The Travels of Marco Polo, by Marco Polo and Rustichello of

That's French for "the ancient system," as in the ancient system of feudal privileges and the exercise of autocratic power over the peasants. The ancien regime never goes away, like vampires and dinosaur bones they are always hidden in the earth, exercising a mysterious influence. It is not paranoia to believe that the elites scheme against the common man. Inform yourself about their schemes here.

Re: The Travels of Marco Polo, by Marco Polo and Rustichello

Postby admin » Thu Mar 29, 2018 3:43 am


<+>(The usual description of their advance to meet one another. Toctai is joined by the two sons of Totamangu with a goodly company. They encamp within ten miles of each other in the Plain of NERGHI.)
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Re: The Travels of Marco Polo, by Marco Polo and Rustichello

Postby admin » Thu Mar 29, 2018 3:43 am


<+>(The whole of this is in the usual formula without any circumstances worth transcribing. The forces of Nogai though inferior in numbers are the better men-at-arms. King Toctai shows great valour.)
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Re: The Travels of Marco Polo, by Marco Polo and Rustichello

Postby admin » Thu Mar 29, 2018 3:46 am


<+>(The deeds of Nogai surpass all; the enemy scatter like a flock, and are pursued, losing 60,000 men, but Toctai escapes, and so do the two sons of Totamangu.)
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Re: The Travels of Marco Polo, by Marco Polo and Rustichello

Postby admin » Thu Mar 29, 2018 3:46 am


And now ye have heard all that we can tell you about the Tartars and the Saracens and their customs, and likewise about the other countries of the world as far as our researches and information extend. Only we have said nothing whatever about the GREATER SEA and the provinces that lie round it, although we know it thoroughly. But it seems to me a needless and useless task to speak about places which are visited by people every day. For there are so many who sail all about that sea constantly, Venetians, and Genoese, and Pisans, and many others, that everybody knows all about it, and that is the reason that I pass it over and say nothing of it.

Of the manner in which we took our departure from the Court of the Great Kaan you have heard at the beginning of the Book, in that chapter where we told you of all the vexation and trouble that Messer Maffeo and Messer Nicolo and Messer Marco had about getting the Great Kaan's leave to go; and in the same chapter is related the lucky chance that led to our departure. And you may be sure that but for that lucky chance, we should never have got away in spite of all our trouble, and never have got back to our country again. But I believe it was God's pleasure that we should get back in order that people might learn about the things that the world contains. For according to what has been said in the introduction at the beginning of the Book, there never was a man, be he Christian or Saracen or Tartar or Heathen, who ever travelled over so much of the world as did that noble and illustrious citizen of the City of Venice, Messer Marco the son of Messer Nicolo Polo.

Thanks be to God! Amen! Amen!



[1] This conclusion is not found in any copy except in the Crusca Italian, and, with a little modification, in another at Florence, belonging to the Pucci family. It is just possible that it was the embellishment of a transcriber or translator; but in any case it is very old, and serves as an epilogue.

[Illustration: Asiatic Warriors of Polo's Age. (From a contemporary Persian Miniature.)]
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Re: The Travels of Marco Polo, by Marco Polo and Rustichello

Postby admin » Thu Mar 29, 2018 3:47 am


APPENDIX A.—Geneaology of the House of Chinghiz, to end of Thirteenth Century.

Supreme [KAANS] in large capitals. KHANS of KIPCHAK, CHAGATAI, and PERSIA in small capitals. Numerals indicate order of succession. For other sons of Kúblái, see Book II., chapter ix.

Those who are mentioned by Marco Polo have a line under their names.

Seniority runs from right to left.

Vesugai _______________________________________________| | | Uchegin or [I.CHINGIZ KAAN] Pilgutai | | __________________________|_____________________ | | | | | Jintu TULI [II. OKKODAI KAAN] | | | | |___________ | | | __________|______________________ | | | | | | | | | | | Tagajar Arikbuga I. HULAKU [V.KÚBLÁI [IV.MANGKU | | | | | KAAN] KAAN] | | | | _____________|______ |____ | | | | | | | | | | | Agul 3.TIGUDAR Tara- 2.ABAKA Chingkim | | | | AHMAD kai | ______|______________ | | | | | | | | | | | | | ____________| | [VI.TEMUR KAAN] | Kanbala | | | | | _______|______ | | | | Nayan 6.BAIDU | | Tarmabala | | | 5.KAI- 4.ARGHUN | | | KHATU | | | | ________|_______ | | | | | | | | 8. OLJAITU 7.GHAZAN | | | [Khans of PERSIA] | | | | | | __________________________________________________________| | | | | | | | Shiregi Kashin [III. _KUYUK_KAAN] | | | | | Kaidu | | | | | Chapar | | or | | Shabar | | | | __________________________________________________________| | | | CHAGATAI | ______|_________________________________________ | | | | | | | | Kadami Sarban Paidar 2.YESSU- Muwatukan Juji | | | | MANGKU, | | | | | | followed by | | | | | | Kara-Hulaku's | | | | | | widow, 3. ARGUNA. | | | | | | ____________| | | | | | | | | | 8. TUKA 7. NIK- ALGHUL Yesan- I. KAKA- Nigudar- | (or BUKA) PAL Tewa. HULAKU. Aghul | TEMUR | | | 6.BORRAK. 5.MUBARIK | | SHAH | | | 9. TEWA or | DUA | | [Khans of ULUS CHAGATAI] | __________________________________________________________| | | | | Tewal Shaiban 4. BARKA 7. BATU | | | | | ____________________|_______ Tatar Kaunchi | | | | 3.ULAGHJI Toghan 2. SARTAK | _______________|_______ | | | | Noghai 6. _TUDAI- 5. MANGKU Bartu MANGKU TEMUR | | | _______________| | | | | 8.TOKTAI Abaji 7. TULABUGA.

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Re: The Travels of Marco Polo, by Marco Polo and Rustichello

Postby admin » Thu Mar 29, 2018 3:47 am

APPENDIX B.—The Polo Families.

/- Maffeo, /- Giovannino Seniority runs from
| make will in | (Illeg.) [bottom] to [top].
| Feb. 1309; | alive in 1321.
| was dead |
| before 1318. +- Stefano
| | (Illeg.)
| | alive in 1321.
| |
| | Catarina,
| | d. of Nic. /- Fiordelisa.
| | Sagredo. |
| | || ———|
| +- Maffeo \- Pasqua.
| 2. (Mother | made a will, (Illeg.)
| of Maffeo. | 1300.
| Fiordelisa |
| Trevisan?) |
| || | Renuzzo Delfio
+- Nicolò, ———-+ ||
| of S. Giov. | /- Moreta,
| Grisostomo | | married
| married twice, \- MARCO, | after 1324;
| d. before 1300. of S. Giov. | alive in
| || Grisostomo, | 1336.
| 1. (Marco's 1254-1324. |
A | Mother, || ————-+- Bellella,
n | Name unknown.) Donata—(?) | married to—
d | died after | before 1324;
r | 1333 and | died before 1333.
e | before 1336. |
a | \- Fantina,
| married
P | before 1324;
o | alive in 1379.
l | || ————- Pietro Bragadin
o | Marco Bragadin of S. Giov.
, | of S. Geminiano Grisostomo,
+ was alive in
o | 1388.
f | /- Maroca. /- Agnesina
| | |
S. \- Marco, —+- Nicolò. —— Marco, ——-+
made will, | known as |
F 1280 | Marcolino \- Matteo,
e | (1328) of married Caterina,
l | S. Giov. daughter of
i | Grisotomo. Giandomenico.
c \- Antonio.
e (Illegitimate)
Felice Polo,
called Cousins,
1280, 1300.
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Re: The Travels of Marco Polo, by Marco Polo and Rustichello

Postby admin » Thu Mar 29, 2018 3:51 am


The preceding Table gives the Family of our Traveller as far as I have seen sound data for tracing it, either upwards or downwards.

I have expressed, in the introductory notices, my doubts about the Venetian genealogies, which continue the family down to 1418 or 19, because it seems to me certain that all of them do more or less confound with our Polos of S. Giovanni Grisostomo, members of the other Polo Family of S. Geremia. It will help to disentangle the subject if we put down what is ascertained regarding the S. Geremia family.

To the latter with tolerable certainty belonged the following:—

1302. MARCO Polo of Cannareggio, see vol. i. pp. 64-67. (The Church of S. Geremia stands on the canal called Cannareggio.)

Already in 1224, we find a Marco Polo of S. Geremia and Cannareggio. (See Liber Plegiorum, published with Archivio Veneto, 1872 pp. 32, 36).

1319. (Bianca, widow of GIOVANNI Polo?)[1]

1332. 24th March. Concession, apparently of some privilege in connection with the State Lake in San Basilio, to DONATO and HERMORAO (= Hermolaus or Almorò) Paulo (Document partially illegible).[2]

1333. 23rd October. Will of Marchesina Corner, wife of Marino Gradenigo of S. Apollinare, who chooses for her executors "my mother Dona Fiordelisa Cornaro, and my uncle (Barba) Ser Marco Polo."[3] Another extract apparently of the same will mentions "mia cusina MARIA Polo," and "mio cusin MARCO Polo" three times.[4]

1349. MARINO Polo and Brothers.[5]

1348. About this time died NICOLO Polo of S. Geremia,[6] who seems to have been a Member of the Great Council.[7] He had a brother MARCO, and this Marco had a daughter AGNESINA. Nicolo also leaves a sister BARBARA (a nun), a son GIOVANNINO (apparently illegitimate[7]), of age in 1351,[6] a nephew GHERARDO, and a niece FILIPPA,[6] Abbess of Sta. Catarina in Mazzorbo.

The executors of Nicolo are GIOVANNI and DONATO Polo.[6] We have not their relationship stated.

DONATO must have been the richest Polo we hear of, for in the Estimo or forced Loan of 1379 for the Genoese War, he is assessed at 23,000 Lire.[8] A history of that war also states that he ("Donado Polo del Canareggio") presented the Government with 1000 ducats, besides maintaining in arms himself, his son, and seven others.[9] Under 1388 we find Donato still living, and mention of CATARUZZA, d. of Donato:[10] and under 1390 of Elena, widow of Donato.[10]

The Testamentary Papers of Nicolo also speak of GIACOMO [or Jacopo] Polo. He is down in the Estimo of 1379 for 1000 Lire;[11] and in 1371 an inscription in Cicogna shows him establishing a family burial-place in Sta. Maria de' Servi:[12]


(1353. 2nd June. Viriola, widow of ANDREA or Andrinolo Polo of Sta. Maria Nuova ?)[13]

1379. In addition to those already mentioned we have NICOLO assessed at 4000 lire.[11]

1381. And apparently this is the NICOLO, son of Almoro (Hermolaus), who was raised to the Great Council, for public service rendered, among 30 elected to that honour after the war of Chioggia.[14] Under 1410 we find ANNA, relict of Nicolo Polo.[15]

1379. In this year also, ALMORO, whether father or brother of the last, contributes 4000 lire to the Estimo.[11]

1390. CLEMENTE Polo (died before 1397)[15] and his wife MADDALUZIA.[15] Also in this year PAOLO Polo, son of Nicolo, gave his daughter in marriage to Giov. Vitturi.[16]

1408 and 1411. CHIARA, daughter of Francesco Balbi, and widow of ERMOLAO (or Almorò) Polo, called of Sta. Trinità.[15]

1416. GIOVANNI, perhaps the Giovannino mentioned above.[15]

1420. 22nd November. BARTOLO, son of Ser ALMORO and of the Nobil Donna CHIARA Orio.(?)[17] This couple probably the same as in the penultimate entry.

1474, seqq. Accounts belonging to the Trust Estate of BARTOLOMEO Polo of S. Geremia.[15]

There remains to be mentioned a MARCO POLO, member of the Greater Council, chosen Auditor Sententiarum, 7th March, 1350, and named among the electors of the Doges Marino Faliero (1354) and Giovanni Gradenigo (1355). The same person appears to have been sent as Provveditore to Dalmatia in 1355. As yet it is doubtful to what family he belonged, and it is possible that he may have belonged to our traveller's branch, and have continued that branch according to the tradition. But I suspect that he is identical with the Marco, brother of Nicolo Polo of S. Geremia, mentioned above, under 1348. (See also vol. i. p. 74.) Cappellari states distinctly that this Marco was the father of the Lady who married Azzo Trevisan. (See Introd. p. 78.)

We have intimated the probability that he was the Marco mentioned twice in connection with the Court of Sicily. (See vol. i. p. 79, note.)

A later Marco Polo, in 1537, distinguished himself against the Turks in command of a ship called the Giustiniana; forcing his way past the enemy's batteries into the Gulf of Prevesa, and cannonading that fortress. But he had to retire, being unsupported.

It may be added that a Francesco Paulo appears among the list of those condemned for participation in the conspiracy of Baiamonte Tiepolo in 1310. (Dandulo in Mur. XII. 410, 490.)

[I note from the MS. of Priuli, Genealogie delle famiglie nobili di Venesia, kept in the R'o. Archivio di Stato at Venice, some information, pp. 4376-4378, which permit me to draw up the following Genealogy which may throw some light on the Polos of San Geremia:—

ANDREA, of San Felice
| | |
Marco Nicolò Maffio
of S. Grisostomo
buried at S. Lorenzo.
| | | |
Marco Steffano Giovanni Maffio
(Milioni) |
| | | |
Almorò of Maffio Marco Nicolò
San Geremia
Nicolò of San Geremia
made a Nobleman, 4th Sept. 1381
| | |
Maffio Marco Marin
| |
Marco + 1418
Governor of Castel Vecchio,
at Verona.
Sir Henry Yule writes above (II. p. 507) that Nicolo Polo of S. Geremia had a brother Marco, and this Marco had a daughter Agnesina. I find in the Acts of the Notary Brutti, in the Will of Elisabetta Polo, dated 14th March, 1350:—

of S. Grisostomo
| | |
Agnesina Christina Marina
= Nicoleto. = Michaleto in the Monastery
of S. Lorenzo.

The Maffio, son of Nicolò of S. Giov. Grisostomo, and father of Pasqua and Fiordelisa, married probably after his will (1300) and had his four sons: Almorò of S. Geremia, Maffio, Marco, Nicolò. Indeed, Cicogna writes (Insc. Ven. II. p. 390):—"Non apparisce che Maffeo abbia avuto figliuoli maschi da questo testamento [1300]; ma per altro non è cosa assurda il credere che posteriormente a questo testamento 1300 possa avere avuti figliuoli maschi; ed in effetto le Genealogie gliene danno quatro, cioè Ermolao, Maffio, Marco, Nicolò. Il Ramusio anzi glien dà cinque, senza nominarli, uno de'quali Marco, e una femmina di nome Maria; e Marco Barbaro gliene dà sei, cioè Nicolò, Maria, Pietro, Donado, Marco, Franceschino."—H.C.]

[Sig. Ab. Cav. Zanetti gives (Archivio Veneto, XVI. 1878, p. 110). See our Int., p. 78.

| |
Maria? Marco married Benedetto died at Verona Cornaro in 1401, and in 1417, 1418, or 1425.]
Azzo Trevisan



[1] Document in Archivio of the Casa di Ricovero, Bundle LXXVII., No. 209.

[2] Registro di Grazie, 4° c. Comm. by Comm. Berchet.

[3] Arch. Gen. dei Giudici del Proprio, Perg. No. 82, 1st July, 1342, cites this. (Comm. Berchet.)

[4] Arch. dei Procuratori di San Marco, with Testam. 1327, January, marked "N.H. Ser Marco Gradenigo." (Comm. Berchet.)

[5] Document in Archivio of the Casa di Ricovero, Bundle LXXIV., No. 651.

[6] List (extracted in 1868-9) of Documents in the above Archivio, but which seem to have been since mislaid.

[7] Parchment in the possession of Cav. F. Stefani, containing a decision, dated 16th September, 1355, signed by the Doge and two Councillors, in favour of Giovannino Polo, natural son of the Noble Nicoletto of S. Geremia (qu. Nobilis Viri Nicoleti Paulo).

[8] In Gallicciolli, Delle Mem. Ven. Antiche, Ven. 1795, II. p. 136. In the MS. of Cappellari Campidoglio Veneto, in the Marciana, the sum stated is 3000 only.

[9] Della Presa di Chiozza in Muratori, Script. xv. 785.

[10] Documents seen by the Editor in the Arch, of the Casa di Ricovero.

[11] In Gallicciolli Delle Mem. Ven. Antiche, Ven. 1795, II. p. 136.

[12] Cicogna, I. p. 77.

[13] Arch. Gen. dei Giud. Perg. No. 120.

[14] Cappellari, MS.; Sanuto, Vite de' Duchi di Ven. in Muratori, XXII. 730.

[15] Documents seen by the Editor in the Arch, of the Casa di Ricovero.

[16] Cappellari.

[17] Libro d'Oro from 1414 to 1407 in Museo Correr. Comm. by Comm. Berchet.
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Re: The Travels of Marco Polo, by Marco Polo and Rustichello

Postby admin » Thu Mar 29, 2018 3:58 am

APPENDIX C.—Calendar of Documents Relating to Marco Polo and his Family.


Will of Marco Polo of S. Severo, uncle of the Traveller, executed atVenice, 5th August, 1280. An Abstract given in vol. i. pp. 23-24.

The originals of this and the two other Wills (Nos. 2 and 8) are in St. Mark's Library. They were published first by Cicogna, Iscrizioni Veneziane, and again more exactly by Lazari.


Will of Maffeo Polo, brother of the Traveller, executed at Venice, 31st August, 1300. Abstract given at pp. 64-65 of vol. i.


Archivio Generale—Maggior Consiglio—Liber Magnus, p. 81.[1]

1392. 13 Aprilis. (Capta est): Quod fit gratia provido viro MARCO PAULO quod ipse absolvatur a penâ incursâ pro eo quod non fecit circari unam suam conductam cum ignoraverit ordinem circa hoc.

Ego MARCUS MICHAEL consiliarius m.p.s.
Ego PAULUS DELPHINUS consiliarius m.p.s.
Ego MARCUS SIBOTO de mandato ipsorum cancellavi.


Resolution of the Maggior Consiglio, under date 10th April, 1305, in which Marco Polo is styled Marcus Paulo Milioni. (See p. 67 of vol. i.) In the Archivio Generate, Maggior Cons. Reg. M.S., Carta 82.[2]

"Item quod fiat gratia Bonocio de Mestre de illis Libris centum quinquaginta duobus, in quibus extitit condempnatus per Capitaneos Postarum, occasione vini per eum portati contra bampnum, isto modo videlicet quod solvere debeat dictum debitum hinc ad annos quatuor, solvendo annuatim quartum dicti debiti per hunc modum, scilicet quod dictus Bonocius ire debeat cum nostris Ambaxiatoribus, et soldum quod ei competet pro ipsis viis debeat scontari, et it quod ad solvendum dictum quartum deficiat per eum vel suos plegios integre persolvatur. Et sunt plegii Nobiles Viri PETRUS MAUROCENO et MARCHUS PAULO MILION et plures alii qui sunt scripti ad Cameram Capitaneorum Postarum."


Decision in Marco Polo's suit against Paulo Girardo, 9th March 1311, for recovery of the price of musk sold on commission, etc. (From the Archives of the Casa di Ricovero at Venice, Filza No. 202). (See vol. i. p. 70.)

"In nomine Dei Eterni Amen. Anno ab Incarnatione Domini Nostri Jesu Christi millesimo trecentesimo undecimo, Mensis Marci die nono, intrante Indicione Nona, Rivoalti …

"Cum coram nobilibus viris Dominis CATHARINO DALMARIO et MARCO LANDO, Judicibus Peticionum, Domino LEONARDO DE MOLINO, tercio Judice curie, tunc absente, inter Nobilem Virum MARCUM POLO de confinio Sancti Johannis Grisostomi ex unâ parte, et PAULUM GIRARDO de confinio Sancti Apollinaris ex altera parte, quo ex suo officio verteretur occasione librarum trium denariorum grossorum Venetorum in parte unâ, quas sibi PAULO GIRARDO petebat idem MARCUS POLO pro dimidia libra muscli quam ab ipso MARCO POLO ipse PAULUS GIRARDO habuerat, et vendiderat precio suprascriptarum Librarum trium den. Ven. gros. et occasione den. Venet. gross. viginti, quos eciam ipse MARCUS POLO eidem POLO Girardo pectebat pro manchamento unius sazii de musclo, quem dicebat sibi defficere de librâ unâ muscli, quam simul cum suprascriptâ dimidiâ ipse Paulus Girardo ab ipso MARCO POLO habuerat et receperat, in parte alterâ de dicta, Barbaro advocatori (sic) curie pro suprascripto MARCO POLO sive JOHANNIS (sic) POLO[3] de Confinio Sancti Johannis Grisostomi constitutus in Curiâ pro ipso MARCO POLO sicut coram suprascriptis Dominis Judicibus legitimum testificatum extiterat … legi fecit quamdam cedulam bambazinam scriptam manu propriâ ipsius PAULI GIRARDI, cujus tenor talis, videlicet: … "de avril recevi io Polo Girardo da Missier Marco Polo libre 1/2 de musclo metemelo libre tre de grossi. Ancora recevi io Polo libre una de musclo che me lo mete libre sei de grossi, et va a so risico et da sua vintura et damelo in choleganza a la mitade de lo precio." * * * * "Quare cum ipse Paulus noluerit satisfacere de predictis, nec velit ad presens * * * * * Condempnatum ipsum PAULUM GIRARDO in expensis pro parte dicti MARCI PAULO factis in questione, dando et assignando sibi terminum competentem pro predictis omnibus et singulis persolvendis, in quem terminum si non solveret judicant ipsi domini judices quod capi debetur ipse PAULUS GERARDO et carceribus Comunis Venetiarum precludi, de quibus exire non posset donec sibi MARCO PAULO omnia singula suprascripta exolvenda dixisset, non obstante absenciâ ipsius PAULI GERARDO cum sibi ex parte Domini Ducis proministeriale Curie Palacii preceptum fuisset ut hodie esset ad Curiam Peticionum.

* * * * *

"Ego KATHARINUS DALMARIO Judex Peticionum manu meâ subscripsi

"Ego MARCUS LANDO Judex Peticionum manu meâ subscripsi

"Ego NICOLAUS, Presbiter Sancti Canciani notarius complevi et roboravi."


In a list of documents preserved in the Archives of the Casa di Ricovero, occurs the entry which follows. But several recent searches have been made for the document itself in vain.

* "No 94 MARCO GALETTI investe della proprietâ dei beni che si trovano in S. Giovanni Grisostomo MARCO POLO di Nicolo. 1319, 10 Settembre, rogato dal notaio Nicolo Prete di S. Canciano."

The notary here is the same who made the official record of the document last cited.

[This document was kept in the Archives of the Istituto degli Esposti, now transferred to the Archivio di Stato, and was found by the Ab. Cav. V. Zanetti, and published by him in the Archivio Veneto, XVI., 1878, pp. 98-100; parchment, 1157, filza I.; Marco Polo the traveller, according to a letter of the 16th March, 1306, had made in 1304, a loan of 20 lire di grossi to his cousin Nicolo, son of Marco the elder; the sum remaining unpaid at the death of Nicolo, his son and heir Marcolino became the debtor, and by order of the Doge Giovanni Soranzo, Marco Galetti, according to a sentence of the Giudici del Mobile, of the 2nd July, transferred to the traveller Marco on the 10th September, 1319, duas proprietates que sunt hospicia et camere posite in … confinio sancti Ihoanis grisostomi que fuerunt Nicolai Paulo. This Document is important, as it shows the exact position of Marcolino in the family.—H.C.]


Document concerning House Property in S. Giovanni Grisostomo, adjoining the Property of the Polo Family, and sold by the Lady Donata to her husband Marco Polo. Dated May, 1323.

See No. 16 below.


Will of MARCO POLO. (In St. Mark's Library.)[4]

In Nomine Dei Eterni Amen. Anno ab Incarnatione Dni. Nri. Jhu. Xri. millesimo trecentesimo vige- simo tertio, mensis Januarii die nono,[5] intrante Indictione septima, Rivoalti. Divine inspiracionis donum est et provide mentis arbitrium ut antequam superve- niat mortis iudicium quilibet sua bona sit ordinare sollicitus ne ipsa sua bona inordinata remaneant. Quapropter ego quidem MARCUS PAULO de confinio Sancti Johannis Chrysostomi, dum cotidie debilitarer propter infirmitatem cor- poris, sanus tamen per Dei gratiam mente, integroque consilio et sensu, timens ne ab in- testato decederem, et mea bona inordinata remanerent, vocari ad me feci JOHANEM JUSTINIANUM presbiterum Sancti Proculi et Notarium, ipsumque rogavi quatenus hoc meum scriberet testamentum per integrum et compleret. In quo meas fidecommissarias etiam con- stituo DONATAM dilectam uxorem meam, et FANTINAM et BELLELAM atque MORETAM peramabiles filias meas, ut secundum quod hic ordinavero darique jussero, ita ipse post obitum meum adimpleant. Primiter enim omnium volo et ordi- no dari rectam decimam et volo et ordino distribui libras denariorum venetorum duo millia ultra decimam, de quibus dimitto soldos viginti denariorum Venet. grossorum Monasterio Sancti Laurentii ubi meam eligo sepulturam. Item di- mitto libras trecentas den. Venet. YSABETE QUIRINO cognate mee quas mihi dare tenetur. Item soldos quadraginta cuilibet monasteriorum et hospi- taliorum a Gradu usque ad Capud Aggeris. Item dimitto conventui sanctorum Johanis et Pauli Predicatorum illud quod mihi dare tenetur, et libras decem Fratri RENERIO et libras quinque Fratri BENVENUTO Veneto Ordinis Predicatorum, ultra illud quod mihi dare tenetur. Item dimitto libras quinque cuilibet Congregationi Rivoalti et libras quattuor cuilibet Scolarum sive fraternitatum in quibus sum. Item dimitto soldos viginti denariorum Venetorum grossorum Presbitero JOHANNI JUSTINIANO notario pro labore istius mei testamenti et ut Dominum pro me teneatur deprecare. Item absolvo PETRUM famulum meum de genere Tartarorum ab omni vinculo servitutis ut Deus absolvat animam meam ab omni culpâ et peccato. Item sibi remitto omnia que adquisivit in domo suâ labore, et insuper dimitto libras denariorum Venetorum centum. Residuum vero dictarum duarum millia librarum absque decima distribuatur pro animâ meâ secundum bonam discreptionem commissariarum mearum. De aliis meis bonis dimitto suprascripte DONATE uxori et commissarie mee libras octo denariorum Venetorum grossorum, omni anno dum ipsa vixerit, pro suo usu, ultra suam repromissam et stracium et omne capud massariciorum cum tribus lectis corredatis. Omnia uero alia bona mobilia et immobilia inordinata, et si de predictis ordinatis aliqua inordinata remanerent, quocumque modo jure et formâ mihi spectantia, seu que expectare vel pertinere potuerunt vel possent, tam ju- re seccessorio et testamentario ac hereditario aut paterno fraterno materno et ex quâcumque aliâ propinquitate sive ex lineâ ascendenti et descendenti vel ex colaterali vel aliâ quâcumque de causâ mihi pertinencia seu expectancia et de quibus secundum for- mam statuti Veneciarum mihi expectaret, plenam et specialem facere mentionem seu dis- posicionem et ordinacionem quamquam in hoc et in omni casu ex formâ statuti specificater facio specialiter et expresse dimitto suprascriptis filiabus meis FANTINE, BELLELE, et MORETE, libere et absolute inter eas equaliter dividenda, ipsasque mihi heredes instituo in omnibus et singulis meis bonis mobilibus et immobilibus juribus et actionibus, tacitis et expressis qualitercumque ut predicitur michi pertinentibus et expec- tantibus. Salvo quod MORETA predicta filia mea habere debeat ante partem de mo- re tantum quantum habuit quelibet aliarum filiarum mearum pro dote et corredis suis. Tamen volo quod si que in hoc meo testamento essent contra statuta et consilia Communis Veneciarum corrigantur et reducantur ad ipsa statuta et consilia. Preterea do et confero suprascriptis commissariabus meis post obitum meum plenam virtutem et po- testatem dictam meam commissariam intromittendi administrandi et furniendi, inquirendi inter- pellandi placitandi respondendi ad vocationem interdicta et placita tollendi, legem petendi et consequendi si opus fuerit, in anima mea jurandi, sententiam audiendi et prosequendi, vendendi et alienandi, intromittendi et interdicendi petendi et exigendi sive excuciendi omnia mea bona, et habere a cunctis personis ubicumque et apud quemcumque ea vel ex eis poterint invenire, cum cartâ et sine cartâ, in curiâ et extra curiâ, et omnes securitatis cartas et omnes alias cartas necessarias faciendi, sicut egomet presens vivens facere possem et deberem. Et ita hoc meum Testamentum firmum et sta- bille esse iudico in perpetuum. Si quis ipsum frangere vel violare presumpserit male- dicionem Omnipotentis Dei incurrat, et sub anathemate trecentorum decem et octo Patrum constrictus permaneat, et insuper componat ad suprascriptas meas fidecommissarias aureas libras quinque, et hec mei Testamenti Carta in suâ permaneat firmitate. Signum suprascripti Domini Marci Paulo qui hec rogavit fieri.

"Ego PETRUS GRIFO testis presbiter.


"Ego JOHANES JUSTINIANUS presbiter Sancti Proculi et notarius complevi et roboravi."


Release, dated 7th June, 1325, by the Lady Donata and her three daughters, Fantina, Bellella, and Marota, as Executors of the deceased Marco Polo, to Marco Bragadino. (From the Archivio Notarile at Venice.)

"In nomine Dei Eterni Amen. Anno ab Inc. Dni. Ntri. Jhu. Xri. Millesimo trecentesimo vigesimo quinto, mensis Junii die septimo, exeunte Indictione octavâ, Rivoalti.

"Plenam et irrevocabilem securitatem facimus nos DONATA relicta, FANTINA, BELLELLA et MAROTA quondam filie, et nunc omnes commissarie MARCI POLO de confinio Sancti Joannis Grisostomi cum nostris successoribus, tibi MARCO BRAGADINO quondam de confinio Sancti Geminiani nunc de confinio Sancti Joannis Grisostomi, quondam genero antedicti MARCI POLO et tuis heredibus, de omnibus bonis mobillibus quondam suprascripti MARCI POLO seu ipsius commissarie per te dictum MARCHUM BRAGADINO quoque modo et formâ intromissis habitis et receptis, ante obitum, ad obitum, et post obitum ipsius MARCI POLO, et insuper de tota colleganciâ quam a dicti quondam MARCO POLO habuisti, et de ejus lucro usque ad presentem diem * * * * * * si igitur contra hanc securitatis cartam ire temptaverimus tunc emendare debeamus cum nostris successoribus tibi et tuis heredibus auri libras quinque, et hec securitatis carta in sua permaneat firmitate. Signum suprascriptarum DONATE relicte, FANTINE, BELLELLE et MAROTE, omnium filiarum et nunc commissarie, que hec rogaverunt fieri.

"Ego PETRUS MASSARIO clericus Ecclesie Scti. Geminiani testis subscripsi.

"Ego SIMEON GORGII de Jadra testis subscripsi.

"Ego DOMINICUS MOZZO presbiter plebanus Scti. Geminiani et notarius complevi et roboravi.

"MARCUS BARISANO presbiter Canonicus et notarius ut vidi in matre testis sum in filliâ.

"Ego JOANNES TEUPULLO Judex Esaminatorum ut vidi in matre testis sum in filliâ.

"(L.S.N.) Ego magister ALBERTINUS DE MAYIS Notarius Veneciarum hoc exemplum exemplari anno ab incarnatione domini nostri Jesu Christi Millesimo trecentesimo quinquagesimo quinto mensis Julii die septimo, intrante indictione octava, Rivoalti, nil addens nec minuens quod sentenciam mutet vel sensum tollat, complevi et roboravi."[6]


Resolution of Counsel of XL. condemning Zanino Grioni for insulting Donna Moreta Polo in Campo San Vitale.

(Avvogaria di Comun. Reg. I. Raspe, 1324-1341, Carta 23 del 1325.)*

"MCCCXXV. Die xxvi. Februarii.

"Cum ZANINUS GRIONI quondam Ser LIONARDI GRIONI contrate Sancte Heustachii diceretur intulisse iniuriam Domine MORETE qm. Dni. MARCI POLO, de presente mense in Campo Sancti Vitalis et de verbis iniuriosis et factis…. Capta fuit pars hodie in dicto consilio de XL. quod dictus ZANINUS condemnatus sit ad standum duobus mensibus in carceribus comunis, scilicet in quarantia.

"Die eodem ante prandium dictus ZANINUS GRIONI fuit consignatus capitaneo et custodibus quarantie," etc.


(Maj. Cons. Delib. Brutus, c. 77.)*

"MCCXXVII. Die 27 Januarii.

"Capta. Quod quoddam instrumentum vigoris et roboris processi et facti a quondam Ser MARCO PAULO contra Ser HENRICUM QUIRINO et Pauli dictum dictum Sclavo [sic] JOHANNI et PHYLIPPO et ANFOSIO QUIRINO, scriptum per presbyterum Johannem Taiapetra, quod est adheo corosum quod legi non potest, relevetur et fiat," etc.


Judgment on a Plaint lodged by Marco Polo, called Marcolino, regarding a legacy from Maffeo Polo the Elder. (See I. p. 77.)

(Avvogaria di Comun. Raspe Reg. i. 1324-1341, c. 14 tergo, del 1329.)*

"1328. Die xv. Mensis Marcii.

"Cum coram dominis Advocatoribus Comunis per D. MARCUM, dictum MARCOLINUM PAULO sancti Johannis Grisostomi fuisset querela depositata de translatione et alienatione imprestitorum olim Domini MAPHEI PAULO majoris Scti. Joh. Gris., facta domino MARCO PAULO de dicto confinio in MCCCXVIII mense Maii, die xi, et postea facta heredibus ejusdem dni. MARCI PAULO post ejus mortem,.. cum videretur eisdem dominis Advocatoribus quod dicte translationes et alienationes imprestitorum fuerint injuste ac indebite facte, videlicet in tantum quantum sunt libre mille dimisse MARCO dicto MARCOLINO PAULO predicto in testamento dicti olim dni. MATHEI PAULO maioris, facti in anno domini MCCCVIII mense Februarii die vi intrante indictione viii'a…. Capta fuit pars in ipso consilio de XL'ta quod dicta translactio et alienatio imprestitorum…. revocentur, cassentur, et annulentur, in tantum videlicet quantum sunt dicte mille libre," etc.


Grant of citizenship to Marco Polo's old slave Peter the Tartar. (See vol. i. p. 72.)

(Maj. Conc. Delib. Brutus, Cart. 78 t.)*

"MCCCXXVIII, die vii Aprilis.

"(Capta) Quod fiat gratia PETRO S. Marie Formose, olim sclavorum Ser MARCI PAULI Sancti Joh. Gris., qui longo tempore fuit Venetiis, pro suo bono portamento, de cetero sit Venetus, et pro Venetus [sic] haberi et tractari debeat."


Process against the Lady Donata Polo for a breach of trust See vol. i. p. 77 (as No. 12, c. 8, del 1328).*

"MCCCXXVIII. Die ultimo Maii.

"Cum olim de mandato … curie Petitionum, ad petitionem Ser BERTUTII QUIRINO factum fuerit apud Dominam DONATAM PAULO Sancti Job. Gris., quoddam sequestrum de certis rebus, inter quas erant duo sachi cum Venetis grossis intus, legati et bullati, et postea in una capsellâ sigillatâ repositi, prout in scripturis dicti sequestri plenius continetur. Et cum diceretur fuisse subtractam aliquam pecunie quantitatem, non bono modo, de dictis sachis, post dictum sequestrum, et dictâ de causâ per dictos dominos Advocatores … fuerit hodie in conscilio de XL. placitata dicta Dna. DONATA PAULO, penes quam dicta capsella cum sachis remansit hucusque.

"… cum per certas testimonias … habeatur quod tempore sequestri facti extimata fuit pecunia de dictis sacchis esse libras lxxx grossorum vel circha,[7] et quando postea numerata fuit inventam esse solummodo libras xlv grossorum et grossos xxii, quod dicta Dna. Donata teneatur et debeat restituere et consignare in saculo seu saculis, loco pecunie que ut predicitur deficit et extrata, et ablata est libras xxv [sic] grossorum. Et ultra hoc pro penâ ut ceteris transeat in exemplum condempnetur in libris ducentis et solvat eas."


Remission of fine incurred by an old servant of Marco Polo's. (Reg. Grazie 3°, c. 40.)*

"MCCCXXX, iiii Septembris.

"Quod fiat gratia MANULLI familiari Ser MARCI POLO sancti Joh. Gris. quod absolvatur a penâ librarum L pro centenariis, quam dicunt officiales Levantis incurrisse pro eo quod ignorans ordines et pure non putans facere contra aliqua nostra ordinamenta cum galeis que de Ermeniâ venerunt portavit Venecias tantum piperis et lanae quod constitit supra soldos xxv grossorum tanquam forenses (?). Et officiates Levantis dicunt quod non possunt aliud dicere nisi quod solvat. Sed consideratis bonitate et legalitate dicti Manulli, qui mercatores cum quibus stetit fideliter servivit, sibi videtur pecatum quod debeat amittere aliud parum quod tam longo tempore cum magnis laboribus aquisivit, sunt contenti quod dicta gratia sibi fiat."


Attestation by the Gastald and Officer of the Palace Court of his having put the Lady Donata and her daughters in possession of two tenements in S. Giovanni Grisostomo. Dated 12th July, 1333.

(From the Archivio of the Istituto degli Esposti, No. 6.)[8]

The document begins with a statement, dated 22nd August, 1390, by MORANDUS DE CAROVELLIS, parson of St. Apollinaris and Chancellor of the Doge's Aula, that the original document having been lost, he, under authority of the Doge and Councils, had formally renewed it from the copy recorded in his office.

In nomine Dei Eterni Amen. Anno ab Incarn. D.N.J.C. millesimo trecentesimo tregesimo tertio mensis Julii die duodecimo, intrantis indicione primâ Rivoalti. Testificor Ego DONATUS Gastaldio Dni. nostri Dni. Francisci Dandulo Dei gratiâ inclyti Venetiarum Ducis, et Ministerialis Curie Palacii, quod die tercio intrante suprascripti mensis Julii, propter preceptum ejusdem Dni. Ducis, secundum formam statuti Veneciarum, posui in tenutam et corporalem possessionem DONATAM quondam uxorem, FANTINAM et MORETAM quondam filias, omnes commissarias Nobilis Viri MARCI PAULO de confinio Scti. Johannis Grisostomi, nomine ipsius Commissarie, cum BELELLA olim filiâ et similiter nominatâ commissariâ dicti MARCI PAULO * * * de duabus proprietatibus terrarum et casis copertis et discopertis positis in dicto confinio Scti. Johannis Grisostomi, que firmant prout inferius in infrascripte notitie cartâ continetur * * * * ut in eâ legitur:

"Hec est carta fata anno ab Inc. D.N.J.C. millesimo trecentesimo vigesimo tercio, mensis Maij die nono, exeunte Indictione sextâ, Rivoalti, quam fieri facit Dnus. Johannes Superantio D.G. Veneciarum Dalmacie atque Croacie olim Dux, cum suis judicibus examinatorum, suprascripto Marco Paulo postquam venit ante suam suorumque judicum examinatorum presenciam ipse MARCUS PAULO de confinio Scti. Johannis Grisostomi, et ostendit eis duas cartas completas et roboratas, prima quarum est venditionis et securitatis carta, facta anno ab Inc. D.N.J. C. (1321) mensis Junii die decimo, intrante indictione quintâ, Rivoalti; quâ manifestum fecit ipsa DONATA uxor MARCI PAULO de confinio Scti. Johannis Grisostomi cum suis successoribus quia in Dei et Christi nomine dedit, vendidit, atque transactavit sibi MARCO PAULO viro suo de eodem confinio et suis heredibus duas suas proprietates terre, et casas copertas et discopertas, que sunt hospicia, videlicet camere et camini, simul conjuncta versus Rivum … secundum quod dicta proprietas sive hospicium firmat ab uno suo capite, tam superius quam inferius, in muro comuni huic proprietati et proprietati MARCI PAULO et STEPHANI PAULO. Et ab alio suo capite firmat in uno alio muro comuni huic proprietati et predictorum MARCI et STEPHANI PAULO. Ab imo suo latere firmat in supradicto Rivo. Et alio suo latere firmat tam superius quam inferius in salis sive porticis que sunt comunes huic proprietati et proprietati suprascriptorum MARCI et STEPHANI PAULO fratrum. Unde hec proprietas sive hospicia habent introitum et exitum per omnes scalas positas a capite dictarum salarum sive porticuum usque ad curiam et ad viam comunem discurrentem ad Ecclesiam Scti. Johannis Grisostomi et alio. Et est sciendum quod curia, puthei, gradate, et latrine sunt comunes huic proprietati et proprietati suprascriptorum MARCI et STEPHANI PAULO fratrum. * * * *

[The definition of the second tenement—una cusina—follows, and then a long detail as to a doubt regarding common rights to certain sale sive porticus magne que respiciunt et sunt versus Ecclesiam Scti. Johannis Grisostomi, and the discussion by a commission appointed to report; and, again, similar detail as to stairs, wells, etc.]—"declaraverunt et determinaverunt omnes suprascripti cancellarii in concordiâ quod tam putheus qui est in dictâ curiâ, quam etiam putheus qui est extra curiam ad quem itur per quamdam januam que est super calle extra januam principalem tocius proprietatis de CHA POLO, sunt communes supradictis duabus proprietatibus MARCI PAULO et toti reliquo dicte proprietatis quod est indivisum." * * * * Et ego suprascriptus DONATUS Gastaldio supradicti Dni. Ducis secundum predictas declarationes et determinationes posui suprascriptas commissarias dicti MARCI PAULO die suprascripto tercio intrante mensis Julii in tenutam et possessionem de suprascriptis duabus proprietatibus confiniatis in cartâ noticie supradicte. Et hoc per verum dico testimonium. Signum supradicti DONATI Gastaldionis Dni. Ducis, et Ministerialis Curie Palacii, qui hec rogavit fieri.[9]


Release granted by Agnes Lauredano, sister, and by Fantina Bragadino and Moreta Dolphyno, daughters, and all three Trustees of the late Domina Donata, relict of Dominus Marcus Polo of S. Giov. Grisostomo, to Dominus Raynuzo Dolphyno of the same, on account of 24 lire of grossi[10] which the Lady Donata Polo had advanced to him on pledge of many articles. Dated 4th March, 1336. The witnesses and notary are the same as in the next.

(In the Archivio Generale; Pacta, Serie T, No. 144.)


Release by the Ladies Fantina and Moreta to their aunt Agnes Lauredano and themselves, as Trustees of the late Lady Donata, on account of a legacy left them by the latter.[11] Dated 4th March, 1336.

(In the Archivio Generale; Pacta, Serie T, No. 143.)

"Plenam et irrevocabilem securitatem facimus nos FANTINA uxor MARCI BRAGADINO de confinio Scti. Johannis Grisostomi et Moreta uxor RENUZI DELFINO de dicto confinio Scti. Johannis Grisostomi, ambe sorores, et filie comdam DONATE relicte Domini MARCI POLLO de dicto confinio Scti. J.G. cum nostris successoribus, vobis AGNETI LAUREDANO, comdam sorori, ac nobis preditis FANTINE et MORETE olim filiabus (predicte DONATE) omnibus commissariabus predicte DONATE relicte dicti Domini MARCI POLO de predicto confinio S.J.G. et vestris ac nostris successoribus de libris denariorum Veneciarum Grossorum quadraginta quinque, que libre den. Ven. gros. quadraginta quinque sunt pro parte librarum den. Ven. gros. quadraginta octo quas suprascripta Domina Donata olim mater nostra secundum formam sui testamenti cartam nobis dimisit, in quibus libris … sententiam obtinuimus … anno ab Inc. D.N.J.C. Millesimo trecentesimo trigesimo quinto mensis febbruarij die ultimo (29th February, 1336) indictione, quartâ Rivoalti.

* * * * *

"Signum suprascriptarum Fantine et Morete que hec rogaverunt fieri.

"Ego MARCUS LOVARI Canonicus Sancti Marci testis subscripsi.

"Ego NICOLETUS DE BONOMO Canonicus Sancti Marci testis subscripsi.

"(L.S.N.) Ego Presbiter GUIDO TREVISANO Canonicus Sancti Marcij et Notarius complevi et roboravi."


[Document dated 15th May, 1388, found at the Archives degli Esposti, now at the Archivio di Stato, by the Ab. Cav. V. Zanetti, containing a sentence of the Giudici della Curia del Procuratore in favour of Pietro Bragadin against Agnesina, sister, and Catarinuzza, widow of Matteo Polo di S. Giovanni Grisostomo, for work done. This document is interesting, as it shows that this Matteo was a son of Marcolino. Published partly in the Archivio Veneto, XVI., 1878, pp. 102-103.—H.C.]


[Document dated 15th May, 1388, found in the Archives degli Esposti, now at the Archivio di Stato, by the Ab. Cav. V. Zanetti, and mentioned by him in the Archivio Veneto, XVI., 1878, pp. 104-105, containing a sentence of the Giudici della Curia del Procuratore in favour of Pietro Bragadin against the Commissaries of the late Matteo Polo.—H.C.]



[1] For this and for all the other documents marked with an '*' I am under obligation to Comm. Berchet. There is some doubt if this refers to our Marco Polo. (See vol. i. p. 66.)

[2] For the indication of this I was indebted to Professor Minotto.

[3] This perhaps indicates that Marco's half-brother Giovannino was in partnership with him.

[4] This is printed line for line with the original; it was printed in the first edition, ii. pp. 440-441, but was omitted in the second. The translation is given in the Introductory Essay, vol. i. pp. 70-73, seqq.; with a facsimile.

[5] I.e., 9th January, 1324.

[6] This was printed in the First Edition (ii. p 442), but was omitted in the Second.

[7] About 300_l._ sterling.

[8] For this I was indebted to Comm. Barozzi.

[9] See i. p. 31.—Reprinted from the First Edition.

[10] About 90_l._

[11] Of 48 lire of grossi, or about 180_l._
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Re: The Travels of Marco Polo, by Marco Polo and Rustichello

Postby admin » Thu Mar 29, 2018 4:04 am

APPENDIX D.—Comparative Specimens of Different Recensions of Polo's Text.


1. MS. PARIS LIBRARY, 7367 (now Fr. 1116).

(Geographic Text)

Quant l'en se part de le isle de PENTAM e l'en ala por ysceloc entor cent miles, adonc treuve le ysle de JAVA LA MENOR; mès si sachiés q'ele ne est pas si peitite q'ele ne gire environ plus de deus mille miles, et de ceste ysle voz conteron toute la virité. Or sachiés qe sor ceste ysle ha huit roiames et huit rois coronés en ceste ysle, e sunt tuit ydres et ont langajes por elles. Car sachiés che chascun des roiames ont langajes por eles. En ceste ysle a mout grandisme habundance de trezor et de toutes chieres especes e leingn aloe et espi, et de maintes autres especes que unques n'en vienent en nostre pais. Or vos voil conter la maineres de toutes cestes jens, cascune por soi, e vos dirai primermant une cousse qe bien senblera à cascun mervoilliose cousse. Or sachiés tout voirmant qe ceste ysle est tant à midi qe la stoille de tramontaine ne apert ne pou ne grant. Or noz retorneron à la mainere des homes, e voz conteron toute avant dou rouiame de FERLEC.

2. MS. OF PARIS LIBRARY, 10260 (Fr. 5631)

(Pauthier's MS. A.)

Quant on se part de l'isle de MALIUR, et on nage quatre vingt dix milles, adonc treuve en l'isle de Javva le Meneur; mais elle n'est mie si petite qu'elle n'ait de tour ii. milles. Et si vous conteray de cette isle l'affaire.

Sachiez que sus ceste isle a viij. royaumes et viij. rois courronnés. Ilz sont tuit ydolastres; et si a, chascun royaume, son langaige par soy. Il y a en ceste isle grant quantité d'espiceries. Et si vous conteray la maniere de la plus grant partie de ces huit royaumes. Mais je vous diray avant une chose. Et sachiez que ceste isle est si vers midi que l'estoille tremontainne n'y apert.

Or nous retournerons à notre maticre, et vous conterons tout avant du royaume de FALEC.


(T. de Cepoy's Type.)

Quant l'en se part de l'isle de MALAIUR, et l'en a nagie par seloc environ iiii'xx et x milles, il dont treuve l'en la petite Isle de JAVA, mais elle n'est pas si petite qu'elle ne dure bien environ ij'c milles. Et si vous conterons de ceste isle tout l'affaire et verité.

Ore sachiez que sous ceste isle y a viij. royaumes et viii. roys couronnez, car chascun roy si a couronne par soy. Il sont tout ydres et chascun royaume par soy a son langage. Il y a en ceste isle moult grant tresor, et si y a moult despeceries de moult de manieres. [Et si vous conteray la maniere][1] de la plus grant part de ces viii. royaumes chascun par soy, mais avant vous diray une chose qui moult samblera estrange à chascun. Sachiez que l'estoille de Tramontane apert ne pou ne assez.

Ore retournons nous a nostre manière.



Quando l'uomo si parte dell' isola di PETAM, e l'uomo va per isciroc da c miglia, trova l isola di IAVA LA MINORE, ma ella non è si piccola ch' ella non giri ii. M miglia: e di questa isola vi conterò tutto il vero. Sappiate che in su questa isola hae viii. re coronati, e sono tutti idoli, e ciascuno di questi reami ha lingua per sè. Qui ha grande abbondanza di tesoro e di tutte care ispezierie. Or vi conterò la maniera di tutti questi reami di ciascuno per sè; e dirovvi una cosa che parrà maraviglia ad ogni uomo, che questa isola è tanto verso mezzodì, che la tramontana non si vede nè poco nè assai. Or torneremo alla maniera degli uomeni, e dirovvi del reame di FERBET.


Se lo homo se parte da PENTAN e navicha per sirocho c. mia, trova l' isola de IANA MINORE che volze ben piu de ii'm. mia. In la q'le isola è viii. regnami, e ciascun regname ha uno re. La zente de questa isola ha linguazo per si e sono idolatri e ge grande habundantia de specie che non sono mai in nostre contrade.

Questa isola è tanto verso mezodi chel non se po veder la stella tramontana ne pocho ne assai. Jo non fui in tutti li regnami de questa provincia ma fui in solo lo regname de FORLETTI e in quel de BASARON e in quello de SAMARA e in quello de GROIAN e in quel de LAMBRIN e in quello de FANFIRO. In li altri dui non fui. E pero io ne diro pur de questi dove sum stado.


Quando si parte dall' Isola PENTAN, e che s' è navigato circa a cento miglia per Scirocco, si truova l'Isola di GIAUA MINORE. Ma non è però cosi picciola, che non giri circa due mila miglia a torno a torno. Et in quest' isola son' otto reami, et otto Re. Le genti della quale adorano gl' idoli, & in ciascun regno v' è linguaggio da sua posta, diverso dalla favella de gli altri regni. V' è abondanza di thesoro, & di tutte le specie, & de legno d'aloe, verzino, ebano, & di molte altri sorti di specie, che alla patria nostra per la langhezza del viaggio, & pericoli del navigare non si portano, ma si portan' alla provincia di Mangi, & del Cataio.

Hor vogliamo dire della maniera di questi genti di ciascuna partitamente per se, ma primamente è da sapere, che quest' isola è posta tanto verso le parti di mezo giorno, che quivi la stella Tramontana non si puo vedere, & M. Marco fu in sei reami di quest' isola, de' quali, qui se ne parlerà, lasciando gli altri due che non vidde.


7. MS. OF PARIS LIBRARY, 3195. (Geographic Latin)

Quando homo recedit de insula de PENTAY et vadit per silochum sentum miliaria, invenit insulam minorem de JAVA, et est ista insula parva et durat duo millia miliaria; et de istâ insulâ computabo vobis omnia. Super istâ insulâ sunt octo regna, in sex quorum ego Marcus fui, scilicet in regnis Ferlech, Basman, Samara, Dragoiam, Lambri et Fanfur. In aliis autem duobus non fui; et secundum quod sunt octo regna, ita sunt octo reges coronati, et sunt omnes idolatrae. Et quodlibet istorum regnorum habet linguam per se. Ibi est magna abundantia thesauri et de omnibus caris speciebus; et dicam vobis de istâ insulâ quaedam quae videbuntur mirabilia. Ista insula est tantum versus meridiem quod tramontana non videtur ibi nec parvum nec multum. Postquam diximus vobis de insulâ et de regnis ipsius, nunc computemus de moribus hominum ipsius insulae, et primo de regno Ferlech.

8. PIPINO'S VERSION (British Museum, King's Libr. 14 c. xiii.).

Ultra insulam Pentham per Syrocum post miliaria centum invenit insulam quae dicitur JAUA MINOR quae in suo ambitu continet miliaria duo milia. Ibi sunt octo regna cum singulis regibus et est ibi propria lingua. Et omnis habitatores insulae ydolatrie sectatores sunt. Ibi est omnium aromatum copia, quarum similtudinem nunquam vidimus citra mare. Hec insula in tantum est ad meridiem posita, quod de ipsâ insula Polus Arcticus videri non poterit stella seu illa quae vulgariter dicitur Tramontana. Ego autem Marcus fui in sex regnis hujus insulae, sc. in regnis FERLECH, BASMAN, SAMARA, DRAGOIAN, LAMBRI et FAMSUR. In aliis autem duobus non fui. Et primo dicam de regno Ferlech.

9. VERSION OF CICOGNA MS. in Museo Civico, Venice

Ab ynsulâ Pentain cerca 100 mil. versus Syroch est ynsula JAUA que licet Minor dicatur per respectum alterius supradicte est in circuitus [sic] 2000 mil. et plus. In ipsâ enim sunt 8 regna singuli[2] et reges, et habet quodlibet regnum per se proprium ydeoma, et est in ipsâ tesaurus multus valde et species magni valoris multe, et lignum aloes et spica, et multe diverse species que nunquam in nostris partibus apportantur. Et est hec ynsula in tantum versus meridiem possita quod Polus Articus breviter non apparet.


Ultra insulam PETAN, per Sirochum navigando, est JAUA MINOR, centum distans milliaribus à PETAN: et haec in circuitu continere dicitur circiter duo millia milliarium. Dividitur insula in octo regna, habetque linguam propriam. Producit etiam varia aromata, qualia in his nostris partibus nunquam visa sunt…. Protenditur haec insula in tantum ad Austrum, ut Polus Arcticus, et stelle ejus minime videri possent. Ego Marcus fui in hâc insula, lustravique sex ejus regna, nempe regnum Ferlech, Basman, Samara, Dragoiam, Lambri, et Fansur. In aliis vero duobus non fui.



[1] Omitted in MS. or at least in my transcript.

[2] Word doubtful.
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Re: The Travels of Marco Polo, by Marco Polo and Rustichello

Postby admin » Thu Mar 29, 2018 4:04 am

APPENDIX E.—The Preface of Friar Pipino to his Latin Version of Marco Polo. (Circa 1315-1320.)

"The Book of that prudent, honourable, and most truthful gentleman, MESSER MARCO POLO of Venice, concerning the circumstances and manners of the Regions of the East, which he conscientiously wrote and put forth in the Vulgar Tongue, I, FRIAR FRANCESCO PIPINO of Bologna, of the Order of the Preaching Friars, am called upon by a number of my Fathers and Masters to render faithfully and truthfully out of the vulgar tongue into the Latin. And this, not merely because they are themselves persons who take more pleasure in Latin than in vernacular compositions, but also that those who, owing to the diversity of languages and dialects, might find the perusal of the original difficult or impossible, may be able to read the Book with understanding and enjoyment.

"The task, indeed, which they have constrained me to undertake, is one which they themselves could have executed more competently, but they were averse to distract their attention from the higher contemplations and sublime pursuits to which they are devoted, in order to turn their thoughts and pens to things of the earth earthy. I, therefore, in obedience to their orders, have rendered the whole substance of the Book into such plain Latin as was suited to its subject.

"And let none deem this task to be vain and unprofitable; for I am of opinion that the perusal of the Book by the Faithful may merit an abounding Grace from the Lord; whether that in contemplating the variety, beauty, and vastness of God's Creation, as herein displayed in His marvellous works, they may be led to bow in adoring wonder before His Power and Wisdom; or, that, in considering the depths of blindness and impurity in which the Gentile Nations are involved, they may be constrained at once to render thanks to God Who hath deigned to call His faithful people out of such perilous darkness into His marvellous Light, and to pray for the illumination of the hearts of the Heathen. Hereby, also, the sloth of undevout Christians may be put to shame, when they see how much more ready the nations of the unbelievers are to worship their Idols, than are many of those who have been marked with Christ's Token to adore the True God. Moreover, the hearts of some members of the religious orders may be moved to strive for the diffusion of the Christian Faith, and by Divine Aid to carry the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, forgotten among so vast multitudes, to those blinded nations, among whom the harvest is indeed so great, and the labourers so few.

"But lest the inexperienced Reader should regard as beyond belief the many strange and unheard of things that are related in sundry passages of this Book, let all know MESSER MARCO POLO, the narrator of these marvels, to be a most respectable, veracious, and devout person, of most honourable character, and receiving such good testimony from all his acquaintance, that his many virtues claim entire belief for that which he relates. His Father, Messer Nicolo, a man of the highest respectability, used to relate all these things in the same manner. And his uncle, Messer Maffeo, who is spoken of in the Book, a man of ripe wisdom and piety, in familiar conversation with his Confessor when on his death-bed, maintained unflinchingly that the whole of the contents of this Book were true.

"Wherefore I have, with a safer conscience, undertaken the labour of this Translation, for the entertainment of my Readers, and to the praise of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Creator of all things visible and invisible."
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