hillary to Debate Bernie in New York; In Wisconsin, Hold Your Nose and Vote for Bernie; #StopTrump!

GOP pollster Frank Luntz thinks that terror attacks on the scale of Paris or Brussels could rescue the Donald Trump ticket from defeat in November.

In the two weeks following the Brussels terror attacks, an important sea-change has occurred in American politics, to the detriment of the demagogic candidacy of Donald Trump. Those overseas events gave the Queens billionaire the opportunity to pose as a statesman and de facto Lord Protector of the American people, in much the same way that Oliver Cromwell posed as the protector of England in the seventeenth century. Trump wasted his opportunity to win over the Republican oligarchs and elite donor class, instead choosing to roll in the mud of attacks on rivals’ wives, the cad Lewandowsky, and police state measures to suppress abortions.

Recent polling highlights the pervasive unpopularity of Trump outside of the crazed and narrow confines of the GOP. It is therefore of compelling interest when a Republican consultant like the sophist Frank Luntz is quoted in the press speaking of how an outside event of terrorism could suddenly turn the tide in favor of Trump as dictator later this year:

‘Frank Luntz, an unaligned GOP pollster, said Trump could erase at least some his deficit if he capitalizes on the fall debates and other events, noting that history is littered with examples of candidates doing just that.3 “The big moments cause people to change,” Luntz said. “And let’s face it, we may have a moment outside of conventions and debates that’s even bigger. If you have a Paris or a Brussels on American soil, that can completely change the dynamic.”’

"The Process of Transformation is Likely to Be a Long One, Absent Some Catastrophic and Catalyzing Event Like a New Pearl Harbor"

--Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources For a New Century, A Report of The Project for the New American Century

Americans need to go on RED ALERT to prevent this from happening!
Frank Luntz should be invited to tell exactly what he knows.

Elsewhere in the press, we read that GOP insiders view Trump as a possible “zombie candidate,” too maimed to win, but too strong to stop on his way to the nomination:

‘Republicans who once worried that Mr. Trump might gain overwhelming momentum in the primaries are now becoming preoccupied with a different grim prospect: that Mr. Trump might become a kind of zombie candidate — damaged beyond the point of repair, but too late for any of his rivals to stop him. Should Mr. Trump lurch into the convention so fatally compromised with general election voters and a sizable faction of Republicans, it could make it easier for the party to wrest the nomination away from him. But it would also make the consequences of failing to defeat him all the more ruinous if the specter of choosing a seemingly unelectable nominee does not deter Mr. Trump’s supporters.’

After Trump’s unstable performance of the past week, there is increasing concern about putting the nuclear launch codes into the hands of a person whose invariant trait has been shown to be extreme cruelty towards the weak and the defenseless:

‘“He needs to start acting more like the commander in chief,” [A Republican consultant] said. “At some point folks ask themselves, ‘Am I comfortable in terms of wanting to give this person the nuclear codes?’”’

The answer is that no serious and intelligent person could rest easy with the power of war and peace, life and death, in the hands of such a wreck as Trump.



Philp Rucker and Robert Costa, “Trump would be least-popular major-party nominee in modern times,” Washington Post, April 1, 2016, https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics ... opular-maj
Alexander Burns, “G.O.P. Fears Donald Trump as Zombie Candidate: Damaged but Unstoppable,” New York Times, April 1, 2016, http://mobile.nytimes.com/2016/04/02/us ... ald-trump-
Presumably, Luntz is referring to the GOP’s October Surprise of 1980, when the Reagan campaign intentionally delayed the freeing of US hostages held by Iran, or to the Benghazi affair of 2012.
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Re: Spooks for Trump: CIA-Voice Of America-State Department

Postby admin » Fri Jun 17, 2016 2:02 am

Drill prepares emergency nurses for mass casualties
by Naseem S. Miller
Orlando Sentinel
October 2, 2015



Thousands of nurses participate in a mass casualty drill in Orlando

Nurse on mass casualty drills: "Until we figure out what the solution...is, this is just life for us now."


August, 1997: The cover of FEMA’s emergency response to terrorism depicts the World Trade Center in cross-hairs.

-- Loose Change, 2nd Edition Recut, written and directed by Dylan Avery

During the Emergency Nurses Association's annual meeting on Friday, a mock shooter blew himself up, killing and injuring 100 local volunteer actors.

There was blood, screams and moans, wounds and dead people – all fake – to create a realistic training environment for more than 40 nurses who had signed up for the exercise.

They quickly began tending to "patients," assessing the extent of their injuries.

The nurses association had worked with several Orlando-based companies for nearly a year to set up the drill on at the Orange County Convention Center, which by coincidence took place a day after the shooting at a community college in Roseburg, Oregon, where 10 people died and seven were wounded.

Jeff Solheim, a nurse and CEO of emergency nursing company Solheim Enterprises, had recently visited Mercy Medical Center, where the Oregon shooting victims were taken on Thursday.

"You hear about these shootings on TV, and it's in Virginia. It's in Aurora. And when it happens to the hospital you were just at, and the staff you worked with ... and you think, that could be us!" he said. "It makes it so freaking personal when it happens to the people you know," he said with tears in his eyes.

"Until we figure out what the solution to the problem is, this is just life for us now," said Solheim.

To set up the drill, Orlando-based medical equipment management systems company Paladin Healthcare joined forces with the local First Response Training Group, which brought along its EMT and paramedic students like Tiahnna Ortiz to volunteer as on-site first responders and patients. The state's emergency response team was also present, helping set-up temporary tents and guide the activities.

Pictures: Emergency Nurses Association mass casualty drill

Students from Joe Blasco Cosmetics make-up artist training center in Orlando practiced their skills of creating life-like wounds, cuts and bruises.

Ortiz ended up with visible bruises on her arm and face, but her character died later during the drill. "She had trouble breathing," Ortiz said.

In an adjacent hall, hundreds of attendees watched live on a large screen as the events unfolded, and Daniel Nadworny, the clinical director of operations at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, walked them through what was being done right or wrong.

It wasn't too long ago that Nadworny found himself caring for the victims of the bombing at the Boston Marathon.

"I thought the training was great," said attendee and observer Devry Aldaz, nurse leader of Emergency Services at Florida Hospital Winter Garden. "We're in the tourist capital of the world. We need to be ready."

Michelle Cockrell, a nurse from Ohio, said she had never been in a disaster-type situation. "So this was very helpful. You learn to move rapidly and pay attention to everything."


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