The Kingdom of Agarttha: A Journey Into the Hollow Earth

That's French for "the ancient system," as in the ancient system of feudal privileges and the exercise of autocratic power over the peasants. The ancien regime never goes away, like vampires and dinosaur bones they are always hidden in the earth, exercising a mysterious influence. It is not paranoia to believe that the elites scheme against the common man. Inform yourself about their schemes here.

Re: The Kingdom of Agarttha: A Journey Into the Hollow Earth

Postby admin » Mon Nov 04, 2019 2:57 am


Abramites, 45, 96-97, 119, 121
Accomani, Cesare, 15
Adhyatma-Ramayana, 43
Afghanistan, 116, 118
Agarttha, 2, 14, 17
Christianity and, 137-52
Europe and, 97-100
existence of, 12-13
impurity and, 82-88
initiates of, 59-60, 62, 66-69, 76-77, 87,
in literature, 11-12
Oracle on, 15-16
organization of, 52-53, 57-58
sanctuary of, 48-70
society of, 50-52
sovereignty of, 118-21
Agharti, 11-12
Ahankara, 79
alchemy, 5
alcohol, 77
Alexander III, Emperor, 6-7
Anarchy, 45, 48, 55, 106, 111, 134
Anglo-Russian Binome, 116
animals, 73-74
Antichrist, 45, 121, 148
Antigod, 45, 121, 148
antiquity, 55-57
Archis, 57-58
Aryas, 33-34
asceticism, 76
Asia, 36-37, 47, 49, 96, 98, 102, 110,
astral projection, 7-8, 21
Astral World, 21
automatic writing, 10-11
Ayodhya, 50

Bagwandas, 53, 55, 57
Barlet, Charles, 10
Beasts, Men and Gods, 13
Bhagavad Gita, 2
Bibliotheque Orientale, 43
Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna, 19
Bohami, 84-85
Bois, Jules, 9
Brahatmah, 6, 57, 86-87, 91-94, 103-5
Brahmas, 43
Burma, 118

Caille, Rene, 31
Cakya Muni, 42, 50, 90
Cambourg, Theodore de, 30-31
Canon Roca, 31
cardinals, 53
Carmelites, 31
Carpeaux group, 33-34
castes, 52
Catholicism, 123-28, 130-33
Center, 16-17
Christians and Christianity, 112, 117-21,
132-33, 137-52
Christna, 42
Clavelle, Marcel, 17-18
Combourg, Theodore de, 32
crime, 51
Cycle of Ram, 33-34, 43-45, 48-70,

Desmarest, Ernest, 30
Destrem, Hippolyte, 30, 32
diet, 76-77
Diodorus, 74
Djimoun-Ramayana, 43
Dorian Key, 55
Dorian languages, 45
Dumont, F., 1, 161. See also Scharipf,
Dwijas, 52-53, 61

Earth, interior of, 66, 69
Elizabeth, Queen, 115
England, 110
Epopt, 77-78, 88-89
equality, 109
Erny, Alfred, 7-8
Esoteric Buddhism, 19-20
Essarts, Fabre des, 32
Ether, 75, 79, 85-86
Europe, 97-100, 102-3, 109-10, 114-15,
Evil, 45, 80-81, 121-22
experiments, 71-75

Faith, 31, 76
Fakirs, 85-86
Fille, Mario, 15-16
Fo-Hi, 42
fraternity, 109
freedom, 109
Friends of Saint-Yves, 8-9, 160-63

Godwin, Joscelyn, 22
Guaita, Stanislas, 10
Guenon, Rene, 10-15, 16, 20

Hanumad-Ramayana, 43
Henri IV, King, 115
Herat, 116
Herbelot, 43
heredity, 95-97
Hermes, 45
Hermeticism, 5
hierograms, 48, 52-53, 57
Hierophant, 75
Hiksos, 44
Hindus and Hinduism, 17-18, 20
humanity, 107-9, 123
human selection, 71-75
Hume, A. O., 19

Iambulus, 74
India, 20, 81-82, 103, 115-16
initiates and initiation, 59-60, 62, 66-69,
76-77, 87, 104
Irshu, 44, 50, 80, 121

Jacolliot, Louis, 3, 17, 20
Jeanne d'Arc victorieuse, 10, 165-68
Jesus Christ, 42, 46, 98-99, 119, 132, 139,
Jethro, 46
Judeo-Christianity, 119-20, 127-30, 132,

Kabbalah.5, 34, 35-36
Kali Yuga, 6

language. 60-64
L'Archeometre. 18-19, 20
Laurant, Jean Pierre, 13
Leo III, Pope, 6-7
Leo XIII, Pope, 127
Levy, Isaac, 31
libraries, 50, 53-55, 89-90
Limousin, Charles, 31
Logos, 45, 60
longevity, 73

Magi, 64
magic, 65-66
Magre, Maurice, 16-17
Mahanga, 6, 57
Mahatma, 6, 57
Mahatma Letters, 19
Manavic Council of God, 47
Manu, 2, 42
Marques-Riviere, Jean, 16-17
Marshi, 58
martyrs, 87
meat, 77
Meunier, Victor, 9
Mirandola. Pico della, 11
Mission of the Jews, 9, 19, 33-34, 35-37, 38,
43-45, 95-97, 99, 104
Mission of the Sovereigns, 38
Mohammed, 42
monachism, 76-77
Montblanc, Charles de, 30
Moses, 42, 45, 46. 77, 79, 117, 121,
Multiple States of Being, The, 11
Munis, 65

New Testament, 117-18, 119
Nimrod, 44, 106, 111

Occult World, The, 19
Olcott, Henry Steele, 19
Old Testament, 119
Olivet, Fabre d', 33-34, 35
Oracle, 15-16
Orbi, 129-30
Order of the Temple, 10-11
Ossendowski, Ferdinand, 11-12.
Ougra, 44

Pallis, Marco, 14
pandavan, 52-53
Papacy, 99-100
Papus, 4, 8-11, 159
Paradesa, 44-48, 54
Phoenicians. 44
Pius IX, Pope, 127
Plato, 89
Pontiffs of Paradesa, 45-48
poverty, 51
priests, 55-57
Prophecy, 88
Prophets, 46
prostitution, 51
pundits, 52-53
Pyramid of Fire, 104

Ramid Cycle, 42
Ramid Empire, 113, 119
Ramid Paradesa, 38
religion, 78-81, 108. See also specific
Reyor, Jean. 17-18, 19, 20
Ring of Cosmic Light, 104-5
Rome, Italy, 99-100, 131
Rosenkreutz, Christian, 8
Russia, 110, 112-13, 118

sacred astronomy, 72-73
Sacred University, 52
Sahasra-Kanta-Ramayana, 43
saints, 76
Saint-Yves d'Alveydre, Alexandre
astral projection and, 21
Christianity and, 20
criticism of, 33-36
education of, 1-6
fear and, 37-38
friends of, 8-9, 160-63
letters of, 114-15, 123-26
teachers of, 18-22
writing on Agarttha, 6-10
Saint-Yves d'Alveydre, Marie-Victoire,
2, 5
Sakhya-Muni, 13-14
Sanctuaries, 44-45
Sata-Kanta-Ramayana, 43
Saunier, Jean, 8-9, 14
Scharipf, Hardjji, 1-8, 17, 18, 158
scholars, 52-53, 55-57
science, 31, 35, 44-45, 65-66, 71-75,
secret societies, 10-11, 120-21
selective breeding, 71-75
Shambhala, 17. See also Agarttha
Sinnett, Alfred Percy, 19, 20
Sovereign Pontiff, 90-95, 99, 101-2
Symbolism of the Cross, The, 11
Synarchy, 9, 98-99, 100-103, 134
science and, 44-45
social powers of, 151-52
supporters of, 30-32
Synarchy of Aries, 94-95
Synthetic Truth, 59-60

table rapping, 10-11
Theosophical Society, 19
Three Sages, 15-16
Trata Yuga, 43
Turanians, 44, 123

United States, 49

Valmike-Ramayana, 43
Vasista-Ramayana, 43
Vattanian, 2, 3
Vautier, Claire, 9
Vedas, 45, 69-70, 86-87
Veyasa-Ramayana, 43
Victoria, Queen, 6-7

Way of the Tiger, 44
women, 88

Yogis, 52-53, 65
Yonijas, 44

Zend Avesta, 86
Zero, 50
Zoroaster, 42, 45
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