History, Sophia and the Russian Nation: A Reassessment of Vl

That's French for "the ancient system," as in the ancient system of feudal privileges and the exercise of autocratic power over the peasants. The ancien regime never goes away, like vampires and dinosaur bones they are always hidden in the earth, exercising a mysterious influence. It is not paranoia to believe that the elites scheme against the common man. Inform yourself about their schemes here.

Re: History, Sophia and the Russian Nation: A Reassessment o

Postby admin » Thu May 10, 2018 8:14 am


The purpose of this study has been to explore the attitude with respect to history of the scholar, mystic, poet, publicist and activist Vladimir Solov'ev. The tension between his instrumentalising history and positing it as the very meeting place between God and man, has led to the following questions: how did he conceptualise history, and how did he conceive his own role in it? For this purpose I have conducted the analysis on two fronts.

First, I have analysed Solov'ev's views against the philosophical and theological background of preceding theories on history. I have made a distinction between the elements that he wanted to synthesise, and accordingly divided his views into three orientations expressed in registers (theological, philosophical, and sophiological), the latter being the result of the synthesis between the former two. These three registers are often present within one and the same text and they yield inner tensions. I have identified these tensions as the expression of Solov'ev's attempt to combine tradition (theology of history) with modernity (philosophy of history), and with his prophetic ideal (sophiology of history).

Subsequently, I have highlighted his conception of history against the historical background of the Russian social, political and intellectual context (case studies). Conducting pioneering historical research on Solov'ev's interventions on five burning social and political issues has allowed me to unravel a lesser known aspect of his work and biography, namely his position against the death penalty, against the famine, and against the persecution of three significant religious minorities in Russia, namely the Old Believers, the Jews, and the Catholic Poles.

1. Main results

The joint philosophical as well as historical analysis has allowed me to come to a new understanding of Solov'ev's conception of history by unravelling its inner structure, sources of influence, translation into social commitment, and limitations. This joint analysis has led to seven main results:

1. Solov'ev conveyed a view of history that, on the one hand, emphasised the transcendence of God, the agency of the church and the role of faith [theology of history], and which, on the other, was structured by a rational universal process in which nations and cultures participate fully [philosophy of history]. By introducing sophiology of history, he sought to overcome the limitations of these views and to emphasise the participation of nature and matter in this process, as well as the force of cosmic, mystical and erotic love. However, he did not achieve a synthesis of these three registers. His main source, Sophia, remained hidden, his sophiology of history did not go beyond the level of a sketch, and his ideal of free theocracy, despite his efforts, missed a concrete translation in practical reality.

2. The role of Sophia-World Soul has been highlighted as the both fundamental and hidden source of his views of history and of his social commitment. Even though Solov'ev sought various conceptual means to express Sophia-World Soul, he did not show to what extent 'the most significant event' of his life, namely his mystical experience, was decisive for his thoughts and acts. Firstly, it founded and legitimised his role as prophet in Russia. Secondly, it provided the experiential ground for conceptualising history in terms of a growing fusion between spirit and matter involving the personal, the collective and the cosmic dimensions, and including matter, nature and sexual love. I shall propose some answers below to the question of why he neither made his source explicit nor worked out the intuition which this source provided him.

3. His commitment to the most significant issues of his time found its source and inner motivation in his views on history. In all cases, these proved decisive in the formation of his opinion on the debated issues and were central to his interventions. This related to his sense of the historical duty of a Christian enlightened tsar (the tsaricide of 1881), his ideal of the reunion of the Catholic and Orthodox Churches (the Polish question), his conviction that the 'elected people' had a role to play in Russia (the Jewish question), his wish for the return of unity in the Orthodox Church (the Old Believers), and his prophetic mission with respect to the educated class and peasantry (the famine of 1891). In most cases, Solov'ev's treatment of the issues reveals an instrumentalisation of history for the sake of his own ideals.

4. Solov'ev's views of history appear to be shaped within a dense network of relationships with texts past and present, ranging from the Old Testament to journalistic publications of his time, which I have tried to disentangle. With the exceptions of one case of full assimilation (Sergej Solov'ev), and one of full rejection (revolutionary currents), all can be understood in terms of a dynamic combination of affinity and criticism, or at least the ambition to surpass what he saw as the limitations of the authors or currents discussed. Within his dynamic relationship to various traditions, Solov'ev explicitly voiced: (a) his affinities (Origen, Maximus Confessor, Kabbalah, Gnosticism, Bohme, Schelling, Tjutcev, liberals, progressive clerical thinkers), which always implied a criticism that is not put to the foreground; (b) his criticism combined with a positive valuation (Hegel, Comte, the old Slavophiles, Dostoevskij, Old Believers, Russian Jewry); and (c) his total rejection (positivism, populism, nationalist and clerical conservatism, Polish advocates of national independence). This does not exclude cases of unacknowledged affinities (populists, Pobedonoscev, Tolstoj), and misinterpretations (most obviously Hegel).

5. The results provided by both the philosophical and the historical analysis form a basis for assessing the originality of Solov'ev's conception of history. While the theological and philosophical registers of history were widespread in the Western as well as Russian tradition, Solov'ev sought to combine them in an innovative synthesis. His combined treatment of theological, philosophical and sophiological aspects of history led him to voice challenging views on the church (historicisation of tradition), the state (collaboration with the church), and educated society (guided by a prophet). His originality does not lie in his choice of issues. Rather, he sought to find within ongoing debates a unique balance between progressive views (opposition to forced cultural assimilation and to religious persecution), and conservative views (support of autocracy with no need for representative organs; outdated perception of social groups). In other words, his aim was to combine tradition and modernity. The interpretation of current social and political affairs from the perspective of his theocratic ideal was also specific to his thought. As a result, Solov'ev's synthesis turns out to be universalist, but not modernist, as it promotes progress, but only progress through theocratic development. In addition, his approach to history was pre- modern, in so far as for him knowledge of history came down to properly understanding that truth which had been revealed. From this point of view, the epistemological issue of the conditions and methods for knowing history became totally irrelevant. We look in vain, in Solov'ev, for a philosophy of history as a science. Hereby, his treatment of history as field of revelation and prophecy was boldly anti-modernist.

6. However, Solov'ev was a child of his time in one important respect: the goal that he tried to achieve as a publicist was to foster greater unity between Russia's social groups. He considered these from the religious prism primarily and tried to convince his fellow believers to behave respectfully and act in solidarity with the Jews, the Catholic Poles, and the Old Believers. He also called for a rapprochement between the urban educated society and the peasantry. The cases of the tsaricide and the famine show an attempt to bring together the zemstvo as a whole, as a unified force including educated society and the simple people. In this respect, the case studies illustrate Florovsky's point that Solov'ev initially defined free theocracy as an 'integral society.' [1] His untiring address to educated society shows to what extent he considered it his own duty to contribute to this ideal. As a matter of fact, his interventions are an implementation of the mission that he ascribed, in his theocratic ideal, to the prophet, namely the guidance of Russian society and people. He understood this mission primarily in moral, social, and national terms, and focused on indicating paths to his fellow countrymen towards more unity and mutual respect between the communities.

7. In this connection, Solov'ev's social commitment can be assessed as follows. His exclusive concern with the ideal of a unified society made him relatively indifferent with respect to the means leading to the sophianic goal. As a matter of fact, he had a relative detachment from the practical, institutional solution to the issues and implementation of his ideals. The dogmatic and schematic, and hence reductive character of his historical considerations in each of the three registers and in his interventions on various issues testifies to this pervasive teleological perspective and the absence of concern with the richness and complexity of historical developments.

One may wonder how he reacted to the fact that his views were barely received or understood by his fellowmen. On the one hand, one can reasonably assume that he deplored it, as his disillusion with the ideal of free theocracy shows. On the other hand, the fact that the desired change of attitude did not occur immediately did not modify his own task, namely that of casting Christianity in a modern rational mould, and in a broader sense of changing the attitude of his fellowmen. There was a long way to go until his ideals could be realized. He unwaveringly and passionately translated dogmatic truth to the present, and considered it his own duty to keep exhorting educated society. But he neglected the next step, which consisted of translating the model of free theocracy into a practical agenda. His relative remoteness from the present and detachment from the hic et nunc resulted in the fact that the tension between professing the eternal truth and responding to a crisis remains intact in his work.

Why did Solov'ev not thoroughly elaborate his synthesis instead of limiting himself to drafts and broad lines? There are several hypothetical answers to this question. Firstly, the decision to keep Sophia's fundamental role hidden for fear of being criticised for being a heterodox and a pantheist thinker or even a heretic, could only lead to an incomplete system. Secondly, a sense of a lack of time, characteristic for his way of working, always hurried, probably prompted him not to work out his intuition. Thirdly, the scope of his endeavours, ranging from art, theory and practice, was undoubtedly beyond what a single human life could cover. Fourthly, a synthesis between all domains of life was impossible to achieve in late 19th century Russia, marked, despite all efforts by the government to hinder this process, by a growing differentiation and autonomisation of the social, cultural, political and professional domains. In this respect, Solov'ev inescapably embodied his time, namely by being torn between an attachment to 'Christiano-centric' religious principles and autocracy on the one hand, and a belief in individual rights, education and cultural progress for all, combined with a criticism of the powers that be, on the other.

II. Perspectives

The historical recontextualisation of Solov'ev's thought in this study does not conceal, however, the striking actuality of his work for various contemporary developments in Russia and elsewhere. After the proclamation that the era of (ideological) grand narratives was finished with the end of the Cold War, there is a current resurgence of totalising discourses on history. Besides, his emphasis on World Soul, also called Mother Earth, made him an ecologist avant la lettre. In addition, Solov'ev's attempt to combine rationality and his mystical experience finds an echo in current studies on cultural history, to name only a few examples.

From an epistemological perspective, the present study provides instruments for further research on speculative views on history. The heuristic model that distinguishes between a theological, philosophical and sophiological register of history is fruitful not only for understanding the Russian sophiological tradition initiated by Solov'ev (Sergej Bulgakov, Pavel Florenskij, Semen Frank), but also for the recent and ongoing discussion on historiosophy in Russia, which can be addressed critically. The definition of Russia's place in the world within today's civilisationist discourse is an interesting field of research (A.S. Akhiezer), especially when it addresses the issue of Orthodox religion as a component of Russian identity (I.N. Ionov, I.V. Kondakov). The distinction made between theology of history and philosophy of history can be applied to Soviet thought (from Anatolij Lunacarskij to Aleksandr Zinov'ev), and to Western speculative discourse on history (Hegel, Schelling, Walter Benjamin, Alexandre Kojeve, Karl Barth, etc.). From a more pragmatic perspective, it may contribute to better understanding the components of current lay or religious messianic discourses, esp. in the conflicting relationship to Islam (Bernard Lewis, Samuel Huntington). Against the contention that speculative philosophy of history has become obsolete and has been definitively overshadowed by critical philosophy of history, recent examples show that all-embracing views of history continue to be produced. Not only speculative grand schemes (Samuel Huntington and Francis Fukuyama), but also world history and its conditions of possibility are again being explored by various historians (J.M. Roberts, Robert Bonnaud). All these discourses epistemologically presuppose a certain rationality at work in history. I hope to have shown the relevance of a critical reflection on discourses on history for better understanding the political implications that they convey.



1. Georges Florovsky, 'Tiutchev and Vladimir Soloviev', Collected Works 7, p. 41.
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Re: History, Sophia and the Russian Nation: A Reassessment o

Postby admin » Thu May 10, 2018 8:16 am


Main Bibliographies Consulted:

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Re: History, Sophia and the Russian Nation: A Reassessment o

Postby admin » Thu May 10, 2018 8:20 am


History, Sophia and the Russian Nation: A Reassessment of Vladimir Solov'ev's Views on History and his Social Commitment

The work of Vladimir Solov'ev (1853-1900) has recently become the object of renewed interest on the part of both Western and Russian scholars. This study takes its departure in the question to what extent Solov'ev was actually concerned with history. A tension pervades his work between an involvement in burning issues in his time, viewing them through the prism of world history on the one hand, and indifference with respect to historical contingency on the other hand. It is the goal of this study to explore this tension in order to come to a deeper understanding of Solov'ev's relationship to history which respects its complexity and takes into account the various fields of his activity.

For this purpose, I combine two perspectives which structure my thesis in two main parts. I first conduct a philosophical and theoretical investigation of Solov'ev's speculative views on history. Then I explore his personal interventions and attempts to change the course of affairs in Russia on the basis of his publicistika from a historical and empirical perspective.

In Part One, I develop a heuristic model of three lines of discourse which allow to categorize Solov'ev's views on history, namely theology of history, philosophy of history, and sophiology of history.

Chapter I deals with the notions of theology of history and philosophy of history. Basing myself on current theoretical discussions in the West, I define theology of history as an approach that relies on the ontological difference between God's eternity and transcendence and the transient nature and historicity of humans. In contrast with theology of history, philosophy of history emphasises the historical process in its immanence, its continuity, and its shaping by human agents and particularly by nations.

Chapters II and III investigate the extent to which these two approaches can be found in Vladimir Solov'ev's work. In order to reinforce the ideas of faith, tradition and the Christian church in the context of modern society, Solov'ev developed a theology of history based on his concept of the humanity of God [Bogoceloveeestvo] [chap. II]. In this process of unification between man and God, the Christian Church, preferably with its Eastern and Western elements reconciled, played a major role. For his theology of history Solov'ev found inspiration in the Eastern Church fathers Origen of Alexandria and Maximus Confessor, and the Russian religious thinkers, Aleksej Khomjakov, Ivan Kireevskij, Fedor Tjutcev and Fedor Dostoevskij.

However, Solov'ev also needed a notion of history, not only in relationship to God, but in its own right and immanent development. I reconstruct his philosophy of history, which was strongly dominated by a teleological and universalist perspective [chap. III]. Solov'ev's concept of all-unity [vseedinstvo] conveys the idea of a harmony of individual freedom with collectivity at a universal level as the goal of human progress. I critically analyse the decisive influence exerted by three main thinkers on his philosophy of history, namely his own father, the historian Sergej Solov'ev, G.W.F. Hegel, and Auguste Comte.

The question arises as to the extent to which theology of history, with its emphasis on God's agency, and philosophy of history, with its focus on exclusively human achievements, are compatible with one another. Solov'ev sought to bridge the tension between them and overcome their limitations by developing concepts that I collect under a third model of history, namely sophiology of history [chap. IV]. In this approach, Solov'ev tried, in an original manner, to reconcile God's transcendence with the processual character of history's immanent developments. Although he did not work out his sophiology of history, his intuition of the world as a feminine and material entity engaged in a process of spiritualization (World Soul) and his mystical visions of divine Wisdom (Sophia) are central components of it. Sophiology of history also takes into account two aspects, which Solov'ev derived from his personal experience, but which are irrelevant to his theology and philosophy of history, namely the participation of nature and matter in the process of spiritualisation, and mystical and erotic love as a driving force. I discern four sources of inspiration in his sophiology of history, namely the Kabbalah, Gnosticism, J. Bohme, and F.W.J. Schelling.

These three models rely each on a main actor, namely, in turn, the church, the state, and society of the people. These are also the three pillars of Solov'ev's ideal of a free theocracy, which posits a harmonious collaboration between church, state and society under the leadership of the priest (or pope), the king (or Russian tsar), and the prophet (notably Solov'ev). This triple agency corroborates my heuristic distinction between the three models of history in the philosopher's thought.

At this point, the question arises to which extent his view of history is influenced by his own time and, conversely, is the driving force behind his personal engagement in Russia's affairs. It is the objective of Part Two to address this question on the basis of a fairly exhaustive analysis of Solov'ev's participation in Russian social debates. I demonstrate that he systematically, though often implicitly, interpreted these issues from the prism of remote ideals. In his eyes, Russia was destined to embed and express the eternal Sophia by working at bringing about free theocracy, church reunion, and a solidary society. Each of the five case studies presents another facet of Solov'ev's thought and commitment to what he conceived as Russia's mission.

Case study I, on Solov'ev's lectures after the tsaricide of March 1st 1881, analyses the philosopher's unique public address to the tsar at that moment of deep crisis in Russia. By exhorting tsar Alexander III to act as a Christian ruler and not to apply the death penalty to the murderers of his father, the philosopher expressed his faith in the monarchic principle and strove to elevate the debate to a religious level.

Case studies II, III, and IV, deal with Solov'ev's ambiguous attitude with respect to three religious minorities which were being repressed by the Russian government, namely the Old Believers [II], the Jews [III], and the Catholic Poles [IV]. On the one hand, he fiercely defended their rights to exert their religion freely. On the other hand, he hoped that sooner or later they would integrate into a united church, which meant conversion to official Orthodoxy in the case of the Old Believers, and to Christianity in the case of the Jews
. I demonstrate for each case how Solov'ev instrumentalised much debated issues for his own priorities. This is most obvious in his treatment of the Polish question. He interpreted the presence of a large Polish population within the Russian Empire as a chance for Russia to realise a reunification between Eastern and Western Christianity through the reconciliation between Russian Orthodoxy and Polish Catholics.

Solov'ev's instrumental approach of these issues, however, also involved an astonishing ability to raise fundamental questions and to offer challenging solutions and refreshing perspectives. With the Old Believers, he engaged in a debate about their theological views and addressed the issue of the kind of bond which should exist between the church and the people. In his treatment of the Jewish question, he was a pioneering expert on Judaism and a provocative publicist, organising a manifesto against anti-semitism, claiming that the Jewish question was rather a Christian than a Jewish problem, and that the Jews were the cement of modern Russian society by forming an urban middleclass. As a solution to the Polish question he envisaged the common veneration of a certain icon.

Case study V, dealing with the famine of 1891-1892, differs from the other cases by Solov'ev's factual approach as well as by the militant character of his intervention. He strove to reinforce the bond between urban educated society and the peasants, even by clandestine activities meant to provoke a popular uprising. One of the underlying motions of this engagement, which was rooted in his sophiology of history, was to make his contemporaries aware of the necessity of dealing with the earth in a respectful way and of contributing to its spiritualisation.

Solov'ev's interventions are analysed against the background of the various historical developments that have just been named and also of contemporary debates shaping Russian public opinion, which allows me to reach some general conclusions regarding his social commitment [synthesis]. I claim that though Solov'ev was acquainted with current issues, he was most of the time very selective with respect to the factors he took into consideration, reducing his focus to a moral and religious interpretation which neglected political, institutional, juridic and socio-economic aspects of the issue.

More preoccupied with relating these issues to his ideals than with offering practical solutions, Solov'ev drew elements for his interpretation from his conception of history. I demonstrate how, in this respect, the three typologies of history reconstructed in my thesis were central to his interventions: Theology of history provided him with instruments to translate eternal Christian values into the Russian context and to establish a diagnosis of the latter, while his philosophy of history gave him a theoretical framework within which to evaluate positively nations, cultures, and social progress. His sophiology of history, finally, legitimated his addressing the tsar and the church authorities on an equal footing, and his exhorting educated society; it also provided his motivation for the fight for more unity between the educated levels of society and the common people. Furthermore, he consistently addressed the institutions and leaders that he had in mind for free theocracy, namely the church or the pope (Polish question, Old Believers), the state or the king (tsaricide, Polish question, Jewish question, Old Believers), and the educated class, preferably in unity with the people or the prophet (in all of these cases).

Solov'ev's original interpretation of the debated issues from the perspective of his ideals explain the unique place that he occupied in Russian public opinion. His ideas did not get a wide echo, and his fellowmen perceived him rather as a troublemaker, a false patriot or, at best, an utopian. He shared some principles with the liberals, while casting these views in a religious mould close to that of the Slavophile conservatives. This did not prevent him from consciously or unconsciously sharing views with people and camps he was explicitly opposed to, such as the populists, Lev Tolstoj, or Konstantin Pobedonoscev.

In my conclusion I recapitulate the main results of my two-fold analysis. I have unravelled the inner structure and the sources of influence of Solov'ev's views on history, as well as the way he translated these into social engagement. The role of Sophia-World Soul has been highlighted as the both fundamental and hidden source of his views on history and of his interventions as the prophet of Russian society. Despite his commitment, however, his transitions from speculation to concrete historical situations remained always underdeveloped, displaying a certain detachment on his part from the hic et nunc. Characteristic for Solov'ev's attitude toward history as a whole, therefore, is a remaining tension between eternal truth and historical emergency. In his work, this tension remains unresolved in so far as the eternity of the revealed truth excludes all historical emergency.

Exploring both the philosophical implications and the historical background of Vladimir Solov'ev's views has proved fruitful for a critical appreciation of his thought. I hope to have shown convincingly the relevance of an interdisciplinary approach to Solov'ev, and perhaps, more broadly, to other challenging thinkers, whether Western or Russian.
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